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Previous: >>493072401

>[Event] THE Great Tea Ceremony Battle: GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku, The Man Who Returned from Hell
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] GUDAGUDA New Yamataikoku Sen-no-Rikyu Pickup Summon
2024-09-02 01:00 - 09-22 20:59 PDT

>[Campaign] Back to School Campaign 2024
2024-08-25 21:00 - 09-08 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Good thread
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The ______ Empress!
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Kama Love!
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I have never masturbated to Morgan but I know every piece of art and doujin freaturing Aesc
You don't love her
I thought the remake had changed Kohaku's hair a lot based on previews but she's basically same ol Kohaku straight-on, I'm relieved
but also sad that I can't make that dull bastard really greet her until another game, if my recollection holds up
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>event all about curses
>Iyo uses curses
>Rikyu uses curses
>Command code status effect
>its burn
Because Chacha is Lady Yodo, and do you know who the villains are?
But there is already lots of burn stat command codes, but very few curse command codes
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let her cook
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little green guy from star trek
I want a cooking competition between Liz and Morgan
>Do you know who the villains are?
They have literally told me their names and I have no idea of what or who they are
Are you willing to illustrate me a bit?
No, I mean the villains.
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Oberon love!
the bad guys
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I've had enough of your chicanery.
How do we feel about Iyo?
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>you can't kill rikyu he's like a father to me
>5 minutes later
>actually yeah go kill him, blame him for whatever I don't give a crap
What the fuck is Hideyoshi's problem?
They have mentioned Toyotomi Hideyoshi. He is Chacha's husband. Chacha is also Nobunaga's niece.
i dont think nobu calls him a monkey solely because of his appearance...
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steggy? nuh uh i have no idea what steggy is
*munch munch*
No antipsychotics during the Sengoku Jidai.
Hello, I'm a humble traveller from /alg/
Which girl is closest to Bremerton in terms of sexiness, I'm collecting women to beat my dick to.
I need an Iyo/Himiko threesome doujin...
Chimped out.
>Have a million of curse servants, both as supports, damage dealers and stat spam that can do almost 500k damage per tick in the right comps
>Have several niche burn users, mostly as damage dealers but ones that can use the stat as a clutch
>Meanwhile poison has been left in the dust and forgotten
Fuck curses, where's my poison spam op servant
You literally got 1000 damage/turn poison CEs twice.
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im tired and youre putting me on the spot but maybe Bradamante
Hideyoshi's son that was supposed to be his heir was not Chacha's son, right? It was from other spouse, isn't it?
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Chacha was married to that monkey guy?
Definetly an appropiate reaction.
I only know Bremerton from azur lane because I find her pure sex and I have no clue of the name of any other girl from that game
My personal recommendation since I seem to like the same as you is either bradamante, Anne or Xuanzang
This works well, I'll look up the other two as well. Thank you frens.
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Once upon a time AL was my second gacha, but I dropped it eons ago.
Still miss my ships, but I had to, really hated the gameplay
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longtime veteran here after I stopped playing years ago, decided I wanna read the story, I also wanna do cute and funny Jack solos, if anyone has a lv1 george with camalann/ the jannu ce please send me a friend request
No, Chacha's son was supposed to be the heir. Toyotomi Hideyori. He seemed to like Hideyori, to the point where he exiled his other son and told him to commit seppuku.

She was a concubine, technically.
He's based.
Simple as.
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Seems like a normal reaction for a Japanese servant when they were alive during those long ago eras.
What kind of pseudo-servants should Ayako Mitsuzuri, Hisui and Kohaku (duo), and Track Team Trio be?
>pink girl
Medb I guess
Or Summer Ibuki?
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>posting blatant tourist shit like this
>without even attaching the image of the character in question
Normal or Event?
Anyone got that image if Himiko taking Iyo out of the cave?
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Aoko in 598 days
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What do you do when your favorite character gets no content in FGO whatsoever
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>he exiled his other son and told him to commit seppuku
Hideyoshi was kind of asshole, wasn't he?
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If you're talking about the plumpy type of sexy, then I'm nominating Himiko
Otherwise Bradamante and Sanzang are great too, like the others suggested
Good moming
Learn to draw for your favorite or take up a craft hobby to make stuff for them.
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Oh sorry, here you go.
Every japanese person in power was
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Morning bro
Kamaru X...
When do we get the extra coins from bond? I have an important append skill that I can unlock once we get those coins
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Honestly? I am not super dedicated autistic to one particular character. I like several of them. Of course I have my favorites but Im not dead obsessed with them.

