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Previous: >>492970890
you dorks never wanna make them in time: edition

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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xi jinping is rigging my aram games
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Qiqi is....a flopperonious rex...
post full qiqibro
how does skin reroll into permanent works? do I get a skin for only champs that I own?
it's random, and you can get skins for champs you don't own
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nammers ^_^
How much Yone mastery do you have?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Be proud of me, my wr on him in ranked is pretty high for now.
Why is bronze so dogshit compared to iron?
Why has she been biting people? This used to be a nice fish.
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Why do girls like Vel'koz?
iron is mostly kids and handicapped who try their best to win
bronze is mostly drunk/high niggers who barely pay any attention to the game
i am the best Zeri player in the world js
they're horny degenerates just like men, but use quirky snowflake as a cover.
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sr betas have nothing on aram chads
iron is a fake rank full of derankers
all the REAL shitters get pushed up to bronze because of how rampant the iron meme has gotten
434k last I checked. I'm not on my main account right now and in the middle of the game so I can't give you an exact amount.

I'll invite you in a second.

I remember back when you had a negative winrate on him. Good job.
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startin in the streets today but lol after probably if you wanna hang
I don't know if I have the will to make it
Why wouldn't twitch go into furry
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Stay positive /lolg/!
fa cts except aatrox is a kino monster
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For some reason I only play monster champions, they just feel more powerful and kino

I'll try Ornn next
>when the hawk tuah boutta make you crashout but you lowkey a sigma
champs for this feel?
*stays negative*
it's been a relatively good week for me life and leaguewise
>no crush
>comfiest neet to walk the rift
>develop crush
>immediate urge to bedrot until I die of starvation
wow thanks lolg

sent from MY BED
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Stay positive
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hi mantheon
do people still cosplay league characters at conventions? only at gaming conventions?
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regularly bust to your yords...
>Mundo feeds Aatrox
What a fucking joke, anti heal does fucknall against Aatrox.
nice scam
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I only played Qiyana because she made my dick hard
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not me

I'm an ice cold killer with frozen tundra blood a stoi cman an immovable object and an unstoppable force, above mortal dillydallies like "having a crush"
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Same here. Hopefully it continues to be good!
you have a crush on me
sissies would you still play your main champ if she was a guy?
>above mortal dillydallies like "having a crush"
who's speaking
I only play male champs. might play a female monster later.
How do you counter Aatrox?
I don't have a main I play a lot of different champs some of which are male
I never got the concept of playing specific champs for their gender. for what purpose? isn't their kit the only thing that matters because it's the only thing that affects how fun they are?
>I remember back when you had a negative winrate on him. Good job.
Doin my rubesty.
Azakana is s3 46 lp
Skye is at s1 44 lp
I'm climbing!
I play with locked camera.
I also play with locked camera and bust to yordles.
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May your gains be plentiful on both cursed accounts.
Pitbull - Fireball
I don't think there's anything wrong with locked camera unless you're maining champs where it's vital to swap it like zac
I play with locked camera and quick cast and I fuck up the shelly ride 70% of the time
I play with 1 hand and I fuck up the shycombo 70% of the time
breaking the curse, 1 game at a time.
funny pic btw
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It's wild how many people don't know what Anivias passive does in bronze. I had one Akali rage in all chat how unfair it is and so many junglers diving me for the bounty. Like good god man, you're an mobile assassin it's only fair you can't just farm me to death
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Someone answer me, how do you fight a fed Aatrox?
I don't know what this means but hopefully you get Gold soon.
chungus type post do not post again please
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I try to go for longshots too often and end up missing my ult a bunch as a result
but it's easy to forget stuff when you're focused on kill
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it's from love live
nasus wither needs to be 100% uptime because its weak
Anivia needs a global ult
>a 60 year old man watches love live
I already did my confession a couple threads ago.

But I'll admit I use lewd mods every time I play just to make the game bearable solo. Weirdly enough, I play Vex better when I can stare at her assets all game.
if any lolg girl wanted to be my gf id accept in a heartbeat
we know kg
I main briar but I never play her jg, only play her mid or top.
women post boobs on thread
How does Briar lane against ranged champs, do you just look to brawl all the time?
no they don't

they charge $200 per discord strip session
only 5 minutes of work for $200? not bad
shes really good at poking, just spawm W Q W E every time they are off cd in lane, that combo also gives her great sustain, she just sucks vs long range champs, like xeraths, veigars, etc. but normal range ones she pops them fast and melee she almost always win except braindead ones like garen or darius.
Average Kayn main from SR don't know why you're trying to flex
i am played adc for months now and i still don't have hands for this role
>have no idea how people even walk among minions without having champs only toggled
>if i don't have toggle i auto random minions
>this also means i can't target minions with abilities like jhin nade or lucian q unless i toggle back
>attack move on someone
>player enters bush
>my character turns around and runs towards some random minion on the other side of the lane
>we die because of that
>play zeri
>600ms jhin sprints on me and runs circles point blank range to make it absolutely impossible to hit him with a single Q
>E on cd or not leveled yet but my support wants to fight in the middle of a fucking wave to make sure i will never hit anything
>play any adc
>literally can't lane if theres a xerath,lux,hwei or whatever mage in the enemy team because it's so fucking hard to see vfx with some of the skins it drives me insane
>lose 1/3rd of my hp because lux uses the fucking skin that is banned on tournaments for visibility issues

role is hard man
so much effort and precision for so little rewards
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keep it up! you can do it!
me think you no have hand a toll not just le adc

goofy arhhh nigga can't even attack move right
What the fuck is a low priority queue? How the fuck is that different from a ban? Who comes up with this stupid shit? WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PURPOSE
That anon is not me, but that's appreciated? Is poppy your favorite?
Now I'm mildly curious. No need to share if you don't want to though.
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My victory in ARAM will translate quite well into ranked, I just know it
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hi and welcome to the internet of current_year!

the secret to the big bucks is being a dps egirl like MF, Ahri, and so on. Enchanter egirls are doing it all wrong!
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I love Lissandra!
someone was naughty
dps egirl will abuse you
you can abuse enchanter egirls
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lmao yeah
you've drawn a lot of her for me
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
Oh. I don't watch or play idol games/anime.
hi Lissandra, big fan. Do you prefer to use your W or R offensively or defensively?
it is now time for some Garen gaming
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Briar won
And she won very hard
is there an actual counter pick to this 200 years piece of shit who regenerates like ten garens while also punching you for a full healthbar? is it vayne(gay)?
literally fucking anything that can stun his W or dash out of it

the fuck nigga?
damn this nigga king grey ugly asf
>who regenerates like ten garens
pretty sure he doesn't. maybe get serpents fang + grievous wounds I dont fuckin know
Gwen can snip his dick off
i didnt know azakana was chill like that
azakana is as cool as a cucumber
what is the point of quickplay?
skipping the gay process that is picking and banning?
Every top laner either has the mobility to dodge his W or the base stats to sit there like a retard and win anyways
when you dont want to waste time with draft and are in it for fun and practice. If you pick your sweaty main just to dab on fucks in quickplay, you have no soul. Naturally, you'll find a lot of Teemos there too.
Whoever drew annie poppy and lulu nun, I assume they are the same person so them.
i got a penta. stupid niggers
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I like offensively!

Bursting people is fun hahaha
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get griefed by level 500+s that play like theyve never played before.
level 500s who played aram for 10 years in a row first timing summoners rift
There's a couple of 'em- I personally prefer this one, since it keeps her more shortstacked.

Took me a min to track down an image- if I had my PC, I'd have just taken a couple screenshots, but ah well.

