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Democracy -Edition

Previous thread: >>492994449

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles and radars

>Guided weapons statistics

>Vehicles with thermal sights and their generations

>Customizable HUD overlay

>Info on release dates

>Someone sending you runes?

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gaijin will save war thunder by fixing APHE
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i haven't played ground in forever, what's everyone bitching about?
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APHE rework
They're doing like 3 different changes to APHE at once. 1 was going to happen regardless. They tried a vote to see if they should develop and test the other changes and they get told not to via vote. But they are testing it anyways on the dev server in a special event that nobody plays and are going to try a revote.
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Eastern Europe tree when? Give me all the wacky protoshit t72, BMP and mtlb spinoffs and half of nato's vehicles
Mind putting something about a battleship reload buff in, what on account of you batting a thousand lately?
No lol. You'll get a Thai T-84 under Japan, a Polish K2PL, and a premium Abrooms under USA.
>Mind putting something about a battleship reload buff in
I don't care about naval until submarines are added
>what on account of you batting a thousand lately
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is this about me accidentally guessing 3 vehicles that are being added in one update?
>get told not
by half the players
the other half said yes
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I will attack Andou's C point with my D point!
less than half said yes*
I was surprised too, the F-111F and A-10C was an odd coincidence enough, but then I saw the AV-8B(NA) on the dev stream and laughed my ass off
I thought the A-10C and F-111F leak was a bit silly, and thought only one or the other would appear, guess I was wrong and I got a bonus on top of it
you can't attack capture points with capture points you silly goose
48,6% is still half
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concession accepted
you may proceed to shit your pants
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>aphe trannies seething at their no skill shell getting taken away soon
It's not like the damage will be terrible all the time after the changes or anything, realistically it just removes cupolas from the list of weakspots and not much else. Shoot center mass and it's still a nuke.
>not half is still half
mutt education, everyone
Entire crews have never been killed by cupola shots and the cupola is still going to be just as damaging of a weakspot as before.

Why the fuck do people keep trying to point at this as the be-all-end-all for the APHE discussion? One of the retards in the forum thread was even gloating about how an APHE hit directly to the ammo of a tiger1 didn't kill it.
>not half is still half
when talking of a customer base, and of a marginal difference, yes
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>check the forum after two million years
>people having meltdowns because of the aphe nerf
yeah it's pretty crazy how people are freaking out this much after finally something changing after 12 years of nothing
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This is something you guys might be interested in. Saw a train filled with armored vehicles last week, probably heading from a national uprising parade
anons, do I need to keep flaps raised when turnfighting ? what's the optimal speed for b25 when turning ? Whenever I drop my load I get sharted on by some ufo. BnZ doesn't work for me. Any tips for an absolute air shitter ?
what I know for sure is that somalis and germutts are both pushing for the nerf because they'll be the two biggest winners
somalis have physically impossible amounts of HE filler in their rounds so they'll basically negate the nerf and germutts have very separated crew members in their larger tanks
When talking about a customer base from a business perspective, you should probably back away from the situation and accept the desired status quo instead of pissing off statistically over half of them.
>anons, do I need to keep flaps raised when turnfighting ?
Flaps increase your instantaneous turn rate but make your energy retention worse, hurting you in the long run.
Anon you're flying a fucking bomber, ANYTHING's a UFO compared to you. Start playing actual fighters for a start.
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Kancolle collab when
>generalized seething over aphe
>meanwhile airsissy "drama" lasted 2 days
Tank Game
Never, the island monkeys in charge of it are xenophobic schizos.
>thread will chimp out when a 2% error margin to 50% is generalized as half
>thread also chimps out when you say a 0.5 kd is still positive as 0.5 is greater than 0
funny that
>be retard
>get called retard
Yo she's qt
>positive = more kills than deaths
>negative = more deaths than kills
>k/d is kills divided by deaths, more deaths means sub 1 number
>so <1 kd is negative
Is it mental retardation or are negative kd shitters huffing copium?
Sad, I want a 'buki camo
live.warthunder.com exists
They're chimping because it was put to vote and failed. But they tried to sneak it in anyways in a dev server "test" that nobody is playing and trying to do a revote (which they will likely keep doing until it passes) because slav devs are incompetent retards and once they've "made" something they will never ever let it go from sunken (dev) cost fallacy.
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Had to crop the shit out of these. BVP-1 and 2.
Also the one before was Aligator armored car with a crows system in the back
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Zuzana 2000 SPH
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Zuzana 2 SPH. Note the elongated fighting compartment and single driver's position instead of the 2 seated one.
>Shoot center mass and it's still a nuke.
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T-72M (?)
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BVP-2 modernisation. If it's the same one I saw at IDEP a few years ago it mounts spikes.
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Leopard 2a4. Newly acquired last year
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And that is all, thank you for checking out my presentation, this will be on the test.
There are FSB agents lurking the thread you dumbass
Sweden, Italy and China 4.0
True, I'd hate for them to know about parade vehicles...
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This enrages the sovinigger
>check player cards
>fighting vs squad of marshals
not rigged at all
>shoot at enemy zero in head on
>get crits
>we both crash into each other
>his death counts as a crash while mine is a kill for him
This game is fucking CRINGE sometimes
That same sovietnig is now frontally undeadable to all the US APHE slingers in the 7.0-7.7 bracket, since cupola was the only place to pen
Isn’t everything in that bracket a heat slinger anyway? I always found that cupola shot to have a pretty fair degree of ))))) to it
>US APHE slingers at 7.0+
Unless you're referring to the T29, which can pen anything soviet either through the mantlet or turret cheeks, can you name a single one?
>m-muh pattons
M82 doesn't do jack shit unless you sideshot anyway.
Mainly the T32 and T32E1
>I always found that cupola shot to have a pretty fair degree of ))))) to it
Yea, but you can't really do anything outside of it, it's the only weakspot.
but when enemy nobody shoot crashes into the ground you get the credit for being nearest
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Draken fix when?
Right after Viggen, MiG-29 and Su-27 fixes and F-16 FLCS implementation.
Draken looks so fucking cool man that was a design decades ahead of the world
>Mainly the T32 and T32E1
Truth be told, the T-54's also lose all the weakspots bar the MG port (which can be angled away) against it too. So if they meet it will be a retard non-pen fight or a wiggle catch-the-barrel dance party.
>going head on with a zero
>losing a head on with a zero
Smartest mutt
I was in a germutt gun CAS, so it was the only way to potentially kill a zero nigger.
also, any US plane going head on with a zero shreds that paper plane with 50s
I've done a fair bit of testing too both in the analysis and ingame and it's such a joke. It's a nerf across the board by every metric yet there are people unironically claiming it's a buff on the forums or how "APHE feels better now". Of course it includes you-know-who.
The BR balancing mess is going to be horrible. Expect a 200% increase in CAS spam trying to circumvent the nerf to everything that doesn't have overpressure ammo.
>play a dive fighter on point control
>"teammates" can't cap an empty airfield
T32 and T32E1 are dogshit anyway, 14.5s aced reload for marginally better M82 at 7.3/7.7?
They just take an angled, stationary tank, shoot in a best case scenario and get happy that they see 2-3 crew members dead instead of 5. Forgetting (or maybe not even experiencing, half of them are self proclaimed "brit mains") how satisfying it is to finally catch a wiggler heavy tank in its pixel weakspot.
Well this will just make them worse. And Gaijin won't do SHIT to balance this, just like the dozens of others BR nightmares this change will create,
T32 and T32e1 in downtiers and hulled down are fucking monsters. And T41 has almost 40mm more pen.
time to learn how to disarm a tank, mykola
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CV90105 and CV90120 reloads buffed to 4.2 seconds when?
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the last ill be able to get
hope its something good
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>frogs getting a River class and a dutch Sea Fury
>a hilarious little fishing boat for wops (pic rel)
>strayan patrol boat for bongs (HMAS Fremantle)
dunno if they were there before, but i hadnt noticed them
it wasnt good
>dutch Sea Fury
also the sea hawk?
fishing boat energy
oh shit i missed that
fuck off anton, i already have that exact dutch skin for the german one
Will be voting no on the 2nd vote. Cope and seethe brit/france/swede faggot
t. germany main
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So... Will APHE be nerfed? y/n
Someone please explain me how the fuck did somalis mange to squeeze more HE filler in their 75mm than germutts in their long 88mm?
They're going to throw it into a second test in an event on the main server first. But seeing as it's a nerf to every aphe shell like everyone thought, probably not going to get passed 2nd voting. They already threw democracy in the trash tho so if it fails by anything less than 60^ no they are probably going to (pretend they made changes and keep trying every few months until it passes.
I don't get why everyone is panicking so much
every stupid nuke tank will lose 0.5 br anyway
>every stupid nuke tank will lose 0.5 br anyway
Gaijin will take atleast half a year to "collect statistics", then produce the most god awful patch you've ever seen
>ping enemy zsu57 multiple times
>he proceeds to get 9 kills
I'd rather the dev not shit on my plate after they were told not to. Giving me a coupon for 10% off afterwords is cope.
90% nerf
10% buff
dead update, dead game
who actually cares about some DoA shitbrick?
I meet someone

