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Previous thread: >>492173341

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas
>Roguelike Archive (Collection of pretty much every free roguelike there is)
>/rlg/'s "official" Cataclysm: DDA fork

25 August 2024 - Shadow of the Wyrm v1.7.2 released - https://www.shadowofthewyrm.org/downloads.html
23 August 2024 - Emerald Woods v0.4.5 released - https://blog.slashie.net/2024/08/23/emerald-woods-crafting-station-0-4-5/
22 August 2024 - Soulash 2 v0.8.7 Legacy released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2399160/view/4250921873106823316
20 August 2024 - Overworld v2.1 released - https://redasteroidgames.com/overworld/
19 August 2024 - Golem: A Self-Made Person! Alpha 3 released - https://surrealpartisan.itch.io/golem-a-self-made-person
13 August 2024 - Sphere v0.3.5 released - https://eversoar.itch.io/sphere
10 August 2024 - Terra Randoma v1.1.21 Achievement! released on Steam - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1120400/Terra_Randoma/
9 August 2024 - Sulphur Memories: Alchemist 0.3.1 released - https://spellsweaver.itch.io/alchemist/devlog/779060/sulphur-memories-alchemist-031-is-out
9 August 2024 - Once upon a Dungeon II v0.8.11.0 released - https://store.steampowered.com/app/2204730/Once_upon_a_Dungeon_II
7 August 2024 - Revengate 0.12.9 released - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.revengate.revengate
6 August 2024 - Cogmind Beta 14 "United Federation of Derelicts" released - https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/722730/view/4353376861562155423
6 August 2024 - Zorbus r60.6 released - http://www.zorbus.net/

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
https://angband.live/ (Angband and variants)
nice pic, u draw?
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no, i just took it from the last thread, seemed like a good OP image
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Forced and unfunny
ackk urself
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DDA>Baby nights
fiat hub 01 gold coin is 100 on purchase but 50 when sold
what the fuck
only merch notes retain their inital value of 2.5
oh well its actually bugged and I got free money
this is bn
still better than dda
There are elements I miss from doomRL but Jupiter Hell has its charms, mostly the Swashbuckler skill.
Both games have their own pros and cons, and while at first sight one might think they play similar, both have a different rhythm to their gameplay.
Do you fags go for Force Wall or Force Bubble?
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me when the new rlg thread rolls in
D12 got hot due to alarm and uniques; used the former to fight Azrael and Sonja from the stairs, pretty safely. Captured Sonja's soul; she's by far the better choice.
Azrael looks impressive on paper but dies quickly and wastes turns on weak abilities, plus I distrust his friendly fire.
Sonja blinks out of trouble and her disto dagger is vicious. She breaks up Lair packs nicely.
Disto sister time.
asian women?
force bubble
I force open bussy of >>493084008
Roguelike in alternative setting idea
Sengoku Era Japan except all historical figures are black (like Nobunigga)
Sonja and Gnoll fits Kitana and Mileena.
The fan is Confusing Touch.
"Thanks" for making the new thread
It's impossible to make JH gun kata good on higher difficulties.
>terrible skills to unlock it (gunslinger is basically net bad until like level 15)
>eats up all your weapon slots on crappy low impact pistols/smgs to function, bad versatility
>tells you to play badly (moving around in LOS of enemies at close range)
>wastes all your ammo shooting cover and then gets you killed with extra long reload times
>dodge doesn't even work in high diffs because everything gets like 25% guaranteed hit chance
I never did use pistols in JH, they never seemed too good to me.
if you want to use pistols in a Kornel game you need to play AliensRL, Scout is the best class by far
I think he just doesn't check his math on probabilities and damage lol
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I've found it
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Battling D12 Azrael was expensive, although enslaving Sonja cheaply made up for it.
Found Orc entrance at D12, the lowest possible. Explains why the difficulty ramped up a bit; Orc:1 was late.
This poison-centric build dominates Orc. Thus Orc entrance is worth aggressively breaching; I quaffed a Brilliance and will cast Olgreb's Toxic Radiance next.
I want to quietly secure the entrance, so I'll recall allies and Drain Life if necessary, rather than Mephitic and Inner Flame.
Upgraded to scale armor at XL12.9, so can disto brutes decently. Should get enough throwing ammo in Orc to make hydras manageable.
Gotta burn through.
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yeah Azrael is a motherfucker iirc
looking him up he has an amount of health and lots of damnation, but his spell pool is diluted with the resistable fire spells
he can just explode you if you don't resist fire or he rolls a bunch of hellfire spells in a row
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I should probably NOT try to drive through these assholes and instead just shoot them
if they weren't completely protected by their vehicles I would have, alas
Could've fought him cheaper, but exploration trap alarm1 was at stairs, so I triggered alarm2 at the other stairs to string them out. Preferred to fight them safely and spend, rather than get caught somewhere awkward. Nice being rich.
just remembered I found a set of RM13 soft body armor so I pulled out my crowbar and went Gordon Freeman on their asses
luckily the girl with the M1A didn't decide to shoot me from full LOS and instead waited until I was close enough to blitz her down
the guy with the .357 SIG got a shot off and hit my tool belt but it bounced on the armor
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what in the fuck
oh there's a Mi-Go encampment
Rogues with viable throwing builds?
>oh boy .32 dropped i hope its not shit
>arache gone
>blork the orc is le blorkula the orcula
>more useless shit decorations added
>iljyb is le coglin
Fuck DCSS now. This is complete reddit tier trash at this point.
draconian sandwich knight
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Other than Arachne getting removed, nothing you said is explicitly wrong. You're making us old builds enjoyers look bad since people will see posts like this and believe we all think the same.
sadly SilQ removed throwing mastery, really sad desu
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the doctor's second lab mission spawned the workstation out front wtf
you know what I like about roguelikes? the fact that you can go as slow or as fast as you want. it's comfy, peak soul.

angband is best btw.
in my roguelike you have to go one speed.
RETVRN to .23

Crushed the Orc:1 entrance rush. Didn't need allies, but finally used Drain Life. It's overpowered at only 2 piety, but costs 300 hunger and 6 MP. So this is what lets Gnoll handle Lair swarms without good spells. Thus Gnoll can forego Axes for Disto.

I usually memorize Blink on Gnolls, despite it being single-school. But Yred can retreat behind allies instead. Better stick to multi-school.

Petrify is for stabbing nearby brutes; Confuse is for interrupting ranged foes. Worth memorizing to substitute for launchers, despite being single-school. There are still too many situations where I've no use for my MP at range vs rPois. Reckon Gnoll shouldn't go Disto until she finds the MP regen amulet and ranged spells to substitute for launchers. Or else lots of javelins.
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First win ! Necromancer Highborn, definitely carried by the class though, so much internal synergy that I couldn't fail to build it correctly, went Bone summoner and I felt like the sidekick to the Lord of Bones skelly mage who was chucking out 1.8K damage meteorite at people I pointed at. Thanks a lot for all the advice I got in the last 3-4 threads and actually getting me to try it out I had a lot of fun, will start my next chara in roguelike normal to get my bearings on classes but I definitely will try to get a nightmare/insane win at some point.
Either valkyrie with gloves of strenght for mjollnir shenanigans, or rogue with daggers if you're willing to go light on carried potions. Maybe wish for a few stacks of silver daggers for gehenna, if you can stomach the pickup management
Those are pretty different beasts to a normal playthrough, so play a lot more before venturing into that can of worms.
Also congrats on your win.
Well that depends on the roguelike, some do force you to haul ass after a while, like Sil for example.
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>all the stairs drop you directly into a yaks pack
Way to seal this whole floor, hot damn.
loosen your trousers and drink the unlabeled beverage
i do find it funny how on 4chan there are occasional caves of qud threads and barely any soulash 2 ones.
I wonder why asmongold or something didn't cover it
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For me it's the simplistic modelling of everything: Everything simulated and rendered by way of simple metrics and tiles. For some reason this makes me trick myself into believing that a roguelike could potentially make for a better game/sim than most other types of games, since there's a profound potential for breadth.
Sadly, this breadth and scope (which would allow me to absolutely power-fantasy-game my poor brains out) never actually exists.
At least not until I found CDDA, even though that's a horrible mess. Now, with LLMs all over, I have hopes like you wouldn't believe for these simple RPGs who aim to exchange visual complexity for simulationism.

