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416 edition
> Patch notes
Factory Expansion
Marathon Mode
Bipods and gun mounting
Smooth Zoom
Partisan Boss
Karma System
Tripwire Traps
Deagle Brand Deagle
Sound? Changes?

>Where to get the latest Russian sneedware
>Arena website
>Ammo charts
>Gun Builder Website (Overswing calculator included)
>For the newfags
https://pastebin.com/a9eHz03X (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (sneed)
>Written guide for the newfags
>Quest tracker
>All your Tarkov needs website
>Change list
There is no Discord
Disregard all Discordfags
>SPT is for enlightened Chads who have moved past the endless grind, kinda like Buddha.

PREV: >>492586405
wow vehicle is only on marathon now? fuck nikita
holy fuck these servers are pathetic
holy fuck marathon mode is so fucked, everyone just rushes to camp the fucking car
I wasn't interested as soon as I learned marathon was using the same lobbies as normal players. Anyone not doing marathon can just extract camp the ever loving piss out of them.
why are so many of my tasks reset? for example i had completed and given 3 flash drives to jaeger, now the task is there again
Actually why I quit playing pvp this wipe, every death on Lighthouse felt like a cheater. I even killed some chinks that brought a maska and P90 at level 9.
I just wanna do burning rubber, fucking hell
Playing Arena apparently did that
have you been playing arena? I heard there's some bug with arena and resetting tasks
you really only see it happen on the first raid (ground zero) but after that no one really bothers. if there are extract campers, they're likely to get more traffic at normal extracts.
Word to the wise, taigas are 500k right now.
buy and flip later
I did the fucking marathon mode bullshit on GZ but it doesn't count for burning rubber
they normally sell for millions
Every time I try to do anything in stash
Backend errors all over the fucking place
See you guys tomorrow
how about you guys flip burgers at mcdonalds instead of flipping pixels on flea market
>tfw i never got to ride in the APC
Anyone else getting the bad gateway error?
>arena just decided for me that i'm playing marksman on equator
what the fuck is wrong with these russian niggers that you can't unselect a fucking class?
how to aim grenades now?, we used to aim between index and middle finger of left hand, i dont know where my grenades go anymore i feel like its random is there anything we can use as a reference
did you never learn the trajectory? just buy like 10 nades and spam them, dont try to aim with the hand you weirdo
Why do anime fags infest everything? Why the fuck is her pinky out, makes no sense. Her jacket is falling off of her shoulder, inhibiting movement and not providing protection from the elements. Also will conflict with her chest rig. There is no point in having a light and a PEQ15 when you aren't wearing nods either. Just a dogshit image.
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Anime website. Cry more, you know-it-all noguns faggot. Go back to /r/guns
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first time on 4chan?
>finish scav run with 4 quest items I need
>transfer them to stash
>sell the rest
>error messaged
>no quest items, no scav screen
Queues were pretty good this wipe but I've finally been stuck in a 8min+ queue. I just wanna do big sale ffs
your autism is weak and gay. i would go with
>rear bus with no front bus
>sight not in line with eye, stock too low in the shoulder
>wearing a hat indoors
why are you on a website with chan in the address bar
>game was behaving somewhat
>go to claim insurance
>back end error after I transfer my guns
>lost my AKM and HK416
T-thanks. Just bought a new HK416 and I'll just mod it later.
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Just got back from staying at my gfs for 2 days, I just want to complete combat proven god damn it, has it done it in raid for anyone? Its just the hideout at trade screen so far, I dont even want to test it. At least I was able to hand in sanitars bag from the cultist circle I guess
Raids themselves are mostly fine, I've noticed a lot less Scavs over all though. Scav runs are absolutely fucked though.
This fag is just trying to flip it.
>rear bus with no front bus
she wants that extra point of ergo
>sight not in line with eye, stock too low in the shoulder
she's point shooting obviously
>wearing a hat indoors
gotta stay stylish
>unload into a scav
>he doesn't die
>hits me
>fall back to cover and try to fix my heavy bleed
>nothing happens
>stuck in an animation
>bleed to death
Wow. Cool game niggita, kill yourself.
>Go to scav camp on woods
>A goon is there
>He stares at me
>"It's a good day!"
>Doesn't dome me
>slowly back away
>He follows me
>Says something about me being a darling
>Blows my brains out
I thought we had something special...
Arena is so funny in how it gives away those "soft" cheaters way more blatantly than the base game. Tarkov cheaters can't hide it nearly as well as the cheaters in CS can.
how so?
what do you guys trade your gp coins for?
i have been doing the rsh trade, taking the tac30 off and and then running the rsh as a sidearm
Goddamn interchange is tough this wipe, duos everywhere
The lvl4 armors at ref2 are pretty nice as a steady supply of gear.
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>set up an mcx
>using the long foregrip with the direct thread suppressor
>getting creamed mid range constantly
>throw the shorter handguard on there with the .308 suppressor
>clean house
That extra bit of recoil reduction really makes a difference.
>keep getting all my scav loot error'd out
God save me
The "better" cheaters in CS are used to not actively homing in on people, looking at them through the wall while they peek a corner, prefiring at the exact angle you're holding, etc. Tarkov cheaters aren't used to kill cams.
Got big sale done AND dropped a duo, that's karma bitches. Always funny looking at their bodies after the fact and realizing you got the drop on the leader and fought the scared little lemming afterwards.
>everyone who kills me is cheating
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>have become addicted to zero to hero marathon
>made it all the way to fucking lighthouse and some guy fucking beelines directly to my location and shoots me in the head in an area no one ever goes
>was ten minutes away from finishing the entire thing
>loading from streets to interchange in marathon
>alt+f4 because streets rapes my pc unless i restart
>i am no longer in raid
cool. guess i'll go get camped at GZ again
Just checking in after a year or so, what is marathon
connected maps
one map to the next
I actually have several guns faggot.
I just hate it when people insert anime girls into literally everything. They just want to fuck a cartoon asian girl, so everything turns into 'here is an anime girl' even when it doesn't make sense at all. And most of the time it is highschool girls as well, which just becomes weird. You like watching cartoon high school girls do random things? Just retarded, interact with a high school girl in real life for about ten seconds and you won't want to talk to one ever again.
>They just want to fuck a cartoon asian girl, so everything turns into 'here is an anime girl'
literally everything is improved with anime girls
tarkov would be 10x better if we could play as girls frontline characters
Interesting, thank you
>I just hate it when people insert anime girls into literally everything
They hate it when you compare them to DUDE 420 WEED tier stoners. Even normal anime watchers hate those people
This is the wipe to completely ignore tasks and just fuck around, zero to hero marathon is actually some of the most fun i've had in this game.
the lvl 20+ ground zero is literally only marathon players. everyone just funnels into the intersection and camps it. at this point i'm convinced you have to camp it just to extract.
Guess it depends on the server, transit is usually a ghost town for me, instead it's mega juiced terminators wandering the streets with fucking death masks and shit on. Also a fuck load of cheaters for some fucking reason. 20-30 kdr type shit.
>last night
>gf passes out early
>farm some arena
>finish 2nd gas analizer
>upgrade a bunch of hideout
>Delivery from the past
>fuck it
>completed in two raids
>log in tonight
>all rollbacked
Sounds like an activity for people with high survival rates. 33% SR players (me) need not apply to the new streamer game mode.
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imagine having a gf
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i want to play arena, everyone i play against has good guns and good ammo
i am using a default preset with a shitty AUG and SOST ammo
how do i get good stuff too?
i just shot almost a full mag into some retard that was completely unaware and he didnt die
Only scouts and marksmen get good ammo. Enforcer gets total shit outside of pistols (ew) and shotguns (ew), but are meant to be using Lvl6 armour. The first class, that I can't even recall the name of, gets kind-of-useable but ultimately still pretty shit ammo.
but i seem to keep running into people that have like custom classes or something?
all of these dudes are running suppressors with good AP ammo and optics
how do i get something good for myself? im pretty new to arena
I think you might have to get a few levels first but you can make custom loadouts in the "presets" area from the main menu.
thanks. i think i've figured it out now.
though im not entirely sure how to unlock the better ammos
i guess its just by playing that same class over and over until i level up high enough?
i thought there used to be a sort of 'tech tree' or something for all the unlocks
Ammo doesn't require unlocking, but it's class-locked. Assault gets mid-tier ammo. Enforcer gets trash-tier. The other two get the good stuff.
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>Anime website
Says who?
how come im not making any money for playing arena anymore? i get XP but no roubles
did they fix arena eft sync yet?
killed someone yesterday
>one mag with normal ammo
>other 2 mags were all fir bullets
do people actually do this? it mind fucked me so much it was 2 min into the map so its not like he had time to shoot all the ammo he brought in
perhaps you ruined his marathon run and he'd been playing for hours already
Tarker dried meat definitely does not spawn in ration crates the way the wiki says it does. I have made 6-7 million roubles scavving ration crates on Reserve without finding a single one.
that would make so much more sense with what he had in his bags

>still lighthouse
>5+ hours later
>now at night
>30 seconds off spawn someone lasering me across the map with l191
Yeah there's no way this point.
Take into account I did marathon with a fucking scav mosin and lvl 2 armour. Maybe I just got lucky but this shit is unreal at this point.
lighthouse is driving me insane at this point i just want to complete punisher 4
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>kill a player
>blue dogtag
>ttv name
>check profile after raid
>no gear equipped
Is there a better feeling, bros?
I like me sum animu but I have to agree that shoving it where it doesn't belong is omega tier cringe. Especially when it's military / firearms related. It doesn't mix well at all.
can you still climb into the marked room on streets?
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>Jaeger: fuck em looters go to reserve and kill 20 of them human scums for me yes

>Also Jaeger: Please loot me 3 usb fingers, 3 lab keycards and maybe a few advanced equipments from the labs
xp sync is working, they only disabled 'task progression sync' whatever that means
did anyone have fun today
I spent all day trying to find a reason not to kill myself
I didn't find one but I didn't find the motivation to do it either
Died in every single raid ive done about 11 so far 3 of those were not cheaters
well at least you insured ur items
I'm too scared to run because everyone in the mall will hear the sound of my ass cheeks clapping together bros...
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>SR 3M added to the game
>a week later, streamers and youtubers start making videos on the in-game gun
>Forgotten Weapons releases a video on the original SR3, laments tha he couldn't get his hands on a SR 3M
Damn, he went from king guntuber to having to follow video game trends to gain views.
>Ian went to shit
>Paul Harrell died
it's so over
So is the arena quest wiping thing fixed? I can go do dailies and not wipe my task progression in eft?
Calm down, dude
anime website faggot, go back to plebbit, where you belong
based op
>anime website
The arena tasks can be so fucking hilarious at times:
>Win 12 rounds playing as enforcer (reward: 8k exp and spare change)
>get 15 kills in teamfight (reward: medal, gp coins, cases, etc.)

