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Welcome to the Sonic the Hedgehog General. Here we discuss ALL things Sonic!

/sthg/ #7294 - The KING of FIRE Edition

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Official Trailer

>SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS confirmed release date is October 25, 2024

>Shadow's new Doom powers trailer

>Sonic x Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings will be arriving this fall

>Sonic Rumble - Announce Trailer

>Sonic the Hedgehog 3 has been announced for December 20, 2024:
https://x.com/SonicMo vie/status/1729878742775001179

>A manga series themed on "Sonic x Shadow Generations" will begin in the October issue of CoroCoro Comic

>IDW Release Dates:
Sonic the Hedgehog #73 - 18 September 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2024 - 09 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #74 - 23 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog: Knuckles' 30th Anniversary Special - 30 October 2024
Sonic the Hedgehog #75 - 13 November 2024

>General link compilation:
>Milestone pastebin:
>Sonic Game/Mod Recommendation Spreadsheet:
>Perfect System Collection:
>Sonic comic scans:

/sthg/ booru:
/sthg/ OC info:
/sthg/ cytube:
/sthg/ Pixel World:

Previous thread:>>493019774
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I admire your dedication but they probably heard worse shit like someone reading erotic fanfiction to them.
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Hydro City or Hydrocity
We won't settle this debate, but it is fun to continue it.
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you gonna post some sonknux to show knuckles doesn't need a woman?
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>has the POTENTIAL to actually do something
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Ahem. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by the new thread.
Rougefaggots are being bitches again, just like how Blazefags were. Duty calls.
Let's start the thread with a bang.
no sonic game actually fucking mentions that Maria is sick and that shadow is the cure. What the fuck kind of lazy retardation is that? The plot of SA2 falls apart unless you know this fucking info, otherwise she's just a girl Shadow is friends with.
It isn't even brought up in Sonic X. I literally did not know what the deal with her was for decades.
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We've been over this, Silver. You're Jack. Elias is King.
>Hey Knuckles~~ I see you're guarding that gem again. You wouldn't mind if I touched it, right, Knuckie? My Knuckie-boo. My cutsie wootsi--
>*Gets punched in the face, teeth flying out*
i nutted to espio
and i dont know how to feel about that
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How did you guys stomach these early 2000s/2010s sonic reviews? most of them are blatantly trying to act like the nostalgia critic, it's utter fucking cringe. They're just repeating journo talking points. Disregarding the japanese sub entirely.
Half of these are clearly socially awkward autists trying not to yell in their parents house.
Clement's multi hour review of 06 complains that sonic isn't a jokey quipster?? He complains in another review that Sonic said swear words in Shth? He clearly doesn't know shit about the character.
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>Ian still considers Silver to be an incompetent inexperienced child
You said this three times, we get it.

>needs to be mentored and supervised and isn't the equal of his commando OCs
Said commando OCs are fucking up royally and easily getting played like a fiddle.

>Also are you the guy that kept asking if Silver had friends aside from Sonic, Amy and Blaze?
Yes, because the comics are doing a poor job of showing Silver having a life outside of what we've seen. At least Ian had the decency to say he's friends with everyone and hangs out with them offscreen when the shit isn't hitting the fan repeatedly.
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Do you have any Sonic headcanons?
Silver was Ace, Shard was Jack
I want Ian and Evan to be gone forever.
>Sonic and Emerl show up
>"No Knuckles-sama! Please don't beat up the womerinos that's heckin' cowardly and unmanly--AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"
>"Sir Knuckles, I advise you to cease this aggressi--AAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE!!"
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>Nigga that stole yo bike
Rouge (she needs the money, so will make a killing off of the bookies)

Omochao & Charmy

>Minor Circuit
Tails (Glass Joe, pushover)
Amy (Von Kaiser, first normal fight, but comments that she's going easy because she doesn't want to rearrange Sonic's face, gushing over Sonic / letting her guard down)
Espio (Difficult attack patterns, and invisible, so never guards) (isn't aware his gloves comically aren't)
Surge (First "real" fight, fast, evasive and tricky, but smash her brittle ovaries and she crumbles)
Omega (King Hippo, ultraheavy, downed in 1 as you damage his circuitry, but programmed to always pull up his ill-fitting pants per boxing laws)

>Minor Circuit
Blaze (Piston Honda. Lower her health, the faster and harder she hits)
Big (Bear Hugger, with heavy slugs and an instakill grab; Froggy tag-teaming)
Sticks (Hoy Quarlow, fighting with a stick at range)
Silver (Great Tiger, teleporting around and feinting often)
Jet (Don Flamenco, braggart to a fault but always counters harder if you try to punish taunts)

>World Circuit
Shadow (Aran Ryan, just plays dirty, including Chaos Control / Doom Powers)
Chaos (Soda Popinski, heals with Chao frens, with enraged MKII moveset if you attack them)
Vector (Bald Bull, ultraheavy fast zerker that needs to be Croc-wrangled during his charge to KO)
Erazer Djinn (Super Macho Man, with multi-stage combos for all his arms)
Metal (Clone of Sonic, will work with Sage to input read, needs to be defeated by feint-counters)
Eggman + Mech (Sandman, ultra-tough fight, fake-outs / extendo arms unfairly mix up his attacks. Stronger 2nd phase)

>Last Stand Invitational
Knuckles (Every attack is an instant KO and he can auto-dodge most counters mid-attack, and while he's a little bit slower, he's relentless and doesn't give any easy openings, until 90s in, when there's a news alert on the scoreboard that Rouge is stealing the Master Emerald mid-match and he's massively distracted)
Gay but kinda based
I didn't get into online game reviews until recently (last few years) when I found out I like retrospectives.
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Reminder that Knuckles is an actual retard with no character outside of being terminally stupid and standing in front of a rock all day.
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He's not the only one.
i wonder if ian knows that he basically gave Honey designated hentai genre that she has never been allowed to leave for the last 12 years.
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>"Knuckles-sama, please, the only reason I steal your gem is cause I care about you. I want to save you from this awful duty that has been passed down to you against your will, Knuckles-sama. I know that you long for freedom, feel the wind hitting your face. I fly in the freedom all the time, I'm always looking for answers, looking for the clues. I just wanna help you have a real life, Knuckles, spend time with your friends, stop being a volcel, have some sex with hot chicks, smoke some weed, do some crack, you know, live life a little and stop being such a shut-in. I just wish the best for you because... Well... BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, KNUCKLES! THERE! I SAID IT! I've loved you since I've met you, and you've been in my mind ever since. I can't simply ignore the one I love when they need my help, I can't stand to look at you wasting your life here, never even having seen some pussy or smoked some crack cocaine. I have a good dealer, Knuckles, you'll probably like him, he can get you all the best shit in Station Square. Still, I-- I was also thinking if... Maybe... We could also spend some time together...? N-Not like in a date or anything like that! Just, you know, hang out and... get to know each other. I know you're the shy type so I'll take things slow, but you gotta get out of that room and touch some grass, Knuckie. I'll be there with you giving you support and love, something you've never had in your pathetic volcel life. Please Knuckie I'm begging you to try and see things the way I see them. I just wanna help you blossom into the great man you have the potential to be, the type of men who fucks hot bitches like me with crack in their nose. And maybe after that, we could marry... Have children... We'd grow old with our kids and our friends surrounding us, until we're both in our death bed, holding each other as we pass onto the afterlife in each others' embrace. Isn't that a dream come true, Knuckie?"

>"Shut up, hole"
like a fiddle?
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I love him, but I have no retort against this
>Yes, because the comics are doing a poor job of showing Silver having a life outside of what we've seen. At least Ian had the decency to say he's friends with everyone and hangs out with them offscreen when the shit isn't hitting the fan repeatedly.
That's still a stupid fucking question because he's clearly friends with everyone even in IDW just read annual 2022. IDW is also a sequel to Forces where he was also clearly with everyone.
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>Yes, because the comics are doing a poor job of showing Silver having a life outside of what we've seen
Can't show what doesn't exist. You know why Silver only interacted with Espio? Because it was in Rivals and the writer is shipper.
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>knuckles proceeds to breed with ariem
where the fuck is cream
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They honestly treat Knuckles like shit. He lost his whole anniversary to Shadow and his show to an OC nobody cared about.
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I fucking knew I got that mixed up. Probably because it sounds incorrect for Silver to be the Ace.
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>Wow, who would have guessed?
She'd be the ref.
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>Knuckles: "...Didn't you just spill about how much you love me?"
She's just as much of a whore as Rouge.
I'd write a greentext about her, but she's so fucking bland I wouldn't even know where to start.
Jhett's dubs are the new Sonic Paradox.
Cream is the Mike Tyson
cream is straight up less relevant than whisper fuck off
The Emeralds trascend the Ancients and all other Ayys.
How so?
I'm really disappointed I have no seen any ship art of her and Knux.
you would want to punch little girls?
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I never want to hear anyone bitching about Rouge being a wrangler ever again. Like, you can see why, right. Fucking hell.
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(previous:) Part 1 and Part 2 Fire to Lightning

