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Previous thread: >>493049613

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Upcoming Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Current Events

Chapter 6.5 - Murder on the WARP Express
2024.08.08 — 2024.09.05

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

>Current Extractions

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
[000] Wild Hunt Heathcliff

- Event Reward ID
[00] MultiCrack Office Fixer Heathcliff

2024.08.22 — 2024.09.05
Target Extraction: [ Ishmael ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Rodya LOVE!
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Moses marriage mating press nakadashi impregnation
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Walpenis doko
Me third from the right
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Her eyes just make me melt...
Booktalks are the best times to sight a cute and stinky femcel btw
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ByDON Days Soon
Hong Lu is here too. Can't complain.
>wageslaving on an hour of sleep
>after 90 minutes of commute
W Yi Sang is literally me....
I think I see why people like this Hod character now. So soft spoken. I think I'll be taking her as one of my PM wives. Sorry, Dantehs.
Oh you will be "taking her", alright.
me as the spider on the window
More like Rosespanner Meursault
Go sleep already
i need thread...
so much thread...
Neat. Wish we domesticated jumping spiders
it's always funny to me when you're so confident lol and get it wrong
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She's a big soft baby and cootie patootie that deserves all the love and affection
Mon amour
Big if true
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>there are ''scientists'' out there whose ''job'' is finding out if spiders dream or not
cute spiders
>1/7,000,000,000 people make it their job to learn something new
>t.will never amount to anything
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>Please don't be a futa joke.
>Please don't be a futa joke.
>Please don't be a futa joke.
>Please don't be a futa joke.
hit a nerve with the sciencecels, get a real job.
Hell Yeah!
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Hod’s big chest…
cope brainlet
>Instantly thinks of Futa
You hang out here too often, bwo...
take your next booster bwo, the scientists worked hard on it to give you cancer
That anon thinks that anytime the books (sources for the Sinners) are discussed that he's speaking with women.
Because only women are passionate about reading and characters of course.
this image would be better if she were wearing socks
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Make me my second breakfast NOW!
Brother, what else could "taking her" be in reference to? Am I gonna grind up her spine and smoke her like an Enkephalin laced joint?
Hod feet!
girls arent allowed
girls aren't
>he's in full-blown hillbilly meltdown defense mode
yeah, just keep doing what you're doing bro. seriously :)
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Hod's big butt...
you too bud, enjoy your short life
i bet hod's pussy is the loosest of the sephirot
Would you even actually care if you learnt you were drooling over another guy?
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"Taking her" out to a DATE, DUH.
Hod is the type to let everyone hit it
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Lol, based.
Have you been drinking raw milk too bro?
I've started drinking water sourced directly from the nearby river and can really feel my VRIL. you should try it too
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Unless she's given birth, that's not how it works.
Why does she need glasses?
Anon you literally think this thread is full of troons and yet still decide to spend your time here.
do you have this cat in a chef hat by itself?
keep cum out of her eyes
To see ur tiny pp
someone has to be the vanguard
>we have retards unironically PROUD of being uneducated
Amazing. Dongbaek would be proud.
Depends on your perspective. Strapon also works.
Hod’s petite body… all for me…
Most of the thread is american so even if they're ''educated'' it doesn't really count
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The government needs poorly educated people to manipulate and work dead-end jobs too, let them live in their delusions. The world wouldn't function without these laborers.
>trannies suddenly
fine whatever my dude. keep orbiting and have fun
Hod's plump body...all for me...
I prefer Malkuth
Hod's ahoge...all for me...
That american stereotype only holds correct for below college education which you wouldn't call educated to begin with.
I don't care what CUNTS at the government want.
Ayin's smile... all for me...
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I sex both
lole nvm
Damn you sound like a real drone
Great, now I have to pick whether I'm jerking off to this or trying to find good Hod or Angela porn. Thanks, Anon.
>one day
I'm uneducated because I have no desire to do anything but live and probably have undiagnosed adhd so can't focus on anything anyway unless I'm obsessed with it.
The picture of Binah Culo was crucial to the point of the post.
This is a very weird kot i must say
post the hod ahoge eat gif
Hod and Malkuth will be fattened up
Tiph is already pudgy so she can be ignored
What's wrong with it?
People who write shit like that are always the biggest tools
have you tried to get meds
It's still sad because education, knowledge and more opportunities to pull yourself out and up are available more than ever. Accessibility is higher than ever.
I get that ignorance is bliss but how can you not want more for yourself? I understand we need those workers but it still makes me sad to see even young people burying their heads in the sand. I expect it from Boomers/GenX and some millennials but.
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>got hobocliff on the last day, last paid roll of his banner
holy blessed, I will now give graces to this onahole dog.
I haven't. I heard that trying to get meds for adhd as an adult was difficult especially since I'm American. I've thought about it but since I lost my job last week I don't have insurance anymore unfortunately.
is this cope or bait
stop posting lust-provoking images
i dont want to masturbate again today
>I lost my job last week
shit, sorry bro. I hope you find a new one without much trouble.
I think you should grow some self awareness before talking about manipulation and delusions anon.
it's actually life changing if you can get it, but without insurance thats really tough. i hope you can find a job again bro.
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it's just a psych eval
if they determine you have adhd then you get your meds
source: me
I'd argue it's quite easy to get medicated for ADHD in the states. Apply to get on your states basic health INS and for unemployment.
Set an appointment soon as you can and go in for diagnosis.
I have a friend that's a complete fuck up and they're able to get their meds in the states, you should be able to as well.
oh nyo... he's retarded for real :(
You'll find your happiness one day big boy, I wish you luck.
Thankfully I'm getting severance and time off paid out as well as my 2 week paycheck. I also have 2 HSA accounts to draw from if medical needs arise. So far I'm applying for everywhere I can but I'll seriously pursue an evaluation since it seems to be easier than I thought and makes a big difference. Cheers lads.
stop responding retard
Alright this is the last one, *smooch*.
Please take care of it soon as possible, better to act quickly as things will take a bit to get moving regardless.
Good luck mate.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

Remember this anons anytime you engage someone with fundamentally opposite beliefs to your own. You can't make someone care. You can't convince someone that isn't open to a different perspective.

