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>Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 4: Absolute Doom

>Be a Marvel Hero in Fortnite Battle Royale Chapter 5 Season 4: ABSOLUTE DOOM!

>Quests, stats, shop

>LEGO XP AFK Strategy

>Season XP Leveling Pace

>Mission Alerts for StW

>Fortnite BR Chapter 5 Season 4 Competitive Details: Travel the Champion’s Road!

>Karol G Brings the Rhythm to Fortnite Festival!

>Blaze past the Finish Line in Rocket Racing Inferno Island!

>LEGO Fortnite v30.40: Use Bus Stations to Fast Travel!

>Fortnite Returns to iOS in the European Union! Free Skin and items for completing XP Quests on Android and iOS devices in the EU!

>Sign Up for Survey Emails and Receive the Free Sir Beurre Back Bling within 24 Hours??? TBD

>Fortnite Crew September - Dali

Last Match:

Remember to Thank the Bus Driver!
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A V A !
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First for marigold
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Reminder aubey is fat
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My wife
What flavor of autism drives people to camp the next thread?
Last crew I got was Jing, and I'm glad I got him. Normally crew's ass, but we got Ares, ,Persephone, and Jing back to back so it ain't all bad.

These last two suck cock tho
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I am now one step closer to FCing Less Than but this time it was in battle stage
oh look the bus driver shit is back
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Friendly reminder
Come on down to the butthurt barn!
imagine getting so fucking mad over six words
It was there last thread too and nobody complained. I don’t get what the big deal is.
>he doesn't remember hyphen vs no hyphen
I think ritual posters SUCK!
Don't thank the bus driver, he's responsible for the flat butt policy
>still spamming this
gee I wonder what furry no life is behind this one lol
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So, since we’re talking about it… if they ever reveal who the bus driver is, who could it be that wouldn’t be underwhelming or predictable?
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Are you ready for the first all-nighter to check the first update of C5S4 and all of its content?
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>anon walks on the street
>some kid gets off the school bus
>thank you mr driver
>anon has a psychotic meltdown and convulses on the floor
I thought it was Lars
Which one?
Probably Lars
Wasn’t it Ninja?
this shit is not worth staying up all night for
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Why is the shop dryer than ben shapiro's wife's pussy?
I just want something to spend my vaginabucks on
If Black Cat has no mask off style I'm going to be assmad
Buy Master of Puppets in the fortnite item shop
>Bitch Panther's melee mythic
>More quests
>More dolls to collect
>Super styles
There you go, that's everything. That's what you waited 2 weeks for, no need to stay up now. You're welcome.
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>ninja is in our threads getting pissed when someone thanks him because he’s tired of hearing it
That explains more
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I don't like metallica
>shitter link
>don't get jetpack entire game
>get killed by people with jetpacks because they had jetpacks

Those spawn rate nerfs are fucking stupid
just have fun and hope you don't get cheesed
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erm, cheesed to meet you?
Buy Unsainted then
I love how epic still doesn't realize that if they're going to make an overpowered item that's going to make or break fights you need to make it super super common. If it's going to be rare then you need to Nerf it
Make your own thread then. He started making threads before 750 just to spite you, do it back.
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ritual posters make a general
Bring back the dirt bike
See your soul
Me when anyone tells me to do literally anything
no we stand for the bus driver in this general
Humiliation ritual
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How many other generals do you frequent because it’s very common
Holy soul
No. I'm going to try to go to bed early. I have school tomorrow at 2pm.
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Will Hope survive the move to chapter 6?
NTA but every other general is dead, that's why they come in here to seethe all the time when we spam threads cuz it takes them weeks to go through one while it takes us a day to get through multiple
is champion siren limited since it's FNCS?
the two girls from that songs music video are top tier qts
since champion kyra and cosmic infinity FNCS skins stopped being limited, if you see a FNCS skin in the shop chances are they're not limited
nah we’re not the only fast general on here. hell genshin goes through like 5 threads a day
No it's limited because no one buys these fugly skins
No, her origin is from the box so ultimately when she has her anime "true potential awakening" moment and effortlessly disintegrates Doom while not even looking at him, that'll somehow result in her dying too.
God I can only imagine the coomer virgins over there if I think over here is bad

Every other post is probably just UOOOOH or NGGGHHH
I’m assuming it’s gonna be some predictable shit like to defeat doom they have to close the box and hope has to go away in the box to truly close it or something
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She'll be Fortnite's Door-kun
I'm okay with this ending if it means they stop shilling hope already, just go back to Jonesy
Valeria will return and somehow save Hope or take her place in a sacrificial manner so she can go to Chapter 6
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Epic knows everyone besides random literal homosexual faggots on 4chan is tired of J*nesy lmao
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here’s our aegis
Hope sissies are upset
>using the you’re gay argument for everything
Hope already has more fanart than he does in 8 years lol
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>Nobody cares about your dead family, Jones!
who is that supposed to be
How would Alex fare in Fortnite?
Epic knows I love Hope
What do you guys see in Hope? I’m not a super Hope hater, but she’s just boring.
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>What do you guys see in Hope? I’m not a super Hope hater, but she’s just boring.
It will do poorly. Everyone makes fun of it and knows it, but has no actual fans.
It's like /fng/ but 5x worse.
She's not Brie Larson, she's OC and having her around means we have a chance to see Valeria again, just like having Jones means that Slone has a chance to return
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Hope is unappealing, nothing really to get into. She's pretty much just the white version of slone without the racemixing and more leaning into mary sue aspect without any of the substance or charm to at least balance it.
It’s a fair reaction and that’s why most of us don’t like her on top of the fact that she’s pushed in our faces
That sounds like a direct upgrade.
I can only imagine Alex trying to hit on or impress Hope and failing at it
can't wait for assless black cat
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>It’s a fair reaction and that’s why most of us don’t like her on top of the fact that she’s pushed in our faces
Montague will return and create VS1-grade diamond babies with Emma
The fact she is has fan art at all means she has appeal to some people.
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More like a direct downgrade in terms of writing, and personality wise. Slone at least got fleshed out over the earlier lifespan with the game as the story progressed likewise with jonesy. Hope has had a full fucking chapter, with little to no development to actually show. She was written as nothing but the mcguffin for this chapter along with the box.
best Gwen and best outfit
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this pic makes me diamonds
>Slone at least got fleshed out over the earlier lifespan
She is? The only thing I remember from her is sending us to the mothership and leaving The Looper (Us) to die lmao.
Yeah, and that's fair I'm just giving my two cents on the matter. In truth hope is just a wasted character for the chapter with nothing to show for it
look at the OP image and tell me if u think it looks flat
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I mean not novella extensive but enough to give her more personality than hope if we're comparing the two under closer scrutiny.
>In truth hope is just a wasted character for the chapter with nothing to show for it
You can practically say that with every Fortnite character including Hope
>Want to learn more about Jones?
>You have to read our shitty Marvel Fortnite comics that doesn't makes sense to find out!
I can’t without thinking of the bus driver
That’s sad
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Yes the player base and majority opinion
if they made emma fucking frost assless then there's no hope for black cat
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I am a fan of the design of Hope appearance-wise but am indifferent on her involvement in the lore
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Maybe if chapters were longer then she'd actually have time to establish herself
>attractive zoomer alt girl design has fans
Shocking, now imagine if she was swapped with Brie
>external media adding more fluff but isn't ingame
You're bitching like other games haven't done this to add more to the bigger universe at large. I mean shit halo for quite a bit did novels back in the day as an example off the top of my head gaming wise.
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OGs don't have this problem.
I don't mind her BP design at all, it's cute if dorky and fit the chapter. Heroic Hope basically stripped away everything endearing about the design besides random cat ears headphones that don't fit the more serious look. Story Hope is one giant nothingburger and I dunno why she's the one taking charge of the Avengers.
This has to be bait. So… nearly a year isn’t enough time?
Yes, go back to 2 years, everyone's nostalgic for Chapter 1 and 2 so clearly the extra time was needed
They're going to kill themselves when Doom kills Hope. I hope they record it
She swapped sides and actively rebuilds the portal with parts you give her with trace in wilds, then sends Jones off in og while leaving messages saying she's basically dead.
She had a full heel face turn
Nobody is going to be nostalgic about hope lol
Slone established herself very well from CH2S7-CH3S2, 4 seasons
Hope's creator is too shitty to make her work in the same amount of time
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>slone is good because she's black and hope is bad because she's white

