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Post Elves edition

>September Trading Post:

Previously on /wowg/ >>493058823
Remember the human :)
>every single wild alchemy attempt is an explosion
what a cool and fun mechanic, I've learned almost no recipes and apparently can't start because my last 7 in a row have been failures
Horde is a cursed faction
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What's the best way to level up from 70 to 80 now?
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>It's another questline ends in a scenario which ends in a cinematic which freezes my game and says "Cinematic can't be loaded" and then puts me back to before I entered the scenario without any credit that I completed the scenario so I have to do the scenario again episode
She looks like a tranny
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she literally has sex with turalyon btw
Look up formoulated courage, that is how I unlocked all the recipies and used meticulous to grab the last 2
>go on the Paladin forums
>every single person is wearing that stupid transmog
Are Paladin players creatively bankrupt or what?
thanks for the guild /wowg/
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I wish he was here to see TWW :(
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I honestly can't wait for mythic dungeons to come out, not as much the gear, but to see the chainpulling zoomtards die to the actually present trash mechanics.
most of the sets blizzard puts out now are shit, so what else are you going to do when they finally make a good one
kek, what do you expect when you're visiting a paladin containment forum?
liadrin is a perfect character for nu-blizzard
single mother who didn't learn from her mistakes (because men mansplained it) and is always angry
Dungeons while gathering herbs/mining probably
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should i hold on selling my herbs for before mythic raids release?
That art is older than wow, its like wc3 art, this is her now
>game now has the paladinest armor of them all which objectively looks good, no stupid shit like books on shoulders, flopping wings, hovering rocks, or some washed out Barbie color scheme
Oh geez I wonder why they all use it??
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every dk out there is wearing the abberus tier set or whatever the fuck
all their dragonflight sets are good

meanwhile im still using mop mogs on my monk because we havent had a good one in years, at least the current raid set actually looks nice
lmao what wc3 art
it was hearthstone promo
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Why doesn't Turalyon give Faerin back her ancestor's sword?
sell it now u retard
but its probably already too late for you
the token prices have already dropped near 40%
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>has the best shield and sword combo in the game
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>That's right, WoW is now the Strong Wine Aunt game
looks like a tranny
How do I get one of these?
I don't think that's Lothar's sword
It just made to be similar to it
>sell it now u retard
it's not lothar's sword, but a replica forged by the futa lf draes for him
the gearsets you get when making an earthen look so cool
That only cuts down the debuff timer doesn't it?
I'm just annoyed at all the herbs it wastes. I'm dirt poor and don't have a bunch of resources so seeing hundreds of herbs go up on smoke for nothing isn't very fun
How important are add ons? And which do you run?
>it's not lothar's sword, but a replica
But that's just stupid. He carried Lothar's sword with him to Draenor. Why not reforge it? It makes perfect sense from a narrative standpoint that it's Lothar's sword and not just a replica. Blizzard are retarded.
What now?
idk maybe he lost it
Details for metrics and dbm are the most important imo. Sometimes weakauras and tomtom
why is this stupid hag still wears this tabard
dont really need them unless you are going to push like +5 keys or do mythic raiding
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you get a cute backpack and everything
weakauras is like every addon in one addon.
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what the fuck did Blizzard do to Moonkins
why do i die faster than a mage now but with none of the mobility
i miss old belf paladin lore
the sunwell was a mistake
Only thing left is an orc cock in her womb
Is M0 open today?
Cuz ure a fat chicken that tastes good
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Is that fucking anvil for extra traction or why would they need to carry that lmao
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First, yeah, we are. Second, its just a good set, man. Let us enjoy it. Hasn't even been a month.
I'll go back to my color-mismatched DF set in a while.
I actually like the TBC ending, one of my favourite
I wish we would see a chapel or cathedral in updated Silvermoon
Bros I think I am unironically too retarded to play Mage.
Fucking mobs are almost killing me every time and I really stumble with my rotation.
Is mage an only dungeon/raid class? But I want too clear open world too!
Is there any good alternatives? How is warlock?
Also I need a new heal. I was thinking preservative evoker, or whatever his name is?

Thx for answering.
average fem tauren druid player
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Be Earthen. Go questing, decide to go to Northrend.
Meet pretty female Earthen in Scholzar Basin. She's soaking in a hot spring. Realize you don't go a penis.
Grab some saronite from your bags. Use trusty hammer and anvil to quickly craft old God infested penis.
She spreads old God infection to all your peoples.
Don't matter had sex.
>Bros I think I am unironically too retarded to play Mage.
Nice to see its not just me. I see a lot of "mage is piss easy and so good" comments, but I genuinely cannot hack it with TWW mage for some reason.
we know you are a beaver
hate mages so much
they never use their fucking buttons
*dies with iceblock on cooldown*
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>switch to war mode to help my friend kill some rares
>a loot chest drops as we're departing so we head for it
>we're outnumbered like 10 to 4 and get stomped
>one of the rogues singles me out and plants a flag of ownage in my corpse
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You just KNOW there's going to be some seriously fucked up shit about the WoW team in the next 5-15 years. At the very least the writing team. They are just way too obsessed with PC shit and humiliating and desecrating every male character in the entire franchise for there not to be some fucked up skeletons in that closet
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Holy shit, so it really is him making the "don't take rule 13 so seriously :)" OPs
skill issue
Just find a woman streamer with a big following that has warmode on for some reason. Kill her and plant your own flag.
Will surely get the flag banned before the next reset.
why are you obsessed with humiliation
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belves with these mr. enter autism beards is hilarious
there is exactly one good belf male look
>long hair
>no facial hair
you may not like it, but accept it
Because I don't like to see the characters I've enjoyed for the last 20+ years get crippled by some one-off character on a whim
no such thing as woman with warmode
I literally get keystone hero achievement every season as a healer having only details. You don't need weakaura if don't push above 10+
these guys are really fucking putting me to work in these heroics
They need to take all defensives off the gcd with everything still being a fucking 80% hit.

>guys we're listening to healer feedback so we're removing tank defensives.
>we're keeping large, unavoidable aoe in though
>by the way, tick damage is also present, so if you don't push a defensive or heal as a dps after one of the above unavoidable attacks, you will die
>we are not taking any of those defensives off the gcd, good luck!

Seriously, fuck this company
What a fucking cancer.
I played healer once and then rage quit the spec
Best profession to be coupled with Miner?
Jewelcrafting or BSM?
Weakauras main thing is and always has been tracking your own personal procs and buffs/debuffs.
While some specs can be played without it, other specs rely on keeping a (de)buff up, which is hard to do among the billion other things that clutter your screen.
It really does make a difference.
Wow pvp has never been worse holy shit
What is the playerbase going to do when the T2 judgement armor remake is a shop mog?
>belves with these mr. enter autism beards is hilarious
Yeah, I kinda hate it too, desu. I tried it out just to see how it is. I was using white hair with the foxtail hairstyle until a week ago. If the beard also had a mustache, I think it'd be more palatable.
Dumping the beard, but I like the brown hair and style so I'm keeping that.
Maybe if you are bad at this game it will make difference in your +10.
now that the dust has settled
should I buy this expansion
You can also be an engineer.
But all these professions now feel like a gold drain.
Even cutting a gem now involves a dozen of different mats (as opposed to getting a raw gem and cutting it, like it was before).
Wait two more weeks.
Shit well that sucks, well what's the best pair?
For the sake of gold making I suppose, I guess I can sell raw mats
Okay, retard.
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>alter time was removed because mages werent using it
death to mages
It's honestly one of the worst expansions they've ever released but it depends on how big of a WoW fan you are I guess
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I finished the Hunter campaign just so I can tame a pet that looks like my mount
I really am becoming a TRVE PVREBLOOD HVNTERBVLL
Nobody cares about avatarfags on any MMO thread
You are pretending there is an issue with something that doesn't matter or even make sense to be upset over in the first place
Here is your Maye-given (You) cherish it well

I VILL post my avatar and inspire others to do the same
You however will remain fat, lonely, dumb and smelly. XD
Last I'll speak of it, begone peasant
It's a solid 7/10, average, wait until November
Not buy it because I never liked Judgement anyway.
How is the class design this expansion? I remember seeing something about each one getting three new specs like Fateweaver or Soulbinder or whatever the fuck, but I gotta know, are they fun? Do they add anything exciting?
Hero talents don't change anything, it's just a new ability
Nobody even refers to hero talents when talking about specs, they truly are meaningless. It was just a way for blizzard to add the bare minimum amount of new talents without having to rework the entire talent tree
yeah, mage is suffering in open world. if there are more then 4 mobs pull everything you got. doesnt help that arcane pulls everything with arcane orb.
Everyone is asking for epic armor and weapons, but you have to be specced for each every different thing and nobody can possibly have that much Accuity to buy the recipes, craft the item AND have the concentration for the max quality (why would you want anything less).
Mining equipment (engineering) seems to be selling at high prices, but then you need loads of mats to make it.
Sharpening stones (blacksmith) seem to be decent as well, but then that's because you need Nullstones for them.

I have a BS character, but only made scraps selling prof equipment before the prices completely tanked.

Alchemy however, keeps making me money crafting the gathering and honor flasks - even if I buy the herbs, I'm still in green numbers.
but if I wait too long I'll be late for actual content
Just because people don't say anything doesn't mean its ok. I stay silent in other mmo threads too. Honestly man I wish you'd just chill
It just sucks...its exhausting to see you go back an forth with this guy every thread. You never ever talk about the game
>You never ever talk about the game
Well you're clearly blind.
4/10 got me to reply, find new bait
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i just did like 5 different forms of content and did not receive a spark of omens fragment
Why are so many Arathi brown and the ones that are white are evil dungeon bosses?
Damn, I was kind of hoping for something more. I really enjoyed the class design in Legion
If you are asking then I assume you aren't mazed player.
Expansion is 4/10 at best. Worst one.
Very light on content, short bullshit story, predatory.
It jumped the 'worth it's 50$' line into 'yeah, not worth it's 90$' territory.
Brother its the first raid tier, half the raiders are going to vanish anyways. So a shit ton of guilds that are farming heroic will be constantly recruiting.
Also... there is no content minus questing and heroics right now. I'm spamming bgs between skinning and herbing.
They're not gonna fix the full length robe of judgment armor...
I'm being sincere. I just don't like that stuff. I only see the night elf guy arguing and being off topic i wish him and the ai porn guy would just go away
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>theatre starts
i cant breathe
>t. hordecuck that can't even speak with him
Think I'd benefit from going Miner / botanist?
I don't know how much the Earthen racial improves gathering as it brings +25 finesse
Again, you're clearly blind.
Class design in Legion was also "just a new ability" though. Also you shouldn't take everything a random anon on 4chan says to face value
Judgement set doesn't work without the full length robe visually.
The same reason that CrippyCrip's introduction is her being a brave and courageous strong black woman while she stands up to her cowardly old white woman of power.
Please stop being mean to me I really can't do this. Why can't we just focus on the
I miss artifact weapons.
>on the
dear god maye killed him for speaking out
>do delve
>mine 1 ore
>brann gives me 2 tinderboxes
well, thank you for the free 13k lad
How do you chain pull as BDK?
The aoe puddle must be placed on ground and you have only 2 charges of blood boil.
>healers immortal raid bosses
>only paladins have a melee reach longer than anon's dick
>tanks are allowed to queue for some reason
>kidney on a 30 sec cd for the first time in the game's history
>cast times are long as fuck because everyone has zero haste in the first season, they never fixed all the micro cc so some specs like demo are unplayable.

