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Previous Thread: >>492951034

>Guides, Resources and useful links:
>4koma, Manga, Side Content, PVs & Shorts
>8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Tomoe (Qipao) (3*)
Marina (Qipao) (3*)
>9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
Ui (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Hinata (Swimsuit) (3* Limited rerun)
Iroha (3* rerun)
Miyu (3* rerun)

Moonlight Dream - 8/21 (Wed) After Maint - 9/4 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)
[Rerun] In Search of a Hidden Heritage ~ Trinity's Extracurricular Activities 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/18 (Wed) 10:59 (JST)

Limit Break Assault: The Fury of Set (Field - w/Light Armor) - 8/22 (Thu) 11:00 - 9/25 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Total Assault: ShiroKuro (Indoors - Insane & Torment w/Yellow Dmg) - 8/28 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Joint Firing Drill (Shooting) - 9/4 (Wed) After Maint - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
Grand Assault: Perorodzilla (Field w/ Purple torment) - 9/11 (Wed) 11:00 - 9/18 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Commissions - 8/28 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/4 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)
2x Normals - 9/4 (Wed) 4:00 - 9/11 (Wed) 3:59 (JST)

>9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)
Akari (New Year) (3*)
Haruna (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Fuuka (New Year) (3* - Limited - Rerun)
Junko (New Year) (1* - Welfare)

Patch notes: https://forum.nexon.com/bluearchive-en/board_view?thread=2634213

[Rerun] New Year's Aperitif - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/17 (Tue) 1:59 (UTC)

Joint Firing Drill (Escort) - 9/3 (Tue) After Maint - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
Grand Assault: Binah (Urban - Torment w/Special Armor) - 9/10 (Tue) 2:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Lessons/Scrimmage - 9/2 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/9 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Normals - 9/9 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/16 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
2x Hards/Commissions - 9/16 (Mon) 19:00 - 9/23 (Mon) 18:59 (UTC)
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My precious desert rose.
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I can FEEL the power!
pat pat spank
Neo Nazi Midori won
Isakusan feared for his life
it's that easy
EOS has been narrowly averted, for now
i pulled Himari while going for fuuka, got fuuka now as well
are these 2 just my default special now for the most part? new player on chapter 12
reminder to actually read and buff avant-garde instead of your students
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Where is my Ny.Fuuka?
Posting Reijo every day until she gets added Day 113
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Holy kek what a rat
Wait, you can convert extra eleph into ligma?
No I will not sniff
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These kids are spoiled
bro he's a gooner
do you think he cares?
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I love my cute fox daughterwife Izuna!
Why did you delete it? >>492962249
>humblebragging shitty dupes
>put out an apology
>barely make it clear what the apology is for (the nips in the comments are all confused)
>the apology is also vague as fuck and doesn't make it clear who's actually on KV or not; it could be all of them or a few as one (isakusan)
>but the introduced characters, featuring designs by Mx2J and doremi, are all but confirmed to be in the main game
Holy shit these cunts simply refuse to make things clear I'm going to have an aneurysm
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Q_Q my luck was so bad, arona cucked me so bad
whats the next thing i should be saving for now? the next fes?
Is Atsuko usable at 3* against NYHaruna?
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it's easier
It's a little funny how incompetent they are.
They don't even speak japanese what do you expect?
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So I could post it in the new thread faster
sexy momoi
Yeah, I did wonder why they announced they were applying for comiket. What if they get rejected? Kind of like those wedding proposal videos where the guy gets rejected.
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>kv got no programmar
>outsourcing to chinks company
>chink leaked the info right after seeing the game info
>kv sensei can choose female or male
You can squeeze band alts banner and hope arona doesn't fuck you again.
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Isn't Comiket a free for all? I thought you just signed up and automatically got a spot.
Or do they do a lottery system or something?
are any of the band students good? its not a fes either right?
You rike?
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I'm a simple man. I see Reijo, I cum.
come on, let's be real. they didn't even start prototyping it let alone hiring programmers (in/out-sourced) for it
>Hinata (Duplicate)
>Midori (Duplicate)
>Cherino (Duplicate)

I'm sad that I had to spark for NY.Fuuka, but I got spooked by NY.Haruna on the 200th pull and quite a few spooks. Are any of my new students good?
When do get the GA ticket? I want to pull but I want to spend the temp ticket first
Why is nobody posting their rolls?
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Did my rolls. I didn't manage the three-fer, but I'm pretty pleased. Picrel is the luckiest roll from this time in terms of number of 3* units. I managed to avoid casual rat for almost a whole year of playing, so that streak's been broken.

>NY.Fuuka (Spark)

Just dodge
Yeah I’m not gonna believe some chinks if they can’t even bother to hire a twitter intern that speaks in Japanese
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Somehow the team with my barely invested Yuzu got the highest score
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New post. Your thoughts?
Well they're limited so you wont be able to luckshit them. You need them for red set to save some hair, and kazusa probably will be useful in aspd drills. You have 5 months to save for fes so you'll have 3 sparks by then. I'm assuming the worst myself saving 2 sparks for shiroko/hoshino banner if I get 0 rate ups AGAIN. There's sKanna for binner and def reduction as an upgrade for akane, but she's not meta defining either.
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This Sensei is getting raped by Akari.
We didn't have GA
Calisto Protocol
Should I spark for Haruna or Akari?
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>everyone else got a bunch of spooks before sparking
>all I got was 2
>one of them was a fucking Izumi spook
It was Total Assault last week, not Grand Assault. Total Assault rewards Pyros, not a pull ticket. You can start pulling.
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I don't like Haruna, therefore I won't roll
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Well...guess I'll be able to roll for Nagisa now. Thanks Arona.
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>now every nigger will roll nyharuna and increase amount of cancer in pvp
Public apologize speedrun any%
It's crazy that I've used SHanako for the past 3 raids and past 2 jfds despite none of them being purple and 2 of them being yellow. She really is the most broken fes unit.
B. Yoshimi is core for Set.
Gonna be honest with you lads
Somehow from the thumbnail I thought it was a pic from ""that"" show
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She got you elephs
Bro your fat nerd?
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give it to me straight is there anything that I can save the 10 ticket for or do I just dump it on akari
I had a brain fart gomen. Thank you
i got 2 farmable dupes
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would you?
Unironically harunas are easier to deal with than trying to outrace nymutsuki or iori.
how come all the guides say max UE40 not 50
what "game" are they speaking of?
convince me to endanger my pyro stack and spark for Nharuna when I had to spark for NHfuuka
Did you use the stoat?
Paying credit to borrow a student in jfd feels kinda dirty.
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First of all, we don't even have a name yet lmao
Is NY Fuuka REALLY that important?
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It may not seem like it but this is a Hasumi general.
just be yourself
Poorfag pandering since they're short on ligmas.
Do you have d.hina or play pvp? If so, haruna. Akari is aoe/atk speed blue buffer
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Pay me in gems then slut
Because it’s only a terrain dmg modifier boost that’s not a huge deal and only works for that particular terrain while costing a ton of eleph/eligma