Like holy fuck even if you do it perfectly getting 12 rounds won will still take you 3 games. Meanwhile I'm halfway through my weekly off one game of teamfight.
My ref rep got rolled back again.
They should hurry and move the Harris bipod from Peacekeeper 4 to Peacekeeper 1
yall are so unlucky, on night raids I only see cheaters like 1 in 5 raids
maybe we're on different servers though
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this is my best wipe so far im usually a 28-30% SR player with 2kd lol
anime cant hurt you anon calm down
i need a reticle or ill fuck it up, last time i killed myself with my own grenade on factory it fucking bounced on ceiling and dropped in the middle of the hallway which i was trying to push also dont use f1's theyre laggy as hell
why is it hilarious can someone explain ive never played fallout games and dont know the lore behind the goons
it's really not that funny
Is this desync or something more nefarious?
I know it's a common bug but I've never seen it that bad
Have they fixed bad gateway yet
cheats for sure, I mean he was running the opposite direction
ian's also a ukrop supporter now
there's a guy prone on the ground below the retard running around.
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Oh yeah, good catch
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Thanks senpai, im tired of playing with literal retards on the official one.
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>still trying to shill the cheatercord
Is kappa not on PVE?
Another arena game, another retard with a bolt action on your team.
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All 4 of my tasks were last hero.
But i can't fucking transfer any thing
Circle brought me a docs case.
Pretty sure the value of what i put in was over a docs case, but i needed another one any way.
it is, they added the entire test drive quest line as a requirement and I think the new factory quests
Yeah I just finished test drive but it didn't pop, has anyone heard of additional requirement tasks they added?
>I just finished test drive
All 5?
>Test Drive is a requirement
Oh fuck no.
Part 2 will break me. I'm already spoiled by the P90 and MP9.
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You HAVE tried zero to hero marathon, right? You are not some kind of pussy, right?
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>find game
>looking for server
>alt f4
>relaunch game
>looking for server
>alt f4 again
>looking for server
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>You are not some kind of pussy, right?
I am, and there is NOTHING you can do about it, BITCH.
Yeah all 5, it seems Dragnet is the last one I need but I don't have it from Jaeger. I did the prereq just now so maybe it is time gated?
I'll try to do a full Marathon run once I've completed all of their marking and stashing tasks in regular raids and all that's left to do are the map transition objectives
stash hit 10m today and I'm still only level 16
lighthouse tards stay winning
How many PMC kills do you have, anon?
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It's alright I guess
I'm almost level 40 (PvE) and still haven't even seen a Tank Battery.
Only seen a single AESA and Iridium each, as well.
I always find those in the center of lighthouse wtp
what is a good enforcer gun if im low level?
i swear everything i can build sucks fuckin ass and basically means you need to hit face shots
Just use the m4 with sost. It's one of the best options enforcer has.
really? thats kinda sad
Yea. The other option is flechette shotguns. Enforcer is just kinda bad.
G36, M4 or any 545 AK with PS ammo
Alternatively, shotgun with flechette on CQB maps
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hey retard I hope you fucking like Shoreline and doing bad quests on it
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wow so unpredictable who could have ever seen this comi-ACK
Rather Shoreline than Lighthouse
how is arena netcode WORSE than regular tarkov?
theres less shit to do for the server
How's it going, fellow Scav mains?
Guys been watching too much stankrat.
What do you mean?
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There's a tripwire
But you aren't a scav...
Don't be silly.
jokes on you, I shoot other scavs on sight
What does
>wow so unpredictable who could have ever seen this comi-ACK
looks deactivated
can't we just have a single wipe where audio isn't absolutely borked beyond repair?
Why would I even attempt such a thing when I have a 30% SR when I try and play normally?
works on my machine
I'm literally running up to people and they have no idea I'm there until I start shooting, audio is wrecked
>got my last 4 setup kills in the same raid
>died to an AI scav with flechette
humbling. poetic, even.
this ligthouse makes me want to kill myself
Walk inside of a building and walk slightly past the door frame and then go back outside. If you can't tell the audio is fucked I'm afraid your hearing is fucked.
>he can't tell that's a deliberate change
absolute retard.
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Yeah I forgot that's how hearing works in real life. If I go and stand under a door frame, the previous room is now muffled by 90%. Makes sense.
it doesn't muffle the room it just adds some outside audio so that it's not a night and day difference when stepping through a threshold.
Moralfagging on 4chan
does it surprise you that not even 4chan accepts cheaters
You forgot your meme arrow, troon
It has become reddit
cheaters are simply not respected by anyone but other cheaters
>noooo muh hecking 4chan is not exclusively le edgy evil hackerinos
hownew.ru to not remember 4chan tracking down animal abusers, or literally airstriking ISIS bases?
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is it a bird?is it a plane? no its the scav god himself

wtf is that? it was early in the raid too so theres no way there was a cheater pscav
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>found a way into a non asset room that over watches the entire court yard area behind the post office and bank on streets
Do share.
my first real death today was to a flechette from a scav too, its a good round
Between bsg office and that city office that therapist sends you to that only has one way out there's those apartments that have the walk through to the street to the court yard, top apartment you can vault over onto the balcony, there's windows into a blocked off room in there, plus even the balcony is a great rat spot.
im tired of dealing wiht pscavs 5 min into the raid on reserve
im tired of dealing wiht pmcs 0 min into the raid on reserve
actual retard not even funny
actual retard not even funny
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>heh ill repeat what he says and surely hell get mad
>i can't deal with scavs but you're onions
>can't wear a fake beard with certain or all helmets anymore
Epic update BSG.
I'm more upsets about the Chimera boonie blocking headsets.
>introduce new mechanic
>lock the part for it behind a level 4 trader
truly genius behavior from bsg
That's retarded too but it just feels extra retarded that they consider a tiny bungee cord that goes around your ear to interfere with wearing a fucking helmet.
>can't even scav lighthouse
this shit is fucked
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>here are your arena teammates, bro.
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>noooo you're reddit if you don't accept cheating trannies
Threadly reminder
>did background check solo for the first time
are you proud of me guys
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Yes. Well done, anon.
Honestly I'm not looking forward to delivery from the past or any of the dorms tasks. Even just doing this I had to kill this dude who,i think, trying to tap me in the head with his ak and took a shot while opening the door to the truck from I guess fortress
You're well on your way to understanding that being solo isn't bad at all. Squaddies brute force their objectives, solochads have finesse and wit.
Honestly. Being killed by PMCs, Goons, and Hunters through bushes and walls is getting pretty annoying rn.
NPCs with x-ray vision has been an issue for how many years now? How is it still a thing?
Yea not gunna lie the tension while working my way across the map and the excitement of killing that dude in the window after my heart nearly lept out of my chest was so fun. Sprinting straight to RUAF and there being three scavs right in front of it, shitting my pants because these fuckers can absolutely just decide to randomly Head,Eyes me. I wasn't feeling the solo play but I think figuring out all the later tasks and stuff by myself will be way more fun and rewarding.
>it's another "teammate keeps dc'ing and reconnecting dozens of times in a match yet the game still considers it legit and doesn't let you leave" episode
With a bolt action too, huh?
you fuckin' know it
because it goes by server regions instead of specific servers, Arena allows you to select, for example, "North America", basing your tested ping against one coast, but then can put you on the other coast which puts you over the ping limit and so kicks you once every round but doesn't actually force you out of the game
The obvious solution is to test ping against ALL servers in a region and then disallow selection by the highest one, but BSG aren't really 'about' obvious solutions
Pretty sure tryhards are intentionally playing in different regions to abuse desync with high ping
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>zero to hero marathon
>find an aug in the first case i search
>manage to drop two pmcs with one fucking mag
>transit turns into a fucking warzone, watch as two more people get sniped
>find the sniper, go to pull the trigger
>get shot in the face
I'm not sure if it's Arena specifically or if they changed the main game too (I think it's just Arena) but the netcode works differently now. High ping is exclusively a detriment to you now, it prioritises hits server side so whatever the server recognises first gets priority. Sometimes it even feels like ballistics are entirely server-side so you can throw bullets down a hallway with no one in it and get a hit a full second later, or conversely obvious hits just don't do anything at all. All of the problems just disappear at low ping, so I'm certain high ping is exclusively a bad thing, in Arena at least.
From experience, a lot of high ping players are just from low population areas and have to cast a wide net just to get games
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Marathon is unironically the best thing they have ever added to this game, it's so fucking good that i'm almost tempted to start a hardcore account where i only do the tasks through the marathon system.
i hate it first map is camp fest, and why would i choose to load into the next map without extracting if they implement it later permanently useless feature
i, too, enjoy having my balls crushed into pink mist by a meat tenderizer
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newbro here, whats the best quest ammo I could be producing
It's tense as hell and it sucks when you have to square up against a trio or something, but learning to play solo will progress you through the game so much faster. You never have to wait for your friends to get on, or for them to finish the raid because you died, or have to rerun tasks that you already completed because they died too. Get over any gear fear you have and just start getting into the game no matter what, you'll find you learn way faster than in a squad. Squadding up is more fun after you're super experienced in the game because you can do more coordinated stuff.
yeah I don't know if it works or not, I was watching an arena stream a little while ago and they were Americans accusing the enemy team of being from EU and abusing high ping.

I was having connection problems the other day and played a few arena games on wifi instead of ethernet and holy shit the desync was bad, it goes from one bullet not registering to 3 or 4 not registering same with dying around corners
They're probably still stuck in The Old Ways because ping abuse has been a thing for years, and might still be in the main game (again I dunno). It's just not a thing in present Arena at all though, but I wouldn't expect them to know that with no frame of reference.
I've done this in one marathon mode run
They did this roughly a year ago in the main game
Your shots are delayed by your ping so peeker advantage basically dont mean shit, didnt stop streamers from crying about it 24/7 because they dont understand the game they have 20k hours in
I actually feel like they added back a little bit of peeker advantage this wipe, holding corners feel less safe and I had more success pushing people recently
That or it could just be the servers shitting itself but something feel changed
Yea I love playing games with friends but I only had one who played Tarkov and he quit after only a few raids this wipe. I'm never gunna be a sweaty and I doubt I'll ever be the type to get Kappa but I figure if I just do the tasks I feel like doing when I feel like doing them I'll have fun.
Post stats then nigger.
Chang I kneel
Why is USEC even a playable faction in this game, narratively speaking?

>USEC mercs would have a better idea of what was going on with Terragroup before things went to shit, so there's less mystery of the whole situation to them
>most Traders wouldn't be willing to do business with the people who potentially caused everything to go wrong
>most of the USEC mercs wouldn't be able to read or understand Russian
>most USEC mercs would have joined up with the Rogues once they found out about them
Has anyone gotten Visceral Dismemberment working without Fika? How'd you do it?
Don't think that hard about it. The lore of this game is dogshit.
Pretty sure in narrative terms the player character just happens to be at the right intersection of clueless, self-preservation focused and moralistic that it doesn't really matter which side they're on, they just want to fuck off from Tarkov and haven't been told anything about what's going on.
All other players are the bad guys in one way or another.
The lore in general is fucking retarded anyway.
The problem with that is that BEAR is relatively new to the area and has no idea what's going on, but USEC has been there since the beginning and anyone in it would have at least some idea of what happened.
>everyone takes the presets
>I select some random enforcer shit
>spawn in with a sniper rifle
I thought this game was fixed
Maybe your character was a replacement who only showed up the other day in the last batch? Or they were watching pony cartoons the whole time in a checkpoint booth somewhere and only went outside because of the EMP
Each class can only be picked twice. None of the standard enforcer presets have a sniper rifle. There should always be a class with an open slot. If you don't have a custom preset for each class it's on you.
what the fuck everyone is running aorund with asvals and shit and I get this garbage preset
why are there only 4 custom ones
USEC is there so we can have US guns
Because you are fucking retarded and can't work a basic menu.
the USECs that are left in the norvinsk region are either AWOL or have been abandoned by their command. they're in the same boat as local PMCs and scavs, just fighting to survive.
this menu is literally retarded though
Is it worth using zagustin over perfotoran in arena?
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soooooo what do i do when there's a backend error while i'm organizing my shit?
my stash is gone and i can't take stuff out of the sorting table lol
Probably just alt+f4 then reload, usually those types of errors revert the position of your things back to their original spots
Perf has a little health regen and is more likely to run out in the round time (which is a good thing actually, here's why: immunity skill points) so I use that
No, you're literally retarded.
>standard gamer
>it's even insured
you are so precocious, anon.
Why in the world are you insuring a bike helmet my brotha?
just got 46k rubles for reporting some dumbass kek
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>Dont want to go to bed because cultist circle end in 2h and I want to launch a fresh batch
no this menu is poorly designed
Wow sick rewards for reporting people. I remain convinced that cheaters are actually very important to BSG's continued money making.
I pop a propitol at the start of every round anyway though. Do they stack? I've been using zagustin in place of any kind of tourniquet or bandage on my presets. I guess that perfotoran can work the same way since the round is likely to be over or I'll die in last hero before the bleed stop wears off anyway. Zagustin might be a bit overkill
It's a bit shit but you're also a fucking retard for being incapable of figuring it out.
AHF1 stim?
I actually think none of the antibleed stim are worth using in arena
You're better off popping a dedicated health regen stim and fixing the bleed later, or not at all
>standard gamer
i'm not gonna spend more than what the standard edition costs on a game i just started playing, i'll buy the poopen farten edition if i get autistically obessed
>it's even insured
i don't even know what this means, my mate just told me to insure everything but it's kind of a waste of money>>493209152
thanks, luckily i didn't have to start organizing from the beginning
I've never done an actual test but I'm pretty sure different stims stack, just not the same stim taken twice. My basis for thinking so is how it feels and also the number of painkiller effects stacking at once goes up on each new one but not with the same type taken twice.
I recommend taking an Adrenalin too if you can squeeze the points in
I don't know what half the stims do. What's it for? Would it be a better choice?
Just running a propitol and an etg might be the move, yea.
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AHF1 is another anti bleed stim, shorter duration. I use it in PVP as a cheeky replacement to blue blood or perf because it is cheaper lol. And I want to be a weirdo.
I'll try it out, see if I can minmax my presets a bit more, thanks
There's nothing wrong with being standard, it's just highlight the fact you're a new player
Also the kolpak is shit, it's heavy, you cant hear shit and it will not protect you from any real round
You'd be better off using a cheap headset+helmet combination

