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Previous: >>493046152 (Cross-thread)

I'm the op edishan

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
https://pastebin.com/8xZvBfnZ (embed)
Racebait spam filters
https://pastebin.com/dZiAjiEN (embed)
I carry all my games yet I can’t climb out of bronze, I was silver a few years ago but yeah, game got harder
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Should I unlock Kennen or Ornn?
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Our drawbros are so good
I didnt even know we had so many
>clean it up sera
umm two horned goat
tfw no friends
damn, 24 people got REDACTEDrolled.
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zoe sex sex zoe zoe sex sex sex zoe sex
cute star guardians
REDACTED isn't level 609 retard
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>queue for a supp game
>adc spams jinx laugh emote every time I right click in a way that isnt perfect
anyone on NA for some morning norms?
b3llamy does that sometimes. hes just autistic, he doesn't mean anything by it.
not possible
You aren't trans Linus fuck off
report xim for harassment
Its always possible!
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She said stay positive you little shit.
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dont shoot lugs...
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>Trying my absolute hardest to snowball my team to victory
>We lose because Urgot kept going in, dying, and trying to FF
>Warwick was never with us in fights
>Briar and Nasus are a pain to fight
>Find out I'm the bow that kept the team together as TF because Nasus, Fizz, Briar, etc IMMEDIATELY went for me in team fights
Where's my free win Riot? We were making a comeback until Urgot ran in again and died.
because kennen is kringe
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No I'm buffing her and showing her my gun used to enforce toxic positivity around here.
>get counterpicked
>botlane is also getting eternally fucked
>tp botlane
>unfuck botlane and get a couple killerinos myself
>no longer counterpicked
wow this game is easy when I use my brain
>>no longer counterpicked
you weren't counterpicked in the first place then
unless you lose a 1v1 where you played better than your opponent and had a 2 level + full item lead you aren't counterpicked
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>tfw too much anxiety to play league because i dont have a job so ive gone over a day without sleep and slowly going insane because all i think about is having no future
neet gang
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>having anxiety over a tencent propaganda online videogame
>has no job but worries about playing league
>not sleeping and worrying about the future instead of getting skilled and finding a job
>le joker
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>herm sherrm your win doesn't count because umm I said so
lolgcucks stay malding
what was the matchup then
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Red pill me on K'sante. I never played agaisnt a K'sante player before or seen one. Is he really that OP? Looks kinda fun....
darius vs garen
he's extremely sticky and tanky while being pretty mobile and can potentially kidnap you from halfway across the river to underneath his turret range

also converts his tanky to bruiser when he press R

>your win doesn't count
nobody said that, you just don't know what counterpick means
a counterpick would be darius into renekton, where renekton has to start E and pray for each cs instead of being the lane bully that he is usually
i just want a job to feel normal but nowhere is accepting and thats stopping me from enjoying my time
that's not a counterpick that's a slighty darius favored matchup
you wouldn't have been able to be "no longer counterpicked" if you played malphite into sylas or mundo into gwen
and you're doing absolutely nothing in the meantime
>feed lane
>go troll jungle and other lanes
>flame the everliving fuck out of everyone in the game
>adds me after game
If you do this you are MENTALLY ILL and this game makes your condition worse.
Please seek help. And quit league, obviously. Think of the money you spend buying a new account every month
im currently applying for job as we speak. just let me vent bro.
applying for jobs takes 5 minutes and you can do it while taking a shit
learn and practice something during the day
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>Adchud doesn't ward ONCE until 25 minutes into the game
>Cries "supp diff" when dying to jungler ganks
>Pings my wards though

These apes man
>fuck up adchad's wave every 10 seconds so he doesn't have a timer to ward
>don't ward as supptard either
>adc runs it down
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Wrong. Playing for Vision and KDA is the most fun thing to do in this awful game.
All adchuds are apes.
Skarner rework is good actually
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How the hell do I try to be a team player in Bronze? No matter what I do, they keep being retards. I can't snowball as TF in laning phase by getting my team kills from roaming, I can't be a team player as tank Sion, etc.
Been a neet since 2015, wanna get a job but can't because of how shit the economy is. Should have looked for one in 2018/2019.
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I lied btw it was actually malphite into sylas but the other way around
has to be bait
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This is why Support is so strong. You just follow the team around and mitigate their mistakes while punishing the enemy's. Eventually one side or the other is going to get impatient and do something impulsive and retarded, so just run a Support appropriate to the draft and the kind of mistakes you can best punish or mitigate and capitalize .
I had multiple jobs this year and it's actually a dogshit experience going to work

work itself is fun but there is always unending drama between some retards (working literal blue collar bare manual labor btw) and people are constantly trying to get each other fired

also had to deal with retarded shit like
>ummm anon its 104 degrees and we're literally doing manual labor work but you have to wear a shirt and not a tank top because ummm don't show off ur muscles ummm the women that work in the kitchen (across the fucking workplace) might feel uncomfortable
>ummmm anon no piercings allowed at the workplace umm you might get magnetized by literally nothing and die, it's for your safety mkay?
etc, etc
what do you mean wrong and why are you blogposting after that assertion
>one side or the other is going to get impatient and do something impulsive and retarded
this is me when our midlaner is an assassin and our toplaner is an assassin and our jungler is an assassin and I as a not-engage support squishy motherfucker have to frontline into teamfights so I can eat up all the important abilites from the enemy team with my 1933 health pool (puddle more like L O L amirite fellers)
if you got a job in 2018 or 2019, you might still have one now, or you might not have one now. it might have made a big difference in your life, or it might not have made much difference
>stop playing
>looloo buffs
oh ok I see how it is
rate my new anti trundle top build:
>w max into frozen heart first item into navori quickblade into iceborn gauntlet
i call it "hardstuck caveman"
>anti trundle top build
just don't give him lead so he can't statcheck
If a team mate mutes all, do I just completely ignore helping them?
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Is it that hard to just ignore it and play like normal
No, he usually just wants to win and dont listen to crying emerald players all day so he can focuse
i'll admit it
if i get autofilled
i soft int to end faster
i do not want to play
top lane
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is this you
who gets autofilled top? i usually have to go midlane second to ensure top because theres so much toplaners
i soft int if people vote no to an ff vote

you dont deserve to win this game if youre going to hostage and i WILL make sure you lose
basically yeah haha
I usually just open the riot homepage and open a webticket to ensure the ff spammers get 100% punished and it doesnt rely on some shitty botsystem
i'm leveling a new account, maybe norms players are different than ranked
ah yes in norms and blindpick nobody wants to play top, thats pure masochism
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How do you deal with inting chudmates when you're the inting chudmate?
You don’t deserve to queue
sometimes all you can do is sit under turret and wait to get dove
it's a nightmare
Can I play darius mid?
>recalling in enemy vision
why are bronze players like this
it's bad, lane too small
you can play anything in any lane
>b-b-but muh meta
darius works mid into some champs and extremely badly into others. as long as you aren't first picking him and instead picking him into a matchup you know you win then you will be fine.

Biggest cope ever
does anyone wanna play norms or soemthing..
anyone else noticed the similarity between these two. Poppy and panzy from new dragon ball show
you can
make sure you the enemy picks yasuor talon before you do it.
i can also recomend you renekton, ap nasus, garen and full armor malphite
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Does anyone else have guilt playing if they have their own jobs? I mean video edit weddings and film sometimes in the weekend (on average one wedding every other week)

I mean I average about 1200 a month (sometimes more some less) and I’m 32 with only 50k in the bank, I don’t have support from my parents although I live with them but the times I’m trying to climb I feel like I waste time. I work 3 to 4 hours per day average from home. Thoughts?
just stop wasting time and ff retard, go next
>botlane actually looked top for ult opportunities
>no locked camera autopilot moving back to botlane
dont think that is bronze anon
Neet since 2009 here, i dont want to get a job,
I think that work sucks, i rather play games and watch anime or go the local beach and drink
>said the forbidden word
man dragon ball designs really have nosedived over the years
Not happening
i guess no 1 wants to play league...,
busy working
then i will keep soft inting and turn it into a guaranteed loss
The last 5 times i played with someone from here all he did was insulting his teammates 24/7 so i need a break from angsty teenagers.