what other names, nicknames etc are you calling Junko? for me, it's Jumbo, Junker, Jumble
This jfd is so easy you don't need to borrow
>got NY Haruna
After 1 whole year of suffering, it's time for ME to become the problem
UE40 usually upgrades the important skill/passive. UE50 is just for more stat and terrain buff
I like her best out of her club's members. I can probably just derail her with hefty offerings of whatever food I have lying around.
If she didn't have that EX charge gimmick she'd definitely wouldn't be used at the level she's used at
I think I remember people not understanding it when she first got revealed in JP and just judging her kit based off the one use pretending she wouldn't be good as if she wasn't a bluefes student
Use the roll planner.
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This is a shitty chart from a SEAtuber.
Do not listen to this.
If you have Ui or ako/dako, no.
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>had 39 tickets saved
>got Fuuka in 39 tickets
Had to spark sHoshino so it feels good not having to waste pyrox for a time. Getting tempted to roll for Haruna also.
That B.Neru borrow felt good last month.
D. Hina exist, she used in every red contents.
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Its legit. C'mon you don't think I'd go around spreading piss poor information, do you?
How fucking poor are you??
Would you say she's even more broken than D.hina and Mika? Does she dominate aoe based content that much.
she's there for her subskill
and because I wanted an excuse to use her
Is it good investment to pull for units specialized against Set?
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>Cherino that low
Should be 2 tiers higher just for her battery power.
There's literally only 2 students with cost reduction. And you need them to speed up scorechasing. Yes she is.
I got nyFuuka and cSerina in 200 rolls, sparked nyHaruna. Yes I had a 1% 3* rate
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I don't acknowledge terrorists
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Thanks for reminding me I had 1-roll tickets
Good thing they don’t expire since I already sparked
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It needs to be inserted into the slot.
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/bag/ is literally never going to let this tired joke die, aren't they...?
She was brought into Torment Chesed last week which is a raid that reists her damage because the enemies are yellow armor, and on top of that was Indoor which is her worst mood
You tell me
There are 5
I thought it was stupid to drawn Jumby sleeping in weird places but I have someone started to like these silly doodles
You wouldn't Michiru /bag/
Why is Junko popular in /bag/ but not Izumi? They are practically the same.
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All within 50 pulls. Didn't even use any pyro, only tickets. The catch is that she and chinatsu onsen were the only 3* I got. I might be able to spark Ui now instead of NY.Fuuka..
Oh yeah I forgot about the sub since I don't have her. I'll replace her with ONodoka and pray. Thanks anon.
It's a troll list made to brick newfags
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Michiru's vagina...
junes, for me it's junes
Best unit in the game, good for everything.
Great for PVP, decent Red DPS.
Not good, needs a ton of investment to be decent for Greg.
Focus fire utility is good to have, and she does decent damage herself. Good for blue raids.
Strong yellow damage. Not as good as Mika, but she's as good as the others like Iori, Hasumi, Maki and D.Kayo.
Not good, needs a ton of investment and then is only decent for half of Kaiten.

Four good pulls though, congrats anon. Your duplicates are also good, so the eleph will help boost them.
my guess it is because her name is JUNKo senseis are more likely to call her a cute derivative name since they don't want to call a precious student junk
What's the most cost effective/rewarding stages this time?
Don't have nyAkari so can't max currency.
Tsukuyo is best in slot for Wakamo and doesn't even need that much investment
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if ba dies I'm blaming reisa
she should have tried harder
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Should've stopped at 50, but NY Akari is too sexy..
They dont halve the cost guess I could've be more specific. Shiroko is one time use and other 2 require conditions.
Unko isn't popular at all, it's one autist.
Meanwhile soft and cute Izumi loved by everyone.
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Now that I'm no longer a NYFuukalet it feels like a new beginning. I am reborn.
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When will Hoshino be done…
>got s*ki'd
Time to do torment binner next week to show who's who.
UE50 which costs 300 more ligmas
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>throw random ass 10-roll ticket
>2 yellows, rest blue
I can reach 120% bonus points anyway
Oh. The guy maintaining the event planner came back to life I guess.
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>They are practically the same.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone think that...
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So there is a game?
Is fuuka momo worth the read
You don't even need her for binah
>can make this team
Guess I have to do Torment.
Punch foxes!
Not really. For blue Set you can cope for like 2 months before getting Kuroko who not only can steamroll Set but is also incredibly powerful in any ST blue raid. For red Set B.Yoshimi is core but there're many setups where you can just borrow her. The rest of the support/healer for Set are mostly common units
Japanese are very vocal and they are very not happy
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I just crafted 3 purple gifts and 4 s.Serina elphs
I kinda forgot it's blue and assumed it's yellow clear with 2 miggas.
I, for one, welcome double Wakamo supremacy.
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Could have been worse.
Mildly annoyed by my lack of spooks, still missing some non-limited students I really want like Kanna or Chihiro.
11800 pyro left so no more rolling for the next half a year, sorry Nagisa.
There is no game. The translation is fucked.
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I am /DOOM/ing so hard I am gonna sleep
Good night /bag/!
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Welp I guess no Ui. Maybe Ako in the following months if I am lucky
Thank you anon. I wish I had gotten NY.Akari too, but I can wait and hope for a spook. Saving for Ako and BlueFes seems more important. Glad Sakurako is good too, I love her design. I am running out of student leveling mats though.
Good night
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good night anon
Chihiro is farmable bro...
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Too late. I had to spark. Thanks anyway.
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>all these poor souls I see always wanting Kanna to show up every time there's something to roll for
shoulda rolled back then
>didn't play
shoulda played back then
Junko is nowhere near as retarded as Izumi.
Therefore, less cute.
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Tsukuyo is amazing for wakamo even at 4*.
t. cleared torment with her
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Remember, Saori hate on her birthday
She puked on me.
Didn't she release around the same time as Mika and never got a rerun? Is there anyone else more cursed?
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upsetting image
Buru Arukaibu?
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Sensei sometimes you deserve to be raped.
I got Megu back then
Man is she fucking useless, and very, very, VERY fucking dumb
it was kanna/megu right before mika during vol f
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Sorry bwos……
Only good for set amiright?
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>want to roll for Akari because she's sex
>Ui rerun next and I've been in dire need of her since I started playing a year and a half ago
This guy just got fukked
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Try this
Oh i see. Out of curiosity how does B.hosh factor in since from what I see she's blue aoe but as far as I'm aware Hanako is also pretty decent on blue aoe. With a much lower cost and wider area.
This is a photoshop. I can tell from the pixels and from having seen many photoshops back in my day
But they gave 100 free rolls for them...
I've had to spark the last 4 student's I've rolled for.
D. Hina is still more broken, she's literally used in any red contents including Set. S. Hanako on other hand was not used in Purple ShiroKuro des[ite having Purple damage type.
Based, execute the bitch as a warning
Yep, you are now obliged to marry her.
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Junko is pity bait and I'm hooked.
Four Fuukas... and Juri
I got New York Fuuka, and sparked New York Haruna within my 200 pulls. I was hoping to get both of them so I can spark the bimbo, but eh... I'd rather spook limited girls and hope for a future spook. To summarize, in 200 Pulls I got:
- NyFuuka
- NyHaruna (spook)
- sNonomi
- sHifumi
- Izumi
- Karin
- bAsuna
- Shiroko (dupe)
- oChinatsu (dupe)
- Tsurugi (dupe)
- cSerina (dupe)

