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Previous: >>493020015

>Version 2.5 "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFu-eSscT10 (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbjtlsurHkE (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.5 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240830version-2zj3e2/index.html

>Version 2.5 Trailer — "Flying Aureus Shot to Lupine Rue"
>Jiaoqiu Trailer -- "Pneumanull Rice"
>Myriad Celestia Trailer: The Arrow that Seeks the Stars

>Current Character Banners: (Jiaoqiu, Sparkle + Hook, Guinaifen, Arlan) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306326
>Current Light Cone Banners: Those Many Springs (Nihility), Earthly Escapade (Harmony) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32306419

>New Drip Marketing:
>Rappa (5* Imaginary Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/32521040

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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what the hell is her problem?
Firefly love!
>canon female slave backstory
She's going to get cuckposted so hard, men cant handle this kind of backstory without being gooners.
she's seen the end of everything
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where is she heading?
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Quite the start to the thread
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>ask my friend if he enjoyed 2.5 march 7th event
>he says: "do you still play that shit?"

how do i respond?
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Feels good to be a cuck!!
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Going to cuddle this giant woman robot thing to sleep
>me playing that repetitive trash
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>telling anyone you play gachaslop
hmm nyo, I will not admit I am the reason good gaming monetization is dying
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Don't worry, she has her two besties now.

Affirm that you do and ask why he stopped? Seems pretty normal to me.
Look at Blade go! He's having so much fun!
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i will get E0S1 Feixiao and E1S0 Robin
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>werewolves can mindcontrol lesser fox races via pheromones
They wrote this shit one handed
>dan sees how heng you are.jpg
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I want to bathe in Hoolay's pheromones.
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100% sex, MC is an S-tier fetish
I'm actually so dissapointed we never got a doujin of MC abusing their mindrape powers in penacony.
(You) owe Feixiao sex.
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My debt is to repopulating the Borisin race.
>YWN get to hang out with Jiaoqiu and Moze
This sucks, I want in on this harem.
Feixiao Guide
4pc Wind Valorous >= 4pc Grand Duke, 4pc Eagle is only for 0 cycle.
Duran > Izumo = Salsotto
Signature > Ratio's LC > Swordplay S5 = Hertacone
Signature is ~15% better than Swordplay and ~5% better than Ratio's LC.
>Relic Stats
Chest: CRIT Rate / CRIT DMG
Boots: Spd / ATK%
Orb: Wind% > ATK% by 2%, pick based on substats.
Rope: ATK%
>Stat Goals
133.4 SPD+, >80% CRIT Rate, >140% CRIT Damage
Prioritise high Crit Rate over CRIT DMG since her BiS team and her relics already give her a lot of CRIT Damage.
ATK Boots only when using Bronya+Hunt 7th teams.
>Team building, pick 1 from each role.
Harmony: Robin > Bronya > Sparkle = Ruan Mei > Asta/Hanya (NT: Sparkle -1 SPD, not 160)
SubDPS: Topaz > Moze >= Hunt 7th
Sustain: Aventurine > Lingsha > Gallagher (Multiplication)
>How important is Robin?
A lot, Feixiao constant FUAs abuse Robin mechanic of added DMG during concerto, Feixiao performance drops by ~30% when not using Robin as the harmony unit.
>How important is Topaz?
Not as much as Robin, you have Hunt 7th/Moze as your replacement options, Topaz advantage over the others depends on the enemy weakness, as big as 20% and as small as 5%.
You need at least E2 Moze for Feixiao, Moze E4/E6 buff his personal damage but not Feixiao's.
>How important is Aventurine?
Somewhat relevant, switching him for Lingsha is a ~10% team damage drop, cope sustainer is Gallagher which is a ~15% Dmg drop vs Aventurine.
>What about Bronya/Robin teams
Workable but only sustainless, SP Management is a bit of an issue, you can also use Bronya+Hunt 7th+Sustain if you want a sustain.
>Vertical Investment
E1=S1 in terms of damage increase, If you have Ratio's LC get E1 first.
E2 is a ~30% Damage boost over E1 and a ~50% over E0, E2 is a good Eidolon but far from a hard requeriment, roll E2 out of love, not meta.
>E1 Robin vs E1/S1 Feixiao
E1 Robin unless you have no good Hunt LCs for Feixiao.

Feedback is welcomed.
That's not the will of the trailblaze
Cute Hanya bread!
Best I can offer is a hug.
Mind control is only hot if they're aware of it but think it didnt work on them.
Is it just me or is ZZZ more popular than us? Why does it get so many likes on twitter
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Tiktok hours?
It's more popular with nips yea, the designs are basically tailored towards them. HSR simply doesn't pander enough
>Feedback is welcomed.
No one gives a shit about your FOTM rapebabby that's glued to two worms. We're all saving for Tingyun
the likes on twitter doesn't translate to sales though.
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Chill out
Why do schizos attach themselves to these games and keep going on about which one's more popular instead of treating them like the disposable whores they are?
I want Feixiao to rape me
because a disposable whore is the best they can get or the only thing they know.
I love Tingyun!
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chill bro, it's just a build guide
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based, i'm here for the waifus not the homoworms
I want Feixiao to hug me
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I don't know, I don't get to choose
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I'd rather hug her but this is also good.
I started this game recently because a friend recommended it and I'm only partway through the space China part but I'm just stopping by to say that I really want to fuck Kafka. I'm glad I bought a starter account with her.
>me looking up at giant tits
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ngl that would be a cool way to afk when doing other things.
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I need more FeiMoze. Hopefully the patch gets more artists to draw it.
Wait, you guys dont auto everything while doing other stuff?
>I'm glad I bought a starter account
do cucks really?
no youre not
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Fofo is NOT for reipu@!
just finished raping fofo
Why not?
rape fofo
molest huohuo
force yourself onto 44
I bet she smells bad in a good way.
I want to cuddle up with her and make her feel safe.
Feixiao look like she fit being a huntress than a general.
I've got bad news for you bro

