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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928

Previously: >>493033103
not posting in a tripfag thread
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good afternoon anons, hope your rng bodes well!
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Ponder the possibilities.
sex with Alisaie! (or Alphinaud I guess)
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It's really the little things that make this game so special y'know. So many neat little class interactions and such.
post you're CC Win - Loss record and top 5 jobs
why is this guy posted so much
Yes, I'm a straight male raen
No, I don't like trannies
Every femlala is my WIFE
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play WAR in CC
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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Wahoo wednesday soon
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do you really mean that...
Would have been a HUGE improvement
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Do not post femlalas beyond this point or face the consequences.
Do malera taste better fried or slow cooked?
this modbeast really is foul. Does whoever it is really think this looks good.... They have to be trolling, I'm shocked every time I see it
I'll probably get banned here soon, given that I got locked behind 3 different infractions. Oh well. People must be seething today that I'm back.

But you just did.

I’m a straight meena who wants to marry a fiera.
xth for behaving myself until the end of the month, then fucking his shit up
Sniffing femhroths feet!
taco boozeday
you were definitely reported by someone/people mad at you
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Finally, a good fucking OP.
Maybe stop making stupid posts then idk
i am
a gay hrothgar
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Crystal CC 10:25
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My challenger never came...

215 wins
206 losses
DRK, PLD, SCH, MCH (I don't play others)
>make bad post
>get reported
>u mad??
Is this 2006?
i need some new pillows
This is good news...
I do not have the plogon that tracks it and am too dumb to find out via achievements
I wish. Things were so much simpler and I wasn't so fucking old.
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I hate Dynamis so fucking much bros
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Ridiculously cute.
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He acts the same whether you're a male or female WoL, which at the very least makes him bi. You can just tell Ishikawa wrote him as a gay bottom though. You're delusional if you think THE fujo wouldn't do that.

>other Squeenix Execs who only care about money will get jumpscared into putting their knee down

This will never happen. It hasn't happened even once so far. They also greenlit Forspoken. SE knows that XIV isn't so fragile to up and just disappear like Concord because the playerbase was built over 10 real life years. The only thing working in our favor is really that the Japanese economy is very hostile right now and maybe they won't want to rock the boat too much.
In my experience, cats are the most promiscuous, to the surprise of no one.
The people wanting to be bulls are usually Fiera+ (Specifically want to be bulls/cuck people), or Suncat+ (Just want to fuck everything, regardless of EB status).
The ones wanting to get cucked are usually femboys (F+ Cat/Femra) or Maliddies.
The ones getting cheated on when they don't want to be typically are F- that are too shy/cutesy to be good at ERP, or male chars/male players that don't ERP themselves.
>t. Has done lots of NTR RP and had a character partially dedicated to it for a while.
what shirt fatty
my favorite fiddie npc
fujoshis run this shit, get your sensitive ass back to /v/
lmao just go to Aether if you want to do savage.
0 moments like this in DT
I think it's in your PvP Profile. Click this button right here.
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I want a tall muscular highlander or middie to throw me on the bed and choke me
im crafting my VPR set right now what's up
Joy Sazu + Vivian L'uzana
any other wholesome thread couples?
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Such is the nature of going against the waves of this place, not that it takes much to make this place implode on itself. You keep doing you, mostly just because it's funny seeing people seethe over trivial shit.
Fujos run the entertainment industry and the entirety of Asia
are you a male middie that finds femra appealing?
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I just got kicked out of Origenics because I said the tank should replace his 660 gear with 690 gear.

Why are DF tanks egos so big but so brittle?
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or what, huh?
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donny runs this shit

Damn is it back to being dead? and here I thought it would be better off with the limitations and how everyone moved there for DC travel
I thought Joy was with Sechiba, or however her name is spelt.
Do you have mods on?
>queue frontlines as viper for exp
>get in and swap out to warrior
>end 8-2 with a win
It's just that easy
They should enable cross-region travel to Dynamis, honestly.
I am, yeah
Femlala post
Graha was okay in arr, great in ShB, cringe in EW, and good in DT. All in all, homo/fujo fan service done well
I want to crush your skull
i can't stop thinking about her bros
Yeah I always said that's unironically the winning move, enabling Cross Region travel to the least populated DC of each Region
skill>gear get fukt nerd
Me + Every femlala
I can't stop thinking about him, sisters...
This is really sad to me. It's so stupid that they added more worlds.
Seraph was so popping for a bit with the travel restrictions. Honestly think they should have just kept it that way.
You are thinking of Sapheera Tachibana
they are ERPing at the stage right this instant
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Ummm, is there a phys ranged willing to reclear M2S and M3S with my static tomorrow..? Figured it can’t hurt to ask.
is it me
snae ling
watch your back at the end of the month
is it me
>just go to Aether
So anyways, I just went to Crystal.
Can the choking happen while there's a cock (mine) down your throat?
Also does the choking end in snuff? (very important)
same here
it's been better today though
Shadow on EU should exist purely to enable us to meet up on EU too. Materia has always been iffy simply due to ping reasons.
Uhh post malera?
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Fiddie like this for my Middie.
That's the one. So Sapheera is okay with Joy sleasing around? Very interesting...
His only tolerable moments in EW were when his Exarch persona resurfaced, which I think only happened twice at most
allin tuta
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Myron Bruh confirmed liar
I did get fucked. We wiped on the first pack.
no she's a real girl
unlucky! I already claimed all lala!
And JP also has a new DC that's kinda dead I heard, if they enable travel to it, then the JP userbase doesn't has to worry about the Gaijins invading their PFs
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i'll be waiting...
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not on my main (face 3) cuz im doing reclears but here's my glubber golem

