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(embed) edition

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Cira: https://pastebin.com/jerJ7QGf (embed)
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>/tesg/'s sister threads:
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>/tesg/'s retarded sister thread:

>mega treasure trove of RUASLEEP and pre-AE USSEP patches, as well as OSex/OSA archives

>minimal starting modlist geared towards returning users
>comprehensive combat mod list and guide for anyone
>gear list for gear people

Elder Thread: >>492874217
Too awkward and insecure for that.
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gamer with the hard R
It doesn't get better than Skyrim
What mods are on your "never again" list. Explain why.
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Skyrim's enemy variety SUCKS so post your favorite must-have creature/enemy mods NOW
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off topic
ugly lasses
>If I could just fuck I wouldn't be jerking off to Skyrim desu.
Nah, dude. I had sex once and I can confirm that Skyrim is better. Just carry on and don't even worry about it.
Immersive Wenches
names are not lore-friendly
All of rally's mods
I came in here complaining about my fps slowly dropping a few days ago and some anon asked if I had them installed, I did. Lo and behold removing them completely fixed my fps issues, I'm not entirely sure what they even did but considering I have 1700 mods installed and he was able to point it out in one guess means there must be something wrong with them
>so post your favorite must-have creature/enemy mods NOW
Don't do this. I listened to you fuckers and installed Mihail's monster pack. Now I can't go 10 yards without being swarmed by 20 enemies. I have 60 hours in this save so I can't go back.
Not my fault you're retarded. I'm asking for specific favorites, not memes only n00bs fall for
Maximum Carnage, gets more unstable as time goes on. Once got a save to 4 hours and it just breaks after that point.

Demonic Creatures and a few of Mihail's. Honorable mention goes to 4thUnknown's skeletons, those bad boys is never going to leave my load order.
Ugly lasses with fat asses
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Will you be importing your character to TES VI? I don't think Elaina has any reason to be imported since canonically, she's only in Skyrim because she was posted there as a former Thalmor Officer.
I'm playing with demonic creatures and it's completely fucked but kinda funny

went to agni's hut in the mountains to find two "bjaergtrolls" staring through her windows, then sneaking into her house while she slept
>names are not lore-friendly
Are you really that much of a spaz that the names bother you. My issue with that mod is how ugly all of them are. There's a visual overhaul mod that makes them better, but most are still ugly but there's a few attractive ones.

>I have 1700 mods installed
And here I thought I would break the game from having 500 mods installed. You must be getting CTDs every 10 minutes with that much mods.
Probably that one mod where you have to open that tavern where your character has sex with dogs.
>Maximum Carnage
Hasn't given me any issues so far and I've had it for 10 hours. I like hearing the NPCs scream when they die.
>gets more unstable as time goes on
What issues are you having?
Kinda my fetish NGL
>You must be getting CTDs every 10 minutes with that much mods.
Actually it doesn't crash that much considering I'm also playing on a 10 year-old processor
JK's interior is a complete shitshow. The NPCs don't know how to handle it, so if you have an NPC who has to move to x location for a quest to complete they get stuck. The mod has 500+ patches. Why in the actual fuck would anyone deal with such a headache. All that mod does is move furniture around, it doesn't even change that much.
>will you be playing as a lecherous old bosmer in tes 6
Yes. Always. At some point I even became that character irl
Gore sound plays but no actual gore, creatures start to get Tposed on gore kill and so on. The furthest I can go on a save is about 8 hours and at that point it just stops working. Dismemberment Framework exists now, works well after 20 hours on a save has just the right amount of gore I wanted.
Maximum Carnage or Dismembering Framework?
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Serana Dialog Addon
>Removes bloodcursed arrows
>Removes the option of her turning you back into a Vampire Lord if you get cured
>Adds cringe fan fiction in all of the daedric prince quest where she will call you an idiot if you make a Faustian bargain.
never had an issue with it in like 50 plus hours playthroughs
short or long timeskip, i think i'll go with a fresh roster with exception of Niimes and Judith, and maybe Erek
Well I got my asnwer.
How much damage can you do with Dismembering Framework? Like, cut heads, arms, legs, split in two?
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>At some point I even became that character irl
that's really strange are you sure this isn't a pandora issue?
you must make sure nothing is overwriting the skeleton files and also you should disable the gore puddles if they're still a thing
Sounds like a Skyrim version incompatibility issue. I'm not having any issues with it.
That armor is too bulky for a lady. Needs to be skimpier.
I meant more that the boy who played daggerfall is now a crooked old man but I see your point
>tfw played a male character just to avoid catching the dress up bug
>found a cute follower and ended up downloading 30GB of cute outfits for her anyway
There needs to be a support group for this shit
>yo you want a neck with that?
>na nigga
>High Fantasy Pack- Mihail Monsters and Animals
I wish people warned me this would increase the enemy encounters by 100%. You can't walk a few feet without having to fight several enemies. The only warnings people gave is that you might not like certain creatures and I didn't care about that.
All of my TES characters are from the same family so I get away with making similar looking dudes each time and still get to RP
something just feels right about pairing a breastplate with a thong
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I chalked it to incompatibilities with my mod list so uninstalled it. Glad it worked for you though.

If it's a headshot with decapitation enabled then it's about 10 to 20 times more damage depending on your weapon. Limbs do not get cut until they've died though but you can also manage to cut them while they die using Precision.

Could be the skeleton because I did transform some of the bones on female skeleton.

By how much? Not gonna happen though, it's still in the work.
My nigga
^will never leave my load order
Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim are the greatest video games ever made

>b-but muh tranny jap game

No. Your tranny jap game is shit. Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim are the greatest video games ever made
Less is more for female armor.
I see you have certain taste in female armor that I happen to agree with, but it is not now.
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But a "lecherous" one?!

Family spread out all over Tamriel?
>Family spread out all over Tamriel?
It is family tradition for 3rd and 4th sons to become adventurers and fuck off to far corners of the world seeking wealth and knowledge to bring back home.
>cuddling in bed
>watching YouTube shorts
pretty good vibes, /tesg/
>>cuddling in bed
With who?
an ahnassi pillow doesn't count as a person
this isn't twitter
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I see. Hm. Well, being the only child in her Family, sadly, I'm gonna have to branch off on my end...Or re-write a sibling....But I refuse....

Get your ass up and bring Meridia her orb.
my pupper
What texture mods do you guys use?
I downloaded Skyking, Pfuscher, Skurkbro and Cleverchaff and I'll be comparing them later to see what I like.
noble skyrim and skyland
Post more of that semen demon
is this a breton male 1000 year old wizard after mastering alteration magic?
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That was actually well done
All of us would turn into women if we had high level alteration magic.
with a dick
i dont want a pussy
maybe later i guess
I think it's just a garden variety whore
>find a mod called "Mistborn - Follower Collection"
>it isn't actually a bunch of followers based on the Mistborn book series
wtf this is intentional infliction of emotional distress
anyway what do we think of megaman2k as a modder? his stuff seems pretty good overall
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>no /tesg/ modpack available
Lads pls im tired of having to remod skyrim everytime i get that itch
idk any of that semen demon thing.

She's pure elf that's lived since the 2nd era, none of that mongrel stuff.
Why don't you just use the modlist you had from the last time you played but just update and tweak it with new stuff? Every playthrough of Skyrim is a new cycle of cultivation where you find what you like and don't like so the next time is even more tuned to your tastes. I really don't understand the "oh why do I have to start from scratch every time please do it for me" complaints
>Skyrim's enemy variety
does it? I think the creature variety in general is pretty good. bandits, dragur, falmer, vampires, dwemer shit, all manner of wildlife, dragons and probably more I'm forgetting. That's more enemy variety than most games have, the issue is that most of them are boring to fight or just poorly designed in general like dragons.

draugr could use some more variety though probably since you go to so many dragur dungeons and they only have melee and magic and pretty limited versions of both of those at that.
I uninstalled the game all the mods to play other things. I only have a gig in my ssd and plenty of games taking up space.
nu-chan isn't like that anon, gone are the days
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>She's pure elf that's lived since the 2nd era, none of that mongrel stuff.
it seems your breton male wizard is also master of delusion lmao
>I only have a gig in my ssd
You never had a chance buddy
I installed demonic creatures for sex mods but it's unironically pretty good minus the dinosaurs
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does anybody know what mod is causing Linen Wraps in nord dungeons to glow with yellow light?
sorry bro those are my jizzrags and I had some nasty indian food last night
>finally get round to actually playing
>walk 10 feet
>broken ground texture
>back to xEdit
>wait 100 years for it to load plugins
>spend 20 minutes fixing things
>launch game
>finally get round to actually playing
>walk 10 feet
>path to falkreath jarl's house is missing
>back to xEdit
Yep. It's skyrim time.
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A visual and sound overhaul for the vampire lord form:
>Vampire Lord Overhaul
>Penumbra -Vampire Lord Sounds Rework

Pick one of the following vampire overhauls (they're not all compatible):
>Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim
>Better Vampires and Better Vampire Lords
>Scion - A Vampire Overhaul
>Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim

The following may (or may not) be compatible with the above
>Molag's Will - A Vampire Skill Tree (use RaceCompatibility patch for sacrosanct + molag's will)
>Dark Envoy - Vampire Powers
>Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision). Not needed for any vampire overhaul that lets you fly

>Cover your head - Sacrosanct or Sacrilege or Scion

Weapons and amour
>Better Vampire Weapons
>Vampire Armor Expansion (kinda meh)

Locations and quest
>Coldhaven - A Vampire City
>Unique Vampire Dens

Ostim SA vampire mods:
>Devour - Vampire Feeding Animations
>Valerica - Serana's Mom

Add to the list.
what is that spiked wheel/arrow thing they wear around their neck, looks like that thing from warhammer.
who asked
It's the shape of Molag Bals cock.
sigil of chaos
>Serana Re-Imagined SE
>Serana Re-Imagined - Eyes Re-Visited
>Twilight Princess Armor Mashup
>Serana Dialogue Add-On
>Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub
>SDA Patch Hub SE
>SDA OStim Standalone Patch

Beware of the shortcomings of the SDA before installing. It has cringe writing and takes away bloodcursed arrows and the option of her biting you to turn you back into a vampire lord if you get cured.
>from warhammer
the chaos symbol predates warhammer ACKCHUALLY
Not all of us are furries who chose the inferior wolf route. Go yiff in hell furfag.
>>Vampire Lords Can Fly (With Collision).
hell yeah
>get into a brawl with a nord
>one of the breton onlookers says "yeah! drive that snowback to the ground!"
I had to pause because I burst out laughing but then had to go back because brawls at high levels take 10 minutes to finish due to lmao damage sponge npcs
what is this punk ass guide?
in my HOUSE we play vanilla vampires in morrowind like REAL MEN
Do note that mod does not include any scripting. It just adds a config file for the Better Jumping SE mod which does the real work. So if for whatever reason that config file gets overwrote it'll stop working, but you can just reinstall the mod and it'll work. So basically you're not really flying but you're just endlessly jumping which works.
>Dark Envoy - Vampire Power
This mod comes with an ability that lets you turn into bats/mist and fly around but it doesn't have collision. I really like it though because it looks cool. I use both.
Thoughts on Ondolemar?
Damn I had no idea that the spell knight armor had so many retextures and shit, there's one for every armor type. This would work great as a replacer for the power ranger lookin ass vanilla glass armor.

