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A real smile edition

>What is Project SEKAI?
Project SEKAI: Colorful Stage! ft. Hatsune Miku is a rhythm game made in collaboration with Crypton Future Media and Sega. It features the 6 main Vocaloids from Crypton, along with a cast of original characters.

There are currently three other versions of Project SEKAI.
Taiwanese and Korean versions are available in their respective regions.
An English version, Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage!, is also available.

/psg/ FAQ - READ THIS IF YOU'RE NEW! - https://pastebin.com/JcVaEtvU
Sekai Viewer - https://sekai.best/
Sekai Wiki - https://www.sekaipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page

>Current Event
Wonderhorror~!? Test of Courage!
Boosted Attribute: Cool
Boosted Members: Mafuyu, Honami, Shizuku, Mizuki, Emu

>Current Gacha
A Very Ghostly Vacation! (Limited)
Emu, Mafuyu, Honami

>Translated stories
Leo/need: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6Ipu35gWc72Fg1pMaEunvUqRK
MORE MORE JUMP!: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpuPVqm3NC0udfd4HbuaBlJZ
Vivid BAD SQUAD: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuetmkI-iYKlifuRI_0DN7gMFpTOjfyC-
Wonderlands × Showtime: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQdjQpE3RJWfu4s8o4rmOLRYiS87UrSlO
25-ji, Nightcord de.: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6hkMKFF6IpsE78AMA4am8HVZuaUQ7k-f

>Translated event stories

Previous: >>492501058
Missed the thread, but I've been thinking kind of similarly since the stream with the player stats. My hardest clears are above lv30 which means that I'm in at least the top 0.44% of players, and yet I wouldn't consider myself "good" because the point of comparison is people who have been casually FCing 31-32s in multiplayer for years, and the sweatlords fishing for APs on songs at that difficulty to win in ranked.
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To quickly get it out of the way, I wouldn't put too much stock into that chart as general play rate is not the same as people's personal bests. That being said, good is a relative term. Some people use good relative to an average player, in which case the player base is so large that the average level is fairly low. Using the absolute best players as a reference point will mean you'll never be considered good. The reality is you probably just need to balance your assessment between the two.
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Instrumentcels getting stomped I can feel it
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Started in March, getting better…
Gratz, I've been playing for almost 3 years and this is still one of the masters I haven't gotten yet
All Mikus are for bullying
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*supersneeds the thread*
That sounds sexual
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Akimizu BIG LOVE
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Kanade, your pets are getting gay again
This is an improvement
You people just say that for any ship at this point.
better than mf*n
only the hot ones
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I can goon to this
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Why would she be sleeping outside
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>Kanade gets to watch
She is so lucky...
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Reminder that Mafuyu once passed out on a street bench
Imagine being such a shit daughter that you are given everything just to fall asleep io a bench like a hobo
Fuck off Mafumom
szai my beloved
Cute and Canon
Get out newfag
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Justice has been served
I doubt she's rich or smart enough for miyajo
His crime? Peeing on a fire hydrant
His punishment? Samo-chan
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File deleted.
Ena forgot to shave
sitting on chairs = tops
sitting on floor = bottoms
Kanade is not a top and Mafuyu is not a bottom
What about standing?
Kanade tops every niiger
Mafuyu bottoms to everyone except Ena, the other bottom
Super top
Shotanade is for molesting
I don’t accept any of those takes except the one that Ena is the biggest bottom
She's for having a tea party together*
Mizurui, the ultra faggots, mentioned.
by her horny nurse and horny maid
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finally got all these today
Kanade is for raping
I forget what the other game was now, but it made me appreciate that Proseka lets you unpause, then pause again while the countdown is happening.
>5 intermediate practice scores
might as well give us nothing on those days
I thought I was in another general until I double checked and realized it's supposed to be Akito and An
looks K*rean to me
Some sort of SEAmonkey actually. I can't read it.
ayy lmao
You look Korean to me
Realistic Airi eye size
1, 2 'nan club
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i can fix her
There's nothing to fix, she's perfect
I would smile politely at an adult Nene if she gave consent.
I can't fix her
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my cute miyajo wife
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They should let him wear girl clothes
Second day of not getting any bonus energy in return and giving all mine out. I even played like 4 rounds without any. :(
are you on right now?
Skill issue. I'm getting the paid ones.
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We just have to hold out for the mizushizukasa sewing event. It will be magical girl themed, and he will get a cute frilly skirt.
I don't give mine out without getting it first most of the time. If people gift me with like 2 seconds remaining I just assume they don't want to return a trade so it won't be on me if I don't react in like half a second. I assume you're already using the trade stamps, but in case you're not, do that.
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you could also just ask /psg/ anon to gift you energy and if I'm around I'll log in and gift you x3
people here are too shy
I must approve your pins first if you want to get any from me.
I didn't realize until after seeing this a few times that they're sneeding on the big screen.
Are the Sneeds on the screen on the background wearing (what I imagine are) their in-universe band uniforms? If so that is cool, I wish the Clowns and VBS had separate uniforms or outfits for performances that weren't their unit outfits like the Sneeds and Moomoos
That would be hard for the clowns since they’re going to be wearing different costumes for every performance
Not mentioned as of yet, but there were some new area conversations about an MV being prepared. Ichika's event might go into it more.
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Saki so Sexo
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Project Sekai non-music AU:

Idk, veterinarian?
Idk, ballerina or ice skater?
Idk, wrestler?
Fashion designer or model

Cafe owner or boxer
Soccer player

Regular actor
Regular actress or children's book writer
Regular actress or pro-gamer
Regular actor, director, script-writer, or inventor

Seamtress or editor

These here cannot be separated from music, or at least it's very hard to imagine them without music:
Indie musician
Band musician

Virtual musician

Niigo probably would still be able to form in this AU, maybe the other members aren't as into music but it's not like it hinges on them being super interested into it, artwork is still artwork, MV editing is just clip editing but with music in the background, and what are music lyrics if not simply sang poetry? Other than that, the Clowns could still form if they keep being actors, just not musical actors. Sneeds, Moomoos, and VBS never form in this AU
>Idk, wrestler?
Could she pull off a Kinniku Buster?
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>Wrote this long-ass post
I bet you didn't even log in to the game today
It just looks long due to the spacing, it's just a bit over half of the character limit tbhdesu
do anons still believe toya is toyugly?
He very pretty
In fanart
Ugly as sin
At least he's not akitugly
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I will now be taking my meds
An Shiraishi sex tonight or I will jump out of the window.
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Even if you're cursed, you still want to save me? Hehe. It's brave of you to admit that. But I already know listening to your song won't change anything. It might make me feel better for a while, but it would only end up strengthening my desire to disappear later. So it doesn't matter anymore. Just leave me alone.
what are some Proseka NEXT losing songs that anons want covered/added into the game?
You're all so selfish. Getting jealous, sympathizing with me, trying to save me when I didn't ask for help. Just stop. Haven't you done enough? I want to disappear. That is my only true feeling.
That reads like some erp garbage. Go back to /trash/.
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Anon... it's literally Mafuyu's dialogue from the niiger main story....
That changes nothing.
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Waiting most kindly for baby Ena in 2025 or 2026
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4th anni menu screen art?
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4th anni broadcast stream members.
I hope the unit themes for the menu don't go away.
>ywn be tsugodsa and have the carte blanche to mog a bunch of chicks with your giant fucking flag
That's very impolite to sit like that, Kanade.
Kanade feet in the title screen!?!?!
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Every sits so prim and properly except for that shitty yoisaki girl
Molesting Mizuki on the rooftop.
The way Tsukasa sits is so prim and proper, what a good boy he is
Kanade is for teen pregnancy
Indeed, you can really tell which ones are grateful to their parents and respect their wishes and which would kill them and brainwash others to do the same
These posts about sitting posture made me realize I was sitting like Kanade.
Florist, she learned all about different flowers and their meanings so she could give Saki a unique bouquet whenever she would visit her. Plus she likes her cactus so she’s plantpilled. I think you can separate her from music as a career because before sneeding she was only a passionate listener, not player/creator
Maybe programmer, it’s one of the many skills she learned to attempt to become a quirky idol, and it’s one of the best and most convenient skills to have for employment
Pastry chef since she loves them so much
Also a baker, her dad is a cook (malewife) and she even knows how to make cool things like marzipan and macarons
Photographer, her dad is one and it’s her main hobby before meeting VBS
I was sitting like Tsukasa when I wrote the post pointing out how he looks so polite
This niiga sits like a girl hahahaha
Better than sitting like and absolute faggot like Tsukasa
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Prying open Tsukasa’s legs!
Where was Momoi papa's job mentioned
I was thinking Kohane - Photographer before making the post but I forgot while writing it
One of Airi’s birthday afterlives iirc, probably 2021
He’s a homemaker, a true malewife
Wait I'm straight and sit like Tsukasa all the time....
Feminine sitting position.
Funny how Tsukasa is the only one there sitting like that despite being the only non-girl there. Extremely telling.
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Nyaomafu (Sprigafuyu), Araata (Aracoco), Toyassu (Aoyaxly)
I-is she hitting the kick with her crotch?
how can people have like 99%+ AP accuracy on master 35+ charts? can you really develop that just from playing the game at lot?
I feel like, even if I were to memorize a chart, I cant see myself having that level of control...
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Kanade is officially the feet fetish character
People at that skill level don't play at their 100% all the time, but they did put in a lot of practice to get to that point.
Most of the ultra high level gorillas come from other games and/or a music background, along with copious amount of practice. And as you can see from IRL competitions it's not like they all get APs all the times, it gets a lot of retries to get them (and being nervous also plays a part).
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eating ultra processed foods to improve the delectable smell…
So you're just a Mafuyu hater then
Main story Mafuyu is in fact cringe and edgy, we not even see her mom being a bad parent until several events later when Colopale realized nobody likes an ungrateful brat
For all the niigbaiting this game likes to do with focus events, you’d think they’d make Tsukasa’s last focus card him jumping off the building or whatever and not him sitting with a NPC
It’s like reverse bait, something cool actually happened in the event but they make it look boring instead
Tsukasa being launched from a cannon with a living plushie to catch a phoenix in his world link was not cool enough for anon...
Now do it with him being launched downward
That's a bit extreme just to get a blowjob
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Ichika and her bitch
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I would be happy to eat breakfast made by Nene if she let me.
im trying to FC 28s and im cycling throguh them but i keep getting 1 miss at the end of literally everything
wtf do i do :(
If you are only 1 off you got to stop cycling and retry until you make it
I used to do that, but then I get so frustrated and I end up overplaying until my mistakes compound them, then I get nervous and repeatedly jumble the parts I know are harder

