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Why should I, a male midlander, have to share the thread with you?

>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928

Previously: >>492959446
Zolzayaa Noykin looks like a sewage golem
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>looks at Ardbert minion
No.. I can't be seen with this now
This is a pale imitation of the true kino that is meena x meena,
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Same sis... and I just bought him too... ;_;
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Another new week another week of tomestone grinding and reclears.
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I want to host this years lottery meet up but I don't want to redecorate my fc house or reuse the same theme as last years. Any recommendations?
find somewhere in game
he'll pest you for weeks if you so much as /pet him
or even if you don't but he just wants to show your character his 3 foot dong with steam cloud mods
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My femra looks like this
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does anyone wanna reclear together
All posters of a single race are obliterated from /xivg/ forever. They will not even show up in images.
What race do you genocide?
any lewd catboxes?
The black race.
Why do you have to ask this? Lalafell are the clear winners.
miera himcess diff
Really wish they would use a color that isn't chicken poop for their femra to be honest, I find it sexy but that colour is really too much.
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queue cc 3:15

he popped off
Literally 0 difference to before
Highlanders or Lalafell
Lalas are more annoying but I just hate seeing male highlanders, their faces are just so stupid
When my Femra wears this dress she is asking to be groped
I miss playing XIV but the new expansion story seems like such a snoozer I can’t be bothered to watch another 40 hours of boring cutscenes
Catgirls have some of the worst posters, see: Elk, Appal, etc.
Lalafell literally no competition not any other race comes close
post idiots

idiot posted
He does it because he's into blacked (unironically)
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posy elezen please
thank you
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Good morning /xivg/ <3
I hope you didn't forget to cap your tomes last week :p
Any plans today? Are you looking forward to your reclears?
I shan't be engaging with this post in earnest
That's a shame
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>multiple reset trains happen on aether
>miss them all because I was CCing on crystal
this is good
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I like your new hair.

Good morning, I am capping tomes quickly because my group has decided we raid today.
Excalibur, Primal.
Cameron ingerland, if you may. But only if you may. Please post it.
im under your bed
cc is better than hunts or whatever you were doing
I need someone to shirk me into a tank buster right now. My alarm goes off in 3 hours
lalas. I am also a lala but we have the absolute worst posters imaginable.
We just kind of hold our breaths until he gets bored and finds some level 2 "i cum" "so am i"-tier sprout to go animation-plap for 5 minutes while squatting in a stranger's lav beds house
Val and no one else
well come join me under the sheets
>wake up horny
>all of the people i would erp with are offline
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10 helio tomes per match versus 10 per A rank (out of 36), it's not even comparable sadly
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How'd I do, fellas? (I have no idea how lore accurate this image is. I just love Garlean armour and find these dinguses cool, especially Zenos.)
maybe you should just spend those 3 hours doing your reclears now then
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>I like your new hair.
the front is very very good but the back is just ok
i think im gonna stick with the old one outside of gpose
Are you stupid?
Go to sleep, that's enough time to at least feel refreshed
I'll eep with you anon
leveling jobs should unlock permanent out of combat effects for all jobs like nin's movement speed increase
Lalafell. I love most of them but this is purely to vaporize kyoppi from the board.
Excalibur, Primal.
Kyoppi occasionally plays as a femra though
*rapes ur asshole*
Good god, did I miss this in CC while I was rizzing up a femraen?
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>The Balance finally put down the tranny flag