I wish this is how every armor in the game worked, a base mesh for a specific faction like the imperials or dawnguard or whatever that has multiple textures for each material type. The generic X material armors tend to look retarded as hell since there is no thematic link to any of them.
I'm new to elder scrolls and this made me think about some questions I have. I'm grateful for any answers

>how do thalmor altmer view the other elven races (bosmer, dunmer)?
>why are khajiit part of the thalmor?
>why are dunmer not part of the thalmor?
>are bosmer thalmor just as radical?
>are khajiit/elven couples frowned upon within the thalmor, do they even exist?
For the third one, it’s because Dunmer hate all other races, even Altmer
my 3ba morphs inside race menu no longer have the save/load sliders what mod am I missing?
There's this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/29346
But the textures are kinda funky and it touches a lot of leveled lists.
Do they still think the other elven races are superior over humans and beasts? Even if dunmer don't like altmer and bosmer, is there still some feeling of kinship at all?
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Was the Onimai anime based off of /tesg/? You identified as a male before you played Skyrim, now you spend most of your day looking for mods to change your waifu's skin, makeup, outfit, and body. You choose armor for its esthetics rather than its armor rating, and some of you are marrying and fucking male NPCs. You are slowly becoming a girl and you don't know it.
the webm that broke 4chan
You'll get there my m8. Kino adventures is the goal. Eyes on the prize.
Molag bals inferno
>explain why
It was just real shitty.
>how do thalmor altmer view the other elven races (bosmer, dunmer)?
They seem to have an idea of superiority but accept them as some sort of kin. They're likely fearful of the Dunmer as they're some of the most powerful mages around and they've got a superiority complex to rival the thalmor. It's unlikely they'd ever manage to work out an alliance.
>why are khajiit part of the thalmor?
The thalmor blocked out the moons which are of major religious significance for the Khajiit. The thalmor offered to reverse the spell in exchange for them being part of the Dominion.
>why are dunmer not part of the thalmor? See above, they're also on the absolute wrong side of the continent.
>are bosmer thalmor just as radical?
I don't know of any specific examples but there's surely those that would take it that way. The Dominion is probably the most empowerment the bosmer have seen in quite some time.
>are khajiit/elven couples frowned upon within the thalmor, do they even exist?
No idea. At least from what we know they seem to care far more about putting a dent in the empire and the spirits of the races of men. Before the Dominion took over I'd think it'd be even less likely to occur as Elsweyr and Vallenwood have had a rather violent past. Now together under the same flag there's more opportunity for that sort of thing to happen in the first place. The thalmor seem to care a whole lot more about religion and their own superiority, doubtful they really care about who the peons fuck.
Based on how both view the world, my guess is the Thalmor look at the Dunmer as lost heretics who should be grateful when they come to 'save' them. They most definitely view them as better than the human and beast races, but the Dunmer's whorship of false idols and deadric princes would bother the Thalmor. As would Dunmer be bothered by Thalmor coming and trying to force them to change, just as imperials had tried

The Dunmer would likely be unwilling to submit to outside rule again, and would war with the Thalmor should they ever turn their attention to Morrowind
Just thought I'd point out how Alessia was the REAL first Dragonborn as appointed by Akatosh in the original lore but then they retconned it with the Dragonborn DLC
Now they say "actually Miraak was chosen by Akatosh first and was supposed to use his powers for good but became le evil" and "Alessia was just the one who founded the whole Dragonborn emperor / dragonfire / amulet BS"
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Well I'll be damned. Somehow a game from 2011 with a mediocre story campaign still managed to instill a sense of grandeur in me. I even rp walked for most of the time spent in this zone because it felt that epic.
Thank you for your answers! Very informative
Based and epic pilled.
Games haven't advanced much since 2011
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It's been 11 and only now I can appreciate Skyrim,
probably even in retrospect given the garbage that has been published in these years.
It is an incredible sandbox platform for your fantasy RPG adventure, and with the mods I have created the perfect experience for me, so it is impossible, or very unlikely, that it has rivals in this area.
>Common elven patrimony that needs the Dominion's protection and guidance.
>Thalmor think Khajiit are elves who look funny because of the moons, the Void Nights were secretly the Thalmor experimenting to see if they could turn the Khajiit back into elves.
>Dunmer HATE the Altmer and the feeling is mutual. Besides Morrowind is on the far side of the continent from the Dominion's territory.
>Bosmer (and Khajiit) are not part of the Thalmor-Thalmor, the Thalmor is an organization inside the Aldmeri Dominion and only hires Altmer. There probably are Bosmer and Khajiit who fervently believe in the Thalmor's cause though
>We don't know, it's never said.
Any sex mods that are "gameplay approved". That's how I prevented my LE games from crashing and I'll continue doing the same with my SE build.
Maybe, I had ideas for my characters to have descendants but they may just turn out to be reincarnations of them instead. Depends how shitty the vanilla game is
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nooticing a real lack of tiddy on this Titty Tuesday here
>how do thalmor altmer view the other elven races (bosmer, dunmer)?
Inferior to Altmer, but superior to humans.
Altmer > Bosmer >>>> Dunmer / it's unlikely the common Altmer considers Khajiit or Orsimer elves at all.
I'm sure some educated Altmer are aware of the history and biology regarding Khajiit and Orcs but for political / racist reasons they still consider them non-Elvish
>why are khajiit part of the thalmor?
It's land and territory bordering valenwood and the Thalmor want to expand their empire, it's easy to use Khajiit for manual labour, there's a history of Altmer occupying Elsweyr in the past, and they could use magic on the moons to convince the Khajiit to submit while conquering all over regions would likely require massive bloodshed instead of trickery.
>why are dunmer not part of the thalmor?
Far too distant, not much in valuable resources, largely destroyed by the recent eruption, Dunmer are inferior elves, and the Argonian An-Xileel are strong right now and would probably put up a tough fight for the lands
>are bosmer thalmor just as radical?
There's probably individuals who are, and others who pretend to fully support it to advance their own position and wealth. But most recognise the Altmer see them as inferior and mock/ abuse them. Still, they might well think it's better to be occupied by outsider elves than by humans.
>are khajiit/elven couples frowned upon within the thalmor, do they even exist?
yeah they are heavily frowned upon, the same way as race mixing in apartheid south africa or certain other current day regions I might get banned for mentioning. I might add we aren't even certain if Khajiit and elves can produce children together or not.
Marshlands. A really good idea but it's buggy and very unfinished. Tried removing some of the more unfinished parts of the mod (the random bandits in that house, the mansion with werewolves in it but empty otherwise) but in the end not worth the effort. Just installed the big mushrooms + fog instead and called it a day.
TES 6 won't be able to compare.
You've not lived until you've played Morrowind in VR
Posting this banger once again

TES 6 is never coming out. It will be cancelled, Bethesda studios will go bust, and that will be the end.
Then what tesg? What happens next?
>Thalmor think Khajiit are elves who look funny because of the moons, the Void Nights were secretly the Thalmor experimenting to see if they could turn the Khajiit back into elves.
That's a wild angle on it I haven't seen before. What is there that supports that side of it? I'd always seen that it was just for taking over the territory without all our war.
>there are people here who haven't used mods to turn Delphine into a hot and busty old hag boss like Tsunade
probably true t b h
and probably also a good thing.
>there are people here
a bold assumption
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I still believe in Bethesda
It's been 13 years
Jesus this is so much worse
Todd I know you're reading this. If not Todd someone at Bethesda is.
Just give us one little hint, please? To satiate our hunger for the next 6 years.
The fuck, what a downgrade. What's this from?
NTA, but the Ohmes Khajiit are basically identical to Bosmer in appearance. And something in the Khajiit creation myth says all Khajiit are related to Bosmer, if I remember correctly
Bosmer and Khajiit also have many similarities in their behavior and skills
>(embed) edition
I think I might be undiagnosed severely autistic
nothing a good dicking can't solve
It's banned now.
No, everyone around you is just crazy
Look, I had to make it quick before the last thread 404'd. If it died without a new one then we'd be /tesog/ and I refuse to be /tesog/ even for a second
Is it more of a retcon situation or are the Ohmes still out there in some capacity?
Horny Orcish Janitor Volume 1 will be featured in TES 6.
the trailer for tes6 was 6 yeata ago, give it another unironic 4 more years.
Then what? We get the 10th Anniversary edition of the trailer, now in 8k?
>give Erik's dad 400 gold so Erik can get armor and become Erik the Slayer
>come back through Rorikstead later to pick him up and take him on an adventure
>He's wearing full ebony gear
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this general is 80% talking shit about each other's mod choices, and you think it can reach a consensus on a universal modlist?
I wanted to make my own modlist but it's vanilla+ and I don't play Skyrim anymore
To make TES6 not be worse Starfield they would have had to overhaul the engine to somehow be as modern as UE5 or close to while still being as familiar and friendly to modders as the creation engine. Then TES6 would have to be like fucking 11/10 good to inspire the same amount of autists to mod it as hard as Skyrim

There is no way that company has this fucking talent anymore, it's fucking OVER unless they get like unfathomably lucky and somehow squeeze a piece of shit so hard it turns into a diamond

Enjoy Skyrim anon, because you are here forever, there will never be another game like it.
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they lucked out at The Scorched Hammer on Black Fredas
All of the types of khajiit are still there, to my knowledge. If anything, ohmes are the original khajiit and the rest are the retcons. You play as an ohmes in Arena, an ohmes-raht in Daggerfall, and then Kirkbride jumps in and says that those are rare types and they must be furries going forward
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mod list?
Starfield isn't a shitty game because of the engine.
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The Ohmes are still out there, but we unfortunately haven't seen them in TES games since Daggerfall

In the beginning of Elder Scrolls lore creation, Bethesda made the Khajiit as just a generic man/mer-like species. Them being actual cats was implemented later. But because Bethesda didn't want to retcon the original Khajiit designs, they created the concept of different looking Khajiit based on the moon phases they were born under. So the Ohmes Khajiit are very much still canon and not retconned
Didn't we already have this flavor of drama yesterday?
Can you understand deep sarcastic posts and read between the lines or you take everything seriously with no exceptions? if it's the former then you aren't autistic, not even close to that.

I thought he apologized for his ego
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Holy cringe.
are there any slimmed down versions of the ancient falmer armor, maybe without the shoulder pads? it goes by so many different names I can't be sure that I've found every mod for it.
just kill billy idol when you're done with dawnguard
Quitting is a huge mistake and this is the move of an amateur. Its unfortunate he wasnt prepared for success. Even a slight brush with 'popularity', or rather interest completely broke'em. Not a good look, but an understandable one.
>they sent me messages
>they sent me emails
>oh the humanity
KWAB, and btw, who?
had to look it up because I don't do modlists
guy who put together Lorerim apparently
along with some of the other mods listed, Schlongs of Skyrim and Sexlab, Unironically. one of the main source of crashes in a lot of my early runs of SE. Too Many hard ESPs, clogging up the loadorder. Et Cetera. I mainly use Ostim and The New Gentlemen Now, not complete replacements. but they serves their purposes.
>still throwing a temper tantrum over JK's Interiors
>still throwing temper tantrums over patches
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licentia black is the best mod list
Not gonna life if I was born a Khajiit and stuck in a body of a giant ass tiger that people ride on or in the body of a tiny pathetic house cat, I'd just fucking kill myself.
I get the feeling it's why we'll probably never go to Elsewyr in a mainline game. They seem pretty intent on having all the khajiit in each game just match the playable furstock.
kek these fucking diva modders
Todd had been rattling out genre defining games since the mid 90s and he is always a gentleman even to those who post memes of him with breasts.
These poor modders doing a texture or a single follower should have more respect and admiration for Bethesda but no, they are transsexual wasters. We are in deep shit once GenX retires out of the game.
Maybe not Elsweyr as a playable province, but I think ESO of all things and its well received Elsweyr expansion broke the mold a bit and it would no longer be too weird or confusing to casuals to include the other types anymore. I don't think Bethesda will try to get away with just one Khajiit type in TES6. Maybe only one playable type, and some others as NPCs.
yeah it's good that Todd knows to not use social media like twitter. There are too many celebrities and politicians that ruin their image by using shit like twitter
He probably figures between Pete and Emil there's no room for another Bethesda guy sticking his foot in his mouth on twitter
>I don't think Bethesda will try to get away with just one Khajiit type in TES6
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>muh engine
UE would unironically shit itself if it had to process even half the shit Creation Engine could do. there's a reason why 90% of Unreal engine games released in the past 5 years have basically been movie games, COD/overwatch clones, and fighters; it can handle pretty graphics and multiplayer, but shits itself when it comes to anything related to AI processing or shit that involves a ton of non pre-scripted variables like Physics. just look at XCOM 2 or recently with that Korean Sims Clone INZOI.
It's quite soul-shattering to go to someone's twitter you idolize/respect only to find out they are a low IQ retard. For me it was Danny Trejo.
Is Pete the "not gonna talk about realism in a game about ghouls and mutants"?
I don't mind Emil. He's keen as fuck like a mildly retarded golden retriever.
I'm using jaysloppa's anti-cheese mod for ranged weapons and if anything I'm finding that it adds cheese.
Enemies randomly are running away from me when they have no reason to, I'm standing on a totally flat city street and guards are running to take cover from me then continuing to attack after a few seconds, giving me all the time in the world to pelt them with arrows as they run back and forth.
Why don't you just take the embedded shit out?
It's crazy how much porn mods depends on SOS which has been an abandoned mod for a while. Most of the issues came from its .dll file not fully supporting newer versions of skyrim. The AE SOS removed the need for the dll which made it more stable. The new gentleman doesn't work with acon.dll which is required for high poly Lolita mod. The vanilla children are too ugly so that's a deal breaker for me.
>as familiar and friendly to modders as the creation engine
I see people repeat this all the time but I really don't buy it. What about the creation engine makes it any better for worse for modding than any other engine? If anything it's unfriendly to modding with the way you need to patch fucking everything for the most minor of conflicts between mods.

