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IridiGOD will save our narrative edition


>September Trading Post:

Previously on /wowg/ >>493022292
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The greatest set ever made.
reminder to report and hide avatars
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The comfiest zone ever made.
/wowg/ guild status?
khadgar is a ret paladin now
Any other AI slop requests? Gonna be around for an hour or so
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Hunter has some decent sets
Some real shit ones too though
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>Bismuth keeps dropping and herbs sell for pennies
It's actually so fucking over. Thinking about dropping mining and herbalism altogether. The era of gathering is gone and dusted (at least in my server). Inscription any worth it? I was interested in it and Jewelcrafting, but I already heard the latter is negative income.
your elf looks STUPID!!!!!!
avatar troon haha
and it's not available
i'll probably boost an earthen, but which class?
Love maye.
Hug maye.
Hold hands with maye.
behead palatrannys
some sort of healer, trust me
Why's he so cool brahs..
>The era of gathering is gone and dusted (at least in my server)
It's all servers because they combined mats region wide which means even normal servers get fucked by bots
all a ploy to force normal players to buy tokens
I remember back in BFA I got like 6 tokens casually herbing at the beginning. It's actual slave labor now.
Dun Morogh?
Not enough Hunter sets look like they are fashioned from a great quarry that was hunted. That's the entire point of the class.
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By comparison to others such as this specimen, or just in general
I like your fox sloppa, hottest furry avatar in the thread by far
if gathering dies im just not going to sub anymore because fuck any of the real professions
Why is it that Draenei and night elves can become warlocks?
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Uh, Liadrin bros.. Why is she requesting private lessons for her and her daughter, from fat Paladin bastards?
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>Alleria: We thought we had lost you, Khadgar. How did you survive?
>Khadgar: The Dark Heart was created not to destroy, but to capture and harness all manner of power.
>Khadgar: When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy...
>Alleria: ...and allowed yourself to be trapped within the Dark Heart.
>Khadgar: Yes. Until you freed me.
Because of the Penitent.
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EU chads, we are offline
trust them bro it's fine this time they learned their lesson
why can gnomes be warriors?
why can undead be holy priests
why can male night elves be anything but druid
Nobody has ever cared
why can female ne be druids

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Its got alot of pieces that mix pretty well.
She has a daughter??
you werent supposed to point that out
what will be the human allied race to give the horde humans?
Yes, she's had one since TBC. She adopts the Blood Elf Orphan you get with Children's week on Horde
uhhhh what happened avatar tranny you didn't make the thread this time huh faggot
>get a quest reward
>its literally the exact same gear as my last quest reward from 50 quests ago but its higher i lvl
bros this kind of sucks. why is wow like this
Orced Xal'atath
The only legitimately strange one here is undead holy priest
There's nothing preventing gnomes from being warriors, and locking classes to gen- I mean, body types would be retarded
>fat Paladin bastards?
id play that gay class if i could be a kul tiran
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Yeah very true I love the hunter sets that look like they're made out of a creature such as eternal palace looking like it's made from naga scales
I also like this rugged look of various hides and leathers, very nice
wish I could play my worgen more tbqhdesu
qrd on maye? what thefuck is "og" ?
>muh fuggin content drought bix nood
is this the new asmongold cope? Because he said nothing of the sort on DF launch when all the content was literally just "kill the 7 super rares on 100 alts for 3 weeks"
Gnomes shouldnt be warriors and classes should be gender locked
undead should be spec locked.
Limitations breeds creativity. It would be interesting
it would cost a raid tier for them to make actual, individualized items
lmao why liadrin still wears blood knights tabard
stupid hag is still mad
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>qrd on maye?
Nobody important
Other game FFXIV
Asmon's issue is he wants number to pump up.
He can't pump number up gear wise until next week.
Fundamentally, he enjoyed DF's launch because his fanbase was actively giving him epic gear while there was that bug to abuse at launch.
Not to sound like a boomer but it is cooler when good items are just good items 1 of 1 instead of everything being a generic stat boost with numbers so big you cant even really understand it you dont even get a unique appearance
There's literally nothing to do.
avatar troon haha
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I'm OG
(SL S1 Limited PVP set, Mage Tower weapons)
that bug only lasted a day
nobody said shit the other 20 days after
>bountiful delves give around 33 archive fragments
Glad I saved those keys, piss easy weekly
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All the Ret Paladin jokes have finally gotten to me, I decided to respec to Wizard for a day or two to see if I like the change.
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ye im bored af, what was the new features of this xpac again?
heroic dungeon bosses give 15 each lol
lads I still have no guild as a tank and raids open in one week.
its so fucking hard to find a mythic guild as tank.

there are a ton of guilds who search players for heroic content and then there is the CE elite who would never recruit somebody like me who only beat half of the raid bosses on mythic in DF.

fucking sucks
Will the rest of the campaign be up as soon as EU is back or will we have to wait for the reset?
More sally ass
Ever think you're playing the game wrong chud?
Maybe you stop and smell the roses?
Find a stone sheep with flowers growing on his back, and give it a big ol' sniff.
Read the quest text a time or two? Take the dementia dwarf for a walk to the water so you can sacrifice him to the ocean, and find your feelings.
More to this game then keys/raid/pvp. Nothing fun beyond that, but gamer dads need time to not be stressed to max lvl. Then they have a chance at race to world first if everyone starts on equal ground.
>Source, I'm fucking bored too bro.
bunch of really complicated menu shit for autists i cant keep track of it
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>it's been like a week
>already sick as fuck of the music
I think I'm going to unsubscribe and buy Skyrim instead fellas
i imagine /wowg/ can push mythic easily. Where are the (good) GMs man?
You think you do but you don't
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Tyrande and my night elf wearing cow-print bikinis with huge tits on a sunny summertime farm ranch
Optional breast envy squish
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Yea I love trinkets that put a giant void zone on the ground that tanks move mobs out of
faggot avatar haha
are you fucking kidding most of the people here are awful at the game
I would trust the vulpera group from here that was the first to post their fyrakk kills than anybody else here and that's saying something
How bad could it be? just mass report any faggotry.
why are many human surnames end with -mane
is just a thing blizzard made up or is it a reference to something
it sucks that monk only has 1 dps spec and the other 2 specs have such lame fantasy to them
one of the devs is a fan of Gucchi Mane
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Top 15 zones of all time. I have impeccable taste, I know:

