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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7292 - Kot empire Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread: >>492920893
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The real Sonic movie 3 trailer
Giving Max a hug and telling him good morning.
It's fall now, so where is the first Dark Beginnings episode?
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Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
Big the Cat!
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I want to smooch evil Sally.
Can any archie fan tell me genuinley what was this guy's goal? What was his motives?
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Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa
Dubi Dubi Daba Daba
Magico Bidubi Dubi
Boom Boom Boom Boom
i love shipping anons
what is your favourite sthg ship?
>comics ≠ canon and comics ≠ vidya
>sega removed the comics and anything involving them
>not once besides in a game that’s canon have the satam appeared
>soj is the sole canon source
>therefore archie is considered off topic
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Penders dropped a new page
>Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!
Its still Sonic
Therefore shut your trap
>muh canon :(((((((
Its shit. Full of Alzehimers and retcons
not vidya or canon. gaijinslop goes to /co/
What is it with retards always wanting to police this general. Its not gonna happen.
damn, good art
>Pink Sally made an appearance in Sonic spinball game
>That does NOT mean game Sonic has brown chipmunk princess called Sally Acorn as a wife ws0tr
>Here, we discuss ALL things Sonic!
Listen to this corporate suit try to tell us what's real and what's fake LOL
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females.... womboids... girls... uuu...
From interviews Ian used to have during the Archie days, it seems like Sega assumed the Archie comics were a part of the game continuity, and didn't actually look into what was going on with those comics till the Ken Penders situation started

Then the comic did its soft reboot that was clearly intended to make it more in line with the games, despite still being its own continuity

Now we have IDW which has been stated multiple times to be in the game canon, and both Tangle (by Sonic in Frontiers) and Jewel (by Tails during one of the TailsTube videos) have been referenced
What do you mean? I guess I can do the waiting game since I have a job
You can't be a NEET forever. What happens if your mom and dad die? Maybe if you have the luxury of having rich parents, but me? Not so lucky
Unironically Nega Knuckles
it’s hard to discuss the games when someone talks about comics nonstop

how can anyone discuss the games
Wouldnt bump and sage and any other oc have to be banned too then with this logic. These threads would be so fucking dead if someone like you got to police them, you will never be a janny
You can just.. talk about the games yourself?
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It felt like he was just an insane scientist, but him weaponizing warp rings was neat, and I enjoyed that he gave Knuckles a personal archenemy of his own to fight

Also him having Scourge and Fiona work for him for a little bit almost made them like a counterpart to Team Sonic in a way
Silver game when?
Holy shit just talk about the games if you want to you fat retard. No one is stopping you, but instead your ape brain tries to start shit everyday instead
Not him but holy shit rent free, anon
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But how does that explain his motives?

I liked all those about him too, dont get me wrong, but it feels like he was just insane for the sake of being insane. He just seems to want to destroy the world, no deeper motive than that
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So fucken true. Gamechads, I kneel
Is Sally in the room with you right now?
Imagine if Eclipse appears in Shadow Generations
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*Thinks about Sally, without your contest*
Have to remember that before becoming who he was, he was just a rando fuck off background echidna that tried to absorb Chaos Knuckles' power (who was pretty much one of the strongest characters in the comic at the time), and ate shit for it, so it most likely broke his mind alongside with changing him physically
He's not gay. He has a girlfriend in the game, he has a girlfriend in the Archie comic, and he has a girlfriend in the IDW comic. (You) don't have a girlfriend/boyfriend
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Bri'ish Sally is the best
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Yeah, good point, I mean, I guess his motive just being "destroy the world" is good enough for a kids comic if done right, but I always thought there would be more to his goals than just that.
Who wants to talk about the """"""""""games"""""""""""" when we can talk about how cute Whisper is
Sonic Team barely makes games, themselves
Nta, I guess its shallow but I always kinda liked it. He's just a fucking menace to knuckles and it's incredibly entertaining to me
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I've not even posted the image but I got reminded of how cute Sonally is.
She's retarded and should be sprayed with the hose.
I wonder how ian planned to kill him off, since iirc, he did say he wanted to right Naugus out of the story and finally kill him as well, but never anything about his future plans for Finitevus
>"I have no beef against Amy."
>Draws Amy crying in the background like a cuck
Poor Amy.
It's in character, you expect her to be smiling lmao?
Probably something with scourge. I can see a mutual destruction thing happening with those two
She did smile when Sonic took Sally to date
She looks like she fucks human men
Tails is lucky to have a mum like that. Damn
>Sonic Team barely makes games themselves
I hate that we'll have to wait two to five years for Frontiers 2 once SxSG releases
I don't think we ever found out, or at least I don't remember
He was billed as having all of the answers, while Knuckles had none, he was one of those villains like Xanatos that always had schemes behind schemes

Could be world domination, could be some abstract chaos ascension into godhood, who knows what the master plan was
>cuckmy is real
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Games take longer to make now, so we don't get the 2 to 3 Sonic games a year that we used to have back in the 90s and 2000s anymore

That and for a while the series was a budget series, so limited resources
>angry because its true
I would have preferred if Anti-Shadow would maybe have turned Scourge good, similar to how Sonic turned Shadow good. Anti-Shadow was planned to be introduced , so was Anti-Silver
Im not really interested in seeing scourge turn good but anti shadow and silver wouldve been sick. I think scourge:eternal blackout had a cool take on them
Yeah, I've read it. But if scourge had to be written out of the story, making him a little less evil so that he readers wouldn't wonder why he's not showing up anymore would make sense, since I doubt he would be killed off.
It would be more interesting if Scourge gaslit an anti-Shadow to become evil
I love Sally so goddam much
>Thinking about Sage (the AI)
>Thinking about Sage (the Sloth)
>Thinking about Sage (the Sonic Amateur Game Expo)
Man, I really love Sage
Blaze the Cat!
Honey the Cat!
Ian said Anti-Shadow was planned to be a good guy from the start who would be negatively influenced by Anti-Maria
I love Elias so much (platonic).
>Shadow... KILL SANTA CLAUS... do it for me
Man, I miss the creativity that Preboot had with its concepts. An evil maria would have been funny as hell to see. Now we just get shit like Sonic Prime.
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I love Tails so much bros(sexually)
Anti Shadow
Nega Maria
Bizarro Knuckles
*mind implodes*
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>What was his motives?
His motive was to recreate the world to fit his vision. Burn down what's there and rebuild the world the way he wanted. That's why he tried to use Enerjak to do just that.
What else are comics for if not fun shit like that?
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It's just Nega Anon being silly as usual
yes. I agree.

Love Honey. Love Blaze. Simple as
>hates echidnas
>hates eggman
>hates humans
>hates technology
>hates mobians
Seems like he just fucking hates everyone and wanted to see them suffer
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so what happened to the Energy oc?
Best ship coming through.
porn ship
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I don't believe you.
What do self insert shippers are like mentally?
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Al and Cal would prove very useful in tearing down Chaos Force, as they are reality warpers completely independent of it
We self insert do if like dating characters much like any other crush
Their powers weren't that well established, but they definitley could have been used for zone jumping if Eggman Nega had gotten his time to shine
I like that there was an attempt of giving Shadow his own Knuckles family drama
>How the fuck did Gerald even finish Shadow and fuck with his memory and record a video while in prison?

