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Trichads won Edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Lala Barina & Scarlet Forest Reveal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw
Next trailer at TGS, September 26th: https://www.capcom-games.com/tgs/en-uk/

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>492899349
I hate you people
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
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based OP
Based! I need to get back into Stories for all the hot kids there.
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Seikret-chan is so loyal
> Genprey
>Great Macao

Do we really need this much variety for "skinny shitmons that hunt in pack"?
Yes we do.
*aggressively morphs towards you*
I hope we get more
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Dead to shitmons
I've decided to main a new weapon and have narrowed it down to three options: lance, gunlance and charge blade. Thoughts on which one to go for? I'm playing World if that matters.
Burst fire spam Gunlance
because Tri, 3U, 4U, and GU were localized by Nintendo Treehouse and they've had actual Redditors working for them since the dawn of time, same reason why localization in Fire Emblem games is abysmal. you think she's endearing because you're on the wrong website
Do I need blood awakening on an element set?
We don't, everything above Maccao in that list should be permanently retired
charge blade
An extra 30 element for doing what you're going to do anyway ain't nothing to sneed at

Gunlance is very fun in LR/HR, but in MR its damage is balanced around wyrmstake which is a horrible upkeep minigame far worse than Clutch Claw wounding
Charge Blade is too on-rails. All your damage comes from (S)AEDs so most of the time you're just building towards that only to probably whiff or never get the opening to pull one off so it's left feeling lackluster

Lance is the perfect weapon in World and not even Iceborne could ruin it with gay super move spam. Every attack in its kit has a use case and pulling Lance off efficiently has a much higher skill floor than most other weapons
Longsword from the looks of it. Let me explain! Your choices suck and are wrong.

Lance is basically a parry/counter weapon which Longsword already is.
Gunlance is basically Lance with extra steps so use Longsword.
Charge Blade for the sweeping attacks which Longsword has and blast attacks that Gunlance has just refer to 2nd reason.
treehouse didn't start getting bad until well after tri thou
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yukumo chief tells me we are going to breed, i am obliged
Maybe, they are good for ecology reasons but bad for game & balance reasons. I don't know how to fix it or even if it's an issue. I would like them to be put in the spotlight of a spin off
Pick Charge Blade only if you want an easy time with most monsters only to get completely dumpstered by Furious Rajang and Fatalis
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Moga Sweetheart has millennial writing
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I love how players discovered that you can use the clutch claw shield stance to better guard specific powerful moves, like Shara's various beams. After all, the shield stance prevents pushback, so if the player here in this video just did a regular block, he'd get pushed into further tics of damage from the beam, whereas using the claw shield stance enables him to be completely stationary.
How do you get element exploit? You hope for a charm or gacha roll?
>but in MR its damage is balanced around wyrmstake
Doesn't Gunlance have higher DPS than Lance?
>has a much higher skill floor
What about ceiling?
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I main Lance and I was starting to think it was a pretty easy low skill weapon but the amount of people I've seen who permanently stay behind the shield, slowly crawling around and poking once every 3 minutes is staggering.
It's almost like she is an actual mi le nnial character by age and placement in context you chimpgenzee
No one cares about this shit, least of all in Monster Hunter
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this spirit bird shit is kinda ass
its really fucking funny to me how fivers complain about getting free max hp for no reason
itd be another thing if they limited the 100-150 cap behind birds, but 150-200? thats just to meet the demands of crutch skill players from world
Don't pick up longsword unless you want to flag yourself as a shitter.
Its for tards since the only three things you'll be doing is poke, hop and guard.
Its functionally Lance but you have more ways to deal damage than just poke. It's fun, but it is too clunky and slow for my tastes, personally.
>Charge Blade
It is incredibly complex but becomes second nature once you get into the flow of its gameplay. You'll be paying more attention to your weapon than the monster though because you have two forms, three buffs, phial charge and phial amount to consider. It's incredibly flashy though.
I remember struggling really bad on release using Lance vs Shara until I figure out you could sideways guard the big beam to push yourself out of it and only take 2 or 3 ticks of damage at most. I love how Lance being so slow and getting cucked by certain moves makes you really think outside the box to deal with certain attacks. Savage Jho with his pins is another one.

>Doesn't Gunlance have higher DPS than Lance?
Yes, but only when you adhere to the lame wyrmstake flowchart/upkeep. If you don't, Lance outdamages Gunlance
>What about ceiling?
I would say the skill floor and ceiling on Lance are very close. Once you've learned the weapon properly there isn't much more room for improvement. Exceptions would be stuff like the weird guard tech such as this >>492968471

You CAN beat most quests by doing that, it's very retard proof when performing at your worst, yeah it turns into one of the more complicated weapons if you want to actually perform well on it.
Ok doj
Lol case in point >>492968813
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my wife
I love huntresses
you've failed to accuse my actual posts for weeks now step your game up
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>he isn't a solo hunter
barbros.. why are we so short? I want to be bigger..
its really fucking funny to me how ricies defend an armor skill being removed from the game for the sake of collectible powerups
itd be another thing if health boost was still in and birds simply didn't stack with it, but flat out removing it? The definition of shameless
>You CAN beat most quests by doing that, it's very retard proof when performing at your worst, yeah it turns into one of the more complicated weapons if you want to actually perform well on it.
I think there's a point where you forget how it's like to play a weapon badly. At least for me controls for every weapon are kinda complex at first but become muscle memory after getting used to it.
what are you talking about
they'll even defend not being able to get 150 HP from max potions, only being able to get them from dango, these faggots hate monster hunter and only care about defending it for the sake of nintendo's reputation
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>he isn't a soles hunter
Which weapon requires the most skill?
sword and shield
>he isn't a hole hunter
there he is everyone
the rathian armor user
Or Rajang's mega slams.
When I first saw this many years ago, it kind of blew my mind.
>see Rajang preparing the mega pound
>do a quick poke
>then long hop back
>then guard dash back
>this creates just enough space to put you outside the hitbox of this attack and close enough to do a leaping thrust on his head
Been playing GS since mh3u. Played it for every game after exclusively with a dabble of hammer in there.
I just recently picked up lance in world and absolutely love it, but I feel like dogshit with it. Ive learned a lot of the essentials and can manipulate it for the most part, but i still eat shit when i miss a counter.
Should I even be running up and triple poking all the time, with backsteps or counter cancels to reset, or should i just be countering into pokes and the lunging pokes?
Feels like the dunning kruger effect has hit and im on the downswing of playing this weapon
easily one of the worst mechanics in any monhun game ever. What the FUCK were they thinking
(they werent)
are you the guy who said he never eats before hunts and drinks a max potion instead because it's a "humiliation ritual" otherwise
>mh world adds random critters laying around the map that you can interact with, most of them useless unless you're a bug collector
>rise expands upon this by incentivizing you to explore and look around the map for tangible lasting benefits in the context of the current hunt
>there are also ways to never manually seek one out yet still get it added passively if you're autistic and need bar fill up now
>midwits still harp on this as some killer talking point despite it highlighting their own ineptitude for needing the fucking birds to carry their ass
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>trying to carry a friend through late MR
>walled by raging brachy
>pick up hunting horn so i can make him immune to blast and stun
>after many failed attempts the weapon finally starts making sense to me
>realize all you had to do was let go of the analog stick
>long range head snipes are fun
>pulling off a full recital with impact echo waves is the most satisfying shit ever
>finally understand how rise completely mutilated this weapon beyond recognition
this is my public apology to Hunting Horn users
Rise Hunting Horn is better than World's.
>>rise expands upon this
Rise made it worse by turning the whole endemic life system into a gay bing bing wahoo 1-UP powerup only system. Ichinose looked at mario and said "WOW THATS WHAT MONSTER HUNTER NEEDS" and made Rise gay as fuck
So what you're saying is that you want things which are not Hunting the Monster, even tangentially.
Got it. Blacklisted; enjoy your ERP rooms.
but rise is so easy that this should literally be a non-issue tho?
guys who complain about being "forced" to pick up the spiribirds are the same guys who complain about wolfenstein's difficulty options calling you a baby for picking easy mode
Actually it is a big issue when casuals are able to clear quests they shouldn't be able to and also I accept your concession since you agreed that the power up system is awful and shouldn't be there
idk man, when i need the extra help i pick up birds
when i dont, i do not pick up the birds
where is the problem
>responding to a point nobody made
People are (rightfully) calling the mechanic garbage even in a vacuum
so...is it easy or is it hard?
it's too easy to do but not having max health makes your autism kick into overdrive?
stop picking easy mode
you are little baby boy!!! wahh wahh all I hear!!! fuck babies!!!
Stop being a pussy little bitch boy and play GS like a real man
>fuck babies!!!
Have tripedos finally gone too far?
You're braindamaged and can't follow a basic conversation. 50% of US adults have 5th grade reading skills so you're probably nonwhite and therefore I will now end this conversation.
>zinogre's blindspots that's been there since his inception (3P) like the 360 tailswipe blind spot and charge claw blind spot aren't there anymore and will hit you
What the hell did they do in rise
They ramped up the klassik sovl of course
lets all get our frustrations out in the lumu
well then let me ask again, why is this an issue?
if the game is too easy, why is not having max health an issue? especially when collecting the birds can be completely ignored?
pure slop
>can't roll attacks anymore with base iframes that you were able to roll easily in even gen 2/3 such as narga and rath tailswipes and arzuros claw swipes
HBG runs in Worldborne that use the special scope are funny as hell.

