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Visual Novel General #6594

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>492994708
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imagine the same choice in a moege
>Google it
Fuck off
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They make a bunch of jokes about it but you don't actually get an h-scene with him de-aged in the main game. You do get a short after h-scene with it, though.
Also there's at least one moege that has this exact scenario, but inverted.
it was so hot when she gargled shota cum while on the phone with her brother
>Epiao: Ming Mo Qianli Xing
>No Sexual Content
If I can't breed that little chuuni chink girl, I don't give a fuck.
I was specifically referring to EGS.
Shotas fucking lolis!
Correct. DDG is better.
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Koku general.
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>Koku out of quite literally nowhere
>KAMIku out of nowhere
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>Those low amounts of votes
>That shit taste
Why does anyone still care about EGS?
Hotaru's puffy cunny...
>look into game, since this looks like it might be cute
Wow, she's fucking disgusting, and not because she's a pedo. A rancid whore princess from a shithole world. Should have her arms and legs broken before she's thrown to the goblins for free use.
This is a bit much dude, get help.
I want to rape and forcefully impregnate Misaki
Miss lonesome was better
Dumb purityfag
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You came to the wrong neighborhood buddy
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Any JOP willing to play the lowest rated VN on EGS this year?

You have to play some kusoge to appreciate kamige.
What went wrong?
Apparently the balancing is dogshit, there's too many male characters, and the female characters suck from what I skimmed.
Horrible bugs, even worse balancing, clearly unfinished. It's not actually a zero despite the rating on EGS, it's just getting review-bombed because people are fucking pissed (justifiably) at how bad the launch is.
A world like hers should be subjected to an outbreak of a supernatural flesh-eating STD which resists magical healing and causes you to necrotize from the inside out. Every one of her subjects should be trapped inside their homes weeping and losing their minds as their blood curdles, their bones soften, their meat peels off, and their brains decay.
Whores deserve nothing but to rot.
Damn, she's Fine.
Yeah heroine sex is good and all, but does it beat throwing down a five thousand damage combo in a baldr game?
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what's everyone playing on this fine Wednesday morning? Me? I'm playing this Chinese VN fanfic of White Album 2 that I dug up from the depths of hell
>he actually fights close range instead of stunlocking from a distance.
blogpost it, KazusaKING
You should be a comedian
i'm sorry im a bit of a newfag so idk what that means, fyi it's about 230MB, so don't get too excited
I barely used guns at all this one. The only useful ones are the gravity / black hole one that groups them up and the slime one, and even then those are only for mopping up zakos
I used them almost exclusively, most enemies don't have a way to handle being stunlocked by repeated range attacks and you're completely safe while you do it.
Also, y'know, the last boss can just instantly kill you whenever it wants if you get too close.
>I used them almost exclusively, most enemies don't have a way to handle being stunlocked by repeated range attacks and you're completely safe while you do it.
Counterpoint: it's boring to play like that. I only feel cool if I drop a massive melee combo and end with the vertical pile bunker
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Between remake Arcueid route (Moon Princess) and remake Ciel route (Midnight Rainbow) which one is better? Is Moon Princess route as much of a slog to get through as the Fate route?
> Is Moon Princess route as much of a slog to get through as the Fate route?
>Between remake Arcueid route (Moon Princess) and remake Ciel route (Midnight Rainbow) which one is better?
They have their advantages and disadvantages. Arc route is a fairly exact remake with almost no changes and very few new scenes. Ciel is generally the same plot beats but with significant rewrites and goes in a very different direction in the true end. It depends on your tastes.
Seiran Island needs an outbreak of terminal venereal disease too.
I think the background artist gave up or ran out of time drawing that one tree's branches.
You needed a melee combo if you played on any respectable difficulty because the enemies had several HP bars and you would just die if you couldn't burst them when you had the opportunity.
I remember playing the idol trap game and one of the line just cutting off in the middle of a sentence. Ensemble's QA needs some help.
>I remember playing the idol trap game
anon, it's ensemble
that's like six games
The real thing at higher levels that makes guns useless isn't HP, it's shields. They don't flinch if they have a shield up, and they get pretty chocky ones in later routes once you go past normal.
Ciel's was worse to get through because he upped SOL amounts. You have to read through Arc first anyway and should start with the OG tsukihime to begin with so the question is kinda pointless
Ye that too, but you still had to focus one down since even if they flinched you couldn't reliably stunlock 4 or more mini boss/elite mobs on big maps. Needed aerial combos just to get out of the swarm too
Horrible balancing/bugs and it's easy to get softlocked lmao
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How badly can you cuck Miki in favor of Saito?
Fat in all the right places
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I forgot that they have 3 stories total lol. It's Hoshioto. It was pretty forgettable beyond the MC being really cute.
die joproach
live jopKING
> It was pretty forgettable beyond the MC being really cute.
That's how it goes for most of them.
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OK, yeah, I get why this is so highly rated now.
It's also pretty much the exact plot of an anime adapting an LN I can't remember the name of from a few season ago.
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NTR avoided, lets fucking goooo
YITJ Sumaga balls lmao
sure, it'll come out right after django
you interested in buying any bridges, buddy?
hey JAST are you still mad nobody cared about onigokko FD?
>NTR avoided
>he thinks it's avoidable
I cared
Shill-kun, you should not be reminding people about the game you have been translating for over 10 years - an actual fucking decade - with no progress and no release date to show for it. You especially should not be reminding people of it just to say "we're totally still working on it and it's definitely going to happen but I have nothing concrete to say". You should shut the fuck up and never talk about the game and hope people forget about how embarrassing it is you've taken TEN YEARS to translate a VN. Don't mention Sumaga until you can say "it's coming out on this date" and the date had better be in at most four months.
I had a good time reading it.
I liked it when the silly posture man did a wacky backflip or when Kageaki stacked all those coins.
go back
what the fuck is wrong with that poor boy on the left's face
He's an ugly bastard in training
why cant we get any isekai slop that light novel writers like to make
Nukitashi 2
Multiply that by a 100
>OP plays
I've disliked every shirokami main/true heroine in VNs I've read and I doubt this one will be any different from what little I've seen of her
Unique comfy setting, pigeon genocide is certainly one of the MC goals of all time
smoker hag erotic
pretty decent job not mangling the models/characters up too much
is the mc just trying to kill internet? I've no clue about this vn at all
No, the pigeons are the ones who killed the internet
damn, those are some smart pigeons