face 3 is just this but face 3
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Are there actual lewd lalas in this thread or are you all just fucking pretending to bait biggers?
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I take the fat flak so you don't have to

looks fine
if this were true, where is the EB ring HUH?
>44% winrate on main
Gods why are malera so hot..
I will turn you into a comfy pillow
It hurts every day and every time it seems to be getting better, it ends up all flooding back
you can't just say perchance
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Crystal CC 2:55 ET
World? I'm always in the mood for a spot of rape.
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I'm bad at ninja/learning it
We exist, but not for you.
bro it's bed time get in
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the free win doesnt feel like a win
Oh, how humiliating to die in such a way! What would their family say...surely you'd spare a femlala that fate?
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I've plapped two different femlalas from the thread and got lewds from a third. So yes, there are lewd lalas in this thread.
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can we please go back?
The boys have cock EB rings, and the girls butt EB rings, all to the twelve's wishes
fulala can commit sudoku
Is this AI?
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THIS is the vore lala? Oh man...
horn mod PLEASE
care for a spot of rape?
man wtf...
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There are no lewd lalas inside the threads of ecks eye vee gee
>looks fine
>just fine
it's over....
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Put that gun away fellow Donny chad.
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>"dude I'm so horny! cute girls in FFXIV! ERP! cum lmao! look at my Flist profile with a thousand custom tags! cunny! sex!"
>literally nobody talks in chat and every time you want to actually establish a play they go afk
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fine means there's nothing wrong with her
if f3 is just that same thing but f3 I don't think there's much of a difference
Change your hairstyle and maybe
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vore what? lmao no i'm the futa one!

it's lala only tho
who is this creature
is there a way to hide a game's total playtime on steam to other people?
My favorite female voice actress.
So talented.
Gotta say I'm quite indifferent to snuff, but
Maybe an exception can be made
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My concern with that is that would make Materia more dead than it already is at the moment. Cross region travel to OCE is a blessing BUT nobody wants to play there because of ping.

It's just an occasional international get together spot without actually playing the game at the moment.
another lalapedo
Do you like face 3 femlalas?
Hag sex now
i find this fetish weirder than feet even tho both are quite weird
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ofc there is, every lala is lewd duh!

i love all femlalas
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Stop being ugly
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i detest skills like this
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Got two in a row
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Fight for me at the Wolves Den!
Is the implication here that he knocked up the drunk elf?
I wish it were a troll...
Is this koto chidori
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Ladies and gentlemen, and nonbinary folx who use they/them, may I present to you the world's most popular MMO, Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail.
I'm so good at CC. The rest of you can't compare.
Do you like face 4 femlalas? Want me to go sit next to you?
post full
That's a nice armpit
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Crystal CC 6:44 ET
post butt
I want to fuck Ryne.
rob chidori's biofemra wife
How do I make gil as a shy and timid tomboy froth? Please help.
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>Pink lilly
I'm leveling monk to 30 and I will be inting in sync queues once complete - please understand
why was i not mentioned in this
i love all femlalas! and sure i'm at the old hangout spot >>493047298