Rings Cards
King of Rings
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>"O-Oh Knuckles! Y-You saved me! Oh Knuckles, thank you. Thank you so much, Knuckles. I-I..."
>Rouge looks at how Knuckles is holding her hand
>She closes her eyes and leans closer to Knuckles, their lips almost touching, ready to--
Knuckles is stubborn, if anything it should be Sonic that needs to convince Knuckles to work with Eggman when the whole world is in danger because Knuckles holds grudges and doesn't forget or move on easily.
all i said where the fuck is cream. she's a staple to the series.
even if shadow's memories were manipulated, it's not like he was mind controlled, it barely takes any amount of critical thinking to figure out that maria wouldn't want that.
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Queen of Rings
Best girl
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We've already gone over how Rouge was put in the tard wrangler role even though she's also a tard in this arc.
You lost the argument.
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Here, ready for a match.
The idea was that he was the "Ace in the hole" with his powers.
This is the fate of all characters that start strong and then Sonic Team needs to force them into a plot because they're popular. You either become ooc and/or retarded like Knuckles (Knuckles, Shadow, etc) or you die smoldering and irrelevant (Silver, Blaze, etc)
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Am I the only one who's a bit tilted by Marine being the Page of Fire? She has water powers, is a ship captain, and her name is literally MARINE. What the actual hell.
Is there more art like this? Of Saleta, obviously.
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Knight of Rings
Best boy
The rabbit???
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What about Tails or Amy?
Sonic's flaw is gluttony?
>Stop sitting on that stone all day and find better ways to do that job
don’t have the freedom to like the freedom fighters
>anon is literally too stupid to comprehend the idea that people can change their minds
>"I-I win!"
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Page of Rings
not really, this future spacemunk needs more art.
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Why is this a thing? Not judging or hating, just genuinelly curious as I don't read the comics. All I know is that she used to simply be in the background.
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>Retarded Rougefag can't keep a consistent line of thought for a few seconds
>Thinks this is normal
Call me when you've tackled my point, faggot.
Sonic -> Gluttony
Amy -> Envy
Knuckles -> Wrath
Tails -> Sloth
Rouge -> Greed
Shadow -> Pride
Sage -> Lust
does anyone else remember the debate about if sonic would rob someone if he wanted something
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Ace of Rings
She walked in on Shadow furiously masterbating or something, idk i don't read fanfiction like IDW
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I agree.
you made that shit up as you went along
That reminds me. What were the sins the Deadly Six supposedly represented again?
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But she's already associated with Blaze, she's her sidekick. What kind of warped marketing "logic" is this? Nobody is going to look at a tarot deck and assume that Blaze and Marine no longer hang out because they aren't categorized under the same element.
Fuck you Minafag, Mina sucks and so does your art
A combination of her current self being compared to Shadow, as well as a non-canon comic that ABT made that had Lanolin show Shadow how coffee worked.
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II of Rings
She's fire the nebulous emotion, not fire the physical phenomenon
... Are you seriously trying to bait me into playing your asinine game right now? Cause you know what? Nah.
You know nothing about Tarot. Just stick to fanart.
This isn't pokemon, fucktard. The cards follow the theme. The specific element is not as important as the general THEME. You wouldn't want Marine to be grouped with Tikal, would you?
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>"To explain why stealing is wrong, Rouge, we need to look the act of stealing from two dimensions. The first is as a violation of justice and the second is the deceit typically involved. Firstly, the thief, through their actions, denies the victim their right to control their property and determines its use. This violation of rights is inherently immoral, regardless of the value of the item stolen. Each act of stealing, small or large, is an act of injustice contrary to the principle of treating others as we would expect to be treated. Beyond this, stealing disrupts the moral fabric of society. When someone takes what rightfully belongs to another they violate the peace and harmony that is necessary to the preservation of a just order. It is a fundamental concept of justice that people enjoy security in what is rightfully theirs, whether it's dignity, freedom and, yes, material possessions. When a person steals, taking what rightfully belongs to another, it creates a ripple that extends beyond the immediate victim and perpetrator. It breaks the tranquillity that is crucial for maintaining order in a community. When individuals do not feel secure in the possession of their own things, no good thing follows. The other reason for why stealing is wrong comes down to the deceitful nature of the act. Theft often involves guile and dishonesty. A thief doesn't simply take what belongs to others. Usually, it is done covertly and without the knowledge of the owner. That reduces the amount of honesty in the community. It stokes mistrust and increases the amount of fear and suspicion in society. This makes social cohesion all but impossible."


>"Oh, and Rouge, another thing."

>she's her sidekick
There's a reason why she's not shown at the end with Blaze in RA and it's to deter people from thinking she is such.
Of course it means fuck all when we're reaching 20 fucking years since the game released
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III of Rings
>dramafag is being an annoying whiny bitch again even after main blazefag left this general and others stopped being active
>A combination of her current self being compared to Shadow
Mmmh, I can see why that would make that happen.
>Lanolin show Shadow how coffee worked
It's always the little things.
Thanks for clearing it up for me.
sthg says that Shadow is into girlbosses and Lanolin is one
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I think I got a quintuple against Blazefaggots. I wonder how far I can get this time with you Rougefags.
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IV of Rings
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>says the Knuckles spammer who keeps trying to police the threads

In what fucking way does Marine fit into the theme of fire? Yeah, she's energetic and reckless, but you could easily argue that fits water and lightning.
Let's settle it, if Sonic was hungry and he saw you making Chili Dogs but you refused to give him any, would he rob you?
She's currently the detail oriented and logic character thst hates how Sonic does things, and wants him to slow down. This is the same reason people pair Shadow and Sally.
the joke sprung from maria being directly compared to Molly who is just a girlboss outright.
>shit hours at sthg
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>respect their boundaries
what does it mean in sonic's context?
Honey needs to be put in her place.
Cute, sophisticated blat
No. Archienic would try to guilt trip you into giving you one though.
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V of Rings
>main Blazefag

It's okay, I'll fill in for him; I love Blaze more than him anyways.
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>Discount Gaia Titan
>Designated Whore
Envy (& Vainglory)
Sloth (& Acedia)
>Master Roshi
Greed, but none really "fit"
>Fat Fuck

Lust is omitted, because it was the 2010's and SEGA was still feeling the burn from '06, so every game had to be below PG-13.
I miss Molly.
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... Sigh. So it's gonna one of those threads. Okay, I'll bite. The hell are you on about?
Sonic isn't a hero, he's like the wind, he does what he wants. If you have a chillidog, which you're not eating, and he wants it, he would gladly steal it.
Sonic already causes millions of dollars in property damage. Even "nicer" Sonics like Movie Sonic and IDW Sonic never seem to care about ruining other peoples property. Sonic would definitely steal food from a vendor.
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Remember that Knuckles is a social caveman and has never closely interacted with a woman until Rouge shows up in Adventure 2 (Before Sega made it so Amy was his buddy in the classic universe, that is).
Realistically, he would get extremely hard just at the sensation of that hot voluptuous woman grabbing him by the neck. Then his natural primal instincts would kick in.
He doesn't have entire years of indoctrination to understand what he's doing. He is just following his urges like the recluse hermit he is. And oh boy does he rape her.
He throws that bitch to the ground, hops on top of her, and tears all her clothes off. That whore instantly regrets getting in the way of this unstable aboriginal. She cries and screams for help as Knuckles pumps her with lust he has never felt before, in a complete daze and consumed by his basic primal responses.
Eggman shows up with his gay-ass claw thing but is so instantly intimidated by this savage display that he just leaves.
After pumping Rouge full of his echidna seed and leaving her broken and mentally scarred, he throws her out of his island and gets back to his duty, curious about what had just occurred but ultimately unfazed. Simply satisfied with the experience and hoping to re-enact it again someday.
dark gaia speaks like sparky
>moral opposite
>dark, rival, opposite
yeah, it just lacks nega-
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>Sonic isn't a hero, he's like the wind, he does what he wants.
If they purple, I like. Simple as.
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VI of Rings
She'll put (you) in your place instead.
When her entire team betrayed her she still chose to fight to the very end against an unstoppable robot menace. Girbloss (the positive kind not the negative).
he fucking paid for that, watch the damn movie
Rouge is cool because she is the only girl allowed to behave like an actual female now that the series is full of lesbians and they made Amy bland as fuck.
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Stop it.
>I love Blaze more than him anyways
Fucking mad russian clearly liked her more than anyone could
But right now...
Nothing. That was supposed to be on Amy's card but they got scared of being called sexist so they backed out.
You can tell because of how barebones Amy's card is, despite her card usually pertaining to relationships
Sonicfags trying to act like he's some edgy rebel is hilarious.

