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>>>The Game<<<

>20/08: Update released for REV-8 vehicles; Shattered Space official release on September 30th - https://x.com/StarfieldGame/status/1825972729784238548
>08/08: New free Doom mod coming soon
>02/08: Xbox Gamescom 2024 to happen beginning August 21st; will feature trailer of Shattered Space and release date (September) - https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2024/08/01/xbox-gamescom-2024/
>16/06: New Todd interview confirming a second DLC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ew8LQFGNWU
>09/06: Video update - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UiN5PDu400s
>09/06: Shattered Space trailer - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNM1HFzQC8c
>09/06: Creation kit and Patch 9 - https://bethesda.net/en/article/5fJOins2DKdriTNVBvBjdR/starfield-update-1-12-30-june-9-2024

>Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/

>Q: CK?
>A: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2722710/Starfield_Creation_Kit/
>Q: What happened to .ESL?
>A: .ESM can become light plugins now instead
>Q: DLC?
>A: September 30th
>Q: What's the deal with NG+(+...)?
>A: Restarts the game with minor changes to the story and world, while preserving your powers and skills. 10 cycles for suit upgrades, 6 cycles for upgrading the starborn ship
>Q: Should I reinstall?
>A: If you are excited about a customizable difficulty, 3D maps, ship decorations, new bounty hunting missions and mechanics, official mod support and a vehicle, then yeah

>/stag/ modlist: https://pastebin.com/2Xs8En2e - https://rentry.org/stag_mods
>Artbook rips: https://mega.nz/file/TlJSBTwB#GhmrZRoHDAhhei__Bz2zc6GisgB67_vONrAfYQR8lK0
>Character builder: https://nukesdragons.com/starfield/character
>Threadly space music: https://youtu.be/QGzEpcl42SA

>>>OP template<<<
>https://rentry.org/stag_op_new (will be periodically updated)

Previous Planetary Survey: >>492718071
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It's incredible how much the game has improved over the past year. I remember wanting to slam my head into a wall because of the lag and absence of land vehicles. It's all good now. The game just needed another year in the oven.
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>15000 credits added to Freestar Collective bounty (x14)

>Andreja hated that
>Andreja is angry at you
>Barrett hated that
>Barrett is angry at you
>Sam Coe hated that
>Sam Coe is angry at you
>Sarah Morgan hated that
>Sarah Morgan is angry at you

>current FC bounty: 2805000 credits
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>She joined Constellation
>She doesn't use adoring fan
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It needs more than 4 (5 if you count zero-g) attack animations. And more damage, but mods fix that.
I would also like a faggy twink to hang off my arm and laugh when I run over pedestrians in New Atlantis
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Whoops I accidentally recorded 4 hours of gameplay, wonder what I was doing
melee without blitz? no thanks
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Go on adventures with Andreja. Explore the stars with Andreja. Flirt with Andreja. Be there for Andreja. Give Andreja your best armor and weapons. Tell Andreja how much you love her. Protect Andreja. Save Andreja. Marry Andreja. Have jetpack sex with Andreja. Build a comfy outpost for you and Andreja. Stay in your original universe with Andreja. Go on patrol with Andreja. Hunt down bounties with Andreja. Arrest criminals with Andreja. Buy Andreja a new gun. Fight side by side with Andreja. Give Andreja the spoils from battle. Kill as many criminals as possible with Andreja.
For 200 hours that “meet obama by the tree” mission has been on my map and I finally talked to the bastard. As time goes on since release I am trying to find the charm in these weird robotic characters that have no personality. The only time a hint of memorable personality comes out is when they are forced to have a bad guy and it obviously has to be a white psycho like that bounty mission where you are stranded with a junker ship.
But anyways for the future black scientist guy I used my chameleon outfit to steal the twig from the safe. Is it more fun just to shoot people and take things? I have done everything so stealth, and if I do turn on a faction I just sneak around and snipe the whole area after they say “if you weren’t one of us I’d kill you” and loot them. I never get noticed.
I've never done a quest
You don’t understand. To be a proper morally gray space rogue, you need to keep some plebs around to witness your morally gray acts, the biggest fun comes from reminding them that:

1. It’s not a big deal.
2. They’re overreacting.
3. It never happened.
4. If it did happen, they deserved it.

They will then be convinced that it’s completely fine and stop being mad. However, they have the memory of a gold fish, so you need to dance this dance every time you want to have fun.
Nah, it's still the most generic slop imaginable aka average bethesdashit with no substance whatsoever
You just convinced yourself a couple of bug fixes and basic QoL features are enough (if your standards are low enough that is) lol
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Is there a reason you have that saved?
*sweats internally*
>it's just a threesome babe. You're over reacting
I intimidated Andreja into accepting that she’ll be the secondary wife, and I haven’t slept with her since.
I may or may not have used the neuroamp. I have outsnaked my snake wife
What music do you listen to while playing Starfield?
Japanese City Pop
why does the game not have a radio
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i love how the cabot makes any ship look dumb
what if all ships are dumb
People before Starfield: Bethesda is pathetic they can't even do ladders
People after Starfield: I hate ladders I want them all to die
>give you a spaceship
>cant traverse it in zero g
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I'm persuasion maxxed and wore my best outfit to convince her marrying Sarah is a good idea
there's a mod for that
hope you aren't too attached to where your decorative clutter is placed
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neat, someone saved my original run ship
There’s no greater joy in life than seeing the blasted debris of a Freestar ship. In fact, the Freestar Rangers is the best faction questline, simply because you can legally kill Freestars.
>get mod for faster waiting/sleeping
>my waiting/sleeping gets all fucked up
>assume it's a bad mod
>remove it, still fucked, waiting an hour on jemison passes only 30 minutes
>assume mod permamently fucked my save
>search on google again
>reddit post of this same exact problem about a month ago, claims never used mods

FUCKING TODD. The question is, what do I do now. YOLO it and hope for the best? It wouldn't be such a problem if it was just a little fucked but I just arrived on Skink to get the power and time is frozen. Not even just waiting/sleeping, time will literally not pass, it just stays whatever I arrived at. God damn it.
Someone figured out how to create extra star systems.
Making the universe a better place, one dead Freestar at a time.
Wait can we not make new star systems
And, for good measure, here’s the proper and actual ending for the Battle of Cheyenne.
The only Bethesda games I've ever played a lot are Daggerfall, Morrowind and Fallout 3. Am I going to like Starfield?
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Depends on what you like about them
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I love this Deimos cockpit but needing additional structural parts in order for it to not look awkward is pretty annoying
Dumb me, I never thought about using starborn powers with melee. This looks cool.
>didn't do freestar quest line on my original playthrough
>can't do it now because it breaks the astra salesman
i hope they fix this with the expansion
how did you get two green engine bars instead of just one?
I genuinely don’t know, it has to be a hidden stat that I’m not aware of. I’ve only seen this in my current ship, which uses B-Class Nova engines, while my other ship, which uses the Amun-Dunn B-class engines, has two points for shields.

If I had to guess, the A and B class Aurora brand grav drives might be the culprit?
how many and which crew do you have onboard? sam and the shield guy from akila bar give one bar of each engine and shield. do you have sam as crew + follower, and that social skill which increases follower skill?
Is there really that much depth to the game or is it just oh you did a bad thing someone is mad at you but the game goes as normal, or at most you get a bounty and pay it. I haven’t experimented much.
When you find a random locked ship in the middle of nowhere is there a way to find the key or is owner not actually around to steal the key from. So what’s the point.
Locked with a digipick check or inaccessible?
The former is obtainable, the latter isn't, without console commands at least.
Yes to all that, I do have the skill and Sam + Omari, but I don’t have Sam as my current follower. Usually, they just give one free bar, but certain engine and grav drive combinations give two free bars to either engines or shields.
Do crew skills stack? Can you get both blips or is having Sam making the other dude irrelevant?
High bounties will make you a must kill target by the respective faction. The only way to pay them is going to another planet with a bounty board to pay your bounty there. So if you pissed off everyone in New Atlantis, starting the vanguard questline is impossible until you do something about the bounty.
i don't think there is another possible crew with high enough piloting like sam who can give a free engine bar
Nah, I've got better crews mod and found a 3 star pilot tho. Haven't placed on ship because I wasn't sure it'd stack
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>my mod has 122 downloads
You're going places, cards anon.
I've got about 50 new ones and a cute contraband doujin for my next patch.
I had this stupid idea, what if I decreased the procgen settings to make vehicle traversal easier instead of increasing them? turns out it's very possible but I can't seem to nail down a perfect ratio between busy and empty.
But drifting around rocks is when buggy traversal is peak
If you have a low bounty, you can lay low and come back. If you have a high enough bounty, you’ll be a kill-on-sight target, essentially locking you out of quests pertaining to the location or the faction.

Honestly, it’s an amusing experience that snowballs itself. During a NG+ playthrough, I’ve amassed over a million credits from the Freestar Collective, and they would appear almost every time I grav jumped. It started as an accident when they were fighting pirates, but it motivated me to just uh, go with it, and wrack up as high a number as I could, even boarding their ships and killing them openly, until it was time for my next NG+ run.
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I give up. Adding a simple 0.1 value to "fObjectMapMinPct" will turn it into a dead wasteland.

For emptier planets
Behold, man unleashed among the stars. What has he wrought.
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Holy shit some of these POIS are fucking huge, multiple big ass buildings and huge underground section too.
I bet her POI is huge, if you catch my wind.
Eyebrow interior must go up
Obligatory alt version w/ Sarah.

Waiting for a review of this one. It looks good but not 4$ good.
looks like a hairdryer
>no loot lists
>pick up for free in neon
>no weapon mods
It's a pass from me
>Modules exceed reactor class
-ACK! There goes an hour of my day. I knew I should've just downloaded the unlock all parts mod.
>It's over Sarah Morgan, I drew you as the soijak
I give a damn, Sarah.
it's not even free good
he made the model so that must count for something
I assume they're just set dressing and some dev figured it would be too broken if you could steal them. The game does have some really weird balancing decisions.
Better crews mod + amelia earheart from the crucible + vasco will give the two green bars
I ain’t paying this.
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he said that he bets that her POI is huge, then he wanted you to smell his fart
Good lord
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Do mods that add new skill trees work okay together in starfield?
I'm out of touch but iirc skyrim was tricky with this
Can't have a Bethesda game without cannibalism
It works for now but I'd say you should wait until the DLC drops incase it added a new tree/skills
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Minecraft with shaders is looking mighty fine these days
Man, you reminded me of how everyone shat on Minecraft a little over a decade ago, and now that the kids who grew up with it are entering adulthood, it’s being held fondly.

Now that I think about it, New Vegas had the same 180 degree general opinion change. Granted, not many grew up with it, it’s not that kind of game, but I guess all it took was one YouTuber to single-handedly change the game’s perception. I even see this consensus shared with the likes of Fortnite and Overwatch nowadays.
I grew up with the NES
Seems like there's some kind of bug with this game right now similar to the reference handle cap issue with Skyrim where adding too much shit through mods starts to break things. People are saying there's a hard limit on plugins around 110 plugins, but I think it's really an issue of just how much shit some mods adds since I only have 96 installed right now. I feel like the Shattered Space DLC might cause problems for everyone as a result if this doesn't get fixed.
moon safari
bethesda used a lot of external software that plugs into the ck while making the game, most of which hasnt been licensed to us D:
Yes form id bug. Betheada are aware and "improved " it last patch
You may encounter between 90 to 110 but is dependent on how many form ids in the mods themselves
also worth noting nowadays you can have thousands of plugins in skyrim just fine but originally there was the 255 limit. Starfield should be the same i.e. thousands but a bug is preventing that currently
Haven't experienced that yet. However, TG galactic expanse caused disappearing flora for some reason.
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I'm a simple man. I see boob I say booba
so 90 ESM is safe?
There is no "safe" amount, every esm loads a different amount of mod indexes, some may only load 1 some might load 10+, once you get to 230-250 mod indexes thats when you can start having issues. I have around 100 mods installed but I'm only using 150 indexes.

