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>Patch Notes (7.05)

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>The Rising (August 27th to September 11th)

>Upcoming Meetups
• September 4, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: the World's End and Paul >>492840928

Previous: >>493045412
i love femra so god damn much bros
belittle, bully and beat femra
anyone wanna barse lol
Every femlala is my WIFE
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make a sopranos meetup
My meena is like this.
My femra loves you too
femra are pure sex
I am no one's wife, sorry!
i love malera so god damn much sisters
no one likes femlala they say they do but then they dont. no one likes me
Getting the astrope mount ruined any content for me that's based around mounts. Why would I do anything for a mount when I already have the only mount ill ever use?
my middie does this
Is the moonie queen logged into 4chan and in our presence?
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reminder if your first thoughts aren't moo or milk they aren't big enough
God, this PF healer strike shit is really awful. So many parties, not enough healers.
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ooki haters have been real quiet this expac
just be the healer you wish for. I cant heal until i clear 3 and 4.
you talkin to me?
You don't have the grapes.
"Ryne" is a no-no word now.
femra love malezen so god damn much sisters
>first Maps run of the week
>we got to the Final Chamber
Good times!
I called CC last thread and I missed it, so if you got in then someone please call the next one when its over
Nothing but world first rank 1 matters
My moonie has never trimmed her bush.
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can i rape?
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No it's not. I love Ryne! You love Ryne! We all love Ryne!
Yes :3
Kong, can you just fucking leave her alone? Holy fucking shit. Why are you always bringing up her logs or skinwalking her in these threads like a lunatic...
This sunnie is femra coded
What's a good age to euthanize a femra?
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I wanna be Ryne's lewd big sister
once they're no longer fertile
retard, its a fucking european
Clique post, kill yourself and stop orbiting pathetic women
femra age really slowly but die suddenly so you don't really have to worry about that
that punutiy is very conveniently flipping and a great censor. cows are so cute... (femra and manatees)
Yuru is cuter than you
why can't there be an mmo that doesn't overwhelm you with bullshit
im tired of points and systems and currencies and tokens
heh... I wish...
one day... surely...
petite alt bpd schizo gf
My male midlander loves femra so much it's unreal
MMO's are designed to bog you down and waste your time and extract your money
two words: monthly sub
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hi guys does anyone want 2 do UwU together today :)
any late night lalas on?
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They're both cute, there is no "x better than y" situation except in t he mind of someone (poorly) attempting to create drama
What's a really good hairstyle for a hagezen? The mod I like is still broken, I need suggestions.
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My eyes are glazing over, I've been at this for too long. Time for bed, all healers at lvl 100 apart from SGE which is almost 99.
>secret clqiue map meet up I wasn't invited too
i logged off do you need me to log back in
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>After about an hour of play reshade freaks out and becomes unusable until I fully restart

Anyone else have this issue?
I don't understand what people see in this ugly bogged bitch
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i downloaded the meena tail mod but its too big
i'm still logged in, do you need me to log off?
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good evening xivg my caffeine hasn't kicked in yet
Hell yeah brother. gn
this is what a BiS moonie scholar looks like
what did he mean by this?
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beastmaster can't come soon enough
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My veena's like this (answering the door for a delivery)
anon it's not even 11pm
idk who that is
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Male characters may /grovel too, yes?
She looks very tired
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>has to sweat to pink parse in savage
>gets carried in REAL content
>too big
i will simply chain queue cc
She's not truly bised out until she's got my catcock equipped in her pussy slot
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>Alliance Raid Savage
It's so hard to find a static of 8people to keep on schedule how the fuck are we suppose to find 24 people with all the same schedule?

>makes it gay
ofc. . .
It’s just not fun for a variety of reasons. What makes healing fun is coordination with the tanks and your co-healer, and that’s hard to do with randoms.
also I don’t really like doing savage, just hanging out with my friends. The gear is pointless
Buy and ad.
we LOVE this
Delicious femra ass, my favorite
How pathetic do you have to be to spend multiple hours parsing in final fantasy 14?
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This is why I became the healer, but then it doesn't last long after you reclear for the week.
Crystal is literally filled with healers in every partty
I would pay to watch a big brown turd slowly emerge from Sechen's plump ass
make a static of 8 people and 'merge' with 2 other statics of 8 people and just swap out alliances as needed
you may
If DRS people can do it then anyone else can
Go do your own customer support faggot
buy an ad already
better than spending multiple hours schizo posting itt you faggot
Are there any bozja discords that actually run castrum?
im not quite sure how to feel about this
post a vocaroo
miera are default gay. Sorry bub I don't make the rules
Ryne is cute! I can't wait to see all the posts about fighting her!
yes but my femlala is pure
two words: shit game
I had mine neutered, so that's not a concern.