(good job bro)
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>flopflop the fo
Nice enjoy your stay. Make sure to watch Kafka's opening for the Star Rail concert thing when you have the time she is cool
Imagine pressuring fofo into sex knowing that she'll agree out of fear that you'll violently rape her if she doesn't and feeling her trembling the entire time you're pounding her tight cunny, and then her screams of terror as you cum inside her.
>yfw Feixiao fell in love with her foxian slave.
fofo is 100% for reipu
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I mean she sure is a General of the Hunt, so
They didnt make Feixiao anywhere near berserker enough. Her moon rage should be her succumbing to bloodlust in battle, like a wolf.not just some ambiguous space aids with no real meaning
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Fofo rapes
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Kachina in HSR when?
Is Herta huntcone a good LC in that final sentance? Or are only ratio and her sig considered truely good?
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Good morning Fireflybros
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Tail would kill you
Nice cope over how I got her without having to wait for rerun and not get fucked by this game's shitty rates and horrible pricing for paid rolls.
I am. I'm already liking space china more than the previous chapter just because Kafka is in it. The only good thing about the other one was Klara cunny.
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I'm about to go to sleep, where the fuck are you- Wait a minute
Oh. Nevermind then, I already know
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It's a falseflag
HertaGOD won.
He does it everyday though
>onee-chan.... *snifff* where are you...
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Perhaps you're right siggabro, I should be more careful in the future
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No problem
I don't know why westoids never learn that they will never force their idpol of colorism onto asians.
Chinese hate being brown.
Koreans hate being brown.
Japs hate being brown.
Even Indians hate being brown.
>if it makes me look bad its a falseflag
Asian is like honorary white or something idk
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Hertashizo not doing much to help against the huohuonigger allegations
But they are brown. Its always funny how mad this makes them lol.
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Stop talking about colours.
Talk about HSR like uuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh
really? i'm worried they might start cutting budget because the game is underperforming for mihoyo standard
>Nice cope
Hope you're trolling but I guess if people are dumb enough to actually paypiggie gachas they're also dumb enough to give money to chink botters for an account lmao
He wouldn't because it would be (ostensibly) consensual
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no im not
Tail rapes her every night, why do you think she's so sleep deprived?
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You got me
>Feixiao release delayed because a new VA has to rerecord lines
I got it for like 10 bucks and immediately changed the password afterwards. EZ.
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>have money
>have thing to spend money on
>spend money on said thing
>retard on the internet gets mad at you for spending your money
i don't understand
They should hire me as the new VA for Skott
>hate being something you can't be
wtf are you talking about retardgod, are you the same type of person who assumes a character with light skin is white or something?
Tail literally, LITERALLY lives in her asshole. You cant have sex with her without it being gay.
Post barking vocaroo then.
>likes on twitter
Firefly is the best selling HSR banner of all time btw
>12-hour clock in Philippines
I thought it was only in English sphere
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There are people literally eating from trash and you spend money on online games
How does she poop?
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Bronya rabu!
See this is why westoid idpol does not work for eastern cultures, your ideas of brown are not the same thing, because to them it's more rooted in class.
>roll male
>asshole starts itching
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>Fu Xuan
do people really not like her or is it all memes
I drank milk beyond my Lactose tolerance and now I'm sharting in the toilet

Honkek Rail btw
>other people don't have the luxury of discretionary income
not my problem
Well make sure you chargeback when you get sick of the game.
There’s one insane schizo who hates her for some reason. Whenever anyone praises her or says something remotely positive he has a melty over it and starts sperging out
to japs darker skin means an okinawan tan unless there's features that suggest otherwise
you missed the date change of moving the clock forward
>Hig is having a thread war for their 1000th thread milestone
Fucking pathetic to watch, they even hhate themselves looking at the OPs
1000 hig threads
Same thing for chinese and koreans. Brown skin is for the outer region bumpkins.
Is hi3 worth playing for the story or is it just summoners war tier mobile slop?
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no one talks about her bro
we just dont care about her
We have no leg to stand on in regards to that tho
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Your opinion on the most popular male?
>One vandalizing faggot vs a general made up of bitter sunk cost fags
I'm indifferent. I'm more of a Luochud guy.
legitmately nothing funnier than westerners talking about what east asians do and don't do like they fucking live there.
>g-guys use my vandalized bread please.... i can't bump it the whole night...
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/hsrg/ rightly served hertaschizo/tingyunschizo/huohuonigger a fat L back-to-back today thoughbeit
Good. I'll dab on every pagpag slurper.
It's my side gacha so I'm not going to get burnt out anytime soon. My main is Nikke
how come /hig/ is worse and more autistic than hsrg
its so funny
Asians need to stop obsessing about America. We get it, you're desperate to be us, enough already.
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Rappa will be to Fraudfly what Feixiao is to Brickeron
ew no
I'm ESL and I don't undastasd this.
I'm not rolling for mori calliope
My nigger Aventurine who I got E0S1 day one and skipped Acheron, Sparkle and BS for
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>/hig/ #1000
>hertaschizo sniping for new thread
What killed the hype
I will only roll for Mori Calliope.
I STILL can't stand the chest window. E0S1, wish I had E2.
I strongly believe removing the hat was a good move.
Jade is gonna have more views than Firefly lol
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He won bigly, Sugichud
i will only stop when i personally see the very last square of american land be salted
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I can't believe Aventurine is going to force me to roll for Feixiao.
WAIT!! Try Sampo first
>try a bounce character on a boss where you must kill the specific add that simon says you have to
Haha... great joke.
Not even chinks like spacs chinkland. That's how boring chinkslop is in this game plus Wukong showed people what actual Wuxia kino looks like not "muh spess china STRONK against plants and dogs".
Asians don't realize how good they have it until they step out of their country and realize public safety is something most places don't have
Eh no. That's the Stoneheart PV
I need more Kafka pics
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I wish Stelle was fully voice acted so I could hear her say all the retarded dialogue options I pick.
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when will we see him again?
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>dot is dying
>rerun the dothags anyway alongside the new shiny strongest for 2 patches dps and her best support
What do you call this business decision
>public safety
LOL their countries are death traps due to lax worker/labor quality protections
Next inevitable chinkslop filler, it seems Skott might become a running gag everytime we go back to space china.
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Danny boy’s time to shine!
Sis… you’re seriously not suggesting 4* Dan… right?
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Here you go bro
>barked like a dog
>oinked like a pig (and howled like a wolf I guess)
What's he gonna do next time? act like a monkey?
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Tingyun is fire nihility sustain.
Trust the plan.
>google life expectancy by country
>1. hk, 2. jp, 3. sk
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Now post the housing costs and suicide rates