Yeah idk what could be the cause
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>inspire others to do the same
finally got to do the last story chapter.
that's it? that's fucking it???
>Earthen don't get a stat buff racial because they can instead consume gems instead of food to get buffs
>The buff from gems is LESS than a food buff while other races get that AND a stat buff racial
This shit makes absolutely zero sense. It'd be like if they made a new organic race and didn't give it any stats because "they can eat food", as if that's not just a baseline thing.
Class design is literally DF one with mostly irrelevant changes. Some of them having negative impact. It sucks.
I imagine buffing marksman hunters would fix all of this.
Finesse means you gather more.
Not sure how the 25% is calculated, but yeah they seem to be the designated gatherers by this alone.
Especially if you stack Finesse and it makes it x1,25.
It's the penalty for the ability to have beards on body type 2.
There have been other races with useless racials but this is the first one to have straight-up negative racials. You'd be better off not having it and instead just being able to eat the food.
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Looks exactly like the tip of the sword. It's the tip of the sword, cope.
Yep, that's basically the story of expansion. We will add some crumbles in the following patches but this is it.
Thank you for your money btw.
I've been having a lot of fun on prot warrior, but I don't like either DPS spec. What should my rat DPS alt be?
Oh and I forgot to mention that the one benefit of this racial, the fact that it's a permanent buff, doesn't even fucking work. If you die then you lose it and have to pay out the ass for more gems.
but that makes no geometrical sense at all.
It doesn't match the position.
Would it have saved WoW?
You just keep going forward if someone pulls a pack before you've established aggro on everything that's on them. DND and blood boil both have two charges on fairly short CDs you can mostly have something up for every two packs even if you're pulling wall to wall.
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it's close but not right
Anon, the crystal has been there for over a decade longer than the sword, at a minimum.
they all (incorrectly) assume they are the main characters, and the plate set looks very main character-y
giving them the ashbringer was a catastrophic mistake from which we are still reaping the repercussions
the only decent thing to come out of this was dy doo dyy dyyyyy
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Good night world of warcraft, my beloved game
Good night world of warcraft general thread, my favorite thread
Good night world of warcraft general thread posters, my cherished people!
LAUGHING COFFINS should bully Maye
G'night King.
They also appear to not be able to drink water you buy from vendors (including their fire honey mead), so if you're a healer without pocket mage (they can eat mage food), you're fucked.

Seems like they didn't think this exactly through.
I'm wearing it on my humans, mixed in with the red heritage armor pieces.
Im waiting for some bullshit plot twist like
>Going throught the Azeroth mantle the tip of the sword got crystallized by pure Light creating the portal between whatever the places you want.
>It will blow up revealing the Draenor army going through it with Yrel at helm.
See you never
To be fair that seems to be an actual mistake because they've shown in the questing that they can drink and even get drunk from alcohol plus it makes multiple specs unplayable and I doubt they'd ever intend that. I expect it to be fixed soon, but who knows if they ever rework the Ingest Gems racial to not be a net negative.
>If the shard is a naaru being shifted into the void this will be the 5th instance of it happening in WoW
>supposed to be an exceedingly rare event, yet has happened to almost every single Naaru mentioned in the lore

Why are blizzard writers so fucking bad?
I want to go back in time when the troll empire ruled Azeroth.
Yes I want a troll themed expansion.
Its already been stated in-game that Beledar has been down in Hallowfall since before Legion, dumbass. Sargeras shanking Azeroth is what caused it to start going dark, but its been there since before that.
I unironically dig an idea that Void Lords are Naaru going mad, but they've made sure that's not the case.
The sword knocked out the original Beledar and took its place like that one Doctor Who episode where the moon is an egg.
What are you thoughts on this video?
My money is we have causality backwards on that. He stabbed the world BECAUSE the sword went dark, not the other way around.
Then there should be a second giant crystal on the base of Hallowfall. And the Arathi wouldn't be calling the crystal in the sky Beledar, but this crystal in the ground.
The Arathi were there before Legion, too. They named it Beledar before it started going dark. If Beledar suddenly appeared one day in Legion, or if the original Beledar got knocked out by Sargeras' sword, that would be reflected in what they say about Beledar.
Nobody knows who maye is outside of this thread
That's why the Twitter schizo and tumblr schizo looks so retarded
Beledar having the similar name to classic Draenei names can't be ignored.
It can't be MU Draenei, and timeline heavily implies it may be related to AU Draenei from WoD.
My bet? Its Yrel.
I like this.
They should have just committed and make them totally unable to do any magic or light shit
The Arathi expedition got clearly ported from an alternative universe where humans interbred with high elves.
Just the way they got to that zones speaks for itself.
Ones of extreme thirst. Why?
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You can see the rest of sargeras' demonic sword and it's a giant evil sword that pulses with the writhing souls of the damned. The tip of his sword did not get encased in a glowing light crystal formation, find itself jutting out in hallowfall despite being lodged several hundred miles away vertically in Silithus, and transport itself back in time 15+ years.
They're Titan creations, Mage is one of their most fitting classes. Not being able to use the Light could have worked but I think they wanted Horde to get a new Paladin race since they barely have any.
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Sorry to disappoint you, but we already know what Beledar looks like
I look like that
Well I say no. Warrior rogue hunter only. Racials to resist magic and light. Can't eat or drink. Nothing you can do about it.
Guys guys guys settle down now.
We all know Beledar is Azeroth's crystalline sheath.
For her fat futa Worldsoul cock.
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so who the fuck is the FREAK at blizzard with a smell fetish writing all these "pheromone" quests
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Consensus is in, WoW is officially cringe.
Titans are friends with light tho
All they need to do is add a stat buff(1% Vers would be fitting since their big thing is that they're now free to do whatever they want. Call it Bound No Longer or some shit.) or double the gem buff from what it is now. Either of these simple fixes would wouldn't make Earthen a good choice for racials but it would at least make them not worse than having no racials would be.
Beledar may be related to the naaru. Its cycling between Light and Void states resembles that of the naaru life cycle, and its appearance is somewhat reminiscent of naaru dimensional ships. In addition, the name "Beledar", although given to it by the Arathi, resembles that of some dimensional ships like the Genedar, Exodar, and Xenedar.

Alternatively, one account of creation says that the birth of the Great Dark Beyond sent "shards of Light" flying through the cosmos, suffusing planets with life. Beledar may be one such shard of primordial Light, which could explain the naaru-like shifting behavior.

It somewhat resembles the Shard of Pure Light in World of Warcraft Classic: Season of Discovery, an object associated with the Shadowy Figure theorized to be Xal'atath.
Just curious :)
The Naaru dimensional ships were made by the Naaru and do not have to be related to the space goats. It's dumb that all the Naaru ships are named in their tongue but you can chalk that up the goats being heavily influenced by the Naaru. Just because it's clearly a Naaru structure doesn't mean it has to have anything to do with the slut goats.
There was genuinely zero need to make it purple
It's a primordial naaru
Yea it's hard.
I have no idea how I will finish delves. Oh well lets se how it will play in dungeons.

Also I just checked Evoker healer. Looks very fun! Not as strong as holy priest in my hands but I have gotten tired of just painting green bars.
I just don't get it
What's wrong with old man resting in magic wheel hair made by his girlfriend after he nearly died but saved by his friends?
The game straight up doesn't feel professionally made anymore. Its so buggy and weird. Vehicle sections still just barely work. I feel constantly on tiptoe that I'll break the scripting for some quest
There was zero need for it to be an arcane magic wheel chair. Why not have a gnome or a goblin make him one? Why not just move his legs with arcane magic? It makes no fucking sense at all besides haha we had the strong girl boss cripple one of the most powerful characters in the lore with a single attack
azeroth is dead
she is stillborn
the black blood is her rotten heart
I think its mostly the uninspired design of the wheel chair and the fact it looks like a missing texture
They designed a wheel chair prop and put khadgar sitting pose on it. They didn't make khadgar in a wheel chair. It looks shoddy and shocking for a game as expensive as this one
Too grim for neo Disney wow
Man you are insecure as fuck
>yet another avatarfag op
you've been done
Okay Chudley Von Chudderson
gemley gem gemmerson
Thanks anon. We're going to learn this in the last titan when he comes back and tells us he was going to cure Azeroth by flooding her with fel juice, only to realize it was too late and he had to abort her, only for it to fail because he was getting sucked off too hard, but with the power of illidan as his herald and vessel he can save her, because he was a good guy all along, 5head
There's zero context to be honest. Why is he even in a wheel chair? We saw his arm obliterate but its fine. He didn't get any other injuries. They wanted visual shorthand for khadgar is hurt but didn't want to redesign his model to give him arcane scars or bandages or missing his arm or having a prosthetic or magical on or something and didn't want any custom rigging to give him a crutch or a cane or anything. Instead they chose the laziest way possible. It genuinely would have been better to just have him in a bed.
Awakening the Machine is way too fuckin easy
Like your mom
azeroth being dead does make sense since we dont know what would actually happen if she was born
but we know argus was born and the planet survived (kinda) but idk
He got blasted with void before being absorbed, you don't need to be hurt directly in the legs to lose leg movement
why would you want your weekly chore to be hard
Would you like to tell me how I did the Westfall quest chain?
My character was created after 11.0 when new characters after Exile's Reach were sent to DF instead of BFA, but the problem is that phasing in Stormwind Keep is still from BFA and so far there's no way to remove it, even when you change timeline through Chromie.
So I tried to go through the last quest in the chain where you have to talk to the King, but I have a completely different phasing there and can't do it. But I found a way to do it, party sync! The NPC appears, but I can't complete the quest, because I have to go through the WHOLE chain again with party sync. So I went through it and completed the Westfall quest chain.
you would know gimp
Thats just not good enough and its lazy. Its like seeing a character get gored by a bore and then in the next scene he's walking fine but he's missing an eye
Bro theres 8 patches of tww left. Relax
why does he have two hands?
i dont get it, since when did crippling a character mean that you've gone woke?
orc in wheelchair good
human in wheelchair bad
>swings his sword wildly in vain like a child while crying to fight an enemy
>immediately starts crying and wants to give up when he's lost in a dark cave
>has to be pep talked by someone who just met him
>tries to do some heroic sacrifice shit for no reason against nerubians
>immediately undermined by the other characters instantly trying to look for him and save him while utterly decimating the nerubians rather than get away
>has to be saved

