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amature gmae devloper editiion!!!!!11

>Demo Days
24 HOURS REMAIN: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM

Previous: >>492997559
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>24 HOURS REMAIN: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
thanks for the heart attack OP
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nice I have 0 competitors. and 0 audience!
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When you guys think of a feature you want how do you figure out how to code it? I've managed a couple things now I found no tutorials for but I am not a clever man. This is getting harder.
Godot tutorials are better than Unity tutorials
>he made 300 million and counting on one game, therefore he can EASILY become the first to make a billion this way
no, it's extremely unlikely he will ever make another game that is anywhere near as successful as Stardew. if you win the lottery once that does not mean you are permanently more likely to win the lottery. nobody has ever won the lottery twice. and likely no one man dev will ever make a success like Stardew twice. in fact there's even a chance that no one man dev will ever have a bigger success than Stardew ever again Stardew may just remain the peak of what solodevs accomplished in this one strange era in video game history. a lot of things point to this being more likely.
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Couldn't help myself, and started a side project I was thinking about. Side scrolling platformer with some depth movement too (though not too much). Mix of Goemon's great adventure with a bit of powerstone. Co-op. Got jumping in. Using one of the Spurdo worlds as a base since I already having a bunch of mechanics there i can re-use. Aiming to have it done in 3 months, will just be a little 3 hour game. I figure if I could make Spurdo in 7 months@8hrs a day, I should be able to do this in 3 months.
Stardew gave him massive marketing reach and millions of loyal fans willing to try his next project, even if Haunted Chocolatier doesn't sell 30 million copies like Stardew it's basically guaranteed to sell 5-10 million. He's not starting from scratch again.
Klonoa 3 looking lit
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Should I get rid of poise/armor for all enemies and just use classic blocking states?
Do armored attacks have a place in arcadey action platformers?
it comes to me as I start typing. it comes out wrong, and then I fix it.
>godot tutorials are better
>you can't find a tutorial to fix your issue because everyone chooses to make tutorials on easy sections
>if there is a tutorial its 10/10 and fixes your issue
It hurts. At least with unity theres a tutorial for everything
>Stardew may just remain the peak of what solodevs accomplished in this one strange era in video game history.
Notch made millions with Minecraft, and then sold it to Microsoft for an extra 2 billion dollers. Minecraft is infinitely more successful than Stardew Valley.
guys wtf does eric do with all that money that is some insane number
Notch is single and bitter though.
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No promises but I'm gonna try to have a short game out for Halloween
This looks great!
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I haven't watched a Unity tutorial since week 1 of learning to dev, much quicker and easier to just find an old forum post if I don't know how to do something. Do people really think "I need to add an inventory system, better watch an inventory system video tutorial" instead of just starting on building one and looking up specific issues as they run in to them?
3 months, you are fast so i think you can do it! ganbare spurdomon!
cameo idea: low poly flatshaded shooter dudes on the rocks taking potshots at spurdo. attack at the right time to deflect the bullet back at them.
>Do people really think "I need to add an inventory system, better watch an inventory system video tutorial"
That is not relevant. We're talking about financial success, not personal.
Shield enemies make perfect sense because they tell people to pay attention. Put in guard breaks so your MC can do more than wait for a shield to go down.
he spends it on delightful chocolate
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He's got a big sneaker collection
>Do armored attacks have a place in arcadey action platformers?
I think it depends on how it works.
If it makes it so you need to connect 2-3 hits before an enemy is staggered instead of just 1 then that adds a little bit of extra risk which could be good.
If it works like super armor then get rid of that shit. I hate it when games do that.
"willing to try" makes a moderate success. you don't land a mega hit based on reputation. yes you can get people in the door but then your game has to have crazy innate appeal to become a hit like Stardew. and Stardew was a clone of a genre where players were starving. it was the right game at the right time.
you might be right that he has good odds to sell 10 million as long as HC is decent. but the big marketing reach is only going to work once or twice. will Eric continue to be successful? I think yes, almost certainly. but will he more than triple his total earnings before retiring? no. extremely unlikely.

Notch did not make Minecraft on his own and he did not make 300 million bucks off of paying customers. he made 2 billion of Microsoft because that company is run by idiots who failed upwards.
He has a huge property with a private lake
why? his feet are small
he's making stardew valley irl. I'm moving in next year
he's a manlet just like me, we are gonna make it bros...
>you don't land a mega hit based on reputation
AAA has been doing this for decades
Sure, Minecraft is more successful, but Notch wasn't a solodev, which was anon's point.
Hoopo is joining Valve.
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I have a programming job and I have said before that gamedev is my hobby. Just now I realised this means that my game will be free because player count is worth more than buyer count.
Don't undercut me bro.
living the dream man, I'd be happy with any job that involves using a computer.
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how do I get a programming job I've been learning python for about a week and a half
you'll be laughed out the door unless you show up to the interview with a SaaS that makes you thousands a month.
i'm taking a pause
Having a degree in software engineering helps. Otherwise start with programming your own website and learn on the way, read a lot. A website is something you can show of easily.
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You can if you spend 50 meter or just hit them from the back
Before I gave certain enemies a second hidden health bar (I guess these are stagger bars now) that needed to be depleted before accessing hitstun.
After reading a bunch of blogs from beat em up /arcade game devs and seeing how they all despise stagger bars I've been rethinking having that system at all. Maybe just for bosses
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A game about myself and how awesome I am and how shitty everyone else is
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Feels like I'm on a streak with how much I've done in my game just this and last month. A new feature is partly complete but so far is functioning as intended. Quite quickly too, don't think I expected anything on the time frame for how long but feels fast.
don't think i've heard of this site before, is it even reliable or safe for that matter?
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should i leave this glitch? im thinking yes, for like, speed runners.
it got posted on r*ddit today
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good morning agdg
What's the glitch trigger? If it's something that can be naturally stumbled upon then no.
an arcade game that gradually gets faster over time (as long as you stay alive), but getting into the arcade game is hard and technically an easter egg.
looks like reloading from the minigame preserves the spaceship speed value onto the player
Which AI is best if I want to make lots of small variations to written dialogue in bulk? Like let's say I have written a particular set of lines for an NPC and want to change certain words or how the line is said depending on a very long list of conditional flags like race, background, stats, and what other shit they have done in game. That would be extremely tedious for me to go through and do manually and I think this is probably where AI could be useful but chatgpt is kind of limited in how much it can output.
exactly. but also enemies.
Probably claude. but without a subscription you are limit to like 8 messages per 6 hours or something.
i think i've decided that it stays in the demo, fixed in the final game.
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>daily standups
>Jeet coworkers
>weekly calls with executives
>calls at night due to production failures from Jeet mistakes
what jobs are even good in this day and age then
Management position in dad's company
How much have your games made?
>TIme to complete
>Gross revenue
> Lessons learned
it's over for real this time
it's literally not over until you die and even then it might not actually be over
god, I hope it is over after I die.
The entire multiplayer in Stardew Valley was coded by someone else and it's one of the biggest features of the game, it's a bit dishonest to call it a solo effort million dollar project just because he outsourced a lot of stuff but didn't officially hire them in his company, to be honest with you senpai.
I'm not even kidding. Two more weeks and I will release my game (in Early Access).
Does a shitty total convertion published on Steam as a standalone free game count?
What? You don't want to spend eternity with your parents screaming "holy holy holy"?
>Get to heaven
>Iwata has started an actual Nintendo up there, living up to the 天 in the name
>He asks you to join him in making some fun games for people in heaven to play
*early acces game that's been made in two weeks*
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Yeah, it was a $200 million venture with only a $1 million profit to show for it. Not exactly the outcome we hoped for, but the lessons we gained are worth it. Now we’re wiser and are going to add more transgender niggers and gay sex scenes.
Do you still gamedev after dinner?
Rent free
Actually it has been in development for a year and a half. Do you wanna see it?
whcih tutorial helps me learn how to make a fucking dummy texture for prototyping?
been a day now still can't progress at this point I refuse to do any alternative solutions
>Open aseprite or gimp
>Resolution 256x256
>Fill color
>Square tool
>Outline white
Save as png
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Action RPG
>Time to complete
12 years
>Gross revenue
>Lessons learned
Anime was a mistake
Spent 3hundred million
how about a gambling multiplayer game that you host in panama
>TIme to complete
8 years
>Gross revenue
>Lessons learned
Too proud to learn lessons
I have an issue in godot or maybe its an xbox controller issue where when I release a trigger, its gets into Input.is_action_pressed and Input.is_action_just_pressed. Anyone know a fix for this?
I refuse to do that
I should be able to prototype easily within the engine
if I'm in my art program I might as well just be making art.
Genuine question, do you have autism?
Hmm...... now adding various animations/moves ot my game. Would the best way to set it up be a custom class that describes each move/animation with animation name (in animator), length, tags (enums? strings?). As ScriptableObjects?
Alright, I'm giving up on my engine. Time to install Unity...
zero profit as none reached selling stage. But lesons were learned.
1. use own IP
2. dont' feature creep
3. Start small, expand
4. plan for expansion in advance when coding
It's not your fault, you just didn't make a good game. No one wants to play top down hack n slash.
idk but it doesn't matter cause triggers arent buttons
Why because I believe games engines should make sense when they don't? No I don't have autism I just fucking hate technology
I'm basically a boomer in spirit
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Namylea about to make a discovery.
what do you mean they arent buttons they are
the engine gives you the tools to make any game you want not hold your hand sourgrapes g boomer
triggers function like moving a joystick left and right. they're not just on or off. it's not uncommon that they wouldn't have a depressed event.
unless I want to make a game that's a prototype of the game I want to make, of course
After you die, I can't say for sure how it works but if it works like regular sleep it's probably like this
>untold amounts of time have passed in a split second
>what happens next depends on what you chose before dying
>1. awaken in one of the stages that encompasses the First Resurrection (good for you)
>2. awaken at the Great White Throne (idk if that's where they will awaken or if somewhere else but it's where they will end up at some point)

Looks neat. Any sort of document detailing what you need to do for the game's design so you can try to keep the timeline in check? Will it have multiple biomes and how do you put so many hours in that easily?
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I liked your game marmo. Don't listen to the peanut gallery.
we've come a long way, aggy
>t. peanut gallery
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implemented LoS
If only there was a better way to do this :<
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Her discovery.
So are you going to rush it out of early access to move on? Can't you at least try shilling it to some streamers first, some more if you already tried? If it still fails to sell a lot, I want to say
>I encourage rushing it out and moving onto a new game, assuming you still want to make games.
but it feels hard to say that when you've sunk so much time into it even though it might be the best choice. I say might cause you never know if you end up being that Among Us tier game that goes popular, iirc, years after it was available.

Out of curiosity, do you have any ideas for a new game?
name of game?
>the scope creep idea that will add a minimum of 3 months of development will be one of the few things that could make the game popular
At this point you guys have said this about every genre
unironically didn't hit post just a moment ago but instead it'll add maybe like 2 years of development to my game, which is already multiple years in. i don't know if i want to because on the off chance it still flops i wasted time working on it when i couldve moved onto a game with betters odds.
Man, Chat GPT is a game changer. I am using it for simple code feedback.
Feeels good when it tells me my code is well though of.