There are also a buch off Miel kusoge like this.
>Kino Me Royally
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There should be a Muramasa 2 that's comedy focused
this but Dies Irae
Comedy was the only good thing about Mememasa, even if most of it was unintentional.
The coin scene cracked me up.
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My wife Kanae deserved a better game where she could be the true heroine
What happens in the coin scene? I can't remember it
He stacks three coins on top of each other.
reddit humor
need more bug eye heroines
I think she was really shit for the most part anyway, the only time she's any decent is in the finale of her route. Too much of a shitty gag character
You don't have pervert gems, do you, /vn/?
I think this is the first time they show off her combat suit. It's certainly provocative. Helps her with her teleportation ability, apparently. But all that really seems to help with is removing the MC's clothes more efficiently.
>Too much of a shitty gag character
the best kind of hag
it almost worked for the granny, at least
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I've never gotten the whole sex in a locker thing. Those things can barely fit a single person in them, let alone two. And that shit would be loud too. Literally everyone in the change room would hear it happening.
>questioning nukige clothes
anon what the fuck
>wearing TITS
how horrible
Maybe I'm just mindbroken by Miel/Norn, but when piss is clear, like in this scene, instead of more yellowish coloured I just see as a cop out. They could have just written it so the girl was having a gushing orgasm and it would have visually looked the same anyway.

Nukige clothing is peak fashion. Of course one should question it!
Now I'm imagining sex in a locker where there is loud rustling and banging noises and everyone awkwardly pretends nothing is happening.
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>Kouhai heroine using the excuse of making sure her senpai's clothes are on proper as a way to grope her.
You don't see that as NTR, do you, /vn/?
This but Hikaru
What even are all these under 5 hour moege the pigs play? I don't think I've ever played a VN that short.
Stop posting oppaige before I crack one open
This but with under 12 hour VNs companies keep licensing and putting out nowadays
Probably don't have enough dollars to get the long good ones
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It's such a old cliche that I swear I've at least seen one story actually make it so people outside the locker actually noticed and were like "What the hell are you guys doing?" It actually kind of reminds me of a series by Kosuke Haruhito called Mankitsu-chu / まんきつちゅう where the guy and girl keep fucking all over the place in public places and they keep getting banned from them because people aren't idiots and have ears. It's a pretty funny series.
Shovelware nukige licenses are cheap and can sell decently well, it’s a no-brainer profit. Longer VNs are expensive and carry too much risk if they flop.
I feel like this game's done more public/exhibition sex than the last game, or at least made it so most sex scenes don't feel "private". I mean, it feels like it so far since a lot of the scenes mention an audience on some level. Not that said audience cares, mind, since the McGuffin renders them just background noise that never interrupt the flow of the scene. Maybe I'm just not remembering the last game well enough, though.
This entire sex scene is happening in the middle of an extreme volleyball match, in particular. Yukari's apparently even still playing the match while she got groped and fucked. One has to admire the commitment she had.
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Although the MVP goes to the kouhai who truly carried the match here.
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>humansnek story
boring. Hopefully its not too long
The search for new cows is eternal.
Why is there still no updated walkthrough or flowchart for Fate Stay Night remastered that uses the official TL instead of the old ones using the fan one?
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She put up a nice tough girl act, but she melted nicely too. Though the scene incorporates time stop, it wasn't complete silence during the freeze, so I guess that was better than dead air. Reminds me of another nukige where it was all time stop, and it had a lot of silence during the sex scenes. Except this one lets up a lot more with break ups between the freeze and letting the girl be confused as to what the hell is happening.
Because it is a Japanese site, for games in Japanese, coming from Japan.
Japanese people have a better understanding of the medium than any fag here.
>I understand your feelings better now
Cuckqueen yangire Naja when?
because the new TL is shit
kek, no one besides JOP wankers like moogy does.
The site's been dead for years since everyone uses vndb nowadays.
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Kind of feels bad that she only seems to have one scene, I was digging it quite a bit. With time stop and lube play. Ah well, such is the life of the literally who girls.
This but every girl, imagine wasting namanikuATK art on sloppy slop like Mememasa.
>all deleted
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that'd be nice. Maybe there'll be some twist to this later
reddit is two blocks down the line, bubby
Schizo65, I automatically deleted everything...
Look at this face lmao
Negros really think that's funny? RUMAO
>translated to Hamburg Steak
Why do they do this EVERY SINGLE TIME?
I've never seen anyone use this term ever before.
She looks determined...
it's moogy approved comedy, umichud.
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Hamburg is all over the place
Muramasa really buckbroken the poor cunt lmao. Imagine being this obsessed.
how is it possible that this guy is repeating exactly the same thing for years
The translation of Mememasa was a mistake. You'd think that the shills would've fucked off after his Blue Archive blunder.
He's in an infinity loop.
Imagine being hurt so much by a simple number.
>responding to samefaggotry
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Because you're retarded.
These are two completely different things.
>trans archive
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Tell me about oyakodon
ge with jade beauty heroine unrivaled in the human realm?
>daughters look like a carbon copy of their mother
Why is this always the case?
i was referring to >>493106336
Germany won.
Left is a salisbury steak, right is a hamburger.
not "trains", kek
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no thanks
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to elaborate, she loses her empress speech quirk and becomes some generic girly girl. it's so fucking mind numbingly boring
It's an evolutionary advantage. Nobody knows the father.
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>jade beauty heroine
>unrivaled in the human realm
Snoot game
>Left is a Hacksteak.
>Right is a Frikadellenbrötchen mit Salat und Tomate.
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>Left is a salisbury steak
It's the same fucking thing.
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>pick human Naja
>the normal one matures into a dragon and BTFOs the other girls kingdoms

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This guy can't be fucking serious.
this VN feels like a fever dream
I like how /vn/ is kind of a timeloop
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>Left is a salisbury steak
It's not doe.
I love Karen
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>mom just wants her daughter to herself
>Naja doesn't want to trouble Shinichi by being a massive fucking dragon so she asked her mom to split her


It kinda feels like something you'd dream up than actually read, true
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holy fuck negative effort CG
how is this real
Looks kino though?
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mc's pretty based still

its the size...
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oh my ffucking god dnot tell me they're really going to
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hello, king.... https://litter.catbox.moe/eadwk3.jpg
Someone's missing in that pic...
If you’re this deep into the game you should already know the answer kek
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sex with dragons
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>all that was in front of everyone
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>a dragon is fine too
Should have given her dragon titties instead of those weird male looking pecs
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Hold your horses, Mashiro!
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>mom hears MC's confession of love and gives her some ring to seal her dragon form
im beginning to realize all of this was just to have a dragon H scene.