White and bluecollar workers are both needed. Everyone has a role to fill.
I'm filthy rich and haven't worked a single hour in my entire life so this doesn't apply to me, thanks dad.
/lcg/ - education and meds general
I believe you anon :)
Dropped out of highschool too btw.
You're very cool, I'm very proud of you :)
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Why is there one mentally ill retard who keeps using facebook emotes
kill all rentseekers.
limbus company
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Sorry forgot to reply
don't be a pussy ayinfag
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Why don't we have a goth sinner
>passive aggressive
Not a good look limbabs
>new yi sang
Try again sweety :)
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(. ᴗ .)
Charon is our resident goth remember?
Yi Sang fills the role for now.
You will have to settle with IDs.
>Shi Don
Yi sang is emo at best, not goth.
Also he's not hot, vaguely threatening, or female.
Which sinner would look at my small cock and not laugh?
>trying to bring up the charon goth discussion again
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hey guys did you know that its hip to FUCK bees https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CvqmD0CZao&ab_channel=LuigiBlood
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Uneducated people are actually very happy with their lives working warehouse jobs, drinking every weekend and discussing football. Knowledge only brings more misery and more responsibilities when you start realizing how unjust the world is.
Faust is a Goth too, danteh...
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I have a confession everyone. I uptied Maid Ishmael to 4 and leveled her to 45.
there will be 3 gothic novel sinners after inferno bwo
>The Monk sinner
>ayinbab is the highschool dropout
of course kek
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>lcg talking about education
>when they can't even read in a video game
bronte is easier to read than one-off skill descriptions
He is too hot what the fuck. And his RingID is threatening. Somewhat.
I don't think you're going to get much in the way of "sadistic" gothic mommy unless they do that with Ryoshu at sometime.
my sinners havent been retarding out with winrate in focused battles as much.
If you wear any kind of black you are Goth
>My hair is black
You are a goth.
So what do we expect out of the engine change this update?
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I've read Wuthering Heights
>I wasted my time on dogshit
lmao nerd
>Goth Yi SAng
HOly shit I'm cummiiiiiiiing
It's true. The happiest people I've ever met were dirt poor Africans dying from HIV. Everyday is a blessing to them.
i formed gothia in eu4
sinners for this feel
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And much more boring.
ah yes its far more interesting to read about staggers and coin power
This but unironically
reading demian felt like i was reading limbus company fanfiction
Sex with binah
>Upon failing clash, both of your nuts are crushed.
>gain x amount of y if z condition is met while A amount of B skill is currently being used by B addon if Mercury is in retrograde
>if greater than Q, gain R (U + I/ Number of nuts the enemy 3 waves ago busted on O number of Sinners) and murderfuck the Sinner with the highest number of letters in their name
>if blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah hope you can juggle 12 balls at once in your head take +-+-+100000% damage
>Dying bricks your account and charges $300 worth of Lunacy to the credit card with the least amount of available credit.

This is every boss fight in Limbus.
demian was the most loose adaptation so far
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Sex with ryoshu
Protect the Town!
wtf this isnt advertiser friendly
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Imagine making eye contact with the drawer haha.
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I don't like when she looks submissive, she should be smug
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How about this?
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Needs more toned Abs.
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>You can beat Mirror Dungeon with only base Faust's S1 and evade
What is this shit...
Malkuth has no brains it went to her butt
dumb fatty
Thrill gaming
Now do it without Thrill bet you can't
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Remember when Faust was thought to be the smug intellectual with an agressive personality before release, I remember. We were robbed sisters
Its already without Thrill FAGGOT
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>Just realized Poise is probably only a 20% damage bonus because damage bonuses are multiplicative
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Cute smug shotacliff...
bit of an overreaction innit
good job cute lint
Stop wanting to fuck children
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No, it's because they're retards so they have to slap "on crit: +50/70% damage" on every poise ID now".
bro what
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Child's fault for being erotic.
Paus... is strong.
>Tiphposters out of nowhere
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Love me wife Outis
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Is it walpipi yet, I've grown tired of baiting.
library of ruina filtered so many limbabs, they just waiting to pull for walpipi now
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hmm nyo
>I'm blunt ineffective your attack has no effect
>The attack is wrath and I'm fatal to wrath
>Take double damage anyway
anon no you will summon the Tiph- OH GOD THEY ARE COMING
bros, what is a good burn team and should i shard any of the burn units from Walpurgis?
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just wait 19 more hours or something old timer
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Have you crit on Wildcliff's S4?
Missing out.
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liu ish, liu rodya, philipclair are really the only key burn ids, though you can throw in any ryoshu ID because she has good egos
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I like it when she's pissed off
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Anon who's friend is playing the game
he finally fought dongrang and understands why I told him multiple times that YiSangs fucking hates farmers
he liked the ending and is happy that at least one sinner got a somewhat bright future
There is only 1 burn team
>liu ish, rodya, ryoshu
Sadly all of the choices suck dick for the last spot because your options are the blowjob brothers. I like liu salt the most because he has sloth s2 which is lacking in the team.
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thank you, i hope they revisit burn in the future
But did he cry during the song
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welcome to the club , fellow maidGOD
I want a non liu burn faction, maybe give them unique burn or something.
I only did it for turn autism in RR4 also
Vampire Hunters soon(TM)
She isn't very good, but a Gacha game is all about using your waifus anyway.
no, but he did like the song and felt bad for dongrang and the calf
I think it's a toss between rupture and burn for the bloodfiend hunters yeah. We'd be blessed if it's both.
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I can only hope.
A vampire hunter group would make me stop wedgeposting if they're rocking the Bloodborne/gothic vibes.
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Faust is DUMB!
A total dummy, DUMB DUMB!
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>Paus is dumb
what's the most efficient way for me to farm currency? just want to get the remaining stuff
Mirror Dungeon. Pick the event pack.
its just doing mdn
just spam md
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i did not mean to reply to this
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So, soloing with LCB Don.
Would you roll with KK Ryoshu's passive (+1 Bleed) or LCB Ryoshu's passive (+25% damage dealt/taken on Glut Res)? KK Ryoshu being an sin owned passive makes it work all the time, but Hustle being a Res means it can only fire when I'm doing shit like 6x For Justice nuke turns, which there can't really be a better passive for that very specific situation. I figure I don't want Chef Ryoshu's passive because I can just use the many Ego gifts to restore HP as well as Sangre de Sancho and its passive to self-heal.
the normal md? ok thanks
MDH gives you more, especially with the jannies and dimension shredder
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chef ryoshu passive anyway
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Which country is the most esl here
why are you playing this shit instead of genshin impact
are you retarded
i'm not a homosexual or a chinese
I would like to nominate our fellow burgers for struggling to properly speak even 1 language.
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Is there any actual force of good in the city other than HamHamPangPang? I get the bit but it's a little jarring how their rehab facilities are called shit like "ABYSS" while the only thing that puts smiles on the faces of the people are sandwiches.
There is that vietnamese retard from last thread suddenly seething abt vietnamese americans out of nowhere. Sorry vietnambros, your rep has been dragged into the mud because of this one faggot.
D(ante) corp
Classic ruinabab
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sinners for this feel
Ryoshu and Faust
rodion and ishmael
binah and hokma
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I just wish they were cut off. I'm tired of them all.
Define "force of good". Most associations I'd say do a ok job at improving, or at least trying to improve, the quality of life in the backstreets. You may say things like "ah but it only matters to those who have the money to make contracts with them" but the same could be said for HHPP
Hod’s abs will kill you in if you get close
To her, youre just another workout
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thrill'd too hard
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It was weird alright.
The most hated abno btw
People will not say shit when being sent to [CENSORED] or Nothing There but if it's Old Lady they'd rather go deaf
The cathy grimace
The Cathy grimace shake
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In solos there is almost NEVER enough healing, because stagger is almost a guaranteed death, and if you survive a stagger you need to recover or your next fight fucks you. Take chef.
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goofy anatomy
Architect bros… how do I enter the fat mirror world to reach my wife fat Hod while bringing regular Hod with me
ugh now i have to fight the boss that i picked yuck
Feeling the same way rn. At least I got the gift I was hoping for.
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hisu... would you drink me if i were a shake?
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No. I wouldn't love you if you were a worm either.
I can't wait to log in, dump rolls, uptie, and log out this shit game.
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Wrong thread, I think you meant to post this in /fgog/
my heafclip would not say this
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another comfy week
It's going to be so fun to roll. I never roll outside of Walpurgisnacht so I'm excited.
non canonical
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Yes. Even if Cathy was a bird.
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Evil Heathcliff be like
>"I love Ishmael"
Evil Heathcliff be like
>"I love Don"
But anon... Heathcliff IS evil. He killed someone and shoved him in the sack.
He also cracked SHITclair's head for the giggles
Reply to him next time >>493099490
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less than 18 hours...
something something Rodya isn't special enough to distort something something
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>Heathcliff IS evil. He killed someone and shoved him in the sack
Not canon to LCB Cliff btw
Show proof that this happened in our world you can't
What the Dante doing
One more day and I can roll…
Hey, uuuh, is Zenya here? I need to know what the penalty for uuuh, a hyptithetical ban evasion is on 4Chan.... And what's the likelihood of someone getting caught doing it.... Not that I know anyone who'd cross the Head like that.
>joined the dead rabbits
>B-But our dead rabbits are good boys
No proof.
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I ban evade all the time!
You see, I am above the law!
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Sorry limbab, Zenya was in speech therapy. She wants you to take the last two digits of this post in smooches that heal your HP and SP. She hopes you have a great day.
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undo that speech therapy right nyow
sinners for this feel?
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>No proof.
Heathcliff's assertion that they weren't that kinda gang is proof
You didn't read the canto AND you didn't provide any proof to back up your claims
Dumb headcanyon
Rodya got her daily BBC injection, thank god
Spades whore 4 lyfe
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But everyone, all of Zenya's friends in speech therapy was cheering Zenya on. Now she doesn't know what to do.
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I find it funny that the canonical way Zenya talks in these threads may be altered because you don't feel like typing that shit out anymore. Did Zenya actually go to speech therapy? How long will it stick? Find out on the next episode of: /LCG/!
You do 3 extra damage and then the count drops. Unless you absolutely babysit the count, in which case the damage ramps up somewhat reliably.
Rupture in MD: You do 3 extra damage till the point where you get a critical mass of gifts at which point the damage rises to retarded levels and completely obliterates everything.
Enemies just start dying a bit faster. It's not the bombastic burst it's just consistent and stable damage up that is piss easy to sustain.
Bleed MD: Basically "STOP HITTING YOURSELF!" gameplay.
Enemies can't clash. Not that they could clash, but they doubly can't now. Unless they are negative. If you have a particular ID it can also do some damage but overall it's just there doing its no clash thing.
Sinking MD: Does nothing 99% of the time. The rest is a combo that deals 2000 damage once per MD.
Number goes up, damage goes up a little bit. The number has pretty colors. Satisfying sound. When skill 3 crits some extra damage is dealt too. Like a hundred extra or so. Consistent.
Poise MD:
Number goes up, damage goes up a little bit. The number has pretty colors. Satisfying sound. When skill 3 crits some extra damage is dealt too. Like a hundred extra or so. Consistent.
Number that shows if you can use skill 3 yet.
Charge MD:
You can use skill 3 more often.
TREMOR: Loud BRRRT sound happens. It is pleasing to ears. Other than that - nothing is happening, you do the same amount of damage you did before and lament the fact that the stagger would happen just as fast or earlier with other status effects due to them doing damage.
TREMOR MD: Same as above but you lower the stagger by a bigger number. Has no effect on how fast you kill things.
Burn: You do 10 extra damage after turn 3
Burn MD: You do 99 extra damage after turn 3

