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Really (Early) Kagha Edition

PC trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuCfkgaaa08
PS5 trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wW4Fdh6zFM

Patch 6: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-6-now-live_108
Patch 5: https://baldursgate3.game/news/patch-5-now-live_99



>Q: How often should I long rest?
>A: Many companion and romance interactions occur when long resting. Some early lower priority camp scenes can also be missed if higher priority ones are queued. To advance companion quests or romances, make sure to long rest often.
>Q: Can I recruit Minthara without going down the evil path?
>A: If you knock her out in Act 1, yes. You do miss out on the sex scene, but otherwise the romance remains the same.
>Q: Underdark or Mountain Pass?
>A: Either, or both. It's recommended to clear both on higher difficulties for the experience and loot. Both connect to the same Act 2 map.
>Q: Is The Dark Urge essentially "Tav+"?
>A: Yes. You get additional content, BUT there are points where if you've chosen to resist the Urge and/or don't complete quests the "right" way, you'll have to pass additional checks to avoid losing companions.
>Q: Are there any consequences to consuming tadpoles?
>A: No, for the most part. However if you've consumed any tadpoles, there will later be a DC21 Wisdom check to reject the Astral-Touched Tadpole, which affects your appearance if consumed.
>Q: Should I enable Karmic Dice?
>A: Karmic Dice will avoid streaks of very low or very high rolls, both for you and the enemy. It is recommended to disable it if you're specializing.

>Romance: https://strawpoll.com/NMnQ5kJXYn6
>Race: https://strawpoll.com/kjn18WPzeyQ
>Class: https://strawpoll.com/eNg69DKKjnA
>Companions: https://strawpoll.com/bVg8o8l3VnY

OP pasta: https://rentry.org/bggpasta

Previous thread: >>493022265
>5 minutes since thread was linked
>no posts
its enver.....
Astarion love and joy
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Stronger, faster, healthier, smarter, wiser, prettier than you.
You know a cc is garbage when the devs dont use it to make their NPCs
even twitter lesbians like the shart mod
I'm torn between thinking that single class only would be a fun way to play the game, or totally unfun without any meaningful character building. I gotta come up with a ruleset to keep this game fun, it doesn't take half the minmaxing WoTR did.
i'm going to the store and buy a big bar of chocolate
Get the more feats mod, you can build a character like that instead of weird multiclasses that make no sense.
this sounds like something I'd say when I'm really visiting a black prostitute
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>[Oath of Devotion] *Recite the words of your Oath.*
>Honesty. Don't lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
>Courage. Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
>Compassion. Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
>Honor. Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
>Duty. Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
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Lost in thought ( about Gale Dekarios )
this should have been the canon party
Seriously though, how fat are you?
4% bodyfat
>defeated by cock 30 minutes into her adventure
So. You're still alive. I was getting worried.
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Strongest in her country perchance
Who the frog is "Khaga"?
i have dyslexia you piece of shit
I was getting worried. Whatever would be do without your attention whoring?
Boohoo nigga
>Boohoo [SAFE EDGY]
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murder mommy!
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>Whatever would be do
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About to do my first playthrough.
How are druids? I was thinking about doing a Moon druid. Durge or Tav? I thought most people would play Tav but apparently according to the stats like 93% picked Tav and only 15% picked Durge. Should I just play Tav?
What difficulty? Is Tactician really hard? How's my character? What would you change?
Based run em
Make your druid a female wood elf redhead
Durge is gonna be kinda weird as a druid but why not I guess
Although be warned that the evil path has no content and you should definetly do a good guy playthrough as your first run, so I would prefer Tav personally.
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She's such a cutie. Especially when slaughtering gypsies I mean tieflings.
Tactician is piss easy. Use this https://next.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/collections/pns4qv otherwise Druid is trash, play Durge also add Noalphabets Betteeromance Betteraesthetics and ReallyShadowheart
Ignore this faggot
>Durge is gonna be kinda weird as a druid but why not I guess
Bhaalspawn are known animal fuckers so it would fit.
Why spoil it you dumb fuck
>spoil it
How is it a spoiler when you play a Bhaalspawn in every Baldur's Gate?
Also why does it matter how it's called lmao. It's just a name.
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I'll stick to the Chad elf. I'll probably do a neutral run. Help here, steal there etc. I'll try to resist the urge in the beginning. No idea about later on since I don't know the story.

>Tactician is piss easy
Is it really?

I already assumed it's a Bhaalspawn.

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wyll's origin is cracking me up
Dumb fuck
The schizos that live in this general are like the bark on one of Silvanus' mighty oaks. You must accept it.
>is Tactician easy
Yes. Use that collection or save it for a 2nd run after easing yourself into the game. I HIGHLY recommend at the very least honour features unlocker
Moon druid is pretty boring because there’s little to no gear/builds that make it unique. You just transform into an animal and that’s it. You could precast a spell or two before transforming though
Thats why its a kino class though
>muh items
Tavern Brawler
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Only Moon Druid will allow me to make Shadowhearts dream of being DP'd by two wolves come true.
Shadowheart only dreams of one bear though
She’s about to dream of two
this game is not easy whatsoever if you are playing blind
Get used to watching, cuck
I assume I’m about to watch two bears DP her if this guy posts his run.
why the fuck is tav leading the party anyway
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scratch looked uh... pretty different in ea
sup Cairos
>this game is not easy whatsoever if you are playing blind
So just play on easy mode for my first one and do a Tactician later? Or start on Tactician and lower the difficulty if it's too hard?

If I can Bear DP her then I will and I will be posting my run.
You can be poly with another bear druid in act 3, with her. It’s this weird threesome scene, I don’t think druids have a unique interaction there.
land druids are so fucking lame
there's nothing unique about them or how they play, they're quite literally just a worse wizard
>medium armor
>spells always prepared
>free circle spells
>cleric spells
They are better than wizards lol
And dont forget conjure minor elemental, the best lvl 4 spell bar none.
Also spike growth trivializes the early game.
None of those anons, but I disagree with that assessment. The thing is, if you've played a lot of hero-based or turn-based strategy games, that prior ability translates well into the game. So much so that it's absolutely fair to say the game is piss-easy on tactician. Most difficult part about going in blind is finding solutions to quests, which is absolutely an issue in literacy. Both game (media) literacy and English literacy.

