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Top 3 worst expansions, according to me (knower)

>1. Cataclysm - Destroyed the world
>2. Shadowlands - Destroyed the lore
>3. TWW - Destroyed the characters

This is fact, you can't argue it.
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>Alleria: We thought we had lost you, Khadgar. How did you survive?
>Khadgar: The Dark Heart was created not to destroy, but to capture and harness all manner of power.
>Khadgar: When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy...
>Alleria: ...and allowed yourself to be trapped within the Dark Heart.
>Khadgar: Yes. Until you freed me.
Help me with the name for a undead warlock
Paphos and over the top shit is appreciated.
Bloodfall (kinda basic. Still cool.)
Feverfall (fever! Fever is cool)
Marrowarp (marrow and warp)
Thantophobos (death fear. cool)
Bloodshriek (meh)

Other cool name components:

Nice ones. Thx.

Maybe scalehound
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horde leaders be like
1 (one) spell reflect is usually enough to motivate me for 10 another duels.
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whats your earthen class? I like priest, monk or warlock for them. Not sure which one Im going with.
the plapped lady
Bloodballs the destroyer
I need belt/gloves/staff from heroic. I've grinded a dungeon with these drops 15 times and yet to get any, I just keep getting dupes of like head and chest. What the fuck do I do? This sucks. Is there seriously no way to like get things directly after enough failed runs?
Unless they adjust the racial to allow them to drink water than 2/3 of the Priest specs are unusable on Earthen.
daggers can't be transmogrified to fist weapons? so only outlaw rogue can wear fist weapons?

>put 60 knowledge points into mining
>I can now mine at the same level of proficiency as a fresh out of the box druid
Celestalon and his consequences have been a disaster for WoW
Nice textures
I want to either play arcane mage or affli warlock, how are both classes nowadays in terms of fun? And no, I don't care about playing Frost mage.
>mana class
>mana class
>mana class
You can't drink for mana remember?

Nah daggers only into daggers and so on.
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wait what
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does he still work for blizzard?
Everybody has known the earthen's racials for MONTHS

The worst thing is that the Earthen well-fed is WORSE than the standard food is for other races. Their racial stat "buff" is a literal debuff compared to just eating food on a normal race, plus those races also have their own stat buffs on top of that.
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>shills will defend this
it said food not water retard
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*alleria shoots the thing*
On Hearthstone, yes.
Shouldn't 3 be BfA? Or am I judging BfA too harshly since it had to follow legion? how did they get Legion so right?
surely the racial spell is good for damage.... right?
BfA isn't the current expansion. If it was then obviously it'd be included.
It's Vulpera-tier. At least Vulpera can eat normal food and drink so they're STILL better off than Earthen.
>earthen cannot drink for mana
BfA had good dungeons and cities, also the warfronts were pretty cool. It was just a boring expansion, it didn't actively ruin any aspect of the game forever
Gonna go with monk. Having fists made of literal rock is good for punching.
Drink for mana? Sounds like a healersissy problem.
It'd be fun if they couldn't use abilities that involve drinking as Brewmaster.
Actually it goes like this:

MoP (ToT Period) > WotLK (Ulduar Period) > Vanilla > MoP > WotLK > TBC > Legion (Ending) > TWW > Dragonflight > Classic > Cata (Beginning) > Legion (Beginning) > MoP (Remix) > Plunderstorm > Cata (Ending) > Classic (Wrath) > Classic (Cata) > BFA > Classic (TBC) > Sneedolands > WoD

Hope this helps clarify things!
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why would they need a leader if there are only 3 of them left?
the old world sucked dick fuck off
how many villains did as much damage as deathwing? gul'dan destroying outland doesn't count
>muh lore
of all the complaints about shadowlands that's the most retarded one. even more so when wow lore was fucked from tranilla
>no wod for destroying everyone's hopes and dreams
This is trash.
>Pandaren don't get a passive stat buff and instead have to get stats from food
>To compensate for this, they get double stats from food
>Earthen don't get a passive stat buff and instead have to get stats by eating gems, their food
>To compensate for this, they get less stats from gems than they'd get from food
Make it make sense...
Don’t they drink cinderbrew? I thought them drinking a mead made from fire bees would be relevant to the Fire Breath ability.
you didn't play most of these
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>the old world sucked dick fuck off
Give me 5 reasons the new azeroth is better than the old azeroth and don't mention dragon cocks

>of all the complaints about shadowlands that's the most retarded one
explain why
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prot or fury for lvling?
im not even a wow player anymore i just came to check
is Khadgar in a wheelchair a joke or is it fucking real
please tell me it's a joke
very oganic post
I like some cataclysm world changed but I don't like the others
But I think it was good
Yeah i noticed it too, he even waited for a new thread to pop
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It's true.