The absolute state of racist loretards.

Slone had horrible writing and I'm glad she has barely been mentioned recently.
The difference is we had ltms and cinematics to flesh out characters like Jonesy and Sloan, and if not they had tons of ltm type did like Midas.
All hope did was sit on her fat ass and make us do things, take credit for those things, and get brain freeze from the Crack rock while a good tells her she's literally the chosen one.
No she didn't I don't remember anything about the big-haired Shaniqua taking up space in my archive
>You're bitching like other games haven't done this to add more to the bigger universe at large.
The difference between Halo and Fortnite. Halo does it well while Fortnite doesn't even tell Jones backstory in the game. And it doesn't even makes sense. He thinks Gunnar was Geno in the comics.
Hope’s sticky palms
>disregarding her because she’s black
Well that’s why
Literally all she did was make an Amogus mode, nobody gives a shit
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Fine, you go me there. The cinematics and ltm's did at least help flesh out jones and slone to a degree.
No, she’s just fugly. Race has nothing to do with it
>shit the metaverse didn't pan out what the fuck do we do
>lets make a chapter where overcharge goes to 100 and charges faster, and regular shields are more rare a resource
>isn't that just halo and would piss off our playerbase
>halo's dead, who cares, we gotta steal more ideas
>no violet
god you’re so buckbroken that looks is all that matters, like bitch were talking about the lore, the story, not what she looks like
Halo was already dead by time Reach was released.
That would only work if headshots on someone without overshield is an instakill
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I know it's gotten a lot of nuthugging as of recent but I do genuinely believe Last Resort is a top 5 season
I love how guff is one of the most popular Japanese skins, they don’t even care about the coomer skins over there. Just fun skins.
what's this referencing looks familiar
>they don’t even care about the coomer skins over there. Just fun skins.
They have the right mentality if that’s true
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it's a northernlion reference I think
Ehhhh, Kado and Fish Thicc carries that pass hard.
And yet you literally just made the topic race. Be better
Also don’t pretend visual appeal isn’t 99% of Fortnite lore
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Is this latency? Tick rate? what the hell causes this? I had a guy phase through a door and blast my ass in the previous round too
Everyone having full gold gear at the start of games is top 5 for you?
i don't think so
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>they don't even care about the coomer skins
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and if I said yes?
To everyone talking about asses, I'm using Cinder for the first time and her derrière is rather large. Make of this what you will.
Then I'd ask for your full top 5
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>they don’t even care about the coomer skins over there.
They do in a way. You just have to look for it
there's like nothing i have the vbucks for and i wasn't interested in buying rouge or dark phoenix
i think this season i've literally just bought male skins because i'd rather be Spidey or Captain America than most of the tacky female designs
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They are obsessed with Guff and Skye and it's adorable.
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1. C1S4
2. C3S1
3. C1S7
4. C4S4
5. C4S1
Of course they love the fucking mascot character
>>493067487 (Me)
honorable mentions to C2S4 and OG
nah, slone is based
has way more development than any other character lately
Sorry you're a retarded /pol/ subhuman product of incest, maybe return to where you came from and spare everyone your existence?
They didn't lock in with the first week of September but I'll be really disappointed if Harmonix doesn't add this in the last week.
So besides the pass unlocks and presumably Kamehameha Doom / Shuri Claws / Iron Man shit, anything else expected in this update?
Seems you enjoy more simple seasons, C2S4 and C4S4 we're more chaotic so it's interesting they made your list
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Japan is always based
thats my dawg
thats my dawg
Calm your tits were only getting one of those and it's the boring one. And no, it's a nothing burger update. Shocker.
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Wendell 2
Don’t have to, I like the Balenciaga stuff, but not their campaign
have they actually SAID what's in that because usually the secret character mythic unlocks around the same time the secret character does
Reminder that some guy on Pixiv posted a thousand screenshots of Razor's ass
oh please give me that super power
eh eh
I remember someone posted a picture of Japanese lobbies a while back and it was like 90% guffs
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it's grim
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what the fuck
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Mildly bubbling, teensy tad mad, minorly miffed that I may never be able to buy it
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Another coomer emote that will never come back...sigh...
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hi steve
The look is a coomer emote?
I'm bummed it doesn't lipsync through the whole animation.
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does everybody already know this is a coomer emote or did I just discover new tech?
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How is bat signal a coomer emote
read the filename, those are just rare emotes
>bat signal
shop release when?
have you seen batman? he was made for mating press
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probably never
Delicious bat cheeks
item shop dates

