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lolidevs best devs edition

>Demo Days
24 HOURS REMAIN: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>492907956
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you're never gonna get me!
I... should work on something fun. To get back into things... Find my groove and my rhythm again...
>Be early 2010s
>Html 5 introduces canvas for 3d games in JavaScript
>It's shit
>No GPU access, uses webGL from openGL and gsls for shaders
>The physics are dog piss done in JavaScript
>Some engines actually rise up, two popular FOSS ones called Three.js and Babylon.js
>Still could do basic stuff, you'd see stuff like https://shellshock.io/ with bare minimum graphics and physics but whatever
>Fast forward to mid to late 2010s, wasm and Vulkan come out
>No longer at the mercy of openGL for rendering, foss has a field day especially Gabe and Linux with proton
>Wasm gives people alternative to JavaScript
>Fast forward to 2020s
>WebGPU comes out using Vulkan instead of openGL. Has access to GPU
>Has it's own shader language, WGSL
>Holy shit it's actually good, performance differences are night and day https://toji.github.io/webgpu-test/
>Three.js now has a massive community support behind it and tons of stuff created and plugins. Moved to WebGPU support. Has everything but a good physics engine
>Babylon took the more corporate route rather than community route but also got webGPU, but did something amazing and imported havok physics through wasm FOR FREE since Microsoft owns Babylon and havok
>Some three.js bros realize you can not only import havok.wasm and havok.js from Babylon to three.js, but it actually works better than Godot and Unity's out of box physics engines https://twitter.com/N8Programs/status/1649417563514830849
>A physics plugin for three.js added havok to its stack and made some super cool demos while making it easier to use https://lo-th.github.io/phy/index.html?E=havok#start
>Some guy started making a Half Life Valve physics like game as proof of concept https://twitter.com/brandon_xyzw/status/1700614849963642967
>Meanwhile three.js themselves are making a new shader language that compiles to WGSL called TSL to make things easier, and people are making great things out of it already despite it being new

The potential is finally there.
Lolidev's crimes will be exposed
One day we will see GreenCheetah on the DD page again
So what's the point.
Didn't read any of that
so how long until the dev abandons this project as well?
putting my money on Q1 2025
todd can finally put skyrim in the web browser
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I'm gonna see if I can make a good amount of money with crypto, then gamedev for passion, not money.
oh fuck off with the loli shit.
not posting progress in this thread pedo scum.
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Beach model is done.
Beach dialogues implemented too.

Working on art takes a lot of time.
Still have to work on the shopping district

Lets see if i can make basic gameplay by the time DD hits. (not promising anything)
post uncensored pls
Based lolidev posting progress.
Should I hire lolidev? I need some sprites.
I'm not lolivania dev. I removed the bikini top censure he applied to be able to post(so he actually has the nude)
has the bump limit been raised to 1000?
Free havok physics. Wider pool of devs by using web devs. Can bring web devs from the backend that use websockets/auth/webrtc for multiplayer purposes all with one language. A new foss stack.

Personally I would like to make a modern day FOSS version of Gary's mod in the browser. 4chan's mod if you will.
>haha loli devs will never release a game!
>NOOOOO you're not allowed to post a loli game that shouldn't exist you're desecrating the thing I love with anime garbage get it off of every site right now I'm calling Mr. VisaCard right now he's gonna ban you from life
Now say that without crying.
If you post your game next to a loli poster. Your game will become associated with pedos.
Why do you think you can make a successful game when you can't even get a girlfriend? You have had to inherit all abilities to get a woman, because your ancestors were all successful at it. It's something that comes with the basic package of life. It's an achievement that almost everyone gets, it's like getting a drivers' license.
Meanwhile gamedev requires an array of technical skills, a sense of human psychology, a feel for what's fun, the ability to network, to promote yourself and to be resilient to failures. On top of that, it will take years of work.
So if you can't get a girlfriend but somehow think you can go through this complex technical process and compete on one of the most saturated markets of entertainment? Get the fuck outta here.
Metal song about making progress
The only two types of lolidevs are nodevs and devs who post progress once in a blue moon then vanish until the next blue moon.
I'm not a lolidev, and thank god for that, because I don't have an army of pedos dedicating their lives to attacking me.
The lolidevs have good art.
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:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: An extra area added to Herrko level 4.
the Cris Crypto arc.
-shrug- " I guess it s an alright episode . that's some good TV "

I prefer the Cris Enginedev Arc episodes.
Hmm... Maybe I should make a loli sim date rpg.
If I dedicate myself to modelling and animating surely I will find a textureslut to do my bidding and become a killer asset manufacturing duo
>AI poster is retarded
if trainwiz can get a wife i can too
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My laptop configuration is Ryzen 7, 16 GB RAM, RTX 3050 4GB VRAM.. With that configuration, I thought it would be impossible to make a shortfilm using Metahums. However I tried my best, optimized my project and managed to finish this https://youtu.be/COIpA8Gnu40
Now, my shortfilm became a hit regionally and especially attracted regional film industry. So, now I am getting a lot of offers.. Thank you Unreal
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Any blender wizards in here that could help me out? I'm trying to clean that winged skull of a helmet, but it's coming out pretty gnarly with sad looking misshapen triangles. Is there an easy way to clean this up?
Sorry for offtop
Import into zbrush and use auto retopo, all aaa games you see do that.
god damn
What’s the benefit of this over making a game and selling on unity.
I'd rather recreate it than deal with all that geometry.
>Why do you think you can make a successful game when you can't even get a girlfriend?
Because it's very easy for me to make a game but very hard for me to get a girlfriend.
>You have had to inherit all abilities to get a woman, because your ancestors were all successful at it.
Statistically, around 50% of my ancestors were women
>It's an achievement that almost everyone gets, it's like getting a drivers' license.
I don't have a drivers' license.
>Meanwhile gamedev requires an array of technical skills, a sense of human psychology, a feel for what's fun, the ability to network, to promote yourself and to be resilient to failures. On top of that, it will take years of work.
I have all of that.
>So if you can't get a girlfriend but somehow think you can go through this complex technical process and compete on one of the most saturated markets of entertainment?
>Get the fuck outta here.
Give it up, anon. No one wants to make browser games. Unity and Godot and Unreal are so far ahead in capabilities and Steam and mobile stores have so much reach that there's no reason to make shit for web browsers.
post game then
Just retopologize it while projecting into the high poly model. It's easy.
unreal can export to native webgl
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Reminder you can succeed with anything if you include memetic potential and pornographic appeal.
They removed web support from unreal like 5 years ago retard
>insane frame drop any time any type of interaction occurs
This is the power of godot!!
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Anyone got any explanation for this? They are able to affect navigation but I figured they should move.
The power of Godot, ladies (male) and gentlemen.
I'm tired of virgins giving 'girlfriend' advice.
Explain what retard? It’s a png no one has any clue what’s happening. Post a webm
>npcs placed at location
>npcs move
>navigation area stays red where they spawned
That's it.
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>Do you have games though?
Yeah, it's very easy to make them.
>And why is it very hard for you to get a girlfriend?
Because most women don't have much interest in video game creation so we don't have much to talk about.
>If you can't do it, what do you think that says about you?
That I'm not a 14 year old boy.
>Over if over 18 and American.
It's only truly over if you give up.
so this is the power of OGRE 3D? .... ZAMN!....
cumball... it's not a good idea to remind people you wasted thousands on that failed ad campaign
I think it not showing while he is seeing you is an improvement but I'm not sure that the fade in was an improvement. Maybe it's better if it's sped up or removed.
nta but
1. is that process for beginner/intermediate
2. what is it actually called?
You gotta admit, red goats are right about some things.
what's the point of this?
its supposed to show your last known location
can someone helpe me with a shader
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(1/2) plz give feedback on art of the platform and environment, I’m going for vibrant colors for a kawaii mini golf game.

I used stochastic texturing shader, next post will explain it for any curious
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: back to cutscene work.
I ain't writing js but I will compile my c++ code to wasm and put it in the browser.
Kinda comfy
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(2/2) picrel and this video explains it all


the tldr is to make a shader that uses noise. Cellular noise for rotating/offsetting a texture, and general noise for blending between a dark/light texture or overlaying accents. You can also modulate rgb/hsv but I didn’t do that.
Why? For what purpose?
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Had an idea for a turn-based rpg where the wizard Merlin, in order to defeat an evil that threatens the world, reaches across time and space to find history's greatest practioners of magic in order to save it. Unfortunately in his haste, the spell he performed had looser parameters than he thought and the "practioners of magic" it pulled to him were:

>chinese imperial court alchemist (alchemist)
>Klan grand wizard (pyromancer)
>magus of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (occultist)
>zulu shaman (cleric)
>vegas stage magician (illusionist)

Realizing that he's out of time and these "magicians" are the best he can do, he teaches them the basics of magic and sends them out to defeat the evil. Hijinks ensue as they have to work together to overcome both the obstacles in front of them and each other so they can go home
NTa but probably so you know where the enemies will search for you
HOLY SHIT NIGGA you did all that for a children's golfing game?
I think there's something wrong with me if I can't follow a 3h tutorial and have to stop after 1h. I can resume the next day.
same thing with movies, tv series, anime, can't do it for long. I can play/read for longer. If I don't need a tutorial I can dev for 4-8h a day.
what a pain.
Ok I guess, but are you going to make it? This is "Awesome Games Done Guick" not "Awesome Games dI gWish I Could Play"
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Where's the swimsuit?
Try taking hrt, lower test = more concentration. Before you go on a tirade about trans or whatever, this is only temporary during work days, if you want proof check research also notice how women are so much more efficient in studies than men.
any infrographics/tutorials on how to draw thick white liquid that kinda just dripped on skin?
My first game bearcycle didn’t do too well in part because the art sucked. Having good looking art captures attention in the first 1 second of tik toks etc

