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Previous: >>492922674
I love how theres no quality discussion because the local /sfg/ fag just starts refusing to give (you)s and insult when they start seething at a different opinion.
Off by one digit, oof
Sexthanie, my AIfu....
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I think sometimes theres quality discussions but they are quite rare, but you can't expect too much because theres too many unironical troons here.
Niggers just way too tribalized, they don't argue to search the truth but to defend their own personal agendas
Like the classicucks who made playing on their control scheme their entirely personality so if you criticize it they take as a personal attack
Terry pass

How hard does honda sumo stop k-cancelled into his command grab mess up shitters??? I'm practicing it right now, starting to get the timing down
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More like Terry's ass... Is there anything worthwhile to even remotely consider paying money for some pixels and digital goods inside a 60$ game?
Play Modern.
it's a good meme and they will get hit by it at least once a set
>SNK screen challenger
Why would anyone use this?
I don't get it, is not like the iconic Tekken Vs screen they should add when they collab with Tekken
The pass would be worth the money maybe if it had Mai's clothes in them, Kula's haircut...
Idom bouta win his first online tournament
Powered by Mickey.
I kinda get liking Classic because is the shit you grew up with, but denying that is outdated and poor designed is crazy. Specially for pads. Or complaining about Modern in SF6 when Classic is stronger.
>Watching Dix at anything but super duper high level offline
Why would you do this to youself?
Actual artificial discussion
You are not serious or even real
Is Punk gonna cast a tournament or he gave up on that idea?
Pink cant even speak nigga
Yes I watch it and I enjoy it
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Dale gave up on the idea of casting because you gotta be always oiling the guys up and never trash talking them, and this was in old fgc
Imagine how much worse it is now
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Define "serious" define "real"
Sorry Idom! Du lost to you to fight Caba lmao
Sad day if this happens
He sucks
Du has locked in
Cola: DRIVE IMPACT BACK TO BACK!!!! that was a genius play by fartsnifferalter the AWARENESS to drive impact when things got tight shows a mastery of the game we have yet to see.
James: and of course if you counter someone with a drive impact if they drive impact you, then YOU get a free combo, lets see what the sniffer has in store
Crazy how even in the cherrypicked cute screenshots this game still has an eerie feeling to it.
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AI would cast it better and I don't care what the AI-hating trannies gonna say
They are doing their job what the fuck you want them to say?
>James: and of course if you counter someone with a drive impact if they drive impact you, then YOU get a free combo, lets see what the sniffer has in store
James Chen talking about something that happened in the current round and not 20 years ago broke my immersion
Li Fen sent me a text saying she's alone in battlehub Asia 0013 and to bring meat buns and condoms. I got there but it wasn't empty, it was just a bunch of fat guys standing around looking nervous, and for some reason I can't leave.
Idom bros
Birdbros we did it
>a sorry ass nigger like idom has unironical supporters
Crazy times
You were saying nigger?
Manon is le weak
>Tachikawa beated fuudo with Manon
>Idom beated Du
I'm always rooting for iDom, calls it like it is (shit game) but also takes responsibility for his own mistakes regardless. Happy for him.
Sorry my bad!Idom pretty good
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>Win a round with an air-to-air combo into a super
where is idom playing?
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a fighting game player crossdressed?? LMAOOOOO you should post this in every thread!!
>ken spamming that fucking overhead low kick over and over again, or jab jab into walk up throw
I'm hopping off this game is infuriating me again
grrr.... stop having fun with this game.... don't make me post.......THAT....
Cammy's husband
>play a character with a decent crouch medium buttons that cancel into drive rush
>things are fine
>play a character that doesnt
>feel like dying
truly this game feels like they made the entire universal system benefit solely on the idea you have a long cancelable low.
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Hora hora!
Lily is not very good but people in diamond play like complete retards against her.
Juri's husband wife
This. V-cancer will never be fightan culture. Not even Smash, or Tekken wants them.
I wish Juri's husband was my husband instead of Juri's...
>disrespecting dokibird
Doki is 10 times as entertaining as anyo fthe rest of the motherfuckers in that cap.
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Day 4.
So horny for his own wife.... erotic.
This is the SF6 community.
I'm not even gay and I lowkey wish for a person to love me to death like he does, if I had a pussy I would let him cream me up
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Project Justice.
>horny niggas when they hear a female voice be like
Always cracks me up that this hideous character got the most wholesome waifufag.
Juri aint even that cute.
Does anyone actually watch the JP round robin thing?
Every time I tune in they're just talking for 15mins straight till I get bored and leave
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He is basically a male yandere, but probably without the violence. Instead of killing you if you cheat on him, he would kill himself.
ugly women make the best wives.
I don't know how a man can enjoy watching vtubers and enjoy playing fighting games at the same time. They seem like completely opposite activities.
>I don't know how a man can enjoy watching vtubers
V-tuber is such a brainrot it seems the worst of anime ( soullvess, bad animation) combined with the worst of streaming (person is not even showing their real face and at some times the voice is fake too)
I think people leave them on while they study and stuff, so its mostly younger people in countries with not much to do besides study and browse the internet.
Just found out Zangief couldnt combo into level 3 on release at all lol thats so ass
Gief's level 3 is a reversal that does over half your health, that shit should've remained like that.
Release Zangief felt like an incomplete character desu, i honestly think they made him late into development. Not surprising he got the most buffs out of everyone in the cast by far.
kill redditgief
nerf him back into bottom tier pls thanks crapcom
Live Xgief
Buff him into for the first time ever top tier please thanks capcom
I think he was top tier in one of the Alpha games.
people really are shocked that a grapplers grab super couldn't be comboed into
>turn on japan tournament stream
>zaint fucking cola
>commentators are taking turns talking with long pauses between them
what the fuck is going on
Anyone elses game acting kinda weird?
Welll, I'd rather just have good Gief than good Blanka/Sim/Honda/Manon/Marisa.
man momochi is good
I genuinely never have raged at video games my entire life and I grew up playing smash bros, the souls series, and tedious jrpgs, but something about SF6 makes my blood boil when I play it online and I don't know why. I can barely get through 10 ranked games without getting off from seethe.
He's top tier right now.
Lily can do it, so i kinda assumed so could release Gief. His combo is a bit wonky though, needs to spend drive for it unlike other characters.
the game is constantly gaslighting you into thinking its a fighting game
I'm not a fan of how the lighting engine makes characters blend in the stage. It was an issue with SFV as well, but it's especially noticeable in this game with the current art direction.
He still feels like an incomplete character. He's just sort of bad
My main issues are
>Dropping DI counters at least 50% of the time when I KNOW I pressed that shit
>Same thing for throw techs
>Blocking pressure perfectly in the corner just for them to throw out DI mid pressure and it wallsplats or dizzys me because I was holding block, or even worse the game drops my counter DI
>Round start slime rush fast attack into 50% HP or more gone
>Characters like Akuma, Cammy, Rashid, Ken, Ed, etc that get to mash in your face for free
>Diagonal inputs on ps5 controller feel like absolute dogshit, and misinput forward or back command normals instead constantly but that's a skill issue
>Online being dominated by DLC
>Modern controls giving people 1 button combos and supers
His weaknesses are pretty big, but they feel intended now. Release he was missing so much basic stuff on top of having a glitched burn out recovery.
Level 1 is still a joke though.
>Wins a Capcom pro tour tourney
>be me
>kinda casual sf player for like 15 years
>sf4 all the way until now
>played on release sf6
>got into it pretty hard with ryu
>made it to plat 4
>start having less time to play video games due to life so put sf6 to the side for a while
>came back in june
>picked up ed
>placed at plat 1 with 7 wins in placement
>climbed to plat 5
>highest is halfway to diamond 1
>main thing holding me back are fundamentals and punishes
>fast forward to last week
>want to start learning aki
>learn aki
>my combo game is pretty fucking cheeks taking advantage of stray hits
>my fundamentals are kinda ass
>still making it kinda work
>start doing ranked tonight as i was finally comfy on her
>win 7 matches, just like ed
>diamond 2
>what the fuck
someone please explain this to me.
you beat higher ranked opponents or had closer matches with them
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>80% of my losses are because im thinking way more than my opponent whos just mashing
nice game
can't get a match in mid masters... is mickey slime kill?
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Vtubers are SF6 culture whether you like it or not

your base internal ranking is higher because of your previous diamond placement

>mmm yes i'm so technically perfect yet my opponent is just mashing?? how is this possible??