Hsr btw
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Even better. A webm
Can you stop lusting after your mom? This is wrong.
Kafka... forgotten...
What ever happened to her being the t0 summoning support?
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Explain to an audiolet the retarded VA drama of the week:
She's so hot. Why would I even work for the astral express? I want to join the hunters and plow Kafka every night while silver wolf watches.
Now post suicide rates and accidental deaths
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Kafka is not your mom.
Feixiao’s animated trailer was released with JP audio only. The English VA deleted all her social media shortly after. Anything else is guesswork
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forget about chink March, when will we get the REAL March? (Aka Elysia 2.0)
That's Sunday.
Tingyun got Jiaoqiu's old kit with heals and burn DoT.
Source: Uncle /hsrg/
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Sorry anon, instead my sister will have to take her place...
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She literally raised us from being a test tube baby until we got the stelleron bomb. She did more for us than any mother we have any buological connection with
>aventurine side doesnt have ultimate damage buffs
Yet again, gimping Acheron/Jing Liu for no reason other than shill fuabricks and dotbricks.
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Honkais for this feel?
Kafka can switch from being so hot to being so cute seamlessly and according to your preference all while saving the world. Truly the wife of all time.
I am getting E6S5 Black Swan to go with my E6S5 Kafka. DoT has to make a come back soon..
She will hug us after we see her again for the first time in over a year. Trust the plan.
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hello footbro
My nigga
He flops nicely I guess
>Gimping Jing Liu
>Grand Gamble: Character's Ice DMG dealt increases by 55.0%.
I firmly believe he is currently the best unit in the game.
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>en va posts an edit of brown feixiao
>bugs from tieba find out and report it to homoverse
>en trailer comes out without her voice
>people find out she deleted ALL her social media
I believe in Clara!
He's cool, I hope we visit his planet.
Retard, Im talking about the past as well. They intentionally give zero buffs to hypercarries and if they do exist its on the wrong side. Every single AS so far has coddled follow ups/dots to make them appear better than they are.
There is no way Hoyo would fire someone over such minor shit
>brown people get upset by seeing brown skin
The only sexy male character in the game, hotter than everyone but Kafka. His animations are fun and I’m glad they ditched his hat and glasses for most animations
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Meanwhile Feixiao's JP VA
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>we didn't dance with sigga at the end of penacony
Qingquebros, Silver Wolf or Robin for the last teammate? I already have Fu Xuan and Sparkle, team has been great.
High investment, but worth to see my cute slacker hit hard.
Chinese gacha fans are categorically insane, but I’d be surprised if that got her fired
The US suicide rate is higher than JP. Also a 25x higher homicide rate.
>I’m glad they ditched his hat and glasses for most animations
You deserve de*th for this
imma need proof for all of that
Than I suppose you are fine with making a black character white?
This is dumb. A Hoyo VA is implying on Xeet that many are apart of a sekret video game strike right now and she might be one of them.
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>retards got other retards angry enough to incur mihoyo's wrath
And yet nothing of value was lost
No hat and no shades shows off his eyes more + his design is too busy with all of them on. It was clearly a ‘made late in the process’ change, as he has them on in his big climatic cutscene + puts his hat on his younger self
Source: my ass
JP suicide rate is under reported because they view it as shameful, you are uninformed my friend.
>I’m glad they ditched his hat and glasses for most animations
if anything she's probably a pussy who retired
just believe it ok?
I would
>Feixiao release delayed
Your honest reaction?
how come it isn't Rie Tanaka?
Being a hoyo VA generally gives you the path to ‘get money by playing the game on twitch, people will pay for subs and autographs’ offset by the fact that virtually all of them give their paychecks back to mihoyo with gacha addiction
It happened in canon
Give me 20 pulls as apolojades (for free, don't take them away from later rewards) and we're cool
Bronya is like the only EN va who isnt a clout chasing cunt like that
Nothing, I find her character dull. She’s even less appealing than Jing Yuan in the chinawank general category, and they mechanically fucked JY big time
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>sign contract that says you will not do thing
>do thing
>NOOO how could this've happened?
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>no shades shows off his eyes more
Those damn things are scary, but I think removing one but not the other wouldn't have worked either.

My schizo theory is that the CCP simply thought he looked too much like a pimp and removed them but Hoyo was too shit at it and left multiple references to the complete design in.
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Back to Natlan with my fluffy team
Would never happen for EN (13% of hoyo's revenue)
That's a man...
This is someone's daughter...
Annoyed because that’s means Rappa is even farther away
Yeah, I think it’s something like that. His model leak had them on + it’s in his FUA and other plot animations that they couldn’t take off.
That's a woman
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Japan and Anime are cool and all but why i would want to be japanese?
>5'7 manlets
>high social pressure
>full of shy introverted people
>4 inch baby dicks
>ugly yellow skin
>slant eyes
>high suicide rate
No thanks.
I can understand it as a revenue stream but not the sheer amount of money they give back to mihoyo, surely they can’t make enough money on their streams/VODs to outweigh the high price of degeneracy. If they played it and were chill, that would be one thing. But it’s like a weird club. Good on Bronya’s VA, Seele’s VA is the worst of them all
Swap her and Lingsha then. I'd rather not get tempted by FuA kinography and put it all into Lingsha
>SEVEN /hig/ threads
Holy shit kek
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Your Arlan Asta/Hook Black Swan Blade Fu Xuan Gallagher Gepard Guinaifen Hanya Herta Himeko Luocha Lynx Misha Natasha Pela Qingque Sampo Silver Wolf Sparkle Sushang Tingyun Welt Xueyi Yanqing Yukong Yunli?
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uh chinese are yellow. do not call them brown
>hertascizo trying to snipe/hig/
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who cares?
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Feixiao's EN va voices Mirko, bro..
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Why are there so many honkai threads up?
based honestly
never number your general
How in the FUCK do you even know this, Pompom?
I'm more excited about 2.6 to get 2.7 beta leaks...
>Japs hate being brown.
it sure doesn't seem like it when fucking CYNO is the third best selling Genshin character in JP
They really should just replace en VA with AI. These Americans are fucking worthless.
I haven't been around these last weeks, wasn't update day supposed to be today
Should've nuke bergerland
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Will I get a Feixiao?
Wyell... no...
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current banner still has one more week
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Why not Da Wei?
>general is so dead there's nothing they can do to defend themselves
I want Topaz to sit on my face.
Tights go over undies, not the other way around
Kafka you better not knock over my burger
I just rolled Jiaoqiu, I have E2S1 Acheron
What's her best team? Should I just replace Pela with him or am I supposed to use him alongside pela even with E2 Acheron?
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I'm starting to see why Wuwa hired a bong VA agency for their EN voices now.
nobody said you have to be japanese but you're still associated with ENtards and burgers acting retarded
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I don't think my dick will ever recover from the diviner, bros...
Doubt they would delay a unit. They're a billion dollar company and can get any english VA this week to fully record lines to replace the current ones.
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The chest window is shit
Stonehearts uniform skin when
He looks naked without the hat and shades
His feather earring is cute
Even though it was filler, 2.1 was objectively great marketing for his character
He should fuck everyone, but especially Topaz
I hope he doesn't go into the cuck shamber where most characters go after they've fulfilled their purpose ingame (ie. Kafka)
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grumpy march is cute
>I hope he doesn't go into the cuck shamber where most characters go after they've fulfilled their purpose ingame (ie. Kafka)
He'll be there with Topaz, he'll be fine.
I need to get Feixiao early otherwise I can't hit pity for her cone.
>Should I just replace Pela with him
Don't care about her when a new notchinkslop planet is coming soon plus Sunday.
Every single company that goes bong over burg is always better off for it. Americans and Canadians are all completely mentally ill.
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Yeah I like it when she gives you that look
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I regret skipping Yunli Lawrence
March is always cute.
Too bad, here's your KING
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Why is Fu Xuan so thirsty?...
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post the pic of the monkey who voice feixiao EN