He's never done anything wrong in his life
Why are you guys so mad about Sonic's official description?
Mindbroken by autistic windfags.
>pinning the sheriff star to your nipple
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VII of Rings
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But, that's just normal ass valor.

Is this a bit? Are you just demonstrating how the term 'girlboss' has become so overused and misused that it doesn't mean anything anymore? Because if so, fair enough.
She's a tough kitty
Manic unironically fits Sonic's "description" better than any incarnation of Sonic ever has except probably fleetway.
If I pull on it, would she blush?
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>Sonic isn't a hero, he's like the win-
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VIII of Rings
Silver is manic, Sonic can control his emotions just fine.
Sonic isn't a hero, he's like a fart
Anon it's for joke bullshit pairings like Shadowlin and Shadally. Nobody actually believes it. We all know Shadouge is the best ship anyways. You are following along well.
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No its subjective that's like your opinion
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IX of Rings
feeding blaze a bowl of milk
in the context of the original scene this is funnier than you probably meant it because it's peter parker getting sick of people reading off his characterization to him. "With great power comes great responsibility"

We need art of Sonic responding to "Sonic is like the wind!!" like this.
My mistake
Sonic literally blasts through cars and walls that are infinitely more expensive than hot dogs. If he wants a hotdog he will take it.
I don't have autism.
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X of Rings
Because it's pretentious whoreshit and a blatant shitty retcon bordering on gaslighting. Mascot With Attitude! Sonic is supposed to be an incorrigible little shit who is the 90s' idea of cool distilled in a furry blue package. Too cool for school, in your face, X-TREME! Fuck this bland cereal mascot bullshit. Sonic needs to pants people and graffiti dicks on the wall of government buildings. Bitch, I'm about to start a petition: Let Sonic Be An Asshole.
That one line from Cream in Sonic Rush has aged terribly when it came to how they write Sonic. In fact that whole game has aged terribly for the writing of the entire cast in it.
>muh boundaries
I love brands
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Should Rouge's character use more of her Brazilian heritage?
I just clawed my way out of a Blaze-induced depression culimating in finally cutting all ties with my current life so I can finally move on and heal.

If anything, we're tied.
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Your fictional understanding of women is not how an "actual female" behaves like. Unique girlbosses with strong personalities are a spook designed to appeal to a masculine point of viewand fellate the female self-image (even moreso competent femme fatales or faux bimbos). "Actual females" are almost all bland conformist collectivists if you're lucky, the same with the extra adjective of 'cunt' if you're not; and the exceptions being genuinely mentally ill or severely socially isolated.
Character in a female is not evolutionary or socially advantageous. Even the blandest version of Amy has more going in her head on than an "actual female".

I have a forklift certification, trust me bro, I've been there, seen it, done them.
You have the Sonic from Satam mixed into your personal headcanon.
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Final part: Deck Reading
I'm still unsure what animal Chip's appearance is meant to be based off of. It must be some kind of canine.
>call Rouge brazilian
>when she has an Honduras wristband
Shadow was in the zone with that one. You couldn't break his mind out of it.
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Honduran, but yes. At the very least she ought to have a spicy accent.
they slow you down, sonic would never do that
The Mascot with Attitude shit died in the 90s and was a corpse by the 2000s. Sonic's character doesn't work in the modern age which is why they reinvented him into Movienic, IDWnic, Primenic and Frontiersnic
Latino Rouge will always be cringe
Seriously what is so wrong with saying "Sonic is the wind"? How else is he supposed to be. He's also fast. You don't call people cringe for calling him fast.
Latina. Latino are, well, latino men.
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I hate the fucking wind shit for being super fucking autistic sounding, but Sonic was never this, and you've fallen for a version of Sonic that was never supposed to exist, and is literally worse than the actual version.
Sorry I meant Latinx, excuse my bigotry.
Sa2 and Unleashed. You need to cause millions in property damage to even complete the game. Stealing a single hotdog is nothing in comparison.
If Sonic wants something he does it. He has a moral compass, he isn't a villain, but he doesn't care about what society says he can and cant do. He doesn't operate based on the law or justice, just his own way of thinking. He does what he wants.
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>the wind can't be an asshole
hurricane katrina literally started a small-scale race war in the shadow of the storm btw
>Sonic's character doesn't work in the modern age
Then kill him. I would rather this franchise die than have to endure this bland garbage.

Again, pretentious whoreshit. Trying to make characters into concepts is fucking stupid.
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So is Amy just gonna not use her hammer and just throw cards at people now or what.
>always remember to op
Kill yourself
Wtf anon
I've lost count of how many references Flynn has made already

Windnic>Mascot with ATTITUDE RADICKOOL>Redeemnic>"I want to be a hero!" movienic>Primenic.
Now you're an even bigger retard. Fuck you, and go choke on a dick.
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If you called Sonic the wind he'd be just as annoyed as if you called him a hero.
Somic hates titles, as well as people trying to hype him up as some kind of super special person. Sonic just sees himself as a regular guy like everyone else that just happens to be fast.
Trends become cringe once normies adopt them. Sonic has to stay cool, and the idea of cool changes with the times.
I just said I hate this shit, but this is objectively correct.

I like Mascot with Attitude Sonic but he's blatantly different than the original Sonic by a lot. I don't even know if JP sonics supposed to have a bit of an attitude or not. I find JP Sonic to be a bit bland desu. But he was what paved the way for the other iterations of Sonic and is the main version basically.

It was a revelation when I learned Sonic wasn't supposed to be cocky. Something never clicked in my head when I saw those analyses of Sonics character and it didn't fit my mental image of what Sonic was. And those character sheets never mentioned him having an attitude or anything like that. It was like they were talking about a completely different character. And they were basically.

I don't really consider American Sonic "fake" because all versions of Sonic don't exist and as a fictional entity he exists equally with the other versions. In SatAM, that's just who Sonic is, not a fake.
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She should use both. Using one instead of both is retarded now.
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>Anon spent $200+ dollars to fly out to a convention to maybe get one or two autographs and a shitty box manual.
i'm pretty sure sonic in idw would call himself the wind
Sonic is the wind. Knuckles is the mountain. Tails is the scaredy-cat bitch.
>He does what he wants.
Sonic doesn't want to steal things, so he doesn't. It's the same reason he doesn't rape people, he just doesn't want to.
>Clean your room
>Amy charges her deck with Chaos Emeralds but other crystals work
You know when will they ever come out and say if these things are straight up magic now? I'd be surprised if they haven't absorbed enough Chaos Energy to actually do some actual future manipulation
>You need to cause millions in property damage to even complete the game
Yeah, because the alternative is much better...
gonna make a fanfic about archie characters only sonic is going to be wind!sonic. brb.
>Using IDW as an example for how the characters would act
Better be a joke.
>It's the same reason he doesn't rape people, he just doesn't want to
With his speed? He could definetly do it if he wanted to.
>a shame there's no porn comic with a Chaos Control premise
>that poor reporter lady who got smacked in the face with a fish
If Sonic is the wind, then why can't he fly? Shouldn't Tails be the wind and Sonic be water or something?

