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Previous : >>492817745

>What is Sword of Convallaria?
Sword of Convallaria is part gacha, part full-length SRPG in the vein of FFT and Tactics Ogre, with very light rogue elements. Originally released in the country of Taiwan, also has a separate CN version, a JP version and a Global version.


>Helpful links and resources

>Current Events
Brawl! Elysium Feast (2024/08/16 – 2024/09/10)
Voyager's Conundrum (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)
Upon the Scorched Earth (2024/08/30 - 2024/09/24)

>Current Banners
[Debut] Simona (2024/08/30 – 2024/09/12)
[Destined] Col & Beryl (2024/07/31 – 2024/08/29)
[Destined] LilyWill & Alexei (2024/08/23 - 2024/09/05)

Touch Vlder Tail
Sorceress Hat
Vlder Sanctuary
Apply to a guild then reply to the OP or recruiter ITT with the last 4 digits of your UID and mention the guild you are applying to along with your current profile picture.

Codes (may or may not work)
if dubs we all get coconuts
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>coconuts not found
>somehow ran through all my octopi
>a 30 endurance sweep takes 3 hours to return
>and the event sweeps take up 10 of my characters
things have become a lot less comfy
How do you beat Act II of the new event man I just can't figure it out
Stand near the bonfires.
6717, I applied
whoops sorceress hat guild, col pfp
I'm coconuting for Cocoa!
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gave you your hat
tits too small
What do we think of Simona?
Made for Luccian cock.
her personality is fun and so is her gameplay
>271 speed which is second only to xavier i think
>dps, cc, support, push, and bulk all in one
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thank you!
I swear I thought you could use the tako on the event stages.
cute overachiever, will hold hands with after her missions
Very fun to play, I love the big push
I sort of like her but she also fucks my team's mobility with the frost tiles
Can't wait for the day she spooks me, save chad here
where's your ice synergy luccian team anon
really though, i didn't grab the charge so it's kinda nice not running into that problem
at least her r11 skill is a distant cast so it shouldn't personally interfere with your team
praying for spooks never works anon...
She is fun in clash to slide up to drop a barrel barrel and/or push someone off the stage before anyone else has acted.
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better sweeten that spook pool than have a full 50% chance of getting nothing you like
>hoping for a specific spook
>have to save up 50 pulls on average (but probably way more, I mean come on)
>have to hit the 1% of losing 50/50
>then you have to also hit 1/x where x is the total number of legendary characters
>x will continue to grow at a rate of 1 every couple of weeks
You could get lucky. Or you could be waiting for months, possibly till EoS.
who else asides from alexei at the moment (and agata in the future)?
Holy shit dude it feels like we have a new event every day. Weren't chinkschizos saying how stingy this game is?
>Hit level 50
>Have to do every star trial and every rank up trial again
Wow, 5 summons. That surely makes up for the sped up schedule and garbage pity and rates.
Game gets better and better every day, it's great.
those are auto-able at least
at least they're piss easy, just tedious
although the 50 memory shard stage surprised me, those enemies can hit hard
Alexei sex
>Weren't chinkschizos saying how stingy this game is?
I've lost track of whatever he's saying these days, he keeps getting btfo'd and having to come up with something new
>where's your ice synergy luccian team anon
Who goes on this team besides Alexei? Maybe Nungal so I don't have to worry about walking anywhere at all?
Elaman? Meh
Elawoman? Awooga! *Eyes pop out* *pants like a dog*
predatory Agata, Lillywill, and Simona hag sex with innocent Alexei
Well they are rushing to catch up
i was mostly kidding around, since the generics have frosty benefits but are entirely unplayable
>since the generics have frosty benefits but are entirely unplayable
There's no way we don't get Luccian and Elaman generics eventually. Right after Lutfi
in bear form?
mad cuz bad
No mad cuz stinge
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So what are we picking? A fancy hat?
Hunter's Intuition for Faycal of course.
Maybe if your pockets weren't empty cuz you wouldn't be so hungry
Show me proof Cocoa is next, you can't
>he doesn't know
Mysterious device
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Show me proof they puff, you can't
>Limit break a weapon to 60
>Go level it up
Why the fuck does it want 200k dust for 10 levels? What a scam
I'll pull for puffy...
Do 9
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Best weapons for Beryl and Alexei?
I'm going cuckoo for cocoa's puff
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First gacha? The endgame upgrades are always horrendously expensive.
>Anti-chinkschizo is at it again, as if Magia Record didn't do this same shit and EOSed after the first anniversary
Instead of trying to argue against me, look at the fact that the skins were brought over nine months early and TOA about four months early, then consider that the devs have no more new regions to cash out on once the honeymoon period is over.
She's so cute
I'm gonna roll until I get her for sure, saving the full 180 for her
Focus Wand for chuu chuu, Resentment Broom for AOE is better than others at 1 star but maybe at 5 diffusing prism would beat it
Starry sky should be good for anyone if you get it
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Yeah I have Starry sky heritage. Gonna level that and give her that I guess.

Idk if I want Brutal Axe, Hollow Axe or Denial Hammer for the Luccia brat.
>Cooking chicken legs (3 NRG btw) only allows her to restore 20% HP and block for 2 turns
>Sometimes feeds you fucking used bandages

>Free breakfast (the most important meal btw) for 2 every turn
>Her meals heals cost nothing, dispels debuffs and literally make you happier
>Blocks for free, heals herself + a friend on block, is smart enough not to suicide herself unnecessarily

cocoa's art kinda bugs me
it's the same artist as beryl, but ended up more anime like and it's kinda off putting next to the more detailed artwork and facial features that most everyone else has
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Breakfast is dumb
where do they list the artists anyway? i expected to see it ingame but they just show the voice actor
Man this level 45 tarot residual is fucking me up. No matter where I put Maitha or Xavier they get crit to death right after I kill the first group of green cunts.
they don't, but it's pretty noticeable
>they don't
so it's all AI slop. i've caught them
yes that's right, I'm lvl 52 and i only cleared up to lvl 50 weapon trials and tarot
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On the topic of gearing, what did you guys do for your engravings?
cocoa puff bros...
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*pushes you off a cliff*
heh, nothing personnel
It just means it's an in-house artist, retard.
i was kidding, it's obviously not AI. although i did see some guy weeks ago claiming it was AI on the steam discussion forums, which i thought was funny
Beryl: pentacle + sword, nobody touches Beryl
Nono: staff + sword, chase her tail
Maitha: staff + pentacle
Gloria: cup + sword
Healer: cup + cup
same. except 53 and cleared only the 55's
i know i could look up a video right now to clear the higher weapons but can't be bothered.
I still need my first crystal burst armor
I touch Beryl every day though?
give me your hunter's intuition and i will give you one of my five crystal burst armor
I've been using Brutal, seems to give me the biggest damage+lifesteal and I have others on dispell duty
doesn't count if it stays [unharmed]
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Yeah I'm on 3 too
Idk what to do with the dupes. Trinkets are hard to get so I'll probably sit on them for a bit before fusing
Orgasm Denial Hammer (you hit the peepee like a nail)
Is it the immobile Calamity nuking you? Use Thunderstruck to keep the Nourishment stacks low.
I like breakfast food but not the breakfast time
your bottleneck is the shiny radiant ore, just star them up
are you like my friend who didnt know he could sweep without octopus?
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(clutching arrow embedded into my stomach)
Faycal *coughs blood* you damn traitor...
Maitha... Rawiyah... Everyone...
All because we called you Fecal?
Should have never... picked up... Hunter Intuition *dies*
is it acutally good or are you trying to trick anons into bricking their account
are any of these cornucopia weapons good idk what to pick
Yeah I can agree waking up early is ass. I just eat breakfast food whenever.
I can't promise he'll be excellent, but I can say that Alert build becomes way more fun. Though it's up to you if you want to gear up the traitor >>493048501
It's good, Faycal is not very good though. He's way more fun in Spiral.
Glad I'm not the only one. She looks completely out of place next to all the other art work. Like she's in a different setting.
Holy shit I forgot thunderstuck exists. That might solve the problem.
Wouldn't Alexei wan't the strike back weapons? Except for bosses he might want just a normal damage increase one.
I think I know why I put this game on maintenance mode now, I don't have enough powder to gear up the characters I want. I never felt so starved for gear resources in a gacha before this one. Shit sucks not being able to just build basic ass equipment.
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I did the same for like a week or two and now i'm on fucking 1m powder
I quite literally leveled everything I had plus spares and still have 600k

The 750k or so from Simona's event came in clutch
>oh Nameless Staff gives +1 move, that's cool, wonder if I have any spear wielding Seekers
>They're all sword-locked
>Even in the future, there's only Hasna as the sole exception and she doesn't even get 5 move
Nice class design, SoC devs.
where's this selector from?
You're only supposed to bring 3 characters to the shard map?
Did you buy the powder in the event shop? There's like 700k. But I know what you mean, I hit level 40 a couple days ago and couldn't believe how expensive things were getting. Was beginning to get bottle capped on ores too. Feels kind of silly, especially for an srpg where you want different strategies for fights. Need to build teams for weapon trials and I would've screwed if not for event shop powder.
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imagine not having a guild mate in the 100 of clash, couldn't be me
If you want to get them upgraded faster
Dude my tarots are so fucking bad what the fuck
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>First time getting 3 of a kind
>It's HP% on a magician tarot
It's unironically worse than hoyo gear systems
maybe it works with the sword that has an atk bonus scaling with max HP?
Wonder how much atk that gives you
Yeah I got the powder from the event shop but I quickly went through a lot of it. Needing to make separate teams for the weapon bosses ate fuck tons of them. Like I just wish I had enough to at least build up some gear for more niche characters / builds.
some anon pointed out the other day that 59 to 60 is like 120k powder or something for a very small upgrade, i should have stopped at 59
a lot of the trinkets are pretty versatile so I just foced on getting those to 60 first, easier to share
weapons I'm stuck at 50 for most right now, though at this point the radiant ore is the issue. I now have more radiant powder than I can use
I just noticed the powder cost and said wtf? Then I proceeded to level everything to 50 and leave it at 50 because a couple pts of stats aren't worth 200k powder at where I'm at
what kind of monster leaves their gear at a number like 59
It may not be efficient but I'm going to get to 60 regardless
oh trust me im the same as you my autism would not allow all my gear to be at 59, hence why im powder broke. but i wish i had stopped at 59 in hindsight
I already feel the urge to roll again after getting Simona a few days ago. What's wrong with me?
Do it
If there were any banners worth pulling I would.
those epic character dupes are waiting for you anon
Check how many legendary radiant ore you have
You probably won't have to worry about it soon

