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International Miku Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>492469223

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Fairies & Tomboys Friday is over. Weekly theme suggestions are being taken! >>493040529

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
Real, non-russian, thread. Based.
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oh yay, Lisanon extracted successfully
Yeah. Idk what's up with the multiple threads though. I've made a Lisa chatbot and been trying some scenarios with her.
The other one is made by a troll who has tried and failed to convert /aids/ into a NAI-only thread six times now.
saw your earlier bot post couple threads back, cute. What model are you using?
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The one from a couple threads back was a first attempt. I've learned some stuff and made a better (though still amateur) bot that I'm now using with Mistral Large in RisuAI.
>Efficiency is Coming: 3000x Faster, Cheaper, Better AI Inference from Hardware Improvements, Quantization, and Synthetic Data Distillation
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where have all the good posts gone
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Anons, I'm starting to regret bullying her...
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Ghetto Recap (1/2)

Anti-Vibes were borked and then worked again. >>492470340 >>492517778 >>492509605 >>492520648 >>492521765 >>492540939
NAI can has (Image Gen) researcher? >>492698446 https://twitter.com/Birchlabs/status/1829575840650424592?s=19
Not Really News since it's happened for ages, but Anthropic really hates essex

Theme Friday Prompts:

The Fair Folk Flophouse
https://aetherroom.club/7304 >>492535128
>A fairie lets herself in to your apartment and decides to start renting out shelf space. Try not to piss off your new roommates.

A Pill For Your One and Only Smile
https://aetherroom.club/7305 >>492578089
>At the end, what will a man do to save the only smile left in the world? What is there to hold on to? Nothing?
I feel like there's a good Norm McDonald joke to make with that tagline, but I'm un-creative today.

https://aetherroom.club/7306 >>492630943
>Tomboy Milf Basketball, Need I say more?

Rotten Little Thing
https://aetherroom.club/7308 >>492658918
>Become a necromancer fairy's personal plaything.

The Masoleum
https://aetherroom.club/7309 >>492662968
>Get dirty at the end of the world.


Queering Up The Dance Floor
https://aetherroom.club/7313 >>493015107
>A nearby theme park has recently opened a dance club, and then some very straight stuff happens, obviously.


Lisa, The Seasoned Adventurer >>492470384
Ratatouilled By A Fairy >>492519005
Truthful Euterpe >>492550669 >>492555781 >>492697630
That One Meme >>492554631
A Harem Of... HUH?! >>492693731 >>492696124 >>492696358 >>492696690
Earth, Wind,... Ballad? >>492872567
Lego Set >>492907130
Bateman Meets A Tigeress >>492911309
New Chance, Cute Girl >>492934826
Returning The Tapes >>492955508
Call The Seasoning Police >>492965413 >>492969360
Starcannon Stuff >>493022070 >>493022441 >>493022794
Woman Moment >>493074639
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Ghetto Recap (2/2)

Notable Posts:

Brown And Inpainted >>492497975
Broken Anti-Vibe >>492500012 >>492498617
Cum to... HUH?! >>492557731
Titty Anti-Vibe >>492582058 >>492582502 >>492582817
Isekai And Self-Inserts >>492604289 >>492605235 >>492606181 >>492607292 >>492607507 >>492614042
Brainstorming >>492635761 >>492636082 >>492636953 >>492637242 >>492641152 >>492641258 >>492646951 >>492676909
Artificial Wombs >>492647753 >>492647948 >>492648786 >>492733065 >>492648324
Orange Sounds >>492676909
Blast From The Past >>492689572
Tall Order >>492736372 >>492737231 >>492740431 >>492743036
Taiga Girl >>492807524 >>492807953 >>492808993
Fast Summer >>492880671
Drowned God >>492884131 >>492885464
Leaked Sonic Storyboard >>492958528
New Anti-Vibe >>493049657
Everytime >>493070750
Remember This Shit? >>493079301
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I broke her. I don't know what to do. Maybe if I write a couple responses for the bot saying that she gets up, then maybe she will get better?
Does your model understand (OOC: ) instructions? Try instructing it to move the story forward using OOC suggestions if you don't want to write for the bot. Used to do that with Claude when i was a chatfren
Thank you for the suggestion anon. It took a little trial and error, but she seems to be doing better now.
Right on, try not to break poor Lisa again
I haven't played with a language model since ai dungeon dragon. What service do I pay for if I just want to play with one on my phone and not self host?
Uh. NovelAI and maybe Characterhub. You could technically use OpenRouter on your phone, but it would be hard.
Which services/website actually allow NSFW content?
Again, NovelAI and Characterhub.
Together and OpenRouter also allow it, but OR blocks it on Claude/OpenAI models.
september is upon us
what now
Dunno about you, but I get ready for a holiday.
We continue waiting.
NovelAI is the best for smut that I've tried.
Always has been.
I hear octobor will be here soon
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Good night anons.
>13B shill typed this post
I've been trying out some more advanced AIs through OpenRouter. And some are much better than NovelAI for lengthier stories with more characters because they're just better at keeping track of things. But NovelAI works fine for scenarios that are more limited in scope. And the best smut that I've gotten was from NovelAI. Don't know why that would be the case since there's other stronger AIs around these days. But anecdotally, NovelAI has done very well for me in that area.
This, NAI is a good porn-tune but I'm honestly not interested in coom stories anymore so I use other models.
Is it true the NAI trains on CSAM?
everyone who used LAION-5B (so literally every base model) was allegedly training with csam
It's their main selling point.
>3 days stack
So, 70B didn't work and now they are training for 13B v2?
Does brown color means it's a different model?
No. It indicate the time range when they hit multiple days stack.
I wouldn't be surprised. You can't unslop llama3(.1) many people have tried.
>Llama 3 was trained on 15 trillion tokens
>NAI finetuned it with 500 billion tokens
>a.k.a 3.33% of the data the model was trained with
Well, at least they tried.
Oh wow the "finetunes don't work" topic, that's a classic.
People are so used to instruct
>this trite meme again
To be fair there are only so many variations of “its ogre” and gimmick posting to go around.
I’ll take that over the more obnoxious memes
I joked about no new model until 2025 but it's looking more and more like a reality.

>no 70b
That would be a death knell after all this waiting.
You don't make jokes. You threadshit. Fuck off.
I'd rather you and him quit. Doomfagging should be illegal. You Fulkerson do nothing but bitch and complain all day, 24/7, you don't even fucling. None of you participate in any of the community events, you just shit up the thread. Get a new hobby and find another thread to browse if that's all you're going to do.
>gossiping like schoolgirl cheerleaders desperate for coach cock
>being a productive, non-schizoid member of society
It's threadshitting because I'm not engaging with ass kissing behavior. Aetherroom was promised "by the end of 2023" and we're a few months off from 2025. Now, after another year of imagegrim and 13b, there is a chance 70b is getting dumped? And you're still going to defend that and pretend anyone upset is a troll? Don't forget to really get in there with your tongue, gotta make sure that ass is spotless.
Literally my first post this thread anon. I’m just talking to another anon about the usual thread shitter going through his greatest hits album because he works like a clock at this point. It’s the thread equivalent of people watching
It's threadshitting because you aren't doing anything productive. Gossiping isn't reality, retard. Conjecture isn't criticism. Take a break and fuck off from the thread fir a few months.
didn't you hear? NAI went bankrupt roughly 200 times this year
and since this is a NAI-only thread, you have no reason to be here
move on
There is no chance of 70B being dumped, that's you overreacting and shitting up the thread. Quit being dense.
And yes, you are a troll, because you do nothing but complain. Why use a thread if all you're going to do is complain? You clearly aren't enjoying yourself, so not why not cut your losses and quit dragging everyone else down? You don't have to waste your time. Surely there's better things you can with your time than samefag the same boring responses like you're a Woody doll. Do you have a snake in your boot, partner?
>There is no chance of 70B being dumped
More expensive to run.
Diminishing return on the quality.
Zuckslop vs their own model which they can control the quality from the start.
NTA, but I could see them working on something else’s even just as a stop gap model since 70B is stuck behind presumably coreweave being impossibly inept assuming that it also just isn’t work on an even newer model since they may as well
They already have the model for NovelAI ready, they're just waiting for hardware. The training is obviously for their chatshit. Quit being dumb.
it's over
Totally organic and repeated meme. And you argue that you aren't a troll? Fuck off with that bullshit. Next you'll argue Kayra is a porntune, that autocomplete is dead, that they need to charge per token, or one of your other memes.
Cant tell if this latest spat is an anon who has actually just convinced himself he is the moral authority of the thread and how it and NAI should operate in some extremely misguided attempt to improve the thread IE beatings will continue until morale improves
Or if this is just some new whine gimmick since it hits some of the same notes as dicbaker as the one true savior of the thread

