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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/ggg/: NONE
NA/EMEA weeklies/monthlies: https://x.com/nafgcto

Arc World Tour 2024: https://www.arcsystemworks.jp/awt2024/
Major Balance Patch: Late October/Early November
Dizzy: October 2024
Venom: Early 2025
Unika: Spring 2025
Lucy; Summer 2025

Main wiki with frame Data and information about system mechanics: https://www.dustloop.com/w/GGST
Player Glicko-2 ratings: http://puddle.farm/top/all
Fighting game glossary: https://glossary.infil.net/
Deflect Shield OS tech: https://twitter.com/Precho6055/status/1778514309015826445

>Replay Uploaders

>/ggg/ APPROVED Strive mods
Potato Mod
Frame Data Display
https://github.com/Chitaso/StriveFrameViewer/releases (1.08/Pre Season 4)

>Nintendo Switch Edition Trailer

>Season 4 Teaser Trailer

>Newest DLC: Slayer, May 30th

>Latest Dev Backyard (17th Volume, June 28th)

>Latest Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Current Balance Patch 1.38 (July 22nd)

>Xrd/+R/#R Stuff:

>Guilty Gear Soundtracks

State platform and region when making lobbies for the thread and announce in the thread when you close them. You ft10 anyone you make the lobby. Keep training and keep on rockin'!

SLASHED: >>492467223
jaggo sex
i'd play jaggo if she looked like that
we could've had tour guide jacko
just do a safejump dumb nigga
notice how i said annoying and limiting and not impossible or difficult

braindead nigga
Should I main Sin or should I main Ram?
Is there a strive cheat to RC whenever a burst input is made
you're just getting read, brother
I refuse to believe that when I run up and gold burst and the guy's reaction is to RC
This happened twice
post the replay this sounds hilarious
I've never seen one myself but I could easily believe it. Online cheating is running rampant in sf6 and tekken doing all kinds of automatic responses so it's clearly not even hard to make.
Autohotkey scripts is the Alternative Play
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we have to break the rules in order to succeed....
Who is this "we"?
You, me, and Company Director, silly.
The only time me and your Company Director will ever be associated with one another is when he and I pass one another on a street crossing and I clandestinely inject him with a curable disease that he cannot afford to pay the treatment for and he dies painfully and slowly all alone with the knowledge that he died for two reasons: Disrupting the 'flow' of my general and being poor.
This but instead of giving her a disease, I'm plaping Company Director bussy
damn jacko is sexy
Not a sexy as you.
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First for my beautiful wife A.B.A!
ok wtf are sin's options in neutral ?
Can you reversal dp during a blockstring?
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post funny frames
fs, 2s are pretty much his only good neutral buttons to throw out, 6p has specific uses just like every other 6p, j.H is actually kinda good and elk hunt can catch people off guard. Check high level matches, but sin's buttons aren't great tbdesu
Only if there's a gap
Should've mentioned his k buttons are good enough at closer ranges since they're a few frames faster but I feel his S buttons are more important, 2k is relevant since it's a fast low and has ok range
damn just realized with the DP changes Sin went from having one good neutral option to zero
was this a cool comeback or no, I felt like I was done for sure when I got hit by 6H
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Looks cool yeah
Why would arcsys make him look like that?
Why did they make just lean so shit?
Why does most finer have 0 hitstun?
Strive is fun to play, but not fun to watch.
the next time you see pot doing slide head from fullscreen and you have 50 meter hit that faggot with an HMC
good conversion for the kill at the end though
just lean is kino because it doesn't have the drawn out emotional crescendo at the end like every other strive track... it doesn't have any fat... it's JUST LEAN
DBFZ is pretty Guilty Gear final balance patch now.
I can only cum these days when making a sick one pixel comeback. Nice one kid keep stacking em up.
Who should I learn as my secondary to Sin? Johnny or Ram?
Johnny is cool. Ram is boring. Do with that knowledge what you will.
bedpisser to knowledge check people
Learn Rev2
voltic deign my beloved, arcsys please give it back sin can have 3 supers as a nod to his father and shit
I don't think they're adding more moves after the base roster finishes desu
I know, and even then I think oki moves is the last thing they're interested in adding...
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Rev 2 lobby is closed.
Sleepy time.
May you dream of the cutest plap-cows.
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>lose all my floor 8 games
>go down to floor 7
>win all my floor 7 games
>go up to floor 8
>lose all my floor 8 games...
why is nago's beyblade a hkd wtf you can cancel into this from whatever
wtf i thought i was THE thread shitter, it's over...
yeah I kinda just realized today that move is the entire character and nagos don't have to do anything except punish you for playing around it
>oh I see, the ground game is literally rigged because of beyblade and clone
>but what if I jumped in neutral, I'll be vulnerable to his 4 easy anti-airs but at least I don't have to worry about those moves
>gets anti-air CH by beyblade :)
It costs blood :)
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Posting Ragna playing volleyball to remind you that summer has ended and he should've been the one who's announced for strive instead of Lucy
I thought this was Ky cosplaying Platinum at first glance
This poster was stupid enough to vote for a guest character. Laugh at him. Ridicule him.
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It was her turn.
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watch and learn lmao
TechnicalsBros... We are SO back
i just couldn’t get through his video. the way he talks and presents things is so faggy and disingenuous even if i agree; he could be saying “water is good for you” and i’d be watching thinking “oh shut up you fucking nerd”
Just Lean is Aerosmith kino. Take that back
the 1st video is him trying to be professional and fair but the 2nd is pure comedy, you should watch it
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jaggo op
wtf why do I suddenly feel attracted to jack o for the first time
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Sin's neutral is very dependent on who he is facing. However, most of the time he is relegated to playing it very safe. Sin's S buttons are decently long, but they are marred with big hurtboxes before and after the attack. That means that he generally will trade or even lose when it comes to exchanging normals with other characters. This means that typically you have to play very flexible in neutral since a lot of characters have a few options that are really good in neutral while Sin has only arguably one in 2S. The issue with 2S being that it's 12 frames startup, which is fair considering it has like no recovery, but it's just unfortunate that it's his only great button. Before this season, I would easily say that Sin wins from defense or more specifically, his DP. The nerf to DP hits Sin the hardest by a mile since it was even a decent enough tool to use in neutral if you know someone is gonna use a tool that you would otherwise have no way to cover. Technically, DP is still there to use, but you can't kara super from it anymore and if they block then you are deal time a million. So DP in neutral is pretty much dead now unless you wanna do some mental damage. Sin neutral is just generally bad now, but that isn't to say he has no reward. All he needs is to get one decent touch and convert that into a kara super or at least a wallbreak

Basically, Sin neutral sucks. You gotta play it by the ear since pretty much every character can bully you with their tools
is it really that hard for you guys to press your fullscreen low-profile massively plus approach button
do you need a map to find the button?
Sexy clown milf. There should be more
Should have left the thread die
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breadly sin
The Ram and Leo ship is cute, I wish more people cared about it
I did this untile I accumulated enogh matchup knowledge to get to higher floors.
It’s funny that Leo gets more female voice lines than Johnny
strive cheats can do anything boss nago can do, so prcing based on your burst input or inputting whatever is appropriate based on your wakeup input buffer is what youll mainly see
I disagree but I respect the difference in opinion
i would like strive if it weren't for the offense, defense, and neutral all being shit
Why did they change some characters entire kits from previous games? I can get making damage or combos easier and making designs safer, that’s for esports and casual play, but why are some characters irrecognizable to play?
>Why did they change some characters entire kits from previous games?
They changed the entire game, so they changed their kits to suit the new game. It's not that complicated.
Even a floor 4 fucker is going to react to elk hunt lmao
Coins and traps are not pick up and play mechanics and filter opponents.
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Do you guys actually react to things? I only make reads.
I can only react to charged dust sometimes
Start playing slime fighter 6 to keep your brain young
tranny detected
I can react to things with clear indicators, like air dashes, Dust, and dash cancels. Everything else feels like it's not meant to be reacted to and comes down to RPS coin flips.
>Everything else feels like it's not meant to be reacted to
this mf gets hit by bull bash
holy fuck why is this general so dead
it was like this end of s2
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People are waking up to Strive being bad
What the other anons said, Strive is more focused on just getting one hit and going into wallbreak so characters that have to set things up wouldn't work here. See how Deja Vu is instead tied to the character of Bedman? instead of Bedman setting them up on screen. Also if a characters main gimmick requires skill or much thought then that's a no-go, it goes against Strive's core principles of having a low skill ceiling and low skill floor to match so that anyone could get a win against anyone.
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seems like they need a reminder
oh no no nonono...
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more like xturd
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I am unironically looking forward to Strive Dizzy at least in part because I know it will make Xturders mad.
I hope they add all the xrd characters and I have no real reason to touch xrd other than longing for prime sin
why would they be mad if they're not playing strive?
I honestly don't understand it but it happens
The patch is pretty good compared to the last patch. It just feels like an intermission period since there's no new fancy shit to really ogle at though.
No hype tournaments.
Also it's 10:30 AM in the middle of the weekday.
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>AP Inc. dies
>general dies with it
makes you think how many employees/followers they had.
For next thread we should add some specificity to some upcoming AWT events.