My issue is pic related now, can't use up my radiant powder (500K+) because I don't have enough ore
Dont wanna use my primordial dust yet, i have elixir syndrome
id actually be very happy for a maitha dupe cause im at 4 stars and want her skin and feel like im gimping myself running her in memory shard every day
but i will do it for my wife
im already out of the radiant ore too, and the dust shit that you can use to replace the radiant ore.
Better not roll again BOY
Does it really count as a skin when the sprite doesn't change?
I've been bringing rawiyah to memory farm
i also refuse to use the convallaria picture frame
... the sprite doesn't change? i didn't notice that. oh well. hopefully the profile pic option changes? we'll see
i actually picked the frame for maitha over rawi cause like i said i want her skin then got spooked by rawi on the simona banner right after, was kinda funny / lucky
I picked Maitha with the frame mostly just because healing a second unit per turn will help me more for now than the extra damage boost would
Also I like Maitha more
I did this and swapped out Edda so I had lmao2defender2breaker instead of trying to debuff 'em with wine. A successful 40 stamina and I get to do it all over again tomorrow when I actually hit level 40 and suffer through that one.
so is Faycal safe to invest into if you don't go the Alert route?
with the new tower looming close we'll need to build some more units
have you not looked at the tier lists on reddit he's shit
if anything but in a support request to the devs to ask for him to be deleted from your account or you'll be bricked forever
>Literally didn't set my defense
>Dude one level above me got fucked my by basic autogenerated defense

put in* typo
my joke is ruined
>with the new tower looming close we'll need to build some more units
No I won't
Stop fixating on what's to come, fag
>he's shit
he may be shit but there's worse shit
His only real use is his five hit nuke on the last tier of his skills(and that's more just a cope option if you have to run him in a convaria team than him being useful). Everything else is shit. Alert is shit. His other skills are shit. Fun fact though, in beta he was OP since his alert had no limit.
I'm level 44 and lost to a level 32 guy because he had a completely minmaxed Gloria/Simona/Inanna team that would heal to full every single turn. Is this what people mean when they say the Chinese server is fucked by pvpfags?
My autogenerated defense had my gearless nightingale and my papal guard that I only ever use for weapon trial

His entire team got dismantled by the basic arrow towers and a rawiyah while I sat there wondering how are you so bad
Basically becomes worse LilyWill in most cases. Her banner is still up if you wanna gamble lol.
>44 vs 32
How were you not one-shotting them to begin with? Other than leg slam that should be a fairly insurmountable difference for him
is your team all destroyers? otherwise that makes no sense and fyi inanna as groupheal is more like a sidegrade of angel
Worse divine grace or ballista too desu
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The gear difference should have resulted in something like this. Can't heal when you're getting oneshot.
>How were you not one-shotting them to begin with?
he was probably fighting under 3 enemy banners and thought they were just for decoration
My gear is pretty bad and I set it on autobattle. I think I need to upgrade my shit above level 10-20. Or he had his shit maxed out, idunno. Is there a way to check their gear?
>I think I need to upgrade my shit above level 10-20
No fucking shit.
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>I think I need to upgrade my shit above level 10-20

how is interrupt alert shit?
t total faycal refuser
Just don't auto your PVPs and fight people vastly below you. If the gear difference is like 10+ levels then it you can oneshot their entire team in like 120 seconds and move on to the next fight.
Nah can't be that, he must have just been a minmaxing tryhard
Turns out the ore was the bottleneck the entire time, the way things are going dust will never be an issue again
Shittiest summon shop in any modern gacha desu.
Well, technically Ballista and Divine Grace have flat shots so Faycal could be better in rugged terrain or shooting from highground (only 5 range down for crossbows is so shitty)
its just a new bottle neck every time you unlock something new
>radiant dust bottleneck
>unlock engravings, suddenly coins are the bottle neck
>hit level 50 or whatever it was to get gear from 50-60, ore the new bottleneck
but at the same time all 3 are still a bottleneck but just in different severities
we live in the dark times
Because it only procs once for shit damage, for comparison Momo can proc her alerts a bunch more times per turn, has a better proc range, and does more and she STILL isn't meta. That's also ignoring that you have to use your trinket slot to patch up it's inability to proc on skills instead of something that lets you kill shit harder too.
so with tarots are you supposed to level them to max just to see their skills and then throw them away if they suck? that feels so bad.
You could level them to the point that it reveals all the skills and stop there if you want
thats what ive been doing but i still have plenty of that tarot level up dust shit so hasnt bothered me. just another gamble mechanic
don't non boss enemies get their turn skipped when it procs?
Yeah I was looking to see how much the monthly "free pulls" were and at that amount of shards, I'm basically never going to clear them monthly even when all my non legendaries are a 5 stars.

In every other gacha I played or am currently playing, you can pretty comfortably get all the monthly pulls with average luck on banners.
And people genuinely wonder why people call them ultra stringy jews
I was thinking about mystery guardian for Tempest but I'll probably just upgrade my Hunter's intuition
You could stop at 20, 35, and 50 to check if it's worth leveling to save a bit of dust, but I currently have more green dust than tarots with good rarities on the lines so I just max them to click less.
You know what skips their turn forever? Killing them.
Nah, that's just you. And roaches like you don't count as people.
Tell me about the states, why do they plap?
>He ACTUALLY defends the shop
Lmao retard
Putting the devs' cock in your mouth isn't going to get you any free pulls anon
To congratulate the pilot for doing a good job landing
for me explicitly
i will max every papal girl
Guardian does interrupt enemies without immunity (sometimes non boss enemies can have immunity like Tempest in Tarot Trial 1). I like playing Faycal for that alone, since the only other source of interrupt is Beast Traps on a couple other units and those don't really do much damage. The interrupt can come in clutch when someone is in danger since you can just skip a single enemy's turn (even if they are already in attacking range with the trinket). Interrupt is as good as you are creative.

>Use Urgent Order to manipulate turn order to interrupt someone specific if there are multiple targets in range.
>Interrupt someone near a ledge for knockback.
>Run away and interrupt your pursuer.
The only downside is 4 turn cooldown of course. If you just want damage, Alert Shot (2 NRG, but 0 cooldown) can double up on a moving enemy to secure the kill, so you can save the interrupt.
Plapal states has
>Plapal Pikeman
Imagine not being a plapal unit
>Forgetting the sexiest papal: Miguel
He's done things no decent person would. So indecent...
>spending a turn interrupting them instead of just nuking them
Worthless. If you aren't one shotting shit there is no point.
Stop being gay
>Just have T0 and good gear and don't do fights under leveled
I'd love to live in your fantasy land were one-shots are always an option.
no love for angel...
I'm competely indifferent to her too honestly
however lash absolutely belongs on that list
But Miguel makes it feel sooooo right...
that's what I thought, still not gonna make me use any of my precious watcher rank up materials on him, not even the bronze ones, but some people will like him, like if they have coprophilia
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Got to bump the rating up to M now.
I want to rape Lash harder than Inanna because Tarot Residual
2024. Caris is forgotten. Will no one plap the Cardinal? Fine, I'll do it myself.
femMC actually looks like a girl here
>Faycal failed the stealth mission
localization team pls
i am waiting
Pell kinda ruined the idea of plapping cardinals for me
Do you think he charges straight at the puss with his erection like it's a joust?
No. He is a T5 small pp who can't even get erect.
Which legendaries have stories besides Maitha, Faycal, and Col (and probably Beryl, don't have her). Kinda lame that not every character has at least one. LilyWill and Nungal got shafted. Hell even Rawiyah got nothing and she's free.
Ah so the big lance is compensating. Suppression is the BDE (big dick enforcer) spear wielder of Plapal
Who's Pell? I love holy women, I can fix her.
Gloria, Simona and Dantalion
Should I go for 4 star Maithia if i'm going to pull Cocoa, I'm mostly talking about the memento selector i don't know if Rawiyah or Fecal would be more worth it
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Rawi in general has the most longevity of the three
Maitha is always good and even among Defenders she's still relevant into the endgame.

Rawiyah is literally the only legendary Breaker in the game currently so you're stuck with her until they release another one.

