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wowo wawa

I don't know if you fucking retards think still putting up the august trading post is some epic meme but since you're too stupid to update it, you'll get a shit OP. You deserve it.

Previous: >>492732063
God I wish I had a hot committed dracthyr bf
this guild is pretty good so far
How come Hallowfall doesn't have a transportation method to Dornogal but the other two zones have.
The ringing deeps has two elevators.
NEED a /wowg/ guild...
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Whats your favourite class / spec of the expansion so far?
Join the one we made last night then.
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>One of the Earthen leaders have a Batman-esque hooded second identity that allows him to be at the same time the king of the Earthen black market and the highest official tasked to hunt him down

Kinda based questline ngl. Wish the rest of the race had some personality
unholy knight of unlife.
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Post you're toon RIGHT NOW.
REAL and GOOD new bread and OP here

schizo mobster gem bro was not what i was expecting
I can't fathom how some people bother with professions in this game
At least it used to be have the mats->craft the thing
But this whole df rework is the most unfun and convoluted shit ever
I have tons more fun at work
WoD still has the best aesthetic out of the nu-expansions. Ashran felt closer to faction pride than BFA did and it was just a pvp hub
Granted I've only played four classes, but I'm really enjoying Frost DK. I'm leveling with Deathbringer and the burst from Reaper's Mark and your giga Obliterates are awesome.
Balance and Feral feel kinda meh. I'm apparently too retarded for Mage now.
I'm sticking with Pally as my forever main, but I dunno. Ret feels kinda clunky for some reason. Pally is nice, but feels like its... lacking. I dunno.
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kek fuck off you subhuman spammer faggot
you LOST
stop posting on this vandalized shit thread

post here
ok faggot
diabolist demo lock is probably the most fun visually but slayer fury warrior is a lot of fun. Mountain thane is fun too but I find it clunky.
bdk, hopefully the frost nerfs OBLITERATE it so I don't have to play that pile of shit and can be unholy instead
Only played three so far. Prot Warrior, Holy Priest and Blood DK.
Holy Priest still enjoying, but I'm preferring Oracle for the spec, yet the damn glowing eyes you can't turn off are shitting me.
Blood DK meanwhile, it's fine. More of the same from DF, no complaints. Enjoying playing it more for casual content.
Prot Warrior haven't finished leveling yet, but that also seems more of the same, which I also enjoyed.
Can't really say for certain what I like most until the season starts.
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Who the fuck cares about this Wakanda LARP. Give me the proper Forest Trolls as a playable race in Midnight, Blizzard. I dont care of you make the racial leader a disabled trans kid of Zul'Jiin or something.
uh oh melty
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nah i'm good thnx
No you stink.
Conduit of the Celestial WW monk. Actually seeing the celestials help a monk out is nice.
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they removed the duplicate general report?
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I'd love a solid forest troll race so I can finally live out my ERP of making the elves submit to superior troll way of life cock
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I literally don't get the point of professions anymore.

They are used to be some cute & quirky thing people would do at low levels to have a more immersive time leveling up, but that's gone. They also used it for endgame for stuff like headgear for Engis, trinkets for Inscriptors, etc.

But now it seems like some retarded gold sink of 1m+ purely for sweaties to get a small ilvl boost from gear that will be replaced on the first day of season 1 from running M+. That or enormous auction house kikes who have 10 professions set up and haven't showered in 5 days.
>primordial wave is mandatory as a shaman
but i dont wanna use that gay shadowlands shit
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How is it 2024 and high elves and amani trolls are still not playable?
TWW is a giant WC2 circlejirk as well
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Utility-wise we can agreed that Pit Lord > Overlord > Mother of Caos (still n.1 in my heart because of her ass), right?
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Man, arena is weird at times. His mate went afk, mine never showed up. It was an endless war of stuns and heals. He couldn't break my armor, I couldn't do any real damage.
Because you can get crests to upgrade their ilvl to near mythic level quality, missives to give the specific stats you want, and embellishments to give them extra effects. Some profession stuff becomes BiS for several classes.
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God that sounds like a pain in the ass
This game is still too sweaty
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The poor fucktard had to battle my rune of sanguination for an entire minute.. top kek
that you pissdragon?
You dont have to engage in the sweat if you don't want to.

I slowly push to +10-12 every season for fun and don't even bother with embellishments and shit until halfway the season.
It's no more a pain than it was to get to 300 skill, waiting for specific patterns to drop in raids, winning said patterns, then getting all the low drop chance materials to make that item.
At least these ones you can recraft to upgrade again later at half the cost of materials.
>MIDnight Will have the Yrell/Arathorian joint Crusader leaded by the alt timeline El Hermano de Garrosh

Potential kino incoming
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shes cute
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You will never be a woman dractranny
Do we know if AU Grom has a son? I half expect blizzard to give him a daugter instead
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>ret and rogue
>me and rogue
>charge the ret to ruin his day
>my rogue decided to pile onto the ret
>gets buttfucked by other rogue out of stealth
u shittard.. I can do a ret on my own. Why are you getting yourself killed trying to fight a fucking ret
if you play tanks in pvp content u need to neck yourself asap
bro just kill them how hard can it be
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Childhood is idolizing the world of Warcraft.
Adolescence is realizing modern WoW story is shit.
Adulthood is realizing the story was always shit.
The Mag'har Allied race scenario just stated that "Hellscream's son" joined the Lightbound Crusade and became one of Yrell's exarchs.

It cant be our Garrosh, because in this timeline his mom died as a kid and thus he was never born. So its at best and alt-timeline half brother
He didn't love her, he loved the idea of an evil undead bitch ranger that was loved by everyone for being evil and a bitch. When he didn't realise he couldn't make everyone love how much of a bitch she was he blamed Afrasiabi (and people bought it somefucking how that this was all Afrasiabi's fault because they're morons) and backpedaled to make her regret her choices.
Your opinion WILL BE DISREGARDED if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Human
>Female Blood Elf
>Female Void Elf
>Female Night Elf
>Female Pandaren
>Female Draenei
>Male Orc
>Male Kul Tiran
>Male Worgen
Meanwhile, your post will be REGARDED MORE HIGHLY if you avatarfag (or play) as:
>Female Gnome
>Female Goblin
>Female Dwarf
>Female Worgen
>Female Undead
>Male Human

In any other case, your post will be regarded as usual.
Thank you for your time.
Just need to make a femgob mage, monk, priest and warlock now. Then I've got them all.
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Same dumb fucking duo of ret and rogue..
But now I get an ele that I had to SOMEHOW protect from 2 rabid cunts. I can't, dude.. I can't protect u against this double aids.
>thinking anyone takes h*man males seriously
no one cares lil bro this isn't your blog
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*An alt-timeline half brother
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Would you invite a fox over for dinner?
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They're coming this expansion, Beledar is AU Oshu'gun.
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My only problem with that race is that every single model WoW used for the forest trolls across the years fucking fucked. They never nailed the aesthetics of W2/W3 forest trolls.

They are meant to be tall but at the same time somewhat smily, especially in racial features.
Instead the WoW forest trolls are pretty much just fugly fantasy super-mutants from Fallout, but with axes
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The fucking mage died 20 seconds in. Uggghhh...
It's like tanking m+20 again. People just run to their deaths.
>we manually transport it to draenor nagrand before it wakes up
>it ends up destroying the world and creating outland
>rewrite history and say guldan did it
whats obsessing endlessly about a video game you dont even play?
>orc paladins
>lightbound tattoo customization options

looking forward to it
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So how the fuck does the new ret work? I've got both of these cunts in chains and silenced and rooted and whatnot for a good 20 seconds. They maybe touched the mage for.. 2 seconds at best.
How did they manage to get this much shit off?
Anyone who doesn't use an mmo mouse with party macros in arena should have their hands broken.
I am tired of being sandbagged by fotm shitters who take 3+ seconds to freedom me because their geriatric ass has to waste time actually MOVING their fucking mouse pointer over me.
most fun delve?
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I hope he kills himself for what he did to Sylvanas.
He was probably planning on doing the same thing to Alleria as well before Metzen came back.
Sylvanas deserved better, maybe Metzen can fix her in Midnight...
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Unironically soon
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seethe, cope, dilate
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>love playing blood dk solo
>hate tanking group content
>don't like unholy or frost specs
>don't want to play another class
if i clear the main story on one character up to the "wait for aleria" part do i need to still do it all again on another one or can i pick up where i left off on anyone
everything but autohit has 20m range on ret
rets are and have been for a long time pretty much an i-win class if you dont have a healer. I played lots of 2s years ago and as double dps its pretty much always been like this unless they fuck up hard.
you cant shut them down and you cant outrace them because of their defensives
I'm glad that they're at least setting up excuses for why all races will have paladins eventually. Like darkspear trolls getting Voljin as the new loa of kings.
>likes to play blood but not tank
play bm hunter clearly you are a retard who just wants to push buttons without thinking too much
>pressing freedom on anyone but themselves
fake story
>used knowledge on wrong node
>character ruined forever
I hate it
play survival hunter you are immortal like a blood dk but have zero expectations placed on you like one
play on a wotlk private server
or play bgs
Why would they make vol'jin Loa of kings instead of Rastakan
>play survival hunter you are immortal
I knew the rework was decent but did it really buff their defensives that much?
Geuine question, anons.
Tell me a reason why I should play TWW, with it's story about friendship and (male) trauma written by Danuser, filled to the brim with dwarfshit (single most boring race in WoW) and set in Zaralek 2.0 when Midnight will have us fight actual interdimensional void demons, expand on light vs darkness, possibly have Yrel return and start a crusade, and so much more?
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but neither pally spec is fotm right now shithead
>Tell me a reason why
Why should we? Fuck off, dork.
So my only hope is that my 2nd mate wins against the ret? Cause I can take a ret easily. He can't beat me down.
how do I get more knawledge
Are you interested enough to spent $49.99 on it plus sub? No? Then don't play it
Because I like WoW and want to play the game, but struggle to find a reason why I shouldn't just wait until Midnight in 2026-2027. Dumb whore.
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>Once you get the portal for Azsuna
I cannot find this portal. I'm in Dalaran, though, that good enough? No idea how to get to Azsuna.
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what does it say about my iq if outlaw rogue makes perfect sense to me but I don't "get" frost dk?
>Tell me a reason why I should
If you need a reason, then you shouldn't. Feel free not to.
Genuine response.
If you need to be spoonfed and do not understand why you play each iteration of serial MMO, fuck off tourist.