>Dun Morogh
>Stranglethorn Vale
>Tirisfal Glades
>Stonetalon Peak
>Eversong Woods
>Storm Peaks
>Howling Fjord
>Shadowmoon Valley (WoD)
>Tiragarde Sound
so will TWW be the usual 2 year expac or is it 1 year
1 year
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holy fuck that ass was titan-forged for green dick
More fat asses
>50% chance for mining/herb to disappear because bots are telehacking
nice game blizzshit
Dawnbreaker is unequivocally the stupidest piece of shit dungeon I've ever done. What DEI tranny made this garbage?
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These rock dudes know how to make some cozy little spaces.
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There are 2 types of night elves
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is the next expac going to be full price? what will it offer
NTA but how do you know doe.
>log in
>do 7 laps around the city
>log out
how would I know?
this one was $10 more than ones that are meant for 2 years. while offering less on launch
Yeeeeeeeesss MORE MORE!
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The people that did the dungeon and died to it's mechanics all said the same thing, that it was garbage
The people that knew how it worked all said the same thing "Kino"
Get good faggot
catbox for what? I didn't make a nude version
And they both crave orc cock
Got my earthen heritage bros
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>turalyon still a faggot
why can't blizzard write men
shut up loser im still level 78 just enjoying my time and taking it slow. what's the rush sweaty?
>brackenhide hollow
>le quirky mount in combat
>le quirky town you were in once is the battlefield
>le quirky hueg BBE xD that you can only damage a little bit before it flies off in fear
Yeah, sure
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What is /wowg/'s opinion on Night Elves & their tummies?
also no free game time on basic purchase
Sally x Jaina!
>use the special ability in the Rookery dungeon to call down a lightning bolt from the gryphon nigga
>tank pulls all the mobs out of it
Comfiest class for solo open world play, and farming/collecting old mountsmogscheevos and quests?
No Goblin LORA?
He will shine in Midnight when he meets the Emperor Thoradin and Yrel in which he will be spent in an inner conflict between siding with the light as a proper Lightforged human and crusader or remaining at Alleria's side
Trust in the plan
>blizzard is making hd judgement tier for the anniversary
Jesus we won bros
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When will they add him
prot war/pally
the average /wowg/ user complaining that shit like frost mage and MM hunter being too complex tells me enough to know that they wouldn't be able to clear mythic
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i love the spider ppl
wish i could mog this and maintain my dignity
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Im trying to wrap my head around mining. But I cant seem to make anything?
I can't find a forge either.
Iridikek will never come back, not even as a 5 man dungeon boss. Lol, lmao even.
>spec has literally 4 buttons
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I started playing Dragonflight for the first time to farm some Druid forms and it's actually kino. Its mostly the same as War Within but the zones are cooler and it has Alexstrasza. Is The War Within just a downgrade?
that's refining anon. Bismuth is used in alloys made by blacksmiths, not to make ingots like old xpacs
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i cried bros
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Their abs and backs and asses are the best part
Next to their futa balls ofc
Why Anduin has gay eyes
At this rate we'll start talking about TWW being better than midnight before it even goes into alpha
I haven't seen a Night elf with a pussy and no dick since legit Legion.
Where is /ourguy/ max...?
It’s good to see Anduin happy for once
why you struggle basic english
So what do I do with this bismuth?
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where died you trannies come from?!
We didn't have avatarfags since Shadow... oh. You need to go back.
faggot avatar tranny haha
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Damn this looks genuinely good. Time to finish the campaign tomorrow.
for now just sell it, it's more profitable.
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still waiting for them to add taming manuals for these to sv
talk england ash whole
I feel like I'm missing the big rewarding weekly quests. It doesn't appear to be like it was in previous expansions, where they're all smack in the middle of the main hub and you pick them up and go. I got the one to get 100 discs, one to kill elite bees after doing three WQ in Dorne, and another one to protect the guy through 20 add waves.
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After everything he's still red to me? What a bitch as nigga
didnt like dragonflight, gay as fuck doesnt feel like wow
thoughever i like tww a lot
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I see this often, can someone tldr me on this cause I never had this issue?
is it a first world thing where you are all rentcucks and the landlord doesn't allow smoking
or is it just a "I know it's really bad for me/my home" thing?
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>khadgar has to survive more years of nu-wow
why didnt they let him sleep
>when he sees your penis
They exist, just rare, and have to know where to look
Futa is giga popular in the degen bubble. I've even met a few coomer biofems roleplaying as one (not trans)
What ilvl gear do heroics give?
>not wanting to see the Khadgar training arc with Medivh where he gets a rematch with Xalatath in 11.2 and pushes her shit in
The wheelchair is Xal'atath.
Screenshot this.
He's orange
it literally sounds AI generated
also what's with the plagiarizing of jaina's theme in the island of dorn music, it makes no sense conceptually and is really jarring I asked again and there is no answer
>earthen council is three women and one man
they couldnt help themselves
>is it a first world thing where you are all rentcucks and the landlord doesn't allow smoking
>or is it just a "I know it's really bad for me/my home" thing?
it's both. it objectively fucks up your house and everything in it.
avatar tranny lmao
Slop chads... Khadgar needs to pound that void bitch
gonna buy the game tomorrow when i get paid. can i still catch up bros?
>"I'm not aiming at you"
and just like that, Metzen saved WoW
Gearwise? Absolutely, it's easy as shit to get good enough gear.
Repwise? Nah, but it's irrelevant to gear.
Moneywise? Yeah, just go for long-term professions and you're good.
Arathi set is still cooler than HD judgement set, yawn
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Yeah without a doubt
Even when the season begins there is none of this classic-era "falling behind"
All throughout Dragonflight people were doing lower, more casual content while higher content was being pushed
So don't sweat it, just have fun
Yes it is, that's the elite arathi warfront set
no, it's over for you already
haha tranny faggot avatar
Yeah BUT imagine hd bloodfang
i miss maye
They messed up the boots size in both this and the human heritage set, looks fine in the art but in game it is way smaller
ur orange
I'm right here >>493063102
shut the fuck up already you annoying retard
I miss Basado...
Dreadnaught set in HD would be peak
i dont know who that is but its not maye
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Why is /v/ like this, why won't they JUST LEAVE US ALONE!!!!
Arms or Fury Warrior?
Uh oh doomkek melty
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Uhhh…Khadgar bros? It’s not looking good.
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there wasn't a warcraft goblin one last I looked

can do
I want to breed a belf
why are blizz still railroading players through a story campaign and locking you out of endgame if you dont complete it?
its unacceptable really that an expansion that gives you a character boost doesn't also give you adventure mode from the get go. tell the story through world quests if you must, but don't expect me to sit through a campaign for a story i haven't cared about since wrath. i'm just gonna skip all the dialogue/cutscenes anyway
they even acknowledged that a vast portion of their playerbase only play for the mechanics and not the story. they really need to look at how they deliver said story i think, like i said, tell it through world quests or dungeons or something.
no i dont care that its only ~6 hours and i should just suck it up and power through. if you're gonna treat the campaign like a bandaid that i just need to rip it off and get it over and done with, then it's not a fucking story worth telling is it
I play and enjoy TWW. Just stop being an annoying attension-seeking faggot. Go find some friends in the game, we are not your friends.
no you mean the recolor
Seriously, how did they go from Barbie and the little magic ponies in Dragonflight to The Lord of the Rings in Azeroth? If it hadn't been for the episode of Iridikron teaming up with Xal'atath, you'd swear Dragonflight was done quickly as an interlude just to save time to serve us TWW, everything is so different.
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Why does Anduin have painted nails???
"Oh, the wheelchair? I'm trying something new!"
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>forced to play epic battlegrounds because I can blend into the crowd and not be singled out for bullying if I play like shit
>never improve because epic battlegrounds are just a zerg rush clusterfuck or mindless pve
help me bros...
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Is it anti avatar melty time?
i think that's the warfront one because the thing on top of the helm is white
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Sorry I should know better than to post a WoW screenshot and talk about WoW in /wowg/
dick status?
I like arms, but the people with terminal wowbrain are all raving about fury.

I think fury is gay.
>le 2 2h weapons! (Holds them like 1hers anyway)
>shitty le stronk woman talent tree art
>thematically confused with many concepts all competing with each other.

Arms on the other hand is just straight forward. A master at arms Chad, that’s it.
Got that E-Z Mine Ironclaw right here
*incessantly adjusts self*
did you model edit the hair through the helmet?
uh oh avatar tranny uppity
It's worg petting time
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Are you guys fucking kidding me right now? This is a fucking prank right?
>Anduin's painted nails
I do think that guys right its kind if obnoxious to constantly post your character. I just stay silent because I know you won't self reflect and you'll just dismiss me as a hater or something. But I've been more active here since TWW launched and none of your posts have ever contributed to the thread and your overall presence is a negative one.
woah i'm sure that you just saw this and is not pretending to be surprised
bellular called it with the wheelchair when it was datamined
they're raving about it because it straight up outperforms arms on the meters
if it was the other way around (which it should be), people would be raving about arms instead
please tell me the wheel chair is fucking temporary
That's Alleria's other hand retard you don't have to samefag about it
We all did faggot
>locking you out of endgame if you dont complete it?
Endgame is m+/raids/delves, all of which you can access without doing the story
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EU still hasn't got the patch so please, easy on the spoilers.
Wait is that how the chair actually looks i thought it was an untextured data mine
kek what a sissy
I don’t really care about being a meta whore. I’d rather play what I actually enjoy.
>The War Within finale
That's $90 + tip + tax + sub
I hope you are excited for next expansion already which is going to be as short as this one
This is another example of why creating the game so that only the current expansion has relevant content at max level. People are bitching they have nothing to do while there's two decades worth of story and zones going unused.
don't like it, leave. simple as.
Esl meltdown lol
Your skin is piss colored and you play gacha
Those are Alleria's fletcher gloves you retarded /v/ermin tourists.
what is the boe green pvp gear called now?
Nah the helmet doesn't turn off the hair for worgen. The style I normally use clips hard.
Bro can turn himself into a raven and fly, you're telling me he can't heal his legs? The light can't heal his legs? He can't just take a new form or control his legs with arcane magic or wear some kind of arcane mech suit?