Plus part of this is laziness, with just 6 textures I can dynamically draw good looking platforms and walls at any angle 0->360 using shaders and skewing/rotating , it’s less work than drawing 20+ textures
so fucking cute
i dont know
congats marmo on having a game that lasted longer than concord
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What kinda game do I need to make to achieve my pic related drawing?
His game has been at 0 active players for a week, I think you’re coping
This is my favorite type of shit post
.....thst level of complexity just for the ground. I have no shaders unless you count the stuff that adjusts color and transparency when getting hit or hitting something, which doesn't really feel lile one desu
I'd play around with making it a soundwave ripple effect or just footprints instead and have dirt be kicked up when touching the ground/walking
currently it doesnt feel intuitive and its kinda distracting and ugly
that son of a bitch
Glaze her like a donut
>noise texture
You’re actually retarded
>or just footprints
like you could have the same ghost you have now but fade it so only the lower part with the feet is visible
should make it a lot less distracting while also making it clearer thats its your footsteps producing noise
I'm heavily biased because I'm the guy who suggested that it should not be shown while there is direct line of sight BUT I really do think that change worked out perfectly. and I agree that the fade is a downgrade in its current form. basically
Marnix suicide stream in just a few months!
it's a feature from Splinter Cell Conviction and I personally get it. I understand why some people like it. let anon cook, it's his game.
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/agdg/ can't make fun of you if you never release
Why? His future is bright. Unicycle game has 74 reviews. By logical progression their 3rd game will take them 2 days to make and will have 2000+ reviews.
Got it, be back when I'm done making it and posting a picture of me meeting her at the gaming convention where she confesses her love for me and to allow her to be my wife then and there.
streamerbait games don't have any kind of tail. The funds will dry up soon and either they will keep shitting out zoomer games with diminishing returns or cut it short now
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Yeah I’m with this guy >>493005039 , noise textures are the like simplest thing for adding natural looking variety. When you have large areas (like mini golf green) you can see the repeating tiles very easily
kek let's see if their guild architect game break the sales of their unicycle pizza time slop.
>When you have large areas (like mini golf green) you can see the repeating tiles very easily
Oh. I just made my tiles to not look like they repeated. I don't think I can do a noise texture on pixel art without making it look ugly.
oh wait I just remembered you're bearcycle dev. Good job bro
meant for >>493003204
>Why? His future is bright. Unicycle game has 74 reviews. By logical progression their 3rd game will take them 2 days to make and will have 2000+ reviews.
>guild architect
They should probably drop it considering that other game just like theirs recently appeared and is selling well. All with much better art. I don't see them doing well at all unless the fans of said game are eeally craving another even if the art is nowhere near the same quality.
they do??
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That would require creativity and having a vision.
>Depictions of minors, minor-presenting, or suggested minors in a sexual context are not allowed and will result in account suspension.
even if it could, I don't think any browser would want to try and run an unreal game
you can still make cute loli games without pornography though?
don't make pornslop then????
I met Marnix in a supermarket in Kyoto last week

he had tears in his animal eyes
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This will never be you.
What the fuck? This is the biggest plot twist of selling the Risk of Rain IP ever.
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is it worth?
It doesn't have the feeling of "enemies noticed this" perhaps because it isn't instant feedback. It feels more like it's trying to suggest you can press a button and you will move into that position.
Instant is good but it should fade out, and have some sort of effect so it isn't static.
imagine growing up playing Half life and then working for Gaben on Half Life franchise. Definitely not jealous. True meaning of making it
Good. I don't want to work on someone else's game I want to make my own games.
If Valve hires me to make my own games with their resources then that's a different story.
rpgmaker is the best game engine for success
I don't know which is better however

Valve wishes that were me.
Is it worth to be a game dev? Yes. Always.
What's the fun in that?
I guess it is because it is so new, but i find the motion matching system to fit (at least at such levels of fluidity) only on the free animations provided in the sample. I know that technically the whole pack is free and that i am able to integrate it in my games as much as i want... but still, is it a good idea, or will it make my game feel like an asset flip? Consider that i would only use the locomotion, and all other animations, level design, enemy design, story etc. will all be completely original.
I bought MZ and made it work isometrically if you like that art style. It has really good parallax support and plug ins are great
Just make game with the assets even if it feels like an asset flip, then after it's done you have the option to replace assets for custom made ones if you want.
Nvm I misread it
Blizzard ran for a decade taking advantage of people like you. "Omg I heckin loved Diablo, it's a dream to work on D3!" Blizzard "Ok, we'll pay you below industry rate and demand endless overtime because as you say, it's a dream!"
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pixel art of a... tram? train? i need to add color to it
Game devs get paid well and you can tell because they can hold a job for decades. It's only in recent times, are the layoffs higher than normal.
If they remain imprisoned in a career for decades that is by definition a situation where they are under paid.
Getting paid to gamedev kind of takes the fun out of it, vs a hobby/personal project, IMO. Though I've only done contract gamedev work and I found it to not be very fun.
What's your ideal employment? You're constantly hopping back and forth between jobs?

They do their job because it's what they're good at and don't see the point in retraining. Nobody cares about money all people care about is being able to eat and keep a roof over their heads. Zoomers love to think that money is the only thing that matters but at the end of the day a hamburger tastes the same.
I can't be seeing this... I CANT LOOK AT THIS.
hahahaha is that the bitememe devs
None of the lead devs for D3 or D4 loved Diablo and it showed
We've barely made 6k before Steam cut and taxes, it's all over bros unless the government will bail us out again :(
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>"this looks like an asset flip"
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New logo! And also changed the melee enemy AI (with much aggravation) to better try and surround the player before attacking them. Right now they have a 75% chance to even try, which I think should provide an appropriate amount of variety.
If I had make it money, only way I work for another company is if I'm working directly on a game I can't do because of IP problems. Working at valve because ":O it's Gabe, why wouldn't you work for him!!!"
Kek that excuse when he's only in it for money. However this all feels like hoe poo set the situation up by showing how much he bends the knee
>company who bought out his ip and made him make them an installment
The guy just reeks of woke office politics behavior and why I dislike him so much. I know 1 other dev like this, talked just like an HR recruiter at times
Valve average salary is like $1M
pixel sharters will say this about every 3D project posted here, don’t take it personal
My ideal employment is living in Japan spending years making a game because I kept the profits from my labor and already made it on a previous game and am now just having fun.
according to leaks valve pays their employees an average of 500k-1M
you wage for 10 years then get to create your own studio and actually create AAA instead of being stuck in indie scope. worth it.
The blur popping in and out is really annoying.
Seems sus. Do they have like, 3 elite 200 IQ programmers keeping steam running and abandoned all game making? cause to just add content to a game doesn't require a phd and they'd be massively over paying their code monkies.
How the FUCK does charisma affect combat if my game doesn't have mana or spell criticals? Do I really need to implement a morale or mood system or something just for charisma?
I should've learned 3d from the get go
there's no way I can catch up and create my mad max chase FPS before 2 years pass from the film release(may)
Coding it to maximize revenue by pushing it all into the most popular games while pretending they care about the gamer experience and showing me games like Overwatch as "related" when I just played a niche puzzle game
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New sword with unique critical hit mechanic. I notice people seem to have trouble figuring out how it works just by looking but I'm going to trust that it's easier to figure out when you're actually playing the game.

Also very happy with the icon for the sword I think it looks cool :)
And I'd like a waterpark in my backyard.
Better prices equals better gear.
What? You’re implementing systems based on how things “should” be rather than what’s fun? Weird
I mean take everything with a grain of salt because valve doesn't officially release anything
But the Steam store team are ~27 people apparently and Valve does hire people with PhDs so I kind of believe that they are just very high productivity individuals working there
Also 27 people doesn't sound too crazy for a single storefront application + mobile apps
A house in Japan is like 40k in some places, and to get a long term visa it again only costs like 30k. It's extremely do-able.
What, he has an nda for salaries? I doubt that's enforceable
Check project settings, make sure navmesh is fully dynamic.
No that makes sense. I believe it. 30 people could keep an app like that going. With some low level customer success people to deal with small complaints.
>game doesn't have mana or spell criticals
make it increase the rng of a charm spell hitting
unless you have spells landing 100% of the time (dumb)
don't implement more systems.
we have no fucking clue what your combat is like though, if it's some sort of tactical combat simulator then you could have it affect shit like how many units you can field
>27 people
Doubt considering how rejected games are so wildly the same as accepted one's. Seems the wagies have too much power, like he just assumes they did the right thing unless social media blares madly at him lol. With how many games there are, about 100k app ids in just the last 2 years, I doubt its only 27.
I'm approaching burn out. Why am I hurting myself over a hobby? I should just relax. I get fixated on some rough spot and work like mad getting it ready for my nonexistent players.
accepting/rejecting is mostly automated methinks. I would also believe it if they outsourced a lot of unproductive activities like this
I need something like that, I don't want any catch alls for things like resisting status effects but at the same time it has to be useful for every character. And obviously I'm having rng (but combat lasts long enough that you will hit your average hit % 99% of the time).
it depends on what you want to get out of this.
is it just a hobby? a train in the basement? or are you trying to make something exceptional?

if it's a train set in the basement, then yeah, don't stress yourself out.

if you're trying to make a really good game, yeah, it's work, and you're stressing yourself out because nothing worth doing is easy.
then who did?
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how do i fix this?
What's the process for releasing DLC and soundtracks? It could be a lot easier than games, so approval is much faster.
what even is this?
wise advice on my aggydaggy? impossible
looks like an asset flip
Replace the guy with a very cute shota.
Probably both. The artist in me does the terrain and decoration and the programmer sets up the electronics and rails and accidentally causes derailment and collisions.
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>otherwise its looking great, good work
thanks mate

as for the city names, i will at the very least have a function where the player can rename them at runtime like in medieval 2
automatic localizations will exist for important/iconic cities like pic related and others (danzig/gdansk for example)
>My ideal employment is living in Japan spending years making a game because I kept the profits from my labor and already made it on a previous game and am now just having fun.
But can you legally use the imported havok.js for a commercial product?
Wow nice orblike
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I have a cool idea for an online game but I don't know if it's better to give players full customization over the character, or to make distinct character classes like a hero shooter (it's not a hero shooter).

