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>Latest patch notes

>Season 12 blogpost

>Season 12 trailer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44vfe7D6GkQ [Embed] (Season 12: New Frontiers Official Trailer | Overwatch 2) [2:36]

>Season 12 competitive rework

>6v6 blogpost

>Comics, short stories and music

>Aug 20 - Season 12 (Juno, Reaper Mythic, Warcraft Collab, Clash mode with Hanaoka and Throne of Anubis maps, Zarya and Pharah hero mastery, Rank reset)
>Sep 17 to Oct 21 - 6 free skins + 30 Prisms for Gamepass members
>Oct 4 - Overwatch 2 Anniversary (the event will likely start a week or two earlier)
>Oct 15 - Season 13 (Map Reworks incl. Havana, Circuit Royale, Numbani, Dorado)
>Future - New tank (Season 14), 6v6 Test

>Overwatch Wiki

>Overwatch dev tracker

>Overwatch Esports
Earn skins: esports.overwatch.com/en-us/news/owcs-2024-season-na-emea-broadcast-details
Esports wiki: liquipedia.net/overwatch/Main_Page

>Kiriko spam filterlist
>Mercy spam filterlist

Previous thread: >>492867013
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Enjoy your life and games.
they said skins for venture are coming in S14 so Juno might be even more delayed, but it would be super funny if Juno gets a few skins before Venture just to watch twitter seethe
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Overwatch buries another.
Is this Chad Warden?
Is this the fastest EOS ever? Even that trash gundam game lasted like 5 months
overwatch can only bury itself, just like concord
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>but it would be super funny if Juno gets a few skins before Venture just to watch twitter seethe
I hope so. The twitter trannies can fuck off no one is buying skins for that faggot it doesn’t matter how good the skin is.
Yee cuz we is Peruvians n sheet blood
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Mei's ass is my favourite character.
Juno skins will sell like hot bread literally no one cares about Venture outside of the alphabet club. I really wish illari had better skins they all look like dogshit and its actually such a wasted potential with her because they can really do something interesting with her given how big and visible her weapon is
It's almost 100% guaranteed that Juno will get skins before venture and the trannies (who don't buy skins, or play the game) begin foaming at the mouth with rage
That is just sad. Good riddance.
Concord was a pretty explicit OW rip off except it had terrible Destiny PVP gameplay under the hood. I think it was also in development since shortly after OW1 came out and never thought to actually observe what people liked about OW such as likeable characters, mobility, good shooting mechanics, etc. If you played the beta you'd see how much they were trying to copy without understanding anything, like there's a character who has Soldier's heal station except it just lasts forever and you're expected to heal other people with it despite it being stationary.

Also fun thing to think about. That MCU rip off cinematic trailer nobody liked they had probably cost more money (not counting the $200-400k fee to Geoff to air it) than the game made.
The problem with Ilari is the retarded design team is committed to the "divert expectations" dogshit that everyone fucking hates

>haha power of the sun but all her skins are dark and moon themed
>haha sunlight character but is depressed. She's never "sunshine and rainbows" hahahahahahaha
>she's barely legal but looks older than the 30+ year old female cast
>she doesn't want to be a hero, but wears a cape haha so funny hahaha

Genuinely one of the most retarded designs team 4 has ever done, even the they/them tranny has more consistency in their character design
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Thank you Illari bro, you too
it wont happen but i wish Juno gets mythic next season it would be absolutely hilarious
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She looks like a teenager to me
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watchu starin' at wyteboi
i can look past all of these points i dont really care about lore consistency but i cannot excuse them making absolute dogshit looking skins no person in their right mind would spend money on
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why are the servers always shit on tuesday
>pulse bomb ready!
I love Illari and her best skin is unironically a fucking OWL one
Fully expecting another Orisa buff
patches are on tuesday
Anything but this holy fuck
which one?
Seoul Dynasty Home
Mei's body filters so many shit tier sfm artists. And highlights the ones who can actually into animation
the gold and black is honestly such a goated combination wish i had more currency to buy all of them
Looks like an old hag dressed below her age
>bambs away
I am fine with that, Orisa is an honest hero.
Yeah it looks great for most characters
I wanted to like her other skins but they either have too much shit going on the colors suck.
I wish her sundown skin didn’t have the mask I think it looks great but it’s ruined by it.
SAMITO UNINSTALLED !!! IS EVERYTHING OVER ??? – Samito Rage Compilation #24 - Overwatch 2

Jan 25, 2023
chat, is this real?
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>it's a support potg
For anyone who wants to hide tranny pics fast, just open 4chanX, go to Advanced >> File Info Formatting and add %f. You now can hide md5 with just 1 click.
There has ever only been one good Mei model. Well maybe that's not true, but it's so far above the rest that nothing else will suffice.
im clicking you. :)
im avoiding you. :)
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>POTG is Moira doing something unimpressive
If sombra and dva dont get a nerf im actually unironically done with the game. It's just not fun anymore
these words coming out of the mouth of a sombra main is too fucking funny
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>They left you to die GI, Defect GI, they lied to you GI.
just take the mystery heroes pill nigger
Mystery heroes is literally just RNG over who gets more tanks lol
>moira holding right click and happens to graze 3 people during the clean up after a fight
skill issue
He's not even wrong on a lot of the things he says but he has no self awareness. Yeah Widow is a fundamentally busted character but he plays Sombra and Mei who's entire kit is about not letting people play the game and being unfair while also having massive quality of life where they don't need to rely on their team ever. It'd be like a Hog main complaining about Dva
>if you hate dva being broken play the mode where you can play against 3 dvas at once while you get stuck with the most divable DPS in the game
You're just retarded and overdosing on copium like every other arcade monkey.
At least the current meta gives me an excuse to exclusively play Symm.
How is that different from playing against three smurfs while stuck with two mercy mains in the role queue?
And MH is not in the arcade.
they'll get a slap on the wrist and you'll keep playing. they'll probably put sombra to 200hp because they're clueless and don't realize that even with 100hp she'd still be just as deadly.
i still dont get the logic behind the "empowering tanks" seasons as if tanks were ever underpowered and also what tanks actually complained about was stuff like nade, hack, sleep dart, getting windowed for 9000 damage in 0.1 seconds, healbotting supports and having to counterswap the enemy tank
Its funny how balanced shifted from OW1 to OW2 I might be late in saying this but DPS were crybaby bitches in game 1 and now in game 2 its tanks what changed?
the logic is nobody wants to play tank besides autistic ball and doom mains and flex challenge doers so they want to make it more appealing
most dps players quit
It's the dps who are crybaby bitches again.
I play tank because D.va is the best hero and I can’t swap to D.va if I’m a support or DPS
but why would people want to play tank if you
1. remove DPS ability to slot into the former "off tank" macro role to take pressure off the tank either by locking down flanks or having frontline presence
2. not nerf the actual problem characters like ana and bap
3. buff tanks universally so now there's even more pressure on the tank player to perform and play RPS since if they get countered the whole team eats shit because nobody else can stand up to a tank other than a tank
4. change armor so projectile spam and braindead tanks like orisa now get way more value even piloted by bots

seems like everything they did just make tank worse to play
I play D.Va because she is easy to play
I play Deadlock because Overwatch is shit.
I play Dva because she is sex
this, all the normal people (people who enjoy dps) have been attritioned out and all that's left are a few addicts who play dps/tank with a love/hate relationship for it, and support mains who get sexual satisfaction from healing their teammates. who knows how much bigger the playerbase would be if they didn't insist on supports being designed on the basis that their primary usefulness comes from healing. but it was never in the cards, because the game was made by a bunch of retarded mmorpg devs and the only way they knew how to design a game was with mmo trinity mechanics
Fuck outta here nigger.
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>you'll keep playing
Nah, the game has just been pissing me off since the start of season 11. No point in playing if it just makes me mad and isn't fun. I'm not delusional enough to think any game is ever going to be perfectly balanced let alone match my own balance philosophies but the least they could do was not nerf fun characters like mccree, JQ and tracer and buff annoying fun police ones like dva, orisa, ana, sombra.

