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Previous Thread: >>492483262

Let's enjoy the festival with us, Gary!

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Event: Cradle Parade [08/21 - 09/27]
Limited 100% Rate-up Omniframe Banner: S Lamia (Lost Lullaby) [08/21 - 09/20]
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PGR Anons time to dance
No trolling - is there really multiverse shenanigans in the story?
when is it gonna be livlov turn...
Yeah. Gets much heavier from the Spiral of Chronos chapter.
Getting lesti?
Bro your Lee chapter? Your Suzaku timeline? Your Chaos Pollution timeline that Nemo and Agent 0 came from?
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Look at the way her choreography expresses her inner self
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>still no construct with canonically functioning womb
When will PGR pay its homage to Nier fully
I don't know if I want to read the story anymore..
You can still read up to chapter 17 without having to deal with time travel bullshit from chapter 18 onward
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one day
It's really not that heavy and imo, the story only gets better the further you go in.
The only timeline that matters is the Chaos Pollution timeline as Vonnegut's backstory, and we won't see that until Lucia chapter
>Clonemandant didn't even compliment Lamia's new look to give her some confidence before getting melted in the red tide
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It's kinda sorta touched on but it hasn't gone into into Rick and Morty levels of retardation/overuse or Marvel "everyone is here" pandering with it.
Where's Xiangli?
Weapons testing
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>Messy ponytail
I don't think Selena is worth the suffering I have to endure in that one game mode.
Read her part the summer event bro, it may increase her stock value a bit after that
I went ahead and tried reading the story in the roguelike but I don't really think it matters? I just want to kill stuff and farm the shards, I don't care about the pink cow's autism.
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>Blonde hair
>Black outfit with blue highlights
>Giant X on their chest
>Same English VA
Corrosion Entropy's skin also has an eyepatch.
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Nanami and her girls
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That's the girl that works for Ishmael. I think in CN her name originally translated to Rusty. The localizers might've ended up going ctrl+f on every instance of "rusty" in the game's script and put her name there instead
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she's so pure i love her
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oh YES
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Lesti sexo.
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If black and blue and voice by Chris Hackney are qualifiers for the MultLEEverse, i'm throwing V.IV from AC6 into the ring.
The horns on Steel Haze Ortus' head also kinda remind me of Palefire's Inver device.
Man I love Cthylla, a shame she's dead...
Wish she was playable...
Wait for your daughter to grow up, Shikikan
So that's why Rusty was so eager to call a guy named Raven his buddy
nanami really went < : and : D
The left one looks more like c: to me.
>Researcher Lamia
That thing is going to crush your dick and then explode
[Spoiler]will i be able to reunite with her again?[/spoiler]
Is it worth it to pull for feesh CUB if ive got the cubtix from the BP?
Lamia's cub is pretty good, yeah. Gives her decent damage buff and has gather. Although nowadays everything has gather so it's less relevant.
Overall, all of the upcoming cubs are very good, but you should only roll the 100% rateup ones since otherwise you risk getting one of the older less useful ones.
I think around this time yesterday we had someone in /wuwa/ bring up Selena from /here/
Redpill me on this Selena woman anons, I've heard that she's everything from having a tragic back story to the first construct that will be impregnated, but I wanna hear it from the fine men /here/ as well.
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does he know?
>decided to be a soldier because some random who called her drama shit and unrelatable
>wet towel personality
>super autistic about music
>won last year popularity poll because players legit rigged the poll so they could win free BC
worst girl, pick other girl, like Lucia instead
We HATE Selena here not really we mostly don't care but a couple anons love her
I do not, do tell.
That's...less than I expected but I don't know any better and surely I'm not being lied to right now.
From the little I've seen from the anon that loves her, she got a hot as fuck skin. (I think that's a skin at least? Exposed tummy was giga hot.)
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Canon wife, she maybe a jobber but she's OUR jobber wife.
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Instructions unclear, married No.21
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Selena is mostly a side character that barely contributes to the story aside from being abandoned to death and was (You)r pen pal (she used her pen name though so you never knew it was her)
All I'm getting is that other anon is a saviourfag, but she has a hot as fuck skin.
Thanks anons.
>we mostly don't care
>a couple anons love her
/pgr/ is only a couple of anons bro
>rigged the poll
Selena won fair, let it go
I forgot that hiroshima hid IP count for some reason
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Whoa its Nanami, is this a sign?
Oh look, verafag having another meltdown. You should save some energy to cope with the fact that Vera's about to be kicked out of meta forever.
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I can't believe he'd say that
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>Redpill me on this Selena
Solon's greatest creation
>take Sakura from fate and colorswap her a bit
>erase the bottom half of the design
>perfect plot device obtained
>wait, shit, people want more of her
>fuck it, throw entire design into funny red bubbles
>recycle her into a majora's incarnation monster
>purpose accomplished, let's nuke her
>eventually red bubbles rebuild her
>she is ressurected as blue Sakura
>start dwelving in her backstory
>she's autistic
>so autistic she evolves into schizo
>that's not good enough, let's mindbreak her
>very good, now fix her, but leave the autism
>time to make her homosexual
>actually fix her for real with a big titty painter gf
>excellent, now let's give her shikicock therapy
>and also give her an evil twin for reasons
>perfect, we can finally give her a proper role in story in Ayla's chapter
>she enters
>she does nothing
>she does not elaborate
>she leaves
>and the best part
>her fans like this
Dont do that
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I got feral 21!!!! from the standard banner, thank you anons for telling me to wait for two weeks for the banner.
she does sick electricity damage and heals the other two!!! IT IS AWESOME!!!! AND SHE IS AWESOME AS WELL!!!
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Sleener... had a hard life.
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How good is Jaysan CN story translation? Is it pretty accurate to the original or should I just wait for the Global version?
You really should calm down a bit, you have a meltdown every time someone mentions Selena. It's unhealthy. Seek help.
I mean you just described the whole story. It is hilariously bad.