It's easy as fuck in the same way as the Starcraft II or Warcraft III campaign is easy. If you can play any rts, you don't have a reason to struggle. But on the other hand, if you're a fish out of water, it might be fair if you struggle a little.
*conjure woodland being
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Why do you keep making midget rapists
There's exactly 1 fight that might make you regret going tactician on your first run, just go for it. It affects the timed fights with turn limit. If that sounds bad, go balanced. Ignore the bait about downloading mods, I'll just emphasize that tactician isn't too difficult.
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>64% chance to hit an unconscious, still body
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uh oh chudsisters this isn't looking good for us!
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why does she keep coming back
For real, it's fucking annoying how hard they want you to take that little shit in. It's probably the most railroaded shit in the entire game.
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can't kill her...
It's pretty insane how few people talk about how weird he is with animals. It feels like this is the only site where that gets commented on in a negative light instead of a "oh, it's so quirky that he banged a chimera and got raped by a female bear".
why can't we rape in the game?
but this is the first midget rapist i've made
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Ah so that's where those shitposts come from. Well I'm aiming for Shadowheart but I might change my mind once I start playing. She seems like the canon route and I always deviate from those. For example rather than go for Liara in Mass Effect I went for Tali, rather than go for Morrigan I went for Leliana etc. Still, Bear DP sounds funny.

Alright. I'll go tactician then. I'm bot that dumb so maybe it won't be that bad. Hope druid is fun. It looks fun from what I saw.
Everyone went for Tali though
The joke is that Halsin is incredibly disgusting, but modern leftists will tell you he’s quirky and cool(because he’s a handsome 6’6 high elf and it was clearly all for the memes)
>trickery domain
>Shar worshipper
>conveniently “wakes up” if you try to take the prism
You’re a fool if you think she’s unconscious
>I'm bot that dumb
I'm not that dumb*
Not a bot...
Maybe I am that dumb after all...
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you mean she was hoping to get raped?
Unironically yes
The game has a difficulty curve shaped like a playground slide. First, you climb up some rickety steps and then you just slide down.
Unless it's a metal slide, you are in shorts and have dry skin.
more or less. 5e isn't tuned around characters having a full character sheet of magic items.
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So gear doesn't matter for druids? At all?
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didn't expect such an intimate moment
i don't know, shadowheart looks so... romanian?
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this is her loot?
i hate poorfags
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hmm yes
bit too much palinka
Gay sex?
I hate modslop
They probably did but have an "unrestricted" CC, otherwise you could recreate all characters in the CC which they probably wanted to avoid
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A true agent of Shar, a master of disguise indeed.
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still fucking funny better aesthetics is still up
> "cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers"
why are you being antisemitic?
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why can't larian into beards? it's like he took a brown marker and painted his face
Is that a Sturge run?
looks better on direct x than on vulcan
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Newest update just released: https://www.nexusmods.com/baldursgate3/mods/11524
>you can now hug shadowheart as long as you're not a dragonborn or a short race
>more dismissal lines that are altered by how low/high your approval with her is
>bug fixes here and there
that's a dx11 screenshot
unless you meant that it looks even worse on vulkan
idk on mine they look fine with direct x and shit with vulkan
Take Tavern Brawler at level 4, it applies to your wildshape forms
Divination Cantrip (Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard)
Casting Time: Action
Range: Self
Components: S, M (a weapon with which you have
proficiency and that is worth l+ CP)
Duration: Instantaneous
Guided by a flash of magical insight, you make one
attack with the weapon used in the spell's casting.
The attack uses your spellcasting ability for the attack and damage rolls instead of using Strength or
Dexterity. If the attack deals damage, it can be Radiant damage or the weapon's normal damage type
(your choice).
Cantrip Upgrade. Whether you deal Radiant damage or the weapon's normal damage type, the attack
deals extra Radiant damage when you reach levels 5
(ld6), 11 (2d6), and 17 (3d6).
nuDND fixed truestrike
For some reason the in-game anti-aliasing is fucked so you have to go into the NVIDIA Control Panel and force the AA through there.
Ranger is still dogshit
Just make it an extra action
ye, cause fuck rangers. clerics are fine. guidance got a minor nerf and inflict wounds got mega nerfed which is gay as shit. otherwise they are fine other than the fact there are now only 4 domains. clerics now get to chose if they get heavy armor and divine strike vs potent spellcasting
>dndrone still pretending his game has any difficulty or complexity
why? this version of true strike is literally exactly what wyll wants (though I'd argue it would be better flavor wise if it wasn't radiant damage, but radiant is way better gameplay wise)
it lets anyone who has the skill use cha or int to attack
That looks like FSR 1 to me which is kinda dogshit, have you tried FSR 2?
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>removed impossible flags
>adding cut content back in
Doubly based.
>no attunement
wait, true strike is still kind of useless because pact of blade works like bg3 and you can get it at level 1
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there's a tiny bit of difference with FSR ultra quality, but i still wouldn't call it good
that had no noticeable effect
Patch 7 status?
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okay i think i fixed it now
had to mess around a lot more settings in nvidia control panel than just AA
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2 more weeks
The mod is worth it for the hugs alone
September 30
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I don't trust men who wear make-up
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what's shadowheart's favorite element from the periodic table?
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>"That large, fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake."
let's gooooo
after lae'zel nearly gets us all killed with her stupid grinch bullshit at the collapsed bridge, there should be a scene where we can tie her down and the whole party just sprays her with diarrhea
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hnmnmnyyyyy patch nyus?
it's up
Manifest the patch please
Wyll is so cool.
The only reason i kept him because i always need a warlock. Goes well with Gale.
what an arsehole
Cerveza Crystal
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Well shit I guess it's canon then
I love Gort so much.
I hate Wyll so much.
Is it different now?
>level 5 on the beach
Do some "people" really find that fun?
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Mizora my Mistress
>patch 7 coming out this week
>no sale for the game to coincide
ugh, they really making me wait. I hope it's in the steam turn based sale later this month
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Hahah...so funny Swen...
Stop using the n-word. This is so unbecoming of the general.
>is a cleric of shar who embraces pain
>main usage in battle is healing damage

I hate shadowheart so much I can't even begin to tell you what a shitty design and character she is
>it's real
Her default domain is Trickery. How does that translate into "main usage in battle is healing"?
do you know where we are?
she can't do any damage if her stupid attacks always miss, what the fuck should I use her for other than healing
Trickery domain is more ass than ass
who is swen's fav companion
Sounds like I need to eat kagha's trickery domain then
Gale - a white man
Ah yes, the ever useful early Cleric healing spells such as Cure Wounds (melee range, 1d8 healing) and Healing Word (ranged, 1d4 healing)... are you having a giggle, mate? Inflict Wounds is 3d10 damage for a level 1 spell, by the way.
and it misses all the time so I have no use for it
inflict wound is garbage and will most likely miss if the enemy isn't prone or incapacitated by hold person, 5e is doodoo. I have spoken.
Regardless of how "doodoo" the system is, you only have yourself to blame if your best use of a party member is to use their action to heal for... 1d8+3. Clerics are not mere healers. This isn't Overwatch.
not great not terrible
rate my taste

>S tier

>B tier

>kill on sight
It's an attack roll. Most people complaining about their clerics missing dump their WIS and wonder why nothing hits.
Of course they're not healers, they're concentration bots.
>level 1 Divine Smite
>2d8 radiant damage