• Sabertooth Mewscles: 6th-7th
• Black Cat: 14th-15th
• The Weekend: 10th-11th
• Loki & Sylvie: Tonight or Tomorrow
• Melloverse: Tonight or Tomorrow
• Pickaxe Shop: 6th-7th
• Silence is Golden: 6th-7th
• Midnight Rose: 7th-8th
• Axo & Bryne: 7th-8th
• Three Stripe Squad: 8th-9th
• Black Widow: 9th-10th
• Boardwalk Warriors: 10th-11th
• Academy Champions: 11th-12th
• Chloe Kim: 12th-13th
• Futurama: 14th-15th
• Most Wanted: 15th-16th
• Iron Man: 16th-17th
• Astronaut in the Ocean: 17th-18th
• Rainbow Royale: 17th-18th
Leakers say it's just Shuri's plus the name of the next quest is "Shuri's Invention" so it's just an educated guess really. Highly doubt they would give us all 3 cause then wtf else are they gonna give us the rest of the season? Epic are the kings of timegating
fortnite has some really nice armpits
Considering October is likely all Fortnitemares, we probably only have the next four weeks of time gating the Marvel stuff here.
Fuck fomo. I don't mind fennix but his bro's colors are so much better.
chic better
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small indie company, please understand
thoughts on the batman zero point comic cosmetics? and the comic, if you have it, too
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>Axo & Bryne: 7th-8th
Damn it's been 375 days since this bundle was last in the shop
Bratty pits.
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>no ryu
>no venom
>futurama again as if it wasn't already in the shop last month
Batman comics are great, they mog the zero war comic
Got harley for free due to a site glitch
batman comic is far fucking better than any of the marvel ones.
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I love Axo!
And don't forget about the mini pass too, they'll find a way to timegate it all don't you worry. Fortnite mares is just gonna be another flop like last year let's be real. There's no sign that epic has improved their quality whatsoever so we can expect the same laziness they've been showing all chapter long so expect the absolute bare minimum for that
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the game is actually fun
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This smug bitch.
crew skins can return it says so on the faq.
they should bundle him and Fennix together cause they are brothers
Left looks like one of those red zora
I'm wondering what you can even put for a mini-pass this season, considering we're getting an Iron Man modernized cope seemingly. Would it even be season relevant, or would it just suddenly be some random fucking property that has nothing to do with anything active again?
theyve been throwing 300+ day shit in the shop for the past while trying to get people to panic spend their vbucks, so a "return to norm" is to be expected.
30 day rotation skins walk so that vaulted for a year or more can run.
I have zero regrets buying my way through the RL BP for it because not only does it look great, it sounds great, and I've maybe seen 2 other people with it so far
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i still remember when axofags thought this shit was going to be the june crew they really thought this lava series looking ass would be crew worthy
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It was and still is.
i got the lv63 decal, prefer yellow to red, but i kinda just stopped playing public matches for the time being, so you won't see me around.
Crew, yes. Crew legacy? No.
how long till they add lightning mcqueen car skin? lol
nnnnnnnggghh mommy!!!
crew legacy still counts as crew
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I rather had nitro axo than the operator any day
Already in rocket league
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why does this have that weird "staaay with me" thing in it i don't like it is it in the original
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obviously i don't have the numbers but i'm surprised not a lot of people claim the free rocket league car with crew, not a lot of admirals from last season and the nissan fairlady from this one, but to be fair epic does a pretty bad job at advertising it
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she's already perfect but would be cool
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>Black Cat: 14th-15th
I don't wanna wait...
ive said this before
>enemy hops in car and it turns into mcqueen
>you hop in with him to get the kill
>lean out the window and shoot mcqueen between the eyes, attempting to kill the driver
>mcqueens eyes shatter and, once the driver dies, stops moving entirely
would be funny to have happen but i doubt theyd want that. theyd have to find some workaround where hes only available in RR or something.
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I really hope Fortnitemares isn't just Disney Villains and Jason there's so many skins in the surveys that'd be perfect for it
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>Wait until summer is over to rerelease axo and bryne
>while releasing various halloween skins in that time
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>what's my age again has the word sodomy censored
faggots on suicide watch
last year had like 4 or 5 originals, and i think 2 from the surveys, worst case scenario it's 4 collabs and 2 or 3 originals
I'm still surprised werewolf fade isn't a thing.
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Crystal kinda cute for 800 bux
did you forget that both times polar patroller came back recently it was in the middle of summer
they dont fuckin care
they had lightning mcqueen in the disneyxepic trailer i think theres a chance at least
i think it'd be funny
Polar coming back randomly once or twice a year has always been a thing. Never weirded out by that.
These Festival seasons last too long. No one needs or wants 2 months straight of Karol G. You complete the Festival pass in a week and have nothing else to work for. It's so dog shit.
True festies play for fun
Uh, your Slurp keytar?
i got the jam tracks i need lil nigga
It sucks because I want to see how snoop and the kpop girls look like, but track wise they barely released karol songs thankfully
>but track wise they barely released karol songs thankfull
we're like 2 weeks into the season you know that right?
yeah I remember having a week dedicated to Metallica right away
3, for some reason they're really weird about this first update and dragged it out an extra week
think they'll nerf the jetpack again? because it's still mandatory to win even after multiple nerfs.
hope this helps
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Slayer fucking WHEN?


Imagine the charting... :drooling_face:
Teehee never, just like legacy passes amiright faggot
>Teehee never
Yes actually, look at the title of the song and lyrics.

I hope legacy passes come back so I can get a few styles I missed personally
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Anyone want to be my festie that carries me in zero build on the side? (I'm bad at both)
I don't see it happening, mainly because you can shoot the car windows to break them; and Disney probably wouldn't want that.
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Post ign!
I guess that one Anon that wanted a Concord crossover is sad since that game is literally dead.
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Not in this season...
we'll see
I'm glad we're getting disney skins now and not just star wars/marvel
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Guess this is goodbye for now, /fng/... I'll miss you.

(I'm switching to linux)
Drop your ign ill add ya later
does fortnite not work with proton? I've been disliking how much time I've been spending on windows lately and I wanted to go back to mainly using linux as well
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it's fake, john
I installed last week and don't know what this means
>Mini pass
>Giving us V-bucks
>v-bucks AND four whole characters
>in a minipass
not even remotely plausible
oh nevermind I forgot it's EAC
yeah, fuck... peace out anon
you don't have a console?
to the lizzik in team rumble just now, if you’re here, that was fun
stop doxxing the furcord
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Final reminder since the rocket league season ends tomorrow morning, after that only BMW and BMW RLE stay available with crew
try to run with a gun and turn your camera to see if it looks anything like what's happening there, it happened twice to me today and it probably only didn't happen more because I'm not playing
for some goddamn reason visual bugs aren't visual, if you lag you actually get teleported back for everyone in the server for example, so I couldn't run properly for the rest of the game
this season is ass
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Level Check.