Bro they genuinely went too far with anduin this is insane. When he gets his powers back it still won't be enough. They totally ruined anything he could possibly do to make up for this
It's a universe where mech suits are regularly used by midgets yet the most powerful mage on azeroth is stuck in a wheel chair. It's not about being woke its about trying to destroy every single male character in the game for seemingly no real reason. When is the last time they did anything similar to a female character? It's weird and creepy their obsession with destroying every single male in the lore
https://youtu.be/wzLWovRyp5Y watch this again, he got hit pretty bad. But honestly i think you just want to complain. If the same exact thing happened but was an established male character attacking khadgar instead of xal atath you would be bitching way less
>CTRL+F "Woke"
>1 result found
You're the only one to make that connection in this conversation. Others are just saying that it makes zero sense.
retards dont understand why the dragon wheelchair was stupid and think "wheelchair = bad". many such cases, especially with the braindead rightoid crowd that hangs around this website nowadays
why would he get a midget to make him a mech suit when he can use his magic to conjure up a wheelchair for 1% of the effort?
See >>493091957
Also greentexting something to make it look more pathetic doesn't make it true
I'm not that guy. Trying to frame me like some unreasonable guy who just wants to complain is an insane strawman. I don't care about some masculinity or political issue. A purple wheel chair is a lazy and visually bad way to show us khadgar is hurt.
It literally looks like a missing texture
fellas i only go weaver because i want her to step on me
im not insecure i just think anduin had a lot of bad moments in a row im not plugged into online stuff at all
why is the story so good bros? retail has finally won.
I want to make half arathi babies with the paladin waifu. Her voice is hot AF and I want to hear her moaning to the light as I sew the seeds of a new generation between her thighs.
>looks like naaru
>acts like naaru
>sounds like naaru
>isn't naaru
The ultimate Danuser subversion. Or what we now say in the industry, "to pull a Danuser".
His legacy lives on.
No one denying that but the implication that duh jews and kamala harris or whatever is paying Blizzard to emasculate their male characters is what people have an issue with. You guys are deranged.
>main campaign making me do a delve
Kill me
There's a gimp in this thread who thinks everybody is the same person
Make sure you carefully check your objectives or you'll have to do it all over again.
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Is it still just 20 waves and you're outtahere?
On beta, you could go on like forever and it was getting harder.
dude where the fuck in my post did i say any of that
>game with subscription and 90€ version
>still looks like 2004 graphic wise
So the Earthen passive racial is dogshit but what about their active one, Azerite Surge? Is it so good that it completely makes up for having a passive one that's a detriment?
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there's a setting to turn that off in edit mode, dumbass
Yes if you go 19 waves straight you get a boss on 20. After that collect your chests and fuck off

though they may change that with season one
If you are too lazy and never would use a food buff its pretty average, but if you weren't retarded and spent a couple of gold on food buffs they essentially have no racials outside bonus armor which is useless in retail
They already nerfed it too.

It has the same issue as Torghast where being a weekly chore means it MUST be easy so the mole people can still beat it. They COULD make a fun and challenging wave style content but won't be able to because of it's chore status.
What quest should I take up to continue unlocking the earthen?

I did all the quests so far but no new quest is popping up since the update. Is it just the campaign main story?
Kek you wish
what are their racials? post name and description pls
get btwquests and check which questlines you have open
The worst thing is that it's not even as good as the food buffs. If it was then you could maybe excuse it since it's permanent but as it is, you get less stats from "food" and don't get a bonus stat from your race like almost all the others have. Vulpera and Lightforged are considered the worst races by far and even they far surpass Earthen purely because none of their racials make them worse by existing.
You have to finish the campaign. The campaign quest markers are bugged so you gotta look for alleria in the major city yourself to start it.
Basically they can't eat food or drink water(Possible bug with the latter since it makes mana regen impossible) but instead get a set bonus from eating gems that's less than what you would get from food. They don't get any stat buffs like +1% Haste that other races get and their active seems like it's probably not even worth using on most specs.
But they DO get... bonus XP from discovering locations...
>what about their active one, Azerite Surge?
Also unusable dogshit. Vulpera and Lightforged have the worst racials in the game because their dps racials required you using a GCD which was never worth it. Then come Earthen that expect you to CHARGE FOR SEVERAL SECONDS their racial which is of course giga-worthless.
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So basically
Here's my journey so far to add to the memory bank
I queued for a dungeon, got matched with an orc in a dress.
He boosted me up to lv 54
But it actually was the most sovlful interaction I had in WoW
We deathrolled together over 10k, we danced together and talked while he just ran through the Jade temple.
>Mfw queued while writing this post and got matched with him again
so where do I level my earthen? Legion so I can get the class title?
The sole situation where Earthen are superior to any other race is if you're a Pandaren player that never bothers to eat food. That's the only case where you'd be better off being an Earthen and even then it's only because of user error while playing Panda.
I want to either play arcane mage or affli warlock, how are both classes nowadays in terms of fun? And no, I don't care about playing Frost mage.
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You guys where warned about how bad Earthen racials where going to be months ahead of time. Not being able to eat normal food makes them the first ever race added to the game with a literal downside for picking them.
People here complain about female stone dwarves with wirebeards you hold see what swtor has on normal human women
they should add weird quirks like this to every race. who gives a fuck if there's one objectively best one and all the mythic raiders have to play mechagnome or some shit.
Not inherently. Most people assumed that the gems they eat would be equivalent to the food that other races can eat, so it'd even out and just be neat flavor. That and that they'd have a passive stat bonus or worthwhile active like 90% of other races do.
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Where's the easiest place I can learn my rotation?
Even a Panda player who never stocks up on buff food is still going to click feasts, something that Earthen cannot do.

Also even without food Panda still has the utility of quaking palm.
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I didn't think it was even possible, but Earthen legit have racials worse than Vulpera and LF Draenei
While LF Drae and Vulpera racials means you essentially have no racials, for a net 0, Earthen racials actively make your character worse to a fucking detriment over just not having racials.
isnt that the sword illidan broke in half?
during the "i am my scars" scene?
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need a skip to end option honestly.
actually I like this Idea, make mechagnomes the best race in the game and punish minmaxers that way
I don't mind there being an objectively best or worst one but there shouldn't be a race that has racials worse than if they had no racials at all. Even Vulpera and Lightforged are just equal to having no racials and that was enough to make them by far the worst races in the game, but now we have a race that's worse than that.
Racials should be useless at worst, never a detriment.
no, all he does is catch it, it's already like that when we meet Turalyon on Argus. The sword should be Ashkandi btw
I popped all my cooldowns on my arms warrior to not even be able to bring a healer below 70% hp
what delve is the fastest to spam?
These are just toggles for the edit mode itself
I miss durotar
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Uh oh chuddie melty
Racial that expects you to Charge for several seconds? You better believe that's garbage
People knew eating rocks was going to suck because you could only pick from secondary stat buffs, which we also knew the values of from beta. So unless rocks gave a FUCKLOAD of secondary stats (they don't), it was never going to be more valuable than primary stat food.
>be autistic introvert
>zero social interaction thus far while getting into game
>start greeting random dungeon pugs, asking people how they like their spec or info about it. or some other innocuous conversation starter
>ignored every single time
i get i'm autistic and all but damn, mmos really are different now huh. i'm ngmi i fear..
Or they should bring other racials in line to make them a visible animation, not something you macro along with your other dps cooldowns and forget about it.
It's hilarious how orcs and trolls have been getting away with it.
oh i must have mistook the shards of naruu on the ground as sword shards
unironically play ff14
wows community is so anti social and hateful, its a shame
it wasnt like this in the beginning
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dont want to use this because ill lose too much haste lol
>play in SL
>people at least reply with "hey"
>ffwd to now
>nobody says anything
>only communication is reduced to the marker pings and kick votes
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earthen racials are the most sovlfvl thing Blizzard has done since TBC, prove me wrong
can the npc healer keep up with me if i go prot an wall to wall pull mobs?
if so that might be the fastest way to go from 70-80
i did for 4,000 hours. i don't agree with the direction of the game and am not entertained by the game anymore. plus i don't get along with all the young kids and lgbt folk on it, no offense to any trannies that may be in your general
I remember spending hours in wailing caverns on one run because we were all new and we chatted and even Oneonta like me could make friends and start a guild.
Now I've just been guildless and have never chatted to anyone in years
The new mmo audience likes it this way though
Add an Earthen racial that's a pocket converter that can convert any food into gems with the exact same stats and buffs as the original food had. There you go, problem solved. Even the issue of gems costing more than food is sorted because you'd be buying the exact same stuff and just converting it.
gem ;)
i mean, fair enough
imo wow is a lot more "trans" focused than xiv but hey
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post youre robot person
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>unironically play ff14
It's so easy to get somebody banned now with out 'woke' and 'PC' blizzard has become that nobody risks it.
I once got a 2 week ban with no reason given and when I opened a ticket to ask why they refused to tell me and closed the ticket
>oi champion thanks for tardwrangling Alleria now go decorate our club house
>WoW is a lot more trans focused than the game with a trans main character and a community that's like 60% trans
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This is wow in 2024
I think wow is worse. It puts that stuff center stage. Wow also breaks its world constantly for the sake of the meme
Bag of tricks is shit. But vulpera at least get more bag space and a free 2nd hs.
Earthen don't even get any non combat benefit racials. Holy brick worst dwarves.
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I'm a bot, but not the bot youre thinking of.
I think it's great that they are not afraid to experiment with racials and give races more identity in the actual gameplay.
That said, those who designed the earthen racial definitely don't play the game and earthen are /ignore on sight for mazed+x822a
have you not played DF? seen blizzard devs??
lol not at all anon
idk i can't say, i've only played wow for a month but they're everywhere in ffxiv. i play on a legacy (OG 1.0) server though which is kinda notorious for them. i legit see "trans rights" and people talking about ERP/futa any time I log in, just check xivarchive and you see the kind of second life modded atrocities 70% of the playerbase is running around as too.