>level 1 Inflict Wounds
>3d10 necrotic damage
>Man, why does this class suck? All it can do is heal
Faggot tier
I made that midget rapist to show that Astarion hates midgets because he's secretly attracted to them. Gnomes were not available.
You taste like fuzzy glass.
don't forget 4d6 guiding bolt with advantage on next attack
stomach hurts. this is because of no patch 7.
Swen took the kids...
They updated a really weird ass depot on Steam on the midst of updating mac_shipping. The fuck is summer2020_loca?
they meant summer2020_cloaca
Means it's coming later today bros
nuh uh
I want patch 7 missionary with Astarion
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I'll be fine with the friday release.
I'll make him bite the drow, then sacrifice him for boooal.
I will go on a hunger strike until patch 7 comes out
>a letter from Astarion's ex-wife
If you're into cucking, try another romance.
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Played a Druid Dark Urge, it was pretty fun. Not a lot of unique dialogue imo. I regret not playing Dark Urge for my first playthrough, you lose absolutly nothing doing that and the new content & context it brings is great, kinda advise you to fight back against the urge because murderhoboing everything will leads you to missing out on stuff, but it's your game anon.
As for Druid, I really have my preference for Spore Druid, Moon druid ends up being really boring, and I barely used wild shape to transform. Lands druids is basically a heavily spell focused druid, it makes for a decent replacement for a Wizard, but it's a bit boring too. As a spore druid you can get a nice army of undead, lots of temp HP, and some additional damage. I never tried to multiclass with it, but it might synergize well with a monk.
Tactician seems "easy" to me now, you might get blindsided by a few encounters, but the game gives you so many options to cheese fights or pull through that you should do just fine.
>How's my character
Not Dark Urgey enough imo, lacks some scars or edgyness, though, going full Patrick Bateman could be kind of funny to
I'll be playing tranny marine 2 by then.
Another way to get /fit/
Does Swen like Nocturne?
That's simply not possible.
>Does a white aryan christian man who is proud of his grandfather's SS membership like a tranny freak

this is your question
have you ever tasted for multiple days?
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Aieeee this plant is not weak to fire!
inflict wounds is amazing against enemies that heal a lot
(like that lava elemental in grymforge)
you can just cast bone chill it's ranged and cost nothing...
Cute tav
When's patch 7 coming? I've been waiting for its release to play for the firat time since I heard it's the final version. I don't intend to mod my first playthrough so I'll start as soon as it drops.
September 30 - PC
November - consoles
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>I heard it's the final version. I don't intend to mod
Patch 7 this week. In the final version we will get goblin pussy.
>killing 5+ enemies with a fireball and watching all their portraits disappear from the queue at once
>commanding a boss to skip his turn
>equipping an item that takes your 8 dump stat and boosts it to 17 or higher
>blowing your load as a battle master all in one turn (action surge and all superiority dice attacks) to do disgusting damage
>commanding the same boss to skip his turn again
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Where the fuck is patch 7
that game is better than BG3
She looks like a 45 year old prostitute wearing too much makeup
I'm in love with her voice (voice 4)
I put her in sneak mode and click on her potrait for some quick asmr sesh.
I look like this and I'm 23.
Swen called me a slur on Twitter
Sorry friend. At least you can pretend to be a cute female in game.
slavic male moment
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I look like this and i love Minthy
Was it ‘gamer’?
It's fine, when I manage to grow a beard I'll be saved.
Just workout and go full on johnny sins mode.
>Really Shadowheart restored this line
Shadowheart: Do vampires actually usually drink blood out of goblets like in the storybooks? Doesn't seem very fresh.
Astarion: Straight from the neck is preferred, but goblets are used in mortal company. They save on awkwardness.
Astarion: We could share a drink some night, if you're curious. A nice red wine in your goblet, of course.
Shadowheart: Very kind of you, but I'm saving my best bottle for someone already.
The mod that saved bg3
Wat game?
it comes out Thurs for non-goys
they said this week for PC, Dumbo
you can't drink blood out of goblets because it clots in minutes
Pools of Radiance
Filthy whore saves it for Helsin.
What does Wyll bring to the crew dynamic?
He's black
A sense of awkwardness, as the writers couldn’t decide what they wanted him to be.
Minthara is already black. What else?
Drow aren't black anymore that got retconned.
>wyll ctrl-f'd "nigger" and reported everyone
Um, bro? You're a warlock, not a vengeance paladin.
Chuds suffered his stings
Mizora isn't Wyll. What does Wyll bring to the crew dynamic?
how is Vlaakith able to wish us dead?
I think 5e doesn't allow that
also, if she can just do that wouldn't that just make her a god already?
how can the uprising githyanki even hope to beat her when she can just wish them all dead?
Someone who is not an edgy chosen of a god or overpowered arsehole
I keep getting Mizora and Minthara confused why would you have 2 characters who's name starts with M?
That's garbage
You mean Minthara and Mistra
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Laezel is canonically a zoomer
does this general respect mintharafag?
/bgg/ has always respected transfolx, yes.
I respect Swen Vincke and Halsin.
Halsin doesn't believe in the age of consent and thinks that the earth is flat
Pls redeem sar
Why does she look so sunburned?
Do Minthara and Halsin finally get separate tents and acknowledge each other's existence in patch 7? I saw on YouTube that Minthara asks why you knocked her out but killed Gut and Razglin.
>you can't even rule baldurs gate with Minthara in the evil ending
Joke character
oh no
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>"Ohh it's okay, accidents happen. A simple misunderstanding."
>"I'll just go get Withers and... Um..."
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uh oh a mimic
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The frog named Kar'en
she's going to speak to gale's manager and call her a nasty cunt
I'm happy and satisfied that next Baldur's Gate game won't be made by that racist chud.
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Damn Aylin should visit him
Whens patch 76
Right after portal 3
Half life 3 has been leaked, you never know
bg4 will be ai heaven where every decision matters and everything is tailored to you. it will even make things from bg3 make sense
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>flop gate 4
Another space sloppa?
>DOS3 and space game

major swenkinos await us
Still no patch? Pretty fucked up. As game devs they serve us, the consumer. They're taking the piss now.
It insissys upon itself
What did you just say to me?
sissy isn't a verb, sissy
The sissification beam approaches.
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Take notes, Todd
I expect the Patch on Friday evening or Saturday 9-10 AM CET
Why shouldn't any self respecting city execute on sight:

Bhaalists, sharrans, cyricians, banites, myrkulites, talosians?