Guess I should at least focus on specific songs for challenge live until I get them maybe
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Favorite rarepairs?
Ken x Harumichi
Keisuke x Shousuke
Shinei x Mafudad
Kijima x Shindou
Forgot Rakunosuke Ootori x Jean Riley, probably second or third favorite pairing
Shousuke's Boat x Accidents
Wonderlands x Showtime
Shota Mizuki x horny shotacon Honami.
Mizuki x his groomer sister
Shiho x An. Shiho x Kanade. Shiho x Ena.
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Looks like Ar*s from FE4
Pretty boy
I think he deserves his third long hairstyle
My scarred and calloused thumb stopped registering in the middle of a hold note and I lost my full combo.
Which character, other than Rui and An, would realistically know about Mizuki being a boy?
All of Nightcord because they've all been inside Mizuki (pegging)
This is Rui, Mizuki, and Ena pov
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MMJ won
so did someone send you the link to that, or were you searching robot fucking tags on AO3 to find something like this to post?
All first years before colopale pretended they didn't.
Akito probably. He mentioned hearing rumors before.
Gotta be cute!
Anon's blatant and dehumanizing objectification killed the thread
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Dehumanizing degrading sex with An
All I said was Shizuku looks cute, Airi looks sexy, and Haruka looks sexy in that image lol. That's objectification now?
Anon's guilty conscience killed the thread
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Why does the average player age for this game skew so low compared to similar games?
Needs correction
Because the lonely old men who like these kinds of games are alienated by males, niigers and lack of coombait
I love clownkasa.
I liked the Miku anniversary tweet for the EN anons.
I get the other two, but why niigers? Minus Mizuki because he’s a guy.
Miku gyatt rizzed me to skibidi ohio mewing on god fr fr no cap.
kanade's the only one lonely ojisans like because she's like them except female
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He's just a silly clown trying to make other people smile... what needs to be corrected about that?
He's very cute!
Because their flaws ruin the fantasy waifu for incels
I guess Kanade doesn’t have that problem (hence why she is the most popular character with that crowd), but Mafuyu and Ena lashing out and not being submissive genki waifu who is happy and sweet all the time breaks the fantasy
On the contrary it might appeal to young people who relate to their stories (their mom told them to clean their room so she is literally a controlling gaslighting pos), alienating boomers and attracting zoomers at the same time
I am an ojisan and I just play the game for the music and gameplay. The cast is kinda take or leave it desu.
Are there any particularly well made or fun charts that stand out? Unrelated, but sometimes I feel like the expert or even hard charts are more in tune with the actual rhythm of a song than the master charts.
I find WxS charts to be generally pretty fun compared to other groups.
Imo the most creative charts are in the 28-30, higher difficulties tend to be overdesigned for difficulty over form. Rin-chan Now is a god example since the master chart could be way harder but they preferred to add a bunch of drawings for fun on it.
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Ganbare ganbare Nene-chaaan!!
master feels overcharted a lot. if you want in tune rhythm, you should stick to expert
shinjinrui stands out as a fun expert chart. it's the most fun chart I can think of off the top of my head, all difficulties
end mark expert and yaminabe expert are pretty fun imo, if you're good enough to pass lv. 31
other than that I like amara hard and all the boss songs on hard
on master I like dramaturgy, shoujo rei, luka luka night fever, and we're still underground
That entirely depends on your skill level. I'm a huge fan of a lot of the VBS 29 charts, and 31s like HERO or Kyuukurarin because I think they succeed at the gimmick they're designed for.
>is that hitorinbo envy, a short and easy song with a big payout, randomly selected during a cheerful carnival?
good nyaight
people are just disbanding out of everything
not lost and found :)
Good night.
yeah I just want to tap tap notes
why the fuck is everybody picking this
relatively easy a gives really good points per stamina. envy is better for point totals because you get through multiples plays of it the fastest, but for maximizing points per song lost and found is usually the pick.
happy to know i am one of the top 1% of players
(hardest fc is The EmpError expert)
it's a meta song
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She's sending the pictures to me.
You're so lucky, Mafuyu
She wanted him to walk in on her.
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The Disappearance of Mafuyu's Deflated Ahoge
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I hope people are dreaming about Miku
I'm dreaming Miku Miku ooeeoo
I actually despised that song until I saw the lyricsposting here. Now, I tolerate it.
I wish, let me tell you
What similar games exactly? I am pretty sure bandry and enstars players are just as young in general.
I think Bandry did at first but as newer games came out and the younger fans grew with it, it seems rarer to find younger fans in the audience especially now that EN is obsolete. Enstars skews older I think, when I was in school my fujo friend was obsessed with it and she'd tell me how the story was about the blonde guy starting a war with half of the school or something stupid. Either way, I think it opted for slightly more 'mature' storytelling and most of the fans I've seen reflects that.