what rank are you
i only played against plats in placements
i never placed nor have ever broken into diamond before.

i need to learn to read. my bad anon
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Does anyone else only play this game on an alt? Every time I lose it only reaffirms the fact that I should never play on my main account. I will never be good enough to want to be seen playing fighting games as much as I do.
sounds retarded sorry get help
You do not feel ashamed at your lack of skill?
no it's a videogame
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>Chun Li tried to eat Ed's birthday cake
But everyone who plays it is so good. Every time I turn the game on it's a blow to my self-confidence.
NTA but when you listen to a song do you always skip to the end?
Playing is about enjoying the moment and the proccess. If you chase glory and respect from others you will always be unhappy, because even if you someday reach this level, you will also get old, newer players will surpass you, and someday you will even die.
Like he said >>493087689 it is just a game.
hags will be hags
Who is more autistic, ineeduchun or ineeduchun haters?
You're right anon. I think I just don't enjoy the process after all. I think I am just playing this game because I'm stubborn. Maybe it's time to move on.
I still can't believe she did that to Guile... why does Chun keep trying to take cake from white boys?
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Never ever.
Is anyone who plays the game a lot actually permastuck in diamond. It's hard to fathom getting to diamond and then being unable too progress, since the skill difference is so small between the ranks. Makes me think that all these people just don't play the game much at all so they don't get better
Diamond is an odd rank because it's filled with a bunch of Master players just grinding other characters because they have to
Tonight, I dine on Jivecucks
Capcom realized they couldn't stop smurfing, so they built it into the game. People will smurf anyway.
Some people have scrubby habits that they never unlearn because people in diamond don't punish them hard enough for it
platinum and diamond are pretty easy to get stuck in.
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I just wonder what Li Fen pedo's up to!
Being stuck in a rank in this game isn't as fun as it was in Jive.
no idea what that's supposed to mean
You got to keep lower ranks longer in Jive because you had to do better consistently to rank up.You could play casual against lower ranks for as long as you wanted too.
Also when you sucked with a new character you'd get knocked back down very quickly.
You remind me of an old buddy of mine who went through like 8 steam accounts in our counterstrike days because he had OCD about how counterstrike would keep track of every match played and they didn't want to look like it took them a long time to get to whatever rank they were at, at the moment. It was never enough for them.
Take it from someone who only bought counterstrike once, the secret is to not fucking worry about that. At all. No one cares about the amount of hours you have or "how long it took you to get good" or whatever.
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My ultra sexo wife.
in trying to cultivate a "feel good" rank system where you don't derank, they've accidentally made something far harsher where players on a win streak can catapult way way over their head into shark infested waters way above where they should be
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What was he thinking with this thumbnail?
the guy who will play any character as long as he's top tier just won a tournament with him gief ain't even mid-tier
I beat a sajam slam participant in ranked today but it was narrow. I gotta step my game up
>Gief won 2 big tournaments but he's still sort of bad........WHY???? HE JUST IS OK
“I don’t even know who you are!”
He was giggling and trying to rationalize it with “I know diaphone! Me and him are cool!(despire disphone not ever batting for him)
this dude needs to ENTIRELY disengage with the internet before something really bad happens
He certainly wasn’t thinking about how deranged he looks making a whole video about a minor interaction that the other person in the thumbnail probably forgot about 30 seconds after it happened
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She's trans
Does /vt/ ever talk about fighting games cause of all the community vtuber events that get thrown?
yeah it's not very good
everything below master is virtually the same rank
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>season 2 introduces wake up Drive Reversal
>2 out 3 times your character wakes up DI instead
How do you fight Manon with Rashid? I just fought some master with practically every damn character and I just plain can't press anything when she's near me.
brawlpro just hit master in a few days what's your excuse
games bad and turns me into LTG
Master is meaningless. I have almost everyone in the game in master and I still suck.
I got filtered by modern mashers in low ranks and uninstalled
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remember when anons where talking about how the changes to parry and wake up drive reversal was going to completely change the meta for season 2?