"I just want to help people and spread joy around the world with my friends!" 2020s American Sonic
I would genuinely give Archie an honest try if you managed to pull that off.
What will be the ships in it?
Sonic has wind-based attacks, and Elise felt his presence in the wind.
Sonic would kill somebody if he raped them with all of his speed.
Yeah, I'm not proud of myself. But things are finally looking good for the first time in nearly 7 years.
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It's fiction anon, we don't need to think about what would reallistically happen.
So according to these cards, Sonic can be a greedy bastard that doesn't respect boundaries and Amy can be a jealous self-centered bitch that needs to give people their space.
Sally and Knuckles idk
Hey card anon, would you do some Fortune readings for us so we can see how these cards work?
Kys sonazebot
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Eh, no my thing. But cracky enough to interest me. I might check your fanfic.
Please look at this rat?
>Sonic noticing Amy is sick
OOC. Sonic only looks forward, never back at his friends. He's like the wind.
>don't even know if JP sonics supposed to have a bit of an attitude or not.
He banters with Eggman consistently, and even toys with his friends like Knuckles. People just miss the part where Sonic does it in a lighthearted way, and readily stops before he'd ever end up pushing too far. He's funloving, but understanding, whereas other versions just make him into a dickhead.
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Eggman exploited the time distortions on Little Planet to help create Metal Sonic, which was why he turned out more advanced than all subsequent Sonic robots
Take into consideration that since Mobius is at war with Eggman, Sonic's character could show a different side since Eggman in this continuity is very different. He can't go off of adventures that much if he's busy with other stuff.
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I have autism spectrum disorder
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>Sonic wasn't supposed to be cocky.
>Sonic the Hedgehog
>not supposed to be cocky
... I will rape your gods to death and beat you to into a coma with their corpses.
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You'd probably ask /x/, I got an imgur link cooking here to archive on the OP if you'd like.
Not obscure enough, find a ship that has literally never existed
Now I'm imagining Sonic being that guy who barges into your house, eats all your food and then shits on your floor before he leaves and Amy as a really toxic gf who bugs your phone, accuses you of cheating on her and is always working on her makeup.
Cute girl. What anime?
Looks like you have a good taste in waifus
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Harvey who and Sonics mom?
Hes apparently supposed to be confident yet humble. Apparently his cockiness, which was one of his main traits in some versions of him, was kind of absent in JP.
Dat's rape nice.
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100%. OVA Sonic is the true Sonic as far as I'm concerned.
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Could Sonic beat him?
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It's not our fault you have Sonic and Spider-man's characterizations mixed up as a kid
You know what? If somebody scans these I can make a script to read Fortunes.
Sonic is worst boyfriend you could have and Amy is the worst girlfriend you could have.
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i like this new era of dfwnn tormenting honey
I've had windfags come up to me and say that Sonic doesn't care if Tails and Knuckles are behind him in heroes. He just goes on and they keep up with him and help him if they want. If Tails and Knuckles stopped, Sonic would keep going and leave them behind.
These people are insane.
It isn't your fault you were lied to, but it is your fault if you choose to believe that lie.
But I want it NOW!!!
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He's just isn't held back by stuff, unlike Blaze
Japanese Sonic was never cocky, faggot. Kys
Chihuahua I think
a lot of people think this is how sonic should act: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woGrKoho2ME
You can tell a lot about someone if they think Sonic is supposed to be a cocky, kinda clumsy, confrontational teen with a heart of gold and a thing for ladies like Spidey.
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Yeah, I'm not watching 100+ episodes of budget anime. Already did too much of that with Sonic X.
She's cute as a high-schooler though.
I like the detail of Sonic being immune to rollercoasters since he goes way, way faster than they could ever go but because Amy doesn't have super speed she gets sick from riding them too much. It's a nice detail to differentiate them.
Alright I'll take a different perspective of this. This is basically a different interpretations of the character, I don't think any version of Sonic is a lie. What was a lie was presenting that Sonic as the original intention, when it clearly wasn't supposed to be.
Genuinely, in what diseased schizo world am I supposed to give a haypenny FUCK about Sega's ~vision~ for this franchise? Sonic the Hedgehog isn't supposed to be cocky... Fuck all the way off with that shit.

Hey, you know what Izuka? If Shadow isn't supposed to be Vegeta, then Sonic isn't supposed to be Goku either, you blithering twat.
Even as someone who enjoys JP wind Sonic, this kind of shit is why people rightfully shit on on windfags.
Sonic literally makes sure that Tails and Knuckles are able to keep up, and even grabs onto them to help speed them up and give them a boost when he needs to.
Best ship coming through.
Describe how Sonic is supposed to be without using metaphors and I might consider respecting your opinion.
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Honey the Cat!
Blaze the Cat!
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>a fucking leaf
You're just going to call me autistic and a nerd for knowing Sonic's characterization
I'd write Sonic like Finn from Adventure Time but without any simping.
you should watch digimon. the romance between tai and sora is well developed and satisfying. it will warm your heart when they get together.
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The wind metaphors are what makes it autistic. It can still be a bad characterization, but at least it will be respectable.
So basically Sonic
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I'd write Sonic as an unapologetic psychopath that people tolerate only because he helps (most of the time) but never finishes the problem like ending Eggman because he finds his schemes fun.
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windfags used to unironically say the problem with movie sonic is that he mourned his dead fucking mother
Fuck you, I'll happily take the lie, because the truth fucking SUCKS.
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Imgur link coming shortly. That concludes /sthg/ storytime with Amy Rose's Official Fortune Cards.
...That makes so much sense, I'm annoyed I didn't see it before.
Make a new character then.
Thanks dog.

Are you going to do a fortune or two?
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I don't need to.
can you seriously explain why you don't like the canon version of sonic?
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You really spent 5 hours uploading this book. could have just uploaded to imgur.
>inb4 pic related is ooc
>storytime Amy's Fortune cards
>everybody is talking about Sonic
thank you so much
Anon, watch Digimon. The relationship between Tai and his little sister is canon.

Just watch the movie, it's decent
It's a little late but I wanted to touch base on you on this.

Mm, yeah, good rat.
Thanks, anon.
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How should Sonic be written?
He's a loner and wanderer that loves traveling the world, relaxing and thrillseeking in equal measure. He doesn't let others tell him what to do, and does things on his own time, but he readily goes out of his way to help others because he hates seeing people suffer.
Despite Sonic appearing bombastic and full of energy he's deceptively calm and collected, not letting his emotions control him in the same way he doesn't let others control him.
Sonic also doesnt dwell on the past, choosing instead to always move forward rather than worry about things he can't change.
Even though Sonic might appear detached and aloof, he's far from lazy, and if he wants something done he doesn't hesitate to do everything to achieve his goals as soon as possible.
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I can't be the only one who thinks the whole wind thing is some kind of psyop by ST to convince people Sonic hasn't been mishandled as a character for decades now and they need an easy out.
Because he's a boring cunt, that's why. Bottom of the barrel generic shonen protagonist goes in the fucking TRASH where it fucking belongs. This isn't a character, it's the narrative equivalent to an asset flip, just a cookie cutter archetype with not real identity of its own. Find replace Sonic with Gon from Hunter X Hunter, or Luffy from One Piece, and nothing changes. Awful. Fuck this shit.
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I write Sonic like Spider-Man because that’s exactly who he’s like.
>I want to ruin what you have because I personally don't like it.
Go away.
Sonic wishes he was as iconic as Spidey
the degredation of sonic from a rebel to just your neighbor's dad is almost as bad as ash ketchum going from a scruffy asshole to a rolemodel
Like a SLUT
silent like the wind
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Call me paranoid, but most of the spam bullshit in these threads feel like shills trying to gaslight people into swallowing Sega's propaganda.

Relic a cute. CUTE!
Are you going to write Knuckles like that?
Based Surge.
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Are you faggots still wondering whatever characterization is true? meanwhile in every new game it changes? not to mention realistically nobody is glued to a single character idea but multiple to different times and situation plus they grow and differentiate with time? you guys are basically liking one aspect out of this character, but rather then shutting up about it you fight over it being the only thing existing in the character entire mind, yes even if it contrasts with other aspects or it's "silly" it doesn't matter, since that's what makes them compelling to others, they can be that aspect you like in the future, it's not impossible, shut up.
It was weird when Sonic could naturally summon the dash attack out of thin air, but it was weirder when he was smart enough to develop wristbands to do the same. What year of college is he even meant to be in?
Sonic is the ultimate lifeform
My sources: Sparky, Shadally, any other namefag on sthg i can think of.
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No I'm going to literally just copypasta Piccolo's personality directly onto Knuckles.
And your solution is to write him like Spiderman instead? Maybe your problem is that you just don't like this series as much as you thought and are trying to convince yourself otherwise.
What you have is fucking shit. You can't ruin garbage.

THIS. Remember when Ash had some sass to him, and was very much a lower grade anti-hero? It's the same fucking thing. Stop sanitizing characters, dammit!
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I disagree, but I can respect it.
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>Sparky doesn't actually like Sonic and just likes whatever wild autistic headcanon he has of the franchise.
Yea no shit, this has been pretty obvious and evident.
And SA2. I mean, you play the games…r-right anon?
>Muh inconsistencies

Just take the JP pill already

you're not going to believe where they got that from
Ash was never a good character. He was infamous for jobbing and it got so bad in 2016 that /vp/ had a whole ass meltdown
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killing sonic to eat some hedgehog stew (fucking eat him) is a far better motivation than world domination / pissing on the moon with super-laser-mega-piss

change my mind (you'll struggle)
Stop trying to force a comparison to Spider-Man. I fucking despise Peter Parker, and he can also go in the fucking trash. I already said that I see OVA Sonic as the ideal. Fuck off.
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I feel like it's especially egregious because no one else describes mascots like they do with Sonic. Nintendo doesn't describe Mario as "The Plunger that flushes out the evil influence of the Koopas", he's just Mario. Show me Sonic is cool, don't tell me all this stuff about him being a magical wind pixie or whatever.
I guess you can say, Blaze is in... heat
Somehow, I'm disappointed I couldn't find the JP dub of SatAM Sonic. But I did find various videos on JP TMoStH
the enitre "cocky teen with tude who tells jokes during combat" was ripped wholesale from spider-man cartoons and peter parker himself acted like that until the movies redefined his character.
The sonic "you" know is made entirely from writers misunderstanding Sonic's character and basing him off the only other red-white-and-blue hero they know.
Even so i'd cut him some slack, liking for reasons is the defense between being a fan and being obsessive.
post more relic
>spiderman invented being a cocky countercultural asshole, so sonic is spiderman clone
>spiderman invented being an antihero, so shadow is batman clone
caseshit has rotted your brain, and this is coming from a /sthg/ poster
Built for Echidna men
To be fair, Samus Aran is referred to as The Hunter, but that nickname has an in-universe justification. It's not like badniks call Sonic "The Wind" to denote that he's a dreaded enemy.