The reason why TES games get modded is because they release the mod tools in the creation kit, something most games don't bother to do. It's not because the engine is magically conducive to modding.
>The reason why TES games get modded is because they release the mod tools in the creation kit, something most games don't bother to do. It's not because the engine is magically conducive to modding.
Anon, that is mod friendly, the whole engine was structured to handle plugins and patches, most games are simply hard coded so there are no mod tools to release in the first place.
I like how Emil engages with fans on twitter and will respond to questions. It's a shame how Fallout fans have gone over every tweet he's made with a fine toothed comb since the show came out just so they can find something to be mad at.
>shit that involves a ton of non pre-scripted variables like Physics.
that's a good thing imo, physics is a meme that is way overused in bethesda games to their detriment. half life 2 ruined an entire generation of game developers with its stupid ass preschooler seesaw physics puzzles.
If there are less spastic pieces of clutter and terrible, retarded looking ragdolls in games you won't see me complaining.
im still gonna clean the room with several fusrodahs and enjoy it stay mad
Fuck you bitch throwing shit at baddies with telekinesis or blasting everything but the kitchen sink at some bandit fuck in his camp are kino. If you want boring static worlds you're welcome to go play something else but lobbying for TES games to be made less fun and more dumbed down won't be tolerated here, buster
>won't be tolerated here, buster
sorry wannbe janny but I'll say whatever I want when I want, thanks. One meme spell that isn't even practical for gameplay like telekinesis does not outweigh the negatives from terribly implemented physics bullshit.
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>If there are less spastic pieces of clutter and terrible, retarded looking ragdolls in games you won't see me complaining.
Not this again, the vast majority of games have static environments, why do you want to change the few ones that do have them? Just play those games instead.
And he's right not to. I wouldn't want a horde of lunatics obsessing over every single thing I say 24/7 either. 4chan dwellers are bad enough.
>the vast majority of games have static environments
probably because they know it's better lmao.
What value is added by having every plate, potato and pair of shoes in a random villager hut be physics enabled exactly?
At best it's good for a one time laugh, at worst it
s a major fucking annoyance, visual distraction and source of yet more buggy shit. You gonna tell me next that you LIKE it when some ribcage in a dungeon gets clipped into the wall and erupts into nonstop ear raping crashing sounds?
community shaders is better than enb and i'm tired saying it
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>UE would unironically shit itself if it had to process even half the shit Engine that's wading through its own turds plotting 2 characters trying pass each other in narrow space could do
>could do
I cannot take you seriously
Todd is unironically to high iq for Twitter

here anon you can stack all the ingots you want, faster easier and with no janky physics required.
Lead writer in games with hundreds of terminals/books, thousands of characters each with varying levels of depth, hundreds of quests and nearly 30 years of established lore. Oh, and it all has to interconnect AND has to be approachable to a player no matter what choices that player has made so far.
Emil has a few failures but I would like to know someone who has done better on the scale that he works.
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Not only do I like it, I love it. Half my time playing this game is messing with the physics, even before VR. Do you want every game to be the same indistinguishable slop?
Why use that when I can do it the fun way?
I may use it anyway, though I don't think it supports vr
stretch a girls cheeks
>Not only do I like it, I love it.
Ok, so you're just deranged. Glad we cleared that one up.
It's honestly criminal that Elenwen isn't romanceable. I should be able to fix her and turn her against the Thalmor with the power of dick.
i just 100% morrowind
i mean i beat the main quest even
i never beaten a bethesda game before
how tf did i not finish skyrim?
>how tf did i not finish skyrim?
I think a lot of people don't. I have a friend who has hundreds of hours in Skyrim on multiple platforms and he's never once fought alduin. Bethesda games are easy to burn out on if you try to do it all and they're too fun to get lost doing side quests or your own thing, so I bet it's common to put 60 or so hours into it before putting it down without ever completing a questline.
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[Happy news] Castles will launch everywhere in a week!
>No. Your tranny jap game is shit.
Wait until this guy finds out that there are tons of women pretending to be transgendered and wearing strap-ons under underwear and are making more money than the transgenders that are doing porn are making.
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Was trans people based off of /tesg/? You identified as a male before you played Skyrim, now you spend most of your day looking for mods to change your waifu's skin, makeup, outfit, and body. You choose armor for its esthetics rather than its armor rating, and some of you are marrying and fucking male NPCs. You are slowly becoming a girl and you don't know it.
>mooom I posted it again!
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the music did most of the heavy lifting
Wouldn't that mean your also become a woman?
>check mods folder
>50 gb

I honestly didn't know the tumor had gotten so large. I bet lots of it is overwritten from all in one packs by shit I added individually so it doesn't even do anything but I'm too lazy to start manually deleting shit and containing it.
Welcome to 4chan, where everyone here is either a dumbo, an underachiever, or on the spectrum
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Why do I always end up friendzoning Serana? She's an attractive vampire girl, so I should be in love with her. With SDA it feels like she's just a starbucks drinking, goth girl cosplaying as a vampire. She rarely does anything vampire like.
She's just a poorly written character and the SDA only makes her worse. At least with Aela she gives off werewolf vibes, but sadly I'm not a furry.
50gb? bro I probably have a near 1tb combined of all my mod shit.
Grab tits and ass and make a webm of it. Makes me want to try VR.
You could try your hand as Amourous Adventures, but this will require you to start the Dawnguard questline over unless you use console commands. This mod will also retcon her experience with Molag Bal to only being anal.
Poor little Bosmer boy getting his insides stretched out by fat Orc cocks...
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>50 gb
>Amourous Adventures
I had that installed but must have missed the option to trigger it. If only Amourous Adventure wasn't comedy themed. Would be one of the best mods.
I think having SDA installed deletes the AA Serana questline.
>With SDA it feels like she's just a starbucks drinking, goth girl cosplaying as a vampire. She rarely does anything vampire like.
She's basically exactly that in vanilla too lmao. Despite being an ancient molag bal cultist she speaks in a totally casual friendly tone and is generally of good moral character. She's against harkon because he's heckin' evil and gonna destroy the world, she has no self interested motivation for engaging with the plot aside from 'gotta save the world xd'. She is never depicted feeding and barely speaks about that aspect of her vampirism despite presumably having fed on countless people in the past.

I don't doubt that SDA sanitizes her even further but she's already as bland as plain bread and a glass of water.
Do bosmer women regularly peg bosmer men?
SDA lets you marry and fuck Serana but it won't let you let her feed on you. You can't offer and if you joke about it she gets offended and says you aren't cattle. It's like the author doesn't know why people are into vampire girls.
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Molag Bal has to be at least 9 inches, girthy, and most likely has spikes on his dick like cats. Serana is ruined for marriage.
SDA is written by some thirdie slant who probably spends every waking hour fantasizing about fucking a white girl. It's not surprising at all that he fetishizes a princess white girl character and headcannons her into a generic bubbly loving white girl romantic interest archetype.
so what if I became gayer instead, say that I installed Himbo and started to uncontrollably cum to my nord husbando?
>It's like the author doesn't know why people are into vampire girls.
That's because he took his goth gf waifu and renamed her to Serana. SDA is on my never again list. I'll just find another mod to add immersive sex triggers to replicate the only good thing about SDA.
But we want to fuck a vampire girl, not some generic white girl. I suppose in whatever 3rd world shithole he's from white girls are rare.

>I don't doubt that SDA sanitizes her even further
It makes her into an even bigger moralfag. She will call you an idiot if you become a champion for boethia or any god. The vanilla Serana was pretty neutral for evil DB roleplays. Serana is sourounded by evil people, her mom, dad, the entire castle. Not to mention she's fed on thousands of people. SDA turns her into a hypocrite.
>She's against harkon because he's heckin' evil
I haven't done Dawnguard in a while but i remember her still caring for her father. Doesn't she ask the DB to take her back to her father's castle. My memory might be bad but wasn't her main issue against him was the Ariel bow prophecy that would put her in danger and pretty much every vampire since people would declare war if they blocked out the sun.
>mfw Another Black Book
so make her black or something with mods, maybe something that puts her in a wheel chair
I love how the comments section on the youtube videos for it is just a bunch of snotty 15 year olds and chuddies seething and malding.
Castles is certainly a bit of a cash grab. It's reskinned and updated FO shelter. It butchers lore. But hell yes I will be playing it day one.
>It butchers lore
It isn't canon so it doesn't butcher anything. It's full of anachronisms and is just meant to be fun
There's nothing wrong with generic starbuck drinking white girls, but there's a million mods for that. Why can't vampirefags get one good evil vampire waifu. Make it happen one of you. Serana's mom is unironically a better follower than Serana but she's too old.
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Not playing right now, when I get my next modlist ready I'll get one for you.
Hermaeus Mora was my favourite Daedra so I'm simultaneously really happy that they've made a lot of content featuring him (Skyrim DLC, also an ESO DLC).
That said I'm also kinda annoyed by it because he's now one of the most popular Daedra and I want my favourite thing to be niche.
I've collected the black books but my shitty mage build DB is too weak to get them. I'm playing on expert mode and with Mahili's broken creature pack.
That's what I'm trying to get across. It's a fun little mobile game to play while you're taking a shit or waiting for something.
It's pretty fun and has nice upgrades over Shelter like balancing between all races and their demands. Shelter is monotonic in how the dwellers are presented.
If I had a castle irl it would have a sex dungeon
Dark Brotherhood and Castle Volkihar should have sex dungeons
>I haven't done Dawnguard in a while but i remember her still caring for her father. Doesn't she ask the DB to take her back to her father's castle. My memory might be bad but wasn't her main issue against him was the Ariel bow prophecy that would put her in danger and pretty much every vampire since people would declare war if they blocked out the sun.
This is exactly what I said basically, she wants to save the heckin' world. In fact it casts her in an even more morally good light than I described in my post, because she's willing to kill harkon to save the worlderino DESPITE her lingering concern for daddy.
I need a girl to do tes cosplay for me
You should draw up some schematics on how it would look and what devices would be in it.
How many vampires are rapist? I unironically think a lot of them are. We know the first vampire Lamae Bal raped some men
I'm on an 1TB ssd. I don't have room to spare. What the fuck have you downloaded? 4k-8k textures for everything? I bet it's all coomer shit, you degenerates. I only have modest 2k packs for vanilla assets.
Probably 100% of those who genuinely worship molag bal and want to please him
I think there's also some raised as vampire lords from youth who don't care about it like serana
Also for lesser vampires who developed their condition as a disease, I imagine it's as frequent as any other bandit does it
>This is exactly what I said basically, she wants to save the heckin' world. In fact it casts her in an even more morally good light than I described in my post, because she's willing to kill harkon to save the world
The SDA turns her into a moralfag who wants to help everyone in multiple quest. Whereas in vanilla I think she's a good person but is mostly trying to stop Harkon to save her own ass. The Tyranny of the Sun prophecy requires a daughter of cold harbor to be sacrificed, so either Serana or her mother was going to be sacrified for Harkon to achive his goal. Not to mention Harkon would effectively be declaring war against the rest of the world which would most likely result in vampires being exterminated which is what her mom feared.
>The inscription denotes a ritual which requires a Daughter of Coldharbour as a sacrifice and the bow of Auri-El to permanently purge the world of sunlight

