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The Wheel has turned once again.
Heat Neutral Edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator: >>492763057
First for best tool to adapt Dom5 maps (https://steamcommunity.com/app/2511500/discussions/2/4290313152630014854/).
In their infinite wisdom Illwinter Greatdesign remade bitmaps and you either launch this shite or enjoy all setting being twisted in funny ways.
Add to next OP plox.
thoughts on the crab fellow natgenners?
Cute gimmick, let's see how long it lasts.
this makes me wish heat neutral was viable on ragha
What exactly makes it not viable? Never played it.
The cold recruits are eh tier while the heat recruits are god tier. Everyone just spams heat since it gives the most consistently good troops.
One temp should require something from the other. Like Heat sacreds but Cold priests.
Or maybe one half shouldn't be much worse than another? It sounds like caelian issue. Imagine being cucked inside your own roster.
you can only recruit your worst mages at neutral temps, and you give up huge design points to not pick a side

Cold is better than heat though, you can still have abysian troops while using caelian mages, so the only thing you lose out on with cold besides the inferior abysian mages are the gryphon sacreds that are now hard to mass anyway
The temperature scale thing would make a lot more sense if the map itself had varying temperature scales so you could recruit abysians from deserts and caelians from peaks
It's midnight on tuesday man I'm aboutta head to bed
You can make specific provs colder/warmer, but no one does that generally and mapgen doesn't use it too.
When is Memeage starting
Vietnam expat anon, how do you bag those hags? Do you speak the language?
In the context of Dominions: Rise of the Pantokrator, of course.
sex tourism general
seduction raiding general*
we're on topic
I'm in and ready to lose.
Need two more and we're good to go.
Assuming an ascension war wasn't in progress, which nation do you think would have the best tourism, sex or otherwise?
LArgeRuination is finally over.
Writeup soontm
Pythium is the world's envy
im there in 10 min
Just doing dinner. I'll try start in about 15.
Are you joining soon?
We've got four. Any other takers?
Else I'll start in a minute.
Therodos, did you take foul vapours pretender?

Unrelated but I'm looking to buy poison resist items. Thanks.
This map's a bit of a drag but the only other option is a random map.
joined, took a little longer than 10
can you wait like 5 minutes for me to BLITZ my turn in a game where my turn is due
>can you wait like 5 minutes for me to BLITZ my turn in a game where my turn is due
You managed to get in right?
I'll wait before putting the timer on.
Jesus it's been 2hrs of waiting my free time is limited. I may have to drop out in the middle.
>You managed to get in right?
>I'll wait before putting the timer on.
yes thanks
already messed up -- forgot to give turn 1 production to my expansion party.
i failspanded once because i got greedy, dont worry
>Therodos taking all the high value coastal provinces
I see it as well. Must be the threat.
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This is some pretty limp wristed expansion
You don't see the barbs and serpent cata lying around?
I'm dying over here. (It's fine. Good expansion makes you look scary).
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>Took two provinces in one turn
Welp, time to get raided and die.

(Why is expansion always easier in testing?)
>(Why is expansion always easier in testing?)
Real match quickly starts to add limitation and diplomatic/strategic considerations, you got to play around likely attack angles and stuff.
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Therodos your cancer dom is going to literally force me to go to war with you
is that so
Do you only get dom bonuses if its friendly dom? When was that changed?
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is it intentional that there are two thrones in one province on this map?
i claimed the throne of death and now when i click on the iron throne it says i claimed it but pressing f9 it says only the throne of death is claimed and i dont have the "claim throne" order anymore.
is it a bug? is the iron throne not actually in this province?
This map has a bunch of pre-placed thrones, looks like illwinter's map gen probably went apeshit- there's only meant to be 5 thrones.
>Tfw comfy simcity game
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lysagora my beloved
I think I missed the timing I'm strongest in, aha.
Sorry folks gotta go.
Rip bye
Any subs?
>Sloop moved the boosters to const3
Sweet jesus I wish I realised that.
Thanks for playing. Guess we should've had a war while we had the chance.
I mean the research boosters oops
Gonna set rus AI
man im struggling with mid/late game blitz.
maybe its just therodos, micromanaging ghosts constantly and all that.
maybe with a different nation its more relaxed.
Freespawn nations are always taxing.
Meanwhile I'm sitting here steadily preparing for the Grand Show.
You losing to your own micromanagement was my plan from the start.
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Oh no
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Niklatu's cant-be-replaced gear is a fun gimmick but I wish the gear was a bit better than const2 trash.
Do units that belong to nations with a preferred temp scale have natural resistance to that scale? Specifically for how much they fatigue in battle.
Or is it just units that specifically have fire or cold res on the chassis?
rus constantly suicide charging into me
I'm realising that if I had to script mages right now I'd be suffering.
There is correlation (nations which strong preference tend to have resist/snow move/heatkill protection), but there is nothing beyond abilities in the profile.
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>he went ai turn fucking 9
Whens next arena
I have a surprise for you two
I'm also trying to prep for the arena.
guys thats it from me. sorry but i gotta go.
gg thanks for game
my assassin missed -- damn scouts aha
I've decided blitz are very fun.

Next time I'm going aggro tho, I am not enjoying the construction micro.
Wanna fight on 52 in like two turns?
Troops are far and I ended turn before refreshing page.

I'll move up tho (expecting to lose but will try to get some mages too).
Alright. Still working on that moonvine. Waiting for a tart with S1N3 to pop up.
I'll step into position this turn, and give order to attack province next turn.
I'll take it off therodos then so we dont get weird gem burning shit.
Lol okay

Idk what I was expecting, but it wasn't that. Very cool!
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>Turns out 340 death gems of tarts wins
Who woulda thunk it
I have been sitting in my cap doing literally nothing but researching and making tarts for the last 59 turns
I wonder what items I'd need (and how many thugs) to beat that. (Or if it is even possible -- enough thugs to turn timer away the buffs surely works).
Wither bones spa maybe? A giga juiced undead mastery communion?
I'm not sure, its an absolutely retarded number of tarts.
want to call arena winner as the winner? (I need one more throne, otherwise I'm sure the tarts could get enough)
When's arena?
(tho don't misunderstand I imagine you win this if played out aha.)
Rip niklatu, all my gear was out of the labs.
Huh, I only had 3 thrones.
Probably that funky double throne that therodos was talking about earlier.
Good blitz. 10/10 would simcity for five hours again.
Still defeated the earth king! Definitely would've won with full gear.

GGs! (Yeah, must be the throne thing. Oops).

The sim city experience was fun! (And seeing way too many tarts too!)

With that, I'm off.
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kino. maybe ill pick up berytos next as an alternative to therodos. never played a blood nation however.
>Next time I'm going aggro tho, I am not enjoying the construction micro.
i feel the same way but the other way around. in the previous blitz games i played proactively and tried to raid with my ghosts and such. but i felt like it got ouf hand and i committed much more to wars than i intended to and couldnt focus on thrones. that was especially the case in the 1v1 against blitzmin where i initially just wanted to raid with a small force while expanding eleswhere and then it turned into a total war, at least thats how it felt to me, and in hindsight i might have been able to keep expanding and trying to take thrones but in the moment it didnt seem that way and i left lots of provinces to indies that i could have expanded to otherwise.
long story short, in the blitz today i played more passively and it worked out better.
playing blitzes also helps me to optimise my gameplan, to see whats important and whats not so important, and i have adapted a lot.
>Blood nation in a blitz
Enjoy going completely insane at the two hour mark.
Actually I think blood micro is a bit overstated, especially if you're willing to give up some efficiency for convenience
>in the blitz today i played more passively and it worked out better
I think everyone was, it was a very silly game.

Kinda makes me want to make a co-op map where players work together to progress through planes and reach the throne at the end.
The map was too fucked to have a normal aggressive game. There is absolutely no good expansion party for the early turns. The surrounding lands are all barbs and cataphracts. No land => no money => no army => no war.
t. rus
Congratulations, i was Pyrene, i should have forted my throne, maybe then you wouldnt have had won...
>Still waiting for VERY_YUGE_EA_GAME write up
I hate these stupid combination words like you wouldn't believe. Like mansplaining. I wish everyone collectively would just stop doing this.
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how does "size" in dominions work, exactly?
at first glance it seems logical - 3 is average human size so 2 would be 2/3 average human size, right?
wrong, in practice this doesnt apply. the sprites for size 2 units are closer to half the size of size 3 units.
long story short, how would a size 6 telkhine queen compare to size 3 human me?
>I hate these stupid combination words like you wouldn't believe
same but with "thug"
it sounds like ebonics
It's Hindi, retard
When I read about thugging, I think of a wizard nigga with his pants sagging and rapping his magic spells and it's kinda funny but I can still appreciate your complaint.
Kill stallers with hammers,
even worse
>gates of horn and ivory
anyone else always reads this as "gates of horny" on first glance?
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>suddenly 14 players
Oh my

The MEME game is set to start in 24 hours, on Descarte's Snark. There might be a restart if it turns out to be too memey
Even without it I would have had enough points this turn, with even more on the way the following turn. It didn't matter in the end.
Though yes, not forting every throne this late in the game is a fatal mistake
>Writeup soontm
i hope it will mention me
Well i hoped to actually wait for horrors and cast Ordeal by Fire and Astral Corruption on turn 88.
Your maneuver took me by complete surprise desu, i also had all demon lords summoned by that point in the game and 250 blood slaves per turn, but in the end it didnt matter much lol
I will try to make an exhaustive one.

I was pretty paranoid about AC going up, not going to lie. It would have crippled me if you decided to cast it earlier.
you fools, why did you tell him about research
too late to submit a tendie?
Go right ahead my friend, the more the merrier
>normal games go too slowly
>blitzes go too fast, take too long, and are extremely tiresome
solution is simple:
blitz that turns into a long game
>5 turn
>2 ai
lamentation of a badmin you might say
It's not a scale, it's an indicator, more or less.
Bugs are size 1, that doesn't mean a human is the size of three bugs.
I'm not one of the AIs yet but I think about it every time I log in and see that hideous map. Why do people choose to use shit like that?
self-proclaimed badmin, what can you even expect
I am yet to host a game on /domg/ without half of lobby having diarrhea over the choice of map (discounting people genuinely getting fucked over by some rarted vanilla mapgen start that genuinely fucks them in the ass from turn 1), and at least 3 people going AI by end of first year. And it doesn't matter whether you use vanilla, mapnuke, or something custom (and good luck finding good, custom map that properly works in 6, faggot).
Say what you want about pissscord niggers and their diplomancy hijinks, they at least play their fucking games until they're out, you lousy jagoffs.
the difference between a badmin and a bestmin is that the badmin tries to appease everybody and ultimately appeases nobody while the bestmin goes - vanilla map, no mods, no restarts, like it or not, fuck you or lets go. a bestmin (basedmin) rules with an iron fist and makes no concessions regarding his plan for the game that HE is hosting. dont like it? dont join it. and also he takes a hand-off approach like he doesnt even exist. badmins get the wrong idea that they always have to intervene at every slight inconvenience.
>uhm uh what map do you guys want...
>uh what mods do you guys want...
>oh you dont like this mod ok...... lets not use this mod...
>oh no the map gen is suboptimal for you... ok restart
>oh... uh huh... ok restart again
>restart again.....
a post so bad it killed /domg/
Mega based post. Don't forget all the extensions.
>prophet diseased on turn 5
That's what I get for not naming it.
your prophet is neither male nor female? both?
also hermaphrodites in dominions when? they are prevalent in mythology all across the gralobe.
I don't want to assume its state of existence.
>hermaphrodites in dominions when?
Aboleth, illithides
>bitches about greatmins asking for map preferences and restarting with iron first
old good wannabe totalitarian paradox huh
There are loads of units in dominions that actually justify being referred to as genderless.
Maybe this guy just divine named and propheted a gelatinous cube.
If you simulacrum your god and he dies, will your incarnate bless be down until he comes back or is the god still considered alive?
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Force host on this noob.
The god's considered dead.
Enjoy last five hours to perfect your turn 2.
Best nation for obfuscate bless shenanigans?
desu they were const 4 in dom5 and no one used them unless you got them in an event
I'd say anything that's not already an elf (idk if it's worth taking on elves or not) with sacreds stronk enough that you can get away with sending H1 guy +5 sacreds to kill PD on its own, if possible without losses. I'd try it on any of the giant nations, it has potential to be extremely good on Ind because you'd be able to basically hide most of your roster, Erytheia, or possibly Patala.
You haven't heard true earrape until you heard multiple iron dragons fighting Femine
>Erytheia, or possibly Patala
Why those two especially?
new divegrass goal cheer variant?
Does anything else in game even use the loud SNIP SNAP combat noise or did basedwinter make a whole new sound for one single unit
Ery's sacreds are wonderful, they have awe unless fighting in the dark/UG (or twilight, possibly? Not sure), they should be able to mulch PD. As for Patala I don't actually have any experience with them, but nagas are cheap, recruitable in caves (but only the weaker variant I think), have multiple attacks including hypnotize, so I imagine, they could work too?
You could also try Rus since their sacreds are good and they already have a lot of stealthy guys, or LA Pythium for maximum lulz. But it's overall a bit gimmicky idea.
And yeah Yomi with stealthy Dais would be absolutely insufferable
for me it's using behemoths as psychological warfare
contender for the most beautiful (and sexy) human-size unit according to lore in the game?
i think therodos' hekateride is a close contender with awe 6 (beauty) and her thin white attire that probably is somewhat see-through when its all wet (she is amphibious)
Something I'm not sure about: what's the interaction between stealth and remote rituals like mind hunt/murdering winter/flames from the skies? Because those two have full sacred mages so if you could protect them it would be amazing.
mind hunting will absolutely smite stealthy commanders. The rest I'm not sure about.
Stealth dodges most of that. As well as magic phase teleportation if you stealth out.
Naiads, Oreiads, Hekaterides, Hesperides
The few heterosexual men in Arcosephale are eating good
I've never tried it, but MA Abyssia mite b cool.
>starting army good enough to expand
>demonbreds with LLP can thug light PD solo
>5 lava warriors + salamander every turn is pretty easy to achieve, plus whatever else into flail infantry
>stack assassins on top and cause total havoc with their supply lines
I would like to have the fire/death path for the booster, but you can't have everything.
>t. never minned in his life
Ok I just tested this: mind hunt and murdering winter can hit stealthy commanders, while flames from the skies/stellar strike cannot.
Basically, if the ritual creates an event report it will hit them, if it creates an actual battle it will not.
Obfuscate is pretty damn useful on sacred human communion nations.
Mmm bobs
Blitz is running through my veins....
How about a big blitz on Saturday?
>How about a big blitz on Saturday?
Fine with me. As long as it starts before 11:00 PM America Time
Sounds good, but keep in mind my schedule is exclusively during 4AM-7AM in Australia
I will blitz but blitzmin needs to fix some bugs
What's wrong with it right now?
Which ones?
oh now you are asking me to debug your program?
what a fucking hack
debug the one where i lose every game
Anon I'm sorry to inform you that is not a bug
new natgen turn btw bros
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Reminder to do your turns :)
What can MA C'tis do against King of Elemental Earth and Air scripted to do mass flight and earthquake? I feel like I'm about to lose the game unless I stop this from happening. They're kitted out with MR too so I can't just Enslave Mind Communion my way out of this
1. protection
2. regen
3. body ethereal
4. will of the fates
defense buff, then cast that astral heal spell
I honestly feel like Awe probably isn't even only beauty
succubi for example have no Awe
>succubi for example have no Awe
aren't succubi dream seducers?
It's been a year who's winning?
me cause I'm having fun :)
Awe isn't beauty, though being supernaturally beautiful certainly doesn't hurt.
so why would succubi have awe during the daytime?
what in the god damn are you talking about retard
succubi are dream seducers
they use glamour magic to influence dreams
in real life they are ugly hags

