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Lordaeron Reclamation when edition


>September Trading Post:

Last time on /wowg/ >>493001687
Reminder to have fun and not take 4chan seriously
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Buckle up, goys!
And ready those 270$ for a full meal.
How to unlock Earthen?
cute troons with big balls and small pp's
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man anduin is kind of a shit healer huh
disney bloat
>they even have some wrinkles
Thanks for the boner.
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The only reason I care about retail.
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>literally rezzes someone that's old as fuck
i'd say he's pretty good
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holy shit wow writing is bad
"wasn't aiming at you"
can I play as gurubashi troll?
If I'm a newfag, should I play through Dragonflight to make sure I get the good flying shit or will it give me dragonriding without it?

I don't know which fucking thread is being used so posting here too.
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Random BGs are a treasure
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This would've been a neat fate for a gravely wounded wizard and a grim callback to a joke, but no.
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I thought the earthen were going to get a lot of customization because they were just dwarves again, this entire second tab is just how many gems you want sticking out of your armor.
Okay mister critic, what would you have had her say instead? Mind you the game is for ages 12 and up.
So just like that,
xalatath loses her magic succ disc?
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The absolute state of WoW
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you get it without but you will have to farm the glyphs in tww zones then
Void womb tattoo infused with fel energy. The red skinned female Draenei said it was totally safe!
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Is TWW a shitty version of Legion?
The void is a shitty version of fel magic
>The void creatures - that were also part of >the Legion anyway, are also shitty version of demons
>The elf that "sacrificed all" and uses the enemy's power against them is a shitty Illidan without charisma
>The death of the protagonist at the beginning just like Varian except he could have teleported himself too anyway - so a shitty cinematic death
>The suicidal thoughs of Anduin jumping like his father when it was not necessary anyway
>Anduin being a literal cuckfaggot describing the nerubians as "vibrant" when they are the fucking opposit of that word just like liberals describe muslim migrants who explode as vibrant too
>The city os threads is a much shittier version of Suramar
>The hero talents are a lazy replacement of the class hall and artifacts
Did I forget something? it's a 1:1 shittier legion for 30 more dollars
Is that you anon? Are you Ruto?
the wheelchair is temporary
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what is this meme called? I enjoy it
So might just be better to level through DF and get it that way then?
>Alleria hugs DADGAR
>doesn't hug Turalyon, her HUSBAND and FATHER of her son

What did Metzen's bitch daughter mean by this?
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Ummm... Like actually NO! YOU'RE WRONG BRO!
Chuds BTFO
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pathetic troon you made this thread hours ago it's not even the right last
based tuxedo mask spitting fax
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>pov you're a certified Metzen kino-denier
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what nameplates are these?
haven't played retail in a long while and got back into it with TWW, so far pretty good, having a good time with the faster pace of rotations after playing a lot of Classic + SoD, and I'm trying not to use any addons so I don't ruin my good time by trying to chase the top of the dps meters

are there any good resources to figure out my bis list? or at the very least pre-raid bis if that's a thing in retail? I'm pretty sure Wowhead sucks and frankly their gearing pages are very confusing with all the crafting shit and million currencies

real thread
"We've heard our female employees," he said. "And my daughter tools me out about it. She saw a World of Warcraft cinematic of the Dragon Aspects, and my daughter was like, 'Why are they all in swimsuits?' And I was like, 'I don't know. I don't know anymore.'" - Chris Metzen
Why was anduin even following us around? He was entirely useless through all of the questing, he just existed to randomly heal khadgar at the end because he remembered how to use the light a little bit.
holy shit it's true
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patchwerk fat american 胖胖美国人angered hits on armored men对装甲兵的怒吼intentional pain river keeps others safe故意痛苦的河流使他人安全medics focus those who eat fists医务人员将重点放在那些吃拳头的人身上
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>9 posts
I think the tribe has spoken pal
she touched his arm, chud
I love her whore makeup and tats so much
>"No...but HE can"
>Giant golden sword rips through Xal'ataths chest
looks like plater with a custom profile
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My wife...
We can just use the other thread when this one hits post limit
you're not wrong
but there're no rng legendaries or AP so I'll take it. fuck legion
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more like
better legion
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Female Human Colossus Arms Warrior.
avatar troon fake thread cringe
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>"Can you really just go around enjoying a Dead Game when you know in Two More Weeks It's So over?"
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When does Elune turn up?
Don't forget to play with /wowg/
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>Single-handedly destroys the WoWchud
>ele sham gets EASIER to play as you level
lmao what in the fuck you literally just stormkeeper and spam LB or CL
Didnt they have 5000 years of steamy post demon battle/war sex on argus?
I would inagine they are past the need for affirmation ir physical affection
avatar troon haha lmao
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ackutally og had a beloved fan favorite in a wheelchair first so you can't call it a humiliation ritual when wow does it
>taxes on an online video game purchase

The absolute state of Americans
>sweat ass off as rogue
>haha chain lightning go brrr as shaman
Do rumors give anything worthwhile or can they safely be ignored
free use

free graphics card

rent free

legs free

free use x2

free use

hair free

free use (gay)

free use
ahhaha avatar tranny kek haha lmao avatar tranny faggot haha
He hasn't even made it to the tip screen yet
Americans don't have the taxes on the 49,99 part? That's pretty bs.
Why is Anduin being a bitch about using the light. What happened where he cant use it anymore. Why is he always a whiny shitter.
does EU not have taxes on their video games wtf?
>He doesn't know
Friendly reminder that Chris Metzen is part of the problem because his daughter once asked him an uncomfortable question about Alexstrasza's bountiful bosom.
he had arthas inside him and feels too violated to continue
The world sized difference there is in playing Ele pve vs Enh pve is so much i could fit my fat cock in between.
He got arr thancreded and cant get over it
reminder avatar troon faggot op lmao haha
>All that text covering up sailor moon's tits
Woke meme.
/wowg/ proving once again they don't even play the fucking game
why the fuck do I even come here?
you're all retarded
They help filling up the bar for the weekly zone quest if you still need to do it one or two days before reset
Who is maye again. And what the fuck "og" means.
No reason for it, Metzen just wanted a sad anduin randomly for his magnum opus
He broke his chastity vow and plapped Sylvanas in Shadowlands so the light turned it's back on him.
online comment? you bet theres a tax for that.
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the woke within
i'll be here all week (because there's nothing to do in game)
>he comes to 4channel.org/vg/, specifically /wowg/, to have serious conversations about serious topics
bye felicia
"chinese" pastas from classic. that guy is saying that he's looking for alliance player looking to get rend buff
Your swag bag is ripping open you dumb fuck, stop sticking swords in it
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Elden Ring's /erg/ had some good lore discussion before the DLC raped it beyond recognition and salvation.
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>dungeon que for the weekly
>do mythic gul'dan for the mount
>do mythic blackhand for the mount
>do mythic argus for the mount
>do sha of anger for the mount
>its been 30mins and the dungeon still hasn't poped yet
Fucking dead nigger game
holy based
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>thought mythic 0s came out this week
>its another week of leveling alts and doing heroic dungeons
no, they just have a lower currency value instead
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so I just have to download a weakaura to track this? epic game!
>mount farming
is there a more tranny activity?
>Comp stomp over
How am I supposed to get pvp gear now? It's impossible...
yeah, avatarfagging on wowg threads
i see no reason why M0 wasn't released this week, could have been the perfect progression towards the season release
queue for av and watch anime while you run to, then afk on, noob hill
>I have to copy a single string of text?
>>do sha of anger for the mount
>Still leveling alts
Yeah they're too far behind at this point, it's over...