Look I understand Baldur's Gate is a super liberal "live and let live" city but even that has its limits, why would you allow literally Bhaalists who fucked the city up 3 times now to roam free for example? Worshipping evil gods should be a capital offense
What if we put our Shadowheart and Halsin pillows next to eachother? Haha unless..
I worship Talos! No one will take it from me!
>>kill on sight
I agree with most except this

You should consider swallowing a poisonous rapier for this
You should be beheaded, publicly

Lathander's light is infinite but his mercy is not
Don’t bother wasting money on toothpaste. Nothing will ever clean out that shit taste of yours
Shart has the cutest little bulge.
weird code for 'romance wyll'
Gale on Gortash tho, yummy
I feel like Gale is too buff to be a pure wizcel, is EK a decent multiclass for Wizard? I know people only go for EK for the throwing build tb memes but I want something like arcane warrior from DAO
What's their deal? He killed Talos' wife?
bard gale
paladin astarion
i'm ready
Thread theme
I turned this bitch into charcoal with a create water/call lightning combo
She has one there?
Art trade bat signal in case the anon is still around: I'm having a hard time with Gortash right now, he looks ugly in my drawings but in a bad way, not in a good way. I don't think I can do your husband justice but I will try.
Painting Khaga coal black…
Thread theme
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What first playthrough (chaotic good) would be more fun:

Fighter, Barbarian, Druid, Sorcerer, Monk, Oathbreaker?

Who has more and more fun reactivity?
Patch 7 summoning circle
fighter is for neutral good
barb is chaotic good
druid is true neutral
sorcerer is chaotic neutral
monk is lawful good
oathbreaker is neutral evil
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wyll... my guy... this is not what you talk about on a first date
Yo, is she provoking his blade? Frizzle?
He's forever a loser
Redditors are pretending that this garbage wasn't a terrible character
provoke the blade and suffer its sting n shiet
stop racemixing! i mean she needs a real elf to make pure children
shart is a half elf you idiot
Slopwhiner status?
whose voice did you read it with?
Is it possible to make cool builds as a new player?
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>guilting the girl you're on a date with into mommying you and being your therapist
maybe he can get a pity fuck
>propose to your romanced partner
>You need to pass a difficulty 30 dice check so they say yes
>as a player
3/4 elves will be close to the ideal.
I killed that goth chick because she was being super mean and racist to the orc chick, she dropped some weird prism, she was important wasn't she?
Shart. Better than the dex save cantrip.
only the main character of the story
They specifically designed Shadowheart to be a cleric, the main romance and the support of the group. She's the opposite of a main character.
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>ask her about the kiss
>she says this
it's over bro
Her prism is important, she isn't. She's a major companion but gaming is about fun. It's not about getting all game content. Or else you'll have to romance Wyll as Gale for that juicy one line in the end.
A cleric can be the main character, chud
No. Her story and her dungeon are boring and annoying.
Foxus on Minthara, Karlach and Astarion instead
why does her mouth taste like Halsin's asshole?
Really Shadowheart is getting mainstream /bgg/ is so FUARKING influential and relevant
>Or else you'll have to romance Wyll as Gale for that juicy one line in the end
If only they actually had this. Wyll and Gale get jack shit
Why is the sl*pwiener pretending it wasn't destroying the thread with racism an hour ago?
>Wyll and Gale get jack shit
Good. This is a Shadowheart and Lae'zel game.
Does cleric tav feel bad they aren’t their god’s chosen/favorite
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Good afternoon /bgg/
Waifus, Husbandos
Love & Harmony~!

I wish we could all sit around Ramazith Tower and have a jolly good time. I'd like to talk to Rolan about magic and stuff, who knows how many books about magic and stuff are there in Ramazith

>tfw no Wizard player home, or any player home for that matter
The thread? Saved!
Roleplaying Wyll as a ruthless tyrant and romancing Mystra hating Gale
>piglets are redditors asshurt about wayseesim
wyll's lack of content was racially motivated
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Time to observe.
>shitposting for an hour or so doesnt attract enough attention
>so you make your ritual post for the attention
I'm only using like 2 mods
who the heck is sturge
Damn that's crazy bro
I feel your breath upon my neck
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I didn't know you well back then
I blame it all on luck and vain (luck and vain)
Your blood like wine, I wanted in
Oh darling, get me drunk and make me feel
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
These ain't my sins
I broke my chains
There's more to do
And I still want to live (live)
I feel your breath upon my neck
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I feel your heartbeat in my soul
Our futures bound, our bodies know (bodies know)
Your blood like wine, I wanted in
Oh darling get me drunk, invite me in
It's not my fault
I'm not to blame
These ain't my sins
I broke my chains
There's more to do
If I can only live (live)
I can't go yet
Don't let me die
I'll never stop
Until I'm done
But just tonight
Maybe I'll rest in peace
I feel your breath upon my neck
A soft caress as cold as death (cold as death)
I hear your heartbeat in my soul
Our endings bound, our bodies know
I can't go yet
Don't let me die
I want to live
My only one
There's more to do, if we can only live
The clock won't stop and this is what we get
I wonder how long the game is going to be broken for after patch 7 (because you know it will be).

Played for a couple hundreds hours but I've never even been to Act 3 proper. Excited to finally see it even it sucks
now that I'm wyll's friend he can't stop calling me his wygga
No *closes the gate, piglets and whiners on the other side*
It savours every (you) given to it
Why is the wh**ny begging for attention again?

And foremost, projecting as well?! François, we need a detective here!
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Bitch I just got here from work, shut up!
vendor for this feel?
Lathander chose my tav to rid the world of the evils of the dead three
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It seems like his obsession with said ''attentionwhores'' comes from his inability to get replies let alone attention whenever he makes a genuine posts, furthermore, the fact that his ugly self-inserts are infamous for their tranny aura doesn't help either. All in all, Marceline will always be more popular than the ugly ginger druid.
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>artist gf mostly doesn't pay attention while I'm gaming
>meet this guy
>"Oh who's that"
>quit game

>weeks later, she's acting shady, hiding her notebooks when I enter the room
>pretend not to notice but peek at them when she's at work
>pages and pages of Halsin lewds
no no no NO NO NO NO NO
Only if you promise not to say anything racist about tieflings for a whole minute
You work from home THOUGH
You made that very clear when you "accidentally" doxxed yourself, AGAIN
And NO ONE CARED AGAIN which means you'll do it in the future AGAIN
tieflings? more like thieflings
Will patch 7 be backwards compatible?
Is Theo Solomon balding?
Uh oh whiney
>Working from home
what is it, 2020?
you're the type of idiot who clapped along with everyone returning to work
Come to think of it, *it* has been begging to be doxed for ages now and it's really funny how no one gives enough of a fuck to do it
Dude exposed his email and linkedin two or three times already and no one cares lmao
Can we go one day without Slopfag and Slopwhiner bitching at each other?
This. Let's talk about the Blade.
Anon you are giving me more credit and attention than I deserve, considering it was a stupid mistake made in January
as always, you project bad intentions when the answer is simply carelessness
Trans rights tho
>What does Wyll bring to the crew dynamic
An advantage against bleeding target.
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Pea, you're trans and cringe which makes you wrong with makes BG3's trans stuff handled badly. It's basic math.
We call them orcs
>Slopwhiner’s fw the ‘dox’ leads back to an address owned by a ‘Mario Mario’ and his brother ‘Luigi Mario’
Daily reminder Larian replaced original Wyll voice actor because he sounded ""too ghetto""
Pea, are you here? I just wondered, heh well it's a little awkward to ask, ummm.. do you maybe by chance have an OF? also are you single I know its none of my business and np if you aren't just wondering