So there is always one of the characters I like somewhere or another. Well...not ALWAYs, not one I particulary like in this event, for example, but still enjoy Okita and Nobu enough to cope.
Be glad?
No, seriously, more often than not chraracters get outright butchered when they get involved, and for the lucky few who don't, their appearance doesn't add anything substantial anyway.
shove her into various outfits and scenarios via AIslop while the slopping's still legal+able to use copyrighted shit
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Good morning mombro.
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>Learn to draw
Or just use AI
Use search by image feature
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Young people these days have no saucy skills
You don't get into real power without it, honestly.
wait a second, is that...
I'll be honest with you, looks-wise, there isn't really anyone like her, but there are some servants sharing some similarities with her, who have already been mentioned above.
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? When you fill that bond or are you talking about the refund? Then 2 years.
I am sad...
Make OC of them. Fanfics, fanart, AMVs whatever.
why would it ever become illegal
it's going to revolutionize game art
companies are already using it for promo material
>Actual doujins
>Also AI
This little nigga gon' be the most prolific bestiality producer soon. Good on him for figuring it out.
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Sneak under bed trio still a thing

Melusines, Morgans and cities get wreck by the originals
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Shut up, alteraboomer.
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The sneak under your bed trio.
Time to save.
Actually they're the lava swimming club
What servant is named AL
It's the Albert folder
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All of them, sorry Im ESR
Become a lipclown or just cope really hard like >>493112958
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>still no melt episode
This is erasure I tell you!
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Pixiv lied to me!
Hello, I said I am sad. Where is my attention you fags?
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>sixty minutes of Ciel gameplayfaggoty
Do you rike?
Can I call you anytime?
It's stuck in my head again... Now I'm listening to it on loop again...
I'd reply to you but I'm no fag.
They're the same character
Why is this idiot so intent on defending Ciel? Is it really that hard to just admit she's kind of trash outside one (1) neat skill gimmick that isn't enough to carry her?
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Morgan is for Mash
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Time to sex.
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I just watched the conclusion of the video and he says verbatim "entertaining not good" and "absolutely fine to skip her"
Is the Okita buff tomorrow?
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>have to fight arjuna again in 2 years' time
>don't even reward teapots
It is so over...
Read LB6
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>>still no melt episode

The teas run dry
Melt? MY wife.
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Yeah this one
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Who's your favorite servant?
Sent. Bunny King in All.
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I am conditioned to dislike Ishida
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But it's actually easier now since pretenders are a thing and they counter alter egos. Also, daily CS revive.
The reward is eggs
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Use my imagination
I only have a NP1 Faker and a NP1 Oberon.
They are well-matched in blandness, superfluousness with regards to the plot, and general poor writing decisions all around.
It's only a golden apple for the regular version and 100MP for the super version, you're better off making veteran apples in 2 years
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On day chiyome will get an alt
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I bless you to be spooked by more Fakers. I Was spooked by Faker for NP2 recently and she was fun to use for door farming.
She did her name is miyu
Faker's tits are not that big
Jesus, even just reading about it is not worth the effort.
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Her tits are faked with padding
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You can.
Someone with evil trait.
I miss the tekyus like you wouldn't belive
has there been a useful anon that updated the coin sheet yet? im curious about how many NP copies i need for a limited 3 star...
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Imagine the snu snu
You could say they’re fake.
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>has there been a useful anon
Can we use abbreviations to make things easier? For example, instead of “Okita buff”, how about “Okituff”?
Ye, sure, NP NR
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Can we use abbreviations to make things easier? For example, instead of “lucksucker”, how about “your favorites defiler”?
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Good night bros
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Have a golden drive
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Did anyone grail her
Yeah I’ve seen at least one
this event sucks dude i miss when guda guda was fun
I don't know if I like or not that archer Nobu's sprite was basically replaced by avenger Nobu's 1st ascension
I was thinking about it when i saw her design but didnt when i learned shes from some other fate spinoff and i dont know her source material
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Ze blue apples are not that bad ackshually... Just wait for 90++ nodes to open and used apples there instead of farming dogshit nodes
there are 5 that deal curse and 7 that burn.
it kind sucks because Archer Nobu's sprite was incredibly cute
Will Akiha Tohno be released in FGO before Red Garden release?
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>SEVEN Saint Quarts
>ZERO [0] [Nada] [Zilch] Fragments
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I did.
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I prefer Archer's expressions personally. It's kinda obvious they payed more attention to Maou's with Avenger. The stance itself is also quite awkward.
I've grailed her to 100. I will 120 in a decade or two given she's a general pool SR...
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6 scoops??!?
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>>SEVEN Saint Quarts
>TWO whole Rasputins
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>Minor spelling mistake
It's over...
I'm commissioning sambuca.
Commit sppku via tea
You really gotta wonder why he event tried that.
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Raikou is a fat cow
FGO is way too fucking stingy
She's from case files (adult waver's LN). The anime adaptation is pretty fun if you ignore the name case files and accept your not watching a detective show. You're they're to see Waver, Reines, and Gray on wacky adventures and see stuff from clocktower actually in action. Give the anime/manga a shot, if you're not into no big loss.
Why would they release an irrelevant side character from Tsukihime in fgo?
All the type moon heroines have been released already, just in time for the ending of part 2. Anyone else is frankly irrelevant.
You are too greedy.
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Hopefully not.
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The only one I think has a shot of dropping before red garden is Kohaku, and that's just because of her unique relationship to GUDAGUDA.
FGO is getting worse every year.
When the next Summer events come, I'll be the first in line to say, "I told you so."
why is big nigga crying
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>In a decade
In 2 years JP gives you enough coins from bond to level to 120 and grab an append even an np1. Any rarity. You'll only have to roll copies for more appends or if you don't want to have to bond.
Because her lover's pelvis is about to be shattered
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Good morning, bros. Lip love!
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Hey, I'm not like those jew developers over at TM and Lasengle
I'm just a guy with great ideas
Beni said her cooking was bad
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How was last year's summer better than this year's?
Beni was turned into a chick fil a sandwich that day.
Okita when the tuberculosis hits just right.
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sex incarnate
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Himiko shouldn't be so mean to Mo!
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That’s Okita going SSJ
Is Okitummer relevant for farming this event alongside Skadummer?
I doubt it
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Real question: compared to FGO, how do other gacha games and competitors like BA, Nikke and the Hoyo games handle their anniversaries and how much rewards do they give away?
*smack* *punch* *kick*
She can farm the Gold node with non-MLB Tea CE with Summer Skadi, Bride, original Skadi
But that's for finishing off imbalanced currencies, not the big nodes
Less than FGO
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Is Shuten good for you?
I don’t play other gacha.
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Until she gets her charge next year, you're not going to get a lot of millage out of okita j.
I mean Okita Alter Summer, normal Summer Okita would be Okitammer
mb, speedread the wrong okita