the initial question was, "If awe is just being supernaturally beautiful, then why don;t succubi have awe" Because they aren;t fucking supernaturally beautiful. The implication in the framing of the question is that because they are seducers they must be beautiful and therefore should have awe. The rebuttal is that they are not seducers because they are beautiful. They are seducers because of their dream powers

but I repeat myself
Did you forget to take your pills again, bud?
why do they wake up then and still not give away the succubus, why does sleep resistance not give resistance to dream succubi

your wrong
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>in real life they are ugly hags
According to who exactly?
Pendant of beauty improves morale roll in dream seduction sequence. They use magic to get into your head and set up date, but then they are super hot too. Also they fuck victim too, see semen collection mechanics Dominions truly reached the pinnacle
Awe is not beauty, it's splendour (not the eye vengeance bless). Awe makes you question yourself, your goals and hesitate.
Even for pretty Awe ladies it's not about being hot, but about embodying primal concepts.
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magic resistance aids against the dream seduction. It isn't that the succubi are super hot.
They use magic, specifically pertaining to dreams. It is of no help in combat, hence the lack of awe.

Illfraud is into some weird shit
>Pendant of beauty improves morale roll in dream seduction sequence. They use magic to get into your head and set up date, but then they are super hot too. Also they fuck victim too, see semen collection mechanics
yeah, if a slightly less ugly women dream seduced me, I would give in easier too

>Awe is not beauty, it's splendour (not the eye vengeance bless). Awe makes you question yourself, your goals and hesitate.
>Even for pretty Awe ladies it's not about being hot, but about embodying primal concepts

it's morale not MR save
>uhhh morale vs 15 is uggo trying to force her on me
You would suck my cock for a night with seducer (vs 15). That's unnaturally alluring woman and only strongest of believers may resist temptation.
reminder that Succubi back in dom5 just didn't have any paths at all
Is this Overload? What the hell is that tartarian doing so early
they have a 1% chance to spawn if you took hound of hades (he left the gates unguarded)
Dream seduction is both you fucking retarded faggot
fucking learn the game
people like you belong in camps
who hasn't done a little gay stuff in their sleep?
doesn't mean the succubus is supernaturally beautiful in real life. CASE IN POINT THEY DON'T HAVE AWE
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>no awe = mid
Then you will like this guy, I bet.
i'm confused, it has to pass both? wtf
MR check to infiltrate the dreams of the target. Morale check for the seduction. It's why succubi are kind of mediocre since the targets get double saves.
yeah that sounds terrible jesus, at least they can still kill them after if you have a decent script, but I suppose 50 blood slaves for a chance to break into a bunch of paths is fair too. Still very risky.
>at least they can still kill them after
MR succeeded? No assassination.
On top of usual morale draw = no assassinations succubi are much less reliable as assassins than normal seducers. They are somewhat better seducers (15 and 9 are worlds of difference), but most juicy targets (like usual old wizard pervs) got nice MR so.
The word "so" doesn't belong at the end of a sentence.
There is implied another sentence. "So" indicates it.
>I love you so.
it might though
t. learned English from a textbook
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Alright, here it is.
LArgeRuination has ended. This was one of the three MP games I simultaneously joined when I first started playing Dominions and my first win ever. It's also the first time I've actually reached late game. Pretty happy about my performance overall, especially that I managed to survive my poor early and mid game and turned it around into a victory in a huge, basically full age 29 players game like this one which lasted a whole 4 months, though admittedly not in the most satisfying of ways.
Warning: longpost is long, and it's still going to miss lots of events I simply was not aware of. While I had good scout coverage of everyone close to the coast I did not have complete vision of the entire map until around turn 60+.
I was too incompetent to webm so here are map history and graphs:
>full graphs
>graphs but they include only the nations I had to deal with early game
>graphs but they include only the nations still in the game on turn 60 (and the C'tis AI because it's funny)