skill issue


wake up drive reversal is an amazing defensive option for characters without ex dp
This fucking pussy ass Manon won't accept custom room matches. I hate them.
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Sex with Jamie
>wake up drive reversal is an amazing defensive option for characters without ex dp
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>the secret is to not fucking worry about that. At all. No one cares about the amount of hours you have or "how long it took you to get good" or whatever.
Not the anon you're replying, but I know a moderator from the biggest local SF discord group who's also a lawyer IRL who stalks people's CFN IDs. He's a person completely obsessed with stats, your average Steamcharts poster really.
He's not a problem for me because I can get to Master in like 2-3 days with any character, but he can be very gatekeeping to new players who ask for improvement.
>I know a moderator from the biggest local SF discord group who's also a lawyer IRL who stalks people's CFN IDs
UltraDavid did WHAT
He's a person nowhere near this level of fame, and he's not from the US.
Wait so he's rude to players that aren't in master, but then also doesn't wanna give lower ranked players any tips to improve? Sounds like a shithead I wouldn't wanna play with anyway tbqh
He's a lawyer anon. He's a villain be default.
I'm having to watch a lot of much stronger players to play Rashid. I just have no idea what to do in neutral, and now idea what to confirm into when I do besides some janky eagle spike combos.
Oh my god. I just realized I can cancel, Rashid's target combo into his little backwards tornado. I would have realized this sooner if I ever ran into this guy.
Gonna get real with you all. I hate playing neutral and wish the opponent just ate my oki mix everytime.
Fuck off Ken.
This is way more common than people think. When I went to VSFighting this year I met a guy who I beat in my first game and we got talking. Later in the day we met up and were talking about our games, he won most of them and then admitted to me that he had gone through CFN for all the potential players in the pool that he would face and went over all their stats and replays but couldnt find my CFN because my tournament name was different to what my CFN is
There's no problem looking at CFN data to learn about your opponent's playstyle and potential gameplay holes. It exists for that reason.
There is indeed a problem if said person uses that data against people who are learning how to play and start belittling them because they take a clip about them being, you know, bad at the game and start posting it in the channel. At that point you're just being a full-on asshole.
lil bro really getting bullied by a discord tranny
Just hit lawyerschizo with the counterpoint
>You mod a Discord therefore you are a pedophile
Simple as pie
Are you telling me that 4chan is full of discord mods?
Discord certainly has more pedos or at least equal to 4chan, it's an app advertised to children where you can make private groupchats with little to no verification.
If you moderate a discord you're unironically suspect in my eyes.
What about guys who just use discord to distribute free shit, or make games or rom hacks?
>16gb update
terry out?
ss lost to 1198MR guile
I think Rashid, Aki and Luke are the most fun to play characters in the game.
They're based
I should've specified if you run a video game related discord, or any other hobby with a lot of minors in it like cartoons, you're pretty weird.
Amazing how many retards there are who still don't understand how an ELO system works
But video games have a lot of minors playing them. I guess Discord is just the only easy way to distribute that shit.
dont think theres a character i hate more than rashid
unga bunga adhd approach to the game
influencer personality
annoying as fuck
two lvl2s in one fucking round
I'm retarded anon. Plz explain.
nigga brought up the rank distribution graph as his cope
I've been playing Rashid like a total retard so I only just figured out how to unga bunga with him. I think Aki's combos are fun, and Luke can just fucking bum rush the fuck out of you yet still has some tricky shit. They're all fun to play. Not fun to fight against, though I've gotten pretty good at fighting Aki lately.
Stopped reading there. It's Elo. Retard.
Not a real elo system when its only applied to people at a certain rank. Would be a real elo system if it was universal
You stopped reading two words before the sentence ended?
They needed the meme ranks to give casuals a sense of progression, besides there would barely be any reason to even differentiate people from Iron to Plat.
>besides there would barely be any reason to even differentiate people from Iron to Plat
not the case if there was a real elo system from the start, and handholding ranks is a shit thing to do. No other competitive game does this but fgs feel the need to not only make their games baby food, but then give players ranks with negative win rates. A elo system from the start would have made the game so much more bearable
literally hold forward and parry before wakeup
also to do regular DR you need to press forward BEFORE pressing parry
How would you anons nerf zangrief if you could? Would you give him light nerfs or make him pay for his sins this season? How would you go about it?
Give more startup frames to headbutt, make it just as slow as Bison's heavy punch
and by parry i mean DI...
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Tongue-punching Cammy's shit-encrusted anus. Simple as.
she canonically has HIV in sf6
these are the people sf6 was built for. People who were sidelined for years and were given superpowers by SF6. All my friends in master can't actually play fighting games to save their life. They just learn street fighter 6 specific combos and do nothing if they're not point blank because they are conditioned to just slime.
revert the buffs to knee
reduce the range on level 3 so he's not longer impossible to pressure once he has it stocked
step aside bozos real waifu material comin thru
>dix killed street fighter in 1 year
i hate perfect parry so much, i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it i hate it
this game SUCKS
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>kami 6 saved street fighter in just 1 year
saved... huh....
Yup SF isnt seen as a joke anymore like during SFV
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COTW waiting room.
whats dhalsim like on modern
You weren't even aware rival school existed before SF5 gtfo.
Jive derangement syndrome
this bitch broke a contract and acted unprofessional fuck her
It's seen as a party masher like brawlhalla
but enough about kekken 8
>stuck at 1400MR
>first fighting game was Dix
>subbed to sajam and max dood
>very active on Twitter and discord
Yup, it's time to defend my CapMasters.
You forgot the most important thing :
>Be on redditw4v8
GAROU is just third strike for even bigger youtube watching posers
Uma will be just like goku after stepping out of the time chamber this nigga has been learning the game for half a year now any second now...
uma musume
if i just won a million dollars i wouldnt be playing SF6 either
then why go to Evo Japan and get flushed
evo japan was his wake up call, he realized him winning was fluke in this random ass game and decided to call it a day.
You save your tech for the tournaments that matter
Whenever I feel bad about Dix enjoyers I remember that some of them actually want throw loops to stay and I stop feeling bad about their mickey game anymore
>saving tech to finish 129th
lol no amount of cope will explain away Uma's casino win
Trust the plan
you now remember Kakeru
He reached second place at Topanga he's still doing his thing unlike Cuckma
he's still at every event though?
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Uma will forever be based for using Juri to shit on Lukefags
Remember smug?
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you would get banned for doing this shit now on twitch
i mained G in SFV and used to steal all of his combos. its a shame he fell off
Good morning, woke up extra early so I have more time to hate SF6
Him raping LTG was kino
if people were smarter they wouldve realized that it was over a year ago already.
>background that looks like his grandmother's house
Just gooned to gay porn and my hubby is still sleeping, it's time to SPD people.
Why do you ask sir?
Balrog and Vega soon
i wish we would get dudley and see him on top, hes funny
He rogged out in SFV, probably will do the same in 6
>i wish we would get dudley
I wish we don't get that faggot ass character and instead we get OG Rog. If washed up Smug wants to play a nigga boxer than he can play Rog or stick to playing boomerslop on fightcade.
This game is ASSSSSSSS
All rogfags think about is his their self-insert's dick and they have the balls to call dudley fans gay
Everyone when jive
Man, this game is bad.
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Who would you rate at the moment as the best character in the game?
I'm torn between Rashid and Bison.
Shuckle simps need to be studied, what makes her opinions different from anyone else venting frustration?
Ken and Rashid
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>no perfect parry
>no throw loops
>no slime rush
>no premium currency
>has color edit
>has panty shots
>first season of DLC is free
>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers

Le funny artwork
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It's not just her
i didnt predict capcom's strongest capsoldiers turning heel
Jivers are snakes
Why did angry bird delete his tweets shitting on UMA and how Capcom cup is run.
Ok, let me extend it. Why should I care what some random person thinks about something. You can enjoy things with or without it being perfect, bad, or good.

This random eceleb sympathizing is poison to your world view. Seriously relax your anus and just don't play the game or even talk about.
Nephew called CPT trash recently too no one likes this game...
Sf6 having a bunch of shit mechanics making the game jittery and random, ugly models, less meaningful content (characters and costumes), and having a pro tour that's run like shit compared to the previous ones is the perfect storm, kek.

And it's so funny because retards who started with sf6 can't see it and shills don't want you to #nootice.
its not enough to not play, i must stop others too
I mean jive was so dogshit that's what people did in mass
They did all this and they still can't outsell Mortal Kombat. Sad.
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>b-b-b-but twitter
>b-b-b-but SF5
>b-b-b-but tekken
I pray i never get so sad i save webms of something i hate, its no different than being a cuck
>>feint cancels will filter trannies and dixers
I can't wait to see this happen in real time.
Dixies are cuckolding experts..............
i mean i have had sex with two peoples wives, you're right
16ers won the biggest crybabies contest
even shuckle and emezie...
>reset the programming again
jivers are such bots
All the CapSoldiers deserted it is now up to me to decide massa Mats and his nubian queen addiction it's not easy but it's honest work
>lost lolcows like emezie
>gained the general public back
SF6 won
>still malding over something they hate
like i said cuck behavior
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Why did this bitch betray us?
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>still malding over post she hates
uh oh
Kami 6
>>493119935 meant for >>493120013
drive rush jab throw
drive rush throw
walk up neutral jump
God 6
This unironically looks like a Concord character design.
sometimes I also turn blue whenever I'm minus to get a free sideswitch
Kusoge 6
Bro if you open every single round of every single match with drive rush just fucking kill yourself
>no players
>Hop on SF6
>Set vs walk back jump scare guy
>Set vs another walk back jumpscare guy
>Set vs tard masher
>Set vs OPTIMISED walk back jumpscare guy
I fucking despise this game with all my heart
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Me every match
I like SF6 because it gave me superpowers
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Not even close
>idom beats his meat to this
*turns red when you were looking for green*
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wtf i'm idom?
He's right.
He is. However there are bigger fish to fry and I'd rather capcom forget about it entirely so they don't only touch DI and not DR or PP and be like yep we fixed the game hehe
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holy fuck slime 6 could never be this kino
I think i'll continue rubbing my clit and complaining about the game brownbird
are you low mmr?
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Bottombird called the game random trash thoughever
Exactly 2001 MR. Quote me: This game is shit.
i dont believe you
Cap, sfg is filled with scrubs
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Proof attached. I honestly can't believe this slander.
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>I was a hair away from maining manon on release but didn't want to play a top tier
I am conflicted on how I feel about this.
>sfg is filled with scrubs
yeah we know they are the ones praising dix
seems legit
>sdg is filled with scrubs
yeah we know they are the ones praising jive
>no u
concession accepted
Jivie cope
what's sdg?
worlds weakest kami6god could single-handedly crush the strongest jivetroon... says a lot about society
aka the jive general
jive filtered trash like punk and UMA from winning major events like Evo/CPT now any rando can mash their way to the top (including modern baby mode)
Modern is babyfood
Look at what you posted for a hint why.
He was just screaming like a bitch about UMA winning a million last week but others can't complain kek
I kneel
i like how a casual dixie mentally gapes hardcore jiver they move the goalpost and continue coping for hours on end
2500mr here. SF6 is the best game ever made
Just hit 1999 MR, I'd give my opinion but I'm not allowed. Oh well maybe in another life
2000 LP
SF6 is a great game
walk in bh1 and my nigga bdj is there losing to diamond 1 ken's and ryu's.
Yeah I’m a Dixie kong…so what.
Oh what’s that? I carry the sequel and eventual next sequel? Damn
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Street Fighter 6 is... an interesting game.
SF6 saved fighting games and you'll get 4 characters a year forever
me on the right
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I'd be fine with it if they didn't waste 2 slots per year on boring guest characters.
Raw DR costs way too little drive meter.
Sipping coffee and reading people throwing tantrums over video games never gets old
we dont know how good we had it with ono
This but semen while playing Dix
Imagine a dixxer wit a steaming BBC gaping a nice lil white jivetroon
least homosexual Dixster
id rather deal with drive reversal and parry than drive impact and rush. seriously i dont know what it is but id rather be option selected than lose because i DR lowed into the corner and put in a grinder. why they choose to die on this hill is a mystery
Jiver tantrums never get old
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haha what if made a rushdown character but made her the only one without a good cancelable low from drive rush wouldnt that be unique and cool and not fucking stupid???
whats my oki after light tatsu into sweep with akoomer
Not gonna lie, I’d imagine a jiver looks like umisho. I’d fuckin sleep that boy daily, make sure to have my hand in his pocket daily
its still baffling that they made kimberlys teleport so fucking bad and got rid of her safe jump for no reason at all.
i mean its plus and you can link after it anyway
Is there any upside to playing a non-shoto/DP haver on Modern?
Kim rapes you in the corner nobody wants her to be good
ken and juri spent an entire year raping everyone anywhere on the screen
kimberly needs corner, cans, install, and a ton of meter to MAYBE kill you in 3 coinflips
yeah for instant reversal supers. Marisa and Honda were very popular modern characters
you play modern if you want to have the game play for you and are a complete scrub
Wouldn't be surprised if Drive Rush was a retooled mechanic from that old SF6 build where the game was reportedly a KOF-style tag fighter.