Can you rate and tell me which one of them is good? In which one I should invest?
It's actually Fourkas.
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I got both dAru and dKayoko in 20 rolls. Obviously I'm not getting anything after that for a whole year maybe.
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>very, very, VERY fucking dumb
That's what is great about her.
No shit, you don't need aoe at srkr.
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Well aren't you a little comedian.
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Thank you for soaking up my bad luck
I don't need to max NY.Fuuka EX to use her gimmick to its fullest right?
Next time, try treating your employees better I guess lol
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hello please add this perfectly innocent ball in the aggie
I might drop another one tomorrow
No one except NYFuuka is worth investing in. Maybe SNonomi for red set but she requires ligma.
now you see, that's 100 rolls people thought they needed for fes
but it's mika and she'll be broken until this game dies so
NYHaruna is good for PVP.
SNonomi is good for Red Set but only if you can't secure a BYoshimi borrow or your team is lacking elsewhere.
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coom in doom
good morning /bag/
No but the crit dmg boost helps a lot
Care to inform us?
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Go all in on NyFuuka and NyHaruna and ask again after you finish with them.
sNonomi is pretty good but very resource hungry for her benefits.
cSerina is a buffer but we have better options and she's niche.
Tsurugi has some uses but like only in chesed nad in pvp for backdooring.
Shiroko is a cope red dps if you dont have azusa. You DO have azoos?
Everything else is bench territory.
She completely shredded Perorozilla apparently
BYoshimi(A) and dHina is all you need until 99
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>descartes profile pic
can you draw her blushing and with cum all over her (it's very important)
I'm out of credits so there's nothing I can do. I upgraded her last skill that buffs the team ATK to 9 though. I hope that's gonna do for now
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Who was your most expensive spark?
For me, it was Noa.
i said this
arona bless, got all 3 gourmets without having to spark and got spooked by oShiggy, Renge, Kikyou, and Minori. I'm probably going to get absolutely railed on the next banner i roll for with this much luck
Level 5 EX reduces the cost from 3 to 2. It is absolutely mandatory
i said this
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That's why S. Hanako not as broken as D. Hina, she's not used in non-aoe content.
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This is a fun JFD.

If you plan to copy this, positions on team 3 are a bit fucked. I'd recommend swapping Mine with one of the def debuffers on the other teams, as she fights Hoshino too much for space, which will force her to run off out of the range of Avant Garde.
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s.Izuna who I spent $80 for.
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Kill every gourmet club member
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>most expensive spark
They all cost 200?
That's why I said if you can't secure a BYoshimi borrow.
If you can't get her you're probably fucked but SNonomi+DHina should at least get you somewhere.
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Except Izoom
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Skill issue.
Cook better food.
I love Seia's bird
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>playing Skyrim
>find this
>automatically think of Junko and laugh