I think the only 2 people i've interacted so far that seemed like adult people were firesorm and another guy who doesnt play anymore
i dont really insult people since im bronze.. im just happy to play
Only a retard would queue up to guarantee themself a loss
Okay I applied for like 6 jobs and feel a little better. Hope I get one of them.
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>flirt with enemy toplaner
>flirts back
>NoOOoooOoo SYlAS wHy ArE yOu So ToXiCC
>ZoMgg REPORT SYLAS 9x toxic as FUCK
I think if you're 32 playing online games you better be playing tft with your wife or some casual flexq/aram with your IRL buddies
>I'm trying to climb
>feel like I waste time
no fucking shit Sherlock
How much do rank boosts cost roughly? I am in bronze but I know I don't belong here and deserve at least high plat or emerald.
add one of the lolgs of ur region and trade nudes for one of their 20 alts
I can give unverified emerald accs for 30 euros
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like fucking cockwork
Emerald isn't even fun. Play in Bronze, it's way better.
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Garen is top btw
League isn't even fun. Play Dan Ball Powder Game 2, its way better
how long have you been playing?
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I can't tell you guys just how happy and borderline giddy I get when I see this. I get it almost every time I log in. I love seeing people get chat bans because they dared to be toxic or annoying to me. It's my guilty pleasure.
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thank fuck they remade
2 years, maybe less
Riot says playing champions in different roles is allowed
riot august says yuumi top is viable and not trolling
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riot also says "just counterpick bro"
ok that's not too bad but if you really think you deserve a higher division you should be able to get at least gold on your own
I can't really comment without seeing your gameplay but I can almost certainly say that there's a lot of minor things you could improve on which when compounded would make your climb a lot easier
#1 advice is just to be a resource hogging piece of shit whatever role you play
mundo vs kled then :)
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But im currently busy with super kirby clash, rise of the ronin and harvest moon friends of mineral town.
This is my wife ran
resource hog like I just keep my gold don't buy item? they got interest rates in leaggue?
*fucks your wife*
what now, chud?
of course she ran, you're at least 30 and she's at most 9
*demands a nintendo switch
no just take every wave/plate/jungle camp available to you, farming well goes a long way
You'll have to keep buying that boost because you'll drop back down to bronze if you keep playing ranked.
You can’t take jungle camps as adc, and even if you do fucking jg players will spam ping you
Swain tits
musky tryhards
I don't mean sabotaging your jungler by taking their krugs early or something
let's say you're ahead, got your first item and some components and your jungle is doing something topside like herald
that's a perfect time to take their krugs/gromp if you have nothing else to do
and if they have a problem with that then they also have a mental problem because you're doing them a favor by killing and reseting a camp since it will spawn higher level next time
but then again, you shouldn't care what some random low who does nothing thinks about your gameplay
What makes someone play 20 games in one day...
tp is pretty good mid-late
If u don't quit lust You will lost The power of jack off
> The only bad thing about it is that I'm not learning anything while playing this game in terms of marketable skills for more money which I'll have to look into seriously eventually.

This is exactly what I wanted to say when I wrote that post. It’s like an opportunity cost where you could be doing other stuff, like making a YouTube Chanel for example? Also I worked my ass off aswell in the summer but I always beat myself up so I can’t enjoy anything besides lifting, even league, I’m taking it to the extremes by playing a lot if I play at all. For example I have been averaging 6 games a day in the past 2 weeks but before than I haven’t played since April (I played some Elden ring between that time tho but not much)
You want to try that sentence again?
Worth desu, he gained a lot of LP from that and he can now log off for a few days, also he might have had an off day from work or something
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>Entire enemy team is dead
>There's a drake right in front of us
>Warwick ignores it and says only Elder matters
>Enemy takes soul
>Somehow win
Should I just ignore drakes as a Jungler as well as Void Spawn and Herald?
If u Don't feel shame You will never understand "saint mode"
They're playing again right N O W. They have 1,100 games just this season...
I hope they're okay...
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Meri... come back home...
>What makes someone play 20 games in one day...
losers queue
>Evelynn KDA All Out is dead
>Look underneath her skirt
>There's actual panties
Holy fucking shit, they actually modeled panties and not spats underneath that skin. When was this skin made? Was this before or after LoL was getting pozzed?
what are you playing? something carry oriented that wants to fight or dog junglers like maokai amumu?
really depends on your game state, if/which one of your lanes are ahead, but in general you want to take grubs if your team has champs that can siege well and you want to take drakes if your bot lane/mid are ahead
the only thing you shouldn't do is either of those without any lane prio
>YouTube Chanel
you're painfully delusional
you can't be saved, stick to league
When I was looking for jobs I spent the day grinding and then played league during late afternoon to night. Though I don't think you should beat yourself over the current state as it is beyond your control and that should not stop you from enjoying your free time. I don't think the current state of living is natural or worth yearning slaving over. You lose regardless if you do have a job or you don't, but at least one allows for free will and control over the other. That's the game.
>um why aren't you buying this
>uh go here
>do this do that
>question mark ping spam
yeah I'm gonna /deafen and soft int nty
>Tobias Fate thinks Twisted Fate and Graves shouldn't be romantically involved
Why did they do this in the first place?
yeah whatever i'll worship your saintly self anyway
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Did you know that Morgana's panties/lingerie change style and color based on chroma?
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>but in general you want to take grubs if your team has champs that can siege well
We took 1 Void Grub I think and we had a Yorick.
>and you want to take drakes if your bot lane/mid are ahead
I couldn't really focus well as Kassadin because I took an allergy pill and my whole body and brain are mush and our ADC was nonexistent so Swain had to become both the support and carry. I couldn't do much as Kassadin because I was getting massively CC'd down by TF, Nautilus, Evelynn, and Thresh.
Because the one who wrote that part of the narrative was a horny gay dude, pretty sure he got laid off though
What skin is this?
shipfags are just mentally ill it be like that.
btw my crackship is Akali x that Noxian shota
y gay romance between champ "written by horny gay dude" but normal romance epic based normal cool?

homophobo mucho?
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Coven Morgana (model viewer is a bit scuffed here)
straight romance stories in league are about love, romance and often tragedy
gay romance stories in league are about sex
your arcane?
Stop it anon
no gay romance. yet.
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Ashe also has panties but I suppose this counts as bikini more than anything so it's cheating a little
You're worrying do much. Do what makes you happy. If you enjoy playing league, play league. You die at the end anyway.
everyone is rambling about nigro actress but the rest of the trailer looks like ass too
>There's people who think games aren't a coin flip when this LP monster exists
Funny people
okay i'll stop when you stop being sweaty from tryharding in league
Whats with the garen spam recently
see him almost every other game
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your arcane leaks? they kissed
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hasn't happened yet so we don't know how its executed
my sister kinda looks like this (not including the maid outfit)
entire episodes got leaked, saars...
Why aren't you having sex with your sister right now?
Why is it the same champs getting buffed and nerfed every patch? Who runs this shit?
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hi lolig can i play kassadin top?? it looks fun and he has a teleport!
because im not into incest. i have seen her pussy a lot though.
>i have seen her pussy a lot though.
Shaved, trimmed, or a jungle?
yeah and only desperate faggots watch shitty quality leaks early.
she used to have it like a jungle but she started waxing iirc, been a couple months since i last saw it
can you at least make up a funny LARP? like tell everyone you're homeless and living in a giant inflatable lugia?
im not even larping tho, we've always just changed in the same room our whole lives and we have the same friend group so we hang out a lot. i already said i dont want to fuck her, relax.
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Attention, everyone.
I wish to have sexual intercourse with Rek'sai.
That is all.
both of those words describe me perfectly.
and i'm a real dragon by the way.
please respond anons!!
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Why is this the go to tryhard skin of Graves players?
yeah its a weird feeling because your brain recognizes that it should be hot but theres a block in your brain where it just isnt. wish there was a study done on it. why does the human brain not find family attractive? its weird.
meta isn't a thing until you reach masters, also post more zoe
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its an evolutionary trait so you dont make babies with family so you're less likely to have retard babies
league of legends nerf mundo
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okaaaayyyy ill just play more yone top..
imagine being her post workout whiteboi relief toy...
Kali so cool!
goes like this
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i love league of legends not sure if that matters
i hate that i have this bookmarked already
riven pov
why do guys like this
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because it actually looks cool while everything else is flashy anime-y or has a gun that might as well shoot bubbles
its transgirl coded
Are you guys posting from work or something? How are people posting rule34 and porn stuffs at 10:40 in the morning...
wtf are timezones how do they work
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Why is this the go to tryhard skin of Ezreal players?
I recommended YouTube because I have 5k subs myself and got the in a few months and I also have all the equipment so I might be biased.