Right now I made a simple system for moves/animation that stores them as scriptable Objects that hold the animation name (in animator), the hash (autoamtically updates OnValidate) for quiker searches, duration, clip (so it can automatically get duratio nfrom clip if assigned) and a list of tags (custom class that allows categories and priority in case I need them)
Im basically adding a whole new half of the game at the end of the game, albeit it'll be easier to develop because all the groundwork is already done. Its all to create a tuber moment. I don't think you could play my game to completion and not at least slightly shit yourself at the ending
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>Feeels good when it tells me my code is well though of.
It tells me this and my code is yandere dev tier
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fixed a stack of bugs
idk how you work on a game that you don't know will be successful from before you even start it.
>nobody has ever won the lottery twice

This is factually untrue, lots of people win more than once. Google it.>>493100949

You fucking zoomers need to die.
the word for a marble like surface
I know it'll be decently successful, but theres a chance it wont be tuber successful without the ending. The ending all but confirms it.
>You fucking zoomers need to die.
No zoomer has uttered the world albeit you autistic retard
>engine deved for Jaun all day
mistakes were made
It's only you fucking retards using it because you don't know what it means and you heard some streamer repeat it.

I work with a bunch of retarded zoomers and quote un quote they never fucking stop saying quote un quote because they got their education from youtubers.
So basically stardew valley is just a harvest moon clone that has been stripped of some flaws (and dozens of mechanics). What's the next game genre that will get bastardized and then sell for millions?
oh yeah? whats the best harvest moon game?
You need to chill frfr you crashing out rn. I dont know what youtuber taught you the word albeit but give me the sauce they sound lit asf
No true, many high potential aggy games are still in development
will they be wildly successful? probably not, because that's mostly luck.
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Made a prototype system for destructible terrain, to test if the AI would correctly pick another path.
Also smoothed out flowfields with bilinear interpolation, which massively reduced the AI tendency to be okay with running at full speed 0.01mm away from the cliff/water/etc. Now they try to have half a cell-length margin.
so can anyone tell me how stupid this is on a scale from 1 to 10?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Namylea with her suit off, after the injury.
woah... is this your art? This is the most stunning beautiful gorgeous woman I have evar seen
I bet I still fucked up her muscle anatomy but as ugly as Nortubel is, there are some "drawings" I think look okay by some forgiving standards.
The idea of her injuring herself because of the voodoo doll was also an excuse to show off her muscles because it's not shown in her "reference" art.
which genre haven't the individuals in these threads admonished
You don't have to post every single frame of your cutscene as you make it. Just make the cutscene and post that when it's done.
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>abloo bloo bloo I can't make a game I can't code!
>it's just a very basic character controller where you move and interact with stuff, and then a shitload of art and funny voice acting
yes, let's add even more bloat and become Unity v2
>guy watches vinny play a game made by a fuckton of British people
>isn't ashamed of enjoying british media
not a good look brotherman
another example would be TCoAaL
but artfags will never concede
>Time to complete
5100 hours
>Gross revenue
no idea, I just count what I get in the bank
>Lessons learned
finish college, get a job, build a career, follow conventional life script
(lessons learned are for others, it's too late for me)
That amount of money would be absolutely life changing for my family. You're a fortunate man. Or maybe you earned it I don't know. Good job.
I have no idea who vinny is, so you just outed yourself as a vinny knower, retard.
>isn't ashamed of enjoying british media
it's set in a small town in Yorkshire that isn't overrun by muslims, so it's actually a fantasy game.
Irregardless you need to leave this isn't an oxford dictionary forum.

Leftis diving suit right?
>That amount of money would be absolutely life changing for my family
NTA but here is a tip:

> https://games-stats.com/steam/tags/
> sort by "Median Revenue"
Game name?
>Leftis diving suit right?
More of an "exploration" suit.
She's pretty much an explorer, reseacher and even bit of an archeologist though it can also apply to diving.
And that "gun" is a grapple hook.
She's from the same setting as Lahiurn but much like Claudia (From Brinkaedea), she ends up in a Nortubel themed set of levels.
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gonna make a "Turn-Based Dwarf-Rugby game with Open World Survival Craft elements"
How did Martin Freeman go from some niche British comedy to being in Hollywood movies such as;

The Hobbit Trilogy
Multiple Marvel Movies (at its peak)
Thrillers and War drama.
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he weined the stein
something about the eyebrows bother me, I think its because every other thing including the nostrils has lineart but the eyebrows dont
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> he...
one of these done by a fellow r-tard?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Some other dolls based on other characters. Not in the level but show how many characters got them. This is after said level in which they vanish as a hint of being protected.
>grapple hook
Iirc I was under the impression it was a harpoon gun. But yeah an exploration suit makes sense.
>code like crude dogshit
>have chatgtp fix the bugs
Works every time
He was in some Simon Pegg films like Hot Fuzz which were all mostly cast with niche British comedy people, and then Sherlock which despite being the most retarded show ever written, had a long enough run and was popular enough with Americans to let his acting career take off
Same but I'm an electrician by trade, I make enough money off my regular job (which I enjoy and don't really want to quit) and my plan is to just make my game free when it's ready. And to take as long making it as I need to get it right.
5100 hours is 2.5 years of fulltime work.
unless you're a thirdie, $74k is a pitiful amount of money for so much work. an 18 year old straight out of high school would earn more doing literally any job.
You're bloat you retard
>He was in some Simon Pegg films like Hot Fuzz
Only one scene but it was a good one.
>unless you're a thirdie, $74k is a pitiful amount of money for so much work
My feet don't work, it'd be pretty good for me. I'm not on disability.
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>Don't have the skills to make what you want?
>Just make something you don't want!
hey agay dagay do I have to put base building and decoration mechanics into my game for it to be successful?
my game has that and it was a BIG BAD NASTY flop
Same but I'd prefer to make my game all day than making some software I don't care about.
I have 1 scheduled meeting per week and no pajeets, what you are complaining about is all corpo jobs, which I just left to work here instead.
time travel back to 2016 and put javascript on your resume and you'll get a job no problem
my is doing that and it will make bank (serious)
>so can anyone tell me how stupid this is on a scale from 1 to 10?
idk, looks similar to what I have implemented for Hypercoven. Cast 6 segments out from the hex, each segment growing one row at a time. Objects hit create a shadow i.e. subtract some range from the segment arc, which is then skipped on subsequent rows. It’s basically the algorithm commonly recommended for square grids, only with 2 additional segments. The segmentation seems to be needed for cache locality, access prediction, or some shit; doing just one segment that covers the whole 360° arc was clearly slower for me.
One tweak that gave me a lot of performance was how to represent the segment ranges (light vs. shadow). I have start and end of the range as integer numerators over a fixed (very large) denominator. The denominator can be divided by all row lengths up to my maximum possible vision range. You see where this is going: There is no division needed this way to create "fractional" values that scale without loss of precision into the rows further down the cone.
It's not pitiful. More like fairly average. Maybe underpaid as a programmer. But as an American making 32k a year isn't that strange.
That's a third of my yearly income and I work less than 2000 hours a year.
Making games is and should always remain a H O B B Y
that sounds fun as fuck, please do
im making the worlds first game to be unplayable on analog stick since the invention of the n64
Time to dev I guess. (new hours are 7:30 to 2, technically 7 to 2 but I get an unpaid hour for lunch and I use the first half of it in the morning for breakfast).
Yes he does because he’s a brownoid attention whore
>daily standups
>Jeet coworkers
>weekly calls with executives
>calls at night due to production failures from Jeet mistakes
Neets can’t stop losing
I just had the idea of tohou, but is a roguelike deckbuilder, but is also a porn game.
I just wanted to make a castle sieging game why are RTS so fucking involved bros I already project hopped and hopped back and I'm going to project leap off a fucking building
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300 posts
10 progress posts
Average progress post has less than one (you)
Why do you even come here?
>so can anyone tell me how stupid this is on a scale from 1 to 10?
if it works at scale without a threadripper and RTX4090 then 10. If not then 1

There are certainly more sophisticated ways to do it though.
Aren’t most game engines single threaded?
>There a risk of running the algorithm for nothing
First you check if there any los blocking object in range before running the algorithm

>You can now where the los blocker are
Run the algo only on an angle range containing the blocking object.
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Every time I think about devving I get instant scope paralysis
this is the power of autism
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I met Eric Barone(Concerned Ape) at Pax and it was AMAZING. Pic is the photo we took together *_*>>493104380
What a fucking faggot.
this poster IS me and YES I am a vinny knowing tranny who wears cat ears in public, cope and seethe streighties
Alright so what does wisdom do?
>fake picture of a random trans woman gets more (you)’s than any progress posted on the entire thread
Seriously, what’s the point of these threads?
Make sure every class can inflict a status ailment. It reduces the effectiveness of status ailments.
>le quirky simulation game
Fuck this shit
Why does Eric still subject himself to humiliation like this when he's already rich as fuck?
Haunted Chocolatier is never going to be finished if he spends all his time sitting in a convention booth getting gawked at by troons like some struggling TV actor who can't get any more roles
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You too?
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shitposting in the context of gamedev
>Waaaah he not only made game but made money :,(
Eric and Notch linked up?
You gonna cry, thirdie?
Sir please does not redeem your game on Steam making competition I must be feeding village??
I'm a yesdev and I don't bother posting progress any more.
Thicc awooga
but aye lmao face
if i dont post people will call me a whodev during the bi-monthly period in which these threads have a reason to exist
Are you Transwiz per chance?
You're not funny. And you're stupid.
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Good morning AGDG! Let's make some progress today!
>demo days matter
>”yeessssss goyim upload your entire game for FREE”
>”what? Ummm… no… this won’t affect your sales at all” *hides marmoreal and nolgorb behind his back*
Is it considered fake advertisement if in my trailer I arrange the gameplay to look more cinematic/interesting? Like the game itself is turn-based and you only get 1 turn to use a skill then the enemy uses the skill and so on, but in the trailer I'll chain 2-3 skills after another without showing the whole part where the player clicks on the "end turn" and then the enemy does his turn etc.
Do they tickle?
reminded of Nurzhan Bekkaliyev.
>hey guys basically my game sucks and is so awful and boring I have to change it completely to trick people into buying it
Why not just make your game fun and interesting in the first place?
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress ::At least one doll wasn't saved.
Woah this is crazy, like professional AAA quality pixel gold tier art
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honestly feeling pretty hopeless and thinking I might scrap the whole project..
Anyone messed with IK in godot?
I'd like to do a project requiring leg, hands and spine IK and ragdolling but heard godot has poor IK tools and I'm a notive programmer.
Nice dogshit ass ugly asset flip, you’re right you SHOULD give up
Another one bites the dust, tokbros
another soulless 3D unreal asset slop “game” down the drain. we are healing the world by bullying non pixel devs
Stardew Valley mogs Harvest Moon

