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>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Gamescom 2024 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myHFsVMQIYw

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

I love hunters
borelold npcs were so shit
Post huntresses
or hunters if you want
i reject the handler's pronounciation of Tigrex
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I still struggle with a lot of recipes, but even a kwama egg quiche is a vast improvement over what I used to eat. I'm not making anything fancy soon, but at least I eat better.
Just annoying that the Elder Scrolls cookbook uses stupid imperial measures and very exotic spices, and the Runescape cookbook requires stuff I don't have, like a coal oven or a smoker.
Alma is a very helpful Handler so its okay
i love huntresses
emotionless sex with minoto
Loclac... home
desert areas are all shit and they should stop including them
that looks tasty as fuck, proud of you dude
>I'm not making anything fancy soon
as it should, traditional european/slavic countryside cooking is best
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Just post the lumu
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better than dango
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Just random pie dough (I think only flour and butter, and maybe some water), 4 eggs, bellpepper and bacon.
The Elder Scrolls cookbook would have me add tomatoes, but last time I tried, they were too wet and they left water when I cut the quiche.
Also that damn book is a pain to use, because it goes
>kwama egg quiche
>needs rye pie dough, found on page 39
>go to page 39
>rye pie dough
>requires stormcloak seasoning, found on page 25
>go to page 25
>mix of dried dill, "grains of paradise" (apparently can be replaced by black pepper), mustard powder (literally never found any, ordered a mill to grind mustard seeds, and fennel seeds
This isn't easy cooking.
If I had to rank my books by difficulty, I'd go FFXIV > Dungeon and Dragon > Fallout >Elder Scrolls > OSRS.
OSRS is really the most annoying, even if the FFXIV one has some pretty tough recipes.

I kinda want to, though.

I actually made dangos once. They're very filling, but leave you aching for more on the side. Friend said you're meant to drink tea alongside it.
>double penetration lumu
For practice eggs are great, stir fry is great, meat is great. There's a great deal of room to experiment and watch the cooking process in action. Everything can cook separately so you learn the ingredients, then mix things together as you get comfortable with them.

Crock pot is for ez slop living. Throw shit in, go to bed, wake up to hot meal. Sweet potatoes are a good test. rinse them off, set them for a few hours, and a good pot will turn them into sweet candy.

Baking is straight up chemistry. Roll the gacha for a good recipe and make sure your chemicals aren't expired. It takes a ton of study to know how to properly tweak one.
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My wife
I try to cook with potatoes, but I keep forgetting them for months and wake up to see them growing all over.
Something I make very often is boiling tomato soup, and add beans, ground beef, and chili pepper. Makes one heck of a hefty breakfast. And of course, pizza.
Any CB players here? Are phials supposed to be hard to obtain from melee attacks and do you rush energising the shield in order to have better guard points?
Do people really care about virtual food?
dunno, I remember tendies talking about eating balls and sticks, don't what was all that about
Tourists do
If you don't you hate monster hunter unironically
I want to go back to FONDUE so much man just let me dip random stuff in massive amounts of CHEESE like I'm back in Bherna
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yes, it's the kind of details that bring soul
>aira knight got eaten by a rathian
Potatoes are good for bulking up a meal, but so is rice, so is pasta/noodles, so are beans, there are options. For pure potato cooking go full decadence on them. Slice them, butter/oil, salt, spices, the works. It's tough to screw up, once they cook they can spend another half hour or more crisping up, and crispier is always better.
pure kino armour
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my wife
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behemoth is eas--ACK
Remember when MH girls used to look attractive?
post her soles
>Wilds is going to have another kino crossover with even better production value
It's all so invigorating.
I mean, I used to boil potatoes, then put them in the oven, with some cheese on top.
It was FAT but delicious. Took a lot of weight that way, couldn't fit in my pants. Now, my pants tend to slide off easily.
bunkr ax/i/WO663bQV26rZb
99% of the time prioritise charge slash and your phials will fill up real fucking quick
always charge shield first (charging sword is good too if you have the time for it) before doing anything because it boosts your axe attacks damage by a lot and lets you ultra if you want on top of the increased level of guard
a charged shield also deals phial damage on guard points which means easier stun on impact cb
fishnet booba
cute feet
>charge slash
This is just standing B right or do I need to do something else?
Did MH ever release a cookbook? Only game I know that did was FFXIV
hold B until flash then release so you dont overcharge
if you do it after an attack, make sure not to move your left stick or you will do a sliding slash
if you start your combo chain with a charge slash, you can move whilst pressing B and youll stop to charge the move
I think God of War Ragnarok did one too
No I have not played the game
are special arena quest unlocks in world random? i swear sometimes when i capture the monster they don't show up. what makes it more confusing is that they made it so the arena quests you've beaten don't show up sometimes, so i'm not sure which monsters i've captured. great system there
As far as I know, not yet.
And a lot of games have cookbook, personally, I have Elder Scrolls, Fallout, FFXIV, and Old School Runescape.
I know Halo has one too, but apparently it's pretty terrible. Then there are others cookbook, like the Dungeon and Dragon one, and the NecroNOMNOMNOM one.
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I am HUNGRY now. Fuck you.

FFXV got a fan-made one.
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Play hammer. My wife is really cute.
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i cant fucking wait. FF producers even admitted how outrageously good behemoth ended up to the point it became a joke on their side. imagine with a bigger budged and improved assets
>it boosts your axe attacks damage by a lot
Are you talking about the RT morph? I haven't been using the axe mode at all. My general loop is get phials, charge shield and discharge with RT-Y guard points whenever I see an attack about to hit. I haven't managed to guard multiple hits though.
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>accidentally shoulder charge a monster while charging
>knocked the fucker out
Sorry monstie but you gonna eat this unexpected true charge slash now
with a charged shield, every single attack that uses the axe (including your aed and ultra) are boosted by i believe 1.15x or so
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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>get primordial malzeno down to blue hp range
>goes ultra demon spastic mode
>triple carts me
what the fuck is this bullshit, what's the point of guard up existing if this shitmon just goes "no, i'll just kill you anyway"
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damn you niggas actually liked behemoth?
Why dont more hunters wear the buff body layered?
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Newfag here, which i should make? (I only have money for one)
farm more money, it ain't rocked science
Whatever have best affinity.
i don't even know what quest it comes from
highest number, highest/biggest deco slots
>out of money
get a plunder cat, they rack up 20k or more extra cash per hunt
Muscle Monkey Madness drops the Buff Tickets for it.
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imagine being a weaponlet, couldn't be me
Beo Slahsher.
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uh, electric monkey bros...?
No lumu. Im cat calling hunkters in safi rooms after doing 1 run so I get credit for the siege
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Kamura gets a lot of visitors.
i bet you are a shitter who wallbangs monsters too
>manually arrange your gears into rows or columns because it looked way better than auto-sorting
God, those were the days.
One more hunt for the day, what am I doin?
egg quest
primordial malzeno
i'm still seething, kill that bitch for me
r u regarded
well you can still do that in world
yeah i forgot about that for a sec
Its tempting. Might fire an sos flare and just GS upswing the responders while theyre carrying
>might be a piece of shit just because I can and it makes me forget how I get bullied at school
Why would I limit my trolling to the 4channels?
>he doesn't have two stomachs
LMAO @ unaugmented humans
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Well anon? Who's it gonna be?
Whoever is more likely to enjoy getting spanked.
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>Combine Potion + Honey
>Chance for success 95%
>Fail 2/3
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World PC lumu room:


Come by for some hunts, maybe even Safi.
sorry sis, that's called SOVL
you're supposed to like it, the old games are PEAK monster hunter
if you own GU on switch it's actually more legal to emulate than usual

I'm pretty sure there's a steady rolling seed for combines
You'll get a few failures in a row at a time and then smooth sailing otherwise
so it's either double dipping or has some similar quirk to it
I might could be convinced to do some safi taffy, but im kinda drunk.
Post your Hunter in Wilds.
That makes it more fun!
Ok, just be better than me so i dont aggro, but ill keep a pocket mantel for if I do.
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This but with crit.
my white fluffy tomboy barioth gf
what? 4channels? but we're on 4chan? who is this 4channel?
A fallen comrade
What weapon am I using in MHFU?
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Just curious, how long you guys been playing MH?