Wow, that's pathetic. Let me tell you folks, you won't find stupid shit like that in, well, I'm sure you know what game I'm talking about. Bye bye now, enjoy your shitty magic wheelchairs!
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I played all of them, in fact

Don't forget you're here forever!
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How long do all the sidequests take and how much rep do they give?
I'm still trying to finish the campaign
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the nigga that carried the game for me in WoD in any way like this... can't make this shit up
how are people using dragonflying mounts at lvl 17?
Yeah how dare he get injured once.
That only proves you played vanilla
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What do you overcrawlers think about delicious nerubian food?
You get epic ultra dragon flying automatically at level 10 now
now you go to dragonflight after exile's reach
You sucked at all of them and that's the saddest part.
its a bug eat bug world, huh
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Don't make me tap the sign, anon
he got injured a LOT of times, why bro in a WHEELCHAIR NOW
Legion > Wrath > MoP > WoD > BfA > Cata > TBC >>>> SL > DF > TWW
>Khadgar permanently in a purple dildo wheelchair because he got injured during gender reassignment surgery
Literally none of those make any sense for earthen
I was an orange and occasional pink parser in Classic, actually
But that doesn't count, of course
stop samefagging with your organic posting
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They all make sense for Earthen. Their entire story is that they're getting to be individuals for the first time and are free to do whatever they want, unbound by their directives. The faction they join and the class they become is entirely for them to decide now.
>when the game was already figured out
>all you had to do was farm gear that somebody told you to farm and push 1-2 buttons
yeah okay he is gonna keep samefagging, he waited for the new thread and now he is samefagging, i'm out
who is samefagging you schizo
who do you think retard
the same faggot who does it every day around this time
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im new to wow, whats the big deal about him being put in a wheelchair?
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Prepare to see this image a whole lot over the next two years. It took them weeks of searching to find something to spam and they've finally found it.
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1: you can fly
2: almost every zone is now finished
3: quest design generally improved (not to be confused with quest stories)
for example escort quests no longer required 5 fucking people to complete like the faggot robo chicken ones, it finished what tbc and wrath started by removing the stupid elite quests that gave all the good rewads, quests stopped sending you all over the fucking world 6 times in a row, there were enough quests in almost every zone to let you move to the next one without having to come back and finish it which you wouldn't do anyway because there werent enough quests left to justify wasting time going back to it and most of all you could take different routes to level each time because finally you had a choice. oh and quests gave good xp instead of requiring you to grind
4. it made the world progress forward instead of being stuck in a time capsule
5. it made deathwing seem actually threatening unlike the other villains
their only mistake is not letting you pick the old world through zidromi even if the old world was tedious and anti fun
classic is using the post legion client so there is nothing stopping them
lore has been fucked long before shartlands and the least of the expansion's problems
I got to level 8 with all of them by the time I was done with the quests in all zones. But you'll also gain rep from quests completed on alts.
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be seen ya
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>Legion #1
>Maw of Souls grinding
>Endless AP grinding
>Want to play a different spec? Oh no you don't!
>Got the wrong leggo? Character bricked! Reroll.
You know someone's a 7.3 babby when they rank Legion number 1. Always.
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It's a big deal because XIV players are desperate. Just let them have this, they need something to spam and pretend they're winning while their own current expansion has been a disaster.
My laptop is pretty bad but is it I guess normal to get 30-40 fps in a crowded theater event?
Prot to aoe mobs down
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Yes. Considering you said it's pretty bad even for a laptop, I'm surprised you're even getting that.
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>Khadgars face when he's "saved" from being Xal'ataths personal dildo
Is the xivman in the room with us anon
Only min maxing shitters cared about wrong leggos.
I'm going monk, but I'm unsure where to level
on alts? I've been questing for an entire 7 days and haven't even finished campaign yt.
How much time do you think I have?
I have a pretty powerful PC and I get FPS drops in big events like that. In epic battlegrounds it drops to like 20fps in fights at mid
>they put their louisoix in a wheelchair
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>farm gear
yeah haha it was soooooo easy to gear in classic
not like people who didn't rank in phase 2 and abused AV had to spend 4 months of their lives in the warsong and arathi coal mines just for the equivalent of an AQR, smile
They've been doing it openly for three years now so yes, they are. It's not something you can gaslight about because everyone in here has seen you guys do this shit countless times.
Do i HAVE to level in df?
>1: you can fly
>2: almost every zone is now finished
>3: quest design generally improved (not to be confused with quest stories)
Didn't have to replace the entire world for any of this