Okay, thank you! She'll probably fall asleep one last time soon enough, but I'll let her enjoy her days.
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my blm femezen is exactly like this
You're violating the Malera Charter Anon specifically Article 1.12

>Do not meet with pale, sickly femra for they are the greatest threat to the existence of Malerakind
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Im not sure if CAFE does but CEM does around mettle and cluster farms.
shes flat as a board isnt she
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>DRG's Dragon Gauge only exists to tell you how many seconds you have left on the damage buff
how the mighty have fallen
You don't need organized groups for CLL or The Dalriada.
Fucking DRG bursts are gonna break my fucking fingers fuck
both moonies are cute, we only benefit from having more of them post
two words: show tits
haii what's up
show staff
Val's shoes look so stupid lol

Dance with your friends, anon. It might look stupid, and it might look gay, but it's good to have fun with your bros and lady-bros.
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I"m calling QUP CCC 7:30 ET
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It should be a lot of fun!
I am
a hrothgal+
suffering in reclears
>crystal players
Nah I want to clear
Just got done scamming a win in Deadlock. What you need?
Nice chin, woMAN
today my meena's ears have been deflowered
Be my friend and I'll invite you.
What do drunk gaia kisses feel like?
DRK is the same way
Certified RY post, lol
sticks my tongue down your throat so you stop saying retarded things
when you find the straight ones can you send them to my bed please,
I keep getting tilted in frontlines alliance chats and I worry it's ruining my nonexistant reputation even though I behave respectfully in every other form of content.
how big
With a q-tip?
spit swapping makeout match
what would my best bet at doing p8s for the glams be? just put up a PF and hope it fills withing the day?
I should say retarded things more often... good thing it comes naturally to me.
wanna be mine?
the Grey shoebill birb should attack her
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idk, nothing too crazy...
You know what they say about big meena tails
It's been a long search but maybe one day.
Need a schitzo femezen EB
fiddie like this for my middie
as redundant as "gay male hroth"
haha cumbrain
good post benis
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go stick your dick in a blender
god i love femra
Are your'e nipples pink or brown
it’s still not easy. Maybe by end of expac you can do it with shitters
*takes off her shoes*
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My seeker acts like this
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My friend is mad because im soloing all the dungeon bosses because he gets oneshot as a healer and the dps get oneshot cuz theyre bad
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Lit or shit?
Mine is like this. Don't post that.
>going crazy over a FUCKING CATGIRL
Couldn't be me.
Final Fantasy XIV
only if by blender you mean your asshole
stick to your femra
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good thread you guys have here
Reclears done in about 75 minutes.
I love Final Fantasy 14
Nothing better than a party that oneshots and also doesn't log encounters. I'll only do dps optimizatiom when I get BIS.
What if you stepped on someone with those stupid looking shoes haha
nice face reflection, dork
kinda handsome for a cummer
No dungeon boss should one shot anything, are they running around in level 25 gear or what
are you just saying that or do you actually not like her at all and she's ugly and horrible
Can I get a check up?
Are you the fiera that sends reports for suggestive portraits?
looks like cringekino is back on the menu
Hey anon, do I have your permission to
print out this image and tribute your tribute?
Is there a mod to mute Miqo'te emotes when they aren't in my party? They are so annoying.

Lucky but also nice job.
>go out and meet new person in game who seems fun
>talk to them for a few days, they seem to be really into me
>decide that actually I don't really have the energy for a friend right now
>block and ghost them and go back to doing my own thing
It's a bad habit desu
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I love catgirls
>tranny zoomers have appropriated my socially toxic ideology
Feels bad. Think I’ll just be a racist liberal.
thats a nice bun
/pet /pet
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I could. I love catgirls so much. Nobody else can compare to them
youd like that wouldnt you.
maybe if she was white there's potential
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need me a femra like this
hahaha you can see his face
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I must be geriatric because I didn't see it
I love GIRLS. They're cute and squishy I love them
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Would anyone like to run Ruby Weapon with me?
this is where i bite it off and feed it to you
yeah i wanna see that black lipstick all smeared on both of our lips
could you take off that jacket?
she has to be a darkie there's no other way
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Why so little? Do you guys not edge for a bigger load?
I approve.
yeah but not right now
i like her but im a faggy meena so ymmv
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So is your gimmick that you're a cheap whore?
I was hoping your response would be better
hello kongnamul gukbap
90 tomestone gear
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Level 99 trial gives a pathetic amount of exp for some reason. Why does EW content have better exp:time than current content? Nobody wants to do new stuff if it's not rewarding.
I'm not looking at the tribute but can someone crop his face?
Then again I'm a malera so my reputation's fucked anyway. Can't win the game so might as well not play!
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that's not how edging works dingdong, you have to forgo jerking for like a week or two to get a bigger load
yeah i'd give her the sex
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munch munch femra munch munch munch
Sure. But my veena's only good at doing aetheric check-ups.

Bend over.

Nah. I'm actually trying to reverse-search the image he posted.
no i dont have a gimmick
sorry im a little out of it today
i am dangerously horny
Because you are expected to do FATEs along the way (they are worth 550k EXP at lv99).
Slap the burger from those hands and call her a fatty
Trial roulette sucks already and the exp rewards scale according to the difference between your level and the content's level. You would get a far lower bonus percentage from getting Origenics in leveling than you would Copperbell.
Yet more comms than you. Curious!
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I am not kong.
should I use this hair instead?
It literally is. The loads I shoot after edging are 2-3x larger.
*sucks ur dick*
That wasn't me but no worries I did it for my own amusement
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One more QUP at 12:00 ET.