It's not that much of a problem, my first gacha was SIF when I was twelve, but it makes finding good discussion outside of this board hard when clearly nobody is over the age of fifteen.
Nah anon, enstars still constantly attracts zoomers especially because of the EN version that came out a while ago. You know, the kind who will start "boycotts" like how Genshin players think going F2P literally steals money from Hoyo? In any case, even before the drama that happened recently, they've never left. The thing that always clued me in on how immature they still are was how every time enstars was mentioned and they had an opportunity to shill it to to their friends, the first fucking thing they would do was show off some retardedly huge list of content warnings for Meteor Impact for the shock value.
I stopped reading at enstars. Stop posting about other things in my Miku game general
I'll talk about the One Piece collab to make anon niig
>now that EN is obsolete
Did that kusoge eos?
No but I have a feeling that it will. They've put off all events indefinitely until they can figure out how to implement the new band, but even when I was playing it a few months ago, it didn't feel like that many were still playing. I could easily get into the top 1000 or higher in event just by playing whenever my boostsrefiled.
Something about months of skipped events and bugs they constantly can't fix. It's still rolling along but probably not for long, I think.
Damn, now I feel like I just beat up a special needs baby. I should probably stop neneposting them.
>I could easily get into the top 1000 or higher in event just by playing whenever my boostsrefiled.
That sounds just like EN sekai frfr
I am actually very grateful for bandry for lowering down my expectations towards mobile rhythm games.
Otherwise I would probably be shitting hard on proseka like every vocaloid fan outside of this general.
N-no the /jp/ vocaloid thread loves Project Sekai...
No, keep it up. Nene would want that
It's not. Good expectation with nothing but f2p boosts is top 3k - 5k, depending on group popularity
What songs do you want in that haven't been added yet?

- Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! with either Tsukasa/Emu to serve as a prequel to Adventure Log or Rui/Nene to contrast that.
- Shouwaru Onna Online with Niigo
- PartyxParty with all of the Virtual Singers
- I don't know if this counts since it's technically VTuber slop but since it recieved an official Miku version, but S'il Vous President with MMJ.
- Mesmeriser with EmuNene, or RuiKasa if they really wanted the cover to be more popular than it already would be. It's inevitable that it'll be added in some form, cover or not, but I think that WxS are the obvious choice for the aesthetic style.
Imawanokiwa covered by MMJ
Sneeds Fire Flower (and hopefully the new version Halyosy just posted)
Ichishiho Akatsuki Arrival
Minoai Summer Idol
VBS Reversible Campaign
Anhane Jitterbug
Emukasa Mesmerizer
Nenekasa Skeleton Orchestra and Lilia
Ruikasa Blackjack
Kanamafu Hole Dwelling
Mafuena Kowase Kowase
Mesmeriser with any male would be fucking retarded as hell
Only Mizuki could pull off Teto
The pitch will definitely be lowered male or no male
men can get abducted and hypnotized too, chud
Mizuki cover...
Compass songs (Parallel Layer, Grave, High Spec Neet, Ravie)
Any Nayutalien song that ISN'T for the clowns, like Planet Loop or Rocket Cider
GYARI songs covered by EmuNene
PokeVoltage collab
i fucking love nayutalien
I love Nayutalien's nanawo akari songs
I only really think about Niigo so
>Kimi no Taion
>Dreamless Dream
>Lost Time Memory
>Toumei Answer
>Ayano no Koufuku Riron
>Additional Memory
>You and Me
Little Missing Stars would be nice too but celebratory Miku songs tend to be VS only
I like Nayutalien a lot but the ingame covers are fucking horrible except for Dance Robot Dance.
on miku
praying for comet honeymoon to be done right
>You and Me
*Therefore You and Me
wait actually who hasn't gotten their 4th event yet
rui already got his 4th
cyberpunk dead boy
good meowning
please turn off your name it is burning my eyes. Miku please save me from namefriends
Everyone has we are on cycle 5
do you think minori has ever gotten a 4* while sparking for haruka limiteds
>not just filtering immediately
I love Precure
they ruin sakuga threads
I love Proseka characters as cats
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Is there any particular reason for this order?
The biggest autists per group? I was thinking cringiest at first but that goes to Snakehane
I want Mizuki to suck my dick off
I want Mizuki to cut my dick off
>Hitorinbo Envy
>Lost and Found