Also, good night.
I agree its fake, but disney wants to make sure they endear people to the Fantastic Four before the movie next year. Hell, I can even see them doing the "one free skin" thing in the free track again.
Vbucks is mega fake though lmao
based bruni
which emote is that?
unbased bruni
fuck you
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i just love billie’s bubbly personality
Based Bruni
based bruni
i'm lvl 97
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I want DEATH
>its bmw
>modern bmw no less
schnoozer, e30 or e36 i would have been about it, but will still hold off on fortnite crew until its active
100 and I'm gonna call it a night.
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>Higher level than you despite you buying 100 tiers
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youre not better than me, because you happened to pick up a game before me
Best ‘brella in the game
81 and I actually like the super styles and didn't expect Gwen to get them so I'm gonna need to grind as much as I can before the fall games comes out
Bro really slid a chapter 2 umbrella in there lmao
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bro is salty lol
I have classified but that feels like cheating. still wish it got a ghost version
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Why the fuck is shop so empty now, and where did Iron Spider go. Lasted barely 2 weeks and shit like Deadpool and Wolverine and that X-men pack were here for what seemed like a month. DP&W are still fucking here in fact.
Is there update tonight?
update in like 3 hours, dp and w are staying because they're shilling the movie, iron spider is just another skin and it will probably return later this season
>CH2 brella sneak
I have 4 of those
I have 2 of these lmao
do you guysever worr ythat youve done somethigng not even god canf orgive?
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It's been a busy week for me but also I just lost a ton of motivation to try because of how shitty the Super Styles are
You hitting the bottle or you need a new keyboard?
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No because I've never done anything that bad, the worst I do is tell people bad things on the internet.
Before I open this all I have to say is if it isn't Palm Leaf than you're wrong
What emote is that?
How did the shop dates leak before the updates even out?
so we're getting a post update shop and then another update at the normal time?
Not the first time it has happened.
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What was that? Speak up faggot we can't hear you at the mans table.
I’ve never liked the brellas really. People just use them as flexes.
Bros it's not fair I change my mind I want Phoenix's dumpy, she'll come back by the end of the season...r-right?
Yes, unironically.
shit i wanna go to sleep but i also want to see the leaks
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They're going to add a full Disney/Marvel shop soon according to recent leaks, not this patch but I think this season.
This video singlehandedly made me avoid Fortnite for five years.
some of them are nice. I like surfboard gliders the best personally cause I like where the camera is positioned
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Honestly, I don't like marvel infact I'm downright sick of it but, I won't lie mysterio and the jonesy stuff is honestly the only nice things from the bp.
OC makes a general. Ritualposters can die in hell.
Gaga's Festival Pass emote
No because I pray to jesus and he loves me so I'm free of sin
Me on the left
Who are you quoting?
Go to fucking bed.
Malico can you give me a build practice map that isn't with other people
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Valeria pls come back
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This is the FIRST Ever Chapter To Have NO Original Secret Skins

to anyone wondering:
Chapter 1 - All Original
Chapter 2 - Sorina and Cube Queen
Chapter 3 - The Foundation and The Herald
Chapter 4 - Purradise Meowscles
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>this is the helsie poster
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Wasn't that just a rumor that was deboonked?
what the hell
thats funny, i also live in texas
You should meet your festie
>can’t find source for image
uhhh anon?
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>helsie fag is in texas
>moving to texas next year
I'm actually going to douse you in napalm if I find you on my fucking property.
I told you it's the helsie poster
we got Kyle in BR before GTA 6
oh, well shit if it was debunked then rip
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8135-1582-8472 is what I use personally
>i also live in texas
If I ever see you I'm gonna TP your house.
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Thanks Malico!
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>Polar Patroller walking around with a full diaper on underneath his pants
Stop being a degenerate
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Thank you I was resorting to playing this whatever it is
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no worries brah, get to crankin
something about the look of that map feels like it was some scrap project back in C1S9 when creative first came out
It's edit wars you have to edit people so they fall down and die
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axo is underloved, I mean how could you say no to a face like that?
yeah I know, it just gives off a bootleg vibe
how so
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reminder helsie is fat
Don't care about anthros.
What i wanna know is how did he get that helsie cutout? is it from a old fortnite promo display?
I just want his backbling
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lmao i just saw the official tweet they really called these SUPER
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genuinely amused how I have never heard a peep about this chick
Team Space emote… yay or nay? For 200 it seems okay.
I like them also I'm happy Gwen got in
when are you going to use it? always think that before you buy an emote because most of them are funny the first minute and then get old too quickly
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Give me one good reason why comptards shouldn't be deleted from the game entirely.
I thought that Dr. Doom killed off the Fantastic 4?
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Because, they deserve to get the shit beaten out of em first.
>no pictures if the model
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I have been saying this since chapter 2 and you were all in diapers, epic can't ban cheaters with waves because they'll lose 30%~ give or take of the playerbase overnight plus it's awful optics to have 80% of your pros get banned, for example cs2 is 30% of all A tier pros are cheating, the guy who won the world tournament was cheating like a decade ago
Why do the glowing eyes on super styles bother you guys so much? It’s not like you’ll see them in game.
>Th-They can't ban them or they'll lose their playerbase!!
This is a pure cope and nothing else. You sound like a third worlder that cheats.
lots of anons in texas. wanna meetup?
Uoh Loli butt
imo they're just goofy and ruin an overall mid superstyle, but i'm also not using superstyles even if they're good (oathbound and mega come to mind, last season were semi decent i guess) and now that i remember, last season didn't have them, so now they also feel inconsistent
>s1 had them
>s2 had them
>s3 didn't have them
>s4 again has them
>AND four whole characters
Did you forget about this already?
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I don't cheat and never did anything bad but I had a friend group full of cheaters/ cheat developers/ and ddosers over 10 years ago. Private cheats will never get banned non manually, also I think you don't know what zens are which are 100% detectable and have sold literally over 500,000 of them (most of them being used for fortnite)
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I would prefer not being in the same postal code as any of you.
>competitive players are the majority
There are less than 15% of people currently playing ranked lol
My guess is that it seems rather tacked-on to make the style seem more than what it actually is.
>One time 950 grant for a current battle pass not received via crew
Does this mean I won't get 1950 v-bucks from crew? I bought the battle pass with v-bucks and haven't ever subbed to crew before
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he's so cute
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>trying to finally get mythic prized llama back bling
>can't win in solos or squads
>try bot lobby and actually do good
I see how it is
With the vast differences between season 1 and now, I wonder if it was intentional. Like, showing an abridged version of the game's style over the years.
if you bought the pass with vbucks you'll get them back alongside the 1000 vbucks, so technically you're not getting 1950, they're just refunding you 950
if you got it gifted or from a previous crew you won't get anything back, just the standard 1000 vbucks
That looks more like the shape of her posters
>festival pass
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This Japanese artist I follow likes Lexa.
me as Lexa
I love their campaign.
>"these are extremely off model" - helsie exclaims excitedly.
holy fucking sauce please god
If it happened for a Festival Pass, it can also happen for a minipass you moron.
Just dual boot and have Windows literally just for Fortnite.
You don't "own" any of your cosmetics and they can be taken away from you at any time for any reason.
Shit, I'm glad I opened this in an incognito browser.
>Rainbow Royale: 17th-18th
are we finally getting a mating press Jonesy emote?
But muh fragile ego that relies on my virtual doll collection in a children's video game to bring me any kind of happiness in this world