Finish campaign at the top of your quest log
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It's all Blizzard can do these days. It's got to the point where WoW is derivative of itself. Every new expansion or storyline is merely a rehash of an old one.
>The nightborne storyline in Suramar was just a rehash of the blood elf storyline from TBC, down to the Nightwell/Sunwell and Withered/Wretched.
>We are on currently on either the third or fourth Anduin Doubting Himself And Then Regaining His Confidence storyline.
>The Primalists from Dragonflight were just a rehash of the Twilight's Hammer from Cataclysm.
And on and on. There is no originality left in this franchise anymore.
for me its just hitting it whenever the button is flashing
for a game that is supposedly played only by boomers, it for sure attracts some of the most retarded ones
the orbiters are the worst. literally refreshing like 5 different web pages related to wow every 5 seconds to shitpost in here
There's some quest like "how scandalous" or some shit in dorn on the map. That's how I found it
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>Khadgar survives
>He's not even missing an arm that he lost in the cinematic

Is there anyone at Blizzard checking WoW consistency? This expansion's plot just feels like "cool things" were placed on a wall and the producers threw darts and went with whatever they landed on. Am I alone in feeling this?
>Based man turns into a cuck because of his wife or daughter.
Many such cases.
Okay talk about slavery NOW
sisters... another week of nothing

it's over.
My only assumption is that its a shade of Khadgar because visually it looked as if Xala transformed into him or is inside of him like a ticking timebomb.
This is the scene I'm referring to.
In a based world, Anduin would have found his faith in the Light again through some old Scarlet Crusade pamphlet. The story would conclude with Anduin reforming the Scarlet Crusade by royal decree and declaring a holy crusade against all non-humans.
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thats good because I just bought the game! wait for me guys! :)
fuck now i have to goon to wow sluts...
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Where's that freaky Gnome with all of the funny crystals? I have a new invention I think she'd enjoy testing out.
Also she was enslaved and forcibly bred by orcs
That happened to his whole body, retard.
he clearly got completely disintegrated/teleported

im pretty sure she sent him to see the void lords or someshit and he's gonna be all like
>"champions.... i've returned from seeing them... they are far more powerful then we could have imagined... we must unite and blah blah blah
>Auction house doesn't work
>Campaign quest doesn't work
>Earthen can't eat, making them ban on sight for M+ as casters who can't drink
Are you a dps player? You can't really play dps in these games because every casual does.
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uh oh...Ser Mercedes are you ok
So earthen can't recover mana? LOL LMAO
everyone has unironically quit already
he said he transmuted himself into pure arcane energy
That chair floats and was a gift from Archmage Modera

But hey keep coping because you don't play the game and is still obsessed with it
You know people always say about Alexstrasza being raped and forcibly bred and all this, but the question I have is: by who? Who was actually raping her?

Don't just tell me the orcs or the red dragons. I want specific names. Who was actually putting his penis inside Alexstrasza and jizzing inside her and impregnating her? I want answers.
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the absolute STATE of scalefags
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>or is inside of him
is DEI just slang for saying the n word in polite company because I've never seen it used in consistent context that makes sense
>Earthen can't eat, making them ban on sight for M+ as casters who can't drink
This has to be some shitpost no way they can't eat for buffs
stop trying to insert your leftist fantasies into video games you fucking commie
do i feel like waiting till 6 am for reset?
Nope. They can't drink or get food buffs. They are actually DOA for high end content.
is this real? I see almost no paladins, are they all tanking or something
It was me. She tried to escape once but Chromie and I cooked up a special lesson to teach that dragon slut her place.
go to bed and wake up at 5:45 am
Doing what I can to keep them down.
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Why are male characters players like this?

Only fucking weird people like asmongold unironically play male characters
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Xalatath, the sex goddess
they can only eat gems and the buff they get from them is worse than what you get from normal food

this was pointed out a hundred times during the beta and Blizzard ignored it
DEI is slang for "Ugly fucking minorities"
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Impregnate Xalatath all day
Yes it's real. Paladin has been the most popular class since forever. I wouldnt be surprised paladin is overall the most popular fantasy class. Full plate warrior using holy magic is peak fantasy.

It's real. Earthen can't eat or drink, so they can't recover Mana in M+. They are a MUST KICK for any healer/caster class.

So it's general racial slurs in polite company got it
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>Rogues below monks
How embarrassing

>She and her mate Tyranastrasz were forced to breed drakes for the Dragonmaw riders before she was freed by a band of adventurers and the other four uncorrupted aspects
They're all busy pvping because pallies are the kind of players who would normally never touch pvp without their instant safe space button.



The taxes is part of the price, I pay 49.99€ which in the end is 55USD.
The good thing being that you don't have surprises at the checkout, I find crazy that americans are ok with their taxes being applies during checkout
playing as a female means you're a tranny
playing as a male means you're gay
the only winning choice is to play as a mechagnome


What's the difference between these cinematics?
Why are you stealing my link to be an obnoxious capsfag about it
We just keep taking L after L...
I know we shit on Blizzard all the time here. But how do you get so far along in development before remembering that the Earthen need to be able to drink water for mana? Do they even play the fucking game they are actively developing?

California is not sending their best.
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Is there any way to move the PvP flag carrier HUD?
Seems to be no option for it under Edit Mode
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Homewrecking skank.
>Irvine trannies that will never be women
>play the game

Surely you jest
So if Tyranastrasz was being forced to have sex too then why does nobody mention him? Why is the fuss only over Alexstrasza and not Tyranastrasz who was being forced to jizz gallons? His dick must have been raw.
Why aren't you using the BattlegroundEnemies addon? That's the important question
for the same reason people say 'nice' when they hear about a 30 year old teacher have sex with her 10 year old student
>literally pay to lose
you've gotta be fucking kidding me
How does Blizzard so consistently, thoroughly, constantly, invariably, unquestionably, assuredly, unceasingly, irredeemably fuck up literally every aspect of every one of their games? Like, there isn't even 1 person there who sees the slop for what it is?
I thought Chris and Microsoft were going to save WoW bros... you lied to me...
Because I can use my eyes and see the v-bars, anon
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saar you bitch benchod please is small indie dev have understands
wait this is real I thought it was an edit
>he said he transmuted himself into pure arcane energy
>painful screaming
I just don't buy it.
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oh no oh no oh no
metzen joined too late into War Within. Don't worry Midnight will be PEAK.

but you have to get into it now in TWW or you'll missed out on this epic trilogy.
But why? When you could have a list of your opposing team, listed from top to bottom in order of priority for you to kill, with little icons that tell you specific needed info such as flag or orb carriers, etc?
>Alex is thrown into a rape dungeon for months, is her usual cheery self to the player
>Anduin gets mind controlled for an afternoon, broods for 5 years
Women are... strong.
No negativity in the dojo.
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why the fuck is the auction house still down?
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>want to do M0's
>no M0's
>want to do delves
>Brann's maxed
>want to play AH
>AH's offline
>Want to mine
>AH's offline, no invis node flasks
>Want to PVP
>no I don't
>Want to do the campaign quest
>it's bugged and disabled
Told you faggots this "expansion" has no content, even Dragonshite that gets clowned on has the soup at least
Adventurers, how could we let this happen?
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>go do other things... like level an earthen you chud!
Im actually sadgar that Khadgar dadgar isnt deadgar. Faggar.
I'm not going to go out of my way to kill the healer that's 500 yards away
If it's within charging distance, it dies
It's funny to me how people think this way, like I see them and I don't even recognise them as another human being because of how stupid they behave.
Retarded third-world Venezuelans ruining the economy.
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>noooo magni is dead
>just kidding :)

>noooo khadgar is dead
>just kidding :)
It's okay next time Xal'atath will open a void portal above him and drop an anvil on his head and he;ll get the 5-foot high bump like the coyote from Looney Tunes. Then he'll die from that.