My headcannon is that G.U.N had a M.K Ultra project and tried to brainwash Shadow into becoming a weapon, but Gerald sabotaged it. Much like in black ops 1
I want to marry him, I want to cuddle with him in bed...
Who knows? Maybe with the black arms coming back in Shadow Generations, we may get more shadow lore akin to Eclipse
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Shadow waifu incoming
BRACE Shadougefags.......
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In a perfect shipping world we could've had this..
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Gay ships are crack headcanon
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Speaking of games, how's that Marvel Overwatch game?
Archie Sonic iceberg
What if the black arms are revealed to be the ones who attacked the seedrians (instead of cascade like in Sonic X) and turned them into the metarex? They could easily make it so the whole reason the Blarms invaded earth was because they were fleeing the metarex after getting curbstomped by them, and were counting on recruiting Shadow to help fight them.
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I wonder if SEGA would do anything if I put the Freedom Fighters in a game sold for profit. No parody or anything, just the Freedom Fighters as you know them, named and everything.
Would they put up the fight? Send a C&D and be on their way? Or do nothing?
Blaze & Elise, Gold, and Whisper & Blaze
Sega owns the ff and Sally
They will definitely go after you if you manage to make a big bank somehow.
Big bank like a million or a couple more
someone needs to explain all of these

I bet she stinks (good)
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Will CHADow surpass Sonic in popularity after the movie?
The only thing I liked about 25YL is that it was a peaceful ending for our characters mostly. If ian knew the future then maybe he wouldve continued on just in a less boring way the peaceful post eggman era of Möbius 25 years later I just want to see these characters who've been through so much hardship and i care about have peace, even ones from a different zone. Also making Shadow evil was a bad idea but it wasn't Ian's idea at least.
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Boring. Post cute Sonic Males
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If Sonic talked to you while he was running at super sonic speed, you would actually hear him in reverse
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Some part of me hopes Penders succeeds with mobian line so there's an easily accessible source for Archie reprints. IDW may come after Penders for this. This may make Sega less loose with allowing fan projects and ruin everything for everybody else. So its a complicated scenario but this is like the one thing I actually hope penders gets away with, if he doesn't well hopefully things don't turn out badly for us. He is part of the reason the comics ended too, though.
If the wind force of him running past you didn’t kill you.
I don’t want his shitty edits of Archie books to be successful.
>Big bank like a million or a couple more
Ken Penders should be safe then.
Post more Sally to Elias edits.
Or even Sally to other males edits.
Yeah I'm mixed on that too. This is akin to rewriting history. Plus it makes classic sonic look like modern classic sonic.
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What are they going to do after the Sonic Riders arc? Evan said she's writing it and it'll be a big arc.
gay coming of age tale starring Shadow and Silver
Thr worst civil war arc you've ever seen.
>Big arc
A big nothing burger most likely.
Hopefully it ends up being good, but I'm not all that enamoured with IDWs general style. How do the some of the games manage to be so cool but IDW just a bit lame feeling. If Evan Stanley made stories like Shiro Maekawa I'd like it better.
I hate you blazespammer.
Full Metal Jacket but Amy is Joker, everything else is the same
There's no way in hell he'd be able to reprint the entire series but I'd buy every omnibus if he somehow did
There have been like two or three Sally Elias edits in this board, it's a shame the Elias editor poster didn't make more of them
>Sally Elias edit
lazy as hell
Oh, I'm sure this is about only the 7th time this week alone you've posted this because you're this insecure about how people feel about your ship.
looks like shit
Idk about law but i think he gets too upitty he will be getting a cease and desist.
Tangle and Whisper scissoring arc, also lanolin got rape/killed or something idk
Lanolin gets pregnant with octopus baibes They're Shadow's
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>amyfags when sonally
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this but silvazefags
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But Shadow is a fucking squid, you big silly dumb not very smart person
That guy can't draw, true, but he makes do.
this but sparky when shadouge
This image is pure sexo.
Yep, it's this.
When any Shadow ships or any ooc portrayal of characters in general
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might as well use AI, seeing Elias knowingly it was just Sally bothers me.
I heard he's busy in college or something.
There's no shred of visible masculinity in Tails today, Not even in the fanarts..
this but me when 2 Blazes
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You've been crying about it all week.
Not even Sega respects him
it's in character for her to become catatonic
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Sonamy and Sonally are forced ships, they exist for marketing, and only make Sonic worse as a character, because the people who like these ships aren't Sonic fans.
Sonic and Shipping in general don't mix very well period, it's something you should look at and go "oh that's cute I guess" at most then move on, romance drama is always shit, and Sonic has it the worst they can't write romance so don't bother.
Anyone who loves the shipping side are just self inserting.
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Ahem, It's called Archie-Sonally
Get it right.
oh lawd she suckin
Based Sonic chad
Squid+sheep=octopus I guess
>Sonamy and Sonally are forced ships, they exist for marketing
Except that Sonally was a real thing and Sonamy only happens in headcanons.
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Anyone who loves Gary Stunic is also self-inserting, so you really have no ground to stand on.
Although I agree that romance in Sonic doesn't work, there is nothing wrong with people liking how cute some characters are next to each other. Shipping is only bad when it encroaches into the writing, which is why Sonamy is acceptable while Sonally is trash.
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>How do some of the games manage to be so cool but IDW just a bit lame feeling
IDW is about as cool as Sonic has been since Colors. Most of the cooler parts of the franchise that people remember about Sonic is close to twenty years old and older
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>sthg resident is in a higher education
Not possible
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Sonic characters for this feel?
Sonic is not a Gary Stu.
Shadow in SA2
I kek at the wholeheartedness of revisionists
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Shadow, SA2 in particular.
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Different anon, but I do have a degree.
>All IDW has to pull inspiration from are the worst parts of Sonic written by Archie writters.
That'll definitely do it.
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Hmmm, yeah, he is.
Yeah, but imagine the one pure soul like Amy swapping spit officially with another character. Sally was always used goods.
mta Amy only swaps spit with me.
It was clearly a mistake going about how they want absolutely nothing to do with it anymore and never fit the brand.
I love Jim Carrey as Eggman as much as the next guy but I still don't get Eggman vibes from him. It feels more like Jim Carrey playing as himself but disguised as Eggman.
Sonally and the romance drama that spawned from it was proof, that it was an awful idea.
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Drawfags, I demand Aster and zombie/ franken Starline content.
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The romance drama was the best part of it. That's what made the ship feel earned, also when you consider that Sonic is a magnet for women and Sally the best ass in the kingdom.
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I self insert as Metal Sonic.
I'm straight up just him.
just use AI, FWA abandoned her.
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That's cause you're into the shitty post-LW Nu-Eggman, Archie Eggman, IDW Eggman, SatAm Robohitler, etc...
Eggman SHOULD be a clown with goofy flamboyant mannerisms. Jim Carrey is the perfect actor for that.
human in station square...
This speaks like someone who's proud of their wife's onlyfans just because she has the best body.
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Just now hitting me how gross Zako's arm looks. His shit looks like 2 connected sausages.
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badass bitch
>use AI
But I want wholesome content.

It's only been like a month.
I mean Zavok.
I don't like how his neck spikes aren't his lower jaw.
And his bracelets make him look like bowser, I wish he had a few more unique aspects to him. I feel like I only like his face.
He needs a straight up redesign.
>But I want wholesome content.
negative: nsfw, explicit, hentai
You're assuming I'm self inserting. Also, you don't know what you're talking about because you never read the comics and can't understand their context. When Sally and Sonic broke up, they continued their lives and battles as usual, Sonic had initiated a relationship with Fiona and Sally with Khan. Their portrayal of social interactions is very realistic, that's the charm of the Archierun.
>they had sex
Penders' tweets are not canon, you could automatically assume any character in any given media had sex with someone just because headcanon.
Shadow rarely gets porn compared to most of the cast, and Rouge has more porn with Knuckles and Tails, so I have no idea what you're talking about
>But I want wholesome content.
Beggars can't be choosers. Just learn to draw then. FWA isn't doing requests but art trades only anyway.
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>make him look like bowser
Well it was definitely intentional.
Are we just in that era of "Call X popular ship forced/non-canon/ooc"?
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Source? This looks way better than The Lara-Su Chronicles.
Kind of wish she didn't get drafted into doing stuff for Sonic Team officially, so we could get more stuff like this from her
Check his Twitter
The cyan claws make him look like a diva.
Tails and his Australian loli gf role playing
Brainrot. I'd rather get more wholesome art like picrel than teasing / lewd art.
What Sonallyfag isn't self-inserting like Butler?
Nah, Archie's romances all sound terrible like why even give Sally monkey dick, and Sonic a skank fox that fucked his evil alter-ego and bitch slapped his best friend.
Could we get a new classic era game in the middle between SXSG and Frontiers 2?
I'm not insecure. I don't care what others think of my ship its the best. Now if only they let it be a stable pairing, more people would get behind it. Like I said earlier House of Cards fixed some problems for Sonics future.