I dont think scale tits would be any better
>ponytail Misaki
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>no threesome with two najas
what a wasted opportunity
Literally built for handholding missionary sex
guess I'll nap
next story will be "the blackout" whatever the fuck it could be

>not dragonstyle
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>Assuming she's one of the elder ones then bringing whatever cthulhu thing they want to bring in would let her manifest as part of reality
I'm pretty sure that Riruru isn't one of the Great Old Ones Ayana mentioned, since Ayana herself is as good as deconfirmed as well, but true, a world ruled by different laws might have no need for human cognition anymore either.
>Takuji POV elaborates on Ayana in regards to Riruru somewhat
Recent mystery EVNs on Steam over the past few years:

Upcoming mystery EVNs on Steam:
Is there any other VN that has a presentation style like Mahou Tsukai no Yoru?
>look inside of one
>it uses different art styles at random
no, not a single VN had mahoyo budget
westoids can't art good looking people
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That's right, all those years of isolation in high school?
They simply were afraid of you.
Marco. Although it relies more on spamming CGs (there's like 1000) than it does on cool effects and direction like Mahoyo.
ToKINO Necro
>Tokyo NEGRO
>PS1 tier graphics
Lmao. Shills are insane.
Only the Tsukihime Remake
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>best boy Kiyoshi is the only one to show concern for Takuji's change
He's been doing god's work off-screen all along...
Isn't Takei the boy who was found dead in the sewers? Weird choice to not give him a sprite when even Ozawa received one for starring in one (1) single anal h-scene with Takasima.

You didn't see that...
only good post itt
Surprising that he read all 9-nine- games even after giving the first a 1. That's some dedication.
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H-he knows, shut it down!!
i don't think he actually read them bro...
You must read Edelweiss unless you can post a superior VN OP.

Ah yes half of /vn/
The one poster that shits up half of /vn/, that is
I only acknowledge lists with believable time frames of when they read each VN.
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I hope you check out anon's game: Look Inside.
Any evidence for that?
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The formula to prove that futa isn't gay... enlighten us, oh savior.
Is it time to post the Miyuki webm?
I thought girls can't impregnate girls...
Who the fuck is Miyuki?
Can you retarded anti shills not even read the VNs you're shitposting about?
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>swiftly ignores Yukito's comment
kek, still one of the best interactions in the Remake.
>VNs are films
Finally somebody acknowledges this.
That account was created today.
It makes perfect sense for someone to vote for all VNs he read before creating a vndb account on the day he created the account.
Mahoyo is definitely the best looking VN out there except maybe the Tsukihime demake which I haven't played.
God I love ambiguity.
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What if you thought really hard about Ayana's erotic, nude hebe body right then and there?
I'll concede to this one.
i don't trust anyone who fills their account with 1
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That's not an appropriate topic to discuss over lunch break...
Interesting that Ayana would refer to Riruru-chan as a "woman" instead of a "(magical) girl" , further deepening my suspicions that she might not be a virgin at all.
People who vote most things with the worst score do it to appear “elitist” or something?
using the social media functionality of vndb, or paying attention to it at all for any reason, is unchained mental illness
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Here's me day 1 additions.
??? I am speaking in general, I have seen several accounts on various websites doing that for some time now
Fuck ratings and fuck reviews, my opinion is the only one that matters. I read anything I think looks good and come to my own conclusions.
His numeric voting is questionable but his relative rankings are pretty respectable
i have found a lot of interesting vns thanks to vndb profiles that have similar tastes to me
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Cute, we needed more osananajimi banter in Tsui no Sora.
Americanbros lost.
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I love traps the most !
>every male has 5 children by the age of 20
>big, loving, and united family
>welfare and no responsibilities, you can be a NEET loser, and people will still respect you, and you will still get girls.
Thirdies must really suffer from not getting the latest iPhone.
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I love NTR the most!
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>Yukito about to beat him up
>gets mad at Kotomi for interfering
It's as they say, violence is the most potent form of conversation.
Women will never understand that fact.
I recommend A Profile if you like NTR. It's the hardest cuckge of all.
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It's looks like an innocent moege
we call it dark moege here bubby
Sometimes I’ll search for a random Japanese name and find games from looking at the sprites. You can usually tell which ones are nukige and NTR just from the art style which is pretty funny.
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Looks goo-
Literally unplayable.
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Now that's a plottwist I didn't expect...

>the creepy version of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus played during his speech
There's probably no further meaning to it, but it's unusual how Takuji's pov depicted that scene with the darkest atmosphere so far.
Guys I think it's over for me. I burned my hand real bad and now I can't fap without tearing the skin and bleeding a lot. No, I can't do it wit the other hand. Video games are also out of question since it's my WASD hand.
I'm depressed as fuck and need both. I can't shitpost on /vn/, this post took 5 minutes to type. I am 3 palms away from an hero'ing. I love visual novels I want to keep living! Please!
>emoji spam
tranny opinion discarded
>No, I can't do it wit the other hand
Yes you can. Never give up!
just.... wait for you hand to heal...? it's not like you have to cut it off or something
read VNs without jerking off
>he can't jerk off with both hands
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>outright murders Takei under the guise of giving him money
So the Savior's word holds no meaning whatsoever?
That's a pretty huge divergence, Takuji didn't dirty his own hands in Subahibi at all.
Fake Savior.
I will try to jerk off with my left hand today just for you, you're not alone in this battle
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>knew about Yasuko's betrayal this early
>refuses to give in to the demon's whisper and simply leaves her be
Sasuga Savior-Sama, I take it all back.
Skill issue
buy an onahole
play something turn-based
Ask your sister to fap for you, bruh.
Lefties truly are pathetic... just use a sock or whatever if you're that desperate.
Surely you have cucumbers at home?
How do you even jerk off with the right hand? I use it to hold my mouse.
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when I go jerk off, i use the left hand to hold
Lol, righties eternally cucked by having to switch hands.
skill issue
moebuta wouldn't like this post.
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Whose eyes are those eyes?

>didn't even make a double eyepatch Tadokoro sprite
Zero effort.
As a brit I find the amount of shilling Majikoi gives to it's prime minister kinda hilarious. Imagine having confidence and pride in your governmental figures lol. Let alone old men. Who even was prime minister in Japan when the game was made? I only know Abe.
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>not fucking my sister
Tsk, tsk, you had ONE chance at showing off...
He literally paid them money for that.
I’ll either hold the mouse with my left or use my left hand to press the enter key or whatever key it is to advance the text. I use both hands and switch between them mid scene if it’s a long one though.
Is it worse to have premartial sex with your sister or to use her teddy bear as a cum dump?

Fucking lol XD
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Literally me...
>tfw 34°C

Didn't an anime about a cute girl who can see spirits in everyday life release last year?
I never got around to watching it, but she'd probably feel like this just taking a stroll.
There's no problem if you use her butthole.
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>in universe explanation for why the VN is all-ages
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Oh hey, it's Takei, the famous bully who didn't even get a sprite!
I don't understand their priorities for drawing sprites for Yuka, who's been a non-character so far, but not for this guy who directly engages Takuji and ends up as his very first victim.
Mieruko-chan, it's like It's my own Invention if the MC was Zakuro instead.
Any good VNs that have a deaf heroine?
Ummmm... No, can't think of any.
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I love traps the most!
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>consumes your soul
Nothing personal, kid.