Looking forward to mocking your post crying about fomo and how you want this expansions limited items added so you can get them later, faggot.
You're pretty much who follower dungeons and delves are for, anon.
Because Rhastakhan only existed to die so a female could replace him. Such characters cease to exist in the lore after fulfilling this purpose
>i want to play the game
>but wont because autism
Just skip WoW altogether and go play final trannyfest or something so we don't have to suffer your queer ass.
>I want to play the game
>I like the content on a technical level
>But won't because TWW is shit both aesthetics and story wise
It's as easy as that, tardie.
You will never be a woman.
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depends on what class the ret is with Id say, but its always annoying because they can give protection to their partner as well as themselves. I never played with a bdk but Id try to burst the ret into bubble fast, somehow disengage your partner, kill the ret and hopefully force a 1 on 1 between you and the rets mate because they probably cannot 1v1 you. Im really rusty as far as current pvp balance goes though
What about the bulky amani troll from throne of thunder?
Look man, if you get all your opinions from youtube, that's fine, but don't make us hold your hand. Make up your own mind.
Hello r/Asmongold.
>BM hunter is easy gaiz
This fucking spec has 25 utility buttons what the fuck is that meme
Wrong Dalaran my guy, this is the old one.
Start chromie time legion, it will start the legion invasion scenario that will bring you there.
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Well my experience with TWW pvp is.. my mates die within.. SECONDS.. even tho I mash out silences and death grips.. and then I'm the asshole who has to tank both for an entire minute and cycle CDs like a sweatlord to maybe get 1 down.
how many times are you going to post this? get more profession knowledge you dumbie then unlock the other node
I'm a Havoc main and I was seriously considering rerolling because of how shit our hero talents are until the Burning Blades hotfix a few days ago. Now I'm in love with the spec again.
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Whats the wowg guild? Tell me or I will make my duck bite you
Why are Windrunner sisters regarded so highly when all they do is shooting arrows and yelling?
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Your pic reminds me of how I felt during DF.. fkn 490ilvl, bashing down 3 dudes solo for 5minutes. Now that was hype.
Now I just feel worthless with my 575. I get buttfucked without heavy sweat and CDs..
I want my old gear back.
I wanna feel like a real bloodthirster again
Forget the guild for sec, what's the wowg realm?
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A little goblin? Is that all the Horde can muster? Where are all the tauren and orc "chads"?
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I spoke to her, it told me to go to the Den to get to Crystalsong, and then once it took me to Dalaran (in Crystalsong), it changed to taking a portal from Dragonblight to Dalaran, even though I'm IN Dalaran, and going to Dragonblight, there's no portal. I'll go back to Orgrimmar and talk to Chromie again.
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>ragnaros server tank tries to do some big pull
>they forget they are from the server ragranos
>we wipe
>they insta leave
always without fail with this server having the most retarded players
leftover ancient meme.

Hunter is easy to solo elite and dp OK dps on but actually using the full capability of the class is complex.

Most hunters simply dont and the core rotation allows them to still get by just not using 90% of their buttons.

t. hunter main since BC
98% of hunters give the rest of us a bad name.
Night elves and shota cock, name a better duo
>Patron crafting orders include a built-in catch-up mechanism. If you start later in the expansion or are unable to complete some Patron Crafting Orders, you'll receive more and easier Crafting Orders that reward profession knowledge, allowing you to catch up to others.

>It's also likely that gathering professions will have a similar catch-up mechanism, as this feature was active during the beta, and it would make sense for it to be available alongside the crafting professions.

yep *sips* I'll be leveling my crafters and getting knowledge FOR FREE after reset, unlike you brokies
1. they are hot
2. they are canonically built for human cock
I don't know, anon. Do you want to share with the class?
>be new to tanking
>do smaller pulls to get used to grouping up
>get kicked for being slow
>decide to do big pulls next run
>hunter is complex
Lol. Lmao, even.
>just get more knowledge
and it will take months to do that
forty wasted points isnt a case of just get more
Are you talking about leveling dungeons or M+?
Rastakhan was a chud who didn't know that #itwasherturn so you're not allowed to think he's cool or interesting
She needs worgen dick ASAP
thats just how it is for a lot of classes. some dps get the tools to survive for ages (hello mage class) and others get fucked if their one defensive doesnt cut it. Dont worry about it too much, pvp is a mess and 2s are especially ridiculous in favouring certain classes
Crystalsong is the old wotlk dalaran.
You need the legion one in Broken Shores, if you select the chromie legion, you'll get a quest and from there it should be sending you there.
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>Dalaran Hearthstone
Oh my god, I had the quest the whole time. I think, as a Demon Hunter, you start in Legion by default.
This didn't happen btw.
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>half of patron orders need this reagent
>gives you 10 patron orders that are all impossible to complete
here's your catchup mechanic bro
what did they do?
>Crystalsong is the old wotlk dalaran.
Yeah, it even brought up the Wrath of the Lich King loading screen, I was so confused.
Give me some tips, I'm getting beat out as BM by mages 10 ilvls lower than me.
gib mi mone plz
or eye report u
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This shit is so retarded.
This is the type of shit that ruined the world in this game. Aggressive phasing and instancing, multiple version of the same zones existing in tandem in different timelines etc.
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>Nightslut actively seeking out BGC
>leveling up a new character on the same class because I want to stare at a different race
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what a retard
I said, base rotation is not and allows lots of retards to play the class.

Making use of the actual mountain of utility to full effect is. An actual monkey can make a hunter do dps. Using everything the class offers is a wildly different matter.
>10am maint
what kind of mmo does maint during NEET hours
>server goes down
>cant talk to /wowg/ guild anymore
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Look at what they did to our girl.
They made her softer. Less angry.
>Log in ready to game
>Server shutdown in 0:45
This is what I get for not waking up at midnight for once
Yeah, I guess you are right. I shouldn't try to find issues in me for hours on end in a rando arena queue in 2v2. It's just.. random.
I'm constantly surprised they don't do it at like 4am, but I guess they have to have people physically working during maintenance in case shit goes wrong, so they do it first thing in the morning Cali time?
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anyone who prefers the coked out chihuahua on the left is wrong
one time i joined a df group where the tank was new and pulling slow and going the wrong way and I was guiding them with pings and I got kicked halfway through the dungeon
I was matched up with a 3-stack where the tank randomly decided to afk mid dungeon. Me and the other rando were like "uhh wtf" and I mentioned "of course one of them is in a Ragnaros guild." He did not like that at all! Called me subhuman and I got kicked
it's an improvement
however their new mr olympia necks are not
got two of those from collecting my alchemy knowledge last night
easy 25k after turning them into armor kits
you can get one guaranteed for free from a delve too
left way hotter
t. not-fur
arms or fury for male vulpera warrior?
I miss the long seductive eyelashes
>log in
>nothing to do
>log out
>continue to play Black Myth: Wukong
Yes anon, it's everyone else's fault that you're always losing and stuck at <rating>.
Burning Blades (basically melee Ignite and the only ST node in the entire Fel-Scarred tree) was undersimming its mastery scaling and not proccing from Annihilation, only regular Chaos Strike. Both of those got fixed, which means Fel-Scarred is viable in ST, which means Reaver is no longer mandatory, and everyone is happy about that because Reaver is AIDS.
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Where the fuck is he?
based tank chads
she became less angry after making such good friends
its a dog with eye liner, wtf is wrong with you all? its a fucking dog, you are all sick in the head holy shit touch grass.
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Probably started dpsing the trash packs (and died after aggroing) before the tank finished pulling the amount he intended to and couldn't gather them up cleanly. Deserved and likely retarded.

If you want to learn what it's like to wrangle absolute tards on a regular basis, play a tank. You get the full experience.
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I think there's a sniper up in that rock
kill all ragnaros, sargeras, and azralon players
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He's busy plapping the females of all the different races back in Ironforge.
I will make <GLOBO FOMO> this evening when I get home from work. I need people to roll alts on Wyrmrest Accord Horde for the signatures, so please do that. I will get the community up to for the cross faction people who want to join.