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That's yordlefag, he drew annies, lulu nun, and the Vex on top, but not either Poppy. Doesn't have a blog.
Top poppy is the qiyanafag, and the bunny Poppy is a new guy that had a Gura avatar.
thanksssssss /flexes
I could take Poppy
>in a fight, right Gospel???
based and pretty cool
this is too true family.
good job
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me too and yes it is! I like her as engage tank, too. Less bursty, but more making the enemy miserable.
Forcing me to actually check and interact with the thread for their art is diabolical, this sucks. Hope to see more of them
god fucking dammnit his coloring is immaculate
but why annie and yordles
I'll never understand art bros
>smolder's execute no longer scales with stacks
No wonder his lategame felt like fucking trash.
He just gets outscaled by any crit adc now, no?
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>but why annie and yordles
Because they're great, Anon. But it's fine to not be into them, too.
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He's based. i'd actually play the champ if the ingame model wasn't god awful.
I haven't been keeping up with the pro scene at all.
How old is fake by now? Doesn't he have to do Military service?
Faker's exempt from military service because of his celebrity status.
hey if it's any consolation, the Vex piece
got me feeling a certain way rerorerorero
how much ME do you get for leveling again?
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Renata is rising up the ranks of my favorite support picks
Is he actually? Even BTS wasn't exempt, weren't they?
I would fall for any girl or girly enough that gives me attention on /lolg/… and then fall out of love as soon as I find out they’re ugly or a guy
Also I play cancer champs
milk please mommy
Don't most people act too retarded when her W activates?
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I really want a Bee Briar skin...
>come back after over a month break
>Rumble nerfed again
>They label it as "Pro level" nerf
Ah yes because lowering his damage is only a nerf to pros of course of course. Surely this won't shit on his already sub 49% win rate in the real game
How? She's so boring to play.
If you don't have an actual carry u kinda do nothing.
She feels legit unfair when paired with a proper hypercarry tho
Low elo it's just a nice MS and AS steroid.
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There's a few. But at least it means you've got based taste.~
pedos and furries are the biggest commissions. you can charge them extra
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Duuuuude I love games that are balanced around 0.1% of the playerbase! Everyone needs to suffer for e-sports!
>toes not out
Artist didn't get the briar rules memo.
Celebrity isn't the best way to put it. He's more like a national icon for S. Korea
so when are we making a team and going pro together lol?
Soraka would go in board game tier but other wise accurate
Isn't he exempt for winning the esports olympics or that one weird shit they did like 2 years ago?
we can barely organize vg clash
The bee skinline is overdone imo
Also bees dont really bite
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HAHAHA I have never seen this. I was winning pretty hard against this Katarina in mid as Irelia but I did notice some weird movement and perfectly avoiding me E's. I don't know how you still lose lane with cheats but that was amazing to see.

Thanks, Vanguard.
>board games
now I'm imagining those girls trying to play classic Dune
all of them would argue over who gets to play the Bene Gesserit but the one who ended up with Spacing Guild would actually win
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Why would Soraka rage?

Lil Demon moving on up.
I said she goes in board game tier
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Weird that it even shows up as terminated too.
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hi /lolg/..
If I get a ranked win on Skye, i'll play 2 back to back getting gold. If I lose, i'll play on azakana. That's my plan for tonight.
Please masturbate before posting.
Ignore him, he's retarded
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imagine punching you for posting this and then punching whoever was the tranny that drew it

while wearing knuckledusters
i like yaoi
You dont buy anti heal vs aatrox, you dont fight aatrox at all. >>493050975 >>493052164
You rush warmogs first item to be safe as soon as possible and lane by standing out of his range with q farm.

Proxy singed also works pretty well
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Right now?? Why would you say that
pussyboy needs knuckledusters to bully briarsissies
Male/femboy or actual Gay stuff.
Cause the former is not gay.
Completely fucking normal. Purest form of love.
He said yuri, fagogt. Not anything to do with males.
briarfags are the zubats of this general. they spawn out of nowhere and all eat glue.
me too
ermmm blindness bro?
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It would hurt probably
Learn to read retard, he said Yaoi not Yuri.
For me it's danmei.
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"teamdisparity throws his lead for a joke right?"
"why dont you have 10 cs???????"
"its quickplay youre acting like people try"

meanwhile in my fucking games:
>teammates down 3 levels



too vanilla for me
>not gay
who are you fooling

dyslexic bro....
>no skin
opinion discarded, didnt read
the classic dark edgy seme and cute innocent uke is such a great aesthetic
i want kog'maw to fuck me
daddy chill
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>Had Smolder complain about windwall blocking his ult
Oh right mb, he's a gross fag then.
so vgs really are dead huh...
whatever this is.
>He said yuri
I dont think zubat eats glue
Congrats, you encountered an unwinnable game, everyone gets them, especially in quickplay where people get counterpicked out of their minds
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for me it's shounen-ai
Azakana coded post.
We know yonefag
and if you get one to love you it evolves into a cool mon?
>girl love is pure
>guy love is not
why is lolg sexiat against their own kind
they evolve into snorlax
wheres briar!?!?
*cums on your thread*
get cummed on nigga
man this takes me back
But anon snorlax is a completely different pokemon
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sissy coded champs?
you didn't flash the morde q lol
how do people even like quickplay
My bad, I thought you were saying that she'' still be a rager.
rem sylas
you got the retard rage for pixels
Only Yone! bro can call me by me irl name. >>493058648
bustted, I love turi is what it is,
is what it is man.
i'll play some hungry hungry hippo with this goat.
Oh wait get back up! I just logged in.

should i play gwen or lulu rn
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Do you self insert as the champ you play?
no. I don't even know how to self insert
>Oh wait get back up! I just logged in.
no, and im not attracted sexually to my main

too far
sometimes when I play kassadin
I can hear this image.
>Only Yone! bro can call me by me irl name
And who do you think I am?

Chinks write the superior yaoi.
Yes i always think about how cool it would be if i was cho gath irl
That's quite the plapbeast.
it's a gif nigga
you didn't do anything wrong qmm
just having a horrific day
a dork that has an inferior Yone to mine. :)))
moron, I mean just seeing it the song pops in my head. dkc was one of if not the first video game I ever played.
Indeed so. Considering her ass is hanging out, too, I've always got an eyeful in-game.

I guess if nothing else, it's really helped me with positioning. Hard to lose track, looking at a Yordle like that.
First game back after a month and I get an 0/5 Ahri abuser of all champs and an 0/11 duo bot lane
Jungler was fine because we got a kill every time he ganked but he was obsessed with grubs for no reason and would go in 1v3 for one grub so he's retarded too.
Maybe it's just time for a new account
avg bitch nigga lolg who's too much of a pompous prick to dm their duo in game because alt f4 gamer rage quitting is more important than your boo's feelings
Jelly is mean. So mean... but I'm too tired to argue about it anymore
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Sonas breasts will save league of legends.
she's nice to me
no, it's bad for my mental health trying to self insert anyone from this game. you're all faggots and douchebags that bully everyone regardless if they did anything wrong or not.
hang tight, it's taking forever to load.
Quite impossible to lose sight of it.
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>select priority blah blah
why do I have to do this? just let me fucking play, I'd rather wait than play what I don't feel like playing. I wont select a fucking botlaner. instead I just wait for this priority thing to go away. riot is deranged
most people are different from their thread persona vs dms. shes no different
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You kind of just play Xin like a straight 4head champ, right? All my deaths were from the early/mid usually trading for kills, at which point I usually hit my 2nd or 3rd item powerspike and basically no one can beat me 1v1.
>a dork that has an inferior Yone to mine. :)))
I hope you stub your toe on your bed tonight.
I mained 2 of his biggest counters for a long time.

1.Pick Fleet, Celerity/Gathering as second
2.Level 1 pick E
3.Don't push just get minions
4.Buy Swifties

You now have won the matchup. He can't reach you if you have Fleet and Swifties, this also applies to Darius (you have to pick Ghost tho). There is nothing that can stop you from poking him with Fleet and zooming away.