>>493120082 (Me)
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Oh, if it is the cunny onahole ver. then my comment is still valid

>>493120639 (Me)
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>BB in the 90++ isn't divine (despite being a divine spirit/goddess servant) so you can't farm it with Summer Nobu
This is so sad chat
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Recommend me a good game for masturbating
Why not go to their respective generals and ask them?
Not greedy enough
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Happiness Double Room
Void stance.
Stellar Blade.
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You can 6CE farm every node in this event save for the current archer node and the 90++ with Okita Alter Summer. If you don't need ashes you might be better off farming the 90+ for bullets and dragon scales, she can farm that thanks to the 50% charge CE
No, mom was right. Ibuki on the other hand seems fine.
Kama can be surprisingly based sometimes.
Summer Okita or Okitan?
I'm using NP2 summer okitan with the tea CE and double sumer skadi to farm most stuff since she loops really well
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Kama looks like THIS?
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I think I'm gonna purge non-lv160 people on my FL for shits and giggles haha
That's Durga
Only hoyoslop is more stingy than FGO, the others have massive celebrations
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Did you try the cabinet in the kitchen. We also have mugs and glasses
It's not Kama
That could be 5-10 different white haired for (you) girls they all look the same
They look the same.e, so kama does look like that
bend over
Sorry I'm still filling them
The cabinet to the right of the stove.
I think Rikyu might go the way of my Melu. I was planning on grailing her, but I'm disinclined now that I have her. I guess I'll see how I like her after the event is done.
I'm pretty sure asc. 3 has all the animations I like anyway.
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I already removed you.
You can tell by the kundala.
cute latelet
No clue
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No U
That seems fair. I veteraned pretty hard the last year and still reached 160 like a month ago.
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My potatoes…
bro… I’m trying my best as a latelet…
Shuten but taller would have been lame.
She's one of the few properly depicted oni, she could literally kill you and eat you on a whim and feel no remorse and not in a psycho way, in the way we might kill an insect just because
It’s criminal we don’t have more Ban fate doujins that aren’t gay.
I'd dislike her less if we still got good Shuten content
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I like her how she is.
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The secret ingredient is love.
Mash boiling in a pot of shit
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"None of what I do is about you, Kadoc. I protected Humanity because it was the right thing to do, and I was the only one left who could do it. I'd never considered the other Master Candidates beneath me, because I know I could never have achieved anything without the help from my Servants.

"Hell, you can probably perform better magecraft than I can.

"I never planned to do any of the things I got thrown into, drop dead serious or joke-like as they come. I just did what was required so that everyone could have a chance to be happy again.

"Even now, as I work to destroy your Empire, Kadoc, it's not about you. I'm doing this for the sake of all the people you and the other Crypters killed to set up your little kingdoms. My destroying you is nothing personal. Because you are just a stepping stone to my foiling your God's monstrous plans. And I WILL destroy you, because that is what you have brought upon yourself.