I disconnect. Simple as.
>not a song featuring my daughter

I disconnect. Simple as.
Niigers even disconnect out of Niigo songs if it's not the one song they want at that given moment
That's honestly based
No it's not. That's called being a fake fucking fan
>Loser/need song

I disconnect. Simple as.
>OC song

I disconnect. Simple as.
You guys ever get anything from any of the in-game advertisements other than the game itself?
I used to get a bunch of hoyoslop ads but nowadays it's mostly that weird game about a woman dying of cold with her daughter
10 gems
I'm not thinking anymore
I'm thinking oo ee oo
I get a bunch of assorted shit, a lot of which is completely irrelevant to me
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Miku looks off here
why is that written in katakana?
is that some kind of JP joke or something where they use katakana to represent something being of place?
I think it's meant to be robotic speech, dunno.
out of place*
i get a ton of ads for the Battle Cats despite me already having the game
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who's the troll that decided to make those double notes at the end of journey master
sole reason i haven't fced it until yesterday
istg they only know like 3 songs
and i nandes
is it airi hours
Then I will post Airi too.
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Thumbbros not like this...
was never a thumbbro
>me on my way to get around 2 misses on children record mas for the 25230873246943587634095867450698745609287th time
>hiding names
>boasting with t1000
Shouldn't make fun of others brosis...
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literally me
real card when?
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Literally me, it went up 8 degrees C today compared to yesterday
Turn the goddamn sun off
Sex with uber long-haired Mafuyu
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Pink and fluffy Miku
thank you for the airi hours btw
air momo
uglyri killed the thread
Top right is still my favorite until we get ponytail
not too interested in a ponytail myself, but for me it's natsuki > cat ears > ribbon made of hair > valentine > pigtails > Air Momo
I like long hair so the cat ears arw #1 for me. Until the ponytail.
I like Momo
I love Airi a lot but if she doesn't look like a funky Christmas tree I can't recognise her so none of her lim hairstyles really do anything for me
>Try to hate on Airi
>Airi love continues
>Deflect to Nene
We love Nene, too. Cope.
true, it's superficial to hate on a character just because they're ugly as sin
My daughter is cute today as well
>tfw you accidentally come out of the closet
>ugly and gay
Poor girl
When does Mizusex hour begin?
Name 1 character who isn't gay
And Mafudad too right?
Mafumom is his beard
>your worst comm song?
- Ai no Material would be sweet but the bells in the chorus are unbearably loud and repetitive, it ruins it for me.
- Color of Drops is a decent replica of traditional idol music’s blend of pop/orchestral elements but it is so, so painfully boring.
- Close to Grey sounds like something my mom would listen to in 2016. The melody isn't bad but I can’t get past the Youtube intro instrumentation.
- I feel nothing listening to Flyer and Awake Now.
- Becoming Potatoes is fine but Electro Swing is a Reddit genre and I’ve heard the same melody and chord progression so many times before.
- Coral’s melody doesn’t click with me but it’s nowhere near as bland as the mentioned VBS songs.
Mafuyu had to get the gay gene from somewhere
Mafuyu's dad will divorce her and marry Ena's dad and then Mafuena incest will be canon
Every Ichika song except Order Made sounds the same
Aioi, Suresure and Hare o Matsu are boring
DREAM PLACE, Teammate, Color of Drops and Watashi wa all share the crown of suck
Forward and Mirai
Sneed no Coral
Engeki and Give Me Your Night. More like Good Night (snore)
I thought this said worst COOM song and was about to disagree with Becoming Potatoes.
the bisexual queen
post the best coom songs
I didn't know it was opposite day in /psg/.
None. I do not listen to MMJ comms.
Beat Eater, Hitsuji ga ippiki and Awake Now
Showtime Ruler and Cyberpunk Dead Boy
Lower, Jackpot Sad Girl (sex) and Kitty
ichika's worst is probably order made
>me prepping to see my address in this thread

>sock e
aioi, idk why they just dropped the ball here

>best girl (honami)
worst is easily awaiting clear skies, all the other honami comms range from decent to banger