Finally I don't have to make a grimace whenever I needed to check something on it...
I am a male midlander
stealing a hunt train from ultros, primal
I haven't leveled DNC you can't do that
leveling jobs should actually give a small permanent stat boost to your character like pso2
Not often enough for it to have an impact. But removing kyoppi's lalafell also means that people will gradually forget about him and stop posting about him forever.
do NOT listen to this retard
3 hours of sleep is going to have you in that state where if you're woken up, you're going to feel like dying. Being grumpy is the least of your worries only getting 3 hours of sleep. None is literally better.
I don't give a fuck, now be a good girl and bend over.
You wish. He gets brought up all the time like how you did.
My body isn't capable of savaging anymore...
Maybe?! I'm trying to fall asleep but it's not easy! I must.... scroooooll
surprised no mention of viera yet
getting rid of molly would be a huge blessing, with most of the other regular viera posters as an added bonus
With you? Not really...
Based if true. Even nerds are tired of the fags
What mod and how do I get suffocated by that butte
no one goes to the firmament anymore, could use the hot spring
Molly is rapebait though
Most of the other viera range from good to great
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This fiddie gets more loot than a certain masked bnuy (no srly im literally close to bis now)
No it fucking isn't you retard, no sleep fucks up you so hard, 3 hours is much, much better than nothing. No sleep is dangerous and retarded, there is zero reasons to pull an all-nighter
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pic. sunnie attempting to bully a moonie. circa 20XX.
lalas hands down.
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Murder all lalafell
thats cuz fiddies > fiera :^)
sounds about right
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Opinions on this femra?
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I wanted to post that game's scoreboard but I shan't because I am reformed
queue cc 7:15
Jokes on you I play malera as well
>Any plans today?
Reclears and dailies
Nah fuck you. Fiera is the only one to sell submarine fuel here for pre inflation prices to us.
I know this femra, so I shan't be commenting.
uno mas and then i sleep me thinks
why is her name different
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>Tfw still need 3 fucking Twine to be BiS
she is literally built for huge steppestallion horse dongs
is that actually him? i was playing earlier and he went afk on the enemy team after dying and i thought his character looked familiar
I'm doing one after this then I go bed
Those are both moonies
someone give this femra a good dicking so she passes out, I'd do it myself but I can't log in right now
I could tell they have a QOS tattoo on them
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pff yeah whatever i didn't care anyways i was just asking to be nice you would just hold me back
They should introduce a reincarnation system where after you've maxed out all jobs you can reset them to 1 in exchange for +5 in a stat.
yeah sure just let me clear 1-4 first
W-Wow... Is that bis...? You're really strong huh...
Sigh... I knew you hated femlalas...
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>lalas living rent-free on your little brains
Another win for THE best race in the game.
I would but I don't want to do all the fights, gl on your reclears
Moonies or viera since they have the worst posters
Everyone does, that malera in specific is femra-owned even.
Someone should make an EX1 farm party
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>>lalas living rent-free on your little brains
>Another win for THE best race in the game.
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can someone say femras please I want to feel like my posts have contributed to reducing femra stocks
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Who to trust... who to stab for lying to me... anyway I'm going to try for sleep, I'll bathe and have coffee as soon as I wake up so I'll be just peachy
More like you CAN'T do it
(This is not to provoke)
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>wrinkles detected
do you like malera
Go back to Ragnarok Online
yes, it is them
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nah, I was in regular SAM gear. only the SGE and DNC glams are remotely lewd
Demoria harness by applenzo. As for the second part... {Hmmm.}
I am a femlala who will be ilvl 730 today..
Look up what having a night of no sleep does for you
Do you have a job?
mouth veil blowjob
Specifically not femra because then I'd lose the goonra...
>This is not to provoke
Too late, challenge accepted. I'm not even that guy but I'm accepting the "fuck Akemi until her brain turns off" challenge.
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Stop talking about sex
If you pet a rabbit it thinks its the dominant one. If a cat grooms someone they think they are the doninant one. Be careful if a miqo'te pets you. Take care if you pet a viera. You now know what you are getting yourself into.
Slippers: off
Bed: warm
Dog: cuddly
Yeah I'm thinking it's nap time
damn well hopefully one of his unfortunate teammates reported him and hes close to getting perma'd again
>lalafell players have the worst posts
>only lala is kyoppi
>meanwhile we have the whole horsed catgirl sagas and femra gonce of EU
>the endless torrent of femra spamposts
>elk, unnamed neko, ragnarokfemra, coren, wookie, nyu, gabe, kong, tranchelle, zt ... the list goes on
Sometimes it feels like gooners get upset that the thread isn't 100% gooning
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holy fuck its him
Tsk, for shame. At least you avoided the cardinal sin of having a non-lewd DNC glam, though I'm guessing from the portrait it's more of a bare legs or Thavnairian tights kinda thing.
It makes my shadow friends come back out to play with me?
Not exactly but I watch evil gremlins
Impossible challenge, entry void
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this fucker is giving away our secrets
Well let's play chess.
what did wookie do to deserve being listed with those people?
I am the dominant one (I play jungle in league of legends)
New femroe name dropped
no one here plays ffxiv they just masturbate all day
you aren't dominant you have brain damage
glubnini lads
Saying impossible challenge only makes me want to try it more to prove it wrong. Same with seeing the makeup run like that. That's not helping your case.
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>only lala is kyoppi
yeah ok dude.
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NU uh, bnuys better
She's a babysitter or something
I play ffxiv...
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two of them
Ok but loser has to bottom...
Glubnight Smoochen Pawgud
I gave a femra headpats and she begged me to abuse her and rape her
t. Miera
post album
why are you like this, I'm not even zesty
Oh yeah? Well guess who's not getting ganked now
Can't believe there isn't some kind of voice change mod for Wuk Lamat. Whether it be a custom voice mod or replaced with a different dub.
You should sleep now sis, and remember to be patient
Holy shit stfu you cringe retard
*pulls out a card from my deck called rape and places it in defense mode*
left deserves lots of Eskimo kisses
stop petting white glint
Cry about it
White glint?
Unironic question: Do you like femlalas?
exploding you with my mind (I am very smart and powerful)
I smell dragon stench on them
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ok I'm done thanks for coming to my 4am cc calls
special thanks to himcess bride and lug bolt for pulling out the anti-grief forcefields and carrying me in those last games
He raids exclusively with femlalas
Anatolia's Merc, that's right.
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wtf??? i do not act like this.
prithee rest, m'lady, and mind thy patience. good things will come in due time
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When will they upgrade the glam dresser? I've been 800/800 since last year and now have two full retainers with more glams.
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Literally no idea who that is. It’s a different femra that I’m abusing
don't you have some vrchatting to do
What keeps you awake tonight, /xivg/?
Hello, I desire sex.
If i get on i'd be made to watch gundam seed and i don't want my swag to get drained at an alarming pace.
I told you I would always come for you.
I was going to do a hunt train but I can't motivate myself to bother tonight
now I dunno what to do
I would actually like to see this femra
Arthritis and trying to cap tomes without entering tender valley
what makes you say that? Is it the 3/4 of the posts every thread being about begging for links to porn or was it the other 1/4 of the posts being schizophrenic stalking because someone didn't link porn?
thank you hero
coward, seed is good
Uncensored please? ;_;
[11:32]You obtain a dark horse champion's weapon coffer (IL 735).
subbie little bitchsluts play league
redblooded alpha male gigachads play hots and dotes
impregnation rape for the one on the left
Finishing my reclears, i gotta do this all over again but ill do it later with a fren. Now im either considering tome capping or passing the fuck out.
I hard focus hot xivg characters in all formats of pvp in the hopes that one day one of them will flame me and call me pathetic because I have a humiliation fetish
Damn I gotta reinstall league. I was a soraka main before I quit
I play hots and smite more than I play league desu
Is that why you let the femlalas get away with everything?
sounds more like a special summon or trap card
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In my case yes, I am not attracted to lalas
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I just woke up.
But I need to level botany :p
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Myself, so no one else need face annihilation, as I believe I am the only Male Helion who posts here.

That and if it includes females, it takes out any Wuk Lamat enthusiasts alongside myself.
everything has to be about sex or else we'll come after you
Interesting thing about femlalas, I don’t want to lewd them, but I want to put 5 of them in maid outfits and have them tend to my house
Is Remus eb'd to Kouhai?
That is the uncensored sis there were never any big boob nipples in frame
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Cool, cya
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watching video essays on video games ive never heard of
But I want some Une Boobas before going to sleep!!
I was doing reset reclears but now I'm done and going to bed so I will dream about my future husband instead...
I don't like catgirls and seeing so many in game freaking peeves me off....
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>Needing the flames
Seeing them atop the scoreboard isn't enough?
But I want you to come in me, not after me
they'd need to be on the same world
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tfw pet this bunny
That's not true, I don't play league.
not true, some of them are lalaboys.
Yeah, on his lala alt
it's not a priority, but I heard if you give a certain producer a real good blowjob he'll reconsider bumping it up the list
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teasing a femra but im done doing that so good night!
Single handedly saving Dawntrail
reading about joe biden
Fujosisters, the GAMoids playing f*ta are gentrifying frotting. How do we reclaim it?
none of my mods I use have been updated and probably won't and I feel sad now
>that frame rate
mods getting a bit too heavy for the old netbook I see
It really isn't, I need words of scorn and disdain, I wish to be stepped on by grown men
Post your femlala, but only if you want me to belittle you and call you dumb
who is his lala wife then
this reeks of a fake fujo
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She stole MY look (and even my surname has Athena in it which is a really weird coincidence)
Whoa I love those how did you know
What's wrong with consensual impreg...
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look at this hora gato
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Garrod please what if Tifa sees this
sex cum rape!
We like this.
My crush is never around anymore....
I hate to admit it but this fiddle is kissable (on the cheeks)
Ok consensual impreg with handholding
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Go ahead
old pic here you go