If you're short on points dont sleep on adrenaline too, it's cheap and heal like 60hp in 15s, really good for a quick heal before someone push you again
To be clear, I mean cheaper in main game on flea. Not sure how much cheaper it would be in arena, but I have a feeling you might squeeze 20k out of it or something.
this was a live pvp raid
>heal like 60hp in 15s
Good to know, I'll try it out.
I assume it's fewer points. Good info anyway though
Yea unironically never wear a Kolpak. I would rather have no helmet and a headset than wear a kolpak. Also don't let paypigs bully you, I am 1000 hours into a standard account and refuse to give more money to russian fucks until they fix the issues (they won't).
>Shots 1-5: Clearly missed.
I think it's part of some exploit maybe, I got killed immediately after this by some 64 hour guy
wow lighthouse is cursed at this time of day. second death to sub 50hr account in two raids
why even have presets in arena when they're literally handicapping you
who's idea?
To keep everyone from running the best guns with the best ammo with the best armor and making it ultra fucking boring. Are you the dipshit who couldn't figure out the menu?
it is always cursed, go in with as cheap of a kit as you can and do not even look at good loot spots or chang will get angry and pay you a visit
from morning to midday it's pretty okay
don't they do that right now with custom kits? are you projecting?
>i'm not gonna spend more than
not shaming you, i was a standard bro once. just funny you're new and unironically rocking a kolpak.
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interchange is fucking busted if you want to farm scavs
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just sold all of the shitty helmets
imma be real i just didnt give a fuck about weight, sound or whether it can withstand a shot or not, i just assumed everything was shit at this level
i guess this is better? just got it from a raid
yeah the ratnik is solid, you can wear ears with it too.
>arena load times take forever
>window out
>come back and it gave me the m700 again
does it default to the worse possible kit if you don't pick
how do I delete this
it's literally silent when you finally load
At lvl1 traders you can actually piece together a decent kit that poses a threat to people higher level than you. But my advice would be to always run a headset, and try your best to always run lvl3 armor. Any ammo that has above 30 pen will be very good for your level, so if you find it hold on to it. The best source of this is 5.45 and 7.62 PS that you can find on scavs.

Really your first wipe is just to learn tons of shit, mess around and have fun lol. Don't worry so much if you get dumpstered on, gotta pay your dues.
ah well it actually has 28 pen but it's still worth grabbing
marathon is so exciting when you get past GZ
Is the rusted bloody key still insanely hard to get? I just looted one off a scav in streets and managed to do The Door. Whew, I am so glad I had the foresight to bring cameras with me once I started doing Streets tasks
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Day 6.
I have transcended humanity.
Once you get a little further into the game you will realize how important being able to actually hear is. I'd rather have nothing on my head than anything that muffles or eliminates sound unless i'm putting something extremely armored to compensate. This entire game is learning the maps and knowing sounds for where people are.
It's difficult but i feel they bumped it up, keep hearing people finding it.

I mean they had to eliminate the spawn for an entire wipe not too long ago so the idea of it's scarcity got inflamed. Vacuum cucks were making billions off it until they fixed vacuuming.

Then they were just too lazy to turn the fucking key back on.
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"match making"
The ARP system is wwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too long-form. Almost everyone sits in the starting bracket because it would take hundreds of games to get to a 'real' level.
So does it work at all?
Last wipe it was completely useless
yeah well I get a lot of people in my games who sound like white people trying to talk like niggers and it's really annoying
more annoying than the load times
Marathon zero to hero is so good. Feels like this concept would be an amazing co op roguelike game if enough quality was put into enemy AI etc as its own game. Escaping a city while being hunted down and having to scavenge.
I feel like if the AI "difficulty" wasn't how fast the target acquisition and shoot time was
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why is the left bullet 2k each but the right bullet 300 each
1. idiots
2. tracers
3. muh minmax
right is a tracer that you unlock before LPS
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it does feel like I search faster

from this
The loot in the room was insane. I got two chances to loot it because you get another key for completing The Door... Chek 15 the first time, dorm marked room the second time, streets factory marked room, my beloved terragroup armory key (not rare, but still an amazing, underrated key)
you just repair weapons?
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Interesting. How does this make you feel?
>arena has to load just so you can exit a match, just so it can then load a main screen menu to load another queue to load another match
lol surely there was a better way
Every single thing BSG has ever done has had a better way
how do you guys tell how far away someone is, everyone sounds like they're walking in an open room with you even if they're 10 walls apart
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if you hear the faintest shuffling sounds, that means their 50 meters away, crunching and their 40-10 meters away, if you hear them breathing that means their right next to you
>finally don't die within 2 mins from suspicious death
>run into two players outside of the front emplacements and kill them
>loot them and begin to run as a group of 3 player scavs run towards the front
>literally don't even react to their presence and run past them
>they all look at me as I go past them, but only one really stops and aims (but doesn't shoot)
>I make it out

I'm convinced this is the strategy for pscavs at night

If you don't let them get a good look at you they will not be able to tell the difference between you and their comrades who have looted rogue gear.

I made the decision on a snap judgement and it turned out it was right.
they just shoot my legs out wtf
holy guck why does the as val deteriorate so fucking fast
crazy RoF with a suppressor made of meltium, builds heat like mad
I think they consider it a way to balance it since it's low recoil with good rounds, but man does it have a lot of drawbacks these days
welp it do have good bullets,brand new literally jammed on me after 1 mag
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Just hit lvl 15 and finally unlocked flea, can you guys give me some weapon builds? First wipe in like 2 years.
It's far more dependent on ammo than on platform these days. Look through what can and can't be bought on the flea and what's an acceptable price point for you before choosing anything.
Honestly most ammo isn't worth flea prices, but that limits your options even more
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wtf the mannequin can store backpacks and you can throw all types of shit in it
Yeah it's pretty sick, each level gives you an additional mannequin too.
wtf you can have 3? that is sick
Deathstreaks are so weird in this game. I feel like I get cursed. I just died trying to jump over a plastic bag on streets. I got stuck for about four attempts, then got gunned down as I was clearing it on the last one after the exact same input.
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>"Hey mercenary can you find us some bleach and hoses? Absolutely no flea market only the good ones you find in raid"

>"What about these bleach that I mixed myself in my hideout using baking powder and soap, and these hoses that I got from mechanic as quest rewards for sucking his dick"

>"Those will do just put them down at a corner thank you"
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>47 kills with Assault for a weekly
>be 46/47
>fuuuck I have to play one more game now
>queue again
>2 people instalock Assault
r8 my lab run
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>finish the game with a different class
>fine time to queue again and get my last fucking kill
>matchmaking bugs out and i'm now again stuck in a forever loop of looking for server
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This shit is getting out of hand
An extract camper killed me with a grenade as the timer hit 0.0. I genuinely wasn't sure if it'd even count as a kill or not, the thing hit zero. This game becomes psychotic sometimes. I cannot win. What the hell do you even do when it gets to this?
>theres no way there was a cheater pscav
You'd be surprised how fast Pscavs can get into matches.
What you're seeing is vacuum cheat in action turning to face the items he's picking up.
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how long before we get drones in tarkov?
spt already has it
This isn't SPT, retard.
pretty cool stuff
please stop posting
I just hope they make Test Drive quests less grindy now that they're required for Kappa, I'm not gonna bother otherwise.
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>tarkin video
vantablackest gorilla retard
>anon doesn't know about the secret skateboard spt mod
Snuck a .45 FMJ passed a face shield this morning
I've never been on this side of a Tarkov'ing
BSG need to build a proper killcam then feed the data into some kind of neural net kek
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will try to do gratitude which ill be sitting in the open for 80 seconds easy sbih kill for other players wish me luck
That's a hell of a fight.
any budget bolt action builds for sbih kills? i hate getting killed by full auto weapons when i miss my one shot one opportunity
suppressor is cheap
run any scope you want
>lost 0.05 ragman rep because of arena
>back to LL2 ragman
fucking dogshit nigger linking
That's too inaccurate for SBIH. Anon should use an SV-98 with a 6x Valday scope.
its fine
i use vpo with ap-m with a reflex sight when i want to push people and try my chances cqb but i miss my shots :(
valday isnt budget :( and i need more aimlabs
M700 with the cheapest suppressor you can find and 1P59/1P69 scope, you can use the March Tactical for long range sniping . But ideally you should get at least a Spectre because it's pretty versatile.
this actually sounds good ill try it thanks anon
they are script monke simply scripting unity instead of actual developers
No problem, you can get the M700 for 2 repellents so it might be cheaper to use the barter but idk the prices right now.
Even then random SPT modders beat them at implementation and timeliness on a constant basis
>it's another "fucking retard with a bolt action in the bowl tower gets countersniped easily" episode
nice, an unlootable airdrop
thanks nikita!
i actually did gratitude on first try, empty raid lucky
I truly believe that if there wasn't a hard limit for 2 players with the same class I'd consistently have 4 Marksmen on my games.
I just leave bowl unselected in my map pool. It's not worth dealing with some fuckwit sitting in the tower literally every game.
Yeah I gotta start doing that, without the towers I'd kinda like this map but it happens almost every time.
i actually think about tarkov all the time since wipe im playing basically all day my sleep schedule is fucked up i even dream tarkov in my sleep, i often get surrounded by multiple people in my dream and feel stuck and feel scared to peek its actually a nightmare, i need to get a life
Everyone sleeps on the 1P59/69s when they are perfect for the first 2 months.
You'd think they would be cheaper this wipe without FiR. I don't remember them ever being so expensive when flea only allowed FiR stuff.
repellent is up to match the price now sadly
SURELY he isn't cheating
I've never got to test drive because I never finish grenadier. Can never get grenade kills.
Throw more grenades. They're disgustingly cheap I always have like 5 of them
People are market manipulating by buying anything lower than that floor, and relisting for higher.
If I die without ever shooting back it's hard to justify bringing multiple grenades to a raid.
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why dont you post a pic instead so we dont have to worry about getting viruses from a retarded 4channer
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>another tarkin video
I think you're the retard if you think clinking a tarkov.dev link is going to give you a virus kek
that entire channels content is made in blender retard
You might as well run naked every run then.
I would get the same shit from a factory run
go extract camp with an impact grenade
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im gonna clink your mother if you know what i mean :))))
AI is so shit
its better than me i cant draw that
clink deez nuts
whats the difference between 1p59 and 1p69
I don't even know if it is
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Well with a 30% SR I do a lot of the time since I have no money.
Sitting in one spot for that long honestly sounds so boring and unfun, especially to just do us again 8 times for a quest.
They used to be the same tho
>can't wear gssh with penis helmet anymore
thanks nikita!