Man that whole chapter with the art squad was weird as hell, almost everyone is autistic, except Trojan who just laid back. Well at least it built up for Alisa and her chapter later is good but then she just fucked off the same day skk got kidnapped, guess she's still autistic.

Oh and i realized Sice wear a skirt instead, what a suprise, i always though she wear soldier pant and boot from the look of her upper sprite.
And now he's having a conversation with himself.
Can we just get Nanami beta leaks already so that we can discuss something else?
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post this dog
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Everyone form a line now please
we should lov liv
not dog, not cat.
Is wolf!!!!!
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sex fox!
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Sir this is a pig.
need vera yukata skin NOW
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I'd do bad things for a No.21 coating like that image, at least the Chinese one is cute and the whole team got it.
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your mother is a pig, this is Le artisté
Bianca's yukata coating when?
u have bad taste, I feel sorry for you.
Will kuro redesign the lilith character? Because she is ugly as shit.
Probably, shes fairly gaudy and I don't think her legs will survive
She needs to lose weight immediately.
her legs are her best part though.
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you niggers are idiots.
if she tries to lose weight then her massive breasts shall get smaller ;D
that's not anna, that's nina
I like flatties LIKE NINA *LICK*
Yeah theyre fairly unique but if Yata lost her horns and mask, I dont have much hope
Horny Nina my beloved
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idk, I think the stilt legs could probably make it in.
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>Aннa Кapeнинa
That was a different time. Now only fully humanoid designs, mechanical parts not allowed.
need a construct with signalis legs
What would happen if Liv goes to the bunker and saw Vanessa raping Gary?
dont think so, yata was redesigned but her redesigned frame was also shown on the livestream instead of npc one
Feels weird that she would have both a bossfight and a playable character sharing the same model
Alpha and Qu and roland have the exact same design unlike lamia, camu or rigor. or am i wrong?
add hyperreal to this
Rolands frame is very different from his original appearance
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Shit you're right
I only remembered Rosetta and Lamia going from bossfight to playable
But those were early in the game development where perhaps they cut corners to save money, the wouldn't do that nowadays r-right?
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Roland got redesigned from his original boss look. Hell, even his boss model got redesigned.
Idk man, I'd say is a different (updated) model, but not a different design, even the smallest details are still there, just in HD so to speak
Fuck the original Roland he kicked my ass with that stupid face during launch
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Thats not his uniframe design
oh fuck im dumb, i dont roll for males mb, i kneel.
I wish he got a trenchcoat in his final base coating
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What is the lore reason we are using him?
We should have meme Celica into winning the last Eden Fest. I want to how Kuro would make a Celica song.
The chinks should have done it at the first Eden Fest to get a playable Celica.
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My main issue with the updated Hermano model is the lack of glowing eyes. He looks more boring and less smug without them.

His trenchcoat is tied around his waist. It actually looks really cool on the final base coating, with glowing belts and everything. It'd be indeed cool to see him wear it properly.

IIRC Amigo was the one who saved Gary and brought his comatose ass to the rest of the survivors after the Pulia Forest Park got evaporated by the Spear of Longinus.
collective schizophrenia
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>Shota Roland
>Construct Roland
>Ascedant Roland
>Beaten Ascendant Roland
>Torn-apart-by-Hetero-Creatures Roland
>Fancy Roland
How strong is brs?
Not very
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>The Clown
>The Chivalrous Knight
>The Movie Star
>The Ascendant
>The scared child
>The one that only speaks in Spanish for some reason.
el hermano...
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Is this true? Should i start pulling for crimson, Bianca, and lamia´s weapons once I have the 15k BC for the next S rank?
>Buddy not in S tier
Bad list.
i was going to ss5 nanami... do you mean she will powercreep ojisan back? should i redeem?
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The ONLY weapon in the game to reduce enemy healing by 100% No.21 fucking STRONG
She isn't likely to be Fire Tank again don't get excited
Buddy's 4th upgrade also looks insane.
then what? you can't creep lucia that fast! amplifier?
Lightning Tank
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My lil nigga is the coolest
Chibiko also pops out a huge gun from his eye!
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This MF strapped
I wish I had Snooze, fighting max difficulty Pterygota in babel made me want to kill myself. Couldn't outpace the absurd hp regen with the 8 buds around, and having to hit them with double elem to remove them made the fight drag on forever especially since they respawned so quickly.
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Did you know the characters had unique lines depending on where they were stationed?
>Hyperkino in must have
Really weird pic, given that Rosetta weapon was an absolute must since it's inception to this very day. Karen was unplayable without her sig too, so was Vera, while Lee and Selena sigs are optional
Non Canon Squad Members:

Luna (She would never serve a filthy fucking h*man like you)
Selena (Dead)
Haicma (You never even met her)
Qu (Tried to kill (You) for dubious reasons)
Alpha (Also tried to kill (You) and is jealous of (You)r relationship with best Lucia)
Roland (No hablo ingles)
Haying/Alisa (Did you ever met either of them?)
Lamia (Dislikes (You). Surprised she doesn't dislike Lee after what he did to her during Luna's chapter)
That pic is kind of shit, for signatures consult this google sheet
It's up to date with CN so some stuff that is really good at launch slid down a bit in the meantime (mostly Uncle's), but it's a good reference and there are explanations on why the weapons are good at the end.
You met alisa in alisa chapter. She got lucky cause you couldnt 100% remember her wanted description and got distracted by something else while you were starting to remember.
You meet Hanying during Karen idol event in Costellia
Lamia clearly had a change of heart about (You), even though she wouldn't side with humans
Luna whole attitude is fairly amusing since she keeps trying to act like a wrathful god over humans but keeps getting talk no jutsu'd out of it
Also we know she's helping the surviving humans in ARU now in CN
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why the hell are spoilers automatically visible even when I dont actually click on them
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4chan x setting?
No I've been using raw 4ch for 15 years. This sucks.
Damn, weird one then.
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When is the beta starting?
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started today
I'm kinda hoping hoping Nanami will be any class but a tank. Different frames having being different classes does seem to be rare though (Vera, 21, ???).