>4. it made the world progress forward instead of being stuck in a time capsule
No it didn't, the fact that chromie exists is proof of that

>5. it made deathwing seem actually threatening unlike the other villains
Death wing was LITERALLY the least powerful and least threatening final boss of all the expansions, by a lot. He would be a mid-tier raid boss in any other expansion. Definitely not worthy of destroying the entire soul of the game

>lore has been fucked long before shartlands and the least of the expansion's problems
Bullshit, shadowlands literally came out and immediately said all the previous lore was through the eyes of the titans and that they didn't know shit and that the shadowlands lore is the real lore. You have no idea what you're talking about.
Chromie time lets you level wherever you want
What's the fastest then?
no, come to shadowlands :^)
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What gets me is that the model is just a shitty looking wooden wheelchair that looks like it was made by some random carpenter, but it's made out of magic. He could have conjured anything.
>tfw my shit GPU can only push around 17 in crowded areas
Sneedlands is the worst to level in though
I'm on vacation and got all the time in the world, so I was through all four zones in two days, but you're just a bit over halfway. If you're level 80 by now I'd just complete one zone at a time while doing dungeons.
>yeah haha it was soooooo easy to gear in classic
Took about a month then all you did was raid log for the rest of it. Most of the community quit so logging became even easier. Classic parses mean even less than SoD parses
So the only time you somewhat played ok was in the version of the game designed for literal mouth breathers. Case closed.
Shadowlands is kino comfy though
I haven't played Classic but isn't that supposed to be the hardcore version of the game before they dumbed it down for casuals? I thought that was the entire appeal.
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>Xivsisters! We fucking wo-ACK
I just fly around on my alts and gather materials. AH bots are sniping everything, so you can make a pretty penny while leveling.
It's been fun to see those faggots short circuit when some anon brought up the fact that their dead game/franchise has space travel, space ships, mech suits, cyber cities and all kinds of advanced tech, yet they also chose to leave their cripple in a dogshit wooden wheelchair
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>high fantasy setting
>has regular ass wheelchairs
i dun geddit
wtf happened to minecraft, I thought kids loved minecraft
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I wanna finish the campaign quests first. I'm following lilian around rn.. she's annoying af.
I've done some gear farming to 574 but no idea if that's gonna be enough for mythic dungeons. I just really hope I don't have to do delves. They are horrendously boring
Now post the numbers fron June 2021 you fucking dumb cunt.
SL worst, BFA second worse.