There probably isn't a JP dub of SatAM, as it is filthy gaijinslop that cannot be allowed to taint pure glorious nippon. Also because the only Japanese person who gives a shit about Sonic is Korone.
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It was more fun storytiming it than to just do the alternative.

Pleasure, /sthg/
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>(You) don't actually like Sonic and just like whatever wild archie headcanon you have of the franchise.
all i said was that sonic was like the wind
Hrm what is "actual Sonic", then? Can anyone truly like anything except its creator?
Oh fuck off and jump off a cliff you underage twat. The too-cool-for-skool x-treme toon mascot who snarks and hits a sick nasty 720 is a staple of 90s American(and to some extent European) pop culture. It has fuck all to do with Spider-Man, who by the way did not fucking invent telling jokes during a fight. Moron.
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If ST had to describe Mario they'd probably say something like "Mario is the embodiment of labor, the spirit of the hard working man from the east coast rests in his soul."
Not even the creator can explain it cause they change their mind every game.
you didn't have to rip the zoomer's face off man
SatAM rocks and don't tell me otherwise
The creature will probably tell you whatever you like the most about him, now give us money
I'm 22 you dumb fucking old fart. Get mad that I understand Sonic as a concept better than you do. You got everything from Satam, which isn't even canon by the way.
>jumps on things
>collects a series of things
>goes fast
What went wrong?
die of a heart attack, boomer
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I miss this cute archaeologist mouse.

Thanks, I hate it.
Your mom when she gave birth to you.
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You wind people always do this.

Yeah we get that Sonic is all about freedom and doing what you want but when you advocate for him to be a hobo who acts jaded to everybody who was meant to be his friend since he's too eccentric to actually act like a normal person then that's where the problem starts.

You're not describing a character, you're describing some kind of Nietzschean inspired caricature of the uberman which is clearly preposterous
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If Sonic is like the wind then he's certainly no gust or gale. More like an uncomfortable wet fart in a locker room where sometimes you shit yourself.
based as fuck
where did you find this? i can't find it anywhere
And yet the one that people always bring up and defualt to when talking about this is? Spiderman is the mascot of this whole concept at this point, because he's a quality character and a good example of the trope. You just have to wrap your head around that it isn't what Sonic is, or was ever meant to be.
In time. These are selling like hot cakes.
They're more closely related to rabbits, ackhually
I'm so tired of these brainless shills and their bullshit.

You're 22, and you still act like an ignorant retard.
>muh canon
Thank you for letting me know that you're a Sega drone who subsists on Izuka's smegma. Now I don't have to pretend you might have something valuable to say.
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...so who are we going to ship her with?
If Sonic acted like Spider-man he would have used gay as an insult
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>go on to /sthg/
>nothing but bullshit
>go over to /k/ to troll the Ukrainefags with shitposts
>new sticky on the board
>Paul Harrel has passed away

Well you see, Sonic doesn't need a story.
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>Autistic American retards think that the entire scale and history of media is the most basic Americana bullshit that they don't even know is mostly just a rip-off of older IPs from early 20th century Europe.
You faggots need to realize that these tropes are almost exclusively American and that Japanese people do not approach or look at character tropes in the same light.
There's nothing for him to grab
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About damn time
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That reminds me. Another thing I hate about this wind crap? Sonic not having a damn house! Where the fuck does he sleep and keep his stuff?
>inb4 X
I will smack you with my dick. Sonic napping in trees and on rooftops was stupid.

>And yet the one that people always bring up and defualt to when talking about this is?
Being raised on the MCU will do a lot to limit your reference pool. Get some damn culture, you stupid child.
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Anti-windfags be like
Is Blaze a pedocat?
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silver is like the wind
Skin obviously. Whenever people wrongly give Any the tan naval I just draw it to her shaving that day.
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Tails flies, spins like a tornado, and is always looking to go higher. He is like the wind
Sonic is blue, cool, and goes with the flow. He is like the water.
What are you talking about?
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more like Sonic is like cum
as in he LIKES cum
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I disagree
Legend of Zelda does that too, ESPECIALLY Breath of the Wild
>Hero of Time
>Hero of the Wild
>Hylian Champion/Champion of Hyrule
>The Knight who Sacrificed Himself for the Princess
>The Hero Awoken from a Long Slumber
And if you consider the Wolf Link amiibo canon there's also
>Hero of Twilight
>Divine Beast
Remember American Sonic isn't a fake character or a lie. Its perfectly fine to like or dislike him and a reasonable opinion either way. The only lie is that he was pushed as the only and true version of Sonic. As a fan of stuff based off of the Sonic Bible I just want to say that Sonic is Sonic. That no matter which part of Sonic was your introduction, you are not a fake fan.
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*Beep *beep, best ship coming thru!
Slightly fuzzy skin
Some characters, like cats, have more than others
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For what it's worth the last issue of Archie Sonic had him tease Eggman about his "long distance relationship" with Snively (post-reboot, Sonic CD tie-in)
on poipiku
The artist is here so you can find it now easily
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sonic is like the water, because I piss it out
sonic is like the wind, because I break it
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Honey spotted!!!
>make an IP specifically designed to appeal to American audiences
>get mad when the series is viewed through the lens of American culture
My good bitch, there's arrogance, and then there's whatever the fuck that is. Fuckin' hell.
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My horn is bigger. so my ship is better by default.
hornlets seeth >:U
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it's not shitposting, it's funposting, and you're shit at it
>b-but any community that pretends it's retarded will one day attract real retards thinking they're in good company
nigger this is a sonic thread on an 18+ site, everyone here has mild autism, minimum
Ugly dumb cat.
Nippons are tsundere like that. How do you think WW2 happened?
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Yes yes. EXACTLY!
Have you seen how bad IPs get when Americans start trying to copy or pander to Japanese?

Are you beginning to understand why this franchise is shit now?
Cute kitten, would feed her a warm bowl of milk.
surge isn't going to like this one....
Genuinely based, I watched it for the first time last year expecting it to be autistic Penders-core Archieshit, and it was genuinely great beyond even my childhood expectations
Again though, those are actual titles that make contextual sense. Nobody calls Sonic "The Wind" except for idiots who slurp on Sega executives' withered cocks.
The problem was that SoA drew first blood by changing Sonic without SoJ's permission. They could've at least asked. If they said no, then fine. If they said yes, then also fine. But they did what they did changing everything around.
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>adventuring with Sonic or cooking in the kitchen
Based trad girl.
Pickme slut
mmmm, Tails clapping Rouge's cheeks.
Well you could've just said you think Sonic was always trash and saved everyone a good bit of time, ya dingus. But even then, Sonic was SoJ's idea. They wanted to sell a product to us Murricans, so they have no right to get pissy when we treat it like the weeb shit that it is.
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Shadow says: We should talk about the dreams we have after watching evolution videos on why humans have ten fingers and toes, where in the dream we have ten penises and can ejaculate from all of them simultaneously and our mind doesn't register this as incorrect
It would definitely be the other way around
Sonic's too dumb to be Spider-man, And he sure as hell ain't humble enough to be Peter Parker.
Sega of japan in the 90s didn't give a fuck about Sonic. They didn't really realize how big he was or what idfk but like when the archie comics were being made for like 15 years sega gave them no feedback as to what Sonic was supposed to be other than "cool"
SoJ didn't give them permission because whey WOULDNT give them any fucking feedback even when they asked.
Thats why sonic became a crying whore until 2006 when a japanese buisnessman from soj saw an archie sonic cover with sonic crying like a faggot. If he hadn't penders probably would have stayed till 2017


So Amy just picked all of these cards up while she was traveling and she didn't buy them from the hobby shop?

Who is making these cards with Sonic and his friends and leaving them around the world?
>being an antihero, so shadow is batman clone
Batman's not a anti hero though, He's a Dark superhero. Selena kyle and Jason Todd are the bat family's anti-heroes.
Maekawa described Sonic as being almost like a superhero during an interview.
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>"Hm, should we trust that our American branch has a better grasp o what American audiences will find appealing? ... NOOOOOOOOOOO MUH VISION!!!!!! HUUUUUUUUUUUUR HUUUUUUUUUUUURRR!!!!!"
How does Sega still exist when it's run by a bunch of gibbering retards?
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I heard there was a pest problem on this planet.
why did sally and sonic not react when they got a flood of memories of them kissing and fucking
Sonic 2 deleted scene https://youtu.be/UGQbWMk1ORM?si=wjbhcqC4FU_LdpfQ
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Would samus be a bird if she was a blobian?
>Who is making these cards with Sonic and his friends and leaving them around the world?
A kitsune of many tails is my headcanon.
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>You have ambition! You work hard to achieve your vision and get what you want!

>Be wary of laziness and greed. Nothing good will come about while there's a lack of commitment.