1p69 isnt that bad actually im gonna use it for sbih
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Is opening these things even worth it?
god damnit why is everyone in factory a bear
I need usecs for friend of the west you fucks stop queueing factory!!
can you not cycle between illuminated and daytime anymore?
no and i think its better this way you used to cycle between 4 options to get what you want
It totally wasn't.
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guys dont use eyecup with the 1p69 btw its much more cleaner i didnt know that
man i love listening the streamers complain about boss spawn rates when they no life the game and finish every fucking quest 2 weeks into the wipe where other players spend 5-6 months doing the same thing selfish imbeciles
>watching streamers
what do you watch old man? documentaries and science podcasts while you play tarkov?
I can wait 5 minutes without being fed 'entertainment'
my group has already killed a lvl 50 hunting glue car and multiple max trader guys
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first decent gun maybe??? got it from a raid, needs a stock though
seems like everyone's camping in bushes today. they're also all unheard gaymers with sub-30% s/r. why waste $150 on the game at that point?
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Sometimes reserve is pretty nice eh
if you can't wait 5 minutes without watching something your brain is cooked
Why would I stare at a loading screen for 5 minutes when I can alt tab to my second monitor or look at my phone?
>no more slick barter
>need to fully lvl up ref to buy zabralos and altyns
>need to play arena to do that
>need to upgrade hideout just to open drops
>need to pay twitch for a sub(not prime) to get the streamer item case
gay. homosexual, even.
it'd be desync'd though
it shouldn't be, the server should be the source of truth for sync
AKM is pretty good early on. Especially if you find one with a suppressor on it already.
>teaching the AI all the sweaty tryhard tactics
>yfw Boris Petrushka slow right hand lean peek headshots you with a grizzly slug
it would probably just learn to aimbot and shoot through walls kek
the servers have desync designed into the code so they can manipulate it for streamers
yeah the only things i attached to it were the dust cover and the sight
getting familiar with factory's layout now, soon i'll explore the other, much bigger maps
who hears/sees who catches who mid sprint first dies simulator theres no skill to this game fucking stealth game not a milsim
I wonder why the achievement for killing Kaban's named "Funny Graveyard Keeper"...
go start your stream desmond
audio is never not bugged
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I need some challenge run ideas for my SPT sessions while the devs work on 0.15, any cool ideas? I'm thinking about barter only for starters but I wanna spice it up
why are you wasting your time on spt bro come to pvp
I don't want to interact with XingZhuanBaoLing & co. and all my friends quit so I can't do the only thing that makes pvp tarkov fun (playing with friends)
>lost rep again
imagine having friends lol what a loser
friends are only a liability in tarkov
>I need some challenge run ideas for my SPT
Playing the real game, now that's a challenge for you.
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>zero to hero marathon
>on gz
>stomach blown out
>running around looking for meds
>three different player scavs just stare at me trying to figure out if i'm a scav before i dome them
At the start of Fallout: New Vegas, you get backstabbed by a ganglord named Benny to steal something you were hired to deliver, saying the quote before executing you. The start of the game is about getting revenge on him and recover the thing in question.

The leaders of the USEC Rogues, who love killing everything that cross their way and decided to carve their little fiefdom in Lighthouse, unlike the ex-USEC PCs who just want to GTFO Tarkov before the Scavs, the BEARs and Terra Group's troops get them first.
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>all my friends quit so i play baby mode
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Don't come to interchange.
Zero to hero, Please don't i'm almost out of ammo and have no more meds plz help me oh god
helghast lookin ass
Not that guy but I have never understood this idea of 'if you don't play PVP mode you are just bad and are a pussy.' Is killing other players the only thing you find fun in this game? I mean usually I am trying to quest and avoid players when possible, and fighting in this game is horrendous, the worst gunplay of any shooter I have ever played, the most horrendous desync imaginable, clunky movement, etc. I just am baffled by people who find genuine enjoyment from 'today I will PVP on customs and go dorms for 20 raids in a row to fight people in a narrow hallway and run up and down metal stairs abusing desync peaks.' Especially when the overall loot isn't good, unless marked room drops something good. Especially funny to me since basically all streamers who play this game get dumpstered when they try and play a 'real' competitive fps game where raw mechanical skill matters way more than knowing what every pixel in dorms or resort looks like so you know if you are looking at a player or helmet when you sprint from one room to another peaking down a hallway because desync is so bad the other player can't hit you when you sprint like that.
>the worst gunplay of any shooter I have ever played
t. has never played another fps in his entire life
That's because you only play in your supposed idealized confines of how the game is meant to work. I'm doing zero to hero marathon right now and it's the best tarkov experience i've ever had.

The idea of just fighting bots all day has zero appeal to me with how abusable they are. Once you take the pvp potential out why even bother playing.
But he's literally right. Gunplay in Tarkov sucks major dick due do shitty recoil, overreliance on pointfire spraying, and awful netcode. The only saving grace is the gun autism and sound design.
I say this as a PVP player btw.
pvp is fun
trying to avoid pvp because you're questing or whatever can be fun
playing against computers can only be fun to an extent, and when you willingly choose to play pve in a multiplayer game you are a certified pussy nigga.
also you sound like you haven't played tarkov in a long time
How is Tarkov gunplay better than most other shooters? Even ignoring the technical issues like desync and hitreg, the actual gunplay is just bad. Sights are unusable and not like real life optics at all, recoil is not just unrealistic, but also nonsensical in terms of how it works and why, pistols are unusable now that they reverted th previous good change where they had lower recoil so now your bullets just go above your muzzle due to 'muzzle flip' when spamming the trigger which makes no sense, etc.
Marathon mode just amplifies all the existing problems with the game. Matchmaking between each map is just as long as normal maps, there is only 1 extract for marathon on each map, loading times are even more amplified along with the egregious memory leaks, etc. Sure if you are really good at the game I can imagine it being a new fun challenge, but for average players, what is the possible incentive to play a mode with even less forgiveness than normal, with no rewards outside of specific quests, and on top of that add on the zero to hero challenge, which average players wouldn't even attempt in the first place? You are placing your experience and skill with the game on everyone else and wondering why other people aren't doing it, which is exactly what you accused me of.
Claiming that only playing against real players is good and playing against bots is bad ignores all of the single player games that do just fine, and can be very difficult. Also SPT fixes all the issues with bots and is literally like playing against actual people, especially the additional customization you can do with the bots, making them far more aggressive, make them play ratty, etc. Claiming that only the player combat matters in this game, ignoring every other aspect of what the game is about and what you can do, fundamentally narrows the game down to 'deathmatch but with extra steps' and if I wanted to do that, why not play a good fps then?
Anybody found a useable 545?
I tried a fully kitted AK12 and this shit was awful, I have a 2k rounds of BP and nothing to use them
people advertising SPT sound like the guy going on about how you should be jacking off instead of getting fucked in the ass
firerate is king with intermediates, probably just use the AK-12 but stop fucking building it an m4 and realize that it's supposed to be an eco gun
or alternatively use a sag like you would an adar or TX-15
>all of the single player games that do just fine
but tarkov isn't a singleplayer game. if you made stalker multiplayer, why would you still be playing the singleplayer version?
>Also SPT fixes all the issues with bots and is literally like playing against actual people
yeah i've seen the sain clip of klean getting jump peek'd. you can dress your AI up all you want, it's still just cold, hard, emotionless lines of code running on your CPU. the decisions it makes are not organic. being aware of that makes it less fun.
Give the larger magazines a go, they're dirt cheap.
youre 100% right about tarkov pvp, it sucks but completing quests,progressing the game all loses its meaning when im competing against c++ code
You are assuming all that anyone cares about in this game is fighting other players. My friends enjoy the non-combat parts of the game more than the combat parts. They enjoy buying/selling on the flea, they enjoy looting, they enjoy finding new spots on the map and lookin at the map design and in-map storytelling. I have a friend with 1500 hours who quit PVP last wipe and is having tons of fun in PVE. He has been doing things he never got the chance to do in PVP, primarily due to time, like go labs (never went to labs ever before PVE) looting marked rooms, fighting bosses like Kaban, etc.
You remind me of people who say that EOD and Unheard aren't pay to win because 'a larger stash and larger container doesn't win you a gunfight' ignoring the fact that 80% of this game is comprised of not shooting at people at all, and is about tons more things than just 'I see player I shoot player.'
>You remind me of people who say that EOD and Unheard aren't pay to win because 'a larger stash and larger container doesn't win you a gunfight'
Those people are unironically right. You could make a legitimate argument for ARENA being blatant p2w because of the insane amounts of XP, roubles and skills it provides, not to mention access to high level Ref, but shoe size IQ retards like you will always sperg out about muh stash or muh gamma instead.
Did they buff the rogues? Just had one whip around and instantly shoot me in the throat before I could even react.
Would you say ABI is pay to win? You can buy gear for real money, but gear doesn't win you a gunfight. I can shoot you in the head with a mosin and take your gear, so that means it isn't pay to win because you didn't pay real money to literally get an aimbot or be immune to damage right? Is that your argument?
Also the biggest issues with EOD is gamma and trader rep, trader rep because it allows you to ignore a ton of quests to get trader levels 2 and 3, which means you can just play the game without tasking, and gamma allows you to bring in tons more gear and take more shit out, which means you accrue a financial advantage significantly over time. Not to mention the starting CMS/Surv kits you get that standard doesn't have at all so it actually does win you gunfights lol.
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It's actually absurd that they haven't changed this yet.
>npc scav spawns 5 feet behind me in dorms
>turn to shoot him
>buckshot to the throat
ive reached rep requirement to get max lvls for all traders, i just need to be lvl42 now and my desire to play tarkov suddenly disappeared, im just looking at my stash right now dont know what to do i think ill quit the wipe boys
>Would you say ABI is pay to win?
I am not interested in chinkslop shovelware in any way shape or form and I'm not sure how it's relevant to the topic of EFT.
>trader rep because it allows you to ignore a ton of quests to get trader levels 2 and 3, which means you can just play the game without tasking,
Except you still need to complete tasks because most good weapons, mods, ammo, armor etc are locked behind tasks.
>gamma allows you to bring in tons more gear and take more shit out
5 slots is literally nothing, you can just bring meds in your rig/backpack. Realistically you only ever need a stack of ammo, docs/sicc case and a stim case, everything else is dirt cheap.
>Not to mention the starting CMS/Surv kits you get that standard doesn't have at all so it actually does win you gunfights lol.
You can buy painkillers from LL1 traders to aid in combat. Nobody ever uses a CMS in the middle of a fight.
>enitre paragraph of squad babby cope
not reading that, you a bitch
>You are assuming all that anyone cares about in this game is fighting other players
that is what most people who aren't total shitters care about, yes. competent players usually consider fights the apex of tarkov gameplay.
>1500 hours
not a lot
>You remind me of people who say that EOD and Unheard aren't pay to win because 'a larger stash and larger container doesn't win you a gunfight'
i am literally that person and have said that exact thing in this general on multiple occasions, and firmly believe it to be true.
whats your definition of pay to win? can you please describe it?
>go to factory with my deagle for my last stirrup kill
>kill a guy with trash gear and an mp5
>find another body
>kitted mk47, death shadow, bagarly, ulach, and a mechanic bag
>don't hear anyone else shooting
>right next to gate 3
I love finding loot pinatas on factory.
day or night? they seem pretty normal to me. if they aren't on a gun or it's day time they'll do that
Yea, day time. Usually they give you a second before they beam you but this dude uncrouched from behind a while and just instantly fucked me THEN voice lined so it was weirder than their usual bullshit.
I love the non combat parts, but only BECAUSE of the risk of pvp. You remove that element and there's no point for me. It's like watching a horror movie only you have removed the horror portions because it's scary.
Why do all metafags use the green moe stock?
sometimes there are random spare ones spawned not on guns who seem like they are way more aggressive than the ones that sit on guns, especially during day time
>Except you still need to complete tasks because most good weapons, mods, ammo, armor etc are locked behind tasks.
Early tasks for the most part. Jaeger is a perfect example of just how many quests you have to complete to get level 3-4 on standard vs EOD, I added it up one time and it is something like an extra 15 tasks you have to do on standard to just get the base rep that EOD starts with. Also I wouldn't say most good armor and weapons are locked behind tasks unless you think M80 is the only good ammo and 762 MDR is the only good weapon in the game. 9mm and 45 ammo isn't task locked only trader levels. Even good 9x39 and 545 ammo isn't quest locked just level locked.
>5 slots is literally nothing, you can just bring meds in your rig/backpack. Realistically you only ever need a stack of ammo, docs/sicc case and a stim case, everything else is dirt cheap.
You are forgetting about a CMS and splints, as well as PK. Unless you never use a PK like Goldenstar because you use morphine? Sure I believe you. Also CMS isn't dirt cheap, it's 50k last I looked. Aluminum splints are also 20k, so that is 70k in meds (not counting the actual meds you use like calok and ifak/salewa.
>Nobody ever uses a CMS in the middle of a fight.
The point is that if you get in a fight or lose a leg/arm to a scav before a fight, you can't fix the limb on a standard account because you don't have a starting CMS. Obviously missing limbs matters a shit ton for the next fight. Not to mention your stomach, on standard if you get a blackened stomach you just leave the raid immediately because you can't fix it.
>that is what most people who aren't total shitters care about, yes. competent players usually consider fights the apex of tarkov gameplay.
So only good players are allowed to like things about Tarkov, and you can only fight a certain way right? So you wouldn't consider ratting a 'real' fight even though it is combat, because you aren't fast peaking corners in reserve bunker?
>1500 hours
>not a lot
Tarkov is the only game I have ever seen (besides EVE) where thousands of hours is considered 'normal' and if you have under 3k hours that isn't a lot. I checked my steam library and I don't have a single game at 3k hours, and only 3 games above 1k hours. Just insane to me that you can't enjoy the game or play what you like unless you have literally thousands of hours, otherwise you are playing the game wrong.
>i am literally that person and have said that exact thing in this general on multiple occasions, and firmly believe it to be true.
What would have to happen for the game to be pay to win? What would Nikita have to do for you to say 'this is pay to win?'
I got my other drops but I didn't get my twitch supporter meme purple box (subbed to smoke)
is this a meme or is my shit fucked
i wonder that too ds150 is a better option why use that
claim it on twitch then on eft website from your profile
Sorry dude but your friends are coping if they switched to PVE. The actual pvp gunfights in tarkov are like 10% of what makes pvp an enjoyable game mode. It's the fact that while I'm minding my own business in a raid doing tasks or looting, there are actual humans in the same map doing their thing too. It's a living raid. The tension of running into an actual person at any moment makes everything in the raid fun, even if I were just packing mags and eating stew in a corner all raid it still has some tension. The coincidence of running into people by chance is what makes everything click into place. The human element makes every raid a new experience.