Wata, karen, hanying, theres plenty really
Kuro intentionally avoid two frames of the same character being meta at the same time so my bet is that she's either gonna be Lightning or Ice tank.
>Ice Tank
Wanshi just came out bro!
>or Ice tank.
That reminds me, Chrome is old as fuck meta wise. I've been hoping that they will replace him for a long time just because how boring he is to play.
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b-bwos...? Hes free...
Oh right, I forgot. Lightning tank it is then.
It's gotta be Lightning. Vera's the last Gen 1 character still in play.
Literally who? The cast is small and I still don't know this guy.
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Hes a sleepy guy! With satisfying gameplay!
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I want to LICK No.21!
Have you reached echo aria yet? If not then keep reading
21 is a dumb dog
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Wrong! Smart dog! No.21 is no dumb dumb!
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Lightning Tank confirmed and she uses Axe Shield
She also has the "Burning" Affix so she will interact with fire team whenever that is the warzone focus! Nanami!
#战双帕弥什# ※ Seven Realities· Traces of the Stars Coming soon!

◇ Attribute / Thunder
◇ Airframe type / armor type
◇ Weapon / shield axe
◇ Effect / Incineration
"Towards the moonlight and the stars, let's set off with Nanami! Commander0r8x4d! ”
God look at those pits and thighs, nanasex
what do I do with dupe weapons and dupe memories?
>Dupe memories
feed into your main memories for resonance
>Dupe weapons
same as above or if you have 3 extra weapons, scrap em to get a weapon you need
Resonate! This is important for memories as you need to do it to achieve awakening for your constructs. On Weapons its not as important but its adds alot of BP and if its a 6* weapon it lets you choose a very useful skill.
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RIP to the very last of the Gen 1s. It's all timeslop all the time from here on out.
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This just means greatsword wielding Dark Amplifier Vera is on the way!
rip vera and alpha, they had a good run
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PGR bwos
Can i get every new waifu and hazubando /here/ AND signature weapon AND new CUB with just the monthly pass C? Are the legends true ? Thanks :D
Btw if it isn't tha case what is bare minimum for this scenario?
Monthly + BP ? Monthly + both BP + some packs?
Just trying to not fuck myself over by buying straight up black cards down the road which is way more expensive.
All new S ranks yes if you don't roll on stupid shit. For weapons, with only monthly pass you will have to skip about 1-2 out of 8-ish relevant weapons that come out in a year if you buy only monthly pass. For CUBs you can pick up 2-3 of them, but IIRC they are becoming a bit standardised now.
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Lets go through it one at a time
>new character
You can do this for free! No purchases necessary, just do your best to catch up and complete your dailies and weeklies.
>Signature weapon
Assuming you went to pity every time thats 7500 Weapon tickets, If you went to HARD pity (get offrated 3 times and have to shard the weapon you want, very unlikely) it'll 22500
Only 2500 CUB tickets, 100% rate up during a characters release
>total cost?
Expected scenario 12500 bc (slightly unlucky) and a C pass is 3000BC, you'll get around 17.5k per two patch cycles without the pass. The Battlespasses will give you 2500 CUB tickets, so that'd be sorted and 2500 character tickets which you can use instead of BC on new characters.
17.5 double patch BC + 6000ish BC from two passes = 23.5k BC
5k Character tickets from two Battlepasses
5k CUB tickets from battle passes
As you can see, you'd absolutely have enough without packs but if you get off rated on the weapon you'll cry.
>roll on stupid shit
like what? give me an example so i can contextalize
>CUBs you can pick up 2-3 of them
Oh cool more than enough then
Only saw the other post now: fuck no don't buy raw black cards, not even space whales do that. The third BP is good, in Qu's patch it gets upgraded to give much more vouchers (the stuff you use to pick up more copies of free/old units without rolling) , it's great to upgrade people like Alisa/Wanshi/Karen to SS3/Livlov.
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Thanks fren, this goes into my notepad forever.
By stupid shit I mean rolling on old units on rerun banners, with how PGR is structured those are usually a bad idea. Also, by 2-3 CUBs I meant different CUBs in a whole year, but that's a Conservative evaluation assuming only BP once in a while and that you get off-rated on the weapon banner once or twice during the year.
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I forgot to mention that generally we only get an S-Rank that needs to be rolled for every two patches, theres an exception coming up in Watanabe Fire Tank and then Qu Ice Attacker, so don't waste your Beginner BC.
Oh cool, i kinda regret my 3 mermaid copies now but i still got half the story and sidequests to farm hope that's enough to offset my poor judgement.
Not an insignificant amount of BC tucked away there, you should be good
>Only 2500 CUB tickets, 100% rate up during a characters release
5000, you need to pull 20 times
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New leeks are out
They are so hilariously predictable.
>Lightning shieldaxe
Are we playing Monster Hunter now?
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We are so fucking back
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>Gen 1
>pure action and orb positioning gameplay
>Gen 2
>Amplifiers, time stop, and two-stage ultimates
>Gen 3
>Void element and character affixes
what will gen 4 constructs eventually bring?
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>still works with fire teams
triple nanami still viable, let's go babyyyyy
Launch enemies into the air, air combos, enemy step, jump canceling, weapon switching, style switching, "Devil Trigger" + "Sin DT", taunt
Nanami nation we're so fucking back. She's beautiful!
Fertility buffs, undressing powerups, climax meter, harem synergy, wombforce upgrades
Is Sophia even worth using instead of just running any healer? She's dragging everyone down. Lucia still has to pick up her stupid balls and they heals like shit.
get livlov bro
consider this:
sophia cute
other healers:
not cute
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The game is not worth picking up. Just stick with wuwa or any other modern title.
Livlov is cute...
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she is extremely cute holy
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Expectation: Nanami with a sword + giant axe
Reality: Nanami with a trick weapon, the pizza cutter
Holy shit
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why cant we get some of these interesting characters in wuwa
nanami sex
> why won't the game that just start 2-3 months back start adding in flashbang characters?
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>Bring me more bosses!