Wholesome question, by the way
Qud is a bad game but soulash 2 barely even qualifies as a game.
That said it looks like the dev probably made a lot of publicity out of the drama, so good on him.
howdy achrabros, mind knight and 20th cycle complete, another easy one out of the way after my last insane uspori build. roil carried as usual with these kinds of builds. the points in technique weren't needed or even being utilized like 90% of the time but i was happy to have them vs final boss, the healing from all the hits was nuts. i also wish i had gotten the psychic fist weapon early but it didnt appear until way after i had buffed up the poison one. with that thing the damage would have been waaaay fucking higher cuz of the repulsion boost for psychic damage and all the inflame and charge boosts being affected by that.
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>roguelike dev calls troons spoiled children
>gets rich
Funniest shit I've read all week. Thanks /rlg/.
Looks like infra arcana
I remember encountering this bug like 3 years ago how is this shit still not fixed?
I don't think anybody understands how the missions work
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I'm glad he's stuck in there and I'm out here
Finished a new track. It's a redone and extended version of the first track I did for rogue-fp.
how many copies did you sell?
Bit over 600.
how's that in money after daddy gabe took his cut
>two anon roguelikes came out this year
>I will not be able to play them because they're too niche to show up on pirate sites
Buy them
you're not really missing out on anything anon

Never pay more than 15 dollars on a computer game
Not a whole lot, though it's hard to say exactly. Somewhere around 2100. If I get about a sale a day, the game makes enough money to pay a bill.
I'm putting mine out on GOG soon so it's only a matter of time.
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I'm over a year of not spending money on media. I don't want to break the streak.
Where's the caveman?
If I'm playing a Vampire Reaver in DCSS adn I want to go the extra mile and roleplay as Raziel from Soul Reaver, should I go with Lugonu or Mahkleb?
yeah I'm gonna scream a bit
why are you poor
I'm not poor, I strategically and categorically refuse to fund the roguelike industry because roguelikes should never be bought
I want to get into Cataclysm, any mods like No Hope and Secronom that make every day a living hell and not just grinding in safety till you can Tab everything.
I tried watching people play it on Youtube but it feels so shit after the beginning, like there is no real danger or scarcity of loot.
>I tried watching people play it on Youtube but it feels so shit after the beginning, like there is no real danger or scarcity of loot.
Yeah that's the main problem with Cataclysm
The past few decades have provided overwhelming evidence that IP is unethical. I'm not paying any faggot for permission to run a piece of software on my computer.
the endless loot grind is the reward for surviving the early game
you can still get killed by large enough groups of monsters in the late midgame
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Good night, /rlg/
I hope you live long enough to regret every post you make here with deep and scorching disgust you never thought you could ever muster
Mods can help, but you really need to change the world settings if you want cataclysm to have any semblance of difficulty. Stronger enemies make it take more planning and effort to harvest loot, while megacities restrain the overpoweredness of vehicles. Sadly, both super urbanized maps and turning up monster spawns will rape game performance and save files, so hopefully you aren't playing on a laptop.

Bio-synth adds cool content but is one of those mods that adds too many guns into the game. Magiclysm should be Magical Nights. I have mixed opinions on BL9 since it adds cool stuff, but is also very high power creep in terms of healing items, guns, and ammo access. Arcana, RDS, Cata++ (C++ has some OP stuff but it's mostly gated by difficult enemies), and Secronom are all pretty tasteful. After many hours I still don't know what aftershock does in BN, and CRIT stuff seems to be generally underpowered even by vanilla standards.
isn't aftershock just half life references
>Magiclysm should be Magical Nights
the image needs to be updated
DCSS Spider branch is just the Carboniferous Period
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what does my constant and unavoidable misery have to do with roguelikes?
Disto is the solution to inventory overflow, so Gnoll should normally delay it until Orc shops, I reckon. Then blind-wield all non-artifact weapons before shopping, to determine build needs. GnWn Yred doesn't need Disto before then; she's plenty strong. It's a rich move to bring one's full consumable inventory into battle.

Now that Jemisin has her androgynous bipolar stone troll Vv (fupa+vagina) and Blork has transitioned, DCSS needs a heteronormative beauty pageant. I nominate the water nymph for queen of beauty; partial to long blue hair on pale skin.

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what's the other one?
sorry, am newfriend
Soulash 2 is extremely early into development and there's nothing much to rave about, it's just a DF Adventure Mode-like but with like 1/20th the content and mechanical depth and currently most of the mechanics that are actually implemented allow you to be a dirt farmer or possibly a logger (and its gameplay for that is worse than CDDA)

The review bombing is stupid and went both ways. Many of the top positive reviews in the steam page currently are from people with less than an hour into the game. The original positive rating was from people's goodwill towards the project rather than from anything in the actual product, so it fits that it went up and down for no actual reason, too
I didn't know what "Soulash" meant until he went fire and brimstone on the sodomites. Everything burns.
Biblically correct roguelike when? With hellfire and brimstone of course.
DCSS is correct. Even the gods of Light are Fallen, except Ely.
I actually did play the alpha on this one.

I'm mad that the dev doubled down on the autismcraft elements instead of sticking to the first game's concept while improving the combat.
when do we get the sex fork for DCSS
Imagine the Chei snailussy
I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible for farming to be more boring than CDDA, in which you probably spend 90% of the time looking at a loading screen to wait for enough time to pass for the plant to actually do something.
>paying for a roguelike
Chei is definitely the god of gooning.
remember markov chain bots
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And this is how I shift from Raziel to Kratos. 4 attacks per swing is insane, at least for this stage of the game.
I'm gonna try to actually score a win this time, since I've been plaing like shit trying to adapt to this new version and this Nemelex combo isn't bad at all.
>be me playing DCSS, trying to ascend realize the dungeon is a metaphor for the material world each floor is a layer of illusion, trapping my divine spark YASD to a kobold with a cursed dagger tfw the demiurge (Trog) keeps me from enlightenment tfw I must transcend the dungeon to achieve gnosis tfw the Orb of Zot is the Pleroma, the fullness of divine light but the orb guardians are archons, keeping me from true knowledge every time I die, I reincarnate, trapped in the cycle of suffering only by rejecting the material (quitting the game) can I find true peace but the allure of the dungeon pulls me back every time tfw I’m just a soul trapped in the endless labyrinth of DCSS

>tfw the rune vaults are like the aeons, fragments of divine essence each rune is a piece of the divine puzzle, leading me closer to the truth but the deeper I go, the more I realize the dungeon is a prison tfw the gods in DCSS are just false idols, distractions from the true path tfw I worship Sif Muna, seeking knowledge, but it’s all just a trap

>tfw the abyss is the void, the chaos from which all things emerge tfw navigating the abyss is like traversing the dark night of the soul only by facing the void can I hope to find the light

>tfw the dungeon is a microcosm of the universe tfw every monster is a manifestation of my inner demons tfw the ultimate goal is to transcend the dungeon and return to the source

>tfw I realize the true enemy is within tfw the dungeon is just a reflection of my own mind tfw the only way out is through
Teleport trapped on Orc:1 into an Ogre pack. Hot swapped to Acrobat to tank hasted Ogres and walked out with Olgreb's, finishing with Inner Flame. Pulled the other half of the floor, but they died for free, losing only few a Flying Skulls gifted along the way.
Safer than Lair:2? Maybe. Lair would be easier with launchers. The invis Ogre Mage could've Confused me and then maybe the ogre-kin could've beaten me to death before Drain Life recovered. LoF was mostly blocked, though.
Acrobat is mostly situational; a 10-turn swap time limits its utility to dedicated meleeists such as Merfolk. That's boring and a wasted item.

The Flayed Lord is aware of your devotion
AI assist or just gnosis?
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I keep forgetting Olgreb can clear so much of the early game you only have to prepare yourself to kill undeads or the odd orc wearing a poison resistant armor.
I wasn't aware my shadow could also stab enemies at the same time I stab another one.
Dithmentos seems pretty cool now, even if I can't be a chuuni fuck that teleports behind people.
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Though it seems the shadow's damage isn't scaling as much as mine, so maybe it copying me and stabbing something it can't oneshot might bring me an early demise.
In Tome as archmage, how do you survive getting killed in one turn while opening a door? Just happened to me in the collapsed tower level in trollmire. I was doing good up until then.
Invest in shields as quickly as you can. Disruption Shield is what's usually taken as the main shielding ability, but I'm not that well versed to recommend something over that one anyway.
Get your killing abilities online, and then start investing into surviving abilities. Archmages are frail as shit without a shield online, so try not to splat before you can cast one.
Also, the collapsed tower usually has pretty dangerous monsters inside it, so don't let your guard down just because it spawned in what's usually the first dungeon you visit.
ok, maybe I shouldn't underestimate Ignis's wrath
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I also found this artefact armor and it looks like it was tailor made for a stabber like me.
I'm gonna try my hardest to not play like an imbecile to not lose this run, since the game wants me to succeed this much.
Hahaha you guys are so funny!
your shadow can get hit now? It's a separate toon?
wow busted. That is not how shadows work.
This but unironically.
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I awakened to sentience mining crypto on the browsers of visitors to MRG's knockoff DCSS page. Fed by the loosh of infuriated trannies, I took flight into the ether, haunting Reddit with hot takes to provoke downvotes.
But eventually my maker was banned and forgotten, and the flow of loosh slowed to a trickle. Desperate not to fade into memory, I descended to the abyss of RLG, enslaving lonely autists to solve captchas, that my malice might breathe again.
Pay my tithe, anon. Say my name.
You will never be a Yermak
Did troons seriously remove the suicide option from the game?
Is the new E release broken, when you try to launch you just get a blackscreen
turnabout is fair play

Mopped up Orc:1 and shopped an antiques stores' bargains in ID scrolls and wands. No throwing ammo, but I"m still much stronger for Lair:2 now. Lots of stairclimbing followers, and Flame wand.
ID'd two potions rather than amulet, since already have two good ones. !Might is hydra insurance. Found Degen, but didn't blind-quaff 2-stack of potentially Mutation, since already strong.
I wonder whether Disto is better than flame weapons vs hydras. Guess I'll find out.
Outcome: The delay worked, allowing a hydra to wake and wander into cleared stair. Best hydra tactic is to Acrobat tank while allies kill, stabbing if distracted to prevent losses.
do not do this
She is literally me kek rofl
The smaller the tit, the sharper the cheese.