I am cheesed to meet them

They try to shoot my cupola with the jumbo

I hit their MG with 88mm pzgr and ovepressure their entire crew
Looks like a piece of shit, guaranteed to overperform in game
implying I feel bad for the jumbo
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>piece of shit
pick two
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Return to low tier, had some fun in my Sea Hurricane this morning.
for me, its the FAA or the IIC
i just learned when your engine is off and is as low as 16 celcius you can still get shot at by heat seekers
Don't you think the game would be so much better without the hit cam?
You will need to fire for effect, you can see enemy gun is dead so you can bum rush him.
Same goes for long ranges, you cannot just kill someone from 2km away, sitting in a thick cloud of spot, by just adjusting fire using the hit cam.
It's a fucking cancer.
it's seeking the pilot's body heat
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make mommy proud
>10 bombers
Don't tell anyone but the supposed APHE 'nerf' is actually a light armor buff, heavies will be so buttblasted once it drops, just watch.
aphe wasn't fusing off light armor and was basically solid shot anyways
>french 90mm
>french 100mm
>french 120mm
aw yeah...
man, I love shooting bomber
nothing but shooting bomber
oh look it another bomber head diving at mach 1
But when it does it's a ball...
Now it will neither spall nor frag.
The heavier the defeated armor, the more devastating the shell will be.
so tired of chinks
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UMPKbros our time is nigh....
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Post all of the vehicles and coupons you got from the SL chests.

Here are mine.
to have any amount of fun in air first I turbo climb
check every player card for marshals
exclusively target them
once they leave I get to top scorers
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SL spent?
>try to do a vertical takeoff in a harrier
>belly flop onto the runway
>crew lock
man, jets are hard
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all I got was this stinky nipship
Set thrust vectoring to 100% and WEP up to about 200m, then set thrust vectoring to about 50% until you've reached a speed of about 200kph, then set thrust vector to 0% and you should be ok..
ah, thanks
I was going straight from 100% to 0%
can someone please explain to me what the fuck AoA is
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>unanimously disliked by everyone who has tested it
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angle of attack, difference between where the nose is pointing and the actual direction the plane is traveling in
yes but for example what is the benefit of having a high AoA? i understand that its not climb rate because that contradicts the flight path vector so why is high aoa capability so vital?
what vehicles and coupons???
higher aoa = easier to yank the nose around to get guns/missiles on target
Hard to say. Maybe around 23 mil.
>unanimously disliked by everyone who has tested it
proof? I only see one sub 200 views nobody (lol) saying it sucks
not spoonfeeding you nigger do your own research
holy shit tyhpoon is cracked
I just shit on marshals in 4km dives and run away with a tail of angry miggers
then they get upset I just outclimb them after few minutes and dive back on them
so high AoA generally translates into nose authority and low speed handling?
I did and I saw none of what you claimed
in fact, it was mostly positive
Would you get banned for creating dummy accounts and using them to make sim lobbies?
How do the chink bots do it?
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fucking nobody plays or knows these vehicles
>it's literally 1984 because developers are improving their game
It's one of the single most complained about vehicles by dumb "muh time traveling" posters, if you don't know it you may be illiterate. still took me 10 trys
>a dutch Sea Fury
Why the fuck is it after the French Seafire, not in the BeNeLux line?
It's not like the line with the Seafire is for naval aircraft
Pretty much. This is a decent, not too in-depth video for more info.
holy crap I hope
maybe panther won't have hits ring and breach removed on every turret shot
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dev server shit
I’m sure the slav literally named “communist_ussr” with 3k karma isn’t a “pig snouted leftist redditor”
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izzi pizzi
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best I've gotten
Dude you fucking spoiled the answer you little baka
I did that the other day with the T-72m (my first guess was Sprut)
wat nou
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Someone with Italy rank 7 and F-84F researched on the dev server try something for me?
I need someone to do a test drive with this thing carrying drop tanks, and eject the tanks in flight. Then tell me if they stay green+white like this or change color when jettisoned
notice how it says "endless mode" ya silly goose
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Is the lancaster fun for britain 5.3 ground rb lineup
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>first ever french squadron vehicles is a swedish IFV in dutch service
thats so gaijin I'm not even mad
why are soviets so OP?
every fucking match soviet tanks are top of the leaderboard, every. single. time. ever since reserve rating
what the fuck is up with that?
t. 8.0
This is genuinely more fun than war thunder at this point.
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what the shit
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I like this fishing boat
but I wish you could switch the pom-pom with the cannon from the Lancia 3Ro, for maximum pirate energy
Are there going to be loot boxes for the next event or how the fuck do they do it
We have an ideal situation in the game. This was accepted when they stopped modelling armor quality. This means every tank has the best equipment and best crew, and always performs their tasks perfectly. It's the same reason why shooters don't have jamming and malfunctions, realistically it's so rare that it just fucks over some guy and has no real impact.

My issue with crew morale is that this is gaijin and no doubt they will rig it too. That is if they can even properly implement it.
your vote doesn't matter. Based devs
got it
Shouldn't have rallied and botted to rig it only to settle for a few % lead thinking your stupid ass is safe now, at least go for for a 90/10 while you're at it.
You say that Gaijin should've stopped the count?
gaijin won, /wtg/ lost. Thank god
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ay yo they got that 2006 piss filter on in the duth sea furry
you're part of /wtg/ you colossal retard
mmmmmmmmmmm nope
cope all you want you're so retarded you clowned on yourself KEK
>they removed the CV9035NL's IR tracking
lmao swiggers really got that angry over it?
Supermarine spiteful when?
too bad, not part of this dogshit general, I'm only here to laugh at you.
the moment you post here you become part of /wtg/, retarded tranny tourist nigger
absolute clowns over at gaijin just refuse to add it to all of the CV90's for some reason/????????
mmmmmmmmmm nope, not how it works! Sorry sweetie!
>109 wingtip damage
>plane because unusable to the point that just keeping it in the air is a sturggle
>meanwhile a yak can lose an entire wing and fly just fine
is historical))))))))
in soviet union plane flies you
kys redditor
cope harder tranny tourist
each subsequent fuckup makes me cry with laughter
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Why is a 9.0 fighter barely able to pull 6g turns?
Is this not a just a slightly different sabre?
ik ook ik ook
holy shit
20mm shred planes
It's so fucking weird that the f-22 has been in service for almost 20 years now.
t. Hermann Goring
its crazy thinking that the f-14 f-15 f-16 and f-18 are all from the 70s
and it just got HMD last year
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>5 separate burst of 20mm fire into a spitfire
>not even a crit

