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No Survivors Edition

>Steam Page

>Where to give feedback and report bugs:

>Character guides

>How do I get in?
Respond to the invite anchor with your Steam Friend ID. You need to accept a friend request to be invited, so don't be autistic.

>How do I git gud?
Do the tutorial, get a feel for heroes in sandbox mode, explore public item builds, play bot matches.

Additional Resources:
>Stats Tracker
>Unofficial Wiki
>New Player Guide
>Advanced Movement Guide

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Do you know what isn't slowed by the cancer beam?
but it slows your movespeed and lunge, get cucked by us kelvin chads u fag
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Good luck catching me zooming around the streets and over buildings while you are on the floor pal :^)
ganking this lane
Reposting hero concept:
Crocodile Warlock like Kremy LeCroux
>Bite enemy
>Blast enemy
>Fill area with shadows
they find one of us in the neutral camp, brother.
thoughts on this?
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>Slow Hex + Alchemical Flask + Willpower + Fleetfoot + Binding Word + Slowing Bullets + Cold Front + Magic Carpet
I'm retarded
>ivyfag thread
I shan't be opening that
>Average /v/fag user
Is there a breakdown of how many souls you get from killing lane and neutral creeps, towers, urn, arcade cabinets and everything else (other than hero kills)?
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ah yes, a /vg/ purist, of course this board and all the generals present are renown for not having dramafags, avatarfags, hornyfags, schizofags and other shitposting spammers
So how do I determine when to scale my damage, or EHP, or when to buy a rock to counter the enemy scissors?
look at soul count, kill thing, look at soul count.
honestly i don't even pay attention to it, all you need to know is making souls > not making souls
The denying is going to filter so many people once they get to a competent MMR. It's legitimately way worse than DotA because it actually tests twitch shooting as opposed to just proper timing. Sure you can melee to secure the souls but that puts you in vulnerable positions.
Attention retards: if you see a spooky ghost, there is a possibility it could become a man with a gun. Do not turn your back on it.
I'm thinking of making a situational flowchart depending on enemy team composition.
Then buy items x, y, z according to flowchart and win
checked out a russian stream cause matchmaking is closed for me and they really are the black of white people
The amount of teammates throwing winnable game because they constantly get caught pushing a lane is insane. It's crazy because people are unaware of how fast a respawn enemies can come back from the cable. They mindlessly push right under the cable suddenly get jumped by 4 respawning enemies
Here's a super secret tech for denies:
>use light melee to deny orange bubbles, can be done to pop it instantly when it appears
>tranny typing
Ok if you say so.
Aight bros, there's too many aimbotters already. I mean this unironically.
>muh aimbot
post their headshot rate
People straight cheating. I checked the replay and their mouse is just auto moving to souls or headshots. Ran into this on different players across "matchmaking".
oh dude you're so right, it's the teamfight phase that the opponent is going to dominate in because you lost your tower to them allowing them to rotate and take every other tower with number advantage after you died to them due to your soul deficit

Nothing matters in this game even if your opponents are playing better than you, just make the winning decisions
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what now fucker
>jump on NA because I want to play
>"yoooo, anyone else smoking weed?"
>"guys, nyeheheh... are traps gay?"
>lose the game
it does not matter if the other team has more money if you just do the same move but on the opposite side of the map
that's literally just the same as meleeing to secure your own souls, you're in a more vulnerable position than if you were simply faster at aiming than your opponent. Aiming is simply going to become much much more important as your elo goes up and it's pure dadcope to think otherwise.
okay so while the enemy team has 3 guys on a lane you can push and take waves and come back while they share souls between 3
If you are an aimlet, just use shotgun/ability centric characters
if you have a clip of them doing it blatantly you can just report them.
63% actually isn't that weird, lots of aimgods from other games hover around that much dude.
ok and then they take all the available towers and they do the same to you, now what? Are you seriously arguing that getting souls taken away from you in lane is not an objectively losing quality?
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Is it true that it can take up to 24 hours for the invite to come through or have I been bamboozled
no matter what character you use, aiming is going to become more important relative to your hero mastery as your elo goes higher.
it is losing but not that losing like you think so, this isn't league where losing early game = gg go next
This game makes me sad because my friends are totally in love with it but I know I'll never be very good because I suck ass at aiming
>muh aimbotters
the hitboxes are as big as the buildings, just aim at the upper part of a character and you will land headshots. It's not that hard
>watch any kelvin match in the ingame browser
>if they build nade + gun they win
>if they build around the beam they feed and lose
it could take 3-4 days if not longer
why are you niggers like this? yeah man a program that makes it so you can track and crit an enemy character perfectly just doesn't matter. You're totally right and so cool to not care about cheats.
Deadlock will have replays you can watch like in Dota 2, right?
Yeah the replay was for confirmation. I can only hope they actually get banned.

Please post your best crit rate then against humans.
mine was instant but it was from a steam friend of 10+ years
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but everybody else gets it within a few hours, right? why does it always have to be me
>will have
it already has it
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i got mine within hours on a vac banned account
"aimbots aren't real" bootlickers are still stuck 20 years ago thinking bots are an all-or-nothing thing that will have everyone go 100% accuracy 100% headshots, rather than being sophisticated programs that let the user configure dozens of settings to smooth it out and not make it retardedly blatant.
Melee blue souls = have to be near enemy
Melee orange souls = be near own creeps that die
Zero reason to shoot if you are close enough to melee the orange balls
yes obviously you should melee when you can melee but you are just objectively in a worse position if you can't aim as fast as your opponent. Why is anyone trying to argue this point
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I feel like Yamato would fit nicely as a Futakuchi onna (a woman with a demonic mouth in the back of her head). Design-wise, she already has long hair and could use it as additional limbs (grabs onto the zipline, melee attack, etc)

Plus, it could inspire a bunch of potential backstories .
>Bloodline curse
>Yamato was about to die of hunger during her youth until a demon showed up to give her one last chance at surviving
>Constant social pressure/family duties that always stays in the back of her head literally manifest themselves/turn into a demonic mouth that speaks out what she truly feels
cope from dota players who think their epic moba skills will be the most important part of the game that will allow them to rank highly (it wont)
How the FUCK do you lane against Vindicta as MoKrill
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kill me
the worst thing is that now I'm not sure if the guy even sent it out or if he just forgot or something
hide in a hole somewhere and wait until she stops camping the shop
buy regen items and last hit under tower, use your sustain skill on full creep waves to get all your hp back.
buy slowing hex as your first item and get aggressive on her suddenly and throw it at her when she tries to fly away.
her harassment damage shouldn't be able to outdamage your sustain if you use your leech skill right unless you are literally just standing out in the open for her to shoot you for free.
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>replays record chat messages so you can see that a team was arguing as they lost
>you can see the exact moment the game fell apart and they descend upon each other like dogs
wanting to win while also trying to tilt your teammates might be one of the most retarded thing you can do in these games
Yea, I said that Yamato should be some kind of oni if they gonna keep the head shape. Add some horn and fangs and we get a nice design
I've been invited by 5 different people on my 10+ year old account with over 400 paid games on it and 2 weeks later I'm still here, lockless
>team gets wiped
>run away
>"bro why are you running away what the fuck"
How do you get out of baby MMR when you get these teammates every game
yeah, as soon as i see an antagonist in the game i mute them. call me a bitch but i'm not playing the psychological warfare game. it's just funny to think every time someone says nigger it WILL be in the replay (even though no one will probably ever watch it)
you pick a hero that can solo 6 retarded players
we need a Sven hero
Why do people keep wanting yamato's kit to be re design. I thought the kit is already well done and very exciting to play and she is one of the few that can have a really solid spirit focus build.
That's just Seven
I can keep shooting the enemy hero, while they go for lasthits, and without taking my aim away from enemy hero, I can use my melee to deny the orange orb
Not that difficult of a concept
retards picking her and not understanding how to play her causing people to think she sucks.
>kill her
dishonest character
will deadlock have a 1v1 mode? would it be a possibility?
>culling blade doesn't kill yamato under the threshold
dishonest and soulless
closest we'll get is deadlocked: tactics--an autobattler where you play as the patrons
source: i'm a valve employee
Her 3 needs to be a bit bigger. Her 1 is a shittier Gray talon 1, her 2 is meh, a gap close is a gap close but could be better.