don’t do this
i got my femra horns fixed we're so back
Someone post some femra titties in a catbox, thanks.
>"U-uhm... uhh... muh... Amer- uhh..." - The autobiography
It's "palmraping my goonstick".
Thank ye based Cowra
Now I can go rest in peace
I have my ways
Have the most powerful upskirt angle shot I've ever taken
>tfw will never headlock rape this goonra into submission
fuck my retard life man
Next post is an anal slut
Handslamming my 2 1/8 inch rapeshaft to greasy homegrown anal addict slamhogs
Who the fuck is remus
Looks fucking stupid
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Here you go.
anal slut
*Kuzushi debuff appears on the thread*
remus post
who the fuck is Mario Judah
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yeah this one's the remus post
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White haired male middie with bright blue eyes
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why do you hate to admit it...
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Rape Chidori @ Bunghole
Not wrong
I am remus
i think im too old 4 the internet now i dont understand any of the terms,,
Wob Widowi @ Bowow
Jesus what the fuck
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my femra looks and acts like this
Next post is a throatwhore
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I too would hate to admit kissing this fiddie :^)
This but fatra with a gock
she looks like she's part of an eroge
Your pics are so trash man. Forever mediocre
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Anyone still have a copy of this mod? I need it. Looks like it was taken down
Next post is Remus Anima
>healthy young adventurer goes to twelveswood
>gets seduced and pumps massive shots into moonies - FATHERHOOD
>Many such cases!
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i can smell the zest from here
is it me
You gotta stop giving these titles out man
they're supposed to be mine :(
why was it taken down did trans people get mad someone was making fun of their icon again
Remus post
This is what every wildwood malezen experiences
I think we should hold ourselves to slightly higher standards and not "palmrape" our "goonsticks". Men in their 30s should be saying that.
would you still call my femlala zesty if she didn't dye her gear lime green ... ?
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fear of death
Scary... I must remember to look out for seductive moonies
Haha oh no!!! My lalaboy, he's adventuring in the twelveswood right now!!
Find me yourself, bottom
yeah, a femra led the crusade
ill have uhh the 20 piece nuggets, big mac, large fries, 2 double cheeseburgers, apple pie, cookies and uhhh ooh yea a Diet Coke please.
Woodwailers rape and kill moonies.
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My femlala looks and acts like this
warning, ear rape
woah..cute girl
much better!
Original sauce attached in description
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I'm going to bury my face in these and evolve beyond the need for oxygen
pov: you're a lalaboy
heh I had a feeling it would happen why I downloaded it.

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femlala x larger male race proved canon once again
Fat Cat Fact #277

Fat Cats have a type of selective noise cancelling that allows them to hear the sound of a can opening with perfect clarity even in busy areas
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Needs to be getting raped by a hung femraen- here
my fucking nigga
Not anymore
>yoshida ships a younger version of himself with femlalas all the time
how can one man be so based?
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My fiddie looks and acts like this
don't think you have to worry too hard about that bud
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Sucking this bunboy's dick so good his balls come out and I chew them like boba tea.
pov: you're a lalabull
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built for bondage
Woodwailers desperately try to cull moonie numbers because they keep seducing their sons, making even more moonies while passively phasing out the other races
id let him fuck my catgirl in a soft femdom kinda way
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I will now take 400 pictures of Ace's oiled up ass and I can't post front angles here because of her free use panties.
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My fiddie looks and acts like this
Not that Anon but thank you very much Anon
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ugly retard
anyone have the webm of vergil slowly turning around
why does her skin look jaundiced? I can't jerk off to this
My Au Ra looks and acts like this.
If that's what you want...
But honestly the 8 piece is better, with honey dipping sauce. The burger is better from Five guys, along with the large fries and the drink which you can make your own, in which case root beer vanilla + vanilla coke mixed together is the best bet. We're hitting up DQ for a cookie dough blizzard with Reece's and M&Ms and throwing it in the freezer for later. And skip the diet stuff.. aspertain is not worth consuming.
Permanently bleached by malera cum
Remus is EB'd to The Grind.
Kouhai is EB'd to Shoebill.
holy fuck my wife Wookie Feet@Malboro is retarded
I'm at the bench can someone come plap me
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The upscale only had those or no panties at all.
When I was deep in depression I used to make orders like this all the time.
You might be shocked
I'm a boy...
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coomers are so fucking lazy it's pathetic
Go with no panties
also bigger
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Say something nice about Nicoletta!
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cute cute cuteee
i love pale bunnyboys sm,,
i'mg oing to put your entire headin my mouth
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holy SEX
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I wonder if i should give my femrar a woober or keep her pure...
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omg hes one of those 'ask for honey packets for my nuggets' guy.
idk who she is, which is a good thing.
Anyone know of any Bibo upscales for https://ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com/wiki/Theophany_Robe?
POV: How I want to spend my entire week
keep it for the moonie sis, let your goonra be the grownest of men
Name some some cute xivg couples
>rhoswen running away doing the middie run

