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>Newbro guide


>Yuppieraids guide

>8/29 (Thu) Update

>Increased Rates
Frida & Spotted Mouse Hair Tie 8/22 ~ 9/5
Iseria & Song of Stars 8/29 ~ 9/5

>Mystic Summons
Empyrean Ilynav 8/14 ~ 9/4

>/e7g/ Guilds
Pantsu, Lucklets, Cope, Partyvan, Netori (Make sure to include /e7g/ in your greeting)

Previous: >>492701468
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9/2 update notes

Anniversary already started bwos
i salute the rabi
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>Netori never posted their ai report card
Bwos don’t forget to epic dash every day you miss it’s like missing out on 2 months of progress!
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To all the newbros not sure what to do at the start, the first step its to finish the episode 1 so you can unlock unrecorder history, which is your main source of catalyst and stigma.

Then you have the new goblin event which should give you enough gear your first few teams, you should farm this event for a bit some decent sets, save your liefs for hunts though, altough doing any hunt below 13 its a bad idea so maybe just use a few thousand energy on it max.

If you are not sure what to upgrade check this

Later on you'll want to focus on building your first wyvern 13 team in which case you'll want to farm some ice runes and do Furious connection, ideally you'll want to have this team running in 2 weeks for the super dash buff which increase materials for hunts

The resources on the OP are updated so fthey are better than most stuff what you'll find out there, lastly if you need a more handholding You'll find a playlist on Deity youtube channel in which he does walktroughs about the new account experience and what to do or do nots.

Makre sure you get Frida before she goes away tomorrow as she is a summer limited character.
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Love Emilia
Thanks bro.
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one think i'll say its that Angelica is a better tank than Angelic Momo and if you pick Brieg from your selector you can use him to tank w13 too.

Options for muwi are Clarissa and Taranor Guard but you'll need to change your stats a bit
, you'll need Furious to be at least 196 speed and the rest of your team above 147 speed (i know it sound autistic but its important) outside of that the hunt its pretty straightforward, just make sure you have 65 eff on the debuffers and 35 crit chance with as much attack as possible on sigret
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i salute the rabi
>one think
one thing*
is that cat ok?
official e7g ai ranking sorted by fastest clear time
netori failed to submit appropriate paperwork in time
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they cancelled pflan buffs
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gyarubros Iribitari Gal ni Manko Tsukawasete Morau Hanashi 3 is up now, I don't think it's translated yet though.
also skmt has a gyaru costume now
are you serious? her buffs were ddr tier retarded wtf, now females will never be able to compete with homos...
why is smilegate swayed by fucking bronzelords
big if true
emm if the buffs were good how come reddit was complaining about them
Lets go
khm is streaming tankdown bros
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who are the epic 7?
i kneel copegods
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I want to smother my face in Flan's robo tiddies...
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fuck I forgot to click the daily epic dash missions yesterday. I thought I would auto get it after I've done the missions. there goes 400 free energy
im sorry goslingbro, at least you still have 54 days of missions...
>stealing aqua's silhouette to capitalize off her crew
wretched cynical bitch, truly the toilet of hololive. i hope the rumors for her being an actual femcel are true because she does not deserve to know love.
its ok bro at least you didnt forget to do your attacks
Erm bwos? Is this /yourguy/???
no bro our guy is vikchun
not going to click, what is it about and whats his dumbass take?
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>Hazama picked Rabi instead of Lua for the skin
Lua is a shit confirmed
base lua skin is already close to perfection
please join cope

ML Lua will be perfection desu
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Sorry for the delay. Here's the AI report card from Partyvan
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erm newbwo here, should I be saving these summons for herisetti?
kys netori retard
Bros red pill me about your game, saw I can play it on PC without emu so may as well try it
kys pochi
all e7g guilds tied because they cleared on the same day. the listed time is based on the timezone of the person that posts the screenshot
wtf bro, everyone deserves to know love, even rabibros
hello lilias rerun soon?
playing the rhythm game event kinda makes me appreciate the ost of the game bros
Hey faggots I’m a new player, just started yesterday! Can someone give me some advice I watched this video by this content creator called “demonkim” and he said to go for Tywin as my first 5 star hero, which I refilled until I got him but now what, how do I progress? Also any guilds here I can join for newbies?
pochi working overtime
yeah gro frozen eclipse is stuck in my head I had to stab myself with a pen to prevent me from humming it at work
Gala or clilias? is its for clilias you can get her for free after you finish episode 2, unless you prefer DDR
same bwo, i really like the alencia christmas song
no bwo you have to use them every day, you cant save them
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grats bwo
pc client is coming soon, but you'll have to use the google play games client until it happens if you dont want to use emulators, if you decide to play check this >>492976984
elvemage is streaming
Thanks bwo
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Ermmm...PFlan buff is cancelled...?
Based, fucking retards don't understand that PFlan's sole purpose is being a stunbot
Literally NO ONE ELSE has a guaranteed stun like PFlan if she doesn't get 15%'d
>new players get a grand total of 139 MORE mola gora than existing players do
this is epic shit!
they need them bwo
they need it? I NEED it. dont tell me who needs it when i know i need it.
what's a pochi and why do you guys keep talking about it?
resident doomschizo boogeyman, its better if you dont know
yes bwo people complained about it.
actually fuck this game and it's gay community
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erm revenue is rising and we will easily hit 10m again this month EPIC RISE
Can someone link me the balance patch notes I can't find them on the stove site
She's still bad either way because cleansers/openers exist and cuck her entire existence
And what buffs are you gonna steal with pillage anyways? You moron, all the meta units have unstealable/unstrippable buffs
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epic seven for this feel?
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Netori report card
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Revenue dropped by 7 mil bro..
now post 3rd respawn kill for dust
Skipping frida
shes a must pull for arena/gw abuser tho
They actually made LHC worse. She can't s3 on her first turn anymore.
I can't believe netori legalized the death penalty because of this performance
partyvan is the last to clear, disband now
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>barely faster than partyvan, the guild which won award for the most dead guild 6 years in a row
erm partycucks response???
nothing changes in regard to the 1st turn, unless she gets skill CD increased after her passive procs
rape shoe
Dont have luna tho
pantsubro carried all the guilds to victory...
sooo... how are we going to split up partyvan?
bwo trust me get her
You dont need Luna bwo, Nakhwol, Lua and even Flan + BBK or Judge Kise + BBK work
bwo you would be a complete idiot not to get a free book unit
same, promise is still the best song though
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"If you gaze long into the rabi, duuuuhhhhhwabi also gazes into you."
partyvan killed all 3 respawns, shitori couldn't even full clear
frida nyooo
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can lilibet handle 6 goblomus?
oh boy ilynav got a ml, im gonna pl- >>1 day left
good bye again
>seanig time
please don't post ever again
So which guild was the last to clear AI? Can someone get in touch with the guild leaders so they can move forward with the disbanding?
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>8,018 Victory Points
>Still Champ V
anyone have a fast female only azimanak team? tired of all the guides with straze and shuri homos
Rip her anus
Netori since they didn't even clear
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OK then
season resets in a few weeks bwo, remember to save some flags to climb back at the start
bwo at least play until you get the 100 free ml summons and the gurantee 5*
Tama, Roana or fire charlotte as your tank then iseria, ML Iseria or SSB as your defense break and landy as your dps, if you have a grace of growth slot avaliable you could replace landy for Kanna
Is it easier to hold and climb bot arena rank if you do it at the start of the season?