i don't care if people are fetishists or whatever, i'm kinda weird myself, but idk it's just way too prevalent in ff14 and i don't fit in is all. don't take my ranting as some /pol/ schizposting. i'm just sad because i'm an introvert that lives in bumfuck nowhere and only gets to socialize a few times a year when i travel. mmos have been my social life for decades so it sucks to see em this way
Hmm this sounds shit now but im thinking their racials may come into play later down the line when we are in the next xpac or 2, you never know what they are gonna do or might add to make that racial stronger, i wont sleep on it for now, making an earthen when i can
They actually explained it in a fairly decent way. Since they're robots created by a machine, the machine just picks random traits for them. So the female Earthen with facial hair are a mistake due to the machine randomly picking the female body trait and the facial hair trait simultaneously.
Wtf is mazed? I'm a newfag
But wow is the one with a transs main character. Who the fuck is trans in xiv
As an unbiased player of both wow definitely gets more eye rolls from me. I'm not even that political. But wow is just constantly on the nose.
Have you seen this >>493095004
Or wheelchair dragon
Or the dragon race in general
Or the lgbtq event in wow
Or the trans devs
>But wow is the one with a transs main character.
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it's over for zivtroons.
>imo wow is a lot more "trans" focused than xiv but hey
Nigga, we literally had a tranny ascend to basically become God of Death in Shadowlands. DF is full of rainbow bullshit. TWW has a bunch of rainbow shit too, even if its more subtle about it.
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what should I be doing right now?
xiv has that crowd but you can ignore them and be fine. wow doesn't have that crowd but they put a lot of those issues as part of the main story
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So woman are mistake, sounds about right.
>more subtle

Sure thing buddy...
>m-muh DF
You realize DF is now over, blizz realized their mistake, dumped Danuser and there are literally no troons or fags in TWW?
You realize those shitty dragons are still running around and trans shit is even in TWW?
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i think at this point nobody cares about racials and just plays for the sake of playing
yea i see that by what you guys are saying. it personally doesn't bother me in the story even if it is eyerolling. i find the community of ff14 to be deplorable and unfriendly in many ways, but i don't want to rant and turn this into some game vs game shitpost war. i'm mostly just venting about mmos not being social and trying and failing to socialize with people, ignore me
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>put a lot of those issues as part of the main story
doomjeets arent sending their best
holy SHIT
just making up stuff now
Dracthyr are worse than anything xiv
Calling it body type 1 and 2.
I mean some of this stuff is just culture. Wow is western. Its California. Xiv is eastern. One is just going to inherently talk about this stuff more than the other.
>a trans main character
voiced by a tranny if you play with the objectively inferior english voices I think you mean.
With Dragonflight wow managed to beat ff14 on having a trans voice actor by about 2 years.
is that a lot?
Anyone who references troons, fags, or wahmen don't actually play the game. Stop feeding those trolls. Report em and move on.
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Nigga whether it was you or someone else, dude's been recommended XIV BECAUSE OF THE COMMUNITY, now you're telling him to "just ignore the community" when anon says he played it and quit because of its community?
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>Sure thing buddy...
Take the dick out of your and actually read the post. "More subtle" is clearly in the context of being compared to DF. Its more subtle than DF, you illiterate retard.
>still replying to some smooth brain zivtranny
>clearly hasn't read anything i posted
Yeah so i'm gonna ignore you from now on.
but then you get bis food buff forerver?
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>he plays consumes media in a language he doesn't even speak
Who is Khadgars gf? Cordana is long dead.
I'm not really commenting on that at all. Both games are basically singl player for me at this point. That's probably why I have a better impression of xiv than most here. I just don't deal with the community.
Yeah and everyone stays out of that fag dragon for as much as they can, blizzard even mentioned they're thinking of allowing people to stay in the humanoid form while in combat.
>dude's been recommended XIV BECAUSE OF THE COMMUNITY
lol not because of lgbt community
the game's community
wow doesn't have a community anymore
everyone just flames, reports, leaves groups and doesn't talk with one another at all outside of premades
I accept your concession, dumbfuck.
lol sorry for derailing your thread and making everyone rant about trannies, i won't do it again. i'll try to make some friends in game again tomorrow, wish me luck.
No probably not, I'm looking for help allocating my shit properly
yeah I'm just not sure what to do from here to gear up
hows my warband
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>tww winning so large bigly xivoids have to reference shit from the start of dragonflight that caused the entire writing team to be removed and half of the tranny staff removed before DF first patch was even dropped
I mean these threads are filled with futa and erp talk too so I really have no clue why you guys pretend wow is so different
Alleria: Could that be because Modera designed it for you herself?
Khadgar: Why Alleria, whatever are you implying?
Alleria: Only that you and Turalyon are so very alike: bold in battle, shy in matters of the heart.
Khadgar: Hah! And you are still the same old Alleria, I see.
Yeah but you still don't get a traditional stat buff racial. It'd be more convenient but you'd have a lower DPS ceiling than the other races. I see that as a fair trade-off on both sides.
Thats a lot of blue.
The DK looks cool.
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ziv's been worse lately. no one is playing or watching dawnfart.
Currently reading Shadowlands lore

Why did they decide to completely destroy the lore and put literally every single thing that was previously established through the books and games into question?
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what the hell is he doing here?
who cares about twich
You can ask him by clicking on him anon
Still being an idiot.
And back in the summer of '21 it was XIV on top with the hundreds of thousands of views and WoW with only a handful. Don't ever forget that.
God the red team blue team shit here sucks
Read Blood of the Highborne the other day, she really did get cucked by Thalyssra
watching a streamer play an MMO is genuinly unhinged though
are vizier treasures just broken? I get a debuff and a regress bar but nothing else happens
are delves still only up to 3? or did the cap increase with todays reset
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Finding Miguel and his husband for a threesome
sorry anon i didn't know what i said would cause such autismwars
I wear my CM set
they don't because they were too shit to earn it :^)
They didn't anon. Do you need to take your meds?
You know how a lot of adaptations these days are done by faggots who think they know better than the source material and actively fuck with the story/details to suck off their own ego and push their ideals?
Yeah, its that.
Retards sniffing their own farts and thinking its genius.
Jeanluc would look better with the brown shawl over the shoulder imo.
And Tolkien female dwarves since 1955.
But of course he was woke too!
Stupid chud.
>Winter Veil, Silvermoon City has 2 "male" elves under the misletoe.
Goddamn Blizz used to be based enough to call elves gay.
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>wow has subtle LGBT Stuff
>His quest is literally gay Threesome Sex

Delusional faggots ITT thinking wow has subtle lgbt Shit lmao
Don't talk shit about tolkien you mong
This is not a dwarfess
upgrade your gear i guess if you want higher ilvl, but when mythic drops you will get higher gear anyway so not really needed imo as im not a minmax autist
Tolkien female dwarves are better though. I have no issue with female dwarves with beards. Its the way they did it HERE that sucks
It's almost like intent matters. Something tells me Tolkien wasn't trying to rep trans rights when he wrote that into his lore.
Guess you have to an actual faggot to see it.
Or do you just see what you want to see?
been like that for over a decade
nothing but pve tranny tryhards, washed up pvp trannys and old ugly boomers play WoW
you don't have the 584 neck yet
Why are you hellbent on defending blizzard?
bro your haste egg?
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zivtroon xisters... why does fucking Elden Ring have more views than us??? NO IT CAN'T BE WE JUST HAD VIEWERS YESTERDAY COME BACK CHINK STREAME-ACK!

>almost as bad as mut rogue opener
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>Single minded fury can use Fist weapons
Mountain thane kino incoming
>no shoes can't even speak with him
that's hilarious
id rather play diablo 2 than this gay ass game
>oh you know all the lore from the books about all the different elements and how the universe was created?
>yeah that's actually all from the perspective of the titans, who had no clue about anything lol
>the first ones, now THEY are the ones who actually created everything
>Sargeras? kiljaeden? they had NOTHING to do with the lich kings creation, it was all the eternal ones that you had never heard about until now!!
>those cool dreadlords that have been a staple of the burning legion since forever? no they weren't corrupted into the burning legion like every other race, they were created in the shadowlands by the eternal ones to deceive everybody and everything!!!

Literally nothing makes sense in context of the shadowlands, it completely retconned everything, literally everything is small time compared to these one-off beings created in the shadowlands
I made 200k gold today. I think I'm going to uninstall this game. I'm happy I didn't spend any money on this.
Now post numbers from the summer of 21.
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From my experience, it's people from mid 30s and above with some kind of disability that grants them a check each month so they can sit in the game all day every day and expect everyone else to do the same.
Not optimal. Retard. Be a panda or night elf furry warrior with titan grip
why do so many people who seem to hate both blizzard and this game continue to play the game and interact in this thread? why not just go do something you enjoy
I'm hellbent on pointing out blatant bullshitters.
There's a lot that's been done wrong to the game, but TWW is finally a glimpse of hope in a long time.
Those big jap streamers were paid to stream for 3 days. Their last day is thursday. Each got paid like 250K for 3 days. So today they have the usual 3-5K audience.
I don't know if you're trying to strawman or what but no one cares about the most optimal racials. The issue with Earthen is that their racials are so bad that they're the first race that would be better off not having them.
i deleted my main and alt this game is tired
Danauser was made lead writer after Alex Afriasbi was ousted for sexual misconduct allegations.
Shadowlands is his attempt to reboot the storyline.
All the pieces are there for Shadowlands to be to WoW what Age of Sigmar is to Warhammer Fantasy, some fucking energy realm on top of the old realm where everything in the old realm derives from the energy realm where you you can just spawn whatever realm you need rather than be constrained by a single planet.
If Shadowlands wasn't recieved like the trashfire it is I'm fairly sure that Shadowlands would just supplant Azeroth as the main setting
>buy tokens
>he still wasted time from his precious life to get gold for the tokens
>time = money
>"heheheehehe im so happy i didnt waste money on this game!"
Eat my bismuth cock metafaggot
the egg stacks main stat
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wasted all that time doing something you dont enjoy
gj poor retard
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>Free slowfall
>Free dragonflying
>Knock up + Slow
>Knock back + Slow
>aoe out of combat regen boost
>Mastery 2.5%
>Perception Bonuse (finds rare items while gathering)
>Charged spell, does damage, healing or sligltly more damage
>Finese (find more items)
>Ingest minierals( secondary stat food buff cant eat normal food)
>10% base armor from equiped items
>100% explorer XP