There's plenty of other things to play without even needing to consider mobaslop games.
every day there are more complaints about sombra on reddit, tik tok, twitter, in-game...
maybe someday they will do something about her which just ends up buffing her like last time
more and more shitters keep picking her to dunk on other shitters
Sombra is the only one who can kinda counter DVa though as a DPS
This is only about the 17th or 30th time they've given Sombra a retarded buff for no reason that nobody asked for that everyone hated how could they possibly have known this would happen?
deadlock is so loaded with number crunchy mechanics that it's only a matter of time that the tryhards break the game over their knee and discover such gay forms of gameplay that it will make goats look fun in comparison. even overwatch 1 devs, who were making their first shooter ever, were smart enough to not put fucking 5 second disables, items that leap you halfway across the map, restore your cooldowns or revive you, or fuck with TTKs by adding retarded stat stick item design to it.

i guarantee the deadlock devs will be absolutely mazed trying to play whack a mole with the retardation that their fundamentally broken design will inevitably spawn, even more so than blizzard has been with trying to fix overwatch
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She doesn't even counter dva. Hack lasts like 0.2 seconds on tanks. The only fucking thing sombra does is kill other DPS and EMP.
I mean yeah that's how balancing has always worked in dota 2 no reason it would change for dota 3
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Because if she's not performing adequately I'll passively throw all games, and see my teams suffer for it, which is rad.
anyone else just lagged like shit on eu? ping said 5by5 but i was blinking around
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turning off a 800hp character's defense CD for half a second is only a counter if it's a long CD and not a resource they can just immediately use.
only like 4 people on earth play sombra when she's not OP so it doesn't matter. just let her be bad along with the other characters nobody plays unless they're OP like orisa and mauga
I remember when the Sombra "rework" came out and everyone was praising it up and down. I was saying it didn't address a single fundamental problem with her design. Here we are now....
what the fuck were they thinking who wants to play against an invisible fast bitch with a get out of jail free card and ludicrous damage right after they nerfed a bunch of heroes hp and who can turn your ult off with an ability that doesnt even have that long of a cooldown
it's dota 3 by the dota 2 team retard, if anyone can juggle a million items and abilities it's them. there's almost always a solution to whatever is meta.
Oh yeah the answers are always in the game already that's why they rework tons of shit, alter the map constantly and remove and add items all the time.
so you are telling me this skrillex looking spic midget has perma invisibility, 60% movespeed buff, 4 sec cd teleport that makes her invisible, hack, DOT, and the best team fighting ult in the game?
I've always hated the rework. Perma invis should have never even been on the table let alone ever put in the game. Virus is a bad ability and shouldn't exist, at worst it's effectively giving her a backstab combo that can easily trade at best it just kills non-tanks if they don't get immediately pocketed and Sombra gets to escape for free.

All because people kept crying about being hacked, a mild inconvenience compared to fucking dying to an even dumber version of Spy.
Aaron you should hire this xir
I never said it was perfect, but there's so many possibilities, that if you cry about one character being overpowered you are simply not good.
It's fine because tracer is better (if you ignore tracer is worse now after the armor changes)
that must be why there are four hundred tracers in top 500 and only a couple dozen sombras
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Olivia is my lover
Bros....I'm in love with Skiesti
I have never believed that sombra even at her worst was actually dogshit because choosing your engagements at will is already an S tier ability
lol you're retarded, also 18+
good for you
who is (s)he, I am assuming that it's a she
T500 isn’t out yet
you can see for yourself
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I love sombra but her entire kit is a fucking war crime in this game
bro dota has been fundamentally broken since 7.34 and it's clear they don't know how to fix it. nearly every match is a stomp and the only reason they don't end at 25 minutes is because pushing high ground is fundamentally a terrible idea.

there is a set amount of number crunch you can put into a game until it just implodes under its own weight due to it. it can be "balanced" but it's like saying snakes & ladders is balanced because all players roll an average of 3.5 every turn. balance is a meaningless metric to measure a game upon if fun, player agency and intuitiveness don't follow.

i really don't think modern valve has what it takes to design a game like this, and the best proof for it is the fact that they made dota 3 into a shooter in the first place
Whether Sombra is "good" or not is irrelevant she's annoying to fight against. She's like a fly who the fuck wants a flow buzzing around them?
maybe competitive video games aren't for you if you can't stand little annoyances like that
maybe competitive video games aren't for you if you rely on sombra being good
meant 7.33, the big map update
Canadian Tracer
sorry sweetie but my hero fantasy is that you don't get to play the game :)
feel free to send any complaints to jeff kaplan's personal email :)))
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concord refugee here, what OW character is most similar to my boy Daw?
you're wrong. deadlock is fun and simple to understand so far. I have no intention of going pro and measure the game's validity by the amount of fun I'm having, which is a lot. there's still a long ass way to full release so calm down and let the frog cook or go play singleplayer vidya.
She is THE Mercy main that all Mercy faggots worship. Ironic because I despise Mercy. But she is my queen
>competitive game has a perma invisible character that can insta attack out of it
Thats like the first thing you always do when you make a character that can go invisible you make sure they cant immediately attack thats just dogshit game design at its finest
Isn't that character just 0 mobility Soldier except he's supposed to be a healer somehow?
well let's see how good your queen looks and or plays
there's a 250ms delay before she can attack, your reaction time is not that slow, is it?
my argument is that it might be fun now when no one knows what the fuck they are doing, just like early overwatch 1. then people will figure out how the game actually works, optimize the fun out of it and no amount of balancing will ever solve problems that are embedded into the core design (just like overwatch)
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>bringing facts into a feelings-based discussion
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Me (DPSCHAD) offering my Brig (SUPPORTSISSY) money to protect me Sombra (DPSINCEL)
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I made it all up.
we do that for free as long as you're not retarded and run off on your own
Torbjorns girl would NEVER sell out like that!
literally every single statement in this picture is true
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why do goblina lovers get so angry and defensive about whether she requires any skill to play? just go enjoy your crutch character
deadlock has had more playtesting hours and feedback put into it than the entirety of overwatch already. of course there will be cancer metas, but the moba elements allow you to soften the worst parts through counterpicks, bans and itemization. overwatch is very rigid in comparison. both in character design and in map design.
id rate about half the heroes as being more "crutchy" than sombra. like she's in the same game as kiriko
Hey now Sombra is a lot of things bitch, cunt, asshole, piece of shit, annoying, you get what I’m saying but goblina is not one of them
my wife's locker on the right
my wife pointing on the left
I respect Kiriko more than Sombra right now
Wasn't the patch supposed to drop right the fuck now?
It did
Then where the fuck are the patch notes?
>"Mystery Heros"
>doing well
>conveniently get my worst played heros back to back to back
>enemy conveniently gets tanks and supports back to back
>next round, conveniently the roles are reversed
>wow so balanced we went 1-1, just ignore that it was a 1 sided shit shot both rounds

Mystery my fucking dick, it's EOMM tuned up to 11 and only retards who are new to the game don't see it
Love, DVA
i am in lovev with dva
The nerfs are here.
>not only no dva nerf but they nerfed the only tank that can win unmirrored against her
Not that winston didn't need a nerf too but what the fuck?