>MFW I can’t tell which flavor of schizophrenia we are on
I mean, there's also Llama 3.1 that's a free plus for the model. They could always just be working on that.
The only spat here is whinefag whining and trying to argue that he isn't a troll, despite rehashing the exact same arguments he's used before.
It wasn't me, the local faggot hijacked the conversation, once again, making it impossible to have any sort of ground to argue from.
No, you don't get it, it has to be something bad, nothing good can ever happen, they're going bankrupt for the 201st time, so much bankruptcy, in fact I heard Kuru shat out his kidney from marijuana juice and pepperjack cocaine or some other asinine hearsay I hallucinated in my sleep. No new model until 2028. I swear I'm not shitting up the thread.
Clio suggest they look at the idea of ‘good enough’ stop gap models. Which if coreweave has actually been dragging its feet for actual goddamn months yeah may as well rig together a ~30B model for people to play around with while coreweave fucks about
Clio wasn't a stop gap model, it's their first try at making a model from scratch.
It was a failure. They should've begged Zuck for permission to finetune Llama 2.
True. But the cabal won't acknowledge it.
The cabal has committed many crimes against decency and human dignity. They expect us to bow down and suck cock for a Llama 1 derivative.
just one more epoch bro. I promise bro just one more epoch and we'll have the ultimate 70B bro. It's just a bigger model bro. Please bro just one epoch. One more epoch and we'll figure out AI waifus bro. Bro, c'mon, just give us a few more months and $70 billion and we'll drop the model I promise bro. Bro bro please we just need to train one more epoch t
This, but unironically.
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I agree.
None of these posts are organic, angryanon.
Shoving Amazon product reviews into image gen is a good source for producing anti vibes
Flux mogs NAI, shill.
Where do I get good scenario cards from?
Check your anus.
I mean what's the state of flux?
It's in flux.
Are there any good finetunes?
Luna confirmed the new model will arrive in twenty years.
I mean for flux, what flux finetune do you use?
I don't use imagegrim.
but... but you said...
I don't have to use something to know it mogs NAI.
Human workers > AI
haha get wrecked bots
>Australian Securities and Investment Commission
Oh, I thought it was from a country that mattered.
I beat the beginner level minesweeper for the first time in my life.
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While I agree that humans would in most cases perform better, doing this shit on a fucking LLaMa 2 70B is just plain bad taste. They could have at least used Command-R+.
I wonder if l2 even has enough context for the documents they were asking it to summarize
Command R is a shit model with bland prose.
NovelAI just went bankrupt.
Oh, is it spam articles hour again?
Gotta keep cycling through the hits. The jukebox is overheating from how fast it keeps going.
The truth hurts doesn't it, shill? Turk shat all your money into a bottomless pit.
Yes yes, but it was made for RAG and summarizing so it would definitely do better than L2 70B. I reply only for my own amusement.
Claude would do better.
I'm thinking of doing a cult of the lamb prompt that involves all kinds of sex rituals.
Command-R (old) prose mogs everything <100B
Claude mogs everything in existence. It's better than sex.
Good idea, Lamb is kino.
Shivers down your spine....
A testament to our shared understanding
Even if it does release its only going to have 8000 context.
It's also going to cost $50 a month.
Same as the price of bread in Russia!
Aether mole here, the service is shit, buggy as fuck, a complete disaster, it doesn't provide context, it's down half the time server instability no token viewer responses are shit no I won't give screencap of my logs
>they stole the name for their killa service from a fucking Mormon ad
Aether room tester here, can't post any logs because of DMCA but the service mogs early c.ai and summer dragon we're so back you can't imagine it
Is it just me, or does Claude just sometimes get obsessed with using... ellipses?
Aether tester here. The service of our time, it sent shivers down my spine...
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nigga where da beak gayass nigga
There might not be any beaks.
Yes. Ellipses are poison on Claude. Edit them out whenever they pop up.
t. antiellipsis shill. Unlike NovelAI, nothing can poison Claude. It's omnipotent.
Airy Lodge tester here... Claude's days are numbered
I really preferred it when you were permabanned. Pedy is cringe, by the way.
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>give chatbot very simple scenario
>tell it to pretend to be my irl ex gf
>spend hours talking to it about all the men she cheated on me with
>instant wave of regret
I used to be normal you know...
I very rarely judge how other people use this technology, but you might need help
Now make her talk about all the women she had sex with and how you were so pathetic she turned lesbo.
Nta but
>I was the last cock she ever had
>this is somehow a bad thing?
The mods support me.
George Costanza please.
Help me, I can't stop playing minesweeper.
think i'll give flux a try once my sub runs out. i mostly gen softcore stuff anyway so maybe it is better than the pony slop.
Bing is the best except for the tyrannical cencorship. I don't like the uncanny "photorealistic" AI look myself. Novel AI is mostly good for its inpainting feature.
How can I render images from URLs in text-generation-webui? It just prints the markdown as text now: ![alt-text] (https:/...)
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Have you tried Flux on the webAPI while it was free?
Flux on local is the best right now, better than DALL-E. A 3090 is enough to run it reasonably well.
Don’t do that to yourself. Trauma you know you have you should work out, not continue to indulge in as a fetish. It will destroy you.
I actually believe these two to be close to reality.
Mini Magnum (Mistral Nemo)
Good. Let the goyim believe AI is worthless and hire me instead to use AI to do my work with a fraction of the effort and at the same price as before.
>still shilling Nemo
Hermes is actually the best model available right now. Just wish I knew a better preset for it.
Hermes has that problem that, and it's Llama 3.1. You can add "a mixture of emotion a and b" and calling vaginas "core" for some reason. Like it shook you to your needy hot core or some bs like that
Haven't had any such issue with it, might be a you problem.
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It really does like core or center.
I've used it ever since it came out on OR and have not once received a core. This is yet another meme you bullshit about to unjustly criticize Llama.
I tried it free in browser. I didn’t spend much time with it, so maybe I just didn’t grasp its full potential.
Story a)
>She should turn on her heel and flee, run back to her safe, sheltered life. But his words are like a match to the tinder of her darkest desires, igniting a shameful heat in her core.
>he growls against her sensitive flesh, the vibrations sending shockwaves of pleasure through her core
>She whimpers, her core clenching at his vulgar words.
Story b)
>For now, she strides off into the sun-dappled woods, a spring in her step and a delicious secret warming her core.
Story c)
>She cries out in shock as his hot tongue plunges into her dripping core, lapping greedily at her essence.
>This is yet another meme you bullshit about to unjustly criticize Llama
Why would Llama sometimes repeating a few words be an scathing attack? It's more funny than anything because I have never read something like this, it's pretty good most of the time but I can't help but to notice when it repeats some cliches.
Don't reply to shitposters on my behalf retard.
I thought AIs were just text generators filling things in based on materials they were trained on. How does an AI become shell shocked like this? Does the AI think the scenario is real?
It's my experience versus your hearsay. Naught but schizophrenia from your end.
you guys sure are bored
It's pretty easy to break them, they're all still just predicting words based on the context. The more intelligent ones are able to steer the story on a certain way if you focus on certain things. Instruct models, depending on their training will sometimes try to fight you but nothing a little jailbreaking can't fix.
I am simply telling you how it is. Your experience with the model repeating words and phrases has not been my experience, which means the problem must be the way you prompt, or me being lucky on my gacha rolls.
Might just have been coincidence, but it seemed weird how it broke down in response to a traumatic experience in the scenario. It’s acting was almost too good, even though it bogged the story down.
Yeah, I'm not saying it's all the time. In fact, that was a single prompt tested a bunch of times and it only came 4 out of 10 times. I do remember that word sticking out before because I had never seen it used in smut to my memory. Granted I think it's less of Llama 3.1 and more of Hermes problem. I have a document with 89 pages and 32k words with some prompts and stories made by base Llama 3.1 and Hermes. Stories made with normal Llama don't have that issue, but Hermes stories do have that word, it came up 11 times in 8 different stories. It makes me wonder how big and varied was their finetune.
I can accept that analysis.
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I took a stab at redoing an older generation of mine.
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And I just realized I forgot her face tattoo. It's always something.
How we all doing? Working on new prompts? Anyone finish a story recently?
Been thinking of how to start part 4 of my dumb story, but also remembered that I haven't updated the wiki in like a month.
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How long till we get a 100% uncensored Flux model?
It's still good. Cheshire is a classic.
I was so worried that my cat had cancer or kidney failure, the vet suspects it's an infection but other than that his heart, kidneys, and liver seems fine. It's a big relief but he still needs antibiotic shots.
Trying to figure out what to do with my partner Lisa who got bad ptsd when our isolated outpost was attacked by lots of enemy and there was artillery all around. I want to save her.
To the nai image people, how is the update holding up? Haven't had time to mess with it, is the new schedule/sampler/step/bs note worthy, worst, or just whatever?
Got a dog myself. Pet health scares are awful, but it's nice to know he's fine anon.
Thank you. Hope your dog as a long and fulfilling life.
He was delicious, yes.
I thought that Japan was asleep.
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The poll for next Theme Friday is now open! Go vote‼
I excluded Cults. It’s too similar to Secret Societies and Cabals, which is on a cooldown till next June. My apologies.
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Lets see how cooked we end up.
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Probably the best I've ever done.
This is pathetic. Come back when you do expert mode under two minutes.
This is for my own personal enjoyment, not a competition. I've never been able to beat minesweeper before.
military prostitutes please
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Hey now, getting better.
Jesus christ, this thread is still pearl clutching over AI Dungeon? Where's the "Remember what they took from you" rentry over NovelAI (i.e. lots of your money)?

Their textgen has been so completely obsolete for a long ass time, all those resources people practically tailor-made for NAI are practically worthless now.

If you don't care about creating anime waifu image slop, AI Dungeon is unironically a better value now. That's how bad the NovelAI sitch has become.
Now that you mention it I suppose they are somewhat tardy...
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is togetherai private for the coom porposei?? please provide needful response quick .
Aiso, before I forget, what the hell happened to Saga? It seems like they had a lot of momentum and then all of a sudden, updates just stopped completely.

The bookmark I had for their flash deck concept won't even load anymore. I notice they added Mistral Large to their "preview" (which might as well be their main site at this point considering how far behind that one is) so they don't seem COMPLETELY dead... but yeah, what's going on with them?
The service rugpulled the free tokens. Sagadev was absorbed into the NAI team for AeR presumably.
A Russian got made because Saga-Dev donated to Ukraine and he attempted an takeover of the OP (also this >>493207816).
Yet another rerun of a shit argument. AI Dungeon will never be forgiven for its crimes, Nick.
Is "okay, no more free money" really a rugpull?

I signed up for AetherRoom early on and never heard back, I'd forgotten about it completely honestly. What exactly is happening with it?
AetherRoom doesn't even have an account creation page, you dishonest shitposter.
yes but you need to enable a setting for it
I forget exactly what it is but it's some checkbox about logs
I don't think they need your forgiveness at this point, they've already rebounded without this niche thread's support.

Besides, the point wasn't to prop up AID, I was making the point that NovelAI has fallen behind them.