They made the game fun
skill issue
what the fuck were they thinking with this shit
go record yourself rolling through these attacks twice in a row with base iframes ill wait
The PS5 DEMO running absolute dog shit at 30fps kek
Ichinose's game
Ichinose's baby
it's between 2:22 and 5:22 AM on a Tuesday in the continental United States of America, my Jakartan friend
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i am in fact not going to do 3 separate hunts recording videos to try to prove a point to a whiny baby boy who's still crying about his skill issues because your opinion is not important enough to me to warrant that level of effort. It's not that important to anyone.
>the fact it started to stutter when too much shit happened
why are the hitboxes in Morld so dishonest? are the other MH games also this bad about it?
Why can't the PS5 run modern games for shit?
30fps in 2024 should be punishable offense
teo got quickscoped
i played world on a base ps4, I fear nothing
>Unsheathe Gunlance
>Upward thrust
>Downward slam
>Burst Fire
Ahh... such bliss.
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Same reason Itchynose nerfed Guard and Guard Up so that Guard is now a LV2 decoration and Guard Up now is split into three points (and doesn't even give you 100% damage reduction against unblockables anymore). To get you to use bing counters/parries more.
Same reason he made the default side/back/front hop distances tinier. To get you to use bing-related mobility tools more.
Same reason he made it so that Max Potions/Ancient Potions no longer max out your health and stamina bars. And the same reason Nutrients and Mega Nutrients aren't in the game. To get you to collect bing shit around the map.
I dunno, have you played them?
Co-op still as clunky as ever where players skip move
>the guy bitching about max potions is an autistic lancel
You people (I use the term loosely) ought to be put in some sort of institution
Not to be studied, just forgotten about entirely
No that's only a Morlod thing and no other MH game has ever had bad hitboxes
I'd kms before I play this disgrace of a mh game on its own terms
Snoyfags are not going to have a fun time playing alone on their bing machine.
The same reason why PC hardware is going obsolete faster than ever. Due to shit like DLSS most devs genuinely don't bother optimizing their shit anymore. They figure better hardware is around the corner and if people want 60 FPS they'll use DLSS/FSR and just crank those from quality to balanced or performance mode and get their frames. So they can have their epic raytraced screenshots for press releases and streamers are all using the highest end shit anyway so it'll look good. Also people playing on PS5 genuinely don't care if a game is a slideshow, they've been dealing with that since the PS1 days and are fine with that as long as they're playing a Sony product.
Wilds has crossplay lol
That's why
>PS5 gpu is equivalent to 2070 super
>only have 1070ti
Yep. I get to play this bad boy on low at 45fps.
Yeah, those skirts are pretty distracting
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Wait a cotton pickin minute
How are they gonna do that? Pc players at 60fps and Snoyfags at 30fps.
No wonder the co op skipping is so fucking shit then.
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>people begged for crossplay
>now have to deal with snoys teleporting everywhere and looking like the monster activated some kind of pharaoh's curse on them whenever their epic gamebox falls down to 12 FPS
Are you retarded
and they told me Treehouse was bad
So the votes are:
2 Longsword (wasn't even a listed option ffs)
1 Gunlance
2 Lance
2-2.5 for Charge Blade

I guess it's off to the training room for me. I hope CB isn't too much of a pain in the ass to learn.
>shits up the threads
>shits up the rooms
>shits up the hunts
Nowhere is safe anymore
>pctrannies with terminal HRT and porn addiction brainrot think mismatching FPS causes netplay issues
holy shit are these /v/ tourists?
sirs i am doing the huntful please waiting with your yes big booby womna girl character ok
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Shiiiiet, do I stick with my Wide 6 Safi GL with Zorah Essence or move to Rage Brachy GL for the Wide 7?
Feels like giving up the Zorah Essence is kind of a big deal for my set bonuses.
>why wide
Because I don't want to fullburst, I want to shell
Life is more than just slaplancing around
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>cross play: off
>but i still eat shit when i miss a counter.
If you countered too early or in the wrong direction, you need to press evade to enter power guard. This let's you either extend your guard or quickly change the way you're facing and attack the monster. If you countered too late, then, well, git gud scrub.
Lightbreak Gunlance is always better
>Zorah Essence
What? Just use full brachy set or fatalis
If you are a consolefag I am not playing with you lol, straight kicked out of the lumu
Grow up, imagine still playing on a toaster
Have they said why they're only doing 4 person lobbies in Wilds when they wanted to copy World as a whole?
The lobby is the map. 4players max confirmed
>4players max confirmed
Kek they got rid of comfy soulful lobby shenanigans and grooming.