Damage over time reduced from 90 to 75.
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Continuing trend of nerfing any dps that is ever good. Why not just buff the shit tier dps instead of nerfing any dps that sees play.
>bap/sigma/dva avoid nerfs
Also the problem wasn't that Winston does damage its the fact he's too tanky in primal wtf
wow now it only does 145 she's truly unplayable now and not cancerous to play against :)))))))))))))
>juno crap reverted
i will now play your tight martian ass
they fucked with my wife juno AGAIN
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first mention of nerfing Hana gets shot
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>nerf ashe one of like 3 DPS that aren't useless above gold
>dont nerf dva or baptiste
i dont think this semen slurping game is for me anymore
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Oh, no! That's terrible!
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fuck you Aaron, piece of shit.
It's actually a tiny buff thanks to the increased firerate (+1.6% dps, +0.6% healing).
yooo new slop
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a message to all of my hitscan enjoyers
buy an ad
Why would I play this shit instead of CS?
golem got ye gone
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because you are not a slavoid, presumably
>bap still not nerfed
Seriously though how the fuck do you dps players have the will to keep on playing
only na fags play val because they can't beat europe.
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>slap on the wrist for sombra
>nothing for dva
>damage AND heal nerfs for Juno
taco taco chocolato senor jose
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Dva nerfs?
Bap nerfs?
>>damage AND heal nerfs for Juno
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thought I wouldn't notice? bye.
mercy lovers, your time to shine (the skin is quite dope)
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>no april's fools event
nigga it's september
Bespoke Lena's in your comp games, bitches.
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Yeah, doctors got twinkie'd
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I know you're wondering
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>Lena without spiky hair
I will stick to my elf adventurer Lena
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Say her name
this meme is fucking stupid
the large lena
jose will NOT like this
poorfag jose graphics
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Hot Topic Illari is back in the shop.
Lena "Greggs" Oxton
The emo skin is good, I'd buy it if I played Illari
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illari's formative years
>no ana mythic wep
im sad
I get 400 fps with those settings
blonde tracer's cute but i already have so many cool skins
whats up with them not even touching D.va? They dumb or somethin?
don't engage the antagonist fag
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I don't have problems with dva
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We love Hana here and are ok with her being busted
I'll wait for a good Illari skin instead (I will die before it happens)
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Bullying Hana is a crime
suuuuuuuuuuurely they are saving the huge nerfs for the mid season patch
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this. Lena MUST have spiky hair.
Give me ten consecutive life sentences.
>nerfing tanks
Yeah and when D.Va gets a nerf they'll also randomly decide to buff Orisa and Mauga
Well actually she has a 48% winrate on console below diamond so she’s not OP :^]
they might do the classic and instead of nerfing dva they will buff the rest of the tanks which will be super epic i cant wait
most played tank by females/braindead casuals. same as most played dps is sombra. this is why they have been buffed some much compared to others.
Fuck I'm buying the mercy skin, shit god damnit
mercy mafia claims another one..
This is seriously genuinely probably why bap gets so few nerfs too, when they changed kiriko in august they said that she "underperforms" in winning games
Kiriko is literally in the top 3 lowest winrate supports this is just straight facts
>that tracer skin
hot take but tracer literally has ZERO good skins including this dyke shit
yall just cant deal with the fact that she isnt that strong and is just annoying to play against, same as sombra she is literally ass right now but is getting nerfs because its annoying to play against her and retards cba to deal with her
How long has Mercy had her gun out in her default pose? Did I switch timelines?
Im so dejected when I see we have an Orisa or Mauga this is so fucking obviously some dumbass who picked flex and has no idea how to play tank so they just go for the most "op one"
I would rather see that than Doom or Ball
A gang of Lenas wearing leather jackets and greased back hair snapping their fingers in unison as they close the distance..
>Oi, look at this muppet! Bet you couldn’t slick up if you tried, you right proper plonker!
100% as a support main there is nothing that ruins my game more than seeing ball or doom on my team
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>dyke shit
guess he didn't get the memo that lena is your wife and you are a disgusting white man
>spats under a floor length gown
What did Blizzard higher Disney executives to design these "safe-horny" skins?
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>t500 pharahs in EU = 26
>t500 pharahs in NA = 37
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>you wouldn’t clock it, would ya, you daft berk? this ain’t just a trim, it’s like strappin’ a bloody Spitfire to your noggin. slicked back mate, it’s pure aerodynamics, innit? slices through the wind like a hot knife through clotted cream. gets us shiftin’ proper quick when we’re leggin’ it down the high street and all.
$13 for an OW1 skin that use to be free
were playing deadlock stupid faggot
But it’s a different color!

Nevermind that Scion is still better looking
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NA exposed time and time again to be shitter central
$20 for a recolor of a Hanzo skin that also use to be free, fuck they're hella greedy
I remember people bitching when 2 first dropped and someone doing the math that someone who played OW1 a lot would have an account that’s “worth” like $14,000 or something ridiculous

Why did people just give up on pushing back?
it was added a couple of seasons ago, fairly recent
Anyone got a good angle of her tits in that costume?
5 more sombras on EU though....
EU confirmed for shit
EU has more sigma lonewolf energy.
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Yeah I knew you'd wodner about that too
what a skank (love it)
my queen (of spades)
Angela Ogundimu
its so fun to dive into the enemies backline over and over slaughtering their mercy until they go Ana Brig and sleep bash you into switching to yawn 76 or some shit
look plentiful
glad to hear that's fun
I was talking about the widow skin, that's literally just an OW1 free recolor that they're selling for "premium cash only" coins
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>me as a support after playing a game against a D.Va who went completely uncontested
If I didn't love her I'd probably be annoyed
why is everyone playing bastion and reinhardt now what streamer showed this shit off? I know its been a thing since forever but why the fuck is it making a resurgence?
>less cleavage than witch or sugar plumb
>can only be seen from certain angles

Bunch of fucking shills fake horny posting from some SFW skin
Well it's time to post the proof of those skins anon.
>want to play a few matches for the update
>match 1, an actual fair and balanced game that we just barely won despite having a negative K/D DPS
>game 2, complete 1 sided stomp with a retarded tank that rage quit half way through and more negative K/D DPS
>game 3, another 1 sided stomp with a tank that ended up going 1-8
>game 4, backfilled into a 1 sided stomp where the entire team was getting held at the choke point