Final Fantasy XIV. Me in this thread
>10 minute trial with 7 other people is worth half as much as a solo fate that takes 4 minutes to complete
But why?
Just play what appeals to you, it's obviously gonna look shit regardless.
I have a sudden urge to pose gposed pictures of Ryne in a bikini
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How's the taste?
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holy shit guys I finished Dawntrail
And fewer bitches.
your welcum babe~~
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parse parties dont mess around
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Biofem detected
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good night /xivg/
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>Delete Kaiten because it "makes the job too busy" according to Yoshida
>Life Surge:
>pat squeak
>howl animation
so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee
If I have to fight against Siobhan and Fryar again I will rage quit and piss all over this thread.
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femra only meetup when??
im so sorry
r u a moonie
filter -> md5
Look forward to it
I agree with this sentiment. I'll try if you post yours.
Same, desu. I did so poorly
i pray every day for the death of life surge
i thought they would get rid of it for sure
Sleep well anon.
gay to lock out healers but not tanks when doing anything but drk/gnb or drk/drk is mega griefing. same with mch over brd/dnc
seeker of the sun
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tastes like sexy blend of cheese and wonderment
better than sex desu
can i see ur sunnie
What does a femra have to do to get gamers to join a simple M4S party!!!
Secret sex scene with wuk and sphene???
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lose to veenas
Help me clear m1-3s
femra meetups are still banned and will remain banned pending further review
yea wuk barbs speen relentlessly
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i give up
im sorry for cheating on you with the other game
i know now that im too stupid to play it and i cant do anything else other than afk because im dogshit at everything else
i wiped on the first boss of thaleia, i cant craft, i cant do anything
just stupid and dumb
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haha goonra!!! lol!!!!
Shrink down.
dumb bloodfiend
aether players tend to have inflated egos, which lead to more wipes on average during reclears
Erm, your 2 chest though??
ok now pose her tugging her cheeks forcing herself to smile but keep the expression (awoo)
oh boy here we go time to use this as proof people are locking out jobs when its faggot tranny parse shit
More miera should be faggy and soft
and they should post daily
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i'd join if you'd suck me dry at the end
Notice how this retarded faggot never has any facial expression, just blankly staring and often not even at the camera? That's his expression in real life. Just vapid nothingness as he gets consumed by gooning. This is your brain on porn addiction.
I love femezen so much it's unreal
ok so be my EB then
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ok now pose her tugging her cheeks forcing herself to smile but keep the expression (awoo)
I can join after i finish my m3s run
im too sleepy i stayed up all night last night
Where are all the COOL (and faggy) mieras?
Do femlalas like male middies?
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Are miera... gay???
Can you please shut the fuck up holy shit
No thoughts.
Only woofs
*hands you a small version of my male midlander*
Go on...
Take it...
bro cooked with this one ngl
>i know now that im too stupid to play it and i cant do anything else other than afk because im dogshit at everything else
Macchi, honey, why don't you just get good at ERPing? This is an ERP video game anyway
You've never looked good, but damn if DT didn't ruin what little was there.
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i'd go and disappoint anyone that pairs with me because i have no horns or scales
but enough about molly
allah is punishing me for not reclearing at 3 am, inshallah and good night
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It's time for me to sleep for awhile
Shout out to my obsessed schizo Macska Aranyos