post tail
He's single
Not poplar enough.
Add me to the list
lalas are fucking disgusting
Haven't played with Pink enough but Otis is a master at being a pain in my ass in a good way, he's good at applying pressure to the backline
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I am
a malera
who is still trapped in my office at work
3 hours after everyone went home.
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. . .
Then fucking do it already you coward.
bro, building and launching the train?
malera can't stand up for themselves irl?
That one time someone posted about wanting their tight ass fucked while posting ryne was kinda hot ngl
He gets a lot of KOs which doesn't win matches in CC, the crystal does
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Plap my malelala and I'll give some shopping money
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Maybe I should make an erp alt...
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They cute
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why dont you play elezen?
KOs normally does equate to winning matches since less enemies = good
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me too bro
That was me and I got banned for it. It's totally okay if you're a 34-year old man posting his shitty tranny character though, of course.
First of all Sapheera is not even a Thread lala, they don't fucking know shit about /xivg/ second of all, they Joy's little puppy it get carried around in their leash and don't even bark just by breathing the same air they are satisfied
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Janny was just mad you gave him a boner
does anyone on crystal wanna do one (1) orgienics? im a poor blm with 30 minute queues, send help
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Uh, we ARE ERPing, sis...just in the 'cord, that's all. You, uh, ARE in the 'cord, right?? W-with the 'bins??
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Only when they use that hairstyle or the femra himecut, they look really cute with that
On paper yes, in practice that's not really what happens. How many times have you taken the crystal to the point alone for a win?
I do play an elezen
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elezen stock doesn't deserve to tank over the goon fuel I'd make as a femezen
he doesn't like me back and never will. it is what it is it is what it is it is what it is it is what it is
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There's gonna be ten more Rynes running around the first when I'm done with her
well its pretty obvious from ur post anon but whats going on how did u come to this conclusion
Sigh, okay. Where?
The discord is just actual trannies crying about their shitty life.
>the end to the long ass Ascian saga
>still doing shit like helping indian elephant move fabrics or some shit
This fucking genre
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Sorry, I'm more into lala sex
You can think of it that way, but I'd guess it's actually meant to be nothing sexual for all 3 of them
Brin is /xivg/ he probably had an emergency or something, he would never int like that.
stinky smelly die!!!
why do people meme trannies as hating homos when every tranny I've met seems to jump for joy when they hear about men doing homo stuff?
pure femlala here!
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To be fair, I don't want to play on Volcanic Heart either
But enough about appalcord and ooki talking about how she had an abusive childhood
b-bros... I'm trying to jerk off but I can't stay hard... it has nothing to do with playing a miera, right?
Any catgirls for my Middie? Post em
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Crystal CC 10:07
It's true hun, I'm kinda really bad at this. I have my games though.
Built for hung femraen-
I'm really dumb and kept looking for signs that he liked me back while ignoring all the ones that he didn't until he started going out with someone else and then I couldn't deny it anymore
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I meant all of your discords, my bad.
need some help with that, champ?
bacon and tuna sub sandwiches actually kind of slap
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maybe i'll finally get the achievement in this expansion
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it's over...
wanna fall in love with me instead?
nta but i do that everyday in my dreams
where are the ryne rp'ers...
no u
There’s not enough time in the day bros
Nobody wants to hear what Otis did to your backline, Preebitch
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I'm in CC noobs. Feed my malmstones so I can get the cute coyote.
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what race is he
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i know stuff like this is hard but you need to ask sometimes, you cant wait and wonder because people especially those who play xiv are well, the most polite way i can put it are not usually mentally sound or socially well organized, who knows he may not like the person and youll be able to shoot your shot again, but dont develop false hope
this game sucks, too much game, not enough porn :/
the dojo one was better
I don’t even know who you are man
I wish I could get into ERP, but im a writelet and all I can actually muster is gposing
sorry my heart needs a bit of time to recover...
grown ass man
I got a job call I wasn't expecting as soon as the match started...
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Who else do this? Is it just me?
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please queue stone vigil so i can finish it and go to bed
Gilgamesh Benchbranch Meadows
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my femra has done unspeakable things and deserves to be put to death for her crimes against the state and against humanity
are you a cute femra?
*Does it in a DC thats not yours* ez
A very loud and annoying minority
Death by rape
ill be here...
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>where are the ryne rp'ers...
I have done everything except to literally beg for cock in this shitty general, over in /ERP/ and on Flist for months at this point and all I get is either actual cuckolds or stuttering retards. You guys are so used to talking to grown men pretending to be futas or something that you don't realize when an actual girl is trying to have a session. Fucking fuck you.
Shit you're right i should've said crystal
on crystal that is
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today i will remind them
pf plz
my middie will be judge, jury and executioner. may you rot in hell
maybe the issue is just you lol
What happened sis...
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it popped idk if any of you guys got in it!>>493050228
i dont want to erp in a thread, that's weird :/
no but good luck nigga *gives u a big kiss*
Because I want to EB a cute elezen wife, not be the cute elezen wife.
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How the fuck does a digital item get sold out
My Veena now has 3 grey parses and 3 purple parses on M1S.
hyur propaganda to shit on lizards
I will ERP with you, but only if I get to be Fandaniel and make it more of a headache than it's worth for you to get off
so is most of /xivg/. they just rely on shitty sex talk and animations.
Hey there kitten...
I miss the Idyllshire goblins.
These moblins ain't shit.
im genuinely just not into ryne or canons usually, i like ocs because they dont feel restrictive
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Malerabros... I can't think of a funny comeback for this one.....
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Delusional today, are we?
Is your lizard Japanese, Mongolian, or Indian?
Can someone let me know when my husband logs in today, thanks.
>an actual girl is trying to have a session
ive been seducing or at least teasing a girl every night for the past week and it's really fun having her wrapped around my finger
while simultaneously stroking myself during