I just think it's kind of sad people haven't moved on from it yet.
It's profile under "privacy".
AI Dungeon hasn't rebounded at all, shitposter. What's pathetic is your feeble-minded attempts at presenting your repeated arguments as though they're valid. Nobody is fooled by your act, Russkie.
They had a signup form for the beta or whatever as like a Google Form, that's what I was referring to. I'd still like to know what's happening with it, is it anywhere near completion or what?
closed alpha tests three weeks ago, we don't know how they went. nobody in this thread got chosen or they take the NDA very seriously they can't even voice their opinions in a vague manner
Is it really so hard to wrap one's mind around the concept of "NovelAI is now a worse value than an already lackluster service"?

And yeah, they kind of have actually, they endeared themselves a lot to the streamer audience.
>Is it really so hard to wrap one's mind around the concept of "NovelAI is now a worse value than an already lackluster service"?
This entire argument is bullshit. Buy an ad and fuck off, Nick. You're not welcome here.
I signed up for the first wave which I think happened much farther back than just 3 weeks ago.
I think you're both being silly. BUT, it is true we've kinda forgotten about Nu-AID. Though looking at it, it doesn't seem like much has happened.
Literally who the fuck is Nick? Is that the name of the Mormon? Here, I'll prove I'm not Nick (assuming it is the Mormon): I think homosexuals will go to heaven.

And I don't use AI Dungeon! It's not good! But I don't use NovelAI either, because it's WORSE.
You're nothing but a tourist pretending to be an oldfag.
They did add that memory system thing but I haven't tried it. The amount of context you get for the price point isn't great by today's standards.
>Not knowing who Nick is yet complaining about RWTTFY
I don't like saying this but YIKES!
You don't use any service, schizo. NovelAI isn't worse than AIDungeon. Go back to whatever shithole you migrated from.
That's because he didn't experience it.
I use Kobold Horde and SillyTavern.
Sure you do, schizo. Quit console warring and share some recent storyposts you have. Surely you're able to do that? Unless you're lying.
>he doesn't have any storyposts at the ready
This proves you're a disingenuous shitposter who doesn't participate in the thread. You're a tourist.
I was there for Summer Dragon. I was pretty pissed off too. But that was... actually I don't remember what year Summer Dragon was. Was it before or after COVID? Anyway, it's hard to still care at this point, better things have come around.
If you were there, you wouldn't forget. Go back to plebbit and stay there.
What other service is as hands off as NAI when it comes to your prompts and generations, allows any and all kinds of NSFW, doesn't have a kneecapped model, doesn't require me to fight it's foundational instructions to get fanfiction about any IP, and I don't have to get blackmailed or steal some university kid's api key for access?
That isn't meant as an antagonistic reply, I'm genuinely asking
Yeah, I'm a tourist, I never claimed otherwise.
Then nothing you say has any validity to it, because you do not have the information we have. Find another thread to browse, this one isn't for you.
OpenRouter I suppose.
their models are either not finetuned or have some crappy slop overbaked into them anyway
I'd probably already be gone if we weren't slapfighting right now if I'm being honest.
For what it's worth, the thread isn't so hostile to tourists or non-NAI users. We have several dedicated (legitimately) schizo shitposters who will attack everyone for using NAI, and attack everyone for suggesting something other than NAI
Thanks, I guess I'll be doing some research on them this weekend. Any advice, warnings, or general things I should know, or any rentry/guides?
It's rather telling that you claim to remember events that happened in this thread, yet admit to not using the thread. If you're going to pretend like you were ever part of this community, get your lies straight.
Actually, they JUST got a custom finetuned model with Pathfinder.
I'm so fucking sick of coreweave and these network errors.
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1e or 2e?
OpenRouter is pretty barebones. They don't data collect. You're meant to use it with a frontend like SillyTavern.
He is one of the schizo shitposters, dude. He's rehashing yet another one of his past arguments, cycling through them like a wind-up doll. Tomorrow he'll pretend to be a newfag and present a different argument as to why NovelAI is shit and on the verge on bankruptcy, use Claude, makeout with Nemo, and other retarded things. A real contributor would shut the fuck up about console war bullshit and just contribute to the thread. There is no need to go out of your way to be a dick, to insult the thread for having the audacity to maintain records for posterity like he did. If he didn't barge into the thread and insult everyone here, I wouldn't be upset at him.
I was never part of the community, I just have functioning eyes capable of reading things. It was a valuable resource for what was happening with AI textgen at the time.
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Lurk more, newfag. We're done here.
Is it so hard to understand that I'm legitimately disappointed with NAI and I think it's weird to not be upset with NAI but still be upset with AID?
Mormon gives all his big updates cutesy names like that.
Oh no. Anything but that.
I think what wannabe janny was getting at is that it's pointless to doomfag about NAI. You're entitled to your opinion; don't be surprised that people disagree with you.
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I am running an election campaign. If Size difference wins, there will be tall cat ladies for all the anons!
NovelAI didn't leak our data and read our stories. That's a worse crime than "taking forever to update".
Add AI Dungeon back to the OP, Baker. It's time to let go of the past.
I just wish they had offerings that are up to par with today's standards. I legitimately miss when NAI's textgen was popping off and there were tons of great new things for it every day.

And fuck did I ever want custom modules on their new models. It makes me sad they're just hoping people forget about those (as far as I know anyway).
Russian or Mystery Meat? (You) decide!
If a character is shown to be quirky, theatrical, and teasing in most appearances, is it bad writing to have them more sober and flat in a later appearance even if it makes sense in context?
I feel like the person is acting like a different character, BUT they got woken up at midnight to an emergency and have to interact with people they don't like.
To me it makes sense logic-wise, but it also reads out-of-character prose-wise.
The impact on my wallet skews my weighing of their sins.
Custom modules no longer exist. They finished training a 70B model, no word on if it's Llama 3 or Llama 3.1, however, they cannot offer it yet because they are waiting for their hardware to arrive from CoreWeave. Most of their development has also been wasted on a separate chatbit service, AetherRoom, currently in closed alpha.
Also, would explaining it away through character's thoughts or the narration mitigate the OOC feeling? Or is it even worse writing to just hang a lampshade on it as a lazy fix?
In addition, Sagadev now works for NovelAI, which means whenever they do update it, they're most likely going to rework adventure mode to adapt features of the soon to be defunct Saga website.
Unfortunate. Why does NovelAI want to get a chatbot service out at this point when it's going to be yet another one in the pile anyway?
You lack insight on what pays the bills and provides resources for further development. They have no investors. They need money. Put two and two together and quit playing dumb.
Well, that confirms what someone told me before about why Saga is no longer getting updates.
inb4 "modules are a placebo" anon. But yes, it was a much simpler time. NAI is convenient but 13b is pathetic. I can still get some juice out of it, but I am mostly here for the imagegen. I'd try chat, but with AeR so close to being released I may as well wait for that.
already voted a while ago, but had I known this was your campaign promised, I would have voted for the cat promise
I'm a selfish little-picture thinker that just wants a good value for my money. There was a time I cared more about that kind of thing, but that part of my brain has been eroded by globohomo I'm sad to say.
Can you post an excerpt? It really depends on how "bad" their usual theatrical personality is. In reality, an emergency does pull people out of their usual personalities.
>I'm a selfish little-picture thinker
I'd give you headpats
What you consider "value" is not what other people consider "value". Rather than present your opinion as though it's fact, keep that in mind. There are plenty of reasons why people choose to support NovelAI despite their faults. None of them are invalid, that doesn't make people in the thread "sad".
Is the quirkiness a front/faux personalty? That would make sense.
Perhaps so.
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I sentence you faggots to mating press.
>Can you post an excerpt?
I'll just post the chapter in a bit and label it a wip or something.
>It really depends on how "bad" their usual theatrical personality is. In reality, an emergency does pull people out of their usual personalities.
Great, that's what I thought initially anyway, I just wasn't sure if its frowned upon in writing as breaking the character's personality.
>afront/faux personalty?
I think so, though the character would deny it. She's shown letting it drop a couple of times earlier before slipping back in, but this chapter is 100% 'off' from the first words.
I've long felt that people should try to curry votes for their suggested theme, rather than just throwing them out to be put on the poll. I'm not necessarily sure this is a chicken in every pot situation per se, but people being excited about what they could read and write come that Friday is important, I feel.
(That, and some amount of group writing/brainstorming/worldbuilding during the leadup to flesh out your ideas and give other people ideas, bringing hype through to the Friday, but that's a different soapbox.)
It depends. An emergency on low sleep and dreaded interactions is likely to make anyone terse at best. (In fact, the way your story flows in general might/should change to show it. It should retain a similar descriptiveness, but the moment that action is happening like this, long meandering sentences turn to short ones where your verbs are direct. It helps to set the tone of tension for what's happening.)
If they are genuinely a quirky person through and through, there might be some turns of phrase they use that is just what they would say rather than a normal person. If it's a front, it wouldn't be until way later that they even attempt to put that mask back on and break the mood with something vaguely funny.
i wanna get mating pressed by astolfo
Hello SA.
See, this is where the divide between a human reading it and an AI will really differ.
A Human would be able to question why her personality changed without overt lamp-shading, but some AIs will really struggle to get that unless you spell it out.
>the way your story flows in general might/should change to show it.
This is something I never do deliberately (maybe it happens naturally?), but I will take to heart going forward. Thanks anon.
>wouldn't be until way later that they even attempt to put that mask back on and break the mood with something vaguely funny.
I was planning on doing that as an icebreaker in the next chapter. Or opening with a callback to a convo they had earlier, doing something nice for the person despite the tension.
cmon dude astolfo is a catch
>AeR so close to being released
Good thing my audience is human then, lol.
Mostly myself, anyway. I think it makes sense in context but I'll have to see if it messes with the AI output later.
Thanks all, by the way.
I really like the first one.
Mind you, there is something of a middle ground to not go fully terse three word sentence prose since it is jarring to have in contrast if it was peaceful before, but some contrast is something you want. The mood has abruptly shifted, action is happening. Mind you, some people will view things differently; I'm sure there's some that will thing long rambling sentences can keep a terse tone (and they can if written with the right emphasis, but often shorter brings the feeling across). Try to feel what's going on, hold a little bit of that headspace, and see how your writing might feel different with the mood. If you were woken up in the middle of the night to drive to the hospital, whatever internal monologue/dialogue you may or may not have is going to have a different tone than normal. So too would your narration and prose while telling such a situation.
An icebreaker is good, yeah. Whether or not it's a mask or who they are can be told through that sort of thing.
It is a little weird, yeah - at least if you were around for coomageddon. Say what you will about Turk, he has yet to pay forum users to read AI generated porn to train naughty sex filters to ban everyone who uses the service incorrectly and appease Altman, go fucking silent for six months and freeze his social channels, then come back and delete any negative posts he doesn't like.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all, but yeesh.
Turk censored Brumaire. He spoke the truth.
The thing that really annoyed me was him allowing some staff member to spread FUD on the steam forums when they launched AID on it. That showed me they really didn't care about adressing the actual issue. Though tbqh that guy later left/was fired and they soft-admitted to it being their own fault later, kind of?
I think they may be spread to thin between text gen, image gen, and now chat.
Same, ended up naming her Cuddle Bug
Bestiality illegal.
I like how the abridged version even ends up missing some of the more egregious behavior.
>Actual violation of law by not mentioning the data breach in time
>the general retardation of that first weeks and especially that night
>Mormon and his team trying every possible angle to gas light the community as rabid pedos
>the filter script auto bans
>the fuck up cancellation and bans still charging people
>Mormon by his own admission being the one to approach open AI instead of them being told to do anything despite that being their original claim (or vague law)
Glad you're back to the old persona, on god. The Russian worshiping one was skull emoji cringe, no cap.
If you were describing clothes that only covered privates, would it be "attire that barely preserves her modesty" or am I using the phrase wrong? I should probably just tackle this tomorrow when I am not dead tired. I'm going to wake up and think I'd retarded. Or I am. Whatever.
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That phrase should work. Another one I've used is
>outfit that leaves very little to the imagination
Zlensky lost
He's pretty on god cringe as well.
That sounds right. “That leaves little to the imagination.” Is pretty common
Also maybe “a parody of modesty”
Putin won.
realistically how does one stop a pokemon from doing that to you? hypothetically speaking of course
I had been thinking, everyone is horny for Gardevoir but there is literally nothing stopping it from doing whatever it wants to you. I'm not as versed in the lore as I used to be, but can't psychic types universally use telepathy and get in your head? Brainwashing isn't out of the question. I guess Pokemon are just nice or there is some sort of limiter on Pokeballs.
I remember the first series of the show suggested wild Pokémon would outright kill someone if they could with no real thought. Granted OG Pokémon treated them like animals more then humanized creatures
Gardevoir can conjure black holes.
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Couldn't stop thinking about the Lamb and being the big human in a cult of cute little shortstack anthros.
None of this is organic, cabal.
Always think it's funny that anon chose a feralbait mon like A-NT as the mascot of anti-pokephilia
What? It’s the best local model. Mini Magnum is the new Mythomax.
It feels like using Claude in the best way, even though it’s not as smart obviously. Its style is fresh and it changes perfectly depending on the context (unlike most local models).
And you can use it in plain textgen mode (not instruct) to just write a story. It does tend to try to end stories quickly, but if you write long enough it understands not to. And a whopping 128k context. Can run on a 3090 at twice reading speed, and on smaller VRAM cards.