name one gay miera
miera should be at least partially straight and willing to breed me deeply
What did this "retarded faggot" do to you, to deserve such vehemence, unprompted?
*Places him next to my Wind up Ardbert*
I will cherish this gift, thank you.
Did someone steal your wheelchair?
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You are mine now
sleepy faggy soft miera sounds even cuter...
you take it kid could never get the damn thing to work for me anyway
God what a fucking eye sore
Holy shit, the DT graphics upgrade looks like that?!
I have bad taste and thus I want outside feedback
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It's a good thing it's cloud nine
dont listen to these pedophiles and keep posting
I'm a femra on a 10-loss streak in league of legends.
I keep seeing this little meowman all alone at this bench and my hrothgal really wants to pet him.
what is macska's problem
the only time i have ever noticed him is when he shows up drunk to a meetup and shitposts everyone around him OPENLY with his avatar attached
Just eat it and it'll be gone.
Yup, believe me.
Do maliddies like Fiera?
You're annoying.
there better be an activity to do at the meetup, if it ends up being 6 hours of you fucks openly discussing your fetishes and gooning in some crystalloid's small i will NOT be attending
NTA, but yeah doing the same right now, but man simpletweaks just doesn't want to agree with me
I don't know the fight and my cotank is taking a break.
Your son is really polite
and you're ugly
It's also one of the big reasons people didn't do DRS. The logistics are just fucking miserable.
No one likes my femra tho.
your little dude collection is expanding by the day, sis :o
By being a retarded faggot.
>insufferable cunt
>always yaps about drinking arnold palmer
like clockwork
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You side-stepped the question.
only feenas
Only ones that don't have a +
chicken skeet
My lala has gone 8th three times in a row in TFT ranked.
damn straight i do
Damn, that was a pretty good song
Unlikely, but you're free to shoot that shot!
Look at the website and then look at your post. See how retarded and faggy you are?
You look so fucking gay holy shit
as long as they are tomboyish.
at least one of those buns has a +
my wife
Do femlalas ever put out?
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I'm going to tell you a male middie secret
All male middies have preferences but none of that matters if they just like the person
Do rava+s like veena-s?
The bench is too cramped with Rising happening, this afk spot sucks
Let me repeat myself. What did Tzera do to YOU?
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Yeah you are
All good, I complained and people joined.
I know right? This is good!
Pose your Oreo femra in spats first plz
me in m2s parties
may I post my malezen
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my fiddie looks and braps like this in brazil
this is pretty true except im not a huge fan of fiera, rare few are good
Time to go home. Thanks for the games, good luck out there
stop trying to turn the tables
if a veena kisses you, accept that you've lost
I wonder if Wicked Thunder likes fiera.
Shout out to tranny shit eater Poothier.
It's once time of the year.
How much longer is the rising?
>iced tea and lemonade
Damn that's not interesting at all.
she will never be her
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Ryne is cute! Cute!!!
Thought so.
My catboy needs to play a game soon before he decays from d4
this image but it's "every masterpiece has its cheap copy"
It is an even better than usual night to be a melezen.
You could just say you don't go to the /xivg/ hangouts, would have been easier.
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Unexpected, but welcome.
what happened to the heterosexual miera
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Then everyone here has lost.
Keep pointing fingers at random people, it makes my job easier.
i fanta'd
Why is there no Horse Ramuh x Horse Wicked Thunder art yet...
A week? The 11th I think?
>queue for three (3) alliance roulettes, the current leveling meta
>queue pops
>dipshit withdraws
>literally just goes back to the start
>double the waiting time
What happened to Square Enix and when's the buyout?
turn back!
Bros remember to drink plenty of water and stretch your legs!!
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cute miera should fuck me. just in case
>just sugar and sugar
Yep, the fat fuck choice
That's true but which one?
Also mostly true except that Lalas aren't for lewd and Hrothgals have a really high bar to clear.
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I wish to find shader presets or shaders that give off a film noire or oil paint aesthetic. Any advice? I wish to recreate Thief scenes for my femra roleplay.
thread going too fast no one will see that I bottom for F+ woobers
Remember when Tzera stole Yukimi's name and pretending he didn't know she existed?
Are you a biofem by any chance...?
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holy moly
fat post
I make sure to do that during the day but right now it's drinking hours.
mierda post
Cheating on Ryne with Gaia...
F+ plapping this poster
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fino fanta
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Famfritos, Primal
i also remember when the original yukimi quit, name changed, quit again, and eventually came back and renamed to yukimi after tzera went through two more name changes and came back to tzera
all in the span of about 2 weeks post dawntrail release
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no i think im just going to spit on you
horny ass post for someone without an image
Hey babe. Seems like you need a 12 inch long 2 centimeter girth Miera carrot deep in that pussy.
>thancred gave his blessing
Some say his balls remained empty for the rest of his days...
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My femra is a bean at heart
he cute
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I really don't know, he's been posting this for years now >>493072465
He's also the kys tranny poster, I always wondered why those posts were weirdly aimed at me

It all made sense when one night I asked if he was shitposting me and unprompted he said
>You probably think I'm the kys tranny spammer
>this is so unfair now if they stop you'll think it's me
>and if they keep going you'll think it's me
Why would the shitposting stop? I didn't say that, but it actually did stop and he took a break from the game, then it picked back up again when he returned the game
>chirizo chipotle
That's the good shit.
I was gonna goon to your tits but I had to leave for raid.
I want this beast to master me.
please hold my chin and spit in my mouth
my goon brain makes me forget sometimes i'll be sure to include it next time
Does he do it to others too?
My fiera friend is grooming a catgirl into doing deep dungeons with him
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Ask something from someone who JUST finished Dawntrail
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What do I do after I get everything maxed on trial and finish the 2 expansions?
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Looks like it
what's your favorite job in CC
Atris and Leviah
may i rape
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Did you like it?
Do you think Laurentius Daye is still alive?
What does your biological sire think of your cuck fetish?
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this cute thing is nice
Yeah me, he doesn't namedrop me, but attacks me whenever I avatarpost
Does anyone know the dick mod here? (black f+ warning)
Any late night stupid fucking idiot retards on?
beastmaster? i hardly know her!
Should I level DRK and WAR together, or one after the other?
Im a guy
Yeah! It was kinda boring at first but it ended up great, Better than Stormblood but not as good as Endwalker
Ask three people from /xivg/ what they think first
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squeak love
Mine does for other femlalas
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(You) like this.
need her to smack me in the fucking head with it
Macska has been nice and friendly to me ever since the first (and only) time he flipped out at me.
I can't say much about other people's situations, but I hope I stop having to hear about it
DRK first because leveling WAR will ruin every other tank for you
>thief femra
PLEASE be on Primal
Nyl's hotdog + Customize+ + Photoshop.
Okay, I'm a catboy though
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guess I'm trying crystal then
>a second final days
>im a guy
I regret asking for late night lalas
Easily in my top 10 thumbnails I wish I could unclick
This must be a biofem but try edging for at least 20minutes and your load will be 2x bigger. Everytime you are 1stroke away stop wait 1-2minutes and do it again.
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are you sure? It's pretty veiny
shut up and post fiddie pitties
>vile beasts did rise... Leaving naught in their wake but blood and ash
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>disc shaped ass
yep... im thinking we like this
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This is another thing he does, he is hellbent on pretending it's not him. Using "it's anonymous, you don't have 100% proof its me, so it's not me!" as his reasoning.