Pic related is Bogarus' entire Putin RP speech; I'll post my response in the following post.
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First, my thoughts on Erytheia: as a scales lategame focused coastal/UW nation you find yourself in a pretty interesting position.
You are fairly weak early game and risk getting rushed by your scarier land neighbours, but due to your UW nature your eventual rusher will have to coordinate with another water nation to take you out for good, and in LA that's going to be either R'lyeh, which everyone fucking hates for a reason, or Atlantis, which as far as I understand carries the reputation of being one of LA's big bads from dom5's days. I'm a newfag, please tell me if I'm mistaken about this or anything else.
This means people will generally find you nonthreatening and might even support you to counterbalance the other water powers, without being prime rushbait because of how fucking annoying it is to deal with you when you can just pop in and out of the water if you decide to make someone's life miserable. I think this is extremely important to survive the early game, and it's exactly what I tried to lean into.
Those two aren't everything that is threatening to you underwater though: Jomon, Patala, Mictlan and Lemuria generally have both capability and intention to contest the seas.
With only 18 water provinces I went in expecting an underwater bloodbath; R'lyeh's absence, who immediately ragequit as soon as he saw the tiny 8 provinces pond he'd have to share with me and Atlantis, made things much more bearable for me. The game would have been very different had he actually joined; in fact I most likely would have been eliminated early. My build just wasn't strong enough to survive such a bloodbath and my expansion was garbage.
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As for Erytheia's tools, you rely on Daduchos communions: your hoplites, sacreds included, are merely passable lineholders: you need a big bless to turn them into killing machines, although their built in Awe/mweapons is nice.
All your troops have dogshit movespeed, which is awful in the age of the crossbow as they will sometimes rout before even reaching the enemy lines (I felt this during expansion and raiding both), but the good thing about it is you can bait enemies into moving outside their walls in siege battles and you don't have to worry about your evo's range at all; I think far caster is wasted on Erytheia for this reason. Your crossbows work underwater and have pisspoor range, but that actually improves their precision so that's ok. You also have underwater magic weapon cavalry so together with your crossbows you can definitely hold your own down there.
A weakness I felt throughout the game was raiding; I usually sent 1-2 Daduchos dropping buffs/evos/elementals together with 20-40 hoplites which is enough for low PD but constantly loses to proper raiders like vampires/liches or thugs or even moderate PD. Perhaps I could've tried Spartae raiding if I wasn't always short of E gems, or thugging with Hesperides/Hekaterides (Awe 6 recuperation sacreds) or even Worm Mages + Creeping Doom or Banes/Wraith Lords.
I'm not sure; raiding is definitely something I need to get better at, and I'm kind of clueless outside the obvious like Horde of Skeletons, but what I was doing definitely didn't cut it by turn 50 onwards. I only half-managed with the Gigante hero, Ladon, elemental royalty and a Solar Serpent I enslaved from a throne, but it wasn't enough.
Lastly, the thing Erytheia is infamous for: my princes were supposed to get unique events in which they attempt to murder each other but I didn't get anything of the sort even once so I suppose I was pretty lucky. Their insanity occasionally got in the way, but it's nothing unmanageable with some foresight.
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When it comes to your tendie you really want a good expansion so you can start shitting out troops and mages from all your forts ASAP, but you will struggle to expand with your troops without some bless.
You absolutely also need to go for a wish caster to pearl farm because that's your endgame, and unfortunately you don't have access to a single S expander.
Reaching high F natively is a struggle: breaking into 3F is a mere 1/16 on a slowtorecruit caponly and you need that to summon Hesperides, and good luck breaking into 4+ for booster and Eternal Pyre without a F tendie.
I guess grabbing N to contest Mother Oak and spam Hekaterides is decent but it'll be much harder to contest than Pyre when you have no native N income. Climbing N is also infinitely easier to do natively so it's not as important to prepare for it; you can take the unaging bless that way though.
Glamour for Obfuscate could also be a good pick as >>493161840 mentioned; avoiding Flames from the Sky is a big deal and G is a path you have no access to natively.
Air boosters are pretty damn important as you can only get A2 natively and can't even summon Draconians, so you might want to consider getting a tendie with A4+ or one capable of crafting a staff of elemental mastery. In this game I managed to craft one with a ultra rare F2/W2 prince but this required luckshitting a F/D booster.
I suppose it's also technically possible to get a F3/W2 and not need it but you can't exactly rely on that; F2/W2 princesses are much more common in case you are looking for one, but you generally want to recruit their brothers because unlike the girls they always come with S1.
Of course, you can always just go for a Ring of Wizardy to solve all your problems, which in retrospect I definitely should have crafted over Sorcery for a mere 20S more.
You also want good scales, with high production mandatory; you probably want a light bless for your sacreds as well.
Yeah, good fucking luck balancing all that.
Then say the other sentence you nigger. You look like an effeminate faggot speaking around a mouthful of cock when you go "so...."
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This is what I went with. Wouldn't recommend.
I failspanded badly, my bless was basically useless early and I felt the lack of high fire all throughout the midgame.
I went with Reinvigoration 2 to both somewhat cover my sacreds' 9 encumbrance and to help my mages, and FR10/SR10 thinking I would spam the shit out of fire and air evos and to enable firestorm/wrathful skies plays in the midgame. While that worked alright later on (with one notable exception but that's on me), it's basically a non-existent bless early and you really need at least /something/ to help you with expansion.
Despite everything else he's still a dormant titan and wish caster while the resistances were great midgame onwards. Just keep in mind you will have to diplo like a motherfucker or clutch defender titan plays to survive early/midgame if you pick something like this, and your tempo might end up being horrible if you failspand. But again, it's not like you have much choice.
Sidenote: I think the Titan of Forethought is tailormade for Erytheia. High S, high F, F/W for staff of elemental mastery, sailing which you have none of natively and would absolutely love to have, disease healer for your old Daduchos, inspiring researcher, fortune teller and to top it off it can also reach production 3. If you could somehow add D or G it would be perfect, but that's definitely gonna tank your scales so I don't think it's worth it.
It's LA so I believe Luck2/Magic2 for the extra gems is pretty damn important too, and your WH heroes are super good so that's even more reason to go luck in case the game is running it (this one wasn't).
You got me with this one m8 but that's a different use of the word.
Lol I see what you did there but I'm not that guy.
I'm a burger.
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So, onto the game itself.
I started with a throne in my 4 provinces capcircle; I failspanded turn 2 and failspanded again turn 3 into the same exact shitty 60 militias/heavy infantry/archers province, my starting army completely wiped out and my prophet dead; without any province to syphon resources from, my cap could only make 6 hoplites or 4 sacreds a turn. Grim.
I immediately decided to give up on land and prioritized water expansion so I'd have a way out were I to be rushed on land. On turn 6 I finally left my capital with UW mercs and proceeded to secure the central water province node connecting the two small lakes to the south.
On turn 9 I failspanded onto the same shitty land province AGAIN. At this point I fully expected to lose my capital, but as long as I had a base underwater I felt I could still have a chance to survive and eventually take it back; as long as Atlantis didn't rush me, that is. As you can see all I had was my cap and 4 water provinces back then; needless to say I would have lost badly were he to go after me, so I started contacting all of Atlantis' coastal neighbours in the hope of pressuring him on land (I never had the intention to contribute in an actual war beyond stealing his water provinces). But, unfortunately, Marignon was soon going to be busy with Lemuria, while Pangaea had meme hellbless C'tis to think about (undead regen, BV, fortitude and fear. Lmao).
Eventually Midgard decided to rush Atlantis on their own so peace with Atlantis was established. I could only pray that he wouldn't scout in my direction and see the dreadful state I was in.
On turn 11 I had finally expanded into my land capcircle thanks to elephant mercs; 4th time is the charm as they say. 9 provs by turn 12!
Thankfully, the layout of the land and the capcircle throne protected me in these early turns, stopping people from aggressively expanding in my direction.
Not much happened until turn 18 besides me merc expanding to all remaining indie provinces which were miraculously still free due to their hard to reach locations. By then my most threatening neighbours were Feminie to the northwest, Bogarus to the west, Arcoscephale to the south, Utgard to the southeast which was also connected to my cap circle through a small cave system, and of course Atlantis through the water to the east, Patala north of my water provinces and Mictlan settling the coast of my south-eastern lake.
Arcoscephale was the first to strike: he teleported his Demilich pretender onto the throne on my cap circle. Well aware of my weakness I could only bluff and try to appear ready to take him on by making excessively aggressive demands while immediately getting him off my capcircle. The turn after he tried negotiating the sale of the capcircle throne (which I had already taken back by the time I received that message) while also asking for my rich farmlands to the southeast, which I found absurd. But that very same turn Mictlan jumped into my lake.
I felt like I couldn't afford a war with either of them right now, and much less both at the same time. But I still opted to bluff like a motherfucker. There was no chance of me making up for my abysmal expansion if I were to lose either the farmlands or the lake so I didn't give in to either of them.
Arcoscephale called my bluff and started taking my farmlands (stopping the construction of one of my forts in the process) while also simultaneously talking of peace; he tried the take first ask later gunboat diplomacy approach, but without a more convenient way to communicate than ingame messages it did not go well at all and instead just ended up pissing me off. On the other hand Mictlan backed down and returned to the coast once he realized the lake was connected to the big northern pond, and in order to prevent Atlantis from sweeping in and eating us both while we fought each other.
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As relations with Arco approached the point of no return, Midgard lost his stack to Atlantis, Feminie took the throne bordering my cap circle, while Bogarus started amassing his forces on my border. I contacted Pythium about Bogarus, while also contacting T'ien C'hi (who was apparently already in Arco's cap circle from a prior conflict) and even Utgard in order to team up against Arco. Again, despite things looking pretty precarious on all fronts save for Mictlan's I could not afford to let Arco get away with stealing my farmlands so I just diplo'd, bluffed and prayed.
Pythium was busy with Abysia, but it did not matter as I ended up signing a NAP with Bogarus anyway. Utgard was too busy fattening himself up off Ragha's and Man's corpses to join unlike TC who happily agreed to what was effectively the smooth acquisition of Arco's cap as I lured his Demilich's teleports and stacks north.
My 3 H3s (my prophet and one of my princesses and princes marrying each other in an Erytheian exclusive event) eventually petrified Arco's elephants while my Daduchos spammed fireballs on his hoplites, wiping Arco's two stacks right as he ported his Demilich onto one of my minor forts to shut down my recruitment, which I promptly ignored and left there to rot in a useless siege.
As TC's horses waleked onto Arco's cap unopposed the war was over. Arco got cleanly partitioned between the two of us, while I had officially survived the early game with a respectable 17 land provinces, 7 water provinces and 5 forts, with 3 cave provs that everyone but me ignored and a 4 prov lake only I could reasonably settle in the future. Somehow.
>Umm errr well achtually that's totally different... soo umm... I'm right!!
So predictable.
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It was finally time to spam mages out of my forts and catch up on research while keeping tabs on Atlantis, Feminie and Utgard. Agartha had apparently crawled out from underground at some point and destroyed Midgard, but Atlantis still showed no intention of attacking me which I was perfectly happy to reciprocate. I watched with interest as Lemuria drove Marignon literally insane, a war between the ghosts and Atlantis inevitable after he gave up and AI'd.
Meanwhile my plan was to start climbing nature with a N random Pearl Mage, slap a robe of the sea on him, summon a Naiad and then use her to spam Hekaterides to open up foul vapors plays so as to finally settle the underwaterbowl once and for all. And since I was going conjuration anyway I was hoping I'd roll one of those 1/16 F3 princes to summon Hesperides and my cute little Ladon as well, but, spoiler warning, I only rolled one on like turn 75 when I did not need it anymore. What let me climb F in the end was the throne of knowledge in my capcircle rolling a F/D lore master letting me craft a F booster which brought me all the way up to F5.
Don't be a dumbass like me and take F4+ on your tendie to avoid unnecessary headaches and also contest Eternal Pyre early; with it up you can basically summon an Hesperide per turn which I never got to do in this game.
Using it as an adverb is completely different from using it as a conjunction with nothing attached to it.
Anyways, as I started setting my sights on the south-western lake and its throne now that I owned a land bridge to it, the reason for Bogarus' earlier NAP became clear.
On turn 29 Bogarus attacked TC, which put me in a difficult position. Were I to intervene (and I had every reason to, with the underwater throne sitting in the lake between the two) who would I support and who would I betray, the russian friends I previously signed a formal NAP with, or my new chinese allies with whom I also recently signed a NAP with? Well, NAPs are not binding anyway so why not trash them when the time is right?
My plan was to stall for around 5 turns and see if one of the two gained a noticeable advantage over the other before opportunistically attempting to vulture some of the winner's spoils. As time went on TC started to have the upper hand and also tried to bribe me by offering one of Arcos' forts that we previously agreed was going to be his; Vaettiheim was attacking him on the other side. I assume TC saw through my intentions and threw me some bait to get me to move my ass.
Well, I took the bait and sided with him, but also because Bogarus was much closer to my cap than TC was, it was better for Bog's corpse to fatten me instead of Phlegra, Pythium or TC, and I really wasn't too happy about letting a blood power thrive so close to myself.
Bogarus had to go, NAP or not.
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Utgard was growing to a concerning size, and I was worried he would walk through the cave layer straight into my capcircle.
I contacted Gath, Patala and Vaettiheim to try to get a coalition going without much success. Gath refused me, Patala agreed, while Vaetti recognized Utgard's threat but was busy attacking TC. I didn't lift a finger (which Gath actually called me out for in the thread, lmao). All I did was steal a couple of Utgard's coastal provinces he ate from Man by mentioning how hard to defend they were and that they're not worth having a naval blockade over and some other random bullshit about righteous Arcoscephalean spoils; he agreed they weren't worth it and he let me have them.
Anyways, I still achieved my real goal in this joke of a coalition, that is keeping Utgard busy enough that he wouldn't walk straight into my cap, with Patala providing the necessary distraction.
Pythium was also starting to be a threat to me now that he was almost done cleaning up Abysia (though taking his cap really made him sweat for it; after a kino siege defence Pythium gave up and tried domkilling Abysia, delaying things until like turn 50) and so was Feminie who already managed to put up Gates of Horn and Ivory on turn 33, so I hoped they'd fight each other instead of going after me.
Meanwhile my research was still pitiful in comparison; I had barely any air income as well so no quills. My only option was becoming larger and spamming more and more Daduchos.
As a sidenote, I did not feel the need to craft a single research booster in this game; while my air income got much better quills hardly seemed like a good use of gems when I had so many forts spamming mages, while my fire income stayed pitiful even in the late game which meant no lanterns either.
Perhaps this was a mistake, but I'm not sure what I could've done about it, really.
Otherwise I'll fix the bug that lets you pick nations other than ctis.
I presumed there was an issue you were particularly annoyed about
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Anyways, back to Bogarus.
I broke my NAP on turn 35 and started raiding him from the lake while constantly threatening his coastal forts and provinces, while simultaneously pussying out of major open engagements because expansion mindbroke me so hard I had zero confidence in my hoplites unless I outnumbered the enemy 3 to 1.
I took the throne of water in the lake to have access to more of his coast and put more pressure on him while very slowly amassing my forces and taking his forts one by one through sheer number superiority. Bogarus had been on the backfoot since the start, doing his best to counterraid and seduce my Daduchos with his Sirins, but in retrospect he definitely could've made my life much more miserable with Send Bukavac. I'm going to assume he either didn't think of that or did not have access to W4.
TC ended up losing to Vaetti while Pythium smelled blood and started vulturing Bogarus, putting pressure on me to look for a decisive victory.
Atlantis was eating Marignon and steadily growing bigger, Feminie and Utgard were still very scary and set to attack my cap at any moment, with Utgard vulturing TC's corpse for now.
Pangaea managed to defeat memebless C'tis, reduced him to his cap and forced him to go AI before almost domkilling him. But unfortunately for Pan, the new and improved AI C'tis became a massive pain in the ass that turned this around and made him AI, and ended up fielding 2k strong Tomb Wyrm stacks even into the lategame, as you can see from the graphs. Noone ever did anything to stop the new AI overlord and so a significant part of the map become a complete no-go zone, which I personally treated as my well defended backyard after getting a NAP with the C'tis AI. In fact it even effectively put up an impenetrable wall between me and Lemuria.
Kinda cheap, I will admit, but I really didn't want to be stuck fighting it.
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Turn 44 came and I committed a massive blunder.
The big battle with Bogarus I was looking for ended in a self inflicted disaster by underestimating just how fucking strong Wrathful Skies was going to be; I thought my SR10 bless was enough (I did not have thunder ward yet) and assumed my normal troops' losses would be acceptable as long as I took down Bogarus' cavalry with me. I also did not cast storm on purpose to weaken Skies' strength, but Bogarus DID cast storm (which in retrospect I totally should've expected with him fielding Astrapelagists but I'm both new and stupid).