i want to laugh
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how about nyo
Bros, it's been fucking forever and I still don't have the trend light cone
My aventurine will be forever useless for acheron....
Your Jiaochud??
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Topaz atleasts pops back up to play silly tournament games, Aventurine doesn't seem like a character who will be included in filler/SoL shit often at all. He wasn't even there for the shitty crane event
Tingyun is better for that comp.
Yeah? I have Z E R O swordplay.
this but genius' repose for me.
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He will never be your nigga Aventurine...
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literal semen demon :(
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Just get his sig cone and call it a day?
okay now drop the link anon, be nice
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>just hit 16k jades
What the fuck is taking the robin rerun so long?? My balls are about to BURST
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To be fair he is just recovering from Nihility aids now. We need to wait some updates to see if he can be funny event man as a side job or forever caged with Kafka
Had I Not Seen the Sun is such a good song.
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>Sparkle makes me spend 153 rolls on her
>Jiaoqiu comes in 9 rolls
What did they mean by this?
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>Too bad, here's your KING
>not building pity on jade's banner
>He fell for the trend meme
Lmao acheron is such a brick
How does Acheron/JQ/Robin/Galaga work?
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Impatience will only bring HIS wrath closer. Be still, and be a good boy and wait.
I remember starting SR right after binging both Black Souls games and it hurt so much not being able to immediately rape March 7th.
You're a homo.
Finally, some good qq content
QQ posters dont have stockhplm syndrom like Kafka posters do so this means nothing
>rolling and cheering for shiptrash like this
Fucking retards.
I'm a faggot and have brain damage
what a weird contrarian post. i dont even think contrarians would post that because its just universally wrong.
Isn't the Feixiao trailer using the Japanese audio kind of weird, when you think about it? The game is Chinese. It'd be like a Final Fantasy game trailer didn't have the English dub ready so they used French.
Gotta give you a good character out of pity after rolling that brick.
Didn't get anything early after I rolled Jade though, I feel scammed.
Your account is worm seeded
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Tell me why, the reason I am here
Just only you I see from far away
I've come for you
Don't know why, I searched all night and day
But when I'm here, darkness came
No lights to show the way
Dark despair, still I seek for you
All I long to see was your smile

I know I won't look behind, I see no regrets
No guiding lights so dark, are you my light?
But now I am here, and you're close to me
My heart is with you, forever and ever...

See this place, the end of world she fears
No shining lights anywhere
This emptiness in tears
Didn't know
It was you all along
You were chasing after my shadows

I know I won't look behind, I see no regrets
No guiding lights so dark, are you my light?
But now I am here, and you're close to me
My heart is with you, forever and ever...
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neuvilletteGOD spare us.....
Everyone knows chinese language sounds like ass
I'm a human and breathe air
Every survey I ask for more ships and more males
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Sorry she isn't for (You), bro. FF is right there if you need her.
Aventurine mains....
>women can't have friends
Go outside, chud.
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I like how normgroids think of 4chan as this site of super duper traditionalist chuds when in reality 4cuck is full of unironic faggots, tranny chasers and mentally ill people
Honkai: Star Rail
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me and who?
Now this is just silly
Also, what's with the color coding of quests.
I get that purple is character quest/trial, green is daily (are these actually required considering they give just a few credits?), blue is side quest, but what's orange?
Anyways, I really want to finish up the china boat arc and get the hell out.
Women aren't capable of that, they merely surround themselves with people they can utilize.
The en and jp voice actors for feixiao both played yoruichi in bleach. You zoomers wouldn't understand. It's like if kafka had makima's voice actors and skibidibi toilet rizz frfr no cap.
Skott's English VA is kino.
Nice self report Bwo
people don't play this game because it's chinese, they play it because it's anime
Anairis played Yoruichi for ONE episode
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What did Alejandro Saab, voice of EL GENERALISSIMO mean by this?
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imagine wasting your biggest chance, to gain brownie points in X

Yellow is main story (obligatory)
Orange is main story continuance (no obligatory)
Orange are the trailblaze ones, I think?
They're like self contained mini main stories, think they're mainly intermission content.
If you don't want people to make assumptions then tell them what's going on. Just hinting at something without outright confirming that's the reason just looks like deflection.
>someone makes shit up
>retards propagate it
xitter truly was a mistake
>STILL no proof of this
Someone has to have a screencap
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I think I'm ready bros
its going to be really funny when feixiao has a normal en voice during the entire 2.5 quest and nothing happens.
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i'm ready for Moze e2
most hoyo threads seems to be a 1:1 carbon copy of xitter tho, makes sense everyone repeats the same shit all day
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How do I improve my DoT team
She's delayed bro.
>muh feixiao VA!!
This is just a marketing stunt you dimwits
Still new to this game, not sure if I get the beef
Was it like an early reveal or something?
Jamiroquai and 44
Negroids once again BTFO
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I'll be really upset if Aventurine never gets to mingle with characters like QQ or Skott when Argenti and SW are conveniently everywhere.
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>/pol/ is here
Robin should start singing linkin park songs instead
Did they really cancel Feixiao because she hated her Def% Traces?
or call it what it actually is: a scandal
Jiaoqui + Houhou and of course, more Kafka Eidolons or E1 Black Swan. DoT power ceiling is pretty low, I'd suggest waiting for them to hard shill it with some more options in the future.
So Stellarons are just fallen Aeons right? With the one inside the protagonist obviously being Akivili.
That's right, we're here to fix /hsrg/ by saying that every lives matter and we should unite regardless of our political alignment.
>not RM or Robin
>Also Pag hours
Im foooking nooticing bros
>/pol/ is here
Goodnight, /hsrg/!
Why did he delete this tweet
Surely not..
nigger, his raun mei is glued to his super break team.
Awww noooo, is lil nigger-kun gonna cwy?
They're always here and love making everything about their schizo westoid problems
Character isn't brown. The EN VA is accused to have posted that and to then have fucked off.
The character anime didn't have an EN dub for unexplained reasons.
It seems to be related to a VA strike, but nobody has come forward with an official explanation. It's very likely she didn't make herself available on time for the thing so they just went ahead and posted because marketing is more important.
robin isn't amazing for DoT and his ruan mei is obviously in use for firefly, JQ would be his best option
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Reminder that we love National Socialism here.
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Those schizonigs are always here
Goodnight /hsrg/
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Do eastern players really lose their mind over anything that even slightly resembles cuckoldry?
>honkers snoozerail
>the pajeet is still posting this
There's no proof she is involved in any scandal.
Outfits when, tho.
Its still there
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Gn bros, tomorrow will be better maybe
Shame, she looks cute with a tan
Really though, who can use Feixiao's weakest husband (Hoolay's new chewtoy) besides ACK, DoThags and Ratio?
Soon as Hugo Boss signs an exclusivity contract with Mihoyo
Seethe, dbz spic
Nobody, that's why you don't roll unless you have Ack
lol made you look
Topass will NEVER receive a summer bikini outfit.
Only Acherpn. He needs e2s1 to be good for dot (The pags here never mention that)
>brutal v5 run
>fucking dindu apes
>swarm as final boss.
>lucked out on the restore hp blessings
>got lucky on the games, no lasers or wheel.