> You lose regardless if you do have a job or you don't, but at least one allows for free will and control over the other. That's the game.
True, I read the Bible then hop on solo q for the night
popularized by
is masterwork chest better to open than mastery ones?
His other skins suck ass.
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lil cafe cutie gwen
>le peaky blinders is better than riot police skin
is garen free elo rn
>play against tryndamere
>have to hug turret for 35 minutes being 80 cs down while praying to god my team manages to win the game for me
wow this was super fun me thinks tryndamere mains should kill themselves
Riot Graves is also decent but you can't buy it from the store anymore
>Buy Praetorian Graves because robot
>Fire his gun
>Bit crush sound effect
Completely fucking ruined the whole skin.
Yes that's literally part of the game, team composition as strategy. This is why one-tricking is bad and you should have a small pool of conditional picks.
>zoomers haven't been exposed to the concept of the mafia aside from the faggotblinders
cringe kys
When is the next Emporium so I can buy new chromas? Whole chroma set I own is Surprise Party Fiddlesticks. Still can't believe though I had to pay a couple dollars just to get the ruby chroma.
riot API statistics says that 50% of all toplaners don't get to counterpick during champion selection
calm down bro, you do look like peaky blinders guy, no need to be angry
ok how about I peaky blind u with fork in eye yes?
you're delusional and retarded
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1.Lower Elos can't finish games.
2.They have terrible macro. They make wrong decision constantly.
3.They chase people to Nirvana and ignore other resources and objectives.
4.They don't know how to handle splitpushing.
5.They also can't lane or teamfight.
6. Your teammates are NPCs designed to die for you
7.Only play with people that have shown "skill" or decent decision making (other wise go for farm and objectives). Don't get baited to chase or OOOGA BOOGA FIGHTS.

My tip for anyone who is in low Elo. Pick a late game champion for example (Kassadin,Kayle,Veigar,Asol, Vladimir) , or pick a champion that can splitpush and destroy the map (Yorick, Jax, Tryndamere, Trundle, Sion, Nasus).

Your job:
1.Learn how to handle waves and set up freezes.
2.Learn when to push
3.Priotize plates/voidgrubs/dragons/towers instead of chasing for a kill like a monkey
4. A kill is literally just 2 waves. Farm is insanely important, just don't chase like a monkey.
5. If you split push always look at the map and think "Are they coming for me ? Can I 1v1 or 1vs2 ?" , if not you back off and simply waste their time (bait them and act liek you commit only to go away.)

You can legit perma splitpush your way up to at least diamond.Also look at challenger players and see how they play against champion X. You will learn a lot about the matchups and the limits of the champions. For example if you play the first 2 levels perfect on Jax (against Darius/Urgot), you can actually statcheck Darius and fuck him up.
Many matchups seem bad because you don't know your limit, or the mechanics of both champions.
I really like this skin in concept but ingame his animations dont fit well and the colouring makes him look like a toy
>control wards purchased
btw this post was brought to you by a delusional d2 player who admitted to boosting 13 accounts up until season 14 while also claiming that smurfing is not a real issue
Period stain?
liderally whom
0/29 players on their way to blame the loss on their midlaner's vision score be like
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>Where's my free win Riot?
you can get back in line for free wins when you stop posting that disgusting retard and I say this as
>.Learn when to push
how do i learn to do this? i always perma push unless i know there is a drake up and people might be bot site
Then have a good blind pick available against common picks
please take a look at the most commonly picked 20 toplaners and come up with one single champion that's a "good blind pick against common picks"

I swear to fuck you guys are so retarded sometimes
Control wards are meme. Buying a control ward before your first item as a support is trolling yourself. As soon as you place it down you've already given your enemy 25g, because it's getting cleared. Adchuds won't fight over vision, nor will many of your other chudmates, so why buy it ?
Control wards are only for objectives, but even then, sweepers work good enough.
Words from Lathyrus.
kill yourself
interesting take, what supp do you play? also should i aim for boots first item?
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gais I'm le hecking epic based money hoarding rich guy who has a 3 figure bank account (the 3 figures being $3.68)

gorsh, I'm such a hecking suave based entreporner, I make le epic youtube dchanel to post my yone 1v1 "outplay" clips so I can earn 2 extra pennies for playing this game. aren't I warren buffett?

fuck off back to /biz/ and yap about shitcoins or something you dense dog
kys faggot

>, I'm such a hecking suave based entreporner, I make le epic youtube dchanel to post my yone 1v1 "outplay" clips so I can earn 2 extra pennies for playing this game.
Who said about vidya channel faggot? I don't even care about money, the original question was about time management and being productive, who cares if you make more money or not. I should stop engaging with virgin incels holy fuck
Why don't they just make both toplaners pick at the same time
Hello yes this is chairman of sucking off tencent and top cunt at Riot games.
>namcobandai here you get sued now
N-no wait it was a joke
>we lose too much money with hypetrain game. we overdo it this time so we sue you for violation of IP
We deny any and all allegations of-
>female swain is a 1:1 Ivy Valentine
I just got a text from Xi Ping and we can offer a 750mil settlement
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Briar won
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you're a dense delusional faggot who's (hopefully) not older than the age of 19 years old. if you're so le hecking obsessed with being productive stop posting here and stop posting on youtube and stop playing video games

cringe ass retarded nigger thinking he's le hecking bloomer from the wojack meme but instead of being a normal human being who doesn't overdramatize their daily routine just comes up with all this fucking 20 page essay on how he's """"staying productive"""" because he made a fucking youtube channel

go read a book a day go gym go lift 23 hours a day nonstop do cardio all day while using duolingo on your phone so you can learn firstgrader levels of spanish bro

FUCK out of MY thread NOW back to fit back to biz back to your retarded self improvement trannycord server
It depends on what champion you play. You should definitely get basic boots + Refillable asap - it's only 90g.
Janna, Senna, and probably most engage supports want their T2 boots asap. Enchanters can wait until their first item is completed unless they're roaming. Mages ???
I buy a control ward maybe once every ~20 games.
>time management
you're so productive having a YouTube channel bro you're like Mr Beast™ basically
if you want to stop engaging with virgin incels you should stop behaving like one, low iq autistic nigger
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good eye. bitch must have billions of eggs still
Problem solved.
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Are you retarded ?
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im winnin in toplane!
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Good news. I have the hard counter for her. You are welcome.
I'd legit rather stop playing toplane entirely, get on hrt, starve myself, start wearing skirts and makeup and become a support main instead of playing gragas
My dumb threadwife
zoe toplane?
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no i played yasuo zoe is way too scary to play toplane..
im smart not dumb..
Are you a bottom?
I buy control wards regularly and religiously because of retards like you that can't into vision score
My dumb smartwife. Better?
any lolg that's NOT a bottom??
You called me delusional over 3 times and you still haven't explained why, go on then so i can fix it. My original question was if you feel guilt playing 6 games of solo q every single day, nothing else nothing more, why is this delusional?