I just started cleaving and even then it’s taking me forever, I’m up to 7.5k points and still in champ V I dunno how it’s possible to escape the champ v jail
is up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M21LNlqfBUQ
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i know theres a bug where if you dont open arena after the weekly reset then you dont lose victory points, maybe it also prevents them from getting pushed out of emp even though other people have accumulated more points than them
didn't someone already ask this yesterday??
you will be champ5 until like 10k points
that was me but none of you cockslurpers could come up with non homo options
? clearly not since I replied with my female only team 13 minutes after the question. why lie when there are archives moron
why cant this be me bros.
I hope this isn't me
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If that’s the case how the fuck are people climbing? just hoarding flags? Or spending skystones I don’t see a easy way to climb even past champ v
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man wtf were gooks smoking with these
why the fuck does hell not count towards this achievement
why the fuck do you have to buy catalysts 10 times instead of buying 10 catalysts 1 time
fucking interns i tell you
they don't as there is no point
is that cat ok?
How come they didn't do the same with ddr when everyone cried about his buff being "bad"? why must waifu players always suffer in this game it's not fair...
wtf someone is actually making waifu only hunt teams
i was thinking about doing the same
this game is too riddled with homo loving faggots who only make homo guides
I told my probation officer that getting a job will have to wait awhile as the epic dash events is going on, but she’s said “a video game is no excuse for not finding a job” any other bwos in the same spot? How do I convince her to let me epic dash for 55 days and then I’ll get a job
bwi you can do both i believe in you
>Adventurer's path doesn't count quick battle hunts
wait really? wtfff
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it counted them for me
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i lied
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Comfy tuesday with my bros
i kneel
How long until the cermia skin is on the shop bros?
like 6 months bwo
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at least i got the 110 tickets needed for it ready....
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bros...i just realized that they didnt even mention loli senya for the anniversary...
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she is gonna be a surprise character when they reveal ml alencia, trust the plan
Loli senya is canceled LMEEEEOWWWW
I posted in this general for 2 years but have never played the game
Skin is ugly coomershit
why not play the game bro?
I don't like gear gacha nor homos bwi
i see bro, thanks for giving bumps to our general then
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Bros left or right?
depends how often you draft her bro, if you only use her against units like haste,choux and ddr, right side would be better because of the element advantage against dark giving a free 15% crit
give it a chance bro, all you need to do is farm the goblin dungeon and you'll be able to gear all your characters to usable levels outside of openers and there is draft mode now
Stfu faggot
>DDR get buffed
>His "fans" cry about it
>SG doesn't care and let it goes online
>Broken piece of shit everyone suck his dick now and are happy with it
>ML Flan get buffed
>"Her "fans" cry about it
>Cancel everything
???? is only homos allowed to get buffs now?
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Do you realize how massive damage share + 50% eff is? Just replace atk buff on S3 with Pillage, that's literally all she needed
Fart pancakes is so hot bwos…
first epic homo? anyone with half a brain knew that pflan would be ddr tier which upset the faggots playing this game
Any news about loli senya? Or still cancelled?
basically loli senya is vaporware like guardian level ups, 3v3 RTA, east trading ship and the pc client.
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me when i get a male
I thought there were news after seeing the OP so I clicked, guess I got baited.
wtf is that real
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i wonder what her kit will be like bros
>hwayoung after
>only 5k mystics
never been more over...
wtfff vikchun got engaged hes no longer a virgin
emm if its a man it does not count bwo
>the only buffed unit this balance patch that was semi good got canned
this game is shit bros, we could've had a waifu ddr but nope can't have nice things unless your a turbo fag in this game
im hoping for a defense scaling bruiser that cant be stun or sleep like ml landy
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the sheep buffs are great
im hoping she has some room in the meta with the buffs but probably not because ml rat and ddr is a thing
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bwos vikchun is about to twerk getin getin
I'll try to make her work i think she has potential
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it didnt work
any way to one shot azimanak without shuri/straze? or at least two turn
I know you can do it without straze but i don't think Wschuri is replacablegmn
i salute the rabi
You think the buff will change how alencia is built?
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what happen to wretched rose bros
I think so, she needs less stats now so she'll be faster on injury set
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bros the frida banner and the summer side story ggoes away in around 30 hours
Bwos what's the next arti rotation, i can't fwind it...
made for gang bang rape
>Sc amiki
>Elf guy
>Dark schuri
>Green guy
>Flan alt
Huh I wonder why they didn't show her then
she's getting the brinus treatment...
i dont think it has been posted
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coming soon
me on the left
big if true
How do i become a rift god bwos
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please join lucklets
check the tristen wulf guides bwo but in general dont panic too much if you have to cleaer in 4 runs at the start, as you get a few rift controller levels your power will dramatically increase
As someone who likes pflan but knows that she sucks and needed that buff, do you guys think she'll get another chance for a buff in 2 or 3 years if the game is alive or is it over for her??
She'll most likely get an EE at some point bro, or they may buff her again if enough people complain, i think melissa got buffed like 2 patchs in a row once
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believe in the rabi that believes in you
i just don't understand why the fuck did sg listen to these crackheads in the first place it's their game....
Bwos should I do Hero path quests like a filthy noob?
no bwo, it takes too much stamina you are better doing Unrecorder History or goblin dungeon i you are a new player or Rift if you are an old player, remember to save your leifs for the extra dash buff wekeend which happens in 2 weeks
>i you are a new player
if you are a new player*