But to answer your question, traditional Zelda games with temples and shit
If you didn't know your game, and your interest was piqued with this trailer, how would you feel when you go to play it?
KEK it all looks so gray and muddy and washed out, why did you do that?? LMAO
What's a good way to calculate damage vs defense?
I want to make a top down game like this but with the brutality of Fear and Hunger.
Nice quixel mega scan ground texture, and asset store animation pack, Ranjesh
Ignore him. He's seething because us thirdies can realistically full-time gamedev. With $1800 a month I live like a king here. Just now I was in the supermarket and I couldn't decide between Ben & Jerry's or Haagen Dasz so I picked both and I'll give half of each to my dog.
Like a king.
>healing the world by releasing floods of ugly pixelslop shartformers with 40 year old game mechanics
ok bud
harvest moon wives mog shartpoo valley hags
is this going to be the next dogshit unfunny brown bit the thread will have to deal with for a while then
That’s easy, just download a couple asset packs into unreal and double click on “generate level” and you will have a game like this in 15 minutes
DamageType * (1 - (DefenseType/100))

Where defense is the inverse of the percentage of damage to be negated

50 damage
75% fire defense

50 * (1-(75/100)) = 12.5 damage
>glazing a unreal 3D asset flip
>calling someone else brown
Is this a little projection and self hatred there Poojeet?
is that seriously how easy it is in unreal engine? how does it know what to generate? that sounds really crazy
it's zero dollars profit, they are refunding the game
post your game
That's my idea. Working game A now. Game B will be next. Then it's a toss up between Zelda Game or a Grade Strat. Don't know why nobody makes a good zelda game.
what game is this actually?
calm down.
Fuck you all, post game.
awwwww unreal 3D asset flipper gonna cryyyy???? wahhhhhh poor babyyyy
who cares? it looks like shit
thanks to rolling blackouts in his thirdie south american country he can't work on his game much therefore has none
Deceptively difficult to make is my guess
I think a big part of Zelda is the world and atmosphere and a lot of Zelda clones are just really generic
Tunic and Deaths Door come to mind
how to machine translate to chinese the best way
we arent machines racist
I keep hearing about blackouts in the US, like a single snowflake fell in Texas, millions without power. Is it because the power plants in the US are privately owned and they're optimized to make profit? In my shitty country the last time we had rolling blackouts was when we were being bombed 25 years ago.
hey can you uhhhh maybe up the bitrate on your game or something?
internet above 240p is expensive ser
>bombed 25 years ago
lmao imagine
does anyone have any progress to share besides poe2
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Yeah heres a new screenshot from my early PC FPS game
why? so i can get some 5'2" freak replying like 8 times in a row in broken english about how my game is pixelshit or something
>pixelshitters running scared
easy to run your mouth but you go missing when asked to back it up
>implying this place isn’t a giant hug box for delusional pixel sharters like nortufaggot
That is a hilariously delusional victim complex you have there. You must be white
So you could have a 210m native European dismantling your daydreaming with blackpills and logic.
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Is Thomas right?
indie game industry discussion goes on /v/
ok janny
How does anon organize his work files?

Different from your game's actual assets like art/sprite/sound/etc., but the actual files you've gone through to get to that current asset. For a while I've treated the folders and organization the same as I would the regular assets folder, but now I have a bunch of extra files for every one finished asset, all with different names because of 'forks' I've taken from the original file.

So for example, here's ONE sprite:
standing_pose_02a.psd (Too similar to 02 to be its own thing)
standing_pose_02ab.psd (Alternate version of 02a; Discontinued)
standing_pose_01_newpose.psd (fork of standing_pose_01.psd; completely different from the older 02/02a)
standing_pose_01_newpose_02a.psd (Current version of the most recent sprite file to export to the game)
new_idle_01.kra (complete refresh; krita version done on different PC when I was away)

And then there's audio:
first_level_BGM.mmpz.bak (not sure what these .bak files are for but they show up where the work files are saved)
first_level_BGM_01_new.aup3 (Imported to Audacity for final editing)
first_level_BGM_01_final.aup3 (Most current version of the work file that the current BGM asset has exported from)

And keep in mind there's all the abandoned or old versions of exported files that all have the same name (bgm_first_level_01.ogg + sprite_ standing_pose_01.png). Thinking of making an 'archive' folder to just dump these all and keep the main current work files separate. Not sure how to label these going forward, they're just gonna keep getting messier.
I refuse to watch the video because Thomas is a grifter drama queen.
>I think a big part of Zelda is the world and atmosphere and a lot of Zelda clones are just really generic
People undersell atmosphere and the world for these kind of games greatly. Botw and totk have pretty good gameplay, but their worlds are so dry and souless compared to older titles that it makes you not want to explore them. TOTK is especially bad with this considering its basically the same world, and 95% of the npcs talk about the exact same uninteresting events. Even just agatha from TP is more interesting than every npc in totk and botw combined imo.
conflicting words
whatever dumbass, if you think /agdg/ isn't an industry you are a bozo hehehe
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I hate art style merchants. Cult of the lamb is ass, pinstripe is ass in every way aside visuals
ask gpt
Tunic looks like a game where they spent all their time on animation and making things look cute. It looks fucking gay.

It's probably just that you'd need at least an artist to help out. Otherwise it would be impossible for a solo dev. Maybe even two artists to make the world map and all the enemies. But it could be done. An old school Link to the Past game. Not some cutesy retarded shit. And to be clear I wouldn't attempt a Breath of the Wild game. That would be too much for a solo dev.

Deaths Door looked a lot better. Not sure if it's a good game, just saying it's a lot closer to something interesting than Tunic.
Who is the best, most profitable game developer in the /agdg/ industry?
ironically indians have amazingly fast cheap internet, did you know they have unlimited mobile internet too? i know coz my sis in law is from there.
>need gun sounds for game
>all available sound effect libraries sound like shit
>paid libraries are expensive as fuck
>no time, money or equipment to revord gunfire in a shooting range
What do?
The best I can think of is taking random sound effects and editing them until they sound like gunfire
>taking random sound effects and editing them until they sound like gunfire
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The closest example that you can actually use of a "good game" not selling well would probably be something like pic related. 2k+ reviews which would have been amazing for 2-3 people to share but a 12 person studio? Terrible. You would need to get into the 5 digit reviews for such a large team.
>What do?
overlay several different gunshot sound effects with the peak together then add some echo in audacity. Trust me and try it.
They are if you program like a baboon, but even Godon't has multithreading support
>wizard with a gun
>expected Magicka with guns
>got Don't starve with guns
I was so fucking disappointed
Breath of the Wild is not more soulless than previous games. The soul of BOTW is the environment. The feeling of existing in that world. It's more soul than really any Zelda game since A Link To The Past. Even Ocarina didn't really have that much of an atmosphere. Wind Waker had great art and kind of a good atmosphere. It was just so empty and devoid of anything interesting to do it was held back.

Now in terms of NPC's I do think there should have been a few witches and wizards spread around the wastes. That was a missed opportunity for some fun npc's.
>>expected Magicka with guns
>having to type a certain sequence to rack the slide or operate the bolt
god that would be good.
how does your programming skill effect the number of threads your built game binary can utilize? unreal and unity both appear to be single threaded
>320 people (283 professional roles, 37 thanks) with 327 credits
I was expecting using magic alongside gunplay, not a shitty crafting system
Then again I only played the demo. Did the release change anything?
I think one of the main reasons why I am taking so long to start making a game other than laziness is because I am afraid of it taking too much time out of my life to even find inspirations for said project. It's like I have no choice but to commit many sacrifices just to get a chance of success.
>Can't even finish making slam dingo so he makes twich streamer bait instead
The main appeal of BOTW was that you did want to explore the world. It's one of the best games in terms of exploration. Older zelda worlds you don't really come back to the same location unless you have a reason to. In BOTW you can go back to the same area and there will be still stuff to do and you can hang around and still keep exploring in case you missed something. I wouldn't call them soulless. In fact the world has a suprising amount of atmosphere, story, and soul.

Every general location has a reason for being there. Even the map screen feels like you're actually exploring the world with the way it treats different terrain elevations. You're actually hiking around, and just walking around has a nice satisfying sound to it with your equipment making noises. Walking around through the grassy fields and being able to cut or burn that grass is also very immersive and engaging.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress ::Arrival at Herrko.
Write it out in plaintext pseudocode first after a comment saying exactly what you're trying to do. If not sure where to start, start defining attributes that you will need and then figure out how to use them with each other.
>come to difficult obstacle
>give up and be depressed for a while
>stop being depressed and try again
>it just works and its not even that hard
this keeps happening and im glad for it
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What a terrible way of doing it
>Do a list of all block in range of los
>If a block is blocking los, then every case in the "shadow" of the block is removed from the list
>Iterate on the list and set to visible.

No need for raycasting the whole range
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I have no idea, it's a mess here.
Backup your project then remove everything that isn't used.
standing_pose -> p_standing
new idle -> p_idle
>first_level -> lvl_1
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>How does anon organize his work files?
the texture folder has mostly textures, but some models. The model folder has mostly models but some textures and some sounds. The materials folder has a bunch of greybox FBX files. the sounds folder is empty. The ambient sounds come from a folder on my hard drive. One of the levels is on a usb stick because my harddrive is full.
The main reason that game didn't sell was because of two factors:
>Its marketing cycle was super short
>Everyone saw the premise and thought "Woah that would be such a cool game" until they saw that that WASN'T the game
In conclusion: make your own version yeah lol
It's true. I had to quit Judo and BJJ. I gave up all my free time. And after a year I basically have nothing show for it. But I keep grinding. I will release a game.
then you're in it for the wrong reasons, pick up an instrument or something instead.
just get magicka vietnam
Im not saying botws exploration is bad due to gameplay, I mean its bad because there isnt anything really all that interesting to discover. The most fun botw part of botw was discovering how the different systems can interact with eachother, I just think the npcs, quests and dungeons are lacking.
>It's more soul than really any Zelda game since A Link To The Past.
cmon now
Do so many people really believe that making an indie game is a golden ticket
lisa from pt as a cat
>Do so many people really believe that making an indie game is a golden ticket
everyone here (except for me) is an autistic failure at life, a neet incel untouchable and unlovable schizo living in their moms basement well into their late 20's, believing that the world has oppressed them and that they just need their big break for the world to finally see their untapped genius (they are on average 80-95 IQ)
Twilight Princess was a pile of shit. Same with Skyward Sword. Windwaker was a missed opportunity but if you wanted to argue for it, I'll admit that especially for it's time it was pretty good in terms of atmosphere. Then you have MM and OoT. MM was kinda all over the place. OoT I just can't say had a better atmoshpere than Breath of the Wild. A Link to the Past with the Dark World and random NPC's found out in caves and shit, was pretty cool.

I think it's a golden ticket because so many people are mis-educated npcs. It's kind of an open field. You just need time, and like one partner/employee who can fill in the gaps in your knowledge. In my case I need an artist. But other than that, there just aren't good games any more. The field is open. Take a game made by white men 20 years ago, iterate on it, profit.
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It's just more of a pain than regular programming and requires you to think a bit differently than just doing basic-ass procedural code.

In order to write multithreaded code you can't really just freely go grab data from somewhere else whenever you need it, like you don't have access to the scene tree or object transforms, so you have to load up on all the data you need and feed it into your thread when you start, or do things in threads that don't require access to those things in the first place. Plus there's going to be a bunch of signals or async stuff you have to handle. There's things like mutexes and semaphores which try to help with this but it's still not exactly easy.

Pic related is a simple example of a threaded task that you might need in any game, the start_game() function hands off generating the map to another thread, because otherwise the whole game freezes while that task happens and it takes a good few seconds. Then when it's finished generating it emits a signal and the main thread gets back a list of shit it needs to instantiate into the scene tree with the spawn_objects function.