"And my name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, bitch."
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I'm fine with Ibuki the way she is in terms of design. My problem with her has been here handling.
>introduce her
>tell she's strong instead of showing it
>immediately have her get eaten by a tree
>skip to summer have her behind everything
>again treat the tree fertilizer like she's crazy strong
>she's not even really committed to her plan and pretty much encourages challenging her
She's just not a fun character to read
the kino this couldve produced of her and raikou...
how is this shit still up?
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Total oni victory
oni sexo
tasteful nudity, on topic and created some discussion about the game. Im okay with that
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They gave shuten big naturals
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Any bros itt?
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You know what this thread needs?
I can feel a shitstorm brewing ITT... please be my guest, and take refuge inside this tea house...
Me on the ground
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Stop wanting to fuck widows
An intense bob posting
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The only reason Nasu started making VNs is because of Takashi Takeuchi who bullied Nasu into making Tsukihime with him.

I forget the link to the some of Nasu's translated interviews, but Nasu used to be just content with writing stories for friends and family.

It was Takeuchi's nagging that got Nasu to enter the doujin/ indie scene with him.

Nasu mentiond how he had 3 other stories he wrote before Tsukihime that weren't published: Magical Girl's Night, Kara no Kyoukai, and some third one called Ice Flower or White Flower iirc. Apparently it was about a knight.

Nasu is insecure as fuck and Takeuchi had to push him to publish KnK, Tsukihime and Fate. Takeuchi also wanted Nasu to turn Mahoyo into a VN and Tsukihime Remake.
bigger fish to fry probably
literally zero harm
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Why do people like Arc again?
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…no bros itt
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Who is the Drink of FGO?
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Dumb bimbo slut that you cant help but care for her because she is retarded
What's to dislike about a blond hair red eye beauty?
It's impossible to dislike her if you actually read her VN
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The last of the Gudaos…
Sakurai did make Ibuki pretty strong in Tunguska.
She hard carried the whole singularity unlike the Chinese fraud.
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I don't really like how they sidelined Shuten for all appearances in favor of Ib- WOAH
Idk, Nasu clearly hates her given he put approximately 30 minutes of work into her route in the remake
No harm? I just got a huge promotion!!
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You know what this thread needs?
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Interviewer: Let's change the topic to Tsukihime. It's been 10 years since the release of the original doujin game, why choose now to remake?

Takeuchi: As everyone already knows, Tsukihime is the doujin game from when we first started. Since its release, the doujin group TYPE-MOON became a company, and works like Fate were released, so we've always been thinking when to commercialize Tsuhime.

Takeuchi: However, time constraints became more and more frequent, and we missed many opportunities to do a remake. The doujin group TYPE-MOON was formed in the summer of 1999, next year will be our 10th anniversary.

Takeuchi: This is a great time for a remake, or rather, if we miss this opportunity again, we won't get another chance. So we thought that we can't let this chance go no matter what.

Takeuchi:This remake will need to satisfy the needs of both players who played the original Tsukihime 10 years ago as well as those who just recently came into contact with it; this is a fine balance that is one of the biggest difficulties facing us. Not to say knowing where to begin is already something very scary.

Takeuchi: In the past we simply say to each other "so when are we going to remake Tsukihime?" Just presenting it in the same form as the original game would be an embarrassment to us.

Takeuchi: As a result, we're not facing a difficult battle (laughs). Production will officially begin after Mahou Tsukai no Yoru is finished, the reason we announced it so early is because announcing them together creates more impact, please understand (sweat).
holy based
No... Shuten's milkers...
more big breasted onis?
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Not you shorty. I asked first, beat it
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On Section 15 of the 6th singularity and you know, aside from the whole "Nuking villages from orbit" thing, the Lion King is actually pretty chill
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Reading the remake redeemed Takeuchi for me, it was simply pure kino.
Why do people use Ciel's school uniform spritd when she has a church robes sprite and Arc's miniskirt sprite when she has a long dress sprite?
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N-no... It can't be.... t-there's a rat in here!
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You are welcome :)
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Because this image was made before the remake released, the designs were out like a million years before the game was
If you're gonna post this slut might as well post softcore porn of her
>Story section reaches a natural stopping point
>Fades to black
>Fades back in and keeps going
When people complain about this shit being too much to read, this what they mean. It's not literally too much to read, but it is overstaying its welcome.
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Thanks fellas
Why did they change Arc into slut?
Why are people still sharing this image then?
Because no one has bothered to update it, do it yourself bro
post cute Nobus right now

Fate's story structure was geared towards the theme of figuring out how to explore what it means to be a hero. Shirou, through each route, is portrayed as boyishly following what he thinks is ideal, trying to balance what he thinks is ideal against the constraints of reality, and discarding the things he thinks are ideal for what matters to him. Each route and heroine reflected this theme.