Also she lacks verticality, she needs a wall run.
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this needs to be viscous cube with a low health enemy inside
Midboss should be summoned via a ritual, you collect the summoning items from neutral camps and they can be dropped like the urn

Someone forward this to Yoshi I am too lazy to make an account
>source: i'm a valve employee
nigga, can u just ask someone at valve for a 1v1 ranked mode
even in your retarded situation where you just assume the opponent does literally nothing, there are more than 1 creep in each wave
i used to work at insomniac, then they ironically started to make games that put me to sleep
>about to kill lane opponent
I'm so sick of this, it's always a Seven too
gun mcginnis is better than turret
can straight up 1v3 or 1v4 even in late game
the baxter society has yo number...
everyone knows this bro her only function in high elo is to splitpush because she can kill every tower without even having to reload
she can also duel bullet dmg chars because of escalating
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I don't really like playing Geist that much, but I understood her kit pretty fast and I feel like even when I don't win on her I still perform very strong. That also gives me the edge against enemy Geists. Despite that she is always on a low priority because I don't really enjoy playing her that much. Any heroes are like that for you anons?
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kazuya player here, who should i main in this game?
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please boys... I beg you...

So what's the point of Viscous' punch? Everytime someone uses it against me it doesn't do that much damage and I just use it to get it a better higher position to shoot the fucker from above... Special mention for when I'm playing Vindicta and I use it to bounce and activate my 2 to rain fire on the guy.
I have yet to see a case where it benefits him more than me?
at the moment, mobility. it got nerfed to complete shit last patch.
How do I play Lash when we're behind? I go in and die pretty much
i have watched enough games to conclude that kelvin's beam is trash, don't put any points into it. Grenade build allows you to farm faster and no matter how much you pump the beam your gun will STILL outdamage it--even with zero orange items. Beam kelvin is support cuck kelvin where you pray your team has enough damage to finish your target
the only reason to use it is to proc spirit strike from afar
Is there a worse feeling than going like 30/3 and losing? I am losing my fucking gourd
whip max into ult utility
it has lower highs but more consistent damage
if you're that far ahead and still lost it's on you.
That's just Shiv
That cannot be I am a flawless god player and it's never my fault
3 different people invited one of my friends and he still hasn't gotten his invite 2 weeks later

however he is also retarded and might not be checking the right email or something
pls anons...
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>KDA 303/0/459
>obj damage 8
I hope warden's VA gets reset or they at least redo some of his lines like
>Alchemical flask!
>my training saved me!
>alchemical flask
>alchemical fire
defend this, deadlocktards
one is a flask, the other is fire
what deadlock related message did you intend to convey with this post
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>160 deadlock rule 34s
>107 of them contain ivy
we live in a society
now how much of it is aislop
cringe and false
Based and true
I've been checking my email like every 10 minutes, including the spam folder
It might be over
>design builds while waiting for servers to open
>try a build out finally
>this fucking sucks i dont need like half of this garbage
>repeat for every character
i have no friends and i must feed the solo lane again
Every time I face an ivy on a solo lane I cry for them
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just last hit and play passive, everyone is playing like they have adhd and can't relax i guess it's just the new game effect
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I don't
Seven's voice is nice but I wish the delivery was a little more psychopathic and threatening. Kinda like Rhaast from League of Legends.
I've been asking for invites here for a week straight and got none
ended up spending 30 (thirty) cents ($0.30) for an invite and got it in 30 (thirty) minutes [1 (one) hour divided by 60 (sixty)]
thanks as always lads
same but i keep molesting vindicta on lane instead
Really strange considering Haze is the best girl by far.

Huffing the memesteam from Haze's smoky pussy after she's had a long sweaty day running a marathon around the map.
i'm adding some people in here and they either don't accept the request or don't even say hello after adding me, bunch of autists
I wish you hadn't gotten in
Just played so badly as Warden my lanemate quit ama
today i learned that ricochet does not work if you attack buildings but if you attack an enemy next to a building it will ricochet into the building
Go farm
wish harder faggot
they're the same people that beg for game keys and never play anything
>teabag opponent
>they return the favor
>they go back to base and start shit talking
>all while his team gets wiped
This is why this game is fun
They should add wards into the game.
Do slows stack?
me when my late mate sits under tower for all 10 minutes and refuses to engage the enemy at all
I like using it to knock enemies out of position. If done correctly you can launch them into deadly situations.
Teabagging the Vindicta who bullied me in lane but fell off hard in the late game is always a pleasure. Dumb bitch.
i just went 5-21 on my second ever game. feel like shit. i dont understand what im doing wrong, i end up crumbling during the midgame. maybe multiplayer games arent for me. not paying more attention to the map would be my first guess, and i forget the item abilities all the time
Why are 100% of vindicta, seven, and haze players in eu fucking Russian? It's a guarantee for some reason
Quit now before it's too late. This is the type of game where before you know it you've sank 5000 hours with nothing to show but regret and misery.
ive never played dota 2 or league or anything. i guess im out of my depth with it being a moba, but i like the characters and setting a decent amount. might just try once more and then watch some carnivale >.>
Just like in Dota, they love high kill potential carry heroes.
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interactive gameplay nigger
just go behind cover
>why is the duelist killing me in 1v1s????
you need to keep farming even after laning phase
shove lanes (kill enemy waves so your minions push up)
pick up jungle camps that you walk past when moving between lanes
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>in pre-lobby
>guy says he's bad
>goes 0/10 in my lane by minute 8, quits

At least you were honest but at that point play against bots
>knows he's bad
>still ruins the match
what a god
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>guy says "he didn't get the blue girl wtf"
>goes like 3/18 with haze
the biggest thing is just to always be doing something, don't be idle or mindlessly running toward enemy deathball
Lost a fight? Look at souls, maybe you're behind in items
Go break boxes, clear waves, get stronger... and so on.
If you're ahead in farm, go challenge people and fight since your stats are up and you have more items. You'll get the hang of it, there's a flow to it all
>get Lash for the first time
>say "first time playing lash" to team
>go 16-3 and win
>goes 0/10 in my lane by minute 8
this is beyond bad, it's braindead
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rate my roster
We still won because the Hanzo guy on the enemy team got bullied so hard by the entire team he quit. Besides that one guy it was great, first match so far where the enemy seven didn't get 10 kills because people forgot how to move or shoot the moment he did it.
based but where's paradox
literally just double jump while she's chucking cards at you
Uuummmm... Are jungle souls shared between teammates or was I stealing them while trying to help?....
they are shared if you both deal damage to the creeps
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new patch when
If you steal my souls in the jungle you will lose a teammate. I hope this is a universal rule.
Stop complaining about your teammates. This is just alpha test, not a tournament. If I went 0-20-0 that's none of your business. Just move on.
I can tell you play Dynamo.
I will laugh at your retarded ass for being so bad
I will call you a retard and make fun of you.
typically it's wraith that gets that score in my experience
but bad dynamos are funny too
nothin like the rush of huntin down someone and krillin em
Wraith players do poorly as well but her damage potential is just so utterly insane that she always gets 1 or 2 kills anyway.
Dynamo players are either gods or feeders.
At least I'm just trying to have fun, meanwhile you're sweating trying to win in alpha test game RUMAO
>so retarded that he has fun feeding
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>quit having fun
sweats are like women, they hate those who can simply enjoy themselves
Invite would be cool
Who's Crow Ey?
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Abrams literally can't be parried after a charge if he holds q while charging even with status resists, stop trying
am i a sweat if i simply refuse to get stomped by adderal enjoyers out of spite
>actually it's FUN to drink my own piss and paint the wall with feces ASSHOLE!!!
haha rent free11
go outside losers! ! ! 11
jajajajajaj i had so much fun going 2/23/4 in everygame!@ !1
touch grass!!!
coping this hard over sucking ass is pretty sad
Even sadder, you will never a real women no matter how hard you play the part.
good comeback, now go feed some more since you enjoy it so much
I will, hopefully i'll be on your team. Griefing trannies like you is where the real fun is at.
Do I play Geist as a bruiser or as a mid-range caster
this game has SBMM so not a chance
game is more sweaty at high mmr than dota or league at high ranks
dropping this game
wow i love it when the game bugs and i cant see my hp wow #alpha #playtestingforfreenomoney
Did I miss artistposter that said they would draw Yamato?
I hate that matchmaking hours are a thing
>please don't feed the enemy team
>fuck you, this game is sweaty, I quit
This game has sperg tryhards like yourself at every skill level.
retarded shit eaters like yourself are exclusively low skill level so not my concern
I know it's you, Shallow God, you are NOT in high MMR, you just finally got matched against people that don't feed you on Bebop.
game isn't even out yet and people are already in late stage dota mentality
chill out dudes
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No, clearly none of your concern.
i have never said this, fights are genuinely fucking exhausting cause every hero has retarded nigger mechanics where you are not actually fighting the enemy team but the shop instead
this general already has thread personalities, good time to drop this game
why don't you just drop it instead of telling us no one cares
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Little sister thought she was on 4chan, saying no-no words in text chat. Say bye-bye to your account!
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people that sweat in these games do so because that's all they have in life
now imagine bringing that to a closed invite only playtest where you're just meant to try shit out and experiment
imagine being that snotty little nigger who unironically thinks this will be the game they make it to TI
what an absolute fucking loser you'd have to be
is return fire good on vindicta since you're like a big glowing target in the air and everyone is going to be focusing you
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I love making niggers pay by reporting them for saying "nigga" in team chat
Shiv is slept on hard hes actually so good
I'm a loser with nothing in life too I just want to enjoy the game
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He was up against mid-competent players, but super destroyed every 1v2 he encountered.
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>yeah bros im having fun going 0-12-4 every game haha this is so much fun! if you're playing well you must be sweating and can't be having any fun at all, let alone as much fun as me!!!
the baxter society has yo numbah
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I just want to kill people with funny blue man or funny red man. It's not that deep.
>Im quitting guys
>I don't have fun
>guys please quit with me, im sure you arent having fun either
>Guys its important
>The game will DIE without me