I lift, i do cardio and i work but i also enjoy league so thats why im in these threads idiot. Also i don't know why are you seething over the youtube channel. I made it in 2021 when it was lockdown and haven't uploaded since 2022 because i don't feel like being a clown in front of a camera any more.

you have a point
this gif is literally me in the mid lane
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>you still haven't explained why, go on then so i can fix it
for time truly is not of essence young grasshopper
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>Support player
Ya no.
>Playing for Vision and KDA is the most fun thing to do in this awful game.
Umm ??? I normally have the highest vision in all my games, unless my enemy support is also playing the vision game with me, then I lose because they obviously buy pinks. Unless it's Pyke. There's no winning against Pyke.
Pink wards are trolling yourself, but keep doing it ! Remember, buying a ward not only puts you 75g behind, but it also gives enemy team 30 gold, resulting 105 gold lead to enemy team every time you buy a ward.
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what did he mean by this
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one more thing
>pink ward
HOLY boomer shouldn't you be in a retirement home?
what makes you think I'm not in a retirement home playing with a laptop
Tank zoe
>it also gives enemy team 30 gold, resulting 105 gold lead to enemy team every time you buy a ward
That's assuming someone else is automatically blowing up every last placed control ward before being removed and replaced by the player... which doesn't happen. It's a stupid hyperbolic argument that pretends all conditions are equal and static. I understand that this is the bread and butter for any NPC viewpoint, but it's my duty to try and see if there is some sapience present.
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nunu sex
milio sex
smolder sex
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As I said, you do you. It's dumb that supports are expected to buy pinks, probably while gaining the most value from their items, while also working with the least income in the game.
There's 4 other people on the team who can ward, and buy pinks themselves.
actually fucking mindbroken

gonna start playing the most braindead highest winrate press to win butotn champ
>another assassinchud rages me in bronze because he can't kill Anivias egg and my jungler finishes him off
God I wish the R stayed on after I get killed it would be kino
Just stop anon. It will never work.

Just play like me. Pick a gooning champ like Briar, Lillia etc and play with one hand.
ur an idiot good luck making a pick as an assassin against competent players without first pink+sweeping an entire quadrant of jungle
calm down zaunites.
>There's 4 other people on the team who can ward, and buy pinks themselves
That is a part of what I am saying. If I could reasonably depend on this expectation, I wouldn't be such an autist about spamming control wards. Alas, it's commonplace in my games to see that nobody else thought to buy an oracle lens when the enemy has an invisibility abuser, for example. I won't sit here and fight you over who has the better vision score because I'll just give you the benefit of the doubt as a sign of respect.
how are people still surprised by egg form in 2024
why is janny thresh getting that much fanart

I'm fucking DONE having my lane frozen by 22 iq niggers with infinite sustain no mana low cooldown infinite self heal

I'm DONE. I'm joining them
1.5% pickrate anon, you see her every 70 games or so.
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see you soon~
Got queued as Morganna in an ARAM match, she was honestly pretty fun. Any tips for her in regular games?
>daruisfag struggling woth the same 20 pics of his husbando
>meanwhile threshfag eating good every day with a new pic
Why do morg jungles always mog my games?
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>Be support player
>good luck making a pick as an assassin
Either I've been up way too long that my reading comprehension is gone or one of us is retarded.
Why the heck would I be an assassin ?
Just don't fret about needing pinks, or your vision. Most supports don't play the vision game, until like diamond and masters.
People will either flame, or contribute to the vision on the map, you don't need to put that much pressure on yourself. It is what it is.
There's a high chance that you will win a lot more if you stop buying pinks overall, at least that's what I see from others.
save your Q for plays that your team can follow up on instead of connecting them at max range where nobody (including yourself) can hit them

Q+W right away if you are positive you are going to land the Q

E yourself or teammates just before being hit with a telegraphed CC, such as a hook. Do not spam E on cooldown. In fact, soapbox time

ENCHANTRESSES, my lovelies. Please stop spamming your shields on cooldown. It's pretty but that's all it is if I am not near any targets.

Zhonya's for pussies
are briarfags the best players in the game since they only play with one hand?
yuumi players can play with no hands
that wink gets me every time
posting zoe pedoshit while having your face in archives is something
yea sorry someone in the thread said that pinks were troll on roles other than supp thought it was you mb
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the wink kinda ruins it for me. It's cute but just kills the momentum. At least she has a cute smile afterward. Either way that woman is marriage material.
how about thresh?
Most of the builds for her are pretty damage focused. Anything beyond Liandries and Realmspike that are mandatory picks?
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shitty trash bugged game fuck urself riot
hope youre not talkin about me because my face does not exist on the entire internet
The cutest cutelow streamer I have personally ever seen once said in her stream as Morgana: "I have my playmaker item now". This item is Zhonya's Hourglass. This item let's you use your risky ult ( an aoe chain that will root those caught nearby after a short time ) with relative safety.
Yuumi is marriage material
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Any build shenanigans can be answered here - https://lolalytics.com/lol/thresh/build/
I'd say it depends more on if you roam or not as Thresh. He's good at it, but if you're just going to sit in lane, you can probably get away with getting your first item instead.
haha he does it for free
you have to go back
Thresh did nothing wrong
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and I'll watch him do it every day...
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I will now become a part of the operation get garen gutted GGG for short
My e-cig is broken.
Champ for this feel ?
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godfuckingspeed, bro
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>Want to learn to be a Soraka bully
>My champion pool is already decent
>Soraka seems fun early game though
Is Soraka worth or nah
Fun isn't exactly how I would describe Soraka gameplay but you do you anon.
She is pretty
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so this is something I didn't quite understand. They get her VA right for the most part. Some lines are jinx-tier cringe (bla bla body language and fresh out of blood), but the grunts and the shorter vocals make it worthwhile. They get her animations, kit, and overall feel right.

Then they add this hideous face that actually got me pretty good as a jumpscare when I first zoomed in and noticed it, but it just takes too much away from what is probably the most adorable monster girl in league. The fierceness and red eyes are great, but Riot, you didn't have to give her a monke face to go with them.

>HEY you want some fuk
that was you and that guy responded perfectly.
Damn that's pretty much spot-on.
Oh no the maneating blood golem has an ugly face when she is angry
Soraka seems fun early game because of her bullying potential. Legit had a Soraka 1v2 us all lane.
Mid-late game Soraka sucks butt. Played her enough in ARAM to figure that out.
she doesn't need to have that ugly face that is vastly different from her actual face. I see that they were going with something between a Hag and a Harpy, and I am saying that it was, artistically, the wrong design choice.
No it wasn’t
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I want to lick the sweat off him
I don’t know what I’m doing wrong but whenever I play Fiddle I feel like I’m slapping people with pool noodles and they’re killing me
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support is prio in my cutelo range?! no fuckin wa-

>''main'' acc banned 11 years ago
>playing with new acc on the same mail for the last 11 years
>honor 5 rewards ever since honor was reworked into level system
>sorry we cant revert your permd acc you called someone the faggot word 11 years ago
I love league of legends
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First Morg game went okay. Zeri corrected me a bit on not bothering to try and get an angle on MF and Nami unless shittons of damage was a sure thing because of Nami's heal.
>lactating sylas
lucky lux
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>I want to lick the sweat off him
this but REDACTED's sweat instead
Can't blame you
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top cs, splitted 6 turrets and 3 inhibs down, my mere presence protected the entirety of my team from potential teamfights, zero obj contest from enemy team when I'm around, cucked urgot out of the lane. total braincells used: 2 and a half

>why r u no dmg?
they were too scared to fight the big G
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musky sweaty...
imagine the sweat dripping from REDACTED's back after she spends the entire night playing 16 matches trying to get out of gold
u guys are so gay lol go back to posting cute girls instead
deadlock is better anyways
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Cute girls you say???
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Aren't Syndra and MF a bit too old to be Star Guardians?
you leave corki out of this you kuffar
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Teleport should be removed and it should just be an item…