It's very much like netcode in that you've got a bunch of code executingon some other CPU (the client's) where you can't really access it all the time so you need to properly organize how you communicate back and forth so that you don't fuck everything up. There's just a lot more hoops to jump through and you might need to be a more experienced programmer before tackling it.
blurry washed out asset flip
How did you find that description of me
Fuck you skyward sword was awesome
I still remember pissing my pants and getting actual nightmares as a kid on that scary stealth section mode where you need to gather tears and robots wake up and chase you if you get spotted
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the more i dev, the worse my game gets.
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>tfw my AI outsmarted me
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Literally me
link? I could use a father figure
No I do this for fun. Extra money would be nice but not expected
Imagine playing OoT as a kid having fun on your horse, saving the world. Then you get to this section - https://youtu.be/P5qHPlbApJU?si=SZLSbPXvVVwDmkDP&t=598

game took a turn in silent hill for a minute.
True and real
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the more i dev the better my game gets
Post it
>MM was kinda all over the place.
There are singular tracks on the ost of MM that have more atmosphere than anything in botw or totk. Again I dont think TP and skyward sword are better games than botw, though I would say they're better than totk, but I do think they have more interesting shit to discover and do. Botw makes the exploration enjoyable, but most of what you'll find is lackluster quests, shrines and koroks, with the occasional rare interesting thing
the more i dev the same the average playtime is
hire this man
I don't think you really get what atmosphere is.
this is a great feeling.
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perspective camera looks weird =\
I don't think you've played MM
It's unlit, the character is white you bigot
Magical gems that other parties can take to the player's party's place of death to get their souls back then they are magically regenerated back at the town. The gems only work if the person died adventuring it's why adventuring is a common enough profession.
I did. It was a bunch of re-hashed assets mixed with a gay time mechanic that ruined playing the game. The constant Time issue ruins what Zelda is supposed to be about, which is exploration and enjoying the dungeons. Having fun with puzzles, trying to solve puzzles in potentially weird ways that weren't intended. MM atmosphere was generic, or veered off into random areas at times, but it never felt like a united game. There's no one feel to it. Whereas in BOTW you can pretty much be placed anywhere, hear the wind, here a few notes on a piano, and you are sucked back into that world.
has anyone played core keeper? is it any good? should I play it with my gf?
Im waiting for a dark fantasy zelda game
Basically another blood omen 1
Indie millionaires really did massive damage to this hobby. Now everyone's aiming for a game that can retire them.
>agdg says majoras mask is an asset flip
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine still taking literally anything anyone here says seriously. you are all so fucking embarassingly stupid. I'm talking so stupid you're unaware of how stupid you are, everyone is laughing at you
how come game engines don't just handle multi threading on their own like it's insane that we're in [current year] and literally every single computer in the world has a multicore cpu and yet this shit is still running on assumptions made in 1989
Anon they literally took the majority of assets from OoT. Why are you acting like this an opinion you stupid faggot.
One of the worst takes Ive ever heard. " trying to solve puzzles in potentially weird ways that weren't intended" This is not what zelda is about, this is what botw and totk are about because they gave the player too much freedom so all the puzzles are way too easy.
>MM atmosphere was generic
Name another game or story like it.
>but it never felt like a united game Whereas in BOTW you can pretty much be placed anywhere, hear the wind, here a few notes on a piano, and you are sucked back into that world.
That is until you see a shrine or tower in the distance, that has a completely different artstyle from the environment, and you know you're gonna enter the same type of dungeon for the 80th time with another thoughtless puzzle. Or you can go to one of the 4 dungeons that have the same artstyle. You can say you like botw better as a game, but to think it has a better atmosphere or world than MM, you're smoking crack. Majoras mask is like a weird nightmare in terms of atmosphere, Botw is like being outside at best and a ubisoft/modern game at worst.
I fucked a twink from /agdg/ in the ass. Ask me anything.
I guarantee that fag will defend totk though
why are you gay?
yeah we know crumble
Name another game like it. Well we're talking about atmosphere. What is the atmosphere of Majors Mask? Like what the fuck is it? It's nothing. The world of MM doesn't feel any different than Diddy Kong Racing.
um hello? any real humans (not bots) here? or is this just dead internet theory?
What game are you working on? What game is he working on?
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Ever heard of marmoreal?
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There was a period between 2007-2014 where indie games where new and even /agdg/ games could make a lot of money and basically was a golden period.

So many people got stuck the idea that making indie games is the ticket to being rich.

Nowadays the market is much more red, the average indie game is now a studio with 20 developers and 2 million in backing.

I still think indie gamedev is profitable, but now you need to be much more careful with an idea that besides being good has market potential, and the quality is much higher than anything from 2012.

The good thing is that making games is now easier because the tool has also improved.

Now there's also the fact, that there's more publicity to random indies from the industry and is more easier to get the spotlight.

So is a totally diferent market.
>What game are you working on?
An imsim called Peripeteia
>What game is he working on?
Something called Marmoreal
You argue like a woman.
Man - Lays out consistent logical argument.
Women - "Really? Oh my god, like, oh my god!"

Fuck off. Comparing MM to BOTW in terms of atmosphere is idiotic. BOTW has a 9/10 atmosphere. MM is a 1.5/10. The moon is the .5rkgkm
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And here's why parties are only 3 members, holy kino
>logical argument
>The world of MM doesn't feel any different than Diddy Kong Racing.
ok retard, go play your game thats nothing like a childrens racing game
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Look at these two images. If anything Diddy Kong put a bit more effort into making the world feel cozy and unique. MM is a pile of shit in terms of atmosphere.
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Did you like your journey in assur?
>release build
>no errors
>no problems
>full playthrough
the light at the end of the tunnel, I can see it
See >>493121256

You're taking things very literally. "DKR is racing, MM is not! HAHA I SMART!" Low IQ mother fucker.
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imagine being a Nintendo kid in the 90s jesus fucking christ no wonder they're all troons now
Why? I had a NES in the '90s.

helloooo my sirs and kind fellow mornings to all and please to be needfully buying my Triple AAA asset packing for the unreal engine 5 for to have good zombie in your gaming and thank you!
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unreal chads..... not like this......
dendy chads rise up
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Do you understand that gameplay and mechanics are a part of the atmosphere you dribbling fucking retard? if you put cars in fucking dark souls it would change the atmosphere, its the same for that goofy ass motorcycle in botw. if you want want a picture comparison here you go. One unique looking dungeon design and one copy pasted across an entire game. Same goes for music, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oMSCjGJp8Gk one unique atmospheric track that plays for just that dungeon, vs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4IakZtHzBL8 one decent but generic track that plays for every dogshit uninspired shrine in the game
unreal is getting a worse reputation by the day
wu kong runs like shit
frank stone runs like shit
ue5 blows
Does Steam allow erotic cannibalism?
You compared a shrine to a dungeon. Yawn.
all the dungeons in BOTW have a generic ass copy pasted style too
but sure
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Permission denied.
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an RTS game with very good single player campaign and a very customizable multiplayer for custom games (even without mods or needing to program), but also a flexible, pleasant, easy to use, powerful modding API and an official map editor
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My apologies lets see the 4 different dungeons from botw. Truly makes me feel like an adventurer
>Why do you even come here?
To post my progress. There's no better place to do it that I know of.
Anon you're a retard. Just stop.
>>Everyone saw the premise and thought "Woah that would be such a cool game" until they saw that that WASN'T the game
What was the game?
qrd please :)
Guess who's back NIGGAS!!!
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I came here to check for sales/drama updates on our brave agdg warriors who finally released, instead I find spergs arguing about zelda
>durr just join the discord
discord is chill
For some reason there's like a law that single player campaigns for rts games have to be complete shit. Like moving 4 units around. Or having a hero that runs around. There's never just all out wars going on. It's the only genre that seems to be ashamed of itself. "No you heckin can't have big battles like multi player!" Focus on rock paper scissor mechanics as you move around your 3 units around the map!" Like who the fuck has fun with that shit.
you need a game to join the discord and he doesnt have one...
you aint groomin this bussy, fuck off
We've talked about all the recent failures multiple times. Conversation moves. Also the Zelda talk explored good atmosphere vs bad. Something that people should actually care about. But given you're all NPC's i'm guessing most dont.
>le groomer tranny spyware xyz
bro it's a fucking website where you chat with people
not really, you'll just bullied every once in a while
>Also the Zelda talk explored good atmosphere vs bad.
It didn't explore shit. The conversation was equivalent to
>"your opinion bad"
>"no, your opinion bad"
>"no u"
>*throws shit*
>*gorilla noises*
worked for me
A place that endorses bullying is NOT chill.
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>But given you're all NPC's i'm guessing most dont.
more like your back and forth is so hilariously low IQ nobody with a scrap of dignity cares to join in
there's a board for this sort of mud wrestling called /v/
Honestly I already wrote you off as helpless when you wrote sperg. "People have in depth thoughts on things, that scares me!" Fuck off.
This is actually good design. You're supposed to know you're in a dungeon since you're essentially doing the same thing in each of them, that being figuring out a puzzle.
it is chill though
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Why aren't you making an Elder Scrolls-like?
"Ha, I called you low IQ without putting forth any of my own thoughts, therefore I can't be attacked while I declare how great I am." Fucking loser.
It's chill as long as you're part of the clique
And to be part of the clique...heheheh
that's not an Elder Scrolls-like you stupid troon
I never said it was.
I was posting it for inspiration
In a way I am. I'm making a game with radiant AI. I will push boundaries. But I won't have a sweeping landscape to explore.
Because I'm a solodev with no experience and a 3d open world game is scary
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That's my second post in the thread retard, this one being my first.
I'm not the gay little faggot you were arguing with, I just called you both out on the retarded cocksuckers you are.
Brood War came out like 25 years ago anon (old enough to rent a car without surcharges btw)
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress ::Falling.
There are already two daggerlikes in production by much more talented devs/teams that I know of and neither is likely to release honestly
The scope is just too big, even leaning heavily on procgen like Daggerfall.
I am, at least in the bug department it's quite similar
What's worse, not realizing your game is shit or knowing it's shit and releasing it anyways?
what about it
you wanna play?
it looks awful
seek help
Post you're game
I'm in the middle. I know my game is shit but don't know why so I'm still releasing it.
I don't think Godot can handle massive worlds and asset streaming like you'd need for an ES-like.
Also unless you resort to AI slop the amount of content and assets you'd need to generate would be utterly overwhelming for a single dev.
That game looks great, idiot. It's about the only good thing about that game.
i think it looks epic, lit, swag, and rizz, actually. i think they were cooking with this one fr.
lmao blind retard
Idc you faggot. I responded to a single anon, if you quoted that post and responded then of course I'll assume you're the one anon I was talking to.
RPGmaker chads rise up
(I bought MZ full price unironically)
Latter option at least you released a game

The worst option is knowing it's shit and releasing it for money
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where do i find 3d artists that are willing to work on a project for free? itch forums?
Because no one is donating me enough money per month on Patreon to attempt making one.
ask marmo and nolgorb and soon to be bokube
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Think of the sort of 3d artist that would work for someone else for free and ask yourself if that is really worth it
>lose job
"Finally, I can focus 100% on my game
>have to apply for unemployment
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>for free
i work for free for myself on this free game