Starfield engine fixes plugin can detect how many mod indexes you are using, and which mods are loading how many indexes
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>mfw still playing vanilla
Based. You'll get to experience Shattered Space before everyone else.
if not legit, then it should be a mod
what does that mean?
Mods break. Usually light on creations but depends on what mods you're using
I only had ship categories break with buggy update but that got patched within a few hours. But my load order doesn't do much changing to background stuff
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The only REAL problem is for extender sluts, and they deserve to get shat on at every opportunity
Now that the dust has settled, what brought you back here Outlaws players?
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I will make a combat pilot coolkid
People played that game?
at least 50
Tbf I'd give it a go if it was on gamepass. But as its ubi I will not care anymore when it does in 5 years
Play it when its patched and gets whatever DLC drops, Star Wars is mentally retarded anyway
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here's the booba
She got tubes in her boobs
>credits 6614898
not him but you need it if you build a lot, my last ship ran me 500k creds
I've played vanilla up til NG+7. I'm having fun this go around.
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I get bored with ships quick so I spend hours making one and then decorating it and only do a couple missions with it then build another and decorate it. It's a vicious cycle of autism.
why that dude got the tiddies lmao
The worst is when you spend hours making a ship then when you hit confirm, "insufficient creds" and I remember I only had 70k lol
So many wasted, saving blueprints would be welcome
This is my latest ship creation.
>The ship designer won't let you make a ship longer than 40m in length
>small landing pad: only ships under 40m can land here
What's the big deal
You are entering Class E territory, I don't think those ships have the ability to take off from most planets let alone a high gravity planet like Akila. Breaking the 40m limit is very easy and doable so it's not an engine issue either.
Nice ship and colours
Also Nice and like the name. That hab stairs mod is a godsend
Yeah but it's still strange as class A-C can only go 40m. So you'd think
>small landing pad: 40 or less
>large landing pad with builder: 40-60 or whatever limit
>not able to land: M class, much bigger
I believe lore states M classes are built in space due to how huge
Now that I'm looking at the uniforms in the anime I need to change that red into a teal and the blue sections a bit darker to fit the theme.
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She cute?
hard to tell
her hair is covering most of her face and she is missing fingers. but brown skinned woman (female)(XX chromosome) is a good start.
Mostly. Not a fan of big jawed women
i made my hadrian look very similar to this when i was ill with jungle fever yesterday

yes this brownfu is cute
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I fixed it Shikasisters!
I approve of this ship
very cute. just needs a missile launchers that fire exploding deer crackers.
Any requests for the rentry?
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>ship antlers pop off
>more deer cracker launchers pop out
Yes, copy the current OP it has the updated modlist and updated FAQ with Shattered Space release date.
the ship builder maxes at 80m, the numbers you see on the ground is distance from the mid point
Don't think this is true. Mid point just travels with you
nvm. It travels with you and shows 40 but it is calculating both sides so a max ship will be 80. I got confused trying to add shit to the front after taking off the back
Having more POIs would be great but I think the system itself is a big issue. Just knowing that whatever place you're exploring exists as an exact copy in countless other places in the universe cheapens everything. It might be okay if the pois were boring and blurred together because you might not notice. But the more effort they put in to make them memorable, the worse it feels to encounter an exact duplicate.
It's a nasty trap they got themselves in desu. The only solution I think would be to make the high effort locations actually unique, and pad the rest with tile-based procgen. But that has its own problems.
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It's updated
Now it comes with 6.5mm ammo, moderate damage and functional mods.
Pirates becoming friendly is annoying. I need shooting targets already.
Worst part of it for me is all the loot being left so you can run through it for free shit and the boss chest. If I walk in and see pirates I have to leave them now
Maybe a mod that biases spacers and ecliptic at POIs if you're crimson friendly?
There's a mod that makes them hostile again which is the quickest solution to this. Collecting a high bounty with the pirates is another option albeit slower
New Factions

>The Iron Legion is a loose confederation of pirate crews, similar to the Crimson Fleet, but more refined in their choice of plunder. the Iron Legion specializes in acquiring rare and advanced technology. They have a fondness for lasers, particle beams, railguns, and robots.

>The Blood Devils are a dubiously-legal mercenary group from the United Colonies, consisting of former members of the UC's notorious Red Devils who left the military either out of bitter alienation or the need to escape prosecution for war crimes. They been known to use xenoweapons.

>The Senzoku are an organized crime syndicate who claim to uphold the traditions of Old Earth's yakuza. They pride themselves on having a code that sets them above common criminals, and they have a strong distaste for firearms, preferring instead to master swordsmanship and melee combat. what they lack in firepower, they make up for in speed and resilience.

>The Ninety-Nine Movement is a loose collection of left-wing activist groups in the United Colonies. They draw from disaffected members of the working class unable or unwilling to acquire UC citizenship. Considered terrorists by most major galactic governments, Ninety-Niners may be welcoming or hostile to outsiders, but always detest the UC. They are poorly trained and equipped, often making use of mining equipment as improvised weaponry.

>Lycurgus is an infamous rogue city-state in the wild and untamed space outside the UC and Freestar Collective, built on fascist and reactionary ideals. Lycurgans prey on the weak and defenseless, but take care to stay clear of major interstellar powers. They favor flashy, high-tech weaponry.

>Terror Cults are rare but dangerous groups that can sometimes be found in the darkest corners of the core worlds, consisting of several humans enthralled by pheromonal projection. The thralls are little threat, but the Terrormorph very much is not.
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Have they added advanced tiers for eons, equinox, rattler and sidestar yet?
No and I doubt they'll ever will because those were intended to be low tier weapons
But I like the Eon, you put a binary trigger on it and your ammo just vanishes, it's like magic
That makes no sense.
You got mods for that. Bethesda is biased towards Kore Kinetics since their Magpistol could do the same thing more efficiently.
How so? They drop at level 1 and their ammo is everywhere
Are we only getting varuun weapons in the dlc or are we getting weapons for other manufacturers too?
Wait until you discover the Beowulf
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They tried keeping us down, but with 1 simple mod you too can have your superior eons, sidestars and kraken, and they're not even OP in the lineup
Missing weapon qualities.esm
some worlds should be empty
gods hand did not brush them
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>Marshall Nathaniel, sir, our newest Ranger John Starfield refused to pay the 650 credits bounty on his head, and he proceeded to single-handedly destroy all of our security ships in the Cheyenne system. He’s literally landing in Akila as we speak.
>What should we do? Revoke his status as a Ranger? Face him? He mentioned something about “finishing the job”, before terminating comms.
Alien mods for alien DNA role play?
Star Wars Aliens
lmao, the marshal and the rangers are firing on Emma Wilcox’s daughter, even Emma is shooting her.
accidentally put a skill point into the ship thrusters skill which i thought was useless but then i figured out how it works and now dogfighting in space is actually fun now
Yeah you no longer need to slow down to get the peak turn in either. I use them all the time
spacer ships that i cannot hijack keep landing and it's getting annoying
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Love these little buttholes
They are pretty amusing. The mod itself is very high quality in general. There are other alien mods like the exo race but they don't come close to this one.
The minecraft mod is pretty underrated, I get why nobody is using it but a good effort was put into it. Tree leaves are animated, beds and crafting tables are usable. Added blocks and trees to the building menu.
It'd help to link it. Search isn't bringing anything up.
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>I showed you my preset now show me yours
Not on Nexus

Why does everything space have to be star wars
most people don't like scifi, they like fairy tales with laser guns
What anon said + there are no good open world star wars games
post stations
*nervous gulp*
But star wars isn't even a good fairy tale. There's only two decent movies in that entire franchise and aliens weren't even the main focus in those two.
anon your creation kit...?
i hope the next update adds more ship habs because damn does a lot of these options suck
This change the npcs too, i don't want
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NG+ is broken for me on the vanilla save, because the ship isn’t loaded properly. My character spawns outside the ship, and I can’t land on any planet’s settlements and POI. I can fast-travel, but all I can see is the starry background of space. If I try to land on a random location on the planet, I’m stuck in the skybox and can’t move.

Thanks for this, Todd.
Because people are barely even aware of anything else space related besides Star Trek, Halo and Mass Effect, and even those don't even hold anywhere near as many people's attention as Star Wars does. I mean everyone has probably even heard the term "Mary Sue" and probably don't know it originated from a trekkie's fanfiction
Either try rebooting the game and reload from a full save, or cut back on some of your mods.
I only have official creations installed. I’ll try the reboot method.
Yeah but for a lot of people that game is their childhood. Having a star wars world where you get to relax and roam around is something of a dream for them. Really funny coming into the series from not having grown up watching it be a cornerstone of fantasy is going "really? Thats it?"
Disney found that out the hard way when they tried making star wars sequels big in china and it was beaten by an indian sports movie they had greenlit because it hooked more people.

he said vanilla save.
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I tried making a smaller A-class Taiyo, but it was butt ugly.
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rngenesis didn't work so I teleported to new atlantis but now I can't get a ship and leave
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I played KOTOR 2 in high school and hated it. Star Wars is a black hole of creativity, its been coasting off the same visual language for nearly 60 years now.
I find stealth to be horrendous in Starfield. Even though it's functionally identical to other Beth titles, it just doesn't feel right. It's one of the reasons I REALLY dislike the Ryujin questline. It's entirely immersion based, too. The idea of "sneaking" around in a forty pound spacesuit covered in air tubes and carabiners is retarded to me. The idea that there aren't advanced security systems capable of defeating a dude crouch walking as a norm in space stations and outposts is retarded to me. The fact that sensor arrays in space helmets are common modifications but you can just hide partially obscured by shadows and defeat them is retarded to me.

The game just feels better going hot. Every quest feels more realistic and reasonable. Threatening and intimidating people feels better than negotiations and diplomacy.
>Really funny coming into the series from not having grown up watching it be a cornerstone of fantasy is going "really? Thats it?"
I only watched the films for the first time during covid while I liked the first two (watched chronologically) by the third I could tell the steam was gone and the criticism "these only exist to sell toys" was becoming more and more apparent.
>The idea of "sneaking" around in a forty pound spacesuit covered in air tubes and carabiners is retarded to me.
Well you can barely sneak effectively in a space suit if you dont have the sneak skill maxed. It highers visibility & more importantly noise
Last ryujin quest is kino, although I did it the disguises way. You're right about security cameras and the like

I started doing this shit since fallout 3. I cannot be arsed stealthing around. And I'm kind of thankful, as all my TES stealth archers need to end
>The idea of "sneaking" around in a forty pound spacesuit covered in air tubes and carabiners is retarded to me.
Without stealth perks this makes you easier to detect, you actually do get stealthier by removing heavier spacesuits/using lighter ones
>The idea that there aren't advanced security systems capable of defeating a dude crouch walking as a norm in space stations and outposts is retarded to me
You can't stealth past security cameras at all for better or worse if that's any consolation, if we assume Void Form doesn't exist.
>The fact that sensor arrays in space helmets are common modifications but you can just hide partially obscured by shadows and defeat them is retarded to me.
This is something you're just going to have to handwave for stealth to have any level of playability in the game, if the NPC AI could just detect you at any moment then it will without fail knowing how poorly bethesda is at balancing their AI.
Spacesuits are actually designed to fuck over your ability to sneak around if you don't take it off or install the modifications that makes them lighter
NPCs actually react to opened doors. If they see that a door has opened, or heard a door open, and there’s no one behind said door or haven’t heard any steps, they’ll get suspicious and search for you.