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Essi x My malera
Green roe and pink lala
Whatever aspartame isn't good for you. And why would you want a bad tasting coke.. in fact the Mexican coke in grocery stores is better cause it has aktual sugar..
Yes..... It's kinda awesome. Th... Thanks mcMoonie
my femlala x ... well I shouldn't say
oh wow sorry dude. u look kinda bangin tho lol.
My femra is pure and proper.
My Femlala X Ardbert Minion
appal x effy
my maleras nuts and your mouth
Hell yeah brother
video game addiction
Haven't thought about him in weeks. Nothing of value was lost when he stopped posting here
Asyu luxford x Lenna Luxford
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im logging in
Anon I-
jokes on you teabagging is my fetish and I love malera
Give her a fat juicy woober and let my rar take it for a spin
My face and Sechen Pawgud's ass
give her a + and show it to me
How bussin is your yurt, khagan
Remus x Kouhai
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I know its like half the appeal, but reaper makes me feel like an edgelord
Fr bussin (I am homeless currently)
I like Effy too but I'm on a malexfuta/malexmale kick
No, not tonight you're not.
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Ardbert Minion
Honestly her voice when using Duty Support grates on me, it's like snarling with no energy behind it so it just sounds like some degenerate furry pretending to be a lion.
Meet with me in-game
Lets make our Ardbert minions kiss
Guck guck guck
my chud sunnie x being alone
nah, doubtful I would of heard if they had. Sun Rosa is more likely.
You look like a cool edge lord. Show off the armor with a more edgy post.
guess all that threadcred bought him 2 days of "fame" after he was gone
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You must pick one.
Is this why Sasaso isn't around as much anymore?
are you me?
Fuck off american
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Male x Futa is pretty underrated
It's honestly nice, kong no longer melts about him every thread so it's quieter than before
No, but are you me?
What the fuck is this TMZ e-celeb garbage. Just kill yourselves you fat useless nigger brained retards
>German video game news website JPGames has a new interview with Yoshi-P where he directly addresses several criticisms about FFXIV Dawntrail:
>The Warrior of Light is indeed still the main hero of FFXIV but is just in a supporter role in Dawntrail
>He asks fans to please not make any personal attacks to Wuk Lamat's voice actress(es) or localization team members; they are just doing their best to deliver a great product
>The slow pacing of Dawntrail is due to having to learn about new environments and cultures, so it was necessary but did indeed make the first half feel very slow
>He believes those who did not warm up to Wuk Lamat probably feel this way because she was introduced in a negative light with a complex compared to her siblings, which he thinks players might have found frustrating
>He understands the negative reaction to Dawntrail's slow pacing and Wuk Lamat's character and says this is something the team will need to improve on moving forward, so they will take all this feedback into account.
Look at what you guys did
Uh oh, third world country alert
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my lalaboy x nobody ever
Tonight I'm a malera
I put mustard and ham in my cheese toasties.
PB is superior, as much as I love cheese
>no hunt trains
well I stood up for no reason.
that's just a regular sandwich lol
> He believes those who did not warm up to Wuk Lamat probably feel this way because she was introduced in a negative light with a complex compared to her siblings, which he thinks players might have found frustrating
What is this cope? People started hating her because bitch takes up majority of the screen time being bland.
sex with maleras
Why do I always blink when I take these...
Stop it you're gonna make the stock go up
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grilled cheese but add some ground beef to it, that's my go to
herogar x protecting (You)
I'm in a dungeon but I'll try after if I remeber
That's just a hamburger dumbass
nigga that's just a chopped cheese not a grilled cheese
The duality of man...
malera stocks don't go up no matter how hard I try. Trust me. I want more maleras here.
Naturally my husband has such good taste.
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im literally eating a pb&j right now
grilled cheese is better though
Me and my golem
I'm not sad I'm not crying I'm not
herogar x my fiddie
anyone wanna meetup and listen to joji
I’m an lalaboy and everybody loves me. Just not in that way…
Yeah. What songs do you like the most from him? For me it's Like You Do
actually it's a patty melt
I want more malera you've just gotta keep the stocks low so I can buy more
Same bro, same. All I wanted was a femlala wife, but it wasn't meant to be.
nah i'm listening to pink guy
Hi. I love fat Femlalas. Thanks.
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I don't need Viera shitting all over my place.
>no acknowledgements of what actually went wrong just more excuses and hiding behind muh troon voice actor
this game is so done for man
Fanta off that ugly race and my femlala might think of marrying one of you pathetic fucks
why does this bitch look so soft
my dick and my right hand
Lalaboywife but I get to dress him up in cute clothes and flick his nose for being silly and pretending he can think properly
My malezen sounds like the centipede from James and the Giant Peach.
Aureus x Auntizen
So whats xivg's feeling on the expac ?

The msq is mid but the pve stuff was pretty fun, and all eggs are in the patch content ?
cute GAM being GAM
What's the "cool and faggy" option?
my femra looks like the spider lady from james and the giant peach
I'm a fiddie
Why is Aglaia fast af and all the bosses melt
But the nier raids that have been even more gear crept still take forever
me and (you)
All miera are naturally faggy so that would be hunter-gatherer
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My Malera
Pretty much. Had a lot of fun with PvE, but it's also the first time I don't give a single shit for the game's story.
good day to wear pants at the bench.
Robot AI evolve midfight to be more durable
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WoL, thank the Twelve we found you! We need your help! One of the musical acts for tonight's battle of the bards went missing. We are searching for them, but in the meantime we need a filler act. Don't worry, you wont have to play music, but you need to do this dance and put together a team to dance with.

What is your WoL's idol group name and what is their gimmick?
There is no freakin way that they’d request the wol to do that
the raping stones
we rape people
Mariya is now taking all the aggro so you're safe until that's over
What do you mean could? No silly, that is you. I bet you’ve got the loyal housemaid outfit, go put it on for me
are you using cammy
i did the needful
Girls Reborn: Meteor Advent