Been playing since 1. Anyone else remember that trailer that was on a demo disK Shit was fire.
something with a shield so GS
worloids like mmo adjacent "gameplay" like rotations, status lockdown, aggro, and cutscenes
the most egregious example is of course a quest that is explicitly Not Monster Hunter
i had like 400 hours in 4u when i was in highschool, then stopped playing til world, got like 200 hours in that then dropped it, then started playing rise, which i'm going through now
I like the huge meals in the series for a finishing touch but I don't know why people pretend that World's applebees apps are even remotely similar to stuff like

half of the size of world's plate layouts is just the bowls, skewers, etc., not a big heap of meat
the turkey isn't even bigger than your head
tried demo disk on uncle's ps2 and then got freedom1 on psp
played almost every MH so far, also replayed them all between late 2023 and early 2024 so i can say i have a correct opinion tm on them without nostalgia
Behemoth was a change of pace. It shouldn't be standard but it being an exception helps me enjoy it more
Since 08, so 16 years now?
My first experience was on a hacked PSP with iso on memory card, and hunting together with high school friends after school in McD or other cheap restaurants. One of the friends back then was always a cheat hack using shitter who never bothered to get good. I started off with some HP showing cheat, but since getting into HR/G rank for the first time I felt it was against the spirit of the game.
So I've played P2, P2G (wasn't playing english localization version until much later), P3rd, X, XX, World, Rise
I played 3U soon after release when I was 14 but never got far. I bought World back in 2020 and have put a stupid amount of time into it and Rise since. I also went back and beat 3U.
15 years I think but I'm still a perma newfag
Got the Tri edition that came with the classic controller pro. Wondering now where I first heard about the series. Was probably official nintendo magazine.
I genuinely despise Diablos with every fibre of my being. I wish I could stomp the person who designed this garbage monster to death.
Lies, lies, lies, the more I advance in World the more I realise how babified shit got. Doesn't even take that much to elem DPS check it
>I genuinely despise Diablos with every fibre of my being.
just use lance, he's extremely easy to bully
>high poke his chest
>counter any of his movements
he's a total shitter
It does
I can do enough damage to break his horns clean off but not enough to reach the element check
The two zoomers that started with Tri, don't come near me, the rest you are all right. Don't come to the lumu on Monday though.
I started at generations
i'm a worldvet
Consider that they literally gave every player a level 4 ice attack deco for free in the week before he dropped and the average worlo was too retarded to use it
thats because you dont hit the horns to meet the elemental check
>breaking part prevents ele change
>doesn't stop the kill during the change however
artificial difficulty for any other game and hidden difficulty for monster hunter
hidden difficulty series
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i started with world in late 2020
since that ive beaten worldborne except fatalis, im mr 70 in sunbreak and ive solod freedom unite & spent 500+ hours on that game
ive finished almost all the others games village quest lines but i lose interest after that, not sure why
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Why don't I have that
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Oh motherfucker, I forgot today is steam maintenance. Lumu's dead I think.
install 4chanX
Oh shit, is that what happened?
I already have it, there's no update for the firefox script version
Yeah it was definitely that, I can't go back online. Gonna go do an errand, if there's no lumu again in like an hour I'll put a new one up.
Can't believe I have to spoonfeed this hard but I am feeling good today.
i have 4chanX installed and reverse image search has not work for months
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Nothing feels better than stunlocking a monster with GS in MH1.
Holy fuck, when I see a monster in a corner, I just spam right and left on the analog stick, fucking BLAST through my sharpness like a monkey, if it starts deflecting then I just hit up since it cancels the deflect animation for some reason.
I'm sure this won't last, doubt monsters will keep flinching but for now, I'll have fun.
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works on my machine

i already have this
Why do you guys call your multiplayer rooms lumu?
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I liked wirebugs
it sounds like the japanese word for room
yes, that is literally it
thanks, let me copy paste your settings from your image, retard
Capcom's multiplayer servers are run by a man named paul lumu out of his basement in kentucky
You stinky weebs...
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So 15th weapon never ever?
i can't post them here because 4chan thinks it is spam
I'm amazed anyone still bothers with 4chan-x in 2024
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Since 07 or 08. Still can't believe people say mhfu was hard when me, a retarded 10 year old beat it by myself
Why bother when the current 14 fill all niches?
i'm amazed anyone can tolerate this dogshit site WITHOUT it
Zoomie who started with Tri at 8 years old here
Freehunt mode kept my retarded kid self entertained even when a village quest walled me so I stuck with it and bought more games later
I get hit too often and go through too many potions cause I'm too greedy with GS
Pixiv doesn't show up despite the line being present
did you save and refresh the page?
I may be a retard, but I'm not that much of a retard. I did several times, removing and readding the line
well idk what to tell ya, because it works on my machine
Just pm me the fix :)
Sucks for those 2 or 3 times a year I want sauce for a pixiv picture but I can live without it
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I like it.
eh i'd be fine with a change of pace if the fight was actually fun.
>Sucks for those 2 or 3 times a year I want sauce for a pixiv picture but I can live without it
literally all you have to do is copy that first number
and paste it after /
We wouldn't have had to listen to cats speaking english if World didn't exist.
don't forget characters shouting
cats have been speaking since they were introduced, they just weren't voiced until now
Thanks for the spoonfeeding but I'm reminded of why I don't really use pixiv in the 1st place, I don't have an account and can't be assed taking a minute to make one
check the discord
Steam maintenance right now
Its kill ;_;
>no more 16 people party lumus in Wild
Open world hubs was a mistake
But they confirmed 16 person rooms
>wilds only has 4 player rooms
>wilds has 16 player rooms
they never said ANYTHING about hubs, they only said "hunts are limited to 4 players" which is exactly the same as it is in every fucking game
link to discord?
since december 2023
There is no hubs, you just have a central camp for each area that has all the stalls.
there are plenty of niches unadressed
still I don't think we need a new weapon
they will obviously do it eventually though
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caption this image
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Everything is fire
They showed that city with all the hanging crystals in the trailer tho
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MH3U on 3DS in 2013, I say Projared's beginner's guide on it as a teenager and it looked pretty cool
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Same, neat gimmick.
I don't want it to return but I think for what it was,it's fine.
Really anything that simply adds moves is gonna be good/okay.
Compare something like CC where it can be neat on some weapons for the most part it really doesn't add much to the game as a whole.
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ranged blunt weapon
Can I invite her to my room, and peel these pants off, and grab a leather belt, and...
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wish me luck bros...
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Be honest /mhg/, does anyone actually like these pieces of shit?
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>made it to G rank
>no more dash juices
>no more raw meat
>honey down to the last 120
>no sap plants for bomb casings