Also is Pea short for Sweet-pea because you're so sweet? lol j/k I mean maybe, but just a dumb joke haha anyhoo, ttyl
Wyll would be more popular if he was trans. It already helped Minthara.
>Gale with Gortash robe
this is basically blackface. im offended.
His portfolio is legendary.
You did it once last year too when you were spamming your ultraslopped tiefling.
Just making up shit now? He was posh as fuck
>The only MENA representation in game
>Is a slimy dictator who likes to groom young women and blow shit up

Wtf Larian?
>Is a slimy dictator who likes to groom young women and blow shit up
Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?Where is the patch?
>slopwhiner and marcello meeting up for a pizza date
Cute, canon.
he didn't have a ghetto accent. he sounded like a jamaican immigrant in the uk
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>shart with halsin's wooden duck
Did I really?? fuck my life..
A normal perspective
my dick?
Thursday or Friday for PC. 2 weeks later for console
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Refreshing to see some accurate cultural representation! I love my archterrorist habibi.
Don't worry. You're as careless as you are obnoxious.
Alas, we have standards. The only real life reminiscent content /bgg/ will ever have are Mintharafag's vacation pics.
I didn’t even notice it when I posted the image.
>oh my a devil remember to not make deals with him
>oh my a hag remember to be careful
>oh my goblins this place stinks
Thanks Wyll very cool
Gortash is SO ugly
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this was the best outcome
either way our heroes continue their journey
>Mintharafag's vacation pics
oh yeah that happened
I have no idea what you're talking about and honestly I'd rather keep it that way...!

Lorroakan's Throne made of books is really kino.
Probably fucking uncomfortable and useless since I don't think he has lots of visitors to flex it, but still.
did he really?
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Surely you are baiting for images of this grimy handsome beautiful sex god
>oh my a devil LETS KILL IT
>oh my a hag LETS KILL IT
>oh my goblins LETS KILL THEM
Would that be better?
It's some other type of bird but she's supposed to have a pet mouse not a bird
>oh my a devil LETS FUCK IT
>oh my a hag LETS FUCK IT
>oh my goblins LETS FUCK THEM
Actually yes
I do this just not with these things
So based.
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All these ideas are better than the Blade of the Ghetto yes
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This Wyll was kinoesque
>tranime out of nowhere
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i don't remember getting any deer meat gale. i'm scared
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I said this
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His swag is simply unmatchable, try as the plebs might
Kino Slayer has more fanarts than wyll this says a lot about our society
I wanted an excuse to post Guild Girl, really.
>xe thinks fan"art" is a good thing
You know who else draws fanart? Five year old children
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What would be the best class to RP as Sabertooth? Barbarian? Druid? Monk?
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You're so valid
whine whine whine whine
Why no playable artificer class bg3?
is it leading to sex
Wow you sure got him there
Monk with some barb dip
It is going off topic now
Fuck you swine. I posted an image and got 0 (You)s. You reposted it and got 5 (You)s.
Did your favorite critical role chungus play one?
I have several (You)s that are on-topic and allow for wholesome discussion. It's not that hard.
Take my (You)
You’ll notice how he starts freaking out about yous when the spotlight is off of him.
Na, just curious because there's no great multiclass options for wizard.
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What's an actual flaw of Wyll, btw?

At the beginning of the game he seems like a manipulable guy since Mizora sends him to kill Karlach, but once the misunderstanding is cleared up this thing disappears and from then on it turns out to be without much agency to judge him.
What happened next?
>What's an actual flaw of Wyll, btw?
He's boring
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Human and Elf is the only acceptable racemixing combo.
It is now pretending to seek a discussion by regurgitating the same points that have been brought up dozens of times already in these last few weeks
STR based Monk/Barbarian (beast totem)
Only if it's rape.
Rape is typically Orc x Non-Orc
With how little they actually do with the PC facial animations (dragonborn unironically have better facial expressions than most humanoid faces), not having a proper character creator is just BS.
I don't want to make a mutant, but I also don't want to always use the one human/helf face that doesn't look like a Hiroshima baby.
BG3 needed a female orc to rape your Tav
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Talk about the Blade.
>points of discussion that have already been brought up
Not him, not defending him either. But do you know how many times I’ve seen the same fucking conversations about Shart Wyll Emperor Gale Lae’zel since this thread has started?
If you are still here you genuinely have no right to bitch about if something had been retread over 100 times already.
Now this is a rape I can get behind.
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Orcs are known for their consensual relationships leading to healthy families and well adjusted children
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the screen faded to black after this
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One of the worst changes the game made for Honor Mode is with the Phase Spider Matriarch, and not letting you knock her into the void, no matter what you do.
It actually sucks ass because it just takes away good options instead of resulting in a cooler fight.
I'd rather not
I'm consciously uncoupling from Gale. Time to partner with Astarion.
Tried to read, gave up after the jumble of words.
Khaga x orcs
>the screen faded to black
I have a bad feeling about this.
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Trying to get laid in /bgg/ is a fool's errand nonny
I am a total noob at CRPGs, overall.
Tactician is pretty hard in the early game, but I personally found to get much easier to deal with by Act 2, where you have access to tons of good gear.
Early game you actually have to be clever on tactician because you're generally weaker than any enemies.
Speaking of Orcs, do you reckon Z'rell could Halsin? Sure Halsin can turn into a bear, but Z'rell looks tough
I want to get laid by Shadowheart.
>Z'rell could Halsin
I hope you mean kill.
I kinda get it.
Levels 1-4 are basically just tutorial levels and you can't do much fun with most classes.
Level 5 is when most classes start coming alive.
It makes the early game very easy, but if this is your 3rd or 4th run through, you aren't really getting surprised by anything anymore so dealing with the early game fights might as well be quick.
Z'rell has 72 husbands, I'm sure one of them is a druid buffer than Halsin
I like humans, elves and tieflings aesthetically

The other races are ugly, midgets or both
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Halsin is a skinny sissy compared to your average orc
What specifically?
I had to mod Gale a bigger beard because the vanilla one was annoying me.
I'm curious what you changed.
*break Halsin
My bad
Hunter Ranger is only bad because Swords Bard is retardedly homebrewed to be ridiculously OP.
Without that, it'd have an actual niche.
Clerics are not healbots.
They never were. DnD Clerics are spellblades.
What he trusted a demon whore or uh that he doesn’t wanna be a noble I don’t know
You bunch of chicken livered shits
Clerics are the most fun spellcasters of this game and anyone who uses them as support/healbot should be shot
Astarion got my Tiefling pregnant
Mizora gave him superpowers to kill monsters and save the city she's a better person than Astarion or Shadowheart
Are you saying i shouldn't be using Bless with my Cleric?
...you're a girl...right?
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>Is called Dolor
>Not even a EB spammer warlock