I just don’t get it. People complain about stealth being braindead easy in Bethesda titles, but when Bethesda fixes it, while allowing classic Beth stealth with perk investment, people complain. I’m saying this as someone who prefers going gun blazing.
Some POIs have vent systems too. Look up, biolab springs to mind
I actually cba with stealth indoors but outside POIs I like taking on stealth melee. There is something very satisfying about timing a low grav jump just right that you land perfectly behind for a neck stab
Updated. Thanks!
It's up
>Shade's Vehicle Tuner v2.4.2 Update
>New camping options added - deploy a makeshift camp around your vehicle with a few handy workbenches, also features items for your party to interact with
> New harvesting options added - automatically harvest minerals, plants, and creature parts whilst driving (and out ofcombat) •
>New driving a vehicle provides +20 environmental resistances
> Overhauled the summoning mechanic - hopefully faster and more reliable now, but the summon range will vary depending on your location and your system specs (the game has to have it loaded in memory still). Big thank you to the users and Redditors who helped in testing and providing detailed feedback, I couldn't have fixed this without you!
>Couple of other little fixes
>stealth skill
Yeah, I know. I have 600 hours clocked in the game. It's part of why I can't do stealth runs. 90% of the suits in game are massively bulky and make no sense to stealth in atmospheric environments. It's just too retarded for me to handwave away. That's just me. I'm not so autistic that I need others to see things how I do. I was just giving my opinion to the guy I responded to.
This was actually something I noticed really early on and thought was really neat. One step forward, two steps back. Stealth is absolutely viable, that's not my complaint. I can understand how people have fun with it because it's how I prefer to play TES titles. I just find it too conceptually retarded in Fallout and Starfield.

Also, to my point about Ryujin, I don't actually dislike the story of it. I dislike it mechanically because it's clunky and weird with the in-game stealth mechanics. I just have a hard time enjoying it because I can't imagine most of my characters actually being a corpo ninja effectively with the kit they're sporting - even when I specifically designed one character around the concept.
Why not take the suit off then considering it still gives an advantage past max skill?
but does it feel like the Warthog and have quick eject? that's all I need to know
Also, I feel you on using stealth less in fallout and starfield. I partly think this is due to the environments not really favouring it as much. Skyrim has a lot of dark open caves, here the interiors are smaller and more cluttered, usually with lights on. I just find it quicker to go blasting
Let's call it personalized ludonarrative dissonance. Let me give you an example.
>playing stealth designed character
>get a mission to take out a target on a distant moon
>moon has an atmosphere, but it has other hostile factors that necessitate a suit
>arrive and infiltrate exterior of outpost
>utilize suppressed sniper rifle to take out guards from a distance
>infiltrate facility that is not airlocked to the exterior atmosphere
>now in close quarters and unable to use range to my advantage
>cannot remove 40lb suit
>suddenly cannot rationalize how my 180lb (in gear) female character can maneuver unseen and unheard by hostiles in this environment
Mechanically, it's possible. However, it's retarded, so I can't go through with it. It takes me out of the experience. Therefore, character gets scrapped after a while and I make a new space cowboy.
>NOOOOOO, that's supposed to just be a starter weapon!
That's fair. I can't say much as I have my own logic trappjngs in other areas to yours (I'm hungry, but I'm on a planet with no atmosphere, and have a shepards pie - i can't eat that until my helmet is off - etc.)
I thought of a mod for that utilising the superfood "pastes" item and drink pouches, having them the only usable food items when in an atmosphere you need a helmet on
there should be a gameplay option to disable sounds while in a vacuum. would make getting into fights on moons a lot scarier
I'm not so annoyed by that but I wish you felt more like you had a suit on and there were more effects. Right now you can barely tell when you're in void. I get why having your vision be visibly restricted or having breathing noises playing all the time could be annoying for people. But I think outposts and breathable worlds would be a lot more comfy when you could realize the benefits, being able to take your suit off, not worry about oxygen supply or suit damage, etc. They even had a power armor system in fo4 (the one great thing about that game) and didn't use it.
There is one derelict ship that I explored where I genuinely didn't realize I was walking around in vacuum until I discovered halfway through that the life support failed. That shouldn't happen. I was even eating and sleeping there lol
Ah, what the hell, I just had to reload the save file and everything loaded fine.
This for sure. Some visor effects, heavy breathing alone would go a long way
I wanna see a shadow of war nemesis system one day in Bethesda games.
Does the community patch need a new game or can I install it mid-playthrough?
Mid playthru is fine
Stealth would need to have technological parts to it to make it believable in this game. Stuff that jams cameras or removes you from the video, generates audio interference to cover your own sounds to a point, and some adaptive camo armor

But also stealth is just a first strike element. By the time anyone knows someone else suddenly died, the whole place should be on alert. Even pirates could hack something together to share all of their team member vital signs and alarm if someone stops breathing. Doubly true if everyone has open comms and hears someone screaming

I'm glad that play style is a lot less support in the talents, but your stealth character should still when to know to go loud
Yeah this game for some reason gets fucked over time the more you keep loading quick and auto saves, so it's best to load full saves every so often when things start to get weird.
Stealth has peaked with mgsv and nothing comes close. devs shouldn't even try, starfield is a guns blasting game
sprinting through mgs5 with a shield and smg, never getting spotted because I shoot people too fast
Also only keep about 10-15~ or so hard saves for each character (maybe less if you have loads). Rewrite over your oldest whenever saving
I was helping someone out who had a load of issues. Turned out they had a crazy number of hard saves making a new one each time. This was for xbox but probably applies too, clearing a load out helped
My favourite stealth in MGSV is loud stealth, and using the enemies panic against them. Its tough but so kino especially when you take out their reinforcements to the point they won't send more. Loud sniping was best as they try bombarding and shooting at positions they think you're in but have no idea. Starfield NEARLY gets this but it's not as intricate in AI and they still magnetise on your real location a bit
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I've been trying to figure out how to do that, would have been really easy in FO4 but I don't know how/if conditionals like outdoors, no atmosphere etc. are set for a given audio event now. Fucking wwise bullshit.
was messing with the idea of expanding on what the broken Constellation helmet does, and I suspect this is why you can set a first person model for helmets at all, but it doesn't really work out due to the way the player view camera works
I really should finish this and just put it out as a resource so someone can figure out how to get it to play nicer with the first person camera but I've got tons of other shit I'm playing so Starfield hasn't been in my rotation for a long time
When will a /k/ autist take up modding so we can get "Old World" guns with optics AND co-witnessed irons
It's just quibbles for me. As I mentioned, I've got 600 hours in the game. I do enjoy it and I think the potential is there for Starfield to be my personal go to Bethjank game. I hold out hope that mods will add immersion features like you guys have mentioned. In the meantime, I can have tons of fun playing my go to character that's a FC veteran of the Colony War who gets by as a miner until he gets swept up into Constellation and winds up helping out the Vanguard, Rangers, and UC Navy. It's easy to justify that kind of playthrough and I can get real immersed in the world.
I'm honestly kind of amazed we don't have more contemporary firearms mods. I figured we'd have hundreds of AR and AK variants by now. I want a decent AR but all the mods that do exist look like shit. Wouldn't mind a good M60E1 mod, too. The game is seriously lacking in LMGs.
>P320 mod
>adding optics removes suppressor-height sights that's meant to co-witness with an optic
Why is this allowed.
Goddamn, I forgot how fast the game loads and saves during NG+ runs. My prime universe and NG+10 universe are bloated.
This is not an issue only with Starfield, many times when reading reviews even for more heavy space sims like Elite dangerous and X4, you get people saying those games are boring, and they would be so much better if they....removed everything that made them space sims, and just turned them into fantasy games, but in space.

I loved Mass effect, but at the end of the day, the games feel more like a fantasy rpg and less like a Sci fi experience, you could copy and past the entire plot in a single fantasy world with floating islands and airships, and nothing would change. Mass effect was a great series, but it was "rpg fantasy, but in space", and it's okay when people want to play that, I feel the urge to play something like that myself sometimes. But I play Starfield, Elite dangerous and NMS exactly because I love the fantasy of just losing myself into the depths of space and seeing new worlds without having the game holding me by the neck and forcing to go from mission a to b like Mass effect does.

And it really irritates me when people keep demanding that space sims change themselves to become just fantasy games with no space travel or the ability to pilot/build ships, they just want lasers and slutty aliens, and lots of cut-scenes so people can watch their favorite youtuber react on youtube. Don't they already have enough fantasy games to play until the heat death of the universe?
Playing netrunners in Cyberpunk and completely dismantling the security systems in military bases with hacking helped sell the stealth fantasy to me. Modern word just has too many things to detect trespassers, heat sensors, motion sensors, cameras, locked doors that will trigger system-wide alarms if you try to open them. I understand why Beth did not try and make the stealth system have more depth, it would take months of work and the retooling of every POI to make stealth work better, and the hacking tool/minigames would need to be developed and tested until they arrive at something that is fun to play.

But it would he really nice if stealth was integrated better in the game in a future dlc. Right now the cyberunner and cyberneticist backgrounds have nothing going for them, you can't hack security systems to make stealth in bulk spacesuits viable, no cybernetic implants to install hidden blades/guns in your arms and dispatch people discretely while wearing a formal suit. Maybe one day we will actually get cyber implants or a better hacking minigame that is not shared with lockpicking.
Creations down for anyone?
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Netrunner was my favorite build in Cyberpunk, manipulating objects and people like MGSV was pretty fun. Starfield's lack of computer technology is also really weird. We can edit the human genome, we can colonize nearly any planet or print any material, but the internet doesn't exist.
I did that a while ago but the interior doesn't match up with the exterior
This is a general problem with the game adapting conventions from previous games without thinking too much. For example, shops. In ES or fallout you can have a named shopkeeper with a schedule. He closes the shop after hours, you can steal stuff from it, he hands out quests, it all works. In Starfield's setting it makes no sense for a shop in NA to ever close, the people at the register would work in shifts if they existed at all, making quest giving difficult, stealing would be nearly impossible. They realize some of those things (shops shouldn't close) so we get storekeep sitting in the same place 24/7 but otherwise acting like a Skyrim shopkeeper, because they don't know what else to do.
I understand why they would do that though, the conventions they've been using worked well for them in the past, and remaking everything to fit in the world doesn't necessarily make the game fun.
You can't uninstall it mid playthrough though
I mean an Internet system would only work per local location anyway. You can't send an email from new atlantis to akila. The Internet brought the world together due to mass infrastructure, new atlantis is the size of 1 small city. They'd have a local intranet for sure and must do, you have mission to check emails on cydonia for example
The system is held by WB and been signed as a patent believe it or not
In fact lol what am I on about. New atlantis PCs you can read a load of back and forth emails too. They have local intranets in starfield
Yeah internet is system wide, Barrett made that clear once you go out of the system it's gone.
Rather insulting considering some of the approved paid 'mods' up. Sorry for you anon
Do you play in 1st or 3rd person?
A satellite within the orbit of a planet can serve as a comm buoy, which in turn can receive data via a disk. That disk can be shipped to another comm buoy and uploaded, so data can be shared across galaxies. Not ideal, but it could work.
3rd person outside of combat
1st person in combat
I think installing signal-boosting stations at ends of systems and outfitting with micro-grav drives could maybe, kind of work and also make sense.