This is how you sound you retard
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>tfw sweaty opponents challenge me to respond to new and different strategies and understand the game further
If you want to chill, it's called a single-player game. Get filtered.
>51ms ping
>enemy can deny orbs before they even spawn on screen
get starlink
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>use stone form on ulting haze shitter
>chat fills up with random third world gibberish in all caps
it's the little things
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no bro, running down a lane just so I can look at the respawn timer is fun
big iron geist with improved burst, mystic shot, cooldown for daggers, mystic slow, slowing hex/wither/curse
Agility/speed, lifesteal, healbane, spirit armor
Sharpshooter, berserker, headhunter, escalating mag
Flex slots get more gun.
hello how do i not get raped as ivy in a solo lane. i can usually crawl my way back after laning phase but i can’t trade and im always pushed. spamming help pings also hasn’t worked because low mmr i guess
also i dont have friends please dont suggest that
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So when does matchmaking kick in because this is literally my 4th game and it just felt bad.
>removed his bulge
when i made an alt account it took about 8 or 9 games to put me back against good players
So m&k drug tunnel isn't immune to damage... That's the first time i see a skill like that where you can take damage
I prefer hybrid.
She is just boring. She doesn't do either big aoe or big single target. You can trade extremely well and bait people into attacking you at low health for a combo, but you are so slow with no mobility that you'll never engage on your own.
>tracklog and deadlock tracker are delayed
how will I stoke my ego now?
why are so many people struggling as ivy in solo lanes? just throw kudzu and press 3 on the enemy when he' pushing up
what hero?
with your hand
You guys really build warp stone when majestic leap exists? Like this effect is so much better it's not even comparable.
warp stone is better on paradox
It allows you to 1v1 a bit better against gun carries and they might be dissuaded from shooting you when you activate it, but there are some quirks with the item that prevent it from really doing its job.
Return Fire is a little underpowered right now due to the way it actually works. Despite what the description says, you don't actually return 70% of the damage you take back to the attacker. What you actually do is shoot your attacker with 70% of their weapon damage. This is a very important distinction for a couple of reasons. Firstly, this makes the item implicitly even worse on fragile characters and better on tanks because the resists that the RF user has are irrelevant to the return damage. Due to this mechanic, you can activate Metal Skin and RF at the same time and deal 'return' damage despite taking none yourself.
Another point, because the damage is based on the attacker's weapon damage, RF kinda sucks against Haze. Most of Haze's damage comes from her passive, which RF doesn't account for. Not only that, but during her ult she has 50% evasion which actually lets her dodge return damage.
There's some more stuff, but I think you get the idea.

This stuff doesn't happen with spirit damage, btw.
>doesn't clear corners
You're in SUCH a high MMR, wooow!
You can punch in an direction, so you can move people to the side or towards you.
>stun shiv
>shoot at him but he takes no damage
>effects clear up and i see him taking a fucking nap on his pillow
who the fuck thought that making this nigger go prone when stunned is a good diea
Support + gun kelvin is strong but so boring to play
>Pressed metal skin + return fire
>Enemy shitter haze
Very carefully thats how nigger