Stop chasing the same tired races if you want genuine advice
Eh so you play as Ryne? I've never seen you post here about it.
Unless you're that weirdo who tries to ERP in the thread and not in game.
use this mod and return with results
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Crystal CC 2:30 ET
Nta, Ive been suspicious of any in-game meetups ever since DB showed up and i saw you posting first around when he was active otherwise I probably would've been the first one to hit you up
are you a middie...
Despite only making up 14% of the thread population...
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this fiddie on twitter makes my cock throb
if we didnt have 3 tards on that team we would of won ez
They only got x amount of codes from SE, they don't generate them themselves.
cope adn seethe
that's just a shitty RO635 cosplay
That looks atrocious
post character
No I like making pictures as opposed to writing stuff out is what I meant
I just logged in
i play a male character is all i will say which is already saying too much
>at this point and all I get is stuttering retards
Literally me.
>tfw no male EB to smooch until they break down crying
lil bro is upset over casual pvp
my future wife
I will, thank you
haha hey...
can't pull a fast one on shikikans
prone bone
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you wouldn't get it
very cute
How much do you need to make? If you just want pocket money glam holds pretty strong. There are a lot of popular pieces with minimal competition. If you're on a popular server furniture is really easy money that typically requires a lot of the same mats so you can post a variety items at really high markup without needing to buy/farm a lot.
Sorry I play a real race
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it will happen again
I get that you have shit taste
I am
a femcel hrothgar
You didn't though. :(
I am
a femra
who won't be sleeping tonight
im deflating your milkers this game
Who is your husband?
Is he? any femra chasing him down now?
>a first-timer in my team
>cutscene and everything
i am a femra watching the gurren lagann movies
from all the sex?
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fiddie wife in the forest, what will she do
moonie, imo
>back folds
i will be raping you.
We live in a post-malera society
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So Shitposter Ratio, or Average Shitposts per Poster, by race:

Lala: 2.29
Hrothgar: 1.55
Au Ra: 1.51
Viera: 0.92
Roe: 0.77
Miqo'te: 0.51
Elezen: 0.37
Hyur: 0.23

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not after what happened last time
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I think somethings wrong with my heels...
I didn't think this far but I shall not be namedropping him. Nevermind!
you better sleep with one eye open
No, I just can't calm down and I'll rather sleep a full 8 hours after my uni than a few hours before it.
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Why are you guys melting over casul again?
>my fiddie
doesn't count as a shitpost?
Do you like malera
yuuuup I knew it
nope they're perfectly fine don't worry about it
I can't. I'm contractually obligated to never post my character.
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EB that controls when I'm allowed to cum, where?
me and my wife are such a powerful pvp combo
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That was my last one as I have raid coming up. Thanks for the matches dorks~~
I will fuck this malera, just you wait
Only if you erp with me in vc
What's his race?
Right here.
What if controlling is making you cum as much as possible, and loaning you out to other anons that like making anons cum, until you're completely drained dry and wilted daily?
what does this mean about fiddie stocks?

relatively high supply/volume... but top notch quality. a good blue chip buy?
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The few, The proud, The god awful shitposters. Well done hrothbros.
motorboated those fat puppies while I lb'd
A bigger but I don't say those words...
Why not
I'm not gonna tilt in thread but I tilted a bit seeing that scoreboard
My femra's abs are tough as steel.
this turned me on but I feel like you were aiming this at male chars
tfw no eb to watch the eras tour with
but I do
F+/F- is good too.
just posting my moonie
PL never does well but always manages to kill me at the most annoying time
this is nothing personal
but i must have your soles
Based based based

Where are the xiv swifties? Did you like TTPD?
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Here comes a new challenger!
I miss it 'goon bros.
Do you have a cute voice?


Male miqo'te

Yes to the first part, no to the second (I am not a prostitute)
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this was made before femhroth
but i doubt it would change it much
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Just don't like 'em
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For what purpose
>normal sunrise
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Too volatile. Fiddie stocks can drop at any time and its very susceptible to dog memes.
Middie stocks are always good, do buy
/smoooooooooooooch you'll be okay, I promise.
i don't miss it's jankiness but it was so soulful
Do you like futazen?
>it's another "PF healers think they're good enough to do double barrier" episode
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>Do you have a cute voice?
Most people tell me i do, like a really gay nerdy voice something along those lines.
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m-me too
nta wat do u like
i wish i knew....
i didn't mind ttpd but it wasn't my favorite
i have to be in a certain mood to really enjoy it
Is this a viera
Post your femra right NOW!!!!!
do you like.. fiddies
I didn't have a foot fetish until I saw moonies etc posting them and now I have an armpit fetish because of this thread. I love catgirls so much. FFXIV
I actually missed this reply, sorry if you showed up and waited..

Liiike 50 mil, to afford the sugar glider mount. Will look into furniture crafts, thankee!
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I'm TRYING to get you two to KISS! Guh!
I smooched this cat while in the pit
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What males do you like then
I can fanta
oh wait whoops
Goonie deployed
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i think all futa enjoyers should kys themselves
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erm queue cc 7:30
what mod
Every single year, man.
cc doko
you guys are so fucking gay
Hello goonie, post yandere femra
It's number 2
if I want a cash shop set for glamour dresser and inventory, do I need to buy two? Since I assume the salvager doesn't do cash shop shit
No i'm a femra
me. i get the orange juice. nobody else does.
hugging you and squishing our boobs together etc etc
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I see through the lies of the raen
TTPD is the depression album so understandable, which is your favorite?? Mine is Reputation
chat does he know?
Can I do lewd poses with your fiddie pls?
>Reaching sunrise at week 6
Double cringe
sex with femezens
>she uses the middie run to run away
Pffthahahaha! Worth it.
Put it on a plate then take it out of the dresser
I was skipped its so over
this cat is really annoying and ugly
Kill elves.
>not slowing dps to see all the mechanics as mr ozma intended
triple cringe
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Got reclears done in 2 hours, including the PF wait. But still haven't done m4s yet.
I just need to get tomes for boots. Already have upgrade for it.
Then earring and upgrade, and I'm done..