also what the fuck is this, when did they decide to be reasonable with modules, or could they just not fit it in tier 4?
Yes, unless mutts cry a river about you outanythinging them, then your high-AoA platforms that excel at low speeds get no AoA AND no energy retention (Draken, Viggen, MiG-29, Su-27).
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Absolutely seething
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tis but a scratch
1 fool zapped
2 people baited into vertical, stalled and got instantly shredded
>vertical takeoff
>from a runway
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benecucks 2a8 cumfirmed
set gun targeting range
Russia is getting 20km HMD ACM in the next update
>get 10 torpedo kills
I can't even get one
Is there some knack to this because at short range spamming them at other cuckstal boats they just go under the hull and at long range someone inevitably sinks the boat before my torp reaches it
No they're not, muttclitties are already reporting it out the ass and that's whose cries gayjiniggers listen to.
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>can't write four words without typing something incredibly gay
damn you gay as hell boy
hi kommycuck
Pick your poison:
>point blank arkaden air dropped torps
>spam jap long lances in the general direction of the enemy spawn point and pray.
>Take your undeadable scharnhorst, charge up directly to a cruiser, and shove the torpedoes down their throat.
>schizo is ban evading
many such cases
>consumes all of your energy
basedjack plane
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I forgor the funny picture
checks out
British planes being so fun makes the absolute dogshit tanks worth it
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>finally adding a non-dogshit AA method
Only took them 6 gorillion years.
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>dogshit tanks
Not for long after based Anglophile Anton nerfs APHE.
I don't respawn if I don't like the map.
I don't even spawn

Shimakaze in cado is THE bote for torpedo tasks.
if only the Royal Navy got the love it deserved. it was literally the most powerful navy in the world for centuries up until the end of WW2 (ignoring the US and Japan having more carriers)

meanwhile the russoid navy, the most incompetent and humiliating navy in the history of mankind, get all these paper ships that never existed

>doesn't altf4 the moment a map he doesn't like pops up when joining a match
Gaijin should add King George V class battleships instead of all these 1920's old shit.
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Rank 0 when?
Uninstall and fuck off
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The Mighty Hood is a cool edition but I imagine we'll get King George V right around when the US gets South Dakota class and HMS Vanguard right around when the Iowa class coems out (Vanguard was better than the Iowas and was the final battleship ever made)
nah, all about the one good PT boat that slings 1000kg explosive mass torps 10 or 20km either very fast or pretty fast
Casoid tears
Travel distance at high speed is just 6.5 km, but yeah, I love the PT-810 for this. I just uptier it to 7.0
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>objectively shit map
>full uptier
>single point corridor map
Gonna do something about it? Maybe... Shit your panties? Cry?
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>Vanguard was better than the Iowas
let the delusional bong cope, that's all he has left
I try my best under any circumstances
doesnt world of tanks literally include those tanks?
Your turret is a black hole since most retards don't know where to shoot it.
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>WW1 rank
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it includes a lot of things
>tech tree used to be twice as large
>WG decided one day for no reason at all to delete half the tanks in the game
I can't believe they deleted the Hetzer
wait really? I used to use the hetzer a lot before I stopped playing WoT a while ago, why would they do that?
I have. That's not the issue. It's either shitty netcode or )))))))))))))).
eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
When can I test the HMS Barnham?
I think they wanted to simplify the trees for the "modern" (low attention span zoomer) audience. Which meant streamlining the trees to have fewer branches so that the poor players didn't have to think too hard about what they wanted to play.
And also probably because they started remaking all the models in HD and decided they didn't want to remake everything so the tanks they decided were less important got culled.
wtf? we couldn't cap the airport
there were no ground troops there
I wonder if its worth trying out world of tanks again or if its a waste a time that I could be using to farm RP
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they weren't deleted, they were shoved into a hidden back room
>worth trying out world of tanks again
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It was a waste of time in 2011.
>is it worth trying a game again that has pay to win ammo
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the power creep is absolutely insane now, I wouldn't recommend it
there's almost no point playing above tier 5 if you're not using full gold ammo
t. did a bunch of grinding a few months ago
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why are slav(e) teams at 10.0 so fucking bad bros
my TURMS has never seen a winrate above 48%
its always me and a small handful of other players left on the team with 60% of them instantly fucking off after accomplishing nothing
i also see nobody play the T-80B despite every match being at least 10.3 or 11.0??

i swear at this point there is no saving the russglutt 10.x BR
>UE 57
French Bkan?
my ass loved it back in middle school before war thunder added tanks
yeah, the gold ammo is what put me off of it. I put off playing war thunder again until a couple days ago because for some reason I thought it had the same ammo monetization
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Strf9040C my beloved
Ammo uncap when?
Reload speed reduced when?
no, it's a light 40's prototype tankette destroyer with a british 6 pounder, it's about the size of an L3/33
no, funky muzzle brake tho
I still would rather just have MSAA back
new 'toss
MSAA is worse than DLAA and SMAA. It's only slightly less performance-intensive than SMAA but obviously loses to it bigly.
buy an ad retard
just don't use AA
>i also see nobody play the T-80B despite every match being at least 10.3 or 11.0??
That's because the T-80B is in the tech tree, russglut 10.x teams are 100% paypiggies in TURMS, modernas, Object 292s, T-80UD, BMP-2Ms, and 2S38s.
>people cry about APHE
>while their tank has 200mm of pen at 5.0
Are they just bad, or what
>It's only slightly less performance-intensive than SMAA
Meant to say SSAA, obviously.
i hate looking up a vehicle on youtube/google, clicking the link and it ends up being for world of tanks
it's because their shot occasionally pens and does fuck all and then return fire hits them center mass and regularly kills all of their crew
but now the APHE nerf will see all of the tanks that relied on APHE brought down in BR
vehicles for this feel?
>T-10M going down in BR
>it's because their shot occasionally pens and does fuck all
This won't change since there isn't any solid shot buffs in the works (and are much more unlikely if it passes)
>and then return fire hits them center mass and regularly kills all of their crew
So now everyone gets shafted instead of only some.
>but now the APHE nerf will see all of the tanks that relied on APHE brought down in BR
We won't get SHIT, because Gaijin takes multiple years to gather enough stats and then just puts them into an AI blender. Anyone hoping for a quick and accurate balance patch after the vote is delusional
>So now everyone gets shafted instead of only some.
yes, this was the intent
>So now everyone gets shafted instead of only some.
Sounds awfully.... balanced?
Yea, if every shot is a coin toss then the game is balanced. But also incredibly miserable
>but now the APHE nerf will see all of the tanks that relied on APHE brought down in BR
Object 279 our time in the sun will return
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>he plays shitaly
I didn't even crack a smile seeing this post. It's OVER the joke is DONE you DON'T need to post it again.
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>playing shitaly
Italy? More like... Uhm... SHITaly! LOL!
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>he plays shitaly
two of the three worst avatarfaggots
Maining Italy is completely fine, it's not part of the holy trinity of boring slop nations:
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just broke drywall in my house
Completely fine, safe, and effective
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>he plays shitaly
>having well done walls
my walls are medium rare
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>played shitaly today
>people laughing at shitaly players in n the general
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How much do you think your war thunder account is worth?
I have a lot of premium and event tank and plane, that are not avaible anymore
I have top tier in nearly all nation
I'd say mine is worth about 2000
I might sell it when it's about 5000
[WARTG] spotted in new DEFYN vid
>SHITaly player is also a pedophile
Kek, What a sad creature.
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Squidley... You good vro?
anime website
nothing, it's all pixels
Oh the guy that speaks with a very stern voice about playing this children's f2p mmo?
Only actual pedophiles call cunnyseurs pedophiles.
you will likely just get griefed by MEs and sovigroid UFOs because you are flying a large target which doesn't even have the payload of a PE8 (4.7) )))))))))
Worse Gepard but still totally useable.
F-14D for the update after this, now we have JDAMs?
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if you could add one that wasn't already present
what would you add
they said the F-14B will be getting JDAM on the dev stream
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Would you buy?
anything new on the dev today?
Not really. Ship design was in a fucking grim state after the empire went broke in WWI. It was on paper the largest until about 1943, but the Vinson Act ships were both better and more numerous than what the British were building. All their success in the war came from beating a country that effectively wasn’t allowed a navy during the interwar, betraying their ostensible ally in port, and fighting the Italians. Meanwhile the IJN embarrassed the Royal Navy consistently up until the USN broke its back. Brits had the 3rd best navy of the war, European navies were massively behind the times by that point. You can’t just say ignore the carriers when they completely changed naval combat.
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>he plays shitaly
Chinks got glide bombs, dutch got some British naval aircraft and brits got an Aussie bote
Just 1 key up for some reason. People are willing to buy at up to 10 gjn though.
>chinks getting glide bombs
pls understand JDAM-ER or JSOW too racis )
for people who play USSR/China top tier ground how do you over come the general disadvantage of not having gun depression?