Tsukihime didn't have that, so much. Replaying it recently, I kind of got the feeling that Nasu and Takeuchi were more feeling out some of the mechanics of this incredibly neat world they dreamed up.
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New update, its 2 b's now, Nobbu, not Nobu
When the fuck is Dubai's 3rd ascension being shown?
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Here's a small spoiler from the remake.
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he looks so much like a lesbian
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Hope they get added to a group of servants and thus get content that way, Jack for example gets content by being part of the kids group even if the "content" is 2 second appearances.
no he doesn't, he's too pretty for that
Bros...I don't have all the CE for this event
Post FC so I can blacklist you
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goon morning bros!
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goon afternoon bro
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idol servants?
I sometimes headcanon Guda as a jaded late 20's salaryman like me, I picture him wearing a white shirt, black tie, having stubble and smoking a ciggie.
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im gooning bro how goon are you
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You unironically cant fix her bro. Even if youre strong enough to tank her randomly trying to kill you every once in a while long enough to somehow get her to change then she'll just explode and become someone else just like Ibuki became Shuten
What female servant can I claim as my wife?
What does the BB stand for?
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I still have to try, that's what life is all about...
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BB is currently sitting, not standing.
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What if I told you it was shown ages ago?
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BB's big brapper...
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Pray to God and hope it doesn't get monkey paw'd into "haha AC/DC"
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BB sitting next to me.
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bb cant compete with a goddess
I'm glad my favorite historical figures haven't been turned into Servants, the TM writers are unironically not smart enough to depict them faithfully, they'd just be turned into jokes and flanderized husks
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God i want to breed this nerd and after sex get yapped to death about some new spell she's developing
Thats Medusa you mongoloid freak
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Servants that would be happy to bring me coffee perfectly chilled to a drinkable temperature?
based retardkek
Do you guys still want currency drop CEs on support servants or is it time to put up the tea drop CE?
No servant would be happy to serve coffee to a loser like you
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Please just play along or at least don't bring me crashing back down to Earth like this...
MLB point CE > MLB currency CE >>>>>> point CE > Teatime > currency CE
umm... Anastasia and uhhh Sitonai... do we have any other ice Servants?
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>she's not even really committed to her plan and pretty much encourages challenging her
Retard-kun...she did it for (you), challenging her was the entire point.
I put my coffee in the fridge or freezer for 5 minutes so I can drink it faster
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Eric Bloodaxe
I don't find the conclusion the problem, I find the fact that he needed sixty fucking minutes of someone's life to explain it instead of just going "Ciel has cool skills, but shit attack, in a game where attack should be your highest priority"
They used to have nodes with a million arrows, yet they can never seem to divide these sections up properly, not even when they are dead set on torturing you with 0 AP segments.
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Bros, I hope you're all having a good Wednesday. This event is easy to keep up with so far, so try to stay on top of it. Good luck with your farming and tea leaves to mats trades. Now let's do our best to make this a daishouri thread.

Not the person who posted it today, but I made that image 8 or so years ago for a random thread on /a/ for the sake of comparison.I just used what was available at the time when I made it. The top row is from plus period. The middle was from a melty assets rip I have in my type-moon folder on my home pc. Pretty sure I still have the original .psd for the image somewhere too. At the time bottom was pure best available. Hence why tohno is an ancient magazine scan, it was all I could find. I always thought the image itself was a little unfair since the melty stuff inherently has more dynamic poses, but what ever it was good enough for what I made it for. I could go and update it myself, but I've never seen point. The image is way too out there at this point to the degree I've seen the damn thing show up on Google before.