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Hahaha get fucked Nina
What happened to power
>Another Nanami
Please understand. The A team can't work on both PGR and WuWa
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Uh Oh, Melty, Stinky.
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>started on starfarer patch
>instant wife
>now we're here
say that again a year later
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Done with Lulu, kinda disappointing how little you had to manage this. Last time it was annoying how the timings didn't line up but at least it gave you something to do.
Vera status?
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Damn, it really is just a Charge Blade
Only good for sex slave now.
The fuck do you mean it looks like utter shit
So, we now have a burn team with Alpha, Nanami, and probably 21? That means 21 is in three teams now, highest value amplifier. 21 skippers in shambles.
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Is has never been so over. Actually forever out of meta, not even good for ppc memes unlike Rosetta.
Her role now is to make sure SKK's balls is always drained
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>CN release: July 01, 2021
She had over 3 years of service, only a mentally ill person would get mad she's getting replaced. Besides Cerberus is too popular so we both know she's gonna get a new frame down the line
>Only fujos would get mad if she replaced a male character
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Damn Alpha's leap is insane
Not everybody is as mentally ill as you.
I haven't played MH, does it spins like Nanami's weapon and the Whirligig Saw?
Yeah the saw mode is savage axe in monster hunter.
I'm just saying the facts, fujos would be the first and foremost to bitch and whine that a male character gets replaced by a female one
do people even care about affix
She's incredibly cute...
Nobody complained about Lucia replacing Lee, even though he's not even the first gen2 attacker, and got kicked out before getting a leap.
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We grinding down beasts everywhere
Nanami vs Beast 21 boss fight
Twittard was crying really loudly about lucia replacing lee and also going hijab mode of "she's not herself anymore with her new appearance". I even saw a few CN twitter accounts that basically melted down and stopped playing pgr
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Liv livs for another day
>"she's not herself anymore with her new appearance"
That a completely different issue, yes, few people including blanc did complain about her outfit, and it's fairly reasonable. But again, that's not because she replaced Lee.
>I even saw a few CN twitter accounts that basically melted down and stopped playing pgr
That's very cool, but is there any proof of it besides "it was revealed to me in a dream"?
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stop with this retarded attempt at revisionism, fujos and yumes were having an absolute meltdown when Lucia replaced Lee, everyone fucking saw it.
Surely you can post a few examples then, right, Alpha-kun-chan-sama-dono-tard?
>I didn't see it so it didn't happen
Kill yourself retard, not our problem if you live under a rock.
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I don't really care that Lucia replaced Lee. Absolutely everybody that has played the game for at least two years and isn't a moron knows how Kuro operate and that characters get replaced all the time.

The problem with new Lucia is the fact she just looks off, the red highlights in her hair are gone, the story got so much more worse for no reason and last but not least (personally) I dislike how much Kuro stick to their retarded honkai ways. Because they could have made Lucia anything else but an Attacker or even given her unique traits letting you play as the Raven trio and yet they didn't do it.
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>the story got so much more worse for no reason
This is how you know that it is a retarded fujo that doesn't even actually read the story or actually play the game, the gray raven team has always been 2 attackers and 1 support, they literally point that out at the beginning of the story.
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Stop arguing about dumb shit, there's something more important. Females being replaced by males. Uncle really decided to fuck this up. How could he?
>story got worse
that means you actually read lucia's chapter right?
Story got so bad that cn players were posting images of their pile of crumpled napkins filled with tears cause they were crying at how bad the story was obviously
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I've seen snippets of it posted in here and on twitter. Translations don't really matter because the korean drama aspect of it is completely lost on me. As soon as parallel universes/multiverses and what ifs get added in the mix, stories stop being decent. And I am not even touching on the problem with the live service and its implications.
Uncle was cool though. Problem was that instead of replacing some older character like Rosetta, Vera, or Chrome he replaced relatively new Nanami.
Who will replace amp selena?
No one liked mechanami though.
The robot was omega clunky. Now that she's back to her rollerskates it'll be better.
And there it is, the guy exposed himself as someone who hasn't actually read the story
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I quit the game about a week ago, but the new Nanami reveal is pulling me back bro...Would /pgr/ accept a one-week quitter?
Can you wait a year?
Welcome back, now SSS+ + sig Black Rock Shooter
sorry bwo, youre bricked. time to give up.
Sorry bro you are bricked, you will never be able to play Monster Hunter with Nanami now.
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Hmmm, yes, good points, however, have you considered the following?
You mean the following that also exists on the new Nanami? Yes, yes I have.
Consider for non stop segg during long space voyage in the sea of stars only.
Show nanaknight cute perky ass then, see ir order believe.
we ever gonna get some fucking colour on new construct frames? Its all gray, white, black, and muted highlights. Its almost impressive how they can make distinct frames using this 3 colour palette.
kill yourself faggot
I mean, yeah, of course nobody liked her mechanics-wise. But she had great design and the clunkyness could've been fixed by leap. But they decided to take an easy way out and got people angry at them instead. If Unlce were to replace Chrome, as everyone expected, nobody would be angry, and he'd probably sell better too, given how broken he was mechanics-wise.
It will be Kamui, and you will meltdown and cry for at least three threads about the disgusting male invading your dark team.
I get what you're saying, but constructs (expecially newer ones) have very flashy and colorful vfx and ults so it works out imo.
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start with this lowlife fag, look around the tweets that this was posted and people who replied. this took me 5 minutes there are shit ton of faggots, fujos, leetroons shitting up the community every time a female releases. KILL. YOUR. SELF.
I don't see myself replacing Vera, bros...
I'm not one of those fags who bark for her, but I still like her very much
>wow! fujos can't get any worse than this!
>no, they can get worse
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>suddenly, they turn everything into a moe harem
This faggot has never even played the game, has he?
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>Low effort bait about twitter claims
>So low effort he can't even be bothered to bring up a screenshot about some rando crying about it with one retweet and zero replies as the claim (usual m.o. of shitstirrers)
>People still replies multiple times to it
I expected better from you /pgr/, you're usually pretty good at ignoring shitposters
gomen ne, even I have my moments of weakness.