Anyway it was a pretty brutal mistake which delayed my victory over Bog by at least 5 turns but it wasn't at all decisive. I could easily afford it: before long a new stack was assembled and I went back to pressuring Bogarus like nothing happened.
Still, with the thread openly mocking me I was now exposed as a fraud and people started underestimating me badly, which, turns out, is actually a GOOD THING. Seriously, I think this ugly loss might be the single biggest reason that everyone basically ignored me as a serious contender for the rest of the game despite easily being top 3 in size.
But the loss of face brought immediate consequences: Utgard immediately changed stance regarding my aggressive diplo, started to ignore my demands and even purposely bumped me a few times, so I decided to cut my crap, not contest the thrones on our border and hope he won't suddenly attack me.
No it isn't. "I love you so [much]" is the exact same function as "but most juicy targets (like usual old wizard pervs) got nice MR so [they are less affected by it]".
I think 4chan should start using AI to check if an american is trying to make posts about the english language, the same way it filters desu and onions. It's just so rote watching them spew their clueless opinions on something they can barely use themselves.
Meanwhile Gath backstabbed and destroyed Mictlan, Atlantis was busy fighting Lemuria, and Pythium absolutely rolled over Feminie, officially becoming the Threat, a position that he maintained until I made my move in the deep lategame.
As I was finishing off Bogarus Phlegra contacted me suggesting an anti-Pythium coalition, but I had other plans. It was already turn 50 and I really needed to start working towards my Wish farm; a more competent Erytheia would have already been spamming them right now. All I wanted was to be left alone to develop; I purposefully didn't try vulturing Feminie's throne next to my capcircle to avoid angering Pythium, while Atlantis mysteriously disappeared and started staling on turn 54 which won me the underwaterbowl by default when he was set to AI. Cool, I guess.
One last bump with Utgard while I was trying to enslave an indie demon lord (from some kind of event, I assume, that neither of us ended up enslaving) on turn 59 finally showed him a bit too much weakness and he started attacking me the following turn, just as I at last took Bogarus' capital with a enslaved mute Baba Yaga as my spoils (I tried to heal her with Transformation but she turned into an useless no paths ant instead).
As you can see, Army of Mist/Army of Bronze/Army of Giants/Will of the Fates hoplites were at last worth trusting.
After this fight I finally got over my expansion PTSD and from this point on made sure to never take an engagement without at least putting up the first two, no matter how minor.
Utgard had apparently luckshitted into an Arch Wizard of Unseen Colors province which meant Wailing Winds and Legion's Demise; and since he showed the latter in a throne battle that also meant Master Enslave. I wasn't going to let him have a fair fight.
His main army bringing along 50+ Seithkonas went through the caves connecting us with the intention of immediately taking my cap; I gemburned him with a teleporting golem every step of the way, then in the same exact turn dropped a Murdering Winter taking out 20 mages, followed by him losing another 8 from stepping on fucking poisonous cave mushrooms of all things while I gemburned him (lmao), and finally a Melancholia taking out another 6 just to add insult to injury. I almost felt bad for him. Almost. (Note to self: never take cold dominion with Utgard).
He nonetheless decided to grit his teeth and continued moving forward but my hoplites buffed to the teeth together with a proper usage of Wrathful Skies/Firestorm/Heat from Hell easily wiped his barely mage supported one; the giants melted so fast that Wailing Winds did not matter at all, while Legion's Demise or Master Enslave were never used.
He immediately went AI; the Utgard I had been scared of for most of the game was gone just like that a mere 6 turns from the start of our hostilities.
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Pythium was still the Threat and as he put up Gift of Nature's Bounty Gath immediately contacted me about dispelling it; him, Phlegra and me pooled our pearls together and did just that.
While this together with the Murdering Winter I casted earlier delayed my wish farming infrastructure yet again it was absolutely the right call looking at the graph.
Gath went AI immediately after; not sure why. I guess the C'tis AI was raiding him and he did not want to deal with that bullshit, which is understandable. But his disappearance meant I could steal his two coastal thrones without any opposition.
In the following turns, as everyone looked at Pythium eating Patala with worried eyes, I finally put up Maelstrom on turn 70 which truly got my Wish spam going. I definitely should've prioritized putting it up much earlier, it's insane how good it is on the Pelagia line.
I originally also wanted to put up Earth Blood Deep Well but Pythium got to it first and I did not want to openly cross him too much. I even let him have Stellar Focus: why antagonize him over a mere 10S gems?
Regardless, my gem income was skyrocketing and I could now easily afford to field almost a dozen gem-using armies which I used to quietly start grabbing all the thrones I could get my hands on and immediately Wizard Towering them.
I'm not sure why noone realized just how many thrones I had access to, or just how big I truly was. I could only kind of get away with it because Pythium was stealing the spotlight and noone bothered to put up The Eyes of God. I didn't do that either; I definitely did not want to reveal my position in the thread, so I used the more subtle Acashic Record to spy on my neighbours instead.
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Vaettiheim vultured much of Patala and Utgard with his vampires and at this stage of the game few things scared me more than Astral Corruption crippling my wish farm: out of the people remaining only Vaetti and Pyrene could put it up, and while I technically bordered Pyrene through the sea and cave layers I felt he was too out of the way to make him crumble in a reasonable time frame.
On the other hand, Vaetti was nearby, had bordering thrones with Pythium and looked like his next natural target; he also had thrones on the other side of him that I could snatch reasonably unopposed, which would bring me dangerously close to victory.
As I agreed to Vaetti's request of joining him and Phlegra into yet another anti-Pythium coalition I revealed his intentions to Pythium and even helped him dispel Vaetti's Gift of Health, while preparing to backstab both of them. While Pythium was dangerous he did not have much throne access compared to me and was not a blood power, so I felt it was a reasonable move to get rid of Vaetti first, then either go for a lightning fast victory, mostly sidestepping the Pythium issue, or stall until Cataclysm where I'd win by default unless outrageously unlucky.
As for the other remaining players, Phlegra was stuck in a hellwar with Lemuria with really interesting battles happening constantly, while Agartha and Pyrene were eating AIs, with Agartha having just killed Andramania. He also had Well of Misery up and was just getting into Tartarians.
On turn 72 I cast Nexus Gate in one of my underwater provinces, my next step in my wish infrastructure.
With the built in Alteration discount site I could cast Wish for 80S and get 30x7 gems in all paths except S and B out of it. By pearl farming away the W gems this would turn every wish for gems into a net 40S gem profit if alchemized, while catapulting my income for every path to the 40s if I decided to use them. And I could cast it every single turn, with no way to stop me from doing so other than Astral Corruption or taking Nexus from me.
I immediately started working towards another Wish caster to double that amount by wishing for Stargazer, a Robe of the Magi and wishing for power (which in Nexus is actually 10S cheaper than empowering to S6). The robe also helped me climb all the other paths I was lacking in when coupled with the throne of creation I recently took and the lore masters I had been pumping out of the throne of knowledge for the entire game.
I never felt the need to go constr9 for this reason, though I am probably underestimating artifacts from lack of game knowledge. Yet another area I need to work towards.
In retrospect I did not manage to make much use of the Stargazer and I probably should've just empowered a Golem instead, even if it was going to be more expensive (35S to construct it + 180S gems to empower it to S5 + 80S to wish for power in Nexus, as opposed to 160S + 25S/20N for two Nexus wishes and a GoR/Divine Name to get a powered up Stargazer); in that case were Astral Corruption (or Cata) to go up I could still wish without any worries. Or perhaps I should have directly saved those gems for Nexus; 1 wish caster is plenty already.
My big game ending plan initially was to put up Arcane Nexus, then go for the usual Astral Disruption + Arcane Decree and go ham with cancerous disruptive globals.
But I already had more than enough gem income by now and I had that while maintaining a low profile, so why throw away my advantage?
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My plan instead shifted into putting up Nexus after my Vaetti/Pythium alpha strikes just to force everyone else into wasting their gems to dispel it for no reason; and if they could not do that, even better.
In fact, I was planning to cast Arcane Nexus in the void of Nexus itself: this would give my enemies motive to try creating their own Nexus Gates to take Nexus off me, but the void itself would be an incredibly easy to defend trap for a few reasons.
First, you cannot cast magic phase rituals from across planes into the void, only from Nexus itself. Whoever already controls it has an enormous defensive advantage.
Second, every unit that does not possess void sanity gets the Dimension Overload debuff which halves their att/def/prec and motherfucking MR. Which means that master enslave will easily yoink an entire army away, and I had 2 astral 9s at my disposal without a need to communion up.
Third, by creating a Nexus Gate into a water province Nexus itself becomes a coastal nation. Which means Lost Land.
Yeah, I tested this in SP, you can Lost Land Nexus and drown the void under the sea. Fucking awesome; imagine what a nasty surprise it would be to an army that managed to survive my master enslavers somehow.
And it doesn't end there: by drowning the void ALL provinces someone cast Nexus Gate in become coastal, which meant I could directly Lost Land back whoever attacked me deep into their own territory despite there not being any water nearby.
I'm actually disappointed the game never reached this stage, I would have creamed my pants from sheer kino had I pulled this off.
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Hostilities between Pythium and Vaetti broke out on turn 74.
I ignored Vaetti's increasingly desperate pleas to move my ass and do something until I finally made my move and directly backstabbed him on turn 78. He immediately gave up and AI'd which meant I would soon smoothly acquire his thrones and Pythium would not waste time and effort dealing with him.
I couldn't delay my strike any longer; and so I finally made my move the following turn.
My 3 H3s started claiming the thrones I previously purposefully avoided claiming in order to keep a low profile. I still have no idea how this managed to fool anyone; not a single person seemed to realize how close I was to victory, or at least noone made any concrete move to hinder me whatsoever before it was obvious I was rushing. I had already secured 24 out of the 25 points I needed to win before even starting my rush, and I had quite a few thrones to choose from for the missing point. There was no need to take things slower and cast Nexus after all.
I started my backstab on Pythium by immediately targeting the throne 3 provinces away from my cap which Feminie once owned while simultaneously nuking any nearby army I could see with Flames from the Sky.
In the west I started moving towards a Phlegran throne with a fat stack of master enslaved Enkidus that I just got from yet another local throne; meanwhile the throne I alpha striked away from Vaetti attracted Agartha's attention so I preemptively halved his army with a Murdering Winter before parking my army inside it together with Iron Walls and Immaculate Fort.
Pyrene still had 2 unforted thrones this late into the game for some truly, truly unfathomable reason so on turn 82 I Astral Travel'd an entire army directly on top of the closest one and Wizard Towered it before he could do anything about it.
PS: no more battle reports because I'm not able to retrieve any of my turns from 78 onwards, so I'll just post the final state of the game instead.
I couldn't immediately claim the last point from Pyrene because of a minor logistic mistake (I'm retarded and forgot to check teleport range on my H3s and didn't think of Ring of the Prophet or Arcane Lenses in time) so things went on for another turn.
Phlegra finally realized it was time to do something about me but it didn't really matter at this point; I managed to break the walls of Pythium's throne and stormed it with the intention to have a massive endgame battle with every single buff and oppressive spell known to man being cast. Except I got Stellar Strike'd and I failed to master enslave because my slaves died, but there was nothing inside the fort anyway because I previously incinerated all of it with my own FftS so it didn't even matter. That's lategame as human communion nations for you I suppose.
Pyrene put up The Looming Hell and Ordeal by Fire to try to rectify his mistake, together with a barrage of assassinations aimed at the throne I was claiming but it didn't work out so on turn 84 I won with 28 out of the 25 points I needed and with another 2 more points coming the following turn from storming the Vaetti AI. None of my throne forts showed immediate signs of crumbling just yet.
Ordeal did manage to kill my Stargazer casting wish to steal the Horror Harmonica from Phlegra, though, so that's another way to counter wish farming, although both my titan or an empowered golem would have been immune to it, which is yet another reason to prefer it over the Stargazer. By the way, I was sure Vaettiheim had the Harmonica before, so I don't know how it changed hands.
Two more battles were had on the final turn, one with Pythium which I smoothly won through master enslave and another with Phlegra which I lost badly due to Army of Bronze being interrupted and me being way too greedy scripting back to back Army of Rats and letting my slaves die of fatigue. Good job me for being a retard, but still pretty cool fight Phlegra.
Why does nobody like Therodos :(
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As for the other people I haven't mentioned much, in order of their defeat or AI: Ulm failspanded even worse than I did and AI'd turn 10; Ragha also had a poor expansion and got rushed by Utgard around turn 7; Piconye got eaten by Feminie; Jomon spawned 4 provs away from a small pond with a river in the way which he had to contest with Mictlan, and he also got twotimed by Lemuria and Andramania before Xibalba also popped up into his lands from underground (rough); Man tried twotiming Gath with Caelum but soon lost to Utgard after he finished off Ragha; Xibalba couldn't hold his position above ground against Lemuria and Phlegra and AI'd; Caelum had a long early war with Gath and ultimately lost; and finally Abysia, despite being reduced to his cap around turn 25, stuck around without AIing until the 50s. Props.
Here's more RP that happened between me and Gath when I was trying to get him to coalition Urgard, because why not.
In the last two posts I'll include the two final battles of the game I previously mentioned and the final state of the contested thrones: Pythium's that won me the game even without Pyrene's unforted one to the left; the Vaettiheim thrones that went half to me and half to Pythium that I was going to storm the following turn for another 2 points in the middle; and the C'tis AI protecting Gath's thrones for me with a wall of Tomb Wyrms on the right.
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Regarding Wish: I wanted to try wishing for Horrors and winning through the destruction of a throne but after testing it in SP the risks were too high while the chances of it working seemed too low to be worth trying unless I had no other way to win.
Same goes for wish for Armageddon, no point doing that when I'm winning and I already have the biggest gold income around, but it's definitely a tool worth considering if someone else is ahead.
Then there is wish for friends, which while being pretty funny, especially if you happen to wish underwater (immediately drowning whatever's unfortunate enough to be teleported to you), it seemed far too random. And of course, if you tried this from Nexus you could always master enslave the entire army because of Dimension Overload.
Other good options were wishing for the Magic Lamp for the Djinn or Queen of the City for a Telkhine, healer, sailor and Lost Land caster, or various other artifacts to steal from other players. But as I mentioned I don't have enough experience with them to really know what's more valuable.
Also, something cool I could have done was wish for unique SCs and elem royalty the other players were fielding, then immediately enslave them through Nexus abuse. Agartha's queen of air was my biggest target if things were to continue.
In the end the advantage from wish for gems was just way too good to pass up. Just one wish caster let every path's income reach the 40s/50s at the expense of all of my W and most of my S gems; by the end of the game, including what I was pearl farming, I effectively had 110+ S income so I still had leftovers even after wishing, and I could always alchemize back into S at a net gain what I didn't immediately need anyway.
Perhaps had I decided to save up for Arcane Nexus (easily affordable with decent overcast through just 5 turns of accumulation) I would have considered doing some of what I mentioned above over the more boring gemgen option. Oh well, next time maybe.
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Overall, pretty good game, even if the way I won felt a bit underwhelming and I was never pressured after the early turns; Utgard and Vaettiheim immediately going AI after the first sign of defeat made things much more straightforward and boring as well.
The huge amount of coastal area gave me massive throne reach, and I never had to contest it with Atlantis since he decided to mysteriously disappear, and neither did Lemuria ever step foot into my oceans. On top of that, Gath going AI and giving me 2 free thrones definitely made things much easier on me so it feels a bit undeserved.
I could tell I was in the lower tier in terms of skill out of the remaining players, their intel blunder aside.
I feel like I probably would've had a good shot at winning even if Gath continued playing though, just not nearly this painlessly, which would have made the final turns much more interesting for me with everyone going all out until Cataclysm hit.
Personally I wouldn't play Erytheia again just because there are so many interesting nations I want to try next, but I didn't dislike it or anything; I'm sure I could play it much better next time. Definitely taking a break from communion nations for a while, though.
Finally, my takeaways.
If I ever find myself approaching turn 50 in a game with Erytheia or to a lesser extent Pelagia still doing well, I'm definitely killing the motherfucker no matter what. Wish farming is just that fucking strong, especially in LA, while Nexus Gate is an incredible spell if you can make use of it.
And seriously, The Eyes of God is an absolute MUST in every single game, unless you yourself are the unseen threat trying to sneak a win while the others aren't looking.
Thank you for reading and see you next game.
Is that you anon?
Just ignore dom6 size calculations.
Size 1 is between 0-1 meters. Size 2 is between 1 and 2 meters, so on. Size 6 is the exception, representing everything larger than 4-5 meters.
It Just Works.
>And seriously, The Eyes of God is an absolute MUST in every single game
I'm going to cast Fate of Oedipus on you
What if you set maximum stales to 1, so that if I have to go afk I don't need to ai (in case I can come back).