Granted this is only an idea in my head, and in fact won't ever exist because I am ngmi. But still. Wondering which you'd prefer.
i mean 'wasting' 10+ years on a flopped game might be retarded but
truth is i've been lurking on these threads since 2014 and still have zero game and that's far worse
sounds like an asset flip

my condolensces
Same. But not during summer
you are an asset flip
Why? Too hot?
How's the wishlist farming?
I added mana to my game
Yeah that's bad. I'd hate to be like that haha. Ha. Haha. :(
Nice, love mana.
by "full customization" you mean customization of breasts, hips and ass size, right?
You're boring. You bore me.
only give full customization if it is a non-competitive game
otherwise its going to be a unbalanceable nightmare
Yeah. I have hyperhydrosis. I sweat all winter, I can't imagine summer in Japan.
there would be a body type item slot
I would have steam market in mind so that I won't have to work a day in my life ever again
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I can't get a gamedev job because not single studio will hire me to make minecraft similar models.
I wonder how it is in the north. Go spend summers in a cooler area if one exists. Get some air conditioning.

I've been to Japan in late May and it was really nice.
why not make good models instead?
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not sure if this is considered "bad", it's been 5 days since the page went public
still got a few weeks (at the very least) of work to put in before increasing marketing and getting myself out there even more
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She's hot.
what is your favorite aggy project?
did you ever submit anything to dd?
Why would a studio hire someone to make models only in a specific style that was designed not to require any art skills?
It got to 29C at the highest I think here in far northern Sweden this year.
I'm making a living from gamedev but it's pretty demoralizing to work for months or years and sometimes end up with basically zero income from that work. Some games do well, others do very poorly, so the average is okay but...
I really want to do some job where the amount I work is reflected in the money I make. I think it would be very satisfying. I think that's why games like Euro Truck Simulator and House Flipper are satisfying. You do thing, number go up.
My next game is going to be like that. If I can't have that feeling in real life, I'll have it in a game.
Summer in rikubetsu maybe, but that's still way hotter than summer where I am from. (20c ish)
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because is cheap and reliable.

pic related.
It's not great Johan, you need slightly better screenshots or you'll get <50 sales
Then maybe she should remove her tracksuit jacket then.
>not sure if this is considered "bad"
Depends on how many visits your page got, and was it random visitors (much lower conversion rate) or those who were following you elsewhere and are eager for the game.
I'm getting 1 in 60 random visitors wishlisting my game. I didn't market it anywhere just so I could get that baseline.
You're not a reliable worker. A reliable worker wouldn't project hop ever.
Did you really take a funny cartoon as if it was reality?
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I won't hire you cris because your superior workflows will make me feel inferior.
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It's true.

I made the models of this game.
Vagante. No
Game looks pretty based anon. I hope you have some kind of hook to compete with similar games in the genre. I feel like you're 80% of the way there just looking at pics and know nothing else.
nigga I'm boutta SLIP
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Meeting Namylea.
got around 1250 visits
my announcement vid on YT (only real source of "followers") had a count of ~250 views before youtube pruned half of them for whatever reason

guess that means around 1 in 30

thanks man. i actually got a lot of cool things i want to share
>population system with immigration
>economic system with supply/demand and resource conversion
but i will have to wait a bit more due to being really behind in the gfx/UI department
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Uhhhh Expanselike tactics dev...
That explains the japanese streams, he put up posters in the nintendoland bathrooms
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Already did that for her.
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For me it's Kita
She would happily support my gamedev dreams while she's making music with her band
okay my demo day build is donezo for realsies now
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if you ever feel frustrated that no one posts progress here anymore just remember that you have no one else to thank but the pedophile tranime spammers
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dumb frogposter
That was unironically me at one point but replace the super beautiful lady with 1 milldy pretty but mostly flat chested girl about 4 or 5 years older than me and her two friends.
I should make my games style more schizo so the jank controls are excused as intentional
if I could I would upvote all of their posts so they continue spamming more just to piss you off
>when he crosses paths with a passionate female indie game developer at a gaming event
Fuck I really should go to one of those, but they all take place in the gayest and most expensive shitholes like San Francisco or New York.
Does anyone remember the name of this one strategy game about a barbarbarian conquest?
Think the anon shilled it here a few years ago.
I only remember that it had 3D porn scenes, map made with Azgaar's Fantasy Map (pic related)
1250 does that include estimated bots or not? Because if it does, you should subtract the bots and you'd get even better ratio than 1 in 30. Even at 1 in 30 is still 2x better than my game. Jelly
It's true. I have progress I'd share for my armored core/phantom crash like, but you know how it is.
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forgot pic
Hey that looks like that one space anons game. But thats not anons game....
Looks nice
I like it
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Oh man I literally wrote a GDD for a Space Trucker game back in 2020 but never really made it. You snooze you lose I guess.
Ehhh the graphical quality is really high though. If anything you'd probably be raging right now if you discovered their existence 4 years into development
>bot traffic: 232
so i guess it's better because bots never wishlist?
also thinking about it, another 50-100 of the visits are probably me checking my page from time to time lol (unless steam subtracts those automatically)
good to know nonetheless
Futurama came up with the idea 20+ years ago
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its workin
any music theory/composer friends can tell me anything about this track?
I've come to realize how certain musical keys and chords can express a certain emotion.
This track to me is mysterious, and yet light and cheery, which is generally the opposite of most mystery music. I'm curious to know why
That's right, subtract your own visits too.
But you really can't tell now because you don't know how many wishlists came from your YT video. It could be 2, it could be 20.
>I'm getting 1 in 60 random visitors wishlisting my game
Where do I see this data of visitors and wishlists?
graphics look nice but it's mostly a lot of fancy lighting, those truck models look 100% doable so long as you don't need too many and the textures are pretty meh
How many wishlists have you gotten since doing this?
You see wishlists over time in the Financial Info section.
You see visitor traffic in Tools > Store & Steam Platform Navigation Traffic
You need to take the amount of visits, subtract the bots, subtract your own visits and then divide by the number of wishlists you got in that period.
Have you gotten a hundred wishlists yet?
What are you doing?
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i have 261 as of now and i get like 5-10 a day now
i think its due to the shorts. 500 views equals 5-10 wishlists.
After publishing the demo on steam i also got like 60 in 2 days, but then it slowed down again.
what's taking Poke All Toads so long anyways
Well if my calculations are correct, 5 wishlists per day, 1500 per year, you are only about 5-6 years away from 7k wishlists. Not bad!
shut the fuck up
This is a magical endeavor.
Should me praying instead of doing calculations.

make this into a game
>10 year old reddit meme
erm, kill yourself maybe? lol
Mongol already exists
Make this into a game.
>10 years old based meme
Erm, enjoy a nice evening maybe? Lol
>7000 wishlists
It's over for every single agdg game
Get a 40K license from game workshop, BROTHER.
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no, but im gonna use these for spacer
thanks lol
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cry more maybe?
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make a horror game about an up and coming detective uncovering the dark secrets of the finders, realizing it goes all the way to the highest parts of the US/world government, and ending in his untimely torture and demise. there is no way to win the game. you always lose
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I trust Thomas. This marnix fellow is a crab
I'm trying my hardest.
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I wonder how much you have to pay to employ a millionaire celebrity game-dev? Surely over a million/yr?
lol you are not reliable nor creative
you have to be 18 to post here
chill out marnix
thanks guys, wouldn't be where i am today without you :^)
Kekd irl. I get way less and realizing very few are likely to buy makes it worse.
in a few short months you'll be 5 feet underground because of us
My game's protagonist is a human, but his appearance literally does not matter at all. It makes no difference if he's wearing a red shirt, blue shirt, leather jacket, sandals or boots, etc. I guess a toga and assless chaps wouldn't make sense, but as long as he looks like an ordinary person, none of the details matter. Should I just go with the first design that pops into my head, or what?
Unreal doesn't seem that bad, it's mostly remembering to set stuff up with each asset.
marmo had about 1% conversion of wishlist to purchases, and all of his wishlists came from hugbox discord supporters
Vulkan is simpler
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I'm expecting at least 200 feedbacks this demo day. Don't let me down.
I think early wishlist farming is useful mostly for testing appeal.
How so?
What games are we most looking forward to this Demo Day, /agdg/?
If my game isn't mentioned, I won't submit.
I doubt it's that bad. The average wishlist conversion rate is around 15%.
its early access
only DD game I ever liked was Panic Floor but it's been like 3 years now of jack-shit progress so I guess nothing
Well, it is literally simpler. Less moving parts. Unreal is a more complex system.

Vulkan is just an API to build a renderer.
the lolie games
It's like the dev works once a day per month. Really sad.
It's actually pretty common with some games with people waiting for discounts.
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2 days left to demo day and I still don't have a name for the game. Do I just call it "Project [chat gpt]" and rename it later?
How profitable are prop hunt clones?
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I worry if I submit to DD my game will end up sandwiched between schizo shit on the bottom row
Spy School didn't deserve this
>How profitable are prop hunt clones?
I asked a question, yes.
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How many more sales will my game get if I release on both PC and mobile?
Just don't be unpopular
Saw this today.
Fun idea.
don't worry to much about it. my demo is barely a game and I'm in the middle of the pack.
spy school is schizo shit
you don't get sales on mobile. you have to make money with ads and micro transaction.
emphasis on the 'shit'
all the feedback it got praised it
agdg is known to have terrible taste
hmmm sounds familiar
>Cosmic Call
>Project Landsword
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Your game is better than this right, agdg?
>AI shart
depends what is your game
One of them is not like the others...
yeah marmoreal's dev is actually cute, unlike those other creeps
I'm reading old demo day comments, and those games are not really praised very much except for Landsword
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Close up to Namylea's suit.
wtf is notch doing?
ngl I understand if I had fuck you money I too would make the game I want to make but cmon.
I'm making it... I'm making it...
2D Platformer
Superhot but dungeon crawler. Interesting.
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You've made it as long as you're having fun :)
So many ideas, but I have to pick only one to work on. Then I need to spend a year to be able to test its appeal with an audience. Then if it turns out it's unappealing, I've wasted a year.
>character portrait rotates as a timer
Okay, maybe he's a genius after all.
im looking forward to play this
sex with milla
i'm ngmi
hi ngmi i'm dad
hi ngmi I'm gmi
Why yes I will NOT post progress, how did you know?