I see matchmaking wasn't addressed in this patch, time to play something better until that shit gets figured out
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the kiriko brought you donuts
you cant fix people who think diving into Sleep Bash Bastion with Doomfist is a good idea, anon
witch is best Mercy skin you cant change my mind
she usually brings me them at the beginning of the thread though
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the kiriko dance
>>less cleavage than witch or sugar plumb
Wrong. Look at it in-game, you can see the shape of her tits more clearly than ever. Might be able to get out a canon size this. It's hot as fuck. Instantly purchased it. Blizzard is back to making unashamed coomer skins.
no that's Mercy
ehh, I do like them both
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>you can see the shape of her tits more clearly than ever
>unashamed coomer skins

keep shilling harder Ramish, I'm sure blizzard will throw some rupee's your way

Its not a bad skin, but it sure as fuck isn't "sexy" like these indian shill marketers are trying to pretend it is
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kys newfag, I'm a coomer skin expert. I've been here since beta.
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Post your coomer skin tier list then.
ok, but who will cook for me?
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your mom, gf and or wife?
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The last game I played before this patch was against Winston Sombra (sweaty qp btw) and I told them enjoy the nerf. I hope they think I personally decided to nerf them.
>you can see the shape of her tits more clearly than ever
you are a sister fucker and your mother is prostitute
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>mercys default skin is literally painted on armor
>you can see the shape of her tits more clearly than ever if you put a giant piece of cloth in front to block the view and shape
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ayy lmao
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I will post more on this when I get back in a few hours, right now I'm busy. You'll see.
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why did they have to ruin Illari by making her look like a black woman LARPing as a peruvian
the youngest
the cutest
When's Mythic weapon?
remove widowmaker from the game. no character should be able to 1 shot in ow
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any original opinions?
>Play open queue
>Pick tank
>Game balance no longer a problem
>get high as fuck
>compliment every mercy
>get an army of egirls ready to pocket me anytime i play
am i the only one playing ow like this
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fat males and troons
got half of them on ig already
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oooh wee.. no wonder she's so chubby
Is she such a degenerate that she eats from a dog bowl? I am too old for this young shit.
>dog bowl
Is this another zoomer thing?
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>Try Illari
>Team scared to hit W
>Team scared to hold ground
>Team always holding S
>"My pylon is down!" "My pylon is down!" "My pylon is down!">"My pylon is -
People make certain characters suffering to play
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>dog bowl
>hey guys, we heard you so we're cookin up this neatarino patcherino here now!
>d.va's too op? bap still op? tanks unkillable?
>yeah, what i think we need is a WINSTON nerf! :D
lmfao, dude it's so over i have no idea why they want the dive, brawl, and anti-dive tank with the best mobility in the entire game with the lowest skill floor to be meta.

only reason is so that they can resell the collab skins that are coming back like the porsche one
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>enemy mercy gets frustrated at a doom and calls him ni gga in text chat
>go to report function and get him hopefully banned

I'm doing my part! There will be no racism on my watch.
>have a bad first round
>tank crying and asking to report me
>step up and we win 2-1
>tank still crying and asking to report me
I almost wish we lost, even if it was a comp game. Fucking russian subhuman niggers. And on that note good fucking night.
aspen is 100% a furry but she avoids doing more than dogwhistles (lmao) at risk of hurting her growing fandom
all of her formative interests are furry adjacent, like fnaf and mlp
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I report anyone who immediately says gg the attosecond the game is over
Asian cuties
which supports deal with / circumvent widow the best?
and she has diagnosed autism
none of them
wait i do that why would you report me :(
if aspen's a furry i'm a dog
you smell me
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Que onda!
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You smell like a dog.
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I’d boop that
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>Use the formalwear skin
>Tell the chat that I look like Mercy in this skin irl
>Get 2 friend requests post game
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sex with fareeha
endorsie fraud is a serious crime
I volunteer
Absolutely disgusting
No wonder she turned into a fat pig
Mercy. Just revive them
Bap. Give your Widow invuln
Kiriko. Spam at her head
None of these are very good btw
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most popular heroes in T500 NA
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and EU
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Lena lovers on both sides of the pond
We may be getting a dozen or so new players after this Friday
Lena's british muffin
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What happened? It was supposed to be the new Overwatch
For me it’s Juno’s ass
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Sony was huffing too many of their own farts and thought people would shell out $40 like they did for Helldivers
reminder that niggalow niggas were saying pharah is meta because someone played her on lijang in OWCS
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I really don't give two shits about the annoying ass culture war bullshit the right keeps trying to peddle like they're in an asmongold stream or something

This is what happened
>shallow overwatch clone in 2024
>online, live-service, multiplayer fps in 2024 and it costs $40 (all of its competition is free)
>8 year long development cycle that caused all hype to fade out YEARS before its release date was announced
>the developers failed to stay in touch with trends in the market, the game feels like it's from 2016 because they haven't changed any plans since 2016
>genuinely terrible art style, it looks like they tried to make a hero shooter out of starfield
>despite the bad art style, they were obsessive over the fidelity of the graphics which wasted a ton of time
>bizarre character designs, they flew too close to the sun when designing the foundational characters of the franchise
>uninspired, brings nothing new to the table, is the least dynamic offering in its category despite being brand new
>marketing around its pedigree was nonexistent, literally no one knows that it was the brainchild of very experienced halo developers from bungie
>shallow overwatch clone in 2024
I know all the chuds are rubbing their hands in glee because of the pronouns and stuff but it was like lawbreakers, just soulless shit with no hook for people and too much of a buy-in
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>Game has cute waifus
>Succeeds and endless GotY awards in 2016
>Game doesn't have cute waifus
>EoS in 2 weeks
>30 seconds interval
>both seething about muh chuds
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just jumping ahead of you guys
we all know you can help yourselves, I'd prefer to squash it early so we can actually talk about something
Based and true
It's literally THAT simple
It's not fair. OW2 is also DEI so why did it survive?
This wasn't the mid-season patch right? When is it anyway
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>ashe has been one of the most balanced DPS heroes for a long time now
>most people who play her hate that half of her gameplay is basically just reloading your gun and most other people don't like playing her for that exact reason
>blizzard: nerfs her and increases the reload time
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Because of cute waifus? We just got a sexy asian girl with a fat butt
they oops'd again and made damage boosted ashe one shot a bunch of characters
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Pretty sure they made her a Martian, because muh inclusivity
She's a sexy vietnamese girl who just happened to be born somewhere else
She's Vietnamese
You're coming off a bit desperate to culture war here anon.
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When you wanna make it look like you did something to keep your job
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Woketards can't even keep track of all their identities lol
>dog bowl
absurdly gross and cringe and borderline freaky bob material
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>that meltdown out of literally nothing
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busy being best girl
>Ashe was slightly popular again?
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for me it's black
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I envy you gooners, fictional characters and drawing do nothing for me. It must be nice to exist in a permanent state of sex brain.
Support is satisfying in a way that no other roles are, I like how it feels when you're pushed to your limits and you have to triage your teammates. You're also forced to make interesting value judgements.
I cant believe some of you guys unironically like this goblina from my shithole
They did such a bad job with her face
kys fag
hmm, gay
jajajaja habla ingles jose nosotros gusta kiriko
>Winston nerfed
>but don't touch the #1 tank
just no-taste retards trying to stand out from the crowd by liking the shittiest and blandest waifus possible. contrarian website and all that.
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0 self-awareness be like
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I cant believe some of you guys unironically like this goblina from my shithole
They did such a bad job with her face
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with your father
people just wanted the fire rate from the play test its not that deep
Exactly why their muh 50% winrate across all ranks idea will never work.
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texans look like this?
I mean you can't even buy concord unless it's physical