They are a heavy metal idol group that make the show a quest and sing about conflict with humor skits between songs.
femraen+ bwc....
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sorry bub but they are gay bun owned
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Good morning /xivg/, what is everyone up to tonight?
Please queue frontline, Crystal DC!
keep going ass poster anon
more sheer panties and I am cum

catbox front
Can anyone post the xivg syncshell here?
probably ew but the whole album was good
im listening to medicine right now its interesting to listen to his old stuff before he fully commited to it
>pretending to like malera again
Guess I'm not posting my character today
I took this pic with my camera inside his leg
no but you can post your name and if you aren't some level 1 alt on balmung i will dm the details to you
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Whoever designed the MSQ with Wuk in mind should be literally fucking fired.
Wuk sucks. Period. No, it's not cause i hate her English voice actor (I do and think the VA blew ass), it's because Wuk steals the show from you every time and is annoying and honestly the most racist despite trying to not be. "oh haha latin America is all tacos, false gods, and temples in jungles" like fuck right the hell off... I bet your learning about culture.. yea right.. fucking Guacameelee on Steam gets the culture right and is more fun.
Sol.9. sucks ass, the endless area had more soul. Much like raz ass han, I could have cared less that this city was being razed.
The sound track is crash bandicoot kino.
The dungeons are neatly designed and fun.
The scions chillin and competing with each other is legit fun.
Wrestling, fuck yea.
Trails are good (minus the Wuk one).
New moves and animations are cool as shit.
Tutioli is actually a really really really nice looking city and it sucks ass that no one will ever hangout there. I think the beach side tavern is the coolest place in the game.
Judging from the filenames....LL post?
All I know is you said "Honey Bee!" I even turned my music off to listen a second time. Cute voice though.
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She has 8 legs???
Ew is a really good one, probably my second pick from that album yeah. It's been cool to see him grow more into a style more & more
7 vaganias, imagine
no but she has 2 legs 2 arms 2 horns 2 boobs
Rob Chidori @ Balmung
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This is where the futa bench is, right? It's fucking packed there's so many people. I don't remember seeing this many before when I go people watching.
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Essi Kilpi @ Balmung
yeah that's the futa bench
They said 甘いみつばちハニービー which doesnt work in English because みつばち is literally the bug called "honey bee". So its a cute like in Japanese that you would have to change to localize. Go from "The sweet honey bee, Honey B." to something like "The sweet Queen, Honey B."
>They are just doing their best to deliver a great product
If that were true, they wouldnt have let Kate do a nepotism hire and got someone actually qualified that wasn't a pain to listen to for 95% of the msq
warm color sunnie and cool color moonie
Hey thanks for the translation and neat post, Anon.
After all that pvp broke her, now this fiddie is free use.
that teal green middie x sitting alone
They don't give a shit about EN
My malera is quad weak against fiddies
cute! but clipping... and cropped
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the ribbon on the back is hard to get a picture of because everything disappears if the dress hits the camera
Anyone wanna play the game?
No. We're "Gooning". We like this. We don't play the game.
i will be playing the game in 15 mins
This from a hag game?
Holy moly
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I tried laying down for a bit and am now trying to spam this for levels but the queue is taking too long. What did you want to do? I'd be down for something else if this shit doesn't pop.
No problem anon. Glad you found it interesting.
I wish you knew how bad this really are right now.
Can we play among us instead
fwhat level dungeon is this?
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i just rolled a 9 on a weapon coffer, why am i not allowed to just mug this npc for a weapon?
hmmm, i should do roulettes now that you mention that...
How do I play samurai in cc
i miss this mfer fr
I know I know. I'm just hoping we luck out again like we did in shb
that's a nice shot
Mine is quad weak against flalas
What's the best malera voice?
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Give me ten minutes to get logged in and Ill healer taxi you. I need to lvl WHM.
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>Decide to try makeup on Athena
Fellas, Athena was BUILDED for black lipstick and eyeshadow, holy moly.
Can you stop posting soon?
certainly not builded for middies, that's for sure
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wh- huh
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Sucks that ARK is tied to such retarded devs.
King you should've picked Carcharodontosaurus
Alrighty, sounds good. Where did you want to meet? I'm on Crystal but can move to another server.
my femlala x my crush when they're asleep
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All Thighlanders and Highlanders, but the band is The Throwing Stones cause ala mhigans
let me logon and see if I have any job around that level
What's the best race?
What's the best eye color?
What's the best height?
What's the best canthal tilt angle?
What's the best job?
What's the best nasiolabal folds?
What's the best flavor of ice cream?
will i be assassinated in reclears this week
unironically don't SAM fucking sucks in pvp
t. crystal rank CC SAM
Formerly someone's son, now I'm someone's whore
should i fanta to meleera
I'm on Crystal as well. If I'm not mistaken I'm gonna spawn at the bench, but you could just as easily put up a PF. Give me one sec to get in.
I'm so stupid I didn't know you could buy twine and glaze with books until this week
put on the bunny suit and you could be my femlala's wife...
SAM fucks in pvp but it requires spirit. Try something else.
t. t30 CC SAM
>more people going malera
hell yeah
im so relieved that no one wants to obliterate fiddies from xivg forever
yeah, i predict a 80% chance of dying to EE2 and a 90% chance of getting sniped by a beam as tower in sunrise
Cool, cool. I'll be around. Left queue and went back to my house to put stuff on a retainer.
Alrighty, I'll put up a pf when I get back to the bench!
Hisstasu > Meikyo > Minechuri > Ogi Namikiri x2.
If they are low and running without cleanse, use Hissatsu to close distance and then Hyosetsu to bind them.

if they aren't low, then you run cause you've got no resources left so leave, wait for CDs, then come back to do similar to the next target of opportunity.
It's been years and you guys still keep posting the same things over ane over. Aren't you bored of this?
i play both of these
you will never get rid of me
>What's the best flavor of ice cream?
What website do you think we are on?
Yeah I got nothing close to 95 but I can join for one run if you don't mind.
They're both nice, quiet, and both elezen. It would work. Plus they both afk alot
>Anon asks how to play something
>Retards tell him not to play it
Just answer the guy's question you fucking goobers
I'm one dungeon away from being able to spam Dead Baby Dungeon on my SGE if you're up for that
We like this.
If you have to ask then don't bother because you wont make it
If you are serious about it I could log in and explain how it works in detail.
>every week I have been killed through no fault of my own
I'm tired chief
They did. The best move is not to play.
>play perfectly
>dh crit every burst
>healer assassinates me during phase transition
>grey parse
end it all
I think my edge alignment was off...
Should I be more of a skirmisher then? I dived for a few kills but found it very hard to escape afterwards
Up to you, I would like to learn but it's not like it's a huge deal
Fiddies are the gazelle of the savannah that is /xivg/ you exist to sustain all other life here. Without you the ecosystem collapses.
I don't really afk anymore but fair point..
Where are you idling?
same, bro, i keep dying to stacks because my partner would always die right before it somehow and i don't play tank so i can't just ignore the stacks :(
Brother you're meant to add the picture.
If you're talking about my low time on the crystal it's cos I'm bad and I haven't played cc in a year-ish
iktf bro
Just form a party of ilvl 720+ lads and oneshot every boss
NTA but I want a SAM lesson it seems like it's good if you know its nuances
Do benchoids ever play the game?
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>healer steals the last melee range tile during mouser
>wipe the pull
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It's perverse and I'm not proud of it.
Who gave this fiddie permission to have this much ass and not eb me
Oh wait I'm dumb and misread, balmung bench, but if >>492976508 wants to join we could go to wolve's den or something
king shit make them learn their place
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Hrothgal eb for this feel
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Bam, I put up a PF.
That's all good.
I'd be down to help you too honestly.