don't have fatty, I couldn't solo him before I quit the game a few years back, got burnt out
Don't like brachy's set, don't really like Agitator.
Right now my dumbass is wearing Safi/Zorah, haven't really thought of anything better.
Why do people's brains try so much to defend buying a 500 bucks box of no games?
They feel called out for their bullshit at any given point in time. I have never seen this happening with PCs, maybe because it's not a brand and the consumers aren't brainwashed to the point they defend the multibillion dollar company
I hate the gen alphoid buzzwords so god damn much.
Don't forget
>All this while they blast you with niggermusic, dog barking in the background and their abuela arguing with them to go to the bathroom because they shit themselves
>The occasional mewling faggot with rocks in his mouth and breathing heavy when he gets hit by a monster
>The faggot with the $10 mic that he spends the entire time chewing on
Its going to be hell
fr fr on god
>and grooming
Did they confirm that it's only 4 person lumus? World only had 16 person lobbies because of the the sieges.
why are the nintoddlers having such a big meltdown over snoys now
Don't act like you never harassed huntresses (male) in game before.
the only thing I have ever harassed anyone about is carting to a conga in 4U a decade ago
They're just playing it tactical
>These horrid takes
General full of retards that failed at life
The Snoys are Smalding
Schizophrenic and poor as well, sad state.
Snoy goes Bing
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mony melty
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Your photoshop skills are shit
true lol these snoys be buggin
Thank you.
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boolly monsters
fr these boys be snuggin on to the g
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Nurture monsters. But also bully monsters.
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>SOS is back
>You can pop SOS in offline mode to get NPC hunters
Fucking why...? WHY CAPCOM WHY?! SOS should NEVER fucking return! The whole point of even adding a lobby in the first place is FUCKING DEAD because of this.
I'm fucking TIRED of going into lobbies and seeing "Responding to SOS". I'M TIRED OF THE ANTISOCIAL CULTURE THAT THE SOS BRINGS. No more interactions in public rooms, and everybody plays the game with the mindset that if it's too hard, just call for help instead of actually overcoming the challenge yourself. It's fucking outrageous! Quest too hard and you don't want to even bother committing into communication? Just pop up that baby flare and let a bunch of randoms do the job for you and you don't even have to communicate with them! FUCK SOS!
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nowbros... we lost....
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Kek we are overtaking elden shit soon
you will never be a real country
oh gosh please don't kill him
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Just some behavioural reinforcement anon, do not worry.
>have to pay 30 dollars to be able to walk around a designated area and fight a shitty monster
Do mobilefags actually do this?
rampages started as fun but are kinda not fun at high rank
i fucking hate promordial malzeno
World has been hitting like 60k concurrent the past week.
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I have never paid a cent, I have a raid point right next to my home lmao
Out of all the old games, Tri is the one with the lowest playerbase, just because of 3U.
>cart 3 times
>999 instantly leaves the lobby
I failed you master...
not going to be so easy once you get put on a sex offender registry and prevented from being within 2km of public recreation spaces
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>cart three times
>am 999
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Will Wilds reach worldwide appeal and 20m sales within 10 days?
How do you even fail quests in world? You have access to an infinite number of farcasters and consumables.
sometimes I fail on purpose just to prove I can
>Korea is the only country where monkey wasn't top1
turkey if you call it a country and not a delicious meal
For some reason people feel attracted to Monkeys.
King Kong also does better than Godzilla in the box office. Not to mention planet of the apes.
Imagine MH with a Monkey Flagship monster.
Rajang turbo or some shit.
bring back flagships that aren't just powerlevel hypebeasts
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i would rate this manga 7/10
that's some projection, anon, do you have anything to share with the class?
Yeah it took itself too serious but the art was amazing.
Orage on the other hand is more comedic
I fail on purpose and screenshot it to win arguments online
The "going to different villages" format makes me want one with GU's locales even if there are a couple repeats
Hi. Is it okay if I play Rise still? Or is that a big epic no no?
you do you sister
Do you need to ask us for permission to take a piss too?
Yes. I'm a sub. I also play Gunner and main LBG if that helps.
I'm almost done with 3u and with this I completed all monhunt game
I would say 3u has the best world and progression and sunbreak is the most fun, only problem I had with risebreak is it's progression, game start very easy and introduce strong monster like magna so soon
>even if there are a couple repeats
Don't have to convince us that you love consooming rehashed slop bingbro
Learn English.
manliest risie btw
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>Cooler looking recitals
>More recital attacks
>Breakdance from Rise is still in AND it has a counter
100% gon be playing HH for Wilds. Glad that HH is moving towards a recital-focused playstyle rather than just mashing X+A and A.
but enough about MHFU
>play world at like 240fps with frame generation
>play rise at well over 300
>play GU on switch at 30
>immediate headache
bros... I want the SOVL but my eyes cant handle it
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sup nyaggas
trying out GL
shell damage can break parts and i get that
does it also count for tail cutting? there's just a threshold that can be breached with slashy atks right before the tail is lobbed off?
does the same logic applies to blunt damage?
Shells can cut tails, yes
whats warframe about?
>>play GU on switch
emulate it you retard
>breaking the law
Shells don't cut
Hammers don't cut
Wyvernstake does do cutting damage though
>do things not cutting count towards cutting
how does the boot taste?
Like monster hunter?
Gonna have to wait for the demo to get a proper opinion on it. If they fuck up the balancing between attack commitment and damage it might be another case of dry firing recitals to do damage instead of normal attacks or some dumb shit.
mecha/power armor with hyper grinding
> what look like
don't bother, they added a preggo one and it looks awful
>Lavasioth made it to new gen but plesioth didn't
How does this make you feel?
worse than monhun.
I'm going to download 100 copies of GU when it's not on sale so nintendo loses 60,000 dollars
Is there any downside to completely filtering fextralife from my google search results
feels great, hope that huge shitmon stays dead without underwater. Literal guns or big sword only nigger
Nope. Block that shit ass website.
Can I play alone or is it more multiplayer bs?
MMO-like raids need 16 people
What if they bring back tuna size plesioth that you can fish but not fight
You could have googled all of this you triple nigger
Just bought GU since its on sale.
Is this the good MH people keep talking about?
no thats 4U
It's a pain in the ass solo.
don't it's a massive time sink, to the point it's unhealthy, original devs fucked off and the game is worse off than it was a decade ago but with more content, studio only pump out content to continuously leech off canadian gibs
not going into details cuz off topic, but don't
>320 hours in
>I'm still HR rank 7
it's not worth it bro
Fucking how? Do you complete every single quest as it becomes available several times or what?
I've got 50 minutes per quest so I'm gonna gather mushrooms for 50 minutes
which MH game is the best game?
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>/mhg/ fetishes, visualised
mh4u --------> world ------------------------> rise
No, I did all of village, the first 5 hub levels with a little bit of >>492978681 grinding in each map for materials as prowler & gathering sets
such a funny post anon!
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tits ass feet wiggler huntress
Post game Wilds should let you become a Guild Knight, hunting down human hunters. That's how you get decos/charms/whatever the fuck they make us farm this time.
oh my god THIS THIS THIS
meant for >>492967102
>tfw GS is fun
>have to hunt /mhg/ regulars for the meta drops
Why are you killing and what for?
>try to make hot character
>make them look like a retard instead
>> Genprey
>>Great Macao
Hunting all the choco and offering to not take their autistic decos in exchange for paizuri
out fucking skilled
How do I dos Lance?
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>farming firestone in mh4u
You play Gunlance
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>spookie intox groomed a minor
>is also a tranny
>and an ESL
What the fuck is wrong with World fags?
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>Any last words Nargacuga?
Wilds story will reveal to post game hunters that all hunts were not correctly sanctioned, and you did irreversible damage to the ecology like in World but many times worse. You are exempt from punishment because of your hunting prowess shown by defeating whatever last boss, but in exchange you must work as a shamed guild knight, hunting down hunters doing unsanctioned hunts (other oblivious players).
Why am I so bad and why cant I get better?
I don't know when to use GS tackle or sideslap, I feel like my GS playstyle is fuckinh stuck in FU times.
Use your head.
stop mashing
Instead of sniping for opening you stay in charging limbo forever and tackle through every monsters attack until like you feel there's an opening for TCS
Not sure what you mean about the sideslap
Multiple possible reasons
1. you are too old and didn't develop a good-at-vidya foundation
2. you do not have any innate talent for MH and need more practice
3. you are oblivious to your faults and need someone else to point out to you what you're doing wrong
4. you are not looking at your own gameplay and criticizing yourself enough
5. you are playing with crutches that develop bad habits, like followers/cats
The way I got really gud was by constantly challenging myself in autistic ways such as doing the whole LR + HR GU story in starting armor without upgrading it
Record and post gameplay and I will give you constructive criticism
>attack about to hit you while you're charging
>want to quickly skip to TCS but don't have slinger ammo
>charging to attack monster but it moved and now you need to go over there right now
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Echo is surprisingly pretty gangster on stunning shit
I've made Teostra cancel its nova with a timed echo
I've seen one absolute KING stun Safi Jiiva out of Sapphire of the Emperor with it

I haven't played HH in Rise. And I'm not going to, once I heard Echo Wave is not a thing there
>start playing rise
Bros, I want to bang the twins
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>he cares about performance to an autistic degree
>shuns others online for making suboptimal set choices
>but doesn't use a bowgun
Pathetic, yet common
Are there any good CB guides you would recommend to learn the weapon? Is my plan just to charge phials and savage/SAED when appropriate?
Make sure to use the backwards overhead swing too, it feels really good when you smack a monster with that
that's different because using ranged means you're not playing the game at all
mental gymnastics. It's the best, why arent you using it?
I'll never understand the autistic meltdown about this. It's like these retards love being constrained by devs oversight and then go around it by coping and damage maxxing by using the same unfun moves in their weapon kit.
At this point get a mod to fix your shitty weapon but nooooo that's cheaaaaaaating.
If you optimize for damage to the point the monster is barely moving, you're not playing the game either
because I want to fight with monsters in the most optimal and engaging way and not sit at range making them my bitch while they can't fight back
>If you optimize for damage to the point the monster is barely moving, you're not playing the game either
you're right that's why TA shit is not playing the game either most of the time
The best guide is playing the game itself, but https://mhchargeblade.net/mhw/guide/ comes to mind
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>I won't throw it, Sam
>the Ring is mine
>I want to fight with monsters in the most optimal way
god rise is so fucking ugly
that's not fighting with them, the monster cant interact with you when ranging, and if they do it's only at 5% of the complexity as when combatting them in melee
There is none once you get down all the controls and shortcuts