He'll bring stuff like this up for no reason in a "What is this I don't understand :o" way to try and prove his innocence.
I don't like how Wicked Thunder looks.
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How do they even think this looks good enough for fapping
I'm only e4... no need for such worries for me
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>Better than Stormblood
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where all the ex1 and 2 farms at.
Don't look from the side.
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tfw your tank runs a tankbuster at you then does /laugh when you jump away in fear
Stormblood is literal dogshit
people get upset when you post rabbits daily
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What's with the shelf butt
Kugane is the only good part
remember the shit that was
> Rhalgars Reach
> all the ocean shit
Laurentius Daye was the Wood Wailer and Crystal Brave who sided with Ilberd and Yuyuhase. He’s one of the guys who causes Shinryu to be summoned.
At the end of Stormblood, Raubahn comes up to you, saying Yuyu and Daye were captured, and asks what you think they should do to them, and your options are “kill them” or “jail them”, to which Raubahn says,”they’ll consider your opinion.”
Based and abuelita pilled
made for big horse cock
I don't know, I'd stay on guard. If what Tzera says is right it's kind of his MO to play nice and pretend he doesn't know what he's being accused of.
Breedable bunny
Builded for breeding from my fulala
Rhaglrs Reach is a kino hub, I also wish we could mount up in more cities it's kinda BS it was the last one we could use mounts in
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patch 7.0
Yotsuyu, Gosetsu, and Fordola by themselves put Stormblood heads and shoulders above Dawntrail. You are actually inbred if you disagree.
Doesn’t GT also play a catgirl
require my nose buried in his balls no offense or anything
No one can handle all of that. If you think you can your wrong.
>come to check for queues
>it's just people fighting again
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the betrayal
On one hand, I hated seeing people being obnoxious with mounts in hubs, and having to deal with shit like Behemoths ontop of vendors.

On the other, it's really weird that there's basically 0 places to show off, or even use mounts, after you hit max level, other than like... Hunt trains maybe?
Wait, so my catboy can just pick up lalaboys anywhere and use them like an onahole?
Why are the miera soft and faggy? Because it is in their nature
For my kind there is a better question: what is worth being soft and faggy for?
The real trick about this picture: Those rings aren't piercings, they're handles for plugs.
please update us on what occurs next, i'm too invested now
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Are there any other MMOs worth playing if I like Fino Fanta but I'm bored of Dawntrail?
Nice blank
All bard players in PvE are botters.
animal limbs femlalas =
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fordola is top 5 worst characters in the entire game
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He's just constantly manipulative and trying to gaslight people.

I want him to leave me alone, I'm happy he blocked me.

He's been schizoing and attacking me for a decade now. Because we dated for a week online once and I gave him the best 8 hour ERP of his life.
GW2 is kind of a neat diversion for a while, it has fun mounts.
Good luck bro once you get out of emerald 4 the games are a lot higher quality
This isn't the Daily Show chucklehead, derisive laughter isn't an argument. She was infinitely better than Zoraal Ja, if only because she actually had a coherent narrative surrounding her.
is this a lala or koro mod
One isn't enough to satisfy a malelala.
Fordola is boring as shit, and ugly too
You can show them off in exploration zones too, but hunt trains are prettty much the only other place you can flex them
>question: what is worth being soft and faggy for?
My fiera
one of the dumbest things my schizo ever did was repeatedly bringing up the fact that i was getting shitposted, seconds after it happened, on multiple occasions, without stopping to think that he might be the only one doing that
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>open thread
>scroll through all posts
>no good posts
>send post
>close tab
her motivation was just as retarded as zoraal ja's
May I see Femroes?
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I want to press my tongue deep inside of your chocolate starfish
What a fucking retard lol
>we dated for a week online once
who cares about the erp sesh
this is hilarious
two grown-ass men, ladies and gents
Is this guy that obnoxious Kong orbiter?
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thanks you're too
boys can't get pregnant

that's a lil gay sis don't huff them
If you like stories and have a passing interest in Star Wars, SWTOR is worth playing
Botter? I hardly know ‘er! Haha
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S[he] Be[lie]ve[d]
Yet another final stage.
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I have unhealthy feelings about femra
S Beve
the black haired cat with sunglasses, red eyes, and a miqitten
I love you...
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i miss this poster
Laurentius absolutely deserves the rope he defected twice
Nice C.P. post
I have no intention or goal of getting out. Overall I do not feel any different than back in the days when I was in silver 4 (there were 5 divisions).
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You're probably thinking of that white haired cat, this one has black hair
>unironically plays with SK
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tfw she's laying on your bed and you just want to-
you first :/
Laurentius is literally me.
Kill me if you wish.
he's fucking weird, man
his weird fedposting at the enclave, the thirsting at random catgirls despite "not being lewd" and the recent miqitten arc made me leery of him even before this revelation
but what else would they be there for!!!
Not even worth a reply. You're just inbred, simple as.
>Because we dated for a week online once and I gave him the best 8 hour ERP of his life.
Schizo like this for me
I was thinking of this... I played it a bit at launch and have gone back a few times but it never really grabbed me. Maybe I'll give it another go, and try its PvP out.