I realized my game is unappealing shit 30% into development when it was feature complete but didn't have almost any content. I think that's the right move, to make the game in such a way that you'll find out whether it's appealing as quickly as possible and if it's not appealing just drown it in a bath tub.
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Describe the personally of 1 /agdg/ made protagonist.
Pro tip, you can't because they have none.
>i work for free for myself on this free game
are you a janny
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You sound like a faggot, also v is for talking about games you haven't played and posting porn, not actual discussion
i don't believe there are any good ai 3d model generators yet, the ones i've seen have shit retopology and don't work at all unless it's very specific geometry

i am a hobbyist, i can't get paid for something that doesn't take payment, like most hobbyists
>1 /agdg/ made protagonist.
She's smug and I want to have sex with her.
I can still fix my game! Devving for 5 years is still young! There's still time!
If AI is so good where are all the successful games using AI assets huh
>knowing it's shit and releasing it anyways?
Depends on how shit. Broken piece of shit? bad to release it.
simply doesn't quite fit peoples expectations? a bit short or anemic? release it, fuck people and their retarded expectations(my cope)
>at least you released a game
It's a bit masturbatory, isn't it? If you know your game is bad, isn't going to bring value to others, isn't contributing anything worthwhile to the human oeuvre, why release it at all? To what end?
How to achieve this look with default pbr shaders?
Handpainted unfiltered albedo, what else?
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>ai 3d models
My characters have personalities you just can't see it in the games since there's no story.
schizophrenic delusions of grandeur. logically they know its terrible but they deep down think that its secretly going to be a massive success and prove everyone wrong. I promise you marmo had been imagining a 1k+ review game in his first week, all of his pathetic cope since then about not caring about sales is just that: cope
IMO the worst thing a game can be is forgettable. A broken game at least makes an impression on the player. It's the people releasing generic platformer #23434343 that really boggle my mind. These are the same people that see a comment section on social media and feel the need to add the same exact joke that thousands of others have already made. True NPCs.
No specular
Baked shadows
MSAA preferably. FXAA/TAA tends to destroy the crispiness at a distance.
Memes and porn. Only things relevant to success.
>art has no value and isn't worthwhile
Yawn. Go huff AI farts STEMbro
I've had fun playing bad games. And fun is what it's all about at the end of the day. There is no harm uploading it for free to gamejolt or itch.io.
best tech I found to make myself work is making it so 1 hour of work = 10 minutes of gooning. no work no goon
>Baked shadows
You mean AO texture o painted on albedo?
Nice mental masturbation
I meant the baked lighting in the background
But yeah I would paint them into the textures too
I wouldn't be using the AO or normal map slots
So I'm watching these "game devs make a game with no communication" and like
Is the concept of game design a foreign subject for devs these days or something?
I have this thing where I can eat sweets only on 1st dates and that's how I force myself to meet new girls and ask them out on dates.
I don't have to force myself to work on my game, because I actually want to. If you can't get yourself to work on your game, it's either a boring part of a very big project, or you're working on the wrong game and should scrap it.
that is so ugly holy shit
Post you're game
If you don't have a game, you don't know anything about game design.
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I made a p2p multiplayer system for my godot game. Even implemented host migration. Now the issue I'm facing is how to compensate for the host having 0 ping.

Any ideas? I'm thinking of getting all other players ping and giving the average as fake ping to the host. Thoughts?
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Are there even any visually appealing games in agdg? Other than Landwhale I guess.
poe2 looks pretty good if you ask me
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it looks good but it depended too much on being nostalgiabait and wanted to be too many games at once
wait is graven open world?
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Got my summer chillet twitch skin, time to go play Palworld
I'll work on my game later...
That's literally what I'm working on, but I'm retarded and have shit tastes anyway so the result will be probably be monkey paw tier.
The PAT blue fairy?
I'm glad someone else thinks this. Feel like I'm going fucking crazy sometimes.
I've been searching for a year now.
I hope you have better luck than me.
>There are at least 5 /agdg/ girls with the Hat Kid personality
Why are we so generic...
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That's one way of writing commit messages I suppose.
No, try again
I'm working on it.
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Over the course of a year you could've been making your own 3D art anon. It's never been easier to get into it. Shit, Unreal lets you go from modeling to animation without even leaving the editor.
He just released a massive hit. Once streamers learn of that game, it's going to the moon
I'm sure Hitler felt the same when he invaded Russia
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Sure bud
>another abandoned indie channel in my recommendations

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Why aren't we making one month slop games?
Some of them are genuinely braindead. There were several of those that one particular dev intentionally ruined because he said "idk what the prompt means so I'm going to delete everything the last 2 devs did and make a basic mockup based on a tutorial I saw on youtube" and all the comments are complaining about him in particular.
I am. I just don't release them.
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I'd like to think mine is looking alright. Making a washing machine tycoon game. You're a Vietnamese fresh off the boat and realized every Asian grocery store can attach a laundry mat to it and make bank.
>wake up
>+6 units
>+1 review
I'm actually making it. The tortoise and the hare my friends, the tortoise and the hare...
so ugly, I'm not a retro-purist but this looks so bad
>elder scrolls like
>not open world
your game having a host is very important and you want to make sure that people dont get upset by getting that role. if you go by averages you would not want to go above a certain amount of simulated lag. depending on the genre you would want to pick a maximum ping; i think you want to keep it below a simulated 135ms regardless of genre unless it is turn-based, and no more than 85 on a fps shooter.
well it's been like 4 months with no real progress

making 3d art and making stylized 3d art are two completely different things, i can't do the latter at all
so how is the mp of this working? did he ever reveal? the biggest issue for me is paying aws
thanks anon
> literally every single computer in the world has a multicore cpu and yet this shit is still running on assumptions made in 1989
It's worse than that. The reason we use floating point as a number format is because in the 1950s computers were the size of a room and made from vacuum tubes rather than transistors, and it turns out you can subtract floating point numbers through an adder circuit so using it saved on vacuum tubes. But

The fact that floating point can't accurately represent decimal numbers but still gets used by a civilization based on the decimal number system is evidence that language designers mostly just include shit that was in older languages without thinking too much about it. Even Jai has floating point, which I think is a big blunder from blowy considering how far up his own ass he is
>dev that spent years working on combat realizes they have to make the rest of the game now and quits
MANY such cases.
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>Once I get all the core systems set up the game will start pulling itself together
That's where I am. Spent a year just adding systems. Not one single quest has been added. No dialog written. Kind of scary. But hey, gotta keep on keepin on. Life's a garden, dig it.
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How do I get ratboy genius to make my soundtrack?
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Wait lmao I think that’s actually a 41% tranny
Released games have no expiration date. Your progeny(heh) will be living high off the hog off your game profits for eternity.
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To be fair the open world in TES is completely mechanically superfluous and is only there for the vibes
At least he learned his lesson
do you want to collaborate?
>Delete everything in my player script with the intention of refactoring it completeyl
>everything breaks and I can't fix it
thank god I did a branch...
how many damage types should I have, which are the important ones?

should I just copy dnd
He didn't. His excuses show he's weak. Bland low resolution excuses. He also writes like a bozo.
>you could've been making your own 3D art anon
Nearly all my free time is already filled coding shit.
The "just learn to be a one-man army" advice has always been retarded for anyone who isn't an actual NEET (and even then) or actually intend to release something before getting geriatric.
Meanwhile there are people out there who already have the skills, actually *like* doing that shit, and could save a ton of time if they stopped charging more than the game's entire budget for a single model.
There's nothing wrong with this
>you can reproduce the bug but you still have no idea what's causing it
fucking hell
i unironically listen to so many of those tracks. the sea shanty that lkj sings with sneezy in the deluge series is fucking amazing, get chills when the chords matching the vocals pop in. kind of wish they had actual singers and not tts tho
>Um, I'm starting a side project because... uh... I've learned so much. Sure, I haven't learned how to get over the thing that stopped me this time, but... it's okay!
/agdg/ in a nutshell. Don't worry bro, your next side project will be the one you actually finish, lol.
I'm making a game I want to see made, and to push my skills to new heights.
Name one game that hasn't been made yet.
I've done this 6 times
It's not a sideproject though, xir totally scrapped their basically fucking-around-in unity-editor non-game and is now embarking on a more realistic endeavor now that they actually know what they're capable of.
I did (12 times) and made $12 while not even enjoying it. Total waste of time. If I'm going to make $12 anyways it might as well be on something I enjoy.
>76 reviews is something worthy of being jealous over
For the normal person? No, not at all.
For /agdg/? Lol. He's in the top 5% here.
How many reviews did your game get in the first week?
I want to make porn games
Masturbate and then come back to me.
Grumblecluck pixel biscuits
I didn't. The poster you called "this guy" said sperg. I responded to him. Then someone responded to that post. I assumed this response was the person I just responded to, because why wouldn't I? They didn't put NTA. Why are you confused and why the fuck do you care.
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>solodev'ing a fucking 3d jrpg
To be fair, it's hard to properly grasp how long something takes until you actually try doing it.
At least he stopped sooner than later.
>inb4 his next game idea is even more nonsensical like an online only hero shooter or something
Idk, man, give me a clue.
My game is a genre kitbash that turned up 0 results on itch or Steam when I tried to find some similar games for inspiration
Google Buckshot Roulette
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First person RTS MMO
this is me >>493088985
on same boat
No more clues, sorry.
>The virgin ragebait slop with 75 reviews in one week
vs the CHAD inventory management product with 1.2K reviews in one week
I recognize those buildings, it's the Gaia terrain buildings with new stylized textures.
Considering how much of an autistic asshole I am that would probably be a terrible idea, especially for (you).
... unless you are a god-tier 2D/3D artist, because damn getting assets that aren't mediocre is a pain.