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you aren't getting my og gwen
>Dr Doom gets unlocked tomorrow
does that mean that the F4 will be coming to the shop tomorrow? They always release shop skins to coincide with secret skins
seethe latelet
Gwen shoejob
NTA but sure, keep your no-tits pancake-ass jailbait.
You can't say that.
One last post. It's late so I'll update this tomorrow now that Katalina released.
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my brother in christ the whole battle pass coincides with the secret skin
the real answer is you'll have to wait a few hours to see if something gets leaked or at least encrypted, if they're mini pass worthy it will take more time until they get released
This damn brat stole my Elixir of Giant Growth...
I have both Gwen's but the first is definitely the better
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Can we all agree that EpicGames hates the moss legends skins
>kids game
You guys ARE watching Karol G at the VMAs on the 11th, right?
You can't say that.
>The shitty lighting spammed helsie images really are from deviantart
I hate it here
As much as I love Blenderanon those tits at least have manual modeling and heft to them.
Oh yeah? Well, what if I say that I want to mating press and impregnate every single ******** character in Fortnite including Skye, Gwen Stacy, both Lexas, Helsie, and Joni? Can I say that?
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No, you can't, delete this.
devaint art has some hidden gems
he has a big ass, but I know you can't understand such thing if you play female skins
Wait does EU get up when the game goes down? Every update? Man that fucking sucks
Please give us the Punisher in tonight's update. I'm franking dying here
No one gives a shit about Yurocucks. This is normal. Fortnite is an AMERICAN game. You play on OUR schedule.
guess i'll be up for the datamines
holy shit this reminded me of the guy that justs renders fortnite girls hanging eachother all day
BROS! I just listened to a Six Flags ad on the radio and it had the Vengabus song!
>On June 25th, 2024, Six Flags brought Mr. Six back in a Fright Fest ad after 14 years.
Could we get a Mr. Six skin possibly? Maybe for Fortnitemares? That's so exciting!
>hm I’m getting tired it’s late af-
Cool, we’re staying at the /fng/ slumber party tonight.
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Please don't let the Iron Man be plastic toy garbage
>Please don't let the Iron Man be plastic toy garbage
Please don't let the Iron Man be plastic toy garbage
>Please don't let the Iron Man be plastic toy garbage
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One more hour until matchmaking goes down, right?
we already saw him bro, it's that laqme as fuck model in the toystore by Mysterio. I'm sorry man, I really wanted a good Ironman for once too, but we're still stuck with the junk from ch2s4 and zero.
Si seniorá
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Take an estimate of this MCU-esque design that is technically original but clearly based off of one of the later designs.
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I'm bored, /fng/. What do I do until the update?
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Why can't we get Im 1, avengers 1, classic ironman, modular ironman, or extremis? He's got like 10 iconic suits yet we got NONE OF THEM.
When I used to play marvel heroes, one of their biggest sellers were just iornman skins because of the sheer number of cool shit he had.
Isn't Six Flags owned by Warner Brothers? Sorry, little bro.
>It's plastic toy garbage
not a huge marvel nerd but what's so wrong about this skin? it looks decent for an iron man cope
>don't hit the walk toggle
>toggle walking anyways
Idgi, what iron man did you guys want?
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Because it looks like plastic and not metal. Both Iron Mans and Iron Spider have this problem
Genuinely why does this bundle exist
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>not a huge marvel nerd but what's so wrong about this skin? it looks decent for an iron man cope
Thinking about it from a kid's perspective, a teens perspective, or an oldfag's perspective, it's not any of his iconic suits.
IM1 launched the MCU and Avengers made it a fever pitch, his most popular suits by far.
Kids and young teens to 20s probably know that one the best, everything after that is a CGI slop slurry mess.
For old fags, classic, neo classic, modular, and extremeis are ome of his best known suits.
This is not any of his popular movie suits, nor is it any of his popular comic suits. This is something you break out just to sell more ironman to ironman fags, same with that garbage zerowar armor. You couldn't sell these unless it had Ironman's name attached, it's an ugly design.
hanging each other?
i see, thanks for the genuine insight bros
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But people hate vibrant colors and sleek designs, they want tons of lines and dull colors
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Np, I'm a old Ironman fan from the 90s, loved the cartoon growing up, loved the movie when it came out hate modern mcu.
From a technical standpoint the earlier movies had the best designs, while the comic accurate ones were cool too. Everything post....I dunno IM3? was all that technoorganic crap but it wasn't even coo looking like Metroid Prime 2 samus.
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Please Epic... please...
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Harmony Lee will be re-added to the files for Rainbow Royale. Before Rainbow Royale starts, Epic will make an announcement/apology about what happened last year regarding the skin, how they will make sure to do proper background checks when it fomes to adding fan cosmetics in the future, and how they've already terminated the original creator's SAC. To make a positive out of a negative situation, they will be donating 100% of the profits from Harmony Lee to LGBTQ+ charities
Honestly Iron Spider looks good enough to me in-game, yet I don't performance mode my game. The shine on the classic Iron Man definitely looks off, though, but I chalk that up to being a season 2 skin.
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I want them to bring back the old marvel pass skins so I can finish up rainbow iron-man and wolverine and get cool bonus styles as OG compensation
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See I'm fine with this, it can look good, MCU Mysterio is probably the best suit he's ever had besides Fortnites and it had tons of thought put into it since he's meant to look like an almagam of Strange, Ironman, and Thor.
But avengers 2+ the shit got overly sloppy and looked bad for the most part.
I get him hating Iron Spider, Peter looks off, the helmet looks cheap, and it's not quite metal, would've prefered the silver one from the ps1 game myself.
Just hit it again?
Every single skin in this game looks like Play-Doh. That's this game's art style. Deal with it.
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They managed to make War Machines suit look like metal so why can't they do that with Iron Man??
Marvel heroes was such a waste all because of the retard in charge of Gazillion. Thank fuck someones making a private server
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extremely distraught at the lack of more borderlands collabs
Probably better to let Borderlands rot after the fucking devastation it suffered.
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is this the closest we'll get to a floppy cock for a pickaxe?
>Marvel heroes was such a waste all because of the retard in charge of Gazillion.
It wasn't a waste, it was killed because both Disney and Fox wanted it dead, and Ike Perlmutter specfically put a pedophile in charge at the end, who siphoned all the money and ran, like he had done 4 times before.
IT was insane how good that game was despite it's flaws, and despite yidsney and fox trying to murder it for years.
It didn't deserve that shit it got.
>not a single C2
I need my maya and/or athena to use my star wand with, only then will it have my permission to die
You meant to say ava
Why doesn't fortnite have omnimovement or movement tech in general?
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Oscar appreciation post before downtime
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Because new is scary to the zoomers that have spent a majority of their lives playing the exact same game every single day, and so when they tried changing the movement at the start of Chapter 5, they freaked the fuck out.
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I did not stutter
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Maya's dead.
Disney had no say in who was running Gazillion, it was his stupid idea to just not pay disney in terms of licenses or was just in general really late with payments a dozen times to the point disney just said fuck you and pulled them from Gazillion.
>killed the only good siren
>again because Lilith fucks everything up
God I hate her.
The only thing borderlands I want is jack, I would've played fortnite more back then if we got him.
I still got the psycho for free, but like, why him.
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be so fr right now
Botted thread
Lilith should've fucking died in 3 instead of maya.
I know Disney didn't, Ike did, he was specifically in charge of the marvel gaming licensing which is why it's been so shit for years. He's also the reason marvel ip was split for years as well as the bankruptcy.
He's the guy who demanded his guy be put in charge, and his guy was David von Doorman, a man who had to be physically kept from his child for his proclivity and who embezzled all of gazillion funds before fleeing the company, which he has done before.
Lilith should have died many many many times
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>>>493091252 (You)
>Lilith should have died many many many times
Yep, I'd still smash, but she was the worst bitch in the franchise followed by the new toddler siren and nu tanith.
I would still pick up bl skins but the franchise sucks now, and I don't think epic does cillabs with the new current holders of the ip
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Death is a preferable alternative to being retconned as a dyke, which I feel is something they would've had planned for her
ranked amplifies everything i hate about the way people play fortnite
I see fortnite as a peaceful resting place for characters stuck in games that died/got worse
They can shoot people in a better game now
>I see fortnite as a peaceful resting place for characters stuck in games that died/got worse
This is why I like marvel in it, it died a long time ago and red mysterio is based.
wasn't she into Krieg?
>yes let's add another layer of bullshit on top of our bloom infested build shittery
Holy cow I'm subbing to him right now!
I think it was the other way around, Krieg being into her
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Why is this girl so cool?
would be cooler with my dick in her mouth
They were dating in 3, she was straight, it probably would've turned to lesbians somehow.
learn to adapt buildshitter
Don't we have both, albeit limited?
I really wish picks were good melee weapons though.
This might come as a surprise to you but the most beloved multiplayer games never had this weird obsession with movement that games do now
>old cods
>halo 1-3
>gears 1-3
You rarely did anything other than a basic sprint or jump and people enjoyed that
Bro played 1 day of Blops 6 beta and he's an Omni movement shill already
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she reminds me of him
Because cod players are subhumans
No he's not. Until chapter 5 him and bryne were monthly skins for years and in various fortnte promos. BRYNE is the one who deserves more love.
Downtime for the v31.10 Fortnite Update officially begins in ~20 minutes, with matchmaking services having already begun to be disabled!
>He didn't wall bounce and backpack people in Gears of War
shut up billy
Bryne looks like fucking garbage. Axo is actually cute.
Are you for real, there's barely even any games nowadays how can you not keep up