Ultimate Fighting Arena (France): September 13-15,2024
ThunderStruck (Mexico): September 14-15,2024
Clash of the Olympians (Greece): September 20-22, 2024
Nah. The dates are already on the AWT site. The france expo is more likely to have a new reveal lol
It's for streamboaring. Makes more sense than Having 3 characters that won't be here for at least 4 months.
It's on the AWT site, sure, but how many people actually click to stay updated? How many people knew of the AWT event that Gobou just won?
>Kizzington only has 12 viewers
What the fuck happened?
He picked a side and is now paying the ultimate price
Nobody said being GAWDlike was easy
What side between whom?
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Rev 2 lobby is up.
Name: gilly gear.
Password: no pass.
Lobby connection req: 2 or greater.
Hosted in: NA west coast.
I can only watch so many Percy matches
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>using faust as an example
i thought it was well known now that fausts buttons are disgusting and his only actual weakness that keeps him from top tier is the lack of damage from combos due to relying on rng items
Damn. Unsubbing
He should be streaming Overture
oh great, slayer is close to me on my wakeup and going to do cS, that means i can do fd and not get counter hit because i'll block the cS
and would you look at that i lost the round
The trick is beating Slayer is never getting hit
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This is adorable.
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ummm hes actually gay... you should delete this
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when will millia actually be playable outside of whiff punishing and praying your opponent is dogshit and doesnt know the matchup
I hope she and Zato remain dogshit even in season 4.
When they fix I-no's air dash.
Have you tried using close slash?
she's good and very much playable.
you just can't play well.
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Lobby when?
Lobby soon?
Lobby doko?
There is one already up
All that I’m saying is that when it’s time to pick sides. I’ll be playing plus r (respectfully)
Pronounced like rhino
All that I’m saying is that when it’s time to pick sides. I’ll be playing overture (disrespectfully)
All that I’m saying is that when it’s time to pick sides. I’ll be playing isuka (neutrally)
Guilty Gear doesn't have neutral
this guy is memeing cause those scripts are 1kb but i unironically have a script for the fbrc overhead. It's just such an autistic and game specific input i did not feel to grind it
cause some old characters were terrible game design experiments that failed hard. Like +r testament and xrd elphelt
I’m scared how they’d ruin Zappa
Uhhh actually all the old Guilty Gear fans loved old Testament and Soive ruined him (I have a combined singled digit number of hours in +R and Xrd)
I hope they say he choked on a corndog and died and now s-ko takes his place and plays completely different
could shoehorn a message about gender dysphoria with her taking over his male body. genius
Zappa dies but comes back as a ghost himself with all the powers of his ghosts active at the same time
that means sword and dog aren't separate from him so really it wouldn't be that bad
Realistically I wonder how they’d do the dog since throw is different now
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Is Faust really considered like that? I feel like he's not even top 10 in terms of characters having fucked up normals. Well if Faust don't count, then how about top 1 character May?
People really liked Testament's character and personality- they're great in the two drama CD side stories on top of having a really unique and cool sounding voice.
Gameplay-wise... everyone memes on Test's gameplay, it's generally accepted that they are high S tier in +r and extremely annoying to fight but this doesn't suddenly mean that their gameplay should be entirely changed, just reworked in a way that only a sequel can while keeping the trap gameplay. I'm sure there's a middle ground between unplayable in ML (although this is mostly due to not being able to tech or charge) and top of S in +r while keeping the traps.

They ruined both gameplay and character in Strive. That's not even getting into design.
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This one is also lol worthy
I miss Spic Sin poster
>while keeping the trap gameplay
traps are an meme anime playstyle and I pray they're eradicated
great parody of the dumb r/kappachino non-gamers
You're playing an anime game
Have you actually played any game besides Strive for an extended period of time?
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>You're playing an anime game
Is it tho?
+R is like the current day DBFZ. Total clownshow.
If you really want to understand what real XX was like, you should look up previous revisions of that game.
I always said +R was the best
AC and Slash were even more of a clownfest. The only XX game that was respectable was Reload and it still had shit like Slayer bite loops.
What happened to the lobby?
dbfz is kino now. it's basically umvc3 with how every character is viable while actually having at least some bullshit thing to abuse.
before dbfz was just some characters having better mix / normals but now it's specific stuff which is a lot more entertaining
Those who dream of Heaven
A god of war, who forgot how to lose.
Lobby's still up.
>and Slash
Was Strive before Strive, so boring. Not a clownfest in the same way dbfz is
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ggs bro
what can I do against Axl when he does the low attack where his blades come back and he does a lariat at the end? What is that is that a grab?
Finished to this one the last time it was posted. AIs getting pretty good.
That's a command grab, yeah. You can jump it and go beat him up for it, it's not active until he comes back so if you see him throw his sickles straight down into the ground you can react by jumping
ai art has been really good lately. i've been liking a bunch on pixiv
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what the fuck are people using nowadays for ai porn? i gotta give this a try if it looks this good
Do you also know what to do against that one Elphelt attack where she jumps on her gun and repeats it 100 times ?
Are these all bots?? tf
soive is the only gg game without neutral and mobility, 2021joinerbro
Elphelt's rekka is basically a high/low/reset that you just have to guess right on two blocks in a row
you can back dash it too
Nothing wrong with AI when it looks good.
You're a stupid nigger who posted shitty porn then replied to himself 3 times
These threads have gone to shit
Is this engagement bait? Shut up already whore.
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Never thought I'd find someone more schizo than myself...
is jackos head just recolored ram?
Aren't they canonically both (and elphelt) supposed to look like aria?
all me btw
did daisuke peak musically in central fiction
the only good bb song is jaeger
its good
now name a guilty gear song you like
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He peaked musically in GG2.
death simpers at an exit
someone post the johnny mist finer meme
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The may with the mist finer
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Pot is for baby mode players
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johnny hating faggots need to shut their tranny mouths and learn the match up
dude is gonna trombone so fucking hard
kind of embarassing to get this mad over a low tier sis. maybe just accept its a skill difference?
The Revelator is here! On Saturday September 14th at 2pm EST Anon Arena will be hosting a Rev2 PC tournament! Sign up in the link below as all are welcome!


If you got a question, ask it.
We don't play that crap here.
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Your loss
I'll try to be there. I honestly might have a chance of winning due to lack of people.
The way Baiken swings her stub... There's no diamond to show she snaps. That's so fucking cute.
>If you got a question, ask it.
can u make it the train stage exclusively since this general is obsessed with trains?
Lobby's closed.
Dream of titcows.
You don’t need disjoints to beat Pot in neutral, retard bro.
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5H can be beaten by IAD at farther ranges and f.S has basically no disjoint. You can also 6P his 2S
soive (tranny game)
Strive bashing would be funny or credible if Xrd and +R weren't dead as shit
In the words of one of the top faust players
"Faust would be high or top tier if Ram, Anji, and Chipp didn't exist"
Way older games like +r or Xrd will always have less players than something newer but you can almost always go to +r quickplay and find someone with a good connection to you (there will always be people but at weird hours you'll only see japanese players) and generally Xrd will have a public lobby for you to join and get games in, there has even been lots of new/bad players in these public lobbies lately.