Did I get it all?
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>Burn MD: You do 99 extra damage after turn 3
bro your glimpse of flames?
i aint reading allat
How build Rupture team???
>Burn MD with GoF: Enemies takes 500-2k damage at the end of turn 1
Crazy that they are all still shit outside of MD after a year and a half
im out of modules
I like multislotting dailies :)
Sinking does gloom damage when applied to enemies without SP.
BL Poise squad was pretty good for me in RR4 tee bee haytch
How many rolls does Walpurgis usually give from the event?
How perplexing!
For enemies without SP sinking is just gloom favored rupture. For charge you could mention the one gift that also gives you a bit of shield. And you can't talk about Burn without saying that Glimpse of Flames clears whole waves in one turn. Other than that you're on point.
It's "Aych" you sub human piece of shit.
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When is the Penis of Wal coming?
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I think you'll find its h4ytch.
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Charge MD basically has you constantly sitting with constant stacks of speed & damage & clash power & shield. IMO the most consistent MD.
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You fucked up.
You're forgetting piss tremor, classic mistake of newbabs resourceslets without all the EGOs and IDs
Reminder that gifts are getting nerfed because of this, because the director doesn't like that stuff feels underwhelming compared to MD.
>Reminder that [HEADCANON]
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Did I just witness a public execution on my thread?
Go look at the livestream again. They dislike that stuff is underwhelming in comparison to MDs w/gifts.
It means that he wanted to make MD more exciting but couldn't because it made MD too different from normal gameplay.