The problem with grav drives is that the “science” (or magic, more accurately) behind them is… lost. They’re all based on Nova Galactic’s models, and if we take what the game presents us, NG’s grav drives are still one of the best models you can buy, even two hundred years after they went bankrupt, as the newer ones are marginally better.
>two hundred years after they went bankrupt
Wait what?
A swap freely between both depending on feel, but you the other day I realised I played 6 hours in 3rd person and hasn't switched once. They've got it down imo, even fallout 4 is janky in 3rd
i swap around, but its really hard to play in 3rd person combat when in tight areas
Any mods to have my outposts make money for me in the background? Literally my main draw to Starfield was becoming an oil/mineral tycoon
I think they should have cut out one faction questline to expand on the main quest more
What comes after The Unity and the starborn stuff are too big hence why it's DLC 2
Haven't tried it yet
sweet thanks man
I just mean expand more on the stuff leading up to the unity
Actually spend more time getting to know constellation then go off exploring and discover more things
The whole main quest should have been longer and more involved before the starborn stuff
By far my favorite thing are the weapons, almost all of them look cool. Still does that thing like fallout 4 where long barrel + supressor is pants on head retarded long and almost goes through the floor but let's ignore that.
Nova Galactic went bankrupt when people began expanding out of Sol and Alpha Centauri. It’s why you see their staryard abandoned in Luna orbit, and why all their parts are in Titan.

It’s not explained well, but I’m guessing Deimos royally fucked them out of the market. Problem is that Taiyo, HopeTech, and Stroud-Eklund are all too new. Could there have been other ship builders between the escape from Earth to the Colony Wars?
I guess you could go out more with the constellation members but farming their relationship is a lengthy process in itself.
I refuse to put half the long barrels or compensators on if they look bad
That was an idea I was thinking about
A company of data couriers that can be seen travelling to/from comm buoy sats in orbit and other places.
Their ships are mostly mobile data servers that upload/download data stored at comm buoys and then grav jump to wherever that data needs to go
Raiding their ships would yield loot in the form of salable data that could be sold to black market data brokers.
Nova Galactic is reliable and low maintenance. Maybe it's unintentional but I think they went out of business because their ships are extremely durable and easy to repair.
yeah they tell you as much
their ships were built to last and be user serviceable so no one bought new ones because that shit would outlive you and be handed down to your kids, and their kids, etc.
I think covid work from home fucked this game up more than it would a typical bethesda game because of how siloed and spread out a space game requires everything to be

I think there was no real way to really connect all the systems they built with the time they had into a more cohesive game like previous ones

Like you have this amazing ship builder and have pretty fun space combat , but then the player has to keep jumping back and forth systems to get space combat to spawn. I have the bounty trait just so I get more space battles
I got the increased encounters mod and there's too much combat. Good thing they are forgiving with the grav drive escapes because sometimes you just want to land on the planet and get over with it.
Spawned into an orbit and had bounty Hunters on me. Thought fuck that. Landed on planet anyway. Saw their ship come down just after me and 5 or 10 mins later while I'm foraging I snap into dialogue with the ecliptic leader. As he's telling me to pay up a siren slapped his ass and cut the dialogue and I just carried on with them fighting it
I think there’s too much combat, but it’s not too bad that I can’t stomach it. If you’ve done every quest, you’ll feel like everything outside of civilized space wants you dead.
It’s not outright said, but yeah, if we take what’s in the game at face value, NG is top notch in reliability despite no longer being around. As I’ve said before, their grav drives are top notch and still hold their value, as do their modules.

I’m honestly surprised that Bethesda put so much love into Nova Galactic and tying them with NASA as the starters of humanity’s birth as a spacefaring race, only to write them as a defunct manufacturer. Probably to sell the point that everything associated with Earth is dead, like the planet itself.
You could get more bounty hunters on your ass if you killed Larry Dumbroski. Unlike the trait, they won't negotiate with you.
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Goddamn it, Mom. You're so clingy.
>mommy tracker gossiping about you with bio mommy
Does NG+ allow you catch the correct guy?
Someone said no, SFAnon said yes. I'm not sure.
I just wish the ship had more scenarios. Turning your power off to avoid detection, maneuvering through an asteroid field or having an engine fail mid transit.
Funnily enough that stealth mechanic you're introduced to early in the main quest actually works. It's just you rarely ever get in a situation to utilise it as most ship combat you're thrust into, but it's possible to ship stealth outside that mission
More of that stuff would be great, I'd also like hitting asteroids currently to do more damage and be more of a risk. I think ship combat peaks in asteroid fields as you can utilise them for cover and blast through them
I was going to correct you but I realized how old I was then I wanted to die.
>there is actually snide banter commentary when swapping between Sarah & andreja if you're romancing both
that's actually a lot of detail. I thought it was a bug too but you can only persuade andreja to be okay with it if you've married her first & she's got a special angry scene
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Don’t go to Safe House Gamma on Andromas II.

Worst mistake of my LIFE.
Cubes as food never made much sense to me shipping wise - it's be better to just not ship ingredients / finished product with space wasting water. So I just assumed cube food was for spacesuits anyways.
I think it’d be cool if you had random ship damage, like if your shields are down you could have a hull breach you need to repair or you would lose oxygen and potentially die. I know system damage exists but at the worst it’s usually just damage to your grav drive which is a non issue
>was messing with the idea of expanding on what the broken Constellation helmet does,
GOD DAMNIT I can't find the pic of the space helmet with a crack that the astronaut is smoking through for you.
>Too many memes in meme fold with shit names
Sorry man, especially with those Disney lawsuits masquerading as Star Wars mods they allow.
>I think there was no real way to really connect all the systems they built with the time they had into a more cohesive game like previous ones
they have had a fucking year since release to fix shit.
iktf bro
>12,948 unsorted images in 4chan folder
Polygamy was a trait before they gave Andreja a persuasion check
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Why is Todd so based in giving us harems?
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Oh shit, I must have missed that because I'm using the mod that lets you have more than one follower
Visit Andromas III, though. It’s the only habitable planet in the game with 100% friendly alien creatures.
if you say yes then your partner says no
Yeah I tried every option and every line had a unique response to it. Shame we couldn't take him with us.
We will see what Shattered Space adds
Even without the free updates the DLC to previous Bethesda games change a lot
Is it a random trigger or something? I'm not sure if you need to be married to them to hear any special dialogue or not
He even let's you manipulate them using a mind control device
In my case I'm married to andreja and comitted but not married to Sarah
Hold on, is this the dialogue you're supposed to hear?
Is a melee only build viable in this game? I got a cutlass right now and it seems to be doing well
It sort of is now if you add a ignore armor modification to it
Been a while since I've seen heatleeches post the Vanguard questline. This POI they appear in is also something I've never seen before either
With the new update you can actually make them pretty fast. I'd say it's viable but not on hard and above difficulty because you'll always find a beefy enemy who requires a serious amount of hits.
Heatleeches and Terrormorphs still appear in POIs, both interior and exterior, even after Vanguard quest completion, I spotted them in Polvo and Kreet and Akila. They also sometimes still appear in ships of pirates, ecliptic, spacers, and Freestars. Yes, Freestars still transport heatleeches around the settled systems because they’re too stubborn/retarded to listen to the UC.

This is why Vae Victis is right, and why we should finish the job.
based tank top user
Also she says that even if you're not fucking anyone.
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That was way more of a pain then that needed to be. I was making my own mod to change various NPCs appearance but their facial skin texture wouldn't update.

I eventually figured out you need to copy the generated texture files from the install folder to the documents folder. But fuck I couldn't find anything online telling me this was how to fix it.
I think they should have combined the faction quest lines into the main quest, making it so you can only join one faction each run. Give a reason to use the built in NG+ feature.
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>can fleece this FC rep for 1500 credits
>can convince the UC Sec guard to shake him down for loitering and get an additional 4500 credits
>get a 4500 credit reward from the FC embassy to retrieve their rep
Almost as nice as pissing off the Freestar Rangers Marshal with the UC native trait.
One of the reasons people like Bethesda games is the persistence of the world, which is fundamentally at odds with "just reset with NG+ lol"
At that point you might as well just forget about NG+, do it Morrowind style and restart the game to do different factions. If anything that might be more interesting as you could choose different character builds. NG+ as currently implemented is kind of dumb.
>Almost as nice as pissing off the Freestar Rangers Marshal with the UC native trait.
You can do that? man, why did I ignore that trait.
I’m exaggerating, but he makes a snide remark with a disgruntled tone when I mention it. Insulting the marshal for his incompetence is fun, he even somewhat admits to himself his track record isn’t meeting the Council’s expectation via the terminal in his office.
You guys said Emil couldn't write funny dialogue...
you... don't have to keep jumping back and forth between systems for space combat to spawn. I swear you people have seen like less than 5% of the content in the game and then make these comments.
He probably meant planets, he still has a point
why can't i trabel to da planets manuely
teleport to neon and cook/deal drugs until you can afford a ship

also doesnt vanguard quest have you hop on a random ship? military service sounds like a nice excuse to get off-world
I can't even buy a ship, it's not available

honestly at that point i'd just reroll
it might be solved by some quest state idk
Whats wrong with too many hard saves? I think I have like >400 at this stage
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>This was for xbox but probably applies too, clearing a load out helped
I doubt that is an issue in the PC version. I got 1500+ saves, 18GB. Yet they never affected the performance. What affects the performance for me is how long the save has been running. A 300-hour save is still working but I get 10 frames less than a fresh save combined with increased loading times in cities like Akila and NA.
Doing quests ruins the save
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>X'he did a quest
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280 of them
I've done it twice and no, no option to catch hannibal straight off the bat at akila.
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10 spins for 250
5 spins for 5000
that's fucking stupid
That sucks, and they didn't even use it fully afterwards. Not in batman or Harry potter.
It is an oversight but in reality if it just ended the quest right then and there you'd miss out on the nice zero-g spacestation and the space suit/laser gun rewards.
fuck that gaysuit and gayzer! Vulture quests weapon is better but todd decided to not include reload functions on it.
I'm a rocket man
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This quest comes too early imoi
In general or in terms of the Vanguard quest chain? If the later I agree, should have had some menial job first like take out some spacers in the system (or even secure the station raided by the Va'ruun zealots).
Definitely. This is where I wish the game forced radiant quests to stretch out the questline
Both. The typical order of events for a "UC Playthrough":
You're a miner on your first day at the job
You discover a weird artifact
You fight off a pirate raiding party
You go to the pirate base and make them back off
You go to Constellation and join it
You take Nancy with you to the office and the Vanguard guy there tells you to sign up
You do a pilot test
You fight the xenomorph
>You go to the pirate base and make them back off
There's a lot of lore surrounding terrormorphs here that for some reason I thought came later on when you rescue Barrett. So it's not too much of a shock if you're one to notice things I guess? But yeah I agree in general that there should have been more stuff inbetween, more normal Vanguard tasks like the Ryujin quest line does.

In saying that has anyone ever started the Vanguard quest line from Gagarin? Does it just make you travel to New Jemison to do the pilot tests?
Gagarin lady just tells you to go the main branch in New Atlantis.
>In saying that has anyone ever started the Vanguard quest line from Gagarin? Does it just make you travel to New Jemison to do the pilot tests?
haven't done it yet. saving it for a little while longer. still haven't jumped into Unity though
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why can't i have a piece of shit junker spaceship that has done like 10000 grav jumps that was owned by some chainsmoker, and he never jettisoned the trash, and the systems keep randomly failing and the engines have the occasional backfire
Could Deathclaws survive the Absolute Terror Field?
If mind control works on Deathclaws, it's over for them
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Hang on I thought no sudden moves puts you with least liked companion?
Most liked companion actually
Most liked companion stays with you, least liked companion has the equipment failure moment on The Eye.
No I think it must be top 2
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Need some weather mods
I'm waiting for Shattered Space to add the weather effects from there into the vanilla game, if Bethesda didn't do that already.
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House Va'Ruun mission boards coming soon
You can get the Junker watchdog. Mods will fix the rest
Still waiting to get real big storms, its always mild rain in this game.
There will probably be more to do here someday.
Someone made a paid house mod using The Unity as a base
lol why am I not surprised?
>the player has to keep jumping back and forth systems to get space combat to spawn
have you tried looking at the mission terminal
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Why is it so ugly
>Please change this into Booba Fett armor
-Todd Howard
it's based on a praying mantis, but the real question is why are her nipples so perky?
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>Booba Fett
I gotchuu senapi
The head definitely looks like it. The rest of the outfit looks like the designer just gave up
MANTIS Toboggan
25 days to go and I gotta lose andreja or Sarah
I guess I can do ng+...
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so when are we getting cora's original design modded in?
Where's the fucking DOOM mod? REEEEEEE
I've made so many ships I've run out of original names...
It doesn't solve your whole issue, but I found that turning on the max environmental damage gain thing under the gameplay options definitely makes planets with safe environments much comfier. It turns a lot of planets in shitholes that you need to have safe haven from once your suit protection runs out, e.g needing to hide inside to keep a hot planet from melting your suit. Only quibble is that sometimes quests are obviously not designed with it in mind but that's pretty rare (curse you Montara Luna dust storm).
Kinggath are working on it but they didn't specify a release date :/
It's a start, but I think this is the sort of thing the game would need to be designed around. Namely there needs to be something on the hell worlds for you to find, to give you a reason to bother. Think Star Control 2 which had better resources available on high danger worlds. And like you mention, the game needs to not send you thoughtlessly into that on low level quests.