also hunts 13 or UH its still ok if you cant make a rift team
Yeah bro the people who liked that shitty buff steal shit don't even play the game all the buffs worth stealing are impossible to interact with
bwos is the epic pass worth it
4chan pass is more worth it gro
emm bro the epic pass is practically free (2.5k skystones) unlike the 4chan pass
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i think im gonna miss the hwayoung sticker bwos...
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ermmmm 45$ is like 2 hours of minimal wage bwi
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22 minutes until the e7wc web event goes away get your total views reward NOW
bros I bought a liver sandwich and liver tastes legitimately gross
bwo nyo...
it has a strong smell unless whoever cooked it knew what he was doing bwo, never order liver unless its an expensive place
its the taste bro it tastes like vegan wondermeat
at least its good for you bro but never eat again if you dont like
never eat liver again*
pagpag probably tastes better than liver desu
you have 20 days out of 56 days retard
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bros count me out
stay strong bwo
riftbros how many of those chests have you gotten
just use the tristen wulf hack bro
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LEAKED: last moments of reinx and rabibro as they argue who would take control of netori
what the FUCK
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>the suicide video on rabibros channel was staged
WTFFFFF what did rein do to rabibro?
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Vampire kino soon
how come bbk is meta now
she gets two lives and hits like a truck
did gooks disable auto bursts in the rhythm game? i dont think im bursting anymore
works on my machine
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bwos how my anti ken shoe lookin
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>hes a rhythmlet
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im a god
Is she okay?
yes bro rabibro swam against the hurricane and survived (to outerplane)
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>No full combo
um nyo gro
There is a button to turn on or off auto bursst, its on the top right to the left of the pause/menu button
its looking pretty good bwo i think proof would be better than elfist though
nice bro but i you need help do this trick https://youtu.be/CQOviummNXw?si=u16SdeCRxrcBnkx7
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i tried gro..
also if you dont want to watch video check this https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1f2h5i8/closing_out_the_entire_summer_rhythm_event_100/
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wtf how
You just need to bark enough for SG to backoff.
Sadly the current devs have no courage they will play safe whenever it's possible.
i hope SG dont ban me for this shit, it feels so much like cheating, but i wont be able to complete this event if i dont otherwise do this
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does it work?
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before and after netori
big if true
it'll be fine bwo
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please join lucklets
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I just kicked another seanig in nuts today
I think it was a filipino this time
just got kicked in the nuts I watch kronii btw
not cool la
deity is streaming
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how do you always get away with it bro
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Thought you had
all the answers
to rest your heart upon.

But something happens,
don't see it coming, now
you can't stop yourself.

Now you're out there swimming...
In the deep.
In the deep.

Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles
till you... Let go.
Till you shed your pride, and you climb to heaven,
and you throw yourself off.
Now you're out there spinning...
In the deep.
In the deep.
In the deep.
In the deep.
Erm bros how am I suppose to get in to Outerplane when it quite literally feels like I'm playing the EXACT same fucking game again?
Like yeah the 3D tits are cool and all but that is NOT worth a second fucking Gook grind.
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You shouldn't bro. Even Jena said it's pointless to play an inferior version of E7 like Outerplane.
wait, what the fuck? did they just reverted flan changes?
Yes, the changes are fucking dumb, just put Pillage on S3
yes bro
streamers are blaming bronzies for this, just check valky stream right now
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the fire rises gro
i'm angry bros... now we get a super boring balance patch with nothing new to expect
turns like in every single internet forum, the retards are always the most vocal, this is why we can't have nice things, the silent majority is too afraid to call them out on their retarded takes.
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day 2 of raising an account with anniversary gibs
not too shabby for rank 40.
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E7 feels for this?
is the goblin teasure you get fully maxed?
erm is that diety's account
errr.... how do you have briseria ee in 2 days gro
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no but you can max it pretty much for free it takes like 5 small charms to do it.
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>i have to download chinkstack to use the macro
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i was so hype bros... now i get to pick her again in 1/500 matches
wtf should I just be farming this goblin13 if I lack any 40% health gear
Where are you guys seeing Pflan revert? I dont see it in stove dev notes
its on *eddit bwo, but we wont talk about it here
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errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrm bwos
they crossed out the pflan changes
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netori stocks are so down holy fuck
Making sweeping changes to a character is stupid. It's never going to go over well because even if it is a net gain, you're still going to piss people off who potentially like the character as-is and farmed to use them that way.
The only proper way to buff a character is to just add shit to their kit. Nothing else. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel and save that shit for a later character (that they can sell for money). Don't take anything away, don't drastically change things.
Even fucking FGO realized this over a decade ago.
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my coworker reported me to hr for insisting that sushi is a dessert
Umm geewos are any of the epic dash packs in the store worth it?
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ermbwos please kneel
Same thing happened to me at my last job but replace the sushi thing with me taking videos of her feet under the desk
good job bro
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can i make it bros?
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You must try things that may not work. And you must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come from. Your only limit is your soul.
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Sooooo...they scrapped Senya? I never thought that she made any sense to begin with. It always seemed forced to me. They don't need her as a gag character, which is mostly all she could be. It's not as if Senya has special powers at this age, wasn't born and raised as a fighter. So all she'll end up being is at best a cheerleader type unit with "power of friendship" as the entirety of her skill set, or a gag of tiny her with a giant spear flailing about. She has her place as an NPC. May have had a small chance as an ML, but that is highly unlikely at the moment. As an RGB unit, it just doesn't make sense unless you pull some real narrative gymnastics with a heavy suspension of disbelief beyond what a fantasy magic and swords story already demands and a side of retconning.
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bwo just repeat this stage for points
i cant get above 500k...
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Is this ok bwos
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wow hats off to smilegate for this kino sidestory
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But getting alts of characters in skimpy swimsuits and ooc skins are fine nyes
which is the lightest emulator to use for this shit event? don't need the macro feature just binding buttons to screentaps
wanna remove it after with minimal hassle
I could see her released as some kind of april fools hero. Also Kizuna AI was a gag character and shes fine. As long as gag characters are used sparingly i dont think its an issue. Not that i ever wanted child senya.
thats kind of the problem, and why people want a PC client. The emus all have issues. LD player feels lighter than bluestacks though. Bluestacks is a mess now.
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Whats the deal with this nigger? I see him comment under almost every post. Bait or autism?
he is in cope
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Roll for her(again)
all him a nagger
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newbwo here, is she worth for a newbwo
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how do I use this shit
i would say no if you are new. the next boss ML5 will most likely be busted save your bms for her.
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click the blue orb
guys pls go to stove and let our voices be heard don't let these whiny fags win, pflan deservers better!
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wtffffffffffff this looks bussin
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I want to do rift but cant bcuz dont want to build vivian and some shitty 3* Ill never use again instead of jst getting wukong
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yeah its ok, you're lacking a lot of damage with no torrent and sub 300 cdam, but it can still work if you pick her with a lot of dual attackers since her S1 gives her a stacking att buff
Can we get an f for pflan? poor girl will never get another attempt at a shine up now
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>got a bbk boots from the red orb
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no they'll give her something, they always have agendas like with rabi and alencia
good luck
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night bwos
sleep tight
your time will come
That's bussin bro
erm u have 3 dead rolls looks like SHIET
I got Wukong in normal covenant summons, I thought he's a limited character? Also should I finish episode 2 I'm around at chapter 7 or do I just start Unrecorded History?
>tfw no gyaru wife to cook me miso soup everyday
why live gros...
its not a dessert bro
bwos my options in polestar went up 300% today
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shes not committed she just a game hopper
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i can't believe we're actually getting a rabi skin bros...
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i dont remember anything about this game, do i keep playing my old account or start new with all the bonuses ?
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>best anni we ever had
>still as dead as the EU servers
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its honestly pretty even, a new account might be slightly better but you can make that one work with arby + flan. but it looks like you never played much in the first place, you'll probably just quit again
That's not true tough...we got so many newbros lately
>but it looks like you never played much in the first place
thats because playing on emulators sucks, now that they have announced a pc port i thought i'd pick it up again
If you want to do pyllis SC quick go 9-8 episode 1, 5 enemies per stage +no mercedes
frida arti worth buying from the shop?
thank you bro you always have my back
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its ok to have one but its not as important as she is, and she works fine without it.
keep playing that account
goodbye netori bros...
didn't hazamarei pick lua?
make sure you farm the goblin dungeon bro, look at this newbro for and what he did doing so
what happen
no, he changed it back to rabi. he specifically wants a rabi with white hair
yes bwo she is really good in bot arena and GW, and couinters all the pen based heros like LRK, Laia, ML Haste, Jenua ,etc it allows you to comfy auto teams with christy and aria again.
im not your bwo
>I got Wukong in normal covenant summons, I thought he's a limited character?
I think he was added to the pool. he will be quite useful when you unlock rift.
>Also should I finish episode 2 I'm around at chapter 7 or do I just start Unrecorded History?
You could finish episode 2 but ideally you'll want to farm UH to get catalysts, charms and stigma to start building your wyvern 13 team for the extra material buff that will happen during the weekend in around 10 days
Okay gwo I gotcha
wtf why not dwo
Peewos I’m new to cleaving(mostly just bot arena) My current team is vildred astromancer, eda and mage luna, it seems to handle most everything pretty good but are there any other units I should be looking to build?
I have jack o, blooming lidica, cpavel, pretty much every other cleave unit in the game just unbuilt
fuck off
I would say BBK, frida and jack-0, blooming lidica was good against ml landy but you have ml luna to seal the anti crit, cpavel can work too, maybe look into wschuri for the extra speed imprint
Don’t be like that swo, we are all bwos here!
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im a swi actually
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but I can auto fine even without wtf shes useless then
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Hello I really like senya and her animations are cool and crisp and she has the funniest voiceline when does this pretty lady rerun?
think about the mole gwo
she may be rerun around christmas considering SPP is on the moonlight free summons
BLABLIBLOWBLAYIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAsRtnbDs-0
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cute girl
I just started, will I be able to get enough free pulls to get Frida if I poopsock all day?
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Just woke up. Are we winning
no bro you lost the second you decided to play epic shit
Is everything okay gwo? We are here if you need to talk!
no bro I dont talk to losers
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yes melvin we are winning hard and we are finally getting a pc client
You should be able to do so, but the banner goes away in 13 and 40 minutes so you better start now, whenever you get a 3 star character make sure you feed them to each other as there are summon currency from do
>whenever you get a 3 star character make sure you feed them to each other as there are summon currency from doing so
This only work if the character its the same, so only do it for dupes
grats bro, she isreally good remember to farm the goblin dungeon to gear her
erm someone just reached champion with goblin gear only on 1 week acc
bro the goblin dungeon has only been out for 2 days
I’m sorry to have offended you bwo, here’s hoping your mother gets a blood diseases and dies a slow painful death!
wouldnt be surprised, champ is the new bronze in this day and age
play it bros https://youtu.be/WMJasD0GVcQ?si=bjZeKAjpZYil1x4A
goblins ate my family and raped my dog (lilibet)
finally finished the rhythm game, thank god for tristen's guide.
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any open guild gwos? I stopped playan couple of months ago after Senya released
If you play casually(don’t log in every day don’t do gvgs) you are free to join us in cope!
if you do your weeklies join netori
grats bwo hope you enjoy the songs at least
ermbwo the ml choco lady is only good for defensive picks, isn't that like bad
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can i get some doots
the vocal songs are a banger. I really like Raon now
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I do try to gvg with 90% jobbing rate after i got back from work
it's full
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3 rolls into speed and 2 rolls into effres BRAAAAAAAP
wtf is the cat ok??
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that's yogurtking trying to revive rabibro after reinbro pushed him into the sea
why do people say bbk is good? doesnt rimuru shit all over her?
no bwo bbk has 2 lives
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i have no idea what to do with this piece bros
Easy. Trash it in the bin.
Join cope bwo!
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holy fk you got brapped so fucking hard by that dude
is the cope recruitment shit falseflagging? why would someone voluntarily want to go into a shit guild
em wait until KJ makes her work as a cleave anchor
elsonbro response?
see >>492978607
My only problem with cope is the racism
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alright i applied
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One spot open in Lucklets
And by racism I mean there’s not enough of it
I am behind 90% of the "join X" posts and I'm in none of them
elvemage is streaming
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how do i get a bf like this??
Redpill me on Lifesteal Senya.
Which guild has the most girls
Netori 2
idk bro but dont bin it, you may be able to build a character with 100-130 eff res just to pick into low eff debuffers like tanks or bridges that dont build eff. it doesnt have to be a meta character just a pick where it throws you opponent off cause they we're expecting you to resist.
if trans count, cope
It can help her survive against cleavers/aggro teams , sometimes having one more turn its the difference between winning an losing against fragile units
Hey girlies I’m new to this game and a girl! I really want this last rider krau character can someone tell me how to get him? Also which guild should I join?
pantsu and you get a choice of any old ml you want in november
which guild for gays who love huge dicks and taking it up the ass?
Join cope bwos!
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Which guild deserves me
netori (pochi) is orchestrating a cope slander operation
Is there a written guide for rift anywhere? All I see are videos.
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what now gwos
not really bro, trust me just watch the tristen wulf video, all you need to do is copy the speed tunning even with lower stats you'll clear
i think i just fought the WORLD's most cracked albedo, holy fuck this thing had 100% counter rate tanky af hits like a truck and was keeping their team alive, i wish i could see this guy's gear
bwo you were supposed to save the energy for the super weekend buff that happen in 10 days...
how much hp/speed did it have bwo
thats really low hp
Lot of new bros here so here’s a guide to e7g guilds