I have no Ill will to sonamy or its shippers, but Sonally is more of the type of romance I want in Sonic. Not just lighthearted ship teases, something treated with more weight and more serious. Both had flaws in the way they approached things and I'll admit that Sonally wasn't treated well by the Archie staff but it had serious potential let's be real.
Thanks for proving you didn't read the comics. Your entire argument is based on the few screenshots or panels that are posted here from time to time.
I dont understand how this design or concept got published at all. This is THE MOST uninspired generic shit I've ever seen and of course it's attached to Sonic
Well at least the sales of the game prove you're right.
Is that Boom Knuckles?
Just because something is popular doesn't make it good.
Sonamy isn't good, it's fucking boring at best.
Wtf do you even get out of Sonamy, the characters act slightly nicer to each other? The dynamic offers nothing of value period
No, I don't and don't on intend to because I'd have to endure furry shipping I'm not a fan of and mixed bags of inconsistent stories quality depending the one on the helm.
Archie girls like Mina and Sally mostly will just be sex symbols for porn, and I'm fine with that.
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The Storybook Series being left at 2 entries and never brought up again doesn't sit right with me, especially since they've got such good OSTs and original level concepts.
Make it a trilogy and put a pin in it at least.
Good morning. I (Espio's human wife) love my husband.
>I'm not insecure
Says the one insecure spamming an image every thread like a forced ritual post. Thank God I'm not a sad shipper like you. I'd appreciate if you stopped shitting on characters I care about, though.
>No, I don't and don't on intend to
Your opinion is worthless, so stop making a clown out of yourself. I can speak with authority about other ships because I have a good understanding of all Sonic media.
I have already made my case >>492985393
Reminder when Sonic in Archie started playing a guitar over his heartbreak over Sally like a bitch.
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>lara-su app
>more Knuckles stories
Fearnot Knucklesvros. Ken Penders loves you all.
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My favorite cover
And then it's like. What's going on with the torso and his legs. Is he wearing a shirt or something? Why are his legs black if he's not. This shit doesn't make any goddamn sense.
A niche Japanese dynamic out of touch by westerners who either love it or hate, it's basically a fairy tale of wanting to live the life of your hero by his side.
Back when the franchise had plots with high stakes even if it was just in an obscure comic.
It's just mummy knuckles. They're wearing halloween costumes. Rouge is wearing an SA2 outfit.
Archienic the Sally simp vs Gamedow the Maria/Amy simp
I'll admit I liked Sonamy in my younger ages but it gets stale after so many years of nothing happening. That's why I think Sonamy is just an entry-level ship.
Archie Sonic doesn't matter. And imagine priding yourself of having extensive knowledge of shipping in Sonic, the one franchise that has been mandated to be rid of it.
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The fact you want serious romance in Sonic at all is a red flag, and you're a fan of the wrong franchise if that's why you're here.
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>it'll be a big arc.
nothing interesting ever happens in IDW
>priding yourself of having extensive knowledge of shipping
Reading comprehension, I said I have good knowledge of the franchise, and as a result, I can give a decent opinion about ships.
Another issue with shipping, it lasts forever, they'll never get together. Or be drawn out forever before until the last five seconds.
Not far off, I don't ship, but I get the appeal, and why so many love it.
Sonic is a ship franchise. As a matter of fact, since SoJ has disregarded 90% of the canon, it can be anything you want as long as you enjoy it.
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Worthless knowledge for Sonic, put that brain to something else, I seriously hope I'm talking to a teen still in school. Because you can't be this serious about shipping at age 30 unless you're a woman with kids like most fujos.
Cyborgs are cool. We need more of them.
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Fails Per Hour.
I've been interested in talking about Sonally all day and I guess I have my opportunity now. I like Sonally for what it represents, a more gravity holding romance whereas Sonamy is fluffier and lighthearted and almost less mature feeling in a way. Not bad, just not what I want in a Sonic romance. I want romance to be a focus and for it to feel more realistic in a way. Less cuteness in it too.

If they go in that direction with Sonamy, with making it more serious and mature and less lighthearted then we can talk. Until then, it simply isn't a contest. Sonally all the way through. Even warts and all. Its just conceptually a more fitting ship for my tastes.

I'll do that once people stop attacking preboot Sonally. Think of it as my vengeance for all the walls of text people post on why my ship is evil, wrong, bad, etc. The Sonic is the wind stuff makes sense don't get me wrong but Archienic doesn't adventure very much anyways. He's more generically heroic and has very little of the adventurer motif that Gamenic has.

There's a lot I like about Sonic. Its not a 100% fit for what I like but its still pretty cool as it is. I doubt anyone 100% aligns with everything in Sonic at once.
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Sonic should be a very edgy shounen with comic relief
Number 2 for Sonic
Number 3 for Tails
Number 3 for Knux
Number 4 for Amy
I feel they could pull a Berserk and make it dark but also shoujo oriented in the style of storytelling
AI doesn't have reasoning capabilitites so it can't produce wholesome situations.

>learn to draw
I am.

>Isn't doing requests
This is news to me, but I wasn't asking her specifically.
Sonic is a lighthearted action adventure shonen, with occasional serious and high stakes arcs.
>Archienic doesn't adventure very much anyways. He's more generically heroic and has very little of the adventurer motif that Gamenic has.
This is the very reason why I don't like Archienic, him being in relationships, it's a western bastardization of what Sonic actually is, and it's bad that goes with your furfag soap opera.
Sonic is about being cool. Watch the Sonic Boom & Unleashed opening and you'll see what i mean. No shipping, just pure kino
Dark Tails is CUTE
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And Tails should be an edgelord arms dealer. The type that sells to both sides of the conflict. While carpet boming some eggman facilities with an automated fleet of tornados.
You don't have to dedicate an excessive amount of time to really understand this franchise, the lore is pretty basic when you compare it to other bigger and relevant franchises. It sounds to me like you just gave up already and trying to create a strawman since you're merely a passerby in this general attempting to have a discussion about, guess what, the main topic, SONIC! Like bro, I have to assume you have good knowledge about SONIC if you're in this general.
Next game's story should be like the chimera ant arc.
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Silver is cyberpunk. Period.
"Didn't early Archie Sonic have tons of adventures on his own but slowly realize that his actions were irresponsible, making him value his friends and cause more as the story progresses?
>I have to assume you have good knowledge about SONIC if you're in this general.
Judging by how many people fail to understand the characters and just replace them with ooc headcanons for either shipping purposes or otherwise, I'm inclined to disagree.
>it gets stale after so many years of nothing happening.
This applies not just to Sonamy but also to the few other canon/ambiguously canon ships in the games.
I'm a fan, I don't like western Sonic, put it simply. Grew up in the 2000s era not once picking up a copy of Archie and seeing the results of its legacy in the fandom glad I didn't or I'd be crying too.
>I am happy I didn't get to experience greatness
What greatness? A canceled run, ooc MC, and an annoying shipping following?
>ooc headcanons
Current 2024 Sonic is already ooc headcanon when you compare it to early 2000s. Hell, Movienic is a Pixar kid wearing Sonic's skin.
>This is news to me
She took more food related requests a few days ago and has been delivering them.
2000's era SA1/2 are probably the Era that had the most pure version of Sonic, more in line with what Sega wanted Sonic to be.
Classic Era had a lot of Archie, and Satam so people had a warped perception of what Sonic should be.
Honestly would be that bad if people just thought "Oh game version Sonic is different from those versions of Sonic I like"
>The moral of Archie is that Sonic is a bad person.
Maekawa isn't writing Sonic anymore the one responsible for a large margin considered to be the best iteration of his character in BK.
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>what is character development
Sonic X's Sonic is also kind of selfish
the fuck is this thing that just appeared on my feed
the channel has a couple of interesting videos
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There's a reason Mario is a far successful franchise, tight management with little mishandling. I think SoA is where you can pinpoint Sonic's downfall due to ignoring the SoJ Bible in favor of creating their own le rebel and hero of a group of furries with a baka Shinji relationship with a princess overrated by millennials.
Blaze & Honey is a kino duo. Too bad we'll never see them appearing together in the games due to the whole classic-modern split.
Tails' alt personas
>some goblin
Not quite true. Sonic 06 and Unleashed and SA1 Japanese version and the Classics had the unfiltered true version of Sonic. Theres noticeable differences between Maekawas Sonic and OG Japanese Sonic, they're both based off of the same internal material made by Sonic Team but have a bit different interpretations of him. I'll try to expand on this if you want to learn more, but most fans of Japanese Sonic don't quite dislike this because both Maekawa Sonic and OG Sonic are similar enough.
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Sonic is a humble adventurer that enjoys doing his own thing, but still values others and steps up to protect people because he likes seeing people happy and free. Archie Sonic is a narcessist that pleases himself at the expense of others and uses his hero status to convince others to get his way, and he only stops this after he's comvinced his way of life is wrong and needs to be a hero.
Please stop using character development as a stand in for character assassination.
Tails is the Jackal?
Sonic as a character isn't actually perfect, he's selfish, is a little hot headed. Sonic kind of just does what he wants, he does good deeds purely because he wants too.
He's a very simple person.
Call me when one of those traits is portrayed as a flaw.
Until then, he's a Gary Stu.
Some people are nice to be around. Why does every single character need to be obnoxious and cruel when that's not endearing, or even realistic for that matter?
Nice strawman.
You essentially want a boring cereal mascot with a fixed personality, offering nothing exciting to look forward to.
>Archie Sonic is a narcissist that pleases himself at the expense of others and uses his hero status to convince others to get his way
This is an exaggerated perspective, Archie Sonic is very cocky but not narcissistic. You're using pretty words to make yourself look knowledgeable but just because Sonic is an asshole sometimes doesn't mean he is a narcissist. In the Archierun, his main priorities are the safety of his friends, families and the people of the kingdom they protect. Throughout the story Sonic becomes more empathetic and accountable for his actions. Archie Sonic has real characterization.
Calling Sonic a Gary Stu is a strawman because of how undefined the term is, and how often it's jjst used to jab at Sonic with no clear reason other than that you personally dislike his character, and want him either changed or gone.
What if all Sonic villains/antagonists were to become good? How different would things be?
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I like characters who would otherwise be considered bad in real life. All that matters is that the protagonist character is consistently fascinating and the audience can identify with them, and in a traditional story (not a long running franchise) they need a moral and psychological flaw. Archie Sonic has all of this. And despite his shortcomings, he still manages to be a great hero, they actually make him better as a hero to follow in a moral traditional wisdom of storytelling. Sonic also had a gradual character arc where he became a bit nicer over time, so that's another thing.