That's the minimum, ideally you'd have heavy duty suits to buy/upgrade which would let you unlock exploring tougher environments, etc. That's beyond the sound or visual design which you'd really want to sell the idea that your suit is gradually melting or whatever. Mods might get there but it's the sort of thing Bethesda really should have done out of the gate. They did a decent job of it in FO4 with the glowing sea so I don't know what the issue was here.
Lowkey, Tim Lamb is /ourguy/ not Todd. He's the only one who's talking about post launch support and showing genuine interest in the game. Todd and Emil are MIA (working on TES6)
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>big storms
>gigantic storms
>meteor showers
Worth mentioning that it's not hard to create a place there. I had plans for an alternate start mod that starts in The Unity.
I want to see gigantic eruptions on planets with volcanic activity.
>I went to war, and lost, that’s why I became a terrorist!
Me and him both.
Celestial bodies casting bright light, yay or nay?
make junk great again
When will Todd fix the ship shield and target lock on bugs? I’m not sure it’s because of the Crimson Fleet modifications, but the three ships I made before the TA update use the base shield health and take ages to lock on, completely ignoring my own shield + targeting perks and Omari’s boost.
you can fix it right now by going through unity
Dude, I don’t need to. The ships I made BEFORE the TA update don’t have proper shields and lock on, the ships I made AFTER the TA update work completely fine.
first of all, dont question Todd
secondly, go fuck yourself
>load screen
>Come back in an hour
>it's still loading
>Namely there needs to be something on the hell worlds for you to find, to give you a reason to bother
Resources, usually. Sometimes you can luck out and find a nice planet with resources you want, but a lot of the time (especially since weak magnetosphere is so common) the places with things you want - for instance I wanted mercury to make infinite .45 acp since it was hard as fuck to buy - are either in the ass end of nowhere or shitty. To use my mercury example, the only place that WASN'T in Bufu Egypt that also had mercury - that I could find - was Skink in Akila, and that place fucking SUCKED REALLY BAD. Burns + bad air melting through my suit within 30 seconds every time.
what happens if you give the artifact to helix? is there a quest to get it back, or is it just gone?
You can get it back.
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>doing andreja's personal quest like normal
>walking leisurely through the station not really giving a shit since im wrapping up my session for the night
>follow her through the secret passage
doesn't look as hot as the concept art
also how is this mod allowed to stay up on nexus, lmao
>doesn't look as hot as the concept art
>also how is this mod allowed to stay up on nexus
Because it's not hot
It could be up
>doing no sudden moves on ng+
>petrov chinwagging through the ship
>get to a certain part of the ship and every npc becomes hostile for some reason
whats going on here? is it because i stole some of their loot from containers?
Um, yeah but they'll become hostile if you stole the artifact either way
i haven't even gotten to the relic yet
there are two guards there that seem to trigger it so i just killed them with the console and now they aren't making me hostile before i even reach the vault lol
how is it done? do you get it back before the last fights?
How did you get to Petrov through NG+ ?
You didn't warn them about The Hunter?
I thank God I actually read/skim posts in this general. I couldn't figured out why my game would stop crashing. I didn't think I had so many mods installed.
Helix will drop it or give it to you at the end.
Do you have this installed? It bugs the mission out so if you get spotted anywhere inside the no trespassing area, it goes into combat, even if you're getting the tour from Petrov
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Zone is cooking?
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nasapunk lost, va'ruun won
anyone play with auto turrets? i can't get into them desu i like having manual control over weapons
this guy looks 5'7"
charlie cox is 5'10
yep, they are great. looks like only two can fire at once though. if i have 3 on a ship, two will fire, and then once one runs out of charge, the third will fire
Never installed a turret and I've been playing since launch
Outside of the hood it's just mismashed preexisting clothing painted black, I find it kind of boring
I remember watching those animated trailers, like this one:

And thinking that maybe Bethesda was actually going to embrace the alternate start way of playing the game, instead of one forced tutorial area, we would have multiple locations to pick and different ways to acquire the first ship.

Sadly that did not happen, I get doing the forced tutorial area in Elder scroll because of prophecies and Fallout with the vaults. But Starfield could have been the game to break away from that tradition and try something else.

I still remember that trailer because it captured really well the fantasy of fixing an old ship and escaping your boring life to have fun adventures exploring space. That's the thing I'm waiting most for now, for someone to create a decent Alt.Start mod, with some quests, maybe some voice acting, and multiple ways of getting your first ship, like stealing a brand new one in some shipyard or fixing some old cargo hauler that crashed near your family outpost, the game even has that old Junker Watchdog that came with the free update and could serve well for this, but a custom ship exclusive for the alt.start mod would be nice too.
If the player fucks up and can't get the ship any other way, the house mortgage thing could be retooled to allow the player to buy a ship and just pay the monthly fee.

I also think a "childhood friend" companion could work great in an alt.start scenario, someone that is "new" to exploring space and still reacts with wonder at every new thing. Everyone in Constellation is already experienced and somewhat jaded with everything aside from the artifacts, it would be fun to explore with someone who is "new" like your character.
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Yes, I do admit to the 637 counts of murder, committed exclusively on Freestar animals. Yes, I plead “Not Guilty”.
nah you can get the artifact without aggroing the whole ship. still get the bounty though
NASApunk is like 70% of the vanilla game. We could use more Va'ruun and Starborn.
The way I envision an alt start mod is that in every one you still meet Barrett and Vasco, still get attacked by pirates, still get the Frontier, thus preserving the main questline and the flow of it, but your circumstances at the start are simply different.
>Colonist starts out with a cave being found while doing digging for an irrigation system, you fall in, and find the artifact, Barret shows up in the Frontier doing an odd job for the colonists there, pirates followed and attacked the settlement, you get sent off to the Lodge with the artifact
I always perceived these trailers as what you can experience in the game
>Vanguard questline
>Akila slice-of-life quests
>Neon gangs and Ryujin
>went back from work
>launched Starfield.exe
>entered the Astral Lounge
>equiped a Hornet's Nest Coachman shotgun
>shot everyone in sight
>a sense of relief and comfort entered my body
It's gaming time
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This screenshot is a year out of date
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Mercury has a pretty neat skybox colour + LUT
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Nice spacesuit
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Indeed, there aren't enough shiny spacesuits in the game
The Vulture's quest dialogue will completely change if you completed the Freestar questline. I played without it and my character was pretty clueless and The Vulture didn't seem to care.
I wouldn't know. I hacked the lock and completed it in 5 minutes
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I'm glad the driving feels good with mouse and keyboard, they did good. Cyberpunk's vehicles handle like absolute shit, I mean it even feels bad with a goddamn controller, m+k is just terrible. And there's a lot more driving in that game.
Gravity & terrain affecting the handling is also very nice
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For some reason, operating vehicles in games where it's not the main focus often feels more interesting to use compared to open world games designed around it.
>get into a big battle with an Ecliptic battleship
>come out victorious, with a sliver of health left
>check on my crew
>5 of them are lounging in my own quarters, 1 is checking inventory in the storeroom, 1 is eating something in the living quarters, and last 1 is sweeping the floor
YOU CUNTS, WE WERE ABOUT TO DIE. You’re telling me I was doing EVERYTHING by myself, with none of you posted at their work stations? What the hell am I paying your salaries for?!

Captcha: GYA8T
But he looks 5'7"
Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile lookin ass motherfucker
barrett said use particle turrets, and you could be fucking around, too
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so is there a StarUI replacement that isn't a buggy mess or abandoned by it's creator? I tried adding StarUI Inventory then it made interacting with everything break even with the two patched, then when I removed it it just plastered red warning all over the UI and I ended up ditching Vortex and ripping every mod out in anger.
You need to play it as God (Todd) intended.
the only mod I need to have cutter as my main weapon in this game? I like the idea that I'm blinding fuckers by shining a laser into their helmet and burning away their oxygen by eroding holes in their helmet.
I wish there was a mod that just fixed the shitty filters from places like new atlantis and made blacks more prevalent, the only choices are no luts which completely ruin titan/mars/mercury'd atmosphere, and the best alternative in Natural LUTs also sucks since it removes some of the gradient filters where they're actually good, like the aforementioned planets.
>one of the reasons why BG3 was so good was because they took a lot of feedback and fixed things during early access like how shit the early maps were
>Starfield is slowly improving in leaps and bounds after listening to user feedback on what needed to be fixed

Maybe more devs should just release in early access and listen to user feedback instead of keeping their heads down locked up for years.
It's impossible to make taiyo ships look good, there's absolutely no good tails for them and the one engine that looks decent on them is super shitty to work with structurally.
I wouldn't risk it, I'll take a shitty full finished game. If done right it's good, if done the scam way which is what mostly happens, that is pocketing the money, staying in early access for years and years with snail-pace updates and then at some point magically slap a 1.0 when it's blatantly unfinished the devs can go fuck themselves. Fucking bannerlord cockroaches.
Dont forget Star citizen
>nd thinking that maybe Bethesda was actually going to embrace the alternate start way of playing the game, instead of one forced tutorial area, we would have multiple locations to pick and different ways to acquire the first ship.
by the time these came out, there were Bethesda had stated multiple times how you start the game. You guys are so fucking dumb.
BG3 released BUGGIER and literally UNFINISHED after 3 YEARS of early access. My god, I wish you guys actually played the games you talk about. They are just NOW adding real endings to the game a whole year after the game was launched.

BG3 was buggier than Starfield and didn't even have proper endings upon release. AFTER 3 years of early access.

Meanwhile Starfield launched with a proper ending and a highly developed New Game+ that affected story and gameplay elements.
For that to work, they'd need enough of a dedicated fanbase worth improving the game in the first place. If no one is interested, then the devs won't be interest, hence why we're witnessing one of the greatest failures in gaming history right now with Concord.
The entire first act of BGS was finished and took about 40ish hours to complete, so the normies who dropped it never saw the ending. Starfield is still not finished and charge for post launch support.
Starfield released finished with an 80 hours of content for a first playthrough and innovative NG+ feature that added more handcrafted content. It is has proper mod tools, has had quests added to the game and will be getting it's first expansion this month.

BG3 is STILL missing endings and will never get any expansions or have real mod tools despite Larian doing some half assed shit to appease their slop eaters.

And the majority of starfield's post launch support has been free, you lying sack of shit.
/v/ brainrot is impossible to get rid off. Misinformation and literal lies will always take precedence over facts, simply because they get a bigger reaction and stick to everyone’s minds.