One week until the game actually releases so lets get it done.
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do you complete all of them?
I'm not joining with that retarded name.
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post good
for the knowledge, yes
for acuity, only if you need to buy a pattern, make a tool, or buy knowledge books
any OCE /wowg/ guilds before i resort to a guild called jeffrey epstein didnt kill himself
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that was hard
>Vereesa is also conspicuously absent
...did she get BRONZEBEARD'D?
why the FUCK didnt they put the maintenance duration on the fucking launcher
what is wrong with these subhumans
holy fuck
and two retards had the gall to say there would be no maintenance if it wasnt on the launcher itt last night
bunch of fucking idiots
I feel like Sylvanas is the only one of these that looks alright she's undead and meant to be kind of gaunt. Then the rest look like they're pushing 60 because "well they are Sylvanas' sister so they have to look similar."
Yeah hope you enjoy getting the entire guild banned within days of existing with that retarded name
its the name we voted on yesterday
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How long is maintenance? Why isn't there a notice in bnet?
from where is this
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server down
cant play
life pain
is it worth buying 150 acuity recipe to complete a knowledge order?
good posts
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>he thinks maintenance is ending today
>he doesn't know
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I love my wife
what recipe and how bad do you need the points
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Cant decide if I want to play the game or not
with an online poll that anybody can rig by using airplane mode on their phone
just pick a normal name and not something thats gonna get banned the instant it gets reported you dumb fuck
>sold treatises for free for the whole day
>only 1 person actually took up the offer, everyone else tipped me

I'm starting to think mazecels and raidlogtards are the only rude people in wowowawa
desu fel scarred already seemed viable because of how much damage demonsurge does. hopefully they rework aldrachi just because clearly no one likes it and throwing glaives isnt remotely cool.
and she loves my nut anon. sit in the chair and watch the shit she'll never do with you.
I love this guy's wife too
>Mount #736
Blizzard's spaghetticode can't handle all the shit so it requires daily maintenances.
DPS are ADHD goblins but thats also probably ecause every tank in a random group acts like they are in the MDI. Having to do even heroics with random players instead of my usual group really sheds a light on just how incapable and incompetent most players are. These chucklefucks watch three "DO THIS! NOW!!!!" videos and think they are experts.
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>slutty kaldorei with fat asses want orc and tauren cock
>not sindorei cock
Warrior. However, I only ever play warrior.
its the fucking algari missives, Im guessing you will need all of them eventually for these shitty orders
That's because blood elf males have microdicks
Space goats make objectively the best wives.
I came inside her pussy and asshole 5 times today already.
I bought early access then couldn't be bothered playing
kys cuck
built for human men
I find people very commonly tip on things i do for free for skill points, people just appreciate a free service.
I did it and it was not worth it, from my experience of this last week trying to be an all-rounder is completely retarded, you have to fully focus on a single tree to r3 whatever specific thing you want and you can do that without doing every single patron order this week
at worst it gets flagged for a name change and we go with the second place name <Clover Crusade>
That because bloodbussy crave BHC.
>not something thats gonna get banned
good chance they dont as long as the name is clean, whatever it alludes to. I still to this day see people with a variant of 'naga stole my bike' running around
literally no-one wants bl*od elf cock, not even their own women lmao
But I am the space goat.
do people still use wowprogress to find guilds?
I can't decide between playing my lightgoat paladin or my elf paladin
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gonna touch it
I'd be down to join <mentally ill> !!!
>gets flagged for name change
everybody in the guild gets a 1 week if it gets flagged for a name change retard
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I love them so much
it blinds and fatigues you super fast, i already tried
I still don't get why LF draes and void elves were added to the game. They both feel tracked on as they only can't in at the tail end of that expansion.
At least the Horde allies were given full-fledged zones.
how bigly are the enhance buffs to their strikes?
because i'll roll a earthen enhance shaman, dont think i wont
Alleria looking a bit older makes sense given she is the eldest sister, but Vereesa looking like that is retarded consider she is the youngest.
Yup. Hope Reaver just gets deleted altogether. If they actually wanted to make a hero talent tree revolving around throwing glaives they could've just built on the Amirdrassil set bonus and Fel Bombardment leggo from SL.
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I dont get it, if you dont raid then do you just do mythic+ occasionally?
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I don't care, if anything I want MORE goats
I don't give a fuck, it sucks. No direct tie to 4chan, obvious dog whistle that will get admin action. I'll join when you switch again.
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>type in chat "You will never be in the MDI lil bro"
>guy pulls half the instance in a rage before getting kicked and then spams my whispers
Now with DelvesTM!
alliance were bitching about high elves since forever
lf drae is pretty pointless
serber? were serber? when svhberz? okjam,sdc
this never happened btw
okay post some of the whispers
you won't because this didn't happen
Do whatever the heck you wanna do.
I made this up
Frost won bigly
Still don't know what kind of Earthen to make.
They seem best-suited to playing Warrior or Paladin, or maybe Brewmaster Monk (even though that doesn't make lore sense), because of that +10% base armor bonus, but I know I get bored of melee specs pretty fast so maybe I'll make yet another Shaman.
like what? feels like all of blizz effort goes into raids
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Anybody know how long servers are down for in NA? No notice up on the bnet launcher.
Void elves are the best race in the game
You will never be in the MDI lil bro
Velfs were just to give alliance blood elves without just going high elves route
LF was probably because they had them already for the last legion patch, as much as I love them they probably could have just been extra visual options like red gotes ended up being
though the only particularly new area for any of the release allied races was the void elf zone since the horde just got highmountain and suramar related allied races
That is one hot corpse
bro MD what? shut the HELL up lil man
>september tednie post was bobmed by derrorists as celebration for 9/11 20th anniversary for the 3rd year running
>this is the 3rd year on a row
>if it happens again next month it will be the 4th year on a row
no... no....
wouldnt want to be anyway, i want my 2k rating mount and thats it.
It's farmable.
In the most retarded way ever, sure, but farmable. Got 5 in like an hour before.
Tfw can make lovey dovey and or omega coom fetish goats with the push of a button thanks to ai
blessed timeline
server list still isnt back up either so im assuming their going to take a full hour, maybe more
fucking niggers
shower time
That would be high elves which void elves are a budget imitation of since Blizzard are massive niggers.
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>community wanted this
>no pictures
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Do you schedule your week around spending multiple hours dying to bosses?
Do it.
lovey dovey goats.
fat piggy milk milk
dont think so, no one is playing them. occasionaly I see one running around with a name making fun of playing one, guess its for the racials?
how do people still play this slop? is it stockholm syndrome or what? what's the appeal?
They should make follower dungeons for heroics too I just went and took a shit in the middle of tanking a npc Stonevault
I've never wiped in my life
I've never raided
>Now with DelvesTM!
Except Delves seem to max out at heroic level raid gear/low mythic dungeon gear. Which is fucking ridiculous when they said they wanted to give solo players the opportunity to develop their characters just as much as group players.

It's the same old bullshit Blizzard always does where they half-ass something and treat it like a fun side minigame for raiders for 1-4 expansions before realizing that players want more support for it. Remember when devs used to outright admit PvP was just a way for top raiders to beat up people that didn't have access to the best loot in the game? iirc it was Kaplan or someone like that who said that the whole point of Arenas and BGs in WoW was so players like him with Hand of Rag could run around one-shotting fresh 60s.
surely they have the best monk lore. they are printed as adults ye? so you have a guy with grown dwarf body strength who has 0 hours of martial experience, who is then told he's not bound by any edicts and can do whatever he feels like. he's a blank slate.
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It's over.
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She... She looks like me..

She's built like me... I... thank you
20 yrs of my life
time sink
it WILL pay off
>t. never met a drug addict
touch grass nigga
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their racials are nightborn tier bad
just like in real life!
She looks like she'd fit right in Concord.
kultiran racials are way better than nightborne racials THOUGH
Sub until they unfuck the Outlaw bugs (might never happen).
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>Reunite with Anduin in Azj-Kahet
>Alleria shows up
>"Shut the fuck up Alleria, we're going to save the spider people whether you like it or not"
God I missed MANduin, good to have him back.
hide pants being added to game whilst playing a female panda causes me to have a boner 24/7 no whenever i play the game
would recommend
no brain
like no brain power was put into this character
I used to poopsock this game and it was really fun. I cant poopsock anymore and its not fun
I'm told it's underperforming, but my Hammer of Light crits as a Templar Retadin are approaching 2 million damage and it feels pretty baller.
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wild how much cooler the old riders were
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i'm getting outdpsed by my followers
dont they have one that heals back a small portion of any damage they take? that sounds pretty good
You are correct but if they make delves give high key loot nobody will do high keys because m+ is a cancer
Ill take a mailbox over the stupid useless punch any day of the week
>playing a shitty substandard "MMO" just so you can level alone and do dungeons alone
so wow is now a shittier Guild Wars?
It's fun with friends.
so rare to find people who aren't addicts.
Slayer Arms Warrior. Colossus is hella fun too but they need to reduce the number of stacks to cap out demolish.
Aug Scale cCommander comes in second place because its so flavorful, and you can be completely braindead as long as you keep up your buffs.
..I'm going to play a blood elf though.
Imagine if we could equip them with gear and customise the classes etc
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I'm not male.
>Guild Wars?
Guild Wars has story dungeons that are 100% relevant to the story, if you don't do them shit wont make sense very quickly, that are not-soloable, don't have NPCs and no one does them anymore so you pay for an "expansion/story pack" and you can't do half the content.
Doubly funny their low-res models would make them stand out and make them a better visual for that hero spell.
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Lovey dovey Draenei wife
Ultra nympho Eredar mommy gf

Unironically, yes.
My only complaint is they made Kul Tirans too tall.
Sailing people are shorter on average than their genetic relatives that spend more time on land because a lower center of gravity and lower requirements for space and food are benefits on a boat. For humans, height should go:
>1. Lordaeron
>2. Stormwind
>3. Gilneas
>4. Kul Tiras

But other than that, yeah, stocky and chubby are top tier.
You will never be a woman retard
kek. hopefully he mans up more in the rest of the xpac, these few moments tho are good.
who has the fattest cock?
Now post her pregante
GW2 isn't GW
they date each other and they're both my fwb
I like delves but they need to put in more design effort if they want this to be important content.