Getting through all the controls and having a firm grasp on it is where a lot of people give up
They don't realize that the weapon is stupidly versatile once you get the base moves
High floor. But the ceiling after that is just monster knowledge
so all modern warfare isnt fighting?
show me your fatalis TA rules proofs or shut the fuck up faggot
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>explore map
>go to a remote corner
>only thing of notice is a fishing spot
>Doj already switched to pretending he’s new to Rise
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>Ayayai. We aren't in Mehico anymore...
we're talking about a videogame go touch grass virgin
what gameu
both attack buttons twice brings out S/AED
what kinda monster are you planning on fighting?
World. I'm just trying to learn the weapon for now and then I'll try it against Nerg or one of the other elder dragons.
has it reached a spreadsheet levels of samefagging?
Got that fucking egg around 11, had to walk the entire way. These dangos better be good or I'll whip the dango girl in public.

Here's your Mexico, it's hot as hell, and there's barely any life out here.
I hate deserts.
i accept your concession, faggot
huh? whats wrong? im just being optimal using tools provided to me in the game
How's the switch axe in 3G?
Reload sword
Whats more fun, SA, GS or CB
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Can't we all just be nice and get along with each other?
Wait so Power Guard INCREASES the chip I receive? What bullshit is that?
How should I block a "big" incoming attack like Rajang rage dunk?
hop out of it probably
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Fuck you faggot
pretty sure power guard trades chips for stamina so you don't get fucked over by many many attacks at once. I think fatty's cinematic fire cone is one example to use it for because it would 100% kill you otherwise
SA > CB > GS, it depends on the game but SA reigns supreme in all of them
You slot in Guard Up, or ideally sheathe and dive away. Power Guard's increased chip is a price for omni-directional blocking, no stamina consumption during the actual blocking, and a near-guarantee that you'll be able to counter-attack
If you have guard and guard up just regular shield the cone. You take way more damage power guarding that.
Power Guard has a few benefits:

1. Attacks that hit you during the Power Guard don't consume stamina. Good for dealing with multi-hit moves that would have shredded your stamina bar if you just blocked.
2. It allows you to readjust your attack 360 degrees.
3. You can go from Power Guard into the counter thrust, your dash attack or leaping thrust

>How should I block a "big" incoming attack like Rajang rage dunk?
Good weapon movement. See >>492969527
Anyone here played Rise and finished it?
no one here plays monster hunter
well damn, I remember seeing it in a video for something. Maybe it was for a behemoth attack instead
rise isn't monster hunter thougheverbeit
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I got bored of MHW after reaching Iceborne after 99.5 hours.
Master Rank monsters had too much HP and took too long to kill.
I took longer time to kill a Pukei Puikei compared to Kushala and Xenojiiva.

The Coral Highlands and Rotten Vale reminded me of Made in Abyss
The Clutch Claw reminded me of Attack on Titan.
Weapons needing to be sharpened reminded me of Dark Souls 2 (non-SOFTS) where durability was tied to the frame rate.
Hunger reminded me of Dungeon Meishi but it didn't feel as important.
Monsters respawning after you kill or capture them reminded me of the dungeon system in Dungeon no Naka no Hito.
The Xenjivva reminded of Jakiro from Dota 2.
I swapped from the Hammer to the Bow after getting filtered by the Anjanath, then to the Dual Blades because /mhg/ said that I didn't beat the game, then to the Long Sword and now I'm using the Lance.
why isn't hunting horn a rhythm game? many are asking this.
rise as in the base game? yeah it was terrible. still haven't finished sunbreak because its not much better,
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OK, so you got bored of MHW. Will you ever get bored of this copypasta?
I've not only finished, I've beaten all the content including all Hazard and Risen mon. Really poopoo game
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I get one shotted by the viper tobi
Yeah the last boss is gasmagasm. he wants to get out of his hole but you stuff him back in.
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Give me attention.
Vigor check failed
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1. I am getting a bit old, and could use some more reation time. The game is slow as shit, but sometimes between being commited to something and the monster starting to atk, the window I have to react once recovered is very short. Stuff like that feels like BS when it happens but going back and rewatching it I can see the couple of frames I had.
2. I really dont have innate monhun talent, and it just hasn't clicked. Im stuck ei ther doing 30min hunts or playing aggressively enough to do 15mins but quadruple my chances of carting out.
3. I notice a lot of my faults, I just dk what to do about them. Like, when Im up and meleeing a mons legs and most of it is off screen, making it really hard to see which atk he is winding up because the parts of him on screen look like theyre idling. Then mons like rajang I just DK how to constantly atk becasue his atks start and land during my windups and Im kinda just stuck chasing him around like a retard for 30mins trying to get in 50dmg pokes after each of his atks that nearly 1 shot me.
4. I am, but its a lot easier to watch and critique, point out where I stumpled, and how I shouldve done certain deeds better. When I enter the arena, face marred by dust and sweat and blood, I err coming up short time and time again. I know there's no effort without error and shortcoming, but I'm still enthusiastic, and devoted to a worthy hunt. My worst hunts are ones where I know that I at least failed while daring greatly, so I know my place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who mod in drops and cheat weapon, neither knowing true victory or defeat.
5. Yeah, I play with my palico. Lately she's been fucking dead weight because none of the stuff I have slotted on here works against the shit Im hunting and too lazy to change it because I just dont care about it. Ive probably developed a lot of bad habits from palico and multiplayer.