Obv my position would become worse if people start vulturing, but I don't mind, so I'm curious if there are other issues.

Assuming blitz would be small, so unlikely that it gives too unfair an advantage to anyone.
As long as it goes up for one turn it's all good.
Is the blacksteel tower shield completely inferior to the blacksteel kite shield? Is one point of parry ever worth six points of protection? I'm a mechanicslet so maybe I don't get it.
Sure will do. I actually prefer doing that in general but other players often dislike it.
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Why did none of you bastards tell me you can show paths on the pretender screen
You never asked bro
I didn't even know lol
You can also press X on the spell scripting page to copy the most recent spell.

Blitzmin is probably good at blitzing because he knows all the shortcuts.
funny how the majority of the scales are negative
I am blitzmin
I also didn't know that one holy shit sending timer to 30 seconds now we're blitzing
It's other way around: +1 def (chance to block the attack with shield) is >>> some prot, because shield hits use your prot + shield prot. It's more than enough to negate anything implying you're not naked and don't deal with very heavy attacks (giants, gsses, strmaxxed sacreds and the like).
But tower shield is infantry only. Basically you go for kite shield only if you're mounted or you expect regular 35+ damage attacks.
Fuck, we're all dead now.

I'll probably join, just gonna test expansion first and see if someone snipes the nation from me.
Thanks senpai. I'm kitting out a nigga for the arena (no magic)
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I don't like blitzgames you guys are too fast. I don't even get to mindlessly scroll through the map
i like it
Am I blind and/or retarded or does the game not show upkeep costs on the unit screen? I can only find this shit in my expense summary for units that I already have, and it's given as totals, not per unit. Seems dumb.
Right click morale.
Update, expansion going horribly, and I'll eat in 30 minutes or so.

I don't mind sitting this one out if I'm afk when you do the last call tho.
Alright. Just finishing up some stuff with work at the moment.
4 players now! It'll start any minute -- quick everyone join!

This is me btw, I've joined in on the shilling. In the end I'm not running something I tested expansion with.

Even decided not to counter pick Therodos (by getting magic weapons or whatever).
>4 players now! It'll start any minute -- quick everyone join!
I really don't wanna do the river island map again.. Even if its super cool the 2v2 it ends up turning into every game really does get old.
Mapanon where are you...
Have to go afk for 30min or so in 40min, I don't mind going AI and then coming back.
You can't go AI and come back but you CAN stale out and come back.
I forgot about silent seas, I'll upload that, it seems perfect.
I'll give time for others to join then and go eat now.

You cannot go human after you go ai.
>We lost a player
I'm going to come to your house and force you to blitz
Weird place to hide it but I'll check there. Thanks m8.
Sorry. I'm back in with one of my bad expansions.

Tested Ur and lost everything on a medium difficulty province -- so figured bad is better than horrible!
Alright, sorry was playing quake.
Starting, biddyn since we have five.
no slops this time, i like it
for a brief moment we had 6. Hope they weren't mid changing nations.
Oh if they come back I'll restart for them.
Oh damn, I was looking forward to const3 research boosters. Oops.
>for a brief moment we had 6
i saw that too
(Checks sloops buffs for nation I'm playing).

If they come back can restart with sloops.
Vanheim sauromatiaaaa
I have to go in 1h30. Can't play today
If no one minds too much, I think some players don't like playing with sloops and I dont know if they only joined because we don't have it on.
Ah okay. Were you the player that left?
Fair. This will make me appreciate the buffs more. (And besides, I'm sure everyone else is missing out on buffs as well).
we are blitzing so fast its like time stands still
I really hope sauromatia and vanheim didn't get sick of waiting and die.
Mekone turn -1 assassins should be nerfed.
Vanheim here, had someone talking my ear off for 20 min, but I'm ok now.
Was it Sauromatia? Could it be that you both don't know the other also plays Dominions?
Based anon playing blitzes at work
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stop playing quake and do your turn
Back sorry
Was playing quake agian while waiting for suaro
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uhh ok
Atlantis fucking with you even when they're not in the game.
>Forgot to take undead command
Ohhhh fuck
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This showed up on my cap..
Not sure if I should be happy or not. I don't think I have much to do with thaum
>permanently marking my mages for death
>i wonder if i should be happy
nigga, you are fucked
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Bruh the real horror mark is this nightmare of an event chain I have to navigate to avoid getting cap camped
bro is studying event chains during the blitz
And that's not even a major story event.
And I'm still not last to submit
Major story events sound cool. Why does no one ever use them?
sorry sauromatia
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>Immortal pretender racking up horror marks
I do. I find them no different in being randomly fucked over or gaining a boon by using diplomacy. It spices the game up.
It is good, you can spam charm to enslave horrors off respawn.
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The minor ones are cool, I like the flavor, its like a little RPG. I guess its just a bunch more of that?
Unfortunately he doesn't have nature. But I guess I can try and enslave mind them.
>Now its eating my pop
What have I signed up for?
Always bet on Hakari, lets roll
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I'm about to get domkilled by an event chain with a domscore of 8.
Rlyeh.. Is too powerful.. He's defeating me and he's not even in the game
nah they're full ass event chains with like super horrors and stuff that can spawn

like a permanent 100 hp gore tide horror that camps your province
do you know Mekone bless? What if it is obsfucate.
That sounds sick
the graphs speak for themselves, eh?
nerds seethe when they get owned because of it, completely ignoring all the other random stuff that can happen in the game
Charm is glamour now.
Total swede death.
I jerk off during blitzes
>Two indie attacks
>When I have luck 2
>One of them smashes a fort a turn before completion
free points
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I see a lot of dudes completely handicap their scales just so they could get more magic on their pretender. Wouldn't that fuck w your income too much and make you unable to field bigger armies?
Research can be a big deal to some nations. Though I find it to be a tough pill to swallow nonetheless.
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>Going to script rFire on a mage with 10 rFire already and pray to god mage AI doesn't go "hurrr im smrt i alredy hav fir rsist" and them promptly get blown up by fire lizards.
yes but I like magic
Extended timer to 10 minutes.
its called BLITZ not SCRIPT ok
i resign, gg. not much to do 1v3.
GG. The Therodos experience.

Could've at least waited to see if walls make me lose the storm, tho I guess hoplites not dying to earthquake (or quickly to poison) makes it rough.

You could've bought me off with thistle maces tho. I'll need them for C'tis.
Why me
I need it as a deterrent, otherwise you'll come to poison me.
btw my storm failed
next time for sure
Ctis is so fucking bad lmao
>Here you go have a common """""""""""""""'good"""""""""""""""' event, 80 militia
>No need to thank me
I'll keep the 50 gold/turn in upkeep, thanks. Luck 2 is a meme.

I'm done fighting the rest of you, I'm prepping for this thing now.
More magic = stronger bless AND many lategame options are gated by high paths.
You get both early and late presence while losing... some 15% army/magecorp size? Total handicap is more niche though.
Hey mekone are the same mekone from last blitz?
Yes. I, too, am from Australia.

Tempted to become a Mekone blitz one trick. Going scales and seeing I have more income then others is fun. (If someone else goes full scales they'll be richer tho, because of passive unrest in forts -- agony).
BTW C'tis will flood the map with Tarts in like 20 turns, this is your one and only warning.
Shhh no tears now only dreams
more like... tards... lmao got em
Thank you for the writeup
I think that leaves us with all the "all nations" games concluded
Vanhiem there is a non zero chance that your cancer global gives mekone the game this turn.
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>Prophetshape is meant to give N3S2
>It doesn't
>This bug has existed since dominions 4
I keep forgetting about that since its fixed in every balance mod since summod
There's a non zero chance that my next cancer global takes it from him too.
I had no gems so ran away aha. If only I had a scout ferrying sooner, then it would've been gambled.
>Mekone just fucking left after all that noise about taking thrones
Alright cunt you interrupted my tart farming so no crying now you little shit
I'm still trying for it -- next time I'll just try and magic phase with indies and gate cleavers then (like I could micro the construction).
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Thanks for the assassin, but could I get one that's not broken next time?
Any day now my saurolich is gonna get soul slayed by horrors and its all just gonna come tumbling down.
Sharing is caring.

Would've been better if I had const9 so he could've gifted you some artifacts.

I believe that you are the threat and will win in the hyper lategame with your non-standard scaling.

But I'm okay with this since you kinda got robbed last time. (By buggy map).
>But I'm okay with this since you kinda got robbed last time
Eh not really. Its not exactly like I'm playing to win when I spend 50 turns sitting my cap doing nothing but researching. Luv me tarts
I guess but it stopped you getting to use them more. Tho I guess they did get to be deployed, so it wasn't horrible.
Yeah I had my fun, to be honest I regretted a tiny bit sending them all in one go. Would have been more fun to trickle them in and acclimate you to them slowly.
he just left...
I set them to retreat while I use them to patrol forts (to keep unrest down).

Then I forget to set them to attack when I give them gear.

Almost happened on C'tis front! Luckily this one ran so the other won't have to.
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You mean bogus
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GG -- I think it is safe to call myself beat.

I do wonder who'll win tho. You all seem capable enough. (I guess it depends on if Tarts get countered or not, tho maybe I'm just most afraid of them cause they're big cool units/commanders).

Shout outs to:
- Sauro for reacting to my message the quickest, and beginning raiding with decent commitment.
- C'tis for using longdead rider and ghoul remotes, is very thematic alongside the tarts (in the armies and solo).
- Vanheim for the harvester dudes. I will now forever be paranoid - checking every province's pop every turn (this is hard to do in a blitz).

Was a fun match, I do feel Therodos called it a bit early on their end, tho maybe I'm doing the same now, so who am I to judge. They did fight it a bit after all!
Where on earth did you get the vamp lord?
Don't skimp on armour, aha. With that I'm off to sleep. I expect an AAR (can be short) when I wake up.
Event gave me D2 B2 dude, so he blood hunted, empowered with D gems, made skull staff. Luck is a good scale. (My blood hunting should be in the graphs).

I did not utilise my death gems at all apart from that. Oops.
I didn't react to anything actually, Therodos started the war on me first and you started fighting him at the same time too. I think Vanheim also chipped him some, unlucky for the guy. He probably would've had me if not for you (two).
So whys it so dark
Because the 4 dwarfs don't want to work anymore.
>Throne not forted
>Therodos started the war on me first
no i didnt. you started it by taking my province.
i asked you if you only want the province or if you want war but the next turn your stack on the province got bigger and i gathered my forces in case you keep attacking, and with all my troops in one place i saw i can probably beat yours so instead of waiting for your response, the reasonable assumption being that youll keep attacking, i decided to use my temporary advantage.
>If I flip the thrones I might not get to fight sauro's army
Fuck it; thrones can wait
Gale gate must be the worst gem gen spell in the game. Who thought it was a good idea that the hurricanes hit your own provinces?
they dont if your air mage is skilled enough
Got any pixelmen you wanna smash together before I cap the last throne sauro?
That was most of my stuff so no.
Alright, thats a wrap then. Thanks for playing.
I'm not actually sure what do you need to claim a throne... Priest of a certain level?
Level 3 priest (H3) or a pretender can do it. If you don't have recruitable H3s you can prophetize any commander to make it a H3. Some units even have unique special shapes when you do that.
Even if that event can completely ruin your momentum, i love it, it's just so sovlful.
Give Aella an air helmet and they mostly won't
the hurricanes absolutely shit all over global income in general
i want to fuck the melia
i want to fuck the hekateride
i want to fuck the telkhine queen
Do you think the elemental queens are good fucks
air queens - no because they are ethereal so you wouldnt feel anything
water queens - maybe. they could probably do some crazy stuff with their liquid bodies
new natgen, gamers
Damn these swEAt_and_tEArs turns just keep on coming
yeah but I mean how cooperative would they be if a lowly mortal wanted to put it in
Wild that we only have one player who hasn't taken their turn an hour within the turn starting.
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Nicely done! And wow that's one hell of a writeup. An impressive win for a newer player, especially since you seemed to have planned everything out from beginning to end. I always mention it, but matches that go late are as much about endurance as strategic skill, and you definitely demonstrated both. When it was down to just us 6, I had a feeling most people were clocking in the bare minimum out of fatigue, but you were still planning and scheming. /domg/'s rising star?

This is the admin speaking also. I'd like to thank all the players who participated, whether they died early on or stuck it out til the end. Thanks for playing! LArge was the last of the max age games I did (minus ryleh this time but shh) and all three were pretty great. It'll probably be a while before the stars align for full games again, but maybe not.

As for the game itself, I was Phlegra this time. Was a fun time. I really should have attacked you way earlier, but like I mentioned in my message there were barely any thrones between the two of us. Even if I grabbed that spring hawk one, the next closest would have required a 6 turn march through your core territory or a tough amphibious assault where you're naturally way stronger. Pic related. Rushes were basically out of the question.

I feel like even if I had attacked 20 turns earlier before your power had solidified, it wouldn't have meaningfully changed the trajectory of the game since you could probably stall/gemburn/straight up kill my stacks on the long march. I had a secondary stack pushing through C'tis's lands for a pincer move, but they never quite got there. The Lemuria affair burned a ton of time.

Oh yeah, and that final clash on your fort was pretty great. All the Iron Bounds may have done more harm than good, since they could barely scratch your troops and got enslaved en masse. A portent of how a real war 30 turns ago would have gone, no doubt. But anyway, nicely done again! I'll see you next match.
do i have to keep it on her? what if i cast it with an A3 with two boosters?
think the lady of the lake would be pretty cooperative with a man knight
>right ear
homer - the iliad (greek)
>left ear
clausewitz - on war (german)
>air queens - no because they are ethereal so you wouldnt feel anything
What if Anon has a magic weapon?
bros im starting to get sold on west/east wraparound only.
it feels more natural because theres no north/south wraparound irl.
there is, you dont fall off the edge if you keep going in either direction
yeah you dont fall off the edge because theres an ice wall all around preventing you from walking off the edge
spheres just project poorly onto 2d is all
>you seemed to have planned everything out from beginning to end
Well, I wouldn't go that far. I only had a general idea about wish being my wincon when I started the game, but no idea about the details. I basically improvised everything and looked into things as the game went on; I made tons of mistakes in terms of research priority as well.