I don’t get it DOTA solved this issue but riot still refuses to solve this shit.
need this
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Read the room
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what issue? there are no issues with tp
No. He has to pay the fact he ruined one of my amazon prime capsule.
What do you expect from the diversity hires and other spasts at riot games?
>Give a streamer thats ip banned with 40 banned accounts and intlist acc back
>Tell people that got banned 12 years ago that its impossible to do that, after all whatever they wrote while they were 18 is a warcrime
tp is fine though. it's the only thing immobile champs have to get around the map to match mobile champs
cait abs
>tranny art
would lick
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we're being picky today, huh?
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>end up with highest death count in team
>0 peeling
>i almost doubled the second highest damage in team
>still nobody has ever considered to peel for me with 3 frontliners including a fucking blitz
adc clown role :)))))
yes tristana, it is indeed a rocket in my pocket
*pulls out rpg-7 like a boss and blows her up*
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tons of early FFs today from my perspective. I spectated my friend and his team gave up when it was winnable. Even my last game where my team almost gave up our win when the babies died too hard. Not sayin every early FF is winnable, just sayin I've seen a lot today like it's trending.
Yeah, I dunno what was happening. I think Gwen just decided she was done and apparently there was some fighting with the Yi on the enemy team, very easily could have gone either way in the late game since we had a Singed jungle.
qiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqiqi doko?
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Aatrox pecs...
honk honk
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just what i want
>the degenerates are back

leave the bunny alone rito
That you AOE?
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yea idk we lost bbcspammer and got the gay furry erpers in his place doesnt look too good bros...
Does the cow like to be milked?
lolg always spammed lewd pics what's it matter if some are guys this time?
I should bomb /lolg/ headquarters
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Okay, I got to Silver from Bronze IV with the Support Arc in like 40~ games. I'm bored, might come back and do the Nilah thing if I still wanna play the game in a little bit. Probably not though since the next split will reset me all the way back down to Iron and I can't be assed to play that much for a make-believe rank.


(I'ma still hang out a bit and keep the Lulu space wholesome and wait for ESPORTS)
iirc cows can get stressed if their milk is neglected and built up. same for women too I think
hey that's not where phreak is anon
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Ill take morde
Silver soon <3
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Actual question
did they do a update to Karthus VO?
all game i was hearing him groan constantly and the guy i was playing with swore on his mother he wasn't spamming a emote.
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yup siilver s-soon babe
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why are there no loli toplaners.. why cant i just play a loli in toplane..
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you cutelows don't know how good you have it
I want to get dominated by these two babes so badly....
Looks more to me like urgot shat on you and diana carried your ass while the enemy jungler inted
do you know how much SEETHING toptrannies would have if their chud champs lost to a loli?
i just cant stand playing midlane mages.. especially when their auto attacks do 0 damage to minions.. plus like, i can only play midlane like once every few games, its such a dumb bloated stupid role
poppy isnt a loli and i just hate playing tanks so much
unironically better because at least they enjoy the shit they post and aren't doing it to intentionally annoy people
Play mid lane mages in support role
What counts as a cutelow
well looks are deceiving because I three zerod urgot in the lane and the three times I died were when I was chadding taking down turrets while enemy team was 4 man ganging on me like a fucking raid boss
it's on topic too
silver and below
gold~low diam you're just retarded </3
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toplaners will never allow a loli. remember how much seething there was over gwen even?
wtf cute
may skream some garen soon

soon afteer this match maybe who knows ! life is full or surprises after all teehee
You and me soon
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soon when I hit silver yeah right
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You dropped this
Top laners are the ones i see talking about killing or torturing smolder
I would be furious about dying to an annie, this wont ever happen though
I'd secretly get off to dying to annie but pretend I'm MAD
I didn't drop it. it was just stuck to the bottom of my shoe
Okay but do you have a cute garen skin on or no
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she dropped this

well shit bros, i guess he is rotting alive now
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reminder that Nami is warm
>Shoots renekton when he can just snort eurospeed or smoke some weed
natural selection
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jesus christ this is one of the worst champions I have ever played by far. no matter how fed you get you are hard shut down by a single mr item on any frontliner and then you can just never enter fights and are reduced to a shield/haste bot post 15 minutes. not to mention your champ is so ridiculously short ranged that in order to dps anything you are also getting dpsed in return and with ur pitiful mage support tier burst its like why even try. do NOT play this shit if you like having an impact
tbf theres no future for this guy, he either kills himself fast or dies to drugs slowly
I'll never get it. Theres so much harmless drugs, yet this mongs have to get fenta and some experimental budget heroin that causes necrosis.
As a streamer he could prolly just get some real H
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any rank below plat 2
plat 2 - diamond 2 are cringelow
diamond 2 - masters loops around to being cutelow
master 200 lp - Chall are highcringe
hope this helped!
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Yeah I ain't watching that
may I have a smooch queen?
>all game i was hearing him groan constantly
I realize this was annoying as hell to you but it's funny as shit to me. Sorry I dont know the answer to your question

Reminds me of the game I saw where Alistar would tinkle his cowbell just before plays with comically good timing.
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play Seraphine instead
slides my hands under your shirt
massaging your breasts
*peck on the neck*
this is dark open secret tech. on this note, I would like to thank the ngl anon that didnt get any You's whatsoever for the void-tier tech he shared. Shit's amazing, bro.
God, I can't imagine there's any high that's literally worth your arm rotting off.
Hi sunshine
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stream it, manlet. Please.
So sad when I go to twitch for the past month and nobody I really like streams anymore. Even the new bunny and popular swarm mode wasn't enough to bring them back to stream lots like they were just a few months ago :(
is cutehigh not a thing
unless you're boosted, then you're just cosplaying high elo
maybe ill start maining support.. i wanna get out of bronze one day though, i always suck as support..
Orianna can DPS quite fine, ball, w, e (ball movement also damages) that's 3 spell damage along with a few autos to rotate and kite.
But yes her range and ball movements are quite slow but to be honest I feel like if you're quite good at Ori you can absolutely bully and zone with the ball while staying safe especially when your pet ball is fully under your control rather than stuff like Heimer or Zyra, they also have no counter for the ball since they can't right click it, etc.
I quite enjoy playing her since she can provide a lot for her team which can also be applied to herself. I think some people just like her because you have to be more methodological playing her than other mages.

Stream soon else I'm gonna watch some other thing. I'll talk to you.
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yea that's healthy for botlane
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>1900 range on W and 4250 range on R
please enjoy
Have you actually used it you fucking tard
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Bleh, all things considered I think I did okay during the laning phase, minus Caitlyn getting mad at me for not eating hooks meant for her, but by late game I was just getting instantly blown up by Shaco before I or my team could ever really react which wasn't fun at all.
all the drugs in the world and you choose the only one that literally rots your tissue
ahh yes, because a skillshot that travels with 0.00001 miles per hour is so hard to dodge
>two games in a row where someone gave up 5 min in and soft inted till we lost
how do we fix defeatist culture?
Please share your op.gg
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initial speed of skillshot is 2000 then it slows down to 400 past that line
in comparison to lux, her binding has 1.2k speed and E has 1.5k
morgana's binding is also on 1.2k speed