People still bitch about Starfield’s characters not having faces as “detailed” as BG3 and RDR2. I mean, duh, obviously? Larian and Rockstar face-scanned their actors, and outside of cutscenes, BG3 and RDR2 characters use basic facial animations. Meanwhile Bethesda innovated with actual emotions for their completely native NPCs, you can see a multitude of emotions that you can’t find in any other game.
Bethesda needs to stop piecemealing and charging for single quests. It sets a horrible precedent no matter how good Escape and Vulture is. The quests expand the universe and entices new gamers to try out an expanded starfield. I understand that they needed to make money but Bethesda should be happy about people buying the game later on with an improved reputation of the game and retroactively making money off cosmetic weapons, plushies ornaments rather than selling quests one by one.
I know, I don't even hate BG3. I bought the game in early access and played it for 3 years and then played it upon release. Overall, the game is a disappointment due to the wasted potential with regards to the rules they used for the combat, the writing, characters, and massive amounts of incomplete content that was promised and never delivered.

Honestly, Sven is a great "face" of the company but I think he terrible at management.
the actual improvements to the game (vastly improved lighting, better performance, many QOL features, buggy) are free.

and the fact that the quests are PAID is why they are able to do them inbetween the major expansions.
KYS, corpo cocksucker. You really think they could only improve the game by putting some quests up for sale? You are underage.
read, bitch. i literally said most of the improvements to the game have been FREE.
I might forget about Star citizen because I am confident that Yandere Simulator will finish first.

You know how I feel about it? I love it, like in fallout 4 and Skyrim. Know why? Because it's so easy to pirate. Literally install like a mod, done, game can't even tell the difference. Free new stuff for me. If you're too retarded and can't do it, you will get the inevitable anniversary editions with all the bethesda created content for a few bucks in a few years, which seems to be the new meta.
you can pirate the whole game as well as the paid quests. i have no idea what that person is talking about. it's impossible to have any reasonable discussion about this game sometimes.
Some people are a lost cause
Wow that person is sure mad at starfield
there are just like 8 types of coffee machines in this game for no reason with their own unique models. Got to hand it to Todd he somehow god indian 3d modellers to make shit ton of high quality assets.
Did you even read the credits, and see the names of the asset and model artists?
oops nevermind, looks like all the assets were created in house. my bad. still, point still stands an insane amount of highly detailed assets created by such a relatively small team.
>here's some useless shit
>STILL no unique weapons despite how much people hate it and bitch about it

I want to punch Todd to be honest.
we're lying about their being no unique weapons in the game now?
There are unqiues. Some have their own skins too
Unfortunately half of them aren't level scaled making them pretty shit on NG. For example I got Street Sweeper, a unique skin kraken from a neon quest. But I got it st level 40 and it didn't scale with me in quality so useless
Ng+ I believe they will. There are also uniques that WILL be of your level when you get them
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My favourite skin is ember. Unfortunately the solstice is in a weird balance position
what if starfield replaced concord in the Secret Level Anthology series
they modeled every individual card of deck of playing cards. they must have really enjoyed their jobs.
As a verified creator, how horny can I make my mods?
type "filter" in the creation search menu.
did they fix the weapon damager/ammo amount issues since release? I played at launch and ended up turning on infinite ammo since it took so long to kill random grunts.
>>download legendary vendors for 100 bethbucks
>regular vendors pretty cool, makes some of their existing weapons or armour legendaries
>go to weapon seller
>weapons: 148
todd is so generous.
I did not really expect them to go for the multiple starts path, hoped for it, but I already knew they were going for the usual tutorial area stuff.

I just hoped they would actually pick a better location for the tutorial area, when the first gameplay footage came out, people laughed a lot about how lifeless and boring the entire thing was with washed out colors, walls of grey rock and nothing interesting going on. I think Akila city was the one most mocked back then.

And when the game finally came out, you reach the rooftop of that first tutorial area, and yep, still the same place people mocked relentless back then, boring colorless planet with featureless rock walls blocking any cool view you could get from the top of the POI.

And that's a shame, because this game can look truly stunning sometimes, most of my loading screens are just my characters standing on top of some POI and admiring a beautiful sunset or some planet drifting in the sky. And sometimes people post some webm or pics of truly fantastic views here.

I feel like a more beautiful starting location could have got people excited to explore and find similar cool looking places in the galaxy.
when the leaks happened people were not mocking the look of the planet most were surprised at how good the third person animations looked.

honesty, this sounds very low IQ. being angry at a game for not starting in an area with pretty colors. especially when they showed off many, many varied biomes in the games' advertising.

you really care about the stupidest things and make discussing this game a pain in this thread.
Would be welcome but I always thought of Starfield adaption to be live action with slow pace in each episode. Whereas Secret Level would be packed with action.
Is that an alternative route or?
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>be me, Sam Coe, a Constellation Explorer
>yes, I’m an actual Coe, but that’s irrelevant
>latest member of my club, goes by the name of John Starfield, just joined the Freestar Rangers and has business with Ron Hope
>Mr. Hope welcomes us, sits on an armchair, and rests his legs on an ottoman, and does a motion with his hand towards his boots
>the Hopetown resident Ranger and I get the hint, then begin to lick one of his already squeaky-clean boots even cleaner, and thank him for the opportunity
>Mr. Hope tells John to go on and lick his other boot
>John just tells Mr. Hope to “go fuck himself”, gives him a black eye, and forces him to eat his own hat, much to our shock and rage
>after the meeting, I gave a piece of my mind to John, made it very clear I’m upset, and chastised him for not knowing how things work in Freestar space
>out of spite, he blew up the resident Ranger’s ship, pirated a dozen Freestar cargo ships, sold one of the Akila Core houses to a Neon corpo, kills the entirety of a Neon gang (much to the dismay of Neon’s Ranger), and sabotages the best beer brand in all of Akila
>despite all that, the Marshal made him a Ranger anyway

Be honest, /stag/. We should kick him out of Constellation, right? Sure, we already have an ex-pirate and a Va’ruun spy in our explorers club, but John? He represents everything I’m personally against. He won’t even respect our culture of letting gangsters exist and polishing the boots of our corporate benefactors.
I get where you are coming from but let's say Vae Victis ordered John to lick his boots. You would absolutely do that, 0 hesitation.
eh, I was thinking not live action but cgi made by Blur studios. And the episodes are supposed to be hour long I think. Which is perfect to tell slower paced story.
I rushed the main plot early so I never really spent time with him before he died.
Yeah. On the PC in the cave there's a master lock that tells you he's planning an assassination in hopetown. You go there and he ambushes you on the roof with a squad. Kill them and down him and that's literally the quest over
I was left WTF. I paid 8 dollars for that?? The free quest was better. Does the proper route have any length to it??
>Does the proper route have any length to it??
yeah, it's longer.
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I think I'm going to work on a mobile computer that has a lot of functionality.
Really strange how they handled it. It's not unheard of for players to have master unlocking when they hit this & the optional objective from this seems urgent af. Its a quicker alternate ending to a quest already not that long (long enough mind),- just not a good idea for a paid quest, most people did this route and its incredibly unfulfilling lol, hence the backlash
It was overpriced too but Escape! Was fantastic
Oh crap I forgot StarUI got abandoned, that's gonna make coming back to the game for the dlc suck ass.
This may be an unpopular opinion, but the solstice is probably my favorite weapon design in starfield. It seems utilitarian in a way that fits for a laser weapon and the plastic parts actually works well for me for a shitty mass produced starting pistol (which is odd because the plastic box laser rifle from fallout was my least favorite weapon.) It killed me when I first started out because I sunk almost all my combat perks into pistols and lasers and it still wasn’t usable.
It feels like they wanted to have that as an optional starborn dialogue so you could just skip straight to the end so you could grab the weapon. Has any of their post-launch content used NG+ features? I wonder if that’s hard to add that functionality into quests.
Just did, only got the color filter removal which is also bad for planets that are meant to be dusty (mars) or have chemical atmospheres (titan).
Uploading creations to Xbox is so weird, I dont understand why it wont let me. Invalid platform.dds files.
Is it unpopular? I dig the design and the ammo count. Its just unfortunate it's not a great pistol later on
>making it fully auto drops damage by 2/3rds, but only changes fire rate from 25 to 40
>meanwhile binary trigger go brr
>magpistol fully auto go pzzz
VV isn’t that arrogant, he respects anyone who doesn’t consider Freestars “people”.
Did emil write vae victis?
How did he do it?
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>consider Freestars “people”.
but they arent???
Not even his boot, ask /stag/ to suck Vae's dick and they'll do that guaranteed
I dunno I think the design is kind of retarded, the lens/focusing assembly shouldn't be part of the battery, that's fucking dumb
>Vae Victis: “Congratulations for figuring out everything, Captain. Now you and my daughter get to enjoy Class One citizenship, free Chunks for life, 10% discounts on everything in the UC, a high-rise penthouse to freely spit on all the peasants, and more, all thanks to my plan. All I ask that you don’t sell me out (optional), because you’re the one in the position of power here.”
>Ron Cope: “Yes, you caught me red-handed, BUUUUUT… I’ll give you 20K credits, and then you can fuck off. No? Okay, um, I’ll pay reparations to the families I sorta maybe kinda killed. Still no? Alright, how about uh, you just go away, or my security here will kill you… N-no? F-fine, you… you asked f-for it! Your special protagonist plot armor won’t save yo- ACK!”
Ron ruins lives for profit, Vae sacrificed people to end a war.
I'm still waiting for him to realize Cora has no blood relation to him.
new wickedwind video incoming
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What's her endgame?
Becoming my wife
Guys, how do I stop Akila City guards from attacking me every time I visit the place? They open fire for literally no reason.
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Why stop it?
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yep, that's how I've always seen it. the only time I ever spent money on them, back when they were still launching stuff for Fallout 4, was to upload and share them with the general.
It just gets annoying, y’know? I just want to do some shopping in peace, but then a guard points a gun at me, and rants for five minutes straight about some bullshit they claim I did.
To get me rock hard (already accomplished)
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Average /stag/ poster
>automatic Equinox's fire rate goes up to 180 but damage gets multiplied by 0.24, maxing at 21 damage
>automatic Solstice's fire rate goes up to 40 and damage gets multiplied by 0.3, maxing at 26 damage

the balancing is all over the place. I'm glad we're able to fix it now.
Why can't we get a house in Cydonia? I love that shithole unironically.
Literally me at age 32. I'm so tired of it all bros...
Don't worry. You still got us and Starfield.
please spoil xenomorphs, they scare me
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Bros, I figured out who the creator of the Unity is!
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It should have been Phil Hill, and he tells you he creates universes for fun. He has no idea what his purpose is other than to create universes. Then he tells you to touch one he's created and your screen fades out. You awake cold and confused to a voice: you, you're finally awake...
don't worry, I'm 4 months out from 35. we're in this together, anon, /stag/ is our unity.
lol I'll be 35 next month myself
I'm 41.
We're all getting old
caught you and that horse thief trying to cross the border from cyrodiil
So it just switches her from FtM to MtF?
>Creates universes
>Encourages humans to live and colonize them
I always knew Phill Hill was a good guy.
I'm 55
Oh wow it's literally you >>493293523
If you open up the folder that has the LUTS in them you can enable/disable them by adding them/removing them from the folder.
I've been going through and enabling the ones I do like and having no LUTS for the ones I don't like.
I'm sorry but Larian's early access method of beta testing usually ends up with a really well polished first act that falls off a cliff quality wise immediately afterwards. That's now happened with DOS2 and BG3.
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>“John Starfield, we’re SICK of your mass murdering ways. Next time we arrive at port, we’re all leaving!”
>“Wait, why are you building the Armillary now? Hold on, but what about your unpaid 4.3 million credits Freestar bount-!”
Sarah’s canonical boyfriend
Holy shit I must be the only person under 30 who plays this game
>sometimes you wanna go
>where everybody knows your name
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prepared to be bullied
I'm 23
The washed out look of this webm makes me think of Bitter Sweet Symphony for some reason
Yes, it's due to HDR recording not translating unfortunately but good to know
I prefer to use particle and EM weapons pretty much exclusively, and never got much use out of the third slot. This run I put the turrets that come stock on the Narwhal on my ship and they're actually pretty good with one facing each side other than the front. Since I never use the third slot anyway they help a lot with 1v3 or more situations (i.e almost every fight) because they break shields or even kill lower level shitter ships while I focus on my target, and at the same time they're not so powerful that they delete anything I want to board.
I don’t know why, but a feeling of melancholy swoops down over me after each Unity jump. Melancholy might not even be the right word, I feel kind of down, yet also dismissive and indifferent, and also somehow empathetic and compliant. I don’t understand it.