1.Go Conqueror or Phase Rush ( trust me on Phase Rush Conq is a meme nowadays)
2.Go Flash+Ghost , go Darkseal+green potion, Dorans if you are new.
3. At level 1 try to reach his wave as soon as you can, especially if he is helping his jungle, just hard shove. The only time you have to be careful is if he is running ignite.
4. Hard shove the second wave as well, depending on your health just go back to base
5. Gas+Fling+AA will alwas proc Phaserush. You trading pattern is E+AA with Poison on, you simply fling him and zoom away with phaserush. You can do this over and over, he can't do anything as long as you have fling, it even more safe with Phaserush.
6. You can fling him while he is using his W, you also reposition his W, he can't hit you.
7. You can also simply W+E him and he is rooted.
8. Rush Rylais, shove waves , if you are confident just shit on him with Flings and run away, do this over and over and then you can all in him with ult.
9. Your kit doesn't give him Resources for his haymaker, the poison doesn't stack it fast.

If you are not confident to fight him, just shove waves over and over and rush Rylais. Also try to proxy, when you proxy a wave, you have time to griev the enemy midlaner or jungler (force plays with Flash and Ghost).
ok where proof/?
sex with galaxy sized picture yes
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huh? what'd I do?
denied me feet pics
nothing babygirl they're just shitposting
denied me love
Holy shit, touch grass. Stop being so obsessed with a velkoz loving, manga-reading, anime romcom-slop watching, silly doodling, big dork cutelow.
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kill yourself nigger. thats a win.

>interact in anyway with jax, including avoiding interaction

cool thanks. nigger retarded champ. lolgen said jax was balanced because lolgen has always been the most retarded general in existence. fuck you stupid nigger
Oh nice, you saved my gen.
oh haha, it's really hard for me to differentiate tones through text only
all of those attributes make her so lovable and attractive
Jokes on you! that'd happen regardless for how clumsy I am. I bump my knee or run into something at least 8 times a day.
>still no skin
poorfags.. not even once
He's just your natural counter dude, it happens.
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I save all big Sona tits
that art style looks like old null mayu
Well well well!
We gotta have to stop telling people to just play singed and proxy whenever they struggle with a matchup on top
a neet mentally ill woman addicted to league is a perfect match for the average lolger.
imagine the bra
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cosmic yuri
It was what you said yesterday about me in the thread. It really hurt
she's such a sweetheart cutiepie baby goofball
>lolgen said jax was balanced
thats because you didnt listen to my other advice and stop buying shit items
like what even is that train of logic? i rush iceborn gauntlet against a champ that half deals magic damage, but then i buy berserker boots instead of ninjatabi against a champ that blocks all your cool attack speed autohits
I'll make some more just for you
Truly. Too caked up to go anywhere without her cheeks clapping...can only imagine what it'd look like with her full combo...or getting completely destroyed mid.
Very nice very nice.
No. I love facing Singed.
that shit works so well against darius bleeding.
darius and singed players when they cant unga bunga or proxy
unironically cuck move on your end to type question mark because you managed to kill a 0/5 singed in turret range

he was probably unmoved by it
Vex tries to gank botlane, but the clapping of her cheeks keeps alerting them.
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Impossible, no bra can contain those tits.
Buy terminus so you get dual resistence, press w the moment he qs on you since its the timeframe you get
>ult proc into aa autohitreset W
then dodge his e with q on a caster minion into R -> q -> e on the R slow --> q q q q q q q q q q q q q q combo and jax dies
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he was 0/3
and he was 0/3 for a reason, like most other singed players
>like most other singed players
because these people more often than not don't even care to get kills

I understand that you killed him 28 times during the entire match and feel very cool about it but I don't think you understand how a singed player's brain ackshually works
This is literally one of the worst generals on this site. The game itself is fun. I hate you guys.
you made this post already
he doesn't know how else to get attention
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Which side are you?
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I know how Singed brains work
they don't
That's why they play singed.
Same for champs like Sion and Trynd.
do you just have an entire folder full of your "killing singed" clips
Tries to gank top, but the enemy jungler spots out those giant, sloshing tits from halfway down river.
doing left with girl on the right
Uh oh, I've been mogged.
Left is a bellyfree kpop whore that only pretends to care about romance because it makes her look good in social media
Right is just a whore, but the one on onlyfans that only takes money without anything in return.

I pick cho gath
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>my mid lane or really any counterpart role will legitimately never help while the enemy team's will change the trajectory of my lane

what causes this phenomenon?
how is it literally always like this with no exception?

redpill me
Nah all my shit is in one folder, but there's a lot of Singed clips yeah.
They really do almost all do the same thing. Like moreso than GP Players sitting in the center of the lane bush with a Barrel. Singed is quite possibly the most sheep champ in the game
nigga you are the same elo as these people for a reason
Doing 18 and over stuff with my wife WHILE holding hands!
I'm pretty sure REDACTED is like either latina or some other tanned minority

I think? accent sounds a bit quay bruv I can't tell
Nah they're up with me for a reason. Clearly people don't ever punish them so they've just cheesed their way up past where they belong.
damn you shen niggas really are dense asf
ok, keep your chin up steel
this better not be you boodrum
suck it caitlyn trash
fighting game status?
mmo status?
platformer status?
What about your status anon?
any high elo players here? would love a support to play with
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away + I never use open lobby so you plebs don't just hop in unsolicited
seraphin is 17 is high elo
one piece
Yeah I'm high elo (plat 3). What region?
need a cool name for my new account
who is boodrum
name yourself something cool like
and then you play top
the only person in this general that autistic about guro is that retard
she won bigly
where are the yuumibulls?
Sona should be in suffocation for "reasons".
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Sona anon, you still here? Got some more for you.
how do i stop feeding
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Yes I can't draw (yet) so I have to make these for now.
Make vgs
it's over
but you're what emerald? plat?? diamond? am silver so
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leblanc adc?
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I was mid-high plat before Emerald was introduced and I retired from Ranked years ago. So you're technically higher than me now.
can you do her in a see through dress please?
lol why is everything a punishment in this game. punished for not accepting a queue from pissing. punished from sitting in fountain for longer than 45 seconds before the minions even spawn. typing in game u get punished. who the fuck is making these rules in an online game ??
willing your lane essentially doesn't matter when you have 75 farm 22min cait and huawei mid
Heres how to win every matchup in league:
Stop crying on lolg everytime you lose and improve.
Theres guides on yutube
>garen is just allowed to be op because hes a male top laner
well then why is kled op
Which champs do you like, anon?
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>watching zwag play
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I'll try.
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you are playing the wrong game anon
REDACTED in orange tier
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>watching topi play
hnnngghhh sexooooo
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die nigger