This card speaks to me.
>Sonic's too dumb to be Spider-man
How is Sonic dumb?
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Tucking Max in for bed and telling him goodnight.
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>tfw Metroid has better speed and ball mechanics than Sonic
Yes. A bird or a hedgehog. No other options.
I like knuxrouge the best but I don't like shipping drama so I don't really post it. I like shadamy poster though.
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You guys done?

I'd make her a jellyfish with a ponytail
>Born normal human girl
>Bird DNA injected into her for her suit to work
>Metroid DNA injected into her
>Virus X RNA injected into her
>Phazon saturated every cell in her body at one point
>Mother Brain DNA may also be in her, depends on whether or not Other M is still canon.

Samus would be a fucking mess, a human chimera with Black Arms, Chaos, Bird and Metal Virus mutations.
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He isn't, But he's not a genius like Peter is sometimes.
i feel like windfags rose to prominence in the fandom for only a few years before people started dismissing them as insufferable. it took the entire 2000s for satamfags to calm the fuck down.
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I like them.
So she's basically Shadow
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draw them kissing
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I don't normally like crossovers, but literally anything from Metroid ending up on Mobius would be a hilariously fucked up nightmare.
Samus and Shadow should fuck.
She's just bluffing
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She's much worse than Shadow

You want to inject hedgehog DNA into her now?
Poor girl's had enough
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No, Samus is for Solid Snake
Maybe she manifests them unconsciously.

oh my god....
>ADAM said there were now 10 SA-X on board the ship
>freak the fuck out as a kid and slowly navigate future rooms and rarely go back out of fear that if I alert one they'll all come running
Good times
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>Samus is Maria
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>There's a reason why she's not shown at the end with Blaze in RA
It was more
>SoJ: Sure advertise Sonic. He's a fun loving hero
>SoA: Ok.
>*Creates a bunch of shitty OCs and soap opera level dramas.*
>SoJ: Isn't this getting out of hand
>SoA: Fuck off
>Turns Sonic into someone who is always crying about Sally.
>Turns Sonic into The Sally Show
>Brutalises everyone's character but a select few
Samus is a Maria who can take care of herself
i'll "donate" some dna to her
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I just want to say I appreciate the inclusion o all ten SA-Xs.

>She's much worse than Shadow
In more ways than one. Compared to Samus, his angsty backstory is... quaint.

>Poor girl's had enough
Eh, I'm sure Beyond and 6 will find more ways to make her life miserable.
Archie was goated you just have bad taste
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More like if Shadows and Biolizard's ayy blood successfully saved her from her space aids.
Not that scene, the one before it so she can have her big character breakthrough.
Shadow wasn't some war orphan that Gerald adopted and spliced his DNA with black arms blood unless they retcon it, again He was basically a clone grown from a unknown Hedgehog donor and the blood of black doom to create the ultimate lifeform.
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Now that's an OG
Freak-of-nature threesome kino
Who is sonazebot and why do they need to kys

You poor naive fool
Since we're on the topic, do the games ever try to explain how the fuck Samus can have several of the galaxies most fucked up biological weapons to ever exist and somehow maintain a human form? I remember something about her suit being accumulated to her body so it actively filters out the bad shit for her but I can't find that anywhere.
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>Robotnik's Crowdfunding Scheme
sounds like a YTP
I feel bad for people who actually committed suicide to the "the portal's right here" sonic meme... this fanbase has blood on it's hands.

The truth is there is another world out there...and we're going to it. in video games, that is.
Snake the Snake meets Sonic the Hedgehog
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Damn bitch, you live like that?
FuckWolfAmy is the wind
What a slut
The literal last shot, right after the credits, is Blaze & Marine together on screen. You stated

>There's a reason why she's not shown at the end with Blaze in RA and it's to deter people from thinking she is such.
Which is blatantly false, as shown. What you were referring to is the scene with Marine at sea on her self-made ship thing seeing Sonic & Tails off. Marine was alone there, without Blaze, the focus was on her development.

But the actual end of the game is a shot of Blaze & Marine together. Because the game DOES frame them as the Sonic-&-Tails analogue.
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And if NIDS was evil space candy.
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She's simply built different
...Also she turns pretty much fully into a metroid in Dread
Didja play Dread
>More like if Shadows and Biolizard's ayy blood successfully saved her from her space aids
It would have if G.U.N didn't lay seige to the ark the second Gerald was finished.
Do NOT fucking reply
Do NOT welcome him in here he will not fucking leave
What the fuck are you on about?
Archie Sonic is a MASTERPIECE and the best thing this franchises made
meant to reply to >>493063065
accidently replied to myself by mistake, sorry.
samus x shadow fankid when
>5 different DNA Donors
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Someone got triggered. Pic related from google.
Holy shit Sparky stop being a stupid pedantic faggot.
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Not really, no. Metroid ain't exactly hard science so there's definitely an element of "Don't worry about it.".
He's both infertile and canonically dead. He's a horrible pick for Samus.
that's from old 4chan. it reminds me of "i want to be the little girl" from old 4chan
Finitevus is Starline but way better.
>I heard of a gene pool but this chick's a whole damn ocean.
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Would it be like Sara but... weirder?
If Samus ever came to Sonic's world I feel like she would be a lot happier and lax when surrounded by cute, cuddly animals who aren't actively trying to kill her on sight.

Then she would learn about Angel Island and the Chaos Emeralds and start having a PTSD flashbacks of Metroid Prime and start laying waste to everything.
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The cure to Maria's AIDS is Shadow's cum!!!
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>able to survive and look pretty much normal despite being a petri dish of eldritch gene splicing
>able to resist phazon corruption for months
>able to resist Gorea's power
>able to resist X infection long enough to be cured
>able to control metroid instincts and abilities
Samus 'STACY' Aran.
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People actually died. We weren't born so that we'd kill each other.

The sonic fanbase is difficult...you can look at the people hanging from nooses in Sonic the Hedgehog 2's Genocide City zone, pic related.

I just wonder how "dark" shadow the hedgehog's other side really is...it doesn't get much darker than pic related.
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Did a couple touch-ups of my Mina drawing: https://files.catbox.moe/bakrmk.png

Tried to make the breasts look more like breasts, a bit more plump, moved the nipples upward, and gave her a more visible waist (I draw her leaning, but I now realize what I went for made no sense kek).
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As a character I agree but Starline is way sexier to me
I think she would like the Wisps.
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She seemed happy with Pikachu in Brawl so I'd believe it
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Guiz idw is dying again

samus would see them as free upgrades lol
Looks cute, but I still think you should just stick to cute art instead of trying to draw lewds.
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Yeah, looks nicer.
Design-wise, perhaps.In terms of characterization he's more like an amalgam of Grimer and Snively
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Nah, if anything, she'd probably just like to explore Angel Island and check out all the cool artifacts.

You're totally right about the first part though. Samus loves her some fluffy critters. And on this world, the little buddies talk!
Definitely an improvement.
You now just reminded me that Brawl literally had animal cruelty and slavery in the form of using Pikachu as a fucking battery.
Who would be her favorite blobian?
SOA saved Sonic, dumbass. Madona, nightmare 13, song with fangs. All gone thanks to them
What would her reaction be when Eggman starts blowing the small fluffy animals up and using them as living batteries?

So does Sonic.
Tails and then Knuckles probably.
Holy based. I hate windfags. Shut the fuck uo you pretensious monkey. Sonic is Sonic.
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I wanna get fucked by Sonic
What, so companies making more money means we can ignore morally dubious actions?
>If you called Sonic the wind he'd be just as annoyed as if you called him a hero.
Sonic compares HIMSELF to the Wind.
Metal Sonic could have a game like this
>tfw people insult and mock you for an entire thread just because they don't like part of sonic's official character description
Schizobabble or is another Sonic VA grooming minors again?
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You self-insert as Tails so you can have your male power fantasies
I self-insert as Tails so I can have sex with Sonic
We are not the same.
>Trying to make characters into concepts is fucking stupid.
....characters ARE concepts. They are fictional concepts and ideas, inherently. Like, that is literally what they are.
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Hm. While it's easy to default to the birds, most of the avian characters are villains. I think she would like Cream cause she's a cute rabbit daughteru. And she would like Tangle, cause she's a silly monkey.
>morally dubious actions?
I've been staying out of this cause it's tedious, but anti-wind fags are just kidding themselves.
>they don't like part of sonic's official character description
Official does not equal good
Otherwise Lost World would be considered a good game
Actually read the comics
They've literally lost their minds. They act like because people say something a lot, it's suddenly false.
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>What would her reaction be when Eggman starts blowing the small fluffy animals up and using them as living batteries?
She demonstrates why a galactic scale pirate armada fears her.
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>What would her reaction be when Eggman starts blowing the small fluffy animals up and using them as living batteries?
i feel like eggman could beat her since he has machines that can keep up with super sonic
Let me put it this way. Think about how it felt for the creatives behind Sonic and his world having their work completely erased and replaced and changed for the sake of profit. Stand with creators and their creations over corporate greed.
We need more adult blobarians in the series, the only cannon one is Vanilla and also vector, but the dude can't legally drink in the U.S so he doesn't count.
Yeah that's how it goes a lot of the time. People need to be on the bleeding edge of contrarianism.
i don't get it, do you hate honey or not
Tails is the Sky to Sonic's Wind.
Oshima liked Sonic 2 Movie and SatAM. I find neither of them perfect but they're still good. I wonder what he would think of Flynn era Archie Sonic. I'm guessing he'd probably mostly like it too.
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... Anon, there are quite a few reasons why that is complete nonsense, but here are two of the big ones. 1) Speed Booster. 2) Phase Drift. Just, no.
so samus is faster than super sonic?
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Oshima likes anything Sonic.
Oshima is an open minded guy and I like that he made Sonics shoes based off if Santa's boots. So he's like an everything guy but the creator of the character.
Is Yuji Naka still in jail
Did he really deserve it?
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Sonic if Sega cared about continuity.
Lara-su is her
The basis of how Sonic met Tails, as well as the basis of Sonic's dynamic with Amy in general, is that Sonic is detached and distant, he's going to keep on running towards the future whether you're there or not. He is not going to wait around for you, he's gotta keep going. Tails keeping up with him impressed him, but Sonic didn't care what Tails was doing and just let him do what he wants. Amy going out of her way to chase Sonic as well is also the basis of how their "relationship" could potentially exist at all. Because the entire reason why Amy was designed to chase HIM is because Sonic would never slow down for anyone like that.