A normal, not mentally ill verafag who doesn't think her entire personality is "ouhhh dommy mommy"? That can't be real.
Maybe this thread is not beyond help after all.
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I will settle for a useable version of pulao. doesnt even have to be any specific element or class. I just want her out of uniframe hell. They saved Qu, so surely they will save pulao too right? haha....
Bros I need Haicma
Free Haicma from Uniframe jail!
No we won't, we like Alpha here. I have nothing against new Pulao though. Make her a phys attacker and kick out Bianca, she had enough time in the meta by now, and nobody likes her gameplay.
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>"ouhhh dommy mommy"
Vera is a hurt, scared, jealous, self-deceiving, dependent on her teammates DUMMY. Her tough persona's an act worse than that of Amigo.
If Sophia, the most popular character in the game, hasn't gotten an S rank yet then Haicma has no hope. I'm sorry, bro.
Thanks, I am aware. Unlike those newshitters who see her and go "my femdom waifu step on me", I actually read the story. Which is why I like Vera but hate verafags.
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>Vera is a hurt, scared, jealous, self-deceiving, dependent on her teammates DUMMY. Her tough persona's an act worse than that of Amigo.
That's why she's one of the best characters in PGR. Good girl.
Lmao even
My dad works at Kuro, he said best Solon can do is S-rank Sofa
>still rolled her
>got SS
>and sig
You're not tricking anyone here. You're a pathetic metaslave and still use her in wz and ppc.
>CW leap has part of her kit locked behind SSS+
They took our joke literally.
Which part? Leaps always had additional bonuses for higher ranks. Bianca's leap also has bonuses for SSS+.
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A simple placeholder while Noctis grew in power
If you mean the CUB, free with Norman tickets, gotta use them somewhere, right? If you mean weapon that's her 5* I lost the 80/20
If I understand correctly, at SSS+, when she returns to kodachi form her red/yellow orbs are converted into blues. If there's no change in blue orb value this should be unimportant thankfully.
Waiting warmly for a recording of wz and ppc with Noctis then. Finishing his SSS+ soon, so I'll try him in wz too, but I dunno if he'll work good enough without resos on his sig.
I mean, that's literally irrelevant, you don't ping orbs in kodachi outside of initial rotation, and with Nanami solo CW won't be a thing anymore even if your 21 is underinvested. In fact, I'd prefer them to not convert, since the double conversion back will be worse for her weather in wz.
this is probably kuro's fix for CW's SP delay bug which is very prevalent in high end gameplay, they cant really "fix" frame delay bugs like this because it is related to game engine in the first place
Apparently CW leap barely does anything for rotations or lighting teams. It is more of giving her the ability to do dark damage with the new system they're trying out
>Nobody posted Nanami's gameplay here
Are you guys fucking retarded or slow?
Here you go:

Also, CW Leap animation:
it's peak
it's the absolute peak
PGR will never get better than this
>struggles to lift her switch axe
>goes off balance
>is using fucking heelies from hell like a retard and loses balance
It's been half a year since Kuro introduced the new Void element, yet they haven't introduced any new Void character or any new Void-related mode.
Surely they will do something about that element right? They won't abandon it like the Unislop characters, right?
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>Ayla is a pure QTE slave now
>Liv is a pure QTE slave now
>21 is a pure QTE slave now
>Arisa barely gets any field time
>Selena barely gets any field time
My Amp coins are tanking, I hope you didn't invest in Amp coins anon. The new team comp is 2 on-field DPS + 1 QTE slut
Void doesn't urgently need characters like ice because of the fact it can convert bonuses from other elements into void buffs. There's a very good reason Kuro did this, they learned from their mistake.
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It's totally abandoned, yep. You should skip Luna and instead roll for, uhh... I dunno, actually. When's the next collab anyways?
wuwa is pgr2 unironically. The blackshores has a hetero tower. Kuro gonna genre shift in 2.0 once people are too invested to leave. Just wait.
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ehm, bwos i went full retard and rolled impulsively, any use for dupe cubs?
Yeah, just make your dolphin SS. That's it. Never roll tens on cubs, rates are absurdly high and anything past SS is very low value compared to literally anything else.
Ayla's gameplay is a messy trash, her not having field time is a blessing. Idea for her core was nice, realization is terrible with how bad chaotic movement is for wz.
Liv still ults every second rotation.
21 not clear after Nanami, but probably will still ult once, but her cycle is kinda slow by design without SS3. Maybe she'll get a leap to speed up her core.
Alisa still does all her stuff unless your Bianca and Hanying are SSS+. Even then, you'll still do core.
Sleener is painfully outdated, but her rotation is so fast that it's basically just ult, and it triggers Lamia's passive, so still good.
Basically, you don't play the game. Stop posting or git gud.
Didn't knew that, i thought i'd had to pity the cub (Reading is hard)... so to be clear, you are meant to pull ONE (1) cub, and then use norman revival to grab 2 copies, and SS it. right?
Im retarted in more than more way, i was meant to say this >>493266593 to you >>493265878 not myself
It's okay, /pgr/ is generally very retarded. But yeah, you roll one copy and SS with norman ore if you want. Generally cubs are already fine at S, you get the 10% elemental buff and a signature buff, everything after is just higher numbers. Ideally you'd want to SS cubs of your main dps.
21 lickers are really smart because 21 is no dum dum.
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>Oh man, too bad I had to sleep before the Nanami beta started
> I wonder how /pgr/ was reacting to her new frame last nig-
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Shes so fucking cool, AND cute!
Sooo, is it still recommended to SSS all amplifiers or things changed?
Nanami was around for a not insignificant amount of time before she got replaced by Watanabe.
The real travesty though is that Starfarer never got any new coatings outside of her space suit.
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forgot pic
yeah you're still swapping characters around in Warzone or in Pain Cage so nothing changed
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Value of SSS'ing amplifiers has nearly nothing to do with the amount of their field time. This is another reason why that anon's claims are idiotic. Compared to attackers or tanks, amps have very low personal gain from SSS. For example, Alisa's SSS just gives her a bonus mark on first rotation, and a bit more damage/faster core. It's not bad, but it's nothing compared to what, say, Lamia gets.