How strong of a consideration is it to use my books to upgrade my weapon? I'd really like to be able to get a glam piece without having to do this fight 4 more times. And my damage with the 720 wep has been fine.
based beyond belief
If today's news in gaming has taught me anything, it's that if you create a great game but it has dogshit looking characters, it will flop. But if you make a dog shitgame and the characters are coombait it will last long enough to get a better sequel or the characters will break off into a new game.
That's what they're there for
im 30....
reputation took awhile to grow on me but it's now easily in top 3 for me
i'd say maybe evermore for #1
I've just been hopping about and chatting with someone else.
force choke my meena
yes that's true but concord was still ass
Could we get more ryne posting?
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i wish..
Ahem, milk?
does using spells make the LB gauge fill more quickly in CC
And your mouth is made for me to spit in and then feed you my dick
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raid mechanic idea:
raid boss that starts off by charging a massive attack and toasting the first person that aggroes it (it bypasses all resistances and invulns)
that person gets flagged with a hidden buff that is later used for a different mechanic
Explain further. I have an IQ close to room temperature.
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I only play DRG.
622 Wins, 567 Loss.
Oh damn. I didn't like this hair at first but it does work alright there.
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100% winrate
2 games played
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chat is this based or cringe
sauce me right now
Yep, that's a dead femra wife
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148 wins out of 287
your LB is on a timer, and unlike a PvE LB, doing actions does not make it charge faster
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The pathways to 1 3 and 4 are blocked.
I'm no faggot keeping tracking of scores in the casual mode with literal first time players without buttons bound.
sitting on the park bench
eyeing femraen with bad intent
OH! But what if they weren't blocked? Who'd get it then?
Your chains are broken!!
All of Aether seems to be on lockdown..
/pet /pet
too heavy to carry...
my sunnie will now be queueing down because of the map change
we can't eb but i'll watch with you if we can grind agility together
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Being all that I can be.
you fucking moon coon
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It's over, then.
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queue cc 10:45
last one for me for a bit cuz I need to make dinner
you can use it to analyze things like winrate vs certain jobs, on certain maps and your overal performance in raw numbers
it's useful if you wanna take the time to improve
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>rests a lightsaber on shoulder
If your the gorgeous fiddie who knows how to take an actual screenshot that isn't degenerate coombait.... EB?

If not, I don't want to hear from you.
Because fags deserve to be mocked.
can u check ur latency anywhere
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My shit RNG in savage has finally ended.
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i made a new friend today
Winrate against people without recup bound is worthless information.
thank you anon
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The things that will affect your LB Gauge are
>Dying (LB will not charge while dead)
>Reaper's Plentiful Harvest (LB will recharge faster for self)
>Bard's Final Fantasia (LB recharge boost to all teammates around you passively)
>Cloud 9's Blackfeather Boost (Immediate bulk of LB charge)
>Clockwork Castletown's piles of Gold (Small amount of LB charge)
I might be missing more, but that's what I can think of off the top of my head.
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reclears on alt done
face 3
Do this cat's feet also taste like grapes?
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This was about 70% but I had a really bad day of playing like shit.
They're laughing at you for being a groomer and having fun reporting you for avatarfagging. Also lmao at your obvious samefag attempts to pretend like you have friends here.
Didn't the old expanded universe have some mineral that was energy resistant?
Tch, I'll try again in the near future..
youre a fiddie arent you
I don't like the cheek scales on f3 honestly
I think your f2 looks fine with them tho
Cool, can you stop avatarfagging now?
What race do I play if I want to be hated and feared?
What's the plugin for this info?
you can ping the servers via windows console or use the ping plugin