Did he deserve it?
Naruhodo, I might have to give it a try.
I love NTR the most!
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Maruko-chan or something. Yeah. Legit pretty darn good show although it had some strange fanservice parts early on. I hope it gets a second season, the manga is strong too.
Eh, nandatte?
doesn't Yasuko refer to her as nyarlathotep with Riruru confirming along the lines of her knowing so much already in Yasuko's chapter?
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>MON - Classroom
>TUE - Staff Room
>WED - Gym
>THU - Rooftop
>FRI - School Gate
This feels like nonsense, I don't think that you even get to choose where to go on all of these days.
Maybe you have to pick these places across different routes?
Would be nice if there's a hidden scene, but I heavily doubt it.

Now, if Takuji's delusions are real, WHAT are the implications of him meeting Riruru's father here?
>although it had some strange fanservice parts early on
I don't mind, at all.
let me help you

huh I didnt realize the OST changed

I think its nonsense. Would require loading different saves, its not impossible to program or even make it check irl days but I doubt
At least wait for the weekend to shitpost
Is there any VN as funny as Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan?
but you should discuss it on reddit
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>doesn't Yasuko refer to her as nyarlathotep with Riruru confirming
The one who first refers to Ayana as "Nyarlathotep" is Tadokoro, equating her with the brown goddess he met in Hong-Kong.
Ayana herself denies that, however. Whether she simply doesn't consider herself Nyarlathotep in that very instant, or if they're genuinely different beings, or perhaps even two sides of the same existence, is left up for interpretation.

Riruru-chan mentions Nyarlathotep to Yasuko though, I forgot about that.
The creepy variation of "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" didn't play before Takuji's chapter at all, and Subahibi tracks in general weren't introduced before Yasuko's point of view.
On one hand, Subahibi's OST is objectively superior to Tsui no Sora's, but on the other hand, I'd like each to be their own thing without overly relying on the other.
>I think its nonsense
Same, you're also forced into certain decisions in all chapters, so it's not possible to exclusively pick those locations.
why muramasaschizo is like this?
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This fucking whore STILL malding over only being the vice captain, I hope she gets gangraped at some point.
Not my Kimika...
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Iyo... Iyo is an angel!! I'll happily pass off my daughter Yukie to this child of God!! She made fwends!! Iyo route when!? Please tell me this girl got her fandisk!? I want to cuck Yukie by stealing her one friend her age!!
I meant refering to Riruru, not Ayana

I liked how she paralleled the real one in that she wanted to be the leader, just lacked alot of Kimikaness.
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Maybe we needed to make her more depressed to get the right balance.
he read the entirety of Umineko as it came out
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>even Yuka butts in to shit on Kotomi
M-masaka... female friendship is scary...
Here's to hoping that these two only got character designs and sprites for the inevitable gangrape scene at the end.
>Kiyoshi jumping in to defend Kotomi
My hero...

>refering to Riruru, not Ayana
Now that's even more confusing... referring to herself in 3rd person then?
First of all, get rid of that blue lesbian haircut.
I feel like I'm being generous when I gave it a 4/10.
It's a convoluted mess that reads like it was written by a 12 year old.
She gets a route in the sequel.
It's really short but fun.
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Is Yukie really that much of a freak that people would avoid her? She's just blatantly cute right!? Talking to phone straps is adorable, she's got a hot body, she'd be willing to try anal. What more could you ask for? I'd genuinely struggle not to groom her.
We get it, you're trans, now go back to /v/.
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I mean in the convo where Riruru appears to Yasuko, Yasuko either refers to or thinks to her as Nyarlathotep. iirc Riruru either confirmed or didn't deny it making some vague comment that could be understood as Yasuko being somewhat right
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Are you a clairvoyant?
It was probably better to read it as it came out. Playing it all in one go really shows how garbage the pacing is. I could easily cut like 40% and it would make the game better
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Don't bully the shizo!! He has feelings too!
How did you know?
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>swayed that easily
kek, nuKimika doesn't stand a chance against CHADsuko.
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chat, is this real?
R07 should have turned it into a nukige with hags
and with token lolis like Ange and Maria and still it would be a better VN by miles
Was he born yesterday? That has been a thing for the past 400000 years.
its up
>that rant
are we witnessing the birth of schizophrenia?
[sad news]
AIsir is vocal about the TNSR translation and he is not happy.
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Hmm, you're misremembering. Yasuko refers to Riruru-chan as a monster, which she corrects by calling herself a mahou shoujo. They don't even namedrop Nyarlathotep in that convo.
TL rant longer than the review itself? BASED
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I was thinking abourt pic rel pool scene. Though I should just let you read and check these myself.
>niggas literally blogposting MTL and become mad when JOPs blogpost here
considering the average JOP is much worse than that TNSR translator, I think our JOPs are somewhat decent at least.
then again I haven't seen nor heard of them reading kkk....
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Nevermind, found the scene you were talking about.
Interestingly enough, Riruru-chan still refers to Nyarlathotep as "it" instead of "me" throughout the entire conversation.
I'm taking a break now anyways, ark scenes are always so draining.
>eop rants about translation again
why are you playing it in english if you know nip
"it" as in the staff she's looking at here. But yeah she doesn't call herself that directly
our "jops" are moebutas they are below the average real jops
>mad cuz an eop knows nip better
the yuzubuta for sure, the other guy seems competent though
Not mad, just confused why you would do that
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I'm a moechad cum plotgod though
[DISTURBING CONTENT] 5 lears of learning japanese vs a dude who doesn't know a single kanji
You can't be chad if you are hookcuck.
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I see, didn't consider the staff.
You're mother is the only hooker I use
You don't even know English, hookcuck.
so this is the power of our jops....
im not about to drill kanji for years to read at a grade schooler's pace while checking a dictionary. Its too much of a hassle compared to comfortably reading it in english and misisng nothing because you know nip anyway.
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Are you the same old chuunijopanon? you got fucked pretty hard the last time
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no idea what you're talking about
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VNs for this feel
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Which game is it that has the Tatsu sleeping friends route?