Faycal is bad. Made worse by half the legendary roster being Watchers who outshine him.
I don't think you can do much for Cardinal Pell but good luck
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Finally got around to doing 65 for this weapon trial
How gay is the one after reset? Apocalypse and the other big magic nukes always fuck me over
Very gay if you don't have Col
Alert skills are very fun, makes me feel like my team doesn't have "dead turns" much. In general out of turn attacks feel satisfying. The fun part of my brain wants to pick Momo or Taiden with the selector just to go ham in Spiral since admittedly they're not as good in FJ/Trials, but I'll probably regret it.
this is leonide erasure
Cocoa is a straight upgrade from Maithaat 5*s
This game is somehow more fun on a steam deck
I can move the units like fire emblem with buttons not a mouse

I actually ended up doing my floor clear of Tower early on a Tuesday instead of the weekend. maybe I'll finally finish my first Spiral run soon too
I think Momo would be a fun choice even outside of Alert. Seems like it could be a cool playstyle to slow enemies down with Simona (or Ice Priest) so they take longer to reach Momo and also get more infection stacks. Plus you can generate a shield to synergize with Momo's barrier.
Xavier bros, even though our banner is coming no one remembers...
guzman, alexia, momo are three I've seen.
Can't believe my waifus got mogged by a corpse. There is no justice in this world.
Maitha still kicks you off a cliff.
oh maan when i saw stories I thought it'd be like bluearchive momotalk and I would have a bunch I'd have no motivation to go through
I remember him because he's one of my three legendaries. Honestly I find him to be more useful than Rawiyah most of the time since he has AoE and lifesteal on it. And one of them does def down if you're into that.
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>only a 2 tile knock back
Cocoa is even better there. Ah, gomen.
I'm into non consensual Def down.
Thanks I think i'm going to 4 star Maitha and then 5 star Cocoa that shit sounds annoying in pvp with a few more healers
>P.Def down, Speed down, AND 3 knockback
So this is the true power of a good cast iron pan...
Maitha bros...
AND no cooldown, plus the actual energy cost at 5* is still only 2, since she reduces that. Keep in mind that Cocoa isn't very good before 5* though. Going from a 30% happiness proc chance all the way up to 4* to 100% at 5* is a massive jump.
Don't forget she's Axe so she can use the +1 KB hammer
She uses the HP+ axe usually. Really the only thing she cares about with gear is more HP.
Brutal axe has some use finally?
I usually do single pulls, but I'll do 10s for Cocoa on the off chance I get a dupe so I can cut down 2.5 weeks off the shard mines lol. I'm excited for the wombo combos the Happiness buff can enable.
More like brutal seggs
With cocoa
And burst armor in the trinket slot, yeah. She doesn't do strike backs but she wants the HP all the same.
What scales with her HP?
>Keep in mind that Cocoa isn't very good before 5* though. Going from a 30% happiness proc chance all the way up to 4* to 100% at 5* is a massive jump.
This shit sucks so bad. Ranking up SSRs is suffering.
Most of her kit.
Her heals scale off of her HP. The healing from her trait heals based on % of target HP, so high HP just means she gets a bigger heal on herself if she's low. But her reaction scales off caster's HP and can proc 2 times per turn on block.
Not increasing the difficulty in spiral makes it a lot more bearable
>playing spiral for the gameplay
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Does this trinket look as good as it seems for today's weapon trial? Stopping the heal block sounds like it should be great for the Paypal Knight, or whoever you have tanking the hits.
I'm playing for the story, but I have no money so I must do quests
Also, you can't really skip story battles if you want a good end
it's pretty ass at first but once you get like 3 or 4 stars its begins to become worth it
How does it change at higher star levels? Isn't it already 100% heal block immunity?
check the item yourself. It's decent on Maitha and Rawiyah at higher stars over some other options. Each star from 2 to 5 gives increased healing effect
More stars adds a bonus to Healing Received as well. Cooling Powder is good for the weapon trial fight, provided your team setup can afford to have the healer focused on Papal Guard / your Wallop soaker.

I run Papal Guard with the Luxite Greatshield, which is (at rank 1) a one-time use for a 40% maxHP Physical shield. I just pop his phys shield skill and the Greatshield on turn 1 and he is able to handle himself for a few turns.

Really depends what your frontline is. I run Butterfly, which helps a lot with keeping the frontline from staying low.
What weapon does Cocoa use? Axe?
I regret building my Maitha
Is this game story good?
better than 99% of gacha slop
Is she going to boil those foxes?
It is really only relevant for the first 2 moves but you can just tank the first move with 2 other units (I used Rawi & Gloria). After that Papal builds so much shield in between Wallops you don't need to heal him at all.
she needs to fatten them up a bit more first
Of course not. The stuffed baby fox would be much tastier roasted.
Why does the event make it looks like Union were the bad guys?
This one is 1%?
Because they're (the Union) foreigners.
>Why does the event make it looks like the jews were the bad guys?
Agatha sex
Lilywill sex
Alexei sex
We need Agatha porn
Alexei is a retard and I can't take Agata seriously as a leader with how much faith she puts in him
Furfag genocide NOW
>why are jews bad
You tell me.
Agatha knows the leader has to be strong, the rest will come later.
No the leader has to not be a retard that botches every mission he gets
Simona and Gloria drinking tea and having a casual conversation while Lightning eats them out from under the table.
Agatha is the one who sent him on those missions since she's the leader, his failure is due to her decisions.
He was basically sent in solo against huge groups because she trusts his power.
>still no fanarts
He gets plenty of backup, he lets them all get killed before getting away himself through sheer luck
Considering the only two people in the Silver Wolves that have portraits are Agatha herself and Alexei, I'm guessing there aren't many alternatives lol.
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>off topic post on the wrong general
Do hoyokeks really
He's outnumbered 2:1 or even 3:1 most of the time and still manages to stall the opposing army, he's doing an amazing job considering the circumstances
That's why the Silver Wolves are shit
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What's the fastest way to get 150 luxites?
With current freeshit + the cold bitch's trial I can get 1200 luxites, just missing 150 for the guaranteed leggy so it seems like a good time to start this kusoge. I have a few hours to burn rerolling so it's ok if I need to do a few quests to get it.
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>Turn 15
Shit's so ridiculous, if I had engravings this would probably be a million times easier.
What's stopping you from just doing FJ to unlock engravings?
Laziness. But also I always worry that I'm under leveled when the stages say I should be like 20 levels higher
I was actually doing this exact team but Alexei deals no damage. Changed him for Col and raped the magician, just had to be careful so Col doesn't eat the mark.
Show tactics
>guaranteed leggy
Don't fall for the beginner banner bro. If your rerolling, just dump your rolls on whatever limited banner interests you and save the rest.
You're 48? I cleared all the current FJ chapters at 49 (and probably could have done it way earlier if I wasn't lazy about doing them). Just skip hard modes if you just want to go through it fast and then go back and do them when you need the crystals
Alexei was doing the most damage for me. Do you not have him using goredrinker and burning bridges? He should be hitting for massive numbers with that set up.
Urgent order, war horn, and flag.
It's fine dude. I reached 8-5 at level 44 a couple days ago, the only road block was Teadon's boss fight RNG. You can clear FJ even if it only says "evenly matched" instead of "overwhelming victory" for if you are the recommended level.
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this guy's comics are probably singlehandedly more than half of the convallaria fanart in existence
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>The pleasure of being cummed inside
I want the Saber clone so beginner seems like a good choice, especially since I'm not interested in angry man, furry, or lolies and the frigid bitch just seems like an awful character all around (I mean personality wise, I have no idea about power level).
>finish week 9 or whatever to complete the first key in Spiral
>only 6/18 done for the Dawn event
Fuck ME that's a lot of story. How far in do you have to be for the quest that gives you the random legendary weapon?
The frigid bitch is cool
I think I finished it after 3 keys
somewhere around week 30 to clear the Dawn event
Probably your lack of DEF down debuff outside of War Horn
Don't you need to do at least 50 weeks for the Dawn quests? That number stands out in my memory for some reason
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Letting the enemies gangbang sleepy Maitha to kill them faster
>I reached 8-5 at level 44
sure you did what a bunch of lies
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The townspeople gangbanging Edda and Inanna at the same time
Good lord. Hopefully I get a second healer and some recruits that aren't just archers next week then. Minmaxing this shit could be a full time job.
I would have doubts if he said he 3 starred every stage before that but just getting through them is very achievable
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>3 Days of no legendary drop
>Day 4
kek you guys would know the level requirement if you guys actually played chap 8 which you didnt obviuosly by your posts
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Alright Weapon Trial 3 is up, post those strats.