>mid mid jump


all but supernova suck donkey dick

>Assault Rifle ia momimo
dream place can suck my dick
her other comms are bangers tho

we can throw hug out the window

>vivid homosexual squad
honestly didnt even know flyer was a kohane comm until today

city, not even close


hollow and it isnt even close

>wonderlands x tiktok faggots
hardest one to pick
if i had to pick, i'd pick filament fever
is it even a question (once upon a dream)
what sort of ending are you wishing for
coral and starry sky melodeez

>twitter at 3am
the first one i cant spell

engeki and reborn


give me your night (more like good night)
Moonlight is such a banger, you should‘ve put Kashika there. Trash song.
Cyberpunk is NOT coom worthy.
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Nomad is great
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I wanna kiss that tummy
EN games?
Probably Stella but they all sound the same for better or for worse
I don't really like Stain Busters. Ai no Material is pretty bad too
Hoshizora Orchestra or Nijiiro Stories
Don't really enjoy Saisei
Best: Connecting the Stars / Worst: The WALL
Best: Teratera / Worst: Suresure
Best: Regulus / Worst: Hare o Matsu
Best: Peaky Peaky / Worst: Purposs
Best: Worldwide Wander / Worst: Dream Place
Best: Supernova / Worst: Ai no Material
Best: Peachy Key / Worst: Icedrop
Best: Metamo / Worst: Color of Drops
Best: One Sheep / Worst: Flyer
Best: Retainer / Worst: Awake Now
Best: Moonlight / Worst: Kashika
Best: Blender / Worst: Mirai
Best: Mr. Showtime / Worst: Filament Fever
Best: Niccori / Worst: Once Upon a Dream
Best: Nijiiro Stories / Worst: Coral
Best: Cyberpunk Dead Boy / Worst: Becoming Potatoes
Best: Samsa / Worst: Kanadetomosusora
Best: Empurple / Worst: Saisei
>Best: Watashi wa Ame / Worst: Close to Grey
Best: Lower / Worst: Give Me Your Night
I love Hakoniwa no Coral, easily one of my favorite WxS comms, I don't have a specific part of the lyrics that gets me more emotional than others, it's just a pretty consistent emotional ride for me, but the final part is one I like a lot:

>If my wish can't come true, then even if,
>Without the world ever even beginning and without ever having met you,
>The coral in the miniature garden will dazzle me one day,
>I'll sing this song and smile.
1: the wall is a banger, order made is hella overrated
2: how can you say worldwide wander is the best minori com when tenshi no clover is RIGHT THERE
3: personally, not the biggest fan of peachy key when there's killer + dakura motto
4: imo awake now is overhated, city is right there
5: another imo, space opera is better than niccori
6: this is making me realize how shit nene's comms are
Still wanna play? I'm on instrument
i would but im not tiering this event
saving for n25 worldlink
Metamo Re:born
Filament Fever
Jackpot Sad Girl

I'm generally positive on a lot of VBS songs so I struggled quite a bit to think of one. My dislike for Filament Fever is enhanced a lot by how fucking unfun the Master chart is to play.
Actually the worst taste in this thread. I can't believe you managed to pick the worst songs possible for half the characters as your favorite, that would be some insane accuracy if it wasn't so garbage.
Sure, I'm on Instrument too
ENbros I haven't gotten a single gift energy yet...
they literally just made a room dude
im..... I'M VOICE
k enjoy. I already played some today so see ya later
i'll dream of you
Coral seems underrated overall, maybe slower/calmer songs tend to be less liked overall compared the fast paced ones
I generally like fast-paced commissions but I'm a huge fan of Coral personally
yeah they are less liked outside of like, goodbye and copycat, which get picked a lot
some people feel those slow songs kill the vibe. wouldn't go that far but I would agree I prefer playing the faster songs
also the thin hold slow songs are annoying to play on master, and many perennial expert players are good enough to play master on those
My accuracy is seriously atrocious
Thanks for the games, impressive playing today from all of you
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I'm going to have to go back and get this one on JP. Thanks for the games.
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Thanks for the games
Me on the right
yikes nice try though
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>Missed the only EN room in weeks because I was out playing DDR
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eh, better DDR than league
No you weren't
This is how you talk to short people.
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>how to talk to short people
A good reason to miss them
We can play more soon
Yeah, and then SEX. Preferably of the sapphic variety.
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Here's an thread related clear
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if you say so
>you actually were
Okay yeah like anon said, that is better than league then
Anon burned off a whole jelly donut…
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I didn't end up getting the Children Record FC, but the crystals from actually getting off my ass and joining that room got me one of my favorite Len cards, so I guess I actually have to play the event now.
you'll get it someday anon, I know you will
He looks like one of those Enstars blokes in the trained
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balls <3
yup they're clapping
it took me...
160 pulls to get the rin.
nice of you to say but I'd rather you dream about miku, not me...
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lately I've really been enjoying women w/ hats
"Electro swing is a Reddit genre" is the funniest thing I've seen all week. thanks anon. To actually respond,
I don't really have a least favourite because I don't really like most of their comms. Maybe Ryuusei no Pulse or Hoshi wo Tsunagu, I listen to a proseka playlist while walking sometimes and there are only a couple of sneed songs I don't skip out of hand.
Teammate. Fuck Honeyworks. Write a new fucking song instead of rehashing the same shit for a goddamn decade, you fucking hacks.
All of them except for Blender after Hitsuji ga Ippiki are kinda shit. Flyer is kinda off brand and Kashika sucks too.
Cyberpunk, Filament Fever, Tetrad. Ketsumatsu and Nijiiro Stories aren't great but those three are shit.
Saisei and to a lesser extent Nomad. Empurple isn't great, but it's kind of the worst of a good bunch.