The main benefit of SSS amp is doubled amp passive, which buffs all three of the characters you use, as long as you play swap. And currently all teams on CN play swap, even ice that basically consists of only Qu and Wanshi rotations. Even if you don't swap to amplifier itself, the class passive still works.
As things are now, SSS amps are still a huge buff to any team. Things may change if kuro starts actively replacing them with gen3 ones, but for global it's still at least a year away.
Cant wait to see her finished intro animation, where she puts on her armour like a combination magical girl and rider
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>Nanami's CUB is an anglerfish
I wonder what the implication behind that could be
The Light in the darkness! The Star that guides us forward through the bleakest futures! Powerful, cute and always FUN! ITS NANAMI!
Why does Qu look so hot?
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Or it could lead you to your end
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I'm gonna pat that fish
Because she is.
I think the question should be why are Qu so hot?
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We Saint Seiya now
She was watching it in between MonHun sessions
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Pulsebros we're so back
Looks cute and good, are they using a new shading for the new constructs? I noticed it for Yata and now Nanami
I blame Power's fat ass for us not getting any new coatings
That's a fish from Soma, right?
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Yes, I got tricked by it the first time years ago.
Now thats a scary fish
I haven't even met it during my playthrough lel. I only learned about its existence from a video on the models of WAU creatures.
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She won.
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Won what? A correction?
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>miss first warzone batch for the week
>try to do the go in and die over and over thing for the weekly quests
>it doesn't work
so am I fucked for getting all 12 weeklies done for wz now?
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Do not post Eileen shaving
are you attacking anything? make sure to save score.
Liv's next frame is going to be Void.
Trust the plan.
yes im hitting stuff and saving the score
Don't hit enemies, just die. That's the reason it's not working.
For that to happen they first have to replace her current version with S Sofa, and then wait for a few versions. And Livlov isn't even the first amp to be replaced, Sleener and dumb pig have much higher priority.
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It really be like that
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Cappuccino will get replaced first so they can make way for Tempest to overtake the meta with another Uniframe rework
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Alright, this was mildly funny I guess.
Poor bastard
Simpie's villain origin story...
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i would
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chibi lov
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guys i think i might be a texture editing genius, a prodigy, a visionary, a legend, a virtuoso, an artist
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I normally just do nothing and hit restart on the score screen again and again since it counts as an attempt.
I came in search of Nanami webms to satiate my needs, I humbly ask of you to provide it to me.
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holy shit is this real?
Nanami:Hyperreal when
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Get to it bros
Is Karenina the only character whose name is normally shortened?
bwo your liv?
I think I remember Rosetta being called Rosie once or twice.
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Von Negut
What is Liv's full name?
I hate Dillongoo animations with passion im dropping this dogshit cuck game for getting influanced by him for the attack
Alphas name gets shortened to just the character most of the time.
still not giving credit unless I fucked up by hitting an enemy and saving it.
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>Guild chose normal difficulty again
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Commandant shortened to (You)
>guild leader didn't upgrade difficulty
I'm ngmi bwos... go ahead without me...
>my guild also stayed on dangerous
god fucking dammit
Don't fret too much bwos, there should be a 3rd chance for rugged like the previous times
>hey leader you dumb fucking nigger don't forget to change the difficulty this time
>*gets kicked*
what do
Probably don't call him a dumb nigger
no way it's that easy...
Its untested and radical, I'll admit it COULD get you really fucked
>Luna hates h*mans
>(You) are alright though
Wtf bros?
We corrected her (Deep MIND connection)
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I like the name Gary Raven
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Who came up with that name? We would have gotten a variant of "John Halo", John Punishing, like John Wuthering (or is it John Rover?) but someone came up with Gary Raven. That's fucking genius!
Oldest mention of "Gary Raven" is from August 2022, Gary as a name for us could be older, but its difficult to find the post since I don't know how to filter to just /pgr/ threads and theres over 30k results
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Classic Kuro typo
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Shes too cute
Nanami please let me lick your armpits and pusssy. Sincerly - Gray
I think Gary Raven is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills Hetero-Creatures and doesnt afraid of anything.
Who's Gray now?
Join my NA guild next time bwos, we're doing the highest difficulty for the sticker.
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Sooo I'm a tenner away from pity in the new comer's banner. Do I roll for Lamia or wait for Watanabe? I know Lamia is an attacker, but I've heard Watanabe is strong as Hell.
I spent all my BC on the Karenina coating...
but I did get her in the end /pgr/
(⊃∀`* )
What newcomer banner? If you've just started out you should roll for Lamia and then wait for Watanabe. You're new so you have a ton of BC sources left to claim. You should be fine.
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why is she lying on the public bathroom floor
That is our personal deluxe bathroom
The liquid beside her was the combination of Gary's cum and Qu's female cum
It's what she deserves.
liv lewd...
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This is canon.
how can one be both lov and lewd at the same time???
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lov and lewd are not opposites!
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Why is Karen so cute
Because she's the one and only cannon wife.
she is scared of, and talks shit about Lucia too much.
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>it takes 3 days to clean sewage out of Karenina's holes with current construct cleaning technology.
I wonder how long it would take to do it by hand.
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Nanami is crazy but is also cute.
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Norman frame when?
right after the arc where he gets hunted down by kurono and loses three limbs
This looks weird as hell, why does her head so big?
It's kid Qu
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Is there any reason why he'd turn into a construct? think he'd probably be content as the head of a large mining corporation.
If we need another character from the Norman family, there's their cousin from that western town who already went through the process.
imagine the smell
Please do not post too many wolves in this thread. They scare all the sheep Liv keeps. Thanks.
Would Liv cry if I take away her sheep
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Bros, how is your restaurant doing? You are getting great reviews right?
>Demanding a discount for good reviews
Dang, she really is a Karen
She would cry if you moved her sheep plushie
Does anyone has the ending guide for milk girl mode? I remember someone posted it but I forgot to save it.