How do I knock off lv65 once and for all?
Just make sure your important characters are wearing the devil. And to make sure that Angel have the highest M.Def even with the devil effect
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Bros I cleared weapon 9!
Doomposters won
EoS soon
Use Col or Crimson Falcon and Stinger
Stinger HP% damage is pretty good if his attacks puts the little shits into dying state
Also use Outlaw Guard for attack reduction if needed, otherwise, use Rawiyah
Gloria thinks homosexuals are degenerates.
Nope, nothing but badly translated femoid fantasies.
Trial 3 Starter pack
- Col/Falcon
- bring a dispel (Tarot/Weapon/Character)
- some form of Atk reduction (Outlaw Guard, Gloria's first skill, etc)
- bottle of disaster is a bonus
- make sure the one with the highest MDEF (usually your healer) has the best magic damage protection (wear the magic reduction gear)
- clear the mobs every stage if you can
- learn the pattern of the fight
Is Edda actually good here? People shilled her but she does like literally no damage and her mdef down debuff seems like a trap because I won't be able to break the phys shield with it
She has skills to specifically break shields, if you struggle to do so.
>I won't be able to break the phys shield with it
why break it when it goes thru it
If you don't break the shield, the boss will do more damage
If you don't break it then you get raped
>TOA this soon when we lost so many months of sharding, saving and even some T0s might be delayed
August -> Feb for TW, November -> March for CN, maybe August -> September/October.
>TOA this soon
Yes. Keep seething
Keep pretending this isn't really bad news for the future of the entire game.
What's the dispel for?
>somehow getting rewards early is le bad
Okay so what if I can't get the highest tier rewards I can't compete with whales anyway who fucking cares
What's the level unlock for chapter 8, 45? I swear to god I got past chapter 7 with character level 44 since I always leave my characters 1 under max for the tiny bit of exp you get.
I can just stop playing and move on with life
Keep seething
Can't get raped if nungal one shots the boss....
>he thinks he is getting rewards
The boss has a passive that increase MATK for every rock that you killed
You need the highest tier rewards or you won't be able to keep up with the scramble for the highest tier rewards
Not worrying is not an option
I think she's useful because wine drops enemy speed and her followup attack is useful for further chipping out the boss.
You aren't getting the highest tier of rewards. What you are scrambling for is the top 5% rewards as everything below that is absolute trash.
Yes, so you answered the question of why people are going to drop the game.
Don't care
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>noooooo I am missing 700 gems compared to the top 5 whales in the server
Can't wait for everyone here to get top tier and the chinkschizo will have to find new material to whine about
You forgot to add all the rolls and shards you're never getting because of this schedule, that your low-rarity runs will give you a poor score, that the devs tuned basically every character to be good at 3 stars or higher, that QOL is non-existent...
I'm in the top 1% in every other metric in this game I'm sure this will be no different.
Can't wait for everyone to realize they were kiked by XD just like they did to TW and then to CN.
Oh no, I didn't get 20 extra pulls from the barren unit pool with no characters I want added to it yet
Yeah. Gachafags always overestimate the amount of people that care about endgame. There's like less than 5% of the total playerbase that beat spiral abyss in Genshin. Most of the tryhard in 4chan are top 10% at least in these kinda games
Holy fuck dude just deepthroat a shotgun already. You've been fucking obsessed at desperately trying to get people to drop the game despite everyone always laughing at you.
I'm so fucking glad I wasn't born Chinese like you if this is what you locusts do for fun.
the minority who seek out a dedicated place to discuss a game are by default more invested and strategy prone than those who don't
Are all of you LARPing as Lutfi? The problem isn't just the endgame but that there is fucking NOTHING!
It feels wrong to me that someone that hasn't even cleared the top weapon bosses like myself can be in the top 0.3% in terms of power
I don't trust this game's measurements
reroll accounts inflate that ranking a lot, on top of casuals
pvp is a bit more of a realistic metric, but there's also plenty of people averse to it
You need to hit top 5% or you don't get personal weapon boxes.
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Sure, everyone who thinks the speed up is bad is a chink never mind how WOTV blew its revenue by over 50% with its catch up campaign that never compensated anyone and WOTV at the very least did this shit after the first year of the game. You want to know something funny though, CN did have banners like Nungal and Miguel so they had much more time to save but XD still shit all over them anyway. But oh nooooo, telling people that they shouldn't fucking trust scumbags that censor and delete criticism means you're a chink!
Genshit is the ultra casual baby's first playstation gacha. It has no real bearing on normal gacha audiences for it's almost entirely normalfags. That 5% is like 90% of a normal gacha.
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SOVLful arena defense, at least it beats running into cringe tryhard slop.
No seriously, kill yourself. Jump of a building, go play in traffic, stick a knife in an outlet.
You've been the sole source of doomposts and endless seething over "BUT CHINA!!! THEY FUCKED OVER THE CHINESE!!! JUSTICE FOR CHINA!!!" for a whole fucking month despite nobody caring so if this is going to be your life going forward then do us all a favor and end your pathetic fucking life already.
what rank?
>back to Radiant
Finally can stop doing this clash shit
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Gonna be honest with you. He is presenting a much more reasonable argument than you.
Platinum, almost radiant.
Just tried it myself and I can't do 65, the boss simply gets to apocalypse and oneshots all my units from full to dead.

Played it correctly, gave everyone devil tarots, made sure to always clean up the field, dispelled the boss, broke the shield but nothing matters because Apocalypse still kills everyone in one shot regardless? Even tried putting Gloria and Col away from everyone but they still got oneshot at almost the other side of the screen.
It's been wanting to masturbate its own tiny chink dick at everyone hating the game since release but hasn't been able to because they had an amazing launch so far.
So when ToA doesn't release soon and they changed shit like they changed the banner, whats going to be the new hotness to freakout off?
Why should I, when I can watch people killing themselves when they realize everything I said is the truth and they should never have invested in a half-assed game that manages to be worse than Mihoyoslop and Langrisser in spite of ripping off both?
>But muh chinks!
Are the ones who learned just how scummy and despicable they are before the devs chose to run away like cowards again, ditch TW without a debut AGAIN and they'll do it again because gachatards don't learn.
the soc reddit is never going to stop complain about this once it gets announced. These are the people who can't even win at clash.
idk ask the chink
maybe it'll have a breakdown and start spamming scat like in /bag/ and mihomo generals once it sees that people will continue playing the game instead of being pathetic cunts that whole months crying about not being able to be server #1
Bro I'm pretty sure no chicks play this shit. What else would he be?
I believe that final attack always targets where it hits the most people so you gotta spread out. If you survive it once devil tarot will make next one easier to survive.
Fun fact, chink opinions early on was almost 1-1 to us. The only difference is that they were already wary of XD shills trying to pretend to be normal members and applying for moderator positions to control discussion because some of them played TW previously. Their revenue was equal to Global, JP and KR BTW so it's actually a big fucking deal that the devs pissed that goodwill in slightly over six months (End November to August).
The scat spammer is a pajeet though.
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I want faster schedule so I can get Rawiyah (young)
You'll never be part of 'us'
You're just a worse version of the bikinischizo with the same ESL ramblings and violent seething over retarded shit nobody cares about
Are you aware that TOA literally comes with the Elaman patch and they're hoping to pressure people into whaling? Wait, I get it. You think this game is going to last half a decade or close to it right?
'Hurr durr I'm a retard who thinks the devs won't bring the whalebait over so quickly when they already brought the whalebait skins after that whalebait tower over!'
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Why is she so ugly
Call me when we get porn of some random wolves knoting her.
Stay mad, There's a reason nobody believes you anymore.
I believe him. To be honest the writing is on the wall already with how they are handling the game. Acceleration, banner rearranging, early whale modes, etc. It's clear they they don't expect the game to live that long and are just turboing out content to make as much as they can. This isn't my first gacha rodeo and this isn't the first time I've seen games follow this exact gameplan.
Your samefags aren't convincing either when you've been the sole doomschizo for weeks
Take your meds anon. Not everyone who disagrees with you is one person. Frankly you schizoing out is more annoying than him doomposting.
This is pathetic... At least switch up your writing style...
Again, take your meds. And maybe your own advice.
>banner rearranging
This is the biggest red flag. You can bet they'll also do what Touhou Lost Word did and split up dual banners of good units so that they're dual banners of one good unit and one bad unit too.
That'll happen but probably not intentionally. The dual banners we got already don't follow that trend at all.
Yeah, people keep bitching about me posting about CN but the truth is that if they can afford to turn a fairly contented fanbase into doomsayers that means they have no fucking interest in changing things around to last long.
Don't give me ideas.
The truth is that everyone's tired of your screaming every fucking day so blow your fucking brains out already or find a hobby that isn't spamming 4chan for 20 hrs a day
>at least it beats running into cringe tryhard slop.

Ah gomen!
There was one guy last thread who mentioned WOTV, also Gumi tried to save Aster Tartariqus with a Demon Slayer Collab but it died anyway because they couldn't sell it to anyone. The true big flag to me isn't TOA in truth but that they purposely designed all of the 3.0 characters with signature weapons in mind, that and the thousands of deleted comments plus bans shows they don't want anyone to question the true state of their financials.
/vg/ seriously needs some mods so spambots don't rule this shitty board
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>Run into this defense
What's his plan?
iggy's a breaker?
damn i think i've literally never seen it until now
Yeah, when will you and the other screaming schizo go away so people who have played more than one gacha can discuss the real state of the game instead of your honeymoon fantasies?
They need to make some generic beast units so you can put maitha in a pen with them for defense. Gomen that bitch.
For some knot-sluts to "accidentally" fall into the Iggy rape cage.
Fun defenses are SOUL
Bros, what's the second best spear after double sided halberd?
>There's another person besides me with an Iggy death defense
skeleton spear is the single-target counterpart to halberd
He's terrified of doing his best to make a solid defense and still failing so he goes for a joke setup instead
>Commander, stop falling down right as you get near the fortifications all the time.
Skeleton spear offense wise, though the 10% piercing damage isn't very good
Nameless staff for +1 range. though it doesn't offer much besides that
Spear doesn't have a lot of good options
>10% atk + 10% piercing damage
>5% atk + 24% dmg boost
there's probably some breakpoint of enemy defense there, since i assume dmg boost is calculated after defense first mitigates damage
either way i think both are good to have invested in
Is there even any new spear user in the future?
The red headed bitch but she gets a personalized weapon.
It might interest you guys to know that XD has an upcoming gacha called Etheria: Restart and that one of the biggest red flags for a gacha is their developer having a bigger cash cow to count on.
Oh, that awful Star Rail clone with Guilty Gear aesthetics
I'm not interested in non SRPG
Silent guard
chinkspam hours are always so bad in this place and I feel bad for anyone that has this as their main timezone
>Talking about the problems of the game that everyone with a brain has already pointed out is chinkspam
The purpose of the 'chinkspam' is to tell you guys that none of the shit you guys think they'd do such as another selector happened. Like holy shit, that level of hopium was intolerable.
Don't fucking reply to me again you pathetic cunt
How dare you even believe for a second that I care what a spambot reurgitating the same five posts has to say.
Oh no no, the XD shill thinks he can tell someone to stop! How much Hope Luxites did you get to suck their dick, is it at least half as much as their bribes to the content creators? Kind of funny how the worst two did a lot to 'help' the game since they leaked shit devs didn't want people to see yet.
Can't wait to roll for Cocoa, bros.
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Just bought Col's skin and selector...
My investment...
The eos...
Should've just played Mihoyo games...
Ah shit I got no coins again
How does bankruptcy manage to sneak up so easily?
I put an easy defense with solo maitha but i also put bear traps in the worst possible location so good luck one turn killing it.
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How the fuck were their intentions good, you were literally in the room when Caris admitted that the entire faith is just a pretext for monopolising luxite.
Why can't monopolising luxite be a good intention?
SoD would be way better if you get 100k coins every week
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What am I missing here ? There's no immediately obvious buffs nor debuffs at play, and the thief is literally in front of him
Is that some kind of invincibility on it there? Bring up it's full status
The purple line around the thief looks like invis. Also sirs they changed the "redeem" option in the shop to "exchange" how can this be?
you are very correct sirs i am bloody benchod i didn't read his last buff because it required scrolling down
a thousand curses on my family, may Shiva sodomize me if I commit such a blunder again
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my fucking gems..
aw yeah I'm gonna kiss so many dog girls
Nono sex
Mono sex
I just got an ad for one of those bullshit fan service games with stolen assets everywhere which was calling itself Echoes of Convallaria. Didn't think to take a screenshot before I closed it.
Now THIS is the homo filter.
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>another double female banner
NOOOO i was saving for Cocoa. Why are they throwing Vlder banner now AIEEEEEEEEEE
>Nono/Momo AND Cocoa banner
wtf is this shit
I'm permanently broke with this banner schedule
Eh. I would like Momo but not enough to do a dual banner.
text would be in english if it were for global server wouldn't it?
The great filtering has come. Will you do it for HER?
I don't do nothin for nobody but numero uno
i'm doing it, i have to buy all the Vlderian slaves from those Elaman jews
No, I only want the cute scholar guy.
>decided to go with Papal route for my first
>they seem to genuinely care for the people's wellness, surely this is the good guy path
>just killed Teadon, everyone fucking hates us
I think we're the baddies popebwos
Eventually it will be a double male banner
First time seeing a JRPG religious faction, bro?