at least I won
yunli, blade, argenti
Why not? Are you a cuck?
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Should I get E2 DHIL on a rerun?
I dont have his cone but got lucky with a double in his original run back in 1.3.
Currently I'm saving and seeing who's in 2.7.
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Why doesn't he need to work outside of those teams? Who says future units won't also benefit from him?
the deleted social feed is telling. now why would someone whos been on twitter for a long time just suddenly delete it?
cmon anon, use your head you little dingus.
this thread SUCKS I'm leaving
Swarm and sam are the easiest bosses for v6 though
Dude even Chinese people don't like Chinese audio in games like this. It's like you don't even know the audience.
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hsr for this feel?
If I happen to reach 8 stacks, do I I lose the 48% ATK before launching the next FuA or after?
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gn everyone!
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This is my bro, everyone be nice to him.
this. my aventurine kept weakness breaking and spamming ultimate on them lmao.
Follow your vagina sis
He would look rad in an akatsuki uniform
>got too much cr
man, balacing this shit is so annoying
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>skipped Wormventurine, Topag, and Pagbin
still rolling for Feixiao btw
If memory serves, it will apply to the first damage instance and then reset
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People keep saying only duperbreak can beat v6, but my rrat team did way fucking better
>He didn't beat V6 on day 1
Oh nyo
Just swap to cdmg chest, bro. Ain't that hard.
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I hope you get her, bro.
>187% with CR chest
Kindly explode sir
kekbaits and shipping have a track record of killing revenue and killing gashas as a whole on asia.
the west dont care about (I) pandering, the last sucessfull coomer gacha was overwatch
honkai star rail.
>but baldu-
He's male Pela, that's way more expensive. So anything that's fire weak that you can't bring Pela on.
She only needs Robin the stoneflops are unnecessary
>Coomer gacha
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Wheel is free
Its not that hard.
I have 76/210 with CR chest on my Acheron.
will do once I E2 her
I mean
Technically he's not entirely wrong as far as the OG goes, lootboxes and all.
I know but I like killing trotters more.
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I will never get Dr Ratio his LC. Forever I am to stick Topaz's LC on him.
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You're supposed to use her with her flesh dildo and Robin
lootboxes are gacha.
>but journos told me lootboxes arent gasha
I remember that Moze was considered to be the worst 4* in the game. How is he now?
Silver wolf would be good if quantum has good DPS and good sustain. Something like quantum Acheron(without nihility requirement) and quantum Gallagher
still shit but not as bad as before.
Just wait for the next quantum harmony unit that turns a units single target attack into a blast
Honestly, all English VAs should be fired from the game. Trash dubbing.
One of the better ones now if you run FuA
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If true, I might buy a Battle Pass in support of Mihoyo's good decision making.
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Mine is making do with Swordplay desu. As well as very, very old relics that used to belong to Welt over a year ago.
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>cucks her darling
>The en and jp voice actors for feixiao both played yoruichi in bleach. You zoomers wouldn't understand.
EN Yoruichi was Wendee Lee if I recall.

>Anairis played Yoruichi for ONE episode
Ah, see, bullshit.
Reminder that the IPC does not actually serve the Amber Lord, but Tayzzyronth, the aeon of Propagation. They're lying to everyone just like the Orderfags
Nobody actually bought those loot boxes... Right? They just got all the skins for free like I did... RIGHT???
Why don't they mention her EN VA?
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Lol they fucked up the unit conversion, in CN this says "Ten 100 miles sprint", this was properly translated to the euro languages as 160 km but EN trannylator is retarded and thought it said "100 km" so he converted them AGAIN into Miles which is 60 (and just wrote 50).

What a mess lmao.
Some EN VAs are alright, but the collateral damage they represent is minimal next to the benefits of purging the bulk of the scum.
I can't wait for EN VA to get replaced by AI.
Cancelled for blackface.
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I'll pull for Feixiao and Lingsha then hoard for the next Harmony unit and for the fate collab. Aventurine might tempt me but E2 Gep with trend lc somewhat fixes my Acheron team.
anaris replaced wendee in the new bleach anime and said some stupid shit like only black people should voice black characters and then wendee complaining saying it was wrong to replace her when she was still available and willing to do the role and the backlash was so bad they fire anaris and gave wendee the role back after one episode
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Kekaroo, she's 100% culled then.
That's what happens when you bite the hand that feeds you, typical of faggot californian nogs.
The nip one doesn't mention a VA either
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Because those never mention the VA...?
VA isn't mentioned in these posts
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>traducir post