Blops 6 is gonna have a feature called "Omni movement" which lets you sprint in all directions. So you can sprint to the left, right, and backwards. You can also shoot while sprinting.
not him but I've been playing the beta, I don't think you can shoot while sprinting, but you CAN while diving now
also you can turn 360 degrees at full speed while prone now, no "you have to readjust your position slowly beyond a certain range", just full on dive past someone and then shoot them 180 degrees away lmao
i don't play fotm shit because i'm not a mental slave like you
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Doesn't matter, every mongrel already has it
Manifesting a new style for Bryne
Now that I think about it though how often do old skins get new styles these days
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>Even J*nesy loves her
J*nesyfags in shambles
I don't remember when that was added
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Off the top of my head Leelah, Azuki and I guess the nike goddess(she was a survey skin) are the only ones to get one as far as I know this chapter. Epic's gotten really lazy/greedy with the metaverse shit. Snow dancer's bee look should not have been a separate skin.
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Around Easter this year
you didn't see this in regular matches
praying to god for black cat gyatt
I don't like this because Hope is clearly more like a daughter figure to Jonesy.

He even calls her "Kiddo"
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New Helsie skin

New Lexa skin

New Hope skin
Are you the fatfag or the OG remifag
you should not like it because it looks like shit
Here we go now
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what are beta ray bill chance being added this season
checking out the fall guys spiderman skins in the meantime
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Hoping for another anthro skin
Ewww we don't support pedos here
Will Doom and the superstyles be out once downtimes over
I mean we're getting meowscles(again)
But enough about the furries
Should be, yes, unless they time gate it to shop time somehow, but that doesn't happen typically.
Hyena man please
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Yes but another
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>they made a wrap for the hero skins
>which will just be a solid color for most sweat sk
And now we sit back, relax and wait for the leaks
I mean, Epic loves to release shit that would've fit better last season so that yellow lizard or the hyena/scarr counterpart could drop
don't be greedy anon. We've been spoiled lately.
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>Wrap matches Outfit colors and logo when wearing a Boundless set Outfit!
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I'm thinking based
I mean if I could make it a solid black from Banner colors or something I could finally have a boogeyman alternative, but if they really just made something that ONLY colors for the Boundless.. jesus fucking christ
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>cel-shade Jonesy
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helsie (nude style) soon
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better than that fucking candy fish.
Those can go with you too
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Oh that's cute I li-
Fucking degenerate retard, I heard about weed cards on the radio the other day, should be illegal just like cigarette ads are
horde rush is back
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>why not just reuse the last fortnitemares thing we did, gotta save budget
Who posts leaks the quickest
>another harley quinn
me :)
you can tell they slimmed her hips lmfao
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>He even calls her "Kiddo"
Wow, what a non-issue lol
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But is it the build version and not the horrid no build version? I hate the fact that the only reason we got the build version last year was because some wonderful idiot at epic accidentally removed the no build version so they were forced to use builds.
thank you
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royal doom style
nice bulge
>only 4 new skins
>Launch of season only had the battlepass skins
What the fuck?
Do they hate money? Whats happening at epic?
oh shi- i thought that was valeria
Was hoping for a comic style but I'll take this
That's the stupidest fucking glider they possibly could've came up with
>this was it
holy shit
>We want the.... uh.... the..... what audience?
hope toon jones can be used with the super styles.
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thats it lmao
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>that glider
LOL Pathetic
>no pink/white super style
OGs won bigly
wow they really don't wanna make any money this season
>ONLY jones gets cel-shading, everything else was just superstyles
Why is the pass being pushed out of the way so fucking early, jesus christ this really was just a pass update
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>3 week wait for that
then why is the update so big?
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lego klomb o
>New quest voicelines has Hope acknowledge that she hasnt done anything all she has is spray can
lmaoooo we memed hope hate into reality
Look again, war Machine got a white style
>NIV 1
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Love her anyway
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finally some good drums
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We're really getting nothing interesting until mid October aren't we? And I fucking bet you the Fortnitemares stuff won't even be vaguely related to halloween.
>3 week wait for this
literally just the doom BP page update™
which was delayed from this update
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>Magneto gloves are back
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Reminder all the skins in this pass are shop skins retard.
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I'm betting this is gonna be held off until Snoop's Festoval Pass
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I mean im glad we're getting Sabertooth Meowscles in 2 days but still, this update is basically nothing. The only other good skin is in fucking 2 weeks (black cat)
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>newfriends realizing how empty and dead this game and corporate this game is
lel, been like this since c2s4
>magneto gauntlets back in lootpool
>Thanos LTM is back but its Doom this time
>Whoever is Doom can:
>Mystical Gigabomb
>Foot Dive
>Scorch Beam
>Arcane Barrage
We're back
raise your standards
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Boy do i love seeing BR content suffer because of them having to make content for the metaverse shit most players don't want.