>Castle Volkihar should have sex dungeons
Doesn't it have a thrall dungeon with a bunch of females? Protip: vampire don't just feed on their thrall, they also fuck them.
if Daedric Princes don't have sex/gender why does Morag Bal only fuck women this is a plot hole.
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>What the fuck have you downloaded? 4k-8k textures for everything?
it just adds up over time, bro
calm down
because they can still have preferences in who they want to fuck (over)
Being able to chose the sex and appearance of your material form when forced to appear to mortals has no bearing or connection to whether you prefer cock or pussy
An altmer girl's ass hole
A dunmer girl's ass hole
A bosmer girl's ass hole
An orsimer girl's ass hole
4 tight little butts lined up in front of you
i smelled a girls asshole and it smelled like ass
There's no way an orc girl has a tight butthole
You think because she's an orc her ass must be thoroughly used and loose?
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Did Molag Bal fuck Harkon of was it only his daughter and wife? Also, is it canon that Harkon is a cuck since he offered his wife to Molag?
Does the bosmer asshole smell the worse? Or would that be the orc.
>Did Molag Bal fuck Harkon of was it only his daughter and wife?
Molag Bal fucked Harkon. It's the only way to become a true full power Vampire lord unless a pre-existing one turns you, and no other vampire turned him.
>Also, is it canon that Harkon is a cuck since he offered his wife to Molag?
Technically yes
what's the skyrim patreon where the guy just links to mods?
Remember that in the official Oblivion 2006 fan interview Pete Hines said all Elder Scrolls content produced by Bethesda is canon.
That means Castles is canon.
>It's the only way to become
you just made it the fuck up
cunt invented vampires
he can turn you by flicking his fingers
Serana and Valerica were just tributes
"Speak, elf!"
Racist cunts. I kill all non-essential NPCs who greet me with this.
>if Daedric Princes don't have sex/gender
imagine eating this jewish slop
Okay sure Harkon was the one and only OG vampire lord not to get raped by Molag Bal.
Do you feel happier now?
>canon is Jewish slop
go back to reading mein kampf chuddie, video games aren't Aryan and are full of degenerate content you should never play them again
Biggie boss is such an important part of this community, and it's super obvious he cares so much. His modlists are better than so so so many others (and those others can sometimes have groups of people handling what Biggie does [better] himself).

He responds to the community. He takes polls for what to include or not include and listens to them. He makes even people on the outskirts feel included.

He's made the only modlist that's really kept me in Tamriel. It's just so sad that this guy puts his heart and soul into this stuff and does amazing work, but it's hard to see all of the people really enjoying his work. Idk I don't know him, but I know his work, and I know his discord, and let's be real - it's good vibes only!

I want him to get the good vibes back. So be good to Biggie or else no sweetrolls for you

EDIT: Okay didn't expect so many people to take the message "be less mean" so personally. Sorry if it made you angry

EDIT: Ok people seem to be REALLY mad that I was trying to send good vibes (and a lot of people took this as a sign to insult people?)... my bad

EDIT: Lol oops, so people don't have to look it up: Biggie does lorerim plus other modlists and the most helpful guide I've used for lodgen/dyndolod. He was considering leaving the community, and if you're curious why, just read some of the comments here and you'll get a good idea.
I'm so sorry for your parents
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copy reddit post
>I'm so sorry
No you're not. Stop saying that fake empathic yet deeply sarcastic bullshit.
why did he capitalize j*wish?
empathy is foreign to the chud brain, a shame you can't appreciate it
All of us would offer our bussy for vampire blood and we would allow them to fuck our wives.
I fucked him, his wife and his daughter and I'm not even Molag Bal
i would offer my bussy for isran not vampires you fucking retard
Let them fight over your bussy
I don't know what quest mod to start
well almost all of them are bad so that makes the choice easy, no pick is any worse than another.
Is it safe to uninstall
>High Fantasy Pack- Mihail Monsters and Animals
He also fucked Vivec
Who hasn't?
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Are there any that aren't bad? They always seem to have at least one thing distractingly bad about them.
Vigilant is in a league of its own. Best quest mod period.
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Fun fact your computer doesn't have a sex or gender, nor the floor it is sitting on.
I have had the same experience as you, no idea if any of them are solid throughout. In my experience the best mod added content is dungeons and standalone characters like followers. I find quest mods are always questionable and big quest mods with their own added outdoor maps are guaranteed to be mediocre at best
time to open ye netscript framework crashlogs
No need, it's cutting room floor 100% guaranteed, don't even have to look
Just killed alduin and had a beer with my bros in sovngarde. Funny that none of them recognized me as shor in mortal flesh but I guess that's why they call me the trickster lmao. Anyway time to go back to nirn and fuck my wife
The alduin battle would have been better if it made the DB team up with people they've met along their journey, instead you team up with strangers who you just met a few minutes ago which doesn't have the same impact.
If Skyrim were even 1% cool it would have checked for an oblivion save file, and if it detected you completed shivering isles it would make Sheogorath look like your oblivion character.
Is there any character more racially intermixed than Jagar Tharn?
He had a Bosmer mother (with potentially an small amount of Imperial admixture), and a Dunmer father.
His father himself was of extremely mixed Dunmer and Altmer heritage. He was a Dunmer but one with very heavy and obvious Altmer features.
It's a fair guess to say genetically Jagar was was 33% Altmer, 33% Dunmer, 33% Bosmer, 1% Imperial. You could not determine his race by looking at him beyond knowing he must be some type of mer.
I don't think there's another character that mixed, right?
>cutting room floor
Why in the actual fuck would people install that mod.
That sounds like a lot of coding effort for a very minor feature
True. Some of the people who can die in quests will appear in Sovngarde later so there might have been potential for that. But they aren't exactly strangers, even though you never actually "met" them. They're the same heroes who caused this mess by flinging alduin into the future to make his evil law, and earning their redemption by helping you slay him. It's still nice imo
dunmer pussy is made for sucking and massaging the cum out of BNC
I liked it when it first came out desu but these days it’s a compatibility nightmare. The only way I’d ever use it again is if I stripped everything and just used requiem
>No the multi-million dollar company might have to pay 3 people overtime for like a week, what ever will they do.
Do you have the slightest idea how game coding works
>type in prompt
>heckin ai does the rest

that will be $60 + tip
Not to mention Oblivion's character creator being drastically different from Skyrim
Yes and writing a piece of code that reads a file and takes information from it is not the hard part of coding a game.
What's BNC?
I wanted the missing apprentice quest
It's a nice low level quest for a new apprentice at the college
too many dunmer
fix it
>too many dunmer
nothing to fix
I'm having this same problem right now. I'm going to put them all in a random number generator and let fate decide
>take missive to deliver letter to place I’ve never heard of before while on Solstheim
>apparently it’s in Cyrodiil
>had to travel to two separate countries, going through an entire illegal tunnel full of bandits and smugglers because the guards wouldn’t let us pass legally
>no fast travel it took several days to get there
>reward: 200 gold
I played myself
No such thing as too many.

Perhaps the real reward were the smiling faces of the recipients.
I have mods that come with multiple .esps. You activate the .esp you want to use and deactivate the rest. What do I do with Wrye Bash in this situation?
It's fine all the mainland Morrowind Dunmer south of Riften will be groomed into femboys and forced to watch clutches of Argonian eggs.
God tier proportions on this slag
Tamriel Rebuilt redoing older content
What about them is red? And what are they guarding???
You are branded Orcish property. You belong to your master, the stronghold chieftain.
He keeps you in humiliating outfits, collared, chained to his throne or on a leash in his grip.
You exist only to satisfy him. You're his hole, his fuckmeat, his slut that he uses and slaps about as he likes.
Maybe the next chieftain will use you too, or maybe you can't satisfy him and he'll sacrifice you to Malacath, leave you in the wilderness, or sell you on as a second hand slut and well trained slave.
You sometimes think back to your upbringing before the raid, the kidnapping... your days as a pure and beloved Breton royal, child of a duke, heir to the realm. And you know you can never go back now.
wolf dicks to satisfy their women with
Why are they making it worse?
trannies took over, it's turning into beyond skyrim
Did Orcs ever actually keep slaves?
Because the old one "didn't fit vanilla aesthetic standards"
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God Ajira is such a dumb slut.
no, they're usually the ones getting sacked then eventually pushing back.
Everyone used slavery in Merethic era at least. But by the third era it was only the Dunmer who still had legal slavery.
The book "On Orcs and the Afterlife" also indicates that slavery was a concept in Orcish society.
Respect her you stupid cunt
She is trying very hard and is a very good alchemist
>AI follower framework
do I need to pay to have voice gen and AI LLMs for this to work?
also, how can I get it to do NSFW stuff? I'm guessing most of the AI models won't allow that..
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Did you steal Fargoth's ring?
I think AI follower framework runs locally, but I just skimmed it
Was Olaf One-Eye a piece of shit like the bards say?
oh boy these are vram hogs. I only have 10gb vram, I'd have to cut down on my graphics intensity quite a bit, drop enb.
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ofc not, I returned it to him
No, you meet the real him in Sovngarde and he says the bard isn't so bad either
there were way worse high kings
>the real him
is the draugr you fight just some peasant they buried in his place?
>Install a shitload of mods
>I'm having fun
>Get greedy and install more mods
>Suddenly I'm no longer having fun but it's too late to uninstall the mods
Anyone else experience this?
More like an angry echo of a fuckboy
no redguard
I stop having fun when something breaks
>it's too late to uninstall the mods
save often and it's never too late
No idea honestly but most draugr are just leftovers
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She opposes him because he goes insane. She still loved him on some level and she does say a few times that she wishes things could be different, but she is resolved to kill him because Valerica is factually correct in her reasoning for opposing him and Serana sided with her, and the second reason of course is that now Harkon wants to kill them for their blood so it's self defense as well.