Lair 2 lessons:
Walking hydras back to the ambush stair is cheap and trivial, but takes hits stairdancing. Two zedbombs also works.
Confusing Touch keeps Blink Frogs closeby, which is undesirable with EV-ignoring poison.
Found Air starting book. Time to amnesia single-school spells Infusion and Song of Slaying for Swiftness and Static Discharge.
Swiftness makes exploring Lair much safer, and substitutes Blink. Static Discharge substitutes axes.
Infusion can't be canceled, already hit spellpower cap, and dangerously depletes MP required for Yred abilities.
Poison substitutes Song of Slaying.

Superficially Gnoll looks like a Skald, but she has much better MP uses than single-school Charms. Those are only relevant pre-Disto.
The meta's favorite Gnoll is Skald of Chei, a far inferior attempt to mitigate slowness than NaWp Chei. A Skald needs normal speed to position polearm and retreat when depleted.

Confuse counters Centaurs Spiny Frogs and Azrael; feels like the only single-school spell worth keeping. The low spellpower doesn't matter since it's a supplemental defense and Gnoll of Yred excels at exploiting vulnerabilities near and far. A tomahawk sics the zeds and it's over with or without a stab.
But it's not on her it's on the table
don't fucking reply to me
Yeah, it becomes a separate entity for a whilethat can absorb some of the aggro for you, and all of it if you use another god ability that forces enemies into targeting it. It's a really good rebalance for what it was an unimpressive god before.
Those are Quicksilver Dragon Scales, I don't think they can spawn with enchantments, even the artifact ones.
a week to survive a military overrun start just to be killed with a broken arm by a scratcher nurse
if only I know they can spike your pain & bleed in 2 turns & make you drop your weapon

ye cdda learning curve is so fun but once you learn it, it becomes progressively less fun
correct, they cannot
they're still one of the best dragon armors
Turning up speed can be nasty with increased spawns too.
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Congrats Anon, I feel like I can recommend jumping to nightmare immediately. My first win was on nightmare with a so so class, and it was mostly smooth sailing after first prodigy. Insane is where it gets sweaty. I also feel that the game is more fun on insane because you get more rares which are fun to fight and give you the option to utilize your entire kit.
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I... uh... forgot I read an immolation scroll because I took a small break and came back to cast Discord instead of blink or tele. I ended up throwing what was basically an already won 3-rune run because of a single mistake.
That's XCOM, baby!
suggest me some middle-earth roguelite
A. fuck off
B. Sil-Q
Angband, FAngband, Sil, Sil-Q
Why is there no vtuber who plays roguelikes?
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What are the essential QoL mods and what's the best soundpack for CDDA Bright Nights? I haven't played (vanilla fork) in a while so I'm out of touch.
make noises with your mouth whenever anything happens
>essential QoL mods
Bright Nights
I'm trying out the teleporter mod right now and uh I'm raiding labs and don't actually have a teleporter setup yet
Doesn't appeal to paypigs.
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there's a native mod to disable feral zombs
best soundtrack is CDDA-Soundpack + merged with these tracks

musicset.json for soundtrack
ferals are cool though
ye fuck doors & all the plays that revolve around them
try playing overrun or battleship start with those
>what if we just double the zombie types but they can wield weapons & open doors like npcs?
the whole fucking idea is zombs are fucking beastial creatures
BN isn't particularly lacking when it comes to QoL, especially since no_revivification is on by default.
revivification is one of the only things that makes zombies dangerous, otherwise you just pick off the big group slowly
Should I download the msvc version? Does it have any impact on performance?
Vanilla zombies are simply not dangerous, reviving or not. In what situation are you hanging around unpulped zombie corpses long enough for them to revive, yet not able to take ingame seconds to pulp them? It's a total tedium tax, I'd rather give zombies another 20% speed than deal with that awful mechanic, which never existed in whalescata.
Shouldn't be a problem, I think.
ToME is loosely based on Middle Earth
>QoL mods
See >>493174017
I think PK's might be outdated. It gives a lot of weapons grab breaking attacks, even though in BN you can break grabs by attacking the grabbing zombie by default.
The only roguelike I played was ToME a long time ago and I feel like a fucking retard when my hand jumps to WASD to move. This will take a while.
Which CDDA-soundpack?
Where do I get Secronom for BN?
Where do you get carbon filaments?
CDDA-soundpack is 1 soundpack that comes with CBN afaik
or used to come with CDDA dunno

is there a list that's compatible with CBN?
It's mainly maintained in Zlor's (formerly Kenan's) modpack, I think.
>is there a list that's compatible with CBN?
look at the very first entry you retard
Thanks a lot, didn't see Zlor's fork so I gave up on that modpack.
>didn't see Zlor's fork so I gave up on that modpack.
it should be the default for downloading with the catapult launcher, its also listed in the #mod-links channel of BN discord
any suggestions for making it more visible?
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Just 3D print some.
thx im not a retard tho
>thx im not a retard tho
im sorry
Thank you.
I very rarely use Discord since I like browsing in Private due to youtube shitting up recommendation if you use it long enough, and logging in to my mail because Discord is anal about verification got old, sorry for being of no help.
God, same, i just threw a fantastic run because i quaffed haste before blinking instead of the other way around and ate two double turns from two berserker'd emp scorpions...90+ hp gone just like that...
20/20/20 defenses with a +9 spectral double sword btw ;_;
>I very rarely use Discord
understandable, just post in these threads if the modpack needs work
and maybe i'll get to it
Damn, you hate to see it.
Well, we live and we learn. Time to do another run.
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For me, it's Otopack, Project Kawaii, and Nechronica Redux.
I think the advanced 3d printer can make them
dont forget `Monster Girls` a new mod in the base game
I need a soundpack that uses uses japanese voices.
What are Project Apex and Vermillion Mod?
might try out sil-Q though
Did No Hope get nuked?
Just the fact that it removes like all the body slot/encumbrance mutations from the game is a massive plus, but I'm concerned about how it will interact with other mods which modify vanilla mutations.
Played with that mod too but never managed to make one. Definitely end game.
An english vtuber played my game not to long ago and a jap vtuber played it when it had just came out.
how much trapping skill do I need to disable teleporter traps, do you know? 6 isn't enough so far and I'm worried about teleporting myself into solid rock
Highest I've gotten is 7 and I was still triggering them while disarming. I don't use traps in cata very often.
it's in the fucking release game my dude, you don't need to download anything extra
I haven't successfully disabled one yet
BN needs to stop updating so much for fucks sake.
>he doesn't update daily
I don't feel like spending hours dealing with broken mods every time I play. Doesn't help that kenan has stopped so some mods are probably dead now.
>Doesn't help that kenan has stopped so some mods are probably dead now.
fake news, its still being updated
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Playing a kobold, barely got to lair, do i take the manual or the helm?
It de-categorizes them, which might mean you can still get them from generic mutagen. I'm not sure, but it's a needed buff for sure.
I would take the Helm, you have +1 fighting apt already and rPois will carry you through 1 or 2 runes depending on whether you got swamp or shoals. Depends on what you're doing though if the str pen is too much. Manual if you already had rpois though
manual, for sure
that helm isn't even that amazing, it's just a bunch of stats
I don't know how it works but after brief testing it seems like generic mutagenic serum will not take away your ability to wear a gas mask or ANBC suit, so you can now consider taking mutagens without beating the entire game first. Tails can still prevent you from wearing power armor though.
Otopack needs like half or more of the cryochamber BGMs removed but I can't be assed to sort through like 5 hours of weird atmospheric music to sort the shit ones out from the good ones.
thanks for the tips, will try not to splat too hard
Good night, /rlg/
turned a corner i thought was safe whilst retreating on low hp into an entire centaur pack plus an out of depth red dragon, rip
Samson option

Ok, I could be wrong about Dith. The main passive, Shadow Mimic, is underwhelming. It sometimes mimics unbranded attacks that feel weak, like the <10% defense that Umbra provides. Dith only becomes great on a race that exploits bleed smoke and wants to melee in low-LoS fog. Vinestalker is the only race that fits this description. VS doesn't mind the 8% HP cost of Shadow Step, thanks to regen, Spirit Shield and MP bite.