And they don't even have it at walmart anyway, I checked
bros, i promised myself i wouldn't give any more money to blizzard, but that golden echo tummy is really tempting me.
it even has a navel.....
odds kiriko
evens mercy
>Refuse to make a roster of waifus
Well gosh golly darn I wonder why as I boot up another Juno match.
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Greedy Mercy mains getting another skin while the rest of communty starve.
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No they're just setting us up for the inevitable 40K collaboration.
First Pharah got her Assault Marine skin, now Juno is the first hero from Mars (home of the Mechanicus). SOON.
Sars, Sars please redeem the skins Sars. Is very good very erotic yes please sars. Very good value yes, my name is Jason from Texasland and I am too American man and yes sex robot please sars redeem the skin
How else are they able to make shit nobody asked for like an ugly trans dps or an ugly block headed not-black support hero? They need to pay for these DEI pandering heros somehow
>looked up steam screenshots for shits and giggles
>almost half of all the screenshots are just of Juno

It's a shame this failing company can't even get skins out for their new heros, they legitimately could have turned a profit for once
but don't you feel seen???
Who is going to suck you dick during game if there are no happy Mercy players anon?
40K is shit tier sci fi
snoys mad
>make a black woman
>give her native American pony tails
Sheet we iz Peruvian and shit cuzzz
why does he keep saying the same thing over and over
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alright just tell me what the hottest overwatch animation is
Trace and Bake
The d.va stripper one
We love our diverse roster of heroes but ultimately the blonde aryan woman will get a skin every season because that's what people are actually willing to pay for.
In the end, money talks.
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I'm almost done with the battle pass. Gonna probably finish it up (as in level 80, not 200 lol) and then just replay some FF7 Rebirth. Been itching to replay it. Will only pop in to OW2 later to make sure I get that new Mercy skin, and idk maybe see if any anniversary event catches my fancy
Do the Blizzard Jews at least pay you for these coomer advertising posts? You have to be brainrotten to play this shitty moba
Based Level 80 chad
Only nolifers actually care about titles
I just looked at censored Mercy interracial, so that one.
aphy3d ashe_(overwatch) dark-skinned_male
If team 4 wasn't full of blue haired feminist and limp wristed faggot "men" they could make some actual sexy skins and make a profit and money, but apparently appealing to crybaby twitter and reddit faggots demanding trans nonbinary pronouned people of color matters way more than running a successful business
Why not just play some east asian gacha coomer game if that's where your priorities lie?
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NTA but he probably already does.
>eskay is literally a top 3 support in the world in overwatch
>struggling in fucking silver ranks of street fighter 6

Why is the skill requirement for overwatch so fucking low? the equivalent of silver in sf6 in overwatch is literally bronze lol
I'm not sure there are that many transferable skills there
How do I level up the bp faster?
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Skiesti is my wife
there is in for basketball and overwatch, see luka doncic making a cool 40 million a year and hitting top 500. the mental aspect alone is similar for sports and video games.
Ana/brig is a pain in the butt to play against but damn if it isn't fun to play itself whether it's as ana or brig where you save the other's ass with a heal naded pack/nano boost
Sombra interracial -dark-skinned_male
Pharah interracial -dark-skinned_male
Symmetra interracial -dark-skinned_male
ana_amari interracial -dark-skinned_male
I know what you mean. Feels good when they Ana drops a "thank you!" after you whipshot someone trying to kill her or rush in front of her with shield up catching the shot that would have finished her off.
yeah, the "IT'S BORING" crowd since the game launch has not been my experience at all, it's by far the most hectic and mentally testing. high stakes, high value
Looks like a chud with fake boobs and a wig
He's just like me fr fr
Tracer cum_in_pussy male_pov
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smoking body
The pov animation of (you) and mirrowatch tracer masterbating in front of each other
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I think you might be gay
Don’t play then do all your stacked weeklies in 1 week
>if that's where your priorities lie?

What kind of ESL tier giga retard reading comprehension do you retarded faggots have
Cope, go back to jerking it to Aspen
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>No question mark
ESL detected
overwatch female_pov -futanari
if you pick Ball or Doom you are an elo terrorists and you should kys
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Doom is okay. Ball is anti-fun and is only played by subhumans
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>you are the only constant
i change my sens every time i miss a shot
Same, I really regret buying the battle pass during this shit tier season
Well maybe learn to play Mercy if you're not going to get any kills
the reaper skin is hot
What goes on in the mind of a tank player that sees the entire team perform poorly, then blames anyone but themselves?
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I wish that player would.
I have to play support every single match because I can't trust anybody but myself with healing duty.
thank you for your service sister :3

I fucking love this skin
I would worship him as a diety, if you know what I mean...
post formal Mercy cleavage
the winton
little retard doesnt even know how lewd her body is
the players sure do, never seen mains more willing to show off the goods than Juno mains
No gross images please
Had a female(female) Juno in one of my games that told everyone to look at her ass while she spammed the moaning voiceline
Reminder that if you are below Masters, your opinion of anything balance-related is absolutely worthless.
I have no idea what is going on
Juno, baby, less talking and more sucking please.
nuttycravat juno_(overwatch)

Very good animation
So the next new Hero is going to a Tank. D. Mon maybe?
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I wish but they would never give us two coombaits in a row
Doom slams into the backline like a retard, Dies
Winston jumps into backline like a retard, Dies
Ball rolls into the backline like a retard, dies or rolls away with 100-ish HP left
Dva flies into the backline like a retard gets two support picks and DPS pick
>playing tank in comp
>against rein
>my dps go ashe bastion and have 0 kills by the end of the first round
>swap to cree soldier
>continue shooting the shield

How the fuck is this my fault?
I look like this
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>Ashe nerfs
Why is the Dev team smoking crack?
I want to nut in Juno's cravat
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>I look like this
you look like this
why did you post a selfie
No they're based because they didn't change my wife Hana at all
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>no formal genji skin
>formal hanzo
what did they mean by this?
Her time is coming and I'm all here for the nerfs
>Increased her reload time from 2-3 business days to a 14 business days
>the austistic retard has noticed a pattern in the filenames
Small indie company, please understand.

I look like this
Bro as an Ashe main even I think she needs nerfs. She's broken right now, easily the strongest DPS
yeah but most people here are niggalow so they think ashe is bad because they cant land their shots
fuck off troon
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she's good even if you're mostly body shotting though
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Say something nice about the last Mercy you played with!
Why the fuck did they do a rank reset? I was fucking masters and I just got two bronze dps. I don't want to play this fucking game right now.
Who’s getting the Whitemane skin for the WoW collab?
she held left click very well
I love her when she's on my team

I hate when she's on the enemy team and nobody goes after her
Take the NEETpill
Play games midday when the children are supposed in school.

I've gotten a new job which allows me to play midday and it's insane how different match quality is. Everyone is relaxed, there's no one screaming in voice comms, everyone says gg at the end, it's such a pleasant experience.