5 minute wait time because i cant suffer through more of these type of games. fuck it man you win riot
Sona isn't attractive.
>only friend is in another party
oh no oh no
you only say that cause she has black babies from ksante
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Forgot the tag, oops. Have this in the meantime.
the collar and midriff make me feel feral
>t. rengar
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I just want a /lolg/ gf (female)
Is that too much to ask
Idk if I’d want to play league of legends though this game sucks
god i would do anything for this goddess..
someone tell nidalee to press 3
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rengar having sex with lux
You're so hurtful.
I thought we were friends, or at least on good terms now.
>wait 7 minutes queue
>wait like 6 more minutes for some fucking eurangutan to load game running on his pentium 3 with 128mb of ram
>play for 2 minutes
I am having fun!
>lobby opens
>lobby opens
>lobby opens
>lobby opens
vg vs vg +7
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I know that feel
chin up buddy, keep moving forward
Girls are never direct with what they want. They don't want to hurt your feelings or not be the nice girl so they cause more miscommunication.
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What's your honor level?
>no post
discord or fake avoid
fake vg, but would you guys want to play one if someone hosted?
yes but the 'cord won't allow it
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0 I’m chatbanned
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actually got this shit today check em
>king toxico
Why is lolg addicted to musk?
heh says right there I'm reformed
this is art. model + lora?
i love aurora
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Will the baby also have a shadow
anyone wanna have sex?
Stop reminding me or I’m gonna get horny again and jerk off I had forgotten about that
Which champ would enjoy musk the most??
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Im so fucking lonely I just want to impregnate Seraphine and start a family
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Can you make one along the lines of "how she says goodbye after you first date?"
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I can't go more see through because then nipples get shown, but here's one.
I use different ones so I can't be sure but primarily use autismmixSDXL on forge and the blushy lora but as I said, I change it up a lot. I have an Aurora one saved somewhere but could gen more maybe.
specifically withered rose
Bend over ;)
I'm gonna need 300 copies of your ass by the 4 o clock meeting!
And try to keep your boobs off the glass this time!
>Low elo player that has high honor lvl
You're a good guy
steel post
no, but this was >>493071503
>yi players
no but steel is the reason i posted it
I'm the worst guy
but I always get back up
jin if you're here i don't hate you and i think plenty of people think you're okay or even cool. i don't know what happened but please don't be so down on yourself, i've played a few games with you and i thought you were cool funny and cute, actually you're the one who hated me if anything cause you said that horrible thing about me in the thread after your zoe game although desu i did come on pretty strongly so i dont blame you lol. anyway please cheer up, and i hope we can see each other in game soon! also im not an abusebag sissy whoever said that
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just dm him attention seeking retard
The girlies getting along is what the chuds fear
anyone here look like this?
nice ad riot
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>azakana jacks off to this slut
gwen is not nui harime in personality, shes actually a kinda bland "i fight for my friends!" type of slopper
cyborg tummy...
who is this
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I tried that model. I guess I was lacking the appropriate lora so thank you very much. I didnt mean to direct or suggest your art generation, was just including Aurora in the conversation because she is the greatest champion.
i dont have him added he hates me
anyone know that feel when you randomly pick a champ you dont know how to play and is awful with your comp and theres really no rational reason to have picked this at all but she smiled at you so you picked it anyways
>vg drama in the thread when they're not even active
just do this shit in discord
Drawroom was super fun. I'll try doing requests live for the next one.
i dont use discord srry
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Can we stop with drama and start horny posting again I’m getting soft
Also I wish they could buff my champions they feel weak and not viable
shut up you're not me
wait until next month to bring it up nigger
can we stop with the drama and horny posting and just fall in love already?
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briar is made for idiots
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I got you bro
grown men are making these cringe charts lol
sex with anivia
When would that be, Friday 4th?
>team runs it down early game
>start surrender vote
>team refuses
>i end up carrying
kai'sa did begin to play well in the second half of the match, but that's after I managed to get us there
i wonder how much more lp i would have if i stopped surrendering the moment the match looked slightly grim
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Seraphine! <3
you know that beware the pipeline meme
it's bullshit
mages are too similar to enchanters
holy shit edge is alive and well
Was fun to be able to contribute a little something, thought I might had missed it
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>tfw you meet kesha in soloqueue
I envy trans girls who can cum while soft.
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Fine I’ll do it without you guys
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why are you doing this
what is your angle
srry i just get scared easily.. im a toplaner so im not an abusebag lolig either..
I would clean her with my tongue
why are white men like this
It's amazing how many people still fall for the nearly 1HP enemy bit this long after Neeko has been out
shut up gay retard
You're the one wanting to know when the next pedo drawing event is taking place
nta but It was fun and based, leave if u no like
yeah and erping with other men online about how rancid BO smells good actually
Seraphine pretty pussy!
Seraphine pretty butthole!
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>loli kat
it's more substance than what usually gets posted here
can someone wish me good night
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Good night anon
thanks anon. feels much better. good night to you too
just poped a molly
any champs for this feel?
i don't know shut up
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Good night anon. Have sweet dreams. You do great, never let anyone get you down.
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Snowball needs to be a summoner spell on SR or else
>babymode webms
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I love you Seraqueen...
>sera AIslop that keeps her dainty and petite
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Did someone say loli Kat? Give me a sec. I gotchu.
zaunite sex
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Oops I made her too buff.
Legs too long too.
>buff heberina
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This good Fish.
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>briar just runs at people no skill!
>Stop dodging!
>My queue time!
You're firstpick toplane. Your enemy team:
>Aatrox top
>Elise jungle
>Nunu mid
>Caitlyn yumi bott
Your team:
>Viego jungle
>Kassadin mid
Farm safe under turret and elise will dive
Dont farm under turret and permaroaming nunu snowballs you

Name 1 single thing you can do to avoid losing
This one is a lot better.
Lux is so lucky...
This thread is pathetic,
you all sound like really gay sissies
Talk about gameplay instead
Seraphine mid is actually busted if you try my build
youre piss weak early
but after first item you just perma grief enemy team
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huge jax buff
shadowflame is good now
having a vietnamese name should be an auto perma ban
these people troll and int 50% of their games
>archangel first item
Never post again.
post zaunite sex
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One of the worst offending elo inflater champs in the game right now
>Gnar buff
kill riot games
Not enough, the shield barely even matters
>Shen buff
They buff his ult to give more resistences

>Mage item buff
Are worlds soon? Wheres the 30 azir buffs?
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this good fish is also happy
blatant t1 zeus worlds buffs. riot needs to sell tickets for worlds and if t1 doesnt make it legit 70% of people wont care about worlds
Can I please request a pregnant qiqi flipping me off PLEASE
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>nerfing turret durability
for plated turrets fair, but turrets don't scale nearly enough. Neither do minions.
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Infinite mana, highest AH mana item, with runes you're 37% cd off one item its goated
weakest early game champ, easily punishable, slow skill shots, mana problems, weak in 2v2's
She's middle of the pack in terms of power in mid, honestly bot players are way to passive and walk into skill shots at lower elos.
most balanced champ in the game unironically
when the hawk tuah boutta make you crash out but you lowkey a sigma
Fine. Give me a few mins. But after this I'm done.
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>Hwei (Supp) """"""""buffs""""""""
>They're killing Fleet Footwork for adchuds still
Please tell me Corki, and Smolder are out of proplay now. They're so B O R I N G to watch.
WHEN have you finished tear before or right after buying the item?
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Counterpoint. It's because you have a full range team and they lack an engage tank. In truth engage tanks are godsends for team victory but when they are gone full-damage teams not reliant on engage dominate. Hence we also live in a 2-3 adc meta. It's not that Sera mid is busted, but that no one cares about comp since it isn't tank meta.
Thank youuuu its like my biggest kink
>Zeri AND Azir nerfs
holy shit I hate whoever is in charge of balance at riot
if you buy tear first back you get fully stacked seraph's midway 2nd item buy.
but if you wanna get spicy you can just buy tear and go lich bane, into seraphs into rabs, very sexy powerspikes
you can put Seraphine into any comp and make it work
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Been autistically playing other games into the night and haven't jacked off in a few days.