Haze must be free mmr rn, shit is busted when you get ricochet
shiv is a soulful monkey man
Warp stone isnt stopped by damage and gives you bullet resist
He needs to stack and he needs to get a good early, two things your team can fuck up for you. Yeah, if he gets the ball rolling he is a beast, but that's the hard part.
and a lot of weapon damage for some reason
Because she does trash damage without items and it's really easy to dodge the statue stun in a 1v1 situation. She's good at playing underneath her own tower at least with the rapid fire soul securer.
>set all characters on high priority
This is how you deadlock
I appreciate the detailed answer you gave to my facetious question, anon.
>how do i not get raped as ivy in a solo lane
stop following the support cuck guide and build her gun
>Please post your best crit rate
it's a Source game dude, who hasn't had games where you have 90% headshots? if you don't constantly have your crosshair at an angle up i'm sorry pal but git gud
if people allow you to farm it's so fucking over for them. Also going into fights with rage active makes such a big difference
what people are missing is how good of an objective killer he is just save up daggers and wait for the minions push up and just launch them into the guardians
>she does trash damage
Not really, the stock magazine size is the biggest problem
unfortunately that's a part of the "trash damage" formula, friend.
I will try this, thank you
Up until now I've played her as a lifestealing spirit damage bruiser, but her cooldowns feel too long until you get proper items so I figured I needed to try something new
tickle people with your threes and pretend you're scared of a fight
Once you have like 3 damage Amp stacks on them you'll fucking atomize them with a single headshot
>can't spend 500 souls on a bigger mag
why are you this poor
>requires an item to deal reasonable damage in lane
what part of her damage being poor was unclear?
>spend souls on bigger mag
>other people get to spend souls on damage
lol, ivy mains, huh?
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The stupid flying rat is unemployed.
>>requires an item to deal reasonable damage in lane
have you played any other character in this game?
ivytranny hours lol
apparently you have not
>starts talking about trannies again unprompted
i am sick of having ultbot hazes every fucking game man
all they do is suck up the jungle and farm then do nothing but press 4 and die
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>both teams in a fight at my base
>take a lane to the enemy base
>rape their shrines and patron and force them to come back
>still die but now my team can get out and we finish off their patron and win
all according to plan
>my teammate gets mad that i tell the enemy that maybe we should stop waiting after 3 mins for someone to come back at second 10
???? the worst part is he was on my lane and completely clueless on how to play the game
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>try to play gun ivy
>can't aim for shit
wardens gun is so bad on lane for CS'ing since it's not hitscan
When's the auto-aim baby character coming out?
>ricochet farms for 30 minutes
>suicide bombs your team for 100 damage
why do people seethe about infernus again?
Bigger mag is like the third gun item I'm getting but shooting 6 extra bullets isn't going to matter if the bullets do no damage.
that's haze ult
there's nothing funnier to me than hearing "LETS GOOO!!!" when he pops 2 and he's stationary in the naruto pose from being slowed as he's shot dead
its op in team fights for fucking up enemy positioning, a good viscous is god tier
Are there already cheats for the game?
Had some guy landing nothing but headshots consistently at any range.
there are yeah
just report, they're quick to ban for them
Not only is there aimbot, there's automated parry scripts already too.
>automated parry scripts
oh no no no abrams bros
how do those work? can you still fake them out by missing on purpose?
yes but valve is manually reviewing reports so they get banned and then everyon they invited gets banned
are there chat bans or will too much trash talk just get you insta permad
the build
>everyon they invited gets banned
based, fuck hackers and all their faggot friends
yet another 50k net worth "build"
>how do those work
They press F at the perfect moment. Fortunately you CAN juke them.
>how do you know you're not a shitter and kept getting caught in it
Because the pocket I played against not only parried with the EXACT same frame perfect timing at the end of the punch with no variance whatsoever.
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I dream of the day I get that farmed
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The more I play this game the more I remember why I quit dota
ethereal shift is such a faggot ability and i hate that more and more people are using it
mcginnis bros wtf...
Bebop just needs a slight rework. Make sure people know he isn't a robot but a scrap golem. His final look is already in the VN. (I hope he has the apron.)
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Goo boy is just Kelvin's old body model and his current weapon (which will probably be changed). I hope they don't change the voice I love him
means you have to be careful who you invite from here because inviting a cheater or getting invited by a cheater can get you banned
Please & thank you :)
I really dislike Kelvin's design, he looks like a DOTA character
have you seen the steam forums?
lmao, there is no way this is true
Viscous is literally just a placeholder. They took an existing model and slapped a goo shader on it.
>guys, why isn't my bullshit debuff spam chaingun doing as much damage as a shotgun?
I hate ivyfags so much. The worst part is that icefrog will probably buff her because her players are so bad
What is the Viscous on the right? A future update or a past concept?
>range ban russoids and chinks
>game is saved
>this image wasn't mnk because no one can tell krill is a monkey
I like it, it's got arctic explorer in the 1920's nailed. He really needs a new weapon though.
You got so many right, But Warden? Not even remotely close. "Needs more details" doesn't quite fit Viscous. Viscous just is using Kelvin's model, they'll need more than details.
>Wraith is serviceable
This, SOMEHOW, makes less sense than Warden being "perfect".
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His real model hidden in the files.
Model found by dataminers.
Tusk if he human
>Team is struggling against pocket
>Forego my entire build and rush a silence and tell my team to stick with me and we'll go fuck him and push whatever lane we kill him on
>Nobody listens
>Everyone just alternates between feeding on top of mid and jungling to 'catch up'
>Nothing is ever pushed
>We lose everything and get shit on in 15m
>its all russians and 247 FREE INVITE posts
Kelvin does have a Nordic accent. I hobe he's actually Kebin :DDDD
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there's a non-zero chance this will become pay-to-play upon release, you guys realize that right?
I prefer the current one
I'll gladly pay $30 up front if there's no battlepass.
retarded catposter
I can spare 20 bucks.
That's very unlikely and would kill the entire russian and south american region
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>filters out the entire 3rd world
>no free-to-play shitstains throwing my games
I would prefer to have a sticker price instead of full F2P, but zoomers refuse to play anything without gambling and twenty dollar skins.
>and would kill the entire russian and south american region
holy BASED
They should use that gun concept but give him an old timey diver's helm and keep a 'normal body but goo' design.
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enjoy the next concord!
>valve game
lmao even
concord but good and not from sony
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surprised nobody else did this before me, what do you think anons?
Are you stupid?
>concord has an open free beta
>peaks at 2,388
>deadlock has a semi-closed free beta
>peaks at 171,000
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valve isn't fallible lil bros
it's an alpha
isn't infallible you mean
okay you're just baiting
yes and artifact was a bad game, deadlock isn't
people who are saying artifact only failed because of the monetization are fucking coping
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shut up shut up shut up
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>Concord failed because you had to pay for it
>artifact was a bad game
i heard it was good and just had dogshit monetization
based disinformation bro. people will try it and think he's shit and then shiv can continue being broken.
he's literally abused by every single egotistical faggot at top mmr
i wish
once this gets a full release peru is going to whittle away at the na playerbase just lik ein dota
>valve isn't fallible
Uh oh the 'jeet has returned to spam for his riot masters.
well they were wrong
it was possibly the least interactive card game in history and a large majority of your turns were spend just passing if your creep spawn/arrow RNG was bad and to try to play around the fucking terrible priority system
i was extremely hyped for the game, was willing and able to spend money on a full collection but i quit because of how incredibly shallow it was
mine now
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lmao, literally concord and artifact were accepted as passable games with a high degree of polish, nobody was saying those were bad games lil bro
Why are you an ESL though?
the entire point of posting it here instead of screaming for attention on socials with it
how much is riot paying u for doing the needful sir? i want to move out of mumbai too sir please sir please
>passable with a high degree of polish
Wrong on both counts. It was neither passable nor polished.
concord and artifact both failed to appeal to an audience
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i'm proud to have mandarin as my mother tongue, and i certainly don't give a fuck if EOPs take issue with it
Could be a crystal strapped into shit, or maybe his arm but i don't know what fitting theme would hit with the "new york"

Rune bullshit?
>Mandarin as my mother tongue
>an actual, honest to god Chinese tencent shill is in THIS thread
Riot is fucking terrified.
Everything I've heard from the few people who played it is that it's a technically competent game with no soul whatsoever.
Personally though I hate anything where the game is mostly first person but transitions to third person when you use a movement ability.
>I’ll pay a couple dollars for a game that is going to get extensive support for a decade at least as long as there is no other monetization
I can’t tell if you people are communists or just flat out retards
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and who says this game will?
i'd say you should play the game first before running your mouth but...
do you guys realize tencent has little to no actual involvement in riot's operation???
I bet you guys don't even know to focus down the enemy heal creep yet. Just giving away free sustain to your enemy laners.
Nah, that's not my point. I'd pay 30 bucks even if it had cases and shit because it makes cheating fundamentally harder.
denounce xi jinping or leave this thread, zhang

i'm fine with monetization i just hate battlepasses
sell skins like a normal company
Holy shit you're retarded.
"normal" companies do battlepasses now retard
Explain how this joke makes sense. It's just an arbitrary reference to an unfunny meme.
all of them are cringe
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>mfw I cuck bebop out of his double bomb simply by pressing a button
>Explain how this joke makes sense.
She works for the Occult CIA.
>It's just an arbitrary reference to an unfunny meme.
arrest yourself, tourist
because haze is a federal agent in game, much like Mr CIA was in the movie "The Dark Knight"
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>do you guys realize tencent has little to no actual involvement in riot's operation???

confirmed to have never worked in a corporate setting
>dlt still down
my epeen number... i just hit 2k...
man I'm starting to suck in every match but still win due to being carried by randos
>he then builds silence and smacks you with it on the hook ride in
I haven't figured out how to get past this step besides just 2v1ing him
you dont get hooked
debuff remover
that's me
There's a million federal agencies unrelated to the CIA.
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is it me or general visibility currently very poor?
- the map is kinda samey with alleyways looking identical in many spots
- the minimap is too cluttered and it doesn't show minion waves like other MOBAs
- health bar isn't very readable, it doesn't show the name or the icon of the enemy
If he's smart he'll hit you with a silence while you're flying in / before putting bombs on you the instant someone builds debuff remover
>2 retards disconnect 5 minutes in after going 0/3 and 0/4
>4v6 all game
>still curb stomp their ass
good game, pretty fun. Vindicta love!
Why is le epic injun niggerman of epic harass allowed to have 2 stats scale off spirit?
What if he has curse.
He needs it.
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chief prepping bull is too powerful for just 1
don't make me tap the sign
>chief prepping bull
why is this funny
it shouldn't be but it is
>the map is kinda samey with alleyways looking identical in many spots
I like the map. Could be that it's not as vibrant as other mobas like league, but what else can you do in a noir, city jungle setting.
I'll take what we have now over walls covered in graffiti and "freedom fighter" posters.
>the minimap is too cluttered and it doesn't show minion waves like other MOBAs
They should add an option to enlarge the map so you can see it better, but otherwise it's pretty good. You can see minion waves (idk what you're on about there) as well as jungle camps and all the other objectives. The game also gives you a lot of audio queues as to what's happening on the map, which is great. Not to mention, it also shows you the state of towers/walkers etc. under the timer, which is good.
>health bar isn't very readable, it doesn't show the name or the icon of the enemy
That I have to agree. I'm still unsure what number of health each individual block represents. It's not a terrible issue however. I don't need to know who the guy is playing or what his name is while I'm fighting him. That's pointless. They should maybe implement different ways to display hp along with the current one. Like a bar like in league or a flat numerical value written above their name.
basically the entire map is a placeholder
it's just grey boxes with signs that say HOSPITAL
The creep dots are literally the same size as the rail, they blend right in
is deadlock really more complex than dota 2 or lol? how much?
How the FUCK do you win as mo&krill? Feels like lategame you just get destroyed while doing not much damage. And that's while loaded on vitality items. Ult is good only with your team there.