I get that people want Sonic to just be a nice guy, but I prefer heroes with flaws and contradictions sometimes because it makes them more human and interesting. I'd say the flaws are what make him compelling
>Calling Sonic a Gary Stu is a strawman
You don't know what a strawman is, retard. Strawman is attacking an argument that the opponent never made.
Reminder that this supposedly happened after Prime
>I like characters who would otherwise be considered bad in real life
I do as well, flawed heroes are neat and seeing them learn lessons and grow as people is interesting. Its one of the reasons I like things like Ben 10, and Zuko. That being said, that's not who Sonic is, and I like Sonic because he's unique, yet simple and lighthearted.
I don't go out of my way to try and turn other complex characters you like into simple ones, so why should you be allowed to do the inverse to me?
Can we talk about the games? Archie sonic felt like Sonic sleeping with everyone, Tails getting treated like shit, or god forbid Princess Bitch
Then read Spider-Man. This isn't Sonic.
Truly can't fathom all the shit Tails went through in Archie, probably got it worse than every other game character, even Blaze being a constant jobber and ooc Amy not strangling Sally where she stood.
The first Archie issue was released in 1993. If anything, game Sonic should have "some" traits from it. That's the reason why nobody discusses videogame Sonic because he is a gary-stu in them.

>Archie sonic felt like Sonic sleeping with everyone, Tails getting treated like shit, or god forbid Princess Bitch
You didn't read the comics.
Where did the names Bump and Sage come from? Why are the /sthg/ mascots named as such?
Go back to le reddit newfag
>That's the reason why nobody discusses videogame Sonic because he is a gary-stu in them.
People adore Adventure and Black Knight Sonic, and I'd say that a good number of fans vastly prefer even X Sonic over Archie or IDWs takes considering how often people argue against them.
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What in the actual fuck, Al-Calfag? I didn't know you had these types of thoughts in your head.
weird fetish but okay
Yes, I kind of dislike Sonic as a character
What? I don't use reddit.
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You know what? Me too. Fuck that Gary Stu piece of shit.
I don't get this image. What happened?
>Nigger parents abandon him and somehow show up later
>Nigger parents are so stupid that they endanger him
>Tails attacks sonic multiple times
>Gets treated like shit by his crush and fucking slapped
>Gets enough PTSD from how everyone was so shitty to him
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Al and Cal are a bit morally questionable characters, like many other similar reality warpers across fiction
Knuckles and Charmy suffered a lot more than Tails I don't know what you're on about people
Don't bother with them, they didn't read the comics.
Charmy wasn't even fucking Charmy in the comics. So you are telling me he's a fucking prince and his friend overdoses on day 1?
Archie Sonic universe is a good example of the Darker and Edgier trope.
I'm not even sure why Orbot and Cubot are in Prime when they literally do nothing in it, you could easily place Prime at an earlier point, some time after Advance 3 other wise
Its funny how the echidnas are supposed to be endangered species after RTAI but theyre still the most numerous character species in the stories.
>good example of the Darker and Edgier trope
done wrong
>didn't read the comics
Not that anon but I'd like to hear more
Okay, can you give a example of this trope done right in the series?
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>Took a nap
>Windows updated and closed my browser
>The tegaki drawing I was working on is gone forever

Oh well, I'll just redraw it later but damn.
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I did read it, I didn't like it.
Now Fleetway comes close doing it right. Close.
Does anyone here posts on sites such as 2channel and 5channel?
I'm sorry to hear that.
What was the subject?
His game will be a gardening simulator
Once creatures get to a certain level of power it stops being reasonable to assume they'll remain empathetic to lesser beings. Killing a cat is seen differently to killing ants, and I've never met someone worried about killing amoebas on their daily commute.
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My heart cries for you, for I know that feeling very well.
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Fleetways has its highs and lows as well.
The comics (both Archie and IDW) much like SatAM were unforgivable mistakes that has done irrepairable damage to the franchise and are responsible for some of the worst parts of the franchise, including, but not limited to, the "classic" "fans", the shitty OC makers and the edgy wannabe writers.
I feel you, but you took a nap with your computer still just sitting there open?
Licensed by Sega
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Yes, I'm not denying lows don't exist...
You fags keep saying that SatAM and Archie are irrelevant to everyone but say shit like
>irrepairable damage to the franchise
If Sonic isn't doing well nowadays it's definitely not because of Archie that's for sure.
Bonjour, drawfriend-chan. Have you found any information on the supposed new radio interviews that someone mentioned in a previous thread? I'm still curious about it.
It involved Kots.
Remember to save often...
...but high points are quite impactful.
>Morgan Freeman dies, forgotten
>Tommy Turtle dies, forgotten
>Sir Connery dies, forgotten
>Johnny, lost, but not forgotten
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>Sonic is a humble adventurer
>Sonic the Hedgehog
Mascot. With. Attitude.
>shitty OC makers and the edgy wannabe writers.
Don't bunch me up with comic and classicfags just because I like Shad05 and the Metarex
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what the fuck do you want? Tails has always been a moe little boy. Is THIS what you want?
Is Amy wearing a hoodie?
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Holy fucking shit, am I seeing what I'm seeing?
Something happens that makes Sonic FEEL things?
And self-reflect?
And take some form of action or change his personality in some way?
What is this basic level of writing that feels non-existent in both the games and Archie? This forbidden thing called "character development"? I gotta read Fleetway right away.
Yes. That and her upwards pointing quill sets her apart from other Amys.
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Hey, I've seen that fancomic!
>jobs to a rock on the next page
Steroid Fails with chicken legs.
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He's such a fairy
>Just a guy that likes adventure.
>Admits when he needs help without reservation in Heroes.
Yes, humble. Next you'll tell me Sonic can't sit still despite him literally being shown relaxing on vacation and reading books.
I'm not doing requests right now because I'm busy. I'm doing one last batch of food studies on the side before I go back to taking requests. Art trades basically give a requester a leg up if they want something I've done a million times and don't want to do again.
I like aster but I've been considering redesigning her, maybe making her into a guy.
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We don't talk about the rock.
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You'll be in for a ride.
>I like aster but I've been considering redesigning her, maybe making her into a guy.
No don't do that, keep her design, I like that she looks like she smells like rotten worms.
Oh yeah? how much can you bench, faggot?
>maybe making her into a guy.
No... I know you like boys kissing, but please, think of us innocent moids before you do something like this.
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mindbroken by AI again...
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I got past Archie. I think I'll manage.
Even if only to get some inspiration on how to write Sonic in my project.
OG Japanese Sonic: an adventurous spirit who is impatient and not detail oriented. This version of Sonic is more serious and not as fun loving as Maekawa's Sonic but its still present. The fundamental core aspects of Sonic are here, and he showed up in games like Sonic 06 and Unleashed which were mostly written by Kiyoko yoshimura. Also in the Japanese dub of SA1, the true version of that game.