I see why you expect to see your address, holy shit. What a godawful list of opinions.
you're a retard but your names for things make me laugh
I listened to the entire sneed discography today. It was nice to listen to the older songs since JP pubs usually pick between newer songs or meta picks.
Strongly agree on Sneeds and MMJ
Disagree with VBS and WxS
Filament and Cyberpunk are good, Tetras is meh but Nijiro and Coral are far worse than anything else they have. Sorry neen
Yeah, I haven't seen sneedle picked in 3000 years
>namefag has shit tastes
many such cases
I like Flyer the most because it's so different. A lot of VBS comms feel samey
>2 people on opposing CC team FC Ghost Rule Expert
Seriously, how is it so easy for these people?
>use fingers, not thumbs
>speed 9.5-10.5
If you still can't FC everything 28 and below reliably after a week or so, you're probably actually handicapped or have shit device.
Pokemon collab soon sisbros
A PokeMiku song campaign separate from the 4th anni songs would be nice. I think it'd be a nice announcement during the anniversary stream.
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this post is suicide fuel
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Some recent vocaloid songs I've liked
>Sukoya Cathedral
And a cover using Kaito V1, V3, and SP.
>>493500329 (me)
Oops, I used the wrong accent for SŪKJU. They're a relatively new Korean vocaP I came across with a few original songs (that are in Japanese).
>wet dream with An Shiraishi
It felt so real sisbros. Best night I‘ve ever had.
Shiraishicoomer killed the thread
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I wouldn't sexualize any of the characters; they deserve better.
I want to see my favorite characters in sexual bliss and then hold their hand and pat their head afterwards
>t. homo
I hope my favorite ships have great and loving sex they enjoy every single day
>Teammate. Fuck Honeyworks. Write a new fucking song instead of rehashing the same shit for a goddamn decade, you fucking hacks.
I hope they add kawaikute gomen, fansa, romeo, heroine ikusei keikaku and ruikasa romeo to the game
I hope you get hit by a bus
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I got one x3 energy two days ago but yesterday was my fourth day basically getting no energy. I tried trading and everything. Should I just change my name to a girl name or something at this point?
such a funny post. I bet some of the actual pros could not do this a week in and they're better than you
I hope Ruikasa and all the fags and fujos that like Ruikasa have a bad day today.
I hope rui gives tsukasa a blowie so good he passes out for a solid 10 minutes afterwards
I started brushing and flossing more regularly since Stain Busters came out on EN
here's some strats I do:
>be one of the first to say hello
>spam positive stamps
>spam emu stamps
these things generally work. not all the time though
I've considered changing to a female name but haven't done it yet lol. I'm sure some naive people think I'm a girl though since I typically use fem chars as a lead
Just use the "I'm out of bonus energy" stamp
i want to give kanade a big ass hug and tell her it gets better
Don’t listen to him, it took me over 2 years and I’m still cleaning up some 28s but I’m still happy with my improvement from when I started (couldn’t FC hard)
Sure some can achieve that faster and there’s times where you get stuck for a while or don’t have time to practice but go at your own pace
Start begging for it with this if you want it that badly >>493520319
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I would write a song for and sing for an adult Nene if she gave consent.
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My dog.
He isn't muzzled because he's dangerous, it's because it's the only way to make him stop barking and howling loud enough to make people's ears bleed.
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He's all bark and no bite. He probably has the teeth of a herbivore.
i don’t know what project sekai is
Me neither, I just randomly repeat "shitho" because it seems to get a reaction out of this general
He's not fully an herbivore because he'll whine and cry if I'm having ginger pork and don't give him a piece
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Have you ever tried making a Vocaloid/Vsynth song?
I do dabble in producing music, but haven‘t tried incorporating Vsynths yet. Lowkey want to try.
No but I'd love to. My brother produces metal and it's always been in the back of my mind to try making one of the 'loids sing something on top his tracks. I might start learning one day.
I'd love to hear a /psg/ anon's vocaloid works
Friends who have known each other since childhood
I'm slowly (VERY very slowly) working on a Digimon cover with SynthV. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's kinda fun.
No. One day I'll relearn some musical stuff and make a song with IA.
Speaking of creative works, do any of the /psg/ anons dance or draw, etc.?
Is she your wife?
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I write, but I don't do Sekai fics because I'm not really caught up on the story and I'm not fond of the community that exists for it either.
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I feel like someone here asked me that before. I love IA.
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Kanade is for daily sex with the intent of procreation.
She's kinda Sexo