Don't worry though, 99% of people seem to have read it as "MD gifts as they currently exist are warping the game" so it was a difficult to understand slide.
Why not buff the fucking archetypes instead of nerfind MD gifts then
Grinding it will be even more of a chore now
Tiph… I can see your belly from here…
*slaps belly like a drum*
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I'm so behind on shit I need so many crates...
What's the most effective team for spamming MDs? Do I do Hard or Normal? And do I need to rotate teams or can I just use the most effective one?
Bleed is fastest followed by burn.
And rotating teams doesn't affect BP progress just stars.
gn /lcg/
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>BP level 1101
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Make sure you get Hook Lu and Lob Ryo now.
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Someone post how long each season lasted.
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S1: 13 weeks
S2: 24 weeks
S3: 19 weeks
S4: 24 weeks and ongoing. 27 before October, but we don't know when in october S5 is dropping.
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this game is pretty cool
sinners for this feel
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D'you think they'll try to salvage bad IDs next season?
They have to know the powercreep means they're really fucking bad now.
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My edits and I are unstoppable.
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I'm really thankful people forgot Kromer existed since that bitch is ugly as hell.
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Kromer sex
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Some things aren't fixable.
I think that's a possibility that only rests with uptie V, whenever that is. I have to wonder why the really bad IDs can be uptied when IV doesn't really offer anything substantial to be used in current content. Not even extra coin power, or passive upgrades or anything.
4 and eos
Also you only need to do Normal, Hard is for the bonuses.
Now we have to eat more limbus slop for a decade, how could you do this? This can only be remedied with your suicide.
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10 more fucking years BABY
Anon's public suicide in 13 hours and 47 minutes
what charge team are people running now?
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both cracks
w ryo, don, outis
last is a flex slot, I believe.
Cracka Faust and Heath, W Outis, W Ryoshu, W Don, R Ishmael
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Multi Faust
Multi Heath
W Ryoshu
W Outis
W Don
whatever W or R you like the most
Calling it now, butterflies gregor and yisang are going to be dogshit for the first 8 to 12 hours because Monzo forgot to program any of the sinking EGO gifts effects to work with the living and the departed
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>take the time to do chara design for each sinner
>use their LCB sprites for everything
>give them this for a kit
I don't need them to be great, but 0 IDs feel like jokes and that's not great.
>Please... Stop stealing my breast milk
more lunacy for me, please be right
>+1 tremor count
>-3 defense power down
>+1 blunt fragility
SSS tier imo
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thank you bwos
Grippy Faust is the single hottest thing in the game.
Does the Fixer tag work for Middlesault?
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>Guard: 7 + 3
Why are you even carrying a shield ishmael?
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They will get some insane power boost in Purgatorio and Paradiso
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W Ryo, Don, Meursault, Yi Sang
Cracker Faust
Wildhunt Heathcliff
>no cool shieldbearer Ish ID
they get an awakened version as a separate ID that needs several conditionals to unlock + gacha
I wish they would but do you think they can rub their 2 collective brain cells together long enough to realize something as obvious as “a unit incapable of rolling more than 14 needs something more than a mechanic that doesn’t work in half the fights in the game”. Don’t forget they “corrected” some of the worst units in the game to have even worse conditionals for no reason.
Anyone has that image of Gregor fucking his mom?
The problem is the same.
Limbus' coins, clash, stagger and weakness systems together with runaway damage/health values completely kill anything that can't keep up with the "outclash or die" arms race.
>Sinner realizations where you have to solo a savage version of their Canto boss at a fixed level
Fund it
What actually sucks is that some Sinners (Don, Heath, Outis) are really solid IDs in the right setup and others like Ish and Greg are total jokes.
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One day I will stop procrastinating and do things more than a day before the deadline.
One day.
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I stopped using r ish because even when you're chargemaxxing and can winrate without giving a fuck, she'll still have a melty because you accidentally made a gloom resonance and she her fat ass was too slow to slap the last 4 hp butt pirate
It appears that you're literally me except I don't think I have the energy to grind out the cosmetics
Don't worry, I probably wouldn't have either if I didn't have more important shit I was putting off doing in the process.
if you run base ish, heath, and sault you have half a tremor team
think about it
They should add "Clash Coin Power" so we can get skills that are useful from 0 SP that aren't overpowered damage wise
I'll take a 8+1 rolling S1 if it had a clash range of 8-12
Gimme 10+1+1+1 that clashes like 10+3+3+3
Kim Jihoon, give me 10+0+0+0+0 on a skill with the effect "Coin Power = (SP/15) rounded down" and my soul is yours
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Whenever you think limbus is made by competent people, remind yourself sault s3 is 4+1+1+1+1 at ut III.
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>2-3 speed
But anon, clash coin power is most useful at 45 SP.
it would have been usable with release sanity if it wasn't for his shit tier offense level
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Was it him or faust that had 0.53 growth?
>-3 to all offensive levels
I'm pretty sure base sault was (is) the single slowest, weakest ID in the game
Don't worry bro you're not the only one. I also got the last rewards earlier today, even for the last RR I finished it once and it was 10 before it closed down with the season ending.
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I miss mindbroken ishmael.
I love Erlking and Heathcliff so much
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>I love multiverse slop so much
Dyon and...
So who do I actually field here?
I don't have Ahabmael but I do have the other 2 Pequod IDs and I also have RhinoSault
This is for Mirror Dungeon Shard farming btw
Literally anything you want.
Hook Lu
The ring duo
Whatever else inflicts bleed
Do make sure to get Ryoshu now
I'm asking for the fastest clear times possible since I'm behind and need to giga grind
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>ut4 faust
This >>493110126 is still correct in that case. Do not field Nfaust, her animations take forever.
Most people have all of their 000s at uptie 4
You know that, right?
IDs that inflict bleed with all 3 of their skills so you can just winrate with bloody mist
both rings, n faust and rodya, middon, and hook lu in you case
That guy clearly doesn't. There is no circumstances in which faust is worth the resources when 11/12 of your IDs are ut3. She gets NOTHING useful out of it.
Very true, however, it is Faust.
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Ring duo
Hook Lu
are core. The other two slots can actually be whatever you want, but I would suggest avoiding the N corp because they're all bad other than Kromer faust. I think your top 3 choices are QQcliff, middle don and KK ryoshu.
I UT4'd the IDs that I used all the time when UT4 came out so yet I UT4'd NFaust because she was used in basically all the content
do you think that at our current level can the sinner overcome another person with similar powerlevel to ricardo or they will get conveniently bail out again by some new introduce character
Well you are halfway there, being smart enough to start bulding a bleed team.
Like I said, thsoe 4 are priorities, soon to be 5 with Lobshu, so you get 1 flex pick to use whatever you want
We've gotten 5 levels compared to the time we got beaten by Ricardo. That can't be that much.
Ricardo is like Level 60 no? I imagine we will have to go a few boughs before we can match them.
Yeah at high SP a 16 rolling skill is a 16 rolling skill but at 0 SP or having spammed EGO, the range of 8-16 is a lot more forgiving than 4-16 for winning clashes. The value is consistency, a high floor. Base power has too much influence in damage to let them naturally roll as high as Rip Space or something, but to balance for damage would make it shit at clashing higher rolling skills. So Clash Coin Power should exist to provide a way for a 10-18 clashing skill to exist while not shitting Nclair S3 damage everywhere.
>Ricardo is like Level 60
He was level 60 in the game files
Not displayed in the gameplay
You also have to remember that he was playing with his food
we lose to casetti and erking healtcliff i don't think level matter that much , i just hope that the sinner could actually pull throgh and win without any third party help.
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/lcg/bros, remind me again, do we have a dead week between Zwei Don and Deyvat Rodya or not? I thought it'd be
>Dead week
>Deyvat Rodya
(assuming there's no 00)
>Zwei Don
>Donqui Canto
I could be wrong of course. does anyone have the pic?
We don't know the actual schedule.
There probably will be a dead week after Walpipi so the banners don't overlap, yes.
Bro the sinners have always been getting bailed out since day 1
Some insane plot armor unless inteded
don't we? I thought we already knew the dates of the content like with the W Corp event
>we lose to casetti
Lost because they got a hold of the master keycard
Remove that item, and the fight could have gone any direction
You have to remember before Sara got the card, Casetti was being held down by 2 sinners while Don Quixote was railing him mercilessly