Pass is 404
Please say he's just a friend
Now girl let's not pretend
Either he is or he ain't your man
Please say he's just a friend
Going to find you then.
Come tag along.
Don't dive without Guard and Cleanse ready to go.
You can stay in the middle of fights for a while but you then need to play defensive/tank wise by relying on Chiten as light mitigation, targeting Ogi Namikiri to cleave enemy players to provide self shield, stun opportune targets with Mineuchi and dish out heavy damage (hopefully) that teammates follow up.
What is he drinking...
I'll be up at the top of the boat, balmung
Get off my fucking race faggot
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does cc count
*snort* uh sweetie it's called Purify
Thanks babydoll
imagine the smell
>XIVCombo and Rotation Solver
avg DRGcoon/MNKey player
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I'm drinking a glass of manischewitz every 10 minutes I don't get in. Please help save a life and queue frontlines. Crystal DC
I can think of 9-10 regulars that reclear savages every week
I only have those for the botting plugin
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Nice rotation solver and xivcombo plugins cheater
When Urianger is nearby my humidity rises.
Is there a way for me to have separate language setting between my characters?
I want to imagine the flavor
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Why the horns? Why do non femra races do this?
Should I be aiming to cleave with ogi or single target it?
Yeah most people there just hop on and off between roulettes or other content and then come back to afk
people just like to have an idle spot in mmos instead of turning their game off
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These japanese guys beat leviathan extreme and there's like hundreds of people there to congratulate them
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Be advised:
Queueing Puppet's Bunker for glam
If you need AR and don't want to run Nier you have been warned.
Thank you.
because they look cute on fiddies
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Don't care
you should drink a glass of Auschwitz and kill yourself
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femra don't own the item lil bwo
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By the way thank you whoever recommended NoClipppy to me, I can do double weaving on MCH flawlessly.
gaijin servers will never have this much soul
ive fucked this cat
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always kiss ur moonies gn
The real answer is they were added in stormblood if I remember correctly and I put them on and just never took them off so now my character looks weird to me when I don't have them on
joke's on you, i need to do puppet's bunker on my alt. (i will keep getting cyka tower)
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its for the auto dungeon running plugin...
That bun is a fag btw
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this sounds hard to believe
Malera samgang
someone call cc queue im bored
How was it?
cc at the top of the next in game hour
Falling in love was the worst mistake of my entire life
Don't do it
Cleave gives a shield per cast, hits multiple enemies (making them use recuperate. Their mana is essentially a secondary hp bar you have to drain)
If you want to burst someone, aim for solo hits. 12k per, 24k total. scares a lot of players with the raw damage.
>plugins have this now
Holy BASED botters in shambles, thank you for this knowledge
>there are faggots here sad enough to use this shit
It’s like you guys don’t enjoy playing a game actually
levelling alt classes is boring and getting all your classes to 100 is not an achievement sorry
dawntrail was ass, the graphics fucking blow, leveling sucks. whats the point
Go play something else then retard
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/wowg/ is down the catalogue
there are a lot of things to do in this game and most of it is not fun. leveling is not fun for most people but something you have to do to access a lot of fun activities. I don't bot dungeons but I never understood this idea that someone who doesn't enjoy literally every facet of the game no matter how mundane doesn't have anything to like about the game.
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Whiter than you, mohammad.
When most of the social player base is just trannies and schizos playing mean girls simulator, that tends to happen.
Go unsub and play something else dipshit. Normal people don’t continue to play a game they hate, they move on to something else
>”I don’t like playing the game so I’m gonna bot!”
>want to do something else
>leveling jobs is fucking boring
>hmmm i could easily multitask this boring activity I dont want to do
>turn on plugin and minimize the game
>come back 4 hours later with a bunch of levels

loling at u
Weren't you aware?
XIV is a second life, dating app game where all we do is goon and plap at the 'mung while we palmrape our goonsticks until we shoot ropes of cocksnot all over our screen.
We like this.
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ah yes
Yoshi needs to stop being a retard (hard, I know) and perform a cease and desist on XIVLauncher
How would a C&D on XIVLauncher improve the game anon. People would still mod the game they’d just use texttools
That would unironically kill the game in the west
So true and based my wife
why would he do that.. lets just say 20k of the ppl on mare are not f2p players, and they all have the basic sub. that's 300k a month alone.
I don't hate the game, there are many aspects I like, I just think grinding duties 50 times Ive done before is really boring and I'm being efficient, sorry dude
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C&D them too. Also every modding site that provides a platform for XIV mods, go full scorched earth.
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Just because you're a console cuck and you have level up manually doesn't give you the right to hate on us modding chads
i am speaking to wuk lamat while queueing for frontline instead hehe
If it went to court Square would probably lose majority of those legal battles desu
What benefit does that give to the game?
Good, then maybe that shambling corpse of a company would finally fall over.
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... I don't remember this
bro frontline isnt going to pop for like another 4 hours bare minimum, na queues die at 2am pst which was 2.5 hours ago
Too busy doubling down on Wuk Lmao sorry, development hard.
my pvp crush has inspired me to play viper in cc
fine i will go back into the cc queue to grief games
Once again, killing the game. There is no way to stop modding at this point, it hit critical mass a long time ago. The best move for Square would to let sleeping dogs lie. They don't need to embrace it, they just do literally nothing and get money
Removing botters.
>Game existed and succeeded for years without it.
I don't care about mare. undercutters and botters are the issue.
>TOS says third party tools are not allowed
>Creators of a third party tool would win the case
anyone want to play amogus
I hate this website so god damn much