is your fault /bag/
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Nothing will ever be more expensive than when I went chasing after S.Hoshino on Mikas banner.
I hate JFD so fucking much
Doesn’t even reward pyros or pull tickets for the hassle either
Speaking of which, does Set reward only the stuff for the new upgrade system or does it also give pyros, tickets or any sort of coins to exchange for eleph?
300 pulls on Mika for 1 Wakamo, UE50ing the princess in the process.
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Can we skip to bing-say
I just wanna roll some cops
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It's your fault
Thank you. Yes, I have Azoos, but I didn't know she was good, so she is sitting on lvl1 for a month or more.
The biggest reward are the fusion stones, which they should really increase the stock of in the shop.
Do you have S.Shiroko yet?
That's the only good meta roll you really don't wanna miss.
And maybe S.Chise (lol) or S.Izuna (goz).
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Junker berries
She was a can opener for hiero and single target challenges in events before dHina came and stole her spot. She also debuffs def so she's a wingman for dHina now.
>Doesn’t even reward pyros
I have sShiroko
I only plan to roll Umika between her and cops
because I roll for cuties not meta
More JFD students when?
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So what? You don't need to do it if you don't want to. It doesn't give pyros so feel free to skip it you lazyass
jamba juice
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I thought potato Saori was just a funny way he draws her I didn’t think he’d actually draw her fat…
built for sensei's charging cable
It's Haruka who blew his restaurant though.
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Then there's not much to roll between now and the coppers.
Well maybe roll for the band alts for easier Red Set?
I only intend to roll for pic related.
Now that's dedication.
But I do need to do it since I don’t have Tsurugi yet
Also might be worth upgrading Sumire and Eimi too
And the cheap upgrade materials too
Saori was made for belly rubs, of course.
so I should invest in my daughterwife Azusa? I only increased her relationship, without any leveling.
What gun does Sora of Angel 24 have?
Then what the fuck you're complaining about? Just do 3/3/3 then if you can't be bothered.
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Where's FOX banner
My cock.
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Have a better palette.
just be yourself
I don’t even know what 3/3/3 is
My issue is that JFD is always some strange gimmick that makes it unpredictable and hard to figure out and requires 3 teams to get max rewards
Well, do you have aru or dHina? As I mentioned azusa is more of a support now. Aru and dHina are dps nowdays and worth bulding much more. Azusa is mostly used for her def reduction talent.
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>spent 80 dollars to take his daughter's virginity
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after seia
>wanted to get sexy hungry woman
>but NYFuuka ate all of my pyros
I guess I can always watch her momos on youtube...
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Why would anyone throw away their 400k a year job for some underage porn visual novel games? 3rd worlders, nips and gooks would just pirate that shit and they will get nothing from it.
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nothing personnel
Just do the easier stage you entitled newfag.
Just do whatever you want. I have D. Hina and keep her at lv.1 because I prefer to use my Haruna.
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Logically he's owed her first time when you think about it.
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nah. clearly the guy just wanted to write steaks on his new game
Okay that's funny
11/01/2022 - 03/09/2024
Finally. After 2 years and 8 months
A Cherino spook.
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>Insulting the palette of a Gourmand.
Eat his kneecaps.
Grow your hair
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Feeling lucky punk?
I will curse all of you 10-roll lottery winners with dreadful luck
You WILL be forced to spark all fes units
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>no gifts in the shop
This event sucks.
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Isn't she supposed to be farmable for day 1 players if you did her event and the vol f battles?
3/3/3 just means clearing stage 3 3 times. Stage 4 is always the hardest, and has more annoying gimmick.
Newfags shouldn't bother with stage 4, and just clear 2/3 instead.
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someone tell me the odds
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Yea I’ve been doing 3/2/2 for a bit
Roster too limited
the odds
I'm literally done with the shop day 1
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not really no...
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>10 spins
>Maki and NY Fuuka
I still got half a spark to spend, so Akari or Haruna /bag/ ?
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I didn't care if I got her or not, I just needed to use up the GA ticket...
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Guess I could actually roll for Nagisa but I'd have to skip maid Midori if I get unlucky and I know I won't.
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Mika Status?
gato out of SEXO
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If you're not planning to save, Haruna.
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>only 200 on kuroko banner
So, which one will you choose sensei?
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>got fuuka on first 10 roll ticket
my pyros are safe once more
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Just bee urself.
> NY Akari
Set core.
> NY Haruna
PvP cancer. Good red attacker after UE40.
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>currently have 23k
>one time pyrox 35k plus who knows how many from momos
>pyrox planner says i should have 42k by the time of bHosh and Kuroko
>total: 77k

Assuming i don't have any of the next students, what should i aim for? Outside of Nagisa i have no idea.
Is the Fatass worth it?
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why is no one posting they rolls? this is literally the last chance to get fuuka and haruna before they're gone forever
I was looking for something to jack off. Thank you.
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Is T7 hat/glove good enough for JFD stage 4? Or do I have to go 8 here? Not doing enough damage with Nonomi at UE40... and I'm running out of hats
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Summer Shiroko. No contest.

Maybe S.Chise if you don't have Camp Kotama or no built Kayoko.
Maybe S.Izuna if you want to Goz.

That's it, everything else are dickroll.
Pretty much only for Set, and even than you can just borrow her if you have an invested Sakurako of your own.
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Do you want to have an easier time clearing blue Set?
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>Tomoe (Qipao) (3*)
>Marina (Qipao) (3*)
Are any of the Qipao's good? I actually do not know what they do.
I could handle the devs splitting off and making a competitor
But god damn man it hurts that DoReMi's really gone
>that filename
Ako Ui Kokona SShiroko
I was an honest Sensei that did the world raid going down the hardest with all my friends.
Because that's what it means to be An Adult.
Do you have a friend that likes Akari?
I didn't even use Nonomi and the robot does like 80% of the damage
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Remember /bag/, you might get 3 days ban from posting Project KV stuff in this general. Jannies are just doing their job.
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>some of our staff participate
That's it then huh? Doremi is really gone.
Kuroko because we didn't get young Hoshino so I'm protesting.
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Time for a neuron activation
Problem is that I don't do enough damage for the robot to sweep it up. It fucking gets raped hard
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>they didn't properly remove the comiket announcement and just commented it out
Buy pakeji
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Nobody is rolling for Set bait.
please mx2j too pleaseeee they can take doremi as long as they also take mx2j
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Their codemonkey is my spirit animal
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There is a way...
I mean we've known he's their lead art director since the PV trailer went up. Aka part of their staff. People are just coping thinking he's working two jobs at once, one at DynOne and one at nexon, which is fucking retarded if you spent two seconds thinking about it.
>Pretty much only for Set
There are some 2T SRKR torment videos showing her used as a ball redirector or teacup stopper, on top of her mystic buffing.
I can't decide...
Kuroko because I couldn't care less for shitshino, I don't give a fuck about this overrated piece of crap (both storywise and designwise)
Hey I didn't get paid enough
Why are you playing it vanilla?
who's more important to have between Ui and Nagisa (or Kokona)?
only have enough pyros to roll one