Maekawa Sonic: this is the same except with a bigger emphasis on his carefreeness and attitude, making him rarely serious and a bit more energetic I think. This is shown in the contrast between how Sonic acts in Black Knight and Unleashed, where in the former he is kind of carefree and wants to have fun in an adventurous way, while we see some aspects of that in Sonic Unleashed he just stays serious and laidback most of the time.
He is all around a bit more similar to Americanized Sonic to the 90s i feel while still keeping his core traits intact, so this is my definitive version of Sonic. Doesn't mean that was the intention, but someone could watch SatAM and then play SA2 and recognize this as the same character, less so than if you did the same with Sonic in Unleashed. I like Sonic being cocky and irreverent, so this fits the bill while keeping him mostly the same as the original intention.
>Art trades basically give a requester a leg up if they want something I've done a million times and don't want to do again
Not him, asking in advance, are you tired of Karaoke pics yet?
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Flawed heroes are great, but a franchise like Sonic has to keep everyone simple to understand for every game for new audiences, which sucks. The longer a character like that goes on, the less appealing they become to early fans as their shell is paraded around and reduced to mere fanservice
Silver my beloved
No, I actually enjoyed the karaoke pics. It's been over a year since I did one too.
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>Fails trying too hard to be edgy
>constantly stroking his own ego
>making jabs even at his friends
Attitude. Sonic is 90s too-cool-for-school distilled into a blue furry package with super speed. Fuck you and your boring cereal shill.
>Archie girls like Mina and Sally mostly will just be sex symbols for porn

Shut up anon, leave Mina's name out of your mouth
On behalf of FWA and /sthg/ as a whole, I grant you one(1) freshly minted 99.9% pure grade (You), free of charge.
Based, 2010s era Sonic is one of the worst things to happen to the series
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Before I read Archie, I thought Fleetway treated Tails like dirt.
Then I actually read Archie and thought to myself:
>"Fleetway writers shat on Tails because he was nuicance on games so they made him kind of dumb braggant, Archie Tails had it even worse."
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I think Amy looks cuter wearing a hoodie. The Fleetway designs and art style have a certain charm that I feel the Archie ones lack, although I can't pinpoint exactly what it is.
>On behalf /sthg/ as a whole
ok FWA, I know you're upset about AI but don't speak for me ty
That's sweet. I also like those pics.
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>Sega shills: "Audiences are literally too stupid to accept even the vaguest of nuance without shitting themselves and setting things on fire, so all the characters HAVE to be bland cardboard cutouts!"
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Tell me this is fake.
>constantly stroking his own ego
Doesn't happen.
>making jabs even at his friends
You don't banter with your friends and enemies? The main difference of ciurse being that Sonic knows when to stop pushing buttons and get serious or supportive, instead of just being a complete monster. Sonic isn't Jet, Eggman, or Fang.
I always thought edgy was like shadow damn gun stuff. I didn't think edge=swole. I mean, I know it could be with like the nihilist lifter meme but being buff is just isn't edgy. You could have said tails is trying hard to be a chad and that would have landed better as an insult.
I thought that was her titty hanging out at first
How many karaoke pics of Sonic characters have you made so far?
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Bantering is cool. Sonic needs to do that more often
Sega aren't the ones trying to remove all nuance by having characters loudly exclaim their dynamics and feelings out loud whenever able, that's someone else's doing.
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>making jabs even at his friends
The main difference of ciurse being that Sonic knows when to stop pushing buttons and get serious or supportive
You're going to love Fleetway.
>it's true
Yeah, Surge is appearing in Frontiers 2
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Blaze is Sonic's
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I love that Tails defeats Mogul with anal vore. That will never stop being hilariously terrible. What the fuck drugs was Penders on?
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She's the Weeping Warrior.
The Crying Valkyrie
The Lady of Sorrows.
And no, she's not going to Valhalla.
Nice. Too bad a coomer made it.
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True. Frontiers was way to dour for it's own good, and even though it was a good opportunity for Sonic to have some genuine heart-to-hearts with his friends it didn't do it well at all.
>I don't like how his neck spikes aren't his lower jaw.
Wait, they're not?
It was not Penders
I'm not sure!
Off the top of my head I remember I've done whisper, knuckles, and bunnie
I couldn't find any evidence of it so I think that anon was fibbing us sadly.

Also this isn't the drawing from yesterday, just a concept I had while drawing. Wanted to redesign Jounetsu for a while so leaned more into a martial artist angles since he was inspired by Yamcha.
Blaze is single
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>Too bad a coomer made it.
Good art is good art
Nta but I don't remember if we see it on his game model, and I know different artists draw both versions.
It was Romy Chacon and I have no clue who that is. He was okay I guess but not really particularly good. Nothing he made really stood out and his Tommy Turtle stuff was a mess.
>that pic.
Needs to be in a gilded frame in a museum
>Ben 10
He resets character 80000 times he might as well not have one, have you seen the series??
Blaze's true love is Duty, the twin brother of Sonic's true love Adventure.
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Your favorite character will die painful in canon.
Your reaction?
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Are you all prepared to have fun with the IDW characters when they appear in Frontiers 2?
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At least they're finally free from this shitty series
Looking at this image makes me glad that Archie is just a relic of the past now. What drugs were they on when Titan Tails was conceived? It may be a hot take, but as much as the IDW Crying Lesbians™ are annoying, they can't hold a candle to the cringeness of the early Archie era.
I'm talking about the original show where he has to learn not to selfishly use his powers just to get what he wants, and learn to take responsibility and make sacrifices for others' sakes instead. I bring it up because it's almost a 1-to-1 for what certain people want from Sonic, when that isn't his character, and misses the point of what makes Sonic unique and enjoyable as he is, despite also enjoying Ben 10 as a character and show as well.
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IDW-haters will shit themselves and sthg wouldn't be able to contain all the salt.
I would have nothing against that
if they just refreshed the old cast
If you liked Surge you'd hate what IDW's been doing to her.
>"Fuck. Oh wait, they were already dead."
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I don't because I know they won't redeem her but make her a 10x better villain by the end of this arc.
The shading makes him look fifty. Someone fix this.
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I wonder what can kill them
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itchy butthole
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They already did
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It depends on whether or not they were going to keep him as an Eggdadcuck.
Evan would literally never. Surge will remain a crying wannabe hero that gets used and abused against her will by literally everyone and you'll be expected to like it.
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I wish I was bittenhard by rouge
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Already died the worst death imaginable. But I'll always have Sonic himself at least
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bite me hard
I like his non-porn stuff
It would be mercy for him.
Sega tried that when they introduced him.
He'll be back next game.
He does in the Original.
Mainly because it was semi episodic, but it started having more arcs later down the road.
Classic Ben need to relearn a bunch of shit repeatedly.
If they are truly equals? Each other.
I’m going to start calling childhood people’s classic era and the teenage years the meta era
Surge is so worthless
>Mario and Luigi Brothership is reportedly 80 hours long for the main story and is described as large a classic RPGs
>Mario Party Jamboree is set to have over 300 mini games, a 20 player online mode, and has more modes than any of the other games combined
>both have heavy involvement from Namco
Why the fuck did Sega ruin the Triforce deal so they can’t work on Nintendo games anymore?
As much as I miss Starline I'm glad he got out when he did.
Without Japan you get no sonic. America destroyed Sonic's reputation in the west
We're saying they're not relevant to ACTUAL Sonic fans, faggot. Only to the categories Imentioned, who don't give a fuck about the games, outside of the fact that it annoys them that they're not an extention of the NON-CANON official fanfics created by SEGA of America, mostly to spite SEGA of Japan.
dw they'll bring him back. oh they will bring him back
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I wonder if shadow is going meet the president and crash his plane again in the movie.
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Why did people piss and moan about humans in Sonic.
>Archie Sonic
>Has humans
>Was human and in the Classic games along with cities seen in the background of some stages
Sonic always had humans in it, even in other media.
Who the fuck thought Eggman was the exception.
No. This is like saying they're going to bring Gamma back, and I do not want this.
I think he'll probably be back but if he doesn't, I like to think they killed him in an attempt to actually give a character some closure rather than have them dissapear once the book is canned.
I have an issue with human selfshippers.
Dr. SEXline
I honestly think ST are just too lazy to bother rigging human models. They can’t even animate the basic rubber hose animals without it looking uncanny
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>Who the fuck thought Eggman was the exception.
Classicfags, critics, and "Sonic doesn't need a story" losers. That's not to say some human overstayed their welcome, but you could say the same about the Zeti, and there are plenty of good humans that really fit the world and tone of Sonic so there's no reason to try and argue against humans as a concept.
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Yeah, sure. I'm expecting the vast majority of the characters that aren't in picrel to be forgotten indefinitely after the IDW OCs are introduced in the games, and that saddens me greatly. Bringing comic characters to the games will be a huge mistake in the long term.
They're competition
what game?
They'll pull up a multiverse where starline from that world falls into the Sonic's world He's a good guy but it is revealed that Eggman is just so DAMN SEXY he instantly becomes evil for some Shlong and Egg yolks in his mouth.
This would be fucking awesome
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Heroes sovl.
They need to wear fursuit like me, stop being human damn it I HATE HMOFA!! JUST BE A NORMAL FURRY LIKE ME DAMN IT!! SUCK MY WOLF DICK BITCH!!! AWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOO :3
Doctor Hotline
It's wierd.
UWUhisper the UWUolf AKA Silver's girlfriend.
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uuuu not yet....
You have hemerhoids.
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Why human anyways? You could be a fox, an echidna, a squirrel, a hedgehog, a mouse, a wolf, a coyote literally anything.. but a human. It feels like beastality
I used to think human/islander was weird but actually its hot as hell
Dr. Fuckduck
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Uwuver x Uwurge