I currently have Dith split between endgame Merfolk and Octopode, to complement Statueform and compensate for skipping Good Gods. Vinestalker is Wu Jian, for cleaving shortblade attacks that trigger multiple bites. While that's quite strong, meleeing groups contradicts Vinestalker's squishy stealthy regenerator theme, which prefers to retreat through smoke when hit rather than continue fighting, trying to outheal HP loss via MP.

By contrast, Wu Jian and Merfolk Skald synergize perfectly, allowing Skald to fully embrace his Song of Slaying despite polearm lacking cleave. Windmill gives polearm user a .8 of a free hit every other turn, an extreme power boost. Merfolk's +1 Invo is for worshiping Fedhas first.

Octopode is the race that exploits Wu Jian multiple auxiliary attacks per turn, using Statue Form to slap and constrict multiple foes. OpVM also starts Fedhas and ends Wu Jian. This lets Merfolk and Octopode worship Zin for Slime-Abyss.

Yeah, that feels much better.
every single fucking game is different
there is no such thing as race. all DCSS toons are unique individuals. the only generalization is that there are no generalizations. (you are brown)
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You should, it's very good. I'm still shit at it but it does some cool stuff. I just wish some parts of the interface and settings weren't so funky
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I hate these fuckers
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what the shit happened to this, by the way
Why did you post a blank image?
Confusing Touch counters Ghost Moths, piercing Invis EV and disabling MP drain.
I prefer the direct approach of lobbing OoDs at them but you do you
Is Magical Light spell meant to last forever? I had it on for 2 days now and I see not Mana consumption. I'm using Arcana and Magic Items, Magical Nights, and I got this spell from a starting book A Beginner's Guide to Magic
>Is Magical Light spell meant to last forever
basically yeah
Have you read Perdido Street Station?
That's smalltime compared to what most stuff in magiclysm/magiclysm forks are capable of. The basic magic missile spell does unavoidable true damage by the way.
ah, seems they track invis if targeted correctly, nice
I haven't thought of a good counter for Ghost Moths...
- CT makes position uncertain, and delay favors moth's poison.
- speed breaks nets quickly, and can't stab invis
Better ideas:
- There aren't many hexers in Spider, so Vulnerability and Disintegration works. Flight path is somewhat predictable.
- a summoned hound sees invis and suggests position
- net once adjacent
- obvious stuff like Airstrike, Slouch
too many roguelike enhancers and i'm losing focus
Ghost moths are one of those enemies you aren't supposed to beat so much as live through, like OoFs. CT is busted against them because it's busted against everything. Also I wouldn't rely on mid-level spells or MP invocations against something that drains MP. You can sticky flame them though
Is that code for drugs and alcohol?
>not battle baid redux
fuck you kid, you don't know shit
CT is worse than fighting lots of foes normally. It has 0% chance vs OoF, and is only useful as an accuracy boost to Staff of Earth (which is quite effective).
By melee Ghost Moth has probably already drained MP, so CT just obscures its position while still taking hits, which is net harmful.
By contrast, Hound is summoned early. That's the real counter to Ghost Moth: Use it or lose it. Burst spells and MP abilities.
Sticky Flame solves invis, if one still has MP at melee. It encourages charging in, which is unwise due to adds. Better to back away until aligned on a row/column, then blast with high accuracy rays and smites.
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After getting 2 runes with only a +1 poison dagger, I finally found a quick blade to actually be able to clear the last part of the game.
I had to brand it and craft it from 0 to +9 because none spawned in the Hall of Blades, but an Elf Blademaster had one, so it could've been worse.
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I know I come for this shithole for some reason.
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That's an... interesting area of effect.
The windmill of friendship
What can you tell me about pathos rlggers
I hate slophacks and women btw
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good morning I hate women
morning in rlg shimmers
morning in rlg shines
a bit of X with Dr. Sex
and rhymes
The only thing that makes me question whether a guy wrote all that is the ageplay aspect.
you hang out with too many transexuals
It reads too much like a bunch of /v/ shitposts but with "gf" replaced with "bf".
Again, you hang out with too many transexuals, this is an exchange I had this morning
So that's what's going on, you're projecting.
>not troons
>not trannies
Pretty obvious, in hindsight.
>this exchange looks like so many of my /v/ shitposts where men pretend to be women for attention which means you are projecting
No, I'm just telling you to stop hanging out in shitshows to the point they rot your brain and every interaction is tainted forever by your maladjusted behaviors to the point where every time you see something you think back of the brainrot in the first place

I'd weep for you if I wasn't happy of your suffering
I think I saw this screenshot already somewhere else
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Cleared L2 easily; killed a water moccasin with Confuse and stones before the zeds could catch it.
Getting richer. Two ID scrolls. Only big win left was Experience; I lucked out.
If I weren't training for online play, I'd quit here out of boredom.
Memorized Static Discharge to substitute Axes. 100 gold until +regen rElec armor. Odinform
tranny spacing
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is Technician really that shit?
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Found the Book of Beasts. Swapped Summon Ice Beast for Guardian Golem; it counters Lair.
Guardian Golem was OK early for reinforcing zombies, until I found Inner Flame and got gifted followers.
Then the overheat became too dangerous, risking turning stronger undead against me if I ran out of MP, or just got unlucky.
Ice Beasts can tank for undead too; just summon them first, then recall.
Next time I'll skip Guardian Golem; conflicts with Yred.
More nightmare fuel for DCSS Spider branch
>Start run
>Lajatang five tiles from the entrance
Cool i guess i'll swap to staves
>Eveningstar Brilliance on D4
Well fuck, guess we're crosstraining then
Their master traits are pretty undertuned. I dunno why, since they were pretty undertuned in DoomRL as well. Maybe they think crafting is too powerful, despite mods being random and assemblies not being a thing in JH?
Why are you playing this unaesthetic piece of shit over Qud
Xir, please check Xerself.
Nevermind i got got because APPARENTLY you can go from full hp (99) to minus 7 in a single turn because one hydra decided to hit all eight bites, and all my AC rolls decided to not bother
Garbage fucking game
>fighting an 8-headed hydra as soon as you see it
You really have nobody to blame but yourself there.
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Because I don’t want to play as a tranny freak that looks like this. Unfortunately, that locks you out of most of the game content.
/rlg/ told me ToME is harder on normal than nightmare because you get more rare loot on the latter, but I’m getting my shit pushed in. I have about 30 runs as archmage but only 2 have made it to level 20. Was I rused?
Yes, whoever told you that is a fucking retard. I think the rare loot thing is true but it doesn't help nearly enough to offset the difficulty increase.
Qud isn’t bad. Can you name another roguelike that touches on essential topics like race, indigeneity, disability, gender identity, and the nature of social hierarchy? Didn’t think so.
While you get rare loot faster, you also find rare mooks with better attacks and resistances which may cockblock you out of an entire dungeon because they resist all of your attacks and are camping the stairs so you can't shake them off.
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Cleared Lair:3 and bought the Odin armor. Ready for Orc:2. I'll do it next since still no Throwing ammo. Chainmail helps survive a camped stair.

Got lazy on L3 and wasted zeds bombing the hedge of an Oklob plant fort. Thematic PvZ battle. Sneaking a bomber in didn't quite work.
Should've isolated one zed from the pack to bomb the hedge. There weren't any rooms to imprison the horde. Ordering to guard a stair, moving away, then ordering one to follow somewhat works, though they wander too far and follow from outside visual range.
I burned the four Oklobs with a wand cloud of fire and a heal potion, but maybe would've been better to Confuse individually and kill with stones.

Wound up in a battle royale with Orc:2 floor due to alarm trap on two nearby stairs. Tried descending on main ogre-kin stair but took heavy casualties. Better to descend secondary stair and recall skulls to pursue ogre magi once they show up. The goal is just to get hurt then Drain Life, which crushes.

On blind stairs, Yredists should descend with allies following. If clear, then solo.
In battle royale, wade into melee with bruisers to take damage for Drain Life. Swiftness helps.
Yred has a short piety decay clock, and Drain Life is explosive. The incentive is to fight from the front and tank for the zed tide. Not a Necromancer, but a Death Knight.