Let me delve with my warband
You do, king.
They are that large because they bred the Drust out of existence. The Drust were much larger, I think Gorak Tul was an example of their average size wasnt he?
Evolution doesn't work so fast, retard.
God I wanna put twins in her.
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>Aug Scale cCommander
this feels so good to play, Im putting off playing healer for a while longer just to enjoy it. Evoker would be the perfect class if you could only see your fucking gear
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Do you accept?
Yeah, the concept of waking up Unbound and already being tranquil by default lends itself well to Monk, and there is that Pandaren Monk in Ringing Deeps studying Fog creatures that's an expert on "vapor-based magic" and presumably a Mistweaver.

I think Earthen would make fine Windwalker or Mistweaver Monks. I just don't think Brewmaster suits them because they can't eat normal food. They eat minerals. Them drinking beer and getting drunk doesn't make much sense to me.
nigger its a fucking magic fantasy world dont think too hard about it
finna boutta rush the campaign for the earthen today
They're fat because of local cuisine. They eat a lot of gross deepfried shit which is why they're so fat and brutish (like americans)
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>got a dk tank friend, tryhard playing only fotm
>in a high key m+, he tries a mdi pull
>lock in group starts insulting friend calling him clown tank trying to be mdi pro
>I laugh at my friend in vocal, saying "this will be your surname from now on"
>he gets mad at me, trying to find any excuse to put the blame on me then delete me from friends list
I don't understand why some players can't accept it's their own fault, always trying to target someone else.
Same friend insulted a pug player at the end of a timed dungeon for 5min straight because dungeon might have gone wrong. Dungeon was timed, it was done, should have moved on but no, gotta insult that guy.
>hitler swostika being sold on tednie post right now as hitler teamed up with terrors again as the world trade center was full of rich business men stasticially all jews so he is endorsing them
>buy the svvastika
>put it on my dragonriding mount at the rostrum
>looks cool
of course
do you have any idea how insane you seem to actually have any interest or put any thought into this game's "lore"?
Problem? Jealous of the humongous size of dwarfmains cocks?
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>be level 80 580 ilvl
>accidently join normal queue
>do the dungeon anyway
>mobs are chunking me for 20%~ of my hp
>my heals do nothing to lower levels
I feel baited with delves. Pandario proving grounds had more interesting mechanics than these
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what's the appeal of this troon design?
So why does void mafic sissify sentient creatures?
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WoW expansions havent added anything worthwhile since Legion and that was 8 years ago
>using your eons before everyone's cd is off cooldown
found the shitter
not at all. why do you think people bag on it so much? why do you think you're surrounded by that? because they're paying attention.
what gay shit is this
There's no understanding coomer brainrot.
what if N'zoth was a gril
Xalatoes carrying the xpac rn.
only mentally unhinged permavirgins care at this point. WoW lore has been a joke since pandaria lil bro
Is this Canon?
>as usual no one was talking about transwomen
Dragonflying is good.
Delves are even better.
Stop being a bitter grumpy old fart.
if you can't rib on your friend at least a bit, he was never your friend in the first place
some relationships are purely transactional and end when the transaction does
yet here you are giving it credence
elf footjobs
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>since pandaria
you mean tbc
how do niggas pull literally one pack at a time
i'm not talking doing small pulls
literally two mobs at a time like it's going to kill them
are those follower dungeon NPCs disguised as real players? what is this shit
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>Dragonflying is good.
buddy its literally just flying a bit faster
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>be me
>be gay
>guild does not know about it
>guildies constantly using offensive slurs like "faggot"
>it really bothers me
>want to leave but it is the only decent guild in the realm
>that feel
>no forehead plate
first time coming in this thread since sneedolands, just here to laugh at the inmates here
no TBC and Wrath were still cashing in the WC3 payoffs at least
yes thats why its good
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God I wanna drink an ultra nympho eredar mommy's fel milk
The talent change was good. But thats about it...
>The endless maze
>Massive timegates
>Butchered spec design
Thanks Legion!
wow stays winning
you stay coming back year after year
Super ugly. As i said, litterally a Fallout 1-2 Super Mutant.
ancient copypasta
>They are that large because they bred the Drust out of existence
Ok, actually kinda based.

>Evolution doesn't work so fast
True, but it can work on the order of mere centuries. British people are shorter than mainland Europeans by an inch or two on average, likely due to the mariner history. Coastal Scandinavians are an inch or two shorter than their inland relatives, too.

>fat and brutish (like americans)
also kinda based ngl
This also applies to the weird "defend the dude" thing in the rising deeps. It's just fucking boring
> nelfs in the alliance
> undead in the horde
wow lore was always a meme
explain how legion butchered class designs
When are the servers back up?
I NEED to stuff my knot in a male vulpera's ear
>>that feel
just dont be a bitch
XIV has significantly more players still lol
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It's annoying that's what these generals mostly consist of; jaded, hateful, spiteful people who can't enjoy anything anymore and ride the fumes of nostalgia and even then when they got WoW Classic and Remixes they still weren't satisfied.
There's no pleasing them
lovey dovey draenei wife cucking me with hot futa eredar
xalatath never walks anywhere she just floats that means her feet are incredibly soft
Where is babu.. Is she safe? Is she alright?
Yeah I'm so glad legion turned the game into "TRANNY+ AND WORLD QUESTS THE MMO"
report every single one of them for homophobia, talk to support if you have to and there will be a new decent guild in town by the end of the week
never. you are free.
I'm a gay furry and I use the word faggot constantly. I don't get why this is an issue
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>hmm yes i shall play the winning mmo
>*logs into wow the war within*
2021 gone
only chance at cultural relevance down the shitter
best they could pull was copy pasting their NPCs shakespeare chatgpt dialogue. didn't resonate with the wider audience... shame
They need a Fiona questline in Hallowfall with an airboat or someth
legion didnt introduce world quests thoughever
I make the dreanei wife suck my furnace-like felnut filled sack while the eredar chokes herself to death on my throatraper.

wait this isn't /trash/
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It removed many of your abilities while replacing them with wildly unpopular cringe
I miss one boss raids.
the spec design is one of the few things actually good about this game THOUGH
vanillaTROON and xer love for useless button bloat, classic
Yes it did retard
they're both unplayable games but WoW is no longer the biggest MMO, deal w it
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>mfw I will never have a draenei wrap her muscled thighs around my face and crush my skull
vanilla has no button bloat.
Yes you can also play pvp casually and have a bit of social life as well.
It also replaced them with wildly popular skills

god bless full moon
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pandaria lore is UNIRONICALLY some of the best in the game's history because they brought on cultural experts and historians to help them write it.

Haters will disagree.
yes it did
Why do you think writing like a retard won't make people ignore your stupid opinions?
some just don't want to look or feel poor like a charity case. "free" pushes buttons on people, a bit like the early access shitposting. watch the difference in response calling everyone poor then when someone merely suggests blizzard should raise the price a cheeseburger or two it's suddenly not so trivial a cost anymore and you can't find even an indifferent person to dare say a word as the crowd turns so hard.

the free ads are just pulling double duty as grifting customers and gaslighting the competition into thinking someone is actually there working for "free" when they really aren't.
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Good goyim!
made my swastika blue with green background and put it between my guys horns. it looks REALLY strong and menacing.
it's not an opinion, it's a fact you STUPID Nigger
zivtroons already lost +70% of players 2 months after dawnfail.
it shows the trend, zivtroon. Now die.
your reddit gold sir!
OGsissies don't you have to help a furry tranny save the world for 10+ hours?
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Its a litterall corpse puppeteed by some ancient tentacle monster.
Nobody in this general is really so tristy and desperate to lust for her unironically, right? You are all just trolling right?
>do you have any idea how insane you seem to actually have any interest or put any thought into this game's "lore"?
Who cares what retards think? For me, character fantasy matters. I'm not going to spare a thought about the "lore" when an Earthen Brewmaster is on my ass in pvp, just like how I don't care if I see a Lightforged Draenei Warlock.

But for my PERSONAL enjoyment, I like to play characters that make some in-game sense. Shit that does bother me are things like playing a Herald of the Sun Paladin but still needing to grab candles to ward off darkness despite literally radiating light constantly or playing a healing spec with a cleanse spell and being forced to watch an NPC suffer and/or die from poison without being able to cleanse or at least heal them.

If I were PERSONALLY playing an Earthen Brewmaster, I'd constantly be getting hit with those feelings. So I simply choose to play characters that don't make me feel that way. That's the sane thing to do.