No, you should get blessing with healing words while wearing Volo's ring
Shart blessed me with her seed
I'm beginning to think that Mr Vincke never cared about Baldur's Gate 3...
I thought they arent support/healingbots
Of course
Um she wanted to kill Karlach then make Wyll her slave forever. And put his dad on a dangerous submarine
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You would.
Jason Mamoa
Maybe (You) would.
I wyll.
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Mean. Try saying that to these cheeks.
Edging ever so closer to looking like the circus drag queen
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Good job anon. Now recite your ABCs
spellblade means it uses both a weapon and spells, preferably complementing each other in battle
clerics use only spells, if they use a weapon attack it's a wasted action, unless it's a war priest multiclassing fighter nonsense
What did Wyll start listening to emo music
Fuck, I did it. I bought the game. I gave wizards of the coast my money.
In our ttrpg campaign, our knowledge cleric is absolutly based, just his Command spell saved us many times. Anyone insisting that a cleric is supposed to heal in priority is completly retarded (especially with 5e math/encounter design).
Look at that face, you JUST know he gargles cum every morning
So with two controllers plugged in you can make both a tav and durge for the same playthrough. Combine that with the hirelings Withers sells and you can customize 3 characters in a single player game. You could even have a whole party that is the same race if you wanted to. Which option would be the best?
>Lae'zel and 3 Githyanki
>Minthara and 3 Drow
>Karlach and 3 Tieflings
>Halsin, Jaheira, and 2 Druids
>something else?
I'm showing that post to your grandma
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New player here, fresh off the ship, ended up killing some faggy elf (kinda looked like V from DMC5) because he put a knife to my throat, but when I told my sister that, she said I had bricked my save and that I should restart. Is the faggy elf important or is she messing with me? I like the goth girl and the frog girl, though.
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Corazon de sombra...?!?!

Put her back in her coffin, you freak!
Let me have your sister's hand in marriage and I will tell you the truth of things.
Elves got the ugliest undies
V suffered from a bully master btw
And...? Did he maintain his human aspect of him?
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these are my settings at the moment
i'm not sure which one did it exactly since i played around with it a lot
also, put FSR 2.0 to ultra quality
Wasn't V like technically exactly the human aspect of Vergil, as a seperate being? ...I don't remember much of DMCV's plot
What are the best classes for Githyanki?
Not telling you
FSR 2.2 ultra makes the game look absolutely gorgeous, totally worth it the fps sacrifice
V is hot
The red gems look like fat blisters
Too late for a patch today boys. Rip.
He also liked quoting Oscar Wilde.
>"As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible."
We're just killing time until Friday.
The stupid urge
EK is pretty fucking fun
A is for All the fun I had in /bgg/
B is for the /b/ in /bgg/
C is for the cuckspam in /bgg/
D is for the dickheads that post in /bgg/
E is for the Emerald Grove /bgg/‘s favorite location
F is for the Faggots that post in /bgg/
G is for Gale, /bgg/‘s protagonist
H is for Halsin /bgg/‘s REAL protagonist
I is for imitation, the sincerest form of flattery
J is for jokes, /bgg/ has tons of them!
K is for Karlach! A girl!
L is for Lae’zel Best girl!
M is for Mystra, the lady that groomed Gale!
N is for everyone’s favorite word
O is for Orpheus, Best girl’s new favorite frog
P is for Penis, for some reason everyone ITT likes penis.
Q is for questionable behavior, everyone in /bgg/ participates in this
R is for Rape! Everyone here likes it no matter who you are!
S is for Shadowheart, God’s favorite princess
T is for Tantrums, I see many here in /bgg/
U is for unexpected, it is unexpected that we are still here in this general!
V is for virginity
W is for Wyll, the king Virgin
X stands for the X X X rating this game should have gone for
Y stand for WHYYYYYYYYY are we still here
Calm your tits Halsin
I think i saw him in miami vice.
>w and v are mixed up
You will never recover anon
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that's not true we have 1 more hour
(it's 18:12 where I live and there have been hotfixed released at around 7 pm)
Wow he's literally me!

/bgg/'s Rosetta Stone
>no r is for recite the words of your oath
And so it is written
Why is Wyll considered invisible in the underdark? I didn't even cast the spell yet?
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say something nice about them
>w and v are mixed up

This is one of the people you guys argue with in this thread on the daily btw
Can Jen's gf fuck offffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
They didn't invite Dave Jones or his boyfriend
We get

1 fighter (Lae'zel)
1 cleric (Shadowheart)
1 rogue (Astarion)
1 wizard (Gale)
1 warlock (Wyll)
1 barbarian (Karlach)
1 paladin (Minthara)
1 ranger (Minsc)
2 druids (Halsin, Jaheira)
Technically 1 sorcerer (dark urge)

Yet bards and monks have 0 representation
A is for Astarion retard
They would be excellent scarecrows!
Swen is retarded and would do anything for redditors more news at 10
In lore, they are basically 95% Eldritch Knights or Battle Masters, with the occasional Wizards and Paladins (Oath of Crown).
you should make a post about it on reddit, make sure to include the last part
In my next playthrough, I will be using a Sorcerer, Bard and Monk (and Shart as usual)
Alfira is our bard in next patch

and make durge a sorcerer monk
I put faggot
Walking through the entire enemy horde with Spirit Guardians wailing on whoever you want is the best way to use cleric.
War Cleric especially. You already get extra attack tokens as the class.
That’s every character ingame
Yeah but F specifically stood for him and the people I don’t like.
Astarion mogs Laezel
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>Alfira is our bard in next patch
You only get her on Durge and only for one or two long rests. After that...
So glad that Sven & company went the scifi route. Fantasy fags btfo.
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are we sure about this tho?
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>muh class representation
Should the world conveniently grant you one companion of each class in your every adventure? Must there always be a Monk waiting patiently in a tavern, or on a pilgrimage, or snatched by a nautiloid? Must there be a Bard everywhere you go? Would that be realistic?
Is 1 fighter for con save proficiency/ 5 light cleric/6 oov paladin a good build?