What League champ should I jack it to? Bonus points for included scenario.
Riot doesnt want to see zeri yuumi in worlds because they cant balance them.
Since the cat is so popular zeri has to suffer.
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And fun!
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Here you go.
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>all these tier lists that get Qiyana completely wrong
Qiqi is a SUB.
a SUB!
azir ult was hitting for like 1000 damage earlier today idk if he's even good but that shit was retarded its not a hard to land thing
Fuuuuuck thank youuuuu I love it
absolutely hideous
>we gonna need a bigger apartment papi
pretty good. now for a full body shot of qiyana league of legends
Soraka Tristana Futa
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Love laning into Heimer it's so fun and interactive.
It IS however funny to see a champ that the game cs's for automatically be down in cs.
i mean heimers turrets make him miss cs desu
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Yeah, she needs fun and video games.
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>2.8k damage
>4 kills
Yes yes qiqianon. She's a bratty princess putting up an act.
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Okay one more but I'm done now. Have Qiyana bunnysuit.
>Qiqi is a SUB.
She literally talks about being worshiped in game though.
Qiqi's VA is a dommy mommy latina alpha and she endowed the champion with that cadence. It's pretty evident.
Please just one more I'm so close
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you get it yordlebro.
you get it.
le sigh..some people just won't understand....can't understand..,
also her leg is turbo ultrafucked
niggas cant even be straight without making it gay
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looking for lgbt duo masc guys dm me on disc yuniechann
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Huge breasted women owe me sex
Zed standing in the grub pit low hp for no reason like 100 damage
Gank from Galo to kill heimer for like 1K damage
Then two kills I kinda last hit the last few hundred damage with EQ combo
Otherwise I never touched heimer in lane because there was no reason to. Not like I can ever win a trade.
Lmfao in fact I just looked back at the game and I proc'd Grasp three times that game. one kill rotating to save Shyv didn't have it loaded every other kill I got with Grasp.
Mountains are meant to be climbed.
Challenges are meant to be beaten.
Brats like her are meant to be broken.
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nigga u gay
What this anon said >>493081556 she's easily a dommy mommy and I can't see her as anything else. Also yea I realised after I posted. I'm kinda rawdogging without a LORA right now so the results are a little fucked.
Fine but only because I fucked up her leg.
bro I think the no-lora result was pretty spot-on if that was responsible for preggers Qiyana. Sometimes loras do more harm than good, I reckon.
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Forgot image ffs. Yeah I need sleep. Been up for way too long.
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Thanks anon I love these
why are boomers mindbroken by ksante fr
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Some anons are up to the call
Some anons are weak
We are the Qiqiknowers
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I'm very proud of myself, my team is hardcore griefing and I'm not raging in chat
good girl
>Its another episode of troll support pick flames adc because hes getting shit on by rell draven talon
just dont tilt bro, by minute 12 i tp and peel for you
all i need you to do is to not die 8 times before minute 12
keep thinking about the post about allowing irelias to farm safely after you kill them multiple times
Should I ever go for plates or should I just slow push waves into a tower, place a ward in enemy jungle or river, and reset?
Depends on a lot of things, such as lane, enemy, jg, how fast u take plates, if u have demolish or not, etc.
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I'm thankful the enemy team didn't drag this out for 40 minutes at least cause god knows they wouldn't surrender
>such as lane, enemy
So if I have a rough time in lane against an opponent, don't go for it and try to look for a roam instead? Shove and roam?
Struggling adc with a gankplank support here and my toplaner plays ignite
Fuck you
kill all pro play nigger rats
I'd swoon
Jesus Christ I want a brown gf!!!
also sauce
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I see forced 50 is desperate to keep people playing when it notices you stopped queuing up for more than 5 minutes so it throws you a bone
If you're having a hard time in lane, most enemies wont let you shove.
IF you have the superior shove, shoving opponents into tower and then trying to poke them under it is a win condition too (if ranged)
All rules vary based on lane though.
Things are very different in Top/Mid/Bot
Jesus Christ I want a brown gf!!!
also sauce me please
>(if ranged)
if you insist on poking the enemy under turret you'll most likely just get ganked and feed.
as a ranged its more important to freeze the enemy out of cs.
you poke as a melee, for example with jax:
>enemy is under turret
>press e walk on him, aa+w+e and imediatly q to your own minion to get out of tower range
>repeat till you get in a position to dive
stop being affraid of turrets just because you're melee.
even if you time it bad and the turret hits you once you still win the trade
What do I do when I'm always under or near my turret in mid? Just farm and pray your team mates who are under or near their towers pay attention to pings and not die to a roam? And when enemy laner is gone, should I do my absolute damndest to never push my wave if enemy laner is better than me with trading? Because a lot of times, both me and enemy laner quickly delete each other waves and we're just sitting there like a bunch of dumbasses.
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He's a long fallen artist sadly
might just be drafted though
>as a ranged its more important to freeze the enemy out of cs
>Try to do this
>Enemy laner does more damage than me that I'm forced to unfreeze wave
I tried this against Syndra, Lissandra, Yone, Brand, etc as Ziggs and always get my ass whooped.
Anon clearly doesn't know much so Im giving more basic examples. If he's past the middle of the lane he should be wary of ganks ofc.
Ok so now we know your playing mid. In Mid, waveclear is king. Who are you playing that you get shoved in all the time?
>Who are you playing that you get shoved in all the time?
Ziggs. With Galio, I can always shove the wave in. Maybe swap back to Galio again?
It's different mid
He's talking about ranged top
Mid you basically want to always shove if you can
Ah you're midlaner and not top, my bad.
Just spamm your abilitys into the wave, shouldnt life long as ziggs and dont tunnelvision on syndra
How are you getting shoved in as Ziggs? You literally delete waves.
After you delete waves roaming is good as long as you can move first. You don't even need to move far to "gank".
You can walk into the river botside, and if bot has CC they can guarantee your ult Landing.
You have undodgeable poke with Ziggs W, but it's also your escape so make sure you have vision before you poke with it.
You can play more aggro if your flash is up too.
Would the same apply here as Yasuo and almost every other mid laner?
>dodge the disconunu adc
>get ignite teleport yasuo top next game
so do i just not play today?
>How are you getting shoved in as Ziggs?
>Opponent is an Assassin or Windshitter
>Dare to leave tower to try and CS
>Immediately get focused down upon and I'm half health or lower and forced to back
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Yasuo is a pain in the ass for most mages. Hes a whole different ballpark.
Anon, what if the yasuo wins?
Your Q outranges them extremely hard. Aim to the space between the Melees and the casters, your bomb will bounce into the casters to delete them.
nigga just throw your bombs at the wave like nigga what
Anon ziggs is one of the most non-interactive picks in the game. Are you like autoing the wave or something? Just chuck Qs at it.
If they try to jump you, you can lay down your E on top of you and run away.
If things get dicey you can W them away.
What exactly are you doing when they get on top of you? You should be pretty far away as it is.
Nono, against yasuo and talon niggers you just stay back, throw longrange shit in waves, rush wardens mail and never interact with them at all.
Their asperger brain will starve of dopamin when they cant do anything to you and they start to outplay themselve
>convert TF's tele into an ability and get rid of stacked deck
>ult is a longer Q with more projectiles, but they don't pass through enemies
>his ult now synergizes with pick a card, and apply the same effects

>rush wardens mail
Why would I rush this as Ziggs?
>pick a card is down
ult will reset it
Would Zoe really be Into Minecraft though? I mean she can actually just craft worlds with out It.
Thats the serpents fang frozen heart ziggs fuck.
Do NOT listen to that guy. Very few mages can actually buy a tank item like that and still play the game (Veigar, Ryze, Cassio)
Just to doubledown on it. Make sure they understand that no matter what they do they wont get a kill on you
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Try playing Qiyana she's fun and cool and fun and sexy
He's playing Ziggs/Gallio, man.
That's like asking a kid riding a bike to drive a race car.
how is senna rn? ive been banning her for years and im wondering if i should stop
gn lolg
Look, this is what happens if you build armor and they cant kill anymore.
You dont have to win, they make sure they lose on their own
shes incredibly broken right now, keep banning her. dont listen to any retarded anons here that try and tell you otherwise.
him and the yone mid that had never played yone before that game did less damage combined than our milio
That is me
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>furiously hovers over seekers armguard
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>farm like a pro
>destroy opponent in lane
>perform outstanding roams
>follow jungler everywhere
>get side lanes ahead

>miss every cannon minion
>get assblasted in lane
>get pushed to turret 24/7
>have nearly 0% kill participation
I think I need to see a psychologist or something, there's something wrong with me
you finally realized this game has rubberband difficulty
ngl on this specific patch you can go abyssal mask on any shortish ranged mage but thats just because the item is retardedly op and needs nerfed
RIP Anathema's Veigar
I'm so tired of seeing Kai'Sa bros
What do you do if you have a Jungler who lost all objectives? Shaco lost every objective to Yi and Yi soloed all the objectives.
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help your jungler earlier

many times ive been invaded in my jungle and i fall too far behind because my team refuses to help me
I was, Yi never invaded our jungle entire laning phase and I was with him all the time during ganks.
then your jungler was retarded, unlucky
First of all you have to stop pretend that objectives are the junglers job.
Its the entire teams job to get them, junglers merely secure them with smite
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No, but I know what I like.