I'm using purely the tea CE right now.
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I don't think that's too much or at all the case, but for some reason she gets a lot of fanart either drinking or making coffee that I noticed over the years. Might be the mature aura about her.
Considering Douman doesn't understand how Beasts work, is Ibuki even a real Beast candidate?
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Cute Tamafox
>top: soul
>bottom: soulless
When did it all go so wrong, tsukibros?
Got off at work at 9:20 PM and took an hour to get home. Just glad I have you guys to shitpost with, I guess.
I don't mind reading a lot but the reading experience in FGO is awful, I don't know what the fuck they were thinking using this piece of shit 2-line ADV format instead of the much better full-screen NVL they've used in every other work.
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When they removed her hair vents
>lolibaba illya
super cute
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If you want to fix oni then you can fix Ibaraki by being her mom or Teen Mom by making her a mother
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it's just Illya wearing glasses...
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Seems like the type that would make her own coffee but make extra and leave it for you, but not any further effort for special treatment than that.
today i almost raped random woman
Well, this game was just supposed to be a quick cashgrab that would be shut down after a few months. If they knew it'd be popular, they'd probably have used NVL
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>Years ago the gigatits and fat asses I liked were seen as an abberation
>Now art like this is the norm
>Actually ended up making me prefer petite girls because it goes too far for me
Truly an example of getting too much of what you wanted jesus.
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Nobody cares about solo content
Nobody cares about the exact numbers
Nobody cares if she can "farm" 3/3/3
The faggot could have cut the video to half at least if he just gave what the people are interested in, interesting comps with BB, thats it
>lolibaba illya
thats just Sitonai
she's drinking coffee so she's clearly an adult
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Shiki pls
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It flip flops for me between the extremes of petite and floppy bag of excess meat
>Nobody cares if she can "farm" 3/3/3
I actually do, and she can't, on her own.
Exactly, Anytime. Everyone knows what it takes to do all that shit, all he needed to talk about was her pillow hands and her unique gimmick instead of all these other mental gymnastics.
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Is Iyo child bearing age yet
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It's fucking over.
This is why Jilly killed our streaks.
Look at her tits and tell us.
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Not them, but it was the only site that still had stuff that was pruned or banned from panda before it also got stealth deleted.
Wtf, I hate Iyo now
Kama... cut the rope.
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there was/is some kind of legal struggle going on between some manga artists and >n
Try tor if you're too lazy to use VPN bro
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hehehe got em lol nice one kek, keep it up, brap
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Milly a cute.
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nfags BTFO
It's not the only site, you need only look harder.
works on my machine
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Here's a thread to talk about it bros >>>/h/8183178
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never used tor. i have been amassing my collection from n for a while and did my last backup last night.
fuck your smug posts, i have a panda account that i use if i can't wait for aggregators to scrape
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I'm goghing to work see you in a few hours broghs... ehe...!
any bros?
Who would those figures be, anon?
so many times i've had to hit the button to pull up the full text mid conversation because of the 2line dogshit
Later bro
There are several sites that mirror panda just in case irodori strikes shit down, if all else fails you always have sukebei
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>66 gigs of porn
I came here to laugh at you
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>66 gb of jpeg porn
Don’t overwork yourself brap
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So...Iyo is essentially a spic Ishtar welfare counterpart, right?
Works on my machine. Don't live in a commie shithole next time.
Yes, she is good if you want to backline bond some servants
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66gb is newfag stuff, i amassed over 500gb of 1280x-sized resolution doujins (to make em lighter) before i said fuck it and deleted everything because it was ruining my life
nowadays i fap once a week and i'm much better
you're probably using a "mirror"
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Kiss Morgan and pet our daughter
Anything thats not sadpanda I don't give a shit about. Fucking normie site.
Sure glad I had the foresight to download my favorites kek
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Morgan&Bob Love
That's literally incest
They aren't related
Random thought. But what if Mily was already a chaldea servant and was brought along for onigashima?

Would each Ushi Gozen instantly detect that they're not Raiko, would they try to kill each other? And would Mily feel relieved that she can still be a psycho while still caring about Kintoki?
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Kiss lb morgan and her cute little princess daughter in their cheeks
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I'd tend to agree. I could see her serving or bringing it once in a while, or if you asked, as one would to a partner so they can drink together, but not too much a routine or a servile thing. I, on the other hand, would be delighted to serve her anytime she wishes.
I wish i only worked for a few hours...
Lots of unorganic Bob spamming today.
Adoptive relationships are still incest. Being attracted to your adopted daughter, mother, or sibling is incest.
He's desperately fishing for attention and a meltdown, it's just sad
Not enough completely organic Bob posting today.
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I’m smart though
You lost the war morgankek
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Ever since the ex debacle I download any doujin I like as soon as I see them. They read better locally anyway even with reader addons.
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>in their cheeks
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Ones depressed and wants to commit a lovers suicide after everything else is dead while the other wants to create a place where Oni and other super natural beings can act freely without being judged for being born that way. They aren’t going to get along and she’ll probably feel a somewhat a small warmth of relief that she’s still motherly when it comes to Kintoki even when she’s losing her mind.
My laptop isn’t charging…
No, it’s what YOUR mom used to tell me hehehehe gotem omegalol
how much QP do I need to survive until the next lotto bros
Clean the charging port. Buy a new charger.
What reader are you using?
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Thoughts on the event so far?
Is tea good for you?
Depends, are you rolling for anything? Iyo and Cunny Liz are the only welfares between now and then.
Its ok, not bad at least
When are we getting more Iyo copies?
Thanks, have a good one too, bro
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Nah I'm more or less dry until Draco
I'm at less than 200m which is slightly worrying though
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Unless you intend to do a bunch of skill leveling/120 grailing between now and November I wouldn't worry about it.
Hehehe Kama broke my mind Kama broke my mind
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>and she’ll probably feel a somewhat a small warmth of relief that she’s still motherly when it comes to Kintoki even when she’s losing her mind.
Wait, which one? Big Ushi or Small Ushi
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Hola la putas
alright, thanks
Small one
Post white haired evil women with big tits who are actually huge dorks
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Depends on how much you're rolling and how much you level your sevants instantly. We will have at the very least two welfares including Iyo before the lotto.

