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Previous thread: >>493043292

Version 1.1 "Undercover R&B" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Qingyi - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)
Ice-Jade Teapot - 08/14 – 09/04 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Daily Life of a PubSec Officer" - 08/30 03:59 (server time) - Ends 09/09 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - Starts 09/06 03:59 (server time)
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
cute and canon
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I love sluts
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why do people like rats?
based Janechad
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There is not a single sons of calydon bad design
Zhu Yuan’s ass is too fat. My dick won’t be able to reach her anus.
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it's over
he's coming back
he's gonna shit all over the game again
it's over
You can get decent jjangmyeon for about 5000 won in Seoul - so 5000 for a bowl of Ramen is a bit too low. It's been a while since I've eaten Ramen in Korea, but would probably be at least 10k won for a decent bowl.
But if a konbini burger is a mere 200 Dennies, that'd break the Won scale. It's closer to 3000 won for a sad looking burger from GS25.

Also the game is set in an environment with primarily Chinese text - I'm still trying to figure out if the primary inspiration is Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, or if it pulls inspiration from the Mainland.
I guess I should be checking if it's in Traditional script or simplified - if it's simplified it has to be mainland, and if it's traditional that'd be Taiwan/HK.
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>mamaYuan wants Zhu Yuan to invite me for dinner
now this is a story event I'll pay for.
This, prone bone is impossible with my zako
the world died when midriff populary went down
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Why did they add this to the Jane trailer?
>top comment
>this is why ZZZ made 100 million in one month while Concord died
Oh Nono no one show him the Qingyi banner…
Amerimutts just can't help themselves from talking about offtopic /pol/shit, can't they? No wonder their VAs keep screwing their job over, even their fucking fans are mental.
Zhu Yuan trying to send me a private message but accidentally posting embarrassing things on her social media account
better than liking that ugly shark girl Ellen.
Uh oh pag melty
made for Big Belle Cock
I didn't watch the trailer and I will be skipping her while S-ranking all Shiyu stages with Billy and Piper
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it has some asmr bits with the directional audio
Family dinner dates soon.
They got their paycheck. Why do think she’s posting it now instead of 2 months ago when she was actually recording the voice lines.
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Is there any gameplay difference to using one promoter over the other, is it purely just cosmetic?
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actually true
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you may only choose ONE
It's political suicide to use traditional chinese in a prominent manner, on top of the mainland audience simply not being familiar with it.
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we love Futa here
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I pick Belle.
Itadori Yuji in the back-right
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Big Sis
I want to break Zhu Yuan's heart bros
Grace pays you for waging for her all day at Belobog but it's a few hundred dennies, definitely less than a bowl of noodles
The video store generates 26k dennies a day
The monetary values are clearly influenced by game balance considerations and are not 100% consistent
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sounds like this bitch has a history of starting shit. there was some drama about her and another bleach EN cast but she scrubbed that along with this one. good riddance to hot garbage.
Probably Burnice to support Soldier 11 and round out a proper fire team (I am praying I get Koleda from my next standard tape S-rank)
For another reference point besides the coffee and ramen, the parking across the street from your store is 3000 apparently. If it's similar to yen or the 200:1 ratio mentioned, $15-$30ish for a day (?) of parking in the middle of the big city is believable?
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they give different additional rewards
you get mats for their skills depending on who you use
futa and yuri
That's what I'm thinking - prices at coff cafe, general chop, etc etc are all sort of off for gameplay balance. It'd be nice to get proper in-universe pricing for stuff you can't actually buy, so we could put a real value on Dennies (even if it means nothing to us when we're multi-millionaires)
Not to put on my tinfoil hat, but I bet Black Rock or Sweet Baby Inc is paying VAs to post it so Mihoyo is forced to redo the lines and waste money
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>There are people out there that unironically skipped both Zhu Yuan and Qingyi for a lesbian rat
I weep for the retarded...
Caesar by a fucking long shot.
The funny thing is that actual Yuri lesbians HAAAAATE futa.
Watch the flame

You love rats
You are a rat kisser
You will dedicate all your rolls to Jane
You hate cats
They kill Rats and spook your rolls
You love rats
What the fuck?
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Rat bros, how's the prefarm looking?
I'm probably the only guy here that doesnt like Caesar's design. She looks the most boring out of all calydon chicks
Even Lighter?
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>Lesbians don't like cock
You might be onto something anon
Are you fucking serious? Holy brick I keep putting Heddy or Sjal lmao.
Lighter and Big Daddy. If you disagree, you are gay.
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>It'd be nice to get proper in-universe pricing for stuff you can't actually buy
Rina's maid outfit costs 2.2million dennies and she has 5 of them. Wise and the streamer girl NPC were floored by that.
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I thought Victoria Housekeeping was legit? They are just hollow raiders?
smaller alcoholic twintails >>> retarded upsized jannu
its not gay if you say no homo
Why is this Redman so shiny?
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Good for lv60 9/9/9/9 and a maxed out rainforest gourmet. Now I'm prefarming for burnice and regular faming for lucy and anby
she isn't attack?
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b-but... what if I want both cat and rat?
>all day
>Time doesn't progress when you do the event
She just has you move some boxes. That's an hour max.
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My fucking COG
Income tax evasion
anons... I...
>Even in rural Kyushu I never found 450jpy, that's just delusional pricing.
You weren't looking enough.
There is still plenty of one-coin (i.e. 500 JPY after taxes) ramen spots available, even in Tokyo, despite the recent price hike.