I don't like twws zones, we'll see.
ermmmm its fucking purple and magic, retard
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Ive found a cool back cosmetic from a rare mob. doesnt really fit a tauren druid but would look cool on a rogue I guess
She looks like she'll rip your dick off
I actually agree with this list.
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Those kinds of thoughts aren't healthy.
but the current time is september 2024? anon?
holy... she cute
Nevermind the current time. Both games are dead now. But in the summer of 2021 there was one king of Twitch and it sure as fuck wasn't this shit game.
It dipped to 25 at some point. And yeah I'm on a 3050 with 4gb vram so it's pretty outdated
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True doomjeets are desperate.
You can get all your gear to 59-something if you upgrade it to level 8. I think it costs ~600 valarstones per item.
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how do you make a good char with dreads ?
make him a nigga?
If they get uppity with the cripple shit, point them to this post >>493111289
You don't
>Wheelchair Khadgar results this much seething
Best alliance race Voice?
Femgnome, femdraenei, femnelf
>objectively stupid thing results in people finding it objectively stupid
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Underground SNEK kingdom and playable SNEKs next expansion.
>wanting to sit down after being dissolved into energy and literally temporary dying is stupid
Shouldve gotten these instead of mechagnomes
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adhd is killin me
Made for cuddles
Whats the best pet battle team for doing the world quests??
Take your meds
iktf brosis
Nta but i also love sethrak. They're cool
is she
dont got none
i cant decide man
>stacked protein
Applying for Nerubian citizenship.
Enjoy your bread, overcucks.
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I feel fabulous
You look pretty fabulous.
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God damn it.. why does the game keep logging me out when I try to command the shitty little robot thingy
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Aching to get plapped by a real man
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You look pretty gay.
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choice paralysis
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Technically the Earthen are naked without armor because their "underwear" is just a design carved onto their stone body. It's basically a tattoo.
I'd play a slimy vizier Sethrak mage in a heartbeat.
you look like you have maxxed enchanting teehee
>thick eyebrows
I'm over here strokin' my dick, I got lotion on my dick right now, I'm horny as fuck, I'm a freak
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new desert zone when
>he doesnt have his underwear tattoo'd into his skin to minmax his time IRL
That's an edit, right? He didn't actually post his ass?
I dont like em. I want a snowy zone like winterspring
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Are solo RBGs going to be 10v10 or 8v8 like how Battleground Blitz was?
He has a very popular Onlyfans and that's where the original came from. He posts full nudity every other day.
they're going to be kino regardless of that.
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Expac may have been shit but this zone's music and ambiance was pretty fucking sovl
i enjoyed the content
the systems however, i did not.
That explains why I see so many gainer Patreons. I understand niche kinks allow people to charge more, but there's *so many*, I have to imagine, now, they must get fat dollar.
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ok i think im gonna play as her
I am too retarded to play my frost mage.
Is there any good guides?
What the fuck is even my rotation? Do I even have a rotation?

Soon I hope.
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he's trying to get some pussy retard
grounded low fantasy mogs > gay ass rgb high fantasy mogs
BFA horde zones were all kinosovl, Dazar'alor might not be the most practical capital but it felt like one and it was so cool. Music too. Ppl are harsh with bfa because of the retarded grind at the early.
post examples
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green haired one is much more fuckable
Is Khadgar the chink from Prestige?
just use sd webui + controlnet
>blizzard really relegated the wizard to a fucking wheelchair so the 6 wheelchair bound niggers playing will say "omg he's just like me i feel so heckin validated"
floppa sloppa
>he's just gimped so he can get some pitty sex from a 200 year old hag
humiliation ritual
What if they'd given him a levitating Professor X chair?
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rate my earthen
He looks like he steals ore at night from unsuspecting merchants
Eat gems
gemmy :)
Lickable toes
If you're gonna go goth, why not go all the way?
This expansion is a embarrasment.
cute in a way
Nice one.
5 of those wheelchair limps would gladly use magic to fix themselves so it's insulting to them too which leaves 1 retard and a bunch of virtue signaling redditors who think they are speaking for the other 5 because they think ableism is a no no
too ,much for me
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Watch your mouth.
Night elves are for marriage and breeding.
that's xal in disguise right?
Incorrect. "Grounded low fantasy mogs" can be just as shitty as RGB high fantasy mogs. The ones who go out of their way to have "realistic" weapons and armor are just as much an eyeroll as cosplays of something impossible in-lore.
looks like a real digger
Xer theme song: https://youtu.be/BuqLi6Rs7KE?si=mTnRO0vdC5bXUU0S
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The animations hahaha
>this "thing" was a major selling feature for the expansion
wow needs to be taken out back and shot like a rabid dog already
If it is, there are some lore implications for Anduin hitting her with a surge of holy light and her not being burned by it.
>The Last Titan = Galakrond
Kino hype? Bussin?
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This is worse than the fucking wheelchair
please tell me this isn't real
I haven't seen a single femEarthen post.
Remember when Allied Races were Draenei and Blood Elves, two entirely new skeletons and races, instead of just a glorified reskin of an existing race?
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>BFA was bad- ACK!
The last titan is obviously Azeroth.
They end up looking way better than flashy RGB lighting mogs almost 90% of the time. You're just a contrarian fag.
Nah it's that black one from Hearthstone.
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why'd they make anduin look like steph curry?
Absolute sovlkino.
I still can't believe it's real.
built for gnomes
What happened to their cinematic team? That's borderline gameplay footage.
Metzen will bring back this btw.
no, because Allied Races were literally conceived as a lazy compromise between adding from the ground up completely new races and not adding new races at all
KhadgarXModera finally? Wow, I genuinely wouldn't have expected something good in modern WoW.