Serin - tryhard if you are new don’t bother
Pantsu - idk
Lucklets - faggot leech loser guild
Cope - mega faggot leech loser guild
Netori - chill guild
Partyvan - lol
by chill you mean giga faggot leech loser, right?
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adaman stacks with escort right
Woah looks like I made a mistake joining cope…
i don't know about her speed but she had over 36k hp she also wasn't super slow
wait they removed dog walking ?
lol that was like 2 years ago jwo
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shaltear lowkey good vs er team, i think...
bwis someone robbed the grocery store I was going to and police came
Serin - tryhard discord guild, not /e7g/
Pantsu - trannies
Lucklets - faggot leech guild
Cope - racist leech guild
Netori - mega faggot loser guild who failed ai
Partyvan - lol

fixed that for you
joining cope thanks bro
wtf bwos racism is not cool... please join pantsu we are multicultural and accept all genders
killing netorishits is a victimless crime
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sorry but i already joined a guild
The ironic thing about cope is that most people are Filipino the guild chat is 70% not even in English
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damn bwo that sucks hope the grocery store doesnt move out, food deserts can really fuck some places
yeah bwo all rabibros should die
Lore wise Rabi is one of the most pathetic characters in the game even worse than aither
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Bwos, I'm climbing Abyss.
Worst guild to join?
So.... what's the point of the auto mode for the stupid rhythm game? this shit even costs energy and you get nothing out of it
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What am supposed to do with my extra Belian? She is already Sss. And since she already is a moonlight...
You could have two belians, one on counter and another one in protection set like the whales do
i think it counts toward the max score rep archivement
just be yourself and join whichever one you want
cope is the guild of talented underachievers
which is the whitest e7g guild?
dont listen to seanigs, cope is the whitest guild
els*nbro enforces mandatory denouncing of subhuman races in the guild chat
So you can't have a nice pagpag dinner in cope with your bwos?
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last day to get frida bwos
6 years with together you bwos...
put a ring on it faggot
i hope for 4 more years with my bros
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bros I have half the liver sandwich from yesterday and I feel like throwing it out, FUCK LIVER
bwos are the collabs rumours true?
throw it out bwo, meat gets spoil very quickly you may get sick if you eat it unironically
its from YESTERDAY advice retard
bwo you would be surprised how quickly food gets bad
i wouldnt be surprised cause ive been eat my whole life and i know the reasonable length it takes things to spoil and its not 1 day
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we lost so many bros along the way...
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what is it bro?
they're probably eating balut bro
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6 years is enough time to turn most of my epic bwos bald
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yes bwo
bleach cour 3 collab in october
I guess...