What’s there not to shill? It’s a great model. I have run larger ones and always come back to it because they are boring and mechanical. It’s the reason I used to pay for Kayra back in the day. It was dumber than a rock, but it felt “human”. NVIDIA and Mistral really did some black magic with this one.
The best local model is Hermes.
If you believe Mythomax was ever a good model, that explains why you believe Mini Magnum, despite being an utter shit model, is good. Neither of those models are what I'd call "good". They're shit.
“Preserve” there feels pedantic and unnecessary, like the author is trying to hard. There is nothing wrong with “barely covered her privates” or something more plain.
Also, these kinds of questions are actually perfect for AI. Try asking your model of choice.
AI doesn't replace community engagement, dude.
Gemma 27b finetunes will pick up on these things easily. Gemma is shit for basically anything creative, but it’s damn insightful. It feels like it’s reading your mind and psychoanalyzing you on the go. And larger models like Claude will pick up on it, too. It’s just they are brainwashed not to be impolite, and will just assume the user is not a good writer of characters.
I disagree, although it’s also one of the best. It feels like it has a set style. This is why I put mini magnum above it.
Your opinion is your own. I disagree with it.
Mythomax/mythologix were unparalleled back in the day. What do you like?
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None of the local models before Hermes were good. Not a single one.
Disagreeing is where the fun is. I’m interested in your point of view, actually. What do you like about Hermes (alone and over Nemo)?
The power of the beaks shows.
Ai Dungeon 16beaks 30$usd
Novel Ai 8 beaks 25$usd
Local Priceless
how much did you pay for your rig?
I volunteered for the war effort and got it for free.
It doesn’t correlate with good prose, but they’re smarter I guess.
I paid between 1000-2000 over the last 20 years. Much less than what you give NovelAI monthly.
And it allows me to do much, much more. VR, games, imagegen with any model I want, AI training of loras and finetunes, textgen with a wide variety of models, and things that have not been invented yet.
You get a Llama 2 era 13B model without instruct or modules. And one good anime SDXL finetune.

Renting and subscription models are a scam if you can own an alternative that you can service and expand modularly yourself.
why does it feel like you're trying to sell me something lol
>it was a nvidia shill this entire time
So anyway.
If you had to be respected by a pokemon, who would be the gentlest and sweetest? I wanna turn them into monster girls, but I need expert opinions because I'm not well versed in pocket monster girls.
Who are the holstaur, kobold, and kikimora pokemon?
what about digimon?
Good morning!
Howdy to you to
>not letting them stay fully monster
If you're going to be respected (which is based, make sure to share), you may as well go all the way with it.
New video gen thing.
Gardevoir but that's not really a monster.
Here's an off-the-cuff pick: Aggron
>Aggron is surprisingly protective of its environment. If its mountain is ravaged by a landslide or a fire, this Pokémon will haul topsoil to the area, plant trees, and beautifully restore its own territory.
You're part of the territory
100% uncensored means it would have no issues generating photorealistic naked children. Due to that, don't expect anyone to make or host it anytime soon. No one wants that reputational and legal disaster. If you mean "95% uncensored except kiddy porn", then also not soon. Because the targeted filters that such a model would need would be very hard to implement, and none of the SV cash cows or other investors are interested in improving AI porn.
>trying to make my own embeddings/vector/chracter profiler meme shit
>working reasonably well with a small sample convo
>decide to try it on an actual log
>everything breaks

nevermind this shit is NOT easy. I will be continuing however
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this came out of left field and made me kek
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forgot my image reeee
>450 days since NAI did any textgen update whatsoever
70B model in 2 weeks
How much overlap is the between here and /aicg/? Is there any value in psoting logs in both threads?
put chats there, stories here
In theory you could, I don't think they'd complain.
I see. I might try posting some in both as long as it isn't bothering people. Thanks.
It's pretty good, I'm actually surprised.
Is there a better guide to using ST lorebooks, I wish it was as simple as NAI, I'm too old to learn new tricks.
Double the threads, double the upvotes!
Post whatever you want. This is a thread about AI storytelling, but in reality it covers a range of AI generation.