What's insane is policing other people's subjective preferences like an autist.
based, Lei Shen mogs every villain after him except AU Gul'dan
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Legion was the best expansion they ever released and should not be used as the standard
This for sure, as well as tunable difficulty. Wrath was popular in part for these reasons. I'd kill for a TOC-style 'just go kill the fuckin bosses" raid
>sis hasn't looked at trends for wow's population decline
should we tell her?
I'm down bad nigga
normalfag begone
>like holy pal more than holy priest
>but I don't like ret at all and like spriest a lot
now I can't decide which to play
I like healing more than anything else so that makes me lean toward paladin but I really don't like ret at all
everyone in this reddit general cries like a bitch about TOC thoughbeitever
resto shaman was 4 buttons
arcane mage was 4 buttons
fury warrior was 3 buttons
arms warrior was 5 buttons
fire mage was 5 buttons
frost mage was 4 buttons
bm hunter was 3 buttons
mm hunter was 4 buttons
survival hunter was 5 buttons
ele shaman was 4 buttons
enhancement shaman was 6 buttons
shadow priest deleted your character if you tried to play it
holy priest was 4 buttons
disc priest was 4 buttons
outlaw rogue was 5 buttons
sub rogue was 5 buttons
ass rogue was 4 buttons
demo lock was 4 buttons
affliction warlock was 5 buttons
destro lock was 3 buttons
veng demon hunter was 4 buttons
havoc demon hunter was 3 buttons
frost dk was 4 buttons
blood dk was 5 buttons
unholy dk was 5 buttons
ret paladin was 4 buttons
holy paladin was 4 buttons
prot paladin was 4 buttons
guardian druid was 2 buttons
balance druid was 4 buttons
resto druid was 3 buttons
feral druid was 5 buttons
prot warrior was 4 buttons
leave woke lametranny alone
leave the brown alone he doesn't want to talk sense just wants to make people feel as bad as his family smells
I have litterally never saw a single female Kul'Tiras player in like 5 years of gaming
so you miss onyxia? I dont remember any other one boss raids
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>Nobody in this general is really so tristy and desperate to lust for her unironically, right?
I always liked ToC luv my knightly tournaments.
Holy paladin is in a REALLY bad spot right now. So is Prot.
>heh I'll pretend to be retarded to get my point across
well done you fucking mong
brother I'd do anything for those elf toes
bring Inspiration back
>For me, character fantasy matters.
Apparently not if you play this game.
We've seen them, they went up to 7 milly. Zivtroons stuck in 2021, so pathetic.
Servers are up stop posting and go back to playing
In better condition than Sylvanas and people simped hard for her.
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sorry fag, but the best fantasy has always been written by people with backgrounds in History, Linguistics, and subjects that aren't creative writing related degrees. Nothing reddit about my opinion.
whats concentration
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>remove burst of speed
>remove riposte
>remove parley and bribe
>remove shadow reflection
>remove plunder armor
>"Excellent, 1% of the total playerbase is now rolling rogue. The class must be very balanced now!"
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how do people get this to 590
blizzard makes more money off RMT boosters
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>Plays the definitive class for autistic homosexuals
>Defends Legion
you can't make this shit up
Sylvanas repackaged without the faction bias. Notice how nobody is screeching about how she has to pay for Dalaran simply because there isn't a horde symbol next to her name.
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>community wanted this
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I seen many they usually play few months and quit, aka "sunday gamers"
it ended as the best expansion but it was absolute garbage at the start all the way until argus
aside from the launch shitshow farming nightfallen rep sucked, withered army is the worst scenario ever added to this game, unlocking the next step only to see you have to collect 16k mana for the faggot's junkie sister again, the most uninspired daily zone aka broken shore sucked a lot, tomb of soaks sucked, tov sucked fucking everything until 7.3 sucked until you were done with it
I don't give a fuck about the retard consensus here
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I see no point in playing these games unless you poopsock, its a lot like path of exile in that regard.
Do you need the little sigil finishing reagent
by having more skill retard
lmao you forgot other useless shit you never used like cannon barrage my dude
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When i get home in 3h i will
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my fucking god every zone is the same. "collect the precious remains of the dead so we can honor them pretty please"
>counting players that bandwagon'd hardcore and SoD
nice try lil bro
retail had 3m tops, and probably 2m now. smaller than XIV. cope.
that's why LOTR is good and wow is slop
based (but also cringe)
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Monks.... monks had a hard life....
how does anyone manage to be this wrong? embarassing even between anonymous posters
Can't wait for Path of Exile 2.
people be like "I loved legendaries" yeah nigga after you could buy them 3 patches in
There was nothing wrong with legion launch, infact it was amazing. There was real excitement getting your legendary and spamming mythic+ was fantastic.

Constant content patches was incredible aswell
this but you can get friends to inspire you. if they say nice stuff while you're crafting then you get higher quality.
pass it through an AI algorithm using each player's play habits. if you're really relaxed, if the conversation is flowing and you're casually sitting on furniture, moving your character to face someone else's, not flicking through your UI like the algorithm knows you do when you're bored - if you're in that absolute flow state with your best buds then you craft the best items.
learn how 2 use dof in blender properly lil bro
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I'm so sorry.
>classes weren't bloated
riposte hard-cucked other melee classes and parley would be great with all these elite mobs
you need around 200 just to guarantee 3 star, 590 is 5 star
you will memorialize the dead
you will give the survivors therapy
you will hecking respect their traditions
and you will like it
>wanted to flip bismuth again for 44g per piece
>prices dropped to like 30g per piece
fucking hell
>buddy its literally just flying a bit faster
You can't act like making flying 1000% more interactive and dynamic isn't a huge improvement over pointing your character in the direction of your destination and tabbing to your second monitor until you get there.

>It's annoying that's what these generals mostly consist of; jaded, hateful, spiteful people who can't enjoy anything anymore
On top of all of that, imo, are the autists. You post anything they even remotely disagree with and they meltdown. You tell them off because they're always retards and they instantly abandon any pretense of being more rational or logical than you and just start shitposting and trolling until everyone stops replying to them. Then they pat themselves on the back for "winning" and go back to looking for other subjective bullshit they can throw a tantrum over.

They're mentally ill, intellectually disabled, emotionally stunted losers that seem to exist purely to react to anything they don't agree with by pissing and shitting themselves and smearing it all over the place until everyone abandons it. They don't want to be alone in their shit- and piss-filled spaces so they follow people to the next one and do it all over again. Constantly. Every thread. And this happens in every general on every board on this fucking site. Because these animals get banned when they do this shit anywhere else.
outlaw rogue in legion was the worst state it has ever been what are you talking about you STUPID NEGRO
yeah the people who's bad luck protection got used up on the wrong legendary were really excited
they had plenty of time to enjoy it spamming naglfar for AP all day
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>xhe thinks ziv has more than two milly
>a game that averages 5k ish viewers on jewtwitch
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not him but have you not seen current outlaw? shit was way better in legion especially on release
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Rolling all 5 RTB buffs and watching everyone run in terror was the only fun Outlaw ever was
My "legendary" was a ring that did literally nothing until it was emergency patched to be a haste statstick.
And Mythic+ was just doing the same dungeon over and over again forever, but now with a homogenizing omnipresent mechanic. This has no appeal whatsoever to people who aren't on the spectrum.
I laughed so hard when my mate got sephuz and started smashing his table

Legion really was the peak of WoW
Bro... your keybind management?
1 2 3 4 5
Shift 1 2 3 4 5
Alt 1 2 3 4
Shift Q W E R F
Mouse buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
That's 41 keybinds
You're not a SHITTER are you?
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>literally nothing reset
get fucked rent seeker
taken just now

>This has no appeal whatsoever to people who aren't on the spectrum.
I regret to inform you that it is the most popular endgame content in WoW
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thats not enough for shaman
flying should be disabled
based retardin
What's the farm?
>people still respond to xiv bait posts
>it's real
1 2 3 4 5
Shift 1 2 3 4 5
Alt 1 2 3 4
Shift Q W E R F A S D
Mouse buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
Alt Q W E R F A S D
That's 51 keybinds
1 2 3 4 5 §
r t f g c v
shift + 1 2 3 §
shift + r t f g c v
thats enough keybinds. no i will not switch to qwes
take your meds tranny
after 18 years you gotta give up and grow up, especially after wod.
oh yeah bro sephuz secret was so pog
uh there is no bloat sis
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I'm glad you posted that.

Zivtroons are so funny and braindead.