>Ramen in Tokyo generally runs you around 800-1200 yen for a typical shop
For tourists maybe.
Oh fuck thanks for posting this I just unlocked nekomata to advise my store a few days ago so I didn't brick myself too bad. Sorry corin...
Who is it this time?
Fei Xiao got revoiced after her latest trailer.
i love lolis
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>Caesar untouched
>Burnice nerfed
>I'm supposed to believe /zzz/ always liked Caesar more when she was barely posted compared to burnice before she went bald
they still have some kind of maid license, it's the focus of Rina's story. I'd call it an inconsistency. but half of them suck at housekeeping duties which couls b3 because they're more of a paramilitary corp. Lycaon has that line where he says "of course I'm familiar with this signal jammer, it's usual for our line of work"
Time to give you the Doyle answer: it varies based on the need for humor or action in the narrative.
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>Only 2000
Fucking pocket change.
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Ellen beating up Zhu Yuan with her tail to claim (Me) as her property
I was going to bed and realized something
My sister Belle will die in our lifetime
Caesar has a good designs and that's all that matters.
God, I wish I could hug Ellen's FAT tail
Caesar got omeganerfed though?
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Corin eating Belle out while Qingyi observes
>this many people didn't know about the store promoter differences
Holy brick
>Sjal pays you money to employ her
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>Sjal only earns me 2K extra dennies
What the fuck am I even paying her for
All it takes is using a character once to realise "x" element character gives "x" element mats. People just don't pay attention to anything
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Sex with Rina
Good. I will replace her with Fairy and nothing was lost.
*Date with Rina
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Why are all these people willing to work at our chinese blockbuster for free? Hell, Sjal pays us instead.
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Aftersex date with Rina.
is it possible to get a [4] disk with anomaly proficiency main stat and substat?
Lucy is kinda a bitch for abandoning her family
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someone's going to take advantage of her naivety one day. oh wait
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Okay.. I don't fucking care anymore. Explain the joke in this picture to me? Is it just because it's so cheesy that you belong in jail for saying it?
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Someone said "no".
So it's confirmed "no".
Bro? You aren't paying sjal anything. You don't pay any promotes anything. Not even that cheapskate Nicole.
QRD on Jane buffs.
Caesar seems like the kinda girl who’ll yell angrily at you for complimenting her and reject it but smile goofily. Like that tanuki from one piece.
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literally no disk can ever have the same mainstat and substat.
% stat and flat stat are different for this purpose
What does that mean? I don't even know what the anomaly class does.
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Just noticed, why does my sister not pull up her other sock? Is she retarded?
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nice game zzzkeks.
qingyi is floating.
it's called fashion honey, look it up
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Bros what the fuck? I thought she was my GF
Cunning Hares owes Phaethon money so that one makes sense
>have a near perfect disk setup for Jane (AP on all disks, correct primary stats on 4 and 6, good boosts on AP, etc)
>except disk 5 got Pen Ratio instead of Phys Attack
Is it worth using a calibrator for a better slot 5, or can I cope with Pen Ratio as my primary stat?
So a tomboy basically.
Atk is the best, but pen ratio also affects anomalies so it's not a total brick, get whatever has more anomaly proficiency rolls
She's reeling you in
Tempting you
Making you think of her legs
shill me Caesar
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IIRC the implication from the original is that she fucking murders them
Is it even worth to level Nicole past 50.
What are the changes?
You would too if you cultivated your inner Qi. Like bro, have you even drank your hot water today?
I can't believe I'm lusting after a woman who's older than my mother
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who cares concord shot itself
My Nicole is staying at 40
She is cheesed (pleased) to meet people. Then kills them.
Love her torpedo tits
Why not? extra damage is extra damage
however, this early on it might just be better to level up the other characters to get standard rolls.
My cock is gone?!
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all into billy chips he's gonna earn that starlight video and upgrades
>When another character in your squad is an Anomaly character or shares the same Faction: Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup Rate is increased by 20%. When the enemy is already suffering from an Attribute Anomaly, Jane's Physical Anomaly Buildup towards the target is increased by an additional 15%.
The only thing they changed was that Burnice's off-field attack is no longer considered an EX attack but an Assist Attack, so Lucy's C6 pig drop won't apply to it anymore.
is the offer cui bangboo any good?
it should do tons of damage at level 60 right
i drink tea every day and yes, i already had 2.
Smex with chinky
Anyone else who only do singles? Anytime I get a regular banner tape I just immediately use it since I'm close to getting the third S-rank on the banner pulls.
bad translation, she's still your onahole bro
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zegs hotel?
AND Piper's ball isn't usable on her, plus with the energy changes you now have to roll her ball or run an ER 6 disc to get to her special fuel consistently. It's pretty substantial.
Only if you're running 2 Police units. Even if it gets lucky and does all 3 attacks it still does lest damage than Amillion.
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Rocker Chick or Business Lady?
Do you think Ellen knows she's a walking panty flash machine? Do you think she secretly gets off on it?
Ignition points per energy consumed also got nerfed, from 2 to 1.4.
is a considerable nerf to her uptime past the first rotation.
fuck, marry
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I do 10s on limited banner until 70. after that i do singles. regular banner i just roll'em as soon as i get them since it doesn't matter.
Fuck. Okay, guess I'll be pulling for Caesar instead then.
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when Rina says "gotcha" in that foreboding voice I get pretty close to popping a stiffy
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What's the best cope ball to use on Rat if I can't get her sig? Grace's? Piper's?
who's that black guy
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>Forces to roll for Jane since I already have both Grace and Rina, and the only other DPS that I want(Miyabi) is months away
Fuck...is there really
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Is there no way to actually replay jane's chapter? the replay archive in the random play backroom just plays the cutscenes.
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Dawei handing out Boopons like they're candy while we starve for Master Tapes
fat bubbly ass game
Is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to roll?

What is wrong with these people?
Amba Tukam III, son of Amba Sin
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You can wait an hour and play her trial when she drops if that's what youre after.
Ceaser. I wouldn't choose that skank Burnice if she were the only option.
still using Heddy so she keeps her mind occupied, gains experience and gets her life back on track
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She has the best body of the entire ZZZ cast under that outfit
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So what's in-lore explanation for Zhu specifically working with us as Proxies?
Qingyi is implied to know the truth already (she's friends with Fairy), and she's more free-spirited than Zhu when it comes to following PubSec's protocols.
Is this real?
>500000 dennies for renting videotapes
fucking zimbabwe tier inflation
Belle, of course. She's wife material.
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thank you rodent, my wife will enjoy these
bro I fucking love this rat
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No, I wanted to walk around the hub worlds with her again.
This is worth multiple events, no way they're just giving this for free to shill LA RATA
I will now roll for Jane Doe.
Hey how long is that event about a daily day with a cop because it's expiring soon and I can't play it yet
I am still playing chapter 3 and I don't know how long it is, last thing I did was have lycaon trying to stop the blimp from committing 9/11.
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Chat is this real?
uh oh sethpag mass suicide today
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that's an insane number of chips, I don't think even the pass gives that much. there's no way they're this generous or they realized that the game is more stamina intensive than expected.
Ch 3 is pretty short
But he won as the only male that the lesbian rat will ever have sex with thougheverly?
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The event is pretty short with literally no difficulty. The game straight up gives you the answer so you can zoom through it if you must.
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Thats my future wife
cope harder sethpag LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Gonna have to go with rocker. The bright plaid jacket with the black pencil dress and thigh highs is just too cute bro.
>deleting mails
Delete your males nigger, yikes.
Yes, Hoyo. You need 2 teams and Burnice got nerfed
My 10 rolls is ready. The rat whore better come.
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>tfw you accidentally added an extra 0 when trying to infiltrate a Phaeton lead
the tax payers will not be amused
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I'm closing this until tomorrow I don't want to get envy of seapags
Good luck with your pulls bwos
Is this live for everyone or just asia?
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>your promoter is passionate
thyank nyou
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Zhu is simply non-canon most likely, but she and Qingyi might theoretically help out in Hollow Zero where you're supposed to be an anonymous helper with permission. I'm pretty sure Soldier 11 actively works with us there since she has a unique dialogue event there and the military is stationed there. I don't have Zhu so I can't read her dialogue there, but Qingyi once you get her trust up has dialogue where she talks to you, the Bangboo controller, and tells you to stay hydrated during her post-boss artifact event, which doesn't really make sense unless she knows you're Phaeton.