It's based.
Even more based when you remember that Khadgar's actually only like 40, he just looks old.
Not gonna make it.
It's Sargeras you FOOL
They already confirmed Illidan would be back, it would be dumb to assume Sargeras is gone
How do you know it's Azeroth?
Galakrond is a gigantic creature and could be called a titan because of it's size.
The first two were the two I mentioned and it wasn't until BfA that we started getting reskins so that's a fucking lie.
lowkey that spiked buckler looks fucking awesome

>drains the blood out of his ass then body slams him into pieces
god zamn
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what race is the miqo'te of wow?
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>KhadgarXModera finally? Wow, I genuinely wouldn't have expected something good in modern WoW.
Yeah but his penis no longer works so he can't breed.
is Warrior the true hero class of WoW? certainly feels like it imo
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nice anon, how do you like mine?
no, blood elves and draenei were new races. The concept of "allied races" was invented in BFA as a lazy half measure when Blizzard stopped giving a shit about putting effort into new content
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Is it weird I always thought khadgar had a thing for modera since wod and legion? Surprised it might actually end up being a thing.
he's not permanently crippled he's just injured
nah its always rogue mage and priest
theres a reason that 3's setup has never been weak once
>they're not allied races they're just new races that are allies
The fuck are you even yapping about?
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>is Warrior the true her-ACK
Lmfao the main character class is paladin, it's not even a contest.
This is factually correct objective opinion.
WQ on the Broken Shore hinted at it.
depends on the xpac.
Cataclysm for example was shaman.
Not even my terrible teeth are yellow as hers.
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>Warrior of Light
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>all the comments saying they want to kill gnomes too
what is it about midgets that brings out the bloodlust in people?
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Turns out corpses don't have good dental hygiene.
Kek based tranny trolling.
>most commonly played race
>loved by coomers and erp sluts
Night Elf or Blood elf, not sure which is higher pop.
I said true hero class not true healer class
Rent free much?
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>How many years have come and gone since that day?
>How many years have I waited for this moment?
>For the one that stood alone against the darkness
>For the one they called... the Warrior of Light
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Khadgar getting that mage pussy in dalaran
>no skirt to protect his clit
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>overload herb
>makes portal
>portal puts me DEEP into cave right into huge mob group
>can't mount in the cave have to walk out through endless more mobs
Dem pussy stank blud
I don't like the body gems, since they clip through armor.
I just gave mine a belt gem.
i meant more of a "main character" kind of vibe. the protagonist, if you will
no i dont think so. anything in cloth can't fight well
the hero at going to church? i guess so. but we're talking about the wow
It's Warrior. Simple as.
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>He inhaled swiftly as he felt a pair of small hands slip around his waist from behind, and a slender figure press against his back. Turalyon did not move at once, then, slowly, took the cold hands in his, lifted them gently, and pressed them to his heart.
Alleria placing her hand on Turalyon's chest is a callback to their first sex scene in BtDP.


i solely play human male
people somehow praised this feature as "new and exciting"

first week of expansion talk is almost entirely propaganda, every time
nice catch, I didn't even think of that
there is no pussy, only rock
TWW lost, I'm going back to SoD

Have fun grinding nothing for another week
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when are they going to fix the fempanda shoulder bug that keeps happening?
This is why I only overload altered herbs.
I get writhing samples, that's enough for me.
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What's under their underwear then? Just rock with no hole?
>leaving dei slop flop for a dead funserver
these are all so cringe. remind me of some shit i would have made when I was 13
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cuck relationship
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what causes this?
did a white man fuck your seanigger sister or mother?
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not gonna lie the body patterns look nice
Their underwear is their body.
It's just chiseled to look like that. These are technically the first fully naked race.
What feature?
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>re-used scene
yeah so im pretty much the Black Swordsman aka Gatsu from the critically acclaimed anime BERSERKER (he's an Arms Warrior)
is his dick gemmed too
there is no underwear either, that's just carvings in the rock
looks good, do it
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thinking of this more
Where did all the worgen go?
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Probably never, Blizzard is full of incompetent hacks
Makes him look like a jawlet.
Oh come on
Dracthyr can be fully naked too. Maybe all races will be naked from now on since the last two have been.
that is cultural apropriation
>The first two were the two I mentioned and it wasn't until BfA that we started getting reskins so that's a fucking lie.
Blizzard said, "We can give you these new races you're asking for but it would cost an enormous amount of resources to give them all new skeletons and animations and entire zones and storylines like we did the Draenei and Blood Elves, so would you rather have mostly cosmetic Allied Races with new racial abilities and their own lore, or would you rather not get any new races at all?" and the players voted for Allied Races.