>random jap event pumps views out to more than half of dawnfart RELEASE PEAK
speaks volumes about the state ziv dawnfart, doesn't it, zivtroon?
TWW > your favourite expansion pack
legion m+ was dogshit though
>retarded rewards system
>muh 3 chest
piece of trash diablo system has no place in wow
only speedrunning trannies enjoy that shit everyone normal does the bare minimum because it's the best source of gear
TWW resto shaman somehow has more keybinds right now than back then
It's just him replying to himself whenever someone doesn't bite.
100 for 100/100 inscription
40 from blue gear
55 from careful carvings wheel
60 from combative curiosities wheel
90 from the torches wheel
the rest comes from using rank 3 materials
its like this for every single recipe in the entire game, if you aren't near maxed out and using max rank mateerials you won't get max quality without concentrating
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itself responds to itself
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become SDF chad
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cant wait for them to bring back deserter debuffs
vote kicking random dps before last boss is the best of every dungeon
And I thought my keybinds were bad...
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how the fuck do you even make gold with BS? everything you craft just is a loss
>i-it doesn't count... wow is more popular... y-you're supposed to count classic and retail numbers together!
lmao cope
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that's a lot of copium in one post
you sure you're okay anon?
how you holding up after the disastrous launch of TWW that didn't even get half of DF's viewers? kek
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for shaman? still not enough

need you one of these on the side
>EU, AUS & Canadian shitposters
Spamming core alloy with a decently high multicraft
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>ziv averaging 5k viewers isn't a joke
>check the filename in the archive
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It's so over.
flying ruins the game
when are they going to prune this insane bloat
Didn't they say they are bringing it back like a full week ago? How long does it take a pajeet programmer to implement something that's already in the game, but just disabled lmao
1 2 3 4 5
Shift 1 2 3 4 5
Alt 1 2 3 4
Shift Q W E R F A S D
Mouse buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
Alt Q W E R F A S D
Alt Tilde
Mousewheel up
Mousewheel down
That's 55 keybinds
he has tombstone bound to cutting edge
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rate my binds
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jesus I havent maxed a single wheel yet
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Huh, never knew these guys were here.
Honestly I don't even know if I'm supposed to feel sad for these "people" or just laugh at them.
another archive winner but at least you're not posting the other version now
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>Reminder tha femgobbos are built to get plapped by fat ugly kul tiran humans
30 keybinds is all you need
If i can't fit in in there I am not pressing it
Pisses me off how sometimes skyriding is buttery smooth and sometimes you're locked to the x axis and can only go down at like a 45 degree angle
buy a razer naga and cut out all that crap holy shit
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but like how
im used to the old profession system, this new stuff is just too much thinking and tweaking around
its true, adding it to TBC made thigns noticeably worse. The only time it should have been added, outside of flight paths, is zone specific vehicles.
>Tank: Never been here
>everyone leaves

Do people somehow get around the 15 minute wait?
1 2 3 4 5
Shift 1 2 3 4 5
Alt 1 2 3 4
Shift Q W E R F A S D
Mouse buttons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - =
Alt Q W E R F A S D
Alt Tilde
Mousewheel up
Mousewheel down
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
Shift Spacebar
That's 61 keybinds
Pretty good, but now post your Frost DK logs from early DF to prove you aren't a FOTMsissy.

I miss Pathfinder. The comfy grounded first year of WOD/Legion/BFA was kino. Can't say the same for SL because of how disjointed the world was. Dragonriding is a massive improvement over air-swimming but it still shouldn't be available right from the beginning.
they probably just do something else. 15 minutes isnt a very long time.
I thought that wow players being actual low IQ retards was a joke but here we are, can't even do very basic 1st grade math.
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Interesting, it's only going up.
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for sure everyone hates the most popular endgame content the game has to offer.
no regrets
man, that's fucking lame. but it's not surprising. it's how WoW ended up where it is. some people do nothing but piss in the drinking water until they're completely isolated, then piss some more. they just don't care that they're isolated so they keep going. spoils it for everyone else.
It's a crafting resource that you can spend to bump crafts up to the next level of quality. If you're just shy of the next level of quality, it consumes little concentration. If you're far away from it, it consumes a lot.

Concentration isn't a physical thing. It doesn't go in your bags and it isn't a skill in your spellbook. It's more like points you passively generate within your profession window to spend on crafts. It's helpful for squeezing out an exceptionally good item if your knowledge points aren't quite there yet, or for meeting Crafting Orders from Patrons (NPCs) for items outside of your specialization that have minimum quality requirements a tier above what you can make.

There's also a niche use, I believe, in refining better materials. For example, a level 2 or 3 quality ingot sells for much more than a level 1 quality ingot right now, so if you're capped on concentration and have nothing else to spend it on, you can essentially convert your excess concentration to gold by making more valuable ingots and selling them.
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any blue bee enjoyers? (not out yet)
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I don't get it, bros.

It's so much better than DF yet it's less popular. TWW literally saved WoW. How could it flop?

Also, on that note, DF was so much better than Shadowlands but was somehow less popular and needed a million free weekend promotions. Also, DF literally saved WoW. How could it flop?
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>captcha: gasp j
It's been all downhill since Legion and that's the truth
The troons aren't sending out their best today either...
some people can only take that many blows before they lose interest anon
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cuz women can't grow a beard!!!
>Be Blacksmith
>Don't care about selling shit for Gold
>Just want to make my own armor set and weapon to use
>High end armor requires Sparks
>You get half a spark a week
>1 Spark per armor piece, plus 2 for weapon or weapon/shield
>10 Sparks needed
>20 weeks for a full set that's probably weaker than typical raid gear
That's fuckin' criminal.
subz (retard) you posted this like 2 threads ago retard

This is why nobody likes you.
Can anyone recommend me an addon for tracking dots on my target as affliction warlock? I don't need/want a full WA UI.
People love Alexstrasza, people love dragons, Valdrakken is nice.

Tranny stone dwarfs with beards - turns out no one likes - despite it "saving wow"
Erm that's actually 62 keybinds learn to count retard
>Transgirl has come online
Ion would have an aneurysm if you could craft a full raid ready set without any timewall or gating.
Mein kampf to debloat the spec
>replace Flame Shock with Serpent Ward
>Serpent Ward: casts Flame Shock on your target and spawns a totem that casts Lava Bursts at enemies afflicted by your Flame Shock
>Healing Surge and Healing Wave combined into a low mana cost fast heal with high crit rate
>Riptide given a 3rd charge and buffs your next Healing Wave to heal all targets affected by riptide. Primordial Wave removed from the game.
>Poison Cleansing Totem and Tremor Totem removed. New Totem: Totem of Imbalanced Invincibility: Renders all allies immune to poison, charm, sleep, and fear.
>Healing Rain changed to a passive that radiates from your elemental shields and totems. Acid Rain changed to not hit targets under crowd control like Polymorph.
NTA but (You) retarded dimwit, Can't you see with your cursor that the graph is in MONTHLY but the graph text format is fucked up.
Dawntrail is that peak of below 30k views on average at the right that it's dropping down like your blood flow, retard.
It's only weaker by 3 ilvl, with the benefit of customized stats. Plus, you wouldn't want a full set of crafted gear anyway because tier bonuses exist.
>current expansion is so much better than previous one
Because shills keep telling the same lies, people are finally waking up to this shit. You can thank Bellular and other youtubers for telling the same lies in every expansion.
>Blizzard is finally listening!
>It feels like Warcraft again!
>Warcraft is back!
kek I didn't even notice
maybe I should leave that fag guild now
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>early df
started playing only my frost dk from end of BfA
was a rogue shitter before
the servers are back up
time to rock and stone
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My mistake
Meant for this brainlet fag.
This addon is outdated by 5 expansion anon.
>muh flop
>muh saving
7 milly, stay mad

t. asmongold viewer.

Plater. It takes a lot of configuration (or just import someone else's profile) but you can get it to track dots however you like. Showing greyed out icons for missing dots, colour-coding the bar, flashing icons when the dots are about to expire etc.
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Koreans don't count
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Umm wowtrannies?
This. DF was mediocre but it at least had some appeal because at least Dragons can be cool.
Dorn and Ringing Depths were fucking painful to go through because these Earthen fucking suck. Most of them talk like autistic robots, which is made worse because it's fitting.
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>tfw you just picked some stupid shit in the skill point tree and now you have something completely useless that you can't reset
I think they call that sovl
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>What if... now what if... we get our new faction to sound and behave like Commander Data from Star Trek. Autistic monotone robots.
All of them.
People are going to LOVE it.
this expansion is so bad so why is it doing so well now
Hint: What is everybody buying at the start of an expansion?

The easiest gold you could probably make is specializing in alloy production to shit out higher quality ingots. That will probably remain profitable for a long time because people will always want top quality ingots for higher ilvls as the expansion continues.

Profession equipment is fast money early in an expansion but as people get geared up and more and more people start putting in crafting orders to alts or guildies to get blue quality profession equipment, it will inevitably slow down.

Weapons and armor are probably the shakiest option because they rely on Crafting Orders and advertising yourself.

I'm not sure yet about consumables, but they show promise. Every time I've made a sharpening stone for gathering tools and posted it for a few thousands gold it has sold within 10 minutes.

The problem with the Sanctified Alloy is the Profane Tinderbox and Null Stone both cost absurd amounts of gold at the moment. Over time, their prices will come down and the alloy will get more profitable, especially if you can make higher quality alloys.
>WoW needs a full shilling campaign to get this high numbers
>other game does it casually with single person for fun
>responds to the wrong post and proves the point in the process
low IQ monkey
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there is only 1 pvp quest today?
anon did i fuck up.... >>492995497 ? i don't know why i picked that
now i have to farm al new skill points for ingot production spec?
Funny how this is just a random screenshot and there's a tranny in this picture.
Even Data is more expressive than these fuckers. Genuinely what the fuck were they thinking devoting two whole zones to them?
what is this
DF killed enthusiasm and early access buried it.
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i dont want to come to this dogshit site anymore but i literally don't have any other source of dopamine in my life
p2w garbage
>Night Elf woman
Show ass.
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yea pre pathfinder completion legion and bfa was great
I really don't know what TWW's selling point is. I'm having fun with it now that I've finished all the quests because the zone design is strong but every piece or writing and the associated voice acting was fucking awful. The plot is dominated by strong personalities doing stupid things backed with the writing team saying "oh she's a strong female character following her heart it's okay that she does retarded stuff". Like that spider bitch trying to set neferess free in Azj Kahet.
why are there only new comments?
it dropped for me, too, although it has never dropped for me before
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why are male vulpera like this
what is the hardest wow spec
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if this post ends in 9 on god t-dubs is bussin no cap
Based except for the Cleanse/Tremor totem. And I'd make Healing Rain cast in an AoE around targets of your Healing Wave when Healing Wave is cast on targets with Riptide. With talents, it also casts on targets healed by your Earth Shield and also around your healing totems for their entire duration. The radius would be maybe half of what it is now.
Arcane mage
Probably enhancement if we're not counting healers wrangling retards.