I can really see what people were saying about Majikoi getting carried by the bonus disks. All the best girls aren't part of the main game aside from Wanker and my girl Mayucchi!!
Imagine the woman you lust after cuts your dick off and forces you to marry her. Then, she makes all kinds of advances and sexually stimulates you, but you can't do anything because you don't have a dick. Imagine the frustration. God, that's so hot. Are there any VNs like this?
Majikoi S agave after, I think you can choose between harem with the sisters or harem with your group.
the patch credits list a woman under "special thanks", likely the reason for sex stuff being toned down.
pretty based ngl, probably one of the best posters we have
Women are much bigger coomers than men though.
Discordtranny sister...
ScaJI wrote it, not R07th
And futas are women
pretty cringe ngl, probably one of the worst posters we have
Women fuck real men instead of cooming in their basements
Starless bad ending
Definitely not the ones who post on /vn/ or help out with eroge translations.
No woman has ever posted on /vn/
Hello sir
>encounter word
>look word up
>you now know the word
Kanji drills are for writing. To learn Japanese you memorize words, not individual kanji.
Says who?
Except for the part where you don't memorize the word after seeing it only once, and you might only encounter it a few times, causing you to forget it every time.
That's just plain wrong.
What's the best VN ever?
he's just lazy and retarded and would rather suck off his trannycord buddies than do anything else, those excuses don't actually matter to him
Written by scaji, not Narahara.
Futas are just women with dicks.
jack jeanne
I miss fucking kuonanon bros...
Bumped up the 'log.
Yeah me too
most of localization is done by women though, they're rabid about pushing that shit.
>Except for the part where you don't memorize the word after seeing it only once
Sucks to be a brainlet I guess? I can't help you with this.
>heh, I can memorize every kanji I find after seeing it only once, even the rare ones
why do you never blogpost Mareni works? Too hard for you? Must suck to be a brainlet even even with that 2,000+ day Anki streak.
the last time someone tried to talk about mareni here it didn't turn out well for our jops
>>heh, I can memorize every kanji I find after seeing it only once
Never said that. In fact I said I don't memorize kanji. I guess it was over for you before it even began if you can't even keep track of a short thread of posts.
>why do you never blogpost Mareni works?
I don't post JOPge on /vn/
any VN OPs with male vocals?
I don't read pretentious textge
Yes, quite a lot.
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There is no need to be upset.
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Why do EOPs overrate mareni so much? Japs don't even like it that much.
reading NTR would cause me to explode, of course I can't do that
post some, I only know about muramasa
> shit japanese
yeah, it's been confirmed
A lot nitroplusge
>demonbane sequel EOY
EOPs eating good
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>headpats your wife
>know word
>can't read kanji because I don't know kanji
what did he mean by this
I'd believe it if you told me thats how the tsui no sora translator "learned" japanese though.
It's okay, he is gay
damn, Misaki has some big boobs
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AIsir will never read SCA-Ji kino the way it's supposed to be read
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Just noticed?
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no male other than my Otou can touch my girlfriend
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80% of the Muv-Luv franchise
JOPGODs are simply superior beings
you know japanese without the drawbacks of being japanese or living in japan
Do you think Kanji only have one reading or something?
Imagine someone studying kanji for years and starting up their first VN only to be greeted by something like 五月蠅い, a simple word that everyone else already learned week 1 of learning Japanese.
>can't read kanji because I don't know kanji
You still have to memorise specific readings for a ton of words after wasting time drilling individual kanji
I look forward to how much of a disaster their SnU translation will be.
SnU is probably easier to translate than Tsui no Sora. Less schizoshit and a lot more SoL.
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That prose...
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It's already translated doe
The only real downside is that if you ever did want to make a VN you'd be shit out of luck because only native Japanese can make good ones
Why would I want to do that?
why the fuck would I want to make a VN? that's like a thousand wasted hours that could've gone into reading a bunch of VNs on the backlog
You shouldn't, but every now and then there's an English native brain damaged enough to try
>this is kino according ot J O P s
no self-respecting JOP actually likes SCA-ji
i hate scatji shit doe
they struggled with the easy parts, not the hard ones..
None of those retards ever read more than 3 VNs. It's kind of weird that literally no a single EVN dev read the medium in any capacity, yet they try to subvert, deconstruct, or prove they're smarter than 30 years of jap creativity.
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Didn't they literally say they were doing this?
what about it? the fantranslation's been out a while
It's the steam part that's crazy. Considering the game is just loli porn.
>reads danganronpa, umineko, fat morgan
>"Yep, that's it. Peak of the medium. Time to write an all-ages mysteryge"
it'd be funny if it weren't tangentially street-shitting on something I love
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How would you rank these swimsuits?
Mary will be informed shortly.
5 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 7 > 3 > 6 > 8
I kneel
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>the fantranslation's been out a while
>tenshi got nuked
>this is fine
sasuga steam
like we've told you a billion times before, it's dependent on the steam janny lottery, not a set rule everyone working there cares about
that's not on them, that's on NN leaving Amane's outfit with the slightly exposed areola intact
5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 8 > 6 > 4 > 7
it's funny thus better than official translations
it do be like that
1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 = 6 = 7 = 8
my slut looks good in anything
MY slut
um.. im unironically looking for a shota vn. any recs? op is mostly loli
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Liking Misaki is kinda gay.
If liking Misaki is gay I don't want to be straight
why do shotafags come to the one medium in the entire internet that is bereft of the stuff, try literally any other medium, they pretty much only do shota now
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>didnt ask + dont care

thanks zro
this girl have a penis
other mediums aren't VNs though and VNs are the superior medium
I wish everything had a penis
>yuri becomes so popular that now futa and trap yurige will become a trend
yuritroons btfo hard
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>start next story
>immediately it's everyone saying an emotional goodbye to Komadori, full of concern
>the reason is pic related
What could be the issue in a robo loli buying ice cream? Surely this can't go wrong....
Her personality is like she is a total bro, hard to see her as a girl personally speaking.
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>reads maggot baits, muramasa, nukitashi
>"Yep, that's it. Peak of the medium. Time to write an CGI WEG"
Never understood the appeal of those.
Nothing wrong with fucking your bro if he has big tits, tight pussy and looks like a girl
profound, isn't it?
emacs users in shambles
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>childhood friend brings soumen
I have a bad feeling about this word
Can't remember how much of this is a spoiler so I'll hide it all. She's the daughter and successor of a famous sword saint renowned for his overwhelming strength. She spent all her free time training because of this (either sword skills with her dad or cooking and cleaning with her mom because she didn't want her to be too manly and a bad wife candidate) so she didn't have any time to make friends. Also all the kids at her school in her hometown knew her fathers reputation and that she could fuck them all up without even trying so they were scared of her and avoided her, the main reason she moved to Kawakami for a fresh start in a place where strong people are more common and accepted, so she can work towards her goal of 100 friends. She is a freak in the sense that she's ridiculously strong, eccentric and a perverted goddess in the sack.
I can only see her as a slutty cow made for breeding.
I don't care for her personality.
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>hard to see her as a girl
yeah, if only she had massive milkers, slim waist and childbearing hips wider than her shoulders
girls should have dicks
Go back to Rokkenjima
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Misaki always seemed more like a fun girlfriend than wife material.
Bro... I remember playing Baldr Sky. Staggered the boss, sent him in the air, hitting my combo. I'm like, "Yeah, this is peak! I feel like a shounen protagonist." And then I whiff my special... I cringed and immediately alt+f4'ed.
>married couple plotge with no NTR
>it's actually good too
JOPkings I formally apologize for everything
what an awful expression though
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JOPs, can you translate this for me?
I want Matsukaze route so bad... Fuck you Minato.
wut vinny
Hand over the sauce.
Maybe on planet Rokuhara
>girl with the sluttiest body conceivable
>no, I d-don't see her as a girl, haha...
NTR doujins are not gonna write themselves.
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alright vn bros, i need some serious advice for my tl