The reason she cites for killing Harkon is that he's crazy, not necessarily that he's evil. Vanilla Serana is designed to be ambiguous regarding morality.
Yarti feets
Bosmom tits
Synthia pits
>he goes insane.
great writing
>le kuraaaazy
>le corruption
what hat, is that from the bloodborne thing?
yo seranafag! do you use mantella?
Khajiit is.. unsure how the Nords managed to train dogs to deliver mail, but she is here for this.
My red bussy
Is fortify personality date rape?
Im about to get into starting and finishing beyond skyrim reach how good is it ?
Also gonna try to focus on the museum mod after
>Serana is designed to be ambiguous regarding morality.
This is why I hate the SDA. It retcons her into being a goody two-shoes who wants to help everyone.
One of my characters became a vampire (willingly) as a sort of self-experiment. She knows there's a cure for it and it's her plan to get healed eventually. She's not a terrible person, but willing to do morally questionable things in the name of knowledge. So to study vampirism, especially the magic abilities that come with the condition, she turned herself. To keep the vampric powers she's so interested in strong, she drinks very little blood. It's a big struggle for her and the hunger for blood is a never ending torment. It's making her irritated and less empathetic. Maybe the vampirism itself is making her colder and slowly corrupting her mind. Maybe she overestimated her own self control

Is this an alright idea for a morally grey vampire character?
It’s all good fun
You could never train a cat to do a thing like that, that's for sure
Do Khajiit girls do the bouncing thing with paws in the air that cats do when they want food?
yeah we get it already sheesh
That's for sure for sure. Cats. Good for nothing. Put them in silly hats. Teach them a lesson.
shut it wokegender
The alifiqs do, yes.
why are you replying to yourself
>"I am Kena Zombel Mokafa, and I can prove that you do not exist," said Oin. He wrote out the mathematical formula, which proved correct, and Kena Warfel Tomasin vaporized on the spot.
Based as fuck
You.. do leave one for him, don't you? /tesg/?
Holt shit that is insane
it's up
What's he gonna do with it?
I saw that yesterday.
won't it have dialogue issues, where the housecarls will address you as Thane before you become one?
Or did the author address that already
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>A: That would require reuploading the entire mod, in question, even if I only make a small change. My internet is limited and reuploading the files each time will take a huge chunk of my monthly volume.
Why is he like this?
You should have interest in the angry dead not rising for revenge. It's just being safe. What's one mead as a last request?
Why did Astrid betray the player character?
Because you didn't kill her when she kidnapped you
But, the Dark Brotherhood quests are the more funner quests in Skyrim.
Destroying the Dark Brotherhood is just one dungeon diving quest, and that's it.
she explained that the penis oculus claimed they'd let the DB exist if they gave up the db
basically a woman moment
So? Tell Astrid that before she betrays you next time and see if she cares
that isn't me
yeah, when installing from online lists or mod descriptions alone
If the Penis Oculus knew about the location of the sanctuary, and Astrid knew that the Penis Oculus knew about the location of the sanctuary, why didn't she and her crew just fuck off and stop appropriating the Dark Brotherhood name?
I don't know what you're getting at.
Because the Night Mother made you her Listener. That makes you leader of the Dark Brotherhood and Astrid wasn't having it. She didn't want you replacing her at the top
Got a copy of lock and Unlock, time for Alteration level 100.
more like Seethe 100
>basically a woman moment
Astrid was an idiot, but the Dark Brotherhood had many competent female leaders
there are no good unlock spell mods with scrolls
Aren't the dark brotherhood supposed to be bad ass assassins, how did they get dog walked by a bunch of grunts? Their base has plenty of traps and hidden passage ways, at the very least they should have been able to escape.
But, why would she contact the Penis Oculus and give them confidential information?
From my understanding the Penis Oculus didn't know it was the Dark Brotherhood. She could've just informed them of an assassin.
What's the best default makeup tintmask replacer?
Oh, yeah?

Name 83.
it'd be nice to get a DB questline that doesn't involve killing off all the characters you like at the end
Astrid was an idiot, or maybe her decisions were just badly written
>how did they get dog walked by a bunch of grunts
From my understanding, the Penis Oculus are supposed to be elite warriors.
>Their base has plenty of traps and hidden passage ways, at the very least they should have been able to escape
It's not explained how they got in the sanctuary. The door is still intact. Also you'd think they'd have a contingency plan in case of being compromised.
use smart cast and extended hotkeys to get rid of menus interrupting the flow of battle constantly.
Then use cgo maximum carnage and enhanced blood so that melee combat doesn't actively suck. You can't really make it good but now when you're forced into melee it just doesn't suck.

but ideally you really should get mods that make add depth to stealth add immserive sim mechanics and stick to playing as a stealth mage archer who goes into melee as a last resort.
Astrid's Dark Brotherhood wasn't really the Dark Brotherhood anymore. Just a bunch of glorified murderers. That's why the ghost of Lucien Lechanche tells you that a purge needs to happen
mod for jiggling ectoplasm?
>it's not explained
they had the password
there is one way in and out
How'd they get it?
Maybe the traitor told them
This. As annoying as he is, Cicero was right
they're spies
you get it too to get inside on the destroy quest
you can't pretend woman moments don't exist.
If I make a spell in Morrowind that does X amount of damage effect, and has soul trap do I get the soul, or do I need a spell that does soul trap separate from my damage spell?
so astrid was planning on selling them out from the very start? cause like they know it even if you kill astrid in the cabin.
They're an intelligence organization
>stand outside funny pond with evil skull door
>hear guy say the password since it's an enchanted door
...That is so much sadder desu.
Why would Astrid give them the password? That doesn't make sense.
If they knew, why didn't they destroy it before?
Because then you wouldn't have a questline to do
all of these things are answered ingame
They didn't know that the db was involved in the shit around them until astrid told them. So presumably they just thought the dark brotherhood was too retarded to pull anything until that point
Any feedback on how to make her more interesting or execute the concept better?
how else the emperor was supposed to assassinate himself?
if you turn yourself into a vampire you're evil or a fool either way you're no friend of mine
make it an accident that happened while she was studying a vampire too closely
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>I sided with Ulfric because he's racist and based XD!....instead of siding with the highly fertile widow queen.
You guys have been circlejerking yourself for so long that you've unironically become homosexual.
It sounds pretty good to me. I think a person who is willing to become a vampire as an experiment would have to be pretty cold to begin with, though. How much could being a vampire actually effect her? Such a person might also prepare a stash of blood potions beforehand, as it is more convenient and less of a hassle than feeding on people and dealing with covering it up
The Elisif romance is the only reason I still play with AA
He wasn't that's just a fan theory went out of control. There were so many other ways to kill himself than getting the db to go full retard.
she's not a queen
she's not fertile
and she's used goods
Ulfric is not racist. Elisif is dumb. Her husband was High King, not her. She's doesn't have a rightful claim. The stupid fucking cunt.
You can turn ulfric into a woman with mods and marry/fuck her tho.
Is Proteus worth it to install?
That just comes across as lazy writing.
Why would Astrid tell him that?
She did it because you were listener, and she wanted to keep her power. Honestly, aside from the wedding, hiding the gourmet, and the ship at the end it's a very boring guild desu. cause everything else is just murdering random hobos
The entire quest is ruined by the writer trying to hard to be funny.
She didn't have to reveal information to a man whose son was murdered by their organization. That's the only reason he orders the destruction of the Dark Brotherhood in the first place. It sounds like he was going to honor Astrid's deal, but went against it out of spite because his son was murdered. Astrid didn't have to reveal that information.
>Did the King of Rape pass up an opportunity to rape somebody?
What a stupid question
>trying hard to be funny
He made the mod using only original voice lines and was limited in what he could splice together. Humor was a good way to justify the ridiculous dialogue that would result from his method. But I do agree with you. Most of the quests in the mod are just too dumb. The Elisif one gets a pass because it gets me two Elisifs
She is canonically a retard, yes.
Humor is overdone. Those faggy marvel movies have ruined modern media.
I am relatively sure the implication is that Serana and Valerica were "offerings" so he could skip the assfucking
i sided with Ulfric because i want to fuck him
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I long for the sensation of Serana's warm cunt coating my cock…
I don't think you were even sapient when AA was released
Since molag is the god of rape do you guys ever wonder if female vampire lords get futa cocks?
Typical blonde.
Fake Seranafag
Can women rape? Women can't do anything right.
Don't tell me you "cured" her anon
The "turn into a cloud of bats" power that vampire lords have is actually the coolest toy bethesda has ever given the player in any game, even if the vanilla version doesn't reach its full potential
for me it's the telekinesis.
it's just whirlwind sprint and become ethereal plus an absorb health cloak
Does each bat have a dick? Because it would be pretty strange to turn yourself into little dicks.
you're the guy who didn't want to eat male animals because it's gay, aren't you
No, you got me confused with someone else. I made the argument that it's strange that eating a human body in the context of being a cannibal doesn't sound gay, but if said cannibal started sucking the dead body's dick to get the cum out of his balls then that would be gay, despite the action not being gay.
I like that he turned the bards into prostitutes. The bard quest is so shitty and forgettable that AA's version of it became canon for me.
>make it an accident that happened while she was studying a vampire too closely
I like the idea of someone accidentally becoming a vampire by studying one too closely. But her vampirism being a self-experiment is a big part of her character. She wanted to experience the effects first hand, as other vampires could be lying to her. She was also interested in enhancing her own magical abilities
>if you turn yourself into a vampire you're evil or a fool
It was a foolish decision, for sure
only if you're the one getting fucked. fuckers need to leave so the modders can coalesce and focus their efforts, creating fuckee utopia
>I think a person who is willing to become a vampire as an experiment would have to be pretty cold to begin with
I think cold describes her somewhat. She's not straight up evil or sadistic, but morally aloof in that mad scientist kind of way
>How much could being a vampire actually effect her?
I think being undead affects you after a while. She misses the sun more than anticipated, she limits her social contacts/interactions for safety reasons, and the constant thirst for blood is almost unbearable. It's all turning her into a different version of herself. She loves the sensation of feeding on people. Consuming blood weakens the very powers she's trying to study, so it's not something she does often. But it means she's basically malnourished all the time, weakening her self control as the days go by. Lasty, the power that comes with being a vampire might take a hold on the host's mind. She's not one to become corrupted by power easily as she's more interested in knowledge, but the new magic flowing through her is a little addicting
>Such a person might also prepare a stash of blood potions beforehand, as it is more convenient and less of a hassle than feeding on people and dealing with covering it up
That's a great idea, I'll implement it
File deleted.
>The "turn into a cloud of bats" power
This is how the cloud of bats should have worked.
I think you gotta work backward a little. Whats this story look like near the end? because the only way I can see this playing out is a bad end. This is real random dungeon boss backstory type concept. The type of boss you beat and go huh I wonder why she was a vampire or I wonder why this vampire had all these weird books or whatever and then you read a diary that was placed nearby and you go oh I see.
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luv Eldy Scrolls
luv Todd
luv Skyrim
but most of all
luv Serana

Simple as.
Mihail's monster pack in a nutshell
ok but she's not really morally grey if she seek power and knowledge from vampirism, maybe she doesn't plan to conquer the world like Dio but it's still a bad reason to do it.
There should be a more noble motivation, it would also make the eventual corruption more impactful
Oh fuck you reminded me it exists i really need to download mod for it to be better
>if you turn yourself into a vampire you're evil or a fool
Are you on fucking drugs? Staying the same age forever? If that was an option every woman would do it.
>evil or a fool
Maybe you're onto something after all.
I bought Skyrim 6 times! Why don’t I get to be in the next game??? Only some fake gamer boomer gets in? They really do make sure nothing is left for the next generation.
I already had the ability to do this with goat hides for some reason and I don't use smell research but it is still up for those who care
>What mods are on your "never again" list.
Immersive armors. It clutters the world with mostly ugly/bulky armors.
Skyrim 2
>niggers at every fucking turn
>ugly, fat women at every fucking turn
>trannies at every fucking turn
>fetch quests at every fucking turn
>radiant quests at every fucking turn
>nigger elves at every fucking turn
sounds exciting…
Love me some altmer women so that part of 6 is going to be fun.
She sounds autistic and has shit in her cunt from wiping back to front.
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new site is so bad holy shit
Do women really have to wipe backwards to prevent poop from getting into their pussies?
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I haven't been gaming much because my monitor is with the manufacturer for an rma. I've only been playing on my switch, and I've very much been enjoying vanilla skyrim with vanilla Serana. I've been considering getting a rog ally so I can mod on a mobile platform.

I do not currently but it's certainly cool so far. And stuff like this only gets better with time.

yeah doll from bloodborn. full_imu I believe on patreon/kemono
>this dumb motherfucker again
Nigger give it a rest already
Why the fuck is there a nazi symbol on her boob?
Sounds kino I'll take 5 copies please
Fake Seranafag
>mod on a mobile platform
why don't you just get a steam deck? it's way better than a rog.
If she's from the early first era there's a chance her family did help kill all the snow elves.
She isn't.
What's your opinion of the SDA?
marty please. It's the prima guide thingy that apparently had access to dev documents.

unironically half the reason I dress her up in elven clothing and armor because of that.
shut up
You're both right. I was planning on having her use the insider knowledge and power to work against vampires in the end. Maybe sometimes she needs to dip her toes into the waters of something terrible, to see just how fucked it truly is
are there any big modpacks for fetishistic content? like babosdialogue, I don't wanna set things up again..
I wish there were more mods for city orcs >_<
dude it isn't a big deal. Your mod is kinda cringy but fine if you side with the dawnguard. Just work on the evil side for your final update.

also, you're better off skipping the 2b copy and going straight to aela because perception is everything.