Not that you would know.
good thing anyone with an iq above the single digits knows that any publically stated pro opinion is 100% disinfo
That was more of a Faust upplay statement than a downplay statement
Couldn't you just let the thread die instead of shitting it up more? Isn't that your goal?
epic clapback, sis
Yeah +R has the best online system I’ve seen, more games should have the quick play lobby.
Delilah needs more art
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I agree. Specifically of the erotic type
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i, for one, am tired of the majority of gg artists drawing ram like a cute moeshit 20kg skeleton loli. shame that strive mainly attracts low test cgdct zoomers and trannies
>Base Roster: Primarily Strike/Throw with a Setplay machine and a high/low dispenser as an experiment. Any char that does have an overhead/low mix will be pretty negative because we want more thoughtful interactions.
>Season 1: Okay high/low is fun, so let's meter it so people don't constantly have access to it. Making these really swing-heavy chars is fair because they're weak in other areas.
>Season 2: This high/low stuff is really cool, what if we just give it to every char moving forward?
>Season 3: We need to make high/low mix more rewarding, bc I just don't see the high damage people are talking about
Season 4 already has fullscreen high/lows that you can combo off of with Testament now lol
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no but all the tsubaki themes are banger
his best stuff is still overture https://youtu.be/7sXYsUZps1U?si=5iWPRxzP-fjbeclV
No offense, but is this series supposed to be homoerotic or something? The males look rlly glammed out and stand in feminine poses. Some of the game covers almost look like a yaoi too.
What's gay about admiring men?
I wish they were this motivated about the gatlings
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There is nothing gay about straight flamboyant men.
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>move everyone wants back is actually really bad
Yeah spot on. Every dlc pass has a theme and it goes meters>high low>braindead high low mix
>uh actually it doesn’t hit crouchers until fram-
Shut up, bitch
>fullscreen high/lows that you can combo off of
Zappa next season confirmed
i can't stand the eu competitive scene. It's a big circlejerk and there are a couple of troons (rarer in eu) that know me and always try to play or spark a conversation dumping their mental illness on me and if i snap i get ostracized by the whole scene and can't practice anymore. Leave me the fuck alone
I think their commitment to keeping gatlings universal, more than anything, is why Jam isn't in Strive right this second.
Bedman?’s 6H is bad thoughbeit.
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I love +R.
I'm fine with them being universal. Just give them more routing options than the same two options. You're either pressing f.s > 5h, or 2k > 2d.
Leo breaks the rules
i want to get jacko pregnant in a nonconsensual manner
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same but delilah
this but Kum
Reminder if you can't figure out what's safe/unsafe after 1 or 2 matches you don't have the gene and are better off just playing something else.
I have the fun gene (enjoys playing video games)
Tell me about Ky counterplay in Xrd
We don't play that crap here.
Play Ky
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Your loss.
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It's funny how Japan turned Bridget being a girl into a derogatory term and a way to humiliate and fetishize the character even more.
Link so I can report this
*hides post*
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ram borgar hyahyahya
Ram really is just Minions for dweebs
For me it's Jellyfish Pirates Dizzy.
Hopefully a modder makes a mod for that in Strive
Mist Finer his fireballs
Japan has over 100 million people
All the time I'm saying this
this but unironically :3
Troons fapping to this just further cement that the tranny stuff is literally just a fetish. Imagine if furfags was considered a protected class. Sonicfox knew this so he had to adopt that silly they/them pronoun.
...and they all want to have sissy feminizing sex with Bridget.
Truly the most based nation on the planet
We feel you habibi
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I don't care how cute they make bridget I'm not beating it to a penis haver
Lobby's up.
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What would her Hitboxes look like in Strive?
jam was daisuke making racial jokes which he finds funny so he wont ever add her because he knows his new fanbase would scream at him
probably not like that. everybody lost disjoints coming to strive
She sounds pretty chinky in River City Girls. Also that's Juno in OW.
I want to here her AIYAH while I steam her pork buns.
racism be damned I want ryujin
>"GET COOKED" and pulls out a frying pan
Why is she an Overwatch character?
Rev2 is taking over the general
I'm going back to my scrub roots and playing nago, I should've been told that blood lvl 3 5h is like beak driver
they didnt know she played a racist chinese caricature im sure.
Nago is unironically very fun
All the more shame that he's crazy overtuned
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only reason hes fun is BECAUSE hes overtuned
>dash cross screen almost entirely invisible into command grab
>high low off round start if you dare press a button
>gap closer thats also a combo starter thats also an oki setup thats also
tell me how you would have fun on the character if you cant do stupid shit like tping back and forth then hitting a close slash thats the size of a quarter of the screen
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The 623H/214H guessing game isn't what's fun about Nago desu. Even in s2 when that didn't exist I still had fun playing him
I agree that the fukyo beyblade pressure IS what makes him fun but only because it's juxtaposed against him getting to pretend to play neutral for a while. He gets to be a zero to sixty character in a way that not even ABA does which feels good to play. Even if his offensive options (IE if he went back to just strike throw) got tuned down he'd still be fun
/ggg/ always pretends like playing back-foot characters in anime fighters is fun. “Oh boy this would so much better if I’m in a cuck state for most of the round and then go ham”
That is wildly low effort
what a heavy day...
What are you talking about? /ggg/ doesn't act like that and why'd you bring your cuck fetish into this? Don't you feel embarrassed to have typed this?
“BSU should be Slayer’s wincon” and other dumb shit gets posted all the time here
Slayer should get aids when he BSUs gay looking characters like Anji
why did I buy season pass 4
how can i summon 1 bridget
Unika is probably going to be fun to play
queen dizzy footjobs
What if like

Every character in Strive is good and everyone in this game can cook your ass if the player is competent enough