I was talking about negative winrate, if a job is beating your ass too often it's probably a sign of something wrong
haven't played in a while, seems they changed the housing system a bit.
Does owning a small house still give you an advantage to exchanging it for a bigger house later?
>dealing damage doesn't fill your meter faster
huh... am i retarded?
>I don't like the cheek scales on f3 honestly
nta but you are so gay, they are BiS
I didnt go to aether before i went to bed for easy access to reclear parties
Ooooh im krilling myself.
it seems dangerous anon but i promise its okay, its the liedenforce effect
in my personal opinion (im retarded keep in mind), i think the more scales the better since it's the defining characteristic of the race
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>Bard's Final Fantasia (LB recharge boost to all teammates around you passively)
I tested this with someone and it's a flat -20s on your LB charge time assuming you are in range and the BRD is alive for the full duration of the buff.
>I was talking about negative winrate
You can also get people without recup on your team.
loggin onto my gooner discord
That's ok anon, everyone started from 0 at one point, you can do it if you give yourself the time to actually try and allow yourself to fail here and there along the way
Might be wasted time to even suggest this, considering how jaded you seem to be about the whole thing, but I'm genuinely interested if you do indeed play as her
You can't control how others will behave, I think all you can really do is give it your earnest attempt each time...and if they end up being stuttering retards or cuckolds, as you say, then yeah, fuck 'em and move on
Don't hyperfocus on the bad experiences, it won't help you get any closer to what you actually want
making babies with seishun complex's lala feet pussy PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Weirdly enough part of it is definitely his voice. The English version is very whiny, gay, and bottomy (Kate influencing the voice direction, maybe) while the Japanese version sounds like a cool delinquent second-in-command and I'm surprised he's not calling you Big Bro.
You're severely mentally ill. Please stop posting.
I didn't install that plug-in until the other day, but when I was grinding my title, I got 1,000 wins in about 1900 matches. About a 52% win rate mostly on RDM with some BLM thrown in.
pvpstats, i didn't start using it until dawntrail and I wish i had it sooner. I've got ~3400 matches that never got tracked.
wow the deep shadow gear actually looks great as a sith outfit
h-how did you..?
Hana Kirisaki has absolutely fallen from grace
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I'm not whoever you believe I am, weirdo.
ok but we're going for 99
Give some meaningful data you've analyzed that accounts for the the guy that rushes in after a wipe and creates perma stagger into loss(either team), and tell me how that makes you improve. Playing all ranged team with Pictomancer vs. DRG, NIN, Gunbreaker, WHM, SMN? Damn, the data must show I'll probably get gaped in that situation I have no control over. I'll surely improve knowing this.
Its so over
Yes you are, weirdo. I just replied to your posts.
my femroe will be queuing for aglaia as gunbreaker
It it gay to pet a hrothbro?
>The English version is very whiny, gay, and bottomy
He's always just sounded British to me
who's on the na teams
It only fills if you are "in combat".
I don't know the exact way to tell if you're in combat, but sometimes jumping off a tall place kills you with fall damage, and sometimes it doesn't, and that's the only way I can think of.

Maybe there's a plugin for that
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who is this handsome fella you speak of

"my team keeps holding me back!!!" ahh post
Ok spaz. Enjoy your useless data. At least you can track how much of your life you spend in a mario party minigame.
only gay if you get hard from doing it
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this is all that matters
i gotta start going over there and playing more often
someone please continue the queues....
I love dodo!
Filthy lewd lala here
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Now if only that was in vanilla Viper would actually be enjoyable post update.
nvm i'm not doing that much agility
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I like having this cat on my team
>say the data is useless whether positive or negative
Why are trannies always so low iq?
agi lvl?
broooooo I don't want that ninja in my team anymoooooooore
*purifies you*
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Mostly playing random off jobs in casuals outside of SAM for exp.
Didn't realize I was 5-0 on BLM though.
>jay vermillion
my friend /hug /pet
Why are you bathing with clothes on?
told you that na was trash at cc
Anon bullshits you
CC tracker is only useful to stroke your own ego when you compare yourself to the anons who join syncs
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Oh that's nice to know. I've always wanted to try to demo how certain interactions work, but I think you can't enter custom lobbies without a full stack of people, and there's no way I'm finding nine other people to care about this stuff as much as I do.
you saved my fuckhueg image because i didnt wanna wait to long to reply and resize it LOL
femra need to be humbled
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Yeah but i was rooting for KR.
Femra need to be empowered and uplifted.
Without any hyperbole, I think 70% of DT's cutscenes use music from ARR and EW. There isn't even a leitmotif theme that's being used in a consistent manner.
cc doko
*hands you a savage aim materia XII*
Umm I... I-I-I-I-I Lo...Lo-O...
FFXIV's PvP isn't competitive enough and doesn't has enough depth to care about stats this much
Would you like to eat eggs together someday?
why doesn't the fishing log have a fish recorded number?
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Helps with the flavoring.
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I wouldn't know, I skipped everything.
my femra needs to be told that she's someone's one and only. only then will she turn from a golem into a real femra...
Do I have to find you in-person to get the nude versions of your pics? Please give me the gallery.
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Leviathan femra are so hot
there's a little thing called "sample size"
the more you play, the % of random shitters/griefers dilluting information becomes meaningless