I bet you faggots regret calling Luka ugly now huh?
i cant get the hwyoung sticker on the sidestory
just use the tristen wulf trick bro, thats how i got mine
big if true
i wanted to beat it without having to use that...
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good luck bro...
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im half way there
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i gave up bro, im installing bluestacks at this very moment
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Regional pricing when? All the packs are ludicrously expensive.
there is a trick for that, use the hwuei store so you can buy packs using the japanese yen which is the cheapest way to buy pack bwo
you should have taken advantage of the nip regional prices when the yen was rock bottom bro, now its too late now
to buy packs*
also the name of the app was huawei appgallery not sure how cheap are there compared to your currency as the other bro said it may be too late
thats okay bro, you tried your best.
thanks bro
please join lucklets
I want to join a guild but I dont know who falseflags and I dont want to get rejected...
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Incelsisters, haven't played this gook dogshit in over a year. Left off in champ rta and bot arena. Dropped it when my account got bricked cause I didn't get Candy.

Is it still dogshit?
I downloaded it, but how do I use it to get cheaper packs?
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0 spot in netori
>e7g is still an off topic shitposting garbage general
Ah so yes the game is still bad. Thanks incelsisters
>create japan account
>download epic shit from huawei
>go into said epic shit
>prices now in moon runes
>use paypal to pay
>Is it still dogshit?
nothing has changed, mlandy is still great despite having many counters, you missed ml luna which makes your account bricked
SG is giving away 100 ML summons for the anniversary with the 100th one being guarenteed ML5.
but anyway the game hasn't changed in any meaningful way since you left, in fact I argue it's worse since the meta is dominated by homos now.
Is there somewhere I can find the price list before try redownloading the entire game?
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>final day
You missed the best QoL updated, since you left we got skit tickets, quick play (auto resolve) in arena, a new pve mode to farm that does not require you to craft gear (rift) and probably other stuff that i may not be rememver, you also have like 2k mystics from the new moonlight theater episodes so if you want to test your luck for ML Ilynav or Harsetti its the best time to come back as you'll get tons of good gear from the Epic Dash event.
You still have digits and time reinbwo, please dont give up
>in fact I argue it's worse since the meta is dominated by homos now
>game actually got better
Holy based. I gave my acc to my irl gro and he got ml yufine. No idea what she does, he doesn't update me at all because I asked him not to, but Candy ran fucking unchecked last time I played.

That all sounds great and all but is epic shit still plays like a 2nd job? If so then yeah, not coming back.
I don't get it bro, they made it so the daily's can be complete in less than 5 minutes not sure if that was the case when you played, besides that the only content that requires time its probably doing GW which happens 3 times a week but for that you can just join a less tryhard guild and just cleave, i guess x2 speed was already there when you played, PC Client is coming soon too
what price list? if its $99.99 in normal client then it will be 12000 yen in jp client
if you want to see jp values then gotta download the client though
Zwo what? Epic shit had a fuck ton of things to do in a month, you had your nightmare raids (you DID do those for the pen sets, right?), auto tower, hall of trials, gws, daily or weekly bot arena matches, your actual dailies, etc.

>PC Client is coming soon too
Fucking KEK its been over a year by now gwo
its okay gro, you can get harsetti
that got officially announced during the e7wc final bro, before it was a rumour but its coming soon with CZN.
> daily or weekly bot arena matches
Bro as i said nowdays there is a sweep/ quick battle feature so the match play its done in 2 seconds.
>you had your nightmare raids
That's still there but they added TP to the bosses so its pretty quick
>actual dailies
as i said bro, you just sweep 10 hunts and your daily missions are practically complete
>Hall of trials
That its still there and its a pain if you want to be competitive
>auto tower,
Same as always, i dont think they have changed anything about that one.
It’s okay nigwo there’s always harsetti
>before it was a rumour but its coming soon with CZN.
I'll believe it when it's actually out. I think it's closer to 2 years now since it was announced.

Ok, did they add any qol to hunting? Hot time was the fucking worst, hated running my phone/emulator for hours just for epic shit.
am i stupid for using my ss fully maxed green senya as imprint for ml senya? i'm gonna try to get her back with the "fully decked" selector
It wasn't a rumor bro. It showed up on the roadmap but got delayed so we got Google play games as a cope. Eben now there's no actual date so it could be December 31 2024 for all we know.

Epic shit will always be a second job as long as you are expected to farm hunts 24/7 then also play 24/7 when pushing rta end of season. It's why so many people get burned out and quit aside from whales who literally pay people to farm on their account like khm and kj.

>b-b-but who cares about rta!
There's not much else to the game. You might as well just play Outerplane at that point if you don't like pvp.
> think it's closer to 2 years now since it was announced.
Tthat was google play games beta which did come out, the first official announcement was 4 days ago https://youtu.be/7LThZWjjH1g?si=yUi76py4PAP81VOv&t=199
Kinda bro because you are literally losing a shit ton of molagoras , its not so much about the imprints but the molagora that you invested on that senya, not sure the full decked selector will even come out with upgrades, probably just full awaken at level 60 so i think its a terrible idea
it says "lvl60 fully awakened with max enhanced skills" on the selector
ok then you are just losing on having a 2nd unit with +15 if you do so bro, up to you if you already have 2 poltis then it may be ok unless you want to have 2 Celines and two of another units like for example a fast aria and a slow aria
I went through a youtube video showing the shop, seems like it's 3600 and 6100 yen for the skin packs, so still ludicrously to expensive.
that's a tranny
Unbased retard. It wasn't just whales that got burnt out, I knew a lot of people that took multiple breaks from epic shit because of the hunt and rta grind, which was all that was left before I left.