anyway, moonies
>No more protected cheaters
>No more modbeasts
>Coomers move on because no more modbeasts
Being mad about modding is so funny. You get red in the face over shit you can’t see unless you swap codes from a plugin you willingly signed up for.
XIV is probably the most openly cheated in videogame in the current era there is no other game with as big of playerbase where there is ZERO anticheat
>There is no way to stop modding at this point
Yes there is
ToS are not nearly as bulletproof as you'd think, they are shot down fairly frequently even because they are often egregious
belong in prisons
I think you're really overestimating the amount of people who'd quit if modding got killed or severely impacted. Hell, I bet most of this thread wouldn't, we have people literally buying the game again after permabans. Literal addicts.
Can I be green...
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>lose huge plurality of players because uhhh it hurts someone's feefees
Solid business decision
7 of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards. The number of coffers to appear will be 1.
The quantity of items within the coffers will be reduced because at least one party member is not eligible to receive all rewards.
6 of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards. The number of coffers to appear will be 1.
The quantity of items within the coffers will be reduced because at least one party member is not eligible to receive all rewards.
5 of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards. The number of coffers to appear will be 1.
The quantity of items within the coffers will be reduced because at least one party member is not eligible to receive all rewards.
4 of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards. The number of coffers to appear will be 1.
The quantity of items within the coffers will be reduced because at least one party member is not eligible to receive all rewards.
3 of 8 party members are eligible for duty rewards. The number of coffers to appear will be 0.
AAC Light-heavyweight M3 (Savage) has ended.
You have entered a sanctuary.
Triple Triad matches allowed in current area.
sure, i usually play maroon
Those people can keep modding though. You underestimate how much people want to palmrape their goonsticks
>big boobs in pic
>small boob in catbox
core is pretty much everyone xivg hates in one place huh
may i plap ?
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Can’t hate anyone from here if I don’t hang out with anyone from here anymore
modding isnt going anywhere. you've lost and we've won. deal with it vanilla niggers
I like Perrine Charlemont
im in core and no one hates me
It'd be about as solid as the rest of SE's business decisions.
>xivlauncher gets cease and desisted
>the game just gets harder to install / patch / etc because japanese launcher is dogshit
>can still mod because dalamud isn't part of xivlauncher
>can still mod because the reverse engineering projects aren't part of xivlauncher

oh no...............
im so disappointed
nice top combo but significantly better without the bra
such as
Who do you hate from core and why?
>Xivlauncher 2 comes out with a different group of trannydevs
Crazy how nothing would change. There are infinite trannydevs who will do anything to palmrape their goonsticks
Effy because he won't edate me.
Not at this time.
eww brotha ewww
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It's incredible how even blizzard makes moves to stop really intrusive addons from getting into the game, yet here it's going to keep getting worse. Botting is no longer something you have to purchase or dig through sus websites for some archaic crystal grinding craft bot. Now it's included in a easily accessible catalogue of other cheat plugins that automates the game completely for free.
That's actually Joker
may I plap at some other time ..?
>It's incredible how even blizzard makes moves to stop really intrusive addons from getting into the game
some of my most recent memories of playing WoW were streams of mage bots farming dungeons
>It's incredible how even blizzard makes moves to stop really intrusive addons from getting into the game
No they don't lmao
You can very easily find WoW bots. When it comes to addons that trivialize the game WoW demolishes xiv, off of the sheer fact that most of those addons are considered mandatory. No one considers splatoon mandatory
Oh good, modders have finally crossed the final line in opening pandora's box and are openly botting now. The thing that kept the botting problem in check before was the requirement to pay for bots, but now with rotations, raid alerts and now bots that move your character for you we are finally going to see square do something about this ass end of the community.

The funny thing is if they end up cracking down on zivlauncher, actual botters won't be effected. Zivlauncher devs won't be scummy enough to bypass the anticheat because they have a stick up their ass about 'cheating'.

The difference here I think is that money is completely valueless in FFXIV and the outcome I see happening is new players getting random 50million gil dumped on them from botters who have literally 999,999,999 in all retainers and all of their alts which will completely kill certain gil dumps in the game. But frankly I don't care, gil is a bad way to add content longevity and is only really a housing thing in FFXIV
Ai Kotoba and Effy Kibou should edate because they're pretty much the same personality-free losers
I hate Rob Chidori for NTRing me and plapping Ace Le'fay, Akemi Sanzo annd Anzu Miyumi.
If you need Splatoon to raid in wow don't stand in bad you might be a fucking mouth breather
Effy should date me because I'm a broken failure
Y'know lying about wow here isn't nearly as effective as you may think considering a lot of people here are ex-wow or even concurrent wow players
Not sure if this is effy posting about himself or king kong just woke up and decided to shit his diap about effy again
effy should kill himself
Link me my nigga
Wait until you hear that there are people that PAY for this shit. Like 20 bucks per class, just so that SE levels their character for them, lmao
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How to get bots on wow
>dig through russian websites and potentially get banned in a ban wave
How to get bots on xiv
>Install the plugin launcher everyone uses and never get banned
its def kong because its always at the same time of day
Its Effy trying to garner more sympathy now that the being dumped by Appal sympathy is running out
It’s crazy that oldschool RuneScape is the only mmo that’s constantly deleting bots in mass
Yeah that's my point, most WoW players are retarded because they never even played without addons. If you want to raid in WoW you are expected to have addons
their entire playerbase has been trained to be more efficient than bots and while somehow having less of a soul than them too.
>Dude xiv crafting is so much deeper than wow
>*installs auto craft bot to make it like wow crafting*
its not hard to believe somebody doesnt like someone you simp for nigger
like watching paint dry. anytime ive talked to them they seem like the biggest retards who couldnt hold a conversation to save their life
>How to get bot in wow
>go to bot website and subscribe and hope their unlocker doesn't get detected
>how to bot in xiv
>install plugin
>how to bot wow
>go to bing, search wow bots
wow that was hard
>talk to gooner into gooning and anime
>gets bored
I'm more willing to believe that you got rejected/ignored because you're weird
The visceral reaction to someone that's allegedly incredibly boring and without a personality makes it clear that it's probably something else that's bothering you
lmao bro, blizzard will literally stop weak auras that make fights too easy. SE literally can't do anything except put world first streamers to burn on the stake while hundreds of thousands bot and cheat unmolested
bots have existed since before plugins.