for as long as i've played this game its always been a hard learning curve considering my playstyle tends to revolve around flanks and long range sniping trying to be as cautious and passive as possible

and i don't know if i'm making the wrong considerations when it comes down to map geography, because i can't reliably find rat-tier hills and ridgelines to abuse as easily

do people who main these countries straight up just resolve themselves to face fucking the enemies and respawning or what
not being depressed is a good thing
Didn't play USSR. China usually has multiple options in a lineup, if I want to flank I take out the good gun depression vehicle (Sherm, M24, M18, M48, AFT-09, M41D) and no depression vehicles to flat spaces. If the vehicle is low enough and has 6 degs it is still useable on ridges - ZTZ96, ZTZ99's, WZ 122MT.
For flanking with 4/5 degs you pretty much need to know the specific positions that you can still barely work or hug the edge of the map.
Just ook ook aah ah ah your way right through the center of the map, it works better than trying to play cautiously with slavmobiles
I miss historical matchmaking
I want to fight actual german tanks in my ww2 soviet lineup, not a mix of french, american and pissrael copy paste
>what is sim
there's a reason no one plays it
>hasnt seen the picture
sim is the same case, even worse because the game laughs at your face by putting time travel slop in the lineups now
>fixed lineups not account for BR, but widely varied in time, nations not teamed according to actual sides, rb maps
yeah, I wonder why
I would love to play it but I literally can't progress and grind modules with the mode
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Swedish B16A when?
it has 13.2mm
>discount Ki-109
after the soviet Mosquito
why these animals have such tunnel vision?
some random guy will lock me in and chase for kilometers instead of joining the fights
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Fine by me but the J30 night fighter will come first
>crapanese heavy "bomber"
>3x 800kg
Yeah, and?
>kraut medium bomber
>2x 50kg
its light now
>japanese bombers mainly operate in the naval theatre and target ships
>their payload is primarily AP bombs and regular HE is not a priority
I can't breef!
>get bored of chasing bomber
>lose the game to pve
they were rangemaxxing
the B-17 has half the range of a G5N, the B-29 has three quarters of the range
the G10N was planned to have three times that range
>main opponents are ch*na and a nation on the other side of the pacific
nothing important to bomb in ch*na and range is needed to hit any remotely important allied locations
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y'all geared up for the boat grind?
>my playstyle tends to revolve around flanks and long range sniping trying to be as cautious and passive as possible
So you're playing them wrong, Soviet tanks are for aggressive play style, you have far better armor and survivability, you should be pushing and playing hard.
I got enough of war thunder boats playing through the soviet armored gunboats and a couple japanese destroyers
oi fookin deelet this roit nouw muppit
has war thunder inspired someone to write a manifesto yet
Yep, shaking the rust off. Haven’t played much besides coastal since the fragment change but Tennessee is finally coming so might as well get Barham free while I’m at it
does the 2and9000 suicide (faked) note count?
might dust off the mutts as well, havent seriously played them since the des moines eve, but i got Alaska and Mississippi, Tennessee would make a nice addition
problem is i did a sprint to the Alaska before the reshuffle and now im 3 BBs away from where TN is gonna end up
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Oh boy I haven't played naval in a hot minute, time to jump straight into my 6.0 - 7.0 IJN lineups.
Ah damn, one hell of a speed bump that. Nevada is at least really good at cruiser stomping since 6.7 can get a surprising number of full downtiers, at least last I played it
>gaijin randomly empties all the 60kg bombs I had for the F1M2
They do the weirdest things sometimes.
It inspired a lot of gay, retarded posts in this general
im convinced theres an intern that kroks up after clocking in and spends his days fucking up random shit until it wears off
but before the krok kicks in he minimizes my decals
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honestly i've seen this happen a few times, always have to re-stock a random payload for a random low tier bomber that i havent touched in years
If I could choose to play only european province every single game I would
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CV9050 when?
>3 helis first spawn fags
>all flying low and slow
>shoot them all down with the coax
>hold w for 10 seconds
>they all come back in paper thin light tanks
>kill all 3 with the coax
what is it with high tier so-called """people""" and making the most retarded plays?
Isn't that the one they're completely fucking up next patch?
no they're fucking up the small version, eastern europe
>Amerimutt heavy bomber
sell me on the Sea Fury
is it any good?
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South Korean Ka-52 for Sweden when?
Very good boom and zoomer with powerful armament, but you can't turnfight and you have a modest amount of ammo.
I would not mind a ka-52 in the japan tree but koreans did not buy it
South Korea will go to Sweden
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When can we expect France to get these?
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more like neanderthals
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>faguettes make a tank so bad they're begging for leopards
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Shore leave is cancelled, time to grind again starting tomorrow!
What's the best vehicle in the BeNeLux tree
Someone explain me why the fuck Ka5Xs in the game can withstand VT1s like they're mild breezes when irl the niggercopters just fucking evaporate?
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Stop being racist.
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never playing boats
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I've been away from my computer for 2 weeks. War Thunder is my only game to constantly freeze up a fuckton during matches. It never did that before I went on my business trip. How the fuck do I fix it? Task manager is saying that its taking up 53% of my CPU.
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Stop discrediting the Russian Armed Forces.
even the fucking egyptians fixed it
you are being racist.
since ww1, nigger
>We don't have anything which can take out an armored train
is this nigga for real
Trains dont have meaning when all the rails are gone. Or when targeted by artillery
Yeah, but when are we getting them in War Thunder to give Russia total armored train supremacy and defeat HATO globohomo?
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Time to spam torpedoes. Why must there always be a torpedo task?
Russian MoD said they're built like tanks (they aren't)
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I fucking despise anyone who ever calls any aircraft a "flying tank" be it an A-10, Mi-24, or Il-2.
>tanks but 10 times worse
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racist cyka pidor you are discrediting the russian military with your nazism and banderism.
What even is the purpose of armored trains? You can't bring them to the front line because they'll be JDAMd immediately, the only thing that could hit them behind the lines is similarly large airdropped ordinance. Are they worried about guerillas ambushing them with a DSHK and RPG-7s? It's not WWII anymore where you're likely to get strafed by 50 bmg or 20mm.

It seems like just adding weight to a train for no reason?
I assume to offer some protection from drones, but idk
>We don't have anything which can take out an armored train
Does this retard know how trains work?
I'd guess gorillas and drones are what they're supposed to defend against. For that they'd be fairly useful I guess? Easy way to secure rail lines behind the front?
Really just sounds like its something that Russians and their internet simps can use to claim superiority in... because they're the only ones with armored trains. Making them the best by default.
what is this, fucking kiwifarms? shame this wouldn't even be an all time retarded post there
>turn off chat
>anonymize all usernames
>silence radio messages
>game turns infinitely more enjoyable
>launch game
>wrong username or password
Nigger what now?
Now you start to really live
yeah i stole your account and sold it to a chink sorrynotsorry
I clicked log in through Steam and it went through normally. Curious.
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>faglord paypigger in his one-shot wondertank kills me
>spawn cas and make it my sole mission to kill him again and again
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Aye-aye Captian!
Britain should get more Indian vehicles
I started playing yesterday and didn't use any start up offer. I've mainly played uk aerial. Im pretty sure low tier uk is ass but maybe im shit, so im not objecting to changing nation. Would it be worth making a new acc to capitalize on a sign up bonus code? I didn't use anything. I don't understand the value of the rewards they offer yet so I'm not sure if it's worth.