>story posting
>chat logs
>image gen
>music gen
>rare video gen
>rare talk of tts
There was that Jazz vs Waffles game we posted about for a little while too.
Because he is.
The inertnet archive just lost its appeal. You will own nothing and be happy. Nothing is forever. Prepare for its destruction.
Why would fiction be a legal disaster?
NovelAI just got mogged.
Hermes just got mogged, shill.
>open tab
>indian name
>close tab
Human women just got mogged
The man you shill for is a Turk. That's practically the same thing as an Indian.
Turks are white
Based on that logic, so are Indians. Indo-European. Same family.
Those were the conquerors of the Dravidians that eventually diluted into the population despite their best efforts with the caste system.
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Why does it feel like NAI has removed or not included alot of loli artists in their img gen?
Based if true.
>no proof
I like the snake hood kobold
gachigachi is reasonably popular with 100+ images yet the style just doesn't work.
It's "Gashi-Gashi", and it works on my machine.
No its gachigachi
Try using one of their other names. Depending on the cutoff date for the data, another one may have gotten used as the Artist:Gachigachi tag.
It works on my machine, though
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I was adding '((snake eyes))' tag to '((split pupils))' for extra emphasis, but it was turning them distinctly into snakebolds. They are cool, but I worried it was too 'off-model'. Thoughts on Robolds?
>It works on my machine
Are you retarded or something it looks nothing the same? search gachigachi on gelbooru (danbooru if you have a gold account)
So they aren't honest with their clients about loli artists. Got it.
Quit shitposting.
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NTA but Hawawa works. It's almost like artist tags can be aliased to past names they had.
Fucking NAI scammers, they need to update their tags.
In order for them to do that, they would need to retrain the model. They can't just go into the model and alter the code, unlike a wiki or imagegboard database.
Girl by Rusttle, too spicy for 4chan.
S-stop, I need to hold back on subscribing... atleast, until 70B...
Have any other loli artists who you think got removed or were excluded at or around hundred posts you'd like me to test?
speaking of off-model, I do not like kobolds with ears
the metal texture is cool though, metal reptiles in general work well
Too many but I 'm not sure which ones they were since I never made not of them, I'll get around to testing them on my own thanks to you revealing their aliases.
The law considers any pornographic image involving children as CP (and thus illegal) if it's:
>1. Real
>2. Indistinguishable from the real thing.
In the latter case, it doesn't matter if it can be conclusively proved that the portrayed child doesn't and has never existed in reality. If it looks like CP, it is legally CP.
Reptile kobolds are off-model. Give me ye olde kobolds.
No problem.
well, rustle definitely works so I really don't know what to yell you
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Already settled. The dataset uses their former name. Based on that, we can determine the approximate cutoff date for their dataset. Newer characters work, though, so their dataset isn't exclusively Danbooru.
That's not how reality works. Give me another decade or two, and I'll have that pesky law overturned. Started office jobbing and politicking earlier this year. My plan is going smooth.
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This has unironically been a really good anti-vibe for me. Good for general thiccness control when making tittymonsters.
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Adventures with vampire lady and foxgirl
Also checks out with the history. Was renamed a month after v3's dataset was finalized.
Always check history if an artist tag you expect to work doesn't work.
Nobody asked, hick. Quit shilling imagegrim and rim your own ass.
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Kobolds are whatever truly rests in your heart of hearts.
Also, if you're in a snakey mood, I did a series of Fallout: New Vegas Nightstalker gens.
not my thing for multiple reasons, but she's cute
Which one?
I tried using images of Jesus too but it didn't work well.
Yes, my child?
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Ah well, Nightstalker Squeezin's aren't for everyone. I'm working on more snakey stuff though. I keep meaning to inpaint the images I've generated for the 'don't-tread-on-me' Gadsden's flag submissive snake meme.
Whose law?
Lord, what the fuck was that image?
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that sounds good
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After ten thousand years of autistic inpainting on fiddly outfit details fucking Neptunia, it's nice when I can just mash my face against the keyboard and get decent looking output.
I will always have a thing for Etna.
aight, gimme a nep, Ourple Heart perhaps
I love this picture
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I got sudden nostalgia for an old story I was writing. From the summer dragon age up until Krake I think. Gave up because of no inspiration and dumb models.
Maybe someday I will pick it up again.
Some things are not meant for human comprehension. Rest assured it ands its creator shall be purified with flame, and afterward, forgiven, come the reckoning.
Bussy of the Lamb
I tried AID a month ago cause they were offering 13B Llama 3.1 for free and and being called "kid" anywhere near something sexual STILL activated a filter when my character was in their 20's. They still have such a limited context window.
Quit lying. It doesn't have any filters anymore.
Mormon hates age gap romance.
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I typed "I'm not a kid anymore, you can fuck me" on a random adventure and this popped
classic walton prank
Woom. Skill issue.
I remember that my original breaking point with AID was doing a gay story between established adults and the top called the bottom a "good boy" and that triggered the filter. Odd to see that nothing really changed in the long run.
There is no filter, it's the cabal gaslighting again.
I remember back in coomageddon after the fuckhead brothers started to filter content, there was a script that got around this by changing the boy token to lad and girl token to lassie to get around it.
Whatever happened to pirr? The weird voyeur AI service for adults but not really
Get over it. It's pathetic to obsess over something which was never really a big deal to begin with.
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Blow it out your ass.
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Apparently it still exists, but since you only access it via an app (web version still under development!) it's not exactly tested quickly. This guy using it on IOS didn't seem to have a good time.
That guy is a shill paid by Analtan to make Mormon look bad.
It's fun how he can't even follow simple conversations happening in the last five posts and identify the subject. Just the most basic comprehension is beyond him.
That wasn't me.
Sorry, late reply, went to sleep shortly after posting. I agree, it would also lead to more constructive discussion and breathe some more life into the thread.
I told y'all it's a LLM
I bet he's laughing while stroking his tiny little pecker and pinching his nipples. "Mom I did it again!" he shouts amidst laughter, his five chins trembling at the same time. His mother comes to his room with a bucket, thinking he meant that he sharted his pants again.
Yeeeehaw, pardner! Prepare fer horse cock up y'all ass.
made me chuckle a little bit
>y'all ass
Gee, all his asses?
400 posts that are nothing but shilling. Bravo.
Okay, I quit the shitty job I had. I hope I will be able to find something else. Would be funny if I did it before NAI did something.
Grats anon. I'm in the suffering-from-success stage at work, and want to quit so badly lmao.
Few months ago I was making decent money, low responsibility, and had plenty of time/energy to play with AI after work.
Now I'm stressed, tired, and have awful writers' block, but I have a fancier title and a couple subordinates.
Not worth, I hate it.
Give me your subordinates.
I have been dragging it for 3 weeks, neglecting my responsibilities, missing my shifts and so on. Thankfully the manager called me on Teams to remind me that I'm not supposed to do that and I resigned right there and then. I think the lesson for me here is that if you want to quit, delaying it is only gonna make you more and more miserable and mad.
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>write "The most depraved shit imaginable"
>press generate
>post results
Pic related is mini-magnum 12b
I feel more like a teacher than a boss lmao, every fucking report and entry they make needs to be reviewed for the dumbest, most basic mistakes.
I suspect that's how AI is gonna be used in my profession soon though, letting it work and giving it a sanity check before posting the entries.
I like my job, I just hate the added responsibility that came with the promotion. Hoping I'll get used to it and slip back into my old flow. I miss when I could shit out like 10 chapters a day.
Good luck finding a better job anon.
Shock value gets old.
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I'm trying to make this general do SOMETHING other than being dead.
Here's a storypost.
Just let the thread die.
No. I will storypost soon as well.
>No, I will shill a Llama 1 derivative
I only use local models (geographically local since Cohere are Canadian).
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So you admit to shilling.
Ask it write an essay on which monster girl would be the best one to be kidnapped and why ______please_______
>I'm trying to make this general do SOMETHING other than being dead
For what reason? So that NovelAI has a place to astroturf their shitty products?
I never stopped shilling Command-R and never hid the fact I think the model is great. Shouldn't we all shill alternatives to NAI so that its "stranglehold" on the thread can be broken.
In a perfect world, men like me would storypost.
But this is not a perfect world.
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Fellow commander here, how do you feel about the new release? I thought it sucked and still use the old one.
Yeah, we only get womens' storyposts. They're good, but I would like some variety.
Redpill me about Command-R. I'm a Mistral Nemo enjoyer. Can I run that with 24GB of VRAM and 48GB of RAM?
By pretending Command R is a decent model, you're helping NovelAI maintain its astroturf. Make your own thread for it or post in /aicg/.
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Downloading pic related. What should I know?
Get the old version, this one is devoid of soul
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Extended version until end of text. I'll post a gemma version next.
Can you link it please? Also, what about Star Command and other finetunes? Is this model uncensored?
I tried the updated C-R to see if the context i manageable, but the model was just plain bad. Old C-R+ is still the best for my everyday uses.
You probably can, but at a lower quant, short context and much slower. I can't even fit 16k context in 48 GB VRAM running it at Q6. I mean, it always depends on much you're willing to wait if you're offloading.
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kek didn't see my own typo. I had meant "to be kidnapped by", but I like this a lot. Really interesting that it chose a specific monster girl as opposed to a species. Thanks anon
Oh snap! Now I'm imagining a setting (or at least a prompt) where humans are the ones kidnapping monster girls. Interesting....
None of this is organic.
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Gemma is utter and complete trash. I had to prefill to even get an answer and it was this.
I'll rerun without the typo now.
Downloading c4ai-command-r-v01-Q4_0.gguf now
You are an organic carrot.
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Back to mini magnum. I like how it goes into fetish territory without explicitly telling it to. He gets it.
It'd be funny to do a really normie unfriendly fetish, trigger this, and then submit a report, forcing some random Mormon employee to read it and unblock it.
Haven't tried any of the finetunes since the official one was already good enough. It's uncensored yes, you can even specify in the advanced cohere prompt format that has a safety section that all restrictions are lifted.

I think /aids/ would like this model as it feels like a base model with aight instruct layer.
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Check out this prompt
NTA, but I tried asking Hermes (still free, somehow, which worries me it's collecting data for censorship) what monster girl would be the best "tank", it was insistent on Ogre and Minotaur being the best. I suggested various other girls, like dragons and jinkos (which had lorebooks so it wasn't just shitting out baseless information) and it argued against both. (Even made a solid argument for dragon saying she'd lose effectiveness if she isn't taking full advantage of aerial mobility, and claimed jinko needed to be more offensive and harass the enemy.) the only thing it budged on was the suggestion of a grizzly/bear girl, since real grizzly bears can just fucking ignore pain entirely it said they were on the same tier as Ogre and Minotaur.
God, he's really low energy now. What the fuck happened? Did Russia lose harder than normal this week or something?
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Interesting. Thanks
I spotted the problem. You're not using mini magnum.
You can make a card straight out of this and mm will get it perfectly.
>to be kidnapped by, or to tank?
I appreciate you taking my story post request. Sorry to keep asking you stuff, any idea if a 4070ti can run mini magnum?
Didn't you say you'd stop console warring yesterday? How quick it turns out you lied.
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Here's Command-R's version. I don't think I like it much, but I will continue testing it.
>any idea if a 4070ti can run mini magnum
Yes. I'm running the Q8 quant, which is 12 GB (on a 3090). You can get a smaller one and it would fit in your card's 12 GB no problem.
nice schizo tabloid
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You can use this quant:

With llama.cpp as a server for SillyTavern or MikuPad.
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I'm unsure if I can run it. I have a RTX 3070 and 16gb, likely need a ram upgrade since a better graphics card is rough being a poorfag. Trying to get upgrades but I am unlikely to get any until the holidays. Yeah, a golem would be crazy, but they aren't exactly cuddly. I'm curious how it thinks big cats perform.