there is this running gag about mc really hating how some people say chu (チュー) instead of kiss, so i tld every instance of it as smooch, but i reach the part where they explain why he hates it, and it turns out the reason its because the word chu reminds him of mouses, and mouses are copyright demons.
in other words, i dont fucking know what to do here
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She's literally me fr fr
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I fear what this game'll pull.
>Komadori suspiciously STILL not back with ice cream
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why were you translating the game as you read it for the first time
You're not a cute loli
mouses as in mice?
We don't talk about the mice here. It's a forbidden topic.
forgot about it
i read the ge two years ago and i believe its understandable not being able to remember every single gag of a ge full of them
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>everyone ends up going somewhere in the dark, Naja steps out for a moment and there's no one left
>the game cuts to Komadori
it better not be ninja snails again
maybe you could go for peck, like how people use peck on lips or peck on the cheek
MC-kun hates it because he hates birds or something, i dunno
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I know she's half meant to be a dumb thought experiment but I can't take this game seriously with how wanky SCA-JI's self-insert is.
nah, its a bit of a reach, and they always use it on a fullblown kiss context so peck doesnt really fit.
also being scared of posibly getting fucked over by copyright is better
>fake shit
I still have no idea who that is or what he did.
trashtalked shit translations, localizers and called out retards. AIsir except more unhinged
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>you don't even know Japanese
>you are 40 years old
top kek but why is this on /fg/? Trails isn't on VNDB. Haha...
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on Hsucc it happens on pretty much like half of the scenes lol, i still havent gotten around re-reading the localized version but if memory fails me not there's a full audience masturbating on the side while Sakiba has his way with Rosa, on Elze and KyunKyun's they not only make cameos within each other's scenes but they also have other characters in the background doing commentary about it
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Can a 7th generation i5 CPU run most vns smoothly? My main laptop died and I was thinking of buying a used laptop for vns and media watching only. On that note, what's the shittiest laptop or desktop you've successfully played vns on? Mine was an elitebook 8470p
good morning mondblut
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My 2nd gen i5 ThinkPad T440 can run all VNs smooth as silk. Only issue I had was trying to run Somnium Files, but it's written by Ushikoshi so I'm not exactly missing out on much.
what is fake
Did you also install Linux on it too?
Please stop glowing.
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evil woman combi
whatever that screenshot is supposed to be and his ban
JOPchuds ruined the VN in this website
He's right though. A broken clock is right twice a day.
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I just wanna play vinnies on either a t470 or a t480 bro
You do realize all those posts under that screenshot are him?
Tsukihime is an example of eroge where h-scenes are plot-relevant though.
iToddlers I underestimated you. I didn't know you could read VNs on a mac.
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the world needs more Komadoris
Valley girl heroines?
holy kek I didn't even notice that
It has windows installed on it though
You can literally see his post history on vndb tho?
This scene of Shirou having a threesome with Rin and Saber is absolutely essential to the plot.
gambs shit is true
and from the reactions on /fg/ it seems it's also true he is hated everywhere
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what did she mean by this?
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people can change
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she's literally me fr fr
so its a post about a ban from 7 months ago on some random eceleb with a notepad image of random shit someone wrote?
Its painfully obvious that isnt the ban reason nor that vndb would give one like this because its stalkershit, no one cares lol
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oops. did anyone actually watch that
>I whiff my special
yeah I switched to the EX pile bunker and whiff it all the time now, I get red in the face every time
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
kek, saved
Lurk more
>watching any anime before 2010
Can't be me.
i've been here longer than you.
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I've never watched any japanese drama and yet I get it without knowing why or how. Japanese culture truly is powerful

zoomers cant possibly exist...
8 years?
Depending on what we understand as "here", yes. Longer.
AIsir... you are a 2022GOD
I am the realest oldfag here.
Can't imagine still reading VNs in my 30s.
I can't imagine ever stopping reading vns
how did you divine 2022 by using a soundfile from a 2024 translation. More schizo than a detective this time
Tell us an important 2014 /vn/ event
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>horse attacked too
the plot thickens...
Sadly they didn't put as much effort into the FD TL, its noticeably worse and rather liberal
To be fair to the succubi game, I think in that game it makes more sense since it's succubi. The more degenerate the sex acts get with them the more appropriate it would be. With this super hero world, it's just kind of all handwaved away as the McGuffin PaiPhone making everyone either ignore it or just not care that it's happening. There was one sex scene with the teacher where the MC fucked her up against the chalkboard during the class, and he asked if the class can actually notice him fucking the teacher, to which one of the girls in the class was like "Nah, we can't notice that." So it's clear the audience "can" notice that something is happening to even reply like that, but the app just kind of makes them not actually care or truly comprehend what happened.
Sex with you.
Because I remember you shaming Kuonfag for buying AI art in 2023
So you must be at most a 2022 newfag
Imagine lying about the amount of time you've been here.... Pathetic.
Have you tried remembering when AI images became a thing? Maybe that's why there were no such happenings before a certain date, hm?
fake and gay
We live in a post bot/AI renaissance
They won and this is the machine age.
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The great JOP wars
Which heroine would you take to Plap Town?
The trio of sexual assault
nice trio retard
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Nozomi so she can lose weight
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I've my trio. Don't bother locking your door tonight.
I'll help her lose weight for you
its probably half and half, both the girls not knowing the full extent of his powers or when they do know they just going with the flow of things as a "i guess those rumours of Shimoujo having some perverted powers were true after all" and thats it, and while im not particularly into hags i gotta admit that Megumi-sensei's scene was really good, the added dialogue with the girls asking her if it was a "dangerous day for her" is what really makes the scene for me
with translation like this even the strongest kamige will fall.
Back off entrepreneur-kun
What about me anon
Heroines who will unapologetically cheat on me
Why are you not complaining on vndb?
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Why can't VNs compete?
>pink hair
>blue eyes
>small to slightly big sized tits
>short to shoulder length hair
Quite literally the perfect combo
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Royal... white... woman...
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total shin death