I "won" but at what cost?
I still want sub/variant weapons.
Like forging a hammer into a Axe, it's mostly the same with a few animation changes but acts as a Hammer that can cut, And Blunt Great Sword like Rajangs GS is a bat just make that GS Variant Weapon.
They'd be a cool shake up freshen up some weapons but reuse most animations making likely much cheaper to produce on the devs side.
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>tfw you are GSmain chad fighting shrieking legiana
I love all of them and really enjoy seeing them filter people
you need none of those unless shitter
yes, he's cute, he's a goofball, and i like bears. redhelm is cool too
what's there to hate? i think he's a fun unique monster. his gear looks cool too.
don't care about him
First experience was in 2015, played FU on a hand me down hacked PSP 3000 from my brother. Didn't get far but tried to progress on and off for years without looking up how these games are meant to be played (for reference at the same time, I tried playing Bloodborne as my first action game and it took me 6 months to get past that square in Central Yharnam)
World release was the first time I played through a game to completion
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i hit monster with big sword
lame monsters, however volvidon has cool armor, so he gets a pass
good luck cutie
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Saw my friend playing FU at school in 2012 and thought it looked like dark souls so I went and bought mh3U for the 3DS and fell in love from there.
I still remember fighting the royal ludroth with bone dual blades and running the timer to 48mins. Had no idea about sharpening and had no health pots left so I was just dodging all attacks and bouncing constantly until he died. That was the hunt that got me hooked.
Now I use GS and lance, fuck DB
i hit kush with tiny poison knives
I love huntresses
i don't know why but i'm reminded of momokun, just has that same off-putting face of something vile behind it.
Playing pre-5th gen monster hunter without dash juices is like playing cock and ball torture voluntarily
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They filter dumbasses and that's fucking hilarious, plus Gold like Webm related.
Do you think they'll import the gen5 flagships for wilds ? since they were so popular. I'd love to see nerg get actual weapon designs and malzeno is pure sex
His makeup is overdone
can we have a lumu now?
I mean Nerg would fit what we've seen so far of Wilds but i don't think they will do, unless its in a title update. My autism head cannon is that flagships will only make it to the roster of every other game
plot twist, its a MHGU lumu on Nintendo Online
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>niantic finally goes full give me money
maybe its time to abandon ship
i just hope the roster isnt as bad as world on release. Id like to see a lot of the normal heavy hitters, with some sleeper hits coming back.
Gore Magala has to be in this one, i feel it in my bones.
What does it even do at this point?
Default site already has backlinks, an archive, a catalog, embedded links/files, filters, and some modest image search functionality.
gore magala is a portablechad
ps5 can't render his frenzy haze above 30fps
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It was a great combination of challenging and different.
not him
4chanX's archive functionality is way better than the native extension
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I love my faggot son
Jet Force Gemini was one of the best n64 games, easily.
it's just a phase dad
>start playing a new weapon
>feel guilty about abandoning my main
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Am I the only one that loves the bullshit that comes with these games? Like this >>493047249
I remember when I was hunting a Teostra and suddenly an Azure Rathalos just travelled across the entire map, spit a fireball on me and left immediately. I carted with that and raged hard but remembering it now, it's so funny. I love those moments, being a shitter is fun.
i triple carted...
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Please give me a fun weapon for Sunbreak. I'm MR10 and have tried a few but nothing is clicking I just want to have fun
What the fuck do I play. Nothing is really satisfying although SA and H seem really damn effective, I just don't have fun using them
I love your faggot son too.
>gets all the way to sunbreak and doesn't like any of the weapons
maybe you should stop playing that trash and play an actual monster hunter game
what do we do when we fall?
almost all of the weapons are fun in sunbreak... i think something is wrong with you anon
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You treat him right you hear
There was a gap. I played Rise before SB released and just started playing SB recently. Most fun in base Rise was probably IG because it seemed to fit well with the game and how mobile everything is.
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Good hunters from this general:
Trash hunters from this general:
>everyone else
>(You) in particular
skyward thrust when it all lines up is an orgasmic feeling
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Post THAT webm. You know the one.
buy an ad
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None of those fags are from this general
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>unironically this new
nooooo im a trash hunt-- wait a minute, I'm me!
get fucked trash hunters
gonna play 4U
Zorah Magdaros is just Lao Shan Lung grown up.
>unironically this gay
zorah magdaros would have been better if it was a full blown map with monsters roaming around
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Hate this archetype. Especially Lagombi who keeps zipping and zooming around and wasting your time.
It is an integral part of the series’ identity.
If you are actually new, get ready for whats probably the best "mh story" in the series, its all downhill after that
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>failed to connect to session members
It's over, I'm going to bed
I can see that
they're supposedly related
monsters that you can't kill are dumb
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It's spooky time soon.
I looks like that and I speak like that.
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Know your place, new hunter.
go back to plebbit zoomer
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Trying2hard to fit in, anonski.
Sweaty sex with spooky handler
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There's something to be said about the variety of areas when there were loading screens.
yeah u clearly are

Ingle Isle would go into S, Polar field into B, Speartip crag to A
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>answers your SOS
i don't wanna hunt deviants
Why did this image trigger the newfags? Too much Sovl?
now that's a good game
have fun anon
Zinogre: Pikachu
Rathalos: Charizard
Fatalis: Mewtwo
>canta trooned
since when? proof? ive never heard of this before
Source: some faggot anon's wishlist
There is more than just a map pablo. They already confirmed there wont be gathering halls everyhting is within the maps.
I only want to because its apparently the only way to do mixed sets of armor pieces without gimping yourself
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>Concord servers shut down 11 days after release
When will these companies learn that the key to a good live service game is that the base game has to be good? Look at MH. Once you establish the base game you can add sorts of wacky DLC updates.
hi canta
Monster Hunter used to charge a subscription fee in Japan didn’t it? Did they stop doing that?
whut? like half their power is from their soul skill so they're the worst things to mix and match with
mh1 servers shut down in 2013
who thought green nargacuga was a good idea, I don't even know what's different from regular narg besides the fucking green. Name a more filler monster. Also does 5th gen even have the snapping sound his beak makes when he eats anymore?
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>Where is the lock-on
Was lock-on already popular in 2009? I don't remember many games having it (aside from Demon's Souls)
tri online
Ocarina of Time?
>Name a more filler monster
blue kutku
>gen alphoid spotted
Pre 4th gen almost all subspecies were filler monsters. It was only during 4th gen that subspecies took advantage of a different element than the original or a different playstyle.
Green narga hasn't come back for a reason. It's just supposed to be a bit faster.
how the flip i do slinger burst instant TCS thing on kb/m
Getting absolutely wrecked by Gogmazios but it's one of those monsters it's fun to lose to so I'll have fun hunting it more tomorrow. Done for today though
left brinkle brogus + while holding prtscnsysRq
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why is this happening, why cant i use ammo
looks like a nugget
swords don't need ammo bro you just swing them!!
Hmm, true. I never liked Zelda so I forgot about it.
Am I wrong though? There were very few games with it. I guess compared to now at least.
Green Nargacuga hunts in the day while Narg hunts in the night, which is why it's coat is colored green. But that camouflage isn't good enough in the daytime, so to compensate, the scales on it's tail are filled with nerve toxins to paralyze the opponent, which is why when fighting Green nargacuga, any attack from it's tail, from the tailslams, to the spins to it shooting scales, all of them will instantly stun you.
Do people still do safi hunts? This shit is hard...
Its only hard if you have aggro
uh based
they should make ammo limited enough in wilds that gunnerfags can feasibly run out and have to switch to a melee weapon
download ICE or a get a modded quest for a single player scaled one
I got capcom'd ;_;
The cat while cute, doesn't draw aggro very well all the time.
damn, ill try
nargacuga pussy
you could already run out of ammunition in the past
Use weapons to break parts like CB for the back and hammer for the head and just blast him with LBG after wards
remember your fire resist 3
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started monster hunter on 3U since 2011 and have been with it ever since.
god i love monster hunter.
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I fancy myself a bit of an /ic/ /fa/ggot. I put a lot of work into my characters' looks - all of them, from any game that allows me to create a soul, and I don't stop trying different combinations of items and colors and physiques until I find something worthy of being smitten by - and I'm smitten by all my creations. When I post one of my hunters here (or any character of mine anywhere else on this website), I'm usually met with... nothing -- or one-word derision if I'm lucky. When I looked at your picture I started to think: is my shit as bland and uninspired as this anon's? Like this huntress, does it inspire fucking nothing when gazed upon, even when repeatedly posted for all to see? Am I like a parent, incapable of seeing how mid - or else ugly - their kid is? Why'd it take so long for me to even suspect this could be the case? I'm... stunned at this revelation.
My first monster hunter was world, then I dropped it forever when iceborne came out and ruined it. Then I bought Rise at launch and have been playing on and off since.
that's cool I dunno
Do monsters in GU have the same immunity to flash bombs and sonic bombs like they do in World and Rise?