started playing 2 months ago, have DHina/Mika/SHoshino/Ako/CHare/NYFuuka and will be getting SShiroko, BHoshino and Kuroko
Two BlueFes students was a mistake, but it's on you for not having Mika already.
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10k seems easily reachable with momotalk stash. You DO have your emergency prostitution stash, right sensei?
Haruna is too useful not to get and Akari can spook you off-banner.
why would you save momotalks, its not like pyros expire
So why the fuck are you crying? I was the same before. Limited roster and only did 2/2/2 or 3/3/3 or a combination of both until I got stronger and do 4/'4/4. It's not like it's doing 4/4/4 is that important. You'll get Tsurugi fast anyway.
Can anyone help explain to me what that apology is even for? Is it because they signed up for a booth at c105 as an amateur circle instead of an actual company?
Would pick the limited unless you really like Akari
Ui, kokona is a close second as it'll be a pain not to have her
Kokona, though Nagisa is worth more because she's limited.
As a platfag, Ui is more important in my opinion if you're susceptible to Raid FOMO.
Nagisa is limited hovewer, so if you have FOMO over limiteds get her and bite the bullet and buy selector ticket for Ui.
You can live without kokona, I have been using koharu for a year and a half ever since starting. It's annoying but not dealbreaking like being a Uilet.
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Jumbo is so fucking cute.
The cutest.
I want to take her home.
and then what
I prioritised Kuroko but I got both.
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True, she saw some use in that raid, but you can get around not having nyAkari for that. She's certainly nice to have but you're not bricked by any means if you don't have her
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Noa love
Feed her.
Ui > Kokona > Nagisa (excluding limited status)
Do you want less malding at Set or do you care more about PvP
You decide
Feed her what
You're soulbricked though.
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Do you like Ichika?
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So if I had to pick 2 of the 3 banners, which one should I choose? Obviously NYFuuka, but which one of the other two?
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Ichika is so cute I could just fucking kill myself.
I hope they get the new guy who drew Professor Niyaniya to redraw all their shoddy designs.
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That's why I'm rolling for her
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I love her.
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Their rabbits are cuter than ours desu. To be fair, ours set the bar pretty low.
>none of the Hoshino or that one Hina doujin from Comiket got translated yet.
I'm sad
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Haruna is for PVP and decent red DPS. Akari is for the new mode coming. Haruna is cuter so I picked her.
Their circle activities were promoted as an official tie-in for their company, basically self promotion of their own work, which ended up being a no-no. So they have to say the work they're promoting has nothing to do with their company
Post more Akari art to make people dickroll
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One anon is working on a Hoshino one.
Do they think comiket is retarded or coniket just let it slide?
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All Hina doujins are extremely mid to below average
If only Wagashi did more than 2 pages in that one doujin though
Haruna is also limited, but you can get spooked by Akari later.
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That's a hare.
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I want to roll for Haruna...but i need to save....but the lizard is sex...but i need to save....sex lizard....
The PV trailer isn't the doujin they're gonna be showing off at c105, numbnuts. Yes it's a job. Don't be retarded.
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Good morning /bag/ I haven't looked but how to Avantgarde JFD
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She basically raped me.
I secretly liked it.
What is Fury of Set?
This shit is so hot
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Yep. I doubt the Comiket will allow them to join as a doujin circle. It's too late for that now.
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don't kid yourself
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no, she is a holland lop bnuuy
That's a DONKEY though.
Nuking shit with Hasumi + NYFuuka feels so fucking good
arent those supposed to be small
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Then she's an exception. I was mostly referring to the SRT rabbits
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omg shunny hi
Basically a new super raid where you control 10 students at once. It promotes not using your EX abilities that deal damage, and must be completed in a single run (can't throw teams at it etc), you can however borrow a student for it.
Im not rolling
>not posting your deviantart tier shit in your deadass thread because no one cares there either
Is NY Akari really that needed?
>1% rates getting nyfuuka and nyharuna
I'd have rolled if John didnt just fuck my asshole raw without lube. Thank fuck it was only a single spark.
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One of if not the smallest, yes. The devs probably laughed the entire time while coming up with it
No one is picking hoshino over kuroko
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Yuzu is sexy.
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Good night, /bag/
It says some and you read it as an. Incredible
Post more sooroogies I love my roogie
I am picking hoshino over kuroko
used for Set, but that's about it iirc
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ponytail seia
Goodnight, Sensei
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But it's only 5 pm in straya.
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Why is Seia so sexy?
Yeah. I mean without her doing Set is impossible or something?
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Don't trigger Guyo's height insecurity!
she got used for torment kuro to block off the carts while providing mystic buff but you could clear it without her
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i thought her valentine momo was funny but i also wish she got some proper alone time with you as well
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Full of doom.
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One short debacle was all it took for me to realize that this wasn't really planned out for the long term, this was cobbled together as fast as they could in what short time they have
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I see. I saw people saying NY.Akari is mandatory for it. I was wondering about what kind of teams you would use.
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Cute Childs
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God is dead
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What the hell is wrong with you
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According to the rumor mill, they've poached about 20 people. 4 out of 20 is still some.
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Is that gook Hifumi?>>492969196
>look up this event planner thing
>puts numbers on stages 9, 11 and 12
huh I guess these are the most effective if I don't have nyAkari?
Lmao, couldn't even do that correctly.
You want to make use of students that buff their own auto attacks (Sakurako, Izuna just to name a few). nyAkari works really well with this because not only does she buff blues, but she does so in a circle around her instead of X amount of students, allowing you to buff all 6 students in the field. Kotama and Hanako, for example, are returning as well as budget picks for the raid.
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You sick fuck
gookseia I can see the two tone eyes
read rentry
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>he actually did it
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She sounds like S.Hoshino
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No, this is
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>KV crashing and burning on twitter
Maybe there is hope afterall...
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This seems pretty vulgar for Nuts.
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Sort of, except Akari focuses more on Attack Speed and blue efficiency/affinity buff, instead of raw damage. You can check her skills for yourself and see if you're missing what she's providing
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She triggered my security.
And by that I meant securing my dick in her vagina.
i did this
It's allegorical. Sensei is actually the cake.
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my wife saori
Do I need Akari if I have SEimi
baby factory
Bounty Shop items switched to Aether, in case you need to upgrade your Mika
You actually need sexy stoat instead
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Comfy hours
Chat is this real?!
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let's get uncomfy
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I'm always low on aether
>this with 6 dead months
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What the fuck is TTM? Tik Tok Milf?
Cause I'm down for some Tik Tok Milf if you know what I'm saying.
Yes. It's real.
>Past the inflection point
It's over
Post mlem
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hag sex
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a granny such as Akane wouldn't know how to use Tik Tok
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Turn it 180 degrees
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Uncomfy jizz inside Otogi.
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Most underrated c&c
>starts to crab after the anime/dead weeks
uh oh
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i believe
after all who would go on the internet and just tell lies
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hag impregnation
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>Finished maxing everything bar bag on my Makoyo
>Kinda tempted to leave her with the pink randoseru looking thing just because it's cute
>but my sweat autism
Life is hard.
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I want to fall asleep listening to Akari's tummy
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Anon, it's 2024. A grandma could probably twerk harder than you are on tiktok.
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With how stupid everything has been around Project KV, I'm starting to believe the rumor that Isakusan and co totally worked on it in secret for a long time and got a load of it done while working at Nexon is total bullshit, because that would require a level of forethought and competency which is not at all on display. If they could pull that kind of stunt off for any period of time past a few weeks, they wouldn't have made these mistakes and been so surprised at the backlash.