Hunter pvp also worth a mention.
me on the right
me on the left
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This is obvious to anyone with eyes
what do you do on this xpac?
never worth a mention
>people cried and moaned that you had to wait 2 weeks to change covenants but everyone seems to be fine with profession trees

you play heroic dungeons forever
Beastmaster hunter
>on resto shaman
>see an enemy holy priest running at me
>drop tremor totem
>get feared, priest wasn't smart enough to bait the tremor
>run out of range of the totem before it procs
>hunter casts chimaeral sting on me
>cast poison cleansing totem within 0.2 seconds of being debuffed
>the poison cycles despite reacting within the top 1% for a human
reminder if you play a mail armor class other than evoker in minigames you are mentally retarded
>weeklies didn't reset
What did blizzard mean by this?
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very funny
I'm a beast master and I suck, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I was only hitting like 500k on heroic bosses last night with 574 ilvl
Hi, as a one character only Andy (sorry, could never get into alts), would you say Mining + Jewelcrafting is an OK pairing? They fit my character’s lore.
2 unpaid shills on /wowg/ = everyone?
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>Isle of Dorn and Ringing Deeps music constantly playing in my head
are the cutscenes bugged for anyone else
Not even blood elf women want that, they joined the horde to get orced instead
If you're talking about them randomly having no audio, or killing audio, then yes.
to play well? probably fire mage
to play at a baseline? brewmaster
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that too but the cinematic at the end of the campaign just skipped entirely affter playing for 10 seconds with no audio too
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Is there anything left in World of Warcraft story that is remotely even tangential with the Warcraft 3 lore/plot? Do any of the characters from back then even exist?
I've ignored WOW for so long that at this point I just hope I wake up back in 2004 and I'm waiting to download the trailer for Warcraft IV the next RTS game from the franchise.
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the more you do the story quests they appear
so if you witnessed the unbound and the boats coming there will be more npcs
That's not how the Shaka clique works.
would you plap faerin? be honest
Are you an ant?
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What's the easiest and best ranged caster (caster, hunter doesn't count) for an ungabunga melee main?
So they just rez Khadgar? Couldn't they just go get him from the shadowlands anyways? We have a portal there?
She's taking Ebyssian's Epic Tauren Cock now.
If I play super casually and get in late how much will I actually be gimped by this profession knowledge stuff and other timegates?
Destruction Warlock
Music is so good
Russell Brower popped bloodlust!
>blood elf cock and an autistic dwarf-bro that doesn't know about birds and the bees fixed her
Kino.... so fvcking kino.. sovl...
With less precise targeting reducing the radius on Healing Rain could make it too difficult to position properly, or could promote clunky Earth Shield juggling gameplay. It'd be better to have rain cover the entire battlefield than a few small puddles.
Thrall and Jaina are front and center for TWW.
>Go to Blizzcon
>The developers took 20 minutes running off the stage to spit on everyone in attendance
Kinda rude of them desu



I don't think you fucked up. Everburning Forge is pretty good and crafting the item it teaches you seems like a decent way to get skill levels after your early craftables stop giving level ups.

Imo, you can probably pursue profession equipment or alloys if all you care about is making gold. I'm far from an expert on the crafting system, but if that were my goal and I had to start with 36 points in Everburning Forge, I'd probably just switch to the Means of Production specialization and fast-track Alloy specialization.

Remember to work in batches and to use your Everburning Forge consumable to improve your output.

I think there's a chance you could even do well by putting all your points in Everburning Forge first, but you may have to rely on brute force quantity over quality and farming your own ore to make a lot of gold that way? Don't quote me, though.
am I missing something as enh? people keep saying it's complicated but like
>builder spender
>spread flame shock once
>feral spirits on cd
>primordial wave when tempest is up
is there something else to it? some buff window I'm missing?
centaur poster is mindbroke i see
100% but with a bag over the head
Bro, just don’t do professions. It’s that easy.
>B-But the token…
It’s $15. With how bad prices are right now, it’ll take you like 20+ hours of farming to get enough gold for a token vs. just working one hour at your job. Which is more valuable to you? Once you realize professions are just for third worldies and jobless NEETs only, you’ll finally be free.
alliance game
alliance xpac
Is Enh shaman better than Ele? I decided to play Ele this expansion but it's so goddamn boring
If she got rid of the zoom zoom haircut she'd be pretty cute
Wish nature's swiftness worked on wild growth
can you change classes in this game
>go to g2g.com
>buy 2,000,000 gold for $14
And it wouldn't even be hard for these totems to just apply a ward buff to you that gets consumed ASAP to prevent or dispel a fear or poison effect instead of just pulsing. You wouldn't have to master split-second timing to break fear on your entire party during a boss fight. You could just drop the totem 5 seconds early and protect everyone.
>it’ll take you like 20+ hours of farming to get enough gold for a token
If you aren't a drooling retard it takes you about 15 minutes to collect all the profession knowledge items, buy mats from the AH, and craft shit for easy gold.
the horde are non canon
why not? ffxiv lets you do it
Is that Locus Walker still around?
real money cost
wtf i love anduin now
xal'atath raped him to death in the void
Yeah, but this isn't ffxiv
I'm bored...
because this is not ffxiv

besides, leveling is very fast anyway
G2G is cheaper than wow token but you won't get 2 milly for 14 bucks, it's about 50% more gold for the same cash.
LMAO btfo
wow copies ffxiv all the time thoughever
wow has cutscenes now, something yoshi p invented
oh..but why though
Fucking cinematic is broken on the new campaign quest.
Locus Walker is Khadgar DEBUNKED

Taliecuck BTFO
>be me, bearchad
>full arcane spec
>i outdamage the moonkin on aoe pulls
>my moonfires are better than his
So..whats the point of balance druids? I never see them do anything except die
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>average retcuck's face when his ''''wife'''' leaves him for better cock
No, that was hideo kojima, yoshi p just copied him
she was horny
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im putting together a team
It's sad that people actually believe this.
relax baitbro
>"I'm not aiming at you"
>breaks the thing
This is just Sylvanas vs Greymane cinematic from Legion?
was something released? I mean we all already knew Khadgar wasnt locust walker, what kind of an insane theory is that?
Human male paladins are so pathetic holy shit
I feel like there's too much world content now
There's like 5000 chores to do if you want to keep up with that shit
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moonkins are broken rn. doubt you'll see many once s1 starts (barring major buffs)
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How do you get storm dust
If a mage somehow dies through alter time, ice block, and cauterize they can battle res 'em
keep up with what?
>wow copies ffxiv all the time
As they should
Retard cuck released a video saying Locus Walker is Khadgar
is this todays NA / tomorrows EU quest stuff or something mined from later in the expac?
ok thank you, gotta figure this shit out somehow
If it's for PvE, both are good, Enh is way more fun and harder tho, and Ele is very simple.

PvP tho Ele true potential is where it's at, imo the spec with the biggest skill gap when it comes to PvE gameplay vs PvP gameplay
Thing is, I used to be able to afford a token by playing casually and now it's impossible.
I'm not paying money for this game.
Blizzard keeps making it harder to farm a token so if they want me out then I'm out.
>Xalatath transforms into a bird
Doombird? Is that you?
>Xal'atath: RAWR
Also Khadgar is clearly corrupt/evil/Xal'atath in disguise... Who the fuck are they kidding with this shit?
disenchant shit
why did no one tell me holy priest is bussin
so true zister
it's actually good
>log in
>get carousel buff
>do world quests in 20 minutes
>go back to dornsomething
>check NPC crafting orders
>log onto my alt slave
>make reagents I need
>log back onto main
>do the orders
Phew that took almost the whole day to complete...
The Marksmanship Hunter decision tree was like 20 items long at the end of Dragonflight.

Druid is usually complex just because of form juggling.

Augmentation Evoker can be complex, especially on movement-heavy fights. You want as much uptime as possible on the buffs you give to allies, which are extended based on other spells you cast, and you want to time Breath of Eons for when the rest of your raid is doing as much damage as possible. At its easiest, that means popping it when Bloodlust goes off. At its hardest, that means monitoring the CDs of your top raid DPS and coordinating with them in the moment to cast it right before they pop their CDs. And ideally you'd refresh your buffs on them right before that.
>people still respond to xiv bait posts
Would you play my WoW 2?
>no walking - always inside your kart
>everyone else is inside a kart
>questgivers challenge you to race on their tracks
>beating a questgiver unlocks them and their track for 8- and 16-player versus mode
>all classes build and spend turbo meter
>flying is only available on some tracks
>kart transmogrification instead of gear transmogrification
>pets which sit in your kart with you
>cartoon humor (some violence preferred but this is negotiable. we can have it family friendly.)