If you ever need someone to sell your shitco startup for billions of dollars you know where to ask. I'll make the guy who sold bungie look like a chump.
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The rog ally is significantly better than the steam deck. If I were to get a steam deck I would wait for the steam deck 2.

It's okay. Many many thousands of lines means of course some will be cringe, but there's plenty that are just her commenting on the world or history that are fine.

The same applies to the romance. I like the part about a personal marriage rather than a official one, and when she talks about her feelings. But as many here have already said, there's some silly scenes that are obviously anime inspired.

The author dips in and out of getting it. I think he genuinely likes the character and he gets some of the important parts like the marriage, but he's also a weeb so he can't help putting some of that sort of stuff in too. You have to judge the pros and cons and decide for yourself.

Personally I do generally include it in my load lists. The amount of stuff that is just extra comments and interactions is worth it imo, the rest I don't take too seriously.

Oh, and the mod's features. It's a spell learning framework, customizing combat style, spell/skill levels, etc. Mechanically, it's one of the better follower mods.
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anyone know how to separate a part of a mesh into separate pieces in outfitstudio?
I want to subdivide a part of the outfit to have more polys but I run into a vertex limit, so I want to split the mesh into parts so I can subdivide only one section (the booba)
Why do you need mods for that when your already a city orc?
wtf does that even mean
"There are so few pleasures in life as fine as your company"

I unironically thought he was flirting at first
Has anyone made a SDA patch for the bloodcursed arrows and them removing the option of serana biting you and giving you back your vampire lord form.
Stronghold orcs will call you a city orc if you are an orc
Like who?
>person says nice thing to friend
This says a lot about Society
I thought he just said outsider.
>"There are so few pleasures in life as fine as your company"
Skyrim is the ultimate power fantasy because no way I'm gonna hear that in real life
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wonder if a banana gilf should be made...
it's better than oblivion's and morrowind's
isn't there less support for games on the rog vs the steam deck?
also do you use romance or ostim romance seranafag?
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Lads, give it to me fucking straight
How is nu-bethesda supposed to get me to play HammerRock when 2024 Skyrim exists? Realistically, what gameplay features are they going to need to get you to play it (consistently) over Skyrim?
ships guns and reskinned jetpacks I assume.
they'll stop selling skyrim once TES VI is out
where would the ships be sailing to? tamriel is landlocked.
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>tamriel is landlocked
Actually releasing in my lifetime would be a good start.
nothing tbqh. it's just going to be more black. it's designed for console users primarily
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Trips-on-claws died two quests deep into the Morag Tong line, those quests are brutal. I'll need to mooch off of early game quests before I go doing most of the alternative quests.
Dranmsuri was foreign born to a dark elf family, who worshiped the tribunal weakly, she took a lot of her moral teachings from tribunal thought despite never believing. She believes her parents were killed by her brother a Mephala worshipper, and was imprisoned for extra-judicially killing him. She was primed to be drawn into the tribunal temple. When she got lost looking for the Caldera Ebony mines, got cursed by witch who drained her personality, she stumbled into a tribunal temple and got helped and join the temple.
Sign & Specialization: The Apprentice & Magic
Attributes: Intelligence and Personality
Major Skills: Long Blade, Speechcraft, Heavy Armor, Restoration, Alchemy
Minor Skills: Armorer, Mysticism, Alteration, Destruction, Enchant
nigga i already stopped playing skyrim you think i want to play that shit again? fuck no give me another game already
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I'm remembering why I tend to avoid magic followers
also I thought I fixed the backwards sword thing
>tamriel is landlocked
skyrim is eternal
Honestly that's a good question.
The way I see it there's a few possibilities
1 hammerfell will get shrunk down and there will be a shit load of islands in the abecean which may or may not include the summerset isles.
2 It'll be in black marsh instead and the boat will be smaller to navigate the rivers and swamps everywhere.
3 They're going to shatter the continent into a bunch of smaller pieces because of some calamity and things will be way more mixed.
simple, no Soule, no soul
based retard, probably has 1000+ hours in skyrim alone
no rapist kike working on the game? 6 might be good after all
you say that but without Soule, BGS has pumped out more kiked games
To be fair, most NPCs who talk to you like that after you completed a quest for them want yo marry you
I haven't played Skyrim since I was 14, so any play time at all would put it above Skyrim.
Argonians would have to not have tits as I on principle refuse to give money for what should have a person lynched, and that prevents me from playing good games, let alone game journalist focused slop.
Honestly if we could do like a 1 to 1 in terms of mechanics recreation of Daggerfall that would be great, I would love to be able to play Daggerfall again.
I still choose to believe that vanilla marriage just involved cuddling and nothing else.
meant for >>493069112
fucking idiots, there are (barely) any sailable lands next to hammerfell, it's locked to land
land locked
I just want to fuck dunmer so as long as there’s some sort of sexlab that’s all I care about
>he doubled down
Todd, what have you done?
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skyrim brainrot is real
anon the greybeards will break the continent apart with their crying after delphine kills parth.
nigga you can't be serious
Why is it so repetitive in here? t's always the same episodes repeating
There's been no new continent in 20 years.
fuck, I meant content.
zoomers are the main users of 4chan now and all the little brats know is repetition for laughs (ex. Tiktok)
we're contentlocked
landlocked post
delete this
akavir never
it's been postlocked
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nolvus is objectively good
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rog ally is a windows machine. You can operate it just like a laptop. The new one, I think they're calling the ally x, also has better hardware. Steam deck uses steamOS. They did announce that steamOS will be made for the rog ally as well, so you kind of get your cake and eat it too in the future if you're on the ally, wit hthe better hardware and your choice of OS.

I use oromance. flower girls, sexlab, and oromance are all compatible with SDA but I found the animation packs I saw in the oromance nexus page to be very cute so I chose that one. Handholding, hugging, and the like. The menu for moving around is also cooler than sexlab, it feels more natural. And even the actual sexual stuff was more my cup of tea, like very warm and cuddly.

There are some sex mods that require sexlab that I've used but I don't usually put any of those on a serious long term playthrough, ie one where I will doing quests and interacting with Serana and other dlc or endgame stuff.
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This made me literally laugh out loud
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Too add onto this, under the context of Starfield, All major space games of the past 15 years (especially post-NMS) have all had engines developed around them. even Scam Citizen, which started out with Cry Engine (*the* graphics engine of the late 00s-early 10s), they overhauled it to extent that it's basically their own offshoot now. Space games are arguably the most technically advanced games out there (aka absolute coding nightmares) having some of the most autistic shit out of all games, shit like unrivaled Economic simulation (picrel), Newtonian Physics, and other things that can only be done In-house instead on a 3rd party engine. Starfield, despite lacking seamless exit/entry, already has things that would be practically impossible to do in Unity or Unreal, some of which are completely unique to it; things like Simulated Orbits, Dynamic Lods (Dyndu is officially obsolete), mass terrain generation, automatic Navmeshing, etc.. To put it simply, the notion that CE is "outdated" is built upon tech illiterate mongoloids not understanding design philosophy and the rumors of terminally online NV fanatics that are somehow revered as "learned Intellectuals", despite most of them being estrogen addicted sociopaths whom will eventually commit suicide upon the inevitable realization that they were groomed into thinking drugs and shady surgeries would make them the opposite sex.
TL;DR: Death to Unreal shills, Death to Consolefags, Death to E-Celebs, Trust in Todd. Bishmillah
vivec was such a bro
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I just wanted to see why there was a root there
When did I gain the ability to grab and drag living actors

>believing his faked resume
There’s nothing up
There's a new muscle mommy.
the dibella one? that's not muscular
The engine can't save TES6, just like it couldn't save Starfield. Bethesda is creatively bankrupt.
this homo makes yet another AI voice expansion for a vanilla character, this time camilla.
his brilliant new spin on the character is a very original backstory of her parents being dead, killed by thieves while operating their family store. Then she goes on about how she's homesick for cyrodiil. when asked what it is she misses about her homeland, she extensively diatribes about the fucking food available there from the various racial minorities, and nothing else.

This modder is unironically an even bigger NPC than camilla is, christ.
generals tend to be
god damn, how high test are you?
not a single fucking post in /tesg/ has ever called tamriel landlocked
isn't this the same as some story about Mao? I swear I have heard this before.
maybe I'm a dumbass and that's the part you are laughing at.
Is his knight lady follower good at least?
what's worse is he's accumulated a fanbase that keeps getting him in hot pages lol
I haven't tried it but why would it be? every one of his dialogue mods for vanilla characters has been laughably cliche and stupid. His best work could be generously called mediocre.
HOly autismo.
Anywa any Netori mods that would help me cuck npcs with proper dialogue ? :)
Someone being retarded? oh this is new!
>complain about /tesg/ being repetitive
>start talking about yourself unsolicited, again
some shadowman mods yeah
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"Let me guess... Someone stole your cumsocks?"
get a load of this guy cam
I want tall hansome thalmor men to ravish my tight little bosmer holes, all while they remind me that they're the superior breed of mer
altmer talons penned this missive
Yes hello, someone just stole my waifu's virginity
This single-handedly convinced me to redownload Taliesin
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Omfg forgot pic
after reading the description I'm not sure why you would have downloaded it to begin with
Built for horses
This but with orcs.
Because of this
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That's every waifu tbqhwyf.
>skrillex hair
My intuition tells me that the lover and the warrior would be a better pair with the aetherium crown than the warrior and the thief.
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not my nadi
Unironically, do Thalmor do shit like that behind closed doors?
I’d imagine because of the way races work in TES that breeding fetishes like that would run rampant.
it's up
>because of the way races work in TES
Could you elaborate?
That's hot
I saw this earlier, seems underwhelming. Especially knowing it's lifted from that chink monkey game.

this guy hasn't put out a good character since the altmer one t b h.
Supposedly the race of man/mer is based on the mother, so you could potentially participate in degenerate kink play like that and at worst case you’ll just be a single mother of a child that’s still the same race as you
plan B is cheap as fuck in Skyrim though
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They told me that sandboxing followers were more immersive
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Please don't sexualize Orcs, it makes them uncomfortable.
it exists
When I let mine sandbox all they do is get drunk. I had to turn that option off in NFF it turned Teldryn Sero and Erandur into alcoholics with a constant debuff
Don't forget that if you have the Lover in the crown, you can sleep to get the normal growth buff, and then add the crown on top of that
unless they fixed it at some point and you can get them all without hoop jumping
Her innate desire to not hurt the greenery even where the Pact does not apply means she can't do it despite multiple false starts. Emergent storytelling.
Not 1 to 1 but I'll probably play the same sort of character again.
I like playing thieves, I like playing Khajiit, I'll probably play a thief Khajiit again.
But I'll need dialogue overhauls and some other racial overhauls before I do.
If you made the post about the drunk tiny mushroom friend recently I enjoyed reading it
That's right, Orcs are made for humans enjoyment
Man, degenerate race kink play probably is really popular. What's Skyrim's Plan B though? I always wondered what kind of protection people use anyway. Alchemy?
Be a true Nord, punch a whore in the stomach
you fags talk a lot about Teldryn Sero. Any good mods for him?
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have to get this bullshit started just to recruit Brelyna to the Dunmer squad
unfortunately, no.
not even this?
You don't
You can drop armor or jewelry near her and her voice type asks if she can keep it
Say yes and you will have bribed her up to Friend level, which enables her follower faction
this can be done by entering the college through the midden back way
>you fags
it was one fag(ette) who's gone now
New in town eh? Here for the fishing I'd guess.
I couldn't get it to work back when I tried it.
there are definitely some fruity niggas who post about him all the time in here. No hate or anything though
No fucking way.
>You can drop armor or jewelry near her and her voice type asks if she can keep it
the fuck, you can do this with npcs?
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yeah I've done it multiple times on hundreds of hours saves to marry her without joining the college