Tf is this shit still around? (I dropped all the gachas I played (1)). I remember clowning on it back in the day and doomposting it.

>didn't say anything about the hunt grind
Grim. Fuck it I'll ask irl bro to save those summons for me so I can do them. Not coming back to it either way.
LMAO I'm the unbased retard I completely read that wrong
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The point is that whales are less likely to get burned out since they just buy accounts / pay people to pilot it for them. Basically they take all the "full time grind job" aspects out that everyone else has to put up with.

And yes Outerplane is still around. It's surprisingly doing better than ever thanks to JP server. CN server should make it rise even more.
bro the turkish lira keeps freefalling, lost 20% this year so it might be time to look into getting into turkish shop
I know what you said outerplanegro I said I read your post wrong. Anyway sounds like epic shit won't rectify it's core problem and that's that pvp is where its money maker is, and pvp is probably still as sweaty as when I left it.
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we'll get 110 free skin tickets from the epic dash missions, hope that helps you bwo
Who are the two sluts in the foreground?? I recognize Maid (garbage) and tranny Rima (ultra garbage).
vikchun is streaming
>quit epic shit because the only things to do were gear farming and rta
>come back because of anniversary
>nothing changed
Tama and Laia
i kneel netorigods
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Please clap i ended up doingg the tristen wulf trick for the hwa sticker
Wait are the ml summons live? I just checked r*ddit and they're talking about ml summons.

Is that ML Tama or a skin?
Come play outershart bro. Rabibro is there.
that faglord is still around? wtf
>Wait are the ml summons live? I just checked r*ddit and they're talking about ml summons.
Anniversary started 2 days ago
>Is that ML Tama or a skin?
Light Tama, she has not been released yet thouggh
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5 hours until the frida banner goes away
Bwo I'm the anon asking about coming back, pls understand. Damn they finally did, finally coming out with the ml version.
It does, there's 3 skins I put as my top choices, Specter Tenebria's, ML Charlotte's and Elena's. but the price is just too high, so I'll have to just pick one.
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Today i did not job
good work bro
>e7g guilds are still bad
Some things never change.. maybe? Does e7g still hate Serin
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Netori is rising, invest now
>Google Play emulator is actually really fucking good
wtf how come no one told me?
its really good bro, but i use emu cuz it has macros on it.
well, are bluestacks or mumu any good? i tried ldplayer9 and it was trash
Well Cope is the faggot leech guild
i honestly dont know whats the best bro, i used nox and now im using bluestacks, it works and thats all i can tell you.
not helpful gro. are you running it at silky smooth 60 fps with little lag?
Did I miss something? Why doesn't the dash equipment have levels to them?
yeah i dont notice any lag, but i have a pretty beefy PC.
>free equipment from dash event is already +15
>87 score
LOL no
I should roll for illynav if I dont care about hagsetti?
the goblin one? its a special type of gear it started maxed but rolls like 75 red gear so you ned up with mid 80s to highj 70s gear from it, atlough its extremely cheap to upgrade them so if you are a newbro farm that dungeon check this >>493078794
the dash equipment is a newbro trap, they roll like ilvl75 gear, dont waste your stamina on the goblin.
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I will nyow join Netori
Bros I need help with that gay furry Hataan, his counters and self buffs is extremely obnoxious. A support Apocalypse Ravi or Aria would be nice

ign: Zyrach
What's your ID bro. I need that Aria support
Support dniym instead
sent , you'll have to swap to mages support to find my aria
wtf dont be mean the newbro(not pochi)
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how do we know all this newbro/returningbro posting isn't just pochi off his meds?
just another day mind fucking the gros
cause im holding one right now
maybe finish ai next time mmmmmmmmm
i peed my pants
bwos my options call went down 350% today
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bros tongue tacos are so good
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newbwo here do I keep go
congrats bro
What the fuck? They gave ml5s EEs now?
yes bwo if you cant get in the top 5% of the new yuppie content just buy a new account
>yuppie content
What does that mean now? Yuppie labs was just the white coins for the shittier labs
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it was yuppie content last week now its new content bwo
Yes bwi, that has potential to be a 19 speed piece.
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a final gift from rabibro
is that comic edited bro...
Anon you need to stop rping as different anons and please start talking your meds. The voices in your head are getting to you.