...now that I'm typing this, Terry and Mai addition makes more sense.
It's over
>[BLANk] rapes you in the corner nobody wants them to be good
name 5 characters who this doesnt apply to
I mean you can say that about literally every modern character. I'm talking about benefits that actually matter in the meta and imo unless the super is a lunging one, preferably a lvl 2 rather than 3, they're kinda whatever.
Lately I keep mixing up this button with her sweep because of how similar the animation is. How rare she is in ranked doesn't help
Marisa? Have you not touched this game since the summer of 2023? No one plays Marisa on Modern anymore, she's trash. Even Femshep dropped her.
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Wish I could round up every Ken player and have them be raped and beaten by fentanyl abusing blacks. Fucking Christ what a mentally taxing match.
>oh don’t want to approach hadoken hadoken, DRAGON SLASH
>jab jab or GRAB
>guess wrong
I don't get why they made Akuma's hair white.
im more mad that they made all of her lows nearly impossible to be safe at tip range when she already has some stubby ones
akuma looks terrible all around the hair are the least of the problems
Old age but also to signify how inhuman he is now. Walking that path of pure combst
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>caring about the hair when he looks like a troll
Akuma was never handsome, he has no eyebrows and has a caveman forehead
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
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He used to look like Steven Segal and now looks worst than Blanla with tree skin.
did he also always have a retarded looking roid gut
He'd look good if not for his freaky tree trunk body
Terry looks like a gorilla too
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>"Akuma always looked terri- ACK!"
>horror engine
big oof
Yeah, that’s not a man you want to bring home to mom and dad lol
Correct. That is a man you want to ravage your boipussy.
the fact everyone but here claims terry looks good shows once again this is the only sane space on the internet when it comes to dix. really feels like there's something bigger going on making everyone be positive about the game still to this day
Tut tut tut
What? You’re just seeing things…
yoooooo sf6 is like cvs3 get HYPE
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Terry looks great, crabba.
I will..
I’m no crabba scum
Insane jivies only exist on vg, true
It really shows how well gaming journos and """content""" """""creators""""""" can control a narrative
How Jivers and crabbas act not gonna lie
This how Ono got booted from Capcom
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Unironically true. Ono was the only thing keeping all the shit that has been flooding to SF since he left like guest characters and party mechanics. Not to mention how he loved boobs and muscle toned female bodies.
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We did it reddit :O

what the fuck is that monitor wrap
Man if I were Zangief I’d be wrist deep in Mika’s pussy, she’d have maybe 3 of my kids and I’d rape juri
What, even on reddit people were saying his face looks odd. You are not special.
Women are mentally ill
i mean it's very obvious capcom is spending the tens of millions they got from blackrock on fully controlling the narrative, except that doesn't work here.
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It begins
SS is such a fucking retard it's insane
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sonicsol you fucking retarded faggot
does SS realize he will literally every bridge at this point?
GAWDnicSol singlehandedly killed the vtumor grifters
she's calling him mentally ill in the replies...
Fuckin Sonic_Sol lol
Sonicsoldiers, I don't think we are getting out of this one
Gradual fusion of Oni characteristics into Akuma while maintaining mastery of the hadou
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DAMN, Sajam slam players look like THAT?
nigga made 3 flops in a row
>Betty has a thing for big bodies
Just more confirmation she let Mena hit.
any cammy sissy with the twitch color is getting bullied

sonicsol is such a fucking retard it's not even funny
you'd think sonicsol would've learning anything from the punk backseating incident but i guess not
the woman that mindbroke sonicsol...
Ok gaslighters!
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Can't believe i'm siding with SonicSol and saying this tourist seems annoying and in the wrong
he thought that going to maid cafes in Japan meant that asians wanted him
I got you
>see all this shit about that guy sonicsol
>don't know the guy but the name reminded me of something
>I actually watched one of his video
Only thing I remembered is that it was retarded.
in other news DBFZ has gone full kusoge with the latest patch
casuals are going to be playing sparking zero so might as well pander to the tagkuso autists still playing
mena definitely touched it
Amour says she's going to be responding to Sonicsol's claims by drawing him pregnant
always has been since like season 2
Bandai Namco is a horrible company that makes Capcom look heroic
https://x.com/fenritti/status/1831231830718341134 what the fuck did they do
punk should have this sound bite play on his twitch every time some one subs, kek.
This is what the fgc wants right? Always screaming for imbalanced fun like mahvel. What’s so bad about it
This is what getting hit by an AKI corner combo feels like
everyone realized that sucks when the mvc3 evo happened
Yeah. Until they realize that a game being unbalanced still does not change the fact there will always be characters more "unbalanced" than others.
Kinda funny criticizing other games balance considering dix has not only a shallow roster but also a top heavy one where most of the characters are complete dogshit and have been since release
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>Gets into an autistic argument with twitch chat replying to in chat every 5 seconds
I thought he was very easy to tilt but no, it's actually autism.
Niglet relax, the opinions of others shouldnt dictate your game :)
you just KNOW he's under 2k
lmao @ his fuckin life
Who do I have to throw loop to get to call Dix shit?