Worth noting that in the current event, while considering new hollow diving protocols, Wise thinks about the Hares, Belobog, Victoria Housekeeping, and Zhu/Soldier 11 specifically when considering whether any of them will have issues getting into hollows, which could imply we're routinely hiring them. Could also just be him looking out for his friends though.
Sjal could never
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Just imagine, the bangboos were originally meant to be a lot stronger like weapon/limited character banners and you could spend money on them. Now they're a way to feign generosity.
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i'm on america server. so, everyone.
>last thing I did was have lycaon trying to stop the blimp from committing 9/11
you're basically at the end
I need to fuck Fairy
Holy shit this is insane
Has anyone else stopped logging in?

There's too much content in Genshin
are you still coping sethpag? lol
please refrain from posting nekos until everyone has rolled for Jane, I already got cursed with her last banner
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i love you jane doe
Holy based. I will never shit talk the rat again.
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Lord, please. If I lose pity tomorrow, let it be to my wife.
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your honest thoughts on AI art?
Boy, look at all this money Nicole isn't getting a single cent ot.
I'm skipping them and the rat.
I want both Caesar and Burnice ;)
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How fucked up is it that a basic gift that should be normal is blowing people's minds
Nothing in that message implies she is for (You)
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>500k for renting videos tapes
What the fuck. How much is random play charging for them
In every other language the line is basically "Though Zhu Yuan and I aren't your colleagues we do feel..."
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Holy fucking gift inflation, didn't Zhu Yuan give us 10 batteries? This is almost 100 batteries' worth of materials. I guess Mihoyo is aware their grind is abysmal.
if you use a different girl i would reconsinder but man you used a disgusting looking girl as your subject.
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The rat now has my blessing to fuck my sister
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cope harder i want to laugh at you
Makes the inkcels seethe so I like it
The meseage that ruined Qingyi and Zhu Yuan
Enough to cover the exorbitant electricity costs of Fairy.
This has to be a mistake
Claim it now before they rescind it
>500K for renting videotapes
Are we fucking running a front or something what the fuck.
>Are we fucking running a front or something what the fuck.
Uh... Yeah?
Bro, every 6 street resident is sketchy as fuck
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Is Jane using us for money laundering or something?
They're Japanese yens
I dont remember how many dennies Qingy and Zhu give to us
We're in the Waste Management business
I know exp items and money has been an issue for players trying to get characters to level 60, so I would've thought they would give more of them during events but NOPE LMAO they just shove in your mail for free
I'm not fucking complaining I just find it funny that THIS was the excuse they went with to do it
peak transbian energy
the 100 free pulls... whatever happened there...
why this instead of seathfag?
t. self insert cuck
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100 free boupons.
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If I have S11/BIGGUBen/Lucy do I roll Caesar?
>still coping
Are there new story content coming along with Jane banner?
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Cunning Hares pretty much owed by Paethon with the amount of debt they've accumulated.
Belobog is indebted to us and often have their own reasons for going into Hollows, so they're very likely to actively cooperate with us.
Victoria Housekeeping literally has an order to keep an eye on us, indebted to us story-wise, and they deliberately mention that any requests from us are immediately moved to the highest priority, skipping their usual queue.
Soldier 11, given her story is retrospective (after we bricked the Paethon account but before the Vision story), simply has very good relationship with Manager, so she's willing to help out wherever she's available.
Qingyi, as was already mentioned, is implied to know the truth already, plus it's not OOC for her to willing work with a Proxy.

So basically, only Zhu doesn't have a feasible explanation so far, making me wonder if I just missed it.
>Jane knows Proxy is a fking mess
>making ends meet on a monthly basis
>decides to "donate" some extra money
>next time Proxy won't be able to say no to her

oh its coming!
I barely play this, is there any reason I shouldn't roll Jane purely for feet reasons
If you want to replace the BIGGER, yes.
As much as I don't care about rat I'll be glad when all the doomposting dies the instant she drops, threads have been unbareable with all these braindead tourists spamming their tired bait.
Caesar right now is a far better Nen Nigger but who knows how many things they'll change about her before she releases
we are quite literally running a front for our illegal proxy activities, yes
don't worry bro
She gives flat 1000 attack to teammates and can apply a 25% damage increase debuff to enemies.
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For this specific combo, I don't really see a reason to replace Ben.
gay and lame
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How does Burnice compare to Jane?
who are the jews of zzz
My Belle will never accept this money
Hollow Zero, whatever happened there
i totally forgot about building amby/nicole
they still have random A rank and unleveled discs
Bro? Her trust events and agent story are literally free material to work with for them, it's only just begun.
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If you're not rolling for Rat you're not allowed to redeem her gift.

Fuck off and delete it and dont redeem.
>Still 14hrs left for Americans.
Yep, goodnight and good luck gentlemen.
Give that dumb (generous) rat a good dicking!
Sexier by far.
>All the energy I wasted on prefarming that could have went to farming disks
I better be compensated for this
jane top me up please oh god please top me up
holy shit Belle is fucking brutal. A hussy is dead and she's dancing
im going to sleep, enjoy the sethpag melting all night!
If I lose the 50/50 I hope is to grace
If you're into bald.
>Move the camera to the left until you hit a wall
>Move it forward slightly
It's Coco time!
It's kinda of amazing how worse Google is at Chinese than Japanese.
They're not really comparable since both want to be in the same team. Jane needs lots of field time while Burnice only sees field to activate her special. Her best team will probably be Jane/Lighter+Caesar+Burnice.
No. I WILL redeem rata's gift and save my polys for the next s rank furfag
Post your sexiest Jane webms
What will be the meta after 1.2?
Ellen is old and busted since Qingy and Zhun Yan came out, will Cesar and Burnice the newest best dps+stunner?
Also I typed this kinda baiting but shitposting is not my thing, so I just want to ask how they are to those anons that play the beta. I will roll for both since the pigs have my favorite esthetic
Even if I already have both Grace and Rina?
if you have grace's then it's good purely because of its raw attack, but it's really not a good fit for her. blowjob lips, weeping gemini, or rainforest all work on her fine
I'm using that money to buy Burnice a nice new wig
If Hoyo was smart they'd make the gifts only redeemable by spending 80 rolls on her banner.
Do we even know that Jane is getting an agent story?
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bro wtf?! she is massive!
So is burnice the nicole for fire and anomaly teams?
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no I will redeem and you will have my blessing if you are a rolling rat.
That dumb rats money is being used to pay tribute to the mighty Caesar
Based sugar mommy Jane
There might be a commission, there's been a missing exploration one since 1.1 dropped. That's most likely it though.
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Thigh physics!
Burnice IS anomaly, anon.
Nicole for Fire team is Lucy.
My liege...
30 more minutes bros
>redeem her gift
>roll one copy of her
>bench her
>use her gift money to upgrade my C6 Caesar
dumb rat get cucked lmaooo
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my zhu yuan looking pretty strong
>gives shit advice
>>>when BillyGOD, Kotted, corinschizo, and Lucy finished endgame content solo
post your sd
Lucy had no synergy with baldnice. Use a different support. She is specifically made to not trigger on c6 Lucy.
hello yes when can i grab the rat
You can probably make that work but Grace and Rina don't want to be on field too much either.
>overcapping on crit rate for no reason.
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I redeemed