Additionally, which nations stand out in aerial and ground respectively? UK felt good on naval.
because they are exceptionally effective at killing fascists
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I don't watch defyn
the who?
got that hanging in my office
>British navy
>two quad turrets
I love it but it ticks me off
>squid name
>harrier icon
you're NOT fooling me
UK has a good aerial tree so it's probably just you. Ground though UK kind of sucks until you get sabot rounds. Just play Russia if you want the beginners war thunder experience, good (unrealistically overperforming) options for every mode and rank in game.
it's a GR.1 though. also my jewtube name is not that and you can't know it
This retard mistranslated "reinforced railways" into armored trains, its just a rail with concrete as support instead of gravel and wood
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pls help...
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Which country would she main?
I figured that was the case. Older planes handle like ass so I'd probably think they're all bad. I've heard that Russia is the easy way to go. Low tier German ground looks interesting.
Did you know there is a breed of pig from Hungary that has fur like a sheep? Now you know.
but enough about Anton's new girlfriend
Should I run:
>IJN Tone
>IJN Mogami
>IJN Haruna
>IJN Tone
>IJN Myoko
>IJN Haruna
>IJN Myoko
>IJN Mogami
>IJN Haruna
Ah yes the beacon of strategic intelligence, Kiwifarms
how long is it freezing for? is it just stutters or freezing seconds at a time?
im just happy that my guns are happy and i hold hands with mao and we walk into the sunset together.
Can it roll? All the planes I've looked at can't roll, get full uptiered to jets or are the 190.
Yeah roll rate is actually very good
I don't get that troon Defyn, if something is not the absolute top dog then it's trash? What kind of nigger mentality is this?
Both. It's dependent on how much shit is happening during the match. Specifically, basic gameplay (a -o )
his opinions are always to be discarded and presumed wrong.
fuck my desk fell apart midway. basic gameplay like air assault makes my shit studder, ranging from studdering audio to multi-second freezes depending on how quickly the bombers are killed. Ground assault just ups and makes those freezes have a minimum of 5 seconds. All I did was keep my computer off for a whole 2 weeks goddamn it
LowIQ out in force today
If he can't turnfight in it then to him it's shit.
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found a guy who goes a 0.27 in the F-20
jesus christ
His channel would improve tremendously if he just shut the fuck up.
>high tier premium player is shit
It's not bad, but it's not that good either, I would rather fly the Phantom.
Try other games, demanding games, or benchmark software. Play for a while (2 hours minimum) and diagnose from there.

If everything works fine, reinstall WT

If it still stutters, check your friends list, if you have more than 100 friends added, delete some until its less than that

Finally there is an option that makes it so market skins will only load in your hangar and not in your games, if your internet is bad this causes mini freezes
this guy is worse than the average shitter i'm used to seeing
>winrate went from 80% to 55%
I honestly don't care, I will not participate in mutt teams
When you win with mutts on your team though it's a great feeling
Now here's the thing. Since WT's been on the fritz for me, I've haven't been able to give much of a shit until the Su-24 got announced. Since then
>Played CoH2 and TF2 for longer than that, normal performance aside from one of CoH2's funny mods
>Reinstalled WT multiple times
>Only 29 friends
>Last to be checked, but recently I began using an ethernet cable over traditional wifi
Any flags so far?
>just carry like a slave
I will not
Coh2 and tf2 are not demanding at all

Download the 3dmark demo, is on steam, run it a few times, if it crashes or stutters then its your computer

Download HWinfo and look at your temperatures too, could be your cpu throttling
is your cpu thermal throttling? if you use a program to control your GPU/CPU power limit/clocks, did they get reset?
Install Linux Mint
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They took the JDAM TERs from the Harriers even though they have half the explosive mass the Russian and Chinese GPS guided bombs have
theres no penalty on modification research bonus right?
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>mrw there are undetonated imperial japanese torpedos in the san francisco bay area
a single Пoceйдoн ))))))))))

wouldnt surprise me if theres still german mines in Sevastopol
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Don't worry we have modern detection systems
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APHE will not be nerfed
Mark my words
The "rework" is a nerf in totality and if they won't accept "no" unless it's a big enough %, they will keep trying until it works.
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Austrian-Spanish ASCOD 2 MMBT.
ASCOD 2 hull (basis of Ajax) coupled with HITFACT Mk. II turret, either 105mm or 120mm, both optionally autoloaded.
Perfect accompaniment to the SK-105 in the French tree. Fuck the CV90105.
An APHE shell is not a static frag grenade, high time for a change.
>hitfact 2
Unless that thing is autoloaded and just blaze through the map like the CV90s it's going to be DOA
Italian tree*
It's going to be wet shit
list your top 5 vehicles of the upcoming patch
bonus points if its one in each category
>manually loaded
>meme protection on the side
>front made of aluminium foil
>turret made of paper
>heavy as fuck
hard pass
>42 tons
>820 horsepower
>19.5 HP/ton
Fucking garbage
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Naval-Anon, what's the best shell for battleships right now? AP or HE?
I love losing every game because I don't suicide for not moving pve targets
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>Fuck the CV90105
More like the CV90105 fucks that ugly thing
fuck around and find out
if you have to ask, the answer is get a Knox
Run Myoko with Haguro. There is no good reason to uptier one of the strongest 5.7 lineups to 7.0, especially during an event. The modifiers won’t make up for it, all you will get is your dick fed to you by Scharnhorsts.
Tried it with Japanese 36cms... Didn't even dent a Scharn for 10 minutes while it slowly drained my crew.
Then I tried against a Bayern and was doing fine but something blew up my forward ammo rooms, didn't die because maxed crews but was pretty much knocked out of the fight.
I didn't know that the cv90 is technically owned by a BAE systems subsidiary, honestly with how circular European weapon/vehicle companies are I feel like you should get the european tree unlocked once you pass ww2 in one of the euro nations.
why the fuck wouldn't they give us french the CBT during the naval event?
yeah the scharnhorst is a krokbarge that can only be reliably killed by 16 inch guns, which are exclusive to crapan currently for some fucking reason
dunno why the Colorado hasn't been added or other BB's with 16 inch guns for other nations but ))
The SoDaks and especially the Iowas had some conceptual flaws in their torpedo protection so certainly fewer than the North Carolinas and significantly less than the monstrous systems on the rebuilt Tennessees and West Virginia. Assuming all hits to the tds of course.
Scharnhorst has, by a nautical mile, the best armor scheme in the game
and on top of that, it gets one of the fastest reloads in the game, whilst not being gangraped by gaijins big bore balans method of hyperdispersion for anything over 13"
pair that with the fact that most of its players run it with maxed ace crews and you got an unkillable murderboat
it has dominated top tier since its introduction and we're not getting anything to kick it off the top step at least until november
why do swede mains exhibit melinated behavior?
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The oil from the Arizona is still leaking out from the hull and ruining the natural biodiversity
Any tips for Japan 6.0-7.0? So far I've only played the Haruna but I'm saving up to crew the Fuso.
Funnily enough at the end of my previous match I was doing more damage with a cruiser than with my actual battleship.
SAP is the Scharnhorst killer for Japan. Your choices against it are unrepairable breaches or crew loss, largely from forcing turret repair. Only ships that semi consistently ammo rack or use the 14”/50 or the Japanese 16.1”, but even then only in certain range bands generally. When I play Jap 14” ships I alternate every few salvos generally, since knocking out a turret with AP to force a repair helps SAP bleed more crew off aa mounts while you try to flood him out.
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what are you even talking about
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But how will this affect the War Thunder Economy?
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i have none, kinda lost interest in the jap tree around 5.7
>more damage with a cruiser than with my actual battleship
RoF is king, if you want to grind Barham ASAP, just hop inna destroyer (US/UK for max dps)
>muh multiplier
the amount of score you'll rack in a 5"/38 or 4.5" slinger dwarfs the 0.x benefit of playing BBs
Fuso is a floating ammo rack but does good work if unmolested. Kongos suck since they die to one breach. Some dev clearly has a hard on for Scharnhorst since it takes forever to flood, while I’ve seen Mississippis turn into submarines off one breach in the bow despite the US building ships around the idea of the citadel having enough buoyancy to keep the ship afloat even if all unarmored sections are breached. Jap SAP is amazing against cruisers and probably the better option against Scharnhorst. AP is best for most other battleships and still good against cruisers.
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nigger what the fuck are you talking about
Let's find out!
not interested in the bong ship, simply love the ijn bluewater tree
us is too handheld and imo unbalanced and the russian tree is mostly napkinwaffe and that makes those two very boring, every other nation's navy doesnt interest me so thats why im mostly asking for japan
well i have a tendency of being exclusively targeted for no apparent reason so the fuso doesnt sound that appealing now
right now i just want to know what tricks and tips to use with the japanese ships, then work my way into learning strategies against specific ships
You have a tendency of being targeted because you are in a bad ship that can be killed quickly and easily. Kongos are a quick easy kill that can’t fight back well. Fuso is a quick easy kill that can punch back very hard so is at least a little lower on target priority. Try spawning a little later so more people are engaged in their own fight and either bully cruisers or third party.
can people really tell what you spawn in while playing realistic? at the start of a match most capital ships look samey except if they have a turret layout that stands out
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>search this guy in the archive
>has been consistently schizoposting for a month now
what is his problem
never fails to make me laugh
Yes, very easily in fact just by silhouettes. Kong is also happen to be very distinctive. This all without mentioning the damage can.
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Ah fuck I had a stroke there. Forgot to mention color too. There are very few ships that are dark grey, which narrows things down significantly if you have any doubt about silhouette
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Now I remember why I quit playing naval.
>64 ping and no packet loss most of the match
>target chinese player
>instant spike to 25% PL
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>FOUR shimakazes on the enemy team
Why are russians allowed on the NA server?
>9 of your teamates can't kill a single m18 trying to flank your spawn
Why are mutts allowed on the EU server?
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>5 SKR-7s on the enemy team
>it's a downtier for them
Why are Chinese allowed on any server?
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Do certain helicopter missiles not ping radar? I got hit by one while I was in a tub of a jet, while playing GRB. It didn't ping at all, and caught me by surprise.