There were some of these in TW and CN, but I'd guess that they'll put two waifus or one meta guy and one waifu to make people go broke even faster kek.
Took you this long to realize and not the Bishop literally saying sth like "Oil is our religion, go find me that oil Samantha. Oh, and (You) I guess lol.
aren't SOC papals are pretty mild compared to IRL papals
Innana sex
>church is le bad
Good question, but the shit we see in that route is fairly contained so we wouldn't know the full scale of their atrocities.
PS is genuinely the most vile faction of the three
>forced to level faycal because no other rangers
JP and global have the same schedule
they just post the news first on the JP twitter, probably due to timezones
Depends on what era of the church you are talking about, definitely more mild than the modern day corrupted one at the very least though.
So, how does it feel knowing that you have do dogshit dual banners for those characters you want and you don't even get to save?
Doesn't he die in every route?
Justr roll for Lilywill
Pretty good, I get to pull for both characters I want on the one banner
>didn't think they would make a dual banner with two characters that I wanted this early
I'm fucked. Guess I will hold for Cocoa and just luckshit them later
don't you have better things to do with your time?
Do any of us?
Well yeah, I've been reading CN threads to gauge where things went to shit and it seems Saffiyah/Auguste/Cocoa back to back was a fairly big part of it. Here's your daily reminder though that Global, JP and KR are treated even more like third-class citizens than CN was kek.
Momo and Nono (lol) are both cute but not cute enough to waste pulls on currently. I rather wait and get them randomly through one of the inevitable off banner pulls.
Enjoy getting Leonide instead idiot
Same. The pool is not that big and I'm not a lucklet, they'll come home eventually.
As far as the girls go I think Beryl is as cute as they get. Appearance-wise anyway because her attitude is beyond obnoxious.

You realize the chances of getting Leonide'd are there whether he pulls on that banner or not right?
Cuter than Xavier and Inanna
I will roll for them
Man Stinger's damage is so deceptive. He hits you once and it's fine but then there are like 50 more attacks.
>Cuter than Inanna
Nah, the habitual rape victim is cuter
>TFW the most damsel in distress character is actually a guy
Faycal doubters... your response?
And if he somehow doesn't kill with all that he popped infection and HM marks on the target for free
Don't care
Tier lists are for fags
Fecal is shit
It makes sense because both Maitha and Rawiyah are completely mogged when Maitha pretty much gets one-shot while bringing little utility while Rawiyah is too squishy and knockback immunity becomes more common.
>Col tier 2
Opinion immediately discarded. No one retarded enough to do this should be taken seriously.
Are we really starting this shit again? Col does damage, enemy does not die from damage, enemy attacks Col, Col gets BTFO. That simple.
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fecal lol
Not my fault your Col does shit damage
Not my fault you haven't seen how much HP future enemies have, also I don't have her anyway.
What kind of faggot cares how much hp future enemies have? Actually play the game
Oh yeah cool, I'll just play the game and lose to the enemy on purpose because I didn't pay attention to how my characters don't do enough damage to win. Fucking retard.
>enemy attacks Col, Col gets BTFO
That's pretty much any character in late game
you do have to start putting work into getting Col's extra turn, it's still worth it when possible she's just not an auto deploy choice like gloria
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Seeing movement like this means that there's a trap there they don't want to step into right?
Yeah the enemy avoids trapped tiles
You can check with Gloria's flag too
so this means we don't really know if cocoa is next?
Finally a good dual banner, i might roll on one of these mid ass bitches
Next banner is Agatha
Trust the plan
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Cocoa is 100% next, see pic related that begins after Simona's banner is up. The Xavier/Inanna banner will likely happen after Momo/Nono.
Noone ever did, there was no proof of anything
do you "need" to have upgraded your spiral mode with more than one play to enjoy elaman story or no
>No proof of anything when the proof is right on top of you
I've been skipping since Gloria. I'm at my limit. Where's the male banner?! Why so many shitty female banner???
What's up with the mail lines and how do you set up mail lines?

Take this with a grain of salt because I was stumbling my way through Elaman blind when it launched, you might want to do that. Either being unable to read chink made a lot of things more painful than it should have been or the difficulty is slightly high than the initial routes.
God I am so happy I luckchaded Inanna. Imagine having to pull on a Xavier banner
What the fuck man, Elaman in 9 days already?
I'll click through to an early bad ending then. Darklight after 10 weeks and calling for help from a faction you have less than 100? reputation with should be a quick one. I don't know how much it progresses your rogue lite resources but probably gives something for those who've only had a single play through
Someone got six Xaviers before one Inanna when it was in TW kek.

Yeah, because people did not believe me when I doomposted about TOA being close to shit on everyone's fun they caught me by surprise because this is even worse lmao FML.

That only gets you one Astral Tear sadly but eh, you probably have well-built characters to use now unlike me at that time.
You are playing the wrong game homochad
Pretty sure I wasn't playing the wrong game, 11/23 of the initial character roster were men!
broke indie dev please understand
Acambe will be after Cocoa assuming the devs don't screw around again and run all the Elaman characters in order. If you're asking about a dual male banner though...boy do I ever have bad news for you.
You are definitely playing the wrong game, those males are already in the pool because they don't make money lol.
Isn't it inevitable unless they rerun Gloria and Edda after only two months? After removing Faycal/Maitha/Rawiyah because free characters, Col/Beryl because event banner, Garcia/Nungal/Samantha/Momo/NonoWill/LilyWill/Inanna among the females, and Dantalion/Alexei/Xavier among the males, the only ones left are Teadon/Miguel/Guzman/Leonide/Nergal/Iggy. Six males.
i'm rollan, fuck debut banner
Forgot Magnus. Seven males and zero female left.
I hope they do a Nergal/Magnus so I can complete my Iria set
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Stop enjoying the game right now
Think about your investment
Nono stole all my gems
That is a good question, so let me pose a different question to you: With the schedule being so hectic and devs actively fucking with the banner schedule just to bring the most cancerous and only real bit of content left quickly, what makes you think that the devs were being truthful about speeding all the new servers up until it's 6 months behind CN?
Literally has nothing to do with banner schedule. I'm saying that unless Gloria is scheduled to rerun in two weeks, they're out of options. They will have to do a double male banner.
i'm thinking more about how i got both Jane and her weapon in 100 rolls in zzz while i'm sitting at 160 here with only 1 (one) teadon actually
>Will have
I want the counterattack woman... but also Safiya... and Auguste for the VA... and Cocoa for sex... but there's no extra gems for the accelerated schedule so I'm at best gonna get 2 of those.
>50 weeks
probably because of the emblem
>Didn't get one of my favorite characters
>One of my favorites is likely delayed to god fucking knows when
>My actual favorite is the last character before it all goes into even more hell
I came with nothing and shall exit with nothing.
>TOA being close to shit on everyone's fun
why would it shit on our fun? genuinely asking
Don’t worry about responding to the schizo anon, the rest of us understand what you’re saying
the disgustingly shit gacha rates will probably make me quit eventually even though this is one of my favorite genres, hope they add more spiral content to distract me
>he's samefagging again
It's so tiresome
I'm already seeing parallels to TAC with sig weapons=mementos which is not a good sign this early, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.
what's TAC?
There's a lot of reasons, but the main reasons are:
>Characters start needing more stars to be good after this (See Cocoa for example, Auguste needs at least 4* too)
>Missing a character makes you feel like even more shit than before because all your planning goes out of the window
>The mechanics are pretty much designed to promote the latest shiny
>People have been asking for other things to do and it was all ignored for this mode and live PVP
>The mechanics can be total dogshit, for example 80% shields
>You get basically nothing even if you try and clear it with low-rarity characters because it's a DPS race, and all the 'you need meta posts' come from the standpoint that a single turn difference can make your run or cause a total wipe

I'm not even optimistic about Crimson Night because it sounds like it was written for fucking lesbians.