Or is con proficiency not worth the dip?
It….It’s attentionwhoring again…Aaaaugh…..It’s so big…
>ugliest tav you've ever seen
>dogshit low IQ post
Do you post here daily?
Gonna have a melty?
Where is the patch?
She is not ugly. Maybe you're ugly. Maybe you like pig shit.
Every companion should be a fighter/rogue because that is the most ubiquitous. Wizards should be rare.
Have you been the man behind the anonymous mask for months?
It's fine. Do you value your 6th Cleric level of CON saves proficiency and +1 AC more.
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Quil Grootslang? More like Quil Grootslag
Called it >>493132951
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now what the HELL is this
That's a cute Tav unlike the fugly freak someone posted earlier
Who are these fellas?
Warding flame is pretty nice, but I suppose the aura of protection already does thia job, I think i might take the dip into fighter
A swine shits up the thread then calls itself a prophet for predicting it would happen.
Old Tavs (not mine) the tourists are too new to know. It doesn't matter.
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Gale looks like a cool guy with this beard and hat.
His old look reminded me of NEETs
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Why do Wyll fans hate Astarion fans so much?
My post wasn't dumb enough to warrant this
Wyll has fans?
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A drow, a bit bloody at the moment because it was a rough night
Why, he's the fabled hero of the Sword Coast? He has a lot of fans!
I know these guys Dag was hog
Because Astarion isn't a pathetic roach
Banishing smite or spirit guardians for bardadin?
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where's my patch 7 astarion sex????????
Anyone who's convinced that ascending Astarion is a good choice to go with, is either knowingly doing it to be evil, or have no idea just how potent the corruptive influence of absolute power is, especially on someone who's already so power-hungry to begin with. anyone who says that Astarion can't possibly be happy if he doesn't go on with ascension is also downright delusional & in denial, seeing how he acts when he talks with PC later. on the contrary, Astarion DEFINITELY wouldn't be happy if he actually ascended. sure, he's elated in the moment, but having someone so power-hungry to begin with wield such absolute power would only make their hunger for power way way WORSE, as in utterly unsatiable, as he would ALWAYS crave more even if he has grown to wield more power than anyone alive. NO ONE can be happy being a slave to such uncontrollable cravings all the time. his physical vampiric hunger, which actually has a limit & very much controllable, would just get replaced by something that NO ONE, not even Astarion himself, can keep in check.

& to make matters worse, ascending Astarion simply dooms everyone around him. while he wouldn't grow to become a threat that would inconvenience the gods unless he, by some other possibly profane, insidious means, achieves godhood, his threat to every mortal being out there would still be comparable to that of the Absolute, if not worse.
Cute hairstyle but she looks like she had a hard time
Give her a proper bath!
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That's a munchkin build. Doesn't deserve help.
Patch 7 missionary over his grave
Most hated companion?
Fellas, is it gay to romance Astarion as a F!Tav when you're a guy IRL?
Wyll, halsin is not a companion and his writer isn't human
>is it gay to romance Astarion
Halsin is cute and valid, onlt chuds seething over Shart cucking them hate him
What if I'm a chimera and I'm scared of being raped by him or his writer?
halsin is so quick to fuck you as a bear that man fucks animals for sure
because Astarion is the fan favorite and white
Do you look like this?
These aren't the hours for character discussion. I'll leave you with this bit of porcine wisdom.
>I saw the "Good" ending for Astarion but it doesn't satisfy me: Astarion forced to live a free life, but still a slave to his insecurities and without being able to see "the colors of the world".
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My favorite flavor of gummy bear is goodberry!
who'se the most damnable roach in all the game?
Hes not even 3rd most romanced companion.
>Not a single potential party member is a midget
he has the most recorded voice lines of the companions and that makes larian racist bc hes white duh
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Wyll has only 10 fans but they're very vocal about hating Astarion for his whiteness
Why did Neil win every award for him?
Don’t see all his fanart and fiction over your waifus
Who's this hireling? He's cute
It’s like this in every fandom I’m not surprised
because women run these awards and women love neil
Wyll should have been written by a trans black woman
Who is that ugly man?
Trans companion less popular than the black one...
Is that not a fan favorite then
no because women don't play video games
That one goblin at the entrance to the grove
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I think women are a little shallow. What do Astarion and Gale have, besides a pretty face, great hair, single-digit body fat percentage, just the right amount of muscle, conversation skills, a sense of humor and presumably an okay amount of sexual experience?
Neil is by far the most talented of the cast tho when it comes to mocap and overall performance
Lae'zel is the best after that and it's kinda fucked she never got nominated for anything??

You forgot wyll
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Astarion overshadowed her. I’d say every character is well voiced acted besides Wyll
pookie needs a bath
Sarevok and Ansur's VA are terrible
I thought women were the "I can fix him" gender, but Shart, Lae'zel and Karlach are a lot more fixbait than Gale, Wyll or Astarion.
I meant the main cast
You didn't even try to have a coherent point. Lae'zel and Karlach are characters waiting to be "fixed"? Are they "fixed" by the end of their character arcs?
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I have all this but no conversation skills and sexual experience
People want to fix Karlach's heart to be fair
Some of the patch 7 that got leaked on youtube were new recorded lines for companions when Astarion runs from the sun and Wyll's line delivery is probably the worst thing in the whole game, dude didn't even try
Its so bad, not sure how it got through the approval stage
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Astarion himself lets us know how he feels about it, and how he has internally processed the situation.

There is a pre-Cazador Astarion, which is the one we all know, and there is a post-Cazador one, who came to light when Astarion tore Cazador's flesh with his dagger Rhapsody.

From there on, it is up to the player and their actions how Astarion will act, but I think I can say that helping him break the cycle seems to make him feel free, at elast in his own terms.

As powerful as he was, Cazador had Velioth's skull in his chambers, an eternal reminder of how, and thanks to whom, he was a Vampire Lord. I can see Velioth seeing, on lonely nights, and railing against his old Master. He was never free.

And what kind of deference Astarion shows towards Cazador after killing him, if he does not ascend?
His stabbed corpse lies in an abandoned crypt, the Szarr family legacy gone forever.
A rat's end, for one who spent his unlife capturing others like a Pied Piper.

Like pottery.
I liked him more in RE8.
Yeah he’s the worst one in the main cast and that didnt help Wyll’s popularity
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Astarion is a character who for centuries suffered the negative influence of a bully master, who constantly abused him, and who perverted his nature. When Astarion distances himself from Cazador's clutches, he demonstrates and understands that, while remaining faithful to his narcissistic and opportunistic nature, it is also possible not to be completely society's waste, maintaining his human aspect of him.
I can't listen to Astarion without thinking of Elijah Kamski tho
He doesn't even have the excuse either that he didn't have enough time (previous Wyll actor dipped and they had to replaced him) because Karlach started recording at the same time and she's leagues better than him
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My eternal and undying love.
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Wyll has 2 dungeons and is the character who has the camp followers with the most content. Content has NEVER been an issue. His writing is. Kevin should be fired ASAP.
Should I do honour mode on my first playthrough? Will it ruin my experience?
I love him so much, no character has ever made me this horny and feral
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You done cracked the code
If only there was something in this very game that warned us of the creators and team members being pests!
Posthumanist asshole.
Larian game with disco elysium's writing, imagine
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This is why I always kill him.
Somehow, homosexual content would increase by 1000%
If you're the type of person to restart after wiping then I don't recommend it, most of the challenge of this game comes from not knowing what's coming. The game gives you the option to continue your campaign in "Dishonour Mode" after you wipe, so if you just want to see how far you can get before wiping, then I'd say Honour Mode is fine.
If you're good at CRPGs I don't see why not. Worst case you can always continue your save even after party wiping, so there isn't really any drawback
He wrote Laezel though and she’s good
It depends on whether you're willing to continue playing after a party wipe (in "dishonor" mode) or if you would treat that as a game over and restart.