Not a fan of Star Wars and don't really care about story or lore much these days, I've been burned by games too many times now. Thank you for the suggestion though.
that lalaboy with the hat is good luck

If this shit doesn't start with a public seppuku for Hiroi and Kate, I ain't bothering.
[5:35]You obtain a dark horse champion's chest gear coffer (IL 730).
[5:35]You obtain a pot of surgelight solvent.
[5:35]You obtain a spool of surgelight twine.

grey parser btw
I'm playing GW2 on the side
Nta but I let him live.
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>10 pm is late
oh nyo
So be it…
and now hes getting raped by mhiggers in prison
Get ready to see Joy L'uzana soon
So if this is the usual ~6 and change weeks out, patch is November 12th?
It's almost 7 am for me now, I haven't slept all night...
SK is based AF skitz
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Your """meena""" looks like a girrrrrl~
Also "meena" sounds like the japanese word for everyone so I guess that means you're "for everyone" which makes you a slut!!
Gaia is a child. Stop lewding her.
I want to live inside Final Fantasy XIV
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I LOVE my wife Liliane Blanc!
Do you think those Garlean sisters had to resort to prostitution?
American hours are still on, I see.
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I suffer psychic damage whenever I'm trying to figure out what the fuck is Zoraal Ja's deal.
HeatoN was a baller i would've played with him too back in the day
>Are there . . . any MMOs worth playing . . . ?
>tfw rava
>haha going to my shitty fetish Hypnosis on her and Ryne haha it's so fun haha xD
GW2 is ok to fuck around for a bit, but it's not very social.
Horizon FFXI is pretty fun, but private server.
Tarisland recently released and was sort of mediocre but playable. Easy download to fuck around for a day and see if t clicks.
WoW is WoW, either you love it or hate it. New expansion didn't reinvent the wheel.
I've heard BDO is dying, and I can't imagine most of the other third tier MMOs are doing much better there.
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sorry anon, not on primal. I keep seeing some really good screenshots with darker shades and a good use of negative space. Need to find a way to to get that noire aesthetic.
Something akin to this but with slightly more coloration. Really like this.
>they'll consider your opinion
Man, I really wish they allowed us to personally execute them like a SWTOR dialogue option. Dialogue options in this game throw me off because I keep having this expectation that they'll actually reward me with choice, consequence and narrative branches.
Your meena is a slut for ravas alright
rubbing my cock while i scroll down the thread.
when can i go on a picnic with this femra in particular
ESO is alright to fuck around in, I've been really enjoying Fallout 76 recently too. Neither are traditional MMOs though, although ESO is certainly much closer to one
I'll never forgive lalaboys...
any good pics?
that was me a few days ago
I have logged on for CC.
malera behavior
Do you mean sync queues with xivg?
You play a meena, dummy
it's not very difficult to be good at CC
did someone say CC...
Doccy pebba
taking some zinc and magnesium for some vivid dreams
don't ask questions you aren't prepared to know the answer to...
My meena acts like this
define sweaty
My artistic ex-wife...
>Cloud Nine
I shan't be queueing
i do this but smoke too much weed to regularly remember my dreams
Degradation in exchange for a /grovel?
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Thanks anon
Pretty sure Misija’s death gives you the choice of doing it yourself or not, IIRC.
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i don't count obviously
september 26-30…
all the people with no buttons bound prevent me from playing what i want and instead force me to play carry jobs
Why did you posty femra while saying this?
Did you guys like my meena?
im not gay
me when femlala tummy
i am queueing for sleep
et 12am
Cringe miera
im VERY prepared though..!
Please don't scare me off the crystal.
Get in bed, gramps! Now!
femra like this for my lowlander doko
CEASE the catboxing
if you're sure then the secret is slurping...
I use thc pens and I remember my dreams
trying to win isn't being "sweaty"
Every single game I've had, even waiting to dodge people, has had at least two tanks on each team who are able to "press their buttons."
Yeah okay w*st coaster
I’ll see you in pvp
Sorry, best I can do is meteodive you.

No promises....also cc doko?
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>all my favorite mod outfits are prayer which means he hasn't updated like 80% of them
Well darn. Guess I won't wear anything.
He'll get em.
In a summer night
astral moon five
a duskie bum came hiking
down a shady lane
outside his cave
he was looking for his liking
as he /sprinted along
he sang a song
of a land of femras n' fiddies
where a duskie can stay
many a day
and squeeze and suck those tiddies
nearing the end of the bump limit, no one will know I'm a tertiary friend at best, rarely invited and almost always forgotten and ignored.
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logging in
Since you are EB'd, are we safe from wattpad authors now?
Kinda small isn't it...
Please don't appropriate my existence.
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He is a character that most obviously suffers horrendously from the rewrites that took place. Absolutely fucking nothing about his motivations from the first half of the game even slightly lines up with his motivations from the second half of the game. Any cope to the contrary is strictly a result of people writing fanfic instead of reading the actual dialogue in the fucking game.

In the end, and by "the end" I mean literally the dialogue you get right before and after you fight him and the dialogue from the minstrel after you finish the MSQ (ie literally 6~ hours of gametime apart), the writers try to convince you that he just had major daddy issues and was trying to figure out any way possible to not live under his father's shadow.