I don't really understand how radar works well
>helicopter missiles
>ping radar
If you're in a jet with RWR it's supposed to give you the audio signal
RWR won't pick up any IR missiles, only radar missiles

also most guided ground ordinance eg. Ka 50 Vhikirs won't trigger the RWR
I love having to play vs marshals in low br with level 6 timmy
my whole existence is sacrificed just to sniping them down
Kinda wish we had a /wtg/ squadron for naval players.
>from the Harriers
They like to pretend the BRU-70 (D-ITER) doesn't exist.

>the russian tree is mostly napkinwaffe and that makes those two very boring,
Don't worry, Gaijin has decided to try and give that title to Japan so people stop accusing them of russian bias.
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>800kg bomb loaded
>0.5s fuse set
>Ohka user skin applied
Oh yeah baby, it's Kikka time.
Thanks, anons. The one time no one spawns as SPAA, too.

Well, back to blueballing SPAA by staying out of range, while my teammates do bombing runs for free
there has to be an explanation as to how Chinks absolutely flood this game at this very hour, with no exception
It's like cas players can't even pretend to be good at the game, hence why you can only play cas
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Good night guys, love you <3
It’s when they wake up
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people be dunking on super heavy fighters
when update, I need to grind the Tor
I'm in rank IV close to rank V japanese planes. Will the ki-200 increase my battle rating by too much such that I'd be out ranked by other players? I'm also in German tanks rank IV and play AB for both tanks and planes.
the only time heavy fighters work for me is in naval
why can't you grind Tor now?
Let me guess: Retards went head to head with you?
you know shit is so rigged when I can bring a Chieftain Mk10 with shitty L23 and not peform any better than my Challenger 2 with L27A1 or Challenger 3 with DM53 nothingburger shell
>bong tanks are trash
it is known
>bongtroons know they are trash
>would rather suck mean gaijin cock to make everyone just as trash
>instead of asking for buffs for them
o i am laff'n
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Play Italy.
quick question, i remember a few weeks (month?) ago people were talking about some HE changes and something about the new meta?
was that a new thing or were they talking about the ooold old HE meta from years ago?
>0 self awareness APHE toddler having the audacity to open his retarded mouth
Im the one laughing here, bud. I'm very much looking forward for your mental breakdown when the update goes live because you can't cheese Conquerors through the cupola anymore :^)
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Uhm, no.
Holy fuck just make a Leopard 3 or some shit
what were they thinking?
Why didn't they put the IJN Haguro after the IJN Agano?
They're going to FEAR the Tortoise.
who knows?
They buffed fragmentation across the board with the update that brought Mutsu. HE was stupidly overpowered for a while, it got reigned in, but every shell is doing way too much across the board. Any shell over 8” hits like a nuke.
ah so that's why AP is still the better of the two
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Name my BMP-2M /wtg/
Shitaly truly suffers
long gone past glory
Yep, though historically HE is over performing far more than AP, largely as a result of their contrived armor degradation and unrepairable breach systems. Probably that largely stems from stock HE/SAP still being a thing when many ships only have two types of shells.
bee MP
you get flooding with AP too
I never noticed how grindy this game is before I wanted a specific vehicle
flooding tends to help us cruisers though
"Just Beee Em Pee Yourself"
I have never killed a Conq through the cupola nor have I been killed through my Cupola in a Conq. Why do people always bring up the gayest retard non-arguments in favour of the nerf?
get the fuck off the stage

sure i guess
3 days to ki-- ACK
Is sweden still the best country?
Forgot this was a light tank
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>decide to play russian tanks for a change
>press w once
what the actual fuck
don't you get tired of posting this?
what? this is the first time i've posted this shit
tho im not surprised if others found this hilarious as fuck too
oh yes... I totally believe you when it's posted more often than there are people who frequent /wtg/
holy mindbroken russgroid kekekkekekek
you responded to that pretty fast with some buzzwords
what the fuck kind of copepost is this?
im faster than you and said things that struck a nerve? okay?
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You that starved for attention?
are you?
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Mkay I'm starting to see what the appeal is.
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uhhh what

only second place for singlehandedly killing the enemy team?
I detect the presence of a certain pig snouted leftist Redditor
3pm chinkland the chinks leave their sweatshops and head in droves to gaming cafes

Just like early morning its full of pidoruskies
The update adds GPS bombs which will slaughter anyone sitting still somewhere predictable like spawn, do you think that