Not yet
The aiming and movement make it more complex than dota in my opinion haven't played lol
However there's like 120 dota heroes so you have to remember what they all do in deadlock there's only like 15 for now
what if deadlock will get the same number of heroes as dota 2?
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No better feeling than mindbreaking the enemy's top player after 20 minutes of base defense.
I dunno about more complex but it's a lot faster paced and requires you to be decent at shooters on top of having Dota mechanics
Lol is a literal babygame. Mario is more complex than LoL.
League is only a baby game compared to Dota. It's one of the more complex MOBAs and most MOBAs are complex.
uhhh you don't understand
1 shotting everything and everyone is VERY skillful as is snowballing to a win from 1 kill
the macro is sigificantly easier than LoL/DotA (although post-Icefrog dota's ridiculous neutral objective bloat isn't a good thing) but you have a ton of verticality, movement and aiming to make things more complicated during the action
what else is there? smite? hon?
I thought you said you quit, why're you still here
>its one of the more complex mobas
There's not that many mobas. I'd argue LoL is simpler than HoTS even.
what do you mean by macro
Hots didn't have items or last hits where's the complexity there
Anons any good deadlock drawfag? or ivy content?

I need to smell that rock

Wasn't hon dead? While smite is still holding till smite 2
>I'd argue LoL is simpler than HoTS even.
How? HOTS has one experience pool for the whole team doesn't it?
which epic poster are you confusing me for, lad?
till you're the tardwrangler
league but there's no active items and last hitting is optional
ultra casual game
i don't think this one even had items
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I think the game is fun until people start learning how to play. Gun builds dominate both spirit damage builds and spirit utility builds. The amount of items you need to come online as McGinnis for spirit damage is waaay to high. But if you spam gun items from the start, it's easy to snowball and you also melt towers like nothing
but i don't to win hitting buildings i want to spam my mini sentries
holy shit playing on EU is so bad
russian crybabies every game feeding

go to the deadlock discord and interact with the transpergs there who obsess over the stupid fuckin gargoyle
so is haze the most played hero? I wanted to finally try her after playing for 3 months and I can't get her, even when purple selected with 2 other hero picks
I love healing and supporting, I don't want to kill people I just want to heal teammates. What hero is for me?
Filtered, play a single-player game.
seven is #1, haze is #2
haze and seven because they farm for free and farm = power in team fights
Haze is OP current patch so all the shitters are rushing to play her. She's what Shiv was 2 weeks ago.
bro just build debuff removal
bro just build knockdown
bro just build healbane

where the fuck can i actually buy the items i want and not items to counter enemies?
Not more complex than any other moba, but the complexity of a moba grafted onto 3rd person shooter when it really doesn’t fit well
Haze is a CIA agent
And there's a nuclear physicist doctor in the game
It's funny
>EU matchmaking region is now split up into two regions based on language
So I guess this was a lie
None of them really, Kelvin has better healing, Ivy has tether, everyone in this game is DPS carry
>when it really doesn't fit well
Speak for yourself. The dynamism of the game makes me enjoy it far more than Dota 2, no shame to dotards.
OSIC is literally supernatural CIA , they glow even brighter
you really think 90% of russians don't own vpns that can prevent that
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seven is the most played one
How do you tell the difference between a Rus and a Hohol piggy? I want to prioritize my targets
No need to use a VPN, they can switch matchmaking regions via console. Nothing short of relegating them to their accursed mordor will stop them from ruining your game.
True, weapon build is retarded strong compared to spirit build.
Most spirit-scaling skills (not just McGinnis') are mediocre until lv3 (8 skill points) + at least 2 items (usually cooldown + reach/charge), but at that point most weapon users would have already won the lane, farmed the entire jungle, and snowballed even harder.
yeah it's mad how russians ruin every mp experience
i stopped playing dbd because of them and i dread going back to it just because i will meet those ugly subhumans again
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Women and xirs ruined DBD, with the help of the devs catering to them of course
This game's setting really reminds me of this show
the official discord is the perfect cesspool for you. A lot of faggots and troons with the same taste.
Anyone runs berserk on yamato? Seems like it would be a good fit for her given her ulti.
I played one game with a Russian he went 4/4/21 and got a lot of souls. I don't get the negative hype.
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can confirm three attempts I tried with turret McGinnis all ended on loses then I just stacked braindead gun items with her minigun and brrrrt on bitches with slowing bullets and wall spam. Same with going gun ivy instead of support ivy
slavic hands typed this post
slavic alphabet + latin i = hohol
yeah and i played a game with 3 russians that kept flaming each other what's your point
Scots-Irish actually.
I thought it was seven because people don't know how to stop his ulti

Are you supposed to clear waves with E or something? Tbh not sure what the current farming vs fighting meta is

1.5x Spirit Scaling on Splatter, 1.3x on Goo Ball.
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Once you get over 100 games in, matchmaking is better and people tend to know how to handle a Seven. 3k for Knockdown which shuts down his 4 is cheap AF and if he is pouring all of his imbues into 4, you've essentially neutered the character.
Yeah I understand but for now I'm getting off free ults all the time, getting several kills
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Why does Pocket make people seethe so hard
3/4 of his skills are fucking annoying
You mean Puck
How do you build pocket to be annoying? I play spirit build with him and he's really not that crazy
>have time to kill
>before checking the 2 channels I follow on YouTube for Deadlock stuff, check group chat
>coincidentally, my friend who is new to video games linked his "favorite Deadlock content creator" for no reason at all
>click video
>convincing voice
>but experience has taught me that only fools are convinced
>cursory archive search reveals that they're a mentally unstable transbian sex pest who migrated from professional Overwatch
I love this dude so much, I wish I could experience video games like he does. Everything is a wonder to him. I hope playing a MOBA doesn't rot his brain.

Does anyone have good channel / video recommendations? Specifically anyone who goes into depth about items or itemization. Schizug and Deathy seem okay.
I have the hag's laning and core items down pretty good but I'm not sure what my t4 goals should be.
The two games I played on the Asian server (predictably full of Russians) were higher skill and better coordinated than my usual NA ones.
crippling headshot
phantom strike
>die 6 times in the first 8 minutes to the enemy pocket
>I'm still up in souls by the end of the laning phase
Too busy jerking off and editing his sick fragzzz compilation to farm, please understand.
HotS is way more casual and simpler than LoL with those active items
Can anyone make a "laning tier list" or just outline which characters are really strong or really shit in lane and in the first 5-10 mins of the game?

I just have been approaching every lane the same but now that I have enough games played I want to try looking at laning matchups and stuff more seriously and know which characters should win/lose lane early.
Briefcase neighbours are fucking obsessed with being aggressive in lane and often miss a bunch of cs chasing you.
He's a slippery rat fuck who flies around the map looking for people to be and team fights to vomit all over. Trying to pin him down when he manages his cooldowns well makes killing 2maxxing Grey Talon feel like shooting a turtle.

I main him, so I would know
There's nothing more satisfying to me than having some hyper aggressive cunt in my lane that never stops shooting at me and trying to assert his dominance as the alpha laner. And yet I'm up 2k+ souls on him because he ignores cs to harass me.
damn, that cheap?
pub trenchies don't buy active items and pocket can get away with all sorts of gay shit if you don't have a way to hold him down
For me it's playing bebop and I'm against a guy who denies all my souls and constantly harasses me till I'm low but I land a hook on him and kill him instantly next to my guardian.
As far as it goes foreigners are usually not that bad as an American playing on presumably American servers. I lived in Germany for 3 years and was really into WC3 then and IIRC the Russians were my favorite to play with of the people I couldn't understand and the French/Balts were the worst.
>a race of people act like fucking animals for decades on the internet
>but hold on guys anon played with one who could shut his fucking mouth
Captcha: 4XXDD
he's still winning
denying and last hitting matters more than kills
haze is shit in solo lane
Personally, I play aggressively in lane with Pocket because being on the defensive fucking SUCKS with him.
>bridge gives you high ground to hit barrages
>can clip people hiding behind walls with his 2 and 3
>extremely easy to deny because you have a shotgun and the high ground
Meanwhile, you get ripped to shreds if you barrage from the guardian. Your opponent has much more cover to hide behind and you can't scare them out of it without overextending and dying unless you do some cheeky shit with the coat. The -15% spirit resist debuff is real, and it fucking sucks.
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>got put in lane against gay talon as lash