>tough amphibious assault
I had a queen of water armed with smashers patrolling in case you teleported a few gate cleaver golems down there, would've been interesting to see if they could outdamage her absurd UW regeneration.

>All the Iron Bounds may have done more harm than good, since they could barely scratch your troops and got enslaved en masse. A portent of how a real war 30 turns ago would have gone, no doubt
Yeah I did not have Thau9 back then, but 9MR magic beings would do very poorly against arcane domination and that's just Alt8. But I had yet to start wishing so I couldn't afford to burn gems nearly as much.
Perhaps a combined assault between you and Utgard would have done it.
According to CoE
Aella is warlike but cute
Nephele is kind and motherly
Thuella is batshit insane, mentally unstable, and has violent tendencies
ok but for all intents and purposes in ancient times the earth was (considered) flat.
so the world in dominions is also flat. so there is only west/east wraparound.
Aella is hot
Nephele is hot
Thuella is hot
got it
>ok but for all intents and purposes in ancient times the earth was (considered) flat.
Not really true? I mean, a lot of the nations would've known about wraparound. The Greeks (at the least LA), Romans, Chinks (probably only MA since EA is like 1000 BC), Marignon (both MA and LA), Ulm (MA and LA), Caelum, and the Poos should all know the world is spherical. Greeks (and thus Romans and later Europeans) and chinks also knew its size to a pretty good estimate, idk if the indians did too. I honestly could even see the Ctissans and Ur knowing depending on just how late MA Uruk and LA Ctis are supposed to be.
overload ermor your teammate saved you and you just went ai, good job dude
ok but i didnt mention that they were actually right in considering earth flat and earth being spherical is a common misconception.
so the world in dominions is also flat.
silence Gobbels
and there isn't to the east or west? have you checked?
bro if your compass is pointing towards the ice wall or to the center of the earth disc then going east/west will have you going in a circle.
globetards am i right guys?
Just realised I didn't set a timer for the meme game
Let's say I was being generous and allowing people more time to realise the game started
Yeah, I probably would have used a stack of fully geared giants with gate cleavers like for the Lemuria special op. Your typical play of mass troop buffs wouldn't do much when Tyrants instantly demolish anyone they hit and are virtually immune to light hits. Soul slay and stuff would still be a problem but that's what howl is for.
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Pyrene here, i feel like Lemuria could have been easily squashed if i didnt provide him with rings of fire resistance for free, sorry for that but i wanted a secure northern border as i was summoning vampires and lords of hell for eventual throne defense (that was my plan, hold out till cata and defend my thrones with SC's didnt work out unfortunately)
I just realized I have no idea what to do as Lanka. Which sacred do you make? What do you research? Do you just expand, build a few forts, and start blood hunting right away?
Damn. It's okay though I thrashed him quite badly and took his only throne anyway.
You don't really recruit sacreds except a few spares after expansion, they're way too expensive during expansion and lanka wants max turmoil so you only get like 4 per turn. You want conj asap for ganas plus reanimation with your priests for chaff. Then start summoning up rakshasas.
Next we need a full age blitz
thats not possible
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because blitzmin hosts them at 9am on weekdays
I tried Anusara sacred expansion but you need a decent bless or else they melt to PD. Need a few rounds of practice to get it right but after that you literally just start spamming Raktapata everywhere and blood hunt to spam Rakshasa Warriors which I think is in Blood 4. For patrol chaff I just reanimate souless.
I'll host one in yank or europoor tz on a weekend then.
make it afternoon or so then, i have dnd at 3am
Afternoon in which timezone
Really unsure how I would have dealt with that, then, especially back then. I saw fatigue plays worked well for Lemuria. Perhaps I could have tried something similar.
Speaking of, those back to back Army of Rats were meant to scare your Laestrygonians away, but I forgot about their berserker so they were completely wasted. So nevermind.
Also, I didn't have a gnome in that fort so I couldn't put up Legion's Demise but that should also have worked pretty well.
europe, surely mutts wake up by noon too
So, 2024-09-14T15:00+01:00 maybe?
if that's 15:00 next saturday, +1 time, i could
Alright here's the game. Ignore the starts-at timer, I got tired of trying to figure out how many hours away that is I'm just going to go and add a way to specify start time in ISO-8601 when I finish with work today.
why not this saturday
I want to give time for anons to sort their schedules since I want it to be a big one.
I will host one this weekend.
Can the baker put it in the new bread when its made?
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Well it's just a theoretical, and also I played way too irresponsibly to really manifest that anyway. I made a grand total of like 25 tyrants and lost about a third, so it's not like I'd be hopping over the border with dozens and dozens.
bro what the FUCK is this map
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That's 7 AM Pacific time. Fine with me.
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I just realized something
Why are my assassins brown in a nordic nation?
>what did illfraud mean by this?
What did natgen dev mean by this?
That particular religious fanatic was recruited from Malmö.
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I still don't know if Divine Name restores enslaved twiceborns or it uses their undead base. They don't have paths in inspector but "research level if independent".
you have a thousand spare pearls every turn, might as well try
Kurpanach... sir... my turns...
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I wish.
just ask uruk
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I think you overstimate Nexus by good order of magnitude. Judging by graphs it makes around 70-90S per turn.
I know I got 300 a turn when i cast it in singleplayer with 7 ais
>AI trumps domg once more
How do we recover... AI probably just spends gems on chaff rituals like a madman, while players spend most gems to feed the stacks
>I horde hundreds of gems
>too afraid I would spend them on the wrong thing
>only thing I spend gems on is remote site searching to get more gems
>dies with 600 gems of each type in the bank
actually I gift them to the nearest e-celeb or discord mod I can find before going AI
Are you the confused woman in the back of the bar..I am single btw (for now ;)
welp now I feel bad
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I didn't scroll down far enough ..
There you go little buddie
>Expansion party died completely
It's so fucking over it's unreal. Why the fuck did the remake surround me with unkillable indies?
its turn 5, that means they took at least 4 provinces before dying
Nope. One province. My first fight was against that indie spawn of 200 deer fuckers which I won but had nothing left. Delayed my next expansion to rebuild, and lost everything anyways.
Out of 10 trial runs, I expanded fine in 9. Guess I hit the 1 on this run.
you the guy that lost the steel ovens too?
No. Usually I don't have anything to say in the early game. Feels extra demoralizing. First game I've felt tempted just to go AI. Doesn't seem playable.
Objectively the best map settings.
could troop it out and see if some of your neighbors also failspanded so you can catch up
Where are we at on failspand? Is it just one autist who doesn't like the neologism? Personally, I have no problem with it.
Considering I should have a second expansion party and a fort on the way, only an act of God will allow me any chance of not being the first dead. Not to mention how miserable my midgame should be.
Anyways, just had to complain. It's not like turns cost me much time to do anyways.
Someone in this thread or the last came back from a start that was much worse than yours and won the game, you can make it
yeah having a shit game just means you can join another while you quickly do your bad games and get to fuck around with no pressure
That's hard to believe(that a worse start is possible). But to put things into perspective, I've still only lost around 20 sacreds and all my troops at this point constitutes around another 20 guys. At least I still have my research pace which only slow down in the midgame, and the prospect of other players killing each other is what actually decides games.
You have a research pace on turn 5?
i rly like the grim expression youve managed to give him with the eyes + the teeths. gj babe
I just lost around 700 gold worth of expanders due to AI being retnardod if it makes you feel any better
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stop logging into my turns cheater
>this meme age map
what the fuck am I looking at
It's probably the same dude who thinks mods are the antichrist
>It is a BEFOULMENT of Illwinter's VISION!!
It's fine.
Dominions attracts autists on several levels and 4chan attracts unlikable autists who can never be properly banned, so it's only natural we collect some real sperglords in here.
just 'ailed my 'xpand fellas
I finally figured out the best way to expand with Machaka. Just get Hector's Heavy Horsemen and expand with them.
tfw you bump someone with a huge army because youre scared of barbarians and end up killing 100+ of his units without taking a single loss

no way he will ever believe it wasnt intentional so i just have to kill him now... sigh
100 with no loss? That's bullshit, post report.
>83 warriors
I don't think he should care. You're Ubar though, so do whatever you want.
ubar pickers be like
oh well duh that's super elites versus generic chaff. your army costs like 5x what his does
yeah but that wasnt the point the point is it looked like i took my elites on purpose to wipe his expansion party, but i was really just scared of barbarians
Setting to AI in EAting sparks this turn too myself. My enemies and friends are all AI and Ordeal by Fire makes it impossible for me to do much thanks to a lack of fire gems and all of my units being vampires, so uhm... well, ggs I guess!
Funnily enough, as I learned, Ordeal by fire is also permanently killing my immortal units.
It was fun, Lanka, Mictlan!
>Ordeal by fire is also permanently killing my immortal units.

Sounds like a bug to me to be honest
dead blitz dead server dead dead
sportsball tonight sorry bro....
i prefer all of em over the 1st map gen, i dont like how unpredictable it is
honestly just having your units bunched up like that and physically there is a bigger loss to you than those 80 warriors are to him
>What I tell myself when the Tarts group up. (I lost the fight).
i mean if the tarts group up to beat militia then yea
childhood is thinking everyone else is a stupid fucking idiot
adulthood is knowing everyone else is a stupid fucking idiot
Pythium, Agartha and Muspel you know what to do...
Astral Window?..
Redpill me on LA Atlantis. Are the snowniggers good?
EA/MA Mongols WHEN
I quite liked DE's Tartary, it's a shame that it's part of such scuffed modpack.
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>I'll just give you everything.
What the fuck Machaka
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So where is the Gathering Sturm/Sprite Overhaul game?
I did too, but their national spells were over the top.
are disciple games any fun? I'm hesitant to try them
Are you me?
yeah theyre so fun especially when your dumbass disciple spends a dozen turns fighting an opponent unrelated to the on-going total war.
I thought everyone was related to the ongoing total war.
going to finish Slaanesh changes either today or tomorrow. Anybody want a version of what I have changed so far? Or should I do the full first pass?
Fuck off nigger.
Can someone take over for me in the madeforbbc game? I'm ulm in a good spot it's just hard to make turns after moving and I don't wanna abandon those guys
no, unlike you i am not made for bbc
Do you need an extension bro?
Your mom is.
mutts law
I could really use 48 hours to settle everything yeah, been trying to just do something last minute while I scramble an irl mess
Despite the name the game is in a fun position
Kind of like the position his mom is in, amirite?
There are only three of us left and I feel like we're all having a pretty chill game and this extension shouldn't be a problem for anyone.
>48 hours
Done. Take a break and get comfy and we'll get back at it
>Kind of like the position his mom is in, amirite?
bro you join the game called made for bbc, i tell you youre made for bbc and youre offended? lmao
Just picking the low hanging fruit for a little light banter, bro. The name of the game itself was just silly banter. Don't get bent out of shape.
Good shit thanks man
I got some more caveman gem donations when I get back king
ok made for bbc
New natgen bros
I like them, but you better don't expect much from teammates.
Slow delayed communication plus game's depth and lack of clear good plays are recipe for disaster if you're prone to raging.
holy fuck my sacreds are so busted
and they are recruit anywhere
>you better don't
ESL moment
but actually yes
tsihikos? platnae? kyomatsu?
treat status: the

caelum is the winningest? Map move must be just too good at stopping gangbangs and being able to actually defend 2v1 as well as aggressively raid
figure it out nigger
that's what i'm doing
>These stats are only counting finished Envoy-tracked games in which a winner was voted for
Do discordsisters really vote to determine the winner?..
>0 out of 35
so thats the one, got it
they look absurd though
That's bullshit, look at this 0% tier. Tien Chi 0%? Lol, lmao even.
EA TC has always sucked though
Not that I'm arguing that random stats from some small group mean anything
i know lmao holy fuck ma abysia is hard/bad
data isnt perfect but still interesting
>50 gold
>31 rec points
>shitty stats
>two per square
>no shield
Can't upload New Sprites mod onto the blitz. Weirdly enough there's older version on it that seems to exist there just fine, and other mods I've put on it got there without any issues.
you have to unzip and rezip
IDK why
Absolutely amazing, many thanks.
Moronically tried playing Therodos without a death magic pretended
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>If you're loser enough to play vidya games on friday evening
>You're a bigenoughschmuck to cometo Ill Kristoff's Fraudulent Game Design!!
>Bad nats!Game breaking blesses! Elves!
>If you think you're going to get your national summons without pretender
>You can kiss my ass!
>It's our belief that you're such a stupid motherfucker
>You'll fall for this bullshit
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Whoever memed me into believe MAgartha's sacreds were worth taking a weapon bless on should die
>I neighbor samsa

