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"Weekend" One is Over edition

>BO6 Beta Everything You Need to Know

>BO6 Global Gameplay Systems

>Black Ops 6 Stat Checker

>MWIII S5 Reloaded Blogpost



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>492909281
Yugo is a bitch.
/hg/ will be joining /codg/ later on today. We are merging the threads.
Is it gonna be called dead game general?
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pew pew!
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Halo General and Call of Duty.
>release update addressing server stability issues
>literally nothing changed
>constant packet bursting still but now the message is on the side of the screen instead of the top
>texture streaming still forced on despite the beta being 80 fucking gigs
But then i go watch a cdl pro stream the game and they have 0 problems on their 4090 computer which just goes to show how fucking unoptimized the game is at its core and how it will never be fixed. Do not fucking buy black ops 6
on Xbox and never have your packet burst issue
I think le Scump had packet burst stutters couple of days ago. Serves him right.
move out of the hood and get better internet nigger
>they have 0 problems on their 4090 computer
>he doesnt know
MS is pulling a Sony and making sure the game is the most optimised on their platform
Challenge of the day
Name a single Sledge COD that's been successful
I can't
I know they changed his VA in CW but why does Woods sound so much worse now?
mw3 2011 :)
Buckbroken by Menendez
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Farah's got a new look!
Zoom zoom
extremely based
every single IW made CoD
Yeah I too remember when shg saved cod 4
>MWII - 3000 devs
>MWIII - too many cooks in the kitchen
>BO6 - 4 years dev time
AW made bank with its loot boxes
Give me the scoop on cod 2025
The beta is great. Best CoD in years.
But I do have a pressing question, what's the logic behind not showcasing the cons to weapon attachments? We know they're there, and sometimes they're actually pretty severe.
>Give me the scoop on cod 2025
Black Ops II sequel made by Treyarch using the Blops 6 engine. They've been working on the campaign on the side. It's not yet known if it will have a unique mp from Blops 6 yet or not. Zombies mode will essentially just be more maps tied into the same storyline that Blops 6 is continuing.
Then 2026 is IW's next CoD, followed presumably by Sledgehammer.
The TTK in BO6 is the same as in MWIII. The Jackal PDW performs exactly the same as any old overtuned seasonal content gun. These are nonissues. The real problem is the dogshit netcode.
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Why is Klem not playing the beta? Money's over?
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Who knows
Now I get it.

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