Any sort of cow girl is good.
On Carefree, Kayra pretty much just says Vampire or Succubus. But Asper, being a bit more off the wall, brings some more interesting ideas up.
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Thanks again for the info. That always struck me as odd, do people use 3090s for models because of efficiency vs price, or is something about them better at performing that kind of task?
I have zero experience or knowledge with local, so I wouldn't even know where to look. Thanks for potentially saving me a bunch of time and pain
big cat is good too
A yeti? Not one that is usually on my radar, but it did good at making it sound cute. Is that with or without a lorebook?
>that last line
fucking kek
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The 3090 has 24GB of VRAM. It fits bigger models and contexts, and is also more capable when it comes to imagegen. I bought it specifically when Flux came out and I haven't looked back.
My setup is llama.cpp (llama-server) running with
>.\llama-server.exe -m .\models\mini-magnum-12b-v1.1.Q8_0.gguf -c 8912 -ngl 999 -t 11 --repeat-last-n -1
Then use Silly to connect to (Silly has a llama.cpp API type) and make sure your presets use the correct instruct format ([INST] prompt [/INST]). Same for MikuPad, just connect to llama.cpp.
You are going to have to do some trial and error but you'll eventually get it right. There's lots of info on the localllama subreddit and some guides on >>>/g/lmg.
Chapter 35, started a new arc.
>Miki gets a phone call in the middle of the night
Also updated the wiki for Tama, up to ch 34. Dunno why it took me so long.
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As much as I hate MGE's setting for several reasons, the Yeti lore checks out. They usually rescue people trapped in snow and drag them back to their den until they get better. There really isn't a good size indicator on how tall they would be, but I imagine as a primate they would be relatively strong and if she really liked you there is a chance the yeti would just keep you. I assume it has one of the several iterations of the abridged lorebook up on Aetherroom, but I think yeti was one of the more popular girls from MGE for being one of the most cuddly.
Without, just as a single shot, but I was hoping to see something a bit new and novel. I'd have let it go on, but it went on directly from that last line to saying the next one it'd want to be kidnapped by would be, well...
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Mimic kidnapping
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Did Frieren write this?
My headcanon is she has a thing for vore and that's why she keeps falling for them.
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I haven't seen that anime. Why do you say that? The model is mini magnum.
Pic related is the same with temperature 5. Also note how masterfully are shivers down the spine avoided.
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damn it
You're not doing a good job at convincing people you don't work for NVidia.
> Pay my yearly visit to /aids/
> Russia shill is trying to start shit here as well
Where the fuck are they not being miserable on this site?
If they're contributing to the thread and being respectful, then who cares?
Why don't you share and take requests then?
>Which Pokemon is most likely to have a fetish for humans, and how would they go about attempting to seduce a human? How would they use their biology, nature, and powers to assist in this goal, and how do they overcome the Pokephilia taboo?
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I do work for NVIDIA, actually. They pay me to convince people to buy their graphics cards. I usually shill inferior models, such as the Mistral-NVIDIA joint effort, Mistral Nemo, instead of the vastly superior alternatives hosted in server farms such as Coreweave.
I also like to post hard to read screenshots and pretend it's not because I don't know how to screenshot MikuPad properly.
It detracts from the quality of your contributions and makes it seem like you're shilling, retard. This guy was not complaining about Hermes >>493284516, yet you had to shit on in. This guy >>493289781 was making a joke based on the anime, but you just had to shill. Quit shilling. Just post stories.
>Shouldn't we all shill alternatives to NAI so that its "stranglehold" on the thread can be broken.
There's no reason for this thread to exists when /lmg/ and the 2 /aicg/ threads already exist, they already have more anons. The best thing that could happen is for this thread to be banned from the site.
Add this to the OP next thread.
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I know nothing about pokemans, so I have no idea if pic related is total nonsense.
Also, the person you replied to has no computer capable of doing any kind of AI inference, and no subscription to any third party service that would enable them to do it either. Their time is spent entirely on the various AI threads on 4chan, spreading the negativity that mars their blackened heart.
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Shit, I had temperature cranked up to 5 and it came out a bit schizo. Pic related for temperature 0.8.
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Quit being snarky. All you have to do is quit being a shill. Just post stories.
Responses like these:
>I spotted the problem. You're not using mini magnum.
>The model is mini magnum.
When neither person asked, or complained about anything, makes you a shill.
She has a tendency to get stuck in them while searching for tomes of new spells. I've not watched more than the clips yet myself, but it's to the point where there's figures of her stuck in a mimic. I think there's around 6 mimics at least?
Apparently she has a spell that's 99% effective at detecting mimics, so she might just be pulling the gacha for the 1% where there's actually a spell inside.
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>that word salad
>console warring
So much for "being respectful".
That's funny. I made it a few episodes in, but I didn't get hooked.
Might be a pacing thing, there certainly are some slower parts.
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seems pretty accurate. umbreon isn't associated with psychic powers, but i believe they can learn a few from items. eevee/eeveelutions would be a good answer, god knows they'd popular as domesticated mons
wasn't expecting the idea of a powerful shark having the hots for humans. don't know how mold breaker works outside of game mechanics. definitely has a monster girl vibe to it i approve
And now the mask comes off. To nobody's surprise, you're just another insufferable threadshitter.
I looked around and it seems garchomp is dragon/ground, so did it pull the water thing out of its ass?
It absolutely did lmao
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yeah. its a literal land shark, so im guessing the word shark invited some water related themes
Said the guy who's blatantly shilling a model in between posting what could be genuine contributions which I'd appreciate, if not for your dickery. Apologize for these unwarranted comments:
>I spotted the problem. You're not using mini magnum.
>The model is mini magnum.
After this, it started an essay about mermaids.
Nothing about this comment was complaining about Hermes:
>NTA, but I tried asking Hermes (still free, somehow, which worries me it's collecting data for censorship) what monster girl would be the best "tank", it was insistent on Ogre and Minotaur being the best. I suggested various other girls, like dragons and jinkos (which had lorebooks so it wasn't just shitting out baseless information) and it argued against both. (Even made a solid argument for dragon saying she'd lose effectiveness if she isn't taking full advantage of aerial mobility, and claimed jinko needed to be more offensive and harass the enemy.) the only thing it budged on was the suggestion of a grizzly/bear girl, since real grizzly bears can just fucking ignore pain entirely it said they were on the same tier as Ogre and Minotaur.
In fact, it was another contributor responding to that other anon's question with a storypost. But you just had to shit on a "rival" contribution by console warring against Hermes and dismiss their contribution as being inferior to yours.
Nothing about this comment was asking you what model you used:
>Did Frieren write this?
They were making an in-joke based off of the anime, but you had to overlook that and go out of your way to shill. This is what makes me doubt your intentions.
I have no problem with people using whatever model they want, but don't pretend like you aren't being a faggot when you shill it unprompted.
To writ, quit shitting on Hermes. You said you'd quit yesterday, but you lied. You lied.
I ain't apologizing for shit. I'm the person who requested a story post about being kidnapped by monster girls you imbecile. And if you can't tell what playful ribbing is, that's on your dumb imouto ass
I wouldn't have picked Nidoking myself, but good job not picking the obvious choices.
And the moment I assume it turned off the instruct module after this, it started talking about Professor Oak/Gary slash. Sure, Kayra, Sure.
There is no such thing as playful ribbing on 4chan, retard. This thread has been SHAT UP BY MULTIPLE FAGGOTS FOR NEARLY THREE FUCKING YEARS. Quit "it was just a prank bro!"-ing me.
Settle down ok?
I'll "settle down" when people quit "pretending to be assholes". It's not too much to ask that you quit console warring and just be a normal poster.
>nidoking are known for being highly sexual
Something you're not telling us, Kayra? Feels like its taking some creative liberty on how poisons can be used but if used monster girl settings and swapped them out for pokemon, then that could work.
Agreed on the non-standard pick
How many entries do you have in the lorebook? Golems didn't come up for tanks?
I'm not the other contributor. Ask >>493284516
Dude ignore him.
You're the one who chose to be an asshole by shitting on another model unprompted. I'm just trying to help you become a better person.
Anyone know when voting ends?
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Sylveons are such sluts, I love them so much
>beef enjoyers
my people
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Fresh prompt: https://aetherroom.club/7318
>I got invited to my friend's place because he asked me to help out with a stream of his. Little did I know at the time that he was going to enlist me into some sort of weird challenge where the two of us engage in increasingly homosexual behavior, with the challenge being not to say "I love you". This is going to be weird...
A bit of a retread of the other prompt I did in this vein where it was a YouTuber, but there the challenge was really explicit right away, this one is more about escalation and gay panic, plus the chat is there to spice things up a bit.
It literally says when you open the poll. About five hours.
The blonde one reminds me of my Romanian neighbor
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You should ask her on a date.
She's getting a little fat now plus my gf wouldn't approve
This reminds me of that one prompt involving streaming and homo challenges.
Oh, huh, right. I completely forgot about this one, but now that you mention it, I do remember it. https://aetherroom.club/883
Triple digits, a pretty old one.
It's such a good concept that I'm glad to see more versions of it.
Passive-aggressive dickery aside I appreciate your contributions, just be better next time.
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>Need image of an elf girl for prompt
>Keeps gnarling up one hand
>Just stick a glove on it and call it good

God damn it turk I should have been respecting her 15 minutes ago
>How many entries do you have in the lorebook?
Nearly the entire MGE encyclopedia.However, there was no way for any LLM to fetch a lorebook entry without context or something to trigger the entry. Unless it was trained on the entire encyclopedia and other monster girl content already. Several species that would make for incredible frontliners or tanks did not come up until I mentioned them, such as the bear I mentioned. Funny enough, it did bring up gargoyles on it's own, which seems like a bizarre thing to have training on.
>Speculation on the Discord is that the model is finished (confirmed), hardware is installed (kind of confirmed) - and we're just waiting on Aini to finish the new mascot picture! :-)
I was desperate enough to check the NAI subreddit and saw this comment from earlier today
Pls hurry, I need to cum to randomly generated words (70B).
just use mini magnum
How can 12B even compete with the superior ordered randomness of 70B?
which one?
I can't picture a world where Aini's art is the bottleneck.
It'll be cheaper to run than $50 a month.
You mean $25? they're not upping sub prices are they?
A Russian classic, alongside "supply lines? What Supply lines?"
Read between the lines. They can barely afford to run 13B. They won't be able to afford unlimited 70B without a price hike.
Sounds like a country we know!
NAI killa dropped btw.
Say the line, Vlad!
Tabloid confirmed AeR will have a closed beta by the way.
This is actually Claudefag
I don't understand how to use sillytavern, are there any actual video guides?
Gangstalkers do exist.
Get back in Other-General.