idk about you fampai but 2k initial speed for more than 2/3rd of the range is pretty good
the number is irrelevant is smolder w actually difficult to dodge though
Tilt these apes till they uninstall.
Whenever you see someone called "loserqueue" "x"diff", "1v9 talon l9 faggot" you stop play for the win, but for DOPAMIN STARVATION
Buy 0 dmg items and go fulltank, ignore them entire lane or camp them.
They will quit the game.
Do i HAVE to play malignance annie sup....
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>ally has been slayed
can we get some funny posts please? I'm begging yall
Sounds like a good idea if you want to lose games.
Its fun though, like malphite support
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Post your 1v9 theme
slain* fucking esl monkey
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im a vex lover
i play vex no matter where i go
I'll throw you in a chili bowl, you rude man/woman
Unless smolder is in melee range of you or you are standing in your minion wave (like any other skillshot) you will dodge it
3rd game in a row someone gave up 5 min in btw xd
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malg annie is good. weak lane but supreme playmaking/engage power. i prefer shurelyas especially if your team needs a harder engage but malignance is the same type of item. rylais second is mandatory
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Did you buy her skin?
What are you, poor?
bot lane is such a fucking dog shit meta
boring ass brian rot game
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My husband is getting buffed, so hopefully he also gets a BUFF skin soon.
Who is brian
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How do i play annie support good.. im trying to be an enchanter but its hard..
shame i don't play naafiri
You have a shield, yes, but you are still Annie. Your most important tool is your stun. Your ally is most protected if the enemy is dead.
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It's rare to meet a player like that, tops that go 0/6 that don't mental boom and play for team are the most common cutehigh players you'll meet
I boosted my elo to Masters with my big fucking brain
nice buns maam
1 quickplay and you're like this game is absolute fucking garbage
But i had a smolder he cant do any damage if i stun..
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i mean that's Briar for you
He can still get stacks. if he’s good, he will get in and get out before they can hit him back. Otherwise save the stun for peel
yah but we were vs a caitlyn so he just played under tower mostly and sometimes came out to hit the wave, even if i was to stun he couldnt get in range..
>"top gets mad at jg so they start telling the enemy where he is at all times" episode
Smolder should have banned caitlyn, it’s his fault
he just yelled at me a lot, i wasnt really sure what to do.. it feels like all my matchups are gonna go like this..

yea thats a terrible lane. next time you buy boots2 ASAP and make the most of roam timings cause ur gonna get fisted in lane 100% of the time. survive to 30 minutes 225 stacks and you're both infinitely more useful
Renekton w is so bugged it isn't funny
I cancel the autoattack by stunning him and it still stuns me even though my stun pushed him out of range
On an unrelated note Sion's Q instantly proccs on respawn for me when I click move which is really bad because it lasts 2 seconds and me issuing a move command somehow prevents me from letting go of the button/recasting it to stop it sooner
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Sona mains logging into to get victorious sona.
Doesn't matter how fed you are or how well you play shit like Sion vs Renekton or Gwen vs Tahm is just unplayable
why cant annie or zoe be easy as support.. i just wanna play annie as an enchanter with a cc button..
no one is stopping you from doing this is norms. just don't expect to win every game either
what are those fucking comments man
every time, I hope those are bots and not my coworkers or the server in my resturant
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Ok, so explain to me why Riot thinks it is okay to have ADC in every lane but support and mage is not okay to have in every lane because they are not are 'interactive'
Just mute all and have fun, annie support was popular a couple years ago
I wanna play it in ranked.. why cant enchanter annie be good.. its not fair..
Phreak was a failed adc main, turned sissy which is why he is paying it forward to botlane.
Buffs Quinn's base movespeed to 340
Buff her range to 550
Revert her base hp nerfs
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stfu maegoid scum
kill mages.
>he missed out on the annie sup meta
skill issue
>because they are not are interactive
you answered your own question
Why exactly would the rank 1 toplaner every patch need buffs?
>adcs every lane
just because a fucking nigger lucian mid ran it down with his 47% winrate champ in your game, it doesn't mean that adcs are viable
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People are unironically worse in bronze than iron. Niggers in bronze barely, barely get 100 CS at 20, in iron its 150
why am i so unlucky.. i just wanna play a loli and its impossible.. i guess ill just go to sleep or something
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>you can't pick a mage elsewhere because.....YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY?
>*locks in graves top at world's for 2 years in a row*
sorry, ill stop bothering you now..
sniffable champs?
Sonas underboobs
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An unemployed james gandolfini looking motherfucker wrote this garbage today instead of applying for a job
idk who that is but i dont look like him
someone's son made this tierlist
i feel sorry for his mother
Fuck you. But most inportantly FUCK MY TEAMMATES. Im sorry fellas i have to rant, maybe that also happened to you. So in a ranked game, my first with Voli after warming up in a normal was against a Viego AND A NUNU. They got Vision and knew where i started. Nunu always cleared my Red side and Viego was chilling and getting fed. Now what actually triggered me. I believe my score at the end was like 2/3/9 or like that. I also had more farm at the end because they stopped taking my camps at the midgame and i was finally able to catch up.

I was severeal levels behind and my ganks where unsuccesfull. My team roasted me, told me to go for objectives, if i dont gank( because i was farming) and i told them. Dude i have to catch up and i can NOT contest a dragon that was started from a Viego 3 levels ahead of me. I really gave it my all, catched up and was able to 1 v 1 both nunu and Viego at some point. I had ok stats and my team insited THAT I FUCKING TROLLED AND REPORTED ME?! Holy shit i was losing my mind. Never in my life have i seen people that are this incompetent when it comes to reading a situation. They didnt care and said jg diff.

I really had to rant. Please guys never ever do shit like that. It makes the game miserable. ( Bot side that 2v1 Twitch and lost lane and the Nasus mid where the ones roasting.) Its incredible how toxic some mfs are.
my son made that tierlist.
i'm so proud of him.
>your mothers son wasted his life typing this out on a 4chan video game general

Many people think your main is attractive so she is a used up whore
Very few people think about my main at all so she is a pure virgin
What is this shit, son? get back to work faggot.
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She will come to league soon
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Thanks mom.
vex met our yordle quota so we won't get another for the next 5 years
why do you hate quinn
I don't. She just gives me awekward virgin vibes.
Anon, it’s almost been 5 years.
why did you remove renata fro sure bend over. it suited her more
what about her heartseeker skin
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>5 years
Anon, it was 9 years before we got Vex after Lulu.
1 year for Trist to Poppy, 2 years from Poppy to Lulu, then 9 years from Lulu to Vex.

Admittedly Trist and Poppy got their visual updates during that time, but still, we were starved of fresh Yordle pussy for almost a decade.
I think Renata would just execute you if you asked her that but didn't want to make a new tier just for her.
stop sexually harassing low elo players please we are not just your fetish
2 more years to go
Godly matchmaker, 0 personal success.
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OK steelie
What was the last female skin to have panties or something like this?
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>my team drafts malzahar zac bot lane
thank u nonny
let them cook
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I will not tolerate rtards complaining about vgus for their fuck nugget champions
when Zilean exists and has less polygons then seraphine's feet
It was never consensual
zac sup is insanely good