>If it's within charging distance, it dies
Well yeah, obviously
Still though, What do you do when it's a group? Do you mouseover or visually check each one to see if it's a healer or caster?
what's the lore reason the arathi are paladins if they broke off from humanity thousands of years ago
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If Blizzard wrote the Horde to be like they were in these two novels, it would fix them completely as a faction.

The Horde characters in these books are genuinely interesting, multidimensional, they have clear goals and motivations, they don't always get along, they have actual character and personalities, and they aren't pure evil which is ironic considering the Horde are meant to be the bad guys at this point in history.
How hard is Prot Warrior in TWW?
>if they broke off from humanity
If you are a human empire you by default did not break off from humanity
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kek look at this doodette (formerly dood)
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>he said he transmuted himself into pure arcane energy
xivfags when will they stop copying us?
Same reason regular humans are paladins.
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>what content drought does to an obsessed scalefaggot
Should I stop, /wowg/?
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nice DEI slop, r*etoilets
Male or female earthern?
Especially the second guy who is making it painfully clear that he's just regurgitating insults that have been thrown at him in the past.
i used to watch methodjosh
who is new the incel autist in wow community i can watch
Body 1 if you're a Male IRL.
Body 2 if you're a Female IRL.
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professions dont give enough for being so aids
god i wish you were your dracthyr
well they're all half elf niggers now
they had their entire priest order destroyed by orcs thousands of years ago into the future?
rogue just feels horrible on every spec. cooldowns constantly coming up doesn't feel good at all, it makes them feel unimpactful
crackshot was such a mistake, it's going to be the entire identity of outlaw for years just because some class-tourist retards got it to proc 4 times a row on a dummy once and called it poggers
Yeah because the WoW economy is ruined with the bots and the token existing.
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>Male or female earthern?
What do you mean? You can only make male earthen
its fine you stupid smelly poor idiot buy tokens you fucking moron dipshit all it takes is an initial 2 mil investment and you can make HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of gold
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Give it to me straight: How over is it?
>Presenting orcs as nuanced, multilayered characters deserving of our respect
Yeah somehow that doesn't surprise me.
Over? It has only just begun.
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Just think: we could have gotten ogres but Metzen decided on earthen instead.
I mean which bodytype looks better with gear on
What the fuck
I wish outlaw would go back to how it was at the end of shadowlands. blunderbuss leggo, pistol shot doing shitloads of damage. don't care about stealth at all.
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>Christie Golden
>Champion, my magic-sensing wheelchair is rumbling! It must mean that the black empire we see before us is naught but an illusion woven into being by Xal'atath!
>doing legion class hall shit on all those memory-event leveled alts, just for more marks of honor income
the shit i do to avoid pvp's terrible ass
high elves for the alliance/ogres for the horde
in midnight
trust the plan
>both transformed into pure energy form
>both had to be rescued from that form
>both crippled
>both mages
Like come on.
you are too late for the part
shjould have bought early access
right now if you want to make money you are better off going to a job and buying a token
why is there a 3 weeks timegate on actual content ... ?
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so you buy another month sub to play the actual content
You tell me
So the dumbasses who paid for epic edition and got the free month
dont get a free month worth playing
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/cast thunder clap
thinking about buying tww.
there's still enough time to level and gear for the raid. I'm just not sure if it's fun enough to spend 50€ on.
is the game in a good state, PvE-wise?
Because NuBlizzard only cares about money, not about code quality in their spaghetti code, hence you see the broken auction house, bug galore etc
more like thunder crap
You realise that a paladin is essentially just a priest with martial training, right?
If you can commune with the light, which there is no reason to believe they wouldn't be able to, training said lightfags to be soldiers as well isn't exactly rocket science.
Echo/Liquid needed an extra week to get all their studio shit set up.
I'm sick of having to redo my UI on every new character and for each realm. Is there something I can just copy and paste, or a text file I can edit, to synchronize all UI and addons for all characters?
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When Dracthyr become playable for other classes I will probably main one (male)
There, I said it. I think they look cool
Monk used to be the least played class too. The real odd thing here is rogue.
he's a straight white male, who must be as pathetic and incompetent as possible as a humiliation ritual in revenge for donald dump
Race and class for this feel?
oh okay, priests should be able to spec paladin then
>silver trim mixed with gold trim
>different shades of green
anon, do NOT enter the trial of style
Tauren Rogue
>I think they look cool
They can't equip gear meaning the entire fashion side of the game isn't real for them. I have no idea why blizzard let that go through.
>Bismuth cratering at 28g when it sells for 40g because everyone's throwing their mats up after the AH crash
only a whole 2 more weeks for m+ what a wonderful fucking idea blizzard
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going to make mine a mage so I never have to go to aug jail.
those don't exist
Holy Priests and Shadow Priests both being one class was the most retarded decision in WoW's history. It's like if Paladin and Death Knight were two specs of a single class.
Basically you get free sub but it's just for one week before you need to resub :)
Isn't that nice from Blizzard :)
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Well the male visage forms look neat
And I also like dragon form
I wanna play warrior one
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That first week with no maze+ is going to be fucking GLORIOUS.
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We still have two more expansions in this sage.
any time thrall is on the screen i just want him to fuck my character to death
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nobody here plays the game so nobody can give an opinion
god i wish i were my dracthyr
Is that a night elf or a visage?
Already planned on making mine a Fire mage, quite looking forward to it
so you telling me we could of seen khadgars old man balls? DAMN YOU BLIZZARD
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>synchronize all UI and addons for all characters
Most addons have a profile setting somewhere which allows you to use the same settings across multiple characters.
such a vibrant people they are
avatar tranny haha lmao
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Thanks :)
Night elf, how else
That would be sick actually
The green eye tats shouldn't work as well as they do with this mog, kudos.
Ackshually this general is one of the few from /vg/ that actually plays their game.

t. knower.
human male paladin post
just two more furry races before that though. trust the plan.
faggot avatar haha
Uh, you okay man?
This sounds great.
which professions should I avoid if I don't want to be like picrel? I just want to craft something useful and put it on the AH and make some decent gold for it.
So once they have cross-faction Guilds will factions matter at all? Think that's the last thing that separates them now
I bet they were droopy and wrinkly and smelled of cigarettes.
>thinking naga wont become playable in the elf expansion
Yeah, as much as Blizzard employees are playing their own game.
I just wanted my shitty crafted items and its so not worth bothering with it
>Attention starved avatartranny shitting up the thread again
so a pedo?
haha posting your faggot avatar is talking about wow haha tranny kek