Crazy to think about, right?
But you just can't with Baiken.
This is already true.
if only Baiken, Elphelt and Testament players were competent…
What is this in response to?
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nah nigga
And yet a Testament can still win against a Happy Chaos
At least a third of those results are from events like the Australian major where AssholeFondler94 snuck into top 8 with Pot bro
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there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop me from complaining about chaos being a disgusting piece of shit
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if you need any other proof that strive saved this series from oblivion
I know I just wanted to type AssholeFondler94
But that's sols classic design
doesn't matter. They probably googled sol badguy. He wouldn't even be in the game pre strive
>doesn't matter.
I think it does matter.
It’s nice to see an honest mid tier thrive in a RPS heavy game like Strive. GAWDtano has done it again
Season 4 fucking sucks. 3 characters are turbo brainlet casino simulators and Johnny is just HC lite but with even bigger boy buttons.
finna release a classic sol dlc for strive
It's Sol's classic design from when ML was originally released because it was a playstation exclusive. You can even see him charging before he does a volcanic viper just like in that game if you watch a video of him in action
Missing Link released first on the PSX. It is obviously a nod to that, gamewar tard
>Ishiwatari was convinced that the game "should be something difficult" because he saw fighting games trying and failing to appeal to casual players.
Tags: Mindbreak
Getting old makes you only think in terms of money
if this fucking tranny keeps replying to all my posts trying to give me advice i'm gonna fucking murder him...
Would air recovery in Strive break the game?
I think it would actually be kinda cool as long as it wasn't mash to tech
It would probably go against the whole casual philosophy though since people would have to change combo routing for air tech times and that's too hard for modern fighters
could be automatic like the auto ground tech. few frames of invincibility for someone dropping their combo. could even make it recover left or right depending on the di like smash
Honestly I'd rather have delayed wakeup than air teching
Although I guess with Strive recovery times doing delayed wakeup would just have Sol doing cS cS cS on your body until you're up
ASW should really just uncuck Axl’s launch jS. The powercreep has caught up with it
oh great yet another universal mechanic to make baiken worse.
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>unblockable move that requires no setup and leads to a full combo meterless is bad
Please don't start this shit again
Low test
Is the Soiver trying to convince people he's happy playing Xrd?
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Do you think Justice was trying to trick him?
But I am having fun with Xrd?
All I'm saying is if Revelator was so good why didn't they make a Revelator 2?
Lol nice ragequit bitch. Get back here and give me my Celestial
>bait parry with gunflame
>oops actually baiken did super, get counter hit :)
>miraculously clutch the round, showing i'm the smarter player after all
>about to win the last one now, bait parry with gunflame prc backwards this time to cover super
>he did super again, gg i win, just need to block the rest of it
>wait they actually got hit by gunflame? fuck it's not over
>hit him again, get some good oki
>bait parry with gunflame just to be safe
>does super again
yeaaah that's enough strive for the week
>Blue archive OST playing
>Dustloop open
>Nago selected
yep, striving time
Second RQ of the day already. I love Celestial.
why aren't you exposing them? at least say what character they were
whenever I watch top eights for any fg it always looks soulless even if the game itself is cool as hell
except xrd, don't know how I left that out haha
I thought xrd fuckers could not get any more cringe
I stand corrected
We don't play that crap here.
Right? They're so cringey. Now let's get back to watching literally any top strive player stream so that we can avoid cringe.
I got my satisfaction. I know who they are. Let's just say I've seen one of them in lobbies here.
And even if it hit the frame it's active the animation is so fucking unique and readable you'd have to be asleep to get hit by it
You got a problem with my n*gro LK?
fuck, you're cool
A /ggg/er really plugged on you for Celestial? Damn that's low
My single favorite thing is when people call him Jonathan. It's funny evey tiem
Johnny "Jonathan" Jostar
why is sin allowed to press buttons non stop like a brainless nigger
Why are you letting him eat so much?
sin is specifically bad at doing that, what are you doing
what was the matchup?
Sin is like the only character that I have a good time punishing buttons for. What are you doing nigger?
just rizz he was mogged
It's been 3 days
Since you looked at me
ready for the rematch?
Hello? Paging AP Director for Proof of Destruction regarding your copy of Guilty Gear -STRIVE-. If you could send that over, we can get to work dissolving that branch.
Not sure how ready I am, didn't do as much training as I wanted, but I am ready
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average pot fraud btw
i really don't know what other proof to give you other than this. i told you guys i'm done with strive.
make the room!!
i haven't really been training either. just been playing mario sunshine desu.
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me ;^)
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It was closer than it looks
Me in the background having tea
why are you black
Got left in the oven too long
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I got curb stomped trying to get in on bedman's zoning is hard. ggs again bro.
xrd bedman showed me that tier lists mostly mean shit until you learn the matchups and get good enough at the game
Wait, is he supposed to be low tier???
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zato, axl, pot, bedman and jack-o are the bottom five characters in xrd from my perspective
this tier list puts answer instead of jack-o which, yeah, sure, he's not all that good either
Bedman is the kind of guy it would feel really good to beat up
wait wrong dustloop I guess elph can't be that low
I think you were going for too committal of options and really wanted to keep your zoning and grinders set up, it let me keep my distance once I had my task A seal up because I knew what you were gonna do next. I think there are times when you can zone (like when you've got me in the corner and are chipping me out with grinder enhanced projectiles) and times when you have to run in. When you did run in, you tended to get a lot of good damage off of me. Start up of Task A is long (37 frames!!) and I have the bad habit of never using yrc so you've gotta see that and go on the offensive. Also there were times when you were letting me get away with fake shit, grounded Task C is -2 on block, you threw me out of it like once but other times you just let me mash and I'd normally be able to take me turn back (people don't know this... once I fight better people I'm gonna start getting blown up). Also the good combo you do let's me tech at the end, idk how Ky works but you should try to find something that'll knockdown because teching like that let's me set up Task A (even if I didn't do it in our games... oops). I'd also say that you're ending your corner pressure at a place that let's me take my turn back pretty easily, Bedman's doesn't have a lot of good defensive options so take advantage of that.

Sorry for the unsolicited advice but I figured you would appreciate it, I'm looking forward to fighting more. (mostly since I never once got to do the combo I practiced!!)
Japs would always put Elphelt low compared to Americans as I recall, with a lot of the dominant Elphelts being outside of Japan. Kind of similar to how they put Leo lower than the rest of the world in Strive.
one of the worst, he does pathetic damage on most hits and his pressure is faker than it seems, his neutral is surprisingly good in most matchups but has a couple where he just can't really play and his only reversal is a super that isn't throw immune and can be grabbed post-flash(but is plus on block at least)
Still yeah Xrd is not a game where tiers actually matter until you're playing the matchup "for real," if you don't know how to deal with his stuff he's overwhelming, you're constantly running into shit and he just loops djv pressure, tick throws and instant overheads over and over

japan never had any good Elphelt players so they always underrate her. Answer is also definitely not bottom tier, he was just really underexplored since the game was on its way out when he released.
Another thing about grounded Task C, the gap inbetween the fit and 2nd hit is quite long, you can anti-air or DP if you don't want to punish it at the end. In general there was lots of fake shit you let me do, most of my pressure was fake, go study dustloop.

He's a very knowledge-checky character, once you learn what he can and can't do and how his moves work, there's a lot that you can take advantage of.
On top of having a weird airdash which is good for mixups but not good for getting out of the corner, only reversal is a a pretty slow low-range super that can be thrown, his defense is pretty bad.
And requiring seals to do good damage, control space effectively, and do effective mixups (the dreaded 2 step gameplay).
All make him pretty low tier once you know the matchup. That isn't to say that he's unplayable, Xrd is relatively balanced minus a few outliers.

I yapped a lot but I don't really know what I'm talking about... so take it with a grain of salt. GGs again.
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I'm so tired of faggots rq'ing during celestial challenge. Why are fraudlewis players like this?
It is annoying, but I have some sympathy for them just because the Celestial challenge is so ass. They probably just want to get it over with.
>grounded Task C is -2 on block
i thought it was plus. every time i tried to punish it i got hit with 2ps afterwards so i stopped trying to punish it. i was mostly trying to dodge and air throw but kept whiffing. it's really hard to tell what's punishable in this game with the 'punished' text like strive has. i'm used to playing zoners, so running close corner pressure is something i need to get used to.
>less players than Concord before refunds
I wonder how many poor fools you guys baited into buying Xrd just so they can see empty lobbies all day. Better hop on pisscord and hope and beg to get a match with some terminally online imbecile.
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johnny 6k is cheaper than anything in gl's kit and i'm glad he rq there instead of giving you an easy win
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>get a match with some terminally online imbecile
Fortunately, we don't actually play that crap here.
The whole playerbase is infected unfortunately. Especially big body chars for some reason.
There are only 8 non-PC players in the top 100. What gives?
The game is just predominately played on PC. I think the only modern fighting game with a good amount of good players on console is Tekken, and even then that's probably predominately PC players, I just see more console players in tournaments and shit compared to other games.
Yeah Punish text would be greatly appreciated, one of the few UI changes in Strive that help communicate something to the player.
>soivers need the game to tell them when they're punishing
can't make this shit up kek
in season 4 hc gunshot will be an overhead while he's airborne and a low while he's crouching
>playing johnny
>why dont people want to play against me?
post main and elo
so just like fellow bottom 1 low tier johnnys instant fullscreen disjoint safe on whiff mixup
i hate pressing 66. i miss my dash macro so much. i don't like micro managing my inputs hoping my 236 doesn't turn into a 623. yes, im gonna keep complaining about this.
someone fight me
Sorry I have to take my dog to the airport
Lobby's back up.
In rev2? Sorry we don't play that here your loss
johnny shouldn't be able to cancel mf. he would be much more balanced if mf was an actual commitment
i gotta seethe cuh thats what being a lil soivahs all about *dilates*
What moves?
lil soivah...
what did she mean by this
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These moves
Try 2366S/H I guess?
GG1 Keep Yourself Alive is so fucking good.
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retard proof characters
stun edge. vapor thrust. i know someone said do 4236 but i gotta get used to that.
There are like 7 chars I would put before Elphelt
yeah well 6 of them are right there
I don't see a Millia, I-No, Goldlewis, May, Axl, Bridget, or HC there.
>neither my main nor the character I'm learning were mentioned
I need to be more retarded
Millia and May are the only ones that have mash buttons like that
It's not just about the power of the button, it's about the retardation of the playerbase too.
Axl has the worst masters with 2K, more than Sol and any other button, even when DP RC was a thing.
the biggest culprits of not blocking right now by far are aba and slayer
back in the day it used to be zato and faust
Gosh I sure hate autocorrect

Also I should have added Asuka there too, because he along with GL and HC win off of making you block, regardless of if you're actually hit or not.
the meme is quite literally about the power of the button
Yeah I can agree with that. So much HP to burn and if they're right, you guess for game on next touch.