It was a stalemate
... But they were likely on the verge of losing, as they were not fighting just Erlking and his army, but Every Cathy too
We know a "schedule" but it doesn't have exact dates.
lmao we don't
Which means, in case you are low in prudence, that they will get delayed.
I assumed it was deadweek-banner-deadweek-banner, that's always seemed to be the schedule they've been aiming for when things aren't falling apart. Don on the 17th october most likely.
????? We beat Casserole's ass so bad he was literally fucking begging. He only got into the position that forced Don's hand because he had the keycard
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We had the date for the W Corp event only
Casette tape is probably a bad example to use because he and the sinners have kind of complimentary powersets. He heals by drinking sinner blood and the sinners get revived by dante and he heals by drinking sinner blood and so on so it just ends up kind of an endless stalemate. Without the keycard it'd probably just keep going on until one side's will to continue breaks or he lands a lucky hit on Dante directly.
Just maxed out all starlight buffs and now i can run with only 1 team. I've heard that bleed team is fastest at clearing mds. Can someone specify ids for that team?
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>dead weeks between the solo 000 banners
Butler Sinclair will be real. we WILL have more sources for Echo and he WILL have an ID that can actually use his sinking EGOs
casetti could just won by target and liquidflies dante i seriously doubt that don or faust could stop him form doing that ,but he an idiot.
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Limbabs can't ctrl + f , uh?
ideally enough bleed mixed with poise that you could luck in to being able to double dip the fusion gifts
so say the whole Ishmael crew, pregor, Rodion forma de Matrix, then a filler slot, I'd personally throw in Gripfaust
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ring duo
hook lu
cpt ish
other 2 can be whoever you want. NFaust usually appears but some gottagofasters don't like the speed on her gripjob.
Do you want me to go through all the /lcg/ threads to find someone to even mention bleed teams for mds, let alone actual description of those teams?
When you're willing to be a suicidal meat shield protecting someone becomes a lot easier, especially when there's another 8 of you putting the offensive on an opponent. The only enemies we've faught where the speed difference is so big they can probably just blitz dante and ignore the sinners are dudes like Siegfried and Ricardo who were just toying with us anyway.
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>He had eyes but couldn't see
We just talked about it less than an hour ago.
Right here.
it was being discussed not even 50 posts up, but I thought your question was sufficiently different to not just link and give an answer again.
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>this new yi sang id is strong!
>does it have aoe by default instead of ego?
>no but-
Not interested. Spicebush forever.
I use Dieci instead of Spicebrush for sinking teams
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simply don't be a doomfag and use whoever you like. it's not like there's PVP or anything
>longer fights where deluge has an advantage, or whenever you need that AoE of his
Solemn Lament
>shorter battles, ones that wouldn't need a deluge nuke
Dante is Young-ji
source: it came to me in a dream
Oh and high base power means things like coin power become a lot more relevant
like let's imagine
>Warp Greg
>+0 coins, instead has clash coin power to get rolling
>spend charge to gain coin power on use
>gains coin power by charge potency (max 3)
>do full Gloom Res to apply another +1 coin power
>spend charge potency for attack weight on his S3
just a thought
At this point why invested in new id when old one could do the job it just burn the theard and ticket for uptie 5
>(assuming there's no 00)
There's an EGO, Bygone Days
and whoever gets the EGO also gets Zwei West according to director
So, now that WARP farming's over, is Outis Shredder still worth using or is Ebony Stem the future?
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thanks for reminding me anon, I guess that's why there's the 2 week gap
They're both giant sin sinks. Main difference is you're gonna fall asleep waiting for shredder to finish hogging the screen.
It's be pretty wierd for dante to be someone so tied to a specific sinner's story like that. But he is a pretty huge mystery nigga who really hasn't been adressed much despite his weird portrait so sure, I'd believe it.
Stem is better in general. Shredder is custom tailored for charge IDs. Honestly I would pick Shredder over Stem for animations, but that piece of shit deals flat HP damage.
Shredder is useful when you use W outis and want to get some more charge potency/load. Stem is probably going to be more useful with envy peccatulum, since pierce + gluttony double weakness is common
Holy ugly
ebony stem
>Outis isn't black
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It's great.
sinners for this feel?
Strange how Outisu didn't killed Greg yet.
There is not a single greek sinner that could possibly be for this feel.
Greg is jewish
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bateman is a furry?
Gregor is a cockroach and therefore Turkish
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That's absurd. He's not ginger.
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SEX with women.
Bong bong is a bong but she's not necessarily British
women aren't real
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Walpeepee in a little over 12 hours
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Thank you for the Binah dump.
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More like Smee-ome.
Go back to sleep beepo, you are not making sense
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>walked away
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manager I think there's been a mixup
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Take your clothes off.
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>one of two ID that can friendly fire if not coddled
>prone to randomly dropping 15 SP because she flipped tails once on her single coin or rolled low on speed
>had to be gigabuffed with UT4 because she such a meme at ut3 it was a borderline detriment to field her
>still nowhere close to the coin values and damage output of newer charge IDs
Fucking hilarious really.
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kindred sinclair or bloodfiend hunter sinclair
dead sinclair
*hawk tuah*
Shitclair will disappear when loop 1 comes. No mention will ever be made again. Trust the plan.
Suck my big black cock.
What team would Sinclair be betting to win for ti
*pats head*
saw some people say that don would get the next Zwei id, meaning that she'd get bygone days as well. but don doesn't even have a sinking id to match...
bloodfiend hunter 00
>but don doesn't even have a sinking id to match...
That's pretty normal for PM. See 4th flame and 9;2.
Is it on yet, I've been so out of the dotasphere. I think I skipped a tournament or two, but GG and Spirit are definitely favorites. As much as I'd like to see XG go the distance, the china TI curse remains strong.
I'm hoping for hunter because I'm banking on the blonds sharing the BP WAW.
Sinner for this feel?
sinclair would be a manchester united fan
he has a garnacho jersey
What's the highest level IDs can get in the mirror dungeon if you manage to get all the events that raise ID levels and you find and upgrade that one E.G.O gift? Wouldn't it be like 60?
Oh and I forgot Falcons, they're definitely a top contender.
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I'm still waiting for Liu paus
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>costs charge
>disables you for an entire turn
>loses damage from spending and not gaining red eyes/pentinence
This thing better do 80 raw damage or I'm not pulling
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dante's notes nyes NYEEEES!
IIRC it's something like
2 from portrait
2 from Dimensional Orbit
2 from Bell Abno can't remember the name
3 from King in Binds
10 from shards
So it's something like 64.
Which sinner would Mpreg Sinclair
Bell is three pretty sure.
characters for this feel https://x.com/projectmoon_fv/status/1827661164047749311
rodion’s russian girldick
Why couldn't my EX agent dual wield fourth match and harmony
>disables you for an entire turn
Bro. There is no self-immobilization.
giganuggets arent edf fencers
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Penis of Wal in 12h. I don't think I'm ready.
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>can't gain charge
>become a healbot
>"no self-immobilization"
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check out this ZAYIN tool abno I found
as long as her other skills aren't shit without conditionals it'll be fine
I'm going to put all Charge passives possible on her and if she doesn't top the damage chart I will never use her again.
What a bunch of worthless fucks. No wonder we have to hide from the head.
That's not what self-immobilization means. I would fucking subjugate you to using Bayard page with pinpoint breakthrough only. You absolute scuba diving backstreet janitor. Fucking moron.
Has anyone gone out of their way to make a decent RR4 guide yet?
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>it's not immobilization you just become borderline useless for a full turn
>i played library btw did you guys know i played library
You were the one who brought up immobilization bwo
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Hey hey
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They don't have advanced combat skills outside of how their EGO weapons normally guide them.
Whitenight: Gregor
Blue Star: Outis/Rodya
Mountain of Smiling Bodies: Sinclair/Heathcliff
Da Capo: Ishmael/Outis
Twilight: Don Quixote/Rodya
Nothing There: No Clue
>Nothing There
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Sinners for this feel?
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It's time
Outis = Nobody
She'd fit nothing there in an ironic sense.
alriune is a fucking nigger, how the fuck are you supposed to farm this fucker's EGO gear without spending 5 minutes chasing it around your facility after every work?
Just don't use her S3 if you afraid that it's going to nuke her combat potential to 0.
>You were the one who brought up
>disables you for an entire turn
That's far from being disabled for entire turn.
>i played library btw
I didn't.
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Pitch some Durante powers
Didn't gearbox fuck up the game with their latest DLC?