Poorly thought out shit that is gonna get $90 suckers kicked from all content, lolmao
>Reddit is making fun of the cinematic
>Twitter is making fun of the cinematic
>the official forums are making fun of the cinematic
>MMO-Champion is making fun of the cinematic
>4chan is making fun of the cinematic
>Resetera is making fun of the cinematic
>Asmongold is making fun of the cinematic
>Bellular is making fun of the cinematic
>Zepla is making fun of the cinematic
>Danuser is making fun of the cinematic
>John is making fun of the cinematic
>Grummz is making fun of the cinematic
>Jason Schreier is making fun of the cinematic
>Nick Fuentes is making fun of the cinematic
>Donald Trump Jr. is making fun of the cinematic
Holy fuck. It's even worse than the 9.1 raid cinematic. It may actually be over.
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I have some headshots art coming soon I think will look really cool
Here's a WIP
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Anyone got clip of Asmongold laughing at the newest cinematics?
back to discord avatar troon
it wasn't an issue until they reworked the talents in DF
people might not like it, but Cata and MoP were peak fantasy, and while mostly every spec is FUN to play right now for some classes it feels schizophrenic because you're constantly using abilities that don't match up with the spec
its not nearly as bad as the avengers assemble cinematic in DF
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I'll probably stick to viisage, the sole reason I don't play a Velf/Belf mage already is that I can't achieve this exact look.
Still, it's my hope that the devs add proper armor to the dragon form, it's not that hard to implement.
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>Love WoW
>Want to play it
>Solo SL/BFA raids
>Try do max level content
>So many talking heads shouting at me, RARE HERE,CHEST HERE(vanishes before i loot it)
>Everyones flashy and zooming around
>Try SoD, run to next level zone, look up see if im missing any runes
>Far and and in between different zones
>Close game
God fuckin' damn it.
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>5 days until raid
>still no NA /wowg/ guild

bros... how could this be...
fuck I wanted to make an earthen shaman what are the odds blizzard fixes this race within the next decade?
Alleria broke the macguffin, what is the next macguffin?
what should be the first steps taken if i want to pursue the career of a ret chad?
99% of the people on this list are mouthbreathing retards, which means it must be good after all
>You Laugh You Lose
flying ruins the game
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This was so good. I want more of this, Blizzard. Please make me enjoy my time in the game.
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Fuck yeah he looks sick, I'd probably make my dude look similar since I have short black hair and beard irl
I'm really looking forward to it
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>cloth/mail/leather armor

Most of it has metal pieces and looks heavy.
I never understood this.
dont fly then
Is wow writing just aimed at pissing people off? They knew the response before this was made.
Just don't fly then landlubber
>"The lord of ravens will turn the key." -Il'gynoth
its written by pissed off women
flying should be disabled
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>earthen can't get main stat food buffs
>can't drink to regen mana
if I see an earthen, I'm kicking it from the group
bots have ruined everything
maybe try and look to see if some older expansion stuff can sell
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When u nutted but she keep grindin
I have still not bought war within. I just keep hesitating.
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It's like printing my own money
>autokick earthen trannies from all content, raid+ and mazed+
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You guys are gonna watch RWF and support /ourguy/ right?
>earthen can't be healers
Sovl and clear indicative of chad non-healer. Insta invited, earthen san.
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class/race for this feel?
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It's over.
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>me playing 2 characters and leveling 13 more for professions
i dunno anon, there is enough content for me
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post mogs that make you want to play a class you otherwise wouldn't
is this male or female
it's like one of those forced ejaculation JAVs where they keep jerking and licking his nipples
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Debilitating addiction to guzzling human cum
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>I'm not aiming at you (sassy)
Why is Khadgar's forehead so small? This nigga must have no prefrontal cortex.
/wowg/ won
can you even fail the delves?
>Asmongold is speechless
Wait a second... that description...
that's $25 in tokens
i hope you didn't spend more than 1.5 hours mining
kul-tirans in plate looks so good
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post and rate mogs.
gold and bone shades clash too much
beary cool outisde that
As someone who has it Im seriously thinking of just deleting my account. I dont know what Im even doing
they can drink mage food which you can get for free at any point on time, but yea the entire race just straight up sucks and looks retarded to boot
avatar tranny
Remember warfronts?
>I don't play gacha games
Except he not only played several, but he spent thousands in each one he did.
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The Old Gods are not evil.
Perhaps they're trying to prove how utterly unfireable they are
you weren't supposed to point this out....
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Energy classes feel terrible to play, I have no idea how the remaining rogues and monks do it. I've definitely been seeing a fuckton of Paladins in my dungeons.
Also warriors are about as common as they usually are. Every time there's a fury warrior in one of my dungeons, they're usually going ape shit and doing a lot of DPS.
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is asmon at least gonna do the normal version of the raid?
I wish i could just play a template character.
>warband transmogs keep getting fucked up
yeah but he's gonna wipe on the last boss for 3 hours then quit the game
>replying to shitty fake edit of the zombiebaldman
good choice. I regret buying too early... or at all, not sure which one yet.
Just blew my load from having a dommy mommy strap-on fuck me in the butt
I spent 0, I flipped it all from 30g buy to 36g 88s sell
so whats the NEW rarest class/race combo that isnt evoker
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okay, question for anyone following the story. What happened to Arator? Do his parents just fucking hate him? Why isn't he in TWW?
femdwarf rogue, obviously
they have lives once you get to the higher difficulties
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what are the odds xal'atath will die in a similar fashion
>nooo i was secretly trying to protect you from an even bigger baddie
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zug zug
How did it feel Anduin?
>Took his mother's last name.
Arator is a confirmed faggot.
I don't think he's coming back Anon.
He only played 8 hours during the launch. What makes you think he's coming back for raiding?
For WoW 2 they should just have hero classes. DK, DH, PLD, some kind of wizard
guaranteed to be in Midnight
there was a whole short story about alleria visiting silvermoon when arator leaves now
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kek, relatable.
He would cut into Anduins niche in the story. Can't have that.
What's Turalyon's last name?
>WoW 2
will never happen
its probably female kul tiran rogue or mechagnome
Her void was preserving the balance, keeping Azeroth from being overwhelmed by the evil Light of Avaloren.
>Where is my content
>No I didn't do quests, spamming dungeons is faster don't you know?
>pvp is a minigame
>alts? I want to focus on my character
>professions are nothing but money sinks. I'll just boost people and buy off the AH
>yeah I had enough money from last exp to buy most of my gear so I don't have to farm dungeons

>ANYWAY where is my content???
turalyon doesn't have one
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(lust provoking image)

Back with more AI sloppa requests

>no males
>no explicit sex

>characters to pick from that I have loras for:
belf, nelf, draenei, nightborne, jaina, katherine, calia, alexstrasza, sylvanas, whitemane, tyrande, valeera, xalatath and alleria (old AND new costume)

Please describe the subject, clothing, pose, environment (if applicable) and if you want exaggerated body features or not + style (2D/2.5D/3D/photorealism/actual game style)
If you have to request multiple characters, keep their interactions simple
>Human Male Paladin
>Night Elf Male Druid
But who is the canon Horde adventurer?
this but unironically
>USAA accepted chargeback for epic edition
lmao fuck you blizzard, maybe I'll buy it for half price when the actual content comes out and still reap all of early access for free
White Human Male Warrior is the canon race/class combo. I don't make the rules it is what it is.
He's going to be the Gigachad Paladin in 12.0 and beyond.