Still 'ate rats tho
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the gift card email is obviously Jane's trick to find our real identity. Go report it to the neps office now and return the dennies to show you are an innocent video rental manager.
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burnice is also pretty big for her body frame.
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In case anyone didn't get it: Jane is a compulsive liar, she says she met the other sibling while racking up that bill to hide her trail, and the 500k definitely isn't from renting movies. She even lied about being a cat one time. You probably aren't supposed to question what the money is actually for.
not him but I think thats not what he’s saying
but either way burnice will also be good for monofire team
It'd be funny if it was an accidental gift and they didn't mean to give us that much free resources. Go ahead and put me in the negatives or something, I already spent it.
Can I get a rebate on those dennies? 20, no, just 15% would be enough. Everything is so expensive...
Dammit...I really wanted to avoid the rat
God I could genuinely be hypnotized by this walk cycle
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Decided against no sleeping yesterday. but holy shit spent all day scrapping any poly leftover all over the game
thank god for golden week
Her platform heels also give her a good 4-6 inches
oppailoli body
I'm not going to juggle 3 different minigames to have my crit buffs active when I can just have it at 100 at all times. Kys autist.
more like, I weep for the cucktarded.
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what about this one
Instructions unclear, it all went into maxing Qingyi. That counts right?
>Literally just made up imaginary numbers that costs the devs 0 money
>Still so mistrustful
Who hurt you.
Reminder that this thread is mainly SEA
this robot has no business having THOSE hips
wait im confused, I thought grace wanted field time.
I have her but havent built her up yet. But I was planning on pulling for burnice because of this
>oppai loli
kill yourself retard
it already happened so it can't be a mistake
>less CD
Obviously worse.
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also bangboo roll
give me luck /zzz/
based cunnychad
Anon there's no 50/50 for the bangboo banner...
I put all 75 Investigator Logs into Billy
anon.. you were a couple hours from a real character and decided to brick yourself like this... oh well!
s-rank bangboos are guaranteed to be the one you selected
8.5 hours until we are finally free of the BINGyi plague. La Rata will rule this general.
Can anyone point me to where I can read the Calydon bangboo skills? I'm itching to roll Rocketboo and I need motivation to save.
>Phaethon being Phaethon
>Enzo doing illegal modding
>Box Galaxy selling W-Engines on the side
Everybody else seems legit though
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Used it all on my freshly pulled QY.
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Spunky Girl!
This is really good but it's not as crazy as people think. Those chips aren't that much. Altogether, counting the batteries it's close to 1500 worth of energy. 25 batteries or 5 days worth.
He rides a bike
>Coff cafe adding nacrotics into your coffee
Now I'm gonna spend all that money leveling Soukaku just to spite you
yeah he's wrong, grace will be on field a lot.
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6th Street latinas
Rat will only release once the previous banner goes away right? Not just at reset?
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>cute girl
>male with permanent eyebags
Please don't tell me the male's the canon one
Also which one has the least homosexual interactions with same sex characters
Grace can work on field too.
I'm a local and while there are fast food places serving one coin stuff you're not getting a good bowl of Ramen for less than 800 yen in Tokyo - the new barrier is 1000 yen. A lot of shops don't want to break that, because then you're paying more than one note, but the cost of ingredients and everything else has soared over the past few years.
This is 950-990 for a standard bowl of Miso/Spicy Miso/Tantanmen, and it's genuinely amazing ramen, the kind actually worth eating.
You lost bro, don’t cope and just accept it
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If you play her like shit yeah.
You want her to be on field when she can EX twice.
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Something about Burnice's face is weirding me out. Maybe it's the chin.
picking wise is a brick
I must have la ratona culona. When is la ratona culona coming out?
pick belle, jane is for you
Wait Enzo is an illegal business?
Arthritis bros, who do I go for after Zhu Yuan and Piper?
wait wtf it sucks? FUCK.
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Something about this design pisses me off so much. He just feels off. Like he looks like a character in some faggy redditor's indie game about farming.
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Qingyi Qingyi go away
Let me roll the rrat today
>Captcha: NA4HRT
holy tranny
Consider that our first mail gift was 10 batteries and compare, it really is relatively insane. Not enough to not rework the grind system but it's enough for goodwill.
I guess it depends how you build her but mine applies shock and does nothing at all after that.
anon this was an excuse for you to post the kotboo...
what ever i am sleeping after 15 hours playing
Pick Wise so Belle calls you onii-chan every day
5 batteries is only 300 energy, ie 1 whole day. Nice, but like you said hardly mind blowing, they're just so fucking stingy it feels like it's a lot.
They gave out 10 batteries before, seems like it's something they throw out for the second banner each patch.
Honestly smart, I'm sure only the more hardcore players actually bother to pre-farm and even most whales don't care to spend money on energy.
Whoever you don't pick will do the majority of the talking.
sounds like schizo and brainrot
i have ~106 rolls saved up for La Rata. if i don't get her i will kill myself and then uninstall the game.
grace is one of the few characters who uses her non-ex special. do a few normal attacks, throw a grenade, repeat, shit out shock. she'll work just fine with rina and burnice
he's just jet black undercover cop.
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How long are we thinking till we actually get Calydon? The story is setting up the outer donut ring with Perlman, so clearly we're going to contract the Sons of Calydon to help us find the bastard. I'm just wondering how long till we get more good fire units to support S11 since right now you really sort of need to roll Koleda to properly use her.
Slot 5 is the one you want to be using calibrator on
>Rat will only release once the previous banner goes away right?
yes, which is in 8.5 hours
What if I don't have a sister? WHAT THEN KOT?
Wise being the canon MC is the only logical decision. Belle is too genki as the sister helper type to be the stotic MC. Also Wise is gay for thiren guys like Lycaon and Ben.
Neither is "Canon." They're both characters that exist together in the game story. At best its simply which one you feel "fits" better. FWIW the one you don't choose will be your assistant and talk more than your character in story missions. However, the one you do choose whill be who you walk around and take selfies as. Their personalities are also a little different. Wise is more reserved and Belle is more bubbly.