buy majestic leap, warpstone, ethereal shift. throw coat, become untouchable. only engage when it's favorable for you.
>buy silence
>he just uses ethereal shift into cloak into suitcase and gets away anyway
Yeah why didnt they just buy active items. I'm glad pocket is banned from buying actives.
why is shiv winning against abrams in lane?
Geist's gun is good, quit whinjng
he monke
buy curse you stupid nigger
Please don't act like it isnt easy as fuck to trade on geist in turn.
>start tracking geists head
>15 damage
>get slammed for 80 while she wiggle peaks and throws a 200 damage bomb qt me every 10 seconds that covers the entire fucking width of the lane.
Personal interaction is all I have to go on so for me they're 1-0. If it helps, Lat Am is producing some shitters.
>queue solo Abrams
>solo lane against Ivy
>they swap with Vindicta
>lane phase ends with me at 5k souls and Vindicta at 10k
>friend always wants to play together
>he's an okay player mechanically but he hates mobas and last hitting
>he just kills the lane minions but never hits the souls
>hear constantly "clank clank" deny sounds when we play together and it triggers me
>have to try and last hit for him after he kills them
>can't support him after he inevitably goes aggro 2v1 after there's no minions to shoot and I have to focus last hitting
This is so tilting
Retard you do realise curse lasts as long as ethereal right

call him a retard and tell him to play the fucking game correctly
Try growing your brain IRL
The hotkeys are so awkward. I'm so used to skills being QWER and items 123456 but here WASD is locked to movement.
if he's not willing to learn and you're getting frustrated then there's no reason to keep playing with him
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This is what an honest character looks like.
curse prevents item usage
they won't do it because that's racist
99% of the games would improve vastly, though now probably it has been normalized in the west too, but almost all cheaters used be russians or chinks
Its literally a projectile not happening with 2 invul states
>complaining about aiming
>as the character who can hurl AoE bombs for free
>as the character who gets a high damage, single fire weapon with good bullet velocity in a game full of burst fire and automatic weapons that need to actively track heads with shit bullet velocity
skill issues
Thanks for giving up.
Just got flamed by a guy who dealt exactly 0 Obj damage.
Basically, he monke
>every game at least one disconnect on my team
>sometimes still winnable
>minor inconvenience happens
>entire team leaves because now there's no penalty
I'm not saying it's a bad mechanic, but it almost always setts off a chain reaction of dc's which make winnable games unwinnable for no other reason than "that guy quit, I might as well too".
I had a lot of fun with her the games I played. Putting the reload upgrade on her boosted card toss was choice and I got headhunter & bullet life leech.

>Seven ults in their base
>step behind wall
>activate shoot mode
>inch out and laser down his head
skill issue (rhetorical and in-game)


>loses to the dumbest shit, yet again
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threw this together in 2 minutes, i'll probably disagree with some stuff tomorrow
mo&krill is very good at laning but has no kill potential before ult, should maybe put him in t1 still idk
It reminds me more of "The Wolf Among us".
Pretty much just the same noir, mystic aesthetic.
did you just install the game?
damn you're braindead, you can't just buy all the epic counters then you're going to have 0 damage
She's fine, she's just a bit boring. I also hate having to chase her ass down while she's ratting because you have to buy metal skin, something to stop her from teleporting, or both. Otherwise she gets away for free or shoots you in the head for 3s for free.

I play her, by the way.
Rope thyself Abrams fag
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>buy cdr reach and duration
>put them on seven stun
>mfw throwing out giganigger aoe stuns every 10 seconds
It’s a mindset, smarter players will just silence you
sex with paradox
>wraith and ivy in A
>infernus in A
>seven and gray talon in B
>pocket and geist in C
Brother, what the hell
how is ivy so low wtf
Why does infernus sound like ten guys when he's walking around
>woke game
>woke game, valve
Based and literally me build. My comms for these games are just
>they're all going to get stunned in 3 seconds
>go in and kill them
I do not have time to say anything else. It's genuinely complete horseshit.
Contrary to the popular opinion of trannies, being loud and vocal does not equal popularity, because most people don't actually enjoy playing as some shitty looking mexican bat with leprosy
I'm shocked that talon is higher than abrams.
I'm also shocked that Shiv and Lash are so low; I guess people prefer characters who are better in lane vs midgame
Sometimes i wan't to try building around the first ability but damn, being an annoying cunt is just so good
she's not mexican
>best character is a straight white sigma male
ivy is puerto rican
i feel blessed to play on oceania servers without having to deal with chinks
i just assumed she's mexican because she barked some spanish sounding shit at me when i was caving her face in
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Stay seething. Enjoy your Concord refund!
>grey talon
All most picked. Makes sense.
Literal handholding crutch heroes for retards.
Anyone playing either of these cannot claim to be a skilled player.
Only thing I'm surprised about is geist not being higher than some of them, given how braindead and overpowered she is too.
t. Abramstard
Eh. It does seem pretty woke, but at the same time, it manages it well.
The only character so far that I've seen outright afflicted with a mental illness is pocket. Why the fuck is he a "they". Is it because of the frog in his purse?
40 hours, close to 1800 mmr according to those tracker sites

yeah talon should be in A and Pocket at least in B
in 40 hours i've never played with or against a seven but i can see him in A too yeah
i stand by the rest. questioning wraith in A is retarded with the best gun and poke
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No. I play Ivy and shiv.
I hate Abr*ms too, but he's more manageable then the rest I've mentioned.
>one character isn't as woke as others
>game can't be woke
No, that doesn't make sense.
Concord is a bad game and it's also woke, like Deadlock.
word on the street is that lash is a homosexual. thots?
Pocket is also a gay little bitch whose voicelines are all about how he hates killing people (his job is killing people).
>in 40 hours i've never played with or against a seven but i can see him in A too yeah
that's shocking (lol get it)
You get a soul multiplier when someone disconnects, so a guy ragequitting can actually help you win
he's exclusive with the gargoyle right now
Honestly, if you consider all of the robots and the green goo as white, the coons are actually a minority. So I think it's not as bad as many others.
And since it's valve, I don't think they will ever come out and say one of the characters is confirmed gay.
Hopefully. Hopefully...
he looks like a fag and talks shit about bebop the manliest character
>if you consider all of the robots and the green goo as white
dynamo is white excellence
Yeah, but usually, one guy disconnecting means everyone else will too.
It takes one "fuck this, this is unwinnable" and a glimpse of "without being penalized" and they click on that abandon button faster than a black swipes a pastry at lidl.
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He would fuck a man in the ass, definitely
I guarantee he reverted it because the horde fucking cried about racism. It's funny how quickly these animals will admit they're not white when it suits them. lmfao. FUCK ALL SNOWNIGGERS.
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the word woke has been so viciously raped that it has completely lost all of its meaning. couldnt even imagine what the discourse would be if san andreas came out today
mcginnis looks and talks like a lesbian
Yeah, it's obviously a woke game. Why do so many people sperg out when you mention it? Why are so many in denial?
You heard me ye
Chances are, they were built and had their personalities programmed by a white scientist.
Unless yakub is somehow canon in deadlock universe.
So by that virtue, the robots are white.
Because the "target audience" for woke games, doesn't actually play the games.
And there are many more players that care about "wokeness" infecting their games than those who do not.
Players reject such games based on principle, even if they're really good.
So it's a shame when a game with a bright future turns everyone into a black or a mentally ill gay just to seem progressive, thus alienating a large portion of its playerbase, dooming itself in the process.
bebop is the only robot thoughbeit
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>viscously raped
don't you have anything better to do nigger

i had some faggot do this with an echo shard and it was most tilting thing i've experienced yet
I like the game but the horrid balance issues really make it unenjoyable.
>Players reject such games based on principle, even if they're really good.
This isn't actually true. No one gave a fuck that /v/ thought BG3 was woke.
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alright who saved it without the transparency
this briefcase puck is absurd
more gays than statistically possible = woke
more blacks than statistically possible = woke
more mental illnesses than statistically possible = woke
doing anyfuckingthing just for the sake of empty, pandering representation = woke
simple as
Bebop isn't a robot he's a magic scrap golem. The only actual robot is Tokamak, unreleased.
those feet are vile

i was hoping you were going to drop dynamo on the team and he was going to ult
>More gays than statistically possible
There's no gays
>More blacks than statistically possible
1 black woman
>More mental illnesses than statistically possible
No mental illnesses
>empty, pandering representation
>more blacks than statistically possible = woke
what if it's set in africa
only faggots and normies play bg3
sure it sold well, but only thanks to all the dnd normies and faggots buying it
i have yet to see a straight white, nonliberal male (the vast majority demographic of pc gamers) play and praise it
>why isn't the alpha balanced
you have weak mental. go look at some puppies or something and leave video games to people who can handle a modicum of adversity
>And there are many more players that care about "wokeness" infecting their games than those who do not.
>Players reject such games based on principle, even if they're really good.
Literally the exact opposite is true
Gamers will accept "woke" games on principle if they're fun and good
Nah it was on cooldown. Just had to save my bro.
Who told you to stop having fun? Have fun playing Wokelock. Just don't pretend it isn't woke.
BG3 is woke.
I didn't ask why the game wasn't balanced, learn to read retard. The fact that it's an alpha playtest doesn't magically invalidate all criticism or just reasons why someone doesn't enjoy it in its current state.
>There's no gays
yet. although lash is walking a thin line
>1 black woman
haze, wraith, infernus, geist, talon (maybe mcginnis)
>no mental illnessess
they/them froggot
entire character design of grey talon