and the game you're defending has 7 versions of goku what the fuck are you doing man
word bitching about a video game, and sucking at it... LMAO WHAT A SAD LIFE
throw loop your way to 2k or forever keep quiet. it is what it is
cooked his shit
not even he cooked himself, sad ass nigga bitching like a faggot. go do something with your life
Dixies really got riled up over this simple truth
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If you like a game with flaws ideally the flaws get fixed, right? Staying silent about it generally doesn't get anything done. People complain too much but I'd rather have that than people being silent. Regardless DR, DI, PP and throw loops are still in the game after a full year and more basically untouched.
the next yearly balance patch will fix it
>yapping with xer/xims panties in a bunch over a video game
i dont care about your feelings xer, either adapt and stop yapping. (adapt includes but is not limited to quitting the game too you insufferable faggot)
>Regardless DR, DI, PP and throw loops are still in the game after a full year
Ha yes, just remove that. And also remove normals, specials, jump etc everything except left, right, and light punch. And of course everyone has the same walkspeed and framedata. Now the game is perfect. Only the best can win.
Dixdrones are defending DR and throw loops again...
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Trust the plan
moving the goalpost when your feelings are invalidated is tranny behavior sisters
Daigo said that throw looping someone isn't as easy as it seems
Whyyyy is Chun Li so fucking baaad....
I can't even imagine being such a spineless coward that your response to something like this is to shut up or run away. I like fighting games and want to see them get better. Various pros feel the same way.
Stupid strawman. I never said remove those things, obviously. There was various ways to tone down something like DR. Insane how even pros complain about these things but no bodies on a mongolian basketweaving forum think they know more.
How do we fix Marisa?
When you insult sf6, you insult their skill and youre saying everything they enjoy is wrong. So they have to defend the game with their life
>I never said remove those things, obviously.
It was heavily implied. And be fucking honest dude, when you say "I want them toned down", what you mean is them being toned down to the point there are not a thing anymore. Hence why devs should never listen to anyone including pro players because pros are fucking biased like anyone else.
>no good AA
>only has Fire ball DR
>has cr.MK into DR
>buttons to poke are fine but lacks the gorilla HP Gouki and Ken have on demand. Even her b.HP is ok when compared to them.
>overhead tied behind a slow one and a slow one from stance
>needing stance for combos(stance use is easy after practice but others don’t even need a stance for max damage)
She’s below top tier and not bad bad bad but yeah, having a throw loop and buttons like bison would be nice.
Undo the gigantic nerf she got would do a lot. It would put her at like botton 8 instead of bottom 3.
>Tell you to shut the fuck up and get good or give up
>Hysterical yapping faggot misreads and goes back to parasocial simping their pro players feelings
truly the most pathetic shit ever
its really hard to press two buttons at a time, thats why I have throws mapped to a macro
The devs are retards and throw loops suck. SF6 is your first Street Fighter and your MR would drown if they ever got rid of DR and throw loops. Tongue my balls.
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ken buffs inbound with the hat ken update
>in the game after a full year and more basically untouched
You see that word there? The one you conveniently left out when you quoted me? If your reading comprehension wasn't so terrible you would know removing DR, DI, etc was not "heavily implied".
hat ken is going to sell more than all of cotw combined
>wall dive vega
Haha truuue
>parries are retarded
Haha yeah but its a fun little game
>vortex and el fuerte
Yeah its a tough gsme to block in, but el fuerte is still fun
>v triggers are shit and 8 frames
Yeah that sucked, but the pawgs tho
Don't touch me anon.
Dixie Wixies are thinskinned redditors who need their drive superpowers
>game has various flaws that multiple top level pros point out regularly
>git gud lmao lul lolololol
I'm so glad I'm not a spineless coward like you.
>custom combo activation in the air to beat AA into 60% health punish
So hype.
>crounch cancel infinite in the corner
So skilled.
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> el fuerte is still fun
rog is just a boring hoodnigger what's the appeal
>frame one dudley teleports into your face
when exactly did street fighter have neutral again?
>Pro players adapt and overcome, despite grievances
>You're a lowbie who refuses to adapt and whines on 4chan
yeah you're invertebrate cockroach, keep moving the goalpost faggot
How mad are SF6 fans that pros and non pros alike constantly insult their precious game? If that was me I'd probably spinelessly defend it too every change I got. I wonder if these people actually don't see how severally flawed it is and think the game is better with DR and PPs and whatnot. Or worse they know how much worse this makes the game yet bend over and take it.
None. This guy probably does not even play balrog.
SF6 succeeded and now here we are
CCs at least were pretty unique and some were hard. And that scenario is like a perfect parry into a drive impact wallsplat. If they can execute the level 3 CC then they are skilled enough for me
They always post webms full of movement. What do they mean by this?
crabba meltdown
Just adapt, crabba.
I throw loop every argument
You seem pretty mad anon.

So degenerate shit is ok if it's hard to do ? (it's not that hard let me tell you)
niggas playing their first fg telling people to get better at guessing lol
*techs your throw*
but enough about jivers
I shimmy'd you just lost 40% and I still have oki
It also succeeded when every other fighting game is drowning. Fighting games are healing and the natural order is being restored.
>spending your day whining about video games
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When people defend and shill for Capcom do they get paid at least? At least Justin Wong whos probably the biggest shill in the FGC has a monetary reason to never criticize Capcom. People here actually do it for free?
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Yep, that's me.

Did you post this for free anon ? Are you that stupid ?
t. sub 2000 MR
Yes, because there will always be degenerate shit so might as well make it hard.
In jive you had to work your way in, most neutral skips werent plus ob unless you spent meter which wasnt regenerating meter, and maybe a vtrigger activation once around if you're playing in gold rank. Compared to dix where you get all that for free with a single mechanic every 6-8 seconds in a round. Nigga its you dixsisies that are defending the absolute worst aspects of jive, nobody else.
Dude just adapt to the multiple super random anti competitive mechanics that even the best players in the world struggle to adapt to.
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It's the only way they can justify their meme rank, it's better to call people haters than admit that you're carried by the game's mechanics, they don't want to improve, they want to keep a 51% winrate to reach master, drop ranked and throw loop boomers in battlehub. Anyone that remotely cares about fighting games would know that throw loops and DR make the game boring to play and watch
Homogenized games have more imbalanced tiers than non-homogenized games, it's why SF6 was a Lukefest in season 1, and is now a Bison-fest in season 2.
niggas coping cus they suck lmao
That has nothing to do with system mechanics being homogenized, and everything to do with Capcom making Bison broken on purpose. Bison violates like a dozen hidden rules that over characters obey. It's completely intentional. And Terry will be the same.
How about all the lil Timmys here lab for once? Maybe that way you'll reach 2000 MR and realize the game is perfect
Drive rush is a low risk high reward spammable move that gives plus frames, eats your opponents inputs, and in many cases automatically wins neutral for you. The opponent is now forced to guess and if they guess wrong they are now in the corner getting thrown looped. Also low forward DR. Also fireball DR. Also perfect parries. Also throw loops. Utterly baffling that this garbage exists in this state in a modern fighting game. Only made worse by the cowards that tell you worthless crap like "get good or quit".
It does, because when system mechanics are homogenized and ingrained into the game then it compresses the characters so heavily to the point where any character with a slight advantage just gets picked over the rest. There's no room for weaker characters to stand out despite their flaws, since whoever plays the system the best is going to be the most reliable character to play.
3S is like this with its universal parry system, and everyone not trying to waste time just gravitates towards Yun and Chun-Li.
have you tried adapting and taking the throw 5 times in a row lil crabba?
Capcom only cares about selling the game and casual features help attract new audience and sell the games. Same with guest characters.
And yet Street Fighter is doing better than ever while everyone else is floundering
poor timbot
shuckle looks like this