gotta get in the habit of bookmarking these pages bwo!
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Whats the best thing to do with resonated 5star weapons? They seem to give out the same amount of material. Should i just use them to resonate other 5stars like normal?
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Thanks bro, is there a guide for Tatiana mode yet? I want to have sex with Tatiana.
If there is, I dont have it.
Fucking Qu said it's SHIT because it lacks muh Kowloong delicacies. When will don't you go back to your shithole and never show tour ugly face ever again BITCH. I'm gonna skip your banner
New comer as in the latest unit added. It was 4 am and I didn't recall what the banner was called.
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Stop it! You made little Qu cry!
Story wise I'm surprised they brought back Nanami. Didn't she abandon Earth and (You)?
In a seperate timeline she fucked off from earth, but sent a code back in time to help out gigachad lee and his timeline shennanigans in the kinotower.
why the fuck does the game make me sit there at the start of coop not doing anything while i watch my teammates run up and hit the enemy?
Have you tried running up
yes the game literally doesnt let me move
Skill issue.
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I think this is it for me.. the game has been fun but I don't feel like logging in any more, should I sell my account and move on? This has been the best gacha I've ever played without having to spend a penny aside from cute coatings but I'm really burnt out, I'll come back here though to save pics
how long is drived from matrix going to be around? I dont see a date for it
forever. Its gonna get expanded on later. Its like cursed waves and reactivio de fantasia or whatever.
but livlov...
Were you fighting Sister? I can freely run up to her and attack during her intro, but some randoms I coop'd with said they couldn't. Still can't tell what are the conditions
No bro...
Don't leave us...
Don't leave your squad...
You have to save the humanity anon...
happens with any random coop boss desu
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Every live game service has a different life cycle for each person, if you're not having any more fun and it's just a chore then, yes, move on, trying to drag on will just make you hate the game more and more. Whether or not you want to sell your account is up to you, if you think perhaps in the future you still want to dabble a bit with the new characters you could consider holding onto it. Otherwise if you know you won't look back why not get some cash on your way out.
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>Things just got worse in the NieR Automata anime timeline than the game
Wow holy shit fuck you Yoko Taro fuck you
>Suddenly remember Kuro are hardcore fans of his works and they can do worse to Nanami
>The Church of Machina Civil War may not have been resolved and Haicma may get killed on-screen in the next chapter
No no no NO
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I could never leave, it makes my constructs sad
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it's too late
Liv was just having a bad time that day.

I kinda wish Liv Hate was sentient because "Corrupted Liv who still has her feelings and is able to talk/reason" sounds like it could make some interesting situations. It would probably end with double Liv suffering topped of with Liv Hate sacrificing herself for (You) though
what should I do with dupe memories?
Use them as material to resonate the ones you're using
Even if I would want to leave, a new Nanawife is just a year away. Also, while it's not like I ever lost my spark to play this game, some more passion for it has been ignited with the most recent story chapter, it was just so good and fun to read
ok thanks. why do is the memories usually put on the characters in a T pattern or upside down T pattern? I see it like that in the guides of build memory setups. but why is it better like that?
Some memory sets have better stats in certain slots, but the main reason is because its easier to switch memories between characters if you ever need to, some character have lots of builds where they change the 2 set to min max the game mode, some are better for Pain Cage and some are better for Warzone.
What other anon said, also t-pattern is just aesthetics, only the top/bottom row matters. 2-sets on top used to matter more before when you would only hypertune bottom row on non-phys characters, but nowadays you always hypertune everything anyways, so may as well minmax for those sick 5 attack.
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Quite a while still bwo, its in S-Rank Wanshis patch which is like 7 months away but we get the cute China coating in just over two
You can't just give a wolf cute bangs!
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Says who bitch
>No watchtowers sending ambushers anymore on Rugged difficulty
Makes the experience more chill
The game is on it's way to be an autobattler it seems
You say that, but then you get shit scores in wz and can't even finish clash.
Speaking of clash, I can't decide on who to harmonize next after Alisa. I'm guessing attackers like Lamia, CW, and Bianca then moving on to others.
Even in the previous expeditions if your base died, it didn't actually matter you would still get full rewards like the sticker and such as long as you beat the boss at the end. It only mattered for your leader board rank.
There were multiple rewards tied to your base HP, so you wouldn't be able to clear shop if you didn't """tryhard""". I understand why they changed it since if the guilds weren't active every day you would get shafted and people definitely complained about it, but now it feels so dull
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Don't you just hate it when your Karenina loses control of her fluids?
>part of the engineering force
>can't control the flow rate of her own pipes
Wtf bros?
Gary has that effect on women
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Someone get her a diaper before she leaks fluid everywhere
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I love this dog so much bros
that shit is junk, no one else uses that weapon
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>thought lamia was junk and needed an extra copy or weapon
>thinking of going back to luna
>I forgot to level her rank skill
That's me tomorrow
Yeah but it'd be cool if one spawned randomly on the map, the spam before was obnoxious but shake it up a little
I also quit the game, but I still like the story and character, so I stopped playing the game every day and only logged in 2-3x per patch now just to read the new story or try the new character.
Join me and ascend to the realm of LoreCHAD. Leave those pathetic gachacel behind mindlessly playing this kusoge everyday.
You fool
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Gentlemen, I once promised to show you the power of the Fate banner. Finally, the long-awaited video has finished rendering. Witness it yourself and tremble in fear, this is the POWER of THE FATED BANNER.
holy shit no es fake Alpha fate schizo I kneel
Dear god, he actually did it..
>WZ going well when the game hits you with the
>Yellow orb / red orb / yellow orb / red orb / yellow orb /red orb
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Were all gonna make it
i think 2 yellow, 2 red, 2 blue is a even worse desu
this is why i main mechanami
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I'm not quitting, the story is just too good
I specifically hope that (You) don't quit
I quit quitting.
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How can I ever quit
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I knew you wouldn't lie to us, I always believed in you
What is the best case BP scenario for a SS character? 7000~?