>“Hey buddy, your suit and ship freak me out, just keep your visit short and go away.”
Yes, officer. I usually tell you to go fuck yourself, but I understand, I’ll be out of your hair soon.
>“Ugh, thank God your weird ship’s clean, having nests of heatleeches came into fashion amongst pilots recently.”
Yeah, I wish you the best of luck with that. You’ll need it, bud.
>“Oh wowee, you’re like, the closest thing to an alien I’ve seen and stuff! Can I follow you around? Scan you? Maybe, take tissue samples?”
I’ll just… forget you exist, even as you breath my neck, Noel.
>“I appreciate you finding and protecting us, Starborn. With that said, I’m still wary of you, considering you know all our deepest and darkest secrets without even knowing you. Still, I hope I can still help, but I ask for some distance, for your sake and mine.”
Sure, Sarah, as you wish. Usually I roll my eyes, when you say stuff like that, but I miss it already, strangely enough.
very cool song by The Rolling Stones
Toddimus Anthony Hwoarang!!!
I get it. I don't really like playing the main quest, but I appreciate very much how well done the Unity is and I think that's a common sentiment.
I feel the same way every time I actually bother to go through it. The creator avatar itself feels slightly off, like it was designed in-universe to be nonthreatening rather than actually being nonthreatening - it has a wax mannequin crossed with an animatronic sort of feel. Then you get told, after murdering your way through an entire military base, how your actions will affect the world you leave - and once you leave, you arrive to silence, wearing a suit and piloting a ship that have been sanded down to a cold efficiency. No one is there to greet you and nothing you have any sentimental value for remains.
Bittersweet is the word that you're looking for.
test 2
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31-year-old boomer reporting in
Shitty armour aside I bet this looks good on your HDR screen. Just looks incredibly grey and washed out here.
yeah will have to try switching how it records
I do think kyrozet did a better mantis replacement
Zone Mantis was a miss. KZ still has the best lewd suit to this day (operative suit)
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I haven't seen any good new or even re-modeled suits yet, most of the stuff coming out is always painted completely black which is lazy.
Ruthie from the Special Poetry Slam looking pretty good
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you guys are going to get bullied so hard once we stretch, get some coffee, and take our medication
starborn integration for shattering space means even unity settlers will want another jump
more like FLATFUCK. look how flat that thing is. it's a total flatapus, a colossal flatty, a rotund flatass.
Money and blood for the blood gods.
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FL is weird. I see the Oscar Mayer weinermobile 3x's per week and this black guy in front of the courthouse downtown 5x's per week with shit like this on his car and trailer..
Typical. Can't wait for GTA6.
Every preconceived notion that you have about Floridian's is 120% true. We have dinosaurs, sharks, hurricanes and yankees. We could declare ourselves an autonomous nation tomorrow and there wouldn't be a damn thing anyone in the world could do about it.
I'm 28 but I have the body of a 50 year old
What’s your favourite aspect of the game?
For me it’s going to random planets and walking around to see what strange stuff I find. I’ll bounce around between poi’s for hours.
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Go to random planet, wander around, kill loot return. I wish the generation was craazier and the game was 3D modded Starbound (Frackin Universe, Arcana, etc)
Shooting and building things
Proc gen dungeons
It's happening
the advanced bridger is my gunfu.
I personally wish there was more mining role playing and activities.
Starfield's biggest problem is everything is fake and gay but procgen dungeons would do a lot to improve the game.
>Starfield's biggest problem is everything is fake and gay
nah, the interplanetary simulation is very real as is the physical size of the planets.
just daggerfall me up with some retarded cave system procgenning it's own ass
It's nice that Bethesda is listening and figuring out how to fix the game. I wonder if they got a list of stuff they are planning to add in Starfield.
Lack of grit and sleaze, the seediest place in the galaxy has teletubies where everyone's high on fishpot and every woman wears a tin can or burka
No real morals at all, you can choose between science-worshipping yesman or misunderstood science-accepting yesman
Arbitrary "Factions" with a capital F that are solely a game contrivance
Racial demographics and accents with no discernible rhyme or reason. In The Expanse people from Mars are Indians with a Texan accent because of the factors that led to its colonization and independence. In Starfield Akila is just a random mishmash of cowboys of all ages, races, accents, backgrounds, sexual identities
Takes place in a complete dystopian shithole galaxy but we don't get to see any of it. No discrimination, the UC caste system just means you get a nicer apartment
Complete lack of attention to detail regarding things like 20 research labs on the same desolate world next to an artifact temple that defies physics that nobody knows or cares about
I could go on but in general it's all just fake and gay
The anticipation of something greater. A lot of people wanted this game to have a grounded normalfag experience, but I for one can't wait to see how deep the rabbit hole goes for the mystical aspects of this game with the Va'ruun and Starborn
I'm not entirely satisfied with my John Starfield of Constellation Frontier Mk II. I feel like it needs a little something. The interior is good enough and the ladder placement is perfect for me. i added a little color, but eh, still something is missing. any suggestions?
I suggest ensuring your screenshot is attached to your post next time
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picrel, didn't attach for whatever reason
ah, i know what youtuber you got your talking (false) talking points from.
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>I suggest ensuring your screenshot is attached to your post next time
yeah thanks asshole
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I didn't get my facts from any youtuber but ok
>mystical aspects
it's sci-fi, like classic sci-fi.
>a 40 second cinematic is better than a 6 second loading screen
Sci-fi is, and always has been, a different coat of paint for the same old classics of aesop's fables, mystical experiences, religious stories, etc.
yikes, you really can't skip that bullshit up top.
you just want more cursing, half naked hookers walking around, and stereotypical strung out drug users all over the place but want to seem smart by typing out all that bullshit.
I do too!
oh no nono small ship sisters
I think I've converted
it just feels right having a big ship with a full crew
Actually I'd prefer less cursing. The game thinks it's cool to say FUCK SHIT DAMN FUCK SHIT DAMN but wouldn't dare mention stringing up a tranny
Why do people think cursing=good
I prefer game stories to not have excessive cursing everywhere.
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It's "safe edgy" or something. You get to appear WILD without actually commenting on anything corporate big wigs would consider uncomfortable.
Some people are immature like that. The fact that the teletubbies triggered him says a lot.
Immature maturity. A lot of people out there think they're grown and want to feel grown, but don't know much about what it means to be a grown up beyond what they've seen in R rated movies, from constant use of sentence enhancers to sex and drug use.
I never saw the appeal to having lots of "grit" and "edge" in a game like this, the tone won't work. To tackle "serious" topics you need a heavily linear game with lots of bespoke animation work, which is the opposite of what Bethesda uses with the heavily open world and simulation elements. Not to mention the inevitable jank. Their formula only works when the tone stays at least somewhat goofy. This is why their one attempt at seriousness (the companion death) felt out of place and cringy. You can't really do it.
Of course you could do "goofy edge" like the gore and cannibalism in Fallout, but nothing serious. And I don't blame them for not wanting to lean on that all the time especially in something that's supposed to be set in the "real world" to some extent.
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All women (rather, body type 2s, which excludes at least two of the trannies) in the game have fridge bodies, no booba, ass is covered up, no cleavage. There's no strip clubs or prostitution, there's not even any sex; a person and they/them's "partner" are expecting a child. Booze and "chems" are ok though.
is there a lot of cursing in the game? i never noticed any at all
For Todd's sake, masturbate before you play video games.
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There's enough.
Not an argument.
>Not an argument.
No it's not. You're so smart for figuring that out.
There's cursing here and there, but it's not heavily used like in some teenager's newgrounds flash.
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he cute
hard to take anything seriously when you use trannies unironically
Someone post the series of notes where the guy writes ARGH as his dying words.
But it's not hard to take the game seriously when it has trannies unironically?
>there's not even any sex
There is, but only you and the constellation companions you've romanced are having it. Also grandma mentions stds, so those are apparently still a thing centuries from now.
STDs or STIs? STD is now considered problematic chud.
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>item resizes when dropped from inventory
I thought I'd have this finished tonight

I forgot what she said exactly, but it was STD related
Is it sex or is it two adults sitting up in bed with the covers on?
Sleep in bed, wake up with one of them in the bed followed by a suggestive comment
I have been waiting for someone to understand this joke for twenty years. You are the Chosen Starborn
When are they showing off shattered space? We haven’t seen any gameplay.
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Bayu just likes to larp as a final fantasy cosplay
Probably never? It's coming in 3 weeks
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They already did...to a select few people who went to Gamescom in Germany
cracks me up everytime
I fucking hate coomers so much they always have the worst takes
>wahhhh I can't masturbate to this video game!!!!!
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cute they/them
Once again this strawman rears its head instead of addressing the underlying argument: Starfield is fake and gay, and at no point is its world building believable. It lacks nuance, it lacks pathos, it lacks anything other than mediocrity and blandness.
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Nobody wants to address your argument because it's dumb and stems from horniness.
We're the star born
We're the new porn
Our kind is newborn
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Hehehe you have a horn
i havent seen any trannies
There's only one and she doesn't mention her gender
Off the top of my head: Body Type 1/2, Lane, Dani Garcia, Female clone of a man (FUCKING PRONOUNS)
was the leaked source code even utilized in the past two years or is Starbound's modding scene still basically dead like the game itself?
Starbound's modding scene has never been dead
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Sometimes I'm reminded how beautiful Starfield is as a game when I see the landscape and ships in the background.
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>buffed the bashing effect up to 10x bash damage
>added an effect to add bashing critical chance, set it to 100% to test it
>test it on Sarah
>400+ damage on hit
>she immediately gets downed