She cries so hard a puddle forms and electrocutes SIlver, making him cry even more which prompts her to do the same, creating an infinite feedback loop of tears and shocks. Just as Evan planned.
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All this talk about Sonic's "character".
I just see him as a personification of the wind, like the bio states. Usually an unpredictable cool breeze, can be massively focused force of nature. Uncontrollable, and the often-destructive diametric opposite of human development, industry and control (Eggman).
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>My Queen
Wait what the fuck did Sega do during the deal? That’s the one where they made F-Zero GX right?
In TGT a lot of the trolls are humans.
>It feels like beastality
Blobians are people with human cognition and limbs. There's no difference between dating them and dating a green human.
>It's not bestiality anymore if I'm a furry.
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Where the heck is Sonic Superstars Plus? The only reason I bought the game is to play as Fang.
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Go to the bathroom! I can smell you SHITTING yourself!
>IDWUWU comics
bravo evan
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Yeah yeah, we know, Sparky-kun. You and your gay headcanon.
Well I'm uncomfortable with it. It's also (You) as yourself putting yourself with an Islander.
Because that's not who I am. I'm just a regular, nobody guy, with feelings for a strange and complex character. Part of the appeal is that we like eachother for who we are despite our differences, and grow close because of that. That's also why I don't really like when people selfship with characters like Amy, since they clearly don't really like her for who she is.
Rivalsver x Gremlin Surge

They both try to be heroes by shit talking and beating everything that gets in their way and have electrical make out sessions.
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I popped those already.
It's probably you have testicular cancer.
I mean, I agree, but that doesn't mean I enjoy this level of autism in the slightest.
Sorry didn't sell enough so won't get Fang's campaign where he trips on his balls and falls on his penis which actually canonically saves the entire universe making him ascend to godhood, and teasing him as a main villain in the next 3D Sonic as Fang The Deity, where he flicks solar systems into Super Sonic, and Super Sonic only wins because Fang got bored and Wants Sonic to become stronger so he can have a challenging fight.
>Rivalsver x Gremlin Surge
You mean Silver x Surge?
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I genuinely hate you.
Why does Walker have cancer :(
Did Eggman do this?
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I want to see genderswaps of them
And how do you handle jealously?
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You name your images. You have no right calling others gay. You have no power here.
you now have toxoplasmosis

enjoy your brain cysts, bee-atch
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Oh I dont put myself with the islander (usually). But like, cmon, if knuckles and willoughby wrestled and got all sweaty and she rubbed her tits all over him, that would be really hot.
Didn't we just agree to call him Chaotic Good?
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Where's her pseudo cock?
what the fuck is up with jewels hair?
Hair? is it hair? or just a hard shell?
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Sage is for gentle headpats.
>character is slightly chubby
>everyone draws them as morbidly obese blob monsters
Sonic Superstars already has more content than Sonic Mania Plus.

5 playable characters
Eleven Original Zones
Character Specific acts in certain zones
Trip's Story = Encore Mode
Last Story (Super Sonic boss fight)

There was never a plus version in the planning.
Why would I be jealous?
>off model crap
why do people do this shit
>electrocutes SIlver
Silver is the best conductor of electricity, won't happen
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it's mimic transforming
What if someone selfships with her instead of you? Or her canon relationships
Human self-shipping is cringe, but creating a fully-actualized blobian character that resembles your personality and life journey for the explicit purpose of making lewd non-canon ship material to self-insert into (all while maintaining plausible deniability) is based.
Was Willoughby supposed to be a rouge expy?
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That's cause I'm such a big Sonic fan that I have lots and lots of images and it would be a hassle to look for the one I want based on the thumbnail.
What now, fucker? Your bullshit turned right back on you, just like how I'm going to turn your head back 180 degrees with my bare hands.
Sonic is Chaotic Good without all the downsides of Chaotic Good, So he's a Gary Stu.
So he's not the wind. The wind is his master. I see.
>Even th-
>on model gem
Why don't people do this stuff more?
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She's been shipped with Tails and thusly has been soiled as a character, effectively the mark of death like Rouge you'll always be associated Tails.
Sorry I don't love you anymore Honey.
>Sonic Superstars already has more content than Sonic Mania Plus
And somehow, it's still inferior
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>"What? Why is that stupid bat is wearing Egghead's colors!"
Actually, that's Gold.
Hope Surge is into polyamory.
I believe it's better to abandon all expectations for Superstars Plus. It certainly will not happen anymore at this point, which is a shame as Superstars is a decent but flawed game that needed more time in the oven. Except for the Superstars DLC, everything in picrel has been announced, so I'm losing hope for it.
That's wrong actually, Silver is a better conductor than gold.
No? She's not even remotely similar to Rouge.
Me on the far left
They never go away. It's like phantom limb syndrome.

Change your diet, you're straining too hard.
Sonic Mania was lightning in a bottle. You can't catch that shit again. At least they got the physics rights in Superstars. That's the most we can ask from
*Checks notes
The developers behind Balan Wonderworld and Yoshi's New Island.
I know, but the offer still stands
Sonic character is meant to be the representation of the wind, or how people see the wind.
He's not literally the wind, just like the wind, loose and free.
Knuckles is like a maintain, in place, bound by duty.
And of course Elias is the representation gay sex, as he makes every man gay for him.
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You only get toxoplasmosis from cat poo, you can only get toxoplasmosis from Honey if you eat her ass...
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You are confusing the selfless Chaotic Good, with the ambivalent Chaotic Neutral.
no shes just supposed to milk knuckles
Knight of the Quip
Gold is a perfect companion of Uwuver. It's a pity Archie is dead
I'm starting to see Elias' appeal.. but I don't want to.
Made for human Sally Acorn
you can get it from petting cats as well. they lick their buttholes before grooming themselves.