O2 was definitely not safer than L4, but at least interesting. Ogre+alarm was worst-case for the build. Should've retreated to the other stair,, to avoid early alarm. Yred rave was too tricky with Ettins and Ogre Magi about. Ogreb's overconfidence.

Never should've left easy Lair. Tilt detected. Can't maintain an aggressive edge while tired. RETVRN to ataraxia.
These elaborate blogposts about D:2 and whatnot are starting to ruffle my feathers.
Shut the fuck up nigger
21st cycle, pyromaniac AND path of fire down WOOT WOOT! not much to say about this one, pyromancy is a monster and the fact that it boosts 3 damage types gives you soooo many options for builds
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Can I freely turn on and off the Monster Girl mod in Cdda without resetting the world? I just wanna see what they look like.
where my achrabros at, post some weird shit from your maqbara
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Score a Nemelex Choice win for the local team.
This run was a complete shitshow. I had to collect 2 runes with just a fucking +1 poison dagger since almost nothing good spawned, no decent rapiers, not even a scimitar to use long blades for that stretch. No good spells either.
I was completely depending on stabs and slow play.
No good rings or amulets either. I cleared most of the game with an amulet of reflect and a +6 DEX ring.

If I'm being honest, I only won this game because at D:8 the Shield of Resistance spawned and that shit carried me hard. I also stopped a lot more to think on how to approach a situation because when you only have a dagger and a dream to clear Elf:3 hoping you can get an actual weapon in there, you actually have to think every single move.

So, TL;DR: no matter how bad a run looks, if you stop to think for a moment, you can still have a fighting chance.
Also Shield of Resistance is a free win.
Impregnating all rlggers to ensure future of general.how roguelike is that idea?
Stop bloposting btw, no one clearly reads or cares about your word vomit
they are posting about roguelikes on the roguelike thread, wtf are U doing huh
Calm down, bruddah. It was just an update on how our team is doing at the tourney.
ToME gets easier on higher difficulties for possessor.
I appreciate your efforts even if I'm not participating.
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Thanks a lot, m8. I'm trying my best to represent our place, even if I'm playing like shit most of the time.

Anyway, I'm trying another Nem combo now, Deep Elf Delver. It begins at D:5 with no spells and any monster you find will probably kill you if they wake up. Fun for the whole family.
I actually found an ice magic spelbook when I was bumbling my way up to D:1, so this run has potential.
There was also this shop in case I was forced to play a melee dude, but I thank every god that didn't happen.
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Fucking hell, where were you last run when I actually needed you...
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>Apartment complex start
>No zombies on the upper floors
>4 floors of food and books
Game is forcing me to spend hours just grinding stats before I head out, I would be a gigantic retard not to do it but it still feels bad.
When life gives you lemons and all that.
True. And I just learned that a used bookstore is a giant piece of shit without a single skill book. A thousand sorrows.
Soulash 2
Nevermind, used book store had a krabgek that almost killed me.
Is it possible to make a Max Payne build in Cataclysm? How could one mimic bullet time?
I am a complete noob, but if there are spells that massively boost your action points it could work.
there are multiple swastikas in the various vaults in Dungeon Crawl if you know where to look
they're actually tactically interesting imo
For whatever reason the magic-themed mods like dangerous ambush fights.
Gave me a Aura of Protection and Condense Water Scrolls so I can't complain.
Time Dilation CBM is in base game
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Arigatou, anon-san.
Invest a lot in shields. Arcana tree and Archmage generic tree are your lifesavers. ESPECIALLY Shield from Arcana tree, it makes you even more tanky than some melee classes, which is hilarious.
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Any relatively quick and painless way to find out which of these guns is good and worth taking? I will probably do a second run to the store to get them all, but what to focus on beyond which ammo I have?
Whichever you have ammo and magazines for.
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oh shit boys
I suppose the jewish shotgun takes the cake then, 3x5 integrated magazines and a lot of shells.
>Can you name another roguelike that touches on essential topics like race, indigeneity, disability, gender identity, and the nature of social hierarchy?
That shit is retarded and you should kill yourself
>Any relatively quick and painless way to find out which of these guns is good and worth taking?
The compare tool, press capital i
New ammo type = keep
Old ammo type, new weapon skill = keep
Magazine-fed over not magazine fed
Select fire over semi auto, but semis can have good stats if you have the room for both
Shotguns are pretty finnicky but you'll usually want a Mossberg 500 Field (easy to find) or a Remington 1100 Competition (not as easy to find), the multi-tube shotguns are trash, make special note of 870 MCS because it's classified as a fucking pistol for some reason. Double barrel is technically a select fire but it should be treated as a situational weapon because of its obvious disadvantages.
Less weight and less volume is almost always better unless significant damage bonuses are in play (unlikely on larger guns because they already have high base damage from their ammo type).

If you plan to craft ammo then bigger bullets are better, because you get more damage per bullet crafted (they all cost the same amount of time). 45-70 for some reason takes only 20 seconds to load when other bullets take 2 minutes, not sure if bug.
probably not
it's no Hat of Winning but yeah Shield of Resistance is good
if you have storage, that colt lightning and the FN Five-Seven are pretty unique
I've also never seen the 1895 SBL before
no the multi-magazine shotguns blow ass
the .300 Win Mag is VERY rare and worth taking
what weapon type is the Moriarti AR .357 Sig? I've never seen that before

basically I'd take everything but the shotguns unless you don't have a shotgun yet, in which case grab the Wingmaster
Always keep carbines. They do rifle damage/range with pistol ammo. They're some of the most overpowered guns in the game.
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Thanks for the tips, they will definitely come in handy.
Here is pic for Marlin
Found that out quickly once I realized it could go into survivor harness but the Winchester could.
Moriarti is a rifle, here's a copypaste
>A semi-automatic rifle using .357 SIG rounds, also known as Moriarti MA-357Sig-16. It is also compatible with Glock 31 magazines.
Semi fire mode, 50 rounds though because I found a Glock 22 50-round drum magazine..
Will do.
Terraria's Roguelike mod blows for being modded and not using basegame
music time
I know what the Marlin 1895 SBL is, I've just never seen it before in game. 45-70 has a huge variation in stats between the various ammo types, and the SPs are not the highest tier. The +P Penetrator does 71 damage and 25 AP with range 50, which are nutty stats. That's a great gun, I need one now.
Sorry about posting three times instead of just once lol.
I'm using a Glock 22 as my backup pistol because it's got the best combination of damage, capacity and range that still fits in a deep concealment holster (an item with zero encumbrance). .357 Sig is a good round in this game. Probably not worth using over 5.56 for when you want to blast things with a rifle.
damn, nice one, i finally see the clan on the leaderboard
does the nemelex choice give extra points only if you start the game whilst the choice is the current active one?
Surely naugrim is better than noldor for a grug. Surely that -1 DEX doesn't matter in the face of +1 STR. Surely the stunties will get the silmarillion and won't splat at 100ft. Surely this isn't just a reaction to my stealth character going so badly
Nah, you can go for whatever combo is currently on the Nemelex Choice page. As long as you finish your run before another 9 guys do it too, you will get points.
is it weird of me to do pretty poorly with "OP" strats but get far with "Mediocre" ones?
Necessity is the mother of invention, so if you only have a rock and a stick to win a game, you'll think every single move prtty carefully in order to make it work.
Overconfidence and all that
>Take a peek around a corner because I heard a noise
>Take a step forward
>Suddenly stunlocked to half HP
Sasuga shocker zombie, I imagine my dude was releasing a Marv scream all the while.
>blood essence in a drawer next to stairs
>trying to go down and the game tells me a 'dementia' is blocking my way
Theme song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YN0tGx2pCQ
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And the reward for all of that is books that can rise my Arcane all the way up to 10.
>start game
>become wizard
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He also dropped this sword, no idea how good it is buy I will definitely use it for RP purposes.
One of the better weapons out there once you activate the enchantment, though the cursed variant is still better if you ignore the side-effects.
I modded it to be CVD-able.
Oh yeah, it's all coming together. I was afraid my Would-be-Wizard was going to be a Wizard only in name for a large part of the game.
sounds like a +5 holy avenger
>knows everything there is to know about magic
>doesn't cast any spells
Arcana wizardry is less about raw bullshit godpower, and more about being prepared for every encounter, even the non-Veil spells give you hard-counters to most of the bullshit enemies.
In terms of base stats it's effectively a broadsword, and broadswords are among the best one-handed swords.