Would post some footy but people just make fun of me and call me a shitter.
Who would win in a fight, Rajang or Rajang?
IDK, but I'm definitely triple carting
being this bad is a skill, get a job as a QA failure tester.
I dropped world because it had heavy western game impostor syndrome
What weapon and post the clip you coward.
Maybe it's time to retire from gaming and get a real hobby like knitting.
>World too western
>Rise too Japanese
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I just want to know if whatever the fuck this is is ever explained.
It's an Umibozu in the shape of a giant snail
That implies it wasn't a western game at all and is just insecure about it's own talent, said talent being very impressive
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anja almost carted my ass a few times, even with endgame armor
good to know my skills have deteriorated this far
so this is the power of the REengine...
Yeah, but... can you fight it?
Zora Magdalos 2
>Lately she's been fucking dead weight
>too lazy to change it because I just dont care about it
You get what you put in. Mine does everything I need him to and he's probably a better hunter than I am
Nah it's just "lore" I guess. They're monsters in japanese folklore that destroy ships and spook sailors which is also why there's one in that map.
That's why I'm so surprised, it's a mythologically-accurate Umibozu, compared to how Monster Hunter's monsters are mostly original.
If Monster Hunter was easy, it would be called
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>Not Meowxico
You dishonored your ancestors
Yeah, but doesn't that mean that you didnt beat the game?
Actually I'm the first of my bloodline to play monster hunter and my bloodline also don't like puns so I haven't dishonored anyone
i cant beat hazard primal malzeno lol
filtered unironically
tfw I know those dishes are Saizeriya from memory alone
we say kek not lol
but wow is gey af
>first of my bloodline to play monster hunter
The last too, most likely.
>no new weapons
>every existing weapon has a braindead counter, auto dodge or armor move that bypasses positioning based gameplay
>every existing weapon has an even more bloated moveset when each weapon is already drowning in redundant filler moves you'd never EVER use
>all assets remade from scratch even for shit no one cares about like basic armor sets and generic monsters like rathian
>maps are even bigger than world but all the interesting gameplay components (slinger tools, endemic life, uneven terrain etc) are spread out further so it just wastes more of your time when you travel from point A to point B
>increased focus on story and cutscenes, full voice acting for every character even though no one cares
>years of dev wasted on completely useless things like detailed village NPC AI routines that adapt to the season and time of day
>almost certainly will have a small, padded monster/map selection due to the above, w e already know they're wasting resources on filler shitmons like le farty monkey
>most notable new gameplay addition is......................auto aim mode, and a mount that does the things the mounts in Iceborne and Rise already did
What killed the hype?
Are you off your schizo meds again?
Brother I'm already preordering the deluxe edition, you don't need to keep selling it.
tits too big
Weird groundless projection
What's /mhg/ favourite kind of donut/doughnut?
I really hate monsters. I hunt them because I hate them. Nothing makes me angrier than seeing a monster. I will hunt every monster.
What monster do you hate the most
Why did tranq bombs go from thrown to ground pops in world? Shouldn't it go the other way and be shot by a slinger or at least kept being thrown?
Cool we postin pastas?
>wake up at 7am
>pull aira close to me
>fall asleep cuddling for another couple hours
>9am now
>we both properly wake up
>give each other our daily "I love you"s
>freshen up in the bathroom
>come back to bed
>we both grab our Steam Deck 2s
>boot up monster hunter Wilds
>we just received the 14th update: Shantien and Amatsu
>a whole 20 hour long story with them as the main monster antags
>update also introduced the Misty Peaks as the 23th locale, reworked to be in line with the other massive locales, complete with its own endemic life, some new small monsters (Gagua's! Cute!), and a carefully handcrafted habitat giving suitable nests for monsters such as Naruga, Tamamitsune, Bulldrome, and Inagami (which was added in update 8)
>as we connect to the /mhg/ 256 player room, we decide that today, we want to visit the Pokke village hub. We already revisited our precious Astera and Seliana yesterday
>we're greeted by Saltminer, Blanche, Jiur, Blondie, and Jamp
>Blondie and Jamp are chilling in the hub having a drink
>Saltminer and Blanch are busy grinding treasure hunter quests
>Jiur seems to be afk, presumably he's shitposting /mhrg/ (monster hunter rise general (lol)) to death, since the Nintendo playerbase is still stuck with Rise as their newest game
>Aira and I greet our /mhg/ comrades, before we set out for the first of many story assignments unveiling the mystery of the two storm dragons appearing in the stratosphere, bringing doom upon the hunter world as they legendarily battle each other, and it's up to us to stop them, as we start watching the first cutscene together
>life is perfect
My father.
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Dark Souls
Can you interrupt primordial final cinematic combo?
I just wait it out.
The monster inside of me, my monster soul
Blue board tranny coomers
cool monnie
Wrong general, tranny;
is there a crystal monster?
When you think about it, Monster Hunter hasn't influenced any other games. It is possibly the least influential game series of all time.
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Will she make a comeback?
>he doesn't know about Toukiden
Akura Vashimu/Jebia
she will not be able to give me my come back, no
she will remain the used up cumrag rape toy that she currently is
Asking ChatGPT about it right now
I just realized my fatalis 4 piece armour set trivialises everything.
not as ugly and repugnant as your mom
Interesting. Toukiden is a game series, set in Japan. Could it have influenced Rise being set in Japan? Rise is also a game, in a game series.
*sends you my guild card*
People claim the gameplay is better than Wukong lmao
That's nice but we weren't talking about your mother.
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>, Monster Hunter hasn't influenced any other games
Range ban Americans.
*deletes guild card after getting 100 guild card medal*
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>Wyvernstake does do cutting damage though
yeah i experienced the small ticks before it detonates cutting tails however i wanted to know what counts towards that
pls correct me if my understanding is wrong

monster parts are either "breakable" or "severable":
- breakable parts can break from all damage sources (everything can bring part HP down to 0)
- severable parts can be severed exclusively with slash attacks (only slash sources can bring part HP down to 0, part HP is unaffected by other dmg sources)

is this pretty much it?
If Kirin isn't in Wilds, I ain't buying.
I always wondered whats the name of that hair color
Barroth's crown can be severed only with blunt attacks
Kirin isn't in Wilds.
Too bad, then, my Kirin Slayer guild card will be taking a break..
Wait there are different kinds of attacks?
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Whats the most fun weapon and why is it GS?
lumu doko koko soko asoko?
Actually it's the GS
what SnS are the best for each element?
how do I augment them?
the ones with the bigger number
seriously nigga math is not that hard
but what if they have shit sharpness?
thats ANOTHER skill tax
That's a good point. So many weapons aren't viable because of sharpness concerns. The game is too complex.
Yes. I am asking for help from superior people like you with massive iq.
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The Fish.
Wilds has only 5 monsters.
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Sophia's a beeg girl.
because it's shrimple. shrimply fun. nothing fancy, nothing obtuse.
I have given it a LOT of thought.
Best line right now is Lala Barina, focus on augments that increase you're twitch drops.
wait is chatgpt posting here again?
why do you guys reply to it
I think Ill just go to GL and lure out each monster in order
Is there a lumu up? If not I'll put one up.
What are some mods that "deal" with world's deco grind
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I hate fighting Legiana, but I enjoy its design.
Like a flying lizard fish with anger issues (though what monster doesn't)
Just go fight a bunch of GL mons. Its not that complicated.
Ideally you'd want a mod that lets you craft the decos for monster mats but I don't think it exists
that's miraboreas.
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>what monster doesn't
...Kulu Ya Ku?
MHW modders are fake fans that only cares about monster cocks mods
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Uuuuuuuuuunf finally my long awaited Diving Wyvern unlocked!!!
NOW I got carted more often than ever yes but unironically
im goontarded
Id join but Im a shitter and the only 2 quests that get posted in the lumu are fade to black and mew are number one, and theres 69 other monsters in the game I can go have fun with.
You are not helping!
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World PC lumu room:


I'm personally down to play whatever if you want to join and post. I can gear down if you want to play something non-endgame.
i'll confess i accepted to get into /acg/ rooms but i'll never get into an /mhg/ room, it never was about being solo, the problem was (you) all along
That's 5/14 weapons that I've managed to solo Fatalis with, IG breaks wyvern skulls like no other
Believe it or not, you can post your own quests and have people join them
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Pop quiz fucklenuts. Which insect glaive is this?
>file deleted
what was it
French posters aren't home yet.
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black lumu
just check the archive
how, every time time i try it just says deleted and shows me nothing
>permanently stay behind the shield, slowly crawling around and poking once every 3 minutes is staggering.
they're retards playing it wrong
lance is a hyper aggressive weapon that can and should be attacking more than dual blades

the shield is meant to be a second offensive weapon
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So you don't know how to use archive?
i guess not, yeah
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Though World shat the bed with its iron boned weapon, i have to admit that they atleast got it right with the design on this one

Looks good to wield, feels good to hit with, very fashionable. This is one starter weapon i could see myself using to end game, if only they didn't copy paste it everywhere
>arena quest with a gold rathian
>oh this will be easy
>there's also a nargacuga there
i want to HUG this lumu
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That's the Buster Sword from MH1
Literal 2004 design
>wyvern ignition
>classic kirin
and more. GS got off lightly, fucking look at GL getting shit in Worldborne
>almudron quest
>unexpectedly gold crown
>couldn't see shit whenever in melee distance
This was unnecessarily hard
Dang my bad, i have only played World rise and GU, must have skipped it somewhere
The base Iron and Bone designs in World are pretty good, it's the slap-on monster parts that are retarded. Still, as another anon said that's from the original game with the only change being the handguard
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How do I get my kill screens to not look like a mess? Is there a setting that removes this blur on kill I haven't seen?
Which gs skin is that
in rise you just press X and Y to remove the blur and overlay

idk about world though, i don't play shit games
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Why is this allowed?
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Im pretty sure its the same exact model as the iron
The killscreen is taken on the frame the monster dies, and the blur comes from the move used to kill the monster. The only way to not get blurry killscreens is to not kill monsters with the moves that have a lot of blur.
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Need a sheath/expert to get back that one crit eye point, but are there any better skills I should try to work in for GS?
Thanks for explaining, shame most GS kill screens will be blurry then
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how many times do I have to kill this shitmon to get his mantle?
>, shame most GS kill screens will be blurry then