So why isn't Axl there? It's a better abare than Sol 5K.
I should be allowed to use this super at blood level 3
nigga i made the fucking meme. don't fucking tell me what my meme is about you mouth breathing nigger
Putting Slayers 5P on the list before Bridget 2K is valid af
Cool and?
S-s-s-s-sorry sir
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>hit 100 hours of xrd
Stop giving me negative penalty for trying to maneuver around Johnny for fucks sake
Gotta love how a “zoner” gets more tension for doing blockstrings than rushdown characters
Lobby's CLOSED.
Regular cows i guess.
Pigs too.
>drifting between 7-9
>keep running into people with 1000 wins and Celestial badges on floor 8 wtf
>doh ho ho go play on floor 7 to beat up lv 19s and people who don't even know they have a dp
Celestial reset is goofy.
>Celestial reset
Oh shit it's the beginning of the month fuuuucck I forgot.
I still see similar shit later in the month too, it's still fucked all around even if you take the reset into consideration.
>can only play when everyone is asleep because my family is on tiktok or whatever the hell they do on their phones to slow down the internet
>same time as when all the 200 pingers come and play on my region
fuck off
>>keep running into people with 1000 wins and Celestial badges on floor 8 wtf
Wins with these people mean nothing when you take into account the time most of them have wasted just beating their faces into their controller
yeahhhhh i'll probably play xrd for another week then move on to something else. i'm being filtered by the 66 input(again) and it's honestly not fun playing around it.
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Once a soivah, always a soivah.
it's not even strive, it's just the ps5 controller feels so gross to play on.
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Once a soivah, always a soivah.
dash macrocels…
What situational uses are Sin's 6K and 6H and how do I route into them?
It's just better....
I recommend +R
just don't play a fraudulent dp character and you don't have to worry about input overlaps
Not like my reversal dps ever come out.
>spend 3 years mastering the game and optimizing my character to the fullest extent
>dlc character comes out that does everything mine does but so easily and consistently, a floor 10 player is now my equal
i never thought they would release a character this busted but here we are. i give up fighting these slayer fuckers. elo site is a lie, it is not possible for a slayer to be below 2K points since he is LITERALLY playing himself
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Maybe Fantasy Strike is more your speed lil soivah.
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I would pick the character with a 1 button dp, but i'm genuinely sick of playing her after so many years.
>pot gets 50%
anything you do now can win him the round and it's completely out of your control

anji 2p is a 5 framer that covers the entire screen with a blue box dont lump us in with 4f mongoloids stupid nigger
lil bro is red-blue colorblind...
>filtered by mashing
Your offence sucks
God it feels nice to main Slayer and make delusional fags like >>493363403 upset that they have fooled themselves into taking a casual party game seriously
why don't you just make a dash macro in xrd with autohotkey? Takes 1 minute to do it
dizzy doko
why don't you just be bitchmade?
I'm going to edge for the entire month of September + October to prepare
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I know it's kinda an out of place request, but hear me out:
My gamepad is kinda struggling right now to keep up with me, and I'm afraid it'll break soon if I continue mashing on Potemkin/Tager/Kune enough, so do any of you know any gamepads with D-pad that's layed out like dualshock, but as different buttons like, not a single piece of plastic hidden behind the case, but as 4 individual pieces/buttons? I just can't find any of those online, and I can't play on any other pad, because such D-pad has spoiled me too much
new moves doko desu ka?
The Victrix ProCon lets you slot in different types of D-pads depending on which kind you prefer and people tend to like the controller generally speaking from what I've seen, however it is very, very unreasonably expensive. Aside from that you'll probably just want another DS4 or Dualsense.
god fucking dammit
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by buttons being individual pieces I meant something like picrel doe pardon my quality, it's hard to doodle when in train
>aside from that you'll probably just want another DS4 or Dualsense
Aw, damn. I thought I could find some cheaper alternatives. But alright, I'll look into that
Why did you draw cocks?
Series X pad?
What's the point of push back if characters like Johnny can just get back in for free?
Can you seriously not do anything even a little difficult (it's not even difficult, you just don't want to put in any effort to change your muscle memory)? Maybe leaving fighting games would be best for you
That's when you need to use IB. But it's a 2 frame window and doesn't even change frame data so if you have bad buttons then you'll just continue to get fucked up. Goodluck anon!
>back in
like happy chaos axl and nago, he never left
Should I play Strive?

I really want to play this game competitively. I REALLY love the graphics and character designs more than Xrd.

The problem is that I hear it is dumbed down and easy compared to other anime fighters and characters lost a lot of their moveset. That puts me off. Am I being stupid?
This is your mind on dash macro brainrot. No thoughts. Head empty
yeah youre being silly. it has the same amount of moves as an sf6 character and no one calls that game's movelist dumbed down. (other mechanics though...)
sf isn't really an anime/air dash fighter though, but you have a point
Look at this goofy nigga that thinks he can jump out. You VILL play the 6P mini game and you VILL like it
>play Pot and watch replays
>wow you can IBFD and get a slidehead whiff punish cool
>play other character and watch replay
>yeah just press your mid/low crush faster
This is so gay
>yeah just press your mid/low crush faster
yeah. literally all you do as a s3 dlc character