You can't program that in pve, not possible. No matter how "human" you make the bots behavior, they're still bots. The entire map of bots knows you location at all times, they simply chose to avoid you until you aggro them or trigger their hostility somehow. When you fight them, every single bot has the ability to headshot you in a nanosecond, they're just programed not to. It sucks all the fun out of it, single-player FPS games are no longer a thing because at their core people understand that FPS bots are essentially programed to let you win. Once you recognize this fact all the fun is sucked right out. The veil is lifted and nothing in the game feels real or true anymore.
I personally hate pve for what it has done to earlywipe
Why the fuck would those 30% sr retardos play pvp when they could just play easy mode and then post on reddit about how the game spawned then next to a "pmc" that killed them or how they got raidered while standing still 50 meters away from the "pmcs"
I think arena is a bigger offender of ruining this early wipe, but yeah I agree it really surprised me how many low-hour people just jumped ship to pve. As a single player game I just don't find tarkov enjoyable at all. But I can sympathize that the people who didn't "get" tarkov still want to play it.
>The entire map of bots knows you location at all times,
with the amount of cheaters ive encounterd this wipe thats true of the players also
Yeah something is majorly fucked about this wipe
most people i see nowadays are max traders and we're only two weeks into wipe.
Dumping 200k xp on everyone through marathon probably doesn't help but being able to farm 10k xp over the course of 10 minutes plus matching in chop shop likely isn't that great either
Arena 100% fucked up early wipe. You can get millions of rubles and tons of exp with next to no effort if you're remotely decent. Those sweats that rush tasks and have max traders within a few weeks anyway just got there even faster. Everyone else got to use arena to hit level 15 for flea before even finishing ground zero tasks.
Why are they coping if they are having fun? One of the big reasons is they don't have a lot of time to play and they want to get max traders and lightkeeper, and they have never done that before. Why get angry over them doing something that doesn't affect you at all?
it does affect me i cant farm new/casual players like i used to and cruise through my quests and cant farm clips killing clueless timmies you either play with me and i kill you because ive 10k hours more than you do and im an unemployed loser or you dont deserve to play PUSSY
how do I setup a radar if I want to get into streaming?
i think you misunderstand. ratting is just a playstyle. chads do it too. it just so happens that shitters are predominantly rats. what i meant by fighting being the apex of gameplay is that's where players put everything on the line, all their loot, their gear, their time and effort. regardless of win or lose it is the peak of the thrill. you simply cannot achieve the same levels of joy and terror from such a moment when the "person" on the other end is just 1s and 0s. they aren't as unpredictable, they can't make mistakes or hit sick flicks, their "skill" or lack thereof is hard coded, as is their gear. they will never have that human spark regardless of how many bells and whistles you add from mods. they will never be able to share the same feelings of joy and terror. you are hard capping the fun of a true multiplayer experience by choosing to play against AI.
>What would have to happen for the game to be pay to win?
directly buying gear, lvl, skills, ect. i do concede that starting off with higher trader rep is somewhat p2w, however i do not believe that the small amount of additional gear that EOD and unheard start with matters because it's literally just one or two mid kits that you get once per wipe. it's meaningless when any player can find all that shit in one good raid. also that emergency call-a-friend thing that nikita was talking about with the unheard of edition would be p2w.
see above
>don't have a lot of time to play and they want to get max traders and lightkeeper
If you can't get max traders in half a year you aren't playing more than a single raid per week
You sound like there guy who was going on about how he loves tarkov, has played for multiple years yet never unlocked flea market
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>Gimmick boss
>Only spawns in a close quarter mall
>You instant lose if he switches to baton
>Drops nothing of value if you kill him

Who asked for this
Who cares? How does them playing PVE affect you at all?
>i don't have a lot of free time
>spends the last 5 hours arguing about some gay shit on the internet
>directly buying gear, lvl, skills
all included in unheard edition lol
decked out scar with supressor and tango scope,lvl 4 plates which standart player cant pen with starting ammo
traders lvls, 0.2 rep each trader means you need to like 8-9 quests less to lvl up EACH trader
some skills like bolt action rifles start at lvl3 which you need it for quests

also i like when you eod/unheard-tards undermine the stuff you get
>we get ALL these stuff but they dont matter because .. uhmmmm ... they DONT because you can find them in raid bro.. they just DONT COUNT
youre actually retarded bending and twisting just to feel good about yourself arguing over obvious things

my definition of p2w? any advantage you get with your wallet is p2w and no just because you can outplay those advantages it doesnt mean its not p2w retard
Because if it takes you an entire lifetime to get max traders its only sad
Furthermore to do it in an objectively worse version of the game makes it even worse
It's like saying that you are global elite in counter strike but only while playing against bots
now I have to fight only no-life chads
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I think the fundamental issue with PvP in tarkov is the dev dont understand why it's fun
PvP is the spice that add chaos to a rather predictable game otherwise, it an additional element that make a system better, if you could just run around, loot shit and kill predictable npcs it would be fucking boring
But then the devs add tasks that require PMCs kill for progression and suddenly the entire spice jar fall into the plate, people camp, run meta gear, cheats and the casuals/badies that dont get choked to death because they cant progress anymore
That's a big part of why lighthouse is unplayable, there's a fuckton of PMCs kill quests so everybody just hold their corners
People who say PvE killed the game are delusional btw, this was already happening before PvE, those people were just leaving for other games instead, and it's clear as day BSG didnt expect the success of PvE, because, again, they dont understand their own game
>some skills like bolt action rifles start at lvl3
i was unaware of this. that is pretty gay.
anyways, if you can outplay those advantages, why do they matter? if you can loot the exact same shit in your first couple raids, why does it matter? if you can kill the paypiggies and take their starter gear, why does it matter? competent players do it every wipe, regardless of their game edition.
Nah I just click over to the thread when I see a (you). Packing for a trip for a week anyway. Also I am not talking about me, but my friends who are busy.
>you can't have fun in pve, noooo, you must play pvp so I have more people to kill noooo!
What's the best way to fight the goons on shoreline? Bait them to the resort and shoot them while they walk in a door? Hide behind a rock on the weather station hill and bait them there? Something else?
all right imagine this,2 players with the same skill level one of them started the wipe with unheard other one with standart, first raid their paths crossed who wins the fight? who snowballs from there? is it really that hard for you to understand that its p2w? according to your logic theres no game thats p2w because more skilled players always can outplay newbies with better gear
you can say that i dont care if its p2w but please dont act like its not
NTA stash size is only relevant until flea market, but it always pisses me off when i get killed by assholes wearing an AVS and shooting me with a tan mdr with m855 when I'm forced to run around with a fucking paca and army cap and a stock ak-74 or vityaz
Honestly i wish EoD didn't get pve simply so they wouldn't be constantly fucking boobsucking, but i guess we live in society or something
Tarkov right now plays like a f2p game of you're standard edition
>you can only have fun by having gear fear
Isn't the whole point of 'getting good' in this game to literally stop having gear fear and just fight people and not care so much if you die? That means the peak of the game is when you are still new and getting a single PMC kill matters a lot, vs 3k hours in and you wipe a bunch of timmys when you don't feel anything.
>human spark
Yea I am sure the 8k hour player that plays 8 hours a day has humanity left and feels anything, sure bro.
>hard capping fun by playing against AI
No, that is how YOU have fun. You are quite literally telling people that not only are they playing the game wrong, they are having fun wrong. This is the most insane playerbase on the fucking planet, only moba players are more mentally ill than Tarkov players. And I say that as someone who played over 2k hours in dota before I finally quit.
>buying gear, levels, skills
You literally start with more gear with EOD and Unheard compared to other editions. Multiple kits of good armor and weapons, and ammo. Unheard actually starts you with additional skill levels as well, including sniper skill levels, which before the quest rework was ABSOLUTELY designed to allow you to skip Mentor quest for sniper levels so you could go directly to Psycho Sniper. Also you start with ammo box, junk box, and weapon case with Unheard so I would consider that trader level skip since you can't get those early no matter how many rubles you have.
>Who cares about gear when I can just shoot them in the head with a mosin?
So why would you care if you could pay real money for more kits continuously if you can just kill them since you are a better player? What's the problem since you are claiming gear doesn't matter since you can just shoot them?
You know, maybe tarkov isn't the game for you.
You sound like those faggots who were going on about how fromsoft games needs an easy mode.
Problem is the game I think is fundamentally unfun for most players when they aren't doing tasks. This is why late wipe is always supposedly dead and boring, because most people don't want to just go in a raid to loot high value spawns and shoot players. If the core of the game was fun, there wouldn't need to be wipes and people wouldn't have complained about the last wipe being the longest wipe ever.
Wipe when
I would laugh my ass off if Nigita allowed you to buy Kappa with real money and players got angry at it. You bought EOD for a larger container, why is buying an even bigger one with real money a problem?
Well remember when the eod-chuds got massively tilted that another version of the game had the same size container as them?
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The game has been less and less fun ever since Tarkov starts pushing at the high HP steroid laser beaming scavs direction. Bloodhounds, cultists or the new bosses are all toxic game design. The latest maps (lighthouse and streets) are also unoptimized af and it's simply unfun for the average gamers who doesn't have a 4090 to try to play a shooter game at 24 fps.
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>No, that is how YOU have fun. You are quite literally telling people that not only are they playing the game wrong, they are having fun wrong
nah i'm just saying SPT players aren't having as much fun as me. i know this to be true and you cannot quantify it to prove me otherwise. IF, however, they are having more fun, that just means they're shitters who need a more casual experience.
The solution is to make tasks that are attainable by people who arent pvp tryhards but still create organic pvp situations
Like fighting for scavs, bosses or loot, this game is basically designed for this shit, not some generic team deathmatch competition
On a totally unrelated note, I stood perfectly still in mantis for 25min and got rewarded with 2 chumming kills, both had thermals and big plates
This gameplay is absolute dogshit but that's Nikita's vision I guess, boy I cant wait for my 15 lighthouse PMCs kills, I wonder why casuals left
The tasks need a ground up rework. So many are just "mark this random piece of shit" or "collect this random piece of shit and take it somewhere else". It's just so fucking boring.
The ak-12 is good but suffers from the same shit a lot of the 5.45 aks did in that the suppressor doesn't get to double dip like the nato rifles so it still has worse recoil. It's worse than the "meta" shit but it's definitely not awful.
is anyone else getting visual freezes in raid but the game is still running(you can hear yourself still doing things)? just started happening. alt+f4 reconnecting only gives me about 30 seconds in raid before it freezes again. happened 2 raids in a row.
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>So many are just "mark this random piece of shit" or "collect this random piece of shit and take it somewhere else". It's just so fucking boring.
I actually like these even if I think they could be fleshed out, it's accessible, it "fit" the game somehow, I also surprisingly enjoyed marathon, the preparation, the thrill, the survival challenge, it's what tarkov is good at
I just think that they're trying to force pvp way too hard, I cant imagine my friends starting the game and having to do setup, tarkov shooter or chumming, in the current year the only people bothering with this shit are 1000+ hours people who speedrun the game to get ll4 traders and watch videos on how to optimize their gameplay, this tryhard shit is litterally slowly choking this game out
every quest is boring then because you can always boil them down to mark x, go there, kill pmc,kill scav you cant do anything else in this game am i wrong?
ive been playing pve because my setup is close to 15 years old at this point, simple as. constant stutters in game, less than 30fps, takes forever to load lighthouse and streets let alone play them. one of the few arena enjoyers so i just play that for my pvp fix.
I don't hate that they exist. I hate that there is literally hundreds of "mark x" objectives. The tasks feel more like tedium than anything else.
died twice in a row because the image of my game just decides to freeze, i can still hear everything, i can hear myself moving, opening menus but the screen is just frozen
i swear to fucking god i'm about to fucking lose it
anyone with this issue?
specs of your pc?
i'm running an i7 8700k with a rx 5700xt and 16 gb of ram
seems like a lot of redditors are having the same issue as well
ryzen 7 5700x
gtx 1660 super
I dont have this issue but googled it out of curiosity, a lot of people are talking about discord+tarkov having fuckups
maybe worth checking
i don't even have discord
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>SPT mention
it happened again, i'm done.
>Queue for awesomeness shoreline raid
>Spawn sandwitched between 2 trios
>All dressed up in UNTAR with my trusty AKM to do tasks
>with at least 16 markers on my body to mark 3 ambulances, and the same medical spots 3 different times for 3 traders
Every fucking time on a bar "Waiter waiter, please more retarded shoreline quests for me"
The spawns are lighthouse are so fucking bad.
Anyone else ignoring pmc karma? I learned the game sitting in bushes I ain't stopping now
Never had it tick up or down yet, I play solo most of the time so I stay around bushes a lot(not for long tho), dk what the exact conditions and times are for it to make your karma go down.
>You need to deliver something to the lightkeeper? Here, let me spawn you right next to the treatment station so that you'll have to walk pass all the rogues and 10 PMCs just to get to the lighthouse and give that NPC that item he needed
Talking about pve/spt is like going into the fighting games general and wanting to talk about fighting against bots. You can get really technically good at the game and combos by training against bots but no one will give a shit until you actually start playing with people. It's just worthless to hear any sort of discussion on the matter. Because the human element in fighting games is super important. Your opinion/experiences on those games is worthless if you don't play against real people or go to tournaments. Even if you get shit on against real people that's ok, just fucking participate. Same with tarkov, literally every post about pve/spt is just pointless. No one cares that you play it. And by that I mean whenever you open your mouth about it people are shouting "NO ONE CARES!!" Tarkov's draw lies 100% in the human element of the raids, even when you aren't actively fighting against people.
Just bring an unjammable Uzi, RPD, or papashah, brah
No it isn't lmao
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>loot chek 13 on a zero to hero marathon run (Fuck you i'm taking a few keys in a docs case for fun)
>akm and a gingy chain are the best fucking items
I find better shit on a fucking scav.
>good shit i have found on the way i can't transfer through the transit system because it's not fucking working
>game proceeds to crash on the next transit
Apparently it still puts you in the next map if you crash.