I still wouldn't say deadlock is woke though. Mainly thanks to it's subtleness. But it's a slippery slope.
3rd worlders will call a game woke if it has a single gay in it
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wokelock is good AND based AND i'm not even slightly joking THOUGH
America and Britain is more third world than any implied country.
Any country with a pride parade that doesn't get spit on and open boarders is a 4th world country.
Glowie with no visible skin color
Black woman number 1
He's black as in demon.
Did you even play the game? She's French.
Talon is native American...
McGinnis is Irish...
He's referred to as male multiple times, he's just concealing his identity.
>grey Talon's character design
Its bad, but its a design from a different game, how is it pandering, it's just ugly.
Games shouldn't have faggots.
>geist, talon (maybe mcginnis)
>black women
your brain is full of worms and water
Lash hits on female characters, doesn't seem very gay to me.
the baxter society?
they've got yo numbah.
>browns unironically believe this
How is Britain more of a third world country than any other Western European nation?
it was implied he was talking about blacks/poc's in general
maybe you should take care of your own parasite problem
seems more severe
France is a colony of Africa.
Wokelock is woke. Stop playing now.
every character should be a straight white western male and they should primarily be differentiated by hair colour and which denomination of Christianity they subscribe to
peak character and world design IMO, you can do so much with it like uh........ .............. ......
>French people and Irish people are people of color
>a single native American man is statistically unlikely in 19XX's America
it's on the same level as germany and france
they let so many african and muslim immigrants pour in that the countries almost represent their mudhut thirdworld shitholes now
just look at paris and london
sweden too
so many muslim stabbings and rapes
and the media tries to hide it
but let's not talk about that. this is a deadlock thread, not a /pol/ one
>which denomination of Christianity they subscribe to
This is a joke but I'd love a vatican exorcist hero.
your post implies that you're mentally retarded
okay then what is a first world country lmao?
>durr japan
Okay what else?
his ultimate should just straight up kill abrams and infernus
Of course it's woke. It's not even subtle about it. You people will just overlook wokeness depending on how much you want to play a certain game. If you're not interested, no wokeness allowed. If you're very interested because Valve, suddenly the majority of the roster can be woke and you pretend it isn't. It's ridiculous.
i thought the degenerates in these threads liked feet
bringing non-made up religions into games is the same thing as them being woke, just perhaps less morally corrupt and disgusting
maybe wokeness never really mattered and people play games that are good and don't play games that are bad
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Ironically, friction between caths and prots would be an interesting plot point in the game's setting. But the retards crying about "woke" don't have actual religious convictions anyway.
>behold, I have depicted you as a chudjack, you lose
>everyone I don't like is hitler
carry on, you're embarrassing yourself more than whatever wall you're punching
It matters to many people obviously, but what's interesting is how many "chuds" are willing to give up on what they previously said they believe. Basically, they're extremely weak willed and hypocritical.
diving with Unstoppable is my favorite passtime
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you were mad enough to reply thoughbeit
>feeling this called out by a shitjak
exactly that, mobashit should die.
It's not even a good game, 7/10 at best and while it has options, it still forces shit, like killing a certain enemy, in stealth, out of sight, with no other enemies around will trigger everyone npc around to be hostile. You can go in with stealth, only kill this guy, come out and they will still be hostile to you. Btw this method works on 99% of the npcs, it won't make anyone hostile.
There are also numerous other issues, but the game gets praised because the bar is so low. Same issue with new start wars games, the jedi shit is an offensively mediocre modern story, the old jedi academy has way better gameplay and story and you can even choose the ending.
Modern gaming is in the shitter so anything decent stands out.
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i thought the chudjak was funny
Geist is white, but for "some reason" they decided to make her skin darkish. And that's woke.
This site has caused you to massively overestimate how many people actually care about the political leanings of their games. Unless you're a sheltered NEET who called himself an epic chuddy nigger killer, there's no "sacrifice" in playing game like Deadlock.
>more blacks than statistically possible = woke
Nigger it's New York, if we go by statistics there should be even more blacks
What indian tier nonsense are you on about
She's the support bitch character whose carry potential relies on hitting shots. Meanwhile Seven and Haze just press 4 and win.
Her skin is sickly pale though, she's literally white as snow.
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i'm gonna spend so much money on this game when they add microtransactions
Absolutely correct. If you laugh at Concord but play Deadlock, you are a hypocrite and might aswell accept your new life as a wokechud.
I'm sick of losing at low MMR, what are some heroes that can let me carry?
>Who are you I'm from the Arctic circle.
yeah, but the in game character icon shows it as brown
The schizo is now actively hallucinating the things in his imagination that make him mad. Incredible.
he hasn't played the game
Melee Lifesteal Abrams
Gun Wraith
Infernus in general
3 Seven (forma la jungler)
>anon has trouble understanding lighting
Are you able to visualize and rotate an apple in your head?
Not necessarily items (although I haven't checked his hero vids), but avgjoe2 seems to have a good head on his shoulders for macro strategy stuff.
After 6 very tough games I finally dropped into what must be wood bracket, where people are suddenly and immensely more retarded than I am somehow and I hit all accolades except assists and healing without doing anything particularly clever or impressive.
This guy has no internal monologue, don't bother speaking to hylics
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>tfw literally everything is woke
I don't, the picture is fucked.
Virtually all media is now woke, yes.
post concrete examples of not-woke media
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I used to not mind black characters in my games, but after seeing the content of their character in real life any attempt to pander to that demographics in video games no matter how well-mannered or chill just felt so disgusting and woke. I'll never play the blacks in this game (apparently saying black is now racist?) no matter how fun or OP they are. Black fatigue is real.
Gods and Generals, the greatest movie ever made, unironically.
What exactly makes seven so good at farming anyways?
Yanato slash has half the cool down of grey talon charge shot and it gives bonus bullet resist during the charge so ADC would do very little damage to her as she charge and their fire rate get cut by 60% from her 3. Her 3 is underrated because want it to be a strong heal or damage but the primary tool of the move is the fire rate debuff, which is significant and will cripple enemy gun damage for 4 s until they run debuff clear item. I don't think her 3 need more range or it would be very obnoxious if she can force trade with it extremely safely in lane (which she win because she'll heal and debuff your fire rate greatly). It's not like she has difficulty getting up close with that 2 gapcloser to hit her 3 on a teamfight
the Bible
brainrotted political tourist, checks out
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>(apparently saying black is now racist?)
i love russian hazes that always go 20/0, surely they're just really good gamers right?
static repeating high-damage AOE approximately the size of every neutral camp and chain lightning gun
Woke post.
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w/e rajesh you're still not white
Wait, you can punch the enemy viscous cube into your side?
Why? Most media is now woke, what would posting examples of non-woke media achieve?
and no one cared!
Yes, you can slide him around
Natural speed lets you go to where there's shit to kill quickly, built in tesla bullets and zappy ball make short work of camps.
Why the fuck does my lane opponent deal so much more fucking damage than me
When I shoot him uninterrupted for several seconds it barely scratches him, but he shoots me twice and deals over 200 damage somehow
My abilities might as tickle him even when they connect, but when I get hit I'm down to 50% health even if I only get hit by part of it
What's the fucking secret
>Woke? That’s not even real!!
Yet you know exactly what is meant when we say it
You deal different damage depending on hero, items, and headshot/bodyshot.
a lot of early game stuff has flat bonus damage on them, like headshot booster
rush headshot booster
oof, what an embarrassing concession.
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Been there, brother.
It's a 50/50 hell. It's a guarantee that one team will have a couple retards that will do nothing, or luckily 0/8 before dcing.
>you conceded something
>i can't say what though because... I JUST CANT OKAY?!
Ironically, this is you conceding that you just pulled something out of your ass in a panic, because you know i'm right. Most media is now woke.