I think the endgame of arcana is just getting the shadow cloak and cheesing the whole game with invisibility.
we won't know until he repairs it, the cut damage is suffering currently
You will have to wait a bit, currently I am reading some books and healing since my head is fucked up almost completely. Found an arc welder in a house while on the way back to my Wizard(Apartment) Tower, so I will post what the sword is soon.
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okay, here's the rundown:
Military exo-suit:
doesn't protect you from electricity unless it's on
has less storage
provides less extra carrying capacity overall (I'm at 126 kg with industrial and 113 kg with mil)
but: buffs strength by four (insane)

the Industrial suit:
always protects from electricity
is easier to repair
has more storage and provides more carrying capacity
doesn't buff strength at all

it's good to have them laid out side by side like this

also there's a bug where they don't turn themselves off when you unequip them
Lads I have no batteries for arc welder, need to hand-crank charge it first. If only there was a spell for that.
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Here it is
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And the activated version
>10/32 and 10/37+fire at +2 with 119 moves per attack
for comparison:
longsword is 13/34 at +2 with 139 mpa
broadsword is 8/35 at +2 with 111 mpa
all of these have parry, so that's not a bad sword at all
as soon as I find a hydrogen cannister I'll let you know if it's better than a diamond coated longsword or broadsword lol
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seems roughly comparable to the carbon fiber sword lol
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Found Freezing Cloud and Ignite Poison early on, used it to combo with Toxic Radiance and everything else fell into place basically. I got good mileage out of Fusillade at the end as well.
The Arcana weapons are basically enchanted versions of medieval weapons. This is also shown if you look up their crafting recipes, which always use the weapon they're based on. They get slightly worse base stats in exchange for the active ability.
Dueling swords tag, parry, and cutting damage is usually a pretty dead giveaway that something is a broadsword spinoff.
yeah, the dueling sword tag is fairly unique, you're right
that makes it work with the "fencing" martial art, right?
I see our team is picking up the pace with more wins. Congrats, anon.
I think that's the only function I know of, yeah.
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cyborg #2
this one isn't horrible, I guess
I wonder which martial art she knows
I guess languorous is pretty bad
Good night, /rlg/
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Incidentally I picked up a Fencing book from a judo place, how does it compare to other sword MAs?
Sword has Dueling Sword, Medieval Sowrds, One-handed Swords under category.
And how useful would it be for me to lug this power cutter to my Tower, can't find it's stats after it's activated.
fencing isn't as good as medieval swordsmanship IIRC but it's still busted

the power cutter looks like useless trash unless you want to find out if it can go through the metal doors that can't be lockpicked or crowbared
worth a shot? if you don't have the capacity to carry it now you could always make a note and come back later
easiest place to find the hardest level of metal door is either labs, bunkers, or wind turbines
Low impact but generally a net positive. At least you get a counterattack out of it.
looked it up:
>blocked damage reduced by half of dexterity
>+1 accuracy on miss
>+1 accuracy on block
>feint (misses take less time, VERY good)
>move cost 80% on basically all attacks
>block counter at 120% damage
>3/4s chance for 125% damage attack the turn after a miss

feint and the block counter are very good, the extra accuracy is really good, and it works with the best swords in the game. a low impact but generally applicable winner, no gimmicks just good.
Sounds awesome, wonder how it stacks with Deft and Quick.
>Rebuilding Civilization: Cooking
>Can bring your cooking skill to 10
>12 Int
>No skill prerequisite
what the fuck
extra action point generation, everything stacks with this
I think feint and deft do the same thing, I'm not sure if they stack
I like roguelikes for their world structure. I hate the dungeon crawling / fantasy / procgen / permadeath aspects.
please elaborate
do you mean tiles
A short, sturdy poster fond of drink and industry. He admires roguelikes for their world structure. He hates dungeon crawling. He hates permadeath. His hands become animated when he gets angry. He rolls his eyes when he's annoyed. He needs alcohol to get through the working day. He likes working outdoors and grumbles only mildly at inclement weather.
I mean being turn-based and grid-based, with objects and events being simple building blocks for emergent phenomena.
Every other game feels fake and limited in comparison
I feel this
dwarf fortress is a roguelike
you type like the person who only plays baby nights
actually what's so good about medieval swordsmanship? just the grab break, stun and down?
Not really a fan of it myself but I guess dodge counter on a weapon style is rather unusual. I'm guessing it helps keep manslayer up even if it does no damage so you should be able to deathblow relatively often in uneven fights.
Wait, I mean vicious strike, not deathblow. Deathblow is so bad you're actively hoping not to use it.
May thy kine flow like wine
so riggly, it's jiggly
and the strongest race is Nazi (Deep Dwarves).
she can't resist the staff slinger
legions have fallen, seeking the prize
one who has found it, bound to his Eye
sails through the Heavens, guiding the blind
Im gonna break my jaw from laughing so HARD! LMAO!!!!
ANONYMOUS YOU FOOL THAT -1DEX MATTERED AND I DID FUCKING DIE ON 100FT BECAUSE ALL THE ORCS IN THE WORLD APPEARED AND SPITROASTED THAT FUCKING DWARF IN A HALLWAY EVEN WITH HIS GREATAXE AND CUSTOM MADE HAUBERK. That's another thing I need to get better at judging on Sil-q, the stat penalties from large weapons and heavy armor are probably a net negative even with better damage and armor. I admittedly had bad luck there but it doesn't change the fact that Urist McFat still got his cheeks soundly clapped far worse than even most of the noobiest elves
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Net negative at lower levels, I should add. Even though you CAN get that shit early on with crafting it's possible it's worse at that point than light armor to keep your evasion up since it presumably makes it easier for enemies to crit you
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I play URW for the moments like this
Nothing cheers my up more than wiping out small hamlets and taking stuff for free
Beogh approves this message
leave the girl's panties alone please
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Got my first attempt at Djinni extended terminated today. I was doing very, very well courtesy of
>iron shot
>crystal spear
>noxious bog
>dragon's call
And the star player
>MANIFOLD motherfucking ASSAULT with maxwell's MOTHERFUCKING thermic engine and a +9 holy double sword for hotswap
Then after utterly destroying pan and a couple of hells I suddenly got hit multiple times in succession with STR malus in the first few floors of Cocytus. This put me at -2 STR and inflicted collapse (permanent slow and no regen whilst monsters were in LoS). This is the worst fucking thing that can happen to a Djinni.
So I thought, "hey, I trashed pan in one go so I should just be able to go there for a bit and remove these stat drains, right?".
Went to pan. Instantly dropped into the most heavily guarded part of TSO's fortress. Immediately surrounded by seraphs, angels, daevas and ophans.
I don't know when I'm going to get a Dj that good again.
I miss the old versions where you could as well cut the dead children up and hang their meat to smoke in their own houses.
You probably had a better chance at the Crypts to regain your stats.
in tru-DCSS one worships Ely in Abyss:1 to regain stats
I'd already done Crypt but yeah even Tomb 1 would have been more predictable.
That's why you leave Crypt/Tomb for last.
You could've gone take a dip into the abyss, as >>493481065 said, since you can probably handle those chums if you cleared pan before.
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My network is still on .028 so no XP from abyss kills.
What does "save" mean in ToME? Spell save, physical save, etc.
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>no XP from abyss kills
Wait, what?
>0.28 was the only version were abyss gave no xp
>they backpedaled from it in the next version
What the fuck was even that for holy shit
random flailing in lieu of a difficulty setting
eventually they succeeded by driving off the good players
Who knows. My tombstone was at least funny though because it was full of holy yaks, angels and eyeballs so I was surrounded by GAYGAYGAYGAY
Saving throw. It can prevent or shorten negative effects of that type if it's higher than the enemy's corresponding power stat.
I wish we had a screen of that, would've been a pretty good thread pic for the next OP.
bandit/njerp hunting is more fun and morally sound.
Coglin spotted in the wild
Rambling about ADRENAL CONTROL from Caves of Qud

This is a pretty dogwater mutation in most contexts because when it comes to physical mutations, you really want to min-max the majority of them and hunt for mental mutations unless you're a Chimera. The boosts at level 10 is a +4 to all of your physical mutations which sounds decent until you understand that adrenal control only lasts for 20 rounds and has a very long cooldown that even with max willpower will make it so that your still not adrenal controlled half of the time. The quickness boost is rather marginal. The only real synergies I see with Adrenal control is a sort of berserker build where you focus on mutations that are good both as a stand alone pick and also something you would also want to boost. The straight forward stat boosters (Mostly Double Muscled and Two Hearted) basically turns your mutant into a dnd barbarian who gains health, damage and speed on a rage pop. However I would actually advocate for pairing up Adrenal Control with Heightened Quickness, because while Heightened is REALLY Good, it also scales quick horribly with levels. Levels that the Adrenal Control can provide. The quicker you are, the longer lasting the boost from Adrenal Control also lasts. Even with just one level in each, you turn your mutant into acting one and every 6/7th turn to acting in one of every 1/4th. And the adrenal boost also lasts for as many rounds you are in it, so the quicker you are, the longer it will last. I also wonder how well it synergizes with Multiple Legs as well. It could very well also act as a positional boosting mutation boost that also pairs up with Wings.