He just has to be a gimp huh? You couldn't let him stay dead, you had to humiliate him huh? Fucking really blizzard? Metzen was supposed to save wow not fucking destroy it
People are bitching about having "nothing to do" while they play 16 hours per day
I want SMF to be good
renown? world quests?
AI won
the datamined one has regular wood texture, they applied one those transparent filters to make it look arcane
all they had to do was release M0 this week
so... are we getting .3 updates or not?
this is the 3rd time you've posted this today lil bro. Nobody is laughing.
Completely irrelevant to endgame
>world quests
Yeah fair, if you want one extra delve key per week, otherwise irrelevant
They left all the old content in an incoherent state what do you want people to do?
>Anduin has painted nails
And here I thought this game couldn't reach new lows.
I just got home you retarded schizoid

If I had a billion dollars to make an mmorpg, you can be sure there'd be stuff to do 24 hours a day.
the worst thing about playing wow now is that a lot of people played it and they loved it and still obsessed about it and every one of them thinks that it is HIS game and only he knows what's good and what's bad in it even if he doesn't play it
I'm literally a blonde Nordic beast but go off I guess
Anduin became a trans...
The people on the forums want it removed from the game. Lmao.
such as?
>there's two decades worth of story and zones going unused
Yeah I'd really love to join the good ol' BFA maze again... and they even removed the actual good things like twilight devastation...
flying ruins the game
>different people have different opinions on the same thing
I've never seen someone lie and cope this blatantly
I'm a WoW and blizzard connoisseur, I know them very well and I've played all their games and followed the news since day one, so yes, I think I know what I'm talking about.
nah it enhances it

Why? Why does every alternative playstyle need to be culled? Fuck mN. Every character of a certain species must play the same and gear the same
Classic is right there
brown hands typed this post
>take damage in visage form for the first time ever
>that voice
oh... I don't even want to hear the battle sounds
I seriously wish they would remove flying but most players are so short sighted
Dragon flying is such a chore too
Asmon was right about WoW (again)
Could you make a nightborne mage with dark blue skin and black hair seductively disrobing in bedroom revealing the lingerie beneath the robes.
The problem is striking a balance with rewards to not favor nolifers so regular players get hopelessly behind, but not have too little to do either.
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>Trans Anduin
The model update ruined humans.
Naked Night elf laying on the ground with fall leaves covering breasts and pussy.
How do Maye's feet smell like?
>I'm a WoW and blizzard connoisseur
Not until I see a 30+ minute on YouTube
ready for a spanking?
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>The only legitimately strange one here is undead holy priest
They had lore way back in Brill in Vanilla WoW about how Undead Priests can still channel the Light like they could when they were alive, but the magic burns them on the inside every time they do.

I've always thought that in the lore, Undead Priests are probably all Shadow Priests that use Will of the Forsaken to resist corruption by the Void, but rarely use Light magic in dire circumstances, and other races' Priests probably tend to be Holy/Discipline and MAYBE use Shadow magic in emergencies or out of anger, unless they're part of a shadow cult like Twilight's Hammer.
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I've tried something like that before and the results weren't good
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there's nothing in my house I care about fucking up including myself
What did Blizzard mean by this?
I really like this 3d-looking style like it's emulating blender models
Gimme a Tyrande x Sylvanas butt squish together
Need more of this combo please!
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Wasn't it back in Legion or something where they'd slow roll the release of a new patch so there was always something to do each week? Like week one would be normal/heroic dungeons, week 2 would be normal/half heroic raid and capped mythic plus, then week 3 would be mythic raid and uncapped m+?
T2 remake for the anniversary
>Even when the season begins there is none of this classic-era "falling behind"
All throughout Dragonflight people were doing lower, more casual content while higher content was being pushed
assuming this is true if you interpret things a certain way it would be hilarious if classic-tards are in fact so retarded they turned classic into a worse hell than retail is with their sweatiness
the whole point of classic should be going back to a state of the game where the adventure is all that matters and you don't have to worry about "the meta" or "being left behind"
that's fair
I wish human females were real
Arator coming in to be the strong white half-elf male the anti-wokes have been clamoring for
how well does it do fat bitches? im not talking like morbidly obese or disgustingly fat but i'm talking around maybe the 200-220lb range
You're about to see 15% of the player base wearing the same transmog.
That's already happening with the hallowfall plate
>only 15
>Have to do the campaign with the fucking stormrooks on every character
Holy fuck kys blizzard
>I've tried something like that before and the results weren't good
Oh ok how about a naked night elf standing in a lake with her twin braids covering her nipples?
>/who earthen 80
>9 People Found
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Am I the only one hoping that all rare mounts will be available to get during the 20th anniversary event? Armor is nice, but mounts are better.
Jaina will always be the best videogame mommy
You're not supposed to do the msq multiple times
>legion launch
>nothing but world quests and heroics for 3 weeks
>this is fine
>BFA launch
>nothing but world quests, islands, and heroics for 3 weeks
>this is fine
>shadowlands launch
>nothing but floor 3 torghast and heroics for 3 weeks
>this is fine
>DF launch
>nothing but world quests, world events, and heroics for 3 weeks
>this is fine
>TWW launch
>level 3 delves, several world events, world quests, and buffed heroics that aren't obsolete the instant you hit max level
>suddenly NOW there's "nothing to do"
second ugliest race they've made so far behind drakqueers
they better use the smexy new open robe leg models for all the applicable sets like trans or nw

except judgement.
you will always wear the skirt.
They never staggered M0 release
Is there a lora for death knight whitemane?
Wait, are Shockadins a thing again? It seems like there are a lot of talents that reward being in melee and casting Crusader Strike and Judgment.
Legion class campaigns rape the "launch content" in TWW
Heroics are literally m0 retard
hmmmm hmmmmmm
if they remade all T2 sets for the anniversary, coinciding (I think) with the respective state of season of discovery that would be pretty kino I guess??
What a dishonest post.
>who earthen 80
maybe don't play on dead servers idk

Do you eat shit? You can't queue for M0
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>instaleaving niggers every time
now you can :)
Stop being fucking retarded for once in your life
I racechanged a character to draenei and instantly got the heritage quest.
Does this mean I can racechange to earthen and get their heritage too?
It doesn’t do top dps and sometimes a 1her drops while specced fury. Therefore it must die!

T. Terminal wowbrain metawhores
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That's exactly how I feel, and it is true
When I play SoD I felt super behind when I was even a week late to Molten Core and I didn't have the dungeon tier 0 or 0.5 set, and I had to grind extra fucking hard and drop a lot of gold to get it done quickly

Whereas in retail, the season can be already ongoing and I'll just get an alt fresh to max level and start doing Mythic +2-4s no issue, no stress
Classic players really do obsess over being the ultimate meta-chase, while pretending that it's not literally exactly that
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it's not quite competent at partially undressing
there's probably a lora somewhere to help that but I don't have it on hand

you could probably get the results you want with slider loras to help

yeah it's quite good at it

can do

doubt she even has enough art to train one on
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>holy poggers I got to do 5 minutes of timegated quests on legion launch im POGGING SO HARD RN
Prove me wrong nigger, you can't.
read thee chart retard.
So just make it better then idiot!!!
I'm being serious, did they delete M0 from the game?