i do agree about it being a massive ego stroker plugin though
So wait you actually taste like grape?
You're my one and only.
my femra is blasting to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8rvXl-la3w
why is that one so angry?!
83, just going for 86 atm
thanks i know
t. leviathan femra
she isn’t xivg is she
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>Kicks up middie rizz up 1000%
Hey, may I court?
Um sure... I'm shy though...
the cats are better
The lowest points would fill up first, it's not rocket science anon. From the middle chamber the lowest point is the right path, then on the right path the lowest point is again, the right path.
oh wow... this is so sudden... >///<
ok, i'll buy a fantasia... maybe...
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He had an extra report assigned to him because of bad behavior in class.
what course?
*discards it*
I'll wait for you, my love...
they say this is the last thing you see when you take your first step into moonie territory
Thanks sis… *attempts melding it onto my third slot on my whm weapon* *it explodes*
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[There was no response.]
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>Daily Frontlines
>See naked pink Hrothgar dancer in only leopard print thong on my team
>immediately assume they're going to be fucking useless
>turns out they're fucking useless with the most deaths on team and barely any damage
Every single time
femra need to be pleasured, preferably by my sunnie
>face 1
>normal skintone
>hime cut

how much more basic can you get? i can only think of mogslop street attire or the fomo slutty outfit
oh good heavens *passes out*
Yo what's wrong with her fingers
If malera have a million fans, then I'm not one of them
If malera have one fan, I'm killing them
If malera have no fans, that means I've completed my mission
What are Viera for?
good lord now that's wife material
anon you have 16, dealer shows a 10
do you hit?
I am.
A Male Midlander.
And I think himecuts are actually pretty boring and uninteresting. Props if you can make it work.
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Missing queues. Repeatedly.
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Unfortunately for you I don't really keep too many nudes nor do I have a proper gallery set up at the moment for the ones I do, sorry hun.
Chat do we like this https://files.catbox.moe/ammplt.png
yep...builded for my femraen-
*catches you as you're passing out so you don't get hurt* I got you..
kill yourself my man
t. male midlander
>nobody replied to my post
i have a soft cock fetish but i hate futa
so i guess i kind of like it
Na don't think so.
>wah muh basic
It looks hot bro. Give me an endless supply of these basic Femraen over the heterochromia, scarfaced, metallic dye glammed catgirls.
rare based midward take
Not particularly.
I am.
A Male Midlander.
And I think Himecuts are the best hairstyle for femras, it's popular for a reason. If you have one then I'll most likely check you out and give you a compliment and probably call you my wife
You make me extremely upset, but fine. I'll just have to wait for the next CC meetup to hang out with you, I guess.
would giggle and /poke it
mayhaps we could when i hit 80 in 3 levels
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no you can't do this to me...
I must be going now, my heart can only take so much
How get Lightsaber?
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I've invested thousands of hours into ffxiv, does that mean I'm good at raiding? Well no, but does that mean I'm good at crafting? Again no, but does that mean I'm good at glamour and making outfits? no but
Have a good rest of your day, my one and only... I'll be waiting for you.
*kisses your cheek*
drew a 4, dealer had 18
good choice anon
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>lizard on my wall
>get a cup and try to trap it
>misjudge positioning and crush it
nvm these cc games are kinda butthole rn.
You were my brother, Azimkin
i am
a gundam seed enjoyer...
my intuition is too powerful
they're only shit in this game because the good version is stuck on shitra
nigga its a lizard just pick it up jesus
could i make lewds with your character
I am a femra doing her once a month log in to maintain her Small House.
*walks away but turns back and stares longingly before finally taking my leave*
Gundam seed is MID.
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you should have just picked it up with your hands, they will trust you if you give it long enough. i found this one in the place im at a week ago
If it was something like an anole, those fuckers are small and fast
My favourite part of entering a new area? Why of course it's to do the MSQ! No siree, I do not want to explore this area at all. I do not want to see all the cool monsters and landmarks here, not at all.
Most lizards can't do shit to you, just pick it up next time
you dumb mother fucker
it was an anole
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I didn't want to hurt it...
may I use it as a plap pad while you're away?
Are you good at ERP? That's all I care about.
how do i get rid of that seam when using night's feet?
Good because we will not allow you to explore even if you want to. Hope you rike.
i'd just like to know that it is me that is selling his wares a dive and a half below the lowest price

it's not personal - i just can't fucking stand not having something sell within like 12 hours. i hate interacting with markets - just give me the fucking money AHHHH
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Okaaaay I got Squeaky. I take a break.
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Thank you semenpie.
Wanna do M4N before taking a break?
Okay that's it...
Do NOT post any malera from this point, or they're gonna have to get a black mage to cast blizzard 4 on their cock for a week straight when I'm done with them.
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No skipping. You must appreciate Hiroi and Kate's gift to the world.
Sure. I'll go to the bench, send me an inv there.
yup this post was made from a gay catboy with toxoplasmosis (the BLM will be freezing off the genital warts)
aw... i was right about to post mine...
this is why we play ffxiv
Male Hrothgar are either the most based people to play with or room temperature IQ coombrained gooners
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should I fanta to a charcoal vantablack duskwigger futazen??
The fact that they managed to make a fucking cowboy town boring as hell is actually impressive.
The next malera that posts is forcefully impregnating my femra against his will.
post them
Please, I just want to spam dungeons on my alt...
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I installed it within the past few months, so unfortunately missing a lot
Longest game says 8 mins while longest I've been in was a 24 min Volcanic Heart
nah that sounds cringe
This gif tickles my autism. Neat.
no stay away from my race
you wouldn't last a week
I'd kill myself.
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Yeah unironically Id probably play this game less if I couldn't mod sexy heels into it
>walk into saloon
>batwings open automatically instead of your character slamming them open
seconding >>493056308
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it's cause it's a fuckin side attraction to everything else