slayersissies.. our response?
The skill floor and skill ceiling and scrunched very close together, you will feel braindead the entire time you play, and the game is extremely unbalanced in an unfixable way due to core design changes from past games. But if it's your first fighting game then you'll enjoy it until you know better.
i disagree on the you will feel braindead. That really depends on who you play. Any S# character will make you feel this way but if you play someone like Ky, Bedman, Asuka, Gio, Pot, Jack-O, etc that goes away
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blud made a whole video seethin about slayerGAWDS
It's more accessible. Some people confuse that for easier. In the same breath they'll complain about IB windows being too tiny or not being able to save meter FRCing. The restrictions put in place actually add more nuance to the game.
This makes me want to open my PS5 controller and chop up my dpad into pieces, then put it back together, but I'm scared it'll have ruin the controller.
Your first mistake was betting on me.
>beat this guy 15 times in a row
>he wins one
damn i guess he won ggs
the last match is the only one that matters so yeah, unironically he won.
Could you please describe how it's more accessible without making it painfully clear that the game is easier?
You'll find that the IB window being so small actually just makes it easier for the attacker to just mindlessly keep up their offense, this goes double for the top tiers who have moves that help them move forward or very long range moves because they don't have to think about FD either. And then they are guaranteed to break the wall and 9/10 times get a hdk which makes it easier for them to not care about meter with positive bonus. That's assuming they haven't already killed you thanks to Strive's high- much easier to obtain than older games- damage.
No 25 meter options actually make it easier to know the one or two times that you should be using meter on you character along with using super to break the wall and Strive's meter gain is so high that you shouldn't really be running low when you do get to the few times you should use it.
you beat him 15 times and you're still mad?
no i just thought it was funny and wanted to share
downloaded ggs, literally no point in ever playing you again, I would've blocked you even
It only takes one.
Does anyone else feel bad when they beat someone who is supposed to be better than them a few times? Like I was expected to get destroyed by someone who is high rank but but instead it's just 3-6 because they kept doing stupid shit. Like DPing on wakeup almost every single time on the games I won and never changing their gameplan. Sure maybe they're just having fun and messing around but it's sad because I wanted something better from them and didn't have fun.
nah i just think "why did he do that"
"must be having an off day"
"maybe he's drunk"
and move on
when I play against someone I know is garbage I usually play like a retard for the sake of trying new things or simply seeing how retarded my opponent is. this leads to me losing games I normally wouldn't lose and my ego stays intact because I know if I played seriously it would be an easy 10-0 sweep
I only really feel bad for robbing someone when it comes off a dropped combo
If I fraud someone out in neutral or on defense it's all skill
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baiken's fat milkers in my face
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Careful. This is the same mentality that created 'Alternative Play'.
I'm not a tranny
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I'm not a tranny 'yet'.
wtf is going with their ass in this picture
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Is Johnny a bad matchup for Leo? I feel like I can never beat him unless I snowball him as hard as possible and it feels like Leo doesn't really have the tools to deal with card pressure. I'm just stuck in the corner getting guard crushed until he makes an obvious mistake that I can "punish".
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you only got meaningless points due to randoming him out, while he achieved a monumental victory through persistence and deep insight
hold the loss retardbro
Stun Dipper if Kyle wasn't an emasculated little bitch.
>it feels like Leo doesn't really have the tools
your dp nigger? your giant reversal super?
I've never played DBFZ, does Trunks actually need it?
Pretty sure that anon is talking about the Y shaped ass crack
Another retarded touhouslut was asking me the same thing I’m pretty sure nintendo owns true dpads which is why every other controller fakes it with one piece dpads. Evochamps use the controller you’re using I’m sorry it’s you not the controller.
that's just what an ass looks like bro
He can’t run normal card oki on you just wake up RISING STORM from half screen
No it isn't, have you even seen an ass before?
>Leo doesn't really have the tools to deal with card pressure
that is literally every character
at least you can stuff his frame traps
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i'm not playing this game with you. either look up how the ass works yourself or die retarded. i don't care.
Sometimes I’ll play long sets with people and be losing and think “okay this is the last one before I go eat” and then I win that one and feel bad about leaving then
You will forever be a stupid nigger retard because you can't accept that an artist drew an ass wrong
>You'll find that the IB window being so small actually just makes it easier for the attacker to just mindlessly keep up their offense
Actually, due to the change in gatlings, it's about equivalent. Going through the suite of gatlings into whatever gimmick you have from a 6f poke in older games, yeah no. There are also stronger defensive mechanics too. YRC is there, and hey, if you can't hit a 2f window, by reading your opponent's timing, you can always Deflect Shield. Dead Angle is character based and as such, not every character's is usable. Blitz Shield turns into a mini-game.
>And then they are guaranteed to break the wall and 9/10 times get a hdk which makes it easier for them to not care about meter with positive bonus.
Down from 10/10 and burst OS grabbing you so your Burst doesn't even matter.
>That's assuming they haven't already killed you thanks to Strive's high- much easier to obtain than older games- damage.
This is a psy-op. Every Guilty Gear has pretty retarded damage when you learn combos. The older games just have the benefit of less eyes focusing on them so less people have the optimal combos.
>No 25 meter options actually make it easier to know the one or two times that you should be using meter on you character along with using super to break the wall and Strive's meter gain is so high that you shouldn't really be running low when you do get to the few times you should use it.
No it's still about the same. You just feel pidgeon-holed because RCing for mix/combo extensions is usually the answer... As is in older games. Or you can use it to start pressure... Just like in older games.
It sounds like you're just complaining that Strive has been learned as opposed to the older games, which have been forgotten. Tech lost and buried due to time.
yap yap didn't read don't care
Soiver (hard r btw)
What situational uses are Sin's 6K and 6H and how do I route into them?
>you can always Deflect Shield.
stopped reading right there
>super good round start
>low key amazing air normals
>pilebunker auto wallsplats, removing strive's only nuance in combo routing
>it guard crushes too so GL defending when he has meter
>can just pull you into command grab range with 2S
>said command grab lets him get huge damage off literally anything meterlessly
>top 4 HP
>super mappa hunch means if he has meter and you don't, there's no zoning him
>also he can PRC the startup of that so even if you force him on defense it's not your turn either :)
Slayer breaks the game in almost every way and it's barely a surprise he dominates everywhere including the top level after only 1 month of existing. If Happy Chaos ruined the game at least he hasn't been insanely easy to use, we're dealing with Labcoat 21 tier bullshit
Holy based.
Super PRC will never be better than 9 frame supers
i wish i had their range
You're talking out of your ass while acting like you know more than you do but I admire the attempt
Idk bro
If your character doesn't have any obvious gaps in their pressure and I have to spend meter in any way, shape or form to get out of said pressure, your character is fraudulent. Simple as.
interesting to post this while also posting baiken
Slayerbro btw
Lobby is UP.
Hello, AP Productions? I’d like to send a care package to one dude. Get him fitted with some stuff, just so he knows that the Director remembers. He's is not the military, just a regular dude, but he loves to dress up like he's in the Matrix sometimes. Or as that hairy-chested spy, Austin or whatever, the dude in glasses. Leave the package at the park, he will pick it up, I’ll let him know. Just hide it someplace between the cabinets, so that nobody sees it.
Hey AP 'Director' I have a proposition for you. Leave your badge in 5th floor restrooms, the stall with the Xturd floating in the bowl. I've got a plan to put you back on top. Do you still Strive for success?
lobby's back up.
ethernet cable was disconnected.
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>There are people out there who have lewd thoughts about this
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Only a sick man could find this attractive
>Millia 3 touched
>One of them was a grab
I thought old GG was low damage?
finna be just or be dead
This eeee-no character is pretty fun
millia is funner
No one says this
There's no going back. The only way forward is Alternative Play...
why does this exist desu
Xrd was meant to appeal to more people. They didn't yet realize that they would have to dumb the entire game down
Lobby's back up.
Steam fucked up and got out of my own lobby.
Glad we don't play that crap (Xrd) here.
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>I lost to someone playing on stylish mode.
if it was a red ky. it was me ggs
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Your loss.
whys it so low quality
its like someone took a picture with a filthy camera lens
Old jpg from steam
>see I-No hoverdash
>activate HPB
>get a j.k in the face
I had hoped otherwise
That's kinda surprising
After the HPB hitbox change it smokes every aerial button I've seen
page 10...
If Strive wasn't shit then maybe this general wouldn't be so dead. Oh well.
Who wanna play missing link
Who wanna play Overture
Who wanna play Isuka
How do you even play ML online?
I'm sure there's someone willing to play in the discord
If you set up a savestate for it on fightcade
Give me your discord
I don't know how to do that nerd shit
>Give me your discord
!!!! DANGER !!!!
If you get negative penalty you’re a bitch
Hey director, sorry for not responding in lobby- it is -2 but I'm mashing a 5 frame button so you need a similarly fast or faster button, I suggest going for the backthrow into setting up a grinder if youre gonna go back to Ky. And setting up the bubble so that I can't zone you out was funny
hmm i forgot i rolled to play xrd
i guess i'll install it tonight and play it this weekend
>not having fun
>go back to jack-o
>don't need to worry about combos
>don't need to worry about neutral
>don't need to worry about moving
>my air backdash is good
>projectiles can't hit me
>i can dp with 1 button
>i have a command grab
>i have a grounded overhead
>just place houses and jd
>suddenly having fun again
i want to punch whoever told me to not pick my old main when switching games. i think it was LK.

nah i think i'm dropping ky. not my type of character. good for learning fundies but he's not as fun to me as i thought he would be. and now i have a way to deal with bedmans stupid head
why do they keep doing this
why did they think it was a good idea in the first place
you learn nothing
the downsides are colossal

what idiot keeps making the calls that fighting games should remove most button pressing because apparently simple memorization is asking too much from some people but they do nothing at all about matchups, movement or teaching strategy
I mean, if you don't want to focus on execution and prefer to focus on spacing and punishing, like in Granblue or Naruto Storm (which I like), it's really fun. But everyone can quickly play around it since you only have a small route, and the only influence you have is from special cancels. And if you're starting in a game with 25 characters you don't know the matchups too, having the game assist you in defense is really helpful.
I've never fought a jack-o before so I was more just taking everything all in but you better watch out for 3H fucking you up next time you think you're safe, it can still get you over there. And sadly the minions aren't always active hitboxes but if I can learn the timings for their attacks then I should be able to teleport behind you from full screen. It's fun when faust throws a mini faust and then I'm able to choose whenever I want to teleport just by dashing into it because it's always active, I was hoping the minions would work the same way. On second thought, thank god the minions aren't just a horde of hitboxes

Also you probably don't need stylish mode on Jack-O, I feel like it's better to learn without it.
Nah I turned off stylish mode shortly after we stopped playing. I only had it on to mess around. I can pick up and play Jack-O in the version no problem. I should feel more comfortable next time we play.
i'll practice rev2 combos... tomorrow...
I’m looking for the strive general I think I’m in the wrong place
We have transitioned to the discord : )
>most fun people are having in GGG in a good while
>they're playing rev2
the bitter boomers were right
This is the season 4 intermission.
Unless season 4 fixes all problems with Strive and makes it fun to play, Rev2-time will last. Although I hope to see all the big 3 games being played here. And maybe even ML, Overture, and Isuka too.
I understand why some people ragequit now. If you fight a Slayer at some point in your session, you might get tilted the rest of your playtime.
If s4 does kill Strive (which I doubt will happen), this general will go too. There's not gonna be "Rev2-time" after that
Full doom and gloom.
kizzie agrees
what am i supposed to do when bedman jumps
air to air him
trying to 6P jS or jH is torture and blocking them is even worse
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Why is it always the dlc characters who are game breakingly op? Why why why... could it be a monetary incentive?
When does Baiken get to be game breakingly OP
Bro your parry prc? You got to play the game without having to block for more than a year
Wow she can spend 50 meter to do 80 damage and get bad oki
*counterhits your parry*

heh should have worked on your defense more
Nah. Entering the 4th year of Strive and design philosophy of characters has changed over time.
3 chars have been top tier since launch and will remain forever.