Go to the warrior forums and tell them that hahaha
Tyrande x Sylvanas butt squish
Using the 3d blender look and feel
Disingenuous post
It's amazing that they actually made something worse than mechagnomes
hmmmm how about something like this

mom-bod jaina whos past her prime, not as thin as she used to be gazing at herself nude in the bathroom mirror wondering if she's still got it
More space goats, preferrably man'ari
>4 instant seethe replies
That's not true for TWW though, heroic is a complete cakewalk and not like the old M0
with TWW launch I think they made it so you don't have to actually level the character to cap
I had racechangedd a shaman from dwarf to kul'tiran back in SL and didn't get the armor but when I logged the shaman in TWW I got the armor
>arator teaser twitter post
>literal braindead niggers in ITT this thread thought it was going to be a tier 2 update
It never ceases to amaze me how DUMB you retards are at all times
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I hope paladins are ready for new character introduction!
Neat, thanks
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>it's not true because I said so!
just go to the forums and look at all the shitters getting filtered by heroics. This shit didn't happen last expansion.
TWW had paypig early access, the others didnt. Thats seems to be the big problem. Tho i will say while scummy i think it did correct a lot of potential login congestion issues.
no they just tried to rein in their retardation a bit because mythic +32 didn't have a nice ring to it and normal/heroic dungeons were practically irrelevant/interchangeable for the majority of the playerbase
so THEORETICALLY what they did is turn heroic into m0 and m0 into +5, then scale the keys a bit so what used to be +20 (portals) is now +10
the reality is that at least as far as m0-heroic goes, it's not really the same, m0 required SOME effort, at least a tiny bit, heroics in TWW can still be steamrolled like any other version of heroic dungeon since post-nerf cata
which is odd because according to anyone who playtested the actual m+ season is shaping up to be extremely brutal
I know it's still early but I'm going to say this right now.

TWW might be the worst expansion they ever released. It's definitely top 3 worst.
Based post

The doomers just want to doom, as usual


lol it's really bad

and i liked shadowlands
its going to be Arator
Good, what about shaman?
maybe the dude just wants to sit in a floating wheelchair?
So you have bad taste?
it's so stupid if they're doing this because arator should have his own armor that fits his backstory
T2 is too iconic to give to that character and it doesn't actually suit him, he was just wearing it in TBC because it was a throwaway "whatever make a belf paladin that is going to be alleria's son" thing, there wasn't any design intention behind it
bro it's bad lol
it's wow
it's not a matter of taste
it's how much pain you can tolerate
hi welcome
Are level 4 delves not available yet? I did the achievement that unlocks them but I can't access them
But…you liked sneedolands. I have a hard time taking your opinion seriously.
Sloppa nightborne are so hot.
Could you do two nightborne in revealing pajamas or nightgowns whichever is easier having a pillow fight?
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>long time fan of crpgs
>got into (virtual) ttrpgs during the coof era
>struggled at first but ended up enjoying the roleplaying aspects
>finally decide to give an rp server a shot, how bad can it be?
>roll on moon guard since I prefer alliance
>mfw half the players I see have the usual retard names you expect from wow players and dont roleplay at all, even blatantly bantering OOC in front of people trying to
>the ones who do have RP profiles are either some of the most autistic spergezoids or the most shameless degenerates I have ever laid eyes upon
>surface level interactions are like Oblivion NPCs having conversations
>presumably anything good requires you to join some cloistered community with a bunch of rules and shit
why in the FUCK do people play on these realms? I expected it to be kind of gay but not like this
>i liked shadowlands
nothing you says holds any weight
shitterlands at least wasn't boring, you were too angry to be bored
this is all so boring and forgettable

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In the process of making a new half-elf paladin right now
you are gay
I had to drop the concept of the braids covering the nips
it just wouldn't do as I wanted
catbox just in case

okay but thats gonna be the last one
I have a feeling I'll be missing good old ruby life pools after this mythic plus season starts. I don't like TWW dungeons so far and I bet I'll like them even less next week.
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Melee and ranged?
paladins died after s2 df
The only bad dungeon is the ship one.
>okay but thats gonna be the last one

Dawnbreaker is annoying because the flow of the dungeon is all over the place, don't think it'll be too hard on m+ though, just kinda weird.
The fact they're bringing back siege of boralus though, that's gonna be the worst by far.
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I thought it couldn't be worse after trannyflight but TWW dungeons so far feel like the most vile shit ever, there's a big chance I'll quit one week into the m+ season
it's choke full of casters and artillery mobs, stupid gimmicks that would only be cool in a one-off scenario, confusing open area layouts with mobs everywhere it's just all so shit there is no reason to even call them "dungeons" anymore
fucking rec me a game with DUNGEONS where you are in a DUNGEON made up of CORRIDORS with mobs that you can kill instead of sweating your asscheeks off about one of them getting a cast off or standing in a pool while channeling their fag spell for more than a milisecond nevermind there are no good games we live in a horrible timeline I am so tired
you sound like a shitter
is m0 this week?
3.3k peak rating in SL S3, post yours
Cuckbreaker will brick so many keys in S2 mazed+, it will be glorious
>ummm the difficulty should be in the DUNGEON and not the AFFIXES
Literally only dawnbreak is not a corridor dungeon, the other new ones are essentially corridors when you map them out
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>City of Threads
>Grim Batol
>Siege of Boralus
>2 fucking Sneedolands dungeons
dungeons and dragons online has done them better than wow has for a decade
that's the worst one for sure. everytime I get that one at least one player leaves. it's a complete dumpster fire of a dungeon from start to finish. last time I managed to get stuck inside the flying ship because I clipped into it while flying.
My deep-dive Earthen review after 20 minutes of playing...

>incredible racials
>phenomenal hair colors when in char design
>feels and looks like a dwarf when you're playing
Some unique animations would have went a long way. But I suspect this race will get a lot of play for their racials alone.
>Fastest way to level is STILL Draenor
Guess I'm buying a boost cause EWWWWW
>>>incredible racials
>incredible racials
>>incredible racials
literally bricks healers btw
oh no it will take you 5 hours to level vs 4 hours aaahhh better pay the price of a full new release game to skip it!
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20th anniversary is going to see all Tier 2 armor sets get an HD remake. I have a friend at Blizzard. It won't be in the cash shop but a quest where you do BWL to get tokens towards a set for your class.
They are the cool Dwarves
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I dont really like this lora, it tampers too much with the image and constrains it
corrupts completely if you try and define any kind of background scenery

that's it for now, I'll maybe be back tomorrow, otherwise thursday
the Wrath set is so fucking ugly so I don't care about this
Brain fart, what was that achieve where you wore low level gear and did Ulduar (I think it was)?
Top tier
pala, rogue, lock and shaman

Good tier
warrior, druid

Trash tier
the rest
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Uploading webms for the community
Wrath looks good as fuck, just not on orcs
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>the ugly T2 Warrior will be an ugly HD T2 Warrior
10th anniversary was MC
15th was an anthology
it's not going to regress back to BWL for the 20th
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I know you guys will use this one with sane minds
we already for some parts of it in the trading post, kinda lame
Alleria activates a neuron for me. Must be my diamond bonner fetish for British slags. You can tell she cusses like a sailor and has bad hygiene, but it doesn't matter.
Anniversary is around the same time BWL comes out in SoD so it very well might be desu
it will because it lines up with SoD also
Oh great, more FOMO for the FOMO gods and won't ever be obtainable again just like the 10th anniversary mount, 15th anniversary mount
>no hexblade spec
why even live.............
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What happens to the thing after Alleria cracks it? Is it going to release all the souls Xal has gathered so far?
The beledar must be a really strong thing if only the essence of galakrond would corrupt it
>and won't ever be obtainable again just like the 10th anniversary mount, 15th anniversary mount
what do you need them for
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Any details on how they'll do the event like, do you have to be 70 to get the quest or any level above 32?
>come do this raid in sod! and retail! the same raid you've been running in classic for 5 years! just ignore the other 20 years of wow's history!
I'll be here when you get proven wrong though!
they could have done better with the warband bank
reagents and gold shouldnt need to exist per character at this point and just adds another annoying step to get stuff moved around
For me, the most iconic are:

The most retarded is

The most "literally who" are
>Ten Storms (played Alliance for ever)
I love her
Bro its in like 2 months, I don't care that much
get a life
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This moment is so bizarre, like how did Khadgar escape the void so easily? It's a little suspicious.
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post you're earthen
Last one.
Those mount are on the bmah
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Spoiler bros?
>it will line up with the dead corpse that is getting merged intoo one megaserver because nobody wants to play shitnilla beyond level 25
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Fake hype.
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Is there an addon to hide player and target frames?
I already use nameplates.
so what happened to harsh penulty for turbofaggots leaving the dungeon after 1 boss
Fuck you loser get a life
moveany or shadowed unit frames let you hide each frame individually
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WoW dungeons these days be like....
>Surv hunters can dual wield one handers.
Is this viable or nah?
>retarded nigger farming 0.0001% shitty blue upgrade that will be replaced in the fist second of the season
>Fuck you loser get a life
>one retard complains that dungeons are too open when they should be corridors
>another retard complains that dungeons are just corridors
so which is it?
Nope, you need a 2h to use the skills plus the wild bomb cd reduce talent require a 2h
I'm the first retarded and there's a difference between corridors and linear
I don't mind non-linear I just think modern graphics are so overbearing and when you get dropped into a dungeon with all sorts of bullshit everywhere it's disorienting, I long for the simplicity of older times in design and presentation, I don't mind having a complex layout as long as it's digestible in moment to moment gameplay
you can have nonlinear corridors
You mean since like TBC? Because that's literally how all TBC/Wrath/Cata dungeons and even a lot of vanilla dungeons are. At least these days there are dungeons like the meadery or stonevault where you can choose which wing to clear first and in M+ you choose what trash to clear.
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Fucking GAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I wanted to LARP as my favorite anime character.
comically bad taste
t3 is leagues better
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Anyone else go au naturale and never transmog? I disagree with the idea of transmog on principle. Your character should reflect the gear you've earned, not the gear you've previously earned or earned on other toons. It's cheating and disingenuous to present yourself as some decked out character when in fact you're just a shitter in greens. The game really went downhill when mogs were introduced, that much I know.
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i would like to thank Pookadin from Mok'Nathal on NA for kicking me for typing "relax" in instance chat after he tried to rage kick the ret paladin in a fight we won easily in an outland dungeon. glad to know i queued up into a dungeon full of sweating faggots when we were all there to level up characters.
Yeah it's big disappointing. Warband gear is largely retarded especially when 99% of it is worthless garbage. A big ass seamless reagent bank would have been a lot more useful
the damage meter is what proves im not a shitter. i like to look good.
>Falling for the world's most obvious bait
>Big black paladin
He's gay, Liadrin knows it when she sees it after years of being around Halduron.
Honestly serves you right for speaking during a dungeon
This is how I feel with gaming nowadays. The Ringing Deeps is busy as fuck and hard to see anything properly. Maybe I'm just getting old but I prefer the old-world design compared to TWW. Does The Ringing Deeps look pretty? Sure. It reminds me of Goron City in BOTW and the depths in TOTK but holy fuck I get headaches trying to find where things are on the ground because its so small or hidden between rocks or bushes.
disagree cause there's nothing natural about retail but I sometimes do un-mog my character because I'm too autistic about transmogs and keep changing them all the time and basically ruin my own fun
it's also nice to just look at the gear of the current patch you're playing even if you look like a clown it does have that charm of your character reflecting the gameplay you're engaging in
if only you could have seen how bitchy he was in his reply to me. we dont need to be kicking random people over petty shit when its just a normal outland dungeon. i ended up getting a 10 minute timer thanks to that faggot.
Not him but I talked a lot today because every party was 5 earthens or 4 and a female nelf
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stop gaslighting yourself, games look like shit and they used to look good, don't let rotten brained zoomers try to convince you that it's nostalgia or that "gamers are evolving"
>dk nerfed again

which ranged/caster dps has the best hero talents?
What damage meter? There is no damage meter in wow. Oh you mean you use addons? Well as an au naturale player those are even WORSE than transmogs for me. You're all cheaters and stealing valor. Your character's appearance should display your skill level.
not mm hunter
My spec stock is rising.
>They made the Awakening the Machine event easier
...What? There's no fucking way anyone struggled with that, right?
>t. grey parser
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Oh I'm not speaking that games have to be HD/Realistic to be good. my argument is that the current WoW design is a headache compared to older zones. This screenshot has a container in it. Can you find it?
Older WoW containers were usually more brighter distinctive treasure chests that stuck out in the environment. These days i get headaches trying to find TINY GOD DAMN POTS
I once struggled a bit with completing it without letting the dwarf take ANY damage
by the way there should have been an achiev for that
I haven't played many ranged (2). My ranking is

1. Elemental
2. Shadow
999999999999999. Moonkin

There's still more tuning to come before S1, but I just like the way Farseer's talents modify Ele's toolkit in 5s. I don't know if it'll be great, but I think it'll be a ton of fun to play.
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It's possible to fail it.
I failed it once.
>at 73.
I'm glad they are nerfing it! Finna farm the mount with my alt.
3, i couldn't even type a number right
is shadow really that bussin? i like holy so ill check it out
I mean yeah, not everyone has double interrupts for when the interruptable mobs spawn in duos, but they still shouldn't do more than 5% of his health, and the bot health drops heal him for a billion anyway
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>Can you find it?
Is it here?
>Oh I'm not speaking that games have to be HD/Realistic to be good
neither did I imply that, there's tons of indie games that go for a retro style for example that still look like garbage whereas others hit the nail on the head
bad design is bad design and WoW suffers from bad design in many different ways
the disorienting dungeon layouts and visually "busy" zones are just a couple examples
another is how there is nothing even resembling a consistent aesthetic or how all the major characters are designed like marvel super heroes and visually clash very badly when they share the screen with eachother or even the environments sometimes
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Refining herbs is easy money sometimes I made 40-50k profit on this batch
Ah neat, a chinese dude working in a comp sweatshop packed like sardines taking horny westerner's gold.
I've only played 3 caster specs. It's WAYYYY better than moonkin, probably better dps than Ele, but not as fun as ele.
>20th anniversary is going to see all retcucks running around in the judgement dress
fucking kill me
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Something's not quite right...
should I be refining instead of just blasting them to the ah or what's the strat exactly? I quit in WoD so idk what all this crafter shit is about really
>boomy just gets a third dot as their entire hero tree
brothers I am SUFFERING feel strong in pvp but probably outgear everyone
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Any goonguard knowers have the lore on the AshleyB schizo arc?
Yes now imagine trying to multiple of these when your addon blares horns are you, your eyes dart at the map, you look on the ground, you fly more around to try find it but it's so fucking small to see it. Now add in nodes and other treasures.
>Consistent aesthetic
I agree, I could ramble on how so many different things clash against each other in this game, different mounts and armors and such. Makes me want to stick to classic era but I don't have the patience for the grind anymore. I miss retro-gaming/good pixel art. Limitations gave us great innovations(data space, art color limits etc)
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Check rank 2 and rank 3, takes 5 rank 2 to make a rank 3, and make a risk, are you happy to craft rank 3 if the market price is to go below the cost of 5 rank 2
mage bros...