How about I raise my hand and reach you some manners slut.
think realistically
believe it or not you don't need to purchase a new skin every day
This game isn't competitive so i am on board with chucking as much goofy shit in as you can
I'm gonna hit thanos with a magneto rock
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heres one of the rewards on dooms page
vibin was fucking dogshit bro
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There's 7 encrypted files but wew this is something else
Rate the update
>lego shit
its genuinely over
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So instead of a contrail, we got... this...
we already have a doom contrail
You can't even fucking escape this shit but with jetpacks now, what the fuck?!
Is there a mask off version?

I might get this if there’s a mask off version.
there's the wasted BP space.
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Abhorrently shit.
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Bro your OG Doom???
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>hey guys what if he afk farm in lego and make epic think we love it xDDD we're master manipulator hacker xp exploit glitch gods think about all the levels bro!!!
you get what you fucking deserve
They can actually fuck right off with this. I don't even fucking play lego.
Some of those props i actually needed on my world so I'm all in.
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What a shit update. Oh well
Good night /fng/
Love Cinder simple as
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>first update of your billion dollar marvel season
>add back the hated fagneto gauntlets
>add the retarded glowing eyes back to superstyles that everyone disliked
>add some random androgynous self insert skin
>random black chick
>lego shit in the bonus rewards
Bravo, Tim.
can new doom use old doom's glider at the least? because the rocket fist is lazy as fuck.
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>They nerfed the shield before adding the magneto gauntlets
>Cars are not even an option this time
>Magneto + the auto turret meta
>Medals are mostly pointless
Seriously, who the fuck balances this game?
I like the lego stuff even though I don't really play the mode
Its so tiresome and I am being unironic as fuck when I say this.
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Montague won.
Show Gwen's flat ass
>lexa increasing the pressure on my balls under her heals as her disappointment in the leak increases

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>Auto Turret
>Magneto gloves

Are you ready for every gimpsuit wearing faggot to obliterate you from the stratosphere?
>Doom and his cape, sword and fist glider
>Page 2 is the same stuff but now gold also lego btw
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>still no SOUL
Dear Tim
Yours truly Anonymous
kek https://x.com/FortTory/status/1831249849385119861
No, because I play Reload where those items don't exist.
If you paid attention to Fortnite from its launch and current state. You know balance is the thing this game is not good at all.
>magneto power
>with jetpacks
It's an unprecedented level of over
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fuck you
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>Auto turret buffed
>Cap's shield buffed also
Did Epic have their computers off since the start of the season?
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eh ill get her
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>super style names and designs are based around doom
>but doom gets no super styles

new people don't say anything
Dang it, I actually liked the posters
>That one anon who wrote about Hope's motivation for rebelling being for the free will of others was right
But we already know she dies at the end of the season retard.
When Doom catches hope he's going to Rape her for all the graffiti
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>Look at the comments of the datamines
>It's literally all just this
It's all so tiresome
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og season can't come fast enough at this rate
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>This is the best Hope can do
flop of the century
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Zero Build is actually going to suck balls this season fucking christ.
>hurrdurr reselling battle pass cosmetics will never affect the actual quality of the battle pass
Lets see you defend this shit.
based, total hope death
>everyone can now easily get the high ground to spam giant as fuck chunks of metal with Magneto Power and Hover Pack
Holy fuck they somehow made it worse than it was in S3 with the Nitro Fists
What a boring, uneventful, shit update
i literally cannot tell the gender of the skin lol absolutely vile
guns? in my shooter? no thanks
>the hands of hope haters
fat fucks
Regal doom is pretty cool, but fuck, they should have repeated what they did for marvel season #1 and given everyone superstyles
thats it?/10
Actually reflective of the current state of the game. HIT IT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pct1uEhAqBQ
Mainly that secret skins having super styles is not impossible.
black cat save us
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he he
It's worse, you're just thinking of high ground. The big thing about Magneto's Powers was that they left you a sitting duck to snipers/boom bolts or a shotgunner, and it was still nasty enough to suppress a target in a direct fight. Now you can grab Hover Jets and probably MOVE AT THE SAME TIME you're shooting for easy fly-bys, on top of no longer needing Flowberry Fizz for the super boosts/jumps.
>blaming it on the fact that they can resell it on the future.
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Are they returning anytime soon?
3 weeks for this update btw
There will be another update next week but its strictly lego shit
Enjoy the metaverse
Black Cat
5 Tiktok Emotes
>read this
>"dude it's obviously a w-"
holy shit you're right
I was going to call you a gross faggot but then I realized, despite being straight I understand.
Can you lick my boot clean next?
Gotta focus on the next emergency mode
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>hope basically admitting she's a fraud in new voice lines
the superior sister has no such weakness
I don't want to pay for Lucien but it's worth it for those two brats
>Removing FOMO is bad
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Man I loved the start of season 3 but now? I REALLY, REALLY fucking want it back now. The car combat is so much better than this shit holy fuck.
Answer the question.
Why does she have the Wendy girl's hairstyle
Gummy bear!?
Who even confirmed the Magneto Gloves returning?