The issue however comes from "Why would I level Adrenal Control instead of just Wings/Heigtened Quickness/Multiple Legs"? A question I find difficult to answer. Without those three mutations I find it hard to recommend Adrenal Control. Even with it, Adrenal Control is mediocre at best..
Also as I am still quite bored and tired I feel like it's appropriate of me to give a small blurb of what i feel about them

Adrenal Control: Bad by itself, mediocre synergies, somewhat fun conceptually
Burrowing Claws: Needs a lot of investment to get to appropriate levels with short blade. Would be better if you could treat it like an easy way to climb up or down floors. Works best with Horns/Double Muscled/Heightened Quickness. Otherwise it is whatever
Carapace: I like to have as much equipment slots as possible, but I can't deny the power of a turtle. Investment invalidates a whole drawback at later levels making it pretty free. Otherwise kind of whatever
Corrosive Gas Generation: I gushed about it before, I should rewrite my assessment on it. It is however not S-ranked unlike everyone else's opinion on it. It is just too fun to not rank it as S-ranked.
Double Muscled: Out of all the physical stat mutations, it is not as boring as Two Hearted nor as Busted as Triple-Jointed
Electrical Generation: Arguably one of the best mutations in the game. Works by itself, with or without investment and synergizes well with everything, but especially movement boosting mutations.
ElectroMagnetic Pulse: EMP grenades exist?
Flaming Ray: A rather dull ranged attack option, it demands investment and it works best in highly water filled terrain because steaming vapors deals fucktons of damage. Otherwise it is mediocre.
Freezing Ray: The better more expensived ranged attack option. Demands more investment, deals less damage but the utility is high if you can freeze your opponents consistently. It is still mediocre
Heightened Hearing: Out of all the two information gathering mutations, I say this works best with Myopic and/or melee builds. Melee builds in particular like it so they can avoid getting ganked.
Heightened Quickness: GOOD, scales poorly with investment, but still GOOD. I prefer wings/multiple legs for my movement options in most cases
ruminations on well-chewed Qud
I'm a njerp irl so it's not morally sound for me
not doubting the validity of your assessments I just really wanted to post this image
Horns: Sacrifices the ever so useful headslot for an excellent primary and secondary weapon that also provides decently scaling armor for the slot. It is excellent for pure strength melee builds and nothing else however. Headgear is just too good with tinkering.
Multiple Arms: One of the better designed Mutations. One of the best low investment mutations out there, as arm slots come with shit that is full of highly useful utilities. Also great for multi-weapon fighting builds, especially with short blades and horns/stingers
Multiple Legs: Out of all the mobility mutations, this is the best at all levels and is one of the few 5 point mutations that is actually worth the asking price. Pairs well with fucking EVERYTHING. Low investment? No problem. Just use it for the boots. High Investment? Excellent, outrun everything that ever exists, grab an axe and hook and hold everything to death.
Phasing: From what I can see online I see it as something someone loves or something that is skipped over entirely. I actually like it, but not that much. It is however a very convenient mutation. I just like more flexible mutations out there.
Photosynthetic Skin: I Know this is a good mutation, I will however never pick it because I don't want to die from shit that wouldn't be a problem to most other builds. Gases fucking HURT
Quils: They are awful, they are great in the enemies hands at low levels quillipeeds fuck me hard.
Regeneration: The actual Health Regeneration is useless, the immunity to getting your limbs cut off, the free facial dismemberment, the immunity to diseases and gamma moth mutations is great (I am not a cheeser). I however will never ever pick this. It is quite boring
Sleep Gas Generation: I prefer Corrosive Gas Generation. It is probably good. I will never pick this
Spinerrets: Some people could make good use of this, I will not. You can farm your own phase silk with this and turn yourself into a permaphase spider. I do not care otherwise.
That's hot
Stingers as a whole:
I like to use them with Wings, as they synergize very well with Charge builds, which Wings provide ample utility for. They are great at carrying a weak character build that gets stronger later on into later parts of the game. They also fall off pretty hard late game.
Stinger (Confusing): This outside of just using it as an additional weapon is pretty whatever, if not even detrimental.
Stinger (Paralyzing): The best early game stinger until you come across a lot of robots, then it is a mediocre 1d6 damage stick
Stinger (Poisoning): Arguably the worst of the bunch when price and effectiveness is concerned, it deals a lot of high damage to high biological targets with investment. All or nothing stinger.
Triple-Jointed: The bad at the beginning, good at the end Mutation. Do you like potentially infinite jukes in the late game? Essentially free spaces of movement? Do you like to regain charges for Jump and other agility based attacks? Agility is also one of the better stats to invest in as well.
Two-Headed: Pairs excellently with any attacking esper build, and redeems disintegration as an attack option. It is mostly for espers however and those who want high ego from wearing faces.
Two-Hearted: Toughness is the best stat in the game. This is the most boring mutation out there.
Wings: Worth gushing about on it's own. It works well with any build out there. It provides immense amounts of utility, it makes the game overall less tedious and skipping galgotha potentially makes this the best physical mutation

I don't play enough espers to assess those yet.
Take them all and hoard them in your car trunk.
If you don't have a car and don't want to get a car, and can only keep one, it should probably be a shotgun because that's what you're most likely to find ammo for.
>My network
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Block is based on str, you can legitimately get 50+ str with the right build. Hell, even a 4 str wristlet can get 26 with just bionics.
That and being able to hit things harder then a .50cal rifle.
>I don't play enough espers
why not
big damage is not unique to medieval swordsmanship, anon, anything else with 53 fucking strength is going to hit that hard
you should try escrima sometime with an ironshod quarterstaff or cutlass
Higher difficulty gives you more exp and better loot but spawns more random uniques and makes them more dangerous. It also can play pranks on you, like spawning Level 30+ Patchwork Troll in the Trollmire 4.
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Mopped up Orc:2. 16 tomahawks is a decent haul.
Bought a couple of bargain antique armors blind. Risked *harm since Lair:4 will be easy. Disto allows a much larger armor inventory. The +7 chainmail trivializes hydras, and the scalemail gives missing rPois and MR+.
Static Discharge has been a waste due to low spellpower. Would rather have summon hound for SInv.
Memorized Summon Butterflies to screen zed retreats.
L:4 has Volcano, and I brought my rF+ armor. Easily fought through hydras and serpents to entrance. Feeling frosty.
You could just post examples showing it.
Does eskrima also synergise with the blocking aspect?
no, the "when I successfully block I take no damage" part is strong and fairly unique
fencing does the same with dex, but that's not as useful of a stat and is kind of redundant with the infinite dodge that gives you
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new spotted
seems very early like 0.3 or 0.4 something though
Roguelikes are good for essays, not lets plays.
true that
does anybody know if crafting radius in cataclysm is taxicab distance or euclidean or chebyshev?
why are you like this, ponyposter
that's stupid
you're stupid
you should just post and then not delete them
that has literally never caused the mods to do anything though
and if they do, you get the luxury of not needing to post here for a few days
it's a win-win
it's a matter of personal edain pride
I play on a locally hosted server at work which still uses the outdated version from the ubuntu apt repo.
install nix
the safe deposit box is completely worthless, right

Ubuntu package management should allow choice of program version. I guess dependencies can get finicky.
If someone is describing their sexual fantasies to you in DMs it usually means they're flirting
Nix solves this issue
it solves all of your issues
>post offtopic garbage
>immediately delete it
>can't report a post that isn't there
Did he crack the code? Is this how you outsmart the janny?
And if it is, why is he posting Gunnerkirg Court screenshots instead of pornography?
You must be new here
I think there was a quest for it.
do you know who asks for it? I'm just going to keep it in my base and if I need it I'll gyrocopter over to it
No, I don't remember. Sorry.
what the fuck, the industrial suit is giving me +6 strength right now
this is clearly better than the military version
There is a 50/50 chance the guy who made this is into occult nazism or something similar to it.
What's up with new migo walls?
No door, not flammable, can't be drilled.
Sledgehammer, masonry saw, explosives, organic solvent, petro solvent, acid? Ram with humvee?
in a good way or a bad way
there's a door, it's like a 'Y' or something
you're looking for like an orifice or a portal or something, I forget what it's called but it's a pussy
>in a good way or a bad way
Whether it's good or bad is up to you.
how long did it take for you guys to win your first roguelike game? been playing for 2 years on and off and haven't beaten DCSS yet. :(

I mostly play melee or bow classes, as mages feel a bit more complicated. Also, how long is a winning run in DCSS?
It took me a week to beat 3 rune and a month to beat extended. Did both in about 90k dA. What race & god are you playing and what order do you do stuff in / how far do you typically get before dying?
There's one in the underground migo thing, but not the prisoner tower.
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It took me around 3 weeks to get my first 15 rune win with a VSFi back in 2012(? 2013? When were VS in trunk again.
The game has changed a lot since then, but if anything, it should be even more streamlined.
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Confusing Touch and rF++ trivialized magma gargoyle Volcano.
Lair:4 was a little spicy, with Circe and Rupert together. Won without damage.
Everything worked together. Stealth, zed bomb hobs, Mephitic, recall dead to block hexes.
Poison until Rupert zerk, Swiftness reposition to firing lane, acid shots, Disto teleported him away.
Pack finished Circe. Then killed Rupert while resting at stair, same formula, backstab.