Hello fellow spic, que haces despierto tan tarde?
>more VA drama
well at least it's a nigger being put in her place rather than faggots crying that some jew shouldn't be allowed to be a VA because of vague accusations kek
>he wants corpos to run amok with the AI
This will neither increase quality nor decrease prices, you know.
Jade is a ridiculously hot woman
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they made a lot of money off of those, so apparently
STFU Topass
I prefer women that can still self lubricate and not have cobwebs.
If they really fired her I'm officially joining the boycott
I think she's fairly ugly.
>Think its finally time to get a PF unit like Jade
>Leak of erudition unit like Rappa
>Think maybe I should get Rappa over Jade
>Leaks of 5 star Herta
>think i'll skip Rappa for Herta
I guess I'll just never commit to getting 5 star erudition unit.
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Isn't Jing Yuan the most popular male? He won the most popular character poll after all.
This artist loves hags
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Cute fertile hag
Too Korean
>nth EN VA that gets replaced because of drama
and they still want to be recognized as professionals
who doesn't.
>Gallagher outside break teams
I would rather trust Fu Xuan to keep my team alive
This is Hag Star Rail after all
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They actually didn't. They gave so much shit away in those lootboxes despite being a "cultural marvel" they were making pennies.
Thats half the reason OW2 exists. Because they ditched the lootbox model and now a skin just straight up costs 20$ so they actual make money this time
If I win two 50/50s I will be able to get Robin and Feixiao.
And if I did the same I could be a millionaire but that doesn't mean I should go to Vegas and bet it all on black.
Does anybody have E6 Robin? Was it worth it?
High net worth women are my fetish.
Post more funny cats.
As far as the actual Gallagher goes he's pretty good with crit Himeko.
who dressed this doll like that
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Stop posting that shit.
I understood that reference.
>speculating is useless
People speculate because it's fun.
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It's clear that this is another western field too infested to have any value whatsoever in continuing to use their services. Replacing them is better.
I'd rather replace them with competent professionals who can keep their politics out of their jobs.
But we all know that's never going to happen.
And we all know why that's never going to happen.

So chinks may as well look into investing into AI for EN dubs.
Dr Ratio... rerun doko... onegai...
I do around 70-80k additional damage per attack with 4k attack + a phys orb as the solo buffer on the team.
Energy isnt a problem anymore and the CC resist is nice. Well worth it if you’re a whale.
If you just want big damage per screenshot though I think sparkle or jiaoqiu would be better e6s.
Ruan mei feels like she peaks at e1 and her e6 while nice doesnt proc as often so she feels the least impactful
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>Twin Star Exorcists finally end
Such a good ending bros.
Honkai Star Rail
No the fuck it wasn't
Japs can't make good endings
Yes it is.
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holy SHIT
Getting close to finishing all the engaging content, what game should I play next? Already done genshit/zzz/wuwa/tof
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Overrated. You may think oh it's a lot of damage. But it only hits one target even on aoe attacks and has a limited amount of times it procs per ult. Having e6 anything though should make all content just way too easy. Robin peaks at e1. So you are really spending a E2S1 worth of a new character on it, a E2S1 of a new character would be more worth.
Please please please commit sudoku
it was pretty good
yes it was
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whoops, all speed
>those eyes
Atleast they're accurate to how ugly her model is
Thread sucks like me sucking on those delicious Huohuo toes and licking her feet
Is Sakamoto Days kino or Reddit?
HSR btw
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why do you think im rolling blackswan over him
The only decent Eng va are old Huo Huo's. Argenti/Mr. Tail va and Bronya's va because they were professionals that treated it like a job.
Zero Escape: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors
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only if you really like the characters (personally I think they're a lot more charming than most of the other hoyo game characters)
Marketing stunt for Feixiao involves EN VA mysteriously disappearing.
The next thing you'll know is that she'll jump in front of you then say "Hey loser, come and join me hunt that Hoolay bastard" then the crowd burst into cheers

Feixiao banner will sell over $100m, surpassing both Acheron and Seele combined. HSR devs will be convinced that we need to go to Luofu by 3.x
For me, it's VLR. SIggy and Phido are just too damn good together
Based. I have 300 unilogs ready for lucy and semmelweiss
I think 999 is the better game but also you have to play 999 before you can play VLR, silly, anon should definitely play both though!
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I'm going to fence Jade's goods FOR MINIMAL PROFIT!
Jade…stop referring to yourself in the 3rd person
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>mfw we visit the 4TH CHINESE SHIP in 3.x
So this is what a quiet quitting p2 salesman looks like…
Whoever designed tracing farming goes to heaven
Whoever designed relic farming goes to hell
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thanks for sharing in my enthusiasm guys, my hanabi loves it
You really let people talk to you like that? Peak beta behavior.
I'd stare him right in the face and I'd say, "Yeah, why, jealous the pixel waifu you like didn't come to you? I wouldn't either!"
They're already condensing Space China, Venti was turned into Moze and Huiyuan got NPC'd. Next thing you know Luochud/Jingliu or some Lord Ravagers are gonna completely wipe out a ship before we can explore it.
How can it be 4th if we're still stuck with Luofu, thoever.
There's approximately -1399% chance that there's no alt Moze if that's true
>Fate collab
>trailblazers in a pinch
>Jingyuan saves everyone

believe it
Am I remembering this correctly or was there not an event where Qingque became a visionary of a communist utopia?
We were always at most ever going to visit two ships. The Luofu and maybe the vacation ship or the ship the marshall is on.
I tend to block out anything qq is involved in
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Its not communist if QQ is the queen
Damn, Hoolay looks like that?
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also in jap
they took her out back and shot her (good)
>still jp voice
Ah yes I knew I wasn't imagining things arigathanks anon
that is a horrendous build, actually kill yourself
Surely Lingsha will be better
what's so bad about it nonnynonnon ?
Wait why would this be in JP? Owlbert and Jiaoqiu are not union workers, what the fuck is going on lol
When's the animated short?
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It's Feixiover, ENbros

>EN YT channel using JP voices AGAIN
HSR won too hard so the universe decided to give it a hurdle to overcome.
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>anon yesterday who put FF team on the wrong side on floor12
fixed most of the other floors to 1-2 cycles run, but somehow did 9 cycles in f12 lol (compared to 10 cycles with ff on the second side)
idk but my FF can pretty much 3 cycle either side just fine lol.
would acheron hyper then FF be better? or FF then acheron?
i think yunli is just not it lol shes taking like 5-6 rounds.
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>no feixiao english voice
who cares
>no my nigga owlbert
FUCK this gay earth
not watching
There are literally zero ENbros in the thread
I haven't bothered to change Star Rail to JP yet.
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<uses EN dub behind you>
Heh, nothing personnel.
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>Some person does retarded shit on Twitter
>Owlbert loses out on some work
There is no justice here
Doubt they're going to have half the voiceover in EN mixed in with JP so it's simpler to post that version for everyone I would guess.
I play GI in EN, but after experiancing Jingliu, my first 5* in HSR in EN I had to change
>Feixiao runs over 500km EVERY SINGLE MORNING
imagine the smell
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>flop xuan
Imagine pulling for a brickstain when you get lynx for free
Its actually 1000 miles / 1600 km every day, EN Trannylator fuck it up.
So is 2.5 just going to be entirely unvoiced dialogue
Did everyone get Argenti'd.
imagine the SMELL
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mfw it's over