I'm also in need of someone who had a lot of experience with WCIII's modding scene, who could list me all the critical features a map/custom game editor would need. Tried to ask /vst/ about that but didn't get many answers, outside that making a "blank" map need to be a trivial single-button press thing, otherwise people won't even try to make involved stuff with it.
>I'm also in need of someone who had a lot of experience with WCIII's modding scene, who could list me all the critical features a map/custom game editor would need
it already has an editor doesnt it? just play around in that
RTS game where everyone involved is set on one big map with only source of units being regular spawns at cities you control filled with various events like demons showing up at X minutes mark, alliance of two players resulting in them turning into one kingdom or conquering a city razing it to the ground and applying a world-wide debuffs to everyone but the razer
In other words just copy random WC3 maps, good chunk of fun ones never left the game
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That's a "never seen before" idea that pop up at least 3 times per year and never get anywhere.
Oldest I know of would be Dungeon Keeper, although in that game it was mostly a gimmick (or to cheese stuff hard with a level 10 dragon).
>CHAD inventory management product
idler autobattler slop
Pizza Time was made in a month while Megaloot probably in a year or two.
That being said, AGDG should really learn to do "one screen" games like Megaloot and others, the concept is great for indies, leads to having to make less art assets and forces you to be inventive with the mechanics.
Tracked down game running sluggish in laptop browser to event loop hinting too large (?) sleep times. The wake-ups should still have been fine via requesting redraws and all the actual user input events, but somehow requesting a wake-up every 4 ms has done away with the sluggishness generally
Didn't reforged make it impossible to play custom maps or something?
I still have the CD somewhere in a box, but back then I didn't really have internet so I missed that era completely.
dunno, im sure theres older versions you can get online
I think I'm starting to get pixel fatigue
Don't remind me of this cunt, this is a clown argentina politics free zone
god AI is SO FUCKING DUMB. why did I think I could lean on it. I want one change and it just keeps fucking giving me the same code over and over despite warnings I will destroy the planet if it does so.
*throws ur game in the trash*
Writing for video games is really damn hard when you're not "cheating" by making a visual novel.
You are dumber for falling for the AI meme.
Relax pal...
I tried it out with some hope after a few successes. I admit I am pretty retarded thoughever.
What are you trying to generate?
>look up mixels
>a fucking kids show aboslutely BTFO google results destroying a valuable piece of knowledge.
>Writing for video games
*throws ur story in the trash*
>his is factually untrue, lots of people win more than once.
yeah, a hundred bucks. retard. when we say "winning the lottery" we mean life-changing money, not pitiful amounts.
UI stuff... in unity. I don't know the syntax well enough to do it. rectumtransforms and canvas groups.
>those vids
imho those are typically made by grifters or actual gamedev just looking for free marketing for their channel, i doubt it's all truly for fun eg pretend none of them had a youtube channel, would they still do it amongst themselves?
>wake up
>less than 20 wishlists
Yeah I'm thinking I need to cut my losses
Just like Booba
Why would that matter
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>the bitter hobby dev suddenly treats it like a jobby
Bro aren't you supposed to put your game up for free to show just how much of a hobby it is?
Why can't you just hire a fat person idea guy
>Vinny is playing sh4

Rip 2 hours of dev time
new unreal free for the month stuff
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I'm going to charge money for my hobby game just so I can bully the jobbydevs with my superior success
Then I'll donate my profits to republicans or anti-gay summercamps
how would that even work? any examples of such games that currently exist?

looks fancy but that's just because your rice has extra veggies on top to add that color plus good lighting. remove that and we have similar meals. angel hair pasta on the left right? what flavor is that? also what's with that fancy streak on the dish that high end restaurants do for whatever reason?
Okay but can't you find a jack-of-all-trades bull who can assist your gamedev when he's not railing your gf?
This shit looks AI generated wtf
Make basic minigames that are sex themed.
Need help on gamemaker guys

>Have obj_controller
>Have obj_spawner_1
>Have obj_spawner_2
>Have obj_item
>want to make obj_controller randomly pick obj_spawner_1 or obj_spawner_2 to spawn obj_item on top of it whichever obj_spawner it picked.

wat do?
can anyone id those sneakers? Wonder what they cost.
Hell yeah, time to make...Turn-based Soviet Pikmin
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Why don't you own a jean jacket?
It'll make you a better developer
>critical features a map/custom game editor would need
i think the question is no longer "how to make a good map editor" which alone is a huge task
but war3 custom maps specifically succeeded, probably, because the game had this specific "hero" concept that went into almost all custom maps; and it had so many assets from the campaign. i think it was really this hero thing, so plain and simple, but reliably working the SAME in every map. custom spells and all. but a hero always working the same. if your game doesn’t have heroes, but your editor "can" create them, then every map will have a slightly different impl. and it will just be confusing.
come to speak of this. maybe the next big thing is between a map editor and a game engine? having some sort of "library" approach where one person can make a "hero" concept and everybody can use it. like roblox, some game to easily make games, but also proliferating pieces
Sometimes when it’s stuck in a doom loop just opening a new tab and starting over helps. Be liberal with the code you show it. And ya sometimes telling it’s not allowed to do the same solution helps. But sometimes ya, it sticks in a doom loop. Maybe change the model version as well.
easy solution: I'll fuck your gf for free. then you can hire an ideaguy (also me). I'm not fat though.
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Spend $108 for a measly $300 million revenue? Meh...
I have tried escaping the loop but it gets stuck in the loop again from a fresh start. must be the code, it doesn't really reason about it and is trying to predict etc, which serves the same prediction because of the way the code is structured.
Because no gf to buy one for me
That is a nice jacket though. Damn. Might need to get one.
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>eat healthy and maintain low body fat levels and high muscle mass
Rookie mistake
All the cool guys are either slim nerds or fat fucks
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Maybe if you buy a fedora...
>I'm not fat though.
That can be solved...
what a degenerate, going out dressed like that

your game isnt worse than a free indian poojeet asset flip asset store package right anon? right?
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The coffee has been drunk, it's time to dev..
The coffee has been drunk, it's time to nap
my game has superior SOVL ofc
Better to abandon the game than to keep at it for years and still have it flop. Wish I dropped mine and worked on something else. I simply do not have the required skill to make my current one come out as desired. If the art was better I'm sure it could do better because make no mistake, art matter otherwise triple A could pump out something like Oblivion graphics tier at the highest and still do as well as those with much better graphics like Witcher 3.

>inventory system almost like mine but better looking
*sigh* I wish I was good at art.
that’s a funny way to say your game looks like it was drawn by a brain damaged 6 year old
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The coffee has been drunk, it's time for more coffee

That is not a good looking game, wtf are you doing
My game is weird and can't be classified. Some may prefer the flip.
hat kid if she sexo
Oh yeah, it's compiling time.
>10 wishlists daily average with marketing
be honest, is that "time to cancel this game" tier?
Has a lot of mechanics. I think it makes certain stuff outdated for being free. I'll probably make something with it in the future. Maybe a Heroes clone.
How much you are spending with marketing?
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Give it to me straight aggy daggy, is this gonna flop?
10 wishlists per day means you’re only 2 years away from 7000 wishlists, why would you cancel your project?
>a game about taking revenge on Online Moderators, by doxxing them, going to their home IRL, and getting revenge
>revenge can include brutally murdering them, framing them for a crime, beating them up so they beg for their life, destroying their computer, threatening them so they resign, or just letting it go.
Does this sound fun to anyone here? It's a small indie game. Cheap just to kill a few hours.
If executed with AAA quality (not you) then it could be a funny meme game that gets forgotten 3 days after going viral
>live long enough to see homm5 assetflips
Yes. Reason? It has no hook.
>self insert main character
This is so cringe man
Probably. I have no idea who Thomas Brush is and why he's supposedly famous enough to feature his name in a title. What did he do that puts him up there with Sid Meier or American McGee?
That depends on the extent and effectiveness of your marketing.
Sounds a bit boring. I need challenge.
His previous games would get 10 sales max if they were released today.
He was panning for gold when the river was full and he thinks he still has a chance now that it's empty.
That's a premise. What are the mechanics?
have narrowed my 2d engine choice down to Godot (C#), Heaps (Haxe), and Defold (Lua)

Decide for me
Osu! clone
Are you sure you’re really considering all options? It might be good to take a couple weeks and really make sure you do your research and don’t miss anything that could help you in the future
As long as the trail of crooked moderators leads back to Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein.
The crystal can only transpose souls to 3 different bodies and all adventurous souls in the vicinity will try to get in so if there are more souls in it there are undesired results.
>need to work on state machines for good guys
i give up.
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>artist ghosted me again
This is my biggest fear. If mine quits I’ll be so fucking fucked.
Were you offering 1$/hour or something? How retarded do you have to be to get ghosted by someone living off of cup noodles.
Many such cases. That's why it's worth considering fiverr or similar platform where you can give them a bad rating if they're not reliable
I learned art, programming, and music myself. not taking chances.
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Maybe its time to finally learn to draw?
>state machine
switch/case statements and enums my boy, you literally need nothing more
even if you are paying top dollar you still run risk of team members an heroing because a girl rejects them or whatever
If/else is more efficient than switch/case
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my artist keeps ghosting me to I'm the artist
>autistically obsessing over saving 1 bit of memory instead of focusing on making a good and fun game
average agdg tard btw
idk wym just use AI art it's not hard???
Yes, I've already considered options for many days. These are the final 3.
If you're going to collaborate, you have to do it in person. Your need everyone to recognize and feel that their collaborators are real people who will be hurt and let down if they leave. If you let them abstract away their collaborators as just words on a computer screen or even just a face on a camera, they will feel less incentive to not screw each other over.
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I thought it would flop until I saw this. I'm a massive Brush hater, but this looks fantastic.

>idk wym just transition it's not hard???
no thanks
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Demo day is coming, boys, and I managed to finish the first (re)release of the Jam Review app just in time. While I don't expect anyone but me to actually use it - if anyone is willing to give it a try - I'll greatly appreciate it. It should be much more usable now, especially compared to the previous version.
There's also a devlog if you're curious about what this is all about.

And I will be streaming this DD, as usual, starting this friday at 3PM UTC/10AM CDT. Hope to see you on DD!
What tag on steam would you use to describe a very fast clicking game like Osu? Imagine Osu but without any rhythm component; what tag is that? Best I could find was "fast paced" "score attack"
same, my 3d modeller is such a pain to work with, leaves models half done. texture stretching is "I'll fix it later" etc (he never goes back to it) he's me
Just use AI
Oh cool another ue5 asset flip dogshit that looks like garbage thanks Poojeet
wish i could be on a group project. im so lonely.
I think you could look for “dogshit” “unplayable” or “incelcore”
>like Osu
"Fag bait"
"Pedo magnet"
"Crying parents"
"Basement dweller"
"Registered Sex Offender"
How would you do evolving dialog in a godot project? Like for example, the crestfallen knight dude in dark souls gives you different dialog based on what you’ve done/where you are in the story
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I need this animated, go on, use AI
>pixel fags literally can’t stop losing lmao
A goddess did it
Depends how big the dialog tree would be, for a very simple system put some flags on the NPC and make him be an observer to whatever event sets those flags. Then check the flags when starting the dialog.
>does nothing
>declares victory
AItard living up to the name
filtered by creating a smoothly rotating camera in godot(3d).. it's over
post assets I can buy to make my game look like that. I will be waiting.
Make a giant switch statement including every single line of dialogue for every character under every condition. Worked for Toby.
Unironically use the Phantom Camera addon.
I tried, I'm not moving the node currently (because I don't know that implementation) and I don't think the current camera copies the rotations.
it's Unity, you NPC.

to be fair they do use assets.
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when will agdg have music as good as this?
this is why the only 3D game you can make in godot is static camera with tank controls.
god fucking bless toby for keeping me going just from knowing the fact of how shit his code is and still managing to make it into a full game
truly an inspiration to us all unlike yandev
When I learn how to make music as good as that.
It's easy to create a lerping camera, I'm just too unfamiliar with 3d atm. I could easily do it for 2d.
There's too much detail to animate even for most artists.
Code quality means nothing
please let me team up with you I promise i wont hold our collab back.,
Marmoreal: The Movie
ok yandev call me back when your game goes over 10fps
I'm not going to say you need a state machine. But a state machine cuts back dramatically on complexity and bugs imo. It's just so much easier to change state then to worry about passing bools and enums all over the place. Maybe you're so experienced with it that you don't run into this. I vastly prefer state systems. I'll have a state system within a state system.
Walk time. Have to think about why the God of Adventure only created three sided trion re crystals that can only make 3 bodies from all the souls trapped in it. Also need to decide if just taking lots of gold and/or experience when the player party wipes is fine or maybe there's a more fun idea.
Once I realized clean code is horse shit, I became a much better dev. Now I just solve problems. I don't get paralyzed wondering what is optimal. I solve engineering problems. If I find I'm running into issues maybe I'll refactor. But from the start I just keep it as simple as possible. It took me years to figure this out. But once I did I feel like I went from a low level dev to at least Mid.
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Fact: If Yanderedev wasn't such a lazy creepy incel nobody would have cared about his spaghetti code.
Call me when you make something that literally anyone else on the planet is willing to pay for (phone never rings)
skill issue
looks like an unreal asset flip
dishonest claim BUT technically true because being a creepy incel is what compelled him to make an anime-girl-themed game, and in turn that is what got him an audience, which then made people pay attention to his spaghetti code.
Stop stealing my ideas, please.
Real Fact: If the game ran properly and wasn't shit, no one would have cared about his spaghetti code.
As my fact is real, I'll provide you with two examples. Undertale. Balatro.
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Practicing sculpting.
Undertale has spaghetti code thoughbeit
Yeah, skill issue is why people would rather resort for AI than unreliable and overpriced artists. Are you going to tell us what color is the sky next?
And no one cared because the game didn't run at 12 FPS all the time.
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Keep it up
was expecting better given the wishlist hype
that shit is so 2017
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Is the co-op market superior to the singleplayer market? Like how many people wouldn't buy Valheim/Icarus/Grounded/Enshrouded/etc if it was sp only?