Now, imo, you can sort of contribute some blame to laziness, but it's corporate laziness. The Earthen are a big deal in The War Within. They're front and center. Blizzard arguably should've given them the Zandalari treatment. Why didn't they? Because they've been hemorrhaging talent and skill for years over their shitty corporate management and the various scandals that've rocked the company.

Blizzard went from being a prestigious place to work to somewhere that you suffer through for your first 2 years and then GTFO and use it on your resume to secure a better job. That's why quality has taken a nosedives and there are more bugs and spelling errors than ever before.
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but this doesnt?
>female pandas
who CARES lmao
Wow Blizzard has runned out of ideas now. Will fanboys still excuse it?
me, I care. I swear to god I am usually not into that furry shit but fem Pandas are somehow the most attractive chars in all of wow
Druids can gather herbs from flight form, but not mine. I think they may have allowed it at the very start, but then removed it.
Now he looks like a nu-male and a jawlet.
based male vulpera
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Arr, I be usin' frost magics to keep me drinks cool, yarr
what can i drop to get 2 stacks of feed the demon?
bro don't you play blood DK
Why not Arthass?
>When you've experienced your eigth world ending event in just five years
I have a problem with modern wow armor having ugly HQ textures with shitty design that just doesnt blend well with the in game models and world.
I dunno, she still has the dark heart even if it's cracked(?) that thing sucks up power. it's not as if she's not adept at shapeshifting or glamours.
>hy didn't they? Because they've been hemorrhaging talent and skill for years o
But I heard TWW is a great expansion. So was DF, actually.
You should look at the beards textures then
i only got 1 IMPERFECT null stone during my mining sesh today, should I just give up? why am i so unlucky?
where is Faerin?????
>would gladly use magic to fix themselves
NooOOooo you can't say Faerin being a disability checkbox character isn't well thought out!
What does that have to do with herb farming?
Arthas is boomer shit
Turalyon is current
>I'm not aiming at YOU!

Uhmm based blizzard writing for once
Nobody cares, tranny. Go read your YA novels somewhere else.
>repeat same things from previous expansions
>copy and mix things from other games
They are definitely out of ideas after Legion/BfA.
So a paladin.
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what main character syndrome does to a nigga
>blind in left eye
>no left arm
>shield attachment donly barely covers the shoulder
>doesn't wear a helmet
>uses a lance on foot as only weapon
Absolutely nothing about Faerin is well thought out
this feature is a copy from Dragonflight
and it's worse in every way
the materials you get are worth far less
the effects which happen are more boring
i honestly dont even bother overloading except Irradiated herbs to then duplicate a luredrop node, waste of time
my wife
Seething erp tard
he is a priest

Turalyon was also a priest, but he became a paladin
actually, seeing as Xala was holding the Mcguffin infront of her at centre mass Alleria was in fact aiming at her.
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>just a touch of the armor and 'cya bye, have Anduin already, party is full'