I like EN Jingliu's tired voice.
Feixiao's Basic Attack animation looks cooler than her skill...
I wonder what the max number of enemies you could get inside Feixiao's technique is.
Conceive if you may, an instance of such olfactory phenomenon
And SAM is 1000% cooler than the green bug. It happens.
Maybe she can succ an entire floor of trotters
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Fuck dude, not my nigga Owlbert...
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JQ is right to avoid her morning workouts.
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I'm getting sleepy, bros...
I could get inside Feixiao's technique bwo if you shiggy diggy what I metaphorically skibidi
why is she an ugly tailless freak like Fofo...?
>Still JP
She could've acted professionally and enjoyed her cushy EN BA job, but she HAD to throw it all away for Twitter clout lmao
fr fr no cap on god?
But enough about my nigga Owlbert and Jiaoqiu...?
This is beyond Feixiao EN VA.
Don't compare our goddess Feixiao with that ugly dog
Tail got ripped off during borisin rape
that's a man
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For me, it's Jiaofei
Was JQ about to cook Owlbert?
>She could've acted professionally and enjoyed her cushy EN BA job, but she HAD to throw it all away for Twitter clout lmao
She could've but when you hire activists, they gotta be fuckin retarded about it all the time.
QQbros... surely they exist and not just for shitposting...
I'm out of the loop, what happened?
>hsr got it's own stinky fox
This game really wants to be fgo for some reason.
>translators can’t into unit conversion
We keep losing ENbros…
Feixiao literally doesn't even have dialogue in the video outside generic barks that could be muted. Arguing this has anything to do with a single voice actor is incredibly stupid.

Which is why the internet is running with it.
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>JP Owlbert
The animation and now another trailer are in JP on the EN channel. There has been no explanation besides I think a post stating there were some scheduling issues.
he'd know how to
>Feixiao VA fucked up
>Owlbert VA got caught in the crossfire
Overseas projects should really stop bothering with EN dubs.
I would impregnate that little pink woman if she were in my bedroom
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>the SEAsian is still trying to force his narrative
also yellow eye misha was cut?
You could maybe hope you could get a low drama studio in England or something but even the one FF14 uses pulled in a tranny white guy to voice some mexican chick.
The sad part is that the least of what's wrong with that shit character.

It really will just come down to AI being fed enough samples to make generically okay voices. Then you only need to hire a few QA to make sure things turn out as intended.
>no nigga owl
Is Hoyo axing the EN dub at this point? Wtf is going on?
I thought they hired VAs that didn't have union.
>Bri'ish VAs
God no, that's worse.
>AI voices
And this is the absolute worst option.
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>500km every morning
>310 miles
>assuming she dosen't want her morning run to take more then 3 hours, she is running over 100mph.
How do you justify this?
It's more, and that's because no Foxian can go unraped
The studio is tagged under "non union work", the issue is that some of them have a mixed contract with SAGFATRA that allows them to do non-union work while being part of sagaftra, but when sagaftra when onto strike they banned both union and non union work.
shes sonic
Feixiao rape
Its 1600 km / 1000 miles bro
Also she's just that fast bro
I'm surprised there's even a route that is A THOUSAND MILES long where she can run uninterrumpted
It's not like it would be worth it for them to selectively redub parts of this trailer, so they just shipped the JP one.
I doubt they're doing much other than nuking a few retards like this chick was. But you just know they've got to have people doing cost analysis and seeing what options they could come up with.

It isn't about the EN dub's or NA's profit so much as appearance of being a bigger and broader marketable product by having said dub. I think cost wise they'd probably lose net zero or not much if they dropped the EN dub entirely, but it would project an image of weakness kind of.
What the fuck happens if she runs into someone when going this speed?
They just got hit by a fucking train? Why does she need weapons?
>God no, that's worse.
I had no problems with them in 14 when I played.

>And this is the absolute worst option.
You just haven't appreciated Elmo playing Hitman.

It's funnier if she was nuked for blackface on ugly fox dyke.
Is there a single eng VA studio that isn't a shitshow at this point? If the new patch ends up with just the JP dub that'll be funny at least.
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Just play in JP. Pic related same voice.
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why can't EN-anything just stay fucking professional, focus on their crafts, and not be activists
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My girlfriend is so cute
All made up numbers to get powerlevelfags. Remember that it's Jingliu that stopped Hoolay, and she doesn't need to do any of that shit outside of being a wife.
Why can't you wait for an official statement rather than making shit up? Same logic.
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Because they were hired for their politics. It's almost not even their fault, they were hired for this and not competency of work.
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Attention Trailblazers,
Due to popular demand, the English voice-over has been removed from the game.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
I will never wait for anything in my life.
If Hoyo dropped the EN dub for HSR then it really wouldn't change much but a lot of dub only people would probably throw a shitfit on twitter and I don't know how that'll effect the public perception for the game.
Where the lick poster at
Thanks Dong Wei
What happened this time
I would unironically buy a Battle Pass in response.
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Character that looks EXACTLY like THIS when??
she's a knight of the wind - crush 40
because the ones getting into artsy gigs are already independently wealthy and can afford to start shit
Fuck ENshitters
Leave my nigga owlbert alone... or else
That's loli Hanya
>500km every morning
>310 miles
>assuming she dosen't want her morning run to take more then 3 hours, she is running over 100mph.
>How do you justify this?
Does she just play this in head headphones?
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so tell me, why do accounts brick?
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Her animated short will probably be in nip as well...fucking hell. I hope we can get it dubbed in the future
Well, for starters, people would start asking why Genshin and ZZZ have EN dubs and HSR doesn't, eh.
>but muh HI doesn't have EN dub
Yeah, no shit, no one knows, no one cares, and it still uses several clients with staggered release.
>letting your profession bar you from speaking out on sociopolitical issues
Even outside of this VA stuff, you don't see that as a problem??
Is that Yunli's account?
e0s0 kafka black swan pela and fofo

will this be able to clear end game content 3*
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We told you, time and time again, there's a reason why JP VAs are so prestigious compared to EN shitters but you didn't listen.
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I just find it funny that hoyo defaults to jp, as if being fully aware that their moon language is fucking disgusting in the ears of global audience. It's impressive really, knowing your weakness is the foundation of becoming great.
The only issue with brownoids is that they exist in the first place
As a civil servant I am prohibited from speaking out.
yeah there have never been any kind of drama in JP or CN. Totally.
Yes probably. Like 3-4 cycles
More like they know westerns are more used to japanese because of anime, so the shock is lessen

You understand how stupid you sound, right? Do you imagine them sitting around in fancy suits drinking expensive alcohol and discussing the stock market? Does japanese va's even have a union?
No shit. Being a VA is considered an actual job there where your basically a step below movie/tv actors. Meanwhile, VA work in the west pays peanuts and it's mostly for failed actors, wannabe ecelebs, and now vtumors.
>Well, for starters, people would start asking why Genshin and ZZZ have EN dubs and HSR doesn't, eh.
I took Dawei's announcement to include all 3 games.