I'll mention it if I decide to write a review on it, obviously.
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I like where this is going. The monmusu we needed.
What I like to do when I start translating a new route is do an exploratory pass, so I can flag the lines that are going to be problematic and mull them over as I grind through the rest of it. That way they don't catch you off guard when you come up on them. Also it helps to map the game out for flashbacks and stuff, but depending on the title that might not be as important.
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>they discard the idea
>phone suddenly calls
what the fuck...
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will probably do that for the other routes if i dont drop it after being done with this one.im already more than half way done with this route so i see no reason to start doing it now.also this has been the only case when something of this nature happened
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Hey, get your hands off those.
Yeah no reason to do it in the middle of the route. I just like the extra time to think about how I'm going to handle puns and gags. Sometimes you'll wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea for one that's coming up, and you'd otherwise miss the chance for that. Basically just giving yourself more time to have flashes of inspiration.
wouldn't be funny if she tried to do this while at it
>NN is just handing all of their "problematic" titles to Kagura Games since they're really good at making sure their stuff doesn't get banned
That's funny
Retarded tourists like you who cannot go a single thread without bringing up drama, thread personalities, feuds or some other bullshit are the reason why this place, as well as every other visual novel community, is fated to go to shit eventually.
>are the reason why this place, as well as every other visual novel community, is fated
Nasu won...
Noratoto restoration patch fucking when!?
cry me a river kek
It's dead anon, let it go
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disgusting animal exploration
aquariums and zoos should be banned
I think they'd be fine if they weren't run for profit and actually designed around providing the animals with good lives
I will eat a very delicious chicken meat today just because of you
>disgusting animal exploration
/vn/ banned when?
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Only true freedom can guarantee happiness.
This, but we should put retards like you in a zoo in their place so we can laugh.
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You wouldn't explore an animal
>not beef
good morning sir
I'm a poor NEET, chicken is cheaper
MTL and its advancementes and techniques are on-topic, JOP isn't.
>can't get pregnant
gayest shit ever
might as well fuck an onahole
/g/ garbage is not on-topic, visual novels are
To be fair some animals have to live in capitivity because they're retards.
But yes, you are my animal fren brethren
this but put you together with me so that we can both fight to death
MTL circa 2023 is on topic because it's in English
but if they were banned where would we go on our moege dates??
I love imagining and treating girls as onaholes though, it's hot as fuck. Especially when they're the ones telling you to treat them like one.
by that logic E-mote, Kirikiri, etc are off-topic
>To be fair some animals have to live in capitivity because they're retards.
if you're talking about a specific visual novel I don't care what engine crap your tech you talk about. It's dumb white noise making sweeping generalizations about imperfect tech being the future that are the issue
japanese developers do not need MTL garbage to make a VN that matches their vision
to the park where the hobos live
so that you can both observe the modern lives of hobo sapiens
Oh yeah they do. Infact they use it a lot
I will kill you and then rape your corpse.
you can tell shit english captions are just from their own high school english classes since MTL would have better results than those
I'd much rather trust in that tech than the increasing retardation. "Translators" arguing that "shit that went down there" is a valid interpretation of "group suicide" and not a case of supplanting the author sure is a lot more imperfect.
I will rape you alive in the ass and then kill you after you give me healthy children
>their skin is pink so it burns like hell in the hot sun?
Yeah that translator sounds like he attempted a project way before he was ready for one
I mean they release english versions on Steam with MTL
get ready for buttlickers to validate that so his next work is even more "his"
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i fuk you bloody you bloody bastard bitch bench you bloody no
that has nothing to do with making the VN they planned out, that's just squeezing out extra money from foreigners
>files that exist in the VN are not part of the VN
ok bb
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a fight between these two would be kino
yeah files that have nothing to do with the VN may as well not be a part of the VN since removing them changes nothing in the VN
things that aren't true for 500, alex
I accept your concession
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I wasn't here when Sleepless was announced. What was the reaction? You all Sei GODjo, right?
Furthermore, when will it come out, does anyone have a prognostic date?
I forgot the verb. The verb was LOVE
seishoujo is too nasty for /vn/
take your meds
you didnt won the argument btw
this slays the jop.
We (I) hate his art here
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But does it slay the GIGAJOP?
Why is it different font sizes?
Woah, he's literally me
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>invite virgins
>cut off their cocks
>insert some black guys cock into him
>have sex
>ditch him
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I can finally remove Sleepless from the DeepL-Man image. Sunrise, sunset. *single tear*
Onigokko FD and Ginharu too.
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Sometimes after finishing a moege I get a dreary feeling of growing older alone, with nobody left to look after me because I don’t have kids or wife, and everyone who cared has already passed away.
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Learning Japanese actually enhances the way your brain works to superhuman levels. It's like that movie were that woman deciphers the alien language and starts to perceive time in a non-linear fashion, basically becoming an enlightened god
Same except every morning
And also afternoon and evening
what was the latest announcement?
You'd think after being lonely your whole life you'd get used to it.
you just learn to cope
To have nothing and to be left alone in a world of progressing retardation where logic is seen as the enemy is the worst nightmare made manifest.
This, but having sex.
This but learning the art of the sword.
women can't decipher shit tho
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Ahhhaaa I thought I was past my coomlecting days but it's $15. Why not??? But then again whyyyy
I hate my life
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VNs where you can be mean to girls?
Dragon Quest is fucking weird
you're fucking weird
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
You can tell just from the animations you're not supposed to pick those options.
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The style definitely is, can't say I like it. It just looks weird, uncanny even.
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What in the absolute FUCK is this? This is autism even I can’t comprehend.
Toriyama art looks good , translated to 3d it is a little uncanny
dunno i dont care about soap opera shit
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Why are you like this /vn/?
>girl changes her clothes
>get kicked out of the room
>no cg
They should've gotten someone else to do the humans, Toriyama is exceptional at monsters and good at shounenshit men but not so good at normal guys and girls.
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Men cannot win against this smile.
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I fucking love evil robot lolis who will perform sexual favors as thanks
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for me, it's a girl who has these traits
-has the same last name as you
-gave birth to you
This, but gave birth to your grandkids and is married to your son.
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Best VN('s) for feral on female?
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This, but gave birth to your grandkids and kids at the same time
She's not wanky, she's a wanker.
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actual disgusted sex. holy kamige
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scratch that im going unusual
/ss/ with white women vn doko?
royal nukige doko...
The problem was allowing JOPs. Now it's all identity politics
>Toriyama is exceptional
Was, anon. He was exceptional.
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well, I dunno what I expected
nice zako
That's... unusual.
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There's no universe where you can tell me that she isn't the best girl
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>it's real
god fucking dammit
good night sweet prince
But she's pink...
Are you only just now finding out he died? How?
They're laughing at us, jastfriends...
im beginning ot see the appeal
>JAST has never dropped a game, and this will not be the first.
She needs to go even deeper.
>The only way you are going to convince people that it isn't dead and buried is by actually releasing it
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If the VN isn't animated iin some way, I'm not reading it. It is the year 2024
how many pussies does she have
back of the knee, maybe
>jast staff
>read a total of zero nitroplus VNs
this for h-scenes
>no armpit pussy
we were so close and yet...