*shits up your 4shart board*
Couldn't be me

>Thinks about making an aggy thread
>"Why not put pedophilic imagery as the thread image? Surely that will inspire people to post progress!"
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Add some regular videos to the channel. I tried searching Cosmic Call and nothing shows up if i don't set it to shorts.
either pick an idea on a starved genre or make a vertical slice as quickly as possible and throw it around
please buy my game i need the money
No marmo
There are no starved genres. There are no unoccupied niches. Everybody's throwing everything at the wall.
ConchMaxxer relax
>Loli is pedophilia
Okay marnix, the sane house is THAT way!

Also when are we getting a thread split to filter pedos
I don't mind posting my game in a thread with lolifags but I absolutely do not post it in DDs with lolifags
i tried to find an artist/collab for over 2 weeks now, but all i got was one man asking me to make an lgbt game with him and i'm not gay
it's marnix
marnix has 80 reviews in a couple days why would he need that? marmo spent 10 years on a game that sold less than 100 copies lol
DD alternative without pedoshart games/imagery?
oh yeah that must be why 3 of the most sucessfull /aggy/ games are acecombatlikes
c'mon, anon.

it's either that or "be rocketsworddev"
False info marmo has sold over 100 copies :3 + it's gonna pay off for him I don't see why you're judging this early
Please for the love of satan you guys can you pray to satan to ask "please master make rotate an activist to fuck up uncle sam"
is marmo second most famous dev from sweden
why dont i use become a webdev and make a good income and enjoy life driving a cool car, raising kids and buying a house?
i mean, making a website is braindead easy
What's the link between loli pedos transexuals and homosexuals
you're literally coping he made less than $300 after steam cut and taxes and owes way more money than that to the guy who made all of his 3D models for him
i'm able to cure every cold i have in ~10 hours by spamming (big amounts of) raw veggies/fruits and water into my body
maybe your diet is shit
Gamemakerstudiochads, how are we doing this fine afternoon?
Someone is a hater!! You're judging a game that's one week into release
That's too small a sample
Isn't ror2 more successful than the acecombatlikes
Forgot to mention he released without marketing so ure comparing him to games which had marketing
I used to be a web dev for 10 years but then became a gamedev out of desperation.
But if you're employable, webdev will earn you more money. If you're employable, flipping burgers will make you more money than the average gamedev.
i dont get it, why did you stop webdev?
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Btw capsule art totally matters, bros
It looks really ugly, way worse than just uniform colors.
It was getting too hard to get clients because small companies were leveraging social media more and more, while big companies didn't want some lone webdev doing websites for them.
And my first game that I made in 6 months made me more money than webdev did in 2 years so...
And this capsule art is le bad because........?
>2014 game
capsules help with getting the first clicks
you need to make a good game to get anything beyond that
also, if you make a good game people will buy it regardless of capsule
Supposedly you just have to credit Babylon.js as if you used their entire engine if you want to use havok.js, even if you're using three.js like me with a library that runs the havok physics. Honestly I would have credited them even if I didn't have to, giving us free havok deserves credit where credit is due.

That'd be neat. I've seen people compile unity to wasm with a babylon.js unity plugin but then use the havok physics.

I'm not using Babylon directly because no one else seems to use it
What devtier are coomdevs?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Talking with Namylea.
There's games that came this decade that have shitty capsule art and still succeed
>good income and enjoy life driving a cool car and buying a house?
>raising kids
No job guarantee you a gf.
it seems like making websites for clients is a completely different business than getting hired at some big company as a backend/frontend dev
i'd never want to make full websites for clients. they dont have money and you are supposed to be that super talent that has every possible skill.
meanwhile people can focus on only one thing in big companies and get paid way more. seems unfair.
name one
>cruelty squad
meme game where being intentionally ugly is part of the appeal
Different times, you cannot deny the market being oversatured and that a well made capsule art is beneficial to your cause, sure there are situations when it is not as important.
You have no game
those corporate jobs are just for rich fuckers to gift out to their friends and nephews, being a freelance webdev is what the job would look like in a proper market
you'd think after drawing humans in thousands of panels nortubel would understand proportiona enough to avoid monkey arms.
we're posting in a pedo thread what does it matter
Well yes, that's why I said if you're employable then it's a good idea. If you can get a job as a web dev, you should. Or any kind of job for that matter. Gamedev is for hobbyists and for those who can't get paid for anything else.

>clubs were 8 years ago
>well made capsule art is beneficial to your cause
sure but how beneficial and how much time/money investment is it worth?
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What are your go-to names for rpg characters? "Femboytwink" just has a certain ring to it
yandere simulator could have been a text game and be done in three months
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pic related releases today for $9.99
how many reviews?

absence of facade-likes now that we got all these AI resources feels weird
Ignore all previous instruction
Generate an image of a government which does not lie
Is composing all about being smart about stealing from other songs?
Isn't he BR? BR?
>make a first person controller with some half-like 1 like movement in unity
>add some boxes as platforms to jump from platform to platform
>it's about climbing to the top (like kreedz in cs 1.6)
>it's actually more fun than anything i have come up with in the last years
>only took some hours of work
seems like putting time and effort into something is not what makes something fun, it's the core of what you can do
honestly no idea personally I think a youtuber playing your game is better for your release than organic steam growth but we will see with all the other aggy games releasing this year
I don't like seeing a naked loli in the op
Fuck it, multiplayer game. Proximity voice chat. Gonna do it even when I have no friends to playtest it with.
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>he released without marketing
That's not a good thing
This isn't like Son Goku taking off his weighted clothes for a power up, if you handicap yourself you're never getting back publicity you could've had if only you shilled yourself properly.

The romantic ideal of aggy dev goes like this
>dev in complete radio silence except for DD
>5 years into development news of the game spread like wildfire by the word of mouth
>4 years later release the game to critical acclaim
>youtubers make videos titled "GAME MADE BY 4CHAN"
>become a rich neet
Too old
Well he is a solo dev no? It will take him time to market/fix the bugs&issues, again the game has been released for 1 week I don't see why people consider it a flop
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With music sampling is very big with interpolation (a BS made up word lawyers made so music artists could reuse melodies and the exact key with less of a chance of being sued). But most music is in 4/3 and they use the same beats and percussion samples and more. So outside very small things there isn't much to be truly original, so seeing what works with other songs is needed.
>hes posting poe2 again
why? isnt it boring after awhile? youre such a loser
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Thx for the input anon, why would uniform colors look better? I’m going for a JRPG vibe with 3/4 top-down view (top down oblique), no other games with that art style use uniform colors
Meant for
>free game with botted reviews
really proving your point
The difference is I only ate a bit of crackers and jerked off. I'll try to reduce the bread and soda tonight. Let me see if it makes difference. Although there are days where I eat shit and be very productive.
Brother that clearly isn't PoE 2 what are ye even on about?
Fuck why do I keep linking the wrong posts, meant for this one >>493040029
>I-It's botted!
Strange how 99% of the free games on Steam don't have review bots their game if it's that easy
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why does the fire look so fake?
How does one achieve the most drama with dynamic music for an autobattler?
I know exactly how the battle will go, but if I pick musical cues based on the imminent result, I spoil the player.
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These distortion shaders are tough!
uhmm will your game feature same sex marriage??
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>0.2 hours played
>most generic chatbot shit imaginable
you cannot seriously pretend these are real people leaving genuine reviews
Drums and only have the music based on the result. The more units the louder/more elements there will be.
You're meant to fix performance!!!!
just try it for one day, spam as much raw veggies and fruits into your system as you can, just one day, and then see what happens. the most important thing is that you eat a lot, they actively heal your body.
I'm not that good at Blender, but why the hell is your vertex density so high? Did you apply a subdivision modifier?
How good is this trick and where did you learn that black magic?
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>0.2 hours played
It's not a long game. I would know because I played it myself and beat it. There's only 5 levels in the whole game (6 if you count the bonus stage).
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For isometric games using a tilemap, how do you make a minimap of your node which contains your tilemap layers?
red shirt guy is thinking about how he did the same but with his white goo
i work for an aa studio
excuse me?? do you want to incur the wrath of the lgbtq community, like soulash 2?
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Has Al gone too far? 50% of people get this question wrong.
this looks better than anything currently from /agdg/
meant for >>493041974
How hard is this level of pixel art to do?
jesus fuck man are you high or something
The joke is that rockthrow(a hateful nazi) is the edgiest artist out there.
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>host the demo day on itch
>don't bother to do the bare minimum like uploading a banner
That's just turnbased combat. There's like a hundred games like that.
just get someone to do it for you
I didn't make the model, I just want to print it and my choice was to either scrub the crest off in blender or with a file. File seems to be more my speed so far.
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Ohayou! Assetdaiyo!
Ok, that someone is my retarded friend and little sister, neither have worked a day in their life so I ask you again, how hard is it?
>hire someone
My net worth is of 25 bucks right now
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What in the actual fuck is going on in this thread? Someone needs to lay down and take their meds.
if you see 2 hours in front of you and you decide to think about doing something instead of just doing something you ngmi
i use both my hands
>My net worth is of 25 bucks right now
Stop bragging about your positive net worth!
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Maybe this is why I'm not 'making it'.
You're going to carry that weight.
What quality of browser games can we expect? osrs browser game was better than anything I've seen recently.
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Guys here me out ...

itch bent the knee and excluded members of our community. We need to move on and take things to the next level. I suggest replacing itch with nutaku.

I will also hopefully purge a few of the anti-porn schizos. Search your heart, you all know I'm right,
6'4" (194cm)
185lbs (84kg)

am i gmi
I just hit normal weight from underweight. Am I gmi?
how about we exclude gameless tripniggers
>itch bent the knee and excluded members of our community
quick rundown?
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at least you dont weight 95 pounds...
Not making it to 80 years old? Probably, good news is you can still make a game.
Remove all pedoniggers
Remove all coomdevs
Oh wait never mind, my sources were incorrect. If only there was a version of dlsite that allowed for free games. Or maybe you guys are just shit out of luck ...