Would have been nice if they had sent that little memo to the writers for the first half of the game so that it might come off as compelling instead of a total asspull.
my maleroe requires to know your location to turn you into a gyaru
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I don't get the reference...
what happened to this dude
my femra is burned out on final fantasy and has probably bitten off more commitments than she can chew
god, please give my femra strength
I have to bind recuperation
were moonies all a dream?
They should introduce shared fates to every expansion so that leveling dps is actually good
>super gooner account cleared savage before me

I'm going to end it bros.
could potentially huff AND slurp though..!!!
terminal case of CC doko
>enemies to lovers
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I am
A meena going to bed gn
You are the biggest slut actually
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I wouldn't mind it anon.
That's a real weird way of spelling autistic!
I really gotta get to that expac FFXIV. The spoilers kept promising something reminiscent of the balkan wars.
It seems a path many of us walk, whether we want to or not.
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Since when?
you don't have to do this btw
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yeah, we're all dogs bro.
HW > EW > StB >= DT >= ShB > ARR
Completely serious
personally, my meena?
looks and lives like this
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gn bro
All my poses are fucking dogshit compared to this :c
how do i improve?
78 agi
Always have been.
m2s makes me want to kill myself
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Thanks for the heads up, chatroom. You saved me from another schizo.
The thread keeps telling me I do
FUCKING goddamn ugly dumb SWEATLORDS!!!!
Hey guys can I join the tertiary friend club
Will you remember to invite me
Same anon, only thing we can do is to practice.
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This is good news!

In that case...
Crystal CC 8:00 E.T.
Do nyot..
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what is this stupid shit
driven away by heiko
All I can promise is I'll look at your name on my friend list, think about how I'd like to send you a nice message and then think I'm dumb for wanting to do that.
No you aren't, and I shant be indulging you with a (You) for your obvious tomfoolery.
how did this dude come back to life?
My meena looks like this
find a photo you like and try to recreate it as best you can so you can, that's what i did
>but which one?
The one with the highlights in the hair. The caramel one is regular female.
Ok so hear me out... Hannish Wool Autumn shirt + 2b legs. Has anybody tried this yet?
a meena
alright then
where and when should we meet so i can groom you in the ways of drk
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Same, I despise those kinds of people.
>cloud 9 for another 30 minutes
i dont wanna...
Someone make a video series about the intricacies of posing every single bone in brio/ktsis. Tips and tricks, how to get bones to move the way you want, whatever the fuck inverse kinematics means, show me every little detail. Show me how to pose lips without them looking cursed. Show me how to pose fingers and toes so it looks like they are actually grabbing and curling around objects. Please, working with these tools with no knowledge feels like torture. Hours spent trying to perfect things only to move the camera and see that everything is beyond fucked from every other angle. Aaaaaaa
Thank you :3
it's gonna take a lot more than smoochposting to get to meeee
it's the go-to goth slutglam
i would pay someone for this
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I haven't touched the game since Endwalker released

is it possible to start a fresh character from level 1 with all the crap I've collected on my main? I completely forgot how to play as a healer at max level
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Hang in there bro... we'll make it. I believe in you
How's your day been?
I honestly can't name a single gay meena
I am going ocean fishing
it is weird that only moonies use the dog mods
don't think anyone has used that yet
good find sis
WARs, armored (knight) or minimal clothing (barbarian)?
Full of naps, I just woke up from one and my eyes still hurt..
How about yours?
im a moonie who would never use one, it's kinda creepy
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Is there any way to preview mounts in game? Sorta like what Anamnesis can do for gear, can I preview mounts this way too? Can Anamnesis do that? I see I can change IDs but I don't know the list of mount IDs