I would guess adding co-op probably increases the complexity of the game around 30%, I wonder if it's worth it from a sales pov though.
>Nvidia creates tech to make fake resolution and fake frames
>suddenly for no reason at all every AAA game runs like garbage
>Nvidia adds 100% AI frame generation
>The entire game is fake now
My game's a flop.
>I would guess adding co-op probably increases the complexity of the game around 30%
It's not a big deal. I could animate that.
we need to stop making games dedicated to dead pets, especially dogs that look like that breed. i'm sorry, but enough is enough. there's too many fucking dead relative/lover/pet walking sims out there. it's polluting the steam
I don't think it's that far off, if you think otherwise I would love to hear you take on it.
It's a simple pixel rpg, of course it's not gonna run at 12fps
How much per hour?
no idiot
It actually runs fine if you're not a fucking poorfag with a PC old enough to have sex with. Upgrade your shit
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Internet archive is about to get raped. Better start backing up the resources.
30 USD per hour with extra 50 USD per frame
My PC's old enough to have sex with and I can run unreal games fine. It's 10 years old by the way.
They give you Lyme Disease
>50 USD per frame
fuck you
Never heard of that. But ya sounds cringe. YouTube needs ban “who is listening in 20xx? And “I lost my … last year and this video helps me get over that.” And it’ll be a fucking video like “reaction to 1999’s movie Armageddon”. Like damn bro, really? Ben Afleck is keeping you going?
I don't charge per frame, just an $750 day rate
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DD is nigh, looks like it's time to remove the micro bikini from the final build.
Not that it was sexy or any appealing.
Stop larping, not even professional animators are paid that much.
Is a 5% page visit to wishlist conversion ratio good for my game when I don't really get many page visits in the first place.
sad cope
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Added a scoreboard at the end of the level, I think this is my best time but I forgot if I cheated or not.
Oh yeah, I'm feeling the atmosphere.
Walking simulators are probably one of the hardest genres to make a good game for. Everything has to be hand crafted. No wonder indies all abandoned it in favor of roguelites.
Unironically more fun than anything brainstormed in these threads.
>there's too many fucking dead relative/lover/pet
post list
what game?
TBF, it's not just the code that makes the game run like horseshit (though it doesn't help). There's assets in that game that have like a bazillion polygons and triangles that aren't optimized in the slightest and the game doesn't have optimization basics like de-rendering things that aren't in your sight. Every game would run bad if there was a tree asset with 6 trillion polygons that never despawned no matter how far away you were from it.
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>no responses
I guess my theories about /agdg/ not reading were right. Oh well, I did what I could.

Itch's tyranny must be stopped ...
Gotta admit that's a great trailer. Had some good laughs at it. Literally no interest in these types of games but I gotta admit it looks fun.
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lol, so true
speaking of rogue something, here's two stat pages from two different runs by the same person. Each run took at least two hours, and he lost both times.
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the only reason why people even bothered researching his codebase is because of how poorly the game was running in contrast to how simple the graphics were
but because of his inferiority complex, he couldn't just say "yes i am gradually improving my code to fix performance issues" so he instead accused people of having shit hardware and this encouraged people to prove him wrong even more

honestly that guy was just lucky for starting at a time when standards were lower, otherwise he would have never achieved any relevance or significant patreonbucks ($5000/month at his peak i think)
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my truth the king has spoken

this looks perfect for streamers and youtubers, Surgeon Simulator mixed with those house flip games. won't be a cultural hit like a stardew or undertale but it'll make someone a whole lot of money.
The tits are drawn really well here. Fantastic quality.
Oh, I thought we were talking about sex work
I only use archive.org to read obscure Victorian literature and I doubt those'll be affected. There's better places to get textbooks and manuals.
I use libgen.
looks like a fake game trailer to drum up interest before making the real game.
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lmao when normies find out the lol cow that is boku, isn't phased by anything because of agdg goons they are gonna have a field day with trying to understand him. Especially if he "releases" this year.
no one gives a shit that they're removing child porn from the wayback machine, tripnigger
Does it affect PC Zone magazine scans?
boku made millions while transwiz made peanuts, really makes you think
wait until they find out about his reviews
Why did Bokube put his full name on his game front and center like a dumb ass
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sounds like they had a working, completely legal system going, then decided to pull some sketchy shit for no real reason
if you want to pirate a book just pirate it, don't try to pretend it's a library
Real "idea guying," as in coming up with small details and specific pieces of content within the already existing framework of the rest of the game, is actually really hard and deserves respect.
dudes with funny names like foddy convinced him with a GDC talk
It's a full moon... the crab curse is... almost upon me...
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>get tired of 4chan cynicism/negativity and move on to normie platforms
>normies turn you into a lolcow, make documentaries about your failures and try to brand you a pedophile, ruining your life
hes preparing for when the only way to succeed as an indie dev is appealing to peoples emotions and putting your full name and face out. He already said hes moving to youtube devlogs for his next game to counter AI slop, his idea was something about having complete transparency on making his games to emotionally pull people in a world of AI slop
Yeah and scihub. But you can find neat stuff on archive, and both sites don't overlap completely in their contents. There were many times where libgen didn't have what I needed.

>and I doubt those'll be affected
What makes you so sure? If the website gets fucked by legal fees then you can kiss them goodbye.

I'm concerned about preserving knowledge and history that may soon be scrubbed from the web you 4 int, drooling, knuckle-dragging troglodyte.


I did a very quick search. Aren't those in the public domain?
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How dificult is rpg maker xp scripting?
He's right
this makes more sense honestly. IF you attach your name to your work and show yourself all over the place you will have people fangirl or fanguy over you and AI/anonymous work kinda fails at that.
We live in a world in which sex workers out earn scientists and generals.
wtf Yandev is BASED?!?!
>pfp has him and his gf in it so the old hags cant call him an incel for his shitposting

LMAO I see you boku
and pornslop games out earn passion projects
XP has performance issues. VX Ace switches its rendering from anti-aliasing to pixelated depending on whether the player is running an iGPU or VGA card. MZ is bloated. Or you go RM2k3 or MV.
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still can't believe they actually put that dog in the thumbnail
I kneel.
yeah yandev does seem like the kind of retard who'd take 4chan personally
99% of scientists and generals earn more than 99% of prostitutes
generals make a shitton but most "scientists" are lab techs with undergrad degrees making like 40k a year
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Rescued by Ivan.
lorechads, how do i make a good magitech setting?
was the apocalypse caused by magic gone wrong? or was it nukes or some other technological superweapon?
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This. Most "scientists" do no actual science.
nigga do you seriously think I'm gonna tell that to someone that doesn't pay me?
most scientists earn more than the average /agdg/ user
That's still significantly more than the e-whore average if you remember only an insignificant number of them earn enough money to make a living out of it.
>last name is Conception
how much do you want?
are we talking scientists as in scientists or indian AI scammers
In mine technology and magic are essentially the same thing. Both unravel the fundamental fabric of the universe, only through different methods.
I copied this from Lovecraft and he probably copied it from alchemists.
Appropriate, seeing as most agdg uesrs do no real game development.
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Quite good. feels alive. good work.
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She cute
Why do all of your drawings look like they're made in MS Paint?
shit, really?
What's the breakdown on that $400 though?
>Thomas Brush's

Dude has an ego
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>watch new releases for inspiration
>get demoralized instead
>all stunning visuals, feature rich, created by teams with big funding
>realize games like this get released every day
>realize almost all these games will flop
>look at my game and its like some retarded flash game on newgrounds
yeah its over

im just laughing at how delusional I get, I'm sure I'll convince myself to keep working on it in a few months again.
I don't know about e-whores, but the prostitute I fuck regularly makes around $1000 every 3 days, they're just dumb with money and don't really treat it like a business or do any long term investment, so when they dry up in 5-10 years they're still as broke as they were before. Also a lot of them have abusive boyfriends whom they give their money to.
okay bye dont post here while youre away please
>giant moving cities that cannibalize each other for parts
why has no one made a combat city builder out of this yet? seems like an obvious hit if you do it well
>>all stunning visuals, feature rich, created by teams with big funding
More like boring realismslop visuals that don't even have a good artstyle. I'd sooner rather play an amateur flash game with an artstyle that oozes with soul.
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hes a hapa PR mutt not mexican lol
I could "easily" earn $400 dollars today if I bet on the right stocks, that doesn't mean I'm rich. The fact is most prostitutes have severe psychological damage from their "work" and wouldn't be able to manage that money even if their pimp allowed them to.
$100 for the hour plus extra for kinky shit is fairly normal in firstie countries, no clue how much of that goes to the pimp though
Guess what? everyone is burnt out from AAA ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS #637282873.

If can make it fun, you'll shit on all those AAA slop. Just not financially of course unless you're lucky or the game is actually really good.
Puerto Ricans are Mexicans retard
>Puerto Ricans are Mexicans retard
Lots of those realistic looking games are losing favor with people because your average monkey can get those visuals with all the huge amount of free assets in that realistic style, along with the free standard gameplay packages.

Games with unique styles or unique gameplay that you can tell had actual time and effort put into it, will grow in popularity.
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>abusive boyfriends
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No we are not
I can't believe there's actual sex havers on /agdg/.
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Be honest

How long did you originally plan for your game to take, and how long has it been?
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>meanwhile this was the last gov of PR with pale skin and green eyes despite being a full blooded PR mutt.