Either have strong as fuck agents to put him back in his cage, or get lucky.
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>just don't use S3
based retard
Just get rid of the thing. It's not worth it.
>Nothing There is a being that seeks to mimic humanity
>Gregor is cast aside for his inhuman traits
it will be Gregor.
Uptie 5 I guess will make both support & passive simul proc but on top of that.
Every LCB uptie 5 should get some Yu-gi-oh archetype boost where if 5 active fighting units are LCB just cheat out what ever idea they had.
Don? are 5 people fighting LCB? Fuck it set her speed to 10-10.
Yi-Sang? 5LCB? Every coin that lands inflicts +1 sinking count and potency.
Outis? 5LCB? Give her base Ego the pointalist reuse coin (1 time) conditional since an LCB is a pile of non synergistic status infliction so that gives the team an actual reasonable wincon.
Heathcliff? Proc counter on every hit without even selecting counter.
Shit like that, by the time you UT5 you've invested effectively for a UT3 000 so they should prob have a power level comparable by that point.
was that one of those that only stay if the result was neutral? fuck that one, get his gear then turn back to before you got him if you picked him for this department
Ring of repick
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Just run 100+ mods to unfuck it, the only problem is everything being timed to your framerate, so you have to lock it to 60 fps
I feel like the best sinner to receive Paradise Lost would be Faust, who made a deal with a demon in her book, but idk
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what's the other friendly fire ID bwo?
He can rewind death
Pride: Sinner swap to back up unit without relying on death, empower them slightly the first turn after swap
Wrath: Give everyone some type of damage up or offense up, at the cost of sanity after use
Just to explain. You can use S3 BEFORE you hit the caps for Serious version. And after that you use her S3 when target is about to be staggered/killed. So you get free turn to work as heallbot.
Gregor's Lobotomy ID should be a Mimicry suit with [CENSORED]'s weapon in place of his arm
gives the first deployed sinner an extra slot for a turn
About to finish Canto 5 for 590 more Lunacy then clear out 5-5 for more Lunacy in time for Walp.
Does Walp itself give any Lunacy or tickets because I think I total at 190 pulls atm
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I never bother to get any of the event cosmetics!
it ought to give like, 20 pulls as a reward, you'll be fine
Getting CENSORED outside of Lobcorp means they'd have to actually make a design for the thing
I guess that's why they canned it for Ruina
What DOES Memory Repo carry over, and what does it ignore? Am I wasting my time farming stats/ego gifts if I plan on repoing?
Press the button to delete limbus company
>he doesn't know
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>just restrict yourself to not using your main charge nuke as a charge id and then still waste a turn regenning sanity for your max sp allies
based retard
I think the power creep comes from them not really understanding totally how their game worked early. Things did certainly get stronger later but they have kind of plateaued and they have mostly settled into a regular pattern, minus some upsets here and there
Instead of buffing it looks like what they're doing is just replacing old bad IDs with straight upgrades where they can
W corp Faust kinda sucks -> Multicrack office Faust
N corp Don kind of sucks -> T corp Don
Mem repo keeps any information you acquired from abnos, and gear.
It will rewind any agents hired since mem rep day, and stats gained from work on them
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Does that include ego gifts?
I really want to pull LobCorp Ryoshu so that I can finally stop having to do MD bleed runs with fucking n don
Switch out a sinner with one in the nearest backup order.
w-why are you using n don in a bleed comp?
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Thank fuck someone is complaining about an aspect of the new Ryoshu ID. All the positive expectations were making me fear it was gonna be total garbage due to thread curse.

I think EGO gifts get rewound, since they're technically stats, and the gifts can go on agents that will disappear after mem rep.

Keep in mind, if any agent died while wearing certain ger, mem rep will not bring it back, it's gone until you get it again from the abno.
When is canto
In 5
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Today is the last day you can play as MIGUEL using her signature weapon SOÑAR LA IMPOSIBLE SOÑAR as they update this sprite to say Don Quixote on her jacket
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>All the positive expectations
Literally where
Nails is unique bleed
I don't have anyone else
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More than likely starting on the 17th of October.

>5th Walpipi
>19th Devyat
>26th Bygone days EGO
>3rd of Octboer Zwei west
>17th new season