A) pantsir players will learn to move out of spawn

B) they will die over and over, and never learn
Should have played Naval
>buying myoko without getting the appeal
No I had already bought it because it's my favorite cruiser class.
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>trust nobody, not even the skipper
>moffet drains my HEAVY cruiser's crew by 10% with each salvo
>the fucking thing fires off 5 salvos in the time i reload after my first
wow if i didn't hate mutts before i do now
they're Russian players so option B
Just shoot it anywhere near any of the turrets it’s been the easiest kill in game since it was added
Chucks, would wood chucks chuck wood, if wood could chuck wood chucks?
Fair enough
The mutt handcrushing in naval is something they keep very quiet about, or the fact american HE and SAP are overperforming, or that all mutt destroyers older than the sumner were incredibly fragile irl
>The mutt handcrushing in naval is something they keep very quiet about
Pretty much everyone who plays naval, US or otherwise thinks they're too good
>or that all mutt destroyers older than the sumner were incredibly fragile irl
Ah, troll post. nevermind
Every HE/SAP round is wildly over performing and the Porters are the easiest one shot in the game
Smelyi any good?
Unless you are a massive fan of a particular ship there is zero reason to buy a rank II premium destroyer. Especially not when you can get the SKR free at the same br
Is the Barack 2 with derbys good? Does it have the helmet mount thing?
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What are the chances that the Sholef gets buffed or dropped in BR?
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as high as a jew ever going to heaven
Shalom, if you don’t answer me, you moms will die of horrible case of diarrhea
I don't play air
Sadly, your mom is pooping ferociously, dirt bug
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>spawncamping CASniggers
>one of them calls me a dick sucking faggot and tells me to kill myself
yep, that's a report
they need to put the proper south african flag on the pre-1993 stuff
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is the suffering over?
will the suffering ever end?
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This deal is amazing not just because of how shit it is but because I literally just got past the part of the tree both of these premiums would be useful in
>this general is still a thing
didn't read lol
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ikr? it's filled with nothing but trannies impotently bitching and whining over the dumbest little things.
like you're doing right now
>update is so painfully bad that the general is straight up dead
I hope the thread makes it past page ten because I'm sure as shit not bumping
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Let it die, pidor.
But I would let him die.
Are JDAMs coming to any supersonic planes or just AV-8B and A-10C?
they said F-16C and F-14B would be getting them
also said F-15C though that makes no sense as it would only be able to get GPS coordinates from datalink as it has no targeting equipment
GNSS bombs in-game target the SPI, you don't need a targeting pod to designate coordinates.
an SPI for the F-15C would have to be pre programmed before flight or recieved by datalink
how it is in game does not make sense
How many people are on this general? I always have the feel that i'm one guy and there's actually just another guy that likes fucking with me and samefags every post in here. O and there's also the crapan poster that hops in every thread but he doesn't interact
Almost had me there for a moment.
There's only me and you. I'm in your walls btw.
If I remember right from back when there was still a unique IP counter we'd get between 70-100 unique IPs per thread, with people IP hoping I'd just assume 70.
Just spaded the MiG-21MF and... it was strangely a miserable experience. How does the MiG-21bis-SAU cope at its BR? Is the F14 onslaught still that bad?
I expect to permanently be into F4S BR so i'd always need to face SARHs and it doesn't sound good
bis is dogshit
you'll get clowned on by f5e and j7e in downtiers and just about everything in the uptiers
everyone should be ping capped from joining any server they would get 150+ ping to but for some reason (money) developers never do this?????
What would you play to spade and grind the last mig29 chunk?
mig21mf is a breeze compared to the mig23mf and the bis
just use the AMX, it's still good at 10.7 and you can base bomb in it if you want
either just power through with the 21mf or amx
maybe the f104 if i decided to leave every uptier
Alright thank you i'll spade the ghibli instead, then i go mig29 -> grippy -> Super harrier and which tornado? Never played those
21bis is decent but kind of boring. You have to play it one way and one way only. It can meme premium shitters with last-second head on missiles consistently though, which might make for an okay grinder. Surprisingly full uptiers aren't that bad as the 4 slots will be filled by Tomcats which are a guaranteed kill if you get behind them. You just need to abuse its two strengths.
Can you redpill me on some AA capabilities the AMX could have, other than Aim9L? I loved playing the Su-25 as air superiority but it was at 10.0, any tips?
If you keep it above ~750kmph it has an okay flight model, and can make two or three good turns
once you hit 600kmph it turns into a brick though
since it's subsonic it's good at hunting A10s and Su25s without overshooting
It has a Vulcan with a gunsight. Plenty of retards also don't know how to fight subsonics.
The biggest issue is once you're spotted the entire enemy air force will zero in on you because they know you're an easy kill.
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Will Gaijin ever allow the players to make and use custom radar interfaces? Sharing the old and crusty interface between all the planes in the game is very boring
Is the >picrel the gunsight? The little line it draws when moving right? Never used it
Lock onto shit with radar and it gives you Arcaden lead indicator.
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im willing to bet that their game is so krokked that the radar interface is not just something you can edit like a crosshair without breaking everything
That feature is bugged, for some reason you need to turn your radar off and lock with the targeting pod for EEGS to work
Gaijin also broke the aim 9ls slaving to the radar rangefinder last patch as well
Oh okay thank you. So tldr to use the gun tracking radar i need to equip the targeting pod, got it
How do i become like russians who snipe me behind whole forests?
the chinese have also mastered this rare and skillful technique
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ancient chinese secret
We're supposed to be able to grind the Barnham in like 3 hours but I still don't see the event tab in game with the preview. Explain yourself Anton.
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That's very sad. Even DCS is flexible enough to allow such customisation, a bit janky but still good enough.
why didn't they just run him over
Unfathomably based
Woah that tank crew are based, makes me want to enlist in the army
second clip is from buffalo soldiers btw
it's pretty funny of a flick
he shot kommyhuct :(
time for another discuck raid huh
>but he doesn't interact
I haven't played war thunder in weeks, not much to talk about
I still post sometimes, you just don't know it's me
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what would you even like to customize about the radar ingame? i just use the square version and set it to a color i like and that works more than fine for me
i cant imagine using the standard cone shaped radar though, that shit is so bad
>off-topic /pol/tard shitposting
>crying about boogeyman out of the blue
>off-topic IRLshit tiktoks or whatever
whatever your mom drove to tyrone's house you nigger
>you’re not allowed to mock the pig snouted leftist redditor!!!
>how DARE you call out the obvious, consistent hallmarks of my and my buttbuddies' raids!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
t-55am1, pure handheld ruspig stronk propaganda. Who's on the painting btw?
>r-raid!! d-discord!!! They’re out to get me!!
>n-no u the schizo!!!!
like pottery
its still the same chassis under all the gadgets
until its rebuilt from the ground up
kommynuct is really got triggered by that t-55 webm
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Let's take the Gripen for example. I'd like to customise the radar interface (all the screens really) to make it look and feel like the real life plane, instead of having three black screens that just show the RWR
feels like moscow
>/leftypol/ spillovers get asshurt over a /uhg/ly webm
>xhey proceed to shit up the thread with nigger spam
like clockwork
is “the mutt discord” in the room with us right now?
yes, spamming the shit out of the thread as we speak
i think you are the one who lusts for blacks and are projecting
but in your perspective twisted by pornography and reddit, you think you are trolling
your forever pursuit for (you)'s is fleeting and you are getting desperate
>fight and die for a bunch of war mongering oligarchs, or you're gay!
>i-i (caught red-handed multiple times) am not spamming u (yet another boogeyman) spamming!!!!
not fooling anyone /uhg/ly troon, the gang's all here now
misha hallucinating a discord server that’s dedicated to harassing him is nothing if not comedic
keep the "no u"s coming, as if people needed more evidence it's you niggers
voices in your head are not evidence
>basic pattern recognition are voices in your head
xhey're really not sending xheir best here huh
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die nigger die
>you must validate my delusions or else!
this is the creature that accuses everyone else of being a tranny, lol
Whore Thunter
Captcha: ARMVT
you validate them every time you start shitting up the thread with the exact same sort of spam all at the same time every few days
excuse me, what do those webms have to do with war thunder?
nothing, see >>493232670
I’m sure your meltdowns don’t cause people to mock you it must be “the discord”
>if you call me out you the boogeyman!!!
so compelling
oink oink squee
T-80UD, KV-1E. Clowning on wectoids is what is Global South is all about.
nice honeypot buddy
Can't I just work for FSB posting propaganda in the west? I already spend a lot of time in /chug/?
I’m also trans btw if that matters
why would I want a woman?
I'm a proud LowIQ member!
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Islamic State tech tree when?
/uhg/ly 'cord raiding /wtg/ is schizo rambling btw
wardle up
>get accused of being a bunch of different random posts by a schizophrenic
never gets old
>i-i-it totally wasn't my buttbuddy/me!! y-you the schizo!!!
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no, it wasn’t
Why do cum/chug/gers need to shit up every thread?
its boating time
it just can't stop itself from "no u"ing at every turn
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You're committed to polluting a chilean smoke signal bulletin dedicated to a cuman trade caravan's pantomime show under the cobweb.