WoW writers have never been in love with human being.
Two new races for a future expansion, what are they and what faction gets who?
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>Are these "trannys" in the room with us right now?
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I was referring to the fact when she was offered a prosthetic(and the dialogue implies this happens regularly with her) she just goes Noo I don't want to! >:(. When everyone knows that people with real disabilities would jump at a chance of making their lives even tiny bit easier. But you are right.
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Should have been Turalyon instead of Anduin
>allied races unlock
>needs lvl 40 AND THATS IT
I just don't understand that, being a mere warrior and all and not an elite paladin
having Anduin here and not Turalyon feels so fucking wrong
he is like isekai protagonist who became the center of the world even though other characters first time seeing him
agreed, though I assume they wanted a big moment for anduin to regain his faith in the light
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Are the servers dying?
I kept getting logged out tryiing to do quests so I went farming
Now half the nodes I arrive at vanish as soon as I dismount and my 12h overload CDs don't reduce at all anymore. They are stuck
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Doggin in
>humiliation ritual still continues
Shouldn't you be balls deep in a NElf rught about now?
>Now half the nodes I arrive at vanish as soon as I dismount
Nodes disappear few seconds after the first player tags them.
>and my 12h overload CDs don't reduce at all anymore. They are stuck
it reduces internally the icon is just bugged out
You telling me someone keeps stealing my damned nodes? Fucking druids..
Nope you have to do other shit like if you want vulpera you must finish the voldun questline and if you want zandalari you have to do a shitload of shit
I wish
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God I hate these dumb bitches. I just got him stealing my shit.
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hello i am robot man
i think it's 1 minute or 10 players
really annoying, they should do personalised nodes, or make them not despawn for (You) if you're within 10/20/30 yards or something
none of these things matter if you aren't a mythic raidlogging autist thoughbeitever
Flesh Dwarves are obsolete now. It's all about the stonechads these days.
He looks like he eats rocks
>It's all about the stonechads these day
>gets low on mana
>AIEEEEE I can't drink
Introduce your character
just use the shredder mount you autistic sperg
the what mount
Earthen or Mechagnome?
these are the type of women that are actually into fantasy.
>have racial that replaces food buff
>it's worse than the actual food buffs
>you cant even eat proper food to gain a good buff
earthen sisters...
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>BFA Bee mount is still Alliance locked for no reason
>have to use ugly cinderbee instead
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bees don't like no shoes
sorry I don't make the rules
It is a thing already. Old man clapped those cheeks for realz
the engineering shredder mount from MoP. you dont need engineering to use it anymore. lets you herb without dismounting.
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That's cap. Dark irons mog stonechuds so hard it's not even funny.
It's alliance locked because they forgot to give the alliance any unique mounts from the rep vendors in BfA, they just put recolors of the same horse and gryphon while horde got a bunch of different mounts.
eathen because at least you can tmog all slots
I still don't understand why alliance players are so autistic.
left looks like if Kate Winslet in 1997 put on 100lbs
its been 6 years anon, surely they can change this by now
It doesn't just replace the food buff it's also their racial stat buff. They're the only race that performs worse than if they had no racials at all.
Wait.. which head is she talking about..?
right but alliance can use all those horde mounts too. but horde cant use the bee even if you unlocked it as alliance
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Holy fuck, he is literally /ourguy/.
I need a fourth kind of dwarf now. my Warband feels awfully underdwarfed
proper wildhammer dwarves soon
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This thing I assume..
But I also farm ore, lots of ore. That thing only does herbs I think
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I'm not a fan of the slow recharge on concentration or BS skill points being tied to patron orders that could use up half my concentration or cost 40k in mats.
mental illness
is this a shaman or a priest?
Rock hard/10

I want to know why you didn't go with eyes/crystals colored based on Celestials (black/white/red/jade)/10

Went with a magma-ish look for my Earthen Shaman. Night switch to a blue-themed lightning look later.
I was hoping for Frostborn, but that works
>danuser makes df all about his mcguffin
>metzen destroys it in the .0 patch
Subtle but i got it
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>44/45 bismuth
>mine a node
>get imperfect null stone
>get the 45/45th knowledge point on the next node
fuck you blizzard
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He got real quiet after that one huh
At least the rng is gone.
I liked the blue eyes best and the gem color is the one that went best with the chains on the chest/gloves
I overload only irradiated herbs.
Not people.
Subhuman vermin.
Every widely accepted moral framework known to man says you judge a person by how they treat people they feel they have power over. Creatures that get the urge to abuse others just because they physically can are put down in most human cultures.
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I chose herbalism and alchemy but alchemy is actually boring and there aren't any cool potions to make. Its just lame stat buffs.
damn they caught on and made this weekly impossible for alts unless you spend hours doing it
When my subscription expires, I can't play any character that's over lv20?
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hell yeah
>It's alliance locked because they forgot to give the alliance any unique mounts from the rep vendors in BfA, they just put recolors of the same horse and gryphon while horde got a bunch of different mounts.
I didn't play BFA, QRD on this?
Did Blizzard just low effort the Alliance mounts and then add a Bee mount to say sorry?
Why start leveling in DF or any other expansion
When EVERY SINGLE FUCKING ITEM pre TWW is worth nothing?
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There are a few cool ones. I use this to find invisible herbs.
>speccing into mining fundamentals
goblin brain problems
They would if they were Horde. Being forced into the Alliance makes them low tier at best.
gayest post of all time
>thinking about how someone described the start of civilization wasn't from a technological invention but from evidence of a healed thigh bone
What profession should I lv
The 3rd alliance bfa factions are humans so they got horses and the alliance players fucking shitted their pants hard. It wasnt better for the horde desu
>reskinned pterro
>reskinned wolf
>random bug
you get 15 shards per normal dungeon boss kill, so 45 just from doing the weekly dungeon quest
*grabs your honkers*
very organic
>soulless tranny race
>objectively the worse race