idk, i read somewhere saying its not worth doing mixed sets until you fit deviant monsters, i dont even understand how the armor sets work because the info is not in the game itself
*falls in love*
technically no. They are much harder to flash and sonic because you can't just drop it on the ground, it must be thrown on a timer. It also has a distance limit and they will often ignore their effects if they want to leave the zone
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Since august 13th 2019.
>piss mantle
you didn't beat the game
ruiner is raping me
Anon is so lucky...
guard dash literally everything, if the camera goes schizo use power guard. ez fight
he's a real nigger fight that needs part breaker and elder seal more than anything
*wallbangs u*
>idk, i read somewhere saying its not worth doing mixed sets until you fit deviant monsters
you literally miss out on 2 skills (3 if g rank) by not having deviants on a full set (unless you have their soul skill on a talisman). Absolutely no clue where you heard that from.
you also can literally beat all of GU on a rathalos set.
if you wanna mix sets, then by all means, but you DO NOT REQUIRE DEVIANTS to do it.
*kicks you*
yikes...i'd rather solo it
>the only difference with Master Rank Nargacuga’s armor is the head piece
What man that sucks
I've used nothing but mixed sets through the beginning of G
Isn't there a single player scaled Safi quest in the game itself now?
been that way for a long time too. deliberately make the G rank helm look like complete shit in comparison to it's lower rank counterpart.
Idk why they keep doing this.
Focus on breaking the spikes at all times. And understand when it will do the divebomb move when all the spikes are black.
Ruiner is one of my favorite fights to try new weapons on
no energy reduction, you can kill it but not until all 3 levels are empty on solo
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Ok but like what's the issue? Just do the quest 3 times like you would multiplayer. You still get stuff for each run that you could use at that point in the game.
Will Wilds come to Super Switch 2 Turbo or will they make another portable game?
I hope there's a new Kulve/Safi in Wilds. Those DLC drops were fun as fuck.
Post Safi weapon webms.
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anyone got a higher res of this image/something like it? need a ruiner image
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lumu is 9/16

Im sorry lana i was to harsh;_;
>all that whitespace
nigga think he van gogh
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bullies in the lumu have to answer to me
kulve was whatever but safi is a personal all time favorite of mine purely because of his unique ecology>>493053883
>Also does 5th gen even have the snapping sound his beak makes when he eats anymore?
Wait wtf yeah no he doesn't anymore
Dont be mean to lana
She does decent dmgs
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took me like 5 tries but i did it. his fast attacks and spikes were fucking me up. it seems like towards the end he changes his usual dive attack for a different one? i'm not sure, i just blocked that shit
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i like the little bullshit moments but not when it overstays it's welcome.
>Boltreaver hunt with Boltreaver and Hyper Astalos in Verdant Hills
>Hyper Astalos glued to Boltreaver's cock almost the entire quest
>area 10
>enough time to paintball boltreaver and go down to area 8 but not hyper so i can't tell if hyper left yet
>move from 8 to area 10
>cats were still there so before i even have control of my character Hyper Astalos bitchslapped me back into area 8
i will admit that was funny but fuck that quest. It was my fault for not bringing dung bombs and i didnt want to reset to get them so that's entirely my fault but still.
Gunlance with blastdash
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Am I allowed to like Safijiva even though he's from World?
honestly can't say i care cause i wouldn't play it anyway.
Not if they are doubling down on the "cinematic experience" and focus on these characters i don't care about.
And the worst part is i literally would not have this reaction if World didn't set the precedent with unskippable cutscenes and focus on the worst character in all of monster hunter, the handler.
>and i didnt want to reset to get them
I am so guilty of this it's incredible. I forget something and then just rawdog the mission kek.
yeah he looks cool. don't even mind that he looks like a stereotypical dragon. He's cool.
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safi is to pretty to be a boy
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Yes, we love World here sir.
Why are the ancient shards always bow and hammer weapons? Is Capcom trying to say something?
he looks like a rathalis and a fatalos had a child
Safi's design is sick as fuck and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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No because hes a boring fucking design. I like xenojiva. Its supposed to look like an alien. So why the fuck does safi look NOTHING like xeno? No similar motifs at all. I think adding more dragon looking dragons detracts from other monsters like
Fatalis. Fatalis is special because its THE typical european dragon. I think thats a big part of what makes him special. Adding a big red bozo thats ALSO a typical dragon muddies the waters

Not only that, but the concept art for safi is SO much fucking better than what we got. Safi was going to be the night/constellation dragon. Black with white highlights. Like the night sky. It would have been 1. really cool
2. Would have complemented xenojiva. As xeno is an Alien and safi would have been space itself
people still get items from the toolbox?
literally how many times are we gonna talk about this holy shit am i stuck in a loop?
Yeah I really don't need much more with my glavenus set so far in G rank, so long as you don't eat combos and recognize the 1-2 differences on monsters its not that much harder than the rest of the game
On the deviant stuff, I wish the game made it more clear what it actually is. Doesn't seem like you figure it out until you are like 10 levels into a deviant monster cycle before it starts to make any sense with the armor skills
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it looks like a normal dragon because it was adapting to the mostest most powerfulest powerful dwagons of the environment which just happen to be generic boring overgrown lizards
Safi is the knight slayer dragon
Fatty is the haha spaghetti noodle dragon
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My first Monhun was World and god damn it was a bumpy fucking ride

>Be me
>Be playing first World Monhun
>Goddamn this game is fucken ass, you have to grind low tier shit mons over and over just to get its full armor set and why the fuck everything looks blurry
>The weapons all look like literal ass too
>Went on to play other games
>Well i suppose i should give it a second chance
>Replay World
>Well, I guess grinding is part of the game experience
>God damn this game is ass fucking retarded, what the fuck do you mean i have to find this Ancient wyverian nigger MYSELF. I am the fucking monster HUNTER who is on a hunt for this huge fucking shitmon that is gonna destroy the fucking world. Get some of your fucking paper pushers to do it
>Ended up combing through the entire fucking ancient forest for 30 mins+ to find him
>Yeah the world is ending soon but unless you hunted these two shitmons for me first i am not gonna tell you how to save it
>Sniffing poops and feather lmao
>Pop da pimples lmao
>Went on to play Rise
>God damn they really stream lined the smith tree here
>And you don't even have to do this retarded shit where you have to walk slowly to this exact spot to fight the shit mon
>Had a blast
>Went back to play World
>Managed to finish it this time around
>Still had alot of grieves about its weapons and MMO raid and gacha and layered but atleast i finished it this time
>Playing GU now and having an absolute blast
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>Not only that, but the concept art for safi is SO much fucking better than what we got. Safi was going to be the night/constellation dragon. Black with white highlights. Like the night sky. It would have been 1. really cool
>2. Would have complemented xenojiva. As xeno is an Alien and safi would have been space itself
God I hate conceptards. They have ruined souls discussion. That concept is one of many and they did incorporate it within the final Safi design. You can explain that Xeno had surging dragon energy that made it look so alien as if it hadn't established its hide or scales yet. Could an alien Safi have been cool? Yes but the current design is great too. If you want to talk about generic don't just single out Fatalis let's talk about Kushala as well.
I would have liked Safi more if it had six eyes like Xeno or something. Fuckers had nothing in fucking common
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>got kicked just as he was on his last legs
Had to go after that one anyway, good hunts!
You’re genuinely retarded
Safi woulda been cooler with 6 legs, and back claws to scale around the cave walls with instead of wings.
Fine, i would have liked Safi more if it had two glowing eyes and six bumps on its head like Xeno or something

Is that what you want me to say? Fucking autist, i fucking swear
Narga in Arkknights.
Kushala isn't generic at all and if you think he is you're not paying even a cursory amount of attention
he was also made two decades ago before the rooster contained a bunch of things that you'd try to call out as similar
Nta but I want black and blue dragon, I think it looks cool.
>only 1 mold based monster
>it's in world
morld is canon, really makes you think
uh oh morlogs arent gonna like this one
But then they couldnt have reused the kushala skeleton
Bro your slime molds?
I think you got those two mixed up. Fatalis literally melts hunter armor onto itself.
Xeno is supposed to look alien, so why cant safi also be alien reeeeee.
I fucking hate that youre right as to why safi looks the way it does. Its just really boring. Id rather that we never got safi and instead the work was put into giving us a Dalamadur fight or something. Safi detracts from xeno and the other dragon looking monsters.