I understood the question perfectly, but it's very bold to make the assertion that they 'have to make a double male banner' when they already delayed fucking Saffiyah.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
they have already backpedaled a bit with the sig items and you can get them from ToA now
>having a melty in a slow ass general
/gig/ is down the corridor to the left bro
The alchemist code. Another srpg that eos'd a couple years ago (or was it last year?). Constant featurecreep was imo one of the things that killed it though not the #1 reason I guess.
That's good to hear.
Taiwan is a country
I personally hope they rerun Gloria. I started during Edda banner and I need my Seiba expy.
The signature weapons themselves aren't the only issue, characters are already brutal to get when there's two debuts per month (And the less said about duals the better lmao) and knowing that you:
>Have to shard the character for them to work
>Have to get the signature
>Have to get the signature to 5*
Is just rage-inducing because what else do you have left to do if not for this mode? You guys remember how Dantalion betrayed the Vlder and Luccians right? Dantalion is basically the devs and Vlder and the Luccians are TW and CN, except Dantalion here has no fucking reason to do this unless he plans on just taking the spoils and stopping the game completely.
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Gumi developed this one, right? Kind of funny how they went on to make Aster Tartariqus that was such a giga flop they had to lay off a lot of employees and it cemented FFBE Global's EOS too.

>That's good to hear.
The damage has been done and I've got to emphasize that Global/JP/KR's schedule is worse than even CN.
>Have to shard the character for them to work
>Have to get the signature
>Have to get the signature to 5*
and you HAVE to do all this exactly why?
I'm still not sure what went so wrong with Aster, I only heard that they had another game, Sakura something, EoS 2 months after launch. Gumi might actually just go bankrupt at this rate, not that it's a bad thing. FGG artists are fucking amazing though and I hope to see them draw for someone else eventually.
Have you never played a single gacha where the devs decided to say 'Fuck it' to anything that wasn't competitive content cancer? I played FFBE for a hot minute during the seventh anniversary, you don't even bother slotting in the latest powercreep if you only managed to get one copy.

That was Sakura Ignoramus yeah (Though this one falls on Marvelous too), also going off what people who played the game said it had some really retarded shit like making some event stages not sweepable, and stamina used to recharge at a terrible rate (You get 5 points and it took hours to get it back, they later changed this so it'd recharge after an hour), and of course the standard 'no content' complaint applies here too even if you enjoyed the story.
Col is trash bro, not low tier but very overrated on these lists.
>Have you never played a single gacha where the devs decided to say 'Fuck it' to anything that wasn't competitive content cancer?
you can just take it easy on that competitive mode
I think you missed the 'Fuck it to anything that isn't competitive content cancer' part bro, TOA wouldn't nearly have been such cancer if it didn't affect character gameplay moving on and the devs happily chose to ignore that people wanted to have other kinds of fun.
Bro stop playing gacha and buy some real games
You don’t, he’s just getting increasingly desperate. It’s been a full month and no one has fallen for his insane ramblings.
Funny story but that's exactly what the chinks were recommending to do rather than sinking in more money on SOC.

Yes, because now the Elaman patch is coming out even faster than anyone anticipated right? Holy fucking RETARD.
oh he's the resident schizo?
I started recently so I hadn't been on the thread
The anon who replied to you is the real schizo, he's still keeping up the whole charade that I'm a chink when I can't read it at all, and my reason for being interested in what the chinks were talking about is that I know a bit of the history of the game and how it was even more dogshit when it launched in Taiwan (Pity used to be 200, duals were 50-50 and there wasn't a 100 soft pity along with the game being unplayable for the entire day at times).
Not the schizo but that's part of the problem, ToA is really the only new long term content. There's no new challenging PvE or non-competitive stuff.
at least it's not a scat/gore poster yet
The worst part of it all is that the signature weapons bullshit coincided with them doing live PVP as a limited time event. It was easy enough to fulfill the conditions and you only got about 1k Hope Luxites anyway, but there's only two timeslots for you to participate in (Same like Guardian Tales, and that was one of the reasons I eventually quit it).
Holy schizo lmao
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Roland better look like Arthur and have Takahiro Sakurai as his seiyuu if they ever make him a unit
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Wait a minute, do the Vlderians have 2 ears or 4? Just realized you can’t see the sides on any of them.
Nono face looks like she's having sex
Can confirm from personal experience, that is her O face
am i bricked if i roll this banner instead of saving for saffiyah? vlder girls are too sexy to skip i feel like
No because you'll be bricked one way or another.
They both seem mid tier for gameplay but clearly top of the Sexo tiers
I want a Nono and more copies of Momo because her passive is fucking trash until you get at least 3* but I also want Cocoa...
Grinding to 3* is pretty quick unless you’re trying to do it for 5 units at once.
Both them are fairly solid, Nonowill's biggest claim to fame is having the best Vulnerable application and Momo is a beast in PVP.
I'll chop them up and give you the head of Nono, a leg of Momo, and the tail of Coco
Doing this to Momo makes you Coco, and that's a Nono!
I managed to clear today's trial at 65
Outlaw guard was actually the key, him debuffing and dispelling the boss allowed my units to survive Apocalypse with 1HP and a dream then the rest was easy because devil makes it so you snowball extremely hard and the 2nd apocalypse barely deals 50% of your HP.
>oh someone attacked me in clash, let's see how he did
>he is one level higher than me
>all his guys can oneshot my team
uh what the fuck did I just watch
I will call her Monoconomo
i need to level more devils
Sometimes you just get out-fucking-geared
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Imagine being so hungry that you can't feed one girl
Please understand, Nungal already emptied my pantry and tripled my grocery bill
>I started recently so I hadn't been on the thread
Any specific questions or complaints about the current resources and guides? I've been wanting to update the guide but coming up with questions to answer is the hardest part.
You can feed her calamities. I don't think she will find out if you deep fry them.
>Any specific questions or complaints about the current resources and guides?
Imma be frank, I didn't check any of it
I went in raw like the retard I am
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Found this while I was looking through some stuff.
>Outlaw guard
Same for me. Mine died to the first apocalypse no matter what I tried, devil was enough to weather the rest having Col zooming around but damn do you need some serious M Def gear on that poor bronze bro
Yeah, I came back to this at a higher level because all of my Devil tarots sucked balls.
I just gave him the 15% magic damage reduction resonance
Kek that Miguel
>Samantha holding back her laughter while looking at Caris

He's literally me during my birthday, fuck loud birthday celebrations.
desu, after trying Saffiyah in the interval quest in the Event, i don't understand why she's considered OP. Is it just because she can summon and dodge?
Have you missed enemies literally exploding immediately after being marked?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQMM2wSoRhQ for an overview, also quoting this off-hand:
>Saffiyah can buff another character's speed
>Her Hanged Man summon inherits something like 85% of her stats
>She can dish out %-based damage which is huge for PVE
>Her own DPS is great
from having to fight her as a tower boss last week:
- ranged summon and followup attack and you can't shield yourself from any of it behind obstacles
- not only dodges but also mows down everything in front if you forget not to target her
yes she was overleveled too but if you've ever been stung by stinger consider her the upgrade
Oh yeah, I accidentally hit her during the interval and it was nasty.
her stats were overtuned in that interval quest so i wouldn't take that into account as they'll probably be more similar to other units when you get her
i'll check that video out
Here's another fun one, there was apparently some kind of MBTI quiz you could take: https://www.taptap.cn/moment/499584126177772482
>TFW Auguste is INTP
That explains a lot huh...

She's extremely strong even without inflated stats, the content creator who's since quit said he always used her for TOA.
I'm literally dead
Don't worry, you have plenty of company!
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Bet he doesn't even remember his birthday.
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Agatha looks more fun desu
Agatha is a while away, but you can always watch her video to decide.
Just seeing her tear troops to pieces in Spiral got me pretty excited for her. She looks like a one man army blender as long as she doesn't get anti-healing.
Just give her cooling powder then
Oh yeah, I did have a big smile on my face seeing her wreck shit. Shame for me that I have a different target.
You need to be rank 49 for chapter 9 of Fool's Journey, and rank 53 for chapter 10.
>MFW this was released about a month before Elaman
It says CN, but this is the TW server's stuff.
>the lifesteal on my Alexei after giving him the lifesteal engraving
holy shit, i can't believe one single update made him a decent unit to play
why didn't you butterfly support him?
>8-5 this week is just 80% pdmg reduction
>no gimmick to cleanse it, just fuck your physical attackers
that won't stop me from knocking everyone off the ledge!
>She can dish out %-based damage which is huge for PVE
are there any cute brown elaman girls on TW server?
legendary weapon breakdown priority to exchange for trinket, correct me if wrong

Doomsday Scythe
Beheading Machete (if not Dantalion + Edda)
Hollow Axe (if not Magnus)
isn't skeleton staff a meme or is it actually good on Acambe and Saffiyah?
I think she uses swords so no
reportedly yes, and elaman is coming so...
as in saffiyah's hanged man goon kills itself constantly so it'd battery your staff user
what the fuck? i just melted my skeleton staffs a while ago, that shitty staff actually had a unit that can use it?
He doesn't need more lifesteal because his own lifesteal already puts him from 1% to 100%
Vlders out for Acambe
The battle pass staff is better than skeleton staff for him.
>He thinks his low rarities can do the job

Acambe's BIS is the BP staff.