I'm down to one and half mag of 5.45 fucking fmj, how the fuck are all of these scavs not carrying 5.45.
That would matter except the entire point of a fighting game is a 1v1 with someone else on a completely even footing, where only the player's skill matters. Tarkov is entirely different where large portions of the game don't involve shooting your gun and competing against other players at all. Looting, gear management, and hideout management don't involve other players at all. That doesn't even include the gear difference, where skill might not matter at all if they have better gear than you, or you just have bad gear.
To put it simpler, there are many reasons you might want to play Tarkov that have nothing to do with fighting other players, much less seeking out fights. Has anyone on earth wanted to play a fighting game where they DON"T fight against other people?
chaotic fights against bots in SSBM is a very fond childhood memory of mine, and no retard on the internet telling me to fight against real people would have ever mattered to me when I wanted to hit 9's with Game and Watch or baseball bat someone with Ness.
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Total. Scav. Death.
what the fuck is going on with the game? on my scav trip the game crashed twice and one time screen froze but i could still move around and do shit.
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just got peacekeeper ll4 doing dailies lets gooooooooooooooooooo
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Getting a bad spawn on streets for marathon makes you feel like a white guy in harlem in the 70's, holy fuck.
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>missed 3 reps in a row.
It's so fucking over.
gorillions must die
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>made it as far as woods with no ears
I'm loaded with bp and i got an hk filled with ssa right now.
So I can do Marathon related objectives on normal mode(planting shit killing and etc), and just worry with the actual transit part?
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I took 3 steps forward in the dark and blew up on a land mine, tried to reverse and blew up on another one
I don't fucking understand, the other direction had a sign there was a sniper, couldn't figure out where the fuck i was in the dark.
>Free XP at the cost of meeting extract campers nonstop
Tempting, but I might sleep on this nonetheless
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>factory - Daytime
>hit transition
>woods - Night time
Well just fuck me, i guess
the people camping marathon transits are only on GZ. if you can get past them, you're fine.
Only campers i've run into have been on the starting transit, which can turn into a hilarious fucking blood bath.

It's the most fun i've had in this game, you are doing yourself a disservice by not trying it.
Let me put it to you this way, i'm not going to play anything else for the entire wipe. All i'm going to do is marathon now, that's how fucking fun this is. I don't give a shit about tasks any more, i don't give a shit about my stash other than preraid heals, it's all about getting to the next marathon. I've had more interactions with people in the past two weeks than i've had in a year of playing this fucking game. People attempt to make deals, people talk shit, fuck i've had some random team ups, it's CHANGED the fucking game.
That's really nice, but for me it was the same boring engagements vs Solos or teams, nobody speaks, just KoS and all that, on top of the various exfil campers I saw when i tried the first time(I went up to Factory before going to normal mode). So my first impressions were just, "the same bullshit but I can't send items back to the stash bcs it's bugged 80% of the time, and me having to bring 2x the amount of supplies I already bring."
does anyone remember which monitor has the active noise radar?
I don't if the game has a solo fpp mode like in Pubg, but I am asking specifically for that mode.

After work, I enjoy playing solos, which stays active with real players until around 01:00. Beyond that, it fills up with bots. Would switching to Tarkov's solo mode at that point provide a bot-free experience?

Also, can I still get the game on Steam?
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what quest is this?
EU region
>still don't have transparent mags for G36, P90, G28, XM7, etc.
Of the incredibly few performance-conscious decisions they've ever made, one is not rendering every bullet in the magazine all the way to the bottom. That code is now buried somewhere deep in the spaghetti and they can't be bothered going to look for it. That's all it is
theres no such thing but the pros use 2k iems with an equalizer to hear the footsteps bwo https://youtu.be/Ar7DqxYR10w
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>go into factory
>all the ai pmc kill each other before I get to land a single shot
its just so tiring....
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>go in another factory raid
>everyone dead in the first 15 seconds of the game
im tired boss
Comparing tarkov to fighting games is so incredibly fucking retarded it's unreal.
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How the fuck am I supposed to snipe 5 PMCs on a 24 fps map
Cheaters are complained about every wipe, but the sheer level of it this time is, I think, unsustainable. Between PvE, SPT and Arena (as well as other options of game, to an extent), it seems like legit players are at a sufficiently low density to be unable to buffer the cheater hordes. It's really fucking bad, and only compounded by there being almost no new players, the early wipe being a non-factor this wipe and gaming-wide cheating being at a ridiculous all time high.
This twisted game needs to be reset desu, no one wants to deal with this shit and BSG aren't stopping a goddamn thing.
>Looting, gear management, and hideout management
Wow you really did a good job picking up those bolts. I can't believe how well you put on that armored rig and damn son is that TWO crafts you have going at once?? Epic.
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this partizan nigga is everywhere wtf
Thing is my mid-level 2070 super rig is only giving me 25 fps on streets and I'm definitely not going to win pvp fights against 4090 tryhard with 70 fps. At least on SPT I can download some graphics overhaul mod or no-glitter mods to get my street fps up to a playable 40ish level, but until BSG fixes this unoptimized piece of garbage I'm definitely not going to play normal tarkov and try to fight through 7 dudes at Lexo at 20 fps just to grab a chemical container for therapist.
Why, when they're standing still of course
Issue caused by discord overlay you tranny
A endwipe quest from like 2 years ago
Snall family company etc
what do you mean "needs to be reset"
aw man
I actually see much less cheaters this wipe than usual, usually early wipe is unplayable but this feel kinda fine
What I see however is that almost everybody is a pvp sweatlord, the casuals have basically given up on this game
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How many years until they unfuck the arena integration, I can't even do any quests in the real game because my progress is just gonna get rolled back and my rep will get deleted.
other one sees sweaties, one sees cheaters, when i go back to customs, i see only timmies. also define pvp sweatlord, ac4 and bt is not sweatie
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It's always
>I died because he was cheating!
>I died because he was sweating!
>I died because he was ratting!
>I died because of the netcode!
>I died because of the audio!
It's never
>I died because the other player was better
>I died because I was caught off guard
>I died because of my mistakes
No idea but I fucking knew it they are going to fuck it up somehow. My bet was they forget wiping the arena stash, I was wrong but I got my reputations from last wipe :D soon Fence 10 and only 0.5 rep from Ref LL4 :D
Tbh audio in this game is a fucking ass, and that comes from an apex player
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squadfags unironically start playing pve when their boyfriend(s) stop playing tarkov lol
Oof, I just realised that the strange map edge hugging players with bizarre kits that I killed while grinding out Sales Night were probably all Marathon runners trying to get to the next map. Sorry, boys
Same here
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>running around Reserve scav checking for nade boxes/my second TV rig
>hear bunker alarm get pulled while in white pawn, 3 minutes from raid end
>sprint up to roof
>see boy with a pilgrim sprinting off into bushes
>laser his legs
>start chucking nades I picked up
>run down, just start fitting what nades I have into his gear and run to hole in the wall
Then compare it to any other game whose soul relies entirely on the multiplayer aspect and player interaction. The point isn't that tarkov is some balanced competitive game (it's not), it's that the entire draw of the game is that you're succeeding despite other people. Not bots. Even when you don't see anyone else in raid, or if you purposely avoid people, you're still succeeding despite other humans if you manage to extract.

Not the point being made, I'm just trying to illustrate the human component to it all. Every single part of a raid that doesn't directly involve people shooting at you is still made meaningful because there are other humans on the map. When you're looting a map full of bots you aren't competing with real people in the map for that loot. Running around picking up loot in a pve match is completely fucking meaningless. There aren't other people on the map who would have loved to get that ledx, who would have killed you for it, yet despite that you got out with it alive. And I mean that even in situations where you don't see a soul the entire raid. The fact that people are in there with you is what makes even the non-pvp aspects of the raid meaningful. You can play tarkov with the intent to 100% avoid all pvp interaction and give people the slip and it would still be a more rewarding experience than fighting bots.
I get reduced to like 10 frames sometimes and have to alt-f4 and reconnect to fix it
>need to get the chemical on factory
>no fucking clue where i am on the new spawns
>die no where near the office
The map layout is largely the same though. You shouldn't really be getting lost
i keep spawning in the new underground part
>play arena match
>lose rep with every trader
>game gets patched
>play arena match
>lose rep with only fence
what the FUCK
>t-t-thanks nikita
just experienced the most heinous audio bug yet, I wish I was recording
some dude screamed into voice chat as he was dying and it looped it like 5 times
Found a scav with the ballistic face mask on Reserve? Does that just happen now?