- Love, Mom

>another currency to farm
I dont like this new comicbro....
im sorry bwo
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erm you only need to do this game mode once every 2 weeks
oy veyyyyyyyyyyy
are they bro, i thought tongue sucks
1 hour and 45 minutes until frida goes away bros
she was a good girl i got her in 20 summons
I still haven't done the event
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yes bwo shes good
Bro? You are missing out the story and the rewards.
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I haven't given a fuck about story ever since Natalon, what the fuck are they thinking
Call me back when Ras is back in the spotlight again
bwo the event has a mini game which take quite a bit of time and the rewards are on skystones soo plaese do this trick to finish it quickly you'll need to set up the notes to 8x speed to clear it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQOviummNXw
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bro please read the story people put a lot of time and effort to produce it
good luck bwo, my first 2 red chets rolled like shit
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That's bussin for HP scaling bruiser, no?
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The sun has finally set on netori
bwo if that does a penta hp its a godlike piece
for what?
rabibro to release his 2nd suicide vid
Ummm Alencia and ML Choux..?
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here have a rabi
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>refreshing 1 hour
>only got 500 mystis
go one without me
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Day 3 results of farming my characters with anni gibs.
I've managed to raise 8 pvp units, and a wyvern team.
I currently have over 100 pieces of goblin gear at +15 above gear score 80.
With the recent boons, I've been able to purchase some arena gear, and boost it up further.
The account has just reached rank 55, and unlocked reforging.
In total, about 20000~ energy spend.
It's in EU.
thanks bro
im sorry bro, there is only 42 minutes left so gooood luck at least you'll be ready for harsetti
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Do I even bother? This event makes me feel like a noob
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please kneel
bwo you an auto the 600k stages for 30 energy
Auto stages count towards total score?
yes dwo
ooga booga where the 600k score stages at
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I got near 600k my maunally turning on the perfet sore soulburns dunno if you an do manual sb on auto doe
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bwos I made it
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30 MIN
For what?
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gwos I got her in 10 pulls
How the hell? My autos only hit 500k
better gaming chair
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ermbwos isnt this value insane, you get to choose a $703 unit for $100 dolans PLUS 2 ARTIFACT CHARMS?
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i kneel
well done gwos, enjoy your frida
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goodnight bros
bro its 8pm
No more continuing the bloodline with Frida...
Couldn't get the second summer illustration, welp
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this is kinda bussin wtf
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>spend a while putting together all I got to make a good enough rage set for one shotting banshee
>like ~15% Cdam short of making Ram work
I could use the celebration ticket on MG lilias I guess but that seems like the losers way out and I don't have laia or OB luluca either so idk ...
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>Gala Lilias for B13 oneshot
What the fuck, just use Baiken or Ervalen nigga
Baiken is limited and still don't have Ervalen either. Guess I could use the story banner for him but ehhh would rather save I guess... Also isn't MG lili decent for pvp still?
Yeah Gala Lilias still fucks, the bad thing is that tanks nowadays have 30k+ hp instead of just under so she has trouble killing
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bwos whos this good on
Yulha or Krau I guess
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bwo what about this one
both ravis
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ey gro
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Good for you bro
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thx bwo it looks like I got my first pair of protection boots too bwo
>eff/effres subs on prot set
bro my carmin about to cc lock yo bitch ass
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>oh it's another loss to right side mlandy because right side mlandy is being right side mlandy
I decided to play some world arena and i swear that EVERYTHING is ridiculously broken now. If the character is a debuffer, he needs to apply 3 penalties and have a nonsense passive, single handled disarming your whole team. If it deals damage, it means it needs, mandatorily, at least to one shot someone, if not one shot your whole team (a ML Ludwig just did this to me). Not to mention that everyone now got at least 2 or 3 characters above 280 speed, so if you got one single speed character don't even try winning any speed contests cause it won't help shit.

But okay, i never meant to play with high speed characters, instead i used to be a counter attack/punish player. But guess what? You can't counter-attack with your tank if almost everyone have characters who will penetrate your defense and deal 30k in a single skill.

So many characters became useless also. And not because they were nerfed or something like this, just because the meta is so absurd now that they don't fit in. I remember hitting master once in the world arena before i stopped playing, and now i can't win at silver. This saddens me, now i'll be playing just for the normal arena and GW.
Dwo It's like YuGiOh. If you came back to it now with your carefully planned Deck and summons from 4 years ago, looking at your ace and all, and fight against a meta deck of today, you will lose in a second. That's what happened. Ridiculously strong kits.
Don't worry, the baby is the wrong way around. This is called a "breech pregnancy" and it can often be lethal if not identified and a C-section performed. The head will literally detach during the birth, otherwise.
wtf gros I was hoping to get back into sims coomer mods and someone told to me ask reddit...
My brother just made fun of me in front of the whole family at dinner for spending thousands of dollars on e7… They all laughed at me and my sister had this look of pity on her face… How do I get back at them?
no one asked, kill yourself
I’m too much of a coward to do so, can you send me some tips to do so painlessly
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Rabi Rabu
why don't you just have sex(rape) with your sister in front of your brother
same poster btw (me)
Cope, let me in, let me in.
bros the devil is whispering in your ear
the devil says BAU BAU
chinese kroniis is streaming https://www.youtube.com/live/t4emctArvo0
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she's coming bros...
erm I just got word that zatzgod is the leader of the outerplane clan
but we're not even in the final chapter? I'm betting sg will delay it especially with all dem free rewards
don't tell the scatbro
i already told him its fucking over for outerplane
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We having the biggest anniversary event yet, but our thread is still in page 8...?
why is every kronii better than the original?
baseline kronii has zero talent....
im tellin ghim to spam opg when he comes back
bros i was reading pol and i saw a bread full of aborted babies
ive been peeing myself for the last 4 hours and i still dont want to get out of bed bwos...
link hi mthis post when he gets back >>493123092
why have u been peeing urself
bros opg is on page 10
i remembered im in netori
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for me, it's older sisters
for me its incest
For me it’s listening to my sister have sex with her bf
Why do i have this gut feeling she's gonna be trash? hmmm....
this, even more so patrician if she knows your cuck fetish and brings the boyfriend over on purpose to give you more fap fuel
>ml bosses being bad
this but instead of her bf its our dad
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here's your collab gro
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Night bros
later bro
Don't underestimate the fags at sg, they always find a way to make a waifu shit or underwhelming
erm why are they all wearing hot pants
bros I only know what hot pants are from the doujintags....
>we could have had this instead of trannyseria
it's not fair bros
bros i love the women form but hate the women soul
love kronii
i guess mtf who was on hormone therapy since early puberty is your only option
bros recentyl every time i see a hot woman (2D) i want to rape her
whatr causes this? i think i'm an ugly bastard type of character now
its called character development as you age
in which e7g guild can i find this?
all /e7g/ guilds are bronze tier
I'm not baking it you losers
same bro thats why i stop going to fight club because im not sure i could exercise enough self control to not assault excutie's boypussy on the spot
for (You)
stop I don't want a vtuber bread
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>still no cerise buffs
epic shit let it die
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>Nobody want to create new bread

is this the end of e7g....?
just let it die and let us return to our ancestral home, /vmg/
I baked it


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