To be fair, this kind of drama is a recent issue. EN VAs for the early 2000s were fine.
Wait, so the memes about Feixiao being Borisin rape baby were actually true all along?
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Turn on a light. Stop playing video games in the dark.

The two industries are handled way differently and being a VA over there has just as high or higher barrier to entry than EN VAs do. The two situations aren't really comparable.
Hear me out lads. Mihoyo should hire British theater actors for English dub.
JP is also full of stupid drama, just not the kind that interferes with work (usually)
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I don't know I just say she's a borisin rape baby because it's probably more interesting than the actual story/
That's just rude, Acheron had her reasons.
>compared to
Learn to read, monkey.
Ask Wuwa how the British thing worked out for them.
JP vas are treated as basically B list celebrities in nipland. Some of them have radio shows, tv appareances, and people will watch or play the games they're in just because they are fans of the VA.
there's nothing wrong with it other than the voice direction.
People already figured out that the Valourous relic set lore was talking about Feixiao and the previous general who saved her from Borisin slavery. That's the primary reason why she was called a Borisin rape baby.
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>my first limited banner

>they're still going
Let's not forget some of them go one to have fairly successful music careers too, some even performing internationally.

Being a JP VA offers so many opportunities being an EN VA just doesn't.
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Post her ass.
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Reminder that Sparkle is also a very hard worker, even if it doesn't look like it!
In a team of Feixiao, Robin, and Aven, does Moze attack more or does hunt March attack more?
I plan to get feixiao at E2, is it a good idea to use the og wind set to just spam ultimate and 25 advance boost? Or is it less damage afterall that if I just used the wind soaring set ?
The VAs weren't the problem entirely, the studio was retarded because the voice director made the VAs not use their accents because they thought sounding american would have a wider appeal so the actors struggled to not talk like they normally do. The result was them sounding like robots trying not to sound like Bongs.
A rat and a cat, heh.
She made those with Aha powers, I will not be fooled.
Post her hair.
it seems like hiring vtubers/streamer with voice acting chops is the most drama free option for EN.
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Its less damage overall unless you are doing some advanced, double DDD bronya 0 cycle autism
you now remember seele
bros, my power supply died and I had to get a new one.
RIP $175
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man butt
That’s it I’m taking Acheron home with me
Sparkle is just an oddjob worker who copes by only taking jobs that are 'interesting' to her, sadly most people don't treat her with much respect.
>inb4 they're outed as a pedo
Yeah no.
did you have like a 1000W platinum one?
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>sadly most people don't treat her with much respect.
It even extends to how people undervalue her in gameplay...
> Dreamy just said Feixiao is a tier above Acheron and Firefly
It's so fucking over FUASkippers and "No Powercreep"bros It's so Joever
I'd have sex with this man. I'm straight btw.
>spends hundreds of tickets pulling meta in order to earn one extra warp per month for flawless clearing endgame modes
this isn't you anon, is it?
that's my son
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>Sounds fine when voicing NPCs who are allowed to have British accent
>sounds bad when being forced to do American accents
>no drama
Well there's an easy fix, just let them sound British then. It's that simple.
I am rolling for Rappa because I want her and Boothill to seggs
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I posted in the wrong general but
>post her ass
Here you go, my man
Aglaea: Pokimane
Zeus: Tyler1
Next space china general: Stewie2k
nope, haven't spent a dime and I did clear 3* in MoC PF and AS (but my teams suck so that's likely to stop. it's okay tho)
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>I am rolling for Rappa because I want her and Boothill to seggs
I am skipping Rappa because people are saying 2.6 is Tingyun and Sunday.
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choose one HSR character to recast as XQC in English
I actually spend hundreds of tickets and resin just to get the cycles down even though there is no monetary reward
why can't we get a Kiana...
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>he can't run 500km
your paģfly?
Mori Calliope...
My cum on her feet after an wonderful footjob from her
I'd ask for a refund honestly
Give me sixteen reasons why you want a kiana
i don't want anymore expies
they're such a waste of space that should be used for new interesting shit
go play HI3 if you like expies so much
good, it will filter twitter secondaries
bad, none of the seanigggers will leave
she's my wife x8
I want to fuck her x8
Acheron Raiden Bosenmori Mei...
Rappa will flop
mei senpai...
this but wormday
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If every day is Sunday, weekly bosses won't reset...
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>Sigga gets groomed into becoming a femboy child soldier
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All she has to do is voice the character and shut the fuck up. Why does she need to ruin her career by posting an image that is banned on that same company where she's working??? Any retards that can explain it to me since I've lost many brain cells thinking why she did that move
Vitchy sex
can you just shut the fuck up
Lots of drones ITT.
She's out?
Sugilite: LowTierGod
I think the sugga is actually competent at his job
>the SEA is still going
I think Sugilite should tell Aventurine to kill himself for being a waste of oxygen
Still in en btw retards
Jingliu: Monarch
Jing Yuan: Cy Yu
LTG is competent at avoiding child support.
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Once Feixiao comes out, you'll get on your knees and apologise to Sushang for doubting her strength.
>yellow eye misha
Admittedly, the scene where he reveals himself to be the Watchmaker would've been a good time to use that model.
straight male...
racial bonus, doesn't count.
What has sushang ever done, huh?
Seele, Clara, Topaz, Jinglui, Jing yuan, aventurine and Himeko VAs all stream.
It seemed like HSR was gonna surpass Genshin in popularity, then the shitty as Penacony arc killed the game
5 stars sushang when
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Sugibull is gonna win bigly. He gets more money and more bitches than Sigga ever will. Half the Stonehearts have fucked him.
Our filler banners beat your region launch thoughever
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>What has sushang ever done, huh?
I can't believe Sushang fucking DIED!
She's cuter than Mori and probably won't sound half as annoying even in english
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Sushang TANKED btw
>Half the Stonehearts have fucked him.
And the Sigga fucked them all. Besides sugisissy of course.
sushang with march 8th and HMC is the strongest she's ever been. what's your excuse?
Are you fucking retarded? In what fucking way pre-penacony HSR could ever surpass Genshit?
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Why does EN Gallagher sound like he has lung cancer and a chain smoker?
I don't see the problem.
But I like Welt's, QQ's, Sushang's and
Gui's EN Voices

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