Only new Hanged Men SRs.
you'll sweep more of it eventually and that energy effect is the same at 1 star I wouldn't worry about it
>he thinks % damage is viable
if you've been playing tower it's often the only thing that is viable, even more so if you're underleveled
Shut up nerd just trust CN tier list

This anon gets it, also enemies are much more beefy in TOA.
You mean the tons of tier lists? You still need to know what characters do and why certain characters that seem good on paper are poorly rated.
just admit you're bad at the game it's fine
There's one retard that keeps dickriding anything CN does and constantly screaming about how shit the game is and how much he loved it but the company fucked CN over so now he's on a mission to get everyone to hate the game as much as he does.
He constantly repeats himself and basically sounds like a broken record now since he's been repeating the same shit for like a month now so you'll be able to tell him apart quite easily.
Regarding Papal Route, the map in which you are in command of several Papal units, protecting a Luxite pole, with points every round to summon new Papal units, with the requirement to last 7 rounds:

I don't know if you're normally allowed to have the MC + Samantha move after round 4, but if you have the Marvelous! tactic (the trash-tier one that blows you up in a self-destruct aoe), using it on yourself (and Samantha) results in both of you being able to move and participate in the battle. Samantha is still AI controlled, but was kinda funny watching her aoe bomb the left side after I funneled 1/3 of the map there with explosive barrels.
y-you weren't supposed to do that anon...
a tactician isn't supposed to join in the fray...
>dispelled the boss
If with tarot, you have to place the unit in the middle, same if you are using Gloria attack reduction passive
They are 2 tiles debuff/dispel, and the boss tile is in the middle row
You retards are already using % damage to cheese the tower and the Elaman update is being brought forward, what do you actually have except your useless barking?
Yeah I come back to this thread every day to laugh at him I can't believe people like this exist but there's a few in every gacha general, always a SEAmonkey too lol
I rabu Alexei
heh......koitsu garya, teki o meni mono o misete yareru ze
you gay
Regarding Spiral buffs you gain from the Blessings ritual/mechanic: while you can't click on [Buffs] to read what they do in the "Select your blessing" screen, apparently you -can- click+hold on the center text, then drag it around in a small circle, including outside of the borders of its own buff frame.

Useless, but neat amateur coding.
> using it on yourself (and Samantha) results in both of you being able to move and participate in the battle
Lel I love using the MC, they should let me do it more often
>9-5 is the magnus stage again
boy i hope i can do it this time
i have 200 pulls waiting for saffiyah. i will not spend a single luxite before then.
can't you spend 20
very easy this week because they take extra piercing damage
pushing them into walls one shots them
>got NonoWill in the Simona banner instead
>want Momo
Mammal states
That stage is super easy, you bait them into the black gas and they just get blown up.
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What is she reading?
bold of you to assume she can read
>extra piercing damage
oh fuck yeah my favorite mutation
rawiyah, momo, simona, lash, and thunderstruck just having a picnic
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Guzma porn
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My opinion on the story so far is that it's presented very well. The atmosphere is both tense but also full of lighthearted stuff, but the two of them are never interrupting eachother which is my biggest criticism of modern media like shonen anime or capeshit. There's a decent amount of factions all with their own appeal and the story seems very much grounded in semi-realistic geopolitics instead of fantasy world asspulls. All the characters are also grounded, no superheroes or gods. The devs have something good here imo if they don't ruin it by pandering to fan favorite characters.

This sponsored post paid for by the Beryl Is Cute PAC
>big, threatening enemies
>they're not knockback immune
this stage is like a complete apology for how it was last time
i wonder why the generics changed, 8-5 had the same generics as it had last time
I've given up on that trial, no Col, and I've had my Gloria eat a 5800 hit on turn 2, with dmg reduction II on her and -ATK 2 on the boss
Wish they'd give the Luccians/Elaman generics character portraits
Nergal with Void stab just did the biggest number I've ever seen by far in tarot III... but he has zero crit support except for the R9 basic attack I didn't pick (+15% crit dmg) because it had looked oddly out of place. What am I missing?

This is also the newfriend's reminder that a character's basic attack doesn't update on its own when you choose a character's R9 basic attack upgrade. You have to go and change the skill yourself.
>crit support
I forgot he also has 15% crit in his "worse than Col" version of the Alacrity aura
Roll on the standard banner(25 pool instead of 24 so only marginally worse rate)
So that when you do get her you still have a guaranteed lego in 30 rolls stocked to prop your start.
>2x gear 1x trinket reward
>end up with 3 trinkets
holy fuck

yeah, i keep clicking them as if a portrait will show up there
kinda furthers the point that they won't be playable
>3 trinkets
and all decent too
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why the fuck is she so rare
300 pulls in and I've got her ONCE
same for me and she wants to put my castalia on her crit too, can you believe the gall of this gal
the gal has stones. you could say shes a gallstone.
Everyone knows Lightning doesn't strike the same team twice
>This is also the newfriend's reminder that a character's basic attack doesn't update on its own when you choose a character's R9 basic attack upgrade. You have to go and change the skill yourself.
it's situational for some characters anyway, whether to use the r9 attack or not (although i think in like 95% of situations the new one is better)
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I don't think shes that rare.....
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Evens I level this Chud to 90 and roll for crit echos and become a demiGOD
Odds I roll for the new homos weapon
I will honor the results
Wuthering Wuflopbro...
you ok buddy?
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I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
Guess our local retards are trying new shitposting methods I guess
Looks like you got to get that new weapon pay piggy!
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what are people in the 50s dumping their stamina into? I was thinking the event for the money
the (small) unlimited money?
I'm going for the talent currency, I'm bottlenecked to hell and back on rainbow rocks so dust doesn't matter. Might as well fill out the talent trees. Those 1% starts mattering one day
no need to bring up your favorite food, chinksect
was doing powder but now im kinda splitting between powder and the class rank up material because i think at level 55 we get to rank 11? might be wrong on that but regardless it will be expensive
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Pull for Xiangli Sex!
>tfw realized soc is not only a hag game but also a daddy game
Mostly radiant powder but I go for a bit of star gem as well
If I'm feeling really adventurous then I'll dump some stamina into Fools Journey
Into exercising, unfortunately. If I don't do it now I might not be able to walk properly in the 60s.
Bros that have only one of them, are we rolling on the Nono/Momo banner?
I love Vlders but I have to focus on Cocoa
i have both sorry :)
I wanted Momo but dual banners are giga aids cancer so I'll never summon on them.
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They raised the rate for the new event, 10k for 200 and a run is only 20 stamina. That x2 seems at least better than star trial as most of what you get is useless at this point. Consistent legend stars must start at level 55.
banner runs long, I'm waiting to see if we really get Cocoa next before rolling
Is any of that remaining shit even worth my time (besides the one platinum medal remaining).
I feel like they are not even worth the energy, let alone the effort it will take to farm them since you can't just use the octopus.
I have Momo and am not really interested in Lily. She's cute but seekers don't really seem necessary.
The gold rock and coins are worth it.
Not a fan of nono and dual rate up in general so nono.
>my lash is still 1*
>she even has a significant new effect on her trait at 2*
surely a little memory farm won't hurt... right?
you'll get the lash
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>no Lightning
>no Butterfly
>no Lash
>no Stormbreaker
>no Blade
>~200 pulls
Cursed account
I'm also missing Blade and it hurts because I can't do some low clear cheeses that use him and the other dodge bandit
TIL there are only two fancy footworkers
>both are male
Feet bros…
who are the strongest hung men in this game?
i need so many ores, I'll keep farming radiant forging for a while
the engravings are also nice and haven't bankrupted me yet
I would consider it if they weren't fucking running that dual banner alongside Cocoa, ain't nobody got enough Luxite for 3 Vlders at once unless you swipe. Guess my Vlder team will have to cope with Butterfly and Agile Eye until they rerun.
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>6% from the bow
>12% from the trinket
>30% from the tarot
>15% from the 3* trait (soon)
>15% from Sniping Stance
>60% when using Deadly Aim
Is crit additive or multiplicative? Is there a point where I have too much crit and should use different equipment? Ignore the last skill, that will be replaced with Quick Reload.
Butterfly isn't cope, she's fucking amazing for some stages for setting up kills by teleporting enemies next to pits for Momo to push or pull and getting a 100% crit on hitting someone in the back
It's additive. You can "easily" reach 100 Crit once your have the correct gear. At that point I'd probably swap the Tarot for something else, since just 15% Crit damage isn't much, especially if you have other sources.
I don't roll for males nor used goods.
At least you have her
I'm missing her, Night Raven and Butterfly
>Butterfly isn't cope
Cool. I actually don't have her nor Agile Eye. I just assume I'll get them on Cocoa's banner.
>inb4 only Vlderian Scouts
>I actually don't have her
Sadly she gets her best passive effect (aoe debuff cleanse every turn) at 4* so good luck
isn't half the tarot crit and the other crit dmg?
why did you go Deadly Aim before 55?
nta: to poke the tarot boss acolyte but it sucks to be a destroyer in that fight, just use thunderstruck
>Sadly she gets her best passive effect (aoe debuff cleanse every turn) at 4* so good luck
T-thanks, you too...
It's nice to have even before 55. Even though she prepares for a turn, on the next turn she fires the skill and you get to do a normal attack, it's a net increase in damage and increased range for tricky enemies.