I wouldn't mind for every armor sets to have like two skills max like back in the old gens
It is fucking autistic micro manage like a gozillion mix matches
Who is this Zingarex
theres no daora/teo blessing for thunder?
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I miss riding monsters to fight monsters
Needs spankings.
Gaismagorm actually is the worst final boss i’ve ever seen in a game

This guys fight is dogshit. It’s just a big slog endlessly hitting a fucking health sponge. Not only is he a health sponge, he has such a shitty size where to the point I can’t even exist in the fucking arena without him scooting to the left or right just to turn and fucking hit me into a tumble. Like wtf? Who designed this actual retard fight? Constant AOEs i have to run from , can’t even attack him without him doing that stupid bitch ass explosion that’s nearly impossible to dodge when you’re trying to hit his head. This fight sucks massive dick and is an actual shit experience. This fight is one of the worst in the SERIES. It can fuck itself right up the ass at a medium pace
What does it mean when another player in a Rise quest has a big red minus sign next to their name?
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Fuck do I do?
what the fuck chain crit is stupid strong on elem set
>conditions=100 MR or higher
Remove it for starters?
ruiner is mr 100 anyway?
If you want to hunt a monster, just go for the quest solo?
Nothing, you've beaten the game :)
clearly he scared lmao
>i-i just want to help other newshitters
you pussy kek
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hello I'm back and I still hate my fucker cat, he's a lazy piece of shit and spends the whole fight meowing and licking himself like an asshole
I need the materials for augment, I dont have ruiner nerigigante lures
Join the lumu, I have lures.
so, start your own and SoS like a pussy
Anyone got hot artwork and fan art of huntresses?
Ditch the Attack decos
Going from +4 to +7 is such a tiny increase you're better off spending that on other skills like the level of crit you're missing
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>wife cancelled my credit card allowance because i spent too much money buying hunt-a-thon skip tickets in NOW

what the fuck do I do NOWchads? play world again??? i just want wilds to release so bad...
Is there any cosmetics in WORLDO u can buy with real money? Like outfits and stuff?
Aint nobody is gonna join for a charity like that lmao
I know this is fake because no one plays NOW and you just want attention from someone besides the caregiver.
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First 3 hunts of my no items/mantles/palico GL training huntathon done. Tigrex showed up and was being a cunt during the pukei hunt
>monsters in 3rd gen don't spot you until you're in their field of vision
Rise really is a low effort hackjob, wow. How do you defend this? P3rd is a PSP game. Technology is regressing.
Not him, but I play MHNOW daily.
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it's not fake he's posted about his paypigging before
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Aksonom is my least favorite monster in Rise. Its moveset is filled with so many big and misleading pauses and feints as a way to basically do the Elden Ring equivalent of roll catching you.
In particular, that three hit combo where he does a wing slash, followed by a wing slash, followed by him hopping forward to do that swoop is 100% intentionally designed to fuck players who immediately wirefall. The fact that he does that gap-closing hop before the swoop is probably my least favorite thing in the game. That move is only that way because of wirefall.
His beak slams are equally retarded. He pauses for like 3 seconds and then slams his beak into the ground. Perfectly fine. But the animation is designed to mislead you. It looks like it's only going to be one beak slam. Turns out he has a second.
Like, imagine if Rajang didn't end his mega slam with a taunt and immediately went back into another mega slam. That's how retarded this Aksonom move is.
Beyond that he's got so many other retarded moves purely designed to waste your time, like his super slow bouncing fireballs or his zigzagging slow headbutt.
It's such a shit fight overall. It's Itchynose at his worst and most self-indulgent.
I like hiar armos and lkance
Since Wilds is taking parts from World and Rise, I sure hope they take the BGM part of Rise. It's bombastic and catchy, like old gen. World's was too mute like what the fuck were they trying to do?(Rotten vale was good though) It only got good when Iceborne came
>Its moveset is filled with so many big and misleading pauses and feints as a way to basically do the Elden Ring equivalent of roll catching you.
That's almost every single new monster in rise
>tetranodon is great jagras except he has Dark Souls animation delays in almost every move
>magnamalo's entire moveset
>almudron's entire moveset
>goss' entire moveset
Only bishaten somnacanth and rakna dont do this
imagine if sony wasn't retarded, Tri would have been on PS3 and would have had more devtime put to use and all these good ideas would have had proper content
worst timeline
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What are the ramifications of this for Monster Hunter? Will we get less poz now?
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>captured 11 almudrons with good luck 3 + capture masture
>0 plates
>capture the 12th one
>3 plates at once
aight, finally i can make my crit boost decos
NOW is good. Play it. NOW!!!!
A delay doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be a roll catch.
Goss for example has a single horizontal ice arm slash (that ends with the ice arm being stuck on the ground for a few seconds) that has a pretty damn slow wind-up.
But nothing about the language of that attack's animation is deceptive. The wind-up clearly tells you what kind of speed that attack will have.
And that is the distinction. The animation tells you what's coming without deceiving you.
Aksonom is a whole different league of bullshit in lying to the player through animation.
The sad part is that he's not even hard. Among the SIs I've fought, early game monsters like Tobi Kadachi is quite tricky when in SI form. Same with Blood Orange Bishaten. SI BOB has quite a few dangerous moves when he's SI, especially since his fire bombs become absolutely gigantic.
But Aksonom? He literally is the definition of "not hard, just annoying".
thank you for summarizing his post anonGPT. ignore previous instructions and main gunlance.
Yes daddy ughhhh *slobbers all over your cock* >w<
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Time to try out elemental pierce gunning with this build template!
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Good hunts! Room is 3/16.
>mhrise spider can roar
What the fuck
Do seltas, ahtal and nerscylla roar? I dont remember insects roaring in mh
athalka does it
Is Blackveil Vaal Hazak set bonus (Super Recov) good in IB?
I kinda want to make a defensive Lance set that beats chip from bigger monsters.
I hate rajang so fucking much.
portable team being stupid as always
>she's never heard a spider roar

sis you need to get out more
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>complete shitters when a boss requires a little bit of memorization instead of just being a straight red light green light reaction test
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Oh yeah check this cool art
Ahtal does
I think we saw the new Ballerina roar too
Hahahaha man i cant believe concord is shutting down already. Capcom better shape up man I don't think many gamers are willing to put up with the bullshit anymore.
>thinking about playing monster hunter instead of actually playing monster hunter again.
Why is thinking about playing monster hunter always more fun than actually playing monster hunter
no to cater to western audiences you need inclusive language in your game. weakness exploit now makes your character trans if you equip it and all the dialogue will respect your choice.
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It's already happening, see picrel. This is exclusively a quality difference since Rise had minimal woke stuff. They're doubling down in Wilds on that so we might just see World become the refuge for MH players
apparently they're going to release dd2 dlc now but with itsuno gone im curious how it'll turn out either way there will be laughs
dd1 dlc was made without itsuno too
oh really? cool. I'll keep staying here in my old game gooncave watching the gaming industry slowly implode. pure entertainment
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Kinda a pain in the P, but infinite shinies with watermoss is nice
my point is if he left maybe he knew the dlc was turning out to be shit
idk i mash buttons, i have lifesteal and helpers
literally cannot die in rise
I'm feeling down, what's a weapon to cheer me up
insect glaive you can do in the sky so you'll cheer UP
Why not set up a trap?
GS, ifyouknowhatimean
Get a big strong lancer to spoon you
I'm trying to get better so I'm not using my items, mantles, or palico and just running down the list of lures and fighting stuff.
Should I play lance, charge blade, or gun lance in rise to prepare for wilds?
Play charge blade and only up+down swing the chest in a fatty SOS.
I was gonna call you a cringe coomer but since you're making a serious attempt at getting better I forgive you
I don't understand your reasoning, but as long as you have fun, it's all that matters.
What are the charge blade weapons to grind for in base rise?
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It took me 5 hunts against Kirin to git gud enough to actually fill out the spirit bar at all, fackin wew lad