Its also another example of world having really not that much variety when it comes to monster designs.

Ok, safi doesnt need to glow like a goddamn rave sure. But why doesnt safi have multiple eyes like xeno? Hell you could have had the same skin ribbons but made of scales or transparent materials. If you showed the dragons in a line up, NO ONE WOULD GUESS that safi is just older xeno. People would much sooner guess that lao shan lung and safi are the same species.
And yes! i agree! kushala also detracts from fatalis a bit. Not nearly as much as safi because safi also wants to be a fire dragon. At least kushala has the weirdness of having a metal exoskeleton and being a wind bozo
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good honts
>starting up my new redman
>decide to farm rathian a few times
>first 5 times is easy and she goes through her usual attacks
>decide to use a voucher for free stuff becuz fuggit
>spends 100% of the fight charging and flying
>takes very little to enrage
>hunt takes extra 3 minutes
I forgot how jank this game's AI is.
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>Still no way to capture Mon as pet or house decor
as far as skills...yeah. they really don't tell you shit. especially for compound skills
>Thunderlord Soul
>Combines the effects of "Latent Power +2," and "Constitution +2"
>me who has had a history of confusing Latent Power and Potential: "...so like, what does latent power do?"
>lol figure it out
and the best part? they said Latent power, they didn't say Gloves Off, something Zinogre's armor has, so if you don't know BOTH skill names, you can accidentally completely gloss over the fact that regular Zinogre armor has latent power as well.
The fact that they've gone this long having skills have 2 seperate names has been a true exercise in frustration.
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>Kushala isn't generic at all
I'm not claiming it is but discussion of "generic dragons" rubs me the wrong way anyway. We used to joke about it that the more generic looking a dragon is, the stronger it is. But now it's like considered bad? There are plenty of unique monster designs otherwise to keep everyone happy.
congrats anon
nergi is a very well designed monster, he teaches you all the basics in a rewarding way
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>the more generic looking a dragon is the stronger it is
That has never been true besides Fatalis specifically
most of the high end flagships, elders, etc. don't look that way at all besides maybe Lao who's just a giant brick
A quick hit of soul on a Tuesday night~
>Playing GU now and having an absolute blast
EEEEEEYYYY glad to see yet another hunter is havin fun with GU!
Fatalis is DUMB and FAT
Dumb FAT fatty
No one likes him
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Monster Hunter gacha when
I want to burn all my money on a limited banner of bikini zinogre
I agree with this wholeheartedly. Punish draw isn't enough. I NEED to bonk with my gs.
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>mfw got 5 star black stockings rathian in only 2 rolls
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Ohhhh anonnn
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I love my weeaboo son
Yuo will regret saying that,,,
How the fuck do you use HBG in early gen without wanting to kill yourself? Dealing with small monsters is nightmarish.
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safi is just a worse lao shan
Shut up you goddamn TITTY MONSTER
Not even the best flagship of his/her game.
this might be why every gunner i meet has their cats with sleep weapons
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Get on my fucking level, fucking scrub
multiplayer and smacking small monsters
just remember that anything before tri was a NG+ weapon because there wasn't infinite level 1 normal ammo
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wtf when did they give lagiacrus wings

Imagine being the only hunter left in a world of huntresses and they all try and capture and rape you but then also all the female monsters want to rape you too
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>still no frozen fatalis variant called fatalice
souless kusoge series
If in fact using a cat, Para is better than sleep because sleep on monsters is easily interrupted by a lot of different shots that you've already fired when it falls over
>possibly n3 bounce depending on animation
whereas sleep on demand in loading is a way better panic button as the recovery takes longer
It's so fucking over

More than one bullfango/charger faggot in a room and it's practically unplayable no matter how you try to get rid of them. Assuming you even manage to kill everything in a room, the monster will usually just leave by the time you're done.
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>Wanna make a thicc huntress to dress her up in lewd clothes and goon all day to her.
>Don't want to be seen a cringy tranny tho
Is there a way to make a character who looks female in my perspective but also appear as a male from other people's screen? I bet there a nexus mod for that.
>Don't want to be seen a cringy tranny tho
You're basically halfway there
ahh, interesting, i didn't know this. I assumed Sleep was better for stray small monsters as they'd be out of commission for alot longer, but since you have sleep shots that i conviently forgot about, that's alright.
It can vary depending on what weapon you're using exactly but in general I'd prefer para yeah
It's still easier to keep track of the monster when there's nothing else for it to randomly run off toward
Stop lying to yourself about not being a troon
>uppercase after a meme arrow
You already outed yourself as a retard, that won't make much of a difference.
Too late
Why do you care so much for how other think?
that's literal tranny shit, I've seen it on /v/ and the front page. Pretty sure they call it boymode-ing, presenting as a guy/male publicly and privately being a girl/female
I love him too. Best cat.
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>literal tranny
He better come back in the next portable game since valstrax came back in the very next portable game.
Fuck no.
MH is for troons
nha fuck off
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Is he calling me shit? Is he saying I'm a poo poo doo doo shitter but not to worry about it because he will carry me while I go bing bing wahoo?
How dare he, how fucking dare he? He will pay for this.
this but unironically
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>Be me
>Be fiddling around with Great Sword because anons told me that it is THE monhun weapon
>Tigrex getting ready to body charge me
>Already out of potions
>Only have like 1/2 of my HP
>Sword charging is like one third of the way there
>Fuck it we ball
>No roll, no run, no tackle
>Managed to hit it perfectly in the face as it ran toward me
>3 gorillion damage
>Tigrex is on the floor convulsing from the huge fucking orgasm i just gave it