>Also which one has the least homosexual interactions with same sex characters
The game is 3:1 female to male so there's pretty much inevitably going to be more "same-sex" implied stuff with Belle. That said, if you like Belle don't let that stop you.
Uh no her non-ex specials suck at applying anomaly, you genuinely only want her out when she has energy. Maybe some non-ex to proc it when you're close but you never want to stay for longer than 2 BA strings on her.
What are the odds that the siblings will seperate and become antagonistic like in G*nshin?
resident ratcuck on suicide watch
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Ruby Coffee Jelly, you would tell me if you saw any disgusting, burger enjoying cowardly scum around, would you not?
Probably after rat we will move to Caledon. Then likely section 6 as we are getting in game VA work and scenes with them. Then likely cunny idols. Might get the furry leaks sometime after Caledon to maybe cunnybot release.
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>tfw no siblings
>tfw the only one to shoulder family's burden & legacy
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haha you lost ratcucks!!
in 3 weeks we're getting caesar and going to the outer rim
after 3 more weeks we're getting burnice
That's your drill sergeant, greenhorn, show some respect.
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Goddamit you people cant even reach a consensus over characters that are already out or not. Does Grace want field time or not?
no, and there is not one in my bedroom right now, sleeping soundly after the vigorous pounding I gave her.
3 weeks of rat, then 1.2 patch will take us to the outer ring and caesar will be on banner for 3 weeks, then burnice
I've been living in Tokyo for the last 10 years.
I agree that the most common price for ramen is around 1000 yen currently, but that's mostly because of the recent (1 year ~ 2 year-ish) price hike.
And there are still plenty of offers in the 500~600 yen range, even now - as opposed to "literally none, including rural areas".
For both the time frame of ZZZ's development (i.e. 2+ years ago) and the period represented in the game (i.e. late 90s ~ early 00s), the price range of 450~1250 JPY for a yatai-style ramen place fits perfectly, and is on a higher-end of prices if anything.
I would vomit. Even moreso if them being not blood related plays into the betrayal somehow.
he looks like he's straight out of OlliOlli World
Yes sir! Please don't make me do 63 and a half push ups again!
If you're curious those chips cost the same number of basics of the material it's replacing.

For the certification ones (the one they gave 90 of), you'd need 370 to go from 1 -> 60. 90 is 10 shy of 1 -> 40.
play the game yourself and find out
You're honestly better off watching Grace gameplay in Shiyu, this place is unreliable because it's half people who don't have Grace parrotting what they heard.
I would drop the game.
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What's this thing about freedom blues doesn't stack with Seth passive?
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*eats a borger at your favorite noodles shop*
Ehn-ne ehn-na! (She wants bed time with me!)
Understood. If you do find her sleeping in your bedroom after vigorously pounding her, inform me.
Post funny wipeouts
i will destroy you
this will be reported to the authorities (the authority is Jane)
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I love him...
The 150 tactic they gave is 17 shy of taking 1 skill from 1 -> 9
When are we getting TRUE ludokino?
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>First badass male character is a furry
Monkey paw but still, if he is strong I will pull
Tactic is for wengines
So a "game movie"? You should try out the PlayStation catalogue.
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That's the fault of your parents gro... Don't take it upon yourself... But I feel bad for anyone growing up without siblings
is ice attack% and attack% pretty much the same thing on disc[5] for ellen
I still don't really agree with the idea you're getting a good bowl for 600 yen in modern Japan, but I will agree with the point that if we're moving back closer to the bubble jidai then 450 yen for an actually good bowl of Ramen sounds much more reasonable.
>Her best teams are either full police or with outlaws
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The idols.
Not because of the characters themselves but we'll have a fight that takes place during a concert and it'll be both amazing and the ultimate filter. Normies will cringe into their anus.
Is there any fucking country on earth without this bullshit inflation?
>mindbroke by being whipped in genshit
Lore accurate
Grace sucks outside of chucking out an ex special to insta proc shock. Grace just needs a couple of basics to charge up the EX special and then she can gtfo
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jane really likes me.
What's the point in playing a game if it doesn't have ludokino?
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what specifically are her best teams? i thought people would run her with Grace for the disorder meme.
cute autist
Hope there the outer wastes has a burger joint to put S11 there too
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Cutest tsundere character
Grace wants all the field time she can get in my bedroom
Ukraine is one of the largest bread baskets in the world. Literally like 30% of thr worlds grain comes from there it'd ridiculously fertile. It's been wartorn for quite some time. Then you got money injections from covid, then the price hikes from corps that have turned into out right fleeting, it's easy to say everything sucks right now.
No, Japan was pretty good about it but finally got buck-broken by the weak yen. It's not too bullshit unless you factor in how poor real wages have been in Japan, though.
Taiwanese inflation was way worse when I went I swear I could watch prices go up 5 NTD at a time in real fucking time, one week it'd be 50 NTD for a snack and the next it was 55NTD.
I still haven't recovered from Zhu Yuan Banner
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Holy based
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its so fucking over.
beats genshin's copypaste template for IMPORTANT NPCs though
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The last thing a boo sees before being raped
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>they game out 10 batteries last time when Zhu's banner dropped
It's over bros...were getting less batteries now....
There is no way such a cool desig won become playable eventuay
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>75 purple tapes
Thank you, Jane
Who won?
Who lost?
Its more than 10 batteries worth of resources tho bwo
Thanks for funding my game, paypiggie
Am I the only one thinking Burnice's ingame proportions are kinda off. It's either her arm is too thin or her head is too big, either way it looks kinda uncanny.
>Who won?
Me, rolling in Jane's generous denny gift, and Jane, who now has my permission to fuck the shit out of Belle
>Who lost?
>Caesar has a bigger ass than burnice but it's covered up
No.. no.. that can't be right..
Caesar won
Pompey lost
Didn't leakers find playable data for him and Pulchra
Being tagged 'NPC' just means that's their overworld appearance.