malzahar is worthless tho
i hope everyone stops posting lolis, it makes me be agp and wanna play them but i cant because i dont like midlane
maybe if matchmaking was better I wouldnt get matched against you
my team drafted elise pantheon botlane with morgana jungle
we lost
who are you talking to faggot?
>Because the one who wrote that part of the narrative was a horny gay dude, pretty sure he got laid off though
So why they never retcon it? Hell, even Sentinel Graves never mentions LGBT shit.
If i was playing irelia and I was feeding and my laner gave me permission to farm safely id swoon
Norra is… not fresh.
just quit the fucking game already shit head
What the fuck
Mantheon would murder that guy
why is steel sissy posting right now? is he drunk
Being auto'd to death is very interactive.
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two pictures kissing yes
it's still up?
when was the last time we had a list
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all the loli posters..
Makes more sense that mages should be hard carries.
>have to aim abilities or do no dmg
>low defense
>no health sustain
>need to balance mana
meanwhile adc
>lowskill auto attack damage
>movement speed on every item
>lifesteal of every item
>dash and then a movement speed steroid
>comes with a gay sissy support
>free mana with 1 item
I like how some of the lolg's doodles interact with other's doodles. I'd like to try that next time !
>lifesteal of every item
name 1 (one) item that gives both crit and lifesteal
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smooch this fox
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>champs that need buffs
my champs
>champs that need nerfs
your champs
freak posting
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why you bullying me
so many champs are so fucking stupid
neeko is not stupid she's just naiive!
Name them
Yeah, it doesnt have a timelimit or anything
If you want to keep doodling feel free
samira katarina camille panth
i play 3/4 of these champs
wrong wrong wrong hypercancer
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Why was GP so popular at one point and why did he fall off? Qrd?
has the nasty combo of bad champ plus hard to play plus proplay jailed
Vex flopped so no more female yordles ever again.
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toplaners that take skill aren't allowed to be good unironically
now here's your nasus and garen slop that can be played by a 3rd grader
why do people bitch about katarina when she loses lane against just about every champ
Every champion that isn’t named kai’sa is a flop
gun fact every data point in the history of the game shows that adc is the most skilled expressive role by far
You mean ezreal
>get gud
>buy cosmic drive
>use your cc to peel for yourself
>pick Sylas/Vlad if you like lifesteal
>buy tear
there magebab you're ok now
it's jungle by far and i say this as someone who thinks junglers should be gassed
who are the cutest lolgs you want to date?
alternatively who are the manliest lolgs you have a crush on?
>another boneplating azir lane
>manliest lolgs
no such thing
that's just your (incorrect) opinion, it's objectively adc
depends on whether you're measuring mechanics or game knowledge
you can play adc as a total brainlet and hit master, no chance doing that as jungle
the rift is a literal garbage tier game mode
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
quickplay is the dog shit and dog piss game mode that we waited 14 years for
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I love Lissandra!
I'm sorry to break it to you but reynor hit master on jungle in a few months of playing league
he didn't know level up timers, what items or objectives did and he also has Italian iq
What are the odds TBSkyen and Nickyboi think Concord has good character designs?
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Briar won bigly
you're the most feminine lolg
How can anyone find this attractive, like the proportions are so ridiculous
ummmmmmmmmm I'm literally called MANtheon???
TB already made a video on Concord and he hated the designs.
cute! how many briarfags does lolg have? it feels like so many
why do women and gays always have to chime in with this take
I mean I like a thick bitch but not so big that she has literal watermelons on her chest
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Here's your challenger mid+jungle getting filtered in low diamond playing ADC. ADC filters every other role to the point where challengers regularly give up in diamond or masters 0 lp.
how fucking bad are you that the only time you can perform is with a nigger tier counterpick or literally boneplating long range mages I would uninstall if I were you
>Enemy has support Diana
>They give up first blood and get stomped for 6 minutes straight
>At level 6 with a sunfire cape, Diana and Jhin dive us at full health
>They walk out healthy
>Proceed to stomp rest of the game.
What do I even do? I did nothing wrong?
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I know of at least 5 and I'm one of them but there's probably more.
I forgot about those stupid niggers, please tell me there was a massive seethe fest when aurora was an attractive white woman with big breasts
nah imagine the pride in your fathers eyes when you introduce your tittymonster gf to your parents
and your moms glare as she tries to ignore it but wants to let you know she doesnt approve
I'm 6'3 bench 235 white male with a full head of hair at 28 and anything bigger than a C cup is usually disgusting to be honest. Especially so if it's a fat chick who only has big boobs because she's fat
i like the nipples on this drawing
yeah right like I'd introduce any girl to my parents bro
I wish more people know how to play with rakan. it makes me sad when I save a life and they walk away without letting me e2...
champs that will give me brain damage?
why did you assume it's a woman or a fag? there's lots of straight anons who prefer petite girls. someone post that scotland screencap
league of legends jinx is very petite
The issue is something i tried to explain thousands of times to this general but nobody gets it.
Not every single elo is the same. Things you're used to in higher elos dont apply to lower elos.
You cant just take t1 and then rotate mid just because its meta in master+.
Your midlaner wont swap with you and you screw yourself and the mid in the process.

Play ezreal/vayne and go for t2.
Introducing a lolg to your parents by showing them all their posts
I'm an orphan
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>is 6'3
>thinks 235 bench is anything impressive
meds, this has nothing to do with the post you just replied to
Also dont play your hypercarry shit like jinx because you're support will not only flame you, but dont peel for you, just because they pick synergy champ in m+
Why do you care about rando leaguetubers?
doing anything at all where someone sees all my posts would just be an immediate suicide for me
warwick and kayn players seem to have it
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I fucking love petite women so much it's unreal
Champions for this feel?
It does. I'm explaining why challenger players fail adc in low diamond.
nigga really said just don't pick scaling adcs in low elo
>they walk away without letting me e2...
>low elo
sure, as if trinity vayne isnt online with just 1 item
ezreal can beat every adc at lvl 2 aswell
in that case please reevaluate your position in life and get admitted to a mental institution asap because you are mentally disabled
jokes on you my parents don't even know how 4chan works so they wouldn't get it
>trinity vayne
i think all the advice around ranked anxiety is stupid and meaningless because it discusses ranked anxiety as if it was an irrational fear when it's actually logical.
the thing about peaking in this game, is you probably don't actually deserve and aren't good enough to remain in your peak rank.
that's why it's a peak, you only get there with a bit of luck and fairy dust.
experienced players get ranked anxiety because they know deep down they don't deserve that rank and they will demote if they play too often
>kraken vayne
>ap nasus
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It's over.
I only get anxiety when I have a duo because I feel like worthless garbage trash useless idiota when I don't play good with my duo

though he's gone now so.....
all kids in quickplay are ill
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Yes, you retarded bronze freak
>despite the fact that non-adc players fail at learning the role regularly, scripting is the most effective on adcs, adcs are stronger the higher the elo and better the server is, has to have the highest apm, best foresight and are the most gold reliant class in the game, I think adc isn't hard challenger players just don't know how to play in diamond
this is mental illness
just play quickplay on NA you will witness serious mental brain damage in 1 minute
oh by the way kill yourself if you take dshield on riven
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>Yes, you retarded bronze freak
>posts a screenshot of vayne stats with no sight of trinity
fuck off pissstorm
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Bronze is million times worse than iron and I can't fucking demote back. People have egos so fucking big, they int so hard
>u.gg nigga typing his bronze opinions
every time
every jungle player on NA needs to be shot

really great role i think
:DDD thats for the vayne homies
niggas really right click people until they die and clip it like it's some hot shit

>um uhrh is highest click intensive role braH
>adchads have the highest avg room temp iq in the game fampai
I just don't want to timesink into this game nor do I want to get addicted so I just don't do ranked to ignore commitment and progression. Don't even have this game installed at the moment to do other things and not get tired out by this game.
Now that the dust has settled, why did Aurora flop so badly?
the whole peaking phenomenon barely existed in early seasons
the same guys would hit the same ranks consistently and stay there
all peaking means is you got carried by winners queue to a rank
just look at how many people "peaked" diamond and are now plat or emerald but think that they belonged in diamond
that's probably how she died to begin with
>make "tumblr the wine girl with 20 cats silly dork haha" champion
>make it's kit as uninteractive as it takes for the "tumblr the wine girl with 20 cats silly dork haha" to be able to play properly
>no one other than the 22 iq tumblr girls play the champion because it's boring as fuck
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the 4 drake system is the fucking dog shit thing ever fucking put into the fucking game
vayne tumbled over 5 times in that clip and was invisible for most of it. and people still say she's hard? lul
Xayah's kit atleast made sense and had some synergy, this new champ is aa based but needs to be built ap (DoT items last time I checked), has no cc, has invis which doesn't really help much with anything except for being annoying, can't engage, can't burst, short ranged, can't do much really.
that's not ranked anxiety that's just not wanting to play/play ranked lol
Ranked anxiety is when someone who cares about ranked refuses to play because they're worried about demoting
peaking is a byproduct of the endless smurfing wave sent from the top to bottom

peak challenger? make 3 gm alts
peak gm? make 3 diamond alts because you can't climb back to gm
peak diamond? make 3 plat alts because you can't climb back to diamond
yes, league is not a hard game, optimally rightclicking people to death is the most difficult thing you can do in this game
you dont even go to gym
>so much yordle pussy
most people stop caring about ranks after they hit diamond
they think they finished league and just play for fun
most diamond players also dont want to play in diamond which is why smurfing exists to that extend
please post an image including either of your biceps and I will respond with one of mine