Honor has better balance and bosses have some fun Legendary Actions to challenge you. The downside is that you only have one save, which can be annoying if you like loading earlier saves to rewatch a scene, take screenshots, that sort of stuff. In general, I would advise against it. Do start in Tactician, though.
He wrote and rewrote Wyll so he's bad.
Until Patch 7 comes out it's the only way I know to play with Legendary actions/reactions that makes bosses and some fights more interesting and faithful to a TTRPG 5e experience, so I'd say yes
Have you ever played DOS2 or other cRPGs? Not Owlkek garbage though
Why is there no fanart of Minthara tard wrangling the group?
Also I love how Wyll fans conveniently leave out Mizora and Duke Ravenguard content when talking about Wyll content, so it looks like he has less than he actually does so they can victimize themselves more
Astarion's writer left, so Larian is dead to me now.
>keeping wyll on a leash
uh oh
Those things count as content?
ummmmmmm..... racist???????
I am beyond disgusted right now.
Cite a situation where this thing actually happened, Whiny E Coyote
her and her dad… cute
I like how Wyll's VA says dolor tho
Oh, knowing I can just continue if I wipe makes it very low risk, I'll just go for it, thanks.
He literally fucked up Wyll both times.
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Karlach has 1/10th of Wyll's content and she's way way more liked this says a lot about our society
A first-time player enters the owlbear cave in Honor Mode...
yeah that one
go on twitter and search wyll
what about minthara
>honour mode save crashes
>slightly annoyed but load back up
>load into game
>in a totally different place
>wtf is this
>leave camp
>it just deleted about 6 hours of progress despite manually and autosaving many times between this point and when I crashed
Well there goes all of my motivation.
Actual bullshit.
Roll on the patch when you can set honour mode legendary actions and shit in custom settings because this one save shit is absolute fucking ass, especially when it DOESNT FUCKING WORK CORRECTLY AND WASTES YOUR GOD DAMN TIME.
I WAS in the middle of doing basically everything in act 3 but now I'm just going to speedrun the netherbrain and throw a 40 smokepowder barrels at it because fuck this gay shit.
>go on twitter
miss me with that bullshit, I never had it and I never will
Why does everyone say that Wyll is virgin?
What's the best class for tactician?
What's the best party for tactician?
making 100+ new characters because I get a raging boner when Narrator ask

>Who are you?
you're better off then, would not recommend seeing the wyll complain posts
he did? ruh oh
Fuck you, I just remembered how good early GoT seasons were
Nobody cares about the duke. Wyllfags probably mald since Mizora is more popular than him
Is there still chance that the patches can come out today?
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got u dis :3
be warned that if you continue after a full party wipe, you would still have the honour mode mechanic, which is nice because the legendary actions really spice up combat, but you will also be stuck with the single save; which is a pain in the ass if you softlock yourself. So you should wait for patch 7 which will allow you to get the difficulty without the iron man mode save
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And I got you this
It's a shame they never finished the show.
They never finished it.
The usual stuff

Tb monk, bardadin, sorcadin, dual xbow rogue bard
Do you think Shadowheart could take it all inside her?
It's coming thursday night for EU according to the schedule.
All of them???
Poor D&D, both dead in mysterious plane crash in 2018...
Which one is better for dual xbow

5 rogue 7 bard

Or 3 rogue 9 bard

Is sacrificing a bunch of cool spells worth it for the evasive tactics?
Do you think the truly miserable ones will leave after the patch?
All of them
3 Rogue/9 Bard. 100%. You only need the rogue dip for the extra bonus action that thief gives you
At once!??!?
stop at three, every thing else in bard; Evasion is not worth it, and neither are the sneak attack damages
Yeah but rogue 5 gives you uncanny reflexes or whatever is called, it makes you so you take half dmg from everything
Survivability has never been an issue in this game, getting extra Bardic inspiration buffs and better spells is way more useful, if you really want to be tanky, get a hireling and make them cast Aid and Warding bond on your rogue, you'll get 50% less damage for free
What's the strongest MC melee class/build?
I see, I'll take the bard levels then
killing a nigga before it could harm you is better than tanking a nigga's hits and let him go wild on yo ass
also it a bit gay
Atta boy
Dis nigga spittin
Full fighter battlemaster, with pocket mage to cast haste at all time or with potions of speed.
Open Hand Monk+rogue thief works wonders too
2 paladin 10 swords bard

But ppl hate it when you mention this build here due to how op it is
Will (You)?
is the patch out?
Would be white Wyll more popular than Halsin?
wyll's writing is still dogshit hard to tell
No he would still be a terrible character, at least halsin appeals to trannies and zoophiles on twitter
I just got a 20gb patch on steam? Is this it?
I wish the drag queen circus owner was a companion ngl ngl
no thats just me sending a dick pic to you via chat. sorry its so big.
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she's cool
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wtf is this pic
patch 7 is 80gb according to larian devs on discord0whjv
People who romanced halsin should be locked up
I need morrigan kicking shadowheart in the crotch meme
How is my 100gb ssd supposed to handle thatgayz0r
Wyll's writer is a polyamorous faggot and a c*t person how could he not be a terrible writer?
I follow only 2 masters
and pussy
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who this astarion looking mf
Yet another day without patch 7 missionary with Astarion over his grave. I blame all of you crusty incels.
I follow only 3 masters
and Cazador
This always annoyed me.
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Fr tho it's all their fault
Remove the game.
reminder that this is way worse than halsin
Is the grave meme part of Astarion's romance or an inside joke I'm not privy to?
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Just trannies.
You literally fuck on his grave in his romance route, yeah
silence, moid
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>not titties
And... that's... romantic?
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Hello bgg it's another beautiful day to love Gale Dekarios
Yeha that threw me off
wouldn't want to do missionary anywhere else
every female baldur in baldur's gate 3 is a washboard
He'd probably be the most popular companion.
Vulgar, distasteful, sickening.
Cute, wholesome, joy-sparking.
How? Only happens if you play as one of them. Larian doesn't make Lae'zel start talking about rimming Shadowheart in Act 3 (only if you're romancing Lae'zel)
I'm a straight dude and that gets me flustered desu. It's literally the OG goth thing to do.
He’d be more popular but still bland…? I don’t know girlies like Cullen
>I'm a straight dude and that gets me flustered desu
You're not a man
Mind flayer lives matter
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We was roonin
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No one gets in until Friday. Swen's orders.
Hell yes

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