Nothing to confess.
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These new comics have no humor in them, the lendo guy giving Lucian a dakimakura or making riven a hobo/loser was more funny.
did he ever come back? i remember he dropped in one day to take requests then fucked off forever after doing one
Nantochad... are you talking about league of your love life...?
>95% of new league rule34 is AI
It's over
plus side is underrated female champs get more
>Enemy: gg jungle diff
>I'm the jungler

good job my kitten
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Good morning /lolg/...
Today is a good day, let's do our best...
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What the fuck do I need to do to get an S with Brair?
can you help me cum qkm?
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So if Nunu starts casting his ultimate, he will do damage regardless if it gets canceled? Idk how I lost a game where we had a Darius and Blitzcrank.
Nunu's ult does damage whenever it ends, even if he's forced out of it, yes.
Not sure if Nami is the right fit for me. First match was against a Yasuo ADC and Senna supp which we lost. Second match went better but Smolder played really weird and we just didn't have enough damage, I ended up feeding pretty badly.
>20 and 50% RP price increases all over the board
Squeeze Riot. Squeeze them hard
She is
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Ugly autistic ginger bitch. 100% butter face
Yeah I stopped buying RP after they changed the RP rates around my place, the prices before you could just flat out buy a 1350 for like the equivalent of $10, and 750 for $5, it was basically a simple one off purchase but now I have to math up and buy multiple packs or typically usually spend $20 for a 1350 and then have leftovers which I'd rather just have spend $10 and kept the other $10 or the current equivalent of $7.50 or so on me instead of it being locked in a video game account.
The fact that they also got rid of the amazon prime was also the reason I bought a battle pass once because I'd ended up getting a lot of things I wanted in a single swoop which made it actually worth the $20 spent. But everything else there's no point and I already have all the skins I want. Maybe in the your shop I'll buy something if it's a flat $10 or $5 purchase on the few skins that I even care about but if the skin and % discount don't match I don't bother.
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why do these arabs still pollute eune when they have their own server now. these retards used to think that eune has better ping than euw but the servers are literally in the same place geographically, now they have no excuse.
nta, but I wouldn't mind helping
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baus played on the mena server and i think he played against like a single arab tops, so its probably deader than the oce server i guess
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i blame volichud for this
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Annie uoooohhhhoohohoohoh
Would rape
why does it seem like everything riot does lately fails
adc item rework we're still rolling it back 17 patches late
aurora only made a splash because she's broken the moment she stops being broken she's probably a 2% pickrate champ
skarner gutted into uselessness and played less than before rework
naafiri do i even have to say anything
smolder is a balance headache but at least he's sorta popular because he appeals to the women that play adc

it kinda feels like all the really popular, good champs were releases during the 2010s and they haven't been able to make anything good since then
Katarina just doesn't feel like a champ. You know she's poorly designed when you either 1v9 carry or you're at the bottom of the lobby. I wish she was capable of being played somewhere inbetween and I hope one day they rework her whole kit.
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Ahri is spacious
thats not ahri
i want her and irelia reworked because I find them really hot but they just suck unless you get fed and they are too easy to play around
>popular, good champs were releases during the 2010s and they haven't been able to make anything good since then

because old riot said "fuck it we balling" and made singed, funny man running around gassing people and laughing
old riot made teemo, literally designed to be a piece of shit stealth-scout champ
old riot made shaco, yet another champ themed around stealth and deception
when they made these champs they didn't give a shit where these champs will be played, they just designed fun and unique champs that people can enjoy

modern riot designs champs for specific roles and items, fun is pretty much secondary
They should hire me and I will make it worse.
mashallah brotha
>adc item rework we're still rolling it back 17 patches late
what the fuck does this shit even mean
All cancer champs. Fuck off.
my bad sir,here is your 3 dash invis reset bunny girl with big circle ultimate
Image if we had the funny Ringmaster...
i feel like she kinda fits with those three champs outside of her visual design
she was designed to be an annoying piece of shit ranged top
How do you counter Nasus? I legit cannot fucking do anything as a few Q's will instantly delete my health.
Invis for like 1 second. Dash is so small it doesn't even count. If you gank her she dies easily. Not even comparable to shaco or singed. Not even close.
>nu riot designs samira and nilah
we want ranged yasuos so we designed them with reseting dashes, portable windwalls AND ultimates that do damage in a circle!
we also had to make sure to make one of them a nigger and the other one a poo in loo because we need representation in our games!

>old riot designs gragas
i want this fat fuck to throw barrels at people and grunt all the time
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What are the odds TBSkyen and Nickyboi think Concord had good character designs?
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>make bad play and die
>instantly /mute all before my team has a chance to flame me
u rape him in lane and use the free lead to carry the game
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>His first ability has a whip
>It also implies the enemies being whipped are animals
>They actually obey and are feared upon being hit
Also the box spell is quite cool, surprisingly more balanced than Sennas aoe immunity.
His ult is basically old Galios, which I sorta miss.
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i do this with /deafen
I need to cum fast
Need a whip champ so bad, it'd be so funny in this game. The bming potential... Thresh and Zyra just don't cut it.
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this shouldn't be so hot but
Yeah you're a broken vile person we get it.

Wish zyra was more whip-like... rework when?
Someone answer me, every time there's an enemy Nasus, we always lose.
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for me its the chub yordlebro does way too good with that chub its crimminal
I think its time to play league while crying and listening to sad music again today
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She SHOULD be, and IS.~
>pan camera bot
>see sup make a bad play and die
>type "it's ok baby it's not your fault"
rubbing really fast
i just had this happen to me except it was post game
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Better hurry!~ We've got league of legends to talk about, after all.
I'm close anon
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Then give in~
mercy anon
I had a brainfart because the ADC itemization rework happened in midseason but still
>remake adc items and runes for player satisfaction in patch 14.11
ADC item nerfs
ADC item nerfs
ADC mastery nerfs
ADC item nerfs + mastery nerfs
ADC item nerf
ADC rune nerfs
14.18 (upcoming)
ADC item and rune nerfs

they're just progressively rolling back everything until ADCs are basically at the point they were before the midseason patch, because the midseason patch broke the class and destroyed muh espurts and they're scrambling to not have 100% pick or ban Corki at worlds. it's a fucking mess
How does one even play Swain? Everytime I ult I get hard focused and I die.
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>Get demoted because our Jungler trolled, picked Yuumi jungle, didn't jungle, and just stuck to Volibear the whole game
>Get my shit pushed in hard by Xerath as Viktor and he's 100 farm ahead of me
>Kha'Zix camps bot the whole game
Please fucking tell me that if 9 people report someone over trolling, he will actually get permanently banned from League.
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stop pretending to be pedophiles on lolg
And if you don't rape him in lane?
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No mercy in Annie or Zoe lanes.~
can't stop feeding them for some reason...
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Gragas is peak design
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Lick it!
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Gosh, I wonder why!~
it makes me feel good for some reason
As long as they're a support, so I can play it. Anything else belongs in the trash.
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Beaten by a little girl- over and over and over again!~
they should stop beating me off err up
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I don't think that's gonna happen, anonnn~
retarded dumbass nigga don't post again
do you actually look at the games and come to the conclusion that adcs being stronger at 2+ items (where the item changes make a difference) is the issue?
I don't want to lose lane just yet...
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Silly anon!~