Kids ruin this game.
So what? Between 8 am and 3 pm is the golden hour?
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how could le blizzardino do this to my wholesome chungus winton overwat :LLLLLLL :(( hahaha WINTON OVERWAC
Yes, but 2am to 6am are real kino hours.
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>ashe mythic skin season is over
>Reload per bullet increased from 0.2 to 0.25 seconds.
>Primary fire damage reduced from 40 to 35.
Yeah, I watch Overwatch porn too. What’s your point?
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>3/7 placements in last season
Silver 4
>6/4 in current season
Silver 4

This is not a rank reset at all. These fucking jews lied to us once again.
So when are they undoing the Suzu knockdown nerf?

The holy cross of heroes treated with kid gloves by the community
Once people realise how sleeper OP Rein is.

As soon as DVa and Winston lose their status as the best tanks, Rein will become meta.
is that a mushroom tip? he's supposed to have a canine cock
Ashebros, how could they do this to our cumdupster? :(
Last season my games were populated by polite players who understood the game, now I get people who not only immediately blame somebody else when the game goes wrong, but they're so bad that they consistently blame the wrong people.
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They should have never made this game F2P. The price tag was the only thing keeping the brain-dead subhumans out.
A suspicious amount of MOBA terminology was adopted after the game went F2P.
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Doctor Ziegler
>brain-dead subhumans
for me its cheating faggots
Ashe is kinda weird as a character, i cant think of another hero which just loses in all her canon apparences
Lots of smurfs too, also an insane amount of retards who think that swapping accounts will affect their rank (lmao).
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She looks like she fucks little boys.

this dude doesn't miss
The one where Brig molests Sombra in the gym
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>paying for wifi
You're a slave to the corporate machine
>that one of Mercy sticking her finger in D.Va's mouth while D.Vas getting fucked
>that one of Tracer fucking that guy on the beech
>that one of Doomfist fucking D.Va with Widow watching
I can't pick
>Daily challenges do not progress if you remain in queue following a QP game
>Have to cancel the queue and then manually re queue in order to continue to progress daily challenges
How does this get out of QA and what did they do to break this within the last week or so?
what's wrong with this spammer
Neko Dva and Pink Mercy ass to mouth
I'm a slave to cute girls
mercy in the shower getting plowed
0 moderation
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Reminder to flame every Mercy player please
Itty bitty Kirititties
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It is kinda crazy how Baptiste gets a pass almost every other site I just assume that a majority of players just don't play against him... or any good ones
jose.... :blush:
They should just give McCree a shotgun since that's the effective range they basically want him to have
they just need to improve his fire rate or reload speed if they want to nerf his damage fall-off
why is this season a week shorter than previous ones? were too many people completing the battlepass so blizzard had to ramp up their FOMO metrics?
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I unironically do not care about the theme at all. The only good skins are Captain Sigma and Wizard of Ashe.
>on havana
We're getting brave with these choices.
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why does mercy made chuddies seethe so much
Because she's a literal 10/10 blonde-haired blue-eyed goddess who speaks German
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>your other support is Illari
If the enemy is playing dva or sombra it's entirely justified
Bap/illari is still op as fuck
Hey, it's Kiriko
It’s time. Switching over to Halloween.
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I thought chuds like that tho? Why does she make them mad
no one hates white women more than white nationalists. they prefer asian women

i hate mercy because the people who play her
This man might seem off base but he’s completely correct
I'm pretty sure the last season got a week extension
oops I'm not sage this general
is that why chuds love kiriko and dva?
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But I love Hana :(
I’m not a chud
>they added gold trim to mercy's undershorts in the new skin as well as detailing the armpits

This really IS a coomer skin, dear lord.
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>detailing armpits
For me it's Imp Mercy's tiny titties
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I just realized, if Concord was in dev for 8 years, it began like right after overwatch released in 2016...... lol
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Yeah. You figured it out
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Time to get my support gameplay to the next level!
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so what's happening with the story now that the campaign mode (which was the entire reason ow1 had a 2-year content drought) is cancelled?
Mystery Heroes doesn't move you toward 50/50 does it? I have like a 40% win rate with hundreds of games played, and I'm a diamond/masters player in all roles. There's no explaining a win rate that shit other than bad luck.
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>Shitty DPS swaps to Sombra
>We start winning
Every time.
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I doubt it was a full eight years. It was probably finished years ago and held it back so it could launch a bit closer to that Amazon Secret Level show. They probably thought that shit was going to stay popular until December. Just speculation tho.
I'm kinda glad that they fucked off Kaplan and are now focusing on PVP only. That cunt did so much damage to OW, he genuinely almost killed the game trying to push PVE so hard that he literally put the game through a content drought for 2 YEARS. I don't give a fuck about Null Sector shit, just release new heroes and maps.
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I made it to diamond in meme queue…
I think PvE could be done right, stuff like raids would be cool

that being said, I think OW2 should have been cancelled
and he did it while upside down damn
This is genuinely depressing, I'm considering uninstalling.
Either you’re so bad at a wide hero pool that you’re somehow dragging your team down in an rng mode by like dying instantly with dva or something or you just have bad luck. I would guess it would trend negative if you’re solo but not that much so probably that plus bad luck
>only 5.9k damage on moira
you deserve the gold
Rank reset to get the comp retards to go back into skinner boxing for an emblem while the real matchmaking hidden MMR remains invisible
>coomer skin
Christ bro whens the last time you saw a female IRL
They should do Super Mario collab skins
it's the year 2024 and people are still taking pictures with their phone when the Print Screen button exists

god I hate zoomers
And the fucker is australian
Try playing real characters instead of number pushing bots and if you're going to healbot at least play juno, ana or brig or something useful like that.
Should I buy the K-Pop Sombra skin?
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Do healsluts really?
Actually really cute
wtf the skin just came out and already

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No Brigitte or Moira?
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>just right now realizing my team lost to a DPS Moira
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does blackmailing a woman really work like this?
Somebody convince me not to buy the SSERAFIM D. Va skin.
it will not turn into d.va irl

also the mech itself is mediocre looking
wow... finally a high quality sfm post
The secret to Overwatch’s success is porn.
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No one would have made Concord porn.


imo the head band ruins it. Makes her look too retro compared to the other girls.
So are the rumors true that the Dev team is working on a “Deadlock” game mode to compete with Valve’s game?
I wouldn't believe that, it sounds too desperate.
Have you never played a f2p game before? League has $500 skins lol
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Dva getting it in ass when the teacher slaps her
Also Juno just sitting on it is 10/10

That’s why I started playing
There's a DotA2 lurker here that explained how their battlepasses can be triple digits, I can't remember, I know it was something ridiculous for a shit-load of levels.
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>Mercy POV

I feel confident saying this is one of her hottest skins yet if you're not into fetish content like feet. Look at the way the dress loosely clings to her breasts, tastefully showing off her voluptuous form. The mesh work is quite good, and you can even see her armpit when she stares into the sky, or if you view it through free-cam in spectator mode.

Additionally, she has a tasteful bra on that you can view if you clip through the dress. Unfortunately it isn't fully modeled for obvious reasons, but it's still there like 70% of Ashe's naked leather strapped butt in her Faye Valentine skin.

I'm beginning to think, we're back. Whoever did this definitely worked on Ed for Sombra and it shows, because god damn, this is cleavage galore.
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It was difficult to find good lighting for this, but surely someone else can get a better image of her pits, because I have little interest in searching for the right lighting for this area of the body.