The material we have right now is probably literally close to all they have.
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I said this.
>all these mongs wanting line to go up forever
our playerbase is good, our game should stay an otaku haven, no more fucking normalfags complaining about getting flirty with cute JKs
>NYFuuka in 200 rolls
Well, anons, should I spend my spark on Haruna or Akari? Personally, I'm leaning more towards Akari
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Akane twerking...
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idiot, he said 180 degrees, its obviously going down
Why is no one posting their rolls?
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You vvill fuck the adult pussy and you vvill rike it.

Akari if you want to clear higher level Set.
Haruna is mostly for PVP now.
Pick your poison, using your cock.
Don't fuck with me, I've been frequently told I can swing my hips around very well.
Yeah. I think Haruna is borderline obsolete outside of PVP now
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>Suddenly start hearing voices coming out of it
just b urself. keep in mind that nyharuna is a limited student.
The sex cat.

The cat of sex.

Cath Palsex
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Thoughts on this post made by the guy who wrote the book on how to improve Blue Archive's UI?
to save /bag/, we need less image dumping and more story discussion.
/bag/ always hits image limit but that's bad.
>he doesn't 4/4/4 the non-annoying drills so he can skip the riotard robot drills
Even Kim can't escape getting dupes
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Anon thrusting your hip is not twerking. And no one would like to see a man thrusting his hip on tiktok.
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grasp the doom
These guys managed to make Yostar look competent.
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You are both wrong. This is 180 degrees
Pick Haruna
Join the effort to purge chink on EU
This is one of the easiest drills. I've seen multiple 250k+ scores
You are genuinely braindead
KV =/= doujin, I can't spell this any further for your peabrain
>5th spark in a row
Fucking kill me.
Gold looks better arujidono
stop making me hungry
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>made a whole booklet to improve Ui
>is a nonomifag
I don't get it.
>And no one would like to see a man thrusting his hip on tiktok.
You'd be surprised.
>everyone else dooming
>meanwhile Kim is off enjoying chicken and fries while getting duped by Arona
Be like Kim /bag/. Stop doomposting and go order some chicken and fries.
This JFD is easy as piss
What's the bare minimum for her to be PvP ready?
I can just skip NY.Haruna, right?
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UE30, she only gets red effectiveness at ue40 and she has outdoors mood anyway
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Is mom good for you?
I'm pretty new and I've managed to 4/3/2 it, long-timers must be having a blast
Just have a high metabolism
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Nomi is a rare student with separate alt gun render for the UI, though.
Chinks can have the server...
I'll get there eventually with the permit shards, she's 4* for now
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I hate being a creditslet
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God designed me differently.
Who is the next MUST ROLL for students?
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>Only one spark left
>Gamer maids
>(Fuck the) Polices
>Ueeh and Kuroko
How do i get all of them at this point
Goddamn, the more you know.
Just clear the event achievments and claim your borrows
And buy in the expert permit shop
I hate gameplay must have
I want to roll for absolute bricks
I scoff every time I see a BA artist draw a KV picture and it get 1k likes compared to their usual 30k
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You know how.
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Was lucky this time around and got all 3 before the spark. Who should I get the extra elephs for?
Maid Momoi skippers will not be allowed to post on /bag/.
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How did he do it?
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Summer Shiroko.
And Summer Kanna if you want to mald Binah less. She's basically a better Akane.
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>We can have a car but not a 3D chibi.
When's the next stream I want to pencil my cope session on my calendar.
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I too, have an UE50 Toki
Farming NYJunko will get you an okay stockpile of credits.
Haruna gets the most benefit out of them.
Some of the ps68 Mom's Touch collab is on preorder for us
Built different.
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Honestly, John Nexon should consider hiring that guy.
Fuuka for the 3% damage boost at ue30
Can I order a burger straight from Korea?
I've been doing that. In fact I had 11 mil before maxing her EX. I will be sweeping quest 12 exclusively in the next days hoping to hit all the rewards
Buy their doujin
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Perchance would lady entertain the though of an arranged marriage?
is this to combat the scalpers for the merch from their previous collab?
>You will never have a cute girl like Aru working at your local fast food place.
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Why the fuck would I want Collab merch from a franchise that's not even available on my continent?
The only MUST ROLL would be someone who is meta and limited. B.Yoshimi and S.Izuna are the only ones before BlueFes, where you'll roll for B.Hoshino, T.Shiroko and Mika. Other extremely good units in the coming banners are Ui, Ako and S.Shiroko and you could argue they're MUST ROLL, but you can get spooked by them.
I should get NY Fuuka right?
I already got Haruna last time around and I have two sparks worth
So I should be able to do blue fes and the band units as well
>Refuse exotic ziggerbox
Akofan (fake)
Yes, if you care about meta or like Fuuka.
Also, use the roll planner.
I hope someone in my club rolls BYosh because I have literally everything I need for Red Set except her.
JP senseis know where their loyalties lie.
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>I should get NY Fuuka right?
>I already got Haruna last time around and I have two sparks worth
Good for you
>So I should be able to do blue fes and the band units as well
Verify with the planner. It's in the op.
I can't believe there is someone casual enough to skip NYFuuka in the original run and not know how good she is.
He should consider linking up with midori guy
Just beg for friends
It always was conspiracy bullshit brought to you by the same melodramatic dumbasses throwing fits over some hand sign meaning they have small dicks.
The facts are that isakusan, hwansang, doremi are gone, among others. people just took those facts as a fill-in-the-blank for their schizo theories and personal prejudices because they genuinely can't process grief in a healthy way.
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>tfw I will carry the burden of rolling for bYoshimi in my club
The fact that she's cute as fuck makes it no burden at all
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Suzumi alt when
Remember how priconne laughed at buruaka? Yeah.
Now you're laughing at kv.
I wonder what will happen in the future. It's almost as if history repeats itself.
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Would you keep buying food from Mom's Touch until you collect all the acrylic stands?
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She is cute but even if I did roll her I couldn't justify taking her to UE40+ anyway,
Got nyAkari and I got nyFuuka on roll 180. Don't think I need Haruna so should I just spark another Fuuka?
You underestimate my desire to get my wifes alt at the time.
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>Remember how priconne laughed at buruaka?
they still do...
How much do you have to spend for a stand?
Lads. I just figured out after a year of playing what the starting skills area is for. I thought you selected the first skills you wanted to use when toggling AUTO on but in fact they are the actual starting skills you start with when starting a match. All this time I've been restarting over and over when doing raids just so I could start with the skills I wanted
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That's fair enough.
Possibly even Rofl.
I was fully ready to spark too.
What's your excuse?
>brought to you by the devs who made X
Yeah always fails, you're right.
I just want KV to be a visual novel or straight RPG instead of another gacha.
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I very much intend to roll for the flat chest club
Oh man you should see the twitter replies on the EN account sometimes.
Lots of people there just get blindsided by every single banner somehow because they do not know what's up next or if a student is even remotely good.
I kind of envy it.
I would stay in the store and try to trade any dupes i have.
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i can't with you /bag/
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Did Rimukoro finally win?
Same, I just discovered this but a week ago. We should spread the news Anon.
I'm getting her and maxing her. I hope the anon who's letting me borrow his maxed Wappi looks forward to me returning the favor for red Set.
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Probably, but local mom's isn't collabing.
Also, they got separate chibis for promo art and acrylics, that's kinda interesting.
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Of course not.