So is he perma crippled now or what?
Any other rock gods online
speaking of, where is that retard anyways? not playing wow but have seen zero instances of him existing anywhere.
ok yea that seems pretty straight forward, think I gotta max out that refine spec because it's only at 2* atm but haven't gotten any kp this week yet. thanks anon
I saw a full yellow earthen with a yellow mog and his name was yellowstone
>Xala shit
>Khadgar in magical wheel chair
>Earthen have to carry water because they can't use feasts in raid/groups
No wonder they're time gating content like this. It just keeps getting worse and worse.
So is TWW story over already? Do they do content patches with more story? I think Legion had that.
Moonkin damage can be fixed with buffs, and I expect major buffs announced next Monday, but for it to be fun it needs an entire overhaul. This can't be done till a major patch and likely not the first. The only folks who will play moonkin in S1 are the diehards (like me) who are so tied to a class/spec, when it's in the shitter we almost take it as a badge of honor and try to be the best of the shitters.
Just be aware the bubble might pop for lure drop, or when raiding starts, the money is there to be made, the rich get richer as we can buy more and refine more
Buddy the xpac has been out for like a week and a half. Of course the story isn't over.
Yeah, story is over, there'll be no more raids, no more patches, wait for midnight
Jaina is going to be so happy khadgar is around
>can't even do M0 yet
lol wtf? we have to run heroics for another week?
Jaina is going to be happy when she becomes my wife
Every expansion is like that. 11.0.5 will probably just have systems updates, maybe some epilogue quest for the current story and 20th anniversary nostalgia shit, then 11.0.7 will have a prologue for the next major story which will be in 11.1
>Go to make Eredar warlock
>Options are Exile's Reach or Ammen Vale
Well that's a pickle.
Remember that time khadgar teleported a whole ship of people from outerspace back to azeroth, why does he have the power for that teleportation magic anyway?
That said, moonkin's biggest issue isn't their damage (which sucks), it's that their defensive toolkit, outside of barkskin, relies on them shifting to bear form to survive unavoidable dmg. This will only make their DPS worse and cause groups to avoid them like they got the homopox.
Should I go with Soul Harvester or Hellcaller?
keep in mind mat quality is deliberately harder to rank up now compared to DF, so once the early flood of people buying 1* mats for leveling up skills ends demands for 3* will skyrocket as they actually want max level shit
Because illidan had the sargerite keystone
Yeah but look at the distance still, it wasnt close at all
Yes that's the power of the sargerite keystone
Jaina is completely gone like the playerbase wanted but nobody notices because the anti-woke commitee has taken over
Yeah but when did that ever give khadgar any power?
When he was right next to it together with illidan, and channeled its power
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On the 22nd I was sure we lost Dadghar, I'm not all the way on the other side and certain we have not. We'll have to "kill" him like we did Andy. I just hope he doesn't turn into a basedbitch faggot like Andy did after his ordeal.
Power scaling in this franchise has always been for whatever the person in charge in that instant thinks will be cool and that will never change. People started failing to understand this when they couldn't realize that Malfurion can both be demigod-levels of powerful and also just a stronger than normal druid depending on what the story needed at the moment and if you start shelving characters because "they could be too strong" the story gets really fucking boring
All I remember is khadgar being oneshot by a girl boss.
dw, killing a dude in a wheelchair ain't hard
Im sorry I am a bit confused, did he channel it before this?
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>war supply crate drops in a pvp world quest area
>it takes 10 minutes for everyone to figure out they've been killing their own faction the entire time
Have you ever seen those babies at top speed? They can mow a nigga down like that!
During that, yes. Did you watch the cutscene?
Illidan unleashes the keystone to connect the spaces, Khadgar teleports them home through it.
You will be killing the first boss in ara-kara with saclets for another week and you will be happy.
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>go get DMF buff
>queue for random normal dungeon
>get Ara Ara
>die by falling into the first web hole in the like first bridge
Threw in the towel after he jobbed to Varok Saurjob and had to be saved by his gf
Yes when did he gain the ability to teleport from like 400000km?
Skill issue.
Right then and there, using the keystone as a medium
>by the time you res and walk back, first boss is already dead and you are alone in the dungeon
>30 minutes in a random bg queue
Does anyone play this game anymore?
Is the quickest way still to level as a tank and spam dungeons or has it changed?
Im done I cant anymore
That's still the fastest, with second fastest being a DPScuck and doing world quests inbetween world quests
Is it really so hard to understand?
>got an upgraded sac my literal first heroic
bros...is the farm really that bad
When did regular ass mage players gain the ability to teleport the like 400000km between outland and azeroth?
Thanks. Gonna roll earthen prot war then.
I dont think you realize how far 400000km is, around earth is 40000km from earth to the moon is 400000km which is 10x the distance
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When the sac drops and I inevitably get multiple whispers, I reply in instance chat that I, in fact, do not need it. And proceed to DE it in front of them.
I was simply copying the number from the previous post "interplanetary" would be more correct, I don't think we have the distance between draenoer/outland, Azeroth, and Argus anyway
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Nah, it was normal. People there to level. Even more hilarious was another priest also did the same derp around that area too. It was pretty amazing.
I don't know why everybody is scrambling so hard to get it when they are just gonna nerf it like they always do to universally OP trinkets.
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Really like the Hallowfall mail set
there's nothing to do...
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Feels good to travel between these zones. It's pretty. This will eventually wear off, but it's nice for now.
Where do you get that mog?
draenei starting areas are legitimately the worst leveling zones in the game
Bro your gear? Your professions? Your achievements? Your alts?
Is the new raid out?
Not for another week
the best you mean
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what do i main chat
man i thought frost mage would be comfy but this is confusing as fuck
>Someone complimented my mog
how the fuck is frost mage confusing you, it's push the glowing button: the spec
Wanna tank? DK
Wanna DPS or solo shit? Paladin or Warrior, frost DK's also good I heard
everyone is gonna frost. go shadow (if dpsing) or hpal (if healing). blood for tank.
Trinket from first ara-kara boss, everyone's losing their shit over it
He's not involved in the plot currently, but will be back for Last Titan at the latest
>None of the guilds on my server need tanks.
Welp, which of the following are the most fun?
>Fury warrior
>Outlaw Rogue
>Surv Hunter
Wouldn't be surprised to see him this expansion honestly, just going "what the fuck that retard xal'atath didn't get to use the dark heart I got for her properly" and then dying to us
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It's the Arathi questing greens, you should get them from the campaign and/or side quests on a mail wearer
She rims tauren
This ugly motherFUCKER plapped each and every single one of the Plaprunner sisters!
The fuck? I did the whole arathi campaing with a rogue and I dindt get a single piece.
Fury warrior is the biggest AoE pumper about now.
Outlaw is in its worst state it's probably ever been in.
Survival still has that >melee stigma (but I main it because it's fun) and Sentinel being the spec to go atm, your damage relies on the tank not pulling targets out of the circle (which they always do).
cute retard fox
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>death's arrival
>without a trace
Doubt they'll kill him off before Last Titan. While Xal'atath's whole thing is summoning Void Lords to hurt Azeroth. Iridikron's actual story arc is wanting a direct confrontation with the Titans. Killing him off before the Titans even show up, would be a fumble
Rogues get leather, Anon. Not mail. Mail is for hunters, shamans and queerwokers.
>mail wearer
hes hanging out with velen, another absurdly OP character that would instantly solve most of the stories problems if he showed up
It's weird that the only Warrior changes since the expansion launched have been PvP balance changes, nothing for PvE.
I know but I mean I didnt get a single piece of the leather equivalent.
Always can erp.
or he can get a Jail'or redemption arc and tell us he was trying to save us as well

Platecucks are cringe.
Tbh I can't remember where all the pieces come from, I think it might not even be the campaign but side quests as well. I just cleared the whole map, so...
Also it's the same set that you buy for renown and there's also the pvp recolor.
Wheelchair Khadgar has really crippled this general huh?
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>they NERFED arms
sometimes I'd like to peek behind the curtain, if you know what I mean. I want to know what goes on in the blizzard offices when they come up with changes like this.
>"hey you know how literally every single warrior plays fury because arms is dogwater and has been since we decided to turn it into a cleave bot"
>"what if we..... nerf it, and then compensate them by....... unnerfing their auto attack damage"
>"uh what? yeah sure whatever man anyway Jessica's lactating again"
Yurocucks are having a busy day pls understand
>Sovlful intro questline in which u actually start naked
Ok that's based
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I worked on my UI all afternoon
Please say something nice about it
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>Forgot pic
>Use Azeroth's magic to break out of Titan Anormaly containement
Ok that's sick
Nobody cares what pvp has going on
erm, I care
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>tfw you had a nice big glass of milk
Also Evoker is bussin with the change to their flying racial
What is this implying? He's in a wheelchair, there is NOTHING wrong with being in a wheelchair so there is nothing to "fix".
how do i access the warband bank?
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>Harbringer finale.
>Alliance manage to get multiple Lightforged Mechs in, a Gnomish air force, Night Elven Druids, Stormwind Knights, Dwarven Riflemen, Lightforged Warriors, Kul'tiran Tidesages and Void Elf Riftcallers in for the big epic final battle.
>Horde can only provide a few Goblin Mechs, some Tauren Braves, Zandalari Prelates, Nightborne Chronomancers and Forsaken Warlocks despite Kalimdor being closer to the Isle of Dorn than the majority of Alliance settlements stuck on the other side the world.
Bro, the bias is just getting embarrassing at this point.
isn't he trapped in tree hell or something, I only started this game in dragonflight season 3 but I saw that cutscene
How long do the Beledar phases last? It's been Shadow a while and I'm waiting to watch it change. Dawnbreaker seemed like a neat spot.
Looks like shit not even aligned properly and the way you set up the right side is unintuitive and stupid
Light is 3 hours. Shadow is 30 minutes
lol this looks just like my ui i spend 3 minutes on
Try to look up time zones, retard.
>Ah, thank you Alleria and this guy ive seen for the first time ever