I’ve been making music since I was eleven and have gotten to a point where I’d consider my works ‘good’ but I’m still not at that point yet. I’d love to make Vsynth songs in the future but compared to the average JP artist, I’ve still got a long way to go before achieving that professional sound. Also I have nothing to write about lyrically because I’m a retarded sheltered shut-in and English songs will always sound weird with Japanese voicebanks.
>English songs will always sound weird with Japanese voicebanks.
you could be the person who changes that
>English songs will always sound weird with Japanese voicebanks.
Easy solution, use an English one.
Easy solution, make songs in Japanese.
Most English voices don’t appeal to me as much as the others. I’ve been using SynthV to sing demos but while the English on Japanese VBs is really quite good, there’s still a noticeable accent that makes some words a bit hard to understand.
I trying to learn how to draw/write/make music but when I get home, I get distracted playing tap tap games on my phone and get nothing done.
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Do /psg/ anons drive manual or automatic?
>all these excuses
You can just say you don't want to.
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Too late, stuff is already in the pipeline.
Post demo.
I upload dance covers online, sing and doodle from time to time.
Manual with VBS music on full volume.
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Both, I usually take my manual car if it's just for short distances
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>Produces vocaloid music
>Also sings his own vocaloid music better than the game's singers
I walk.
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Manual, automatic is for retards.
public transport
I can draw well enough to impress the normies but I don't enjoy it enough to do it as a hobby
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There is a lack of Sexzuki on this thread
I don't draw well enough to impress anyone but I hate it enough to spend all my time doing it.
I've played violin for a couple years, but that means I'm still shit.
I'd like to git gud enough to be able to play Cantarella
As much as I like Naoto Fuuga and Kaito as a character, Gakupo was better as a male voicebank, sucks that he is never used now and will never get a new one like Gumi
I missed the EN rooms yesterday because of the same reason I missed them in the past
If Kaito actually sounded like Naoto Fuuga he would be top-tier VBs of all time, he sounds so good but Crypton was so incompetent when making all his voicebanks, Meiko sounds almost exactly like Haigo Meiko (well, sounded like her) so I don't know why the discrepancy
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Ena doesn't need to be good at art when her body is already a work of art
AI booba doesn't count
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My beautiful wife.
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It‘s actually HIS wife.
This is Maxori
It feels wrong to think of Minori as cool.
15 year old hag
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>got both cards I wanted in 120 rolls
Miku was generous today
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Ichika is so lucky to have a gf like Saki in her life
/psg/ is so unlucky to have people constantly posting AI
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My cute 'nan
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Louis eating fried chicken while holding an unfried chicken
Big love
GETCHA cover?
Rui would never do this, it must be a plant-based alternative
>Most plant-based alternatives contain veggies
The veggie thing is a texture thing.
Would Rui eat potatoes? French fries?
Cute sneeds you got there.
I will fix him the same way I would fix the Shinonomes: carrots
A nice carrot-chicken stew with potatoes and pumpkin and he will be begging for more
Personally I would shred carrots into pancake batter with some cinnamon and serve it to those fatties. For Rui it's blended up veggies in pasta sauce.
Don’t look into Airi and Tsukasa’s recipe books without permission anon
The stew was just for Rui, the Shinonomes would get brazilian carrot cake. Blended up veggies is a good idea too
Rui is going to die. Just take the vitamin pill and some fiber powder or something at that point.
I feel like it's the case that most vocaPs who are good at covering their own songs are also bad at tuning, and vice versa. Could any anons back this up with their own knowledge of vocaPs who do self-covers?
>4/10 people left at the end of Positive Dance Time, 2 people on both teams
EN's community is fucking awful
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When I see Kanade it's reeeeeeeally hard to care about anyone else
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Would it stop you from thinking about Mafuyu?
I don't think about her that much but she does occupy a corner of my mind at least. This is /mag/ after all
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Icchan LOVE
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Ichika is so lucky to have a gf like Saki in her life
I love Sexki so goddamn much
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Goodnight Enanon.
wrong this nan is dead
Looks like a Gundam or Macross character
Miku Burger
I choose to believe those are all different burgers and she ate them all in one sitting.
He would eat potato fries with his dear friend Mizuki.
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Texan Miku Burger

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