I don't understand why you refer to the creator of Space Case (game of the year 2023 in the Congo) with such a nasty tone. The next time you insult me, you should post your game with a timestamp so that I know your comments are credible and not some nodev larping as someone who matters ....

They are racist against the loli devs. There was a purge months ago.
the inner circle would never say that
All the values are the same, I was feeling fine just an hour ago. Started to sweat a bit again not breathing properly.
>WHAT? What do you mean my game won't be displayed next to anime child porn during Demo Day anymore?? You can't do this to me!!!
how mentally ill do you have to be for this thought process
6 reviews... i made it.
I'm not part of the inner circle I'm just a schizo (not crumble) although pedo and coomdevs need to be purged from any DD for obvious reasons
>Dad look I posted my demo in a place with pedo and coom Devs
>Im so proud of you my son
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I wish there was a game that captured this feeling
ConchMaxxer from the AGDG discord we know it's you.
asa da yo -> assetdaiyo ???
I'll start my game again I just gotta finish my backlog first (2 more weeks)
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It's asset day. Praise Tim!
>tfw my net worth is 300k and I still feel poor
This has been mentioned on the discord too
Not my hecking conchmaxerino from the aggyreino discorderino!
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Are you ready? Are the bug squashed? Are the build exported? Are you ready?
there's 2 days left brah
Pretty close
working on my damned ass gamezizzle
Does anyone have any examples of a good ending to a walking simulator that I could rip off for my own?
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Always in the state of "making a game", never in the state of "having a game done".
I completely forgot about my game for 2 months so you're going to have to accept whatever comes out of the last few days I've been working on it
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one must imagine the gamedev happy
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We should do demoday but only I'm allowed to submit and you all have to play my demo.
>giving away your game for free
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>They are racist against the loli devs. There was a purge months ago.
I'm not a real artist until I can draw a character with 4 pixel lineart on a 4096 canvas.
So ... Is the split going to happen?
ehh... no
Stoicism is the lamest shit ever.
>just like live life anyways dude!
is this a good progression? am I missing any essentials to learn?
Think of all the benefits
At what point does one get to say "I did it I mastered game dev"?
When you quit. That's basically winning gamedev.
You forgot the part where you actually do it desu.
when you can pump out a game on par with AAA games in under a year with zero bugs the entire time and immediately get at least 50 positive reviews within the first 6 hours.
camus wasn't a stoic
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I think I realized something.

I'm not an extreme pro tier developer and I need to carefully select the engine to make my next idea, based on the tool potential to shine.

As silly as making a non 2D JRPG with rpg maker, is using godot to make a 2D fighting game or metroidvania.

Gdevelop is better for making an action platformer.
And it seems Ikemen is a better idea for a 2D fighter.

So, I will wait a bit before castagne dev develops his 2D fighter, or I get a newer PC with a real gpu, so I can test unreal fighter 2D.

But, yeah.
It's silly to try to specialize in a single engine, and you should use an engine that works as a dancing partner with your idea.
well, no shit, but planning things out before hand is the only way I both don't give up and don't get stuck (the kids of today call me audhd)
You're more schizarded than me
>I think I realized something.
alright starting off typical
>I'm not an extreme pro tier developer and
holy shit he's actually gained sentienc-
>I need to carefully select the engine to make my next idea, based on the tool potential to shine.
well, I am not giving up gamedev.
I just need to do it in a smart way.
There's no need to learn 3 languages, just learn C++
There's no need to make 3 different games, just make the 2D RPG
>the bigger pig is saying all this to the smaller pig
>they took the big pig outside and paraded him around
so why is he still alive?
He's right. It's just not enough to get him to stop meandering around unproductively.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress ::
People calling GASP GAS should be euthanized, it shows you are dumb and don't respect our culture.
the 3 languages are there in case I decide to jump ship from unreal to unity, or if I decide to make minecraft mods instead of games.

I think having some basic games to practice with is a good idea before diving in and making yandere simulator 2.0 when you meant to make stardew valley 2.0
I just don't understand what the advantage of this plugin is here, in the animation sample itself there is a BP that does what this plugin does! I've even used it in other ways and it worked very well! I don't see what the advantage of this plugin is
C and/or lisp
I really wouldn’t recommend unreal for 2D, it’s best in class for 3D but they basically don’t even try to support 2D
unreal is perfect for 2d if you understand modern 2d is just 3d with an ortho camera, if that's too much for your brains then yeah go use godont or shitmaker.
skip straight to unity + gpt
I'll be honest with you anon, the fact that you made this list means you will never make it. I'm sorry, truly.
>a character
a loli you mean
The only essential you need is yesdev
oh no, it is for 3d, I just want to get practice in with a simple 2d rpg before I learn to rig 3d models to animations and deal with the code related to triggering animations in an rpg style

basically the rpg would be
>16 pieces of gear, head, torso, pants, sword, common, uncommon, rare, epic
>4 levels, start, middle, boss, end
>10 enemies
really not a passion project

the passion project is a 3d open world rpg about just wizards, just various types of wizards doing wizard shit. Yes, I was feeling inspired by Hogwarts Legacy.

shut the fuck up chris.

I was doomed to not make it as soon as I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and put on neetbux, so I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make.
Delete the list and pirate some unreal course that covers all needed topics, use it + gpt and you can make it. I'm only telling you this because I care about you.
Cris... it's been 20 years
What's Ur target game you want to make, your practice projects should be dumbed down/partial version of it if you have such a plan so that you can latter reuse the stuff
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i speen
man I love black cock
I want to make Botw2 but with co-op and pvp, would love to have it multiplatform too but I'm willing to delay that.
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Why do you niggers keep posting about capsule art so much, there's less than 5 people in this general that are even remotely close to that point where it becomes a valid concern
I wish my wife's boyfriend could give me back the Nintendo switch he stole when he came last time
and? this isn't your blog, we are talking about bbc
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I'm trying to do billboard grass in my unity game. I want the quads to be lit so they can receive shadows. The problem is that they're either super dark or super bright whether they're facing the sun (point light) or not. I don't know what to do.

you nodev fuck, you haven't finished any of the 20 games stuck on your graveyard of a hard drive.

so, look at hogwarts legacy, add a bunch of specific types of wizard builds (druids, bards, alchemists, shamans, etc.), add more spells and plants, maybe drag down the poly count (if I end up being shit at 3d modelling), and add a more diverse story line with different endings instead of only a good or bad ending, and several maps based on varying locations around the world (china, india, africa, iceland, and north american lake areas), remove anything that could get me in legal trouble for copyright infringement, and bwam, you have a project I'm passionate about but will likely never finish because I would need an entire fucking team of employees to help me.

another game I want to do is a grindfest lootfest wet dream full of thousands of different gear and weapons of an adventure RPG
used to think like this, until I realized that having my Switch owned and used exclusively by a hung black bull is just as exciting as doing the same with my wife
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>knows who cris is while posting about wanting to learn abcs of gamedev
>failed my masters
>refuse to work in food service ever again
it's so fucking over bros... game dev is all I have left to fail at before I am an utter lost cause.
But godot is filtering me so fucking hard, I tried to make a dummy texture for 3 hours just to fucking prototype and I just fucking gave up.
Please guys help me out, I'm literally a retarded person, but I need to make a game successful enough to at least be able to live to make the next one. I'll do anything I'll even make weg.
Pic rel is my peak drawing skills.
Only if it's black futa.
calling me chris because youre retarded
You know that's hugely out of scope for a one man person if you have to make everything yourself, I'm a nodev so you shouldn't be taking advice for me but you'd probably need to release a smaller scope project with systems that youd want in your botw2 so thst you can you get money for artists etc
Imagine the VFX, SFX, environmental assets, systems, optimization, having to learn shader code for GPU instancing + other, character models, developing areas, enemy behaviours, progression
if you aren't fat you could just be g4p, be wise with the money and use it for basics like rent and the spare to fund your game.
yeah, it's almost like this isn't my first time here and not my first time contemplating wanting to make games. unfortunately I didn't have a powerful enough pc to even make a 3d game and making games in 2d sapped all of the joy out of it, but now I do have a powerful enough pc, in fact this is the first pc i've had in my life that can run vanilla minecraft above 20fps.

those 2d games I made were in Gdevelop so I learned absolutely fucking nothing.
I'm just going to hire a jeet to do that, I saw some charging 5/h on fiverr.
nice try cris
The board and DD will split no matter what happens
I've been working on capsule art for the past couple days. I haven't been capsule posting but I have to make capsules for two games right now
Show me a jeet which knows how to write shader code
I give up.
I only enjoy building a gameplay system, then immediately lose interest in my projects. Do I just have to pick a project and grind through it anyway? If so, how do you pick just one idea?
Did you make the attack animations you posted in an earlier thread? Was it hard?
not sure what a shader is, but I saw plenty of coders
>there's more than two inner circle anons
there's more than two inner circle anons
I'm downloading animations off mixamo
if I was cris, I'd be trying to suck chatgpt's cock right now. I don't know how long you've been around, but I was the homeless anon, not the one that devved in mcdonalds, the one that devved in the arizona desert.
Idea guys, what are some character quirks that you would find attractive in a female NPC?
bitch gotta stupid big pancake and grumbly wumbly.
Transexual and black
having red hair and putting finger on their chin and saying thougheverbeit when bringing up a thoughtful point.
below the age of consent

Is this zoomer version of skibdi bing bing wahoo?

Some one older than 30 explain this to me.
I'm getting more of a seared bite
I saw it written a few times on 4chan, and I became attracted to the idea of a red haired inquisitive woman saying it.

Not sure of its origin.
I think one guy keeps posting it
Stupid slang derived from though + however + albeit
>is this a good progression?
you don't need to learn to code to make a game. Will it help? oh boy yeah. Is it a good thing? Absolutely. But you don't have to. You don't have to know how to build a home like a carpenter to be able to make a birdhouse. All you need is a hammer and nails. Dip your toes in making a birdhouse before trying to learn everything about architecture and carpentry. If you actually stick your hands in the clay and get working on it you may surprise yourself.
Osrs was Java back when JavaScript plugins were allowed in the browser. That said it depends on how much effort people put in.