>t. can't break diamond 2
crabs is ass, on gang
nta, but i am master rank, and i do not like drive rush. and i do not like how the entire game is centered around the drive mechanics
That's a good point.
i am master rank, and i like drive rush. and i like how the entire game is centered around the drive mechanics
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No she looks like Jamie on TRT
MK sold way more copies and that game is dogshit. Sales don't mean shit.
good for you
>valid criticism to a game you wish was better
>dude the game is really popular while tekken and strive aren't as popular haha take that!
>dude i bet you are like diamond 2 even though someone got to master rank with a 22% win rate, haha take that!
>making up arguments in my head
>owning the voices!!!
If it's working don't break it
>>valid criticism
Stopped reading there
This game is a whole pack of ass
>valid criticism
Very constructive indeed.
>more avatarslop for the capcucks
thats all youre getting for the rest of the year
>sub 2k
nobody give a fuck
at least we can throw loop goku in season 3...
You might have a learning deficiency if you think DR, DI, PP, and throw loops in their current state make SF6 a better, more competitive, more skillful fighting game.
>"I'm never touching Akuma again"
>Plays Akuma the next day
What did AngryBird mean by this?
>valid criticism
did guv just... oh my days luv...
I got over 7k MR if you put all of my characters together timmy. I hereby declare that Dix is Dog6
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Dog fkn 6 innit lads
>DR, DI, PP, and throw loops in their current state make SF6 a better, more competitive, more skillful fighting game.
what positive and fun gameplay interactions does throw looping add to the game
Ok. Where is the valid criticism there anon ? "I don't like X" is not a critic.
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>valid criticism
never seen that in sfg
capdem has been posting that screenshot for 2 weeks straight
Wtf AB was supposed to be OurGuy
Even bigbird called throw loops babymode offense ...
Real talk though what are they going to do with SF7? They usually reinvent the entire system from scratch but by the end of SF6 the playerbase will be so reliant on DR and throw loops that they’ll probably be forced to just keep the drive system.
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luv slime
simple as
The entire game's systems are built around forced 50/50 interactions nonstop. DR and DRC have completely eradicated any semblance of neutral because it is almost always better to DR at your opponent with a disjointed button or force them to block a cancelable button to DRC and enforce multiple 50/50 strike throw guesses. On block, it's safe to do because it leaves you plus. On hit, you get full corner carry and oki from everything, so you're put into a 50/50 again. On top of that, there are throw loops in the corner that all characters (except a few) have, making for the most boring offensive play I have experienced in any new gen fg. The mere existence of DR turns the game into nothing but messy guesses and scrambles in every situation, and guessing wrong once can lead to a game ending situation. Because of this, the game has homogenised into c.mk/c.mp DRC jab so that the offensive player can establish some form of stability, but even that stability is rooted in constant 50/50s for the defensive player.
yikes, crabs is like this?
Hopefully more guest characters and party mechanics so it will even be more popular.
SF6 has objectively no imperative to cease operating and updating in the current market
Real talk though what are they going to do with SF5? They usually reinvent the entire system from scratch but by the end of SF4 the playerbase will be so reliant on Focus and Ultra that they’ll probably be forced to just keep these systems.
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I REMEMBER YOU NIGGAS ALWAYS POSTING THAT “well dbfz did higher than V, ninja had to be hired for V” SHIT.
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I fought against ChrisCCH and got BTFO like never before. He played the set perfectly. The skill barrier between 1800 and 2000 MR is absolutely massive.

>cr.mk xx special: perfect parried
>neutral jump: air-to-aired
>cr.mk whiffed: punished
>s.hp whiffed: punished
>wake-up parry: thrown while he was shimmying
I pointed out nearly everything wrong with drive rush. It just does too much. Specifically in regards to risk assessment. Its too spammable, too hard to react to, and when you react to it, (sometimes trying to do this doesn't work and you are in the corner anyway) its questionable what the return is. To put it simply the risk/reward for using DR in neutral is way out of wack. And yes the best players in the world struggle to react to and check DR.
nigga that trash game is dead in the water while dbfz still gets updates
No system mechanic before drive have so completely warped the game around them
Super Dash Slime for SSF6
talented rankedboar
pro that doesn't grind the ladder
pro that streams often
Haven’t played sonce the first month the game came out is honda still bottom 1?
Nothing else needs to be said
hes s tier below 1700 mr
SF6 is a chuck e cheese mickey mouse game and you will like it.
But then you look at older games and you see that these are not warped around system mechanics, there are warped around a single or a couple characters being incredibly oppressive.
You can replace all that you said (which is true and I agree) by just Vega in 2X. Everything applies to him and he is the only one in this game. Or Yun in 3.3. Dude just divekick you over and over and over, and you can't do anything about it because he is always right.
Everybody is bottom tier except the p2w DLC chars and the usual darlings like Ken, Juri, Cammy. Gief is the only char that got a bump. Check again next year.

Yeah, he is still top 1 for 99% of the playerbase. Unless you are at 1700-1800 mr. Such a poor character :(
Seems more like lil Timmy can't adapt.
>ignore that SF2 was not designed with 30 years of knowlege and that vega should have been banned or that there is still more variety in SF2 tournaments than SF6
Dudleybros we're gonna make it trust the plan
>dude it's ok if slime mechanic sucks because of vega in sf2
lmao the copes in this general always crack me up
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For the people that regularly defend SF6 do they not mind how chaotic and volatile the game is because of DR, PPs, throw loops, etc? Or do they actually think these mechanics make the game better and more skillful?
>the previous games having top tiers make drive mechanics ok
my god kill yourself lmao
>there is still more variety in SF2 tournaments than SF6
Maybe now, but that was definitey not true during the tougeki era. It was Vega freaking everywhere.
People like this dont play games and get all their info from tournaments and sajam. He acfually thinks what makes yun broken in third strike is the divekick. They are invited to play a game and think "no thanks, i dont want to fight chun" when nobody around him plays chun. They are juat big fat pretenders that want to look like they play fighting games, and sf6 vindicated them.
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>these mechanics make the game better and more skillful
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I share a board with people that unironically thought this was a good argument and a worthwhile thing to say.
Its crazy because thats something that I posted to a dixy who was begging for someone to give valid criticism like a month ago, and they never responsed. I have it saved on my grammarly notes and no one who guns for dix has been able to give an actual response. Im sure there are counterpoints, but they cant think of any.

Whats even more insane is that is just a criticism of DR. All the other mechanics have multiple flaws that lead to the same outcome. Randomness and messy gameplay. All culminating into a shit game, but dixies will swear no one has real criticism because steamchart numbers
True, but that doesnt matter anymore.
Most people defending SF6 are the ones trying to reach Master in their first fighting game ever. They don't know any better so it doesn't matter how volatile it is.
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fuck slime
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"random", "volatile" and "chaotic" are all meaningless emotive buzzwords.
give a proper rebuttable to this. you can't.

People like this dont play games and get all their info from tournaments and sajam. He acfually thinks what makes yun broken in third strike is the divekick. They are invited to play a game and think "no thanks, i dont want to fight chun" when nobody around him plays chun. They are juat big fat pretenders that want to look like they play fighting games, and sf6 vindicated them.
Imagine being a virgin and them some evil psycho bitch starts dating you. She gives you sex but makes you buy things for her and she controls your life. Your friends tell you to dump her but this is the first time you feel loved, and the first girlfriend you ever had. Meanwhile shes in your ear telling you that theyre just jealous, thats SF6
wtf mate. The message you're responding is about people crying about SF6, not the other way around lol.
Street Fighters were literally mindbroken when they could no longer just cr.mk hadouken
Dix is the Yoko Ono of fighting games
calling something a 'buzzword' is not an argument
Nobody on fightcade plays chun, and there is a rank system anyways.
6 is the Hushed and Grim of Street Fighters
this: >>493147445 isnt me, but I am currious if you can give a real rebuttal to my post like the other anon is asking for. Its only a critique of DR so you dont need to write about ever single mechanic
crabba all day meltdown
Six is the Rainier Fog of Street Fighters
does sonic sol have a humiliation fetish?
It's just in here too which is funnier
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Any KoF fellas around that could give me a quick rundown on Mai's expected play style? I'm a fan of big titty bitches and am considering picking her up when she comes out but gameplay trumps all
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Crazy how good COTW looks compared to SF6 just by not being so shit. It still looks awful though
I woke up perfect parried your post
she's like a shoto but even more mid
My best guess is he has some type of autism because clearly he struggles socially. This is only made worse because essentially everything he knows is the internet, streaming, social media, etc. I also assume he has to keep streaming because its his only source of income. He desperately needs to get off the internet for at least a few months while getting therapy to learn various social and coping skills so when he comes back hes more adjusted. In many regards I actually feel bad for the guy. I had a good friend who also struggled socially and ultimately it pushed me and others away.
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Well, /sfg/?
flippy dippy rushdown shoto, or something of that sort?
in other words i imagine there is going to be a lot of fake shit that barely works, knowing this game
My only experience with SNK games is kofxv and I played her in that. Shes a mid range poke and zone character, in kofxv she had very good AA normals too
People play so pussy against Guile and it works because the devs sold out to trannies who hate American patriotism.