oh shit oh fuck we're all dead
I keep trying to play anyone with the Elephant Idol.
remember when elephant idol was broken af?
you're asking that as if it was years ago and not like 3-4 months ago
well most of the time you get your d1 daktyl but yeah 1 out of 10 games you just wont get a d1 daktyl at all. happened to me in an sp test run.
Seems like sprite mode is broken, or at least when I enable it on blitz I can't seem to connect to the game. Or it might be some problem with how it intreracts with other mods, not sure.
>uhh my fliers don't have shields
>you can counter them with massed archers so easily..
>anon, please don't
t. not kyomatsu player who just happens to remember their precise resource costs
im interested how a fellow therodos player plays the nation. care to share your pretender build and such? maybe i will share mine. understandable if its a secret though.
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What the fuck? Map works ok in sp
I only have a 100 hours into this game so I don't think anything I make is worth sharing yet. Also my god just died of disease which is probably very preventable so just ignore me honestly
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>idolposter won
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As promised, Gathering Sturm game:
Vanilla mapgen, MA, rest of the settings TBD.
I also want to include MA Fomoria and Pankot (basically MA Lanka with humans, based on Indiana Jones Temple of Doom), although they are not 100% compatible, I think you can't recruit their units after conquering caps the way Sturm lets you, so I'm still not 100% sure about these additions.
fomoria 0%?
Suggest modnations to go with the Yakub trio for a modnations game.
qrd on all these mods?
>Gathering Sturm
content mod by sprites guy. Some cool new nations, like MA Carthage style successors to Berytos, Krauts, ghost vikings giants with cap alternating between being UW and land province, and some other shit. Also revamps few nations with new units and has some minor balancing shit I think. Also lets u recruit some of conquered nations' rosters from captured caps.
>MA Fomoria
Makes them into UW undead-merrow nation with freespawn and recruitable coastal fir bolg, looks high effort enough
Refer to original post. Not sure about tis inclusion tho.
All this shit is on steam too.
Why aint this mod showing up in my modlist?
Did (You) have to adapt the mods for compatibility?
nigga I tried to make the tengu work in dom5
They job to basically anything
I didn't touch shit. Fomoria and Pankot probably aren't strictly 100% compatible, but they work without crashing the game. So I think the only problem should be the cap thing I mentioned, at least I don't see any other issues.
It's unlikely to be most balanced game ever anyhow.
Also, to the Ermor anon, I think Gathering changes Ermor a bit, but I don't know all the details, so test this shit.
as long as there are no id conflicts, with units having weird mounts/weapons/etc, it should be fine
IME spells are the most likely thing to be fucked up
Looking at .dm files there doesn't seem to be any conflicts, Pankot and Fomoria are made by the same guy, so only real incompatibility should be between them and Gathering Sturm. I'll probably double check tomorrow morning.
>decide to check out MA Abyssia
>two recruitable apprentice warlocks
>one is 4 recruitment points 170 gold
>one is 2 recruitment points 190 gold
>all other stats identical
I've noticed that and I *think* one is supposed to be recruitable after stealing the cap, and other is business as usual. Arco has the same bug. Why they're recruitable by their actual nations I dunno.
literally worthless
>EA TC has always sucked though
What's bad about Tien Chi? nation looks great, it has access to all elements except blood, heavy infantry, cheap sacreds with default rainbow resistances, they look better than most nations imo since they dont have evident weaknesses.
they are humans
Being decently versatile humans is not what you need to win in EA
I knew certain tengu player back in the day who was absolute nigger...
That looks an awful lot like what I got when I was using the old dom5 netcode with dom6. How'd you cause that?
I put that on blitzserver:
Not really important anymore, though dom6 map situation is horrendous af.
Oh i get it, so they excel at early/mid game, but get absolutely raped on late?
No, they are absolute rushbait early game
not voting it's just confirming who won, games where nobody confirms dont get counted but all ofthem should be
weird, every time there was a TC player on my games he absolutely dominated the expansion phase and managed to beat some players.
they get clobbered by brute force early game and deleted by earthquake and murdering winter late game
Average domg game
There really are faggots here that own more than 1 game key so they can play 2 nations at once in MP games?
it's true, i usually see them get owned fast in EA
>needing to own more than one key
Now watch as the two nations attacking you submit their turns in quick succession
he is right
you can just change your key to anything anytime
Never trust idolfags. Out of 5 wars 2 were defensive and 3 were backstabs
fresh turn b ros.... sorry for the delay im sick *coughs up guano*
Add the Yakub mod
(don't add the yakub mod, it's undergrafted)

I'd join as Carcosa but I don't have the energy for another game and, more importantly don't have a good feel for the gimmick.
The RP gimmick, not the tactics, not that I get what you're supposed to do after Mind Blaster spam wears off.

If someone does pick them please send a chain letter along with an Ascii yellow sign to the other players.
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Can I have your original zip? I thought I fixed all the funky zip file order bugs.
These are the figures or blitzserver, with dom5 on the left and dom6 on the right, if anyone is interested. Though the data set is much smaller and modded games always throw it off (I don't exactly what to exclude games for using WH, but where do you draw the line?)
I've got some code for illwinter's master lobby, I could probably use that to scrape win stats for illwinter lobby games.
I would play Tien Chi just so i can roleplay as a merchant. These items looks great, and i think it shouldn't be hard to sell these to every single player in the game.
that's a lot more even than envoy's server thanks for the stats my dude
>therodos 4th worst
What is envoy's server?
I opened a web page that showed some winrates and there was a donate button.
Should I be raking in the cash from you schmucks?
Keep in mind I only listed the nations which have actually won a game. So there's like 60 or something nations not listed for dom6 at least which therodos is possibly better than.
>blitzmin single handedly propping up yomi by losing so many blitzes to him

The nations are obviously not sorted by plays. I can see 5 nations that have a worse winrate and 3 that are equal
Dead blitzmin, can you give us the ranking based on the % of win rate over the game players for each race please ?
>Didn't save the SQL query
I'll do it if you blitz with me.
it's a discord server with a shitty bot that all it does is check who did their turn and ping people

it uses ill winter's lobby system
So... the data shows that winning in this game is mostly about being lucky?
Oh, nvm, Agartha is clearly overpowered.
EA TC summons are really fun as well. They have a bunch of nice ways to use all the gems they gain from their rainbow searchers.
>1 win in 24 games
hol up
check blitzmin data, not the nigger tranny discord data.
Modnations get funky since its selecting winner by nation id and giving it the first name it can find for the nation id.
The data looks a lot more interesting when you get wins by player rather than wins by nation.
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We are playing dominions 6, grandpa
>with dom5 on the left and dom6 on the right
Just look at who did their turns earlier among these 3. It's the minotaurs.
t. Kyomatsu
would have been my top among those three for the threat too
>Just look at who did their turns earlier
Autistically refreshing the game page mostly
>He doesn't check the status page every 5 minutes
leave the game lobby open, and record your screen. That way if you miss it you can go back and look at the recording. Buy 3-4 extra hard drives, you'll need the space.
damn no wonder i haven't won a game here yet with this as my opponents
minos are scary ngl
so are the squids and gigaberserk darkpower pale ones
Squids here. I lost 2 expansion armies on the last turn. Turns out my sacreds are just a waste of money. Either that, or my bless just sucks cock.
which squid, think one of them has an ethereal heavy infantry, the other, just the mindblasters with a token invulnerability that doesnt enable them to expand with just them
Redpill me on Piconye.
Death squids here. I'm doing fine
Give names of both squids please, i thought i was the only one, i have both the 12 defense ethereal sacreds with human hp and the recruitable squids with invul and mind blast.
extreme def on practically immobile 5-to a square units, eagle riders, erytheia tier communions
Xibalba is too stealthy for you to accurately track..Just as planned
kurpanach and glyunak, seems you are kurpanach, the better of the two
Kurpanach and Glyunak are squids.
>I didn't read his entire post before replying
Yup, im him. Well, ill get right on the right track next turn, since i was half assing my turn due to wage cage exhaustion, now i can clearly see the obnoxious expansion potential of my army.
>recruitable squids with invul
paying one and a half times as much for that is probably a waste, you want that for attack rear enemy players, not put them on the frontline for expansion, mindblasters are there support melee not be in it
Sacred mindblasters Illithids might not be the cheapest most optimal easy to work with unit out there but I found a bless that works and the mages are ridiculously good
What more do I need
something that actually beats the indies instead of just stunning them, like your centaurs
not sure what glyunak can do on the other hand
You are talking to Glyunak
Why is the whole lobby attacking me???
No ones is worried about TC?
i'd go with the glaive hybrids for the frontline at a quick glance, i'm not that familiar with vanilla rlyeh, but think sprinkling in a couple mindblasters to help them out is common practice
the out of box banefire casters from the cap might be good later too
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>Enchantment 9
>Give your entire army dread
too good?
too expensive?

>Enchantment 9
its a win more, like everything at research 9 desu
as strong and impractical as master enslave
That spell fucking sucks, for that cost and at that level they should have one chance to fuck every enemy in the asshole with demon cock
I was just informed that dread and fear no longer stack

spell is not as good as I thought,
moving it to research level 8 and dropping a glamour path req
I still don't understand this.
noone truly does, the point is, you boost your masters' path and fatigue out your slaves
The secret is eyeballing it
It is simpler than you think. Every communion master sends some of the fatigue from casting a spell to the communion slaves. Every communion master gets +1 to every spellcrasting branch that they have access to, and the boost gets harder and harder to hit. WIth 2 communion slaves all masters get +1, with 4 communion slaves all masters get +2, with 8 communion slaves they get +3, and so on. All spells the masters cast that only affect 'self' will also affect everyone in the communion, so casting personal ironskin, for example, woudl give everyone in the communion ironskin. Summon Earthpower is really good for communions for this reason, along with regeneration, air shield, mistform, stoneskin/ironskin, etc etc etc
>will also affect everyone in the communion, so casting personal ironskin, for example, woudl give everyone in the communion ironskin

Will effect every SLAVE in the communion you mean. Master self buffs aren't shared with other masters.
well thats dumb
shit runs downhill money runs up
that doesn't make any sense. If that was true only the masters would get the communion benefit from personal spells while the slaves would just have to deal with it like the slaves they are. Instead they all get ironskin while only one of the masters does
why did illwinter put wrath of god at evo 6 but looming hell at blood 9

are they retarded?
It's 2024 why are you still saying kek
>its current year why are you doing that!!!
we have had this conversation before
in this very general
glad to see you are still a faggot
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how dare you use a word xhe doesn't like to describe laughter
are you paying that mortgage I've got in your head bro
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>criticizes someone else
>they respond
>why do u care so much ;)
Who makes good slaves? Does every single participant have to cast a spell to join it? What are the main use cases for doing it?
>criticize someone else
>they instantly start talking about how they remember me from months ago

rent status: free
it's weird but higher level mages are better slaves because they take less fatigue so if you have astral 3 slaves and astral 2 masters you can cast more spells
>Who makes good slaves?
at the most basic, whoever has astral or blood, ideally they have the same path of the spell you want to cast at a lower level
>Does every single participant have to cast a spell to join it?
normally, yes, there are some special cases like pythium's unit slaves or anyone wearing master/slave matrixes automatically joining
>What are the main use cases for doing it?
casting big spells you otherwise can't, or spamming more of a spell by offloading the fatigue
If they are big or regenerating, or both like the jotun skrattis, the slaves can support dozens of masters each
perhaps because anons have not blasted their long term memory from addiction to social media, and the fact that you stick out like a sore thumb here

Good fight asphodel also he's the threat, help!
>anons have not blasted their long term memory from addiction to social media
I've seen it argued many times whether or not 4chan is social media, and I'm on the side that says it's not, but it has the same brain rotting effect.
nah no way is 4chan comparable to the monetized and fabricated reality of other social medias

the worst we get are schizos but hey it comes with the territory and they can be interesting to talk to and play dominions with even
If you check out the math, you can really crank out some spells with a powerful caster while the underlings bear most of the fatigue burden. For example, if I had 1 Onaqui at 4D as a blood communion master, and he had 4 communion slaves, he would shoot up to 6D and would only incur roughly 3 fatigue per casting. If he also cast Gift of the Third Soul, which gives +2 reinvigoration, then he and the blood communions slaves would regain 2 more fatigue per round, and most spells take 2 rounds to cast, so until the blood slaves collapse from exhaustion he could produce many, many summoned undead.
Can you do this shit for rituals or is it combat only?
only one guy whines about people's usage of kek in here. whereas I have seen other anons use it, so I know I am not alone
now KYS faggot
Combat. You need items to climb rituals
tried to peace you
too late now
you need booster items to do it for rituals eg earth boots for earth path
Damn those items are usually pretty fuckin expensive. Thanks bros.
there is a version for rituals called grand communion introduced recently, but that only adds to the overcast value, instead of raising the path itself
Feels like 9/10 of the things illwinter adds these days could be posted on dom3mods and no one would even bother trying them.
I just don't know where illwinter gets their inspiration from these days. Its difficult to understand how these dudes who made such a wicked set of interwoven analogies which are the "classic" nations, tie them altogether with all this lore seamlessly marrying up their mythos and their historic actions. But then today we get glamor, an extremely specific way to add additional overcast to globals with seemingly zero interaction with any other mechanics, even the nations mostly seem to be very isolated with little thematic interaction with extant nations.
>interwoven analogies
nigga let's not pretend the old lore was any good
Grand Communions actually do make sense to be quite honest
they had their original idea for the world and game and it all fit together in one big thing
they made it, then didn't change it, now all they have are half baked ones left that they attach onto this complete thing that doesn't really need more
>Grand Communions actually do make sense to be quite honest
Its just bloat, they could have introduced generalized communion rituals as a concept and that would have been far more interesting, would have far more interactions with the rest of the game, and would actually get used. Its the same with the planes.
Probably. That's particularly frustrating because there are still gaps from the traditional nations that have been ignored while they add all these borderline modnations.
I do like Andramania and Ind despite it's gimmickiness, Feminie, Piconye and glamor in general do feel out of place
>and would actually get used
The nations that have it use it because it's an enormous amount of free overcast. Pythium and Uruk in particular can basically monopolize the global board if they really want to because the overcast also applies to dispel.