And he WON'T be emasculated. Why? Because he's an elf. And the fat white women writing the story love male elves. He checks all their boxes.

He won't be pussyfied like Anduin.
Khadgar in a booster seat with the foam retard helmet
Bonus points if Alleria is driving
Thats not what was asked
yeah if youre really not paying attention
can you do new alleria looking in the mirror and see old alleria
Level 1 Tauren Rapist.
>bricking your account
no thanks, I have legacy fomo stuff
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when are we getting pet specs back
It is what it is.
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You'll have 3 lives at higher levels. Also mobs will start hitting like trucks.
>yet another case of lorelet that don't play the game and only follows the pre rendered cutscene to shitpost
hopefully never
the average hunter is too stupid to micromanage their pet, let alone choose talents for it
>Y'shtola constantly burns her own ether just so she can see again.
>Khadgar sits in an arcane wheelchair
Based Metzen bringing back masculinity to the Warcraft Universe.
Asmon loved this btw
As a hunter if I have to manage my pet like that im going to reroll i literally chose this class specifically to not put effort in and no this isnt satire
she is called the harbinger, she isn't even supposed to be the big baddie, Dimensius is
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There is no difference between delves and scenarios.
How the fuck do I unlock earthern? I just did dungeons to hit 80 and now I have no idea what to do
They said that it was 'too confusing' for PVPers to face
stop noticing things

You have to complete the campaign
delves don't make you carry 2 other retards
I hate how aggressive the scaling is. The enemies genuinely feel like damage sponges and its awful.
I dont even feel excited progressing my character it all feels so obviously time gated they didnt hide it at all
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PVPers confirmed mouthbreathers?
Post pandass / Vulpass

So uh why did WoW never get ported to the Wii?

WoW was rising in popularity in 2006 when the Wii was sold, and the Wii itself sold over 100 million units.

Just seems like a no-brainer, yet Blizzard didn't do it.
Are you fucking kidding me thats like 100 hours
Do the enemies scale with ilevel too?
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what's so confusing about
>ferocity for lust+leech
>tenacity for hp+fortitude
>cunning for speed+masters call

they could even set it so current pet family stuff is the default but you can change from it

add an overhead icon for player specs and pet specs then or do something like xiv where you queue in and it shows you portraits of your team+enemy team and what class they are
>100 hours.
Heh not this time. TWW campaign is about 4 hours long at most.
They really should have ported to console
>He questions Xalatroon's intelligence
Our response?
>be a hunter in random questing gear struggling to kill 1 mob for a quest with my gun
>suddenly a paladin in a full glowing transmog drops out of the sky on a dragon
>smites everything on the entire field including the guy im shooting
>flies off without a word
Am I just a fucking NPC?
>World of Warcraft: The War Within (PC) - Angry Video Game Nerd (AVGN)
You mean Aman'thul.
ret pallies have actually broken burst damage. could be worse though, aff locks have to do 2 full rotations to kill a single shitter mob
Maybe he thought you were skinning and he wanted to help you out?
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thats a unique request, but yes somewhat
it got her shoulder armor wrong and refuses to get it right
in retrospect should have used regional prompter instead of inpainting
>shifting into bear form midair and charging down into a rare someone is fighting
but yes, people like you exist to make people like me feel good about spending money on this shithole game, kudos
Play SV or go home until they buff BM
BM is dogshit and I don't even care how good a class is usually I play what I like but BM is DOGSHIT dogshit
SV is too much for me i need another braindead class
cumming inside lightforged
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Blizzard's biggest shills are turning against them.
can you make jaina except she's a thick ebony woman either nude or in a very revealing bikini
It's like Frost Mage. It takes a second to get going because you have to meet a couple of conditions, but once you do you can one or two shot nuke stuff, solo or aoe packs, effortlessly.
The only trade-off is the limited healing. I mean you'll stay alive but it can be close sometimes depending on how big the pack is
yeah ret paladin burst is insane
ramp some holy power during pull, wait for the clump, wake of ashes + final reckoning + hammer of light + divine toll then spam as much divine storm as you can
easily does 1-1.5 mil aoe dps for 8 ish seconds
even more if it lines up with your second free hammer of light during the wings window and to extend the hammer rain
thats just what paladins are like, they think they're the hero that everyone loves and respects
>wasting a cooldown to move more slowly to the enemy than flight form
I miss him bros...
he was like a massive dude in golden armor and im some tiny skinny dude with a shitty looking pet it was the most insane thing ever
This isnt fair.
so you just want black skinned jaina?
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Why is this shit time gated so much. What the fuck is this
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>nooooo you have to min max when fighting rares!! they have 7 heckin million hp they are SERIOUS!!! NO FUN ALLOWED!!!
>healer what are you doing? fucking heal me
>sry I'm playing with a Wii controller lol
fuck off
more or less, yeah, if its within your ability to make the hair textured right then all the better
>Believe your opponent can't hurt you
>Hear her say she's not aiming at you
>Don't use your own body to protect your McGuffin
metzin writing isn't any better than dunguser
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>Gigachad paladin off the top rope
>DUES VULT'S the everliving FUCK out of everyone
>Resolves to elaborate further
That's just how human chads roll
why is everything in this spider cave world quest on isle of dorn just randomly dying by itself
well in every encounter they had alleria tried to attack/shoot her, she just expected her to do the same thing again
It's funny because she just finished a big speech about how dangerous and unpredictable mortals are.
how do you guys like this? the sub fee makes me feel like i need to rush through everything since my time is literally money
Why didn't she just instantly give Alleria a void headache like in Dalaran?
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what is this fucking horn sound they used for the campaign quest
Metzen... That's retarded as fuck...
idk I logged in today saw there was still no content, filed a chargeback and booted up wc2 instead
is there an addon that lists all the dailies and weeklies?
alright but what if it wasnt on wii
Did I miss what that thing was? I dont remember it in the quest line
should i save my coffer keys for when they unlock delve shit next week?
Why even bother with high/blood elves when Night Elves are so perfect?
It's the Dark Heart, you find out more about it in the optional megadungeon quest.
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Blackhand was the most based warchief in history and no one has come close since, not even Garrosh.
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the most fun ive had in this game was doing eversong woods on a free trial after that everythings felt like a job and i barely read quests anymore because every quest npc vomits out like 3 quests at once as soon as i turn in 1
I seriously wish there was a class/spec based mostly on auto attack and passive abilities. I want to be able to alt tab out and do middling dps
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the hair is probably possible but I don't know a good way to go about it
this is about dark as it goes when you factor in the character lora's pale skin fighting against the prompt
would probably need an additional lora helper to darken it further
I'm trying so hard to like blood elves, but the male running animation is dog shit and I don't like playing as females. Someone cure me of my autism
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yeah I like him too
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who do i form a pact with?
SV is easy to be mediocre at and still be good, just use Ephie's weakaura
Yeah but profiles suck massive dick and I hate them so fucking much because every time you make a new character or change your addon loadout you have to go load the profile and it often takes as long or longer than just manually changing the UI to match. It's so fucking stupid.