3. Possibly more if (You) asked.
>nukitashi took the spotlight in the umineko thread
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Yep, it's thinking time.
>normal way
>its just painful virginity loss
wow this felt like a punishment
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Everyone has potential
spoilers for the blogposter too
she's not a self insert in TNSR
Letting a game sit around for over 10 years and their only updates on it being "slow progress" and "it's still happening!" might as well be dropping it in my eyes. At this point, until I see an actual specific release date then I don't believe it's happening.
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>fucked her so hard she errored out
Blessed life. Though an addiction to errors sounds kinda depraved.
Anal sex with a loli.
>goes on vndb to spread JAST lies
>on vndb
>where all the VN historical encyclopedia nerds live
good TL choice for a change
>mahoma married used goods
How do we stop them? They can't keep getting away with it.
You know they poop from there right?
Not if you get them young enough
Loli poop is made of chocolate
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>the culprit of rape-assault was.... naja's mom
Loli poop on your dick during sex!
What's the good choice? That's just what she said.
Why do none of these translators have partnerships with Atelier Sakura Bare & Bunny
I thought she namedropped um***ko for a moment.
What is she actually referencing?

"something fitting for a fiancee happened" is closer to literal, what I meant was the wording they used, makes it way better and joke-y than the actual line.
>I know japanese so I read english translations and dissect them
what leads an individual to be this way
Not being good enough to actually read in nip but still wanting to feel superior
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apprehended lol
>not allowed to explain herself
What's the verdict on Toneworks works
more like snoozeworks
Good sleeping aid.
literally impossible to fit in that
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Mary lost...
what a shame
Did they announce Onigyu just to kill the /vn/ translation? When is that coming out?
>nyoo dont point out the mistakerinos nyooo
shh. I just like literature and good writing. Maybe it'll help someone down the line, like making joproaches realize they're wrong about meanings. Maybe not.
nhentai sisters?
already did, think the team fell apart and there was no one to edit it so someone dumped it
there are some VNs that offer the translation and original text to be shown in the text box at the same time. For those games, it's hard to ignore when the translator literally just made some shit up. lol
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im not sure I buy that...

it goes down her arm
Already beat both now onto setoguchi kinos
I mean the Nekonyan version you fuck
well your sentence was ambiguous, you should avoid that in the future
What happened to her being evil?
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It was 65% translated as of last month.
I learned from reading Rance that the cock turns evil women into good women.
When a man loves an evil woman very much, he can fix her.
got eaten alive by fakku buying out 80% of sadpanda catalogue
Considering how long it takes companies to do QA/engine bullshit these days, this could still be a good 2 years away
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lol lmao
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the true culprit was....!
the big robot, 42
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uwaa... maybe she wasn't as fixed as I believed....
need one more tier to "translating shit to spanish for no reason"
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wait huh its actually meant to be (You)
im getting filtered....
S is already there
I'd put B above A but other than that accurate
this doesnt seem right chuunibros...
I hate americans so much it's unreal.
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Is it better for a heroine to be cute, though?
Ha llegado el nuestro momento. Empiezen!
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>choose not moving away in the dark
actually a different scenario, nice.
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will they just cycle colors now
umm... kino?
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I misunderstood, she was just being chuuni about it after the initial reveal.
Still kino though
>literally says "go heaven now"
>anon's filename reads "go to hell"
>tl translates it to something spanish
MTL can't possibly be worse than humans with such competition.
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Shiravune-sama, onegai...
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>text backlog only displays the last scene or two's worth of text
>go heaven now
Grandpa, it's about time you get a hearing aid.
B-but she says it in English, s-so it should be in some other language r-right?
Deafbro... your hearing meds?
this FD TL is such a downgrade from the near perfect OG, I guess jast and FDs arent exactly a trustworthy combo
somehow we have arrived at ice cream fellatio https://litter.catbox.moe/ljnyot.jpg
Friendly reminder that nekoniggers can release zako reboot anytime they want on the other stores, but they choose not to, because they care more about steam positioning than their customers.
This is a friendly reminder to not buy nekonyan releases on steam but who am I kidding you people will only buy things on steam like the sheeple you are.
Aqua x Akane
Kana x The shitty actor dude from the first manga adaptation
Ruby x The tech guy

There. I leaked it
You'd need to be the a huge cuck NTR MC level to buy something from Nekonyan on Steam after what they did. Nobody here will do that, only normalfags and chinks
>after what they did
What did they do?
White women thread!
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>lewd beam'd
thats an interesting tsundere line. I guess it'll be everyone having sex in the dark and getting caught by the rest
Im not really sure whatever the fuck THIS is supposed to be https://litter.catbox.moe/y7q2hw.jpg but I'll find out tomorrow.
zakochin thread
AkaneGODS...we won...
Strongest Moebuta thread.
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>MTL can't possibly be worse than humans with such competition
Maya is the cutest one in her game, though???
Little girls
But that's the correct translation for every japanese sentence
tech guy? the dude that was just doing his job and not being all stalkerish and knowing three sizes of all the idols performing on his stage? that dude?
seagay in shambles, lmao.
picture of truth
I think NTRanon was the one who wrote this post before anons started using as a pasta
My leg hurts.
the red truth edit is decent but man nukitrash is fucking vile, worse than EVNs
yeah that's the only one I found funny
At least you still have your fapping hand
Whenever day is bad alway rember yuo can stil fap, ulike onthers whom thier penies broke, or the hand was turned to pizza
cope virginfag
>or the hand was turned to pizza
I have nightmares about this very situation. I'd eat it right away. Like I wouldn't even stop to think about it.
they/them got here in 2021 when moogy released Mememasa, how can he still not crosslink?
You're setting your expecations awfully high if you expect newfags to lurk 2 years and try to fit in.
She's adorable. It certainly helps that she's shown up in more scenes than the other heroines, even just during other character's scenes she's shows up to have a little moment with the MC. Almost makes me wonder why she didn't fill Rio's role as the "main" main heroine.

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