Feminie actually is fine, it honestly makes more sense than Andramania since they're one of the only elf-capable nations in LA.
>makes more sense than Andramania
Andramania is a completely standard dom 5 LA nation desu, despite being out of order with the roman republic theme
Andramania is another same-old, same-old LA nation except furry. Swap it out for humans an it'd be easily one of the most boring nations in the age. What's even its actual flavor? Dogshit is what it is. Literally. Feminie at least plays differently and has some decent flavor with their veiled enchantresses and such.
The flavor is they're dogs larping as romans, and they try to act sophisticated but their animal tag and the beloathed beserker populace gives them away.
teleport item will go in magic phase right so it will always land on my guy if the slot is empty?
abysia versus shinuyama, what's your initial impression of who wins that fight?
Everyone else.
Didnt know this was reddit, very witty guys
I'm replying to someone else you goofball
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So you were... Interesting
Definitely abysia unless it's in the midgame or later.
>he didn't know
The skeleton hordes gets crazy? The guy I see has some fire and earth gems on the bakemono sorcerers. I would have expected shadow blast spam but I guess he's scared of blood vengeance
Yes. Hope it doesn't take too long to start.
Skeleton hordes and also shit like foul vapors.
Don't worry I joined bitch ass nigga we startin
I have 2 nature indie sites and thistle maces so I got poison ward to somewhat mitigate that shit
Alright making tendie. Can we get one more?
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Does that mean you'll join?
I might be a bit. Looking through the inspector for some pretender inspriation
I'm already in you have 4 players including yourself
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I think Aboleths having an easier time getting on land is cool.

(They'll die AND donate you fish amulets, fun!)
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Alright I'm in and no one else joined, I'll do a randommap and may god have mercy on my soul for it.
I better get a 20 province lake
Alright started. Take ur turns
The map appears to have generated a lot of water judging from the thumbnail
good, may you all drown
Xibalba you slut, where did you go
Which is not interesting. Furry.
There should be a way to reduce magic items back into gems. Make it only like 40% efficient or something.
Xib was first in, but they joined before this message.
>they instantly start talking about how they remember me from months ago
Before 4chan removed poster counter it was in 60-100 range and roughly 5-10% of game's playerbase (even higher for MP players).
I used same imprecise methodology again and, given dom6 got more players than dom5, we're something around 100-200 players tops. Active players (who tend to engage in lengthy arguments, contribute most posts, play more and generaly better) are around 40-60.
While it's still anonymous imageboard and you can't be 100% certain, there is simply not enough people to not be able identify you, especially if you hold esoteric belief. There is nothing odd about it unless you tend to forget people you talk to regularily. We're small (not tiny) chatroom, basically. Player counts and lobby start up speed kinda confirm that.

I been making much better post on the subject week ago, but fell asleep and lost all pics and all that, so numbers are hazy but point stands.
Xibalbrat getting punished by Mictlan jag mom
The game's technically been up since yesterday. Xibalbrat could be asleep right now for all I know.
If anyone else wants to play I'll restart and remove xibalba.
I've mostly been fucking around but yeah I appreciate the analysis. We really are like 10% of the entire playerbase. Probably more if you count off and on again players who quit for months at a time.
I just woke up and need 30 minutes or so. If you guys are still up then I'll join, even got that dumb Aby tendie prepared. Fuck, it was made for caveless start... Anyways.
Mekone here. Situation has changed so high probability I'll need to leave before the conclusion.

If others join before Xib gets back, I'm happy to drop so you don't have to suffer a random ai.
I will note that "100 IPs" in such a slow thread doesn't mean 100 individuals
No blitz? i might just have to kill myself, thanks xibalba
If you kill yourself then you won't be able to play the next blitz either, and when you're not there to play, it might make another anon kill himself. Please try to think beyond yourself here and don't do it.
wise words, very wise
it's been 50 minutes he aint coming back
I think he meant 30 hours, so hope you're free tomorrow! (I'm likely not)
Its so over.
I'll unstart, wait five, then start with three and cry to myself while expanding.
when I click a province with my scout the move command either doesnt work or goes to a completely different one
Yeah I hard to restart game to fix it. Probably left over code from previous room.
Oh, yeah thats probably related to the whole server going "game started, sike, and game started for real now but with a completely different map"
Its definitely not something the client expects to see.
Games saves map into save folder. When you join same game with same name (so same save folder) with turn file you already made but with different map hijinks happen because it may try to project wrong save on another map with different prov numbers and connections, leading to visual bullshit.
Restarting fixes it or, at times, deleting save folder and reconnecting.
>deleting save folder
For this game, I mean. Not all saves.
a restart fixed it i'm good dont worry
I'm guessing its more that the map info + crc is only sent during handshake, client never even realises the map changed.
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>tfw there's a typhoon hitting so you want to blitz so there's something to do but the typhoon could knock out power and internet at any time and turn you into a staler
>2 UW thrones
>got to score 4/5
I hate it.
>For the first time ever the randommap didn't smear rivers around me because I'm """"swimming"""" and wreck my chariot expansion
I wonder if I should file a bug report for this obvious defect
If you don't, the game might just stay broken forever.
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Weird, supposed mid bless works wonders.
Which mid bless is that, senpai?
I dont know that feel because I'm not a gay surfer on the coast
Threat detected

Threat detected

Threat detected

Jeez, lots of threats this game.
you dont really need a bless to kill those things, you got fire shield for them to kill themselves on you

test it versus the lizard warrior indies to truly test your power
I'll show ya.
Is it just me or is Caelum terrible in dom6
I lost my god turn 2 but I have these really neat recruit anywhere without a temple holy 3 so I'm back baby
Oh, I got lizard prov if mekone doesn't cockblock me from it (but with starting army). I just recall shades being still capable of badly atritioning abysians, but maybe it was from troop expansion testing.
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Rlyeh.. We need to team up against these monsters..
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that's more MA and LA that shades cuck
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I'm doing my part to deal with giant threat. Are you?
>Threats are cannibalizing eachother
You hate to see it (you don't)
>implying Charlie surfs
Abyssia has beat me already. Will see if I can come back.
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Damn, now I lost vision there and don't know if I managed to snipe throne builder...
shh, they don't know I'm building thrones already.
dishonest pd dump
pd is always honest because it is inefficient.

I also always lose to it, but don't worry about that part.
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how do i get onto land I dont have meteor guards
Attack Mekone or Abyssia, it helps the other one, then the one you helped will let you stay on land.

(It is sloops, so make fish amulets to send aboleths onto land turn 80).
PD is extremely efficient. It's just ineffective in a broader strategy because you can't move it.
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eat shit for killing my scout, deserved losses
Heads up, I will be patrolling all my forts, so please don't make my units die to your mind powers.
I will be attacking your forts in 1 turn because i accidentally claimed a throne that horror marks everything due to 5 magic scales
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Oh yes, luckchad empowerement (imagine paying gems to increase your paths, lol).
I don't have air paths, so I'm just a cuck this game?
Now that vine shield has been wrecked whats the good shield?
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You just attacked me with gorillion meteor guards! By the way I got dope scropion man.
My paths are always based. Your paths are always cucked. You know the drill, anon.
I found Eye Shield being pretty good even on higher con levels as it's currently last and only combat-relevant on-attack trigger (curse doesn't count). Also lets you poke enemy sacreds with some def tank and brick them.
Blind wrecks attack skill too right?
Bro your charcoal shield?
those are slave guards they're not good units you just suck and died to them haha
Fire shield is easier to just cast, it's fucking whatever against anything besides chaff and it doesn't help you to actually survive.
Meteoric guard have magic weapons and probably less shit morale idk I ain't gonna check during a blitz

(but r'lyeh speaks truth -- the meteor only crashes in MA)
wasting a turn on fire shield when u dont need to sucks mate
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If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue.
and like 19 protection, no i am not joking

slave guards are only 66% or so of that prot
I can't sit in there anyway cause it's horror marking me
wrecked how? seems still useful to me
>Can't gift of reason my crocs and serpent dancers and make serpent dancer cavalry
Why do I even play this shit game anymore
>vine shield has been wrecked
How was it wrecked?
Mekone password is ONE -- if someone else wants to take over.

Recently had a good fight against Abyssia, so should have a little breathing room till they bring another massive stack over.

Play better than I would've and you should have a solid position.

Otherwise can be set ai -- cause I gotta go!
I'll give like 10 minutes, if no takers I'll assimilate mekone into the skynet.
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>a little breathing room till they bring another massive stack over.
Anon, I...
I'll take over.
No, I will.
It been change from vines as on-attack MR saves trigger into autocast 2 tiles/turn (with usual slew of precision-related issues). Back in the day you would jump into arbitrary number of troops and see all of them quickly entagled, now you're limited to 6/turn with unreliable targeting.
That's gay porn.
Who is not at war yet
Asking for a friend
I've tried like 10 nations in EA and I hate them all what do. I dont mind MA or LA
try more nations or get better taste because EA is the best age
>Asking for a friend
Twitter/Facebook tier meme
Post the battle report when that army fights something so I can imagine myself fighting it (to see if I would've lost).

Each turn is 10 big Hoplites respawning in that area (7 from cap + 3 from fort) + more mage support. So I consider the few turns already passed. Idk if forest dudes can double move back into fort tho.

Yay, me leaving won't ruin the blitz. Plan was to get spartae summon so mages with rings can go uw to threathen R'lyeh (if needed), but feel free to pivot.

Also expect C'tis to hit you with tarts shortly after well of misery goes up.

I'm actually not doing a tart build this game.
At least I wasn't, until I found a site that gave corpse stitchers
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cave barbs

Play best EA nation, Yomi.
Have you tried Ur yet? I'm definitely still trying out different nations but I like Ur.
What 10 nations? If you list 10 shitty nations that's your problem, if you list 10 cool nations, then you're the problem.

(Nothing wrong with liking some ages more than others, maybe EA is just not for you).
>Nothing wrong with liking some ages more than others
As weird as it probably sounds, I like EA and LA both more than MA. I just haven't found as much kino in the MA nations but maybe in this case I'm the one who's playing the wrong shit. Who knows?
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I came and sieged that fort while killing some giants and mages patrolling there, then got encircled and rout-killed. Got fort up at our border though, space created...
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>Do death strat
>Get nothing but nature gems
>Run nature strat
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Turns out building fort upgraded my pd dump there and it keeps paying off.
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Yeah, that's not meteor guards.
>men will look at this and think "hell yeah"
men will be like yeah ill dangle my arm in front of these crocodiles to taunt th-ACK
is something wrong?
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Sorry bro, it takes extremely high skill to pd dump successfully.
>want to play with /domg/
>not a fan of the long commitment
>afraid ill ruin the match cuz ill play like shit
bros............why do turn based games always suffer from this issue. really wish someone would figure out a way to make TBS games not require months of committment.
Bruh we had a blitz where one of the players didn't know how to claim thrones and it was plenty of fun unless you were therodos that game
Based newfag jumping straight into multiplayer.
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Okay, got to wait for reinforcements again...
I swear 2 fkn god I've got +19 death gem income and I haven't even got well of mysteries yet DON'T MAKE ME USE THEM ON YOU
>16 sauromancers and not a single N2
I bet rlyeh did this
trust the plan
>your income loss spike stopped sacred production in capital and you failed to notice that for like 6 turns
krill issue
None of you bastards better die because I'm going to crack out a dom4 classic in about 15 turns.
And its not tarts.
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And we got another episode of trading slow to replenish troops but I do lose mages too. I think I'm not winning this one, especially with waternigger on my tail.
I got E7S4 titan and I think I had some clever plan (otherwise I would just get immoible), but can't recall what exactly.
Is it a 2v1 against abysia?
Don't worry bro I'm coming. Never thought I'd help abysia but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Playing like shit won't ruin the match.

Playing to ruin the match can be done, but it isn't done by being shit, so don't worry about that.

Just do your best to throw scouts around so you might notice when someone is getting too far ahead. But even if you get manipulated into helping the 'best position' player, that still isn't 'ruining' the match.

Otherwise keep an eye out for blitz games (done with like 5 min turns scaling to 10 or so). One night commitment tho, so depends on if you've got the time.

One is running right now! That's one way to play with domg.
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Roughly half of player are supposed to die by turn 25 or so. It's FFA game. Worst case you will absolute pushover but it's still not fundamentally different from just gracefully losing and giving all your real estate to winner.
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Oh hey whats this spell this looks new maybe I should try casting this
mod idea: "age of heroes"
the mod would replace EA and the underlying idea is that you dont choose a powerful being as pretender god, you choose from different humans that dont even have magic powers, at least most of them dont.
basically, you play as a human leading a gimped version of an EA nation (with no or very little magic access), however magic sites (including capital gem income) are unchanged. so, to gain access to powerful magic you will need to make use of the empowerment mechanic and your human leader has a big discount on empowerment, working similarly to how pretender creation works; new magic paths cost a lot, going higher in a path you unlocked is cheap but gets expensive as you get higher.
so basically its about your human growing powerful enough with the help of the nation he leads to claim thrones and become the FIRST pankoman
>UW hate
>80% of abysian empire is for some reason coastial
another idea that just popped into my head: regarding the issue of your human dying, in this mod there would be a way to gain immortality but it would be costly.
on the other hand, from the different humans you could choose, some of the warrior-like ones would have disease resistance and affliction resistance and such things so that they are very unlikely to die to rng - meaning you could decide not to go down the path of immortality which would be costly somehow, but to invest your resources into other things - also because recruitable mages would be much weaker your "hero" would be by far your strongest unit on the battlefield therefore by foregoing immortality you could for example invest resources into making him stronger otherwise but you would have to use him very carefully because if your hero dies without immortality its game over for you.
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admiral buttpirate
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I am growing stronger
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Togrin took a fucking throne
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Not so fast, big guy.
Woops sorry abysia.
The ghost skeleton pirates will be sternly hissiplined.

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