male belfs look great in armor. not stretched out messes
tanned bimbo jaina is just as good. a fine addition to my collection
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Did you get yours bros?!
Not a single image has been created of Faerin getting piped down by BWC(Big Wrynn Cock)
Its funny how they decided to put Anduin on the same arc he went through in Legion-BFD, and you would have thought that a proper development of this arc should have continuously correspond with each expansion of the Saga with an epic pay off to make up for this shit.
But then Anduin just regained his Light and Faith in like a few days of being in Hallowfall/Ahn'Kahet and 2 weeks of real time!
Fucking what?
You might as well just not give him any pussy downtime phase and not ruin him from begin with, Jesus, no one would have notice that he doesn't have a shitty mini arc.
>cocky villain does cocky villain shit
>c'mon guys...plot hole?!?!?

i wish this fucking faggot a painful and public death
rushing through shit doesnt get you anywhere. even the most hardcore poopsockers playing WoW are chilling as they play
assassin rogue
dumping your energy and then waiting 12 seconds is part of the rotation
you can roll frost DK and only press 2 buttons and do mid tier dps
Its worse than that, this is the ultimate femboss expansion
Blue long-haired Kaldorei sentinel standing proud in the forest with her saber cat at her side
Straight to the real game of mythic+. Very cost saving.
>every gathering node is obnoxiously placed right next to a enemy spawn
>everything is timegated
its just so annoying
only shitty mmos get ported to console
>When u nutted but she keep grindin
Does this feel good for you guys?, mine gets hyper sensible making me feel like peeing, I always pull them back whenever they try this shit
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Could he solo Xalatath?
>Delves are scenarios
no shi, are you just figuring this out now? Also Island Expeditions were the same thing but rewarded mostly intangible azerite.
But there were no bountiful chests or vault back in MoP. If they had tangible upgrades or the vault back in MoP scenarios wouldnt have gone anywyhere.
What type of sex does xalatah like besides just femdom?
I mean, that's a pretty big plot hole because she's been using that thing all this time and when it breaks she starts screaming like a witch.

Just like how Sylvanas lost her thing back in Stormheim cinematic.
i think so. isnt he secretly the big bad evil guy, or did metzen can that shitty idea?
sometimes she likes to snatch bodies of women and be and act incredibly submissive to a man just for the thrill of it
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>make human male
>see this cool scar face
>it's tied to a black skin color only
fuck you blizzard
how did blackhand die
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domination loss + mating press + impregnation
>BM hunter
>no path available
>no path available
>no path available
>no path available
god damn man
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She likes collecting frozen ogre turds and using them as dildos.
They do look good in armor, but their run is so stiff and that's what kills it for me.

Just play SV man. Use this WeakAura. It's as braindead as BM and you will do double damage.
skull squished by orgrim doomhammer
>BM Hunter
lmao just play sv and press random buttons, you'll do better
what was that one WoW website that posted stories but got shut down. it was soul.
A non, she is an old God. She is the giant meatball with tentacles and multiple eyes at the very least, she doesn't have sex, at all.
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>hey guys we made melee range universal across all classes, no more acrobatic strikes for rogues and survival hunters
>also we're making 90% of ret's kit 20 yard range, good luck out there in TWW!
WoWbash or something
they should have made bm melee and not survival
>this is the guy wowoids consider an authority
you cant be serious
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He should have made Khadgar's wheelchair.
Give the kid something to do.
Only took me 43 out of 60 characters! Of course it was on an alt bank alt "for safe keeping".
Some of this shit has enchants you haven't been able to apply to their respective heirlooms for years due to level requirement and cap shenanigans.
druid because it's mid
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Reminder this is what M+ "people" consider to be good content
If you can't kite a ret you are unironically brain damaged.
SV hunter is just too much for me
His design was originally used for the Jailer, but the theory is just copium to make the SL story seem less retarded
Khadgar shouldn't be in a wheelchair, he should be missing an arm. Faerin should be in a wheelchair because her legs got crushed in the crash. A paralyzed paladin with Light mecha legs would have been cool.
Why rets get to have so much ranged shit while every single other melee actually has to get in your face to do dmg.
nobody was talking or thinking about pvp retard
Because they're casting holy magic?
The bigger question is why Enhancement Shamans can't do the same thing.
90% of the shit being tracked here should just be muscle memory after playing a spec for a few weeks.
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>maye's guild is dead already
is there any other wowg guild looking for a mage
just needs 600 debuffs on each plater bar and it's good to go
ret is the designated retard melee spec
its flashy, has no real resource management, is the bulkiest melee dps, the 5 buttons that make up its rotation light up for you
hell, it even has a talent now that merges your offensive cooldowns together so you don't even have to align them or anything AND its optimal to take it

of course they would also give it a 20 yard effective range
>roll the bones
>muscle memory
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>Khadgar's Kamehameha doesn't damage the mcguffin but a but a void energy arrow does

what causes this?
paladins are a snowflake class, they NEED to have the best stuff or they'll cry about it
WoWriot is the one I remember. Mostly stories from around the community, often centered on pointless PvP drama.
>post about ret being designed for toddlers
>ret mains get butthurt
hit a nurve?
>BM hunter
>poor so i cant afford repairs
>weapon broke during dungeon
>nobody noticed
think i was thinking of wowinsider?
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lol I play all classes
outlaw is nigh unplayable without weakauras, you cannot track all your buffs with the vanilla UI at all
Obvious plot holes.
not true, she had sex with my character
did you not get the cutscene?
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I told you and the thread before when I took the guild name that I wasn't intending to do anything with the guild at this time
>dumps his shadow priest to roll the next fotm bandwagon
>still can't hit 3k io
the players in this general are so fucking ass kek
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I guess the arrow's damage was unaVOIDable!
I use Death Strike and Anti-Magic Shell as an Unholy DK and that makes me feel pretty strong.
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what the fuck did he mean by this
WoWinsider was a news/tabloid sttyle of set where they'd show comics of the week or something.
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gobass is all i desire (she said no)
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Incinerate Vulperas alive.
Certified orcbait
shit maybe not then. eh guess it doesn't matter since whatever it was is long gone
>wow token is mooning
bad sign...
Probably someone trying to get AI to bot WoW for them, honestly.
what's the current fotm?
ERM 4 days left for raid release... NA /wowg/ guild bros???

not-maye guild
because ret is for retards
uh oh avatar tranny lmao haha
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DoomTITANS winning bigly.
Seven Kingdoms

Lordaeron: in ruins, Horde
Stormwind: Alliance
Dalaran: destroyed
Kul-Tiras: Alliance
Stromgarde: Alliance
Gilneas: Alliance
Alterac: in ruins, Horde
https://wowbash.net/ >>493054508
>stuns you
>presses wings
>back peddles a little bit for some reason
>instakills you anyway
nothing personal chud
>not destroyed
me on the left
>Not putting Faerin in a Hallowfall themed mech suit.
Missed opportunity.
this is the saddest panda I've ever seen
avatar troon kek haha
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Ret is the 4chan spec.