you gotta go all in if you're doing a western thing
I'm leaving your FC.
>Rubber bullet cowboy duel
Remember that time two pirates dueled using musket balls and no one died?
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how do i fix this it's assigned to the correct folder and i have dawntrail
>the most based people to play with
wow players who played tauren or some shit
>room temperature IQ coombrained gooners
xiv players
this is unironically how it is btw
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my final beer......
10 times 0 is still 0...
Hi Jasmine, you look adorable today.
Where do I get the Alexander lamp nipple from the Rising Event?
The fire orbs on Volcanic Heart also give you an instant gauge boost on top of the stacking damage buff.
Any time Viper Weaves one of its OGCDs (including when the Limit Break is active) reduces the LB charge timer by 3 seconds.

Using Guard to survive Lethal Damage boosts LB gain just like properly mitigating in PVE
>1st character
>Easy 1 pull clear on M1S
>2nd character
>2 Parties later, people can't even get to mouser 2.
>PF filled with nothing but stupid one off 'I have to be special' versions of strats instead of just using the standard shit.
Apparently afternoon PF is better than evening PF.
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I warned you
hi hello whats up
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my elezen fanta lasted 2 days total I think, everyone I talked to hated her

roflcopter go soisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoi
I got it from here
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Depends, what kind of lewds hun?
Seems like 90% of DT is a side attraction. And then Yoshi-P has the gall to say "oh it was boring because we took so much time to show these detailed cultures", when in reality they show jackshit.
feet are like 90% of why i cum here
>PF is worse when normalfags get home from work and the degen pool gets diluted
wow who could have thought
Ok I won't, she a little cute tho.
>chara has brown eyes
Hello boring self-insert
It is not assigned to the correct folder.
You most likely have 2 installs. Ex. You think you are using the STEAM version, but the quicklauncher is actually launching through non-steam, or vice versa.
Tell me who drew that.
You didn't say anything about rape...
Help a confused femra out... are trannies still allowed to use the word "himcess"?
thanks for the mod again! my vote is on the futazen, but i'm a bit biased because i roleplayed as one. i think grey and brown duskes are the hottest.
my character has green eyes because mine are green irl
Woah cute Fzembznezenezn
what kind would you like
Bitch you can do whatever you want as long as you brush your teeth and in bed by 10pm.
practice in the dummies
before trying pvp
bind your actions
bind your guard/recuperate/purify
know your basic combos
I lost 4 matches in a row for a single person unable to do this.
If you are FTM yes.
Hand over that woober boy.
>everyone I talked to hated her
weird. i should only have one install. i moved my game at one point maybe doing that fucked something up.
post your character with that mod on then

liars both of you
>he didn't swap to the shitter's job and farm him after the 2nd game
your fault tee bee haych
>finally finished DT on my alt
>about to join hunt train for tomes
>forgot to do get aether currents
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do it so I can watch that other guy kill himself
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>do that
>they stop queuing on that job and i get them again as something else on my team
nothing much
they aren't real...
>_< thanks
The new cultures also have almost nothing to them
*stares at you lovingly as you walk away*
>get close to an NPC near an aetheryte
>about to attune to aetheyre
>"OK, you know what? NPC is closer, I'll talk to the NPC first and then attune"
>talking to NPC triggers a cutscene and sends me 10 miles away
never again
I love popezen
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anyone wanna do roulettes
can't farm him if I got him in my team EVERY TIME aaaaa
stop queueing for casuals if you don't want to see casuals
it's that simple
move here when ready
Still have no idea if it an OG fanart commissioned or fanart from an actual anime.
god i had to deal with that shit the last time i did ranked, sometimes you just gotta queue down if they're terrorizing THAT badly. felt good when i hit crystal and they were still seething in plat 3 or some shit
>get smoked by sunrise
>other surviving healer gets LB3 but it's only available at the very last millisecond possible so half of us immediately die to sword quiver damage
>GNB has his invuln up and manages to solo the last 0.4%
I can't even be mad about my parse that shit was legendary
oh, you're correct. i do have two installs. i never finished migrating drives, i guess.
My male midlander is about to take a shower
ok sure
*scrapes my fingernails against the underside of your gooch to capture your ball musk*
thanks for the heads up honey
what dc
idc which but im on primal rn
You have the power to make it right

ok everyone except literally one person who is also a femezen addict
i used to catch those little fuckers all the time when i was a boy, fuckin city slickers
Yeah they bring it back in that new SW show that got cancelled
i'm not a femezen addict i'm just a fiera
but also
stop caring what others think my god grow a SPINE
xivggers don't play ranked tho...

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