Lighter is also tagged NPC for example.
Ok but when is Nicole going to give me a handjob? Hello? She's LITERALLY stealing money from me! Nicole owes me sex.
they need to extend the qingyi banner
belle won
sethpags lost
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bro, your AA?
For Pulchra yeah, but not him. There's no reason to assume he won't become playable in the future though.
Trust event where you dunk Nicole's head in a toilet and put out a cigarette on her ass in retribution for her debts when?
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it's 4 am wheres the rat?
Not entirely, he just does shady stuff for (You). Civilian Bangboo are not supposed to have the full capabilities of A Police/Military model so most raiders and proxies would be using Bangboo that are illegally acquired or modified.
How come you guys don't talk about Wuwa anymore?
For a soldier, S11 sure does seem to have a lot of free time to hang around 6th Street
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Their newest loli is a shitty healer but I wanted an on-field DPS
>I still don't really agree with the idea you're getting a good bowl for 600 yen in modern Japan
I can't really comment on that.
For me, there is very little correlations between the price of ramen and how "good" I find it to be.
I haven't ever had a "bad" ramen broth, noodles can be good in a 500 yen place and below-instant-ramen-tier in a 2000 yen place, and chashu is inedible dogshit in 99% of cases, regardless of the price, reviews, etc.
So the things that make an expensive bowl of ramen expensive are not the thing I'm looking for in a ramen.
Simply a good broth (pretty much always) and good noodles (doesn't affect the price much) are enough to make it "good".
I had a good (i.e. I wouldn't mind paying extra to get more of it) chashu literally once, in some mom and pop's shop near Nakano station, which I couldn't find the second time - it has probably closed since then; and like twice I had inoffensive chashu (i.e. it didn't ruin the bowl, but it would've been just as good without it).
In every single other case, chashu is something I have to suffer through to enjoy my ramen.
Most other toppings don't really matter, and that's what tends to inflate the costs.
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This is the longest fucking hour ever.
Every time Wise brings up Nicole's debt in game I have incredibly intrusive thoughts about beating the ever loving shit out of her until she's a sobbing mess. I also main Billy.
Based BillyGOD
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>500000 Dennies
My broke ass's affections are easily bought lol. Did Qingyi even give anything? The mail auto deleting everything is bullshit.
3 more weeks of Qingyi please.
>BINGyi releases
>the general descends into utter chaos and Wuwa shitposting degeneracy
>La Rata looms
>it stops
rat supremacy, lolifags are subhuman
Wrestler character when? Could be part of a martial art or entertainment based faction.
Wise is the canon MC.
Why are they being this generous? Is the game dying?
Zhu gave 10 batteries, so they might be setting a standard of second banners giving free shit.
>3 more weeks of killing the game please.
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wow, coffee lineup got chopped hard
at least the bonuses are really good
None for Wengine components though, so too bad if you needed those things.
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These mods are really well done. It can't take that many resources to make fun alt costumes, can it?
>official WWE crossover with John Cena banner
Knowing Mihomo, they'll charge you monochromes for them
>reach lvl 50
>exp requirements skyrocket
are we getting more exp for doing quests after lvl 50?
>and chashu is inedible dogshit in 99% of cases
That's a bit extreme, but I do agree it'd be nice if they actually seared it.
That said I never find it to be truly awful - for me, that's Menma. Almost always tastes and sort of smells like cat piss, except for the really high end shops where it's still not texturally pleasant or particularly tasty.

While I would say the broth and the noodles really do make the ramen, I like to at least have the standard toppings. That said I can honestly usually do without an ajitama which is enough to shave off a good 50 yen most of the time.
If you're out Nakano-ways there's a shop in Asagaya that serves a nice grilled tomato topping that I don't mind paying the extra for.
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look there's nothing wrong with it and I love the game but did hoyo pay jp artists to draw Jane doe or something? Is there an art contest going on? My art x is flooding with jane doe art like it was commissioned and timed to release exactly on the day of the banner. Last time I saw something this was like for ellen
Why did they do Amillion like that...
they're giving out the same reward package next week for hsr too. is hsr dying?
Same but for me it's whenever Koleda mentions that she's an adult. It makes me fantasize about a gang of old drunk salarymen pulling her into an alley to violently molest her while calling her a kid. And she just sobs and screams that she's an adult while they grope her. I also main Ben.
20 bucks for one btw
No? She's been getting a constant stream of art since her 1.1 story release.
All hoyoverse games are trending downward
>everyone in this thread unironically lives in Japan
where the FUCK is my rat?
AFK journey won.
I don't...
I love near Houston. I hate Houston so fucking much.
50 minutes for AsiaGODS
What's stopping you?
Qingyi’s slow ass banner is killing this game
What about EuroCHADS?!?!
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this retard picked the NA server LMAO
>lolifags are subhuman
They're literal NPCs. It's the same tired shit ad nauseam
>Uooooooooh crying emoji
>Damn brat needs correction!
>Yeah my fetish is based actually because it gatekeeps the normies (it really doesn't)
>playing an action game on high ping
I just wanted to know if I should get Byrnice of Jane for my Grace...thats all I wanted...
hoyo's fault for not making their games more multiplayer friendly
Is Reshade stuff banneable? I want the game to look more vibrant
every videogame is trending down
every youtube videogame is trending down
engagement are trending down in general
because covid is over and people are going outside now
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>wtf is this
My heart has a boner for Piper.
Funny thing, I actually enjoy menma a lot.
For chashu, I'm just very sensitive to the flavor (mostly the after-taste) of old meat, and as far as I can tell, the vast majority of ramen places uses meat that has been frozen for 4+ months for their chashu, and the cooked piece itself is very likely to be more than a day old, so that flavor is very strong.
I do like eggs in my ramen, and mixing in garlic is nice in the places that have it on the table.
But if I can skip chashu, I tend to do that. Except for rare cases, where I'm feeling
>maybe this is the place, where I'll find another good chashu?
...it usually isn't.
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>FIVE batteries

wtf I love Jane Doe now
6 hours
>SEApag hours
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when levelling to the next tier (50 to 60 in this case), do I level all units of a team concomitantly or do I upgrade everything of one unit first?
Think it should be 12:00 your time, EUbro

If you want Grace on field get Burny
If you want Grace off field get La Rata
Which BP weapon should i get this month if I already got the DSL one?
Focus your damage dealers first (DPS/anomaly). Other roles can be safely left at 55 with lower skill/passive investment for a time.
id get the shield one, all the shield engines right now are ass
I picked America. It's all over bros.
I'm going to build and use my BurNICE as my main on-field because she's so sexy and her animations are so neat.
But wich one is the ideal? Thats the main point
I don't like being a good worker, something japan seems to put great value on. I just clock in and do minimal shit during my wageslavery.
>you don't get the free goodies if you didn't do the lesbian rat side story
Fuck off
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Playable Astra Yao when?
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even better
Victoria Housekeeping is off the books because they provide services that you can't have the government looking into.
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Belle is cute, CUTE!
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Yes she is
and for jane
Best mihoyo protag without question
3 more weeks of Qingyi coming over the store and sucking me off while I man the store
>killer maid clean up
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Belle faces
>robot arm
She looks like she wants people to take advantage of her
Even strapped down theyre barely contaned
I wanna see art of her without the shirt and only the straps now
Do niggas know if Burnice is mandatory for her? Kinda spooked I won't be able to get them both.
Does skill level matter at all for anomaly buildup? Does anyone know?