faggot JPs command grab shown but not Blanka's? fuck off
But did you perfect parry as an anti air?
4chan is one of few sites where you wont be instantly banned for ctiticizing a game. Youll get banned any other random reason but not specifically for saying a game is bad
SPD is iconic, Manon's medal gimmick is cool on paper but iffy in implementation, Lily is boring bootleg SPD and getting hit by random Embrace pisses me off so much I cannot appreciate it.
Embrace I used to cheese so many wins with it when the game started
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Vtubers are SF6 culture
Is tekken 8 good? Im done.
Fuck no.
that shit ass
better than sf6 at least
Modern fighting games just aren't that good, huh?
Whenever a game has something like ducking I don’t play it. Same with Granblue and their dodge.
All those newcomers are trash so Gief wins by default.
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Just a reminder that the tweet that mistakenly said throw loops are gone had more views than the official Terry reveal/gameplay tweet.
SF6 > Tekken 8 > Gran > GGS
So far the trend seems to be
a. watered down fg concepts made extremely accessible so that new players feels good but makes for terrible gameplay
b. very bad launch that kills the game
c. mixture of the two above
Hard to compare 2d and 3d. Try the demo. I think it's pretty fun though
You won’t get banned for that anywhere else but you will for acting like a retard over your game not having as many players…

It's fine, but the pluggers make it unbearable.
What's with people that complain that 6 is too random and chaotic going into fucking Tekken 8 of all fgs?
Has to be a meme because there aren’t even any top players in tekken
no but its way better than sf6 and so its granblue
Go buy a new pad
can you delete your post so it goes after a refresh?
You'll experience the Tekken 8 "netcode" after the Tekken 8 "matchmaking" and realize why it never stood a chance against Street Fighter 6 before even comparing any gameplay and graphical elements
Why doesn’t anybody play those then?
Reminder that the 2 guys that got 1st and 2nd at Evo both went 0-2 in group stages at EWC. The guy that won Japan Evo went 0-2 as well. The guy that won EWC lost to a random Ken in pools in his very next tournament. The guy that won a million dollars at Capcom Cup went 129th - 192nd at Evo Japan.
but the same guys keep winning because the game isnt random
nigga said granturd and mashen 8
The same guys win something and lose horribly in their next major tournament. How poor is your reading comprehension?
>Game with more competitors than ever before
>Different people win
While Street Fighter is the only one that even has pros at all
This but

Shit > SF6 > Tekken 8 > Gran > GGS
it was a joke, anon. A joke.
UMA finna win his second milli!
It not about different people winning its about doing extremely well in one tournament like winning the whole thing and then scrubbing out 0-2 immediately in your very next big tournament. How is the variance this extreme even for the best players in the world?
don't think you need to remind anyone here about that
nobody in this world likes throw loops besides sajam and daigo
If you’re being genuine and not shitposting, I don’t see the issue. Big tournaments have lots of players and most people who go out to them are good. None of them were undefeated before. And now 6 has the biggest tournaments since forever. Punk and Nuckledu makes it to grand finals almost every tns. So I can’t see these complaints as genuine.
free my nigga sonicsol

have you ever competed in one of these tournaments? or even a local tournament?
Who are all these competitors you're talking about? Because almost all of the top players are legacy sf players bar a handful of kof players
There were over 5000 entrants for 6 at both evos
Why is battle damage not available online?
Taxing on PS4 and 5
You think all 5000 of those entrants were high level players? Are you being serious right now? Tournament entry to open tournaments is now whats being used as how competitive the tournament is?
There are more people in the tournament competing. Are you confused about why this would result in people you don’t know winning?
Dreamhack Summer had 331 entrants, does that mean it was less competitive than Evo?
>just got matched against someone 1200mr
respectfully how the fuck do you drop to 1200mr. isn't that like a regression from being a diamond
It would be easier to win in but no that’s not what I said. I said acting surprised when a famous player loses is a silly attempt at gamewarring.
enjoy the free +1 mr
they dont spend all their money hiring vtubers, they make cool characters and costumes instead

let your toddler daughter play ranked
Granblue’s only cool character was Nier and they murdered her like Jesus Christ.
Anon their costume rollout has been so glacial it makes SF6 look fast
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the new big body female demon is the best one yet. a real big body female unlike marisa. and the beatrix costume is godllike similar to the sfv costumes. meanwhile sf6's latest update has a bandana avatar asset.
>It would be easier to win in
Dixies are actually retards that think big number means better
>I said acting surprised when a famous player loses is a silly attempt at gamewarring.
not once in these responses: >>493153428 >>493153118 >>493152981 >>493152726 >>493152651 >>493151605
Did you ever allude to that talking point. Top players losing is fine, no one cares. Top players winning a tournament then drowning in pools, then not making it out pools in another tournament, not making top 8 in their region but getting top 8 internationally, losing to ranked players in CPT event, then winning a tournament, all indicates that the game is fucking random, not that loses arent inevitable
i dropped from 1500 to 1200 by tilt queuing at 2am once
lessons were learned

wasn't sf5's costumes like 70% chun-li coomer bait for years
Take a social media break SS and quit starting rounds with DR
Not my cup of tea but I will try Vikala. Them making Belial top 1 and giving him a stripper costume is making me reconsider ever returning to it though.
yeah some characters had jackshit besides seasonal costumes if they got lucky. sf6 dropping a costume for everyone at once is a monkeypaw since seasonal shit is gone desu
That's it. I'm playing SFV.
out of sheer tilt that can even persist to other game sessions no matter how many breaks you take
>t. went to 1670 once on a former main and stuck in upper 1200 on a new character doing stupid shit
shit list
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>140 players
What happened?
i'd rather play sf4 or 3rd strike if i want to play a dead street fighter. i'm sure the rest that abandoned that game think the same