I think once we reach 30 chars, it'll be interesting to look at the tier lists and compare base roster vs DLC placements.
>3 chars have been top tier since launch and will remain forever.
Why do you think this is?
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sol, may, nago
I dunno, probably care more about preserving character identity than complete balance, which would homogenize the cast into all-rounders.
lobby is CLOSED.
Yeah, the last thing Strive would want to do is homogenize the cast.
hehe homo
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>you niggas really think xturd being "popular" for a whole 48 hours is gonna have any meaningful impact
what would impact even mean to you you dumb /r/kappachino tourist? all that matters at any given point is if you can play it or not which is not something you do any way with any fighting game because you are shit at them FOH
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what an odd headcanon
you said "xturd" so yeah you're from there, prove otherwise by playing a set with me (you have 1 minute to accept this btw)
Which game
baiken is literally bottom 1
What are you talking about? We are just playing the game. And there's been Xrd lobbies posted here for weeks along with /fgg/ tourney. What does "meaningful impact" even mean to you? Who are the "you niggas" you're referring to? You stupid nigger. Are you too focused on gamewarring to even think about what you're typing?
any GG game but too late now
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>complains about xturd
>calls ME a tourist
can't make this shit up
NTA but yeah retards like you have been shitting up the general for ages, so what? You should be embarrassed to be alive but you're too stupid for that level of self awareness.
you would rather watch and shitpost about games for years than play them. someone who picked up strive 4 weeks ago could easily beat you. you have invested nothing. these things make you an eternal tourist, likely a redditor too
desperate samefagging
alright I would like to give another offer to play the game against me, you have 5 minutes you respond, you booting up xrd +R or strive
I wish I could play with jams tits
sorry bro I was too busy playing the cod open beta
why do people pronounce xrd like third when the announcer and devs pronounce it like lizard
I say eggs-zerd
third and lizard sound the same unless you meant like dnd bard
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wikipedia says イグザード(iguzaado)
oh yeah I forgot english is not phonetic. I was thinking about the -ɑː(ɹ)d sound like Charizard
it is called xrd because they didn't think they could get away with XXX so they swapped out the 3 in 3rd, if you have no idea how to pronounce a word that is 3 consonants in a row just using the real word it's obviously standing in for is a reasonable choice
It's ex-ard *guitar twang*
>stiver quits for xrd
>ends up disliking it because his experience is just being defined by knowledge checks
Wow, nice game turders.
Why doesn’t strive have this
>AP nigger is a moron
When does Johnny get to be op
Historical revisionism. /ggg/ used to bitch 24/7 about how most strive dlc was paid to lose and that their gamepan gets obliterated by a ram player just mashing far slash
>most strive dlc was paid to lose and that their gamepan gets obliterated by a ram player just mashing far slash
quite true until a number of patches passed which turned dlc characters into equally powerful two-tapping vortex monsters with the exception of baiken and bedman who are still terrible
Good post
Even when Ram was decent I don't remember people bitching about her desu
Ram was easily one of the most bitched about characters when the game was new.
I didn't play at the very start of season 1 but I definitely don't think any of those DLC characters complained about Ram lol
I don't know if Goldlewis or Jack-O players were complaining about Ram specifically, but I definitely think you would be more likely to see complaining about Ram over those two. Chaos was after that though, obviously people complained more about him.
At the very least people in s2 didn't whine about Ram specifically. More that in general the s2 non-Asuka characters were all on the weaker side on release
Eddventure won that set
goldlewis vs ram was unwinnable because ram corner pressure was unstoppable
no, nothing you come up with would have worked
Goldlewis 6P sucked as at counterpoking Ram before the buffs.
Jack-O has to set up and Ram had a very fast dash
HC can not do curse for free
Testament was quite literally a worseRam and the fireball startup were free CHs
Ram hate was huge during 1.10 online discussion where she was topping Spooky top 8s
ram is tied for worst character in all of strive with ky in omega tier and people still are totally deluded about what she actually can (and mostly cant) do
not particularly shocking as the guilty gear community is only second to 2hu in not actually playing and understanding the game
whats more grating is that its also full of 'people" like LK, hotashi, sajam, leffen etc, who have a large following for being good players, and yet make videos on youtube in which they get the framedata wrong for their main characters that theyve played thousands of hours on, so most certainly intentionally and maliciously using their room temperature iq fanbase for downplay purposes and secondary disinfo spread.
framedata mod and dustloop are freely accessible to everyone and yet the general community will keep bitching about ram, sin, may and consider johnny, pot, and slayer low tiers - as long as twitter users dont find out about the framedata mod, because they prefer to watch lk lie about baikens (and everyones) framedata or whatever
pure unfiltered mental deficiency
You didn't even play until season 3.
theres a ton of (if X do Y) scripts in tekken and SF, im sure someone can make an anti burst script if they wanted to
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anyone notice how HC's results have been much worse since the patch dropped? What's up with that?
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He's mid tier at best. So is Slayer but don't tell /ggg/ that.
HC players are just better.
Kekky poopy! Funnyroo!
Ohhh. My inputs aren't dropping. I'm just used to different frame data. Ohhhh
I'm going to kill you.
Oh no I died
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Oh no I’m falling
the one thing the strive dub gets right
slayer is honest...a honest man that is, gameplay wise is another story, he makes me want to be straight and find a man
A bunch of the top HC players took themselves off of rating update in case arcsys looks there for balancing. Otherwise I would expect him to have stats similar to the other bullshit characters this patch
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>Get on +R
>Play my 5-10 daily allowment of games before either the player pool dries up or people stop challenging me because my W:L ratio is too bad
i'm learning...
If trans women play Bridget, who do trans men play?
It didn't have to be like this, Daisuke
Trans men have vaginas so they don't play video games.
Think about it.
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I saw an image on Twitter showing different Guilty Gear HUDs but it was missing a few games so I made this. It's a bit crunched and lower quality than I would like but tell me what you think. And also which one is your favorite? What aspect do you like about a HUD that you otherwise dislike?