Hope you wash your hands!
already too late for you
we will never get archie back at this rate
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Silver and Surge would get along until Silver learns that Surge wants to actually kill Sonic and they'd fight. Which is what should have happened between Silver and Blaze in 06
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Sonic characters for this feel?
You guys ever wonder what sex with one of these characters would be like?
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>I'm such a big Sonic fan (overweight) that I have lots and lots of images but am not dedicated enough to be able to instantly recall where they are in a folder I supposedly use all the time, and am lazy to the point I can't be bothered sorting them into general usage folders
And yeah, you're right, I do fuck.
Amy isn't smart.
She isn't Bulma, She's clearly Vadel.
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Mephiles & Silver.
Actually as a refreshing change of pace Silver was Gold's tard wrangler instead of her being another wrangler for him.
I actually don't think about sex, I focus more on the romantic stuff.
Like I rather Cuddle and kiss, and talk to the character(Elias)
They're basically living teddybears that can lift multiple tons despite weighing 50 pounds. The cuddling would be way better than the sex.
Yes. But he would probably run out of breath fast.
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Yes, yes i do.
Technically, we got multiple DLC....skins.
silver should've been whisper's tard wrangler
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Silver is the tardwrangler of Time itself.
>eat her ass...
Hmm, Honey's ass is a food treat. In other words, junk food.
Silver, Blaze, and Whisper are not wranglers, and should not be trusted to keep a level head under any circumstance.
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I don't know about tard wrangler but he should have been her emotional support friend trying to restore her smile after all she'd been through and show her how to overcome trauma.
Silver has to feed Whisper after she stabbed herself with a fork
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>human Sally Acorn
You mean Roslyn Krantz, right?
I don't think Ian or Evan can properly write a character that's optimistic and supportive without Uwuing them.
Ah, yes... Classicnicdow, the Ultimate Genesis "Blast Processing" Form!
I mentioned*
Every archie oc btfo's every idw so hard its insane
>wrangling anyone or anything
Seeing silver and whisper bond over loss and trauma, as well as their determination to protecting what they have now would have been really nice, and Whisper learning to always keep moving forward from either Silver or Sonic would have been really good as well. I'm still mad about how badly IDW managed to mess this all up.
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>spindashes his nuts
You joke but you can chaos control in Superstars via an Emerald Power. You legit Classic Shadow.
To all you Archie haters, what's an aspect that the Archie comics did objectively better than the IDW comics
Perfect dynamic between these two
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Do you think they're redesign Devil Doom so he resembles squidow more?
Welcome back.
>the sky is blue
It looks more like it's pink in that image actually.
Have it's own sense of identity
Nuttable males
The more I see you idiots trying to talk up Silver and his "potential", the more I want Poochie the Tardhog to go back to his home planet and die on the way there.
Bait me into reading a few chapters because of its absurd plot
Yeah GX and AX.
Nintendo was pissed it didn’t sell and blamed Sega for not making it better
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The warning signs were there when they made Shadow and again in Sonic Next Gen with Silver, and hell you could say the modern era left behind anyone that didn't make the jump from Classic. New characters will keep being made and it sucks that ST sucks at keeping everyone relevant in the main games. Being in mobile and party games can be both a blessing and a curse for fans of certain characters
Sonic is just making sure that moron doesn't pass on any of his inbred tard genes.
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Nah he's the best at it.
Metal has no need for a pathetic creature such as the human being. None of them would survive in his Robot Kingdom.
It made the world felt bigger
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Ironically despite being the second most retarded version of him at times, the only partners Silver had in Archie that could be considered wranglers are Edmund and Jani-Ca. Even the rare times he was with Blaze they just chatted on the sidelines. Otherwise he was more or less the wrangler for his Secret Freedom Fighters team mates and Team Psych.
Bold of you to assume I don't dislike Archie and IDW for the same reasons. Id even say that Archie is at least unique.
Not an archie or idw hater but idw is bland as FUCK compared to archie
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Metal is loyal to his wife.
He was talking about the state of his future.
This image doesn't make sense, they alreadly made character like Metal, Shadow who clearly more closely based off of Sonic than Silver, and Mephiles is just takes the appearance of Shadow due to being resurrected by Shadow and dies forever after becoming God.
And they couldn't be more creative than making Silver and Mephiles again, accidentally show casing that Sega puts more thought into designs they did.
They made me defend Silver and Mephiles this is a sin, I HATE them.
I draw poorly, but what?
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Here’s what the Olympic model looks like in a mainline title
Obviously Sega can’t just use it due to it being made with Nintendo money, but they could try to make a new model with its proportions
Lanolin's mom boasting about being more likeable than her daughter despite only having one picture.
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Silver and his girlfriends.
Sure, he's loyal to his official wife.
Your own suicide. Fuck off, scribbler, nobody is obligated to worship you just because you put down some chicken scratch and called it "art". I wish you entitled twats would finally just make good on your threats to kill yourself that you make at the slightest hint of criticism. Fuck off.
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Little hussy better back off before she gets dismantled.
>Cunt response detected
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Why Slopazefags act like Zionists and ruin others pics to spread their retardation?
>DeviantArt twat detected
Leave, scribbler. Get a real job.
Silver should be here as Blaze's cheerleader
Silver is a contaminant, removing it is the right thing to do.
Duofag, you told us that you've been sexually harassed when you were little and now not even fucking 4chan likes you, and you keep talking about suicided all the time, why haven't you killed yourself already? are you that much of a pussy?
Vanilla is worth two pennies
you do realize, without 06 Blaze could become a fucking less popular one off right? she's his bitch dude.
Is that why Vector can afford her?
>Sonic x Tangle
>Shadow x Lanolin
>Silver x Whisper
UwU shipping trilogy featuring Hedgehog Trio & Diamond Cutters.
The fuck is a "Duofag"? I just hate so-called "artists".
>you see Tails at the end of a hallway
>he starts whirring his tails
So Generations isn’t a remaster?
kys duofagfag
ummm no sweety. Silver, Whisper, and Tangle are all queer gaming icons
Lanolin is for Knuckles
>what is your favourite sthg ship?
Sonic x Elise
Shadow x Maria
Amy x me
OG Generations gets delisted on the 9th
I'm the first one to defend criticism but acting like a cunt is not endearing.
>queer gaming icons
just say faggots, it the logical way to describe someone with mental illness that though the perfect solution is to ruin their reproduction method
Oh cool, the pom poms are all the color of their guy's eyes
Anon, this is just a gacha mobile spin-off made by a Sega side team, Surge has a chance of appearing in a bigger spin-off at some point, but Sonic Team prefers making and using their own original characters.
Remove Shadow then nigga
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Based or cringe
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Or maybe without him she'd be getting bigger roles as the de facto psychic of the series. Maybe he's weighing her down. We can't know either way.
>No Eggman
Cringe, cringe, cringe.
Knuckles' skin tone should match his character's skin tone, but otherwise p alright.
Why do some people here dislike AI Duo anon? I know barely nothing about him and I've only talked one time with him and he seemed like a chill person.
Fuck you. You're no better than the simps who insist you HAVE to basically worship muh heckin precious artarinos. These twats are all attention seeking drama bitches, and you are enabling them. Go fuck yourself.
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Why doesn't sonic collab with boxcelios? They both popular Sega games.
You've fried your chances of reproduction by being on 4chan
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They are literally written by the same team of idiots
Almost nothing changed
I hate both
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Quick, someone draw yuri of that Surge and this Amy.
I can't believe we didn't get this...
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>colored hair
Any "artist" who does this needs to have their knees broken with a crowbar. Humans do not, I repeat, DO NOT have technicolor hair. Period.

Shit like this is why I fucking hate artists.
Somone give Duofag his choccy milk. He seems upset.
>He can't appreciate a latina rouge
cringe desu
Humans also don't have wings or Sonic quill hair shapes ether...
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In all likelihood she still would have been in Rush Adventure, Colors DS, Olympics, Black Knight, and Generations.
Now they math their muzzles skin tone, nice.
>not flashbang colors
When did sparky learn to do good colors?
D... do you not know about anime or what
>We can't know either way.
Let's see...just rush and that's it....not popular enough so no adventure....she doesn't appear in generation cuz she's in no game....doesn't appear in ds colors...not even in TSR cuz she ain't got no team.....
Nope nigga she's gone, you see her in Olympics and Mobile games and that's it, reasons for her to come to this dimension is just for cream to have tea and fucks off, cuz she ain't popular enough, boohoo.
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Lanolin is for the streets. Ariem is for Knuckles
Reminds me of beyblade
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If only you knew
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Silver needs to yellow
All the more reason these "human"izations are fucking TRASH.

Fuck anime. I hate it when anime does that whoreshit too. It's fucking stupid. Fuck off back to DeviantArt and kill yourself.
For me, it was when he went on a massive tirade about how easy it would be to use AI to draw/write/code an entire VN and then begging for real artists/writers/coders to help him correct any shortcomings.

I dared him to make the prototype just because I was curious how far AI could go and he failed and got pissy. He's not even a good ideas guy, it seems.
Surge doing something cool, like a backflip or wielding a sword with lightning.
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Based Knuxriem supporter. Ariem kind of reminds me of Shade in a way, though.
what if lanolin and ariem kissed hahahahahahaha
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Latina =/= brown-skinned, retard. Rouge was literally inspired by Jennifer Lopez.
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>I haven't read IDW
Rush outsold 06, Rush Adventure would have come out regardless, its development cycle already would have been greenlit before 06 came out. Blaze was only shoehorned into 06 because she was already popular from Rush. Without 06 tanking the series reputation and popularity, Rush Adventure might have even sold better and got another sequel.
>Random autistic seething about IDW Sonic in video about IDW losing the pony license
>Her parents, Guadalupe Rodríguez and David Lopez, were born in Puerto Rico and met in New York City.
I'm pretty sure Jennifer Lopez is latina.
Except she does have brown skin, you fucking moron.
I'm insisting you be nice.