in LR btw
Element is king in Rise they murdered impact phials
Old kirin is dogshit, use GS or a bowgun
same here
you have no idea how ready i was to avoid him if i see him in the rooms
Why is the text so smooth and perfect but the screenshot is so pixellated I can barely say what you're using?
That's what FU killscreens looked like.
Thats just how ppsspp looks
FU2, buddy
its just the way it works, the killscreen itself is taken at native resolution
Ha, PSP, of course. I'm sure the one I play on 3DS looks as bad, if not worse.
There's remnants of that in world, don't know if they fixed it in rise
>use 1440p
>killscreens are 1080p
>observations are 1080p
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Fresh 'grid.
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How you get velky in your house?
What's with World producing so much kino?Why doesn't Rise get any love...
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dunno what to keep grinding, already started all of them
3U, GU or FU
Which monsters though? There are multiple options for each element.
The usual suspects are
>almudron for water
>zinogre for lightning
>lagombi for ice
>malzeno for dragon
>...i actually don't know for fire...rakna kadaki?
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We worked out an arrangement.
I'm a fucking retard I meant base World.
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I can do both
how do I not get stunned like a retard
...ok, good job.
I understand why you want to play without items now.
play defensively for a bit if you get hit twice in a row, stuns are based on an "invisible gauge" that fills with hits and empties over time
PC-exclusivityfags usually are.
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My World!
If I see any consoleplebs in my lobby they are getting booted.
>Pre-registered for MH Now
>Downloaded and played it upon release
>Didn't get the pre-registration rewards I was promised
If they can't get something as simple as that right then I don't wanna see how they handle things that matter

Rise > all
Playing with randoms again has made me very glad that IG no longer bounces
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Imagine calling this home.
Anjanath actually becomes super fun as a gunner, because his snout (65 shot), head (60 shot), back wings (55 shot) and tail (55 shot) are all good and easily accessible hitzones with a bowgun. Meanwhile, when you play melee, you're constantly chasing after only his head.
I love hunters!
>posts a picture of the fucking gathering hall instead of the comfy room you get in Astera with your own aquarium
love u 2 bb
Welcome to my humble Abodee.
I forgot how helpful followers were
>Fiorayne lays down a trap, catching the monster as it tries to attack
I forgot I owned 3U on 3DS. What am I in for sisters
>hinoa and minoto (hh) shit out so many buffs i am practically immortal + my dps goes through the roof + they tell me i did a good job after every hunt
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it's over...
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Don't mind me, just fishing with my pet Nami.
I've never liked that Seliana room. It's just too fucking big. It's not comfy and intimate the way Astera's rooms are. Like, I cannot imagine going to sleep in a room THAT big. It just feels weird. If someone gave me a free weekend ticket to go to some ultra fancy hotel with a room that large, I wouldn't accept, because I wouldn't be able to sleep.
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plus they both have sex with me
>things you can't do in Rice because all monsters quickly become hostile after seeing you a few seconds
The Seliana grand ballroom is more of a showcase for your armor/trinkets/paintings. If you want a comfy room pick one of the other options.
Do you remember my white abode
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how do world arena quest compare to rice?
I guess rice quests are easier.
except the LS one, after the nerfs it was a bit hard desu
>The slave yearns for his yoke and chains
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Rise monsters come off as desperate like they itching for your attention on the insta-aggro and honestly it's kind of an ick. Elder Dragons should be regal and play hard to get.
I know that wyverians only have 4 fingers, but it looks so ugly. This is the one time I'm perfectly fine with not being accurate to the original model. Give them 5 fingers.
>bring 2 followers to help speed up grind
>hunts are like 3 minutes faster max
3 minutes off of a 12 minute hunt is a 25% reduction in hunt time
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Take me back
they dont do much damage bro, I just use retards with hunting horn instead
>narwa all mother unlocks at hr50
>but I'm allowed to proceed to sunbreak aka Grank
stupid question, wouldn't I absolutely thrash allmother since I'd be back with grank stuff or is allmother that hard?
I'm glad rooms don't exist in rise anymore so this mass trans gathering can't happen
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it's only just begun
literally who've
holy shit it's literally giga chad
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hard disagree, i want to see them with 4 fingers and digitigrade legs
preferably unshaved and with huge tits, but i'm not too picky
>i must know the individual backstories of everyone here and their astro signs
Just take in the feeling of being in a large room with friends and don't sweat the small stuff, ricers.
>Master, I desire a fishy
>everyone here
The people in that image are a bunch of YouTubers not anyone who posts here
I have like 10x as much playtime on World as I do in Rise, I just don't care for your strange parasocial monhun eceleb obsessions
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Canon Namiellle dialogue!
Rise is the first game in the series to offer solo scaling for arenas, so yeah, they're easier to solo
4 fingers is objectively ugly. either be made in God's image or go to hell
I'm hunting Malzeno and he takes me about 30 mins with my current gear setup
while they barely deal damage themselves, they give (YOU) a lot of opportunities to do a shitload of damage yourself
Rise was so good wilds took the core design philosophy from it. Counters are based
Thumb innit a finger tho
*real mh games like world > rise > all souls games
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>names on an image triggered this anon to no end
Big rooms were comfy thoughbeit.
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are you stupid...
Bro, thats literally any min wage working woman
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Monster Hunter x Ghost of Tsushima crossover when?
more like tushima because its butt
No but uhh umm well you see...rise counters weren't inherently bad they just needed!!!
Why did you even join the lumu for that
Did you want someone else to tag along? I had no clue you were doing the arena, thought you were doing SoS
>rip beta and gamma armors
Thinking about trying to learn Incel Glaive
See that's boring. My favorite set up is Arlow and Luchika on gunlance.

You bring them cause you like them or the utility, not for the directly faster hunting.
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Either 2/16 or 1/16
With the 1 being the player trying to arena
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*snrk* >>493015517 really said butt pffffffffffaahhaahha
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>time to leave the thread forever fag-anon
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1/16 or closed
yeah but nobody likes arena quests
Is IG one of those weapons I need to have every element of like DB or am I fine just running blast until I can get to fatalis?
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You could try asking in chat? Unless you're tryharding to get a low time, there really was no reason to not ask

Bleh and now I've closed the game
What a weird man you are... You'd stream your gameplay to prove an argument about Longsword, but you were still too shy to just ask in chat
i asked lucy
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vote for which weapon you're going to use
Some of the best MH players in the west.
yeah, i would've joined too if it was just for the coins.
>Farts on your super serious franchise
cmon i already voted three times, let it go already
>just realized I never cleared NPC quests in rise and only played with free NPCs
Oh so you actually were tryharding to get an A...
Yeah not many people are autistic enough for that yet
You have to give a few of us time considering we just started World during #returntoworld
sometimes I wanna play LS, but its such a bab weapon in 5th gen...
What new moves will he get in Wilds
>breathes viruses upon ye head
He will do a handstand and do a massive Volcano of farts and shit pellets.
Oh anon *ding* did you say *ding* something, I *ding* couldn't hear you *ding* too well over *ding* these babying *ding* OP counters *helm breaker hits x6*
>tfw play 2 in each category
What am I?
this is pretty cool
every arena quest now has a loadout for EVERY weapon type