It depends on the voice type
Another example is in the solitude warehouse, when you turn the far right corner you can drop an item and the sailor will ask to keep it
if you say yes nothing is stealing inside anymore
Riften also starts lethal fights over items
didn't work, fren. she gets the jewelry but no follower dialogue
I am willing to bet it's some modded interaction, how could you mar Todd's perfect work of art this way
maybe RDO or something adjusts it
i don't post about him
Pretty sure you need to do the little requests all three College geeks have before they actually can be used as followers. Anon's marriage might not have the same restriction because it's just disposition related, or some mod or other makes it a little funny.
this is correct. Follower status is only after doing their sidequests, marriage is only based on friendship level
No, she was a follower well before marriage.
I also went back and joined the college properly to unlock her favor quest one time and did it after being married.
They're always in the faction they just need the dispo boost, which usually only comes from the mini quests
The thing you can't do without joining is the Ritual Spells for quest dialogue from the teachers besides Destruction in a broken way, and probably Sarthaal's Gauldur thing without other external screwing around like arbitrary cell loading
The quest was made a long time ago and because of that it suffers from a lot of the same issues that AA does. The dialogue is spliced and the plot really doesn’t make much sense.
Also the mod is incredibly hard for no real reason where even high level late game characters will probably be one shotted by some of the enemies. I still like it though.
There’s also A Serious Wedding, the blacklight Chitin armor replacer so the armor he’s always trying to flex on you looks different, and his dialogue extender + RDO makes him easily the most talkative (and not in a bad way) vanilla character.
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>Find a cool looking weapon
>It has dogshit stats
Hate it when this happens.
Seems to me actors in the existing potentialfollowerfaction still depend on disposition increases which is mostly done via quest (ex: golldir)
I performed this at least three times, once on an xbox, once on LE, again on SE/AE, all with the same NPC
I even have the vanilla saves sitting around somewhere
there’s more than one teldrynfag. I’m one of them.
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>finally catch up on my huge backlog of downloaded mods to try out
wew, finally I can play the-
>4 pages of tracked mods on Nexus to go through
>FemaleCommander negative greeting:
>You have something to say, dog? Something on your mind?
Todd why have I never heard this
>check chest for cool looking weapons
>end up decked out in bondage
hate when this happens
Fuck you, leatherman.
post tits
nothing good ol console commands can't fix
fuck you.
What are you implying anon?
i like when this happens
I'll be honest lads, I'd rather just have no voices and just read. Even if AI becomes perfect at voice acting, using your imagination for how voices would sound will always be better.
The ideal game design is a single sentence voiced blurb summary and then an info paragraph that you can read into as you please
you're full of shit. voice acting can definitely add something to the story, you can imagine voices all you want but it's arrogant as hell to assume that you can imagine any and all possible performances of the dialogue. A quality actor can deliver the lines in ways you could not imagine before hearing it, that's the entire point of acting as a profession.
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>trying to hit a guy in the middle of the road
I did not pay enough heed to the literature surrounding magical firearms apparently
the bodies were a solid 10m from each other laterally
also I tried aim fix lite and it's actually worse than the wrong alignment/blocking I have now
vanilla or souls like combat?
vanilla plus with dark souls characteristics
vanilla with rebalanced stamina costs unless you want combat to be cinema instead of an abstraction
the most prominent people making souls combat haven't even played DeS/DaS last I skimmed and have a really wrong idea about what it is
vanilla with a sex/rape system
That works too
Holy shit nigger READ. I said no voice acting is preferred to AI. Unless you're truly retarded and think AI counts as voice acting.
it really doesn't matter, the issues with skyrim combat are not mechanic related. It's almost entirely due to poorly designed enemies and encounters.
Your mechanics don't matter for much when 80%+ of fights you are outnumbered 5 to 1 anyway, it always boils down to exploiting pathfinding.

If you have ever circled a table or rock or whatever to endlessly kite an enemy in a game you have experienced most of what skyrim combat has to offer.
you said even if the ai is perfect. obviously that implies it's no worse than any other voice acting, for it to be perfect it would have to be the best VA in history
i wish i had a chubby argonian wife
it'll always be a butterface, and the face is the most important
>AIfag is a complete retard and can't read
>On top of projecting his own shortcomings onto others
Every time.
Vanilla combat specifically with Wildcat and injury animations mod
ironic lmao
>Even if AI becomes perfect at VOICE ACTING, using your imagination for how voices would sound will always be better.
you can scream and shout all you like but you're being inconsistent or dishonest here.
And what insecurities am I even supposed to be projecting here? Also I'm not the AI anon
>finally realized I bricked my animations because I stupidly installed an LE animation pack in SE
Someone needs to use AI for good and make an intelligent troubleshooter that just lists all the most common, but easy-to-miss-despite-being-obvious fixes for modding Skyrim. Shit like ensuring your grass generation settings aren't fucked or XMPSE is in the right place in your load order.
when we finally go post human and download ourselves i can go on adventures with my altmer wife and by go on adventures i mean have steak blowjob day every day
Yesterday I realized PapyrusUtil should be put at the end of the load order.
I've been putting it near the beginning with other bugfixes and other engine and script tweaks for years now.
Any other popular utility mod that should be put at the bottom of the load order?
Pure first person vanilal or vanila with Verolevi animations and TDU.
if you already tried disabling/minimizing autoaim (don't turn off fAutoAimMaxDistance unless you don't mind breaking follower quick cmd)
the next step might be to just turn off ranged killcams desu
How the hell does Lux Via not mesh with Lux Orbis, wtf.
I'm testing graphical settings and load order by making trips from Helgen to Riverwood, and when I hit the main road from Helgen cave there is a floating lantern with Via installed. When I remove Via it turns out there is a lantern post there added by Orbis. This is the only issue I saw, but who knows how many there will be around the world, and why the fuck are these 2 mods conflicting in the first place when they're part of the same series made by the same author?!
this is why you cut bloated crap like that. just don't use either of them.
I installed elden rim and the combat is still fast paced, so it's just a better version of vanilla
I did that in the end. I don't usually add much stuff to world spaces anyway, I just wanted to freshen things out.
>combat is still fast paced
You installed a MCO based combat mod and you expected it to be slow paced?
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I'll have to check what I have those on exactly, I'm pretty sure it's been off but who knows what might have gotten in
I really do like them when they work including the magic ones but they've been some of the most consistently broken things forever now, especially the higher difficulty whiffs because of the way it's calc'd
which is somewhat remarkable considering the existence of vats

The projectile velocity on the mod also does not help much in terms of getting the trajectory wrong, it almost feels less accurate at super speed (and for some reason other NPCs keep walking in front of the shot, their loss)
That's the implication from people talking about souls mods, yeah.
this one?
Lmao, whoever said ITT that people who make souls-like mods haven't actually played souls games is absolutely right.
every 3rd person game is dark souls
That area, the floating lantern is at that bent post in the back.

PS. It's almost like I made the screencap, you use the same textures as me.
You can't make faithful souls gameplay in skyrim because the enemies and environments aren't designed for it. People only focus on making the player have souls-like attack animations, but that's not the only thing that creates a soulslike.
The first three were relatively steady paced. It's when BB hit that suddenly mashing was the way to go because it actives more neurons for more people
I know. I gave it a try and realized the encounter zones were absolutely not meant for soulslike combat.

In my experience, even Precision breaks the combat with how much enemies begin to miss attacks that seemed guaranteed to hit me.
I just chalk up Precision misses as Morrowind misses but I did have to replace the "crawling on ground wounded" bit because there were too many overhead swings from it
True. I'd say even DS3 has increased the speed. But the mod is called Elden Rim, meaning it takes "inspiration" from Elden Ring, which is absolutely not slower than Skyrim.
tfw blind
I'm not seeing one around this thing
>the same textures
Dunno, maybe you ordered stuff better than me.
I already uninstalled Via so I can't do a screencap.

If it's not a problem, how do you order these mods and where do you put them on the modlist?
hey /tesg/ sissies, you did roleplay canonically..right?
My dragonborn fucked a mercenary she hired and then got pregnant
>male nord
no, female nord, that's obvious.
I reinstalled skyrim. Played it for the first time only a few years ago. Think I'm going to go stealth+dagger. Going to spend at least the first few days trying to sneak up on and kill deer or other wild animals. Not going to do 'survival mode' this time around. Might explore some mods to improve the crafting systems and replenishment/respawn of animals, plants, etc.
this general is for discussing sex mods not skyrim itself
Ideally i would have attack animation with commitment like in MCO sans the combos, but much less mobile and slower with a lot of emphasis on armor, blocking and parrying. Have a way to do multiple types of attack like directional swipes and stabs. Give everyone a stamina pool that is large but regens very slowly.
And make combat super lethal
We’re going medieval n’wah

Until such a mod exists i am sticking with the Dark Souls larp autism of mco
>GoT dragon
buy an ad
The Dragonborn will be remembered by history as a Khajiit woman
vermintide combat. 3rd person is an afterthought as per usual
stealth+dagger only is quite challenging at the beggining. Feels more rewarding than the archer counterpart to be desu
Stealth + dagger was very easy (and fun) for me when I played with Enhanced Lighting and Realistic Detection
Teldryn is so lucky
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There he is! Maxwell!
it's, well..
mods for adding ugly bastards to all the inns to fuck my female characters?
nevermind. found out babodialogue has an addon for adding more NPCs to the world. heck yeah
Some of you guys are cool and aren't wokegenders.
Meet me in the Markarth shrine of talos after midnight tomorrow.
> Played Skyrim for 1000+ hours. Never knew about that mechanic.
I mean you could add a mini quest or something that explains it. Imagine spending precious budget and wagie hours on a feature and 99.9% of the players will never experience it. I get flashbacks to the "Goblin Wars" in Oblivion. Just works I guess.
My modlist is a mess. 400 mods and at this point I just hope LOOT knows what it's doing.
> I just hope LOOT knows what it's doing.
Boy, do I have news for you. The rules are pretty static. It only works for singular mods that have corresponding rule sets. E.g. mod A before mod B. The rest will simply crowd towards the bottom of your load order. You can try it out by manually placing mods higher or lower. Loot won't touch most of them again. Your best hope is that the modder knows what he's doing (lol) and didn't add some unnecessary and breaking changes to the plugin that overwrites some essentials.
I am aware of all that, but the fuck do I do when even I am not sure where should some mods go.
loot works fine for 90% of cases. if you have 400 mods you never ordered then just let loot do it. But do yourself a big favor and start manually assigning the order of new mods you download. How do you order them? just find conflicts in xedit and order accordingly. if the mods don't conflict then the order doesn't matter.
Run LOOT and then make sure it didn't go against any of the suggested load order rules that authors may have included on the mod page and make sure your conflicting mods are in the overwrite order that you want
>t. Completely clueless guy with twice as many mods as you and never had a problem
I try to keep things in order as I install, but I don't order plugin list itself. And sometimes I put a mod early in a modlist because it is listed as a requirement for another mod, but turns out it is supposed to be near the end. Or vice versa. I tried following online guides but even they don't always agree.
Nerevar is canonically a shortstack female dunmer who joined house hlaalu.

do with that information what you will.
surprise check in, post your latest screenshot
you gotta start ordering the plugin list. Sure like the other anon said you can have 2000 mods and only use loot and be fine but you're just creating a mess you can't see and at some point you'll have to address it, inevitably, if you keep modding. Better to do it early than late. Don't worry about requirements, any hard requirement will force you to reorder it. Soft requirements and the like you just follow what the mod page says. Anyone that says its supposed to be near the end just doesn't want their edits to be overwritten, if nothing conflicts with the mod, location on the list doesn't matter.
I'll try after work then.
I installed Skyrim in Friday and I have yet to actually play it. It's been modding and troubleshooting mods the entire time lmao.
>anons are still using (((LOOT))) to sort their plugins instead of manually editing plugins in xedit to solve conflicts
oy vey
>he literally does not know how to use loot properly
Sorry, I already have a job.
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modding a game requires you to know what level of investment you want to put in. Its all about a personal effort to reward ratio and everyone's is different. some people are fine with all the issues that come with a lazy approach because those things matter less to them than the time and effort to do the proper approach. Hell even resolving conflicts has it's own level of investment. For how autistic I am over this game and how long i've been doing this, if something is really complicated in it's conflict resolution I just drop the mod or the conflicting mods than deal with that shit.
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How do I make my Khajiit look like this?
you need Chad mods
Alright, I think I'm going to start adding mods for the first time. I have a lot of experience with morrowind modding (never made any new objects, though). I assume nexus mods is a good place to look. And it's a simple drag and drop + load order sort.