Trying to say something like "No, Sonic would totally slow down for his friends!" is complete nonsense that goes against the entire point of his character. This is just how Sonic is, because "he is like the wind". Accept Sonic for who he is instead of trying to project your personal idea of what's the right behavior onto him.
begging sonic to step on me with his werehog shoe "for old times sake"
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First, the machines that can keep up with Super Sonic require the chaos emeralds, which I promise you Samus will find first. Collecting macguffins in remote places is kind of her expertise. Second, Phase Drift is a time stopper ability. And then there's all the other dozens of tools and armors that make the concept of fast robots seem kinda useless.

Let me put it this way. Versatility > Speed.
i don't know why you guys fight so hard to keep everythihng in character when you know for a fact in the very next interview iizuka will say some retarded shit like "Sonique is nottu ze wind he iz ze wightning"
I mean this literally just happened with Shadow and Spawn and the general threw a shitfit for several threads because of it.
>doesn't know
some amyfujo legit stalked and hooked up with sonic's VA so she could fuck sonic
few years ago it was
He calls himself the wind in an attempt to explain himself easier. You call Sonic the wind as a title you're trying to give him in order to make him out to be this larger than life character. You'd piss him off.
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i don't actually have an argument for this
samus > sonic
>Genuinely, in what diseased schizo world am I supposed to give a haypenny FUCK about Sega's ~vision~ for this franchise? Sonic the Hedgehog isn't supposed to be cocky... Fuck all the way off with that shit.
Just accept the fact that Sonic isn't what you thought he was.
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Ummmm did you NOT see this?
Frontiers won.
I like cocky Sonic better than humble Sonic.
Yeah I bet you like cocky Sonic, whore
Whats this? A Comfy AF Sonic/Metroid crossover thread? Glad i checked in tonight

I would love to see Metroid villains in Sonic Games/stories to keep things interesting, especially with space travel introduced
Or Samus Vs Black Doom
Maria references can be tolorated
I dunno but I do know Annie is hot and the porn of her fucking her clone is even hotter
>He said in a bumblekast that they had to tell him that "Shadow is a great swimmer" where he assumed he would hate water like Sonic.
That's not what the issue was. Sega assumed Ian was depicting Shadow being bad at swimming when it was that he got kicked in the head by Metal Sonic, ergo he was struggling in the water for a bit.
>cruel and manipulative
>also has the same soul as Maria's
Was Maria a cruel and manipulative bitch too?
Some whiplash between these two traits
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Sonic x Samus Generations
Now I want to see Samus stomp Metal Jobber. Dread also gave her the Flash Shift, which is literally just that one anime move where a character does a short distance teleport.

Honestly, given Metroid is a space opera, I daresay the tech of pre-warp Mobius is going to be a very lacking by the standards Samus is used to.
yes, maria was a girlboss
The real question is, how far could Samus get through Sonic's boss gauntlet
Chaos? Final Hazard? Easy money for her
Metal Overlord? Black Doom? Dark Gaia? Might be too much...
>slut suit samus
She has to nerf herself for a fairer fight
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>Or Samus Vs Black Doom
Oh goddammit, Samus vs Black Arms would actually be pretty sick. Goddamn, you could easily set a whole game on the Black Comet.
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Are all birds aliens?
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the only time maria is seen interacting with someone other than gerald and shadow, she is pretty rowdy
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She has killed literal gods. And she didn't need the chaos emeralds to do it.

Hm. Super Samus...
We try to keep everthing in character because last time we let other people scream their shitty opinions unimpeded we got the meta era, and Sega corpos decided to nearly kill the franchise because they thought that's what we wanted. That being said, please stop talking.
>>Sparky doesn't actually like Sonic
Yes the heck I do, I love this franchise more than anything! Don't ever say I "don't actually like Sonic" when simply watching gameplay videos or speedruns on YouTube is all I need to calm myself down and be at peace when I'm stressed out.
Birds are dinosaurs
That scene and the fact she finds the artificial chaos cute, really makes her feel like Amy.
Indeed. Not gonna lie, still a bit bitter that Tom cowarded the fuck out.
Archie Sonic: The Penders Cut
Sonic characters for this feel?
And that's the thing. Why get mad at "me" or whoever else, when it's SONIC TEAM that says this stuff! This is the actual source material itself, and you keep shooting the messenger.
Classic Sonic
If the movie and game fail and Sega axes Sonic, will you still come here to bullshit with me?
The only reason I can fathom for IDW lasting as long as it has is a large amount of money laundering being involved somewhere in the company
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Heads or Tails /sthg/? I'll flip a coin after

Also name your favorite character, male or female, it doesn't matter which.
that would be a porno.

Lanolin, idk why but I hope it's interesting
Captain Rescue
Okay? Heads. Big the cat.
No, Mr. "Muh Great Responsibilty" isn't because his entire reason for being a hero is "KNUCKLES" THEMES.
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All this talk about Samus has reminded me that StH has its own blonde mercenary gal with a sad backstory and an array of tools using alien tech, but she doesn't get to go on cool adventures. No, she's forced to sit around taking abuse from that horrible sheep.
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Heads, Lanolin's mom.
Mr. President.
What's the problem?
human men are the better match for our sonic girls.

they are big and strong and they are actually there and not always on missions to fight eggman
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Whisper got what she deserved. I do wish she'd get to actually fucking do stuff though
Heads or Tails as well
So she would have to use her ship for the final fight, right? Or would Black Doom just be his normal form?
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Nice! Fuckin' saved. Again, not normally into crossovers, but I would play the shit out of this.
Lanolin, heads
people talk at length about how great the characterization in X is and I think that's literally only because every other spinoff is so off base. Shadow goes from aggro to retarded. Extensive scenes of sonic sleeping are not interesting, SA1 drove home the point of him snoozing with just two.
Rouge and Knuckles banter becomes repetetive after a short while, Tails isn't even characterized in the first season. Amy is outright more hostile than she ever was in the games..
You could watch almost this entire series and not know that CREAM CAN FUCKING FLY.
Actually fuck you all, I always knew western anti-heroes were part of Shadow's conceptual DNA but whenever I said that everyone went apeshit on how he is just stck-anime rival/Vegeta because it's what's written on his concept art and that I should stop thinkinh about it.
Please Save my Earth wasn't written there but it sure inspired Maekawa, so that page ins't the be all end all of Shadow concept work.
>but it was developed by Japs
In San Francisco. Sonic is a westaboo franchise but you faggots can't comprehend they have western inspirations aswell.
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>I do wish she'd get to actually fucking do stuff though
Wouldn't that be a nice change of pace.