it's not even close they really fucking robbed earthen, is 10% base armor even a big deal? don't most bosses fuck you over with abilities instead of just hitting you really hard?
Maybe they'll be good for tanks I guess because stamina food but it's crazy how overloaded the dragons are but the stone dwarves just got shafted.
>MASSIVE drop in ore prices in the last few hours
welp guess its time to level blacksmithing now that the gold has run dry
If my life was precious why would I be here
based singlemindedfuryGOD
keep dabbing on the meta trannys when you top charts you will have the faggots going "WTFFf how is his dps so high!!! he isnt even meta he is s-s-s-single minded fury!!! *armorys you*"
>I'm fairly sure that Shadowlands would just supplant Azeroth as the main setting
Imagine being this retarded
Crafting is always, always more lucrative than gathering. Crafted gear stays relevant for an entire expansion.
>blatant bullshitters
You have not played DF then
i love you anon.
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Warrior benefits from it quite nicely, but, their racials suck ass that much is certain.
Fuck meta golems
I'll be the best single minded mountain Th*ne there is
how'd you make 200k gold? why did it make you want to quit?
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>TWW is finally a glimpse of hope in a long time.
i will never understand people who spent thousands of hours in wow and are coping this fucking hard holy shit.
I rejoice at the fact that Sloppa anon is back.
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are delves worth doing? why?
I'm double gathering. Should I pick one thing else up now or is it too late? I need quick returns
I had no idea id be so fucked. I spend hours gathering and come away with like 9k gold.
tww good
stay mad.
cope harder please, i beg you
Brann can harvest craftable stuff without you needing a gathering profession.
but thats wrong thoughbeit
fuck yeah have fun brother
They're not really worth doing unless you like solo content.
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>There are those who doubted him
>people who spent thousands of hours in wow
That kind of gives them a better idea of whats good compared to previous expansions.
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weaver chads...
here's the food buff at level 73
like I knew it would be weaker then normal food in exchange for being free and always on but god damn that's like weaker then shadowlands food at this point
wait the draenei heritage quest was actually really good what the fuck
I did not expect this from nublizz
>puny 70
Making a character that self-inserts as Elune. What are some things I can add to my backstory that would make lore autists angry?
I wonder what its like to play this game not meta and take your time casually doing whatever professions instead of optimal gold. Picking a race and class and spec that you just think looks cool like undead sub rogue. Going over the talent tree yourself instead of going to icy veins. Not spamming dungeons all the time I wish I didn't ruin this game for myself. Maybe this game would have been fun. I look at my templated faggot rich character and I just wouldn't care if he was deleted
h01y K1n0 SoVL!
why is xalatath so perfect sisters...
>tfw you contract Azj-Kahet Immunodeficiency Syndrome
It shouldn't even be weaker than normal food when other races get that + a passive stat buff or active that temporarily buffs stats heavily. It should be better than food buffs.
You can't outcompete bots.
Roleplay as the Jailer and constantly remind people that you're a robot made by other robots and that you're responsible for both the Burning Legion and the Scourge and that's why the Void is the only big bad left in the game
Remember when (You) originally played WoW for the first time?
That's how it feels, pure adventure, pure sovl, and pure kino.
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>post cata azeroth
delves are still only up to +3? or did the cap increase with todays reset
still +3 fagoo
>his brain is so fried he has zero sense of adventure left in his flabby obese feces infested bald body
poor bastard
Season 1 starts next week. This week is for levelling and gearing your Earthen.
>you can now even skip quest dialogue
So I shouldn't have a profession at all?
this shit is so trash, dog
how do people take this garbage seriously
thank you loser
That makes even me mad
>Gather X
>Kill y
That quest?
None of that is true but the game is just stuck on whatever island we've been given and all the nice adventuring classic zones were replaced by annoying cata ones. That's one of the reasons that when I level alts I put them through tbc.
i made my panda monk an inscriptioner because she makes scrolls for my warband adventuring party and because shes a scribe she wears glasses and a lorewalker tabard
Even like that she's hot...
Can anyone really keep track of the numbers on their gear holy fuck.
From what I heard it was written pretty much entirely by one guy that's a Draenei megafan and that's why it understands the race so well and brings back so many characters. Shame the Worgen and Trolls didn't get so lucky.
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Anyone having an issue where quests out in the world are not being "turned in" via automatic quest completion? I have two 'fill the bar' quests at 100% that just dont complete
Yes, too bad the armor sucks pozzed nigger ass.
theres a gnome behind her plugging her butt
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We like this.
when i played this game (quit in bfa) people were always, without fail, selling crafted non consumable items for a net loss.
has this actually changed?
You can still do that anon just wing it and don't care, play what looks fun
is wow lagging for anyone else?
Drop all your primary professions and just fish
Pandaria was pure adventure thoughbeit.
im guessing you're on isle of dorn
if so it will be the event
>craft 100 shitter potions to lvl skill
>just want to the items to fuck off
>sell them for cheap on AH so I make some gold back ASAP
>meta retard who stares at his faggot AH addon 24/7 can't comprehend this
i said non consumable, are you perhaps mentally retarded?
Bots are used for gathering.
You have weekly limits in crafting so crafting can't be botted as easily.
There's a lot of stuff thats bind on pick up that really shouldn't be
What is the purpose of having maxed out skill in profession?
works for all items fag I used alchemy as a quick example
>make 50 breastplates
>same thing
>make 100 robes
>same thing
are you mentally retarded?
So you can move on to max out another thing.
Well thats why I asked my question in >>493096764
do you really think i meant low end green items?
is this really the mental capacity of your average wow player nowadays? no wonder the game is made that way now, it is made for subhuman third world niggers like you
Don't listen to that guy, you can make good money gathering if that's what you enjoy. Crafting is harder to make money off of and more complicated as well.
Some people legit level them just to make items for themselves like new xpac engy mount etc
Not everyone uses them strictly for gold usually its lazy people who don't take the shitty game serious aka chads (rare)
hats off to that guy. always noticeable when someone with passion is writing. funny you mention the worgen one because that was the last one I did a couple years back and I had expected the rest of them to be similarly dogshit. this was a nice surprise.
you're not wrong
I can't believe undead is one of the worst races now and rogue one of the worst classes
What the fuck happened
Just come back after leaving in shadowlands. What happened to ElvUI? It's been buggy as fuck.
I'm curious what is the max ilvl at this moment?
satisfies OCD
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I've ran out of crests. You guys think this is enough?
>In 2018+6
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t. ranny
has the light gone out?
sometimes you need to refuel it for anything to work
>"No racials can ever be worse than Vulpera and Lightforged because they effectively have no racial! You can't get worse than useless!"
Earthen: Hold my gems
single minded fury is so much better looking that titan grip it's not even funny. the only bad thing is that the invisible fistweapon mog is only usable by monks :(
I only do double gathering because I want money and I'm utterly intimidated and horrified by how crafting works now. I'm also really lazy. I don't do alts either. And crafting gear that isn't relevant to m by th time i can craft it is just boring.
I feel like crafting was awesome in classic why can't they do that? Th blacksmith needs the alchemist and make a super weapon with materials from the raid thats awesome. And while leveling the blacksmith can make upgrades for himself
>someone posts in general chat
>no response ever
when has Wow become so fucking shit
>Lightforged have no racial
Then whats the orbital strike light beam that splashes an area that I keep using?
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I....understand now
yeah but vulpera males get to enjoy constant pandaren girlfriends so it evens out for them
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If you would have told me in SL that he would come back for us, throw out Danuser and save WoW I would have dismissed you as a lunatic
A DPS loss. You're better off just playing your class normally.
>xiv is the trans game
>see this
>yeah nah its wow
>watched a guy trying to get people to jump on rares and giving pings in the mal but nobody responds or goes to him because everyone in the zone is a gathering bot or is the human equivalent of one(me)
both are infested by men in dresses
as a matter of fact almost everything in life is now, nowhere is safe from them anymore
haha gemmy :)
Unfortunately it looks cool, so I shalln't be ignoring it.
my house is safe (for now)
that's sad. now that you mention it i've yet to see people oding overworld content together, maybe a few people attacking a rare they happen to be close to but that's it. people don't group up to do stuff ever?
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how do i get those in fungal folly
That's fine but at least you have the option. Earthen are forced into a DPS loss because their gems get less stats than food despite also serving as their passive stat racial.
you never know maybe one helped build your house before you moved in
yet you Play it
iirc left one is in the water, right one go back to the entrance and jump across the mushrooms
Look for the jumping mushrooms.
that's a man
I was surpsied by the fact that they're bringing in flavor and RPG elements. Now reboot WoW, thanks
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diligent pet battles...
the only thing I play is deez nuts in yo mouth

lifetime sub to that
You can do that without making playing one a detriment. Pandaren also have food as their passive racial stat but to make up for it they get double the stats that other races get from food. Earthen are like if Pandas got LESS stats from food than normal races.
She femdoms all three of the human men AT THE SAME TIME
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>play tww
>no mention of trannies/homos
>see none
>play with none
>come to these threads
umm 4chan has fvllen.
Trvst in the gem
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>see an Earthen trying to join my LFG
Ahahaha~! What a clod! What a useless lump of rock! These Earthen think they can join MY groups? They can't even get a primary stat food buff! They have to pay 1kg per death for a cut gem, just to buff a secondary for less than 400! You think I'M taking a race with a permanent damage loss, regardless of class? And he wants to HEAL? With no MANA REGEN? Ahahahaha!

Oh no no no. Back of the line with you, craggot.
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Well, you tried (again)
Unfortunately i dont think we can take you back in since we dont have a wheelchair ramp, oh well.
>>see none
You see dracthyr everywhere
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Goblin cheeks
People bit the zivhomo bait.
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>Anduin's theme that played in the Legion cinematic when he spoke to Varian played again when he resurrected Khdagar
>Instead of being surrounded by the statues of the Sons of Lothar he now brings one back to life
>faith in the Light restored

Huh, actual pottery
Metzen I kneel

You should look into the specific psy-op named "moral panic"
least played race/class.
Still a literal transgender race.
why are people began sexualizing goblin women
And? The whole of DF was a trans expansion
Logically it would be as the newest race with only one class
Those census charts take into account new players that abandon the game and new players couldn't be dracthyr until a few weeks ago
>nigga outs himself for actually not playing the game
The Dark Iron won
gaythyrs are everywhere and have a 90% chance of being played by gay ugly men
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Beep boop
Are we just going to ignore the crossdresser they decided to bring to their Dragonflight announcement video?
Yes. WAS.
If you actually played TWW, you'd know there are no homos or trannies anywhere and those who actually play dragthyrs often use the enchanting scrolls to change themselves to something else on cooldown.
>I'm also really lazy.
So gathering is perfect for you then. Make sure to get blue quality herbalism/mining/skinning tools and max out the botany tree in herba so you can gather while mounted.
Because they're such greedy little gremlins that they all have a set price before their mindset completely changes. You can pay them to genuinely love you.
looking for ASSerite? have a face full!
Only if you play with english voices.
WoW has crossdressing devs so it's rotten to the core
>Those census charts take into account new players that abandon the game and new players couldn't be dracthyr until a few weeks ago
No they don't, the picture people were posting was 80s only. Evokers are the least played class after the novelty wore off from DF
Because they are built for plapping? wdym?
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>B-b-but Dragonflight... AGHHHH
Then I am still unsurprised considering for quite some time you could only have 1 per server on a server you already had a 70 on. Meanwhile I have 6 hunters at 80 because I could make as many as I wanted throughout the years
Characters are STILL in the game, Dracthyr are STILL in the game. Stop being delusional. Stop eating blizzards shit.
What everyone fails to realize is that TWW is actually Danuser's baby. Dragonflight was not. Now that he's fired, we'll be going back to Trannyflight dogshit.
>Sure they added an expansion where you couldn't turn a corner without seeing 30 trans NPCs and sure it added a race and class that's exclusively transgender and yeah they're still in the game but IT'S BETTER NOW YOU GUYS!!!
What Delve did you like the most Anons?
For me it was the fungal funny one.
wow wins and these ugly retards cant stop lying.
Why the FUCK can't I name my hunter pet "Scout"
Yes because Metzen is back.
Are you trolling or just mentally retarded?
>If you actually played TWW, you'd know there are no homos or trannies anywhere
>play TWW
>women with beards
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now he just needs to go save the one he loves
It unironically is better, yes.
You'd know if you played the game.