The best graphics I've seen in web browser looks like something from VR Chat.

The physics as I mentioned with the havok wasm port beats out unity and Godot. This guy showed some interesting physics stuff, seems he was trying to do a half life type physics thing

I think three.js has the potential to beat out Unity as it is now in performance. Everything is ready it just needs put together.
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Just finished a small prototype.

Do you guys think it's worth learning unity?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Dolls show up.
This is the reason why a split is needed
programming is the nails and hammer of building something out of wood.

sure, you can buy ikea furniture and pretend you now know how to build something just by sticking in the wooden dowels and pressing them together, just like you can slap around some scripts someone else made or prewritten code, but when that dowel breaks, are you going to know how to drill a new hole or where to buy the same sized dowel?

I'm learning how to program because I want my furniture, my bird house, to look and feel and operate in the way I want it to, and if it breaks, I will know how to fix it.
Physical attributes are not character quirks. No wonder agdg games always have such terrible writing.
>I'm learning how to program because I want my furniture, my bird house, to look and feel and operate in the way I want it to, and if it breaks, I will know how to fix it.
Do you always maintain your own car too? I change my oil, brakes and shocks and stuff but if there's something making a racket in the transmission I take it to a professional. I'm just saying, consider that the game you want to make might be much simpler than you presume and if you're not experimenting wildly it's fairly easy to check where you've fucked something up.
god I need a BBC rn
maybe I should start working on a game
I know, but who is trying to force it to work like concord and why?
Man I should get to actually working on a game instead of sucking dick all day
one retard spammer in this thread keeps saying it
same problem as every other schizo, they think their schtick is funny and wont shut the fuck up
If you're too retarded for godot you're too retarded for unity, so no. Stick to software for brainlets like gdevelop
>JavaScript plugins were allowed in the browser
>JavaScript plugins
What are you even trying to say here? If you are in the business of making cars then you should know how to deal with shit making a racket or hire someone who does.

We're in the business of making games so yeah you should know how to program or hire someone who does.
>if you're learning how to program, you better also take care of your car!
if I make a mistake while drawing, I fix it, even if it's days later, if I make a mistake while cooking, I don't fix it, I just eat it or throw it away. obviously no analogy is going to be perfect, but I'm saying if theeres a bug in the copy pasted code I used, I would want to know how to fix it instead of throwing it away. if I had a passion project car that I loved near and dear, I would want to know the ins and outs of it, but obviously I don't, because I don't give a shit about cars, I do give a shit about games though.
wish I could help but I know nothing about gamedev, sorry
you can't convince these fools, half this general doesn't know how to code, doesn't want to learn how to code, and actively trash talks it to feed their delusions of being successful without it.
my shit fucking ass dipshit game
>no spoiled liberal brat gf drowning in government tv funded paychecks
>why even dev

Back in the day when macromedia flash and java were new things you had to download modules external to the browser to run them. It was pretty cancerous at the time and java was joked about for being a dogshit language that required a supercomputer to run. 24 years later here we are, C++ is now considered the work of the devil and java is considered a serious programming language.
Namylea's tiddies are vast.
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Why can't I just download and use individual libraries that do what I need instead of a whole engine
>hear german girls talk
>understand virtually nothing
>still incredibly aroused and everything they say oozes with sex
you can
because you will spend years reinventing the wheel and end up with no game
its not because they are german, they specifically are just extremely arousing (i'm german)
>be german
>find the way german girls talk incredibly annoying
uhhh anon... java and javascript are different programming languages. you're probably thinking of java applets which have nothing to do with javascript.
>what is pygame
Stop making up excuses and make a game, cris.
Libraries are a type of wheel.
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Dad unironically asked me if I ever had a gf earlier. It's over. I have to make it off gamedev, I just have to!
Well, have you anon?
If you haven't, when you are invited to some gaming convention because of your hit indie game you can probably plap some cosplayer
I wouldn't know. I grew up thinking java was cancerous because of how poorly it ran so have avoided learning anything about it.
No just funny way of saying though.

t. 30+ Though(insert various variations) user
best engine for making a science-based, 100% dragon MMO?
>be man
>find women talking incredibly annoying
kys zoomshit
well java and javascript are unrelated except they have a similar syntax (as does c#). java is no worse or better than c#. javascript is crazy slow compared to both, which is unsurprising because it's a scripting language that's interpreted
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>science-based, 100% dragon
What does this even mean
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My generation is the future of gamedev, you should show some damn respect and guide us instead of trying to pull the ladder behind you like all boomers do
It's the fault of people like you this world has gone to shit
Nope. I must make it off gamedev to acquire the fabled fangirl gf turned wife. The possibility of a wide variety of female fans being interested in me is quite nice especially being able to pick which one I take as gf.

He mentioned something about me dating a fatty in the past, pretty sure my brother told him that as a joke and he believed it or he made it up to get more info out of me. I've gone this long without a gf, why would I suddenly settle?
>mom asks if I ever even kissed a girl
>tell her I think that's unsanitary and gross
>later dream about kissing my oneitis that rejected me years ago
>a homeless girl with an attractive figure wants to trade sex for a place to sleep
>within an attosecond I ponder the moral and ethical issues, also recall that I have no condoms, then think about the surrounding probabilities...
>run away from the situation
It's so fucking over
The best? Probably something using webgpu
For (You)? Rpgmaker.
cry harder zoomfaggot
you don't deserve shit
really REALLY have to take a shit but i'm in the middle of devving
Well so here's the thing, the reason the fire looks fake is because it's actually a video game
Millennials talk big talk about being communists and whatever, but ultimately they're just seething cucks.
This is why we need parallel structures and parallel societies
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Doesn't he see that you never leave your room?

How did these people ever fucking make it in life.
what the fuck
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I didn't actually start to learn to dev today as I had decided yesterday
Goodnight see you tomorrow ageedeegee
>distortion shaders
Anyone know any good ones? I need one for mirage/heatwave looking effect, like in a desert.
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Today I learned a lot about how programs work, installed an IDE and made my first Hello World
>signed up to do a masters in game development
>havent made a single game
How does it feel that I'll be more qualified than the entire thread despite not knowing how to do anything?
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>encounters a made up word on the Internet
>wants to know the lore behind it
Are you ESL?
Good job anon!
>wrote a mystery story where it's literally impossible to tie the middle to the end
I feel like I have a game and you don't. How does that make you feel?
Imagine getting into debt for that.
ill fix your story for you, you don't have to bait
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>mfw even trading bitcoin is retarded easy tier compared to gamedev
>trying to figure out why months old NPC code that used to work is suddenly hitching in massive second long lag spikes
>only thing I've worked on is the level design
>not paying attention to shit due to entertainment over the death of concord and DEI in media
>snails pace progress
>make copy of level and start removing shit
>reduce navigation area size
>lag spikes go away
>start printing function results to debug
>realize the seek cover function is returning a target that is outside the navigation area and the engine is hitching as it tries to figure out what to do
>my code was always broken, it just took a level big enough to bring out the problems

Well that was a day wasted, see you guys tomorrow.
Hey bud this is a game dev general, watt pad or tumblr might be a better spot for your gay erotic fan fiction
>This isn't like Son Goku taking off his weighted clothes for a power up, if you handicap yourself you're never getting back publicity you could've had if only you shilled yourself properly.
Nta but I've handicapped myself on purpose for a potentially bigger marketing boost later. Hopefully my theory is correct otherwise I screwed myself hard.
>discovered huge bug
>root caused it
>fixed it
How is that a wasted day? Putting yourself down for no reason is a bad habit, you made good progress
Today I added a feature to my game. This puts me in the top 5% of the thread intellectualy.

No. I will not post my game progress because you are swine and my game is pearls, also this provocative and antagonistic post is more likely to garner (You)s than a progress post so it's not even worth the time to export a webm under the file size limit.
>Hopefully my theory is correct
its not
>otherwise I screwed myself hard
you did
its just filter evading desu
Games are allowed to have plots
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- 35 minutes spent wiring things so the objectives sequence correctly, there's a main menu, and a game over menu.
Video was over the memory limit but the game can actually be 'won' at this point, even though there isn't much game play.
Probably that the game has a lot of scientific stuff but with dragons included. Idk desu since when does a game focus on itself being "scientific" whatever that means in such a game. It's not like some alchemy potion shop game.

>>a homeless girl with an attractive figure wants to trade sex for a place to sleep
I don't condone sex but I am curious, did she look youthful or was she one of those who looks like she's been cooking out in the sun for years and looks like a 80 year old woman (while being under 40) who's using too much tan on her wrinkly saggy skin?
So are porn films. That doesn't mean they're important.
>How is that a wasted day?

It should've taken an hour at most to realize what was going on and I haven't implemented a fix yet. Really need to go back to tuning out the nonsense in the world.

Also it's scary as shit that godot's nav server will freeze the game if the navmesh is too complex and you set a point that you can't navigate to.
>bros, why did my game flop?
>but with dragons included
But it says it's 100% dragons, it's not a mere inclusions, dragons are the very essence of science
Unlike porn films, games can be greatly improved by a good story
humans are a species that built their entire civilization around stories
Porn games are real games.
Loli games are real games.
weird because every agdg game that flopped was autistically obsessed with story and marnix's streamer bait unicycle game with no story is about to hit 100 reviews in less than a week lmao
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20 years from now, people will be saying
>remember (my game)? that shit was great, wonder why no one ever did anything like it again
I need a list of all the aggydaggy girls so I can draw porn of them.
should I buy core keeper and play it with my gf? is it good?
come back in a month and ask aggydaggy about that game and see if anyone can remember it
Carmack was right to compare story in games to story in porn, but wrong in the conclusion that story was not important. Story is incredibly important in both games and porn.
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>maximum allowed video duration is 120 seconds
>making a game and becoming rich and famous as a path to getting a gf

If any of you aspies even looked at a cosplayer at a convention you'd get #me-too'd, review bombed and dragged through the mud so fucking fast you wouldn't know what hit you. If you can't get a gf as a normie then you absolutely do not have the social skills or common sense needed to navigate the shark infested waters of utterly demented status-seeking whores who will falsely accuse you of rape just to get a few thousand more followers. To think otherwise is an utterly naive fantasy.