I understand now
>Is he calling me shit?
>wanting to present as something other than what you are
It's too late for you.
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How will you use your Seikret?
newstoryteller mentioned
>human (male) on feral
>monster hunter seikret
oh boy i can't wait for the SFM or whatever the fuck they use these days artists to get to work...
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>he isn't a solo hunter
Preferably nothing
a monster that large should be hunted at best, could make sopa out of it like maccao
multiplayer franchise
wait untill you learn to foresee every monster move and place yourself accordingly, you'll basically be god
>yet they removed multiplayer scaling in the latest games
>yet they added npc support systems so people don't have to play with real people
how curious!
>they removed multiplayer scaling
they what?
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>he calls this home
I hunt alone
in shit ass old jank boomer mon hun games hub quests where scaled for multiple people to do them
like gu g rank being designed for 2 hunters minimum

in rise all hub quests are scaled for solo hunters by default, so you never need to play with others to do them
same for world
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I let her use me.
It actually looks better from up there than down at the bottom
Also I was kind of hoping the giant hole in the ground next to it would drain and have a nakarkos in it
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why does nintendowater look like...that?
oh that's what you meant.
i thought you straight up meant Wilds removed scaling for multiplayer as a whole.
Nintendo had the best water on previous hardware, they're letting everyone else catch up
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Elgado... Home...
yeah, its a great sword
It looks a lot nicer with HDR. You can put a lot of the color back in.
>empty space
I can't...
MonHun but the entire game is just arena and no tracking or areas or shit. You fight monsters in the area, and buy ur shit. No crafting. Awesome food scenes. Wenches.
so you want Monster Fighter? Just play rise lmao
no one plays your speed tranny games. You are a statistical error of the player base
PC Rise lumu/lobby/room.
ID: QLT0CNfQ3e7aL824
Pass: 7243
/mhg/ hunter connect, though when was the last time that actually worked?
I hope they bring hunter connects back, with a more sane invite system.
>got my shit slapped by anja and tobi because I was expecting their world version timings
>they're fast and I didn't use wirebugs because I really expected it to play like world
I'm bad
That's just Monster Hunter World Iceborne
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This game already exists, it's called Monster Fighter and it's a portable game. Check out multiverse sector B937-23 for the game release.
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fun hoonts in da lumu
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>nintendo fans when they have to do even a tiny bit of hunting
I like binging on the go like the next fedora-clad gentleman but what's gonna keep me playing?
It doesn't hold a candle to old villages but at least it has more soul than astera. I just wish every part of kamura was as soul as the kamura hub. Really hope the next portable game brings back great villages.
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The flawless combat and overtuned hitboxes
The monster speed and tracking in 90% of cases is almost perfect for the hunter to be on the back foot, it's the bugshit and base roll gutting that fucked everything up. I'm sad that Wilds won't have that kind of consistent monster behavior
>art not on the boorus yet
Xitter must die.
>that fucking snappy bite anja just pulls out of his ass at warp speed
i always get hit by it
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good hunts
..where do you think booru aggregates get their images from?
it's listed on the side with the tags, they're almost all manually imported from twitter or skeb or who knows what else
When do we get to visit a real human settlement in the monster hunter universe? Or does every settlement have a hunters guild set up operating?
ok but if it's not in the boorus then there's a chance that won't ever be but xitter is convoluted mess of a gallery system.
And if it's not in the boorus then it doesn't have a proper filename with artist details and I can't save the image.
Youre only allowed to play huntress while plugged and caged. Sorry, anon, I dont make the rules, but thems the breaks. All /mhg/ huntresses abide by it.
Astera was garbage but Seliana was very nice.
We had several in older games but these days all you get are outposts or small villages
I appreciate what they were trying to do with astera but in practice it was just awful
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I love huntresses
>omg not everything is within 5 steps
Astera was gorgeous and you know it. Besides, if you used the gathering hub then everything was available to you anyway. It's not like they didn't think of this and designed the hub as a natural point of progression where you should spend your time later on.
astera is honestly probably one of the worst villages in the series
I hate how they tease the living area of the other hunter and won't let you visit. I want to live with the astera crew in world. Monster hunter at its heart is about community.
astera sucks, erpbro
None of those tiny skyrim villages in the older games are good. Astera was at least believable in what it was
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>let's give every weapon a counter what could go wrong?
Will lancebros ever recover?
she dresses like rick flair
I want to visit my neighbors and sleep with her.
seliana is probably my least favorite.
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you should hunt NOW
/mhg/ is my favourite
that'd require me to get up off my ass, no way.
>Will lancebros ever recover?
>no flashy supermoves
>no gay retarded resource management
>no complex flowchart moveset
>just simply, attack the monster and win
god i fucking LOVE that lance is a "bland" weapon, i really hope it NEVER changes
the less people using it the better honestly, it's MY weapon
do you actually play this slop or do you just make posts about it to get (You)s
In a game with Astera, Seliana is your least favorite. Why?
I like the little under walkway areas in seliana. Good for ERPing alley rape.
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>let's give all weapons that can block instablock
lancies will never recover
Your weapon is obsolete and they didn't even had to directly nerf Lance to do it.
Reminder that Longsword has 5 counters and Hammer has a parry.
seliana is just boring to me lol, astera's song hypes me up and the place looks kinda cool.
Hunkters are wholesome and always respect consent
>Reminder that Longsword has 5 counters and Hammer has a parry.
again, i don't want to play with your retarded resource management weapons like bingsword, nor do i want to play a pussy "dodge roll" weapon like hammer either, i can already knock out monsters 3 times a hunt with my shield and i can cut tails at the same time, HAMMER serves no purpose
it's monster hunter not town walker
my time not hunting monsters should be minimized
Yeah, but its just role-playing so its ok
Oh okay, see you in the lumu in 5 minutes?
>LBGT at 3rd place among all weapons
>Another r*nged weapon right beneath it
Explains a lot about risefag opinions honestly
I'm a hunter and I love rape (not roleplay) though???
good morning sirs
pixiv, self uploads, the n/e/ex sites, skeb, their new website for JP artists, obscure websites
You didn't even read his post retard
get the hell out of here speed tranny
>all those shoes that close to the food
Almost heaven
what is gunlance good for
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Good hutnes.
I love hunters <3
having fun
facts brother
ignoring shitzones
>every weapon has a counter
>lance has the weakest counters of them all
What the FUCK were they thinking
Risechads won.
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I don't remember my huntresses' boobs and thighs being that big.
doing shara solo
am i fucked?
World is the first one i'm actually playing, i played all of the demos that came out for the other games and disliked all of them.
i saw a video of a longsword user countering valstraxes ambush dive in rise

lance cannot do this with guard up, it cannot do this at all
i felt sick afterwards, this should not be allowed, it's just wrong
nah it's doable
What's even more bizarre is that Gunlance's Guard Edge or whatever is stronger than Lance's Anchor Rage, while they have the same base shield strength
that's the best way of doing shara
>ignore shitzones
>instead, be the shit
He's not sticking it in anything female
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I have beer goggles on to help me see huntresses at their most beautiful
yeah the ones where you hit the enemy instead of standing far away from it like a girl
not monster hunter
i lost
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reminder. i HATE rajang
Good thing I am anything but.
do you ever think girls sometimes play as hunters?
you'll get there
remember you can wallbang shara's first phase into some rocks that are indicated in the map for big damage
also, run to the edge of the map when he does his big sonic bomb.
I know
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you just know they're bringing that shitmon back for wilds
girls don't exist
*slots in Mind's Eye*
*leaping thrusts* (it cannot bounce, it has innate minds eye, saving you a slot)
But the pokes do more damage. :/
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good hunts
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>But the pokes do more damage. :/
spamming leaping thrust is the like, the 2nd highest dps combo lance has (when abusing element) - for raw it's still basically the same as the triple pokes
you're also blocking attacks half the time because of guard advancing to pull of the leaping thrust, so it's incredibly safe, high damage

also, LT does 3 procs of damage (and status buildup if you're into that) for 1 sharpness, so it's very efficient in that regard too
been away a few months, is rise vs world shit still happening?
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Did I have fun
is the frostfang barioth armor any good? it looks so fucking good

also, what fostfang baritoh weapon should i make? i mainly switch between SnS, swax, and dbs
lance, you can rape alatreon with it
i've never used lance in my life
Having a spreadsheet with the percentages and dps is actually really helpful. Maybe with this I won't be sandbagging hunts when I try out lance. Thanks anon.
honestly outside of the silkbind attacks lance combos are all relatively balanced

special shoutouts to
>leaping thrust x infinity
for reasons i mentioned earlier
>slap > shield tackle x infinity
it's fast, the dps is good, it builds up stun fast as fuck, letting you have another 10 second window of free damage, the shield tackles don't use sharpness