0 or 5 im rolling for qingyi
Well, I'd still rec Hook which I posted earlier out in Ogikubo. Bit out of the way, and the wait is usually pretty long, but it's fucking awesome.
https://www.ramenguidejapan.com/reviews/2022/5/25/misokko-hook-next-great-miso-ramen-in-tokyo-ogikubo-tokyo (the review shows you how much the prices have gone up, www)
And the tomato shop I like that's kinda close to Ogikubo too
Both rock solid 3.8~ scores on Tabelog and don't serve particularly offensive Chashu.
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I want to say no because her design is really trash but if I look at her competition, yeah I guess you are right.
caesar is going to be great for basically any team. burnice will be great for basically any anomaly team. they'd work incredibly well together, but you don't need to put them together
youtube nigs say they don't matter at all, and character level is the thing that matters.
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>Amputation is a hereditary disease
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>woke up
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The rat is literally paying me to like her. What the heck?
what would caesar do if you asked for a stumpjob
Jane's trailer brought me here and made me wanna try out the game. Does this have the same ai generated wordslop stories and quests that Genshin have?
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forgot there was a storage thing, now i can finally dismantle my engines
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They need to add a sound cue when someone dies. I swear nobody died during this run
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We have Astra Yao at home
My wife Hiyabi Moshimi...
She's too retarded to know what sex is.
wats this
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belle is carried by her VA (JP)
Why is Jane attracting so many newfags.
I'm a day 1 player FUCK OFF.
>Jane is such an unpopular whore they need to give big freebies to suck up to players
Which zzz character is this?
>actually using kot
Your self respect died.
learning a new word on 4chan feels weird.
new hot coffee minigame
Looks like Von Lycaon to me
Literally every thing is from booze to sneakers to food service to home ownership to cars etc
Seriously, after leveling my 3 teams to 60 except for my 3 supports at 55 I've been in dire straights. couldn't afford upgrading a bangboo even
new coffee, double drop for denny, chara skill, and chara ascend material for 5 nodes
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What it says on the tin.
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Lycacon and fairy's human form.
Me, but gay and cuddling with Lycaon.
Belle kinda reminds me of Ruby, it's the hair style and hyper nature, I hope she is just as homophobic as her too. Even the weapons in-game kinda kind me a RWBY too. Now that I think about it do the Thirens have their own supremacist "Freedom Fighter" group like the Faunus's Winter Fang?
thats a vtumor
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no...fairy was supposed to be for (Me)...
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who's the closest to this?
meds Tendie
imagine playing a game and not doing all story content in said game. ABSOLUTE retard, you deserve nothing, they should actually take resources away from you.
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this bitch looks like she takes the knot
Lucy honestly
Lucy is an arrogant oujo who commands 3 exploding pigs that she hits with a baseball bat into enemies.
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Account transfer feature soon, trust
hmmmmmmmmmm.......yes, I think I can see them, with my eagle eyes
very nice.
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piper is probably the oldest one here
what about the ping tho? im in a crappy wifi connection already.
>Even the weapons in-game kinda kind me a RWBY too
Seth's Charge Blade and Nicole's briefcase gun feel pretty similar yeah
Transforming weapons are always cool
No one knows what it's like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
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all hoyo needed to do was make 2 gooner trailers to attract newfags and artists like moths to a flame..
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I caved in and rolled qing's ball.
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is it the same time as europoor? have to wait 7 hrs 30min
I love this bratty baba
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It's mentally ill /gig/gers that play this game. They've got people in the general bragging every single day that they've never done any of the male characters' story quest. You know because if you have you're a homosexual or whatever
did you win or lose
at least you tried
Will the rat really kill Zenless Zone Zero?
Oh, shit. The rat up is today?
Question is, will gooner bait work with male characters?
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thanks senpai
the funny thing is I'm an ESL and just guessed a similar word-counterpart would exist in english
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Every rat roll you see in the next 30 minutes will be from SEAkeks. I hope (you) bugs lose the 50/50 LMAO
Jane footjob
in 30m for asia.
>be hoyo
>drop the two most erotic video game characters of all time (Nicole and Jane) in a span of weeks, just for fun
God I NEED to worship his knot
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13 hrs, go fuck yourself.
Chapter 4 kino soon
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may all your rolls be cursed you fucking ASIAfags.
The English word you actually want, that real speakers of the language still use, is "concurrently"
I might check it out next time I'm in the mood for some ramen, I live like 25 minutes by foot away from Ogikubo.
Thanks, anon.
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Gun-swords, no matter how impractical, are peak rule of cool in fictional weaponry, therefore ZZZ needs to have a character that has a Rapier-Revolver too.
Kot come to my bedroom.
Jane is my future wife
it just works.
i'm german and i do the same
bladefags would be tattletales
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30 mins bros...
Jane canonically hates filipinx
sounds too formal desu
imagine what it'd be like being a western game dev like concord's and watching some company across the sea raking in users and monies they can't ever imagine with just hyper-sexualized, shameful, obscene trailers that objectify women and has no care for diversity and inclusion.
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i wont do that...
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Right now if you play Snowbreak.
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Just remembered this shop exists. Is it a waste buying these?
so, how many of the ASIAfags in here have jane secured or are they gonna be rolling for the 50/50?
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Luciana Auxesis Theodoro de Montefio!
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I didn't realize the servers had different reset times, that's annoying.
>finish combat within 3m30s
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Dr. Pavol (to be Formally) Chuck, I'm NEPS
that entire shop is a brick
Don't think it'll be a flimsy rapier but Trigger will definitely have a gunsword, maybe a claymore or a miaodao
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Ultimate noob trap
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We fucking LOST
>12 hours left for me
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atm not worth to buy them all out. only good if its the last one you need for an upgrade. Dennies are worth too much rn since everyones still building teams and upgrading
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Buy the lowest tier mats so you don't have to waste Dennies to dismantle the higher tier ones in the future
thanks almost got tricked into buying the bangboo rank up mats
If you convert Energy to Dennies at IK50 rate, you'll realize that Jewboos are ripping you off.
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Officer Mewmew will always protect you. Or should I say Pawtect you.
Then bend over, so I can fuck you up.
shegooners and faggots are going to nut over Vlad just like they did for Kaveh and Aventurine
>bangboo rank up mats
where else can you get them though.
That's even brickier considering that you can farm them in HZ
That shop only exists to trick you into buying everything when you reach the third tier, so you waste almost all of your dennies at lvl 50.
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haven't bought anything besides the cat food for inky grind
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Those don't even cost Dennies, they have a seperate currency
Yeah I know. It's just that at my current gear levels, HZ still feels like a chore. I want to be one shotting everyone and everything before that mode becomes comfy for me
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Formerly Pavol Chuck's.
Everything that cost denny in that shop is a scam.
I think that one was more of the casting director's fault for replacing Yoruichi when her original EN VA was still active and involved in the damn project, Wendee Lee is the one who handled that poorly when she spoke of it.
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Rat soon
I'm happy for the ratbros who can get a boner for Jane. I still can't get a boner for her at all due to the sheer amount of rat gore I've seen over the years.
im out of the thread, i cant tolerate asia niggers getting jane before me.
For me it's girl rap.
Boy rap no bueno.
Girl rap ftw.
>counts the seconds too
kek, do other mihomo games do this?
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I know her secret
the rat is ugly as shit. if you pull you just outed yourself as a c/u/ck
>sheer amount of rat gore I've seen over the years
why would you do that to yourself?
So are you guys going for Jane's ball or no? She looks a bit naked without her glowing tail.
we're not supposed to talk about her wig...
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>Pavol Chuck
Why does his last name sound more like a first name (and vice versa)?
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What happened to the pig?
Too bad your dad didn't take your advice and pull when conceiving you with your ugly ass mom lmfao
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500k dennies
holy fuck
>She looks a bit naked without her glowing tail.
well that effect is intended to give you fomo so seems like its working
I live in a farm, I've seen rats get decapitated, used as tug-o-war toys by dogs, cats giving me dead rats as a gift, and a tad bit too many rat entrails thrown around.
>people no longer bend the canon to their own will, instead being dragged around by the chains of "canon"
embrace headcanon and imagination like the coomers of old, anons. break free from the self imposed cuck chair, stand up and fuck everyone. no one can defeat (you)