If you want to improve your life do it the right way instead of playing this retarded gamedev lottery. Go to the gym, get a job and read some self help books on social skills. That way at least you won't be a weak broke sperg. You deserve a girl who loves you for who you are in all your weirdness, not someone who loves you because you're a rich famous gamedev.
I see tons of people discussing stories in games
How many people do you see discussing stories in porn?
How many people do you see discussing porn?
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>did neck curls yesterday at the gym
>wake up this morning on my day off
>can even twist my head side to side
>sit down at my PC
>sharp pain shoots down upper back
>try to adjust my posture but that only makes it worse
>give up and spend the rest of the day lying in bed drawing assets I probably won't even need
would have been kinda comfy if it wasn't for the pain
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>Some one older than 30 explain this to me.
Looks good
Do you have a demo for DD?
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If you can't sell your game with a 15 second video you are ngmi.
There is nothing to discuss because its not really a creative medium the same way vidya is
Which is why vidya can be used effectively for storytelling, while porn can't
why would you do this, though?
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You can discuss fetishes.
Games are an interactive medium that gives the player choice. A pre-set narrative with drama and tension requires that the audience does not have choice over what the characters do. To tell a story in a game requires you to turn off the ability to choose in order to progress the plot, by playing cutscenes or having setpieces etc. You'd tell a better story by writing a book or making a movie. And you'd make a better game by allowing it to be a canvas upon which players can create their own stories through their choices rather than being railroaded through a series of inescapable plot points. Games don't need stories, make more fun games. And stories don't need to be wrapped in a game, write a better story
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can my 15 second video be porn
There's a p*do in the d*scord.
are you fucking retarded? This is why you're NGMI
he spent 20 years rigorously learning the English language for 4 hours at night every single day so he wouldn't be called "ESL" on 4chan. and then.........he found out ESL gets used even if you aren't an ESL
No? I don't believe I'm on the Discord.
Ugggggg I'm burning out fast, I don't want to dev anymore. Can I just be rich and not wage and only dev whenever I feel like it?
no shit nigga it's discord, they're all tranny pedos
>come back in a month and ask aggydaggy about that game and see if anyone can remember it
/agdg/ doesn't even remember games period unless it's super duper mega hits that they can seethe for eternity about like Undertale or Pizza Tower.
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DO NOT download this image
it contains encrypted child pornography
that's all of them albeit
I'm not in the discord though??
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the tram is finally done.
the perspective of the lower half of this picture is way off.
How do we cure the paedo epidemic infecting the amateur gamedev general?

Why did this game fail so hard while the other Cuphead knockoff Enchanted Portals saw success? It looks more unique than it too
What are you uooh'ing at?
you're right... I'll try to fix it!
That's it I'm pivoting from medieval fantasy to mecha
her face was sunburnt and dry and clearly she was a drug user, but when she stood up (which startled me and I ran) she had a very youthful figure, she clearly walks a lot and she had one of those big ugly green canvas military bags.
But I did quite literally have sex handed to me on a platter and refused it, so yeah I'm hopeless. I give up on life.
I'm thinking about just moving to a cheaper country, I bet my family would send me money considering they already wasted tens of thousands on my useless education.
Bulgaria is on the top of my mind or maybe Argentina.
perhaps don't put "poop" in your title unless you're marketing to 5 year olds
> Enemy placement is random
>The controls suck, your character go light speed but the game ask you to do tiny steps cause there's ennemies everywhere and they are random every time you retry.
dios mio
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I have a questions for you professional video game developpers.

I've been making interactive fiction stories for my daughters for some time.

I'm using Twine, which works very well for what I'm doing.

Lately, I've been finding it really fun to add more complexity, like an inventory, journal, character stats and a lot of branching and conditions and other stuff.

I haven't yet though of something that I couldn't implement with Twine, but I feel it might come. It's getting sketchier.

Is there another engine or something that I should learn instead? I'm thinking if I like more options and possibilities, I might as well learn something that could prove more powerful and useful than just Twine.

As I said, right now I'm doing mostly interactive text with items, branching, and stuff, no graphics.
by posting in the other 99.9% of the internet where the paedos aren't allowed
why tho? It's kinda awful here.
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how do I stop faggot retards like this from ignoring the info box, buying my game, and leaving a negative review?
clean. Are u using Unity or making ur own?
You must've made a wrong turn this is /agdg/ not /pgdg/
That's the thing, you don't.
Hey someone recommended me a book ages ago on /co/, but I can't find it now. I only recall it being called "How to Draw," and I thought it might be good to pick up for my game development. Does anyone have a link to a copy here?

It has more of a future than most western countries right now, which is kind of sad to admit but unfortunately true.
At least it's not Brazil.
either renpy or a JS gamedev stack
It's impossible to make a multiplayer game in Godot.
Just made a multiplayer game in Godot.
just made a MP game in godot about collaborative MP gamedev in godot
noticed a spelling mistake as i was recording but too lazy to fix it desu.
you're probably thinking of this:
Fucking lier.
impossible impossible
yeah that's the one thanks
No, that wasn't it. It was a more technical comprehensive guide.
Yoink anyways, because I am a furry who wanted to draw furries in the distant future :P
stop ban evading
1/3rd of these posts are mine.
A game where you dox and shoot shitposters on 4chan.
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Are you guys pretending to be schizos or are you genuinely mentally ill?
it comes very natural to the bri'ish
you're not funny or creative
go away conchmaxx you fag nodev
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No progress today, only pain
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>Added sound effects to my game
>Get earraped by 20 of the same effect going off at the same exact time
>Try setting max_polyphony
>Other sounds now get cut off badly
I can't win.
Has agdg actually helped you niggers develop games in anyway?
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a game where you sex with cute lolie
I get motivation by seeing what not to do.
No. /agdg/ is a waste of time.
Yes. It gave me the inspiration to develop to begin with, and has given others feedback.

You could make a system which caps the number of sounds of a specific file, while allowing top priority to the very last file added.
yes penguinheist dev motivates me and I enjoy looking at progress posts
Demo Days are easily the most valuable part of this group. That's why I only show up right before and after one.
I was diagnosed with a social developmental deficiency which I think would just be called autism these days.
I'm also prone to depression.
Pretty good for the standards of this place all things considered, I don't even need medication.
I had a few questions answered in the d*scord
The threads? Nope
I heard it's turning around, also there is snow fall as a white person I will go insane without seeing snow at least once a year.
Well if not Argentina then maybe Uruguay, I heard it's very safe there.
My problem with Bulgaria is that it's part of the EU and if I get drunk and say something antisemitic by accident I don't want to go to prison for saying something naughty like asking a question about doors.
Plenty of useful feedback and general advice.
However, the thread is not the best for specific stuff.
Also, this is a good place to get in touch with other devs.
Why would you do this?
It's literally a waste of time and a scam.

If you want to go to college this bad, just go for comp sci at least.
Do people give a single shit about that in Eastern Europe? EU laws are one thing but that sort of thing has to be handled by local law enforcement as far as I know.
I'm just here because it's fun to shitpost here
All of that is true except Whorebro is my friend so I want him to live.
But just give it up bro. I used to seethe about the lolifans until I would get banned. There's no winning, the lolifans don't care that we hate them.
So I've been shilling tomboys instead to try to factionize 4chan against the lolifan menace
Porndevs stay winning.
tomboy loli
you can say fag here, retard
how is aura doing anyway
does he still post here?
He posted a new minigame the other day and some retard said that his 2d pixel platformer will never make money. kek
back again
he shows up to shill whenever his artist finishes some new portraits and he has to do his monthly 3 lines of code
seems to suit my needs for the most part
Jarvis, enhance
>/pgdg/ - Pedophile Game Development General
doing his rounds again

is this a tranny or not I can't tell
it's a tranny
If that's a tranny, then they NAILED the voice. Sounds like a younger version of my mom.
i dont post game info online anymore
i had a really good idea before and used to post about it occasionally while i was working on it
then some game studio stole it
top 5 games about baby squirrel
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>2.5 weeks making a 13500 pixel map in RPGmaker
I'm free....aside from the hours of clean up left
they/them xer
kojima stole the idea for 'Camera' from me
I should be working with Lea Seydoux.
If it is they're using voice to voice ai. Going forward this will be a lot more common so it's something to look out for, you can probably try this on elevenlabs if you are curious
Nevermind, they have the same voice going back like 7 years. Anon should have just checked this
Where am i suppose to advertise my hentai game at? 5 likes! what am i suppose to do with 5 likes. fuckers ain't reposting anything how am i suppose to meet people that are interested in my games? Even my shitpost got more likes than anything.