Only until I get Aru.
Where the fuck does all of that sugar go?
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I like putting my wife on the main DPS teams instead (unless it's a red raid) and trying to get the best score I can.
you can't with me what, exactly?
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Thoughts on the Valkyrie Police? Do you feel safe when they're around?
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Transferred to Hasumi somehow.
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you can do what now?
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The pancreas!
Okay but not really
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To me judging by my stomach.
Too lazy to rape.

Too dumb to rape.

Too insecure to rape.
Man's living in Blue Archive year 1
man mine really won me over with her valentine meetup
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Welcome to what Day1 players had to put up with for over a year and a half.
EX Order didn't get added to the game until Goz on JP.
Her Momotalks were great too. She's a rather endearing autist at times.
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I love them. They will keep me safe.
I wish we could set the full skill order. It would make the timing of buff after dps rotations more consistent.
In the right place
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Midomo jumpscare
i had a stroke last night... forgive me...
Yeah on the recent Kaiten I had to reset a bunch because if the ability I wanted to go 4th was in the 6th slot then my entire rotation would shit the bed.
Kind of annoying...
You still have to reset sometimes for Ako/Himari to show up as 4/5 so you can use them immediately after a dps ex. But that's a 2/3 chance so not bad.
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Look I just want KV to be another Rance series with BA design.
If they just choose to design it like that from the get go, there would be no drama.
Fucking gacha.
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I had a stroke thirty minutes ago but you don't see me posting random nonsense on /bag/.
Had to spark yet another banner.. at least I spooked NY.Haruna so it's OK I guess.
Oh great! Now i'm hungry.
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judging by that post its really unfortunate for all of us that the stroke didnt kill you my nigger
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Nigga got so excited, he fumbled & screenshoted his volume bar.
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Yep. Akari pretty.
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I stroke my dick everyday, but you don't see my dick complaining about it.
>even got Mine
Damn just in time too, this JFD she's mega good
Don't even need her above level 1, since the bots focus fire the Rio bot
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>gets two BIG SEX students
can you blame him
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you're playing like an og baggot, i can respect that
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Students which would rape me (tenderly)?
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>NY.Fuuka in 20
>NY.Haruka dupe at 40
>Himari dupe and C.Hare in 60
>Iori dupe at 70
>S.Hifumi at 100
Looks like my Bluefes luck went to this spark instead. I'll do the rest and think about who to spark between Haruna and Akari after a contemplative shit.
Finally won against the professor. Now it's a draw overall.
normies are ok with those, try JS
I am so extremely confused right now. So doremi and co. are doing a doujin VN but the doujin VN is completely unrelated to KV? Did I get this right?
Checked her valentines myself, its pretty damn cute. Nice to see she's got a cute side to her tryhard autism. Shes even voiced by AL Belfast's va which is nice.
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Equal rights for Sensei, if they can rape then so can Sensei
Your what?
Sensei can not rape his students, for that would be an abuse of authority.
Nah. They're not allowed to apply as a doujin circle since their application was tied to the company. Now they're just blatantly lying in the face of comiket to keep applying as a doujin circle.
Just use the "steal formation that worked for someone else" feature.
tbf they just arrest you so they can rape you in jail.
knew I recognized her from somewhere
looked up aoi yuuki too, but no student is voiced by her yet
Just be yourself
Yeah I recognised it first glance. Good to see a familiar maid around.
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>go to jail
>get raped by officer
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After Kim getting all the collab characters for Mom's Touch first. >>492970601
The man has his priority, you wouldn't get it.
3/3/3 is a perfectly reasonable goal for JFD right? :)
Are they actually good?
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Yes. I mean it's not like you would buy everything from that shop anyway.
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>Sena at 110
>C.Hare dupe at 120
>NY.Haruna at 150
>NY.Akari and Ch*rino at 160
>NY.Haruna again at 180
Holy fuck. Rolling during dead hours really does work. Sparked Haruna for PVP cancer.
JFD shop isnt that good.
What a bunch of fuckups.
The only thing good about JFD shop is the yellow and purple crafting mats.
Looks good enough to make me hungry.
eos when?
I don't know how crafting works so I just skip it.
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Enduring sex On top of Seia.
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I did that
>global JFD is intentionally changed to be harder
This game just keeps getting worse.
I got like 250k what even changed because this was piss easy
Akari or Haruna? I got Fuuka with a 10x ticket
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KV shat the bed so we're postponing it until further notice.
got my NYFuuker
if I don't roll any more until fes, I'll have 90k pyros
is there anyone I'll definitely regret not getting until then? I want to make sure I get Hoshino, Shiroko (T) and Mika no matter what but I may be willing to just buy some pyros to finish that fourth spark
SShiroko, maybe?
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Akari for Blue Set.
Haruna for PVP cancering.
Haruna is limited though, and god knows when will they rerun her again.
set or pvp? both are sex, akari will milk you for all you're worth
>and god knows when will they rerun her again
Probably in like a year.
This is the rerun and not the archive so she'll get a banner again.
It's students like SMash/SAzoos that still haven't appeared after their archive run.
Castrate your students