Hating it is reddit behavior.
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the tiger comes out a bit derpy looking though
iirc stromgarde was restored at some point in bfa, and gilneas at the end of dragonflight
bro are you from 2010
have you ever stop and think about how difficult it would have been for the art department?
faggot avatar haha
strom was restored and then immediately destroyed
gilneas is not restored
Prime Sentinel meat

>Holds the artifact front and center all the time without fear
>Khadgar shoots his kamehameha
>still there after the smoke is gone

>alleria shoots the thing
>broken instantly
Just what the fuck.
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>1-5 buffs from roll the bones of varying value for you to decide whether to keep or reroll
>RtB buffs triggered for 5 seconds when using finishers that you want to freeze via Keep It Rolling
>Slice n Dice (not really an issue in m+ when dispatch adds duration and you won't be going too long between pulls ideally, but fights with intermission phases or shit can fuck with this)
>Blade Flurry
>Adrenaline Rush
>Ghostly Strike (can macro this into Sinister Strike but its not strictly optimal)
all this while you deal with a 0.8s GCD for most of any fight
how on earth does blizzard expect anyone to play this spec without doing a lot of research outside of the game
I love outlaw's gameplay but what a goddamn mess it is
>oh nooo my art degree is hekin valid
>d-design something new? nooooo I wanna reuse assets only!
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Just in time
are you trolling
Anduin is going back to priest or switch specs to holy paladin
>have you ever stop and think about how difficult it would have been for the art department?
And? They have a much easier job than the coding department. To the point that a big reason the Trading Post and real-money shop exist is to justify keeping the artists and modelers on staff full time.
No. Im serious thats what happened
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>Get home from work
>Open up thread
>See khadgar in a wheelchair
You guys are just fucking with me right they wouldn't actually put that in game would they?
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>Azeroth is not a titan
lmao there is nothing they won't do to put a girlboss front and center anon
you would still complain that they made a black woman too powerful, there is no pleasing your kind, you and trannies are the same
Is 5 the max? +25% exp?
void is weak to void I guess
Yup, 25% is the max you can get with this achievement
The Windrunners are actually a 30,000 year old clan dedicated to thwarting the void and have a unique ability inherent to their bloodline.
>shadow priest
oh good you dont know my actual main.
she is literally the most powerful titan and her worldsoul is called a prime worldsoul, at least it's what was said in today's archive weekly
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What did Blizzard mean by this?
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>Keep staring at Edit Mode
>Keep finding stuff that isn't pixel perfect
I wasn't diagnosed with autism
What's wrong with me?
Azeroth is an atomic bomb
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some more xalatath slop
paladin tier 2 update clearly
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25% warband xp
10% warmode
10% darkmoon faire
10% draught of ten lands

55% total

We gamin' now
It's not what you think it is.