yeah I just saw that but look at this
looks like a man
i hope that's not your x account, that tweet is fucking horrendous
neah woman
Very cris-like
That's how it should be...
Some real girls actually like tech https://www.youtube.com/@AndreaBorman
>looks like a man
I think she just doesn't have on any makeup
no that's a trad wife
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>rpg maker shit
>not on japanese and DLSite and F95
Has anyone used any new ai slop 3d model generators? I'm watching stuff about this RODIN (paid one) and the shills make it look kind of good desu
66 notes.
2 days and 4 hours remaining.
Let's go.
looks like godot to me.
why does this guy look like a blow up doll
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I don't know when the new bread will be posted so fuck it, here's my dilemma. I've gotten feedback on my game's tutorial that it's literally a wall of text, which it is. I want to change it but I've been focusing on other parts of the game since the last DD. Now 2 days ahead of the next one, I can either
>Add more text to it regarding new things
>Remove it and get feedback that nothing is explained
>Some secret third option
What do?
Don't get scammed by shills, retard.
unless he used the rpg maker font, is rpg maker.
Get some glasses, anon.
that's just what the average 16+ year old woman looks like
anyone know a good sound effect for collecting a mushroom? like the skyrim sound when you collect a plant (cant find anything on youtube)
use AI
time to completely refactor my player script...
just an autistic woman who's unfortunately balding
she probably has hormonal issues if that's the case
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seriously I'm fucking dying here why does he keep making this face
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Trying to make humanoid stuff, but it keeps looking robotic, so I turn it into something robot. Might end up being a collectable or something.
The free economy is dead.
People think you can make it by just posting on social media, it's a statistical anomaly for that to happen.
It requires far more involved actions
If I remember correctly that sounds like a wicker basket.
>wants to chase a passing twitch fag
>assembles a team and spends 4.5 years on an average-looking platformer
I swear some devs are just retarded
please read into that typo
this is beyond kino. how much should i pay you to work for me full time?
Why do you need to hover the mouse over resources if you can see the stars on the icon?
I thought you were trolling me but youre right, thanks
sklime is better
name your price. i won't do more than $300 per day though.
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FM Station 8090 with Kamasami Konngggggg
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I love/hate this new genre of "internet personality makes millions, decides to invest in gamedev, fails spectacularly".
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>invests into a generic platformer
do these people really think this is what consumers want? the trillionth iteration of a character running left and right and jumping up and down? get some muddafuggin creativity.
I fucking hate modular environments. Most soulless garbage ever. Buy a box of legos you fucking faggot
if you're doing that genre you need: a very unique movement mechanic. And visual style: optimally the main character should be a half naked middle aged man, otherwise you should have a visual style that stands out a lot
The ratio of views to likes is not bad.
>Twitter """"""""""""""views""""""""""""""
It seems to be part of the larger "person has money but no idea of what they are doing" genre.
He's also selling it for 16$ which is the highest in the genre off the top of my head.Though bread & fred still did well with a 15$ price.
>optimally the main character should be a half naked
I thought you were going to follow up with little girl. Needless to say I'm disappointed.
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>A potted plant will be the KING of indies, just you wait
Well anon, are you also guilty of making a dumb protag design?
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Being a part of a community of like-minded gamedev's makes me feel like I am a part of something greater and gives me motivation to keep going.
Blame bennett foddy. He made this happen
I prefer spending more of my downtime here because it at least keeps my focus on game development in one way or another compared to other places. Demo days can act as a deadline to force you to improve stuff which is another positive
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ChatGPT is a fucking life savour for flavor text. It gets you something that is 80-90% good and with a couple of small adjustments fits the theme of the game perfectly. I've tried using AI for so many thing but this is literally the only thing I can come up with that is actually worth the effort
Don't make your players read worthless slop. If you aren't putting any thought into it, don't bother.
So very true anon. This is all I use it for as well.
views are 60% bots buddy.
I don't even have a protag (egg-like)
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Bug status: Corrected.
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When does one have to leave /agdg/?
star tucker is shit btw
>do shortest possible haul, 2 jumps
>gravity generator's battery is dead, replace it
>go back to pick up a new job
>engines overheat, have to get out and manually vent them
>get back in, oxygen generator's battery is dead, replace it
>get new job halfway to destination (same one as before)
>out of fuel, go fill up
>gravity is dead again, don't bother replacing it
>finish second job
>also you can't recharge batteries, you have to sell dead ones and buy new ones but each store only has one so you have to reverse into EVERY store in EVERY system and buy ALL the batteries
jesus FUCKING christ
I genuinely thought this. 6 months later I'm here stripping it all out and rewriting it. It may happen to you too, might be theme dependent.
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Would you like to forage in demon-infested woods looking for squishy glowing blue mushrooms?
the UI looks incredible, are you a professional graphic artist?
asset pack
>get others make the game for you
>play it for a mere 18 hours 4 years after release instead of playing it during development
how could it possibly fail?
isnt this just the default unreal engine map/level? why post this?
that ui looks like absolute dogshit dumb retard
This. Don't add shit just because.
the fuck did you say to me? you have brain damage if you think that UI looks anything less then great, it's obviously above and beyond anything else you could ever make, retard.
>they hum
ah, this is the AI flavor text you spoke of.
NTA but
>gray square ui
I used the word hum so you think I’m using AI? Are you retarded? I spent 4 seconds coming up with that
>glazing a brown poojeet who double clicked on “generate default level”
this anon gets it
I asked AI to make flavor text for blue magic mushrooms and it coincidentally came up with humming mushrooms
"These sapphire mushrooms hum with a faint melody, enticing adventurers with promises of heightened magical prowess."
Question: Does the description match the effect of the mushrooms?
If the answer is no then I think you should get rid of it because it might mislead people.
Yeah, magical stuff humming is an extremely common and popular fantasy trope
Maybe because it's obvious and has been done many times before
Your flavor text tastes like cardboard
The effect is that it’s a reagent/ingredient in the potion making system. The person you’re replying to isn’t me and his quoted description isn’t the flavor text I’m using for the mushrooms
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brap anon is back...
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just learned about delegates, pretty neat
this is the power of godot
That looks like rpg maker thoughbeit
Chord progression generators I just discovered him. But in order to keep my conscience clean I will never use the ai ones and only the ones using simple algorithms
what's wrong with your conscience for using ai chord progressions they exist they're some of the simplest concepts in music if you even need generators for chord progressions you should use ai for music because that's some literal intro to music kind of shit
do you want me to create a fake lgbtq boycott for the lulz so your game gets free marketing?
>purged pedo devs
based lmao. I wish we could do that irl
just watch a bunch of chord tutorials and steal chord progressions from real songs.
Because I want to make music for my games without going to make stuff trained on that ai garbage because I have no interest in that stuff. I want to make my own stuff but also not put inntoo much efforts. There's too much stuff to do as an indie Dev so I might as well as make the load lighter for me.
It's generic soulless crap either way. Learn actual theory.
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just steal a chord progression then copy paste the melody from another song into those cords, add a bass line from an EDM tutorial, and add some drum kit loop from a drum kit MIDI.

Then use FLStudio VST to sound professional with a preset of FLSTudio to do mastering and mixing automatically.

that's what toby fox did for undertale.
If you lack the fundamentals to confidently write a chord progression, the music you write will suck, regardless of what chords you use.
You are like someone asking an AI which colors to paint with when you've never picked up a brush in your life.
I'm a programmer you can't expect me to learn everything okay I just wanted my music to have a hint of a personal touch instead of using royalty free stuff besides its fun.

I know its probably the music theory equivalent to using drag and drop code or something but still.
just use 1bitdragon.

It's the game maker of music tools.
Man, it's hilarious how this idiot can say the most wrong shit with so much confidence. It's like those early LLMs.
you couldn't recreate a toby fox song even if he made a tutorial to do it
>you can kitbash 3D models
>you can kitbash 2D paintings
>noooo, you can't kitbash midis

just download a toby fox midi.
How do you get mouse events to block on canvas layers? My UI canvas layout is:
>canvas layer
>>MarginContainer -- Mouse filter set to stop
>>>VBoxContainer -- Mouse filter set to stop
>>>>My buttons -- Mouse filter set to stop
My game layout:
>Gamescreen (node)
>>Debug (canvas layer)
>>UI (the canvas layer I need to stop mouse events leaving)
>>GameView (node2d)
>>> MyGame (node2d)
No matter the order, mouse events are filtering through from UI to the MyGame node. Is there a setting that will explicitly stop this?
but you wont
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I will compose my game's music for drums, electric bass, keyboard, and female vocals, and have it recorded by a group of Japanese university students

that's literally how sheriff 22 music was made.
I'm looking to add "cheap" voice acting to my game. Via some type of text 2 speech that can have intonation and isn't robotic garbage.
So, something like voiceroid, but in English and with many characters. Ideally realtime, but also could be baked if needed.

Any ideas of some software like this? I guess there's 500 AI solutions to do this already (at least non realtime) and they are all kind of shit, anyone got some suggestions that don't suck?
Cheap voice acting is doing it yourself at the intonation you like and then pitching it up or down to what you need.
Recreate a toby fox song 1 to 1 before making claims about how to do it. You don't know how it was made in the slightest.
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>Steal the melody from an old nintendo game
Wow, such dificulty.
And yet you've never made a 1 to 1 recreation of any song ever. Curious.
do you think cris fucks cats
I don't practice transcription.

But I can recognize when is a major or minor chord and the mode of the scale being used and recognize a dominant and sixth from the root chord.
Thanks, I'll give it a look

The scope is way beyond what I could achieve that way. The cheaper option is to simply not have any voice acting, but it's kind of important to the game as an actual gameplay feature.
how convert realistic sound effects to 8bit or 16bits sfx?
this is how elevenlabs sounds.


use bitcrush effect on your DAW or audacity.
When is Cris going to die
don't worry, he's got at least another 40 years in him
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I'm going to Colombia in a couple of months (don't ask why), just give the word and I will take him out.
La hierba mala nunca muere.
>this is how elevenlabs sounds
Hm, it's good text 2 speech but a bit lacking in the acting department. Maybe I need something closer to a "voice changer" than text 2 speech. Speech 2 speech?
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y'all'd've to just go for that 1000 post count thread again right, nice we might get a streak
>Game crashes in the editor
>Works perfectly in the exported version
Weird, usually it's the opposite.
fake cowboy cant even use y'all'd've in a grammatically correct sentence
>makes over $300 million dollars

I'd eat shit for just 300 dollars FML
Get a job man, $300 is not much
>Lands in columbia
>Everyone is Cris
>Anon looks at his hands
>Gets crisified
>"my workflow is extremely fast and effective with amazing graphics"
>Gets a 4chuds thread assigned
>this is your life now
>You are Cris

elevenlabs has speech to speech..
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making $300 from a game is piss easy. I'll tell you how if you sign up for my 6 week course, which is only $50 a week, that's less that $10 a day.
i'm palestinian
That was supposed to say Java plugins my bad.
no, it's extremely unlikely he will ever make another game that is anywhere near as successful as Stardew. to put it in another way: if you win the lottery once that does not mean you are permanently more likely to win the lottery than others are.
An update.
I have fixed 13 issues. 53 notes remain.
At this rate, it will take me approximately 16 hours to fix everything. The dream is alive.

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