Overall, sex/10.
death to gooners
what being a virgin in your 30's does to your psyche
uninstalled. tell me when they decide to nerf tanks again and i'll hop back on
Dr. Ziegler knows how to cure men's illnesses.
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You should play Concord then oh wait.
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good morning I love Lena
Cute resolution!
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how does one go about being able to stretch like this in real life? it just seems like a cool thing to be able to do and show off, but my legs hurts thinking about it
Roadhog is the only way to have fun as tank, mileage varies based on matchups
>Venture releases
>"Overwatch is dying"
>Concord releases
The **entire** roster is dressed like they raided a JCPenny dumpster.
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warm up muscles so you don't tear anything
stretch to the point right before you hurt yourself
do it over and over until you have reached desired flexibility
don't do yoga, it invites demons into your asshole
Good morning I hate russians and love the wife posters.
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>VALORANT gets a they/them
>Overwatch gets a they/them
>Deadlock gets a they/them
Androgyny sisters.. I'm not gonna make it
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I wonder if 76 adopt a daughter…
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For me it’s Ashe buttcrack cleavage

more please...
Haglovers won
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Faye Ashe, Bikini Widow, Thai Mercy, and Roadhog have “crack” skins
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Fr fr
I had a nostalgia rush and played OW again for two weeks
The final straw of abandoning it again was because how miserable the game is
I had a 4 streak victory (victory, not losses), I imagine how the opponent team must felt, and I didn't felt nothing from the victories
Oh well, the porn is still amazing :^)
>be the most balanced hitscan for a while
>nerf every other hitscan to borderline unplayable
>people start playing her because she's the only barely playable hitscan
>"dude....ashe is like..... in every game bro........she's so broken...........she needs a nerf"
dogshit retards like you is who the retarded devs balance this game for
>enemy rein spamming ez and voice lines when they are winning
>they end up losing in overtime
I love this game.
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shhh they're asleep
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hi did you sleep
>just release new heroes and maps
t. close sighted retard
them admiting to the lore, world and story being completely dropped and basically never ever going forward basically cemented in everyone's minds that these characters are not something worth investing over. What's even the point, if you know not even the developers themselves give a shit, and it's all superficial garbage that will be dropped for the next in a few months time? This isn't a moba. There has never really been a mechanically complex post-launch overwatch hero besides Doomfist and Ball, so their kits can only keep you realistically engaged for a bit before you just get bored.
So you're just 100% left to visuals. Does anyone actually main Juno because her kit is *fun*? No. They main her because she's a cute chick. And team 4 has demonstrated that they just aren't into hot chicks to release them one after the other.
>She's broken right now, easily the strongest DPS
That would be tracer, asgw was second, but seems like you're not allowed to say that. I do agree ashe was too strong at least ashe mains see that unlike tracer fags.
I think Juno is fun... I like her way more than LW or Illari
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yes i slept
Juno is great fun, I am gonna start playing her mainly now since I got burnt out on LW and she seems to work great in my shitter plat games too.
Hi handsome!
Hope you slept well!
>exposed upper chest with so few polygons you can see the tits doing sharp angles on themselves
>spats under the dress
>pretty bland design as it is
nigga this is just sad. unironically monsterfag shit like the medusa widow was sexier than this
>she's fun because she's more fun than the dullest characters in the game
Oh, I'm sorry. Juno isn't actually fun because dps Lucio exists how silly of me
The dullest in your humble opinion.
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was the sleep good
>LW main switches to juno

she's funner than them but she's not complex at all. she might be fine for a couple of games but let's be serious, do you see having yourself the same amount of fun you have right now in 2, 3 months?
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>hmm, I don't like the mercy conversationalists
>should I use the mercy filter list in the OP?
>should I hide the first post they make thereby disappearing the entire reply chain?
>should I call on my vast reserves of willpower to simply ignore their posts and go about my day?
>no, I will copy them with a bunch of samefagged posts thereby exacerbating the "problem" That initially made me mad.
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good sleep yea
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Will you still have fun playing a character in 2 to 3 months lol what the fuck are you talking about? This game has been out for 8 years and I still have fun playing Junkrat too
junkrat is unironically way more fucking mechanically complex than juno and i'm not even joking, retard
Hey I do play Lucio and Zen too, Juno is just the most fun for me at the moment
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do you want to talk about overwatch
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This made me laugh I have to admit. But don't have a total meltdown, we can't really do much to the larp mercy sissies but to report them and hope for a miracle.
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>Hi handsome!
Hey love and everything
>Hope you slept well!
hmm yea was better today somehow, lol thanks for asking how was your sleep? Are you gaming already? Was yesterday fun?
We didn't play against many dva's, so I had fun. I'd imagine someone else is suffering for my fun, that guy has to play soldier against dva all day.
Also rogue is so busted compared to necro or barb like lol, we're getting the bow for you today. cute couple, love the screenshot, you're so good at this mercy seems happy, where is bastion looking :^)?
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>Concorde : offlline
>TF2 : abandoned
>Deadlock : dead on arrival

Only Overwatch soldiers on!
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Glad to be a part of this cancerous, angry, LGBTQIA+ inclusive community.
But I won't count Deadlock out yet, it has had great numbers too.
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>>Deadlock : dead on arrival
it currently has over double the amount of players that ow2 has on steam

not only that but i can find matches literally instantly on it while it takes me up to 6 minutes in ow
viscous doesn't have a skeleton, it's a psychic fish controlling a blob of goo
Stop comparing overwatch and deadlock they have guns and selectable heroes that's where the comparison ends nobody ever said smite was competition for overwatch so why this moba
paladins queue was also instant when it launched
and ivy doesn't look like sex on legs but that doesn't stop the community either lmao