For me Slash is my favorite, I like the placement of things. And I dislike XX and Reload showing the animations of characters at the top a lot but I like how they reflect the color that you choose, more games should have the HUD show your alt.
trans men are women so they don't play video games, at most they engage with fanart and fanfic
Anji. Look for fujocore.
Beta strive
women play games, wtf u on? its 2024 not the medieval age or smth, lol get sum pussy you microdicks
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I'm a straight man and I play Bridget.
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I will be a mirror of the general.
a mirror of the world

Om abogya beiroshanō
Makabodara mani handoma
Jinbara harabari tayaun
Naraku ni utau wa rokkonshōjō
you're a transbian egg
There aren't WEBMs to steal and post on Twitter this time around
I like Rev 2's the most, though I don't like the portaits in Rev 2, not necessarily a problem with the UI itself though. Honestly the worst for me might be the ones around #Reload, Strive's UI is obviously worse in general, but just looking at what's here the absolute worst thing to me is the mini-sprites on the health bar that reflect whatever each character is doing at any given point. I find that shit so obnoxious, it's the only UI element I find outright offensive here, whereas Strive's worst offense with its health bar/Burst/RISC is just being bland.
Ky & Sin
tranny game lol
>tranny game lol
My theory is that when they designed Strive they unintentionally simplified out the importance of certain mechanical dimensions, particularly movement, but then balanced characters as if they still existed in the context of previous games. Some characters started out much more juiced than others, and the juiced ones tended to be fundamentally better at playing Strive too, so it's taken years of shoddy arcsys patching for everything to start balancing out.
that's a pretty spot on analysis, it's why strive leo (despite being fundamentally extremely similar to xrd leo) is so much stronger
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i like the flat old health bars way more than strive's but holy shit i can't stand the old burst gauges
See nobody would have a problem with Xitter troons if they were actually attractive, funny or both, but of course they had to choose neither.
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I am conflicted. The tits made my dick twitch but the flag pissed me off.
Yeah this is the image I saw, just random shit at very low resolution missing a lot of games, in the wrong order, and featuring dustloop's image for +R and combo trail mode for Rev2. Just really annoyingly messy.

Also the cope is some of these comments for Strive's UI is strange, they're trying to say that it's a different metal aesthetic but in order to do that they need to make things up about it, they have to pretend it's something entirely different in order to defend it. At least the people trying to defend it while acknowledging that it's just boring modern have some basis in reality.

The old burst gauges have a lot of misses, they started off weak and never really got to a point I would enjoy. Though I think Slash and base ACs are the closest to what I would like. Reload's is better than base XX but the metal frame around the word doesn't show how much burst you have so at certain amounts it can be hard to determine what amount you or your opponent has. None of them are as symmetrical as I would like and while obviously you can't make the word BURST symmetrical, it has very different shapes throughout, I would prefer if they tried to stylize the word so that it has a similar shape on each end. Perhaps by creating a point coming out of the left side of the B and shortening the point coming out of the right side of the T. AC+R does a surprisingly decent job at making it just one solid shape that doesn't have one side stick out a lot further than the other and it's still clear how much burst each player has at any amount but I just really hate how it looks.

Though this is all a bit nitpicky, it's either full or it isn't and they are all clear when they are full thanks to changing color and (normally) becoming animated.
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>still crying about greed sever
Leo is for children
Ky's sexiest iteration was xrd everything from his voice to his design, and even those cute pink glasses he wears.
looks too much like a girl
who the hell even uses dashes mid combo besides johnny anyway? if you're worried about doing stuff like runflame or whatever that shit is probably not even mandatory and you can get similar damage out of your character without dashing
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I'd say it was Overture, I like his crown and hair a lot there, shame they removed his fancy king design in Vastedge and never went back to it. There's also this image which is very nice but doesn't have the Overture outfit, looks more like Xrd Ky except this is when Sin was still young, guess Ky doesn't really age anymore thanks to gear aids.
Sin is still young. Ky isn't even 30
Yeah but he looks literally the exact same. Though by Sin being young I really just mean it's been 2/3 years.
a better question is, why has no one ported an alternative hud into strive
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fucking fraud
Because UI modding (for the main bars) is really hard and the only people who do it just end up creating their own unique shit- I genuinely have no clue how they manage to make the Strive UI even worse or what compels them to do so.
Wow lol. Slayer faggotry never ceases to amaze.
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we have to make a mutual pact to decline all slayer matches, had one ragequit on me too but I didn't post
they did but fags refuse to update them
kek he would have survived the super wallbreak
>listening to linkin park while i wait for games in guilty gear
life is good :3
same, do you like the new singer anon? At first i didn't but halfway the concert she warmed up and did well. Really like her Faint and Paperclip rendition. Her and Shinoda's voice go well together
I'm not trying to do anything fancy. Just basic movement and the inputs required to play. The output is super inconsistent, so I never know if what I want will come out or not. It's honestly very annoying. I'm trying not to say "clunky" but that's how it feels. Like my dpad hasn't reset to neutral completely so it ignores the following input. That type of clunky.
Doesn't Strive have the same problem except worse where you get random inputs you did ages ago?
She's good. I like how she still has some grit like Chester
Hosted in: NA west coast.
Area: All.
Password: None.
Player limit: 64
EX/SP char: Off.
Invite link: steam://joinlobby/348550/109775243100205204/76561199122921328
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god's strongest pot main
If it does I never noticed.
imagine playing a 9-1 match up and complaining when the guy you're raping has had enough
wow. can't believe a johnny player would run an auto burst bait hack. there's no possible way you could've read that
Justice time! (later)
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>Like my dpad hasn't reset to neutral completely so it ignores the following input
back when i played I-no on pad i'd do the diagonal with the analog and then one forward input with the d-pad, that makes it so you only have to do 2 inputs (9>6) to IAD instead of 3 (9>66), it made her airdash pickups much more convenient for me.
maybe give that a try.
Strive Johnny is so sauceless that his players need to clip #718th ranked Pot armor RC pop burst bait and RQ
it's not like mindless zwei yrc is any sicker desu
awwww did the widdle babby not like me making fun of his bwainded gwappler chawacter? :(
lmao i think this pot is the only person i've ever seen who has the red skull icon
Ah... pretty empty. Well I'll sit around in training mode a bit. Need to get rid of Xrd muscle memoru
Are you a retard? Ragequitters should be made fun of. That's far more entertaining than any combo could ever be.
Potemkin is one of the least braindead characters in this braindead game, chief. Pot meet slightly darker kettle lol
finna fisto
you closed it?
johnny's card disappeared so quick wtf i feel like it should definitely stay on screen permanently until he gets hit
Strive would’ve been so good if it was a direct port of +R with the same artstyle and gameplay
johnny should not receive anymore buffs. any balance changes he gets should be strictly nerfs. he's one or two tweaks away from being better than slayer
No, it's open. I, a person who joined, just left. Sorry for the confusion, if you join then I'll join back.
Every move that's gotten reduced startup over the patches should get a a frame or three of extra recovery.
MFC will be plus 7 weeks from now
Why would that be bad exactly? Having a harder character be top tier is better than whatever Slayer is doing.
I audibly sighed when they made Jack-O’s 2D faster
but Slayer is harder than Johnny though???
jack-o needs knockdowns.
Yeah same. It made the mirror complete ass to play.
jack-o needs a Slayer’s 2H to the face
jack-o needs to aba j.D onto my face
They should put Madara in Strive
They should put Aizen in Strive
Once I get to 50% that's honestly good enough for me.
I like when jack-o does 2d a lot
Elphelt should've had Jack-O's gameplay
Jack-O should've had Ram's gameplay
Ram should've had Elphelt's gameplay
Every character in strive should’ve had their previous gameplay
How would ram, bedman, jack-o, etc. setting up shit work with wallbreaks which would remove all of the work they did?
Next OP, don't forget the /fgg/ tourney: >>493213027
Also you should probably remove that EMEA twitter account which is there for no reason.
Nah. Cutting back on the special moves while retaining character identity is for the best. Otherwise everyone becomes too versatile and ruins character identity. Daisuke and ArcSys agree btw.
just let them force a real knockdown at the wall 1 time regardless of wall health, even if they wallstick instantly on the next hit the reward for the mix is wallbreak damage and positive bonus which is plenty

>retaining character identity
They’re not the same characters at all, look at Johnny or Sol or Jacko or Chipp or anyone. Their character identity was very distinct before.
Pretty easy, don’t do wall breaks.
>Otherwise everyone becomes too versatile and ruins character identity.
The opposite happened where cutting down on special moves required the special moves to do more things which resulted in characters playing more similar- AND players playing those characters more similar which is lame. They certainly didn't retain character identity. You can see for yourself that while characters in past games had different tools, they still had clear strengths and weaknesses- that's character identity btw.

That would go against Strive's philosophy
Make a new thread
It’s a bad philosophy, changing characters so much.

Strive was made to kill xrd. Xrd tried to build from +R and yeah there was some character and system progression but mostly it was one step forward one step back. Strive trimmed down the fat by starting from the ground up and is the more popular and interesting game for it.
Good girl
> tried to build from +R
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dude i found that guy earlier, he has the dodge pin on his card and hes been trying to do his celestial promos for fucking days

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