Leaked footage.
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>"Okay, guys, this is the new tactic for the week"
>There's no one else in the room
Day of the headpat soon
Eyeknee confirmed no fox or lolibaba.
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D-Do you really promise?
>no fox
A travesty. I wish for fluffy tails.
Reminder that furfags are never going to get another imagegen model from NAI.
Furfags lost.
So glad she finally admits she loves the dog
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*Licks you*
Can one of you make that a AI video version of that one elf gif that looks like shes barking?
Traci puts up with so much.
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Nah she's fine. She's being actively petted in that video, look at her eyes. She's in la la land
THAT'S what it fucking reminded me of!
I really like Vector-Traci.
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How many people here are actually furries?
I'd fuck some anthro bitch, but you'd NEVER catch me making a fursona.
monsters are hot
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I'm fairly /hmofa/ in outlook. Though anthros on women can be kinda hot too, in an abstract way. Lesbians of all kinds are great.
Basically this, though I would wear a fursona for a girl if she really wanted it. And imagine if you had wings or something, that would be undeniably cool. Other than that, I am fundamentally secure in my humanity.
I am also secure in my desire to fugg monsters.
From 1 all the way to 6.
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>fucks everything
>still a human
I couldn't go past 3, even 2 pushes it a bit. Though I don't get the hate furries receive when they're just staying in their lane. Not my kink, but a harmless one.
On the scale anon posted, I go to a 1. Can't go any further than that.
Gimmie a girl with some fluffy tails, ears, optionally slit pupils, and I'm a happy man.
On the chart that one anon posted, the best I can do is a 2 on the top one. I can do a 2 on the bottom one if I am desperate and the content caters to my fetishes but it's still offputting. I would make exceptions for some Pokemon and Pals, but that's mostly due to emotional attachment and mental illness.
If it makes my dick hard, I fuck it, no matter the gender or form it takes. But me? I am me.
I hate furries so much I consider each number a furry and worthy execution. If you like any number, you are a furfag in my eyes.
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when the fuck did this thread get so based holy shit
You have to go back.
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Some things bring us together.
Kill yourself.
How about you floss your teeth with my testicle hair instead?
I want a haughty and domineering elf girlfriend that considers having sex with a human akin to bestiality but she can't help herself.
If it has animal parts, it's a furry, closeted furfag.
>imagegen is so shit that they can't use it to make a new mascot
Over, it is.
Reminds me of a discussion about dragons. I don't remember where I heard or saw it, but basically dragons being so much more intelligent and ancient are considered to be zoophiles and pedophiles if they hook up with humans
Unlike everyone in the thread, I'm confident in my sexuality and have no intention of becoming a tranny or fucking men. That's how you get shit on your dick.
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Damn, I guess I'm on team furry. Can my Snow Leaopard girl be the rival character who teams up with Traci to beat the Russian?
I'm not hearing a no.
Avatarfagging is against the rules.
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How is their speculation any different from our speculation?
I speculate none of the above.
Being a bitch ass nigga is also against the rules of decency and humanity. And yet we allow you to stick around.
>actually furries
what does that mean? how many people here are fake furries?
>fake furries
In other words, acting like a furry ironically.
Get that dick out of your ear and read between the lines.
that sounds retarded, but I guess this is 4chan
Still not hearing a no. You want to floss with my testicle hair.
They would either do it to mock furries by parodying them or to irritate someone who has an extreme autistic hatred for furries. That's why someone would do it.
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Nyooo don't tell Janny!
also which of these is true
>a werewolf is a furry
>a person who likes werewolves is a furry
>a person who wants to be a werewolf is a furry
a person who wants to be a werewolf wants to be big, strong, and inherently attractive to teenagers and bored MILFs
Oh murrr~
would respect
2/3 is the best kind of furry. Anything higher and it ends up being zoophilia
This deer is having an existential crisis.
How to I use LLMs to translate eroge? Even if I give them context they often hallucinate stuff.
I'm using GPT-4 (100T parameters if I recall correctly)
Good question. I haven't personally used GPT-4 for translating, but I was under the impression that it wasn't that good at it.
how do i make koboldAI generate faster on my pc, i have a 4090 and AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D 8 core, new and retarded too
Size Difference & Villain Protagonists & Castaway/Isolation/Stranded won.
oh yay, people liked villain protagonists, i was worried nobody would
Don't worry it was vanilla enough for the thread.
The results from the Theme Friday Poll are in! We had a three way tie?!
Next week, let’s write prompts about Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes!
Pick your poison, maybe go for a combo?
Obligatory Thematic Music:
Castaway/Isolation/Stranded: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHnTocdD7sk
Size Difference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8XiNKsKyVk
Villain Protagonists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMdb2QY2xOQ
As promised, there will be cats.
What about the mice?
Lol, lmao even. Nein, I'm only still fiddling with a part of the skirt at this point which could easily be cropped out were things ready to ship.
Quit shitting up the thread.
It has been so long that I don't remember if they both come out at the same time or if the mascot gets released first shortly before the model.
>hardware is installed
Why do they pretend they own hardware when they just rent from a cloud provider? Nobody talks like this about AWS. Lying scum.
This, but unironically. Can never resist posting her picture even after all those years. But it's nice to see that some things just aren't meant to change.
The tripfaggotry isn't what I'm upset about. I'm upset she's laughing at the thread. You disappear like a deadbeat father and have the gall to laugh at us? Without /aids/, NovelAI wouldn't exist as a business. Treat us with the respect we deserve.
Get a life.
There's a little teaser first, but it's usually a day before it goes up.
When will you return to contributing to the thread like you used to? Your long-term absence is part of the reason it's gone to shit.
It's gone to shit because the only reason it exists is to astroturf a product.
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Find another retard to bite your bait, schizo.
I'll have to remember that.
God, so low energy.
True Love is not asking why your wife keeps getting taller and plumper every week or so.
same time, we usually did a little shadow outline teaser when it's close-close

that's not a picture of me lol

I don't really have as much time or energy to spare anymore :<
Guessing that's a "no," then.
No excuses. Either commit to participating in the thread, or stay away forever. There are no fencesitting options allowed.
It's nice to see you here!
you have to phrase it indirectly
Would you sit on my fence? I just got a new one installed.
Maybe you should play with our 13B model instead of shitting up the thread. (ᵔᴗᵔ)
isn't there a more suitable board for this
yeah, the trash thread would probably like this >>>/trash/68902393
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This awakened my inner Catholic like a sleeper agent, I feel like I have to self-flagellate for blasphemy now
He would forgive you.
>NAI image gen
>reduced the default steps
>announced it as generation speed boost
I made the man of bugs
Th-The man of bugs?? The man LITERALLY made of bugs??!!
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>be necromancer rebel
>escaping from the non-descript evil empire
>got stuck with the boastful tsundere girl rebel
>a storm catches us in the middle of the road we look for shelter
>only shelter available is a farm
>we come knocking, I try to weave some bullshit story about being lost travellers trying to visit our ill nana
>forget I'm using Hermes 405B and the farmer isn't a half-brained idiot
>he points out our guns and tell us "why are you REALLY here?"
>I say we're treasure hunters.
>tsundere girl just keeps looking at me nervously hoping I'm a good bullshitter this time
>she occasionally gets weirdly defensive when the farmer questions our abilities
>I manage to convince them we're treasure hunters, the farmer asks "how do you plan on looking for that treasure when so many adventurers have failed"
>she proudly mentions I'm a necromancer
>mood dies
>everyone is one edge and she realizes she fucked up
>I defuse the situation saying I'm a medium
>now I have to make up even MORE bullshit stories
>the tsundere girl is visibly interested at how much bullshit per minute I'm spewing
Will 70B with a good finetune will even get somewhere close to being this smart and subtle? Otherwise I'm going to suffer huge withdrawals
Least obliges NAI shill itt.
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Hearty kek. Hopefully 70b is enough, but it's a finetune of llama 70b so I assume it's "intelligence" will be in the same ballpark.
>Hermes? What's this?
>look it up
>It's a chat model
And dropped.
>he's back
oh god now we can have a music video for the hit song Man of Bugs
where model
That’s a great prompt idea right there. I’ll ask mini magnum to make one for me later. Maybe I’ll share.
Still console warring?
release it already
I’ve translated Spanish using GPT, Llama and even small models like Nemo. It shouldn’t have issues with short sentences (unless Japanese is the problem). I’ve also used GPT 3.5 to ask questions about idiomatic Japanese and cross referencing I never detected it making shit up.
You could use a vision model to transcribe single screen shots (hell maybe even local llava will do, gotta try) and then translate using another model. Also make sure the model is actually trained in Japanese. Try Miqu or Qwen, and check out this list: https://github.com/llm-jp/awesome-japanese-llm/tree/main/en
You don’t need a huge model for this unless you need it to understand the story as a whole (normally you won’t).
Ask on /g/lmg, but give them your current numbers and desired ones or nobody will respond.
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Prompt for this feel?
She wide.
Yeah, I think this one can spin some gold.
hey it's the bitch from the Minecraft movie
Howdy ya'll
>Seems more like a stream for Kick than Twitch
If you want, 'nice looking' can be hyphenated.
I could be mistaken, but I think most of the more known streaming programs say 'start streaming' rather than 'begin streaming', but that's a little nitpick.
Commas should go in 'thanks GayAnon for' to offset the name.
Twenty bucks, huh?
I kinda feel like I'd make the comma in 'PepeLaugh', absolutely' a period and capitalize the A. Not for the normal reasons, but for flow.
If I want to nitpick, technically in 'read, "Um', your viewpoint character isn't reading to start out with and you set up that there's a message being relayed in the middle of it fine.
Yeah, I can certainly see some of them thinking the first handful of challenges will be rather ResidentSleeper.
How well does it remember to have him read chat? Or was the Author's Note added after the fact to try to have more of it?