I just came out of the doors from last week before the event started with 450m, and I was kinda expecting one or maybe two new SSR's (already got Rikyu), that and the welfares should be within wiggling room with both event's QP gains too.
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Aloha slut
Eso no tiene sentido gramatical pendeja
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Cuide su lenguaje, señorita!
I'm finding it pretty alright too, it's not hard to read. I'm quite liking the vilains there.
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Hello bro

Managed to burn down 1500m to 200m over anni and summer
Most of my practical/fav units are already maxed so it's mostly impulse spooks and welfares I'd be worried about
Not used to subsisting on low QP so I don't have expectations for how manageable it is
Thanks for the reply
>genuinely wish bro a good day
>he responds by acting like an insulted female
you morgin?
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Oh yeah, but tomorrow I am Gilling and Rinning
Holy fuck warn us firsr
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>Koma cameo
This day’s node was worth reading desu
Iirc there was a Jalter sequel of that image, someone post it pls
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Why are you speaking a language she hates?
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>iyo's refund is shit so she basically needs double Castoria to loop, which I'm not going to do
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I don't have it TL'd, hope you've been doing your reps.
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Only redditors call her Jalter
It doesn’t matter how bro acts, I would never abandon him in any possible way.
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Witch SEXO
We call her wife
Yuyu sex
I'm enjoying seeing nobu and okita properly lead a gudaguda.
Brainlet here is Mori not in the friend point summoning?
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lmao when did chaldea app add this
I need some money for bigu packus to get Rikyu
Can you spot me some, bro?
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Actually, I call her
Her cameo is just her going "..."
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I call her my wife too
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I'm not "sweaty", faggot
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Yeah they’d know, but the one from onigashima would probably make fun of Teen mom for running away from “herself” of the fact the Onigashima one is both Raikou and her sealed self while Teen mom is basically just the divine/demonic side summoned without her human part (Raikou).
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Why is Chaldea Morgan a berserker?
go back to 4chan this is reddit
>marriage loicense
Do bongs really...?

Jalter aka Jalty Alty aka Jalterina aka Juanita aka wifey
Cause she's crazy in love with guda
Why are you calling xer Koma?
Event 3* like Izo and Mori are NEVER in the FP summon
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Wish I could feel Bageko's muscles right now...
whatever you say... sweaty...
Kukochihiko got mud…
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Koma is a girl (true). Rikyu is the old man sharing her body
Faeries mind broke her
...how do you know this?
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Post Gudako
Stop acting tsundere, bro. I know you are a good person.
Yeah, sure
*throws 10000 bucks at (you)*
Did that rikyufag who said he was going to post art he drew of her as a catalyst ever post it
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hehehe... "how do you know this" he asks, well, you see, bro, I am not exactly the one who you think I am *squeak* *squeak*
>It is I Yamanami who has returned from hell
>Was it difficult?
>Was it difficult? Because 6 years ago it was difficult for me to escape from purgatory
>... purgatory?
>I know it's not hell but imagine one day your servants snap and want to kill you then rape your girls
*ultragigasmooch* ok honey
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Thinking about Koma
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Did you guys hear?
Someone found Ozymandias' sarcophagus
I look and talk like this
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I'm ready for an Egypt holy grail war
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Her profile was translated long ago
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I see, what's she like?
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JP figured it out very quickly on day 3
The cape on the second ascension is the only one in this world
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>Yeah they’d know, but the one from onigashima would probably make fun of Teen mom for running away from “herself”
Would the canon plot of onigashima be derailed as both Ushi's instantly square up or would it progress all the way to the mountaintop showdown?