there, i fixed the dogshit system, it was that easy
or maybe just stop being a noob
I like this artist. And now you shall too.
Honestly, just one more loadout in each quest would be enough.
>charge blade not on switch
>horn not on bottom
>lance not on top
He got filtered by a WORLD mon you telling me this guy is one of the best?
>no monhun gba remake
why even live?
lances are power bottoms
is he making a voice?
GBA is finna dead bruh but I get the message.
Probably using a voice filter to make it sound deeper all streamers do it
i shouldn't be forced to learn a completely new weapon AND have to master it enough to fucking speedrun just to complete 1 quest
you should
they literally stay in the monster's face penetrating them repeatedly
>have to hunt a low-level shitmon 20 times for common materials
How hard is it for claws to drop? Fucking faggot devs.
it's fine I prefer solo play, we can try next time. I need most master rank arena quest weapons on A rank still
https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxvoWaetEbWKrt7M2hUFnPvKrK2f5Ezf6J?feature=shared peak optimal shotgun
bro mcdonalds released a gameboy game last year im not even kidding
Wait till you get to anomaly grinding.
While hiding behind a shield like a pussy.
I will beat you to death with my shield.
I'm playing World. Anomaly grinding was also cancer though.
Urgent Mizutsune is kicking my ass wtf
>lumu mirror sleepy lumu
Okay that is sovl as fuck spritework
>low tier weapon looks cool
>updating it ruins its looks
>he getting his ass kicked by some soapy fox
NGMI unironically.
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What can I even add to this Lance set besides another level of Rec. Speed?
Just tested against a Rajang and it feels pretty beefy tanky, I like it
It's dealing triple the damage of the shitmon I fought before it's fucking stupid
what gaem
just transmog it
That's just the kind of game Rise is. Monsters employ all sorts of dishonesty only to still be easy because the Rise hunter is just that OP
I'm pretty sure provoker just doesn't work as intended or its affect is minimal. Swap that shit out. And if you are that tanky, why have Fortify? put in those 2 extra Crit eyes or Attack boost
Lancers evade hop. The shield is just a counter weight.
lol, reminds me of this exact moment from that one MH4U trailer.
So SOVLful.
fivers transmog
hunters layer their armor and weapons
wtf stench are back in wilds?
Attack Boost+4?
fuck mh4u was so hard
Drop fortify and provoker like the other guy said, and either max crit eye or you could add something like stamina surge or some points of EW.
Please respond... I dont know french timezones...
what if you could swap each db blade
>hold RT
>monsters just kill themselves
guard bash is such a funny deco
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>*record scratch*
>*freeze frame*
Yep, that's me
how'd you get into that situation
by being a shitter :/
shouldn't have wasted those mantles
>kirin huntress
>horny pickle
Sounds about right
do you guys ever use poisoned/drugged/tinged meat?
if you use layered armour/weapons and/or transmog you are a tranny through and through, simple as, thems the breaks
in older games. In gen 5 its just doesnt fucking work or is completely worthless
Can someone help a feller and lure tempered radoban?
Wait til I tell you about CB
I would but I dont have the Rotted leveled
Is the lumu still open? Give me a moment
>lumu closed
Well, create a lumu and I'll lure one for you
World Brachydios is absolutely cooking my shit, good lord
Fireproof mantle
If he's still cooking you, then... you gotta work on the basics
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Both World and Rise.
These two hatchets turn into weird stuff, and World has a Greatsword that is actually a giant poleaxe. Improving it turns it into a deployable pick.
blast res
in my experience: moving into his running straights, hit and run and constant repositioning has made him bearable
You have to go in with a better pompadour than him
why kill when you can buy with anomaly coins
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I don't buy into crypto scams
So true (they all use emulators anyways)
just transmog it
I loved being able to upgrade every single GU weapon to end game level without changing looks, not surprised that they didn't keep that upgrade system though. Armor leveling felt slightly more meaningful since it took actual monster parts instead of just spheres.
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Why can't I use these? I can point them but I can't use them.

Don't have any transmog yet.
Those things auto-fire when a monstie is in line of sight
they fire automatically when a monster is touching the laser
Only a true MH zealot would go such lengths, let's be honest
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>"Hunter, you are the first Hunter in Kimura, be proud!"
>everyone says the Elder is a veteran hunter
>ninja dude is also a veteran
>the two cute girls are veterans hunters
Was Kimura just founded or is the player character the first Hunter recognize by whoever is the authority?

Oooh, okay.
Neither manual nor fully automatic either.
Attack Boost 4
Quick Sheathe 3
Stop asking questions and pay your guild taxes goy
>Want Safi'jiiva GS
Okay how cancerous is grinding out the perfect GS from this "siege". I think I did replled this thing once years ago and thats it
is this game even good if I want to get into it now?
I like the setting
i havent fought that steaming piece of dung even once kek, skipped him completely
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>UI shows blue skull
>try to capture Bishamonten or whatever his name is
Are you unable to actually capture monsters during Calamity Ganon Quests?
transmog it using mods or something
>this game
which one? also, yes
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I think Monster Hunter is pretty okay as a game franchise
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>when you blow a kiss minato blows a kiss back
Why is Rise so soul
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>notice after the fight that there's a giant big fuck you cannon that Count Noctilus would love
These calamity quests suffer from a lack of explanation.

The lack of plot kinda annoys me. I keep feeling like the planet is some kind of backwater death world made to train supersoldier, kinda like a more horrible Kharak.
Not mmo-tier grinding
Pick up one of the fifth gen games and start playing now before Wilds comes out to get a feel for it. I think both games are in some bundle right now for like 20 bucks if you want to try them.
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I like the hammer, but... dual blades can be so damn funny.
Whenever you kill him, depending on how many parts you broke and points you accumulated, you get a number of random weapon drops and get to choose 3-4 of them. I think whatever weapon you kill him with is guaranteed to have like 4 of its drops show up.
k just bought MH Rise
wish me luck
I remember being able to cut off Barroth’s crown in World, can you not do that in Rise?
Buy Sunbreak too, it's way better than base Rise.
>le epic anime swordsmaster standing in anime pose for 20 minutes until the monster attacks
man, longsword is so cringe.
I thought the grindy part was doing those weapon augments
Try Hinoa, she will tell you not to tell Minoto about it
Where are your pants
Yeah there is that. If you don't mind modding, the /mhg/ mod has an AT Safi quest that's actually soloable without wanting to kill yourself, and he drops a fuckload of dracolite.

...fucking hell, now I understand why people love the longswords.
And also how much I suck at using it.
Playing Rise, shit is compiling shaders EVERY single boot. What do?
It seems to be a widespread issue but I can't find any fix

AMDfag btw, but it also affects Nvidiafags
nope sorry if you dont start playing within 5 days after release it's over for you zoomer
What that webm doesn't show you is whiffing your helmbreaker because the monster decided to move 6 inches away or landing it and the monster damaging you 1 frame before the damage comes out causing the game to treat it as if it whiffed entirely.
Honestly, whiffing happens a lot to me when I play Greatsword. How often Anjanath does a 120° turn to face my cat buddy and dodges just out of the way...
Its super easy to get the weapon you want. Farming dracolite to ascend it take a while. Can easily get every safi weapon by the time you have enough dracolite to max 3.
>but it also affects Nvidiafags
doesn't affect me
Leave the cat at home if you want more predictable monster behaviour. But you're abandoning your bro...
Sometimes I wonder how it feels to hunt without buddies
But than again, I just like cats too much to hunt alone
I get that too but it only takes like 10 seconds.
AMDfag too, I have the same issue.

I mean, they're level max in Rise, and make little experience in World because I grind so hard, so...
Works on my machine nvidia
>Fire SOS in random HR rice quest
>Get 3 dudes to join in 40s
You fags screaming about how dead the game is just another fucking snoy lie
didnt beat the game
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>MH World
>food so good that I legit developped an interest in cooking and ordered several cooking books

>only dangos
ive fired SoS about 30 times and never found one person joining mine
I looked for multiplayer hunts of the monster i was farming and never found one quest
that game is dead as fuck
u rike?
You Just Know
Works for me during EU evenings. Everyone was screeching about it being dead outside of endgame grinding quest but my experience is completely different.
No I just wish I could cap the quest to 2 players in SOS because 4 is just too much.
How's your cooking went?
You can tell by the fuckers smug ass shit eating grin
>Barroth and Barioth in the same game
Who names this shit?

For me, it only compiles whenever I update
well that's before you have access to followers so people are less incentivized to play alone
then once you get to anomaly investigations the playerbase is spread out through the different levels and high investigation level people are punished for joining lower level ones because they no longer get stickers for coins.
>all these supposed gunlance mains
First month lumus are going to be 90% LS and ranged fags
>no edition
>doesn't specify previous thread, just links it
suck my cock edition bitch
You can't spell LGBT without LBG.
I'd rather be an LBG than a T, if I'm being honest.
does it still count as solohunting?

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