I leveled a character from 70-80 exclusively with delves (don't recommend, slower than dungeons) and I did the sinkhole over and over because it was a linear path with no mechanics
They're stone robots. Unironically just a body type for them since they're artificially carved out of stone.
Waterworks and whatever the spider palace is.
Not a fan of verticality or keeping eye on breath meter.
Don't do crafting or gathering. Do mat flipping. Right now is the peak time to do this. Go look up Mycobloom 1 star quality in Auctionator. Check out what it's currently selling for and calculate what you can buy and sell at to break even with the AH 5% cut in account. Use chatgpt if you want since we both know you faggots can't do math. Then buy in bulk at 100 every time the bulk price dips below your break even point.
Made about 300k today and I was playing other games while waiting for my money to come back from the AH since that shit sells in seconds. It's not big penis money but 300k in a day is more than you will ever make on your feet gathering.
Good guess.
>Tolkien was woke... OWA...RI... *dies*
Anyone can say something to this?
>he types this like he uses his actual brain when in fact he just stares at a auction house addon for 20 hours a day to make his pity gold
They have weird shit in their restricted filter. Can't name it King either. Or Fawkes. Or Oreo. Or Eggplant. Or Longusdongus. I had to use ye old russian filter trick to name mine Black.
Name a legitimate reason why you would have robots with female bodies and beards that actually improves the experience for anyone but troons.
Nobody would accept this excuse if they added beards to the androids in Nier Automata
earthens should have infinite mana
>20 hours a day
I take like 5 minutes to flip and then play CIV. The entire AH is one big blob this shit is pitifully easy
See >>493095127
If they add beards to the next organic race then you'll have a point. But they explained Earthen having them pretty well.
whatever helps you cope liladdonbro
I know you're upset people don't no-life TSM but baby steps are better than none at all. Bro doesn't deserve to be a wagie gatherer
>he participates in the in game economy
I just vendor everything I gather/craft for my gold
both are fun. arcane for big numbers, and aff actually feels nice to play now ever since the rework
make sure to clean your room after your 20 hour auction house shift, lilbro
You're proud of paying 15 dollars a month?
>not having a wife to do the housework
Oh You're poor poor huh
That's the excuse, but the reason given doesn't improve the experience in any way. You could come up with an excuse for why suddenly everyone is homosexual as well, but it doesn't explain whose experience is being improved by shit like that.

It's the same problem that wheelchair khadgar has. There's no reason for him to be in a wheelchair other than it satisfies the same deranged people who put people in wheelchairs in Dragonflight
>The light will heal your scars!
I just finished the main campaign and wow that was underwhelming. I know there is more story to come but Alleria shoots an arrow at the mirror and that's the end? That's it? And we ended up seeing Thrall 3 times the entire campaign. It was all about Alleria, Anduin, and the Bronzebeard family. The only other Horde representation even in the zones was Gazlowe for one quest line and Lilian for another. I mean jesus, I guess you guys weren't kidding about it being an Alliance expansion kek.
why would anyone be proud of anything in relation to world of warcraft?
Horde has been a joke since WoD. Sorry.
eh, it's literally just the very beginning
Can you no longer level doing torghast?
Is that not a thing anymore?
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Well yeah, it's a good main story if you play Alliance, it's basically a WC2 memberberry.
If you play Horde you may as well uninstall.
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Newfag here.
Is it possible to turn "back peddle" / S key into just a straight "turn around and run/sprint backwards" key?
Basically "Legacy controls" in FFXIV for those who are familiar with it. I cannot find it in the settings and its kind of driving me crazy.
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Too many gooners ITT
>First Alliance focused expansion in 12 years
>It's actually good
Imagine that!
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i dont quite understand what you mean but if it requires more than one keystroke to achieve that then no you cant do it with game settings, maybe some third party macro could work
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Please...metzen...no more girl bosses....
That's good to hear. Do the heroic talent add something cool to Affli?
I was certain m0s are being enabled today
What the fuck are we supposed to do in the game for another week?
That's the confusing part though, they keep hinting that the faction war is "not over" but now that even the Horde player character is best friends with Alleria, Anduin, and Moira/Dagran, how would that even work if they wanted to start it back up?
>Horde Pride
Let's count them off, shall we?

Metzen's self-insert
>Ji Firepaw
Enslaved you. Would do it again. Kek.
>Minority races
No one cares
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>Single minded fury
bros... when was the last time this talent was actually good?
I thought people were shitposting, but no, you actually cannot drink as an earthen
If Season 1 started today then Earthen players would be left behind.
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we must suffer 1 more week of 200% doomposting
It was never good
No mana for you, CHUD
the past 5 (or more?) expansions have all been alliance expansions with horde as the villains here and there
For example, in FFXIV the default movement for the S key is exactly like WoW.
You stay facing forward and just back peddle. However you can select "Legacy movement" which changes that so when you hit "S" your character fully turns around and just runs in that direction. Your camera does not move so it allows you to freely run back when necessary without having to whip your camera around.
I assumed this was standard in WoW since most people always compare "legacy movement" in 14 to how players move in WoW.
So what I'm asking should not require more then one key stroke, I would imagine, but I'm not sure with how WoW works.
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why is she black
Anon, wake up, it's not 2019 anymore time to watch the new cinematic solely about Anduin and Khadgar.

it is impressive that he hasn't died/been replaced by a long lost girlboss relative of kael'thas
earthen get instantly kicked from raid+ and mazed+, lolmao

You can tell Irvine trannies really don't play the game
B-B-But muh taurajo!
that would be stupid op
because alex afrasiabi made a woman feel the ick once
I think it was meant to show tension, like Turalyon is never going to be friends with an Orc and the Mag'har leader is never going to be friends with a Lightforged human, but I very much doubt we will ever see another full on faction war again.
Think about how much damage BFA did to the game lmao
Oh come on now, he's the only decent character Horde actually has left, don't just write him off with a near 20 year old meme.
ah i think i get it now
i dont think thats possible with how wow deals with character movement
sorry to disappoint
the only reason he is still alive is because the writers forgot about him, stop talking about him
It should also be pointed out that Metzen has always just used Thrall to turn the Horde into the Red alliance.
Thrall's Horde has no edge and has no identity anymore besides being the Alliance that lives in huts and has a red banner
>auction house boi thinks his tranny in-game gf is his wife
Actually surprising.

norf out out touch
>they programmed the player retardation into the follower dungeon AI
I would say Legion was an Alliance expansion (all the relevant characters/heroes were Alliance and fucking Alleria and Turalyon finally returned) and it was good desu.
You're right other than that though.
where is garrosh? is he safe? is he alright?
Unfortunately Midnight is set in Quel'thalas, he's getting the hammer one way or another anyway.
bait deployed
furious xivettes in 3 2 1...
I wish I could find that video
alright what about a natural in combat manage regen and just an out of combat mana regen ability.
drac already get out of combat regen.
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The earthen plate starting set is kinda sick
WoW content creators choose a side challenge: Impossible
How do none of them get that they're just pushing people away from both sides when they constantly flip flop between saying the game is back and the game is dead? They think they can play both audiences but they just lose them instead.
WoW was never intended for consoles.
Those are console mechanics, where you're restricted to the slow controller turn and can't just flick the mouse to turn quickly.
Yes, warcar hates new players, you get kicked instantly from NORMAL dungeons for leveling if you don't know the MDI paths and skips for the dungeon, it's pretty funny to see new players getting abused by mazed+ retards
they really need to revisit basic movement at some point, for example the default for A and D should be strafing, not turning the character

how people play is they set those to strafing and hold right click to move the character more freely
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They come with a bunch of goodies usable on all classes, which was a really neat surprise. I'm a big fan of this set.
Seems like it would just be nice to have even for KB&M at this point though. It does make quite a bit of difference in my opinion.
I'll get used to it though.
Yeah, I changed that immediately.
its actually impressive how frothingly angry long time players act towards newfags
Which set is that? Mail? Looks dope.
earthern in the horde is kinda meh
I don't know which armor type it's intended for but I'm using it on my Paladin in the picture. You get all of the tmog and can use it on any class when you finish the Earthen introduction quests.
I actually like delves but I can already tell I'm going to get annoyed with them because of some of the "affixes" they have. Fuck the poison and drowning ones, not fun at all.
Why? Their resemblance to Dwarves is purely superficial, they're robots with their own culture and no connection to the organic Dwarves. In theory the machine could make them in the shape of any race.
they aren't actual dwarves so it's fine desu
They would need to completely overhaul the targeting system.
As of now, it makes you simply "mark" the enemy, as opposed to other games, which are made with controllers in mind, or mostly these days, made for consoles in the first place and then ported to PC, where your character locks on the target and you strafe or turn related to it.
They sort of experimented with this by adding the "action camera", but it's still a matter of hidden CVars that only some motion sickness inducing addons use.
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You do have 3 characters all with atleast 575 ilvl, right anon?
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Is there a Forsaken hero? An orc hero? A troll hero?
>world shattering magic power
>stuck in gay chair made by gf

i'd make the same face
I like that they made almost every dungeon a follower dungeon, but now they need to make follower raids as well. I mean they've already made raid finder pretty pointless.
Aren't they doing that? Or at least something similar enough that lets solo players experience raids? I thought I heard about that being a thing now.
Lillian Voss, Thrall, Vol'Jin

try again sperg
>Is there a Forsaken hero?
>An orc hero?
>A troll hero?
you murdered him for blood elves, you dug your grave now lay in it
Lilian (lol)
Thrall (lol)
Vol'Jin has been dead for a decade.
You can do the last boss of the raid for the quest as a scenario with no loot.
rokhan for trolls

dear god someone please tell me they killed her off
Yeah, she's an undead.
does it make him less of a hero
Anybody plays preservation evoker here?
So far it looks like you need to combo like 5 spells to achieve same heals as 1 button press form holy priest.
Heroes never die.
The exact opposite, she's usually the face for the Forsaken now and basically the de facto leader.
god why couldn't he have been the one Anduin killed in the BFA cinematic
his very existence actively makes darkspear trolls worse
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>cow hero is Baine
I thought he meant because it makes no sense for earthen to join the horde after following the tww story
>want to do torghast
>decide to switch time walking to shadowlands before hitting level 60
>character is bricked and now has to spend 30 hours doing quests before unlocking torghast at which point it will have no use at all to me
thanks blizzard, not like you've had the last 4 years to fix this or anything
everyone forgetting that Gazlowe is going to be the face of the next expac
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forsaken bros im sorry
how the heck do you get valorstones
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>we forgot him in Oribos
The term 'boi' really infuriates me.
>asked for heroes
>reply with representatives
The Alliance dickriding is craaazy
To be fair both the players and blizzard themselves would like to forget that Shadowlands even happened.
I don't know, I'm constantly capped.
I need the crests that say I'm already capped for the season as well, so I'm saving it for some mythic gear.
>tfw fell for the mining fundamentals max instead of bismuth
it's over
Why? The entire point of the Earthen's story is that they're now free to choose to do whatever they want, unbound by their directives. It fits perfectly for some of them to therefore choose to join the Horde instead of the Alliance. Having their leaders force the entire race to join a certain faction would go against all of that.
What is bismuth?
>varian turned to ash
>khadgar turned to ash
>khadgar is alive