Pretty sure she'd just go super. Rock was able to use the chaos emeralds to go super, so there's no reason Samus couldn't. I would hope though that the Chaos Suit would be a new design and not just a gold colored Varia or something lazy like that.
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Saleta, heads.
>Sonic looks like a neutral speed chao
>Shadow looks like a dark speed chao
>Shadow spent a lot of time with Maria
Maria was a Dark character.
Cut out the relationship drama and have the characters act in character and I'd actually probably like Archie.
Whisper would start crying when fighting Ridley and it would be in character
>Extensive scenes of sonic sleeping are not interesting
We're not allowed to indulge in passive peaceful moments in the franchise, basically. Everything must be skibidi toilet brainrot that moves a thousand miles an hour.
Is the Lara su chronicles paper quality better than normal comics paparr
Heads, no elaboration
hardcore weebs hate the idea of anything american influencing their series, the yugioh community used to be insecure that the series was inspired by marvel.
Well, it certainly isn't THAT
...I'm uh, I'm pretty sure you could find some pictures if you looked them up. We have a link to the comic scans up in the OP as well.
No, no. Every other character, including Chris, has more interesting downtime in the series than Sonic. Sonic kind of peaks in the Helen episode and then the rest of his lounging/sonicness is just "LOOK AT SONIC HE LOUNGES!"
And the Helen episode is also overhyped. There is literally, LITERALLY no shortage of anime, movies, games, cartoons ect with concepts almost identical to this. A hero valuing the little guy over some official obligation. And it's been done better too, and longer. It should have been a trope in the series as a whole and not a single episode.
The point is that Maria is Shadow's guiding light. Shadow is the darkness cast by Maria's holy angelic radiance of purity.
Nice Tangle, enjoy your vacation sir.
>hardcore weebs hate the idea of anything american influencing their series
You aren't wrong, but we very clearly also have a problem with the inverse, which is westerners that think this series having some western inspiration means that SoA was always in the right and that every western take on Sonic should be gospel.
No one takes your retarded shit seriously, Sparky.
Also true. Westerners hating on Anime was insufferable in the 2000s and I think that no doubt contributed to the former.
I miss this artist and Kohane. They actually made me like Sonamy.
Man, fuck this shit. I want Whisper to go on a metroidvania style adventure. Don't even hide the inspiration, just have her get separated from her wisps while exploring some remote labyrinthine complex, and have her re-collect them one at a time. Each new one is required to proceed to a new area. I'm not even kidding, I want a full arc of this.
Literally all I said was just say that the Sonic 2 manual said this, Amy's character is based around this, because Sonic's character as presented by Sonic Team is this.

I didn't invent any of that. I'm just reiterating info that I got from Sonic Team stuff, so why the heck are you getting mad at ME and calling ME crazy or whatever?! I AM NOT SONIC TEAM. I DIDN'T INVENT THE CANON, I DIDN'T WRITE THOSE BIOS.

I am just the messenger here.
7 heads and 2 tails

the result was heads, congrats on playing and giving me the next things I get to throw at the story Ai since I found out it understands Sonic lore, save for maybe Lanolin's mom, I'm gonna get a prompt and get those characters into something.
My 4chan decided to Lag, more importantly I need the looks in description form as it helps the ai articulate, I will not deal with it saying Big is wearing pants twice
Arsworlds still makes art, just very slowly.
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I think we can all agree that 2000s era satamfags were living nightmare creatures.
I can't wait for the fat racoon to take an absolute DUMP all over your prompt, thanks for playing.
Back in the 2000s it was just classicfags who kept to the classics and adventurefags who kept to the 3D games
But the satam and Archie fags were the real vocal majority of trash Sonic stuff
there is an episode in sonic x where eggman kills a bunch of crocodiles and they were just vibing doing crocodile things and because of that i will never want eggman redeemed.
Normally I'd say you don't actually like Sonamy because they got the dynamic wrong, but Aresworld is the exception.
I hope you eventually find the wild animal that kills you without a fight
What does this mean
fucking hell i never want to go back.
Unlikely, medium case scenario is rape ironically, I may or may not have done one too many sex prompts and now it's stuck
>He doesn't know
LIke, I'm not crazy, right? Whisper seems practically designed for a metroidvania. And now I'm mad that there isn't a StH metroidvania.

>Tails' Adventure
You know, I'd kill to see you generate a prompt of Tangle getting fucked in her Riders outfit.
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>shounen dark rival
>western anti-hero
>abusive shoujo love interest
What else goes in the Shadow recipe? Alien genes?
Eggman crashed in a pond because of Sonic
Eggman tried to leave his ship because he crashed
Wild crocodiles tried to kill Eggman
Eggman defended himself against unlikely odds in the best way he could

If you ever run into the same situation, I hope you practice what you preach and die to the hungry animals
why do you want a wild animal to kill me just because i don't like when eggman kills crocos
just for that it's back to the Tangle fucking cream prompt
Sonic needs a Dynasty Warriors style brawler I'm telling you
And that's supposed to upset me?
Silly little faggot.
Evens for Zero Suit Tania
Odds for Gun Agent Samus
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Dark Sonic solos everyone
I'm making it futa Tangle now
>Zero Suit Tania
fuck eggman, i would rather 18 crocodiles be alive than eggman
Next Storybook game, Sonic and The Three Kingdoms.
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Hm. Fuck it, let's see where this goes.
Gun Samus would have been cooler
SRB2 is lame. Like I want to spend 20 minutes per level looking for some destructible wall or tiny hole to find special stage coins.
That would slap so hard.
Your selfish message has reached the kind heart of Eggman and he has turned over a new leaf.
In the future he vows to lay down and die the next time a wild animal attacks him
this was the coolest shit ever when i was 9
i love this green cat
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Who is Cow Cow in this scenario?
Uh oh looks like someone couldn't find the special stage rings in S3&K either
Sam Procrastinates just pulled a Donut Lord. He helped keep an actual unironic 3D pedophile in the Sonic fandom because "well I'm not a cop dude"
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Laugh at this man, he couldn't hang with the rest
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Who? What? Where?
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Just as well, she's not exactly a rank and file kind of gal. Explicitly dislikes taking orders, so she wouldn't really gel with G.U.N. She'd happily take jobs from them though. Fuck knows they somehow manage to be more honest about shit than the Federation.
And why
Holding onto 50 rings to enter the Special Stage > Finding hidden rings in the level
He creates the Sonic game trailers, he is also a Sonic youtuber who does reaction videos to the trailers even though it is public knowledge that he made them
One of his closest friends is a pedo who was already driven out but Sam always calls him in during live streams
Another youtuber brought it all up and seemingly also confirmed that Sam is the person who leaked the "heroes remake" plans among other things.
Sam may get fired from SEGA.
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I never realized how much junk in the trunk Samus had good lord.
>youtuber drama
>Heroes remake
Now THIS is what I'm interested in
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Samus in regular clothes is one of my favorite genres of fanart.
Blugh disgusting.
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tdfwnn who is your favorite archie chipmunk

>Dong Zhuo
>Lu Bu
Metal Sonic
>Guan Yu
>Yuan Shao

And Sonic finds himself in the role of Liu Bei
this is going to sit on shadow's face
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>And that's supposed to upset me?
Silly little faggot.
Could another human villain who's on the same scale as Eggman work in the series for more than a single game?
Is Samis a.... girlboss?
G.U.N Commander could work as a villain
Same scale as Eggman is a pretty tall order
Someone at Nintendo must've had fun drawing this...
Nameless Chipmunk who Fang was flirting with.
Fuck the haters, I liked Iron Dominion. Delicious Regina.
Eggman Nega
You're getting dogged but I agree. To heck with exploration! We want arcade style route optimization with continuous and discrete skill checks.

Metal Harbor is peak!
>tdfwnn gets trips
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Hey wait a minute. That ship looks a might familiar...
elias I want to suck his cute cock
got more alicia?
Who is Samis?
No I have, I just prefer the more A to B approach of the Adventure games
Fucking THANK YOU! Give me branching paths, NOT exploration. Adventure speed stages are peak Sonic.
wow i did not know the world in sonic x was officially called mobius
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Women can't be intimidating, whenever a woman tries to intimidate me I just get horny
Sam I am is Samis!
i can't believe snively got cucked by a robot clone of himself
Not even a fearection?
I don't think the term mobius should come with all of Archie's baggage. It's a perfectly normal name for the world/land/species of Sonic
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Women trying to be scary are just cute
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So. What's your excuse?
the movieverse has no issue with this it seems
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Better ship coming through
I'm not a fictional character.
I just got a checkup today and I'm 5'11'' down from 6'0''. Is it over for me?
who can i bother to make an animated gif of silver fucking the space bitch consensually
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Eggman would have fucked him if he was Skyline
I can't wait for these two to never interact
That isn't Shadolin
Mmm 10/10 that's some good ship right there
I don't have that nose.
Samus would be an Echidna if she was a blobian.
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The fear of sharks isn't rational either thoughbeiteverally, it literally only exists because of Jaws and the other shark horror movies it spawned
You're unironically more likely to be raped by a dolphin than killed by a shark
If you had an image, I could make some animation slop in Live2d

It'll be smooth and floaty like all good low budget animations.
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I'm old....
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The birds are even aliens, anon.

... Oh fuck, the Babylonians were Chozo.
We're taller in the morning after a sleep and shorter in the evening after walking around all day. We also tend to shrink a little as we get older, so don't worry about it.
you're a manlet now everyone laugh at the manlet AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
senpai and Amy
family damn nit
theres some men who are like 5'5 get over yourself
Amy's dark draw says to give people space.
Yes, fuck her sexually, Surge.

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