I benched 310 orm at the age of 19 when I was a natty 175 lbs 5'7 babyboy, then dropped egolifting entirely
yeah no you don't get to use the "I don't care about rank I just play for fun argument" while simultaneously bragging about your peak rank XD
why is vbl so insecure when mantheon is around
>literally every master+ person plays 500 games per day on their 10 smurf accs that's why I'm hardstuck silver
he has a crush on me but won't admit
link to mantheons stream?
true though
wgy no, because you cant get out of bronze and have to sweat every game without having fun?
therefor other people cant play the game for fun?
not skreaming rn waiting for my lil bro to go to bed so he stop fucking up my intarnet connection

mabe in an hour orso
>flexing anything fitness related whatsoever when lifting is 90% flipping god genetics and 10% having enough money to buy protien
gymcels with literally nothing good in life going for them detected kill yourselfs collectively and stop posting in a league of legends forum
>all these apparent baras
dariusfag needs to be here
i only play this game to stand here and watch special needs
post skinnyfat belly sissy
who forgot to take their meds?
is that why he gets uppity since you're now a cool streamer?
where'd he get uppity
we talk to each other n stuff we even played together the other day I don't think there's competition between us

maybe even some flirting here and there nohomo though just bros being dudes etc
I mean I have queued ranked because I have played ranked every season except for this one I think because I get placed in Iron 1, regardless of me winning 5 games in placements back then I would atleast reach bronze 1 or 2. I've always been silver for 6+ years of playing this game, only in the later years I would be placed bronze 2 or 1, but now getting estimated to be placed in Iron of all things, two entire ranks below, I just don't ever finish my placements knowing full well I genuinely cannot be asked to play along with this stupid grindy shit Riot keeps implementing everywhere. In a way I am worried about being placed below my usual rank but at the same time I know I will make it to silver like I've always done for years and years, I just don't have the time nor care to really make myself venerable to timesink or obsession to this game again and play 16 hours a day like I used to. There is genuinely no reward or point in doing any of that atleast for a person of my low elo.
to be fair, mantheon just streamed 3 games and in the 3rd there was 3 enemies smurfing.
1 guy played his tryhard champs with tryhard builds to win and then trollbuilds to purposefully downrank and stay in bronze
New lolg bromance?
Yeah ur stronger than me from carrying your fat pig of a girlfriend up the stairs LOL!!
Oink oink fatty
post something of urs and ill post something of mine nigger
gymcels have really bad genetics on average as you described. being friendless erratic low iq losers who autistically compare themselves to people online they will never meet is proof of bad genetics
Its usually me ew ing an ezreal and then he e's away and wont walk a little into my range
calm down incel, atleast the gymcel isnt crying tears in a chinese cartoon general about other people that look better than him
>every gym guy grew up insecure and was bullied which caused him to lift
>meanwhile all the actual chads in high school just played sports
>thread full of dog nigger twinks that are quick to start talking but pale when asked to back anything up
yeah im looking at one
jungle should just be disabled on NA
>Talon beats me hard in laning phase as Galio that I'm forced to sit under turret
>Place wards in river and ping bot to retreat as Talon kept roaming bot and killing them
>MF gets pissed off and spams pings on me
Why are all ADCs like this?
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>gym is for losers it's just genetics
>I prefer to workout my mind and cultivate knowledge instead (knows 10 billion pieces of pop culture trivia about Star Wars, Marvel, etc.)
nigga how did you lose to talon as galio
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I'm so sorry
I've been naughty
I've been keeping secrets
let me tell you who they're about
you aint got it if you aint got it
but let me know you're listening
so I can eat up all of your doubt

I couldn't be your savior if I want to
cause I know what it takes the be the next best thing
if you think you got it going on then tell the truth
cause I don't mean to brag
come and catch me if you can
NAs cope is to be gay and retarded
Im glad somone liked my stick figure Briar
Wanted to make it birthday themed since her release date was September of last year
I'm too shy to go to the gym. I do my exercises at home.
not a single one of you disagreed with me btw that having a nice physique is 100% genetics and there isnt actually anything impressive about it
iq test and/or mock powerlifting meet over discord(ill mog u on both)
>on average
did you see red after reading two words of my post or are you that low iq?
Azakana was the only one here who proved his height, the rest of you are displaying serious signs of cap. Coming off as ricecels.
Always remember:
Talonplayers are angry asperger kids, same as yasuo players.
They dont play the game to win, they have mental issues with dopamin.
All you have to do is to STARVE THEM OF DOPAMIN and they will eventually start to outplay themselve.
You dont need to win against a talonplayer, you have to starve him and he will make sure his team loses on their own.

>Rush wardens mail
>Go zonyas
>Buy warmogs
>Never once interact with them
>Just waveclear
>Never trade
>Just ignore their entire existence so they never get a window to punish you
>Once they roam you press R and prevent their kill
Make sure you clear the wave before you R so they lose cs in the process
He did so much fucking damage to me than I did to him in the beginning.
whoa some gay na kid on an assassin spooky
>niggas proving their height in lolg
holy fuck
having fun in low elo? smart talon players know he is a scaling champ now so they will just farm and scale and onetap you at 6 items
>>Once they roam you press R and prevent their kill
As who? Galio?
>log in because i want to farm minions in league of legends
>que up
>5 minute afk timer penalty because people in my game cant follow my lead when im 15/8 doing 70k fucking damage and taking 2 towers+2 inhibs.
>exit que
>log off.

i got a penta you fucking nigger faggots. and you cant fucking take that away. fuck you. fuck this stupid game and this equally stupid general.

i want to farm minions
good job on your Penta, king
Yes, your ult can safe people over longrange. Thats what galio does
Nice physique but please clean your bedroom
I know that you are homeless king grey but you still shouldn't live in such a mess
not bad but no timestamp
you KNOW I'm not kg
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It ain't even me. It's that german guy who spells eclipse with K etc. He's doing triforce sundered which nobody else is doing.

There are 2 notable vayne players doing triforce rush vayne atm:
https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/NU%CE%9CB-EUW (pandore)
https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/schizophrenia-ESC (shiio)
One does triforce into lethality (almost always profane 2nd item), the other does triforce into wits and/or terminus. There used to be another guy doing the same build as pandore but he's not really playing much anymore.

I have tried triforce sundered and it was okay I guess but I need more testing and less playing with for example a 300 damage per minute brand who gets farmed by blue kayn for hubris stacks.
This better not be sh*nda
thread needs more bromances
Silverplayer? Unfortunately the replay isnt available anymore but recently i oneshot an emerald talon that was 20/8 with a single cho gath fulltank rotation.
I mean idk it was emerald talon, not a high elo talon, but still.

I cant really see how lategame talon can magically deal with fulltanks that have 9k hp in lategame.
Watched some yamato gameplay, hes not a challenger, but low master player so does that count?
lmao tanks beat assassins that is the fundamental wp!!!!! do you actually main tank mid kill yourself slime if you do you are the cancer that ruins mid lane
>>>493180990 (You)
>lmao tanks beat assassins that is the fundamental wp!!!!!
So you know? Then why do you silverspast claim that talon beats a fulltank galio in late?

Didnt you just say something about "muh smart talon players!"
I agree. Just starve him of dopamin and go fulltank and he will rage like a little basedboy. Heres the proof >>493181165
LAST one
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old Kai'sa art i made
not that anyone cares...
why don't people buy ravenous hydra on lee sin very often? His w gives lifesteal so you can literally press hydra and go from 1-100% HP
Do you do comms haha
I like your style it's soulful

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