deadlock hasn't launched
>hmm yea was better today somehow, lol thanks for asking how was your sleep?
That's good, were up too late again though, I slept fine
>Are you gaming already?
No gaming, I was thinking of playing some Overwatch before work but then I remembered the games you have around this time are all bad
>Was yesterday fun?
Yeah it was
>We didn't play against many dva's, so I had fun. I'd imagine someone else is suffering for my fun, that guy has to play soldier against dva all day.
How did dva not get nerfed? Do they really think removing 5 damage of monkey's alt fire is going to change anything? Like these changes barely do anything
2 more weeks until the proper mid season patch I guess...
>Also rogue is so busted compared to necro or barb like lol, we're getting the bow for you today.
You do like triple my damage, the build I'm following might be garbage lol
>cute couple, love the screenshot, you're so good at this
Cutest even!
>mercy seems happy, where is bastion looking :^)?
Looking ahead at the incoming Ana nade? :^)
idc as long as volvo shits on pissard desu
everyone who wants to play doalock already has access to it. valve sent out an invite to all my dotashitter friends a few weeks ago. i, of course, as someone who only plays fps games, didn't recieve one as i'm not interested in a third person moba. i assume most other people who play overwatch also aren't.
>don't compare overwatch and deadlock
>compares deadlock to smite
Neither are good comparisons, Smite is so rigid and shit it might aswell be just looked at like a dota/league clone.
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my fall from the winning trend will be long and painful I bet
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>That's good, were up too late again though, I slept fine
yea, but I love gaming with you, don't worry
>No gaming, I was thinking of playing some Overwatch before work but then I remembered the games you have around this time are all bad
You slacker, just play Deadlock? We're playing that today, promise.
>Yeah it was
good, had fun as well.
>How did dva not get nerfed? Do they really think removing 5 damage of monkey's alt fire is going to change anything? Like these changes barely do anything
I honestly think Dva gets the tank mythic, or she gets nerfed mid season patch, but yea crazy she didn't get nerfed.
Was monkey that op? He felt more fair than dva or rein. I guess he shits on squish so more people cry.
>2 more weeks until the proper mid season patch I guess...
Wait 2 weeks? My god. Why does this season last so long
>You do like triple my damage, the build I'm following might be garbage lol
andy build is op yea classic blizzard balance
>Cutest even!
with the best mercy
>Looking ahead at the incoming Ana nade? :^)
sure :^) bastion wouldn't have any lewd thoughts
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>it takes me up to 6 minutes in ow
Use Open Queue, you fucking retard.
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are we playing deadlock later
I will now pay $25 for a skin
I will now stop playing Juno
When will Venture get a coomer skin?
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Science will sooner find a way to time travel than a way to make Venture attractive.
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There's should be a new mercy skin in the shop every week. You can't argue against this.
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should we use the deadlock general to discuss deadlock related stuff
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>Imagine the red lipstick marks she’ll leave on your penis
Angela is PURE SEX.
>yea, but I love gaming with you, don't worry
I feel bad keeping you up so long
>You slacker, just play Deadlock? We're playing that today, promise.
EU Deadlock servers open at 2 and I am not playing with 140+ ping on NA or SEA
Our first impressions were worse because of that
>I honestly think Dva gets the tank mythic
Uh oh, watch her get nerfed this mid season patch only to then get buffed again next season because of a mythic release lol
>Was monkey that op? He felt more fair than dva or rein. I guess he shits on squish so more people cry.
He is one of the best yeah but he's just more fair because he does not have matrix
I also think he's harder to position himself properly with, it's just easier to move around with dva and defensive matrix lets you escape for free pretty much
>Wait 2 weeks? My god. Why does this season last so long
Juno just came out, dummy
Dva being meta is just awful and if your team doesn't counter her, enjoy hell for the rest of the game
>with the best mercy
The absolute best? :)
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nah here is fine
>All those concepts skins shown in the survey
>Only Kiriko and Mercy skins will ever be made
Feels bad man.
Sounds expensive
This pic triggers some Pavlovian itch in my brain where whenever I see it, I can expect the anon who shits up this place just running amok angrily replying to everything he doesn’t like.
blizzard knows which mains are easily scammed
Schizoposters are nothing if not dedicated.
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yea we're not breaking any rules
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Sorry I have woken up something so hideous within you. It was just a funny green squid orb pic I took when I looked at possibly buying jade for zen. Now I use it for filler image.
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have you heard about this new technology called messaging apps? apparently it's like a 4chan general except it's private
WoW collab happening next week. The SSERAFIM skins and Formalwear Mercy are meant to drain the pay piggies before dropping the guaranteed money maker.
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lol that sounds dumb why would anyone use that when you can just use a 4chan general
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>I feel bad keeping you up so long
don't feel bad... I love spending my time with you
>EU Deadlock servers open at 2 and I am not playing with 140+ ping on NA or SEA
Oh right, well at least you don't run into Russians there? I'd still wonder why they take off the servers? I guess to collect data? I can't remember they did that in the dota 2 beta, the only thing I remember is me paying 40€ for a key for my friend.
>Our first impressions were worse because of that
Oh, I don't dislike the game, it was fun playing with you. I just dislike mobas after playing dota for 6k hours.
>Uh oh, watch her get nerfed this mid season patch only to then get buffed again next season because of a mythic release lol
Either that or she doesn't get nerfed at all. Maybe some developer is a dva main.
>He is one of the best yeah but he's just more fair because he does not have matrix
Yea, matrix is bullshit if you think about.
>I also think he's harder to position himself properly with, it's just easier to move around with dva and defensive matrix lets you escape for free pretty much
I think the jumping part and how you manage your ult is the hard part on monke. I don't know who's harder to play, monkey or dva.
>Juno just came out, dummy
lovey I still don't like her, well if you play her she's op though.
>Dva being meta is just awful and if your team doesn't counter her, enjoy hell for the rest of the game
Yea, can only hope, none of the tank plays her you even feel bad if your tank picks dva.
>The absolute best? :)
yes the very best, my best
Does that mean Brig has a chance of finally getting a good skin?
spark plug?
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if there's no whitemane mercy skin blizzard fucked up big time.
the skin spark plug, it's good
It is not.

>Alexstrasza Junker Queen

Either going to be Mercy or Ashe, if it’s happening at all.
what will the WoW Kiriko skin theme will be im curious, a really awesome skin would be genderbend Hanzo Tyrande
>don't feel bad... I love spending my time with you
Me too but you shouldn't lose sleep
>Oh right, well at least you don't run into Russians there?
They're on NA servers too, these deadlock addicts on Twitch jump around between regions when they go down and others come up
>I can't remember they did that in the dota 2 beta, the only thing I remember is me paying 40€ for a key for my friend.
So charitable, you're so sweet
>Oh, I don't dislike the game, it was fun playing with you. I just dislike mobas after playing dota for 6k hours.
I'm just saying it probably played worse back then because we were stuck around 140 ping lol
>Either that or she doesn't get nerfed at all. Maybe some developer is a dva main.
There's no way d.va doesn't get nerfed, she's just way too strong right now
>I think the jumping part and how you manage your ult is the hard part on monke.
Yeah, I can't juggle with him at all, I play him too little
>I still don't like her, well if you play her she's op though.
Please, I healbot with her, I can't play her as well as the Junos we run into
>yes the very best, my best
Thanks!! I have to go, I see you tonight!
Who could she be? Moira Bronzebeard?
it is her best skin
mercytranny is Jose when his schizo meds wear off
>Payday-themed skins
>Only D. Va and Solider 76 get them
hes like the green goblin
except he goes from trans to more trans
someone last week said that brigitte would listen to sabrina carpenter and i just want to say, yeah i see it.
baby making sex with brig and sabrina carpenter, that young skank
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>Me too but you shouldn't lose sleep
I still get 7-8 hour of sleep every day, lol
>They're on NA servers too, these deadlock addicts on Twitch jump around between regions when they go down and others come up
ah, ok yea, I'm not watching anything at Twitch at all rn. I need to do more indoor cardio for that.
>So charitable, you're so sweet
oh you stop, you know how I can be...
>I'm just saying it probably played worse back then because we were stuck around 140 ping lol
hmm, can't remember I noticed the ping. Felt pretty smooth and you didn't play bad at all.
>There's no way d.va doesn't get nerfed, she's just way too strong right now
She was already op last season, and they only nerfed her dm by nothing. I'm not sure anymore.
>Yeah, I can't juggle with him at all, I play him too little
you're probably way better than me on him, though. I did play him in OW1.
>Please, I healbot with her, I can't play her as well as the Junos we run into
lol, you're way better than them. I've seen it.
>Thanks!! I have to go, I see you tonight!
ok, see you later love, hopefully your day isn't too long I want you now...
Best of the worst does not make it good.
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you're not alone in here
Mercy already has 2 skins this season

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