I may have over-tuned it a little bit
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I had way too many screenshots of temples and/or starborn ships, enemies, etc. Starfield is most notable when it's not nasapunk.
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yes I know the furries and other fetishists have found refuge for in it for at this point a decade but has the Modding scene changed even slightly with the source code out?
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Todd makes it really hard to defend him
Nice Donphan
is that a mecha companion or pilotable armor?
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Real HopeTech beaut right here
It's black Vasco
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neat, thanks Todd
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I kneel
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A cc companion bot
No kamala bratbot mods?
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haha get it? Sarah dislikes everything? fuck off, random Bethesda employee.
Sarah is probably the easiest one to impress and loves jokes. The others have much larger sticks up their anooses about things or are autistic (andreja)
why did this trigger you
No one shit talks my Sarah you hear me?
why did you ask him that? I don't like your tone
I need station building bros. I hope one day a Bethesda employee wakes up and realizes they can capitalize on space trucker autism from the X3/Freelancer/Eve Online crowd by going in more on the station and economy aspects of the game. It’d serve to make the actual space flight more useful too.
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starsim, they have an update adding mining lasers and gas mining in the bethesda qa pipeline too
keep an eye out for links in the thread ^_-

this would be amazing desu, more alien bosses and subterranean pirate hijinks would be cool too, picrel
It's up
There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who didn't put their faith in the science. Sarah hated that.
Did this rely on a mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/starfield/mods/4588 this one maybe
1. Still in my og universe
2. Vanwho?
3. Sarah passed away, don't speak of her
When I got confronted by The Vulture it made me chuckle thinking it was John starfield
Science should be questioned but the microbe proved to be harmless so there's no point in questioning it other than a personal agenda.
Yeah, I made this webm but I don't recommend using it due to how unbalanced it is.
Well no. They state they have no idea how it might mutate. Like all science of that kind you're shooting in the dark & gambling on odds, even if they're in your favour
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Worth a download solely because of the hairstyle.
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prove it
>They state they have no idea how it might mutate
And it didn't. The Unity said that.
Prove it.
That weird-looking fruit is my GFs celebrity crush and I just don't get it. He looks like he's from the same planet as post-bogging Anya Taylor-Joy
Your GF is a fujo. She watched him getting fucked in another movie.
The giraffe looking doofuses are cool and that's reason enough to me over some goofy ass microbe you can't even see
To counter: Just trust me bro.
Surprised no one's put a mod up on nexus that reverts the starborn fart death to the normal death animation (it exists)
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Y'know I never bothered to check to see if this area has a second mercury suit for you to loot
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Though it implies that the microbe might be the selfish option and the one that gives the UC more power.
But where's the evidence? This is just unsubstantiated claims by an unreliable source.
Whether The Unity is a reliable narrator or not is a different topic but this is the only evidence you'll ever get. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.
The only information you have when making the choice is The Science saying "trust me bro" with an experimental microbe that could have catastrophic consequences
It's hard to not trust The Unity. He looks just like me and he sounds.. peaceful. Therefore he must be correct, 100%
What kind of reasoning is this? You won't know that when you're character is deciding
Unity is the 2nd or maybe 3rd least trustwothy "person" in the game after the Emissary and Spacepope
I also trust The Hunter he's honest with his psychopathic tendencies.
tell me this isnt real
It's not but anon spent so much time editing it. They also said that he'll say a trans rights line but he doesn't
it's 100% real unfortunately
That mod has tons of 'hidden' lines of leftoid fagbabble in it up to and including 'Trans Rights'.
I hope varuun'kai is a good city with lots of trading etc. to make going back to it worthwhile
Need more cities
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It is real, but it's not Bethesda. It was one of the first paid mods to go up from a verified creator. I trust vidya players on 4chan are already savvy with modders and what they like to insert enough to be wary of paying, lol
Why would I pay for mods ever?
>frame switching quickly to a different line immediately
You are not fooling anyone
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me in the back (I'm a microbe)
Do you have and use the mod to confirm its fake?
what is this conspiracy? that video looks suspicious as fuck but also i dont trust mod authors not to do it, i learned my lesson with the ennead cloaks of skyrim author slipping a gay flag cloak in without mentioning it
Yes, I got it for free and such a line doesn't exist unless the author removed it in an update which is unlikely.

It's one thing to hate a modder but it's another thing to be a disingenuous faggot about them.
I hope it's good enough but not too good to the point where visiting Akila would be less rewarding
I looked through the dialogue in his follower quest and didn't see the quotes in question. seems fake as far as I can tell.
Pretty cool.
looks really cool but makes me dizzy
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Trying to find a good armor set
Don't be a meta whore and enjoy whatever looks good on you
>antixeno suit
there's too many armor sets in the game that should be the same base object with a different skin applied
That character is triggering my gaydar
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That sysdef armor looks good but the uniform looks awful.
>I never saw the appeal to having lots of "grit" and "edge" in a game like this, the tone won't work

Fallout New vegas managed to handle heavy emotional moments and serious topics, while using the same engine, animations, combat, character creation, and likely the same voice actors used in Fallout 3.

Morrowind had plenty of heavy stuff and weird moments, and that game was the darling of Todd for years.

Mass effect 1 had ps1 tier graphics, untold amounts of jank, terrible combat, and stiff animations far worse than Starfield. And yet that game still had great moments like rescuing the broken slave girl and hearing her narrate her time in slavery, or finding the Salarian organ harvesting scheme. And the companion death worked in Mass effect because the game forced you to chose who would die.

Mechanically, Bethesda is getting better with each game, Starfield shows many improvements over Fallout 4/Skryim. People don't give enough credit to how hard it is to make a open world game work, even CD Projekt stumbled and needed two years+anime+dlc to stop people from shitting relentless on Cyberpunk 2077.

Bethesda writing on the other hand, has been getting dumbed down and regressing since Morrowind. I cannot buy "the tone won't work" when Bethesda herself has done better and more mature stories than Starfield while using less resources. This game has actual newgame+ mechanics for you to undo any stupid decision, and yet you cannot do stuff like kill the board of directors in Paradiso. You can kill Caesar in New vegas, meanwhile, the all-powerful, universe jumping Starborn is forced to lick the boots of some shithead CEO because the writers cannot handle giving the player real agency.

Essential npcs is truly the most cursed mechanic to touch Bethesda. This thing only exist to ruin quest design and make writers lazy.
>barcodes as a fashion accessory
lmao, I guess it does suit the UC?
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Will Shen was supposed to save us from Emil...
Will Shen wrote the main quest and overviewed all quests in-game. Not that I have issues with the writing I actually think it's a rare attempt of Bethesda trying not to be pants-on heads retarded like Fallout 3
Agreed, but fortunately, that pack is modular. You can pick and choose. I didn't modify any of the clothing uniforms.
How could someone decide how realistic a planet is in the Sol system when we don't have real images of the surface?
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Kurt Kuhlmann getting fired and Will Shen suddenly leaving Bethesda is exactly the type of thing that happened when Bioware started bleeding good writers, the people who actually had passion and knew what they were doing got either fired for not bowing down to the investors, or they left after getting tired of getting fucked and ignored.
Kurt Kuhlmann wrote Fallout 4's minutemen
Wasn't Kuhlmann there since the start? maybe they just retired. Either way, the general story of starfield wasn't as bad as fallout 4's base story (which is dependent upon the twist and some unfortunate quest progression systems.) The biggest lack was of a well defined worldspace you could traverse and be comfy with. There's like dozens of big AAA games where you can get grit and sleaze. Not many where you are doing old school sci-fi stuff from before star wars.
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>fly into system right next to alpha centauri
>US ship hails me down and tells me to fuck off
>i ask why
>tells me the whole planet down there is a 'terrormorph containment zone"
>a fucking what
>land on the planet anyway, no resistance at all
>walk around abandonded shithole
>something invisible shifting around ahead of me
>takes my whole inventory full of mines, 7.77mm ammo and some grenades to kill
>almost died several times if it weren't for all the medpacs i stole
>thing could scream oneshot me from 20 meters away
>still not sure what the fuck it was
>get in my ship and leave
idk why people trashed this game it's getting kind of good
Oh man if you met the mind controlling variant.
yeah it was playing voices and shit when it screamed, my companion didn't even show up until after it was dead, did it mind control her?
I don't remember its ability to control companions but it can control normal other NPCs
He joined before Redguard. He and Kirkbride wrote 99% of all the important lore of TES.
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it up :o
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Buying this is tempting though I'm not sure if I'm gonna enjoy the mining gameplay loop.
>Starfield’s character backgrounds
>Face Sculptor gets literally no lines whatsoever, only comments from Lin, generic guards, and Ikande
>[NO FILE FOUND] gets only one line
>Ronin has one line, two if you take the Wanted trait
>Gangster gets 40 fucking lines, even more when paired with Neon Street Rat
I was disappointed that Space Scoundrel only has 18-something lines. It’s functionally the same as Gangster, but without any useless perks.
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gangsterbros... we won
FILE NOT FOUND shouldn't get any check. It's supposed to be a vague blankslate yet the game confirmed that it's someone who chose to forge their own path.
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>He's making dialogue checks
>He's speaking to NPCs
>He did a quest
Talk to me out of buying Spacetruk
You can get a free one from the Escape quest
>willingly signing up for a psychological experiment
My character is dumb not retarded
Speedy fighters with White Dwarf 3015 engines are much more fun to pilot.
They added this because everyone was meming it
Whoops, wrong image
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she cut
Bethesda has a lot of money, I dont know dont they just hire a group of good writers and then let Emil manage them. Let them write more quests. more characters and more stories to flesh things out. Creation engine is easy enough to add things too.
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Do you think Todd can just go to the store and pick up a good writer?
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>Loremaster for ESO
>expert on elder scroll lore
>left to become a writer for BG3
>won awards for his writing

Apparently great writers like him slip away while we have Emil stay on for years. Clearly Bethesda has a problem with hiring writers when there are award winning writers that love their work but arent hired.
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>the Starborn collectively hired Ecliptic to dig into the buried temple, because it’s THE one consistent temple in all of the universes
>said Starborn just straight up murder Ecliptic, the miners, and scientists they hired once the job is done
Any rational person who sees this should always, and I mean ALWAYS, treat the Starborn with contempt, and to never be trusted. There’s no moral choice other than killing both the Hunter and the Emissary, they’re in on it, too.
ESO writing is literal dogshit
It doesn't mean all Starborn do it, but some do, but you should kill both the Hunter and the Emissary.

The Hunter is right that anyone should be able to pursue the Unity without Starborn aggression, but his ways of going about it are obviously insane. The Emissary is an authoritarian cunt.
>The Hunter is right that anyone should be able to pursue the Unity without Starborn aggression
I wrote this in a really stupid way, I mean that there shouldn't be a Starborn institution to determine who has the right to achieve enlightenment or not. The Hunter regularly engages in aggression against those who seek the Unity.
>Temple Mu houses the most powerful ability in the game (Phased Time), something you never see any other Starborn use
>but some of the other Starborn have access to powers you can't use either
There will probably be some lore explanation for that
I want to be able to teleport like the others.
Starfield has a really good aesthetic for making industrial accident investigation videos.
It's called Hiring White.
depends on how much they weigh
>>the Starborn collectively hired Ecliptic
Wanted is the most lore-accurate trait, I knew it as soon as I reached that final temple
>>>>>>>>"bad writing"
Is there a more useless and overused term than this? It's beyond a meme
If I don’t like it, it’s bad writing, I know better than all the best critics in the industry. Here’s my suggestion on how to fix it:

>Fire the current writer and hire me, big dicked and big brained gigachad, instead
>*garbled up word salad that genuinely sounds worse than the game’s story*
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that is how you end up with something like Fallout London's Story. People were so excited to trip over their dicks calling it better than anything bethesda had ever done with the property they ignored how basic the the narrative was. Lmao you were the clone of the badguy all along.
Reddit still jacks off that mod saying its the best fallout ever. Not even just Beth they reach saying it's better than new vegas
yeah, well as a mod its really good. If it was a fallout story it would be atrocious lol. The fact that it got made and released in the year they said it would makes it a huge success. It's writing is mogged by Tamriel rebuilt on a biannual basis when they release a part of morrowind that is written without any overarching plot but just tightly designed narratives that encourage you to explore.

What starfield lacks is a messed up ginger waifu who you can get into shenanigans with and all the main characters are on the same side of the moral spectrum. Emil of all people wrote the character of Nick Valentine who is a wisecracking noir detective with a twist.
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I hope I don't somehow die before this comes out
I get the impression that if Va'ruun capture pirates on their homeworld they will killed in an ISIS style execution.
>main characters are on the same side of the moral spectrum
Is murder supposed to be the one constant in the moral spectrum? That’s the one thing they all draw a line at. Andreja has a problem with it because it harms Constellation, which in turn jeopardizes her new home and refuge in the club, Sam kinda does so as well.

Andreja thinks sacrificing Earth was worth it, and siding with the Hunter is a smart choice. Sam likes the Aceles because it’s easier for the FC to contribute to it, Andreja likes the Aceles because she just doesn’t trust microbes. Andreja likes it when you’re stingy and dislikes it when you’re generous, Sarah is the inverse, and Barrett matches your donations without question. Andreja likes threats and gung-ho attitudes, a bit too much, Sarah and Sam don’t, Barrett only comments if it’s too far.
Step into Unity:


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