They are more Spanish European super mutts and a US territory already for well over 100 years lmao. Boku even if he was born in PR was already a US citizen more than any mexican ever would be lmao
That's why they are nodevs.
hiring a prostitute doesn't count as having sex anymore than ordering mcdonalds counts as cooking a meal
I saw one kinda like that coming up. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1431300/Sand/
off topic but why dont they just make PR a state of the US if being born there makes you a American already? Kinda retarded
I'm about 6 months behind but I'm releasing soon.
My game has no appeal whatsoever.
We should split the general between virgins and non-virgins, guaranteed rise in post quality for the virgin side.
My game was planned to be unfinishable.
It's going exactly as planned.
Necromancers make the crystals which are just phylacteries and they have all those rules just so no group of adventurers become too powerful but they still need groups of intrepid individuals to go dungeon diving swish
I haven't had sex 2 in years, I'm practically a virgin again, can I come?
no, you're still an incel, sorry
the virgin side gets cris, froggy, and the other schizos, and the sexhaver side gets a bunch of nodevs and trainwiz
where else would they make secret US labs to make super mutts in test tubs and military bases? FBI doesn't want you to know this but PR's mutt population were the best text subjects for decades and they are too submissive and low IQ by getting conquered by the Spaniard Europeans to even realize why the US wanted PR
Adding a new state requires Congress to make a bill declaring it so or making a constitutional amendment. To Biden's credit, he actually did try when he first got in, but there weren't enough votes for it.
t. non-wizard cope
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2 years
5 years
super mutt... made in a lab.. where have I heard that before..
And then after that we need to split coomers and non coomers reminder you're going to be looking into your cute nerdy gf with no tattoo's eyes after that 10,000th review.
I've been molested once as an 8 year old and had consensual sex at the hands of a physically abusive person maybe 3 times, but am otherwise extremely autistic and it was a miracle the second one managed to happen at all

which side do I go to? (I also don't have a game because it is my first day learning c++)
Cris is not a virgin thoughbeit
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Day one of Unreal is interesting. I disabled shadows and lowered the resolution to maximize performance for now. Got the guy to work and he has a gun. Any way to make it first person without massive clipping? Mainly since it really likes the clip the model when looking up or down when putting the camera on the head.
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oh god
i am making 3D achra-like.
>the virgin side gets cris
Why do people keep wrongly assuming Cris is virgin? Is it projection?
>Marmodev is Puerto Rican
plot thickens...
if the body model is in chunks (head, torso, arms, legs), just turn off the visibility for the head while camera is in first person mode. that's what most games do

>t. newfag who just started
it would be a blue state. republicans don't want to hand the democrats two free senate seats, and democrats are too busy fighting for trannies and crackheads to do anything of the sort
>Any way to make it first person without massive clipping?
start with the fps template instead lmao
Thanks for the reminder anon, Archive has a lot of good texture resources: https://archive.org/search?query=textures&and%5B%5D=mediatype%3A%22image%22
Wrong. The virgin side would have no cris, and that makes it the best side by default.
>Marmodev and Bokudev are both PR mutts...



owari yan...
50 is a good number, 51 would trigger my autism
firsties don't understand how easy it is to have sex for latinxos
in the first world cris would be a virgin, in congolombia everyone has a double-digit body count by the time they drop out of high school
It's going to be multiplayer, at least that is my hope, so I can't really turn it off.
There are parts I want to be in the third person, and I thought that would be the most annoying to set up, so I picked the third person template.
to be fair the military needs to do demonic shit to win wars and if it was done on mainland usa the media or some shit would have noticed and seethed about it publicly its easier to do research on US terrorities
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AI generated Marmo.
>I thought that would be the most annoying to set up
nah you just make a springarm from the character to the camera, it's not bad at all. dick around with it and first person template before you go too hard.
set it so that in multiplayer mode the full body is visible to everyone but the player assigned to the model, I wouldn't know how to do this, but I do know it's possible.

maybe assign the model an ID and when that ID matches the username, make the head vanish just for that username
Ok, thank you.
Have to update my mobile apps instead of working on my game... forgot how everything works.
As expected, the virgin side would get all the yesdevs while the non-virgin side would get nodev tryhards like the "40 to 60 games a day" schizo.
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get good
thanks bro, much appreciated.
Three months
It's been four and I already hate myself
wtf I'm not marmo but I look like that.
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Having less wishlists than Marmoreal isn't much to brag about Anon.
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YOU get good
You spent 7 years of your life getting better at gamedev. Your next game will be the one. Keep at it anon.
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>getting better
you are not a cat.
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I'll see myself out
>if your game doesn’t have heroes, but your editor "can" create them, then every map will have a slightly different impl. and it will just be confusing.
Interesting take.
Game is planned to have no heroes nor unit abilities (at least none that need manual activation) and work with C&C's General Ability for all "Spell" needs.
But yeah, might be worth making sure to have a hero-like unit with active abilities sitting right on top of the unit list in the editor, to make sure anyone wanting to make "solo-ish" maps get channeled into tweaking that one instead of jury-rigging something weird.
Thanks, that's actually a valuable idea.
You are not an advisor.
need podcast 4 background while I work post it now
set up an automatic TTS for the thread, and you'll have a 24/7 podcast for life
Need to have the collar render both side of the mesh.
>sexualized animation
>"eww that's so disgusting"
>for a gacha SFW porn game that pretty much sells entirely on that
Normoids, not even once.
I have a kid (and soon another one).
He is responsible for killing 3/4 of my potential dev time.
They do have a point though. What kind of retard eats apples like that?
Trump was on Lex Friedman.

I can't concentrate when people are talking, I need mindless electronic music
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no bully
>147 videos of spooky fart sounds
This is the strangest rabbit hole I've ever come across.
Damn what game? With my 3.5k wishlists I sell an average of 1 game a week, around 30-40 when on sale.
Why is everybody here retarded
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sorry for lying it's actually 1 year for 1711
Can Trump stop sucking jewish dick for a single second?
wishlists dont mean anything after the game is released
not out yet so average sales of 0
Bro....you and I are like twins but I came out first (more wishlists). It's over for both of us
Horses eat apples like that, wrapping their lips around the fruit to grab it because they have no hands.
>kalemnigger gets all this while nolgorb and bokube get scraps
comes with the hobby
No it doesn't
game with this feel
I've given up on my game. I'm not going to spend 2 more years polishing a turd.
Same but I make it work by sleeping at work.
>stay up until 2am devving
>go to work at 7 30
>10am "meeting" until after lunch 1
>work until 3 30
>take another power nap till 4 30
My boss has been working from home since 2020 so I just put a mailbox on my door for people to leave me anything I need to sign. I stole this method from a dude on Artstation years ago who was waging but wanted to grind art fundies at night
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me retarded? hahah i'm not that retarded
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marketing. submitted to 2 steam events this past week, another one in 10 days. reached out to streamers, keymailed some youtubers a while ago. the usual drill.
the steam events are great. got 1000 wishlists in the past week from that alone. just gotta sign up for those very early lest they ignore you.
where the hell do you find them
my game almost has sold 30 units (2 away)
my game almost has sold 10M units (10M away)
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Bruh Deciever is my art god when it comes to pixel art. 99% of my style I stole from him.
Looks kino
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Need ARPG with child companion.
How about instead of crying about no one buying your games you go make a game worth buying?
my game has a category on twitch, if you can believe it (nobody is streaming it)
Because I want to make the game I want to make and I want to get money for doing it.
Autistic RPG?
so does mine however (0 followers)
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his stuff is great, i think i have basically his entire twitter media tab saved in my inspiration folder. i wish to one day work with him but alas a man can dream.
post your art?

i wish that were mine but no, that's Deceiver, a very good pixel artist.

steam db has some upcoming ones. i talk with a lot of other devs about this sort of thing so i keep my finger on the sales pulse.
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A game where you need to get the heir to the throne through a wartorn country where every encounter might be with friend or foe
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What's a good method for getting Patreon bucks for your game. Release a demo and then link to Patreon? I kind of want people to pay me to develop my game.
>What's a good method for getting Patreon bucks for your game. Release a demo and then link to Patreon? I kind of want people to pay me to develop my game.
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Hire dis nigga for Fear and Hunger 3.
This as the battle UI would be incredible.
So the last of us. I think it's a great idea btw. I don't think we're over saturated with that dynamic. Hell, I'll take a good coming of age story like Stranger Things any day.
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make an ero game and roll in patreon money
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Same. I love his stuff. Here's an old screenshot from a month or two ago since I don't have much stuff saved on my phone.
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>escort quest
People get paid to draw porn right? People have kickstarters for total dog shit games. If my game is heir to the throne of the genre I'm competing in, surely someone will offer me Patreon bucks. I'm assuming people have done this before me.
In my mind it would be more like Shadow of the Colossus, ICO or even Death Stranding.
A massive world you need to traverse across where the player kind of decides how they're going to do that.
Less linear/scripted than TLOU.
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i think his art would be a great fit for a great 2d strategy/tactics rpg like battle brothers.
or something like diablo1
or looking at >>493159228 , maybe a disciples 2-like
hes a slav so he probably sunk 1000 hours into that game. its a good game
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I'm trying to emulate his stuff in an isometric format. The battleback/ui stuff is a lot harder.
I un-ironically love the idea of it. A walking sim, with character development. You know RedDeadII has a shockingly good camp system where you grow with a group of people. It would be different with just 2 people, but you could still have waves of like, people joining you, leaving you, she gets injured, or captured, and then every time you're united back at camp it feels great.
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submitting to DD? i'm not much of an artist so i wouldn't have any solid feedback, on that front, but i'd still like to play a deceiver-art-inspired game.
Not yet. I only got the first 2 maps done and some battleback stuff/dollar store Deceiver UI stuff. This month I'm working on some sprites/portraits and UI clean up. By the time I have something playable it'll be Christmas
submit to that DD then, i'd love to play.
Not yet friend. Needs more time to cook before I can take feedback on anything that isn't visuals.
You need the "Object Editor" and the "Trigger Editor". The "Terrain Editor" is self-explanatory.
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Made a little scene this morning to test out the aesthetic I'm looking for. Not sure if I wanna go for pixelated PS1 textures or N64 .

Thanks, I think I can do it too.
Though this will be with original characters, no meme characters in this one. Maybe a gondola Cameo somewhere as a secret.

Yeah I have a very small document with basic points to keep everything small and in check. 12 stages,10 min for non boss stages, 15 min for boss stages, split up into 4 biomes, so I can re-use assets from each biome 3 times. 2 town hubs, both small, maybe takes 20 seconds to run from one end to the other. 3 playable chars, with their own moves, but each move is a variation of everyones main basic attack (except for specials). Enemies are very basic, many just different variations of same basic attacks. 4 Bosses, will put extra time into making them good and fun. Implementation of co-op will be super simple since it's on the same screen and there's no special conditions for 2 players (other than maybe AI deciding which to attack)

Just focused on trying to cut out all the fluff basically and making it a good core experience. I got lots of time since Im a NEET.
i looked but there arent many not to mention so varied i cant see your game qualifying for them all, am i looking in the wrong place?
For tonight's latest news, Marmoreal is slowly increasing in sales as the basket weavers keep hating, will marmo survive the onslaught or will he succumb to the masses. Stay tuned.
just last week i was in the "No Time to Loot" event and an "Isometric Game" event. next up im in a general one that i applied for in june, the Boomstock event. these are just the ones that (even loosely) fit my criteria. october is near so many fests will be horror themed, though. as far as i can tell there arent any fantasy RPG related ones coming up.
Ok this is sovl
Not Monvo but this page is also pretty handy.
It's kinda dry currently but stay tuned.
You can also apply to festivals directly from the steamworks dashboard.
Ye unfortunately I think the fantasy RPG/aprg fests come next year last time I checked

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