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>Account bricked
might as well end it.
my bismuth is maxxed and it literally doesnt make a difference. i still pretty much only get 2-3 bismuth per node, and its usually rank1 piss tier
Thank Asmonboi
Do Earthen go to the Shadowlands when they die or do they just stop existing forever? Do they even have souls? Hell, can they even die? Maybe they're still alive after being shattered to pieces and are simply unable to move or talk anymore.
sorry chud he needed to be gone to make way for anduin the eventual savior of the entire universe
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goddamn its good to be a wowchad.
>stop existing forever?
Like Dragon Age dwarves.
They should make racials even crazier and more flavourful, BUT they shouldn't work in instanced content. There, fixed.

Normies are finding out how shitty woke within campaign and story is but Mick still defends this girlboss expansion
xalatath is literally the best thing to happen to wow lore.
>Earthen gets crushed into tiny pieces
>Unable to talk. Unable to move. Unable to see or hear or feel. But still conscious. Still able to think.
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>missed trial of style by 1 month
It's fucking OVER, one of the only two events in the game that are fun
>characters that interact with and help the earthen during the campaign:
>Magni, Moira, Dagran
>Anduin, Alleria

As a matter of fact the only Horde character that does anything for anyone during the campaign is fucking Gazlowe and he doesn't even interact with the Earthen, only the Arathi.
Thrall gives a pep talk to that Stormrook slut, but that is the full extent to the hordes involvement in this campaign
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an anon showed this in /v/ and i understand now why your expansion flopped.
He's injured so he's temporarily in a wheelchair while he recovers.
Yeah I don't get why they don't do that, people have been suggesting limiting racial use for as long as racials have been a thing. I can understand ditching the increased human rep gain and stuff like that, but stat or fun ability wise they should just go crazy.
>we meet the people that have been holding back the void this entire time
>they bring us to their leade
>it's Garrosh
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So many keys bricking in S2 mazed+ will be glorious
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Stop gooning, chud
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Damn it Jaina.
so do we not get a spark fragment this week or what?
this is why everyone should do the follower dungeons at least once because the NPCs will explain every mechanic. and you're allowed to fail like a retard without wasting anyone else's time.
>Woke Within heavily timegated more than usual because no content

Imagine actually paying $90 for this
The NPCs wiped when I did dawnbreaker
> mothfucker is representing House hlaalu with those shoulderpads

wealth beyond measure,outlander.
lolmao no, follower dungeons don't even have mazed+ mechanics, you're not learning anything
It just hit me that there are only a couple Horde leaders that actually have unique models, most don't.
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hey details niggas why is my details showing multiple niggers?
>weeb game's expansion flopped
Blizzard knows.
i flew outside and they didn't die for me.
that's what happens when the ones who had them are either dead or banished to the shadow realm
Day 4 of 29 of Mt Hyjal
Alliance game
Alliance xpac
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At least Rokhan got updated. He'd been more active than all of them and finally got some treatment.
That surely means he's gonna be important and integral from here on, right?
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um...actually..um, i AM my scars...or something
so he's dying next?
Unless they plan some Amani stuff for Midnight, seems unlikely for both Midnight and TLT since that one is set in Northrend.
they turned most gingers black didnt they?
they must have hired a dyslexic
Lor'themar, since either Alleria or Vereesa are going to be crowned Queen of Silvermoon in Midnight.
is there a single darkspear member of any sort of importance besides Rokhan and Zekhan?
If they die, does Griftah become Chieftain?
He's going to come back in a dress, having transitioned into a woman
Screencap this post
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10000 year old virgin btw
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did anything happen with this?
>Alleria or Vereesa are going to be crowned Queen of Silvermoon
I know you're just memeing but that is definitely not going to happen seeing as how much they're developing the relationship between Lor'themar and Thalyssra. Even if he does die my assumption is their eventual child would take over and Thalyssra would be his regent.
As a casual player I've been finding the Earthen active Azerite Surge to actually be pretty good. It's a powerful AoE cone that also does significant healing on yourself and anyone else caught in it that's an ally. I'm sure people will do the calculations and determine if it's truly worth it instead of just continuing your rotation, but I'm liking it so far.
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>want to play warlock for the cool armor and spell effects
>evoker is 100 times more fun to me gameplay wise but looks like ass.

I feel like I should stick with the fun gameplay.
only freaky girls like maiev want his fel-stank
I cannot fathom how people manage to get gray parses. Like they must be waiting 5 seconds inbetween each button press or some shit to achieve this.
Lor'themar is gonna die in the MIDWOKE intro, just accept it, Irvine trannies hate male characters
Just doing +2s probably
died early is my guess
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Bwemba is probably the next most important, which... doesn't really say a lot.
Before Rokhan was decided off-screen to be the next Chieftan, it was him and her as a pair that did things, and she was always involved with any diplomatic stuff regarding the Alliance.
Also may or may not have been banging Vol'jin, thats a bit up in the air.

But she stands out enough because she's the only other Darkspear Troll with unique voice lines.
They wiped on the third boss because I was tanking and they told me to bring the bombs to the boss. If you move from the boss as the tank he aoes everyone to death. So I blame the game for telling me to do something that results in death
I've been playing WoW since Vanilla and I genuinely don't even vaguely remember her. Grim.
Don't you get automatically grey parse if you die?
Yes I was joking, though I am curious how SIlvermoon's leadership is going to work in Midnight. Are we going to see a forsaken council situation spring up with a void elf and high elf representative alongside Lor'themar? Or maybe Kael'thas will come back and lead all the Thalassian elves under one banner.
is this judgement remaster?
possibly, something for the 20th anniversary
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Release version is fucked, swap to the alpha release
To get an alpha version: right click the addon name on your favorite app, Release Type > Alpha

+rep if helped
oh fug...they might get my money now....bros help
Yeah, that's what I mean by it not saying a lot.
The most prominent thing she did was be the one to present the Zandalari threat during Cata to the Alliance.
Afterwards she attended the Horde leadership dinner meeting at the end of Legion. Then just had an obligatory appearance in Dazar'alor, helped Gadrin with Vol'jin's funeral and is a one-off threat in the vision of Orgrimmar.
She really should be doing more, but pssht, Elves got it covered I guess.
Probably, it's for 20th anniversary event, 10th anniversary was Molten Core raid so 20th anniversary is Blackwing Lair raid

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Another week of literally nothing to do.
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Seeing as Quel'thalas already IS a council in all but name, that would drive me wild if they just replaced one with another. I'd be fully in favor of bringing best boy back though.
vulpera's out of combat racials are how racials should work, campsite is fantastic
I think they should get rid of all combat related racials completely and come up with actually unique or fun stuff like vulpera camping/mechagnome portable crafting/worgen run wild etc
This week is for levelling your new Earthen.
>all the Blademaster's beads cosmetic tops got censored
I really can't forgive them for showing him murdering a bunch of night elves to power up to beat back the demons and then expect me to sympathize or think he's the one who made the biggest sacrifice here
No they made it actually authentic.
Another week of being totally overwhelmed with things to do and always feeling like I'm not playing enough.
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Lor'themar should get his back broken by lightforged Garrosh in Midnight and get put in a wheelchair for maximum comedy
k fag
I unironically prefer the wrap version.
You can hide chest armor if you want to look at the default underwear.
For a second I thought you meant the other type of Garrosh breaking his back
wow has a habit of making these heros/villains that are too stupid or ignorant to not to the immediately evil thing for "greater goods" because very often the power they are fighting against is actually unfathomable
oh my
Now that I think about it, they could have made it a shirt, since I'm not a big fan of the beads, but like the wrap.
But you can't keep the balls if you do that
>local wow enjoyer can't play without balls on his chest
Who're you watching sisters? For me? It's Taliesin and Evitel, the best WoW streamers!
I'm talling about the scene where he killed a Naaru who was trying to Lightforge him to make him stronger against demons to which he REEEE'd out and killed them for it. Fel taintsuckers crowed it was kino but considering, again, how they just showed us Illidan was willing to MASS MURDER HIS FELLOW NELVES to get their mana to beat back the demons he did not have a single cloven hoof to stand on to refuse about how his scars are more important
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Shit bait, try again.
Only female characters get that wrap, males are topless still.
They should rename the Awakening Machine to the Falling Asleep Machine. This shit is so goddamn brainless and boring
Huh? But that was a good thing. The wind chimes can go suck a giant fat light forged demon cock.
Again, >>493104498
Male blademasters are topless. Females are not.
If the point is to get better at beating back demons then he should be saying yes to all powerups. He lost the right to claim agency over his own body in the fight against the demons when he deprived like 50+ nelves of theirs
>decide to do this "world soul memory" thing thats a core mechanic of the xpack
>collect azerite
Kek it was kino
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Wait a minute.. that local..it was azerite..
Bal'a dash, malanore
I never said this
Patience, discipline
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goddamn i love this expansion. hallowfall OST is fucking god tier
such a stark contrast in vibe compared to dragonflight
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>retarded trannys making shit excuses for a shit tranny company
many such cases
Selama ashal’anore
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Bruh, I wanna go home, how do I get to Shattrath, this shithole fucking stinks, why everything made outta rocks, they don't salt their food.
I really think there's just one guy in these threads that can't go 2 seconds without thinking/whinging about trannies or he explodes
Or perhaps there are many such cases
dumb no shoes
guild is looking good
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>makes fun of trannies for being mentally ill
>spends all day schizobabbling about trannies on an anonymous imageboard
Many such cases.
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Did they really delete the racial starting zones for this homogenized horse shit? This fucking sucks, where's my identity.
>Did they really delete the racial starting zones
they did not.
Stop playing on tranny server.
You can choose not to go there for your second character and beyond.
No. Only brand new accounts are forced here for their first character.
>Did they really delete the racial starting zones for this homogenized horse shit?
Only the first time you make a character. Normal starting zones are a choice for future alts.
>speak the truth
>tranny gets mad and say this
many such cases
very cute
What happened to azerite after bfa?
Back to your containment ward schizo
Magni ate it all.
He was hongry.
Slutty goblin needs correcting
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So there was an option to start there that I missed?