And no, I didn't get out with it. Was just piling up scavs and pscavs with a silenced P226, then on the way out a playerscav blew my legs off and I bled to death on the way to the train. Three heavy bleeds and a light and loads of damage done. Didn't have enough for all of it. Tried and failed to run out on painkillers. Oh well, lots of xp and an iridium souvenir got out in my case.
the black class 4 one? must have been a pscav who looted it. let that be a lesson though- tread carefully when the pscav horde starts spawning.
It wasn't that late into raid and he walked right into the pile I was building in front of this door. There aren't players this dumb, are there? I feel like pigeons would know better. Pretty sure it was the guy in the red and white jacket.
You can loot those from containers now. I got one my first raid this wipe
those are just AI doing the usual congo line investigating
oh boy, managed to kill glukhar without any contest. 100 hour 30 kda scav player clapped me when i started looting, damn
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i know i am well past my prime when it comes to gaming but damn some of the cunts i come across on FFA and blastgang are crazy. probably just a schizo correlation but i do wish those gamemodes had replays so i could see some of the shit they're pulling
Team fight has kill cams I have no idea why the other modes don't
>queue for a night raid on Interchange/Lighthouse/Shoreline
>sit in the nearest shack/house/corner for 40 minutes
>finally go and do my quest with 10 minutes left in raid
Yep it's gaming time.
As a retard, I still have plenty of R-on-R fights.
absolutely LOVING sitting on top of interchange powerplant and sniping the killa rush niggers going to car exfil
Dangerously based.
killa farmers take backpack extract, retard
>shift clicking "receive all" out of habit
>lost ref rep again
So much for fixing it, I swear to fucking god...
today I will do my duty to protect the rogues bodies from defilement by dirty scavs
I salute the shit out of you.
yeah, i guess nobody else but cheaters play pvp now.
proof? any evidence to back that claim? source?
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not on euro, but they're just so goddamn consistent about clearing every single angle from a millimeter angle that it sometimes feels like they are
also why does the korund feel like this with the reworked update
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lighthouse is fucking loaded with cheaters today
yes, these 100 hour with obviously tanked kdas with the shittiest ammo just clap you from insane angles either shooting only head or thorax
yeah only if they don't manage to kill killa you mongrol
even if they kill killa they still take no backpack. he doesn't have anything you need to take out in a backpack
how can i do sbih on reserve any tips?
Learn spawns and try and get kills in the first couple minutes. Reset if no action
most people just dawn his armor and helmet and dip without a bag, noob
>ahhhhh everyone who kills me is cheating!
go back to PVE were your precious little ego won't get bruised
So some level 50 fag was camping insode the lab room on ground zero, obviously the key was lost the second I opened the door.
Problem is, the key isn't spawning anymore. So do I just not get to progress the game now because some level 50 fag decided he wanted a beanie from a lvl 2 newbie?
Also, is there a quest for killing fresh dudes? Why would someone camp a starter quest location? The ammo had to cost more than the rags I was wearing.
very well calculated grenade or cheater aim bot grenade he probably heard me shooting at scavs 10 secs ago

ahh yes, you must be one of those gigachad below 200 hour over 30 kda with boss achievements. also, i rather play private servers than pve lmao
That key guaranteed spawns on the scientist body every raid, but it's one key for the whole map. If you aren't seeing it by the time you examine the dead scientist it means that someone else has taken the key. If that's the case the next suggestion would be to check the room itself if someone else has unlocked it, then you don't need the key at all.

But a lvl50 guy shouldn't be able to be in your GZ raid if you're lvl2, GZ is actually segregated so you can only raid with people below lvl21. So I'm not sure how that lvl50 guy was there in the first place. But yes, people will camp the fuck out of the HDD room regardless of level, and they can get in without the key by hopping through the windows, so if you're paranoid throw a flashbang in once you open the door.
post his stats
post stats
Well if I can get in without the key that solves my entire problem. I played 3 games in a row with the key missing, the 2nd time I spawned beside the parking lot. Then ran a practice mode and saw it wasn't in there either. So was confused.
As for the level 50 guy, idk. I had a kill earlier that raid on a guy who said something about kills on players level 30-50: 1 or something. And the guy camping was decked out with bulky armor and a faceshielded helmet with a crazy looking gun with a bunch of attatchments. I had a mosin infantry so...
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Yeah you can break the window of the neighboring office then hop out onto the ledge and walk on over to the HDD office. That gets you in without the key.

You're just gonna have to get used to the gear differential, it's part of the game. Once someone hits lvl15 they can buy basically whatever they want on the fleamarket, so if they shell out the cash they can show up with juicy gear. You can too once you hit 15. But better than gear is just experience, there's a lot to learn and the learning process in tarkov is pretty brutal by design so don't let it discourage you. If you feel like you're getting clapped a lot that's just normal.
I just want to get to the point where I can do the cool gun modding system. I just struggle trying to get quests done so I can get there. It's pretty much the entire appeal of this game to me.
very low raids for that KD
You'll get there soon enough, you can open the modding menu once you build the workbench in the hideout. I will say that the GZ quests are crazy brutal and not "noob quests" by any means. If you can use your wits to beat these quests you'll have hardened yourself to tackle most of the other quests that will come your way in the game.
I just assumed it was a noob quest because it's the first quest I got from Mechanic. I really like ground zero because it's easier to navigate. Even with a map, woods just feels impossible to know where I am.
you can post the name here so we can mass report, this isn't reddit
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is this the meta 30mm ring mount?
the BTR horn made me jump
yes, there's also a top piece that gives another bit of ergo I think
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where am i supposed to get these plates from? what a retarded craft like make me give 3-4 lvl4 plates so i can craft one maybe why would i craft that rig
has zb-014 always been a conditional extract? been playing for 4 years, never once seen the extract closed until today.
it's class 5
yes, why would i craft the rig if i have the plates already, let me craft the plates, useless and disappointing
so thats like +1 instead of -1, thats fucking op wtfffff
not really, I doubt anyone notices 1 ergo
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kek how many m1a have you gone through
really isn't that hard, just sit on a rock in woods and wait for niggas
I lose like 3 a day bro....its over...
I still have no progress on Setup or Shooter3....
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is there still a ping limit for which servers you can play on?
like 150 or something
i can select servers with like 170 ping but cant select the ones around 200 theres a dead server with 170 ping i want to find gps thingy on labs and dont want to die to cheaters
use a vpn bwo
>dont want to die to cheaters
good luck with that
took a week off expecting things to chill out, but 3 runs in a row i get head eyes'd before i can leave spawn. its so over
cheaters are always worse on the weekend, the poor cheaters buy 2 day trials of cheats and run wild
does it really work?
yeah ive tried playing last night at degen hours on my servers but always died to people with 50-100 hours one tappin me
>cheaters are always worse on the weekend
yeah makes sense
>the poor cheaters buy 2 day trials of cheats and run wild
lmao wtf, thats actually insane. guess ill just become a pve fag
it's a shame bsg won't give us private servers
pve loses all the charm for me
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this is quiet nice
yes bwo theoretically, you vpn server should be closer to the tarkov server so youll only experience more ping from the vpn to your isp server
>kill sanitar and his boys
>Loot attack backpack, zabralo armour and korund
>crawling to car extract because I'm fat
>headshot by player scav while in a bush
>he's level 1 with only 1 kill and it's me
if you have high ping to a tarkov server in the same region as the vpn you'll still have high ping routing through the vpn
it might appear to the game as lower though
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hows my labs loadout lol
bro wheres ur vss
died after 30 seconds and i dont think he was cheating theyre just better i guess
he was using loud svds in labs which was weird but his stats were average
I bet you would have shredded him if you had a vss
didnt even see him
FUCK found the item needed for solar power but died to a guy crab walking at the corner fuuuckckkk
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the fact that this son of a whore has an EOD account with 800+ hours is mind boggling

after dying 3 times and losing over 700k roubles i decided to sit somewhere and wait till 10 minutes left and loot leftovers, i made absolutely no noise and look at the angle he shoots me from

i used to think that people exaggarate the amount of cheaters tarkov has but once you play labs you realize it i guess this guys cheating on an empty server, this game is actually a waste of time

not saying he isn't cheating, i'd report that, just saying he can see your gun and arms from that catwalk
Should've shoved it up your prison pocket
Loud SVD is ackshuwally great everywhere, especially on a map like labs where suppressors don't give you a sound advantage. There are two good reasons not to use a suppressor on an SVD; one is because it murders and already low-ergo weapon, and the other because it's so loud it can wrap back around to being difficult to pinpoint again (by sound anyway, the muzzle flash in Tarkov is ridiculous).
just killed someone doing good times on factory
i can't imagine the agony he must be in
You're standing in front of a window
why would you do that to him
you can literally see to the backpack exfil from the roof, retards
you can't get on the roof, RETARD
it was a good, honest fight and i added him to tell him i'm sorry :(
now he cant complete that quest for another wipe....
I wish flashbangs were better, I threw one into a room that someone was in but I guess all they need to do is swivel away and they suffer no ill effects? I figure they should at least give you a dizzying effect even if you don't look at the flash
>break my leg
>hobble over to truck near Resort Admin to place my marker
>buddy in West wing tells me Sanitar is in admin
>shoot him
>his guards run towards my buddy as a scav flanks me
>kill scav, guard naded me
>guard also naded my buddy in the next 5 seconds through a tiny gap window
Killing SBIHbies on shoreline is hilarious, just running up on them with a pistol. Already bagged two this raid. I'm gonna try cheesing shooter3 by hiding near a safe at popping people while they inspect it. Not my finest hour kek.
>cottage key is worth +600k rn
>I have one randomly
>haven't done quest yet
I'm tempted to sell it though, I feel like it comes way down in price eventually. Isn't it usually a ~100k key?
if you need GPUs i would keep it. you might have to wait a while for the price to drop.
>lighthouse tasks
Didn't think bsg could make something worse than snoreline tasks, but they did.
It's a prime hotspot right now because of the arena key room.
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>flip items on flea market for infinite rubles
>use highest possible armour + face protection + meta .308 rifle for every kit
>get viewers to cheese tasks
>complain about any gameplay change that doesn't benefit me (eg. plates/throat/armpit hitboxes)
>kill some timmy hiding in a corner frightened for a life
>"lol you're such a shitter get fucking rekt kid I'm a god at the game"
Why is every mouthbreathing twitchfag like this?
where the fuck are all the flash drives
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Shoreline is making me want to quit this fucking wipe
Run up and down the entire fucking map twice and find ONE single scav for my dumb fucking headshot quest only to then run into a 4 man manage to kill one of them and then die to his lvl 40 friend who had a fucking Ash-12
It's done early wipe is long fucking over, mid wipe is long fucking over its not late wipe already and no fun can be found especially not on cursed fucking Shoreline
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>still doing tasks instead of playing the real version of the game - Marathon
You faggots are missing out.
Scav streets, loot filing cabinets by the big bank over by expo.
>the real version of the game is the easy mode where you get 100,000 xp for walking to locations and killing 3 scavs
If you choose to play like a pussy faggot bitch (which apparently you are)? I'm zero to heroing this shit and having an absolute blast. Keep chumping it up running fag tasks for the 15th time queer boy.
you took that one really personally huh?
>Tarkovfags arguing why real man should not only eat shit but they must pick the stinkiest one and eat it in the most disgusting way possible because the only way to justify BSG's shitty game design is to make yourself love eating shit
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>use one class 5 plate to craft a rig with two identical class 5 plates inside
>essentially gives access to infinite lightest class 5 plates with solid durability for free
>hurr durr what a useless craft
Actual retard lmao
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what gats do you want next the most, bros?
narrowed my list down to this
1. M16 series
2. HK G3
4. SVD (6V1)
5. Benelli M4
6. M249
7. Baikal MP-27
8. FN F2000
9. MG3
10. okay this is where I'm split: either
>some sort of Mauser pattern rifle
>M700 long action (eg. Mk 13 Mod 0/5/7)
never was a gunfag but ever since i was a kid and played mgs i fell in love with the socom for some reason.
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what did he mean by this
timmy seething lmao
its 2 and where do you even get one?
Well shit I guess they nerfed it, it used to be just one last wipe. I kneel.
apparently its inside Hexatech HPC, barter for 3 rolers or Ars Arma CPC for 22gp. i can see sort of angle for flipping hexatechs, buy the carrier, remove plates and put it back on the market
how important is the aramid insert? should i go for extra effort for aramid class 3 or just use whatever
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Yeah I'm thinking 5 Scav guns is the play for the cultist circle.
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this is how you're meant to do shooter born
>Death Shadow
Based sweaty destroyer, what level was he?
level 45
I think I'm a poopsocker but then these guys remind me otherwise
if you're over lvl 30 at this point you are poopsocking it
Why are timmies like this?
level 36, so yeah I guess so
exp is going much quicker for me this wipe mind, by now I'm usually only just hitting level 30 and I've been away for a few days as well
i guess few hours a day now is poopsocking
I hate the fact that there's so many 5 minute easy gear recolours they could do to pad out gear variety that still haven't been done years later
>point out what poopsocking is
>within a few minutes three poopsockers come screeching out to defend poopsocking
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>have 2 million rubles and 10,000 dollars
>have all traders at tier 2 at least
>have flea market unlocked
>still feel that complete sense of dread and despare when I die and know I'll have to waste 10 minutes buying healing supplies, ammo, magazines, gun attachments, armour
forget gear fear how the fuck do you get over menu fear
Nigga you can get 100k xp for one marathon quest.
lvl 1 - 20 early wipe
lvl 20 - 40 mid wipe
lvl 40+ late wipe