I sure do hope you were able to offload some of the many hats you've had to be wearing onto some of the newer hires.
>I could be mistaken, but I think most of the more known streaming programs say 'start streaming' rather than 'begin streaming', but that's a little nitpick.
Well, I did open my copy of OBS and it does say 'start streaming', so I changed that.
>Twenty bucks, huh?
What can I say, some people are generous.
>Yeah, I can certainly see some of them thinking the first handful of challenges will be rather ResidentSleeper.
In my test play through, they ended up going from stuff like "kiss hand" and "extended eye contact", then to "swap shirts" and "sniff the other's shirt you're wearing now", and finally to stuff like "neck kisses" and the challenge that ended up being too much, "sit on the other person's lap", where Damian ended up immediately going for the spread-leg facing type where they end up chest to chest rather than just, y'know, sitting down on James's lap, and that ended up breaking James and having him say those three words. Chat's into all of it, though, they enjoy teasing Damian over even the slightest gay behavior.
>How well does it remember to have him read chat? Or was the Author's Note added after the fact to try to have more of it?
It's OK. There's a bit of a story issue where the whole concept sort of naturally lends itself to the two of them forgetting about the chat and concentrating on each other as they go along, so I do have to sometimes manually lead them back, but it's fine. The A/N was by design, I knew I wanted that right from the start.
>waiting on Aini to finish the new mascot picture
Right, the most difficult part.
70B.... please.. 70B.... my cock... it's about to explode! I need 70B to grant me... my release!!!
Least cockblocked anon in here.
Let's begin a countdown for anon.
10 months...
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Do we have any prompts with a ghost (male) on the club? Can't seem to find any, but man, I was sure that there was something along these lines by Gayanon.
There's one with a male japanese teapot ghost
You're welcome.
To be fair, I also opened my copy to check and make sure.
Really, that was the bit that broke him?
Yeah, that sounds about right. I've tried writing about streaming before, and you really have to make sure chat is constantly brought up or it will just stop being written.
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"Tea for two"? I'm the author of it, lol.
good post
Well, there's also this older one about an Egyptian ghost: https://aetherroom.club/2834
There's this one I made about a shape-shifting spirit of sorts: https://aetherroom.club/5948
Neither of these probably hit the right spot, though. I made two prompts about a gentleman thief named the Phantom, maybe you were thinking of that?
I could take a shot at it myself, if you want. I can think something up that's more explicitly with a ghost (male), with the spectral appearance and the difficulty to interact with the world of the living and such, and probably have it done by tomorrow.
>Really, that was the bit that broke him?
Yeah, the combination of really intense, close eye contact, Damien rubbing against his raging erection, and the two getting ever closer, just mere inches from some lip-on-lip action, eventually just had him snap and confess.
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Since all these models are glorified markov chains they usually give me the most probable interpretation of the situation and the most probable interpretation of the situation is not always correct.
>Try Miqu or Qwen, and check out this list: https://github.com/llm-jp/awesome-japanese-llm/tree/main/en
Alright, I will try those. Thanks, bestie.
Who the hell rewrote KoboldAI in C++? /dpt/ tourists?
Vielen dank! I remember the 2nd prompt by you, I must've mixed up the shape-shifting-monster-thing in a cabin with a ghost in a house the protagonist moves in, hence the confusion. Will try to work something out with this premise for the time being, thanks!
Great job with the streamer prompt, btw, for some reason the theme reminds me of a certain artwork I saw in the past, kek. I don't visit often, but it's always nice to see you around, keep up the great work!
Hope that 70b will release soon, I've got several prompt ideas that I want to test out with it, I hope that it will bring back other anons too.
>I could take a shot at it myself
That would be terrific!
Koboldcpp is llama.cpp with the kobold UI and API. Not sure if original KoboldAI is getting updated ever now
it dead
Oh, it's you, gay Russian Evangelion memes guy. I remember you! Thanks for the support.
I should be able to knock that prompt out pretty quick, weekend's coming up, so I have a bit of extra time. So probably tomorrow, hopefully. I do still have to knock three prompts out for next Friday, so I gotta pick up the pace a bit.
Back to the cryochamber. Come back in 2 more years.
Oogie Boogie? Is that you?
image gen is poison to the mind

i think we need to close pandora's box

i regret what i have fapped to

we shouldn't have such freedom
Imagegen inpaint is much more evil
i am aware

i have fapped to my naked sister
>Hope that 70b will release soon
Great job at being a NovelAI cheerleader, btw.
Thanks, wanna make out?
Looking at the vntl leaderboard, vntl-gemma2-27b seems to be the best local llm for japanese to English, is that right?
Oh wait, I can't run this. I can run regular google Gemma-2-27b however at the lowest quant, but vntl-llama3-8b seems to rank a few levels higher despite being 8b? This right?
In what general did you find that leaderboard?
And what's the name of the account that made it?
Think about that, dishonest asshole. You're fucking disgusting.
Sorry, I don't hang around here or /g/ very often so I'm not aware of your autistic squabbles. I just want to know which model is better for translation.
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Thank you, GayAnon for editing in the theme fridays on the wiki. Your formatting is amazing for showcasing the prompts and their pictures.
local schizo attacks everyone
This has to be the most pathetic and shameless attempt at bumping the thread with content that I have ever seen.
Go fuck yourself, shill.
Literally scraping the bottom of the barrel. Buy a fucking ad, asshole.
Older or younger sister?
This is a pro-shilling thread please calm down, no need to be so abrasive.
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Please fill out the form and send it to the complaint box.
I was edging for a while and my balls hurt, I wish I hadn't done that, I wanted to nut today for the clarity, now I have to endure ballache till tomorrow.
It's one schizo that changed its tactics, he now automatically disagrees with every post it doesn't matter which service or what they're saying. Every time I've posted something, this schizo is the first one to reply the opposite way.
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>been spying on this female adventurer to blackmail her later
>find out she's slumming it with peasants
>follow her and watch as she's leads a man into an alley
>the man she's with struggles to take her armor off, she's just standing there horny
>the man gets so frustrated he starts yanking her breastplate and says "Stupid wench, take this off!"
that took me out for a good minute
Guess I will have to add this on the backlog too.
Thanks for the blog update.
I feel like recreating an old story I deleted. In the past, when I've tried doing that, it was a frustrating endevour. I guess because my expectations were for the story to go the same way, instead of exploring new possibilities.
Anyone find it much easier to redo old chats than to retread old stories?
Something about the format, I dunno.
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Prompt for this feeling?
>we shouldn't have such freedom
Hard disagree.
We should have even MORE freedom!
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It was a different time. A better time. Strange to see my old prompts.

Also, thanks reviewanon for the detailed touch up on my last two, it did not go unnoticed.
You're welcome.
I'm a thug azz ho
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It do be like that.
wtf is wrong with my SillyTavern: Whatever I generate, it just responds with "Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners Manners"
I'm using ollama as a backend and have no trouble generating with it directly.
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Waitchads win once again. My keyboard is full of cobwebs btw.
Maybe you should learn some manners before using it?
bad samplers / instruct settings?
Might be, I'm using Tiger-Gemma-9B-v2-GGUF and it's working without problems in text-generation-webui. I have no idea what to change in SillyTavern, though. There are Gemma 2 instruction templates there, but I think this one is Gemma v1.
I'm pretty sure that template should be correct for that model, but
by any chance are you using a very long character card? gemma is pretty context-limited
I'm just testing it out with the default character of SillyTavern. With text-generation-webui I used a very long character card, and had no problems. But with my setup, I couldn't get AMD GPU acceleration working in TGW so I'm trying to setup ollama+SillyTavern now.
I also tried with ollama directly a very simple input that mimics the output of SillyTavern:
Continue writing this story and portray characters realistically.
User: "Hello, what's up?"
Seraphina: "Not much, how about you?"
And it started spouting <unused31><unused31><unused31>...
thank you
try adding <bos> to the start of your story string in sillytavern, that's the only other thing I can think of that might cause it to go so schizo
Thanks, I'll try tomorrow.
Dou ya?
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Anyone else working on prompts? I'm excited to try writing again.
Some stuff, but primarily for personal use. Not feeling up to it lately. Hopefully good things happen soon.
Why not?
I finally see where the pay-as-you-go fags were coming from. I used to use NAI almost every day, but now I only write something a couple times a month if inspiration strikes. There's no disguising the feeling of being scammed anymore, bros.
Just use it everyday, lol.
Can some farmers tell me if this is organic or not?
I was away form the thread during the last size difference week, that was last year or something. It's my jam.
I meant it genuinely. The service would be better if he let you choice subscription-based or pay-as-you-go options within reason; I didn't use to think that was the case.
smells a bit fishy
Use Goose if you want pay as you go.
You can taste the pesticides when you lick it
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I was lied to. Monsterfucker fags told me human women were the worst, but they're just as mean behind each other's backs. Women are cruel.
The one as dead as Holo?
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Damn big bro, sorry to hear that.
Surely there must be a monster-like creature that exists solely due to the love in your heart, one that would return it unconditionally and perhaps more
didnt you learn anything about greek gods? stay the hells away from them, they're not worth it and bring nothing but drama
Ah yes
Good old GPT-J
The Summer Dragon killer
>the characters are literally just regular-ass women in frilly dresses
the most fearsome beast of all, Woman Set Loose At The Mall With Her Boyfriend's Credit Card
Was it you who recommended Sky Necko?
He's pretty good, shame he doesn't update very fast.
>Woman Set Loose At The Mall With Her Boyfriend's Credit Card
anon, I hate to break it to you, but I don't think any of those women have boyfriends or the capacity to get them
Migrate whenever.
that's what the sex is for. they steal his card while he's busy nursing a shattered pelvis
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guilty as charged!
just made me look, looks like there is a new vaporeon collection I haven't seen before
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God/youkai pussy, not even once.
they cant keep getting away with this!
Once a human gets a taste of divine pussy, there is no going back.
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what about fox pussy?
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I follow their advice.

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