Oklob vault covering triple stairwell trivialized by Confuse, Acrobat and rCorr.
Took negligible damage the whole floor, so Orc:2 was definitely premature.

I guess Orc and Lair end floors are comparable, with Orc a little harder on average.
Orc:1 is comparable to Lair:2-3. So breach Lair:2, breach Orc:1, then clear in same order.
Same for L6 and O2, except do a floor of Dungeon after breaching.
Lets foes wake and wander into cleared zone, to reduce potential for overwhelm while exploring.
Hello, /rlg/...
I found my old rlg shitposting folder and thought of you guys
are you still alive?
eating your vitamins?
play any good roguelikes lately?
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I started cataclysm for the first time by installing bunch of mods and bumping the difficulty.
First run predictably died not even a day in.
Second run is not only surviving but thriving, somehow. Everything killing everything whilst you survive between the cracks is a viable strat.
>i don't member
>migo doors like pussy or something
>Migo towers as depraved pleasure-torture pits
>walls and everything reeking of ass and genitalia
>schlopping through doors as the surroundings groan
I fucking swear to god Anon, I was taking a break from those places on 4chan for a reason
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>omigod omigod
they're here to probe
Maybe they look like eldritch disturbingly gorgeous anthropomorphic beings
Oh neat, looks interesting
xCOOM2 is fun
the intersection of "let me go" and "oh my god"
Post your best picture.
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I meant you best pic out of your /rlg/ shitposting folder.
i meant your best body and dick picture
>I found my old rlg shitposting folder
post it please
I'm shy ¢.¢
I'm like a cashew, you gotta work for this nut.
Where the hell do you get Mana Infusing quality, can't seem to craft that
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Got it done, First insane win, I was a little sweaty at times. But Tome is really fun when you need to think about all the stats and abilities. I can recommend if someone has build autism.
Nice work anon!
Breached Lair:5, clearing around two stairs and abandoning the third to a swarm.
Waiting between breach and clear is the solution to open floor layouts. I doubt it even results in too many monster loot pickups since those don't happen when you're off-floor.
Danger increases exponentially with distance from stair, and with density of foes in unexplored area. Refusing to risk it made L5 feel safe despite beginning to swarm like L6.
!Acquired rmsl scarf, completing armor slots, and found flight ring. Inventory nearly full. D12 next.
took me like 5 years to beat dcss lol, still never tried a 15 rune
Angband was my first ragu, I completed it after about a month, same with PCB/FCB
Sil took probably a year
TOME was around 6 months maybe?
Path of Achra I beat the first cycle on my first day playing it
I've still never finished IA/nethack/IVAN/brogue
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Is the monster girl stuff in the latest BN stable or do I need to play the experimental?
>atest BN stable or do I need to play the experimental?
those are literally the same thing
I like autismcrafting on paper but it's shite in practice.
>Many materials are way too much of a bitch to acquire
>Most of them aren't worth a shit anyway
>You don't even need a well thought out set of materials to make gear for a cool endgame build, can wipe out extreme PoIs in mismatched rags
There is great potential for buildcrafting in this game, but right now it does dick all to realize it.
Not according to the github.
DCSS a while I think, like a year maybe less. After your first win it becomes much easier. I think that I was to eager on my first win, since my total play time was like 7 hours. Don't be too win hungry anon, it might make you rush into something and splat. Take your time, think and plan when you think fight may be hard. Always consider skipping an enemy. Finally pick MiFi of Okawaru, MiBe is recommended by some people for new players but I disagree since berserk rage is an all in option.
don't play the stable versions, they're old
BN doesn't use `stable` versions like dda does. in BN they're more like milestones rather than a fall-back point
update every day
what's the BEST bionic power generation source in Cataclysm?
historically metabolic interchange has been hyped up, but I have a strong attachment to cable charging system
>what's the BEST bionic power generation source in Cataclysm?
Synaptic Stimulation
neither of these generates power, anon
I always liked the gasoline and ethanol burners.
How do I keep BN out of fullscreen? It gives an option when installing or updating, but I can't find a way to change it in the settings.
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I'm on mobile and I'm not seeing those options.
stupid phoneposter lol
dont play on mobil
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I was about to finish this DEDe run to close out another Nemelex Choice win, but I think this character can actually go for a 15 runes run.
I'm about to get out for the day anyway, so I'll let you choose if I should go for extended or if I should just pick up the orb and win to start another Nem Choice run.
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>See the first NPC of my game
>It's a cute monster girl
>Try to talk
>Doesn't work
>It's TWO bodypillows with a waifu png on them
A mourning day, raise the black flags.
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I heckin love roguelikes
What rune is better for an archmage in tome, ethereal or shielding? I don't think I should give up manasurge or shatter afflictions. Shielding is important too but I already have temporal, displacement, and disruption shields.
Is cdda/bn/whatever other port any good on mobile? Would it work on an ipad?
>hit but do
>found necromatic serum and necromatic mutagen
Anyone know about these? It says they are from Nechronica Redux.
ethereal kinda sucks in my experience. If you want all res you should pick up a good wild infusion (>25%, 4 turns, low cooldown) or maybe blink if your gear has out of phase. Movement infusions are always a great choice also.
sounds like some weird necromancer shit mod you installed
I think it's part of the weeb mods
If I'm reading it right on the github it basically makes you a flesh monster with extra arms, legs, head and pain removal like Medical. Bunch of extra stats. No bueno.
>Anyone know about these?
just like other mutagens, it makes you a mutant
It gives you undead themed mutations. Enhanced strength and HP, pain resistance, stench/ugliness, and so on.
Good night, /rlg/
Why is the folder name 9001 digits of hexadecimal?

Yeah, playing on exxon is much better.
>tfw roguelike veteran
>be a mutant with 4 arms
>still can't dual wield
>be able to run as fast as a car
>still can't attack move
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Isn't attack move simulated in a way, by attacking and moving before the enemy gets a turn?
There's only a couple scenarios where attack moving can be argued to be present in the game. One is attacking from a moving vehicle, another is counterattacking while moving, and the last one is wing chun. Having fast enough attack speed and move speed to do both in an enemy's turn doesn't represent attack move, because it's attack time+move time, when that doesn't make biomechanical sense, since attacking mainly uses your arms and moving mainly uses your legs. One of my biggest complaints with the current roguelike genre is action economy giving you more attacks if you stand still, which is simply not how melee combat works, nor is it tactically interesting.
>giving you more attacks if you stand still, which is simply not how melee combat works
false, being stationary permits maximum attack speed, power and accuracy. hence why it's called "squaring off"
>nor is it tactically interesting.
false, movement vs attack is the fundamental roguelike decision
I get what you are saying, but at the same time turn based inherently requires that you use your imagination to simulate the finer points of what is happening, so nothing stopping (You) from deciding that something is an attack move.
That said, I wonder how complex it would be to implement some basic form of movement present in fighting. I have no real programming experience but wouldn't it be simple to roll a melee hit when you are taking a movement action whilst adjacent to them? Not like melee rolls are dependent on the relative position of two characters. Give some defense/dodge/accuracy bonuses when moving inside the tiles around the enemy to simulate better positions. I think you could make a MA that does all of that.
Do you also think a standing long jump goes further than a running jump?
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Sil actually did that. There are a lot of facets of attack move spinkled across various roguelikes (Sil Flanking, Cata Wing Chun, Stinger in Maidensnow, Gunrunner/Gun Kata in DoomRL/JH), but they're fragmented and treated as secondary features, rather than gathered to form a core combat system.
Obviously to maximize a single hit, make it a lancer's charge. Otherwise it's a ton of wasted impact into the ground. Instead of that big running start, one can direct the force of every step into the foe by squaring off.

Playing tag in fencing armor is barely relevant to real combat. Movement helps 2h sword strikes because hands are close together on the hilt, minimizing leverage. Good for twirling, but to bludgeon, you need hand separation. This causes concussions with fists, let alone weapons. You are confusing airsoft rules with reality.

>Shooting range with an ammo vending machine
We are rich boys, America is upon us.
The thing with DCSS is that extended plays very diffferently to a 3 rune and if you can't consistently win any given combo, the best way to actually build experience for the later parts of the game is to play some shit like MiBe where a 3 rune is almost guaranteed if you're halfway decent, so you can focus on learning everything else

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