What about the integrated Creations mod network? I've browsed it once or twice and found it to kind of be a pain in the ass.
Nexus has everything you need to do whatever you want with Skyrim.
He left to get some guar milk...
how do you know where he went
Why are all these toons so ugly?
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> "Lemme tell you somethin', you whiny little snot
> There's somethin' wrong with all you kids today
> You just don't appreciate all the things you got
> Our mod list was buggy, constantly broken, and we had to fix every conflict manually in xEdit
> And we liked it fine that way!"

At least that's how I imagine you guys in a few years
lux splits a lot of meshes apart to prevent multiple light sources from hitting one long stretch and quickly hitting the light limit
so it's not a bad idea to give them priority, some meshes have patches, but some were just built with lux in mind
mo2's conflict tab and nif preview plugin is nifty for sorting out meshes
plugin order is generally like via, orbis, then lux
>mod masters
>lux masters
>muh mods
>lux plugins
>lux patches
>dynamic patches
I say generally because not all muh mods touch lux so I really only have their conflicts like that
to see plugin conflicts I usually use xedit's -veryquickshowconflicts argument with mod groups to avoid seeing good conflicts I've already sorted and patched
also bethesda plugin manager for mo2 only superficially highlights plugin conflicts but I find the awareness a little useful and it doesn't seem to slowdown mo

mods with placed objects can be tricky if they don't directly conflict so if I see something like a floating lantern I check it with more informative console while in-game
I try to work out where it came from, how it was placed there, does it have a patch, and if it's something stuck in my save or not
Thanks anon, I'll try it out.
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That's because the average person has no sense of taste or aesthetics. They create a false picture of what they believe will look pleasing to the eye. Relying almost purely on symbols of "beauty and perfection". Neglecting all the little and carefully placed imperfections and details a real subject would have. What you end up is a homunculus, a mockery (or toon as you put it), entirely artificial and untouched by life. That's why artists learn to draw from life. It's hard to create good and unique characters with defining traits and little faults without exaggerating them and making them look cartoony. Just look at SL, it's like a warped, cartoonish version of instagram. Subscribe to my blog, thanks.
Redpill me on Orcs. They're said to be stupid brutes with a short temper, but I know that honor is very important to them. So what are they actually like? Are they more respectful than people give them credit for?
that implies the zoomies have something that works. Modpacks are just as bad as your average skyrim modder, lots of them have mods that don't work, mods that conflict that were never resolved, all sorts of buggy and broken shit. The reason they get away with it is the same reason most people modding skyrim dont' give a shit. None of these people even know what these mods are supposed to do or even what vanilla skyrim look like. At least the people using the modpacks have an excuse but the people making money on patreon to put some mods together really should be doing better
>tfw update never ever
who let the horny german out of the cage again
After reading this I'm thankful that I never bothered playing Skyguy.
I wish she was back so we could lust over Teldryn together
What is this cute dirty Redguard waifu from?
Nice reeds.
Anything in particular that Danny Trejo said to cause this reaction in you? I mean I like the guy but I would have assumed low IQ from the jump because he's an ex-con with little education, so what did he do to fuck with your expectations exactly?
I wonder how many innocent cattle Serana violently drained to death just to chuck their bones down the castle disposal chute.
fishing dlc
It was when he was filming that Predators movie. He was really excited to be there (in Hawaii iirc) but his tweets were illiterate as fuck. Like, retard tier.
I grew up idolizing the guy, building him up in my mind so to find that out was a big let-down. Is that his fault? Not at all, other than using social media. I daresay these days Danny Trejo would have a social media manager that does his posts for him.
That Predators movie was back in 2011 I think and it was an important lesson: if you have a "hero", don't go to their twitter.
>this anon wipes back to front
Bet you don't even know how bad your gooch smells.
Did that Dunmer whore steal that finely crafted steel armor
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skyrim time. Gonna read some bright piece of paper in a cave.
All I want is a decent musket reload animation for guns. Is that too much to ask? I mean really? I've seen them do crazier shit with reloads in NV, surely it can happen in Skyrim.
Some art is objectively ugly and it has nothing to do with taste or bias.


Simple as.
Why are the vampire's boobs red
This Breton is autistic like me
So you never looked up the actor's actual history I take it

Frankly surprised he could even figure out how to type
Alright, so what mod makes her look that hot then?
Nah, I knew all about him as a kid. He was a master knife thrower (lol) who taught actors how to throw blades before getting into acting himself.
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the dumbass went blind
>knew all about him
So you knew the part where he was a drug-addicted drug pusher with little formal education and a connection to both street and prison violence/murder? I mean I can understand "looking up to him" for turning his life around but what about any of his actual life made you think "surely this guy is a well-spoken and literate individual"
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Vicn is adding femboy Mannimarco to his new mod
I will now play your mod
When did Vicn become woke? He used to make really good mods.
>anon thinks femboys are "woke"
"Woke" is not a synonym for "gay".
Anon would you mind posting you're modlist?
femboys are more of a right wing thing
>follower advertised as a heavy armor user
>heavy armor: 15
>light armor: 54
many such cases
Wrong. While it's true that woke doesn't mean gay or transgender, forcing lgbtq stuff into places it doesn't belong is woke. Vanilla skyrim doesn't have femboys, so that means he's putting something in that doesn't belong for D.E.I purposes. Notice how almost every TV show has a gay character. It's like they're jamming it down our throat.
there's probably some bloat in here and I think I'd like to start over someday, but sure.
the list I copied from notepad++ is upside down for some reason
jesus christ dude, go outside.
no they're not
looks like it's based hours once again
>witchertranny (confirmed tranny chaser) weighs in
the wokegenders are upset....
>complaining about things that "don't belong" in a Vicn mod when fully 80% of it is insane shit you don't see in base Skyrim
>places it doesn't belong
So have you ever actually played a TES game besides Skyrim or....
jesus christ alive that is the biggest shitshow of a load order I have ever seen
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many people are saying this
please tell me that is not a FtM wokegender character...
who is "many" you literal faggot? I'm glad there's an anon willing to call out your mental illness.
ohhhhh yeah. That's 5 years of sedimentation built up very slowly. I'm basically like a hoarder. It's stable though.

Like I said, I should start over.
no she is woman (vagina'd)
I'm always saying this
I still don't know what wokegender is supposed to mean
>no she is woman (vagina'd)
good. in that case I approve of the musclefu
>I'm always saying this
so many = you? lol
this is why your kind is called a vocal minority, doesn't stop you from speaking for other people who don't even exist.
so true bestie
It's supposed to be insulting, I guess. Not as effective as just calling someone "woke" or "wokist" though.
it was a retarded thing one anon kept saying recently and it's funny because of how stupid it is
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read the scroll, now it's time for darkfall cave :( and the best dragon fight in the game :)
How are things going for you, /tesg/?

Khajiit's research is.. very expensive. So she must do ill advised things for quick cash.
get banned faggot lmao
sex with Nord men unprotected?
I really wish there was a Skyrim mod that recreated this steel armor. We got a shitty rendition of the Oblivion armor, why not a quality rendition of this?
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I'm committing to the bit and deleting all my mods to start over.
Do you often do that when you're only halfway through a major story quest
I don't, but I want to.
/tesg/ seems extra retarded this morning
Delete the mods + skyrim and never come back.
I'll never not come back to Skyrim
release that character as a follower first. I like her more than the original Yara
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I'll still be playing her, and I gotta unfuck the CK before I can do that.
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Are tall Bretons (like at least Nord height) considered high blasphemy according to /tesg/ or what
based as fuck
it's 10 in the morning, no one cares
For some reason this manga getting posted just makes me feel sad and angry

In game heights are just an approximation for gameplay reasons. There's no reason to think there wouldn't be tall bretons, especially bretons with a lot of nordic heritage. As per the Daggerfall description of the race, tall bretons are canon.
this is the first time you've seen that? it's been regularly posted on 4chan forever. hell it was a giant meme at one point
>sex with Nord men
I'm so ruined by Internet Historian's fucking Nord VPN commercials that I first read that as "Nordman" and that was the first thing I thought of lol.
Yeah but I ask because some people here seem to get really upset when you deviate from the typical NPC design in Skyrim. Not being smarmy when I say that, either, just wondering what the likelihood is that if I post my character I'm going to get a lot of flack or not (because tall French women are a core fetish for me).
just fyi I can report this faster than you can post
Yeah. And that's even being here for a while, too.
Look, for every character posted there's at least one anon ready to act like a complete retard and start seething. Post your character anyway
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Is this because of the cartoon dog?
Is this the "pomf what are we doing on the bed oniichan" one?
He was right, it brought the reddit cancer out screeching into the sunlight.
run to your jannies loser, he's already won
The jannies react slower than either so report all you want but he'll probably get the entire thing dumped before they do anything
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so who triggered today's rendition of the pedoschizo crash-out with the overused doujin?
it's your game, do what you want
>heh i posted le oldfag loli rape manga on a blue board lololol are yuo le triggered yet
>Is this the "pomf what are we doing on the bed oniichan" one?
Ah, no, but Khajiit seems to have accidentally done something much worse.
Honestly starting to wonder how many male knights had naked women painted on top of their armor like they were WW2 bombers and shit
lmao no us law violation gets on top of the queue and MODS are FORCED to look at it
clean it up janjans
>And that's even being here for a while, too.
been here all summer huh?
She cute. Would hug.
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sex with... Nord demigod woman unprotected?
Meridia is a full-on deity, not a demigod.
>le random totally on topic timewasting question at 800 posts on page 9
what's wrong, got banned on your phone?
But where are the hug mods?

Oh I hope not, but I know pain is in my future regardless. I let my guard down and hit the loot all key thoughtlessly. It had the bacon in it.
but with that replacer she is partially human enough to mother my children so.... checkmate
14 years. I didn't recognize it being the "pomf" manga, because that had previously been the only panel I've ever seen.
you should be able to easily tell from the artstyle alone, so you are definitely lying about 14 years.
I'm being honest about the 14 years and I never really studied it that closely. I used to spend most of my time on /tg/ if that helps. Could post some real old drawfag shit before mods started to hard-enforce the whole blue-board thing.
holy shit a certified based GOD itt
jannies are your bitch
Sa'chil mod lets you ask for a hug that may or may not be denied. Ostim has hugs, and I'd imagine there has to be a pose collection with hugs.
Also is she really safe not wearing armor like that?!
>I'm being honest about the 14 years
No you aren't, you didn't start using 4chan at 10-11 years old. The fake oldfag routine is plain as day. spare me the bullshit.
you're doing tricks on it, anon
why are you like this
I bet you hate trannies because you're secretly attracted to them, anon. You want that smelly tranny hooker cock in your mouth don't you? Want to floss your teeth with man-pubes and gargle the thick smegma
>newfag doesn't know what IP ranges are
lmfao the seething after the appeal to jannies failed
redditor faggot seethe is the best thing on this earth.
Anon I'm a lot older than that.
fuck off witchertoon you openly said before that you were 24.
I didn't appeal to anybody and I'm not mad about anything really, I'm just a pervert
Literally who

Also sadly the oldest shit I can find is from 2017 and very NSFW
new thread
Is NEFARAM author the only one who is not loony? I know I would go mad with the billion "im too stupid to read instructions" bug reports.
>But where are the hug mods?
I love this cat
based jannies nuking pedotranny
Is it safe to go back to the new thread yet?

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