>Teen mom is basically just the divine/demonic side summoned without her human part (Raikou)
Wasnt it that teen mom is from before the Raiko/Ushi Gozen split happened?
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I did
Did you get her?
Looks cute bro
Forgot image
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>don’t have the money, time or space to archive the artbooks & /m/ material from the panda these days, can only save a handful of favs
Praying every day the government looks the other way
It’s so so, don’t really find myself as invested in this Guda Guda.
>Is tea good for you?
Yes, but I don’t like the taste of tea & save it for when I’m sick. I’m usually a picky eater/drinker.
When do we get the new Jeanne Alter interlude?
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Plenty of slots
JP: https://rayshift.io/jp/228278454
Just in case
Thanks bro
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Joyeuse got stolen and the Sessho Seki broke relatively recently
People are preparing for something
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I'm something of a latelet, what caused this to happen, why is she a goat now?
Last Halloween some french slut made a ritual which stole your body.
The result is that (you) turned into a goat demon.
>Joyeuse got stolen
I'm sure it was durandal that was stolen.
I'd really rather not.
During the Halloween 2023 event her body was briefly commandeered by a demon
That’s because we are already bros!
When do I get to impregnate Jalter again?
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Tamamo's rock also broke + lost chapters of Gilgamesh's epic were found. Shit's about to go down
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Already have you on NA . I only log into JP to read new translated chapters and rarely log on otherwise. Is that fine?
The plot would derail.
>Wasnt it that teen mom is from before the Raiko/Ushi Gozen split happened?
Bro one of her skills is basically Divine Manifestation which says “When manifested as a separate entity from Raikou in life, she still looked just like her other self.” It’s not fully Raikou its just her other self thats summoned without her human part.
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*wriggles her toes in your face*
What would you do in this situation?
take my dick out or something idk im a virgin
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Drink my cup of tea and wriggle my toes in her face.
Eh, misremembered
Still, one of the Matter of France's swords
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Forget about JP then
Glad to have you on NA tho
I want to make her a mother
Sent, Medea in all.
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Eh, it was just a replica. Sure it was a replica that was a couple hundred years old, but they can just replace it. Hence, the confusion as to why anyone would climb up to steal it.
Let’s be honest, /alter/. If cute girl would put her foot in your mouth you would suck on em toes.
>Bro one of her skills is basically Divine Manifestation which says “When manifested as a separate entity from Raikou in life, she still looked just like her other self.” It’s not fully Raikou its just her other self thats summoned without her human part.
Yeah but her comments in Chaldea outright say she hasnt yet personally met the people in her future (Kintoki, Tsuna and even her older self) she implies that merely knows *about* them
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In a crooked little town they were lost and never found
Fallen leaves, fallen leaves, fallen leaves
On the ground
Uhh yeah?
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Servants whose toes you would suck?
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Cute feets
Alaya wills her disappearance, it’s inevitable that you will never get the chance again
What do you call these hours?
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You posted her
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Grippers hours
I will RAPE Alaya and get my Jalty Wifey back
>Tamamo's rock
That's the Sessho Seki
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AcceptedSorry about the recent loss, she was a great voice actor
Regional problem I guess. Works on my machine
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You guys aren't actual footfags and are just memeing, right?
Post silly historical goobers that should be made servants
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>My country's OC could totally beat up one of France's greatest mythical heroes!
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Open your mouth z-a-k-o~
Name five actual evil women that FGO has
how about you open wide your pussy?
>Be an old man
>Be given a young girl's body
>Act erotic
Why are they like this?
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>Implying you wouldn't
Which evil woman would be most willing to birth 12 of my children?
My bro.
Atalante Alter
Jalter is a huge dork with big tits pretending to be an evil woman with big tits
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Did you roll her Koma feet bro?
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>Dork dumb cat
>Dork dumb universe
>Dork Prime
>Rapist thus valid
That's 2/5
Marie Alter
Summer BB
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>Majority of Rikyu/Koma art is Rikyu
Reminder that nyalter betrayed you for some shitty furry kids
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>Rapist thus valid
Abby would never rape you
>>Rapist thus valid
(you) consented
I can't
all the "evil" girls that fgo has are jokes
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Breathing while asleep is not consent Abigail!
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You can just ask for Koma art bro, you don't have to do this reverse psychology nonsense.
I remember and I will never forgive her
I will call you wife
Read her interlude
>Nobody named Kiara
Nyalter ?
>she's just misunderstood
>t. nasu, probably
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No I've actually been downloaded art for the past half an hour and most of it isn't Komahime which is mildly dissapointing, I wasn't expecting a 50/50 split but Komahime seems to really get shafted.
I don't want to think about Kiara.
I am going to have fun with your cold body :)
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It's a 50/50 split in my folder
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Fuck your servants
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jalter wife
I do
What's the best part of Castoria?
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Too bad, she's the most evil woman we have
>ex debacle
who is the sexiest servant?
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Only one answer.
I reckon that's a yes.
Suit yourself, but without my further involvement.
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BA bro, I heard something about Dorontabi getting in trouble. Is it true?
Your favorite evil white-haired female servant?
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i don't even remember the details but tldr ex got nuked and somebody saved it
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Sounds like he didn't Act his Age!
>Read the excuses of a traitor
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Does Jack qualify as "actually evil woman" or does she not count because she has no morals of her own and her morals are mostly shaped by her Mother figure?
Jalter mom
That’s okay, bro
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Getting betrayed is the fault of the idiot dumb enough to get tricked.
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Shuten Douji
Wu Zetian
good, fuck that faggot
Twittertards being retards
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Wow Altera sure is up to date on all the latest drama and makes up material on the spot, truly a prodigy!
Nobu said it best, you have to think about the possibility of getting betrayed and then have a plan.
This is why i told Billy to put the cat down with a bullet.
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can't think of a 5th one though
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Melt Wednesday
It's Thursday
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Yeah I think I might have confused you, what I was saying was that Teen mom is basically her divine/demonic side summoned without her “human part” Raikou since her teen self in life was acting full oni while controlled by her father until she got her “human part” later when adopting and raising Kintoki.
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Melt Thursday!
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(You)re the one who tries to make excuses for her, but she denied that and accepts responsibility for it.
It really is a great interlude, one of the best I've read.
sus as hell
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Aesctually Wednesday stands for Wodan's day which is another name for the Norse All-Father Odin so it's Cu Wednesday.
Keep saying shit like that and you are gonna get raped, slut
Is Nobu a zoomer?
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No she’s a westbo
Guda particles...
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why does iyo do a handstand kick and expose her vagina every time she uses a skill?
holy mating dance
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Sex is why
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