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>reruns of limiteds
At some point they'll have to add limiteds to the permanent pool won't they?
I already got them, but I'm just wondering what's practical in the long run.
Only so many banners can be fit into the span of a year.
is she a bigger priority than Nagisa? since Nagisa's banner comes first, it could be better to try my luck at Nagisa and hopefully get her in less than 100 rolls, but if I have to spark her I'll miss on a fes unit...
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1 week banner before the yearly Anniversary, every single limited that has been archived. Shared spark.
my dick is a bit shorter than that and not that thick
No, we'll just have them rerun again
On blue archive's 8th year the entire year will just be reruns of limiteds
There will be no more new content.
It's over.

Seia standing there looking at you but no lick.gif
Thanks John, knew I could count on you
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Well i guess i can focus on Haruna now. My life is a fucking hell but at least the gods of gacha are merciful. I don't even know why i'm saving on pyro i don't know what banner is coming next
Are we all collectively dropping /bag/ when this comes out?
I use my Nagisa a bit here and there but I feel like I use Shiroko far more, both in raids and PVP. Probably nearly every other raid I have SShiroko in there.
That 90k figure from earlier is using the pyro planner, right?
sshiroko isn't limited, however she sees much more use, nagisa is pretty optional when it comes to raids, a nice to have but not mandatory in any way
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Unironically yes. You can live without Nagisa and borrow her. S.Shiroko is just too good to skip.

Congrats but fucking explode.
No not even shitty outdated 5*s in FGO were ever moved to permanent in it's 9 years of service
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Only if they have Kisaki's Vagina there
>My life is a fucking hell but at least the gods of gacha are merciful
Hope things get better, at least you didn't get hit by a 1% spark like I did.
You lucky fucker.
Good luck on your rolls.
>sshiroko rerun
It's been a year already?
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Explode nigger
Honestly I'd rather just quit pulling and keep saving for future banners you might want to pull on or the double fes, 27 for NYFuuka and NYAkari is way too good. You can live without NYHaruna
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I'm going to defeat the professor today for sure...!
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Those are some weird pronouns.
>it's been 20 years since sShiroko was released
Pretty sure rape is pretty much abuse of authority given it takes doing it by force
but what if he really really REALLY wants to piss people off in pvp?
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Finally I can ball posting again.
Moving limiteds to permanents is never done in gacha games unless there's a really really really big/important reason to do so. Part of the main selling point of those limiteds is that they are limited. Those who rolled those limiteds may throw a fit if they suddenly got moved to permanent, even if they're limited units first released 8 years ago. What's more likely is that they simply rerun more limiteds at the same time.
stop discriminating against me and my hivemind bros
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All little girls are whores
our unity is full of wonder which your tiny individualism cannot even conceive
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Describe the smell.
>3 hours maintenance
no extension... no extra pyros... it's over
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quadtanks destroy nyharuna comps though
>Moving limiteds to permanents is never done in gacha games unless there's a really really really big/important reason to do so
AL is the only other gacha I play after quitting gbf, that does it pretty frequently and a friend was trying to rope me back into trying Genshin because they're apparently commiting to doing it yearly.
Thank you guys, you know people like to say that /bag/ is a shithole full of schizo but as a casual player every time i had to use the general i was always surprised by how chill you guys are. May the gods bless your rolls too

I just checked what's on the menu and i already have Ui so i will save for the banner of guide Tsubaki i guess, i love her.

I lack some major units to have a viable roster for pvp i think
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yea, this is what I'm expecting to have by then
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>slots in my bakane to kill your sumire
>i was always surprised by how chill you guys are
welcome to EU hours, unfortunately those will be ending soon
Oh no /bag/ can be plenty shit sometimes. We're just in our comfy hours right now where our usual schizos are gone.
Give it like... 2 hours and things will start getting angry.
Well... it's unlikely (but still possible) that you could get fucked over and have to spend 600 rolls, just do what you feel comfortable with really.
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got 7 three stars
none were Fuuka
Adding this in as well, it's your fault
Only applies to sensei, the students are given some leeway
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>60 rolls NYFuuka
>70 rolls NYHaruna
>100 rolls NYAkari
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Stop that
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I'm just reenacting TTT.
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Why do you even want to re-enact that...
Please stop hurting train mob!
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>no wishing well post
yeap sus
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I already did Choo Choo Choosday earlier today >>492957972 !
If you missed it, I can offer another!
Happy Choo Choo Choosday ded bag! Wishing you all a wonderful day ahead!
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>ghostposting and then trying to push it as the truth
hm yes about as believable as the seiacripter being legit
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no... I'm being truthful! Honest!
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I'll NEVER forgive Trainanon for his trainsgressions.
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Please believe me!
Hehe, that's funny, I'm writing that down.
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Stop laughing.
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Laughing at my joke doesn't excuse you, TrainEnthusiast.
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What can I do to prove I'm innocent...
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my wife Mika
Hi trainanon
Hiya Mika anon!
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Posting big fat tails may help.
I... I don't have big fat tail images...
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Happy Choosday
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Happy Choosday!
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Then pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.
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>doesnt enjoy big fat tails
total traianon hate
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I think they are nice too! I enjoy them! I just don't have any images of big fat tails on hand right now...
>Then pay the court a fine or serve your sentence.
It's over... I can't afford to pay it.
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End of images... take care ded bag!
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ravioli seia...
Seiascript as always, didn't even post burger eating seia.
I have seia drinking milk but natsu anon is nowhere to be found...
i can't believe natsu is fucking dead

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