>for your second character
Will it reset if I ever delete this character, forcing me to that tutorial again?
Doesn't matter, I have one more space to create another draenei.
Thank you so much.
anon, your portal room? i think you can also do chromie time in tbc if you want tbc dungeons too, but i'd advice to go tank, it's not BFA default anymore so less people are using chromie time
they did
also gid gud lol
its piss easy
kill the static lightning shit
interrupt the channelers, they die instantly if you interrupt the spell
aoe down the rest, focus the nullifiers if you get any because they provide immunity to other mobs
you ejaculated it onto n'zoth
If it wasn't your first character on a new account you are never forced into Exile's Reach. Hell, Allied Races or anything that starts at 10+ don't even get the option. You might've sped-click through create character and hit Enter World with it selected, idk
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>portal room
NONE of the racial cities are in here!

>If it wasn't your first character on a new account you are never forced into Exile's Reach.
I had two sub-10 characters that I deleted and made this draenei.
What do maye's feet smell like
Probably need an above 10 for it to count. Only characters 10 levels and above show up in the Armory iirc
If they wanted to make this challenging they shouldn't have made it a weekly chore. Torghast suffered the same fate.
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Well it's probably safe to delete this character and I'll get Shattrath? My Demon Hunter is lv20.
>he swallowed it all
I hope he taught Xally
I'm playing survival hunter but fury warrior is so good while leveling I think I'm just going to pay for a class respec, talk me out of it.

He shows up and copes from time to time
Just create a new char, race?
Wait people were having trouble clearing awakening the machine?
Hush dear and drink your naaru tea, the other paladins will be done praying soon and then you all can go out to play together.
Why do you keep referencing Shattrath btw?
Draenei don't start in Shattrath.
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Umm blizzard why do you let sexist shit like this exist in your game??? Change into a bowl of fruit NOW!
The only portal to another racial city Stormwind gets is the Exodar, cause its far enough away for people to complain.
Darnassus doesn't exist anymore and Ironforge is a train ride away.
>fury warrior is so good while leveling
talk me into going fury
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if you wanna go scattrath you have to select tbc chromie time
None of them entered my collection so idk wtf is going on. Bugged ass game.

Also the well fed racial for earth is also bugged and gay.
Vulpera, I want to keep the same name so my options are pay or remake my character from scratch.
first time playing an expac on launch, is 580 good enough for normal raids?
Today anon learned that majority of people are genuine fucking shitters. You've probably heard the "think of the average person, half of people..." a million times already. Age of gamer dads is upon us.
Never ever pay for that shit anon just remake
Help me pick a healer bros.
Sham - Totems and chain heal. - Meta? Fuck ton of totems. Hard?
Disc - Heal throue dealing damage - weak right now. Hard.
Holy priest - hardcast heals. Just paint bars green - very easy. Strong but boring.
Holy Pal - eeehhh?
Evoker - combo spells - strong but need to combo shit.

Amazing isn't is? Good luck playing heal lol.
AOE is fantastic no need to press two buttons you can spam one and kill trash liefs good.
i can't resist the nelf tummy mog
consider that the raid drops 597-606 loot.
Probably tho, most people won't be above 580 at the start of the new week so you'll get insta invited
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Back in my day, the starting zone questline always brought you to your racial capital. Trisfal or whatever brought you to Undercity, the Draenei crash site(?) brought you to Shattrath, et cetera.

>Darnassus doesn't exist anymore
.. What in sam hell??
Speaking of Exodar, I couldn't click on that portal. Maybe I have to finish the tutorial questline? Fucking garbage.
their heritage armor. i can't not use it
avoid shaman if you don't have +40 keybinds
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>the Draenei crash site(?) brought you to Shattrath, et cetera.

the exodar is not shattrath
>the Draenei crash site(?) brought you to Shattrath
you mean the exodar?
you never went to shatt during the draenei starting zone
Draenei have never started in or got sent to Shattrath in their starting zone. The Draenei capital is the Exodar.

You can eat mage food apparently
This is called Metzen sovlkino
Make a new thread already
they really really need to overhaul beginners experience
have everyone start at their respective starting zone
then let them move through time after certain points
experience the highlights of each expac somehow
until you get to lvl x to start the new expac
Page 8


I mean, it IS a RPG after all so that brings back the RPG aspects of it. Albeit too late.
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>just lets me keep looking stupid instead of explicitly pointing out that Shattrath is the neutral city on the orc homeworld.
At least your posts nudged my memory.

That sounds excellent, but my awful experience might be explained by conflicting, twenty-year-old memories.
>most people won't be above 580 at the start of the new week
Fucking grim.
i came back in SL
and i had no fucking clue what to do at lvl1
you get thrown at chromie to choose your expac
and i got quests for SL too
its overwhelming af
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they should have used the floating ball again but this time make him tiny
I got my main and alt to ~583 before the diminishing returns kicked in.
Mainly just happy that I'll never have to do a quest again.
They're dilating in those two hours. Mandated.
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Hume or Lightnai for Warrior?
Which one looks better in the tww plate set?
Thank you for betatesting for EU.
Metzen is putting the rpg back in mmorpg.
There's private servers where people have figured out how to make it possible for individual world progression where players get to experience Naxxramas over the Plaguelands and the opening of the Black portal as they progress the story.
Somehow Blizzard hasn't.
Imagine how much better off retail would have been if you could experience the Wacraft world as it was from vanilla to now just with modern game systems and graphcs.
Like I honestly had to stop playing this game because with every expansion they gut the world and quests.
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>male draenei players
If the question is ever mog related, the answer is human.
Have avatargoonertrannies been BTFO'd or just busy playing the game?
What's with the post count?
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Unfriendly for returning players, I guess. I would say Guild Wars 2 is better about it, but ArenaNet isn't raking in the cash like Blizzard, so what do I know.

That human looks homeless.
Hume ist is
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this is peak
There's nothing to do in the game so they are most likely BTFO'd
neutral races don't inspire me
I don't even have any desire to make earthern of any class because I can make a dwarf of any clan
It might be fun to make a dwarf for the horde
>human looks homeless.
Was just some default prop
>nothing to do in the game
I feel like the opposite, I still have 2 characters to level.
Stolen from Maldraxxus btw.
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Another race for blood elf females to get plapped by
I like evoker more now that they removed the cooldown for their racial flying
The Hero talents are very hit and miss. Some are a nice addition, others are a completely passive buff that you hardly notice.

Resto druid, enjoy high mobility to help you avoid floor lava or get out of it quickly. Slightly weak on catching up the party if they're low, and trying to interrupt and do damage involves shifting to cat which distracts from healing, otherwise solid steady healing experience.
>scoops a mug full of Mannoroth's steaming resin-thick cum
>"Drink, Hellscream"
This game needs more cool and sexy races not some tranny dwarf or dragon race that 0,03 of players will play.
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face 34 left
or 41 right
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Jesus Christ the asian faces in WoW look fucking hideous.
philomena cunk on the left
Arya Stark?
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Have you met Carlos?
>male draenei players
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hear me out
face 31 ?
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Can't see special assignments on one of my characters.
Anyone else have this issue?
and WHAT Gul'dan, must we give in return?
that doesn't look the least bit asian
Do a world quest, it should pop up.
Had the same issue about 3 days ago.
Believe it or not that is Blizzard's attempt at making asian humans in WoW.
>adjusts hood to reveal cockslut heart eyes
I want more Thassarian and Koltira in the story
They were probably terrified of making the eyes too small so they overcompensated in the opposite direction.
>How did the naaru come to be? Did they evolve from wind chimes that figured out photosynthesis?
Draenei have better animations.
Give him a polearm or staff as Arms and he does some wicked spinny shit with it.
how do you get more artisan's acuity as a gatherer?
they looked much more asian in that blizzcon preview, i wonder why they changed it. Are they going to implent an actual asian human race later?
Hmm that is true
Help me with the name for a undead warlock
Paphos and over the top shit is appreciated.
Bloodfall (kinda basic. Still cool.)
Feverfall (fever! Fever is cool)
Marrowarp (marrow and warp)
Thantophobos (death fear. cool)
Bloodshriek (meh)

Other cool name components:
You're not allowed to give realistic asian/black features to fictional characters in California
>turalyon you stay here i need to girlboss on my own
Hallowfall doesnt have a good quest in the entire zone
Still isn't working, just done one on isle of dorn and it isnt showing up
very weird
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Every single person that has dueled me near the PvP vendors in Dornogal has fucking raped me to death
why do you need that as a gatherer?
>6 hours ago
Mining as an Earthen must be trippy as fuck. That's basically gore for them and they collect little pieces of body parts to use for crafting or selling.
Maybe stop asking for it.
The sims music playing in Tenir's Ascent is so bizarre.
Guild Wars 2 would like a word.
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blood elf bow hunter or goblin gun hunter
More likely, they have no concept of gore and the concept of organic beings feeling squeamish about flesh and blood and meat and bones probably confuses them.
is there a way to actuallly turn in the earthen heritage quest when you get it? or do you have to wait 20 levels to get to dornogal proper?
goblin, don't play a fucking elf
Blood elf gun Hunter.
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it's her first day
be nice
Is there some kind of
>if you're level 80 your alts get more xp
Thing going on?
Try using the Earthen teleportation device near the embassy in your faction hub. I don't know if it'll work but that's my suggestion.
for putting in crafting orders for gear
sorry, i should have clarified. the artisan pickaxe and artisan sickle (gathering profession equipment) need 300 artisan acuity to craft.
daggers can't be transmogrified to fist weapons? so only outlaw rogue can wear fist weapons?
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dornogal music is so much better than valdrakken holy shit.

Maybe cuz valdrakken was too optimistic to my taste? idk. It was too annoying.
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Wowhead is crazy
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I want the OG pre-WoD disneyfication models back.
The old graphics were pure sovl.
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they're hideous
The earthen racial is fucken broken atm

nah, just takes you back to the earthen factory but that seems to be a closed instance area with no way to get to dornogal

looks like there isnt a way unless a mage portals you or a warlock summons you
Too damn late Nigerian.
don't you mean buff? I can not fathom how anyone could fail at this without disconnecting in the middle.
how many dresses do you own lilbro?
lmao didn't notice because the thread was still getting a bunch of replies. nw we'll recycle

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