Then the final part of the story would land on Halloween. Dante's notes will probably happen somewhere along the way too.
anon censored's true design IS the censor bars, as an abnormality it represents the fear of the unknown
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I am running El Miguel RIGHT NOW
freeze an enemies or skip their turn completely or exercute the sinner with the lowest hp gain double the sin resorce for that turn
You might be disabled. Just not for the one turn.
this really does reinforce that her canto why be based on the Man Of La Mancha play rather than the book, right?
Miguel de Cervantes was an actual character there
Were you not here when the kit was revealed? It was almost universally being seen as strong thanks to how overloaded she is.
Plus she even work on a bloody mist team thanks to having bleed in every single one of her skills.
>running captain ish with one other pride skill
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bros what happened to our girlfirend drake? Is she a prostitute now?
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It's not gonna be solely based on that, and more than likely a mix of the book + the play.
Don Quixote has a noble angle to her dream, instead of just wishing to be seen as a knight of great renown because she thought it was cool, but she still has the violent outbursts like the ones in the book, even if so far they've not really been done against innocents, they still have caused us trouble.
NFaust / Ring Sang + Outis / New Ryoshu / Hook Office Hong Lu
This seems like a pretty great idea for a Lust-A res team but also a quick MD grind set up right?
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Drakes!? Beware, anons! This Don Quixote swears she will protect you all against this foul beast!
Archive bro...
If you're just farming MD, Captain Ish's DPS is still really good for bloody mist.
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I assist attack off of lust. Also KK ryoshu and Nfaust both have pride skills.
If you want to fast clear, you don't bring N.Faust, you use Captain Ish, Faust's S2 really adds up on time as the fights go on.
run captain ish and pequod heath for maximum speed
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This is a job for me.
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Your Shootis..
>Multicrack shows up
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Which Sinker is getting booted from the team when Yi Sang Lament drops?
tbqh desu famalam Im pretty sure solemn lament sang is gonna suck on actual sinking teams
Nice joke.
Outis would never.
Meursault is a monster with the shell of a man. If you peered to find his soul, you would find that there's... Nothing There.
Bookhunter ids when
Dude cannot fit in with the chameleonic bullshit nature of normies, no way he's getting Nothing There.
That either for Outis (Nobody) or Gregor (arm and metamorphosis)
my problem with this is that Meursault actually does have feelings, he just sees no use in actually expressing them due to his utilitarian personality
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I hope the Hod Announcer is appropriately deranged like Malkuth is. It'll make up for the lack of voice acting from Lobcorp.
Gregor arm befits a much more obvious weapon.
Whoever simps for normal Meursault ID
Assuming there's an event currency and shop, there will probably be extraction tickets you can get
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Burn MD:
We have to see how he fares on stacking sinking in the first place to gauge that.
She gained EGO.
>Deyvat Rodya
Are people really excited for office fedex?
The outfits are lame, the gimmick is lame and it likely spawn only garbage Ids
>Dude cannot fit in with the chameleonic bullshit nature of normie
Neither can NT
her ego is prostitution?
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Hell hath no fury akin to a pissed off delivery guy
mine it a cup could be worst
We don't know what the gimmick is yet for gameplay, aside from them having those cases that spawn weapons from them.
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Im gonna say it.
Spicebush Sang fucking fell of really hard. Really unfun to use. The big deluge number on very specific bosses does not make up for him needed to be babied to even reach that point and his other two skills being complete trash. I will be happy to be rid of him forever.
I come from the future, he has nice stacking with his butterfly passive
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I like PM FedEx
>aside from them having those cases that spawn weapons from them.
Deyvat Rodya wll beat people with her fist and smack them with the case!
If I'm using it I'll have to drop spicesang
>The big deluge number on very specific bosses does not make up for him needed to be babied
It absolutely does tho
He's the sole reason why sinking can be used in RR
The colors are neat at least.
I don't think he fell that hard. His numbers aren't as insane, but he's not really rolling super poorly on S2 3, 1 does indeed suck though. His main issue is not being able to deliver the counter on the same turn.
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do you guys skip EXP lux? 6- hurts
His skill 1 being atrocious to clash with certainly doesn't help him. Why is his sinking count only applied next turn anyway?
Spicebush? SPICbush is more like it (Yi Sang is Mexican)
I don't skip any.
Man I really want Wild Hunt but also walpipi in 12 hours...
from what I understood, does yi Sang's butterfly transitions like:
>Butterfly potency -> Butterfly count -> Sinking potency
at turn end or did I misread the status description
I get 24 every day with single refill and spend 10.
So no, it does not.
Dispense Wild Hunt
I manually fight the exp lux so I can claim the 10 kills daily from it
Yes since I’m lazy and recharge twice a day
Pretty sure its the SP damage that gives it a lot of value in RR4. If you mean the other RRs then I agree with you. We have way more options now for low turn counts unless you're a scoreboard faggot that wants to get the lowest on your friend list.
Never skip EXP lux, you need the stage clears+kills for your dailies. Skipping thread lux is fine though, I usually do it on fox day.
I skip thread, I never skip regular exp lux.
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Execution bullets. Target sinner dies, and no sinner loses SP.
Corrosion bullets. Target sinner corrodes to -45 SP immediately.
All sinners gain +1 EGO Resource Amp.
All skills are painted white as Madness skills. The entire attack chain is considered a full Absolute Resonance for every Sin type for all Skill and Passive effects, but you generate no Sin resources to keep for EGO skills.
All skins are painted black as Angst skills. All units are have FATAL resistances to Angst skills, but you generate no Sin resources to keep for EGO skills.
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bros can I clear the event shop in 9h?
Farm boxes and dispense him.
It's over.
>Doesn't show how much of the shop he purchased
Only if you farm the farming stage starting now, nonstop with a team at 120% currency, and I mean absolutely nonstop.
I manually do EXP, Bull and Toad, The rest I skip
If you do MDH with only Jannies/Dimension Shredder, you can get 450 tickets. So do that 6-7 times
Chop chop nigga
Before we head into walpurgis, I need a lunacy check in. How many rolls do you all have to waste?
Butterfly potency turns into both Butterfly Count AND Sinking Potency at turn end. And it seems the burst effects of butterfly only work off the count.
So the *ideal* would be to inflict a lot of Butterfly potency on one turn while the rest of the team racks up a lot of count, so the following turn will rack up a lot of damage from the butterfly bursts.
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Wait, MDH gives you more tickets without weekly bonuses?.. Why the fuck i did MD several times then
>>Doesn't show how much of the shop he purchased
>Only if you farm the farming stage starting now, nonstop with a team at 120% currency, and I mean absolutely nonstop.
I have purchased literally nothing.
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Or you could just fucking kill him with damage.
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how many rolls is 74k lunacy
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Exactly 200.
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Enough for pity with the Lunacy I'll get from this week's MD4H+Gibs.
i've only a little over 20 decapulls
if i dont get lament yi sang, i'll just trade ideality for him
I'm convinced posts like these are mere LARPing.
Then do as I say and farm the farming stage for it nonstop. It's not as efficient as farming MD through the course of a month, but it's faster to clear up shop.
woops, meant for >>493125286
You won't get either in 200 pulls and you'll go home with just one
well duh, it always shows x0 items if you bought out everything in the shop
56k and 20 pulls in tickets
>-1 season 2 extraction ticket
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I got a good a amount.
You would be correct, because I'm the original poster and this >>493125398 anon self-inserted himself into my post for no reason. Kinda weird, if you ask me.
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Yes Anon I will just run Ninclair, Wild/R Heath, W-Ryoshu, Cracked Faust, Ringsang, and Ahabmael. Then I will go on /lcg/ for my daily ritualpost and then post porn the rest of the day. we are truly fucking idiots for tryin to engage with the game.
>I will run Ninclair
Stopped reading there, subhuman filth.
Why does Binah make me so horny?
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I have 30 pulls and I will not make it. Please pour one out for me, limbabs.
Based RR2 cheater
ain't pouring shit out until you stop being poor
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I'll get Hod on my first pity not matter what though, and I've yet to decide if I'll go over 200 rolls if I don't have everything by then
>A hero of the past who used to be a guardian of justice. She dedicated her entire life to protect the king, the state, the city, and the weak. The knight had to uphold the laws of God and the pursuit of valor, chivalry, and justice. However, after a long history fraught with hardship and conflict, the knight realized in retrospect that nothing was truly upheld on her watch. The truth changed a lot of people.
>Don Quixote realized he failed in living up to his dream as a knight on his death bed and died in despair
>Literally called the Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance
Don is so obviously getting KoD it hurts.
>Skipping thread lux is fine though
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a lot
I will replace spicebush because 2 guns > stupid tree branch
Odds i'll go to sleep
Evens and i'll post a meme
Zero means zero - i'll turn myself into Gregor
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My walpipi is ok
>less 12 hours left
Alright limbabs, guess how many pulls will take you?
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if you say something nice to director he will bless your rolls
No, Don never was a guardian of justice, she only deluded herself into thinking she's one (but all she does is stir shit up everywhere)
She fits QoH way more
Limbus sucks you fucking sellout.
Your ass is nice. Now give me Hod
His virgin asshole is tight enough to make anyone cum
i can't belive a day where a man using a vtumor model could brainwash zoomer into liking him we trully are living in a dystopia
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You are very oppai and boing boing.
no Hod, Gregor, Yi sang and Ryoshu for you
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>brainwash zoomer into liking him
I guess doomers and other -oomers are already liked him enough.
Don doesn't fit QoH in the slightest if you actually look at the abno story. Also, that argument is especially retarded because Don wouldn't fit QoH either with that logic because QoH was a defender of justice.
Limbus isn't TOO greedy compared to other gachas, I guess
i used to do it before i realized the error of my ways and stopped being a lazy FUCK
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I've watched over a hundred hours of dead air soulless gacha promo streams by now, and this retarded, fuckable dog put on the most entertaining and earnest one I've ever seen using a malfunctioning vtumor model and a green marker.
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Is there any way to switch between seeing the clash values, and seeing the damage potential for a skill? Besides going unopposed.
that stream SAVED project moon from BANKRUPTCY and being TRAPPED and BETRAYED for a THOUSAND loops
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>that edit
Neat, saved. Thanks!
>QoH becomes its own definition of evil despite her strong desire to be a hero
>Don always makes things worse despite her strong desire to be a hero
>Don is obsessed by her definition of justice, like QoH
>Don has a monstrous form, like QoH
>Don is prone to rage, like QoH
I don't see how she doesn't fit QoH, also we've never seen her feel despair once
How would she fit an abno who's always wailing
>KJH dicksucking hours
his sheer retarded aura alone give anybody in the vicinity mental retardation
Post his armpits
anon this is the KJH dicksucking general. it says it right in the OP
All of those points are dumb as fuck but I'll respond to them after you acknowledge how retarded an argument it was to say that Don didn't fit KoD because the latter was a hero, then going on to advocate for QoH Don. Never seen such delirious cope in my life
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>Sorrowful Countenance
this is because sancho thought he looked ugly
stop infighting about another madoka magica bullshit and wait till next walpurgis event retard
It be Don who is going to get QoH. No amount of arguments its going to change that.
It's fine if you wanna think that but it just shows you don't understand the abno or the character
gregor is getting QoH thoughie
>All of those points are dumb as fuck
QoH never was a hero, she wants to fight villains so much that she turns into one as soon as no more evil is around. But that's her only purpose. She doesn't care about helping people, she's no hero
If you consider this to be a hero then by your definition Don already is one too, since she fought "bad guys"
You're retarded
I don't know if I can choose between Spicebush or Butterfly ideal...
seetheclair of hatred
i want to run a full gun team but i dont have pregor because i skipped season 3... why do i have to wait so long
>so you put me in another dress, huh manager-bud?
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190 or so
Gregor unironically is a better fit than Don by a country mile.
>QoH is a warrior who fought against the forces of evil and feels anguish after having her purpose in life/position taken away once the world didn't need her
>Gregor is an ex-soldier who was used for propaganda and was widely regarded when he was still serving only to be tossed aside in despair after the war with no more purpose in his life
It's also kinda like Roland was tossed aside and denied entry to the nest after the smoke war since he already outlived his usefulness. I could see Greg getting the Ruina EGO
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which sinner would fall into this situation? I can't think of who, for the life of me
Stop putting this man in a dress!
Dante and Sinclair. Sinclair as sugar daddy
Shut up It's Don. Don Quixote. Don Quixote de la Mancha.
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Why Director played Fallout 3? I thought asians hate this type of games.
me as the sugar daddy and (you)
>She doesn't care about helping people, she's no hero
Wow, that's the first intelligent thing you said since you started speaking, I'm impressed. Anyway, you're even more wrong now. Don was literally willing to suffer an eternity in the Warp Train for the sake of carrying out justice while QoH's actions as a hero were completely self serving. Don absolutely believes in her justice to a T and would never go back on her code, unlike QoH.
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Sis I said the Ruina EGO
I had a Japanese student, a guy in his 30s tell me that he plays nothing but Skyrim on his PS3. And also, a good chunk of the most comprehensive gun mods in Fallout is from China for some reason.
koreans are more like westerners than asians and director is a nerdy otaku
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You can evaluate a person's IQ by looking at the sinners that they post
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Genetically superior Asians gravitate towards western media
anyone from shitbus: 0 IQ
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My IQ is 200.
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Blessed trips of truth.
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>Don was literally willing to suffer an eternity in the Warp Train
and she was willing drag rest of the crew with her into this suffering so she can stop one vampire that was only stoped by factors outside her knowledge
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asians HATE the west and HATE western games
Director is 32 and looked like he was 40 at the last stream, his genes are FUCKED
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im smart
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>installs infinite reroll
>game infinitely more enjoyable
wow really
She's approaching...!!!
>posts the two stupidest sinners
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im stupid
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>it is out on three platforms: pc, xbox 360, and ps3
heh! this image is showing its age
How do you get infinite reroll in Limbus???
>Posts the smartest and dumbest sinners
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not ideal.....
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Gacha games are ontologically evil and any action taken against their developers is justified.