yeah but if they see you going for the charge melee they can uncube and parry
>responding to an actual schizophrenic third worlder with a shitposting schedule
verrry compelling.
If you can't even elaborate on what a not woke medium looks like, "woke" is objectively a meaningless term.
>party with friend
>90% win rate in 15 games
>go solo
>40% winrate
How do people just go on lane and die? It's like they are just creeps.
dude youre making deadlock players look retarded...
There's actual Riot chinkshills in the threads now. It's really weird. You'd think they'd love the game seeing how in love they are with Dota. Suppose the tencent cash is too good.
we win lane
piece of shit healing creep died before I could get some HP
it's me
i'm the one intentionally tanking vidicta's win rate
I think vindicta players can manage that without you
No, that doesn't make sense. If every single piece of media in the world became woke, they wouldn't then suddenly stop being woke because there were no more non-woke pieces of media left. So again, most media is woke. Feel free to refute that if you can, instead of making retarded demands as a way to waste time.
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to whom, exactly?
the eight or nine no-life niggers browsing this thread at 11:31 AM PST?
>chased through the fire path
skill issue
Shan't read.
I enjoy giving people fire AIDS
DA:O is a good example of a "diverse" game that's not woke.
>possibly female ruler
>darks skinned people
>different cultures
>church bad
And there is a bunch of other shit too. But you can also sell a kids soul to have sex with a demon or literally cuck an elf to death. It has everything that would make a game woke, but because it doesn't only have that it's not woke.
You are being carried by your friend
i play shiv, it's my moral, ethical, and legal responsibility to chase, dive, and commit at every opportunity
DA:O is a good example of a woke game that is "not woke" because it's less woke than the modern standard for wokeness because it's fifteen fucking years old
it was woke then and you have no principles like any good chud
>can't refute it
>pretends there was a typo (there wasn't) as if that's an excuse
So i'm right, then. Took you long enough to admit it lmao.
Game's fun, I play it.
Game's not fun, I don't play it.
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This game needs controller support with 60% aim assist tbqh.
How is it woke?
Extremely woke game, gtfo RINO tranny faggot nigger
controller player needs a bullet to the head tbqh

bait used to be believable
I'm not your boogeyman anon, I just wanted to inform you I shan't be reading any of your ESL babble.
there's an unlimited supply of fish
you only need one bite
played into some nigger called GRISHKAPOWER and he was the most obvious toggler.
controllers are for racing games and prostate stimulation, gtfo
how do i get an invite?
>i'm not that anon, but i feel compelled to respond to you and make the same copes over and over
You lost the argument. Most media is now woke.
post feet pics
be a cool kid with cool friends
Wait that's seven's lore? Mf was in solid ice while the other was eating electricity from a metal fork

how do they "know" each other??
nigga just like press F lmao
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>she needs a wall run.
My man! I was thinking it'd be cool to be able to use the grappling hook on the environment but that sounds good too.
infernus was a tar baby
We don't know what their connection is yet as we only have a but if vague dialogue to go off of
what does f even do?
kelvin keeps making the same "why is six afraid of seven joke" whenever seven is around, and seven has had enough
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I love watching MOBA players in a movement shooter, it's so cute
I'm happy for you anon.

remember this feeling when you're dealing with 5 people who can't stop fucking dying in their lanes
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welcome, nigga
please give me a code brother
steam friend code

Kelvin went to Antarctica with a whole bunch of other scientists to study an occult breach

Everyone who went disappeared/died/never seen again but Kelvin was found years later, ice cold no heartbeat but alive once unfrozen and the stone totem on his back was frozen next to him. He carries it around hoping to find out wtf happened

The thinking is that Seven was a scientist on the trip and DIDNT die when they messed with the breach but got fucked up somehow, getting turned into an insane electrical conduit with murderous tendencies

So he hates Kelvin since Kelvin basically sent him to die

Kelvin has amnesia so doesn't remember any of this
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I just had a game as seven where the enemy bebop would hook me into their team on purpose when I was ulting just so mcnig could hit me with that bullshit wall. I'm mad as hell.
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Fuck you gunji

we already have granpa hanzo in this game
anyone have the models from the game for use in blender? i want to look at them for reference material.
fucks (parry)
this is my headcanon now, it's seems very in character for him.
Man I hope not. Because it somehow bottlenecks into shitty collaborations that don’t match the tone of the game.
Holy FUCK why is Yamato so fucking bad
I have to try 3 times harder to make the same job I easily do as any gun character
Holy shit
didn't valve cut that shit out in both tf2 and dota
Oh yeah
build her like you'd build abrams
I'm laggy and I don't know why. My ping is fine though
You try to play her as a gun character instead of an assassin caster. You only build some gun item very very late game, but even then, it's not your main game plan
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Fucking finally
Spirit Yamato is pretty good
Shiv is the Deadlock equivalent of Teemo.
The whole playstyle is just to play safe and whittle down the enemy with your daggers, then commit once you are sure the fight is won.
Just like his character background says.
I love playing him.
can you be banned from the game for being "toxic" in chat?
if you get reported enough times
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I see south america still hasn't figured out how to play
Shiv doesnt have the gorilla warfare feel that teemo has tho
I told someone to "stop feeding nigger" and have faced 0 repercussions

goo'd to meet you
probably yes if the word is bad enough and someone reports you
i dont think they give a fuck about voice chat though
if you want to play it safe, just draw "nigger" on the map and ping someone
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works on my machine
Yamato should be a JK in a sailor suit
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SA is full of retarded brazilians who refuse to learn how to play and treat it as they were playing ow or tf2.
Having a BR on your team is pretty much a death sentence.
t. SAfag

peruvians were a problem for a long time in DOTA, but nothing compares to the BRs who constantly just fuck up the game and then tilt into orbit
What's wrong with peruANOs
there's not a single country in SA servers that's not full of retards.
brazilians behave like fucking monkeys
they can get really good at one thing (eg: Koko the gorilla) but even then they're still fucking animals, or they can simple just chimp out like the fucking monkeys they are
Argentinians are fine but they're mostly white
God, I love flexible slots.
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Brazilians reach a new level though.
If you're a MMORPG fan hate for BRs becomes almost genetic.
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oh, you.
PeruANOs are retarded, but at least they speak spanish and broken english.
BRs just refuse to communicate in anything that isn't portuguese, it's pretty much impossible to have good teamplay with them.
For real how will they tackle the main problem of MOBAs which is having to allocate 50 minutes for one game?
I didn't know you guys hated us so much. But i'm aware that 95% of brs behave like monkeys.
I just didn't expect to see the hate so blatantly after mentioning BRs one or two times.
But now i have to choose some group to hate, so the cycle goes on.
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lol retard
More like 30 minutes, and region lock (god please) will make that half hour painless.
>25k soul difference not even 10 minutes in
How these games even happen? This was fucking awful. MMR my ass
But what is the bell curve
NTA, but if it's something like 10% of games going over 50 I'd say that's bad
Turbo mode
29 minute average doesn't mean shit when most matches are 15 minutes stomps. That means a lot of matches are dragging out to at least 40 min, and you have a lot of the dumbass moba community wanting to buff Guardians and Walkers to force the games to be that long
I am so fucking sick of playing with braindead russians they have no macro I am literally having to tell these retards to shove lanes every minute and if I stop telling them we just instantly start losing every walker. And this is assuming they even listen. Most don't.
The point is games can easily go 50 minutes, you don't allocate time based on the average length
Well sorry guys I expected this game to be 29 minutes so now I have to abandon
Torment + escalating + spirit leech
Fun duels

this only happens in rare instances where either
A. team(s) have no idea how to close out
B. game is actually close and good
have a mode where it counts down from 30 or 25 minutes and the team with the most points win
>Yamato is 5k souls ahead of everyone
>has zero impact on the game
Sorry that's probably me, I had one match where I may as well been AFK, never got killed, only killed a few enemies and those were just last hits, and never even got to hit an objective, had like 30 obj damage and had the most souls at the end of the game.
I did deny a lot of souls at least.
New lock
i swear you fucks aren't playing the same game i am
how is deadlock woke?
"Wow, thanks y'all"
>bottomscoring Haze when we lose
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Invest, because some cosmetics are bound be on the market for like 2k, especially if something wierd like Alpine Stalker happens.
>Unusual effects on guns?
Swimming in currency
>Exclusive tournament/battlepass cosmetics

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