triple poke backhop is the worst of the bunch but does have some niche uses, i tend to have to do this sometimes for tailcutting, it is what it is
>missed the lumu
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There are a handful of dedicated anti-rise autists that will ensure it never ends. They wake up thinking about rise. They go to bed thinking about rise. Rise this rise that. They're completely and utterly mind cucked by rise. I've never seen obsession to this degree. It's truly baffling
no we all had a hot angry orgy and resolved our differences afterwards
Pretty sure lance can insta block it.
honestly as a rise player i literally never think about world at all so seeing the one sided hate towards rise is hilarious to me
i want to use the regular fucking guard move because having him slam into me at mach 12 and KOing himself because of guardbash would be funny
Everyone in this general plays Sunbreak and Iceborne. This bit is extremely old.
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>Everyone in this general plays Sunbreak
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taking on shara agaim
pro tip - hit him until he dies and don't get hit this time
About to fight Pink Rath for the first time since World's release, I remember this thing being a piece of shit. Wish me luck bros!
wtf why didn't you tell me that before
>less than 500 hours
you don't play it
trust in TziTzi Ya-ku and he will never let you down. Good luck.
have you considered stop being so god damn tribal over a fucking video game weapon?
what's next, are you going to complain about people who use lance without the uraagan armor?
I use his head piece and used to use his arms before R brachy. His weapon is great too
bro i thought you already knew how to play the game...you're at the last boss...
Fear not! I have not been eaten by a Rathian. I am working tirelessly, day and night, to keep the monsters in the Ancient Forest at bay. Astera will never fall, as long as I have not been eaten by a Rathian.

For Astera. For カービイ.
My life for Queen Aira.
>Tzi-Tzi gave me to a whole uninterrupted minute of stealth bullshit beatdowns
I think he might be the best bird wyvern, up there with the greats
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What the FUCK is this guy's problem?
>Fight him in frontier
>Half of my damage is the shield auto-counter from lance
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too late i died again
got him up to stage 3 time though
Is it okay to use Defender gear in a vanilla run only after I make something equally strong?
ok since you're clearly struggling here i'm going to give you some grade a advice that will guarantee you a win
all you need to do is git gud
Lumu closed. Good hunts!
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what the fuck, rajangs are THAT big?
just use the thing you made that's equally strong
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But defender is convenient and cheap
you didn't beat the game
Nigger he picks you up, a grown ass human with armor and weapons, with 1 fucking hand
yeah and i shit myself every time it happens
rajangs fucking terrify me
Defender gear is essentially you giving up as a player, you’d be better off just trying again. This game won’t hand you the win, EARN IT.
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Holy fucking shit what a shit monster.
>starts running from corner to corner completely ignoring you
>gets hit twice
>enrages again
FUCK this monster and FUCK who ever thought filling the place with bullfangos would be funny.
The bounces? I'm very stubborn and don't think I need an upgrade yet. Will probably get my ass gaped by Rath-kun and do something but until then, this is fine.
Hunted too much today...
hey baby wanna get groomed? ;)
u rike?
lets hunt some more!!!
does hammer need focus in world?
are you fucking illiterate
he's talking about using WORSE defender gear after crafting something better, after earning it normally
and what is wrong with that? nothing
Where's the lumu?
I'm not underage, sorry anon...
But the PC room is closed and I want to go draw...
actually fucking kill yourself
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Vaal Hazak is a cool idea executed as poorly as possible.
Namielle is a cool idea executed extremely mid.
Velkhana is a lame idea executed well

Maybe Sunbreak Goldcrowns, the scaling is ridiculous in that game
Minicrown Rajang is shorter than an irl silverback
Set gets Punishing Draw
Mix it with Velkhana FC for classic draw GS... It's not that good with any other weapon though.
SnS and Swaxe absolutely destroy Fire Alatreon, like he just becomes a fucking joke. IDK about DBs.
oh okay, have fun drawing anon
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>shuts down elder dragons
paratoad...my KING
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why do lumus look facially chinese
are the mh devs racist
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I'm playing 4U though?
Just got to LR Zinogre and farmed his armor because that shit looks GOOD
and Blackveil is a cooler idea executed well
>paratoad nerve gas has been confirmed to sterilise hunters that inhale it, research by guild scientists shows
oh no anon...
cute boy
>poorly as possible
I agree he should have switched models mid fight for a second phase
>any other weapon
not true, LS special sheath gets it's affects too and on a counter will do insane KO damage. I've stunned at least 5 monsters this way before I took a break and forgot the counter timing
the chinese just look like that
do you think paralysed huntresses piss themselves haha asking for a friend
Does anyone have any good Monster Hunter phone wallpapers?
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I am....
>flawless up until very end
>drop spaghetti twice by missing claw during massive flamethrower attack
>heart attack imminent
that's not solo, get back in there bow fucker.
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I don't know the dimensions of a phone wallpaper since I'm a disgusting normie that uses a picture of me and my parents, but there are a few on google that aren't bad. I also found this, but it's all Rise unfortunately
>GS isn't OP
>kills gypsie 3 times over
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I think the real question we must ask ourselves here is... Why aren't you hunting monsters in the Ancient Forest right now? I can't do this all alone. And you are disappointing Queen Aira with such frivolous questions. Get in line.

For Astera. For Queen Aira.
Is there any monhun where male armors don't mog the female ones 90% of the time? I look up armorset in world and it seems like female armors are afterthoughts.
Yeah, Wilds
Just took a gut wrenching shit

Hunts for this feel?
KEK, amazing.
He did that and I thought he had been toppled so I kept swinging, then I noticed my swings weren't making him bleed, "what the fuck? I need to kill TWO of these?". He got up and the shitbox hit me somehow.
Oh yeah I forgot about LS existing
Blackveil is super cool with the spore stuff but what does he even get that's new? Isn't it just the big spore explosion?
He's very slow and very "beamy", will just sit around and get his ass beat while you mash his chest and face.
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>60 hours in
>Still High rank 1
When will i get to the land of milk and honey?
by exclusively doing Key quests
but you seem to be actually having fun so don't sweat it
out fucking skilled
He's probably a lancetard.
I still can't believe capcom is shoving trannies down our throats in wilds
Why are you randomly crying about lance?
you VILL accept ze trannies or else!!
monster hunter milds will have less players than world within a year because world is the best monster hunter game ever created and as we've seen with rise both the games before AND after are always worse
wtf man tokuda worked hard on wilds just buy the fucking game you asshole
Because lance is a dumb weapon for dummies?
>Keep cycling through my items every time I try to use the bing bugs
Hate this.
gypceros is a great monster
he's just a shitter who hasn't learned yet you cant blame him
It doesn't need it but honestly with the number of skills you have it might as well be used because there are some small openings you wouldn't get otherwise
but the gamma waist with 3pts doesn't have FC so that's a near miss
Are your thoughts usually directed toward your throat when you see men wearing skirts?
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>Mon is visibly exhausted
>Tail cut
>Legs smashed
>Horns broken
>I have been bonking its head for 5 minutes straight now and it still isn't dead