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>rings too big
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Necroing this shit because I just woke up and the sheer audacity offended me.

>Because its a random fucking employee escape tube that any employee can use
So it can't fail? It can't be faulty and dump someone off in another dimension because it got damaged in everything that went on? You look at half of the abnormalities now, they don't come from meaningful people or have meaning.

>There's no way W Corp is mass producing fucking Abnormalities, they don't have cogito
You don't need cogito to produce abnormalities retard. L corp used Cogito to force the abnormalization process - but there were naturally occurring abnormalities in the world. How the fuck do you sleep on this basic fact when the entire bird lore is about them being in a forest in the outskirts.

Leviathan had a Maestro die and Schadenfreude burst out from his chest during a fight WAY after lob corp went under and cogito was no longer a thing nor used in said fight.

The literal name of the passenger was named "Warward Passenger" which means it was a passenger that was lost in transit through dimension fuckery. The EGO event
You see a poor passenger, stranded between dimensions.
Most will never realize that this person ever disappeared.

Well, the transport company would know,
but they’ll simply pretend that the passenger never existed.

Lost and abandoned, tossed out like trash,
having no place left in the City."
Just so your illiterate ass actually had to read this once instead of smashing skip.

There was never an implication W corp was manufacturing abnormalities from this abno - nor did they use Cogito. A mishap happened and they got trapped between dimensions, which this asshole could have been because there's no other reason

>Its already confirmed a LOT of abnos are from humans.
From a naturally occurring event you fuckwit and not because someone dumped a dose of Cogito into them until they turned into that or an Ordeal.

The only point you have is forsaken murderer.
Why is my game tilted lol
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That's supposed to be her knuckle duster? I think.
get real version of the game igor
Yes, she truly believed in her own justice and no amount of suffering she endured would allow her to let a Bloodfiend escape to murder countless innocents. She's completely bought into her beliefs to her own detriment, unlike QoH who dropped them the second she felt insecure.
I'm going to fuck this dog's ass
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I like listening to the livestream in bed. It's relaxing.
try not to jerk off to the cute dog vtuber challenge
making my dream acc who do i rr for on Walpurgis Night
Пpocтo нaклoни мoнитop, Дoдo.
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What the actual fuck?
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>doing MDH starring Blade Lineage with guest star LCCB Ryoshu because shotguns are cool
>notice she's only level 35
>at the last node of the last floor
How the fuck did anyone have an issue with this dungeon at launch
I prefer his tired face over the model, but if he keeps making his future streams be half with his human self and half with the dog, then it would be okay with me.
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i get this when i give him an extra S3
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Kaji anons...
>How the fuck did anyone have an issue with this dungeon at launch
No one did? It was hilariously pathetic and only Jun was of any note.
Who would win? BL Sinclair with 6 skill 3s or BL Meursalt with Regret? Both are poised out.
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Don't Asians fucking love Skyrim?
Does she kiss each spider good night?
She kisses my peepee one time for each spider to thank it for making them.
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>How the fuck did anyone have an issue with this dungeon at launch
no one did newbab
What everyone did have an issue with was Jun in MD appearing out of nowhere and bricking your run.
yes, of course
I hope we fight some abnormalities in Don's canto
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Oh wow, they really noticed the chains there huh.
what the fuck is that bottom row? infinite fun ass creepshit
that’s just how ugly the character models in skyrim actually are
its fucking unsettling and creepy shit man what the fuck is wrong with todds game
Clear water? Makes his S2/S3 numbers skyrocket along with Kimsault's buff.
Why did they make Greg so handsome for this EGO
i love director all hail the dogboy or roundman

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