i hate new players
I think I found it https://github.com/ffxivcode/AutoDuty
Does anyone know what "mlala" body type is?
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You don't even need a plugin for that, just a macro you can generate yourself on a random website. The only difference is that you tab back in to press the macro again.
Yes I know but there is no reason to subscribe to dogshit like mmominion anymore when you can do everything it can for free
Why should I have to give a shit about what faggots do in WoW?
going to queue the first dt dungeon just thought you guys should know, so you can avoid it
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goon morning
whats visceral about it exactly? its just two retards being called boring retards. simple as. sorry it doesn't fit into your world view about your favorite ebins
Why exactly is that a bad thing?
How does your character still look as shit as it did before dawntrail i can't even jerk off to this garbage
Too big
I never said it was a bad thing
Normally when I find someone boring, I have no strong feelings on them at all. There's nothing to hate about someone that's boring and has no personality, you pass over them and talk to someone else
goon morning hypnofiddie
I want to join the fiddie lineup but if I do it now I'd stand out too much
forgive me for opening the floor to the pathetic assholes who leave this game on all day to ask why botting is bad
its almost like im an individual with my own opinions and ways of thinking about things. eat shit nigger
Anons get offended if you dont like someone they’re friends with
Anons get offended if you like someone they don’t
Anons get offended if you like something they don’t

Why is this place full of soft snowflakes
Kong is my favorite moonie
Schrodinger's tiddy
Why is it bad?
Why is it bad to set up a routine to craft me 500 chicken thighs instead of alt tabbing into the game every 30 seconds to press my macro again 500 times?
Sounds more like you're barely sentient
i never felt this way til i lost someone like you
hey thats my line but agreed. kong is pretty cool
there is no meaning to anything in the game if peanut brained guys like you just automate every process imaginable.
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It's over...
You can join in, but my game will probably crash once I go to work
yeah it is >>492979857>>492979756
this is why PVP is the only content that matters, botted rotations don't mean shit if your gamesense is dogshit
t. Kong
If I want to be annoying and make my enemies in pvp miserable what do I play?
stay simpin, friend
>meanwhile in pvp
reaper or paladin
I don't automate pve, I don't have a single pve plugin. But I automate crafting, because I don't want to alt tab back in every 30 seconds to re-press my macro, because I am an adult with responsibilities and other hobbies
Lol, this dude has been mad ever since Effy and appal both rejected him and he got kicked from appal's discord for hitting on people.
A lot of shitposters do this it's so funny, I can predict when my schizo posts at this point
Name and shame your schizo and the hours they post then
I would but it would just set him off more, he's sleeping like a little bitch right now
We know when Tikaasi is here it's okay you don't need to tell us
>guarding is mostly useless if you don't know when to use it preemptively, setting it at a health % will mostly lead to you getting killed because it may pop before you use your escape ability which means you have to either cancel your guard or slowly move and get dogpiled at low health anyway
>autoLB is only really useful on ninja or SAM which is arguably still about gamesense, if you SAM LB one person it's a waste and they can just play around your chiten with shields and CC. Ninja chain killing people automatically sucks but again you can deal with it, not like it's hard to use either of these LBs manually so why do you need a bot lol
Once again a no-pvp nigger gives insight!
He leaves me alone since I stopped replying to him
>I would but…
Oh so you’re just a pussy like the rest of the posters here
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ggs was fun
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>i'll do my gposes tomorrow
>spends the day playing deadlock
>i'll do them tomorrow
>spend the day playing fallout london
>i'll do them tomorrow- wait I go back to work tomorrow
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so we just aren't playing the game now
Gonna plap Ranru
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can you shut the fuck up holy shit
only retards use those plugins
No, I'm playing chess while he's playing checkers. Why would I reveal what information I have to my enemies? Instead I can use it against them.
I'm glad Ranru has finally stopped schizoing Kawaiitely
Yes, based kong who pays for cheats like rebornbuddy and mmominion from chinese people instead
we like this
Oh you’re not just a pussy, you’re a gigantic pussy.
no can do
Thought it was you lol
Who am I then anon? Go on post my lodestone you have my permission
That's not ranru though lol it's some dude from twitter
these fucking retards dont know shit
It's these kinds of posts that confirm it
Why is everyones defense these days "Its Kong" instead of just admitting that they schizo each other because they love playing schoolgirl playground xivg
Because it's kong right now and incredibly obvious
I really don't care who my schizowalker is because they're funny :>
I know anon, that’s the best part of people who claim to “know their schizo” on an anonymous image board. Like see
Post the lodestone then anon
How is it obvious
Honest question
because they refuse to believe anybody but kong can dislike their chosen thread personality
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>aussie hours
>why is it kong
Because you need to change your typing style and shit posting hours. The truth is nobody actively gives a shit about these e-celebs except those with a chip on their shoulder. Move the fuck on.
So you can dance around it and try really hard to prove its not you? (Which kind of proves it is) I'll just keep torturing you
I don't like seeing you force the same insipid shitposts for over a year. I hate seeing their stupid fucking names because they refused to e-fuck you. Kill yourself
My holiest moly
Come to think, a lot of the very aggressive schizos seem to post at this time..
My schizo also would schizo me during AU time
effy simp detected. maybe if you make another post like that he'll send you some gposes to goon to
calm down kong
Post the lodestone then anon if youre confident in yourself (you’re not)
It is weird how if you post here long enough, you become hyper aware of this stuff

It's just chaos to newfags
People be like "ITS SO OBVIOUS" then the second they ask for proof there's literally nothing
It's usually not worth considering who could possibly be making posts about you. It's largely a fruitless & silly endeavor that can be solved by personally talking to whoever you think it might be
simps dont like being called simps. what a shocker
Is Kong in the room with us right now?
You're manipulative so it's really not enough, because you'll use anonymous ambiguity as a defense
My Fujoshi ass wants some Korkana Yaoi Kino.

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