I haven't seen a single source about them
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reboot rally stuff, that's it i'm going to bed, if something better arrives i blame epic, something something vas a caer Epic games
goodnight /fng/
you are retarded.
Formal Lucien is debatebly his best look though
Something very off the redhead girl
>catshit is better than dogshit!
Amazing take
>How can we make people like Hope?
>Uh, what if she made some of the best parts of the map look worse?
You are never getting my OG Doom.
I would like to formally apologize for complaining about last season.
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If you think Epic reselling BP stuff in the future is the problem. And not the fact they are lazy then you're retarded.
I won't blame you for hating it, yet I won't blame you for apologizing. This is a goddamn trash fire.
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uhh... maybe this will help cheer people up?
magneto gloves might be a good counter to the sheild keks
I said answer the question faggot. Or is my boot not good enough for you?
I need you to apologize for shilling and defending flat ass female skins
They already suck now and you can shoot them 5 times to break them
Tell me about a game that has 600K players at 1 am on a Wednesday
Looks like a man
>downgraded cope skins
>cheer people up
>Answer muh question
Retarded behavior. Bye.
>magneto gloves might be a good counter to the sheild keks
great, ballista fucks who ALSO make shields, just what we needed
>can't just give a straight answer
Yeah, I must be taking up time from your busy boot licking schedule. Bye bye.
>Source: Trust me bro.
>muh boot
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>S1 flawed but fun
>S2 was grating and sweaty
>S3 was butchered as fuck
>S4 is insufferable and unrewarding as hell

I can't believe this is gonna go down as the worst chapter the game has had by a long shot.
It's over bros. It's time to move on.
I thought you were leaving???
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I refuse to believe anyone thinks this looks good
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>He cares about me
ok homo
Blame Hope, at least we got Festival
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I don't give a fuck about those skins. I want Rue. Put her in the shop
There was something wrong with your Pic. Fixed it for you
i'm probably gonna see a bunch of 12 year olds looking like this come OG season
Well yeah cupcake. We've become such good friends with this humorous back and forth.
it's not a woman shape, it's some weird androgynous blob with no defining male or female features beyond the clothes on top
close enough to shawarmachine
>S1 flawed but fun
There was a shit ton of bitching here about the auto shotgun and reaper rifle lmao. I doubt /fng/ agrees.
Thank God I'm level 169. Only a few more days and then I can fuck off.
Unironically, a new customizable skin like Maya but with a cute facial model and the ability to change the styles later
Also Skye but with a cute facial model
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Looks like this pokemon bitch but uglier and without cunny
You can't say that.
>another maya
No, not again.
Aside from the auto shotty and reaper I had fun with the season, I was hopeful that we'd get a big expansion on the weapon mod bench. Little did I know is that we'd only get two mod additions for the ENTIRE CHAPTER.
I have him
They were annoying but I'd take the Reaper & Frenzy Show over the hell that were seasons 3 and 4.
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How long until I can log back in.
>new POIs are now covered in shitty graffiti

unironically, who even comes up with this garbage?
>mostly just really lazy superstyles, war machine camo and cel-shade jones
>doom and royal doom, not very visually interesting at all
>one of doom's BP slots is fucking lego kit garbage
>a couple new shop skins that look iffy as fuck
>we wait 3 weeks with an awful loot pool and all they do is add Magneto's Powers back
is this one of the worst updates in Fortnite history after the expectations they tried to set
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>S2 was grating and sweaty
I feel season 2 needs two ratings. Pre avatar(fun)and post avatar(unfun0 feel like two completely different seasons.
>I can't believe this is gonna go down as the worst chapter the game has had by a long shot.
Largely due to the collab stuff barring season 1
>water bending was already good and then they buffed it for no logical reason
>magneto invalidated cars in the car season AND ignored shield bubbles
>war machines stuff and cap's shied invalidate almost every other weapon and the need to bother with bosses
Where is Cat's ass and why doesn't Gummy Team Leader have a Syd style?
Women who were hired strictly because they have a gash between their legs & to fill a quota set by ((Blackrock))
Honestly you should fuck off now and come back when all the weekly quest rewards are available. You've already played more than necessary
>why doesn't Gummy Team Leader have a Syd style?
because the gummy one is clearly based on CTL. Who has no syd style thankfully
>t. "woman" who was hired strictly because they have a gash between their legs & to fill a quota set by ((Blackrock))
>2 0/10 dogshit goblina survey skins
>1 skin with potential but its Marvel
>yet another team leader/meowscles rehash
>0/10 super styles, didn’t even bother returning holofoil
>magneto gloves returning, unironically

Holy fuck this game is so ass now
Nta but Syd sucks. CTL and variants should be a weird monster or Ramirez underneath the mask.
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>unironically, who
charliewen and people like this https://x.com/mmmegan/status/1809322528910778581
that fat lard is senior writer, also works on BR quests, it exactly that "hurr durr i am prooteesting here!!!" stuff they all love.
>Syd makes trannies seethe
Maybe I should grab her next time she is in the shop.
You probably don't actually like or care about Rue
Dogshit OP, kill yourself, Helshitfaggot
it's embarrassing you kept this shitpost up for so long, tell me, can you even see your toes lard-o?
I love fortnite
Fuck, now I need to get gummy Fishstick because I KNOW my wife is going to want this.

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