You lost this lane in champ select. The second either of those champions show up, there's no helping you.~
losing is starting to feel good... uh oh
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"Starting" to, huh?~
what the fuck are you talking about you schizophrenic retard
like are you people just retarded and contrarian they have literally had to pile on nerfs every single patch but one on the adc item rework
why? because they're trying to solve an unsolvable problem (with the way adc mains think). they don't want to give up even an ounce of lategame power and if you just increase their power on two items (or give them shit like kraken slayer before it got nerfed three times) they become the best class in the entire game

like legitimately are you able to put on pants in the morning? i'm not even talking about interpreting data, are you brain damaged? did you ride a short bus to school? 8 patches after the rework they're still nerfing ADC items until slowly but surely we go back to the exact same "this role is shit before 3 items but takes over the game at that point" we had before the rework. if something is the same before and after then it was entirely pointless
don't even bother replying honestly, go to the nearest utility store, buy some rope, tie a noose and kick the chair under you
it's been feeling good for a long time actually
sad music and lol isnt that bad
but you shouldn't cry, crying is for kids, I havent cried since I was 14
>phreak that retarded baldfuck overbuffed adc items
>my proof? they nerfed them, the balance team is never mistaken
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Feels so much better to be honest, doesn't it?~
yes but I don't think I can keep this up much longer
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Then don't.~
You're gonna lose the game for your team, at this rate...so why don't you just get it over with? At least you'll have felt good all~ game~ long~
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can you stop erping already you fucking freaks?
please finish me off
>pedo ERP
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BEGONE EVIL THOTUBUS! enough of your lies! cease spreading your corrupting ways at once. This is not the way
just one more
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>riot increasing RP prices again
can someone explain to me what is wrong with enchanter mains? my janna was flaming me from minute 1 until i was 5/1 and then she randomly started flaming my toplaner. why are they like this? at least she honored me at the end of the game but not other champ mains are this pissy from level 1
nigga really said adc mains
nobody plays that dogshit role willingly anymore
need punishment
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This has always been the way!

Last one!~
support types back
>fuck you noob
>i wouldnt have died if you werent drooling in the back
>it's all your fault
just a little more suggestive
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stupid idiot stop missing cs
that is one bipolar bitch. I hope she isn't someone's mother because that kid is going to be proper fucked.
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Fine, fiiiine~
thanks zoe anon
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Happy to help!~
Should I climb Bronze with Varus?
this one is sexo fine
brat needs correction
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Wait, not Varus. Kassadin. Should I climb Bronze with Kassadin?
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She sure does!~
anyone ever notice how seraphine players are the most powerful players on /lolg/?
Azakana? More like Goldzakana.
Where's my headpats?
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I'm watching Taken rn anons. Did you think it was a good movie? What champs for this feel?

league of legends
balding men typing shit like that
>honor 0
based and congrats
i should study but im going to play some league instead because i have low impulse control
champs for this feel>?
here you go!
Hey i'm 2 out of 3 on my way back to honor 1, i'm workin' on it!
thanks friend
all headpat Goldzakana~!
I'm just too good! Okay goodnight, it's fucking 3.
Hmmm I will watch it tonight, I watched the shining again and it was good.
Bring back Swains old pull passive upon enemy cc. League of Legends. Janny a handsome.
That's me when someone kills my duo.
Unless my duo is a lolg, then I don't really give a fuck about them.
Someone answer me, would Kassadin be good for Bronze?
had plans of doing gay faggoted crushposting while I was half asleep but after properly waking up I decided I'm not gonna do it

you guys are welcome
Literally anything works in bronze. Just play what you want and enjoy. Do not play to climb, if you're having fun you will naturally climb.
i was thinking if someone edited shaco to be stabbing his forehead wih a shiv
Redundant question, anything is good in bronze so much so that I think people can meme build and still climb. There's a master singed player here so literally whatever goes with this game as long as you're willing to timesink and learn.
don't fall for the "anything works in bronze" meme enforced by people who haven't been bronze since season 4

these apes get placed silver/gold every new split and don't struggle with what is known as "ELO HELL", they have a comparably easier time climbing and maintaining their ranks because their teammates more often than not have at least 3 functional braincells

you want to climb out of bronze? pick a strong early-midgame champ and hyperroam so you can try and snowball both yourself and at least one other teammate
im in houston rumia
im coming 2getu
im in malmö
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watermelon cat yuumi
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>they have a comparably easier time climbing and maintaining their ranks because their teammates more often than not have at least 3 functional braincells
>Adchud is backing while I'm walking back to lane
>Begin to roam mid
>They stopped their back
>Start heading towards them
>They give the enemy team two kills and then blame it on me
You play4fun, because it doesn't matter. You either rolled the good team or you didn't. It's that simple.
built for BBC
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>Literally anything works in bronze
Really? Because im carrying all my fucking game but at late game they are literally uncarriable. I don't know what to do. Played 8 games yesterday and i lost 6 i think. Here is pic rel for proof. I play only adc cause im bad at other roles but my lucian is pretty good but i just can't win games. All my supports suck ass and most jg bronze players have 0 game sense on what to do when we have lead. For example yesterday we could baron late game and our briar decided that drake is more important and went there alone and got solo killed by a caitlyn. Btw i haven't played since April this year and started a week or two ago but im thinking of quitting again.
I tried doing a similar shelly ride recently and the ride time ran out before I made it to mid and then they killed herald and everyone called me stupid
>Do not play to climb, if you're having fun you will naturally climb
So eventually the game will decide to put me in Silver? Because I reached Bronze 2 the other day, back in Bronze 3 again.
yeah im this guy >>493103678 but even worse. Started from Silver 3 and now Bronze 3 just because I have inters and players who simply do not want to win. I got told that i should play mid lucian the other day but i hate mid
sigh, i wish i had a /lolg/ friend i could play with but im a toplaner, far away from everyone on the map..
>saying elo hell in 2024
pisslows are low as they are because they simply suck at the game in many ways
map awareness is non existent but playing with perma locked camera and mega oversized HUD is one thing almost all of them do
static builds are another thing, they will never adapt their build to the game and insist on buying items they think are cool same order every game
and they all want to play mechanically difficult champs that they have no hands for only because they are fun
there are exactly 0 people in wheelchairlow that aren't double digit IQ mouthbreathers
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Hey lolg, I had a really weird dream where Rekkles, in his new-found understanding of himself and his disposition, had an eromanga commissioned to help express himself and how he approaches his sexuality. It was literally about him and had him in romantic but erotically compromising positions with his partner. It wasn't Smash, but the details of his partner both did and didn't matter (I can't remember why.) Beyond that the last details I remember while waking up was feeling: "I guess I'm happy for him, but that's going to hurt his chances of making the T1 main string."
when was the last season YOU placed into bronze and climbed out of it
I'm in wheelchairlow and I'm 99th percentile. I just know I belong here. Zeri rules.
season 4. I boosted many bronze/silver accounts s7-s12 with absolutely dogshit LP gains effortlessly and I know exactly how handless those "people" are and how easy it is to win games there, both with jungle and adc
im in my lolgs city right now and they won't come blow me
no one has ever been in my city..
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>last time placed bronze was season 4
>admits to boosting bronze-silver accounts despite being a low plat ape and proceeds to tell bronze players it's their fault they can't climb to silver
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Guys 14.18 rocks I'm gonna be a Super Star Emerald player!!!
>low plat ape
i'd be genuinely embarassed of myself to end any season below d2 but go off pisslow piggie
ill come hunt u next sweetness give me the general area
Wait I just read the byline
>"we are buffing Lulu as she had a little bit of room there."
lmao what does that even mean? Like, specifically on her Q or in laning window?
it's impressive you're dense enough that you think the talking point was about your fucking rank and not smurfing as a general issue
>top 20% of the players make multiple accounts every season and shitstomp their way back up top so they can dilute the entire ranked ladder
>umm you have low map awareness chud, also unlock your camera
Goku just sitting there like "uh, yeah he is? You literally ignored him in a group fight back when you were evil."
Who is the queen of /lolg/? Sona?
you're the one who thought bringing up my supposed rank was relevant at first sperg
everything I said still stands and you're trying to say it's bullshit because I haven't played in bronze in a while
if you have a problem with smurfing I genuinely dont care, those orders are dogshit cash too but they're fast which is the only reason to do them
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Everyone here loves Qiyana
Nobody likes Qiyana.
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We all know its Seraphine
lolg needs to stop sexualizing and objectifying low elo players... We aren't sex objects
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>you're the one who thought bringing up my supposed rank was relevant at first sperg
because you're not actually dealing with the bronze player experience, doesn't matter if you're gold or plat or gm or challenger. if you haven't been in bronze since season 4 then you haven't dealt with the bronze experience since season 4