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>when I see this
Nanami made me want to start CN account just to not wait a year to play her
Assuming fully hypertuned, either a 5* triple reso weapon or a 6*, full border pact buffs, you can get 7100. But BP value is a completely worthless metric. A-ranks at SSS+ level with only bottom row hypertuned hit 7300 BP and they sure as hell can't compete with gen 2 S-ranks even below 7000 BP
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Should I turn fishe into a killing machine? She worth it?? I want to change Luna already (bless her soul)
Fishe is so adorable
She plays weird but ofc she is worth
She is very worth it, destroys bosses that my SS Luna struggled to deal damage.
Why does the event assume I know who Lithos is
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what is it with faggots E/RPing in public chat channels?
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Why would you look in there when you have us, anon? *chu~*
Are you jealous? We can do it here if you want ;)
Completed Fake Ascension in Normal Mode. How do I access the Hidden Stories? Do I have to go through Explore Mode?
I see you've never played an mmo in your life.
>Scene opens in Babylonia
>Commandant is in a drop pod checking his preparations
>All systems are go
>Kowloong battle theme starts with co-bot pumping the bass to the maximum that human ears can withstand
>Drop pod fires towards earth
>Mission information flashes across (You)r terminal
>The target? Taking out ascendant known as Alpha
>The method? A big ole smooch on the forehead
>(You)r drop pod enter Earth's atmosphere homing in on her signal
>The pod burst open with a majestic CAW as co-bot turns into a jetpack and fuses with your suit
>Alpha looks up and notices your majestic "raven like but not really" human form
>She quickly unsheathes her sword sending a barrage of sword waves towards (You)
>(You)r evasive countermeasures are too much for her. She almost realizes too late that she is about to be smooched
>(You)r helmet emits a bright red flash accompanied by a sound cue to let her know (You) are about to attack
>Alpha tries to dodge to trigger matrix
>Co-bot shuts that shit down with a well timed force wave shot from (You)r back
>Alpha gets the biggest smooch of her life followed by a headpat
>Luna claps
>Humanity is saved
There is no hidden for Fake Ascension, you should've unlocked EX04 Echo Aria, which is where you go next.
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21 lovers look like THIS???
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lmao I noticed too. Stupid
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How did you get this picture of me?
They are not called "Hidden", but seems there are still side stories that unlock by playing through Explore Mode. Fuck me, that mode is complete ass.
Yeah but they are not important
>That mode is ass
Yeah they know, thats why they released the normal mode after, so you can just do the main story and ignore the time waster stuff.
>Yeah but they are not important
My autistic ass will still unlock and read them. I know it's a waste of time probably, but I can't let Fake Ascension stay at 6% in the main story tab.
Kek, mine is at 25% and the missing CGs in the gallery are triggering me too, but trust me, its better to catch up first so you can participate in the story discussions, you can do that stuff later when you feel like it.
Thanks for the reasonable advice, but considering how far behind I am, getting through Explore Mode won't delay me catching up that much. Leaving FA at 6% is just unthinkable. A CRIME!
Lamia gets a whole patch to herself... and what does Coco get? Not even an obituary in the morning paper.... this world is diseased.
who the hell is coco
Maybe if you did the side stories in Fake Ascension you would know!
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I hate it when artists ruining their own fan arts with cringe descriptions
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Just don't read lmao
What are you, literate?
Funny art. Really wish he didn't draw No.21 with fat tits though, stops me from saving it in good conscience.
He should draw 21 with fat thighs instead.
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Acceptable, she has a very nice behind
why are all my QTEs activating when i use Bianca Stigmata's signature in sword mode? I don't remember this happening before
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Dead game
EoS soon
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a liv gaem
lov soon
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No.21 is perfection incarnate.
No. 21 would be perfect if she wasn't retarded, no one want a retarded wife. No. 22 are more retarded but we don't talk about her. No. 01 - No. 20 were much better.
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bwo? We've talked about this. No.21 is no dum dum
Atrocious take EoS yourself, not even giving you a (You)
I'm not sure what triggers it but I have her at SS with her weapon and QTEs triggering with you use her signature move in sword form has always been a thing I think. Sometimes I time it to get a da vinci proc for max damage.
When will it be the next opportunity to grab feral at 100%?
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I bet Vanessa never saw Bambinata smile at her like this
>think maybe uniframes will clear faster on the uniframe pass stage in guild expedition with executions
>omniframes are still much better
What are uniframes good for anymore?
Guild challenge, Norman and Babel
I have her at SS as well but not her 6*. Last I checked she has a leap that does the QTE thing but we dont have her leap yet. Maybe it's a bug lol
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It's an undocumented feature of SS. Not sure why it still isn't fixed, but it is what it is. We just accept it.
There's another undocumented feature: Lamia's passive damage on teammate ult.
I still don't know how it works because of that.
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>Get SSS Selena
>Voodoo scores in pain cage improve dramatically
>The fight doesn't feel like a slog anymore
>Not sure how you would get a good score without her

>Fight new iron maiden in cage for the first time
>Her moveset is kinda neat
>Still not sure why they remade a dead character as a boss instead of just using someone new

>Have no fucking idea what team to use on dark shark yet
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AI is a gift to humanity. This is so exploitable, it just needed an upgrade. Just look how cute she is.
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I agree, it looks really nice but do be careful turning artists rough sketches into completed art. I'm not anti-AI but that feels morally unjust.
It's for anonymous in-house enjoyment only, shared with other domestic cute and funny connoisseurs.
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I understand brother its just for fun, theres so many sensitive people out there that it gets me worried sometimes.
If Nozzle drew something would it be AI art?
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It would be awakened AI art
Please, how much time do I still have to roll for Lamia?
Until her banner ends?
The 19th is the last day of her banner
>upgrade the rest of my unframes
>haicma turns into a monster
I think I might be one of the few that enjoy Haicma, the rhythm of timing her charge attacks with the ult activation, executions and counter in high ad fights is really fun. I have her at SSS.
i agree its so smooth i wish i knew earlier

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