this is why you still see sf4 and 3rd strike setups/tournaments at locals and majors, but never sf5
Dix mindvirus made jiveGODS physically incapable of playing their game
its incredible as a party game but you shouldnt take it seriously, and you get still get to a high rank playing as a party game, I got to emperor just mashing gimmicks with my nigga jack
harsh reality that everyone jiveposting in /sfg/ doesn't actually play
>play long set against opponent in battle hub
>Hit a winstreak
>They win one
>Someone queued into the cabinet and I have to leave
Every fucking time
Dix-Virus huh…
Does anyone here have the Slime Kool-aid song?
Is there a point to using sonic boom outside of combos
I have this https://vocaroo.com/1dO8n136KsrB
Nuckledu spams booms
I've been watching pro level esports games a good portion of my life and what happens in SF6 is not normal and I'll give you many examples as evidence. In older Melee Armada was so good that he never dropped a set to anyone except the other 5~ best players in the world. Similarly Mango, Hbox, Leffen, etc they also very rarely lost to no bodies. Arslan Ash dominated in Tekken 7 winning an absurd amount of the biggest tournaments. Xiao Hai in KoF games. Tempest in Strive won multiple staked majors in the last 1-2 years. Zero in Smash 4 had an absurd winning streak in major tournaments too. These games allow the best players to dominate because there is considerably less volatility. Mena won Japan Evo and lost to a nobody in a World Warrior qualifier like 2 weeks ago. He couldn't even top 8 this 200~ person tournament. Then goes to win a decently sized major like 2 weeks after? Huh? Xiao Hai wins the most stacked tournament to date in SF6 and loses a set to a nobody Ken in pools like a week later? Not to mention people winning Evo then scrubbing out hard in the next tournament. This is very rare in other fighting games and Smash. Other fighting games don't have this absurd variance of pro players winning then losing horribly 1-2 weeks later. SF6 has volatile mechanics that will never allow the best players in the world to dominate like you can do in Tekken 7, Strive, KoF, various Smash games, etc. I watched very little of pro SF5 so I can't speak on that.
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33rd-47th place finisher in Abang Bald Head Cup #5 and YOUR Capcom Cup Champion...............................................................................UMA
People can go undefeated in games that don’t have players I guess but that’s not really relevant here. The same reason you saw different players winning in every other tournament for street fighter games.
tekken 7 didn't have players? lol sf6 will be lucky if it sells as much as tekken 7
i'm like 99% sure i've played fighting games for longer than most people in this thread and i enjoy sf6 quite a lot. i do want throw loops to get removed though
If you bring sales up I think cod has you beat too sister. I’m really sorry Tekken isn’t doing so good but this is bad for your mental health.
the game is more volatile but this is also an issue because capcom keep running FT2 which is completely unacceptable. If they ran FT3 the better player would win far more often

fireball wars, making people jump into flash kick, stuffing raw drive rush


you're a retard if you think there isn't some sort of fatigue after placing well in a major. even travelling to this shit is taking yourself out of a lot of comfort zones and you're complaining about how they win a major and literally 2 weeks later they don't perform as well?

actually travel to a major or even your local and see how much time is spent just standing around waiting for 8-12 hours while you go from pools to top 8/12/16
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>you're a retard if you think there isn't some sort of fatigue after placing well in a major
Weird how this doesn't apply to so many other fighting games at a pro level. So many examples of people dominating and winning tons of majors and even consecutively at times. Why didn't Zero or Ash or Armada or Tempest or Xiao Hai experience this fatigue?
Why does this bitches TV got a bedsheet on it?
What other fighting games have a pro scene? I can’t even name a single pro player for tekken and I only know strive pros because they have meltdowns on twitter. You’d think pro players would go to these other games if they were better. But they don’t get even half of SF. I think you’re assblasted over the entire fgc collectively choosing SF.
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All this says about you is you don't actually know anything about "FGC"
Which team are we following in the Sajam Slam, bros
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ft2 wouldnt change shit lol
This game is a joke
Brawlpro is the only non cringe in the whole thing so I will root for them
Literally who
What don’t I know? You claim sf6 is random because a famous player lost to a “nobody”, but all the games you mentioned as better are literally only nobodies.
is this gonna be a sajam slam general whenever that shit starts? Grim...
You completely missed the point of what that anon said, he's saying SF6's extreme volatility is really fucking abnormal, and this volatility is what Strive (and sort of still does) got flak for until Tempest got some semblance of consistency that showed who the king was. Imagine some pro chess player using to some unknown nobody in a smaller scale tournament after winning some grand championship.
see pic, this is actually what should be standard for most competitive games, there should be a very clear hierarchy of who the best players are provided there isn't extreme volatility within the design of the game.
That's not even remotely close to true, Arslan Ash, and Punk couldn't make it to the very top, and if you're gonna use this argument then Xiao Hai surely should have been easily defeated on a constant basis by some obscure/weaker player during his reign.
sajam slam is the onlything keeping this game alive outside japan so you should be grateful and even gift some subscriptions in his twitch
That’s the weird thing. Top players are more consistent in 6 than other modern fighters. You have people like Daigo, Tokido, Punk, and Knuckledu. But since Uma won people act like that’s a problem even though he played well. Meanwhile you have people like umisho and leffen in strive who never won anything in sf and went back to strive. I get that sf6 is popular and probably contributed to other fighting games being less popular by soaking up players, but it’s legitimately bad for your mental health to be coping about it here.
.........................................Dual Kevin
how well would a sfg team do in the sajam slam
>Top players are more consistent in 6 than other modern fighters
You are the one coping, explain to me how it is normal for Punk, Big Bird, and EndingWalker who were in the top 3 for EVO to completely wash out during EWC (or the qualifiers in EW's case)?
Admit it, the game is fucking random, that's all there is to it.
im 1800 and that puts me in top 0.001% of /sfg/ posters
Im 1507
is this someone who picked up the game for sajam's game event? because he's better than me and i've played fgs for a decade
everyone in this top 8 is an established top player
Because they’re not supposed to be undefeated. It’s a fighting game, once you get to a high level you’re not going to be consistently winning, and that’s what happens at large tournaments. You lost the gamewar and you’re still trying to fight it.
Mashen 8 niggas obsessed
That's a really dumb argument. I think this game IS too volatile but this example is completely retarded. Everyone in that picture is an established player with the exception of maybe Hikaru but he's a grinding zoomer which is essentially the same as Punk in SF5.
yeah he was a coach in the previous tekken sajam slam, he just got to master last night
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>if the game was good there would be one player who was 10x better than everyone else and wins everything consistently
I've seen the training team Automattock was doing, and unless they choke I think they're winning. Sero and Kat are a little supect but they can do it. Dude was doing a long autistic google doc where he was doing stuff like:
>watch a replay of his team's opponents
>note down how they're playing
>go on training mode with his teammate
>"I'm gonna play like how they're playing, and tell you how to deal with it"
god i'm fucking trash at this game
In fact lets go a fucking step further, this is where Punk and BigBird placed in the main event.
Even amongst the top 8 there should be a fucking clear "this is the best" in fact SF6 already had this, in season 1 MenaRD, and Kakeru were considered the most "consistent" players, even they both had moments of just fumbling during Capcom Cup.
Fuck out of here, yes its true that its impossible for someone to constantly win but you can also look to someones consistent placings and see if they make it top 8 at least.
P-please, play V with me, I don't want to be alone!
top 8 is way too narrow for how many people travel to these events relative to past SF games. show me proof you have a STEM or some kinda degree in statistics
SFV lobby is up
>What other fighting games have a pro scene?
you fags know NOTHING about the fgc, yet try to speak so definitively about shit.

>That’s the weird thing. Top players are more consistent in 6 than other modern fighters.

6 is so hecking random that's why it's always the same players topping tourneys
he's a having a melty D

again, more names of people who played all through SF5 and are known players in SF6. are you sure you've been watching fighting games for "a good portion of your life"?
All I'm saying is Punk never won an Evo in SFV but in this casino game he did let that sink in
Tell me the latest placement of the reigning capcom cup champion? :)
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Watch the sajam slam or don’t. I’m grinding away at ranked
How does nuckledu keep winning tns if the game is random? Did they turn it off for him specifically?
Now you remember the jiveschizo begging anons to watch some V EVO side tournament with him
problem x won evo in that game but never in sf4, so its fake too
statistical anomaly. How about the rest of the top 10 players
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>cpt has dogshit seeding
>uma gets placed in group with the shittiest players
>only has to put up a fight against chris wong and leshar
this is the game's fault
This is me wtf
don't link women
I don't but thanks for the lore
Guess I'll finish the thread faggots
Uma is eating vtuber ass, he doesn't need no more trophies
I have no idea what this is.

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