Oh shit you're right, I misread. I think I'll swap out the trinket then because after maxing crit the next priority is increasing crit damage.
I thought i'll be free from critfuckery here, wtf bros...
I want cocoa
Save it for the inevitable Mystic Swordsman character that scales off of magical damage.
Cocoa is hot
Hot Cocoa, if you will
Cocoa enslaved by the Elamans and taken back to their country
Dark Cocoa, if you will
maitha is ah! gomen!
Cocoa when?
when Simona's banner ends
Cockoa's banner needs to hurry up so I can fail to get her and drop the game rather than be bricked. Or Saffiyah's. Or Augueste's. Or Acambe's.
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Reminder not to trust the cat or that filthy traitor Faycal.
Cockoa's meaty boa...
I guess the smart thing to do would be hang onto this Rawi/Maitha/Fay selector until I've got 2 at max stars (through spook dupes) then use it on the last one. But that's a long time to wait...
Cocka killed the game
I'm keeping it as a memento
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what ending do I go for next now that I've done one of each?
don't call her Cockoa... you meanies...
nungal sits on the cuck chair
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*Cums inside Maitha*
daily reminder: I look like Dantalion irl but with green eyes
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is this how he inflicts the debuffs with the arrows?
only the anti heal one
he puts the arrows somewhere else for the defense down
W-what is Lily doing when she inflicts Infection?
No, he does it like the Vietnamese.
>use up enough stamina before work to have just shy of a full charge when I get home
>have to hang back for a couple extra hours
go on without me bros...
Just sweep quickly a stage or two on phone?
she steps on the arrows
Aids. All vlder have aids.
no dice
it's over
lemme guess, there's shipping in this game?
Yeah, me shipping my dick with your ass.
Gay shipping, yes. ML this is not.
What's the fastest way to reach Radiance rank in Spiral?
Muscular men fucking each other and tomboy hags fucking feminine women
Bisexual game
no straight ships? but why?
Because heterosexual ship is shit
It's a fucking SRPG, not Incel Impact.

Go play Genshin or whatever if you want shipping
Doing missions for points
Genshit is nothing but cuck and homoshit though. If anything genshitters would feel right at home here being a camera for homosexuals.
did not ask and most definitely do not care
this shit has gambling on the playable characters. it's a gacha regardless of how hard you're seething about it.
I don't get what the fuck you mean about the shipping and I don't care to decipher what makes straight non-mc ships in genshin an "incel" thing. all I'm asking is if this game has straight shipping, and if not what the dev's rationale is on this, because I've never seen a game that caters to both yuributas and fujos but only them.
Go back to twitter troon.
Dude it's a fucking SPRG, did you ever play those? You know, back when companies made actual games and not thinly veiled dating sims for sad virgins?
It looks like it's not the game for you so go watch porn instead and cry about how lonely you are
Retarded tranny.
wish companies made more games that are more game than porn because it feels like nobody cares about gameplay anymore
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>another day, another melty
Troons do be like that. The mere thought of normal people send them into a frenzy.
god, I do not give a single solitary fuck if you had to cope with playing a gacha by calling it an SRPG. answer the fucking question asshole.
>answer the question
It doesn't have shipping you eternal incel
You may now proceed to fuck off and die alone as the pathetic virgin you are

Is that clear enough or do I need to jingle some keys to get your attention? Dunno why you're pretending to be better than everyone when not even your mom would let you near her breasts
Sorry but this is a serious game for serious people. No virgin incels allowed. I bet you are white too, eugh. But if you MUST know, no no one is interested in your pasty ass. You can watch as everyone else hooks up though.
>heh i'm too good for gacha but does this pathetic shit have shipping for straight chads like me?
Xir, calm down and pop a few more HRT pills.
>go watch porn
One of YOU retards
that's not the question retard. we've already established that there exists GAY shipping in this GACHA. I'm asking if it has *other* kinds of shipping, or is it its gimmick to only have homosexual relationships in this game.
I'm only asking a simple question. one that I could've just looked at some videos and probably had my answer with lesser effort than dealing with a guilt ridden retard like you. I don't consider myself better than you, well I do, but not for any of this.
you got it wrong retard. the gacha shunner is the retard that's playing YOUR game.
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>spend sweep star trials
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>does it have shipping
>I dont care about that but does it have shipping
>I know that but does it have GAY SHIPPING
This kid has to be trolling at this point
I don't think the gimmick with Fecal and Iggy is the homosexuality I think it's more the knotted dog cock
holy shit that's your train of thought? no wonder we've been running in circles. congrats, your inexplicable retardation has finally put me on the defense.
look at the two quotes in >>493203538. inb4 none of that was you you deranged loon.
Probably just the usual schizo trying to start shit as always. Dooming about the game is getting old so gotta make up some shipping headcanons.
>troon is the local schizo
Now it all makes sense.
No it does not have gay shipping
No it does not have straight shipping
No it does not have yuri shipping
No it does not have fanservice
No it does not have horny fanservice
No it does not have (You) baiting
No it does not have characters for (You)

Congratulations, you shat up the thread of a game you don't even play. Pat yourself on the back, you finally accomplished something with your life.
watch the retard ignore the post and ask if it has shipping again or call you a troon
>No it does not have yuri shipping
Saffiyah and Rawiyah say hi. Or Tristan who is canonically a dyke.
Of course, now here's the segue to the usual chinkschizo spamming his CN narratives and chinkposts. I should have seen it coming.
that's not what the corroborating evidence says. oh look in the time that I typed this one just popped up under yours.
I'm not here to "shit up your thread", I'm just here to get the facts.
I mean who else would it be? There's literally one retard autistic enough to shit up this thread for hours. Dooming about muh meta was getting him ignored so now he's trying this shipping angle since it works so well on the hoyoshit threads.
Yes anon, everyone who disagrees with you is the chink. You cracked the code. Congratulations you schizo. Do you even fucking play the game? Holy shit literally your entire post is disproven by a single run through spiral. But you would have to actually play the fucking game instead of living in this thread calling anyone who says anything about the game a chink to know that. Retard.
You retards have to stop latching onto me and question if you like the yuribait with Rawiyah and Saffiyah.
You have to love how these schizos try to say that the game is doing well when CN's debut was higher than Global, JP and KR combined and they insist that the devs aren't going to run the game into the ground when the Elaman patch is coming out soon when it took about six months in TW.
Here we go again
see you in 12 hours
not gonna stick around to see the chink samefagging himself about muh CN muh Langrisser muh Archeland
I don't think the chink is even real at this point. It think it's all just the troon schizo samefagging while calling everyone else a chink. It lines up too well. Xir is always on at the same time as xem.
You know, I'm really starting to think this guy isn't a concerned player that just wants to discuss the game's issues.
You forgot the shipping and lesbians. Game barely has anything resembling fanservice but he's really trying to push the yurishipping angle hard for some reason.
Don't leave me here with it
Yes, start preparing your rope when Global bootlickers see the truth too.
So it's yuri shipping time then?
For me it's Simona making Rawi kneel before her and lick wine off her foot as she drizzles it down her leg.
was probably shitting up some hoyoshit thread with yuri and decided to try it here too to mix things up a bit
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Bro if you are gonna samefag at least try to not make it obvious. It's amazing how unusable the thread is while your SEAape ass is schizoing every day back and forth trying to play both sides.
I'm not because the devs have completely fucking screwed the pooch from the time TW launched and every single fucking thing they did past the solid base game just screwed the game even harder. The only hope the game had was when chinks supported it in spite of their misgivings because people were still giving their feedback and they had the money to work on this problems (20m USD in 38 days BTW,), but all they did was to double down on making everyone miserable and demanding more money. Fuck you all man, I played TW in February this year and I never knew how fucking bad things would get until I looked into it!
First day here? It's blatantly copypasted posts every day and pretends to be a "concerned player trying to discuss the game's issues". Been like that since launch.
Glad you finally dropped the facade of "Why are you calling me a doomposter!? I'm just concerned for the future of the game!"
Nigga I'm talking about you. I know you are both the so called "chink" and the schizo who acts like everyone else is the "chink". Lemme guess, you are gonna call me said "chink" next, aren't you? You pull this shit every fucking day and coincidentally "both" of you are always on at the same time. You think we can't notice patterns at this point? Don't think I don't notice your brown ass samefagging on cooldown either.
looks like the spambot mindbroke someone already
Just stop you fucking retards
He won't and you won't get him to
Yeah, I'm concerned that the devs are going to kill everything instead of just Global but there's nothing more to be worried about because none of you have the willpower to even question the truth or fight back. If they want to kill it so be it, but you can't say no one ever told you to read the writing on the wall.

Don't worry, you'll all suffer the same fate.
>Don't worry, you'll all suffer the same fate.
you're a worse bikinischizo and literally just some retarded chink that thinks manually spamming and copypasting the same garbage over and over will make any difference or change anything

But you're worthless, uninportant, powerless and insignificant. Nobody has ever cared about what you thought and nobody ever will.
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God, I hate Lutfi but
>Dies in the bad end
>Dies in the good end
>Dies in the bad end
The only bad end I could imagine would be Lutfi not dying
Imagine saying this when Global is typically the first region to get axed right after SEA, only retards who think they aren't third-class citizens being thrown a bone would happily lap everything up and wag their tails in thanks.
i just realized this fucker dies in every route kek
stop posting spoilers
Abyss or Lash for this day's tarot? I'm thinking Abyss because debuffs are the only way to let people survive this bullshit breaker boss.
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It's not a spoiler without context
WRX spoilers are so fucking cool, only Civic Type R spoilers even come close
lightning tanks the breaker no problem
Oh, yeah, forgot about Gloria route where he dies as well
Yeah but using her is awkward when she has no tanking skills.
Anon, everyone is dead, Elysium is literally the afterlife
NEW >>493217060

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