>if you have a problem with smurfing I genuinely dont care
I'm not trying to "le make you care" you spastic retard, this is a back and forth argument, I'm not your faggoted tgf and I don't care if you don't care.

here we're gonna do very basic mathematics so it's easier for you to understand. Surely not every player in the top 20% smurfs but the ones that do smurf tend to have 3-4 smurf accounts, still, we're going to assume there is 1 smurf account for every player in the top 20%

that makes 40% of the total playerbase, the top 20% is already the top 20% and since there is 1 smurf account per account in the top 20%, it's highly likely these players are going to dilute the ranked ladder and push down the 20% thats below them

so now the genuine players that are in the top 40% (the 20% that should be right below the top 20%) are pushed 20% further down because there is 1 account per account in the top 20%

what exactly does this imply for the ranked ladder? people that should technically be plat players are pushed down to gold because challenger/gm/m/diamond/emerald players are smurfing in plat

so now that the plat players are pushed down to gold, gold players are going to be pushed down to silver and silver to bronze to iron

as if that wasn't enough, do keep in mind that smurfing is not a seasonal issue but is a constant problem during any point of any season. you can't simply wait out an x amount of time for the smurfs to stop queueing. every time you queue up in low elo, there's a highly likely chance of at least one high elo smurf being on either team
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SAME. I saw someone do it ONCE in my games. I'll do it eventually !!!
>So eventually the game will decide to put me in Silver?
Yes. All games are literally a coin flip if you've got the good team. It doesn't matter if someone has a 60%+ WR on a champion, or a 20%. That 60% will lose, and that 20% will win.
What matters is if other lanes are playing well. If majority of the lanes are going even or ahead, then you have an increased chance to win. If all lanes are playing poorly, well the game is done at like 10 minutes, you're stuck for another 25+.
Coin flip game, play4fun.
need a cute silly neeko gf who can pretend to be a minion next to me while I cs.....
yet another quirky millennial writing dogshit champ. oh my god she's so unusual talking about herself in third person wow!!!
wow you got to those numbers through pure schizophrenia and 0 actual data
smurfing literally got killed with Vanguard because 99.9% botted accounts (lose 1 game go fresh acc is very common with smurfs) got banned
>people that should technically be plat players are pushed down to gold
this is maybe the most correct thing you said and it only recently became true because fresh accounts get placed in gold and go through gold-plat very fast, everything else is pisslow cope now go dilate your anus you tranny
low elo sissies are built for SPH
Nta but you're retarded
>smurfing literally got killed with Vanguard because 99.9% botted accounts (lose 1 game go fresh acc is very common with smurfs) got banned
If smurfing was killed why can I an iron 2 account for 12$?
I mean you're both making-up numbers. There are still a fucking billion botted accounts they have stashed from before Vanguard hurt the actual process. It's going to be a while before botted accounts stop selling.
I said botted accounts, you can't get to Iron without manually deranking and those accounts are handleveled so they are not even detected by vanguard
I will say that buying an iron account to stomp and have a huge winrate with some champion is retarded and all of those people have huge ego problems
Single-Phamily Homes? Yes, low-Elo sissies do work more than game and build families and acquire physical securities.
Ironchad here, you can get to iron by botting. In fact most players in iron *are* bots and they're incredibly easy to notice, there are couple of variants that play slightly differently but you'll recognise them after couple of games

I'd say about 50% of people in my games are bots

1.Lower Elos can't finish games.
2.They have terrible macro. They make wrong decision constantly.
3.They chase people to Nirvana and ignore other resources and objectives.
4.They don't know how to handle splitpushing.
5.They also can't lane or teamfight.
6. Your teammates are NPCs designed to die for you
7.Only play with people that have shown "skill" or decent decision making (other wise go for farm and objectives). Don't get baited to chase or OOOGA BOOGA FIGHTS.

My tip for anyone who is in low Elo. Pick a late game champion for example (Kassadin,Kayle,Veigar,Asol, Vladimir) , or pick a champion that can splitpush and destroy the map (Yorick, Jax, Tryndamere, Trundle, Sion, Nasus).

Your job:
1.Learn how to handle waves and set up freezes.
2.Learn when to push
3.Priotize plates/voidgrubs/dragons/towers instead of chasing for a kill like a monkey
4. A kill is literally just 2 waves. Farm is insanely important, just don't chase like a monkey.
5. If you split push always look at the map and think "Are they coming for me ? Can I 1v1 or 1vs2 ?" , if not you back off and simply waste their time (bait them and act liek you commit only to go away.)

You can legit perma splitpush your way up to at least diamond.Also look at challenger players and see how they play against champion X. You will learn a lot about the matchups and the limits of the champions. For example if you play the first 2 levels perfect on Jax (against Darius/Urgot), you can actually statcheck Darius and fuck him up.
Many matchups seem bad because you don't know your limit, or the mechanics of both champions.
If they had to hand-level accounts they'd cost more; that's a much lengthier process. The reason they're so fucking cheap is /because/ they are botted en-masse. And those extant botted accounts are long since horded—there will be no shortage for a while.

That said, as a cutelow surfer I'm happy the botting itself is (mostly) gone, as I'd much rather have a smurf on the enemy team than a bot on mine. It really is a miserable sullying of a game.
And moreover these accounts aren't banned. You can run it down for months, multiple splits even at 20% WR and remain unbanned. Toplaner bots usually do this with characters like Gwen
You're supposed to land your e and w at a pace for sustenance on top of your drain from your R. If you find playing Swain mage difficult, try practicing him playing tankier instead with Jaksho, Zohnyas, Rylais, Spirit visage, Abyssal mask, thornmail and so on.
>smurfing literally got killed with Vanguard because 99.9% botted accounts got banned
once again you're an ass backwards thinking retard

first off botting is still very much present and alive in the game which you will notice if you play normals/make a fresh account to 30

second off even under said circumstances there is absolutely nothing stopping (and there is nothing stopping) a smurf wanting to smurf. new accounts get XP boost on creation and on average you can sweat it to 30 in three and a half days

on top of that, while I "don't have any data" to prove my 1 smurf per top 20% you know damn well it's probably more of an underestimate than an overestimate, considering you yourself literally admitted to boosting several accounts in the previous seasons.

the average gemerald (lol!) lolgee has 3-4 smurfs, but even the bare minimum assumption of 1 smurf per top 20% I've made is essentially enough to create the experience considered ELO HELL.

The average player is 1/10 of every match, and the logical performance expectation for a silver aspiring bronze is a 55% winrate to consistently climb. Since the top 20% are already the top 20% we don't need to include them in the equation here. the rest of the game not including iron is about 70% of the playerbase, of which we assume 20% are smurfs, which is more than enough to make it impossible for a subpar shitter to climb to silver from bronze.

do keep in mind my talking point here isn't about a bronze player climbing to anything above silver, the point is that the amount of smurfs are enough to make it impossible for the average below average player to go from merely bronze to silver
>Lose because Jungler was a dumbass and kept running in and dying
>Top decided to choose Varus instead of a top laner into a Kayle
>We eventually lose because Senna, Jhin, and Kayle
When is Senna receiving nerfs?
I imagine myself in Bronze, leading my team. Our mission is to stop p*sslow dogs from ranking up. We mow down p*sslow dogs but they keep coming. I CC p*sslow dogs but I run out of mana so I AA and begin peeling p*sslows, since p*sslows are in a huge gold deficit compared to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get ultid, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then ultid again and again. p*sslows were poking me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see DEFEAT smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in diamond, my homeland. My BLACK brethen gave me a warm welcome to back heaven....
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I love it when I snowball Twitch to full build as Twisted Fate and then lose because Lillia and Varus never listen and kept feeding the enemy.
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I just wanted to play :c

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