>attention seeking drama bitches
All artists suffer, it comes with the territory. Sometimes people need a little help, and sometimes they come here to get it, and I'm not going to deny them if they feel like they need it.

Stop being bitter.
You missed when he went on a huge avatarfag tirade and tried to create gay ai art of thread OCs just to try and piss off artists, since he admittedly dislikes gay shit.
NTA, but you're missing the point. He's saying latinas don't necessarily have to be brown.
>rush adventure
not popular enough
>Colors ds
not popular enoug or very small introduction
one time, just like Sticks
>Black knight
nope, her only being seen as a hot head bitch and not a calm and collected person will put her in Galahads place and put probably Espio or Vector as Percival
yeah...just to save her ass and bye
I like this creature.
Tails would never do this!
...would he?
This is the reason why the team shit was such a bad idea. Apart from the Chaotix, non of the characters should be operating strictly in teams, especially with hedgehogs. Hedgehogs are spotlight hogs. You can't pair a character with a hedgehog without reducing them to a supporting role. Characters like Blaze and Rouge were largely independent and self-driven, but once they got stuck with Silver/Team Dark a good portion of their personality went with it, Blaze to a greater extent. Not that there's anything wrong with Team Dark, or a Blaze/Silver team up, but having team arrangements as a character staple versus it being occasional has severely watered everyone down. I think part of the reason why TMOSTH was recieved so well is that you got to see the cast going about their own business for once, and interacting with characters you'd normally not see them interact with.
aside from knux and shadow, anyone can look like a female
idk if that's a good thing
>huge avatarfag tirade
Post it.
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Pastel horses are pretty cringe, but
He's not wrong
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No, she was always yellowish.
I'm insisting you fucking kill yourself.

>All artists suffer,
Artist scribble lines on paper and get mad when people don't want to give them thousands of dollars for it. The fuck are they "suffering" aside from methane poisoning from huffing their own farts.
That's tanned skin, not brown skin. They aren't the same thing.
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Enlightened post.
Based, Tails should canonically do this.
Tanned skin is brown tho
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You're delusional. Rush was literally more popular than 06.
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Are we still pretending that TMOSTH was this massive success? Lmao.
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Looks pretty brown to me.

... God I love my fabulous Latina bat wife so much. That doesn't really have anything to do with the argument, but I felt compelled to say it.
Sonic Rush 498,000 sales
Sonic 06: 1,650,000 sales
Lying piece of shot
*mic drop*
Hugs with...?
>Jet turns female
>has bigger breasts than Wave
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No one talks about Rush, everyone talks about 06.

>Source out of my gay ass
sonic rush adventure was bad
Critically it was recieved pretty well, especially for an April shitpost VN. I don't why faggots like you bother disputing this.
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Concept art trumps the game's badly shaded polygons.
Would you look at that. Orange.
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I wish raccoons were real
Aunt Bunnie!
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I realize you worship melanin so sorry to burst your bubble, but note the skin tone's incongruency with the ear texture. You're posting a picture of Rouge with a shader glitch that makes her skin darker in a dark scene. She was always a vibrant yellow-orange color, like in the artwork.
I want to have sex with this midget bat thing
>Silverschizos vs Blazeschizos

Errm this is a Core 5 general.

Cause '06 is infamously bad.
Disgusting black creatures
Playing Project 06, I can really get behind Sonic and Shadow's level design. It's the most spacious their levels have ever been with tons of alternate paths and routes available in each stage. Crazy enough by that concept alone it's the closest the 3D games have ever come to nailing 2D Sonic's design. The only thing that ruins them is the forced swapping to garbage playstyles in the levels (going from fun Sonic to boring Tails or Omega)

Silver still blows.
Everyone talks about 06 because it's a shit game. Rush is more well received than 06
Sonic Rush 498,000 sales
Sonic 06: 1,650,000 sales
>Y-Y-you're delusional! My wetarded qween ish the besht! she will save ush and she will give ush all heads!
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>Concept art trumps the game's badly shaded polygons.
In who's deluded mind but your own? And besides, you're splitting hairs. She's still noticeably darker than most of the other characters.
>Silver still blows
>one button zero plays braindead fans
Are you retarded? Of course it does.
The concept art is what the creators intended for the character to look like without the limitations of the rudimentary 3D engine getting in the way.
Your Latina meme is tired. Give up.
No fucking way
Rush sold 1,620,000
It was also on a lot of flash carts.
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Good night.
>How DARE they make me play the game and use buttons???
I mean having Rouge be Latina is great headcanon but it's not exactly any more relevant than Knuckles being Jamaican or Tikal being Mexican. As far as I'm concerned, human versions of the characters look their best when they try to stay consistent with the actual design. Swapping their skin tones or making Tails a pudgy Asian kid just interferes with the average person's ability to intuitively recognize the character.
Rush is beloved
06 is infamous
>The concept art is what the creators intended for the character to look like without the limitations of the rudimentary 3D engine getting in the way.
And? The final result is what actually matters because it's what's actually in the game.

>Your Latina meme is tired.
The fucking irony of you trying to hold up creator intent as sacred while trying to deny Rouge being Latina.
Silver's gimmick does not fit into the design philosophy of a Sonic game at all.
imagine how tight she could hug you...
>The fucking irony of you trying to hold up creator intent as sacred while trying to deny Rouge being Latina.
A light skinned latina, Jennifer Lopez, it's worth mentioning. Which is why Rouge always had light skin.
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Tikal is first nations from Mexico. Mayan
Tanned skin is hot, so Rouge should be tanned
It's that simple
>he doesn't want to struggle to maintain his dignity while Blaze uses her rough tongue on his frenulum to lovingly edge him

Why are you even here?
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>The final result is what actually matters
So I guess Dream Team Rouge is the real one. Look at that white beauty.
Trash talking about 06 is getting really old already. That game has been criticized to death by now; what else of new is there to talk about it other than P-06?
When will people begin talking about Boom or Forces instead?
>Sexually abused as a kid and talking about suicide all the time
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Her skin isn't light! Sure, she's not straight up mocha, but again, notably darker shade compared to most everyone else.
Look how they massacred my girl's cleavage
NTA But I think he's trying to argue that inspiration doesn't qualify as absolute racial coding. It just informs you of design sensibilities. Ultimately trying to racially code any of the characters is losing proposition since everyone is going to see something different.
Sales...not Shipment unit, you absolute retarded Blazefag
Silver stans ahoy
Your uWu loser will NEVER get top billing
That's my head-canon. Zeti are descended from Dark Gaia and Blobians from Light Gaia so they're natural enemies.
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>Designs says character is supposed to be Latina
>Is a thief

Yeah that lines up.
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Don't even get me started on this shit. As if Sega couldn't find new ways to piss me off, they straight whitewash my wife. Absolutely disgusting.
Beloved between niggers.
Are there ayys in Little Planet?
Replace Amy with Sally. Then it's good.
Nobody is insisting that Forces or Boom is a good game. People swear up and down that 06 was passable for some reason.
True, i'm talking about the rest tho
>muh jamaican
Shitty headcannon straight from a non official 90's magazine
>Muh rap
Is Sonic tibetan now because of the stupid Twitter questions?
Of course not
Stop being an obtuse nigger worshiping faggot
ChaosX should had given Silver a Spin Dash, Homing Attack and Light Speed Dash so that he would actually be on equal footing with Sonic and Shadow. His PSI powers would be fine as a secondary attack, using it all the time gets boring after a while
I understand that anon. Just like Pachacamac is andean. It informs you of their cultural namesake and design inspiration. The other anons are getting heated about it because they can't parse that "inspired by" does not mean "is" and still leaves room for aspects of dissimilarity. At the same time, it helps you make a fairly strong normative case for it.

So you can argue "Rouge ought to be Latina because her design was inspired by latinas, such as Jennifer Lopez". But that's reasonably as far as you can take it. She's a white bat with tannish/orange skin and a french name.
No game has ever shipped over 1m and not ultimately sell through at least that amount.
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Complete nonsense. If Blaze was only popular with Silver, she wouldn't have been so popular when she debuted in the first place. If Blaze was only popular with Silver, and that's the reason Rush Adventure exists, don't you think he wouldn't have been nowhere to be seen in Rush Adventure?
The game flopping has nothing to do with its actual quality.
Nintendo can go fuck itself if they think it was subpar in anything but sales.
Wolf Guy

Saleta Black
Ring Girl

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