There are a handful of mounts that are 10mil+, and I'd love to buy them all, but I'm afraid I'll buy them and then I will hate how they look while I'm riding them
Going to rape a fiddie
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moonies fuck dogs
race and gender
Someone make a screenshot anchor post next thread, I think I have a good'un
define crap
you can trade some things like gil and unclaimed/fresh gear you haven't equipped or consumables
everything else is character bound
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that's a forbidden art...it could be hazardous to a bunny's health...
*barks at the streetlamp*
i am
a gay hrothgar
I want to mentally break your meena
which mount is that
>missed my own call
For me? Light but full body leather
>PCT is the only one to grab a shield from my autoturret while retreating
You always run away anyway..
make it yourself and then reply to yourself like other people do
sunnies use the fox mods instead, such is life
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Depends on your character.
I think I had some unique gear appearances / mounts, nothing worth crying over but feels like a waste to just throw them away and start a fresh char
Why is Macska just talking to himself about schizo shit at the bench
charmont foixewesfv
gotham city
serrit auckes
yoshihide asahina
cream fiend
shara sjadarwesfv
sonja woltz
szeran sagnime
uchiki sutego
valen tinnuel
winter isorn
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How many poses have you actually sat down and spent a few hours making though? Chances are the path to improvement is to actually just spend time trying to improve.
no that's femraen
oh boy time for a european pseudoebin to namedrop himself 30x a thread for two weeks straight
i'll be as gentle as i can don't worry,,,
I muted him
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I like a bit of both
holy fuck im so lazy it's almost impressive how much effort I put in to find out how to be lazier more efficiently
Charmont is ironically completely straight and probably the most vanilla guy in the general.
Winter is also straight or at most bi.
Simmone belongs on there as well.
They're all straight except Gotham
You mean middie.
I think I'd disappoint you in that department. I don't have the ability to /tell anyone and have very limited chat options so it always feels like I'm ghosting people...
why did you have to say it like that anon
you mean sunsluts
He's not gonna fuck you.
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Bro this one is too risky to post....
>the most vanilla guy in the general.
you mean the most friendzoned guy in the general right
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Yeah the healer strike caused this
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WA, good Onsal there topping the damage chart
I was late to notice since I have everything turned off. Trying to figure out why I'm having bad fps lag all of a sudden
Brother, it is just two girls servicing a dick. Like, I can imagine that with just two random passerbys while on a walk. Just work that thing called your imagination.
>>493076798 this is the only answer when someone starts talking about the thread ingame. That is grade A certified schizo behavior.
What top is that
>middie cope
yep, it's middie.
Those are Gordias. also your 2B bottoms suck with that glam, please stop being a whore
Hey guys I made cringe
How little you know..
*walks away into the sunset, never to look back again...*
Hope it clears up, fren
may i see it?
>all my favorite twitter sluts are slowly posting blackedshit one by one
wtf is with this shit
chinese post
Top right area of the anamnesis window while you're on a mount
My head hurts and the painkillers aren't fixing it
crystal seems to have more of a 'no tanks' problem right now which is why i'm levelling drk
Instantloss Femrar... it'd 5am...
of all the retarded posts this thread has ever produced, this might actually be the most retarded
>they didnt belieb me when i said blackedshit was taking over MMOs
El oh el, how the turned tables
It's so funny when avatards pretend they play the game.
you'll have to get these back
the only gear you can trade is the one you haven't equipped or stored in the dresser
mounts and minions can only be traded if you haven't claimed them
it's a tumor
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If I get a vacation for posting glubs then so be it
Alright, guess I'm doin' one too. Easiest way to get Ryne (blue)?
Charmont is completely straight.
I think he erps with trannies though but don't we all.
drink water
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I did not, in fact, miss my own call.
Crystal CC 12:00 E.T.
I've decided that I'm going to stop focusing on winning and start focusing on being a bit of a bastard in CC instead.
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Fuck you I'm a grown ass man I can do what I want.

Thanks for sharing the gloves, though. Can you recommend boots?
I wish it was. People unironically believe this shit
Everyone here is prison gay if they roleplay
Am i mistaken or aren't those manually updated? You have to have ACT and then upload the run yourself?
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okay I got cold feet sorry
it's so freaking over
First of all that's not my name
Second of all how the fuck did you know
Third of all it's 7 am actually
i was fine with being prison gay but i keep running into actual women :/
Easy way to gain followers.
This will help you win. Make them babyrage and try to dive you constantly so their whole team crumbles.
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>When you draw a fellow /xivg/ who carries the alliance on DRK gg SN!
I've also had something weird going on with my desktop for the last week or so, but didn't have issues on my laptop while I was traveling. I'm stumped. I hope your situation improves, but I couldn't tell from your gameplay!
That's correct!
Because saying things in an easy to misunderstand way is funny
also i spoilered too early lmaooooo
apply some pressure to the back of the neck with your thumb, a little to the side
it hurts a little but it helps ease the pain for a bit
those boots fit pretty well imo, valerian might be a nice change but they're a dungeon drop so have fun with RNG
Must have a biofem bait character, then. Race?
>Import NPC
>Load "Minfilia"
NA has already moved to Balmung so naturally the logs won't show up there.
>he doesnt know
You don't need 2b legs with every set, sis.
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i am a fantablob through and through
Produce the logs.
I was pretty sure people used it because of a mod
I never knew lizards grew such cabooses, must be all the taco bell.
fiddies bro. fiddes fuck dogs.
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that he gets friendzoned? everyone knows that
>probably the most vanilla guy in the general
he anally raped my moonie...
post more vocaroo
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This is the only set I fucking have the crotch strap. Get off my balls.
please don't
*drives up to the menu* can I get uhhh... one fwb eb who treats me like their property please?
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The animations make it kind of hard to pull off an armored knight look but I do it anyway
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You're a fucking moron if there were any logs the location would get updated to Balmung

Natalia doesn't do content.
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May I anally rape your moonie?
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You get it from Criterion Aloalo
got me feeling like Erenville right now feeling all annoyed with the happy-go-lucky and positivity shit. Like shut up. Not apart of the smile cult.
Again do fflogs get updated manually or not?
my fate is to be in meetup pictures completely obscured by asses of lizards much lewder than i sort of like mike wazowski
That's all of them though.
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I will continue next thread
Meant for you
Guess it's the only set they look bad on then, haha.
You have a way of posting.
That's fair.
Lore fluff sounds neat. Are there any more constructs like this as mounts, pets, or summons?
I'm very confused about what this means.
You post about certain things at certain times of the day.
I feel retarded now but thank you so much
>get weapon
>get better parses
aint no fucking way it's all because of a fucking weapon.
weapon is the most important thing you can equip

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