It should have been Turalyon instead of Anduin. Anduin's presence in this scene rings hollow.
You just moved the quest objective list to the top left corner.
That took you all afternoon?
Do you use any mod for the edit mode?
Because otherwise, the LFG button is attached to the BAG for some fucking reason by default.
what are the chances it would be complete fucking fomo in order to bring people back for another month of gametime?
>tell me you know nothing about graphic design without telling me you know nothing about graphic design
lol you really thought this is good or are you being unironic
>what are the chances it would be complete fucking fomo in order to bring people back for another month of gametime?
BWL will be the 20th anniversary event
Wait so horde gets dwarfs now?
>Big flashy noise goes off while nothing else is around
>No change
Xal'atath is to blame for this...
Whatever it is, it will be implemented in the worst way possible.
hey fuck you bro, spellcasting ass BITCH
spoonfeed me wowgee

i'm a healer and i have one spark to spend

what's the highest-impact crafted gear piece i can buy
That's right, in fact when we are born, we can't walk, so NOT walking is the correct state, walking is a social construct and should be abolished!
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Stoning it out
Where do I level
Should have been just all hit sets from various tiers and expansions.
>Paladin - Judgement Set
>Warrior - Dreadnaught Set
Northrend cause ya a stone boy
You need to do the quest in Gadgetistan first.
you aren't enjoying your two pieces of weekly ADVENTURER gear?
pffftheheh... hahahahAHAHAHAHAAHAHA in ca - AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH *ahem* sorry, in catac-BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man... anyway you level in cataclysm again
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lets go
So if Bellular is purple does that mean events are up?
WoD is still the fastest leveling experience.
If you're a tank then cata dungeons.
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I just ended up making it as small as possible
The only thing that matters are ilvl right? A 563 green weapon is still better than a 558 blue one right?
Events change and the rare that can drop a mount spawns, which is the main reason people track it
Ulduar sounds k*no
Wdym they're sick, fr try to make one, the intro is cool as fuck
Eh, might do it for the garrison too at this point
100%. It's unironically the theme for this entire expansion
>oops need to resub for the actual season and vault
>oops we actually made a good trading post for October better resub
>oops we used AI to upscale and recolor classics sets for november
on and on and on
meant for
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So there's not even a flavor quest for when you pick your hero spec?
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where do you get spark of omens? this shit is so confusing
The Turalyon scene was fucking painful.
In what world is the situation so dire that he would not follow Alleria here but the Arathi send away Anduins dei wife?
Why even have him show up? The fucking fanfiction authors I follow don't fuck up like this man.
>zooming around in war mode
>see prevoker with 6.6m hp
how in the fuck?
does honor gear actually work in war mode or something?
It's just an extended talent tree.
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Only acknowledgement Horde gets in the final scenario, is being told how you're the ones who canonically did the BFA questline and caused this whole mess.
Nigger that's not AI, also there's the anniversary coming up, so tehre's a very big chance it's for that purpose.
And yes, the anniversary tends to be a FOMO, like literally any anniversary is.
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>the way you set up the right side is unintuitive and stupid
Funny you say that, 3 friends said pic related was "unintuitive" and stupid
Not him but does it really? Why the fuck does it say "in arena and battlegrounds".
Nothing is worth refining on my server...
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>hordekeks can't even talk to Turalyon




Oh right, it's attached to the micro menu, I have bags and the micro menu together so I thought it was anchored to bag.
Either way, such stupid thing to do, when it's been at the minimap for over a decade.

Thankfully, there are addons that can move these thing separately, like target cast bar, which is only ever found deep under the target for some reason, unable to be moved.
can characters under level 80 not discover transmutes or something? i have 350 fucking trasnmutagen from spamming thaumaturgy and im still yet to learn a transmute (yes i have 5 points in the correct sub type, ive already done this on one character)
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been levelling my earthen just by flying around and killing rares that i see

did kalimdor + cata zones, northrend, pandaria, and now broken isles and im at about 56
based, in fact we should go back to faction wars. Fuck this gay kumbaya hippie shit
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It looked like this earlier, for reference
Nothing was centered, not even the action bars
Now it's centered and all of the little things like the buffs and debuffs are pixel perfect

But maybe I should just hide the micro bar and bag bar so my jarring damage meters don't get me bullied by strangers on 4chan
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/r/ing that pic of the lead diversity quest designer
This shit is insane how can I compete with the bots on the AH
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>>tell me you know nothing about graphic design without telling me you know nothing about graphic design
monk is so fucking boring holy shit man.
>list my shit
>It sells instantly
How are you retards having problems
This looks mid
Don't cry
>mfw Kemono is actually a retailfag
makes sense
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based knaak still making you seethe decades later
Works on my machine
Post default UI
You won't.
cant you just not care? thats what i do. never used another ui in my life
hmm nyo
i'm busy
its just ugly to look at
Called it.
Post you're UI
Quests notated "Earthen Allied Race" unlock a single cosmetic
not letting an esl tell me what to do tyvm
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>ui melty
you can tell the game is dead
Just use a UI addon for a specific part you need like raid frames. Something like Elvui changes ALL of your UI which isn't necessary.
as spriest should I be shielding myself on cd?
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>go through hassle of cheesing mount boss in mechagon
>dont get mount
shit game
anon I think you're autism is showing
Didn't this guy get outed for paying for cms in mop?
>My UI is good therefore I have autism
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I did them with mostly with /wowg/ and some pugs from the openraid website, actually
Anon just seethes and can't comprehend someone having every single CM set because they're Legionbabs and they will NEVAH GET THIS
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>coming to /wowg/ to spoonfeed you on your way to shitpost on /v/
Do your own work, fag.
>If you're a priest Xalatath whispers to you how hurt she was that you threw her away.
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I was going to send it to my friend who was asking about Khadgar and the chair, actually
priest or monk or paladin and why

this will likely be an alt solo character for when nobody's online to play with so take that into account. (healing will be a strong possibility)
>Do earthen questline
>Azeroth is changing and we must change with it
>Forsake traditions
>The male dwarf is grumpy old traditional git
>The female dwarf wants you toi have agency and follow your own path
I'm smelling liberalism
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Post kino UIs
I'll start
discord ruined humanity forever
>die to skyriding bug
>have to go all the way back to DMF to get the rep buff