if you say so
"We want the Warhammer whales"
Arator time.
Mcguffin had magic immunity, arrow was phys.
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>gilneas is not restored
anon you can go there and there's people living there now
I'm skipping the Draught, I'm too lazy to do WQ / Warfront, hmm looking back I do want the Darkshore cloth elite piece and the full plate from Arathi, oh well, a bit too late now
Select updated tier sets for the 20th anniversary event next month.
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New Arator model? Gonna be a big deal in Midnight? Elf expansion?
Updated Tier 2 sets (or best voted sets for each class), on the shop for $10 each or $75 for all classes!
what does being reddit mean?
Most likely this and not a tier 2 update.
am i crazy or do delves go a lot faster as a healer (because everything has half as much hp)
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Paladins are the main characters of WoW.
wish i could smoke inside
If it scales like the tower in shadowlands, then yeah probably. They had that issue back then as well.
>Blizzard teasing new ELF character
Actually including arator?
>Paladins are the main characters of W-ACK!
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I would buy an update Dreadnaught set not even gonna lie
arator is wearing tier 2 so he is coming with an updated version of it and they would be crazy to not give it to players
brooooo playable high elves? maybe? finally? the ghetto shit they added to belves isn't the fucking same
Everyone who farmed the original set would still just wear the low poly version to feel special.
He used his final blessing from the light to fuck the lich king
It's just a Arator tease, not tier 2 update.
You will be disappointed again.
>keep reading people saying this expansion is the best yet
I just don't believe it.
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it's so strange to me that horde get mad at blizzcon when blizzard announced alliance won both warfronts
like bro??? those were stromgarde and darkshore
imagine alliance getting a warfront in barrens and then winning it
they saw that the paladin population is very high and wanted to double it
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>thats just what paladins are like, they think they're the hero that everyone loves and respects
Well yeah, that's because they just have more The Light than anyone else, inherently. That's like saying it's unfair that water is wet while you are dry.
fuck em lol
it's far better than DF
>disable music
>enter delve
it's gaming time.
>Arator shows up in TWW
>Suddenly has massively daddy issues
>Turalyon just stands there like a cuck and takes it
Oh yes please.
Give us some Lordaeron Knight on horseback charging through Orc grunts.
Got a craving some WC2 era WoW
or if you just want babes, Vanessa Vancleef spinning a dagger on her finger.
So smug but then...
It's obvious the story is shit written for women and children and has been for years, but I do also want to know how the gameplay fares.
What's the fucking point of the two sides clashing if Alliance just get to asspull wins even when they're outgunned and outmanuevered? Fucking Teldrasil fell and Darkshore didn't? Losing a major frontline base with your nearest fallback being on another continent should've been as crippling for the NE as gassing Tirisfal was for the Undead.
>arcane colour tier set variant is the elite pvp set
its not fucking fair
I hate pvp
they should get the shitty red one not the kino purple one
doubt it, they don't give us any of the other unique npc outfits
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20th anniversary event is just gonna be LFR Molten Core but for Blackwing Lair. Expect LFR AQ come 2034
Reminder, if you've gotten even 1 rep outside of the DMF buff your account is bricked and you should probably just kill yourself
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REMINDER to have a gobbo who buys stuff for your warband so you can benefit from the racial passive and get the best deals.
You better not to believe them.
One of the shittiest expansions yet.
why would I need dmf rep bonus when we maxed all of them in EA with no rollback? you're the one that's bricked poorfag LMAO
>he isnt already maxed
Horde get mad when a mass murdering pyschopath who bombed a school full of civilian druids is held accountable for his actions.
>b-b-buT mUh TaUraJo
Not an argument.
palibros keep winning
sorry don't have the vanessa lora installed
and getting her to spin the dagger on her hand isn't really feasible without getting really lucky in the generation
They are.
But the bar is legion.
>last expansion was shit but current expansion is the best expansion ever!!
Why Blizzard employees are like this?
Its Arathor
Blizz marketing fail again
>When she thinks you're going to cum all over her tits but you hit her in the eye instead
you know blizz is desperate when they release a cosmetic pandering to paladin players. (cashbringer)
blizz will do anything to bait a subscription except release content
based! I also get triggered when people compliment wow
>pandas can be warriors
>pandas can be priests
>pandas live with humans in human cities
>pandas can't be paladins
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>mfw lfr suppression room
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Way more holy than all these non-Human dweebs put together
Not enough zeal and conviction
Legion was too good. That's not possible.
Pandas dont have faith in the light.
Shame, how about a fat titted big milf belly'd/plump Alexstrasza in a sweater?
too fat
>wow is made for retards
>paladin is the most popular class
>spend all evening whacking out random heroics
>only see one other rogue
>think "oh cool time for the dungeon to melt"
>they do less than half my overall with comparable ilvl
>For our Brazilian users currently without twitter, we've reuploaded the image below:
i felt that
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The Judgment update will be for Arator.
Players won't be able to get it
How do I know? In Dalaran pre-peaceful immigrant, there was a Dwarf who used a recolor of Judgment. Players could not get that either
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Choose your fighter.
>grinding heroics
nah leveling, especialyl from 75-80, youa re incredibly weak. Then at 80 youa re still weak until you to at least 570ilvl. once there tho thigns start to get a lot easier.
>be devout human paladin, faith steadfast and a true believer of the light
>one day my town gets cursed and we all become furries
>still retain my faith, despite everything
>the light no longer answers me, I reroll to warrior
why is the light like this
wish wow had actual capes like that warrior set
Buddhism is a void religion
>check out a very small wow goldmaking channel
>he is a schizo with ~100 alts talking about the "truths they dont want you to know" while being goldcapped on multiple characters
Time for schizo kino and big moneybags
I hate all of them except the monk and rogue
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I'm going to be rich when the season starts just you wait
>Dalaran pre-peaceful immigrant
they really should have been locked to monk
>somehow pandas can wear full boots and shoes
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>LFR Razorgore
tankbros we are winning
they believe in turtles and shit
damn these look so cool. as a warrior player i miss having good looking sets. last good one was the sl s1 set
What class do I make for Drac
why are monks even a leather class
Do people actually like this shit?
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what class can transmog his weapons to fist weapons
I want to be a worgen with fist weapons
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It was just a peaceful protest against the kirin tor :)
avatar troon haha
see? >>493056169 >>493056608
they want to be respected so bad
Can healers solo high level delves? How much damage does brann do?
What I like is how several servers say they are full but there are no queues.
The fuck is a “mortal”?
Play a DK? Mortal
Play a DH? Mortal
Dragon? Mortal
Draenei? Mortal
Undead? Mortal
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kek faggot avatar
rogue, monk, warrior
yeah you can solo them, brann is still just fucking useless though
I think we're ready to rock.
Pun absolutely intended.
Rent free.
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bros the meme set from the boomer era of the game is getting updated to look bulky and like shit!
Healing will be slower than damage or tank but yes it's doable.
>You have been removed from the group.
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Can you upgrade enchanting mats into higher quality?
how are havoc and veng feeling? got 3800 io on them in s4 but not sure if I wanna play dh or dk this expac
avatar troon uppity
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rate my earthen
It's just Arator.
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Khadgar's entire "death" lasted as long as Concord did as a game.
>Early access released on the 22nd/23rd
>Concord launched on the 23rd.
>Khadgar returns today
>Concord is announced to being shut down today
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that looks low res for a modern version. wasnt SoD getting a bunch of judgement reskins?
4th paladin spec incoming
that nigga gonna dig
this just looks fucking wrong
horde having dwarves, nelves and helves continues to be disgusting
removed from group/5
troon avatar haha
>gooncord out of nowhere
Rent free, WoWChuds!
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its over
Khadgar bros.. It was Sony who tried killing us off..
is that the heritage set?
Slopchads.... Give me Whitemane's huge ass in jeans and my life is yours
>with hallowfall on the background
allied races are just an excuse to let anyone be anything while having an excuse to hide behind
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It's funny because it's true.
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>ranged damage dealing spec
Kino inbound.
I have 1k traders tenders for some reason. Is there meant to be a really good thing in that shop next month?
I want one of those back items that look like a backpack.
ive literally never heard of this before until today
>quest to kill 20 guys
Fuck off blizzard my class doesnt have fucking aoe damage
God wills it
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>anyone getting a new spec before demon hunter gets their 3rd one
fuck right off
this nigga playing assassination in seasons 1 and 2 of dragonflight
That's EU right.
I have 6800. haven't logged in since BFA. Why do I have so many of these?
Dark Irons should've gone to Horde and Vulpera to Alliance. The only reason they didn't was because of Dagrann.
avatar troon
Its going to be shaman you stupid nigger, its literally a tank spec since belegar was literally one on the first fucking dungeon. jesus christ
Should've asked blizzard for an original class theme and not something that aped off Warlock. Maybe you'd have a third spec now.
>vulpera going to alliance to join the purge squad
tranny faggot avatar
Best passive income professions? I know Enchanting for one (DE'ing whatever gear you don't need anymore), but what would be a good second one? I don't plan on actually doing any profession shit. Thanks.
any gathering ones
also tailoring, as only tailors can loot cloth now
They also use Goblin skeleton, so it'd be a way to give Alliance Goblins without actually giving them Goblins.
Man'ari should have joined the Horde instead of being a Draenei customization as well.
Tailoring, just sell the cloth you get
This so much
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Mating press
>Yeah Horde should've gotten two of the things Alliance players wanted
>What? Oh, yeah, in return they can have shit we didn't want
How about you go fuck yourself, noshoes
Tailoring is pretty mid. You have to invest heavily in it to get all the drops and the best way to farm cloth once you actually get all the KP/skill is to join 2x4s.
Yeah but he asked for fully passive though, what other shit's fully passive?
Not those Anons, but I only want passive income. I don't plan to go out of my way to find nodes or 2x4 or anything like that. Was just hoping to make a little extra gold while doing dungeons and stuff. Is it still not worth learning?
Go fuck yourself. Alliance gets too much favoritism as it is. Giving them Void Elves destroyed faction balance so it's only right to balance it back out.
>Go fuck yourself. Alliance gets too much favoritism as it is.
>Giving them Void Elves destroyed faction balance
You mean "Restored"?
>Reddit is making fun of the cinematic
collection of retards
>Twitter is making fun of the cinematic
collection of retards
>the official forums are making fun of the cinematic
collection of retards
>MMO-Champion is making fun of the cinematic
collection of retards
>4chan is making fun of the cinematic
collection of retards
>Resetera is making fun of the cinematic
collection of retarded faggots
>Asmongold is making fun of the cinematic
too busy starting hate campagin on twitter becuase he didn't get a meme
>Bellular is making fun of the cinematic
too busy making videos on collecting all the herbds with skillshare
>Zepla is making fun of the cinematic
too busy dodging z rapist
>Danuser is making fun of the cinematic
too busy getting a abortion
>John is making fun of the cinematic
who the fuck is john, sound like a faggot
>Grummz is making fun of the cinematic
too busy scamming retards to pay for his child support
>Jason Schreier is making fun of the cinematic
too busy crying over concord
>Nick Fuentes is making fun of the cinematic
gay nazi
>Donald Trump Jr. is making fun of the cinematic
he will never be loved by daddy
>Danuser is making fun of the cinematic
So it's probably good, then?
Honestly though, I don't care what others think of it, I thought it was dope
All professions appear to be worth it if you invest in them. None of them are worth it if you don't invest in them.
Disenchanting for instance gives you less money than selling the item to a vendor unless you get to max skill level and get the KP.
If you take tailoring and don't work at it, you'll just make an extra 60-80g per dungeon.
Tailoring is the only one where you make extra money from nothing but it's very low.
If you don't want to have to "learn" a profession, just do double gathering. get both gathering while mounted KPs and enjoy.

I went enchanting/tailoring on my tank and I dropped tailoring after hitting 100 after I saw the truth about 2x4s. enchanting/alchemy now with an alt thats mining/herb.
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This flipping shit is so easy, bring me more Bismuth wagies
dead troon
it like dragon type in pokemon
Completing BWL as a sub-60 holy priest was a nostalgia hit. This raid isn't even hard.
First two bosses are hardest
so will TWW be the usual 2 year expac or is it 1 year
are you using something that instantly buys it if it's sold at a certain price?
no it's a mix and match of the starter earthen gear
No. Just auctionator spam
What was the truth? That they exist?
That tailoring is a shit gathering spec outside of 2x4s. Gathered more cloth in a 20 minute farm than I did in the past couple days just spamming dungeons.

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