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>Safi was going to be the night/constellation dragon. Black with white highlights. Like the night sky. It would have been 1. really cool
2. Would have complemented xenojiva. As xeno is an Alien and safi would have been space itself
It would've suited World's theme better too, with the sapphire star lore and all. Damn shame Capcom took cocaine and tripped like a drunk shit and greenlighted the safi we got today.
>That concept is one of many and they did incorporate it within the final Safi design.
Safi's wings actually make constellations when he's replenishing his energy.
>If you want to talk about generic don't just single out Fatalis let's talk about Kushala as well.
Thing is, both Fatty and Kushala were established over a decade ago. They're both basic bitch dragons, the core playerbase know this and have accepted it.
Xeno, on the other hand, had buildup and anticipation. Xeno is obviously alien in visual and nature, and it just hatched out of its egg. People naturally become curious as to what a fully grown Xeno would look like. They expected giga ayy lmao dragon but they didn't even get that. The disappointment comes when Xeno grows up to become yet another basic bitch dragon slim lao with wings.
If Fatalis and Kushala never existed people would be completely fine with Safi's current design.
>current design is great too.
I wouldn't go so far as to say great. it's nothing MH haven't done before. Safi's design is just basic and for a lot of people that's just disappointing.
>you're playing a videogame and this isn't real life
Probably one of the really bad head HZs, I've had that happen to me a couple times recently and not realized that I've been doing poor damage the whole time
especially if its limp state lines up with a normal room change, it wasn't fleeing it just happened to be low enough
what monster and are you in gathering hall solo
how can you not realize you're not doing good damage when there's no hitstop or big hit effects
Because there's still KO effects and it's not like I have anywhere better to hit unless it's diablos
oh you'e one of THOSE hammer players
dumb fucker
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btw, how to i edit the order of my items in the bottom right in world? I have the items sorted in my box but the order in the bottom right fucking sucks
I have plenty of time, and Duramduram is fun to bash over the head instead of leg whacking except when tripping his spin
so the only way to do safijiva with other people is to join a lobby that actually has people that want to do it?

i completely missed this monster and it feels like i'll never get to actually experience it the way it was intended
all monsters in all MH games have too much health
press start. then item pouch, then Triangle/Y for Item bar, then R3 to sort by item pouch(or manually if you really want). you can do this for ammo too if you gun.
after you do that, save your item set at the box so that it stays like that every time you restock
Also, you can disable the BBQ spit/Fishing rod/ and capture net when you open Item pouch at the start menu. just so that your bar becomes less bloated.
But the real answer is to learn the wheel.
What do you mean
Just join the lumu, wait until there are like 8 people and fire up the siege
People will join for sure
how does IG looks like in Wilds?
>having brown skin
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erm, what the skibidi? where are all the world players?
what is a lumu
grounded (literally)
Do you think being able to rotate around while charging will ruin GS in Wild?
You are supposed to read the mon and commit to your shit
wait playing IG lands me snow bunnies? sign me in
Lance cannot instablock it, in fact.
GS has been fucked ever since TCS became a thing
am I just bad? Alatreon never stops attacking. It feels like there is never an opening to even swing my weapon. There's just lightning on the ground constantly, fire everywhere. What am I supposed to do?
Looks good, you arent going to be flying as much as you did in world/rise but now youll be able to get extracts a lot easier. You can now gather all three extracts in your bug now with certain attacks. ALSO your kinsect will now actually be a part of your attacks. While youre in focus mode, your kinsect with attack with you while you do your moves (in a cool way, not the lame way they autoattacked in world)
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True charge completes GS you fucking plebian. It makes perfect sense to go into a third final form and pole vault your shit on the mon's head. It is fucken cool as fuck
ok there are no SOS's. post the fucking lumu NOW
>ok there are no SOS's
if everyone who asked this just made their own the thread would have one up 24.7
i take it back, what the FUCK how
99% of all humans are pure consumers and will never try to produce anything no matter how insignificant
After I tackle an attack how do I when to use wide jumping slash or just keep charging?
you can kill him over a few hunts
attack during the fire drop , only active fire hurts you
bait out thunder and roll aggressively towards his stomach
if monster is further away, wide jumping slash
if you're using element and did a full charge into tackle, wide jumping slash
if monster is positioned at just the right diagonal angle that you cant adjust your aim to hit your charge, but can hit it with a wide jumping slash, wide jumping slash simply as a setup for repositioning
if you know the upcoming attack (from a combo or a long tell) will hit faster than you can start another charge and tackle in time, wide jumping slash as a hit trade, dodge attempt, or hail mary for a stagger
Bro? Your spread ammo???
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She looks so utterly confused.
post set, monster and your target
I've burned out a full inventory of thunder +crafting supplies worth of ammo fighting Kulve
My tardwife Luchika...
she looks like absolutely nothing is goin on inside her noggin but her bowgun
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Brain smooth, please understand
Is that seriously the best ammo? I'm in low rank of MH2, I made a Normal Up set since that was the only ammo boost available but I'm still not doing any fucking damage. Normal 3 makes no sense and no one wants to explain it.

It's MH2. It was a fucking Blue Kut Ku that I've killed a million times with a blademaster weapon in 20 minutes. Injector Cannon at max mod level with a power barrel attached. I don't even understand what I'm doing wrong. Critical range for Normal is close range so that shouldn't have been a problem.
Impregnate her already, you're merely delaying the inevitable
so your armor set? I don't remember all MH2 armors
>did a full charge into tackle, wide jumping slash
wait what, your charge before the tackle carries over to jumping wide slash??!
then when do I do TCS then?
Does Marathon runner do anything for bow?
I guess it might reduce the drain from charging a shot but I'm usually using the charging sidestep for those anyways.
I said in the post that it's a Normal Up set, it's the only relevant skill it has. Only other gunning skill I would be able to get is Load, which could have AuS with some decos.
Normal 3 is an RNG bounce (ricochet) that's only good on stuff like raths where it pings the head and then hits a wing or something, the trajectory is generally lateral so something has to be there as a not-quite-backstop
Pellet is actually pretty good early on because of hitzone magnetism on smaller monsters and actual small monster cleaning, I'm pretty sure there's a Pellet Up access
*early in MHFU but not sure about Dos itself
I've always felt bad for him. I'm glad no one fucks with him.
Not the full damage but it will turn your jumping wide slash into a charged one with insane elemental scaling
>when do I TCS
you still always try to TCS but this is just a situational thing
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>no SOS currently in MHW.

i wanted to HH support the hunters in need...
reminder that Monster Hunter on Steam is matchmaking region locked by your Steam download region, which you should change to a close-enough but highly populated server if you want any chance of finding SOSes
I can't beat Alatreon. I'm filtered. I'm simply just too bad at this game.
Post build
I can't beat great jagras its over
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Rathian's rancid breath...
Post your set so that I can beat Ala with it, and feel good about myself
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okay bully me
>rolling away from savage devil jho
>he leans back for a breath attack
>retard spins 180 for my cat
>start to sheath
>mother fucker spins around again for a 360
Not enough element damage
Make a Velkhana set
friend, i die before i even see the mechanic
You could use some evade extender
alright, i am missing some daora parts so ill be using Handicraft charm 1 instead of 3. which is a waste of a charm slot, but oh well. ill be back
i do not know how to fit in
man I used to dumpster both normal & savage deviljho
now I can't even get a single part break in and I tripple carted with some of the best gear I've ever had
Its okay. I keep getting the worst AI and gave up after 7 times in a row with that shit. Fucker goes to the other side of the arena every attack and I can land a fucking hit. Irritating. Anyways, I did everything else in the game and don't need his armor or fatty's.
i said i was bad at the game
Alatreon has been a nigger since tri
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Don't give up, hunter! We believe in you. Queen Aira believes in you. You -can- beat Great Jagras. And you will.

For Astera. For Queen Aira.
nvm my ala is ice modo. cant do shit about it. sorry anon. If you really want, i could help you kill him with a HH
can't* land
no im trying to beat it myself
I don't understand how to use the clutch claw. It wants me to grab on and tenderize a zone but the animation is so fucking long that I'm constantly knocked off or take extreme damage. The monsters never sit still long enough to make use of it consistently. I do not understand.
learn attack hitboxes for every monster
You have to wait until the Clutch Claw™ Stagger™ happens which will let you perform a full tenderize attack without interruption
Clearly you not dying enough to Alatreon
Go back and grind more
bro, just wall bang the monster as soon as you get to it, then tenderize its face while its writhing on the ground.
then what does armor have to do with anything? get back to grinding the fight
Anon, I implore you to follow along, someone asked me to post build. I never asked for anything.

I'm at the stage where I just get worse every time.
Adept style is way too forgiving


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