I will not stop playing War Thunder.
>servers immediately an hero
>No AA on the Barnham
Free kill for airspawns then, along with the Iron Duke.
>russians wake up
>thread ruined
Like clockwork
yep, simply can't help itself
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Why can't you guys just talk about War Thunder?
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I'm a proud LowIQ member and all my women 2D.

Ready for the naval needful.
the usual suspects aren't paid to do that
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join [LowIQ] i want the green planes and tanks
where penis?
>be obnoxious faggots
>people won't join your squadron because you're obnoxious faggots
>be stuck with 12k sqrp forever
kek and lmao
desu I've had a better experience with [LowIQ] than with [WARTG]
I would cum so hard if she pegged me
>obnoxious faggots
The dumb frogfaggot.
The swedish anthroface.
And the western troonshit advertiser.
What squadron they in, huh?
Are they in this thread right now?
Who is shitting up the thread right now?
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>being this mad over a cartoon
>muh TOS
Legit kill yourself you corporate bootlicker. Just because they have a line in paragraph 425 section 2 of the CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE(TM) penal code that says
Doesn't make it right you fucking illiterate chimp piece of shit. Shut the fuck up you fucking animal. Not mentioning the obvious fact that no one in their right mind is going to spend their time reading through the entire fucking corporate schlick schlock terms of service, but even if you did read and understand what the fuck every single line in the ToS lets you and forbids you from doing most companies have lines in their TOS that basically say
I'm tired of this autistic fucking non argument and what's worse i can't even tell if you're a corporate fucking shill or just some braindead reddit retard who is actually ok with these retarded fucking consumer practices. No me saying "Nigger" or "Faggot" shouldn't be grounds from a permanent exclusion of my account because this isn't fucking North Korea and i'm not insulting the great glorious leader Kim and if the faggot that i'm insulting has a problem with it he can always just
A) Take off his headphones and close his eyes
B) Mute me
C) Turn the game off
D) Not be a bitch and banter back
So, please, for the love of GOD shut the fuck up about your stupid fucking TOS excuse.

You fucking nigger
LowIQ more like LowRP
lol u mad?
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thats anime
Nothing more pathetic than grown ass men posting cartoon drawn girls
Seek help loser
fun fact:
if you want a girl like this to drain your balls on the daily you must uninstall war thunder
what if I want her to lock my penis in a cage and tease me daily
just when I was starting to wonder where the last of troon gang was
sheesh bro... you for real? you dead ass gonna say shit like that? in 2024?
mid ong fr fr
still applies. You literally CANNOT aquire a chick like that if you're still playing this game like some soulless NPC
but HOW
I can't find the squadron
Yo accept me
First letter m, last letter 0
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We already have a dead side squadron and like 5 fossilized squadrons. Now you want to add a squadron even deader than that?
what would you call it? /SHTP/?
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i just remembered i have an unredeemed (and unsellable) coupon for the USS Newport News, i'm like 90% sure i got this fucking thing just because of it's name, is it even good?
Its fun until a battleship or supercruiser decides to shoot at you. I recommend.
What's better for general bluewater use now, HE or AP?
why on earth 20mm typhoon is 2.0 br higher than normal?
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Swedish navy when?
>inb4 coastal tree
I don't care
I had a lot of fun with the USSR one back on release. Is this still viable?
>dust off mutt lineup
>fire division uninstalled on all ships
that was a fun time
Runs circles around every plane in the game except Su27s so of course is viable
and guess who's back
mig flight model is trash
stop replying to the baiting swigger

and if that dont float your boat:

MiG-29s and Su27s are overpowered
Imagine getting capped while taking a shit
my wife had that happen
I don't understand how to dodge high level radar missiles at like 6-10km when I'm going 1000-1100 kmh
I can't turn fast enough it's so fuckign annoying no watter no matter my direction
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Oh no, naval is so popular the servers can't cope!
General so dead the jannies don't bother cleaning up
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>General so dead the jannies don't bother cleaning up
Ok beta male
naval RB sweep
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is it WARTG ?
are you sure you are searching correctly? might have something to do with the search options

welcome to the club
We already have France in the game
expalin to me how spawn camping in air br is fucking allowed?
people spawn with some dipshit 3 km above and can't do anything
where is the air brazil gamemode
everyday at your mothers house
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>two WW2 vehicles this patch (not counting sh*tps)
>both copy pasta
>a protoshit and a premium
I dont like niggers, spics, wetbacks and gooks
its Thursday /wtg/
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All hands all hands - report to battle stations! Flank speed ahead!
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oh we boating alright
>yes pidor
>new ship is 7.0
I think that's the kiss of death really, it's hard enough trying to find a normal match for blue water let alone one which is at max tier.

Bongostanis and faguettes have been real quiet since they got proved in video that they're shitters complaining for nothing
Spookston used to piss and shit himself over using solid shot what changed
Ground battle is so boring
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I don't care what spookston says I bullied him on twitter because he couldn't prove XM884 was real
He uses it over APDS in centurions. That comparison was enough to change his mind
He literally says in the video that there is a disparity between APHE and solid shot.
Only once you reach rank 6
why american tank destroyers are categorized as light tanks?
to give retards playing them a handout
Because real world classifications at time don't make sense in a video game for balance purposes
This is why the 2S38 isn't classed as an SPAA or the T95 isn't classes as a heavy tank
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snowflake classifications
these same people want to convice you that the M10 Booker is not a light tank
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I refuse to believe you people are guessing without cheating using wiki.
It's not that hard, you just need to spend 1,5k hours obsessively looking at tech trees, looking for lineups
talking about balance, my point is they shouldn't have free scout and artillery
Post a picture of xm884 including the fuse
Why not? The M18 functions more as a light tank in game due to its light weight, speed and how vulnerable it is to even small caliber machine guns
>vulnerable it is to even small caliber machine guns
tell me how many you killed without 50 cal
>APHE gets a nerf that everyone and their mother is talking about
>meanwhile high caliber HEAT still takes out one crew member
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>have lineups in all the nations I want to play
>completely immune to crew lock
>get a shit map: leave, switch to another tree
Yes voters are under the delusion that nerfing APHE will somehow stop AP/HESH/HEAT/APCR having dogshit post pen damage
No, but it will make everything more consistent.
>be in 1.0 prop anyone can have access to in ground rb
>fly directly above it
>left click
it doesn't have the firepower of a light tank
Consistently shit you mean. APDS has its shatter, solid AP has a % chance to do zero damage, same as HESH, HEAT explodes on a random leaf and APCR (lmao). I guess, we NEED to add a dice roll component to the most used round at the currently only non-frustrating BRs in the game.
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>dogshit post pen
I simply can't relate
light tanks traditionally have inferior guns compared to contemporary medium tanks, heavy tanks and tank destroyers, they are also usually built for the purpose of reconnaissance and/or infantry support. light tanks are not usually built to directly engage opposing armor.
tank destroyers are also not usually built for the purpose of reconnaissance, they are built to directly engage opposing armor. they prioritize firepower and mobility or firepower and armor.
the M3 light tank, M4 medium tank and M10 tank destroyer are contemporary to each other, their roles, even ignoring the names, are easily distinguished
the M18 is clearly a tank destroyer
>aphe is an objectively unrealistic nuke round that is better than everything else
>no other round is viable because of it
Well, but AP requires more aiming.
I feel terribly bad you get shit on by biplanes in 6.0

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