I don't make the rules anon but thats how it works and its only been two weeks since the game wiped
Anon early wipe lasts 2 days.
true very uncommon to see anyone under lvl 20 on tarkov at the moment no way you ever see it
last time i checked poopsocking is 8 to 16 hours a day, doing absolutely nothing but grind.
Great list, I agree with the top 3. I would add SIG SG550 and it's variants. Maybe more bolties since you're forced to use them so fucking much. Maybe some Galils too.
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yeah that's why I suggested the long-action M700, Mauser and AW/AWM. It's strange how there's only a couple of Western bolt-actions in the game despite there being a fucking multitude of them, from old milsurp to modern precision rifles.
A couple of memier options in 5.56/.300BO would be nice too, like 'I want to get SBIH done and I have a bunch of M855A1/CBJ laying around'.
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ummmm I was told I would get elite str
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there's yer problem, son.
Another tarkov prodigy running around with no headset
holy shit hes got that gamer chair
He just heard that single step at the start, bro.
>just standing there in the open
>didnt have peakers advantage
>dies before even seeing anything
l m a o
stupid negro why would i craft something if ive already have the thing, crafting should give me something that i dont have
>for free
really bro? you get free ledxes, free meta ammo when you craft them? is that how your handicapped mind works?
>really bro? you get free ledxes, free meta ammo when you craft them? is that how your handicapped mind works?
No, you stupid nigger. I didn't notice they changed the craft to two plates now, I agree it's useless now, but in the past it was the exact same recipe and the craft was basically free, because not only did you get an extra plate, the carrier itself offset the cost of Aramid and Ripstop required for the craft.
The G3, and the PPS-43 as a slower-firing alternative to the PPSh
yes thats what im saying you should get a "free" plate idiot thats why i craft to be able to get something i dont have access to through traders
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>Man, you know what this game needs? a few more niche guns no one will use because of low rpm or shit ammo, instead of fixing the game they should focus on THAT, that would surely make the game more entertaining

t. /k/ fag who doesnt even plays the game just wants to look at gun models

i mean if you really like them why not just look at gun pictures at that point
based as val enjoyer take
>he thinks BSG's asset modelers are programmers
It was good you to attach an image of yourself
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>gun modeling and animations costs no money to BSG(which they could be using that money to fix the game)
The stupid part is that the low rof weapons don't have lower recoil to compensate. Tarkov isn't realistic anyway so they might as well unfuck the weird balance. I'm pretty sure that 7.62x39 guns still have more recoil than .308.
Did they make keys harder to find this wipe? I feel like I used to pile them up easier. Lots of filing cabinets searched at Reserve. Only found one of the job keys so far. No problem with stuff like flash drives though. And plenty of intel to get Peacekeeper's dollars up.

>everyone at BSG is a pay-per-task contractor
>buying/renting the gun
>recording audio at gun range or whatever etc.
these cost money also you need to implement them in the game and make sure they work which probably will draw workforce from other departments which you could be spending that workforce on fixing the game etc etc. also you could fire some animators if you wont be needing them the next 6 months think before you type please
>not doing stuff saves you money
WOW mind blowing right?
>t. /k/ fag
neck yourself glowfaggot
>neck yourself
you first
>load up interchange
>hear cheater spraying his SVD full auto
shturman cosplayer for sure
no doubt
20 dollars for a pair of cargo pants?
All your problems are because you dont throw enough nades
lol i love when that happens
going in to raid with shit gun armour no helmet is really rewarding because when you kill people it feels 10x better man i love being poor
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>gear up
>wait for a game
>run around for 5 minutes
>kill one guy
>oh wait it was a duo
>die to his friend
>gear up
>wait for a game
>run around for 10 minutes
>kill two guys
>oh wait it was a trio
>die to their friend
>gear up
>wait for a game
>run around for 5 minutes
>kill two guys
>oh wait it was a 4 man
>die to their friend's
It's been a hard day today
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>the one friend you game with is afraid of Tarkov
>every time you do play with him he team kills you
First rule of Tarkov, fren.
I'm just going to be the one to say it fella's but I don't think this wipe has been very good
>arena giving millions of roubles and XP with zero effort
>flea flipping
I agree, we're basically in late wipe since like a week.
and you know that is going to stay in to try and get people to buy Arena
not enough to make me not want to play but if I'm running into lvl 20 EOD and Unheard players again in the first week I'm probably going to start playing a lot less
Yeah arena should give like 10% of the exp it does right now, but same amount of money/gp coins. I think the resources are enough to "sell" people on arena, the exp is just way too crazy. I barely got to have fun with early level builds, I blinked and was lvl20 already.
it should give 0% exp and 0 rubles since its supposed to be its own thing
But anoooooon, no one would play it otherwise.
>supposed to be
Was it? I thought from its inception it was supposed to tie into the main game somehow.
Man flechette feels pretty wimpy this wipe
was it not pretty shit last wipe as well?
>it's another episode of dude just so happens to look directly where your head is going to show up
I don't really know, just seems like it takes forever to even kill scavs with it.
it has always been busted, anon is just retarded
I feel like Raiders have gotten worse. Twice I've encountered them this wipe just recently. Both times I got shot in the face by their first bullet after discovering them standing perfectly still in a bizarre place waiting to be activated by player presence (to which they responded with a first shot headshot each time). First one I shot three times in the body despite being startled. Second time no chance. Two of them in a side room. Did kill one this time who was in a semi-normal spot. Which made me not expect the two idle ones. Last wipe I was killing the raiders for fun.

Also I'm concerned about sound. I don't hear many footsteps anymore and worry that Nikita wants my sound up so loud gunshots hurt. Does anybody else have genuine issues with that?
I don't know if BSG has ever talked about it or ever will but are they ever going to add random spawn points? Not even complaining from a "oh I just died because of it" but the opposite I spawned in Shoreline and realised "oh wait doesn't someone spawn over there" and sure enough some geared guy came running over the hill and I one tapped him no skill on my point was just because I remembered where the spawns were
Even I have to admit it was a bullshit kill from me
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They finally added some simple recolors of existing clothes (locked behind bullshit quests but still) and people shat their pants in anger.
Anybody with a plate laughs at flecshit.
After extensive testing I can say that it's still the best 12g ammo
Buckshot and slugs were a complete disaster
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today i will remind them
>Looting fortress 2nd floor
>AI scav wanders in, never hear him
>Nearly kills me with his saiga from 1st floor
>His gunshots sound muffled and distant
>Looting military checkpoint
>AI scav wanders close, never hear him
>Head, throats me with his first burst while I'm checking an ammo box
Either X-Cels are the fucking worst headphones in the game, or the sound propagation is infinitely worse than last wipe. Pretty sure it's the second one.
The fact that he killed you via blunt damage isn't an argument for the effectiveness of flechette.
If anything it's you being unable to kill a dude that was gimping himself hard by using a shotgun.
Most of the maps have this issue. It's especially bad on Factory (or at least it was, maybe the refresh changed the spawns?) and on Lighthouse (too few spawns, too many players, any beachside spawn is fucked forever)
really set to die on the hill of flechette not being busted arn't you
it is. try that with any other shot shell against class 6 and see how many shots it takes to kill via blunt.
>If anything it's you being unable to kill a dude that was gimping himself hard by using a shotgun.
i feel like you've posted this before. and you realize that happened on factory, right? lmao "gimping" yourself with a shotgun in CQB: the map. now go ahead and post about how it's okay because it's a "punch up" round.
It's ok guys I got my first setup kill with flechette you can stop arguing about it now
>bring level 5 armor
>die to level 16
You think a player finding one pack of M855A1 before level 15 is unrealistic?
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A wooden and or black stock for Remington 700 is all I ask for.
I don't like the ugly ass greyish camo stock
they should fix the cheater problem then add skins to make up for the lost cheater revenue
No, it's just annoying that the one time I bring good armor is when I run into some asshole who got lucky and found good ammo.
Tarkov drip is fun but I don't know how motivated someone would be to actually spend money on skins. Skins are cooler in games where you actually have clearer views of your opponent, in tarkov everyone kind of looks like the same dark blob until you see their body up close. I guess it's cool for the profile inspection window though.
That and seeing your gun in first person. Would be nice to have some kind of gun painting mechanic. Throw it in as another hideout addition or something.
why arms tank bullets? i dont get it im shooting this scav with .366 ap-m and his arms eat 3 of my bullets all shot at thorax
don't run good kits on the weekend?
i wish there was a slow prone without making noise
>There is ALWAYS one more
just facetapped a shitter with a level 4 face shield with PS ammo, then his two buddies magdumped me. nothing i couldve done
this wipe has been the worst wipe i've experienced.
Flea flipping is back, arena is busted and people are constantly running around with meta kits.
They need to bring bacck FIR restrictions and nerf the arena xp
selling hideout items for GP coins, not power levelling you to level 30 in the first couple of days
customs is an underhated map
Can one of you assholes sell a Ghzel and accidentally miss one number when inputting the price?
you're kinda right. unless you're playing arena, level 30 by now with a job, a relationship and family is insane. The level 40+ people you see are NEETs who use their disability benefits to live on the game.
>start this wipe a bit late
>go customs
>get killed by M80 and AP slugs already
im out, already late wipe is crazy
take solace in the fact that you ruined the raid for at least one squad-babby
Leave it to BSG to inexplicably remove Ragman's Gzhel barter
what penalties would you give to squaddies?
I would give them a deployment cost and insurance is disabled. I think that would be fair for the considerable advantage you get over solos.
pve players cant have epic fights like this

more AI spawn that actively hunt them
How am I supposed to get the "Missing Informant" quest from Lightkeeper to trigger? I completed "Information Source" two days ago and the wiki says that it should only take 10 hrs to trigger the next quest yet every time I go to see lightkeeper he says he has no work for me.
>stopping to take more ammo out of his ass
fucking kek
that just makes the loot go to them, though. I wouldn't strictly change their gameplay. I'd add requirements to even have a co-op buddy. Insurance frauding is already super overpowered and defeats the purpose of the game.
why the fuck do i never get these two cardboard cutouts in my lobbies and i always get the sweatiest poopsock lords who one tap me the moment a pixel appears.
disabling insurance for squads would be great. it's never safe to loot a squad babby on account of their butt buddies hiding in bushes to rat their bodies
Holy based
woods is full of timmies lately
>spawn customs big red
>go into the garage yard
>guy holding angle
>10 seconds
how have the spawns NEVER been reworked is beyond me.
nigger it's like week 3 of the wipe what the fuck are you talking about lately
customs is one of the worst maps.
It's even worse than Shoreline and I don't know why people love it.
It's easy to learn, but thats the only thing it has going for it. Nowhere to loot except dorms, the lanes are designed so you are guranteed to bump into people, extracts are extremely ratted, big open spaces with no cover, terrible spawns. It's my least favourite map.
Disabling their insurance should be enough
NTA but I am level 43 in PvP now
>accidentally killed fellow scav
>end screen
>it was a traitor scav
i think he means 3 weeks into the wipe is lategame, even more so thanks to the arena XP.
People are already at end game printing bitcoins and money isn't an issue because you can flea flip for infinite money.

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