this has happened 4 times now
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So what is Alleria's reason for not letting Turalyon go with her? It's not like he is leading an army.
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Did you forget your trip?
Learn to use archive.
I only post with my trip to be extra annoying
I want to have sex with Kemono
Yes, that's the recurring theme so far if you pay any attention to the side quests.
To have someone stay behind to deal with the Nerubians I guess
Blizzard forgot he existed, like she did
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All still better than my UI.
Bros whats with the pala judgement set tease? I shitposted that they will do vanilla remix with remastered vanilla tier sets.. is it becoming true again? Like vortex pinnacle in m+ and red draenei?
>To have someone stay behind to deal with the Nerubians I guess
They have plenty of powerful heroes there who can deal with the nerubians. No one would even notice if Turalyon left.
It's either for the anniversary event along with all the other T2 sets or it's Arator, or both
For wows 20th anniversary
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I also don't get the dates of my CM achievements being the target criticism, seeing as I did it with No Fun Allowed and have screenshots of every single one with their respective dates
Yeah it's not a good reason at all, just the only one I can think of that even remotely makes sense.
Anniversary is coming up.
They're not gonna steer everyone away from retail now, if we're ever getting a new remix, it's gonna be when the expansions is practically over and they'll want to keep people subbed.
whats even the point of earthern if theyre just completely the same as normal people but monotone
Why an Arator tease tho? Seems very random
No, maybe if you are doing progression and the healer is having troubles
Nah I think your too shit
Teasing patch 11.0.5 but yeah it's very unlikely that would be it, they even made an official post on reddit with that picture
They wouldn't tease Arator like that.
And if anything, they would give him some donutsteel armor like all the special characters have nowadays.
baelgrim was too based for this world
>implying Arator would ever get a custom model
dwarves will be like "my ancestor :)"
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>Nah I think your too shit
Oh no
The hardest part of CMs were finding 4 other people willing to do them
Reminder that Earthen have no penis or vagina
Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina
>Aerial unit from mechagon is still a 100% drop
>whats even the point of earthern
there isnt one, they're ugly garbage like all dwarfs
I want to either play arcane mage or affli warlock, how are both classes nowadays in terms of fun? And no, I don't care about playing Frost mage.
If he becomes relevant yeah he will
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I forged myself a massive +183 Mastery Bismuth Rockcock CHUD
Overestimating dorf love
Alleria & Turalyon storyline is done for now
wtf are sparkes and enchanted crests
Can you solo it? Also i guess hardmode doti will never be soloable
Why not, make him more half-human half-elf (or at least give him the smaller ears), not just plain old belf in paladin T2 lmao
Since this is wow in 2024+, give him some retarded hair as well. A skullet maybe.
It only drops hardmode. I just solo'd it as a frost DK.
did they nerf dungeon xp?
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The Sons of Lothar fight on the same battlefield once again! Taste the might of Stromgarde!
Nigger is this your first day playing wow?
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>why can gnomes be warriors?
Rage is a magic system that uses willpower, angry Gnome = dangerous gnome
>why can undead be holy priests
Gameplay reasons, in the lore they don't with a few exceptions
>why can male night elves be anything but druid
Nothing stopping them, it's just their culture
>why can female ne be druids
Gameplay reasons and also it's just their culture, Cenarius does not have a "No Girls Allowed" poster next to his treehouse in the Emerald Dream.
Oh, dawn hardmode. misread, no idea. mechagon absolutely soloable.
Don't you have to press all the buttons at the end really fast in the correct order or it insta kills you?
Bro he dies in like 3 seconds. I had 56% energy left on the machine.
Have you played TWW? Their story is 100% done for now. He trusts her, she loves him. That's it.

In the next patch Blizzard will finally shift their focus to Horde characters.
So the horde have an equivalent to the sons of lothar right?
Shadow Council?
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Are these new? I swear I didn't see these drop last week.
You mean the WC2 Horde heroes?
Yeah they all dead
>So the horde have an equivalent to the sons of lothar right?
Yeah they have Rexxar and umm... uhh... they have uhhh.....
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>meerah returns as a side character in the main story quest
>shes very close with the gnomes

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>she didn't get her slabs last week, effectively missing out on multiple knowledge points
Wait these guys met back up?
>first sethrak now gnomes
They were all evil
Horde could have had Zul'jin but they chose blood elves
>Yeah they all dead
And they were never friends. They backstubbed and manipulated each other.
This, Rexxar and Gazlowe are going to be the focus from what datamining has indicated
The fuck do draenei ancestors on shaman look like?
They also fought together in the emerald dream
>cataclysm style vehicle/mounted section
will they ever fucking learn nobody likes these especialyl when the attack they give you has a 2 second cooldown
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It won't let me create an earthen :(
draenei but blue ghost
They did drop last week
Gazlowe, Chen, Rokhan, Rexxar, Baine could be Horde's Sons of Lothar
rsham is fun ngl.
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Shouldn't of said the n word
Huh weird, guess I just have shit luck.
pandas would look so much better if they just had no pupils 1 color green/yellow eyes like they did in wc3
pandas would look so much better if they were just the horde race
needs a token woman like alleria
Turalyon is older than all the horde big names combined
Lilian Voss
Now that is one chiseled jaw.
and more stupider and KEKier
Turalyon is literally the oldest human alive due to the 1k years war meme
>unironically a typical 90 year old native american woman
based dei blizz
Garona, Valeera, the mag'har leader
He looks like he hates Palestine
lili stormstout!
Gazlowe has been the best character this expansion. love that little jew like you wouldn't believe
Valera is not Horde
But I can see how can make her Horde patriot like Lilian Voss due to lack of Horde characters
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>needs a token woman like alleria
she is a woman now
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>parse bad
>parse good
I fucking hate you retards
Yes I'm crying, shitting and pissing myself right now
pandas would look so much better if they were just angry animal bears and didnt wear shoes
she is my woman
Everyone forgets about lady liadrin, isnt she literally a top 3 paladin now? I cant imagine anyone being better besides bolvar if he counts
Gazlowe and Rexxar are basically the only Horde legacy characters that haven't been raped to death yet so even as an Alliance player I think it's going to be fun running around with them.
>isnt she literally a top 3 paladin now?
She canonically lost to Turalyon at the battle for Stromgarde
No one cares about her
She had a good redemption story arc in TBC and that's it
Even holy cows is more interesting than her
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BGs like this are sadly few and far between. I joined in part way, Alliance was down 60 to 110 resources, and somehow we turned it around.
Before long, the cries about premade and just let them win will start I'm sure. But for now the early expansion soul in bgs makes the game worth it.
if you asked me to name paladins that are still alive the only ones I could even name would be

>the sunwalker leader

like all the noteable paladins like uther, tirion etc are dead
Needs to become a boss and drop her shield
>No one cares about her
People care about her more than they do about Turalyon.
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>Forcing disabled people for diversity basically saying anyone in wheelchair = gay and tranny
Earth has fallen
anduin, dumbass
actual braindead retard
>wears plate
>uses two handed sword
>uses the light

paladin buddy
maybe just blood elves paladin because there are a lot of them and they don't have any other good characters other than edgy shitty blood knights
never saw someone even mentioning her
He is going back to priest, he just realized he don't have to be literally his father
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he's a priest who wears plate and uses a sword (yes I know that's what a paladin is but blizzard still calls him a priest)
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Bought account?
wowpedia isn't blizzard, bub
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I dig it
NTA but blizzard said several times he is still priest
>...and uhh he can't use light or magin in general and uhhh he just fight with the sword
>wow wiki of any kind
They are outdated as fuck.
Also Blizzard actually said these major chararacters don't have any specific class (for obvious reasons)
I think I'll take the word of a rapist sex pest over your cavernous, gaping asshole bro

okay, but currently, he is a paladin
The little [8] and [7] give you the source, and tell you that the source is from 2017. He was a priest then, he isn't now.
The best part about HD T2 set is i won't have to see boomers using that low poly low res trash anymore
Bros I think I am unironically too retarded to play Mage.
Fucking mobs are almost killing me every time and I really stumble with my rotation.
Is mage an only dungeon/raid class? But I want too clear open world too!
Is there any good alternatives? How is warlock?
Also I need a new heal. I was thinking preservative evoker, or whatever his name is?
>He is going back to priest
No, he doesn't. That's not what he said.
I can't take blood elf female characters seriously
Blizzard just gave them the teenage girl body to please the chinks and now they all look like they can't even lift a dagger
Liadrin is based and hot as fuck I dont care what anyone says
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put some clothes on
Liadrin is THE BEST paladin
I'll believe you if his sword gets the glow back
>to please the chinks
blood elves got added in TBC. Blizz didn't start chink pandering until Cata.
>All dungeons are jump as fast as possible from every mob to another, only AoE is valued
Mythic+ ruined this game
Lmao what is this cringe
Imagine this happened in wotlk everyone would hate this expansion
boomer retards still use Black Temple sets despite there being a perfectly fine hidef versions with multiple color variants.
Seriously i can barely tell the mechanics of each trash pack
Play frost mage
Everything is perma slowed and spellslinger with frozen orb spam is great for aoe
If you're not a 200iq wow autist don't even bother with arcane
Warlock is meh
I played warlock during MOP so it's been nothing but downhill from there
been this way since wotlk lil sis
maybe wait until m0, you will see the mechanics then.
harrowingly some of my hc groups are so shit i see some boss mechanics
the elimination of rapists from blizzard created a profound testosterone vacuum and I'm afraid we'll never recover
I am pretty horrible at making money in this game, but I have an army of alts (character capped with 65 level 70+ characters) and am looking at how to utilize them for gold making. Right now I am going with Tailoring and making Duskweave/Dawnweave bolts because of the daily CD they sell for a decent amount, but what else can I do with an army of alts for making gold?

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