that goes for you ntr enjoyers too, it is what it is
Belle is canon futa
would you a Nicole doll?
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>resorting to insults
that is how you know someone loss an argument cause they ran out of things to say
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>used goods in other gacha: ew, skip
>used goods in ZZZ: so sexy, must roll
Is this general just full of cucks?
Based headcanon bro.
Koleda hosts after work gangbangs in her office (Bear Thirens only). It is real in my mind and the massive amount of r34 I've commissioned of Koleda getting impaled by bear dick is proof.
Jane is a virgin. She told me so.
Jane is a virgin just like Nicole
I'm not an incel
Genshin Flopped to FGO lmao
did you ever lure them into a trash bin and chop them up with a shovel
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how do you knao she is a troon? soulds like projection anon. Are you describing yourslef?
paypal me 500,000 dennies
>5min until rat comes out
god asia servers are the best
I live in Cleveland and Chicago tho.
I still plan on getting one rat and one rat engine to keep my collection going, but I really hope I don't have to waste all my freerolls to do it.
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most people dont care about the virginity status of a fictional character
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Bye Qingyi I wish I could roll you but I am doing a hag only run this time around so I can remain f2p
>so mad he can't even type properly.
I know you're an esl but god damn man, chill out. ...or pull out. Out of your hand lmao.
I fucking love used goods
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where is the prydwen review
i only roll on characters approved by the best players so i need to hear their opinions
Soupkaku's new VA has the most disgusting "laugher" voiceline, holy fuck. It's ruining the game for me.
post faster new thread must be in time for jane release
You mean pawtect mew!!!
i only roll lolis
What are his crimes?
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ke ur sethiong right npow i betr your so mad. hahahahshahshhah. kkep copinfgb cause a troon liek uyoui will ill himself soon enug
I skipped Qingyi just to have a c6 Anby.
>flirty whore is advertised as flirty whore
>if you like this you are a cuck
NTR really mindbroke a ton of people didn't it?
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Good luck to all asia ratbros.
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I couldnt resist so Im balling including her engine
1 minute bros...
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>prydwen review
>analysis by a westard that shilled gracebrick disorder teams
>hag only
>posts anby
we fucking love used goods here
I hope I can get it before getting Jane
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jokes on you I can read broken esl
There are only used goods in this game, if you played it you would know that, and we love and worship the game for giving us such pure sex sluts.
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NA chuds...
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Good luck my dude
non limited characters and A-ranks don't count
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Jane's slow ass banner is killing this game
Work keeps me in both places fairly often.
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>he bricked himself by skipping THIS
Now the real laugh begins.
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nice and early
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Dai zawazawa.

But it only works if you pull for money.
Holy shit Jane hits like a truck
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It's over
Banner up yet?
are there any other use for that currency other than here?
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Jane flopped. Bigly btw.
How many hours I gotta wait for Jane?
Anbygods won btw
I still think it's kinda crazy Wise/Belle just invite random fucking people into their private rooms to watch movies with them.
for asia yes
Most of us here are male, Jane is only flirty with girls. To simp for that you're definitely a cuck.
Rat's fat ass banner is killing the game.
You use it to level up your bangboo bwo
alright someone speedrun her trust events and tell me about them
They got that human rizz to pull it off
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This will never happen to me
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ALso got Soldier 11 that I was missing too.
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>Jane is not getting a music video
hahahahaha, rat cuck your response?
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I got Jane after like 160 rolls, so this is ZZZ
They're overcompensating for their big ass, illegal proxy room
so what boss material does she use
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Jane's dogshit and lengthy banner is sending the game straight to EoS
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If I roll on her banner, will he spook me too...?
Dead End Butcher
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4 years+ playing mihoyo games, still never happened to me
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I regret skipping Qingyi!
>run an illegal proxy service out of your video store
>invite a fucking cop into your bedroom to watch porn with you
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stupid fucking official twitter telling me her exclusive channel is open, fuck this, why do they do this, so fucking retarded
>knotted from monthly standard roll
>koleda on jane banner
You could say I'm... stunned
now I will wait to see if Jane is busted
It happened to me with Y*e Sakura while I was building pity for Chudhaitham
Nothing wrong with being a cuckold
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>early Rat
>no Seth
>Anby M3
I won...
I regret rolling Qingyi!
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Chinks are superior so they get it first
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Now what
>hagged and male kotted
Just a quick reminder that the hsr image shitposts are giggers falseflagging
Is this a seanig general? I still have to wait 13 hours
couldn't be me
>got my m6 piper with la rata
i worry about entering hoyo threads because i know theres fucking asians in here. have you guys done the new cute and sexy girl character bond event or whatever? did she not stare into the camera and say "you, there, person playing the video game, i am personally in love with you" and she instead did that little hand signal that means small penis for koreans or whatever the fuck... man i'm glad i'm not asian
this banner is a hard skip for me, he looks like an NPC
i am glad i spent my polys to get c6 billy instead
Only gooks care about the pinch
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This always happens to me
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There's no way I'm losing my S-rank guaranee, right?
Haha. Surely. I'm going to pull a tenner and that's it.
Surely I'm not doing something stupid.
Post your Chinkys to prove you haven't been bricked
why does it sound like you're projecting?
also you got the wrong asians
hoyo threads are infested with SEAnigs and only samsungs care about the hand thing
hagged and fagged
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it's ok, you dont need the rat
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now you go outside
So what, is he asking for a selection of porn because Janes flirting turned him on to sex or he's pent up because Jane only wants to fuck women?
mmmm.... nyo
make it yourself piss boy
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cheesed to meet you.
i got her lads
what do the seanigs care about then are they just the only non autistic asian people
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>Corin's ball
No one cares about asia rolling
wait until we are at page 9 at least
>all the people who make threads are too busy pulling for Jane after she went up on Asia server
Kek OPs confirmed for SEAnigs.
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Am I ratless?
>have you guys done the new cute and sexy girl character bond event or whatever?
They just got her man, got to wait a least a few days to see what Jane says to Wise.
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Literally made for rape
why are you butthurt about a bunch of seaniggers and asians
This is a shitty OP image
nice trips
but shitty OP
IQ of <80
No one cares about what seanigs care about. Probably not even themselves.
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Seth's icon is cute af
Whole lotta coping in this thread. If you're not ok with pushing headcanon of a bisexual Jane when she factually only wants cunt then you're a seanig whatever that means living in america and being white as fuck. What's the next cope when the so horrible "seanigs" are sleeping? seanigs 2?
The pfp is so cute
Which discs do I farm for Jane and Seth?
Who is Charizard Y then
So Seth's dad is gonna be playable right?

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