Director Riddlevox of the Tinker's Union is holding the world hostage with his giant moon laser. Race through over 100 zany tracks with over 800 drivers and karts from Warcraft history - from Anduin Lothar on his Silver Steed to Gul'dan atop his Converted Fel Reaver, you'll be screaming along and belching smoke all the way from the Loch Modan Laps to the Road of Glory!
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Oh look, it's the second Alliance hero dies this expansion but immediately gets better.
Can't wait for the third one next patch!
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>Threesome inc, Turalyon sees it and loses his mind and becomes the big bad of the next tier
>the shitposters lost and khadgar is alive
I actually like TWW
>Anduin saving someone
Oh no no no no no no wokebros not like this... A white male can't be doing something of importance in our game
Blizzard employees on full damage control again.
this BBC adjacent fag shit should be deleted too, janny
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how much is a normal price for these if i want someone to craft it for me? so that i don't get ripped off
Arbitrary list that has no meaning whatsoever
>Dwarf warrior
>night elf priest (male)
>troll shaman (female)
>orc monk (ASS)
>blood elf warlock
>human paladin
>tauren druid in her 40s
>goblin prostitute
>pandaren demon hunter
who is the sans undertale of wow
pretty kino ngl
Hang on what how did Khadgar come back?
why are you so negative about everything?
the cinematic and the cutscene are actually good
No, where are the skill trees?
As a full time racist and ableist, I don't actually mind Faerin. Seems like a decently written character. I mean all I want is something somewhat realistic, so girlbosses are out, but she seems fine. The whole "I am a strong independent woman that doesn't need no arm" is pretty cringe though but whatever. Also the VA is kind of mid. Still, much better than the gay dragons and wheelchair dwarves last xpac.
Tell me what was good about it, Blizzard employee.
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>Tyrande is totally going to die this time guys, r-really!
>She gets better
>Malfurion is totally being sent to the shadow-realm and will come back affected guys!
>He gets better
>Magni had to sacrifice himself to wake the earthern!
>He quite literally gets better
>Khadgar's totally dead guys, didn't you see him turn to mana?
>Gets better.
Not playing this but it's nice to see Khadgar still sticking around
ok so mage or hunter if i want the most engaging class?
What about Horde...?
buy tokens
Yeah was asking about PvE because I felt Ele is very boring. Tried Enh and it's so much more fun
Would've been kino if it didn't crash 3 seconds in and boot me out to the quest givers, spoiling it with Khadgar being there alive
Literally everyone had the same shit happen, how incompetent can they be

They didn't even work, everyone had to go to wowhead for it
Actually has the risk of it's characters dying, when put in danger.
It's literally 99% that ugly hair, if she had idk, xal'atath's hair through arathi hair stylists or something she would even be kinda hot (there are barbers in azeroth fuck off it's completely possible)
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ok just got the mats myself and made a public order
I feel kind of sad because now californians are going to make him a tranny or incredibly retarded.
You don't, the economy is controlled by cartels of goblins and botters.
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Are there any addons I should know about as a gatheringmaxxer?
maybe that's because alliance characters are actually living legends and heroes and horde character usually chimp-out every other expansion and tries to kill those alliance characters
Space buns or an afro that covers the eyes giving her hentai protag syndrome
No, it's cause Alliance fans chimp out whenever their action figures are at risk.
Create an Alliance character on connected servers where there's zero competition from Horde
Turn on war mode
Loot the war supply crates that spawn every 10-30 minutes
Get patterns for crafting pvp gear and epic gems
Transfer these items to a high population Horde server such as US-Illidan
Sell the epic gems for 50k and recipes for 1 million each
This doesn't work anymore btw should've purchased early access :)
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>no xal'atath feet shot
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Why are the in-game cinematics so dull and lifeless now? Look at this shit, it mogs TWW so hard.


Anduin is a priest you know. Or a really shitty paladin.
We are watching as an entire race has a plot hammer above its head because Alleria's personal issues will make her the queen of Silvermoon or something after everyone else who is not a Windrunner dies in Midnight.
You know, Legion was supposed to be the last expansion.
The end of the story.
he is a priest who just wears plate
Metzen made these and it's full of metal, you can tell the Woke Within cinematics weren't made by Metzen and lacks metal
>Comparing final raidboss cinematics to filler story cinematics
Come back and complain when we get the dull and lifeless cinematic at the end of the raid
these two posts combined are me
given how much blizzard hates the horde now i could see this happening.
Ah, the thing that kept me playing wow for so long.
Coomer mods
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>do weekly twice
>only got 1 fractured spark first week
>none this week
what the FUCK!?!
If so why were existing enemies like the naga and old gods completely undealt with?
What is Velen doing now anyway?
>comparing buildup cinematics vs conclusive cinematics
I see your point since burning legion lore is just too cool but c'mon don't bring retarded examples.
holy dicklet
Feetfaggots are unironically THE MOST annoying and disgusting fetishists.
Most other fetishtards atleast have some shame. Footfags have no shame and have become so brazen, almost proud over it.
These retards need to be bullied again.
The guy talking about Alliance having no stakes ages back was right.
Building a new capital
avoiding hallowfall so he doesn't give the beledar naaru ship twist away
I meant I thought Khadgar was completely vaporized when Dalaran was destroyed. I thought there would be no body left to rez.
yeah the model isn't great, but we got Alleria as coombait so
>Lor'themar hates half-bloods
>Currently leglocked into constant mating press by a a nightborne so he will father blueberry elves (belves)
Wow its racism but just like in real life
I thought he was teleported.
jesus man Imagine if you could look like turalyon
to be milked endlessly and relentlessly by void tentacles in the purple realm oh god i wish that were me
Where do you pick up the last War Campaign quest from?
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more mogging:





Why is Sargeras, in his first and only canon appearance in warcar humping the planet?

Alliance never recovered from this post >>476744641
foot fags don't have conventions so that's a fucking lie
WoD was meh but Guldan was always fun to follow.
Surprisingly I'm enjoying hellcaller affliction lock and I haven't touched affliction in years
when are we getting yrel back
I want more gote
Bro it isn't the 90s anymore
Most LGBT freaks and furries completely mog feetfags in terms of brazenness.
Anyone here play survival? I want to switch from beast master but maybe I'm falling for a meme spec
Sorry but I dont care about the lives of ugly monsters and animals. Warcraft is a story about humans overcoming the odds (you are the odds)
I'm 90% sure survival is by far the best hunter spec right now
>post that made footretards seethe
>furries still at the top of the degeneracy pole
are you from 2006?
you're 100% retarded
You know she's just coming back for like a patch to get humiliated right?
Writers are stuck on the whole "Maybe light... is not all GOOD?! Maybe darkness is not that bad?! YIN YANG BRO SO MORALLY GREY" bullshit.
Jewelcrafting any good? Pls tell me before I waste my time starting this prof.
>create my earthen surv hunter
>not a single melee skill
LGBT includes several different groups and I included it first before furries which implies furries are not "at the top" but are still much higher than feet
Stop pretending you can't read
He is hosting a book club and coffee dates between long lived races at wednesday and friday evenings at Shattraths bingo hall
I'd still like to see her again even if I know it'll be some garbage they come up with
>champion you have to kill yrel because she's light hitler now
>I have lived a thousand of your lifetimes
What did Xal'atath mean by this?
>What if... le void is le... good?
>What if... le light is le... bad?
>Le morally grey
Hear hear!
holy shit you're actually a retarded zoomer who can't read
Have the Bronzebeard brothers reunited since Muradin was rediscoved back in wrath?
Survival is the fun spec. Seriously everyone bitches and moans about melee doomsday prep hunter but it is maybe the most fun you can have in pvp
how can void be neutral if it literally ruins everything it touches
>still equating furfags with suitertrannies
light bad expansion would be gigakino though
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picked up that shit
>stuck on to the past
It's time to grow up furry.
god i want to get ruined by my dracthyr
>Light is utterly good, dark is utterly evil
The holes have another side. Issue just is that the races have not evolved to live there yet so that point is null
Logged in on lunch break to finish out the campaign that shouldn't have been time gated in the first place only to learn it's a buggy pile of shit.

GG Blizz, never change.
this months trading post sucks.
When are we going to get another horde bad expansion
I want to kill vulpera
nobody making Earthen or what?
>not realizing furfags are lgbt/scat/open pedo fetishists
Grats you've caught up to where we were two weeks ago
Is Ernest Hemingway an Alliance character?
>no one gives a shit about dwarfs 3.0
i haven't even unlocked them.

Big true.
>alliance expansion, alliance saga
No wonder this game is dying.
uh betterbags bros... did we lose?
>forcing yourself to do everything on first day
ICy veins or wowhead?
every expansion is a horde bad expansion
I cant even find the last campaign quest to do
but it looks like you've literally picked up all that shit just now in one day?
Holy fuck Xalatath makes me rock solid
God I wish I had a hot dracthyr boyfriend
why the fuck would I make earthen
if I wanted to play another dorf I already have dark iron unlocked right there
no i redeemed all of them in one day

Nah, Light bad, Void bad, Azeroth good.
Requesting the picture of Maximum's pet names.
Khadgar humiliation ritual cinematic was clearly directed by Danuser, a known femdom fag.
New cinematic is a Metzen course correction, hence the white men doing shit and the female villain actually being fallible
You at least should've used the mining ones as you got them to increase your yields
theres a pretty good weakaura for tracking which knowledge points your missing
Not until I find a hot dracthyr boyfriend
There's supposed to be new content this week? I thought nothing new was coming until next week with Season 1.
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>"Walk cycle.... interrupted"
>Retarded robot dwarf was laying on the ground when she said this
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This cant be accurate lmao
Is everyone just picking up mining and herbing because there is nothing else to do?
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What kind of giant faggot would use tempest instead of the manly totem?
You're not a true shaman, lightning nigger. And you'll never be.

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