correct. this along with the little rat furrys..... are you ok horde bros?
does anyone know anything about these Dragonflight zone buffs which make it impossible to die?
why did they add these?

Shouldn't you be clocking in to your manual labor wagie cagie about now, cretin?
This is an 18+ site, son.
He was a paladin.
What's the best one?
oh wtf thats huge
those also give knowledge points the first time you find them
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sorry king, the axis on the shoulder bone was changed to fit the newer and better looking armor
you'll just have to stop showing off old grandfathered mogs
dysgenic trash is put down in any actually healthy society, it's not about "tormenting others" of whatever gay shitlib fantasies you have
seethe harder
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swap them with blood elves and you solve two problems at once of the most forced race inclusions
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>tink tink
I want to DATE this panda

she looks like she fucks human men
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Cry more hordelet
Didn't read.
that's me!
I know we had a couple of human NPCs lusting over worgen but has wow ever had a panda x human/elf couple? Even if just as really close friends.
you're lucky that's not the reality we love in or you'd have been smothered in the crib
Looks great, good job.
When I overload the ez mine I always die to get the 3rd node.
>a panda x human/elf couple?
I think there may be a couple NPCs in shrine of the seven stars talking to female pandas but I think that's about it desu
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>You've got mail !
You're making male characters now?
Gotta admit... I like it.
keep seething
why did I know this was gonna be the reply? It's always the reply lmao.

you're a projecting, sad loser fuck
sorry my posts reminded you of that briefly
I just caught up bros....what the heck mayn
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>Archbishop Benedictus is evil now because... HE JUST IS, OK?!

God I hate Cataclysm with every single fucking fibre of my being.
That's probably not a lot of fiber
there was a canonical fempanda/tauren lesbian couple that adopted a baby in dragonflight, because of course that was in dragonflight
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>just doing a random heroic
Get fucked nerds.
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Why did they have to go and give the fucking cow and dog races the largest cup sizes?
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Man, you remember when Frodo cried like a beta bitch boy when he entered Mordor and got beat up by that pale gimp? Looser had the easiest job of the team and fucked it up. And wtf is that gay shit with Sam? Fucking diversity hirees ruined the trilogy with this weak ass gay melodrama. Don't get me started on that dogshit Minas Tirith arc - "no no no, we can't just have a wise competant white king, he has to be a senile looser bitch because its 2024 and we have to get a drumpf bad metaphor". Not to mention the le strong independant woman killing a Nazgul - fuck is this shit? And the ghost army ass-pull Marry Sue shit, fucking Danuser wtf. Like who wrote this dogcrap piece of fuck? Kings Return? More like Kings Returd.
What? Tolkien wrote it? Well that's a gotcha and you're permabanned now, how about that, debate-andy?
[chair clattering]
>get disintegrated
>"I'm fine"
Holy seethe
In Legion it was mentioned during the Shadowpriest artifact questline that Benedictus knew about Xal'atath but never dared to actually wield her, knowing she would try and drive him insane
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>Got some gemmies?
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>n-no you can't punt the heckin' wholesome gnomes you have to protecc them instead the most upvoted post on reddit said so!!!
No one here remembers PAWAH-posting
The golden era of /wowg/
lotr is insanely overrated
>MOOOOOM! Mr Streamer banned meeeEEEEEE!!!
Blud thought he ate wit dis one
that's not a gnome THOUGH
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omg look at this woke girlbosses! they added them even in cata quests!
Arathor's spear is a reference to the emperor's penis, isn't it.
that WHORE says that to anyone
don't believe her lies
go for the other whore that was sodomized with a carrot instead
>MWAHAHAHAHA I HAVE ACHIEVED VICTORY (of what we dont know, swirly shadow stuff i guess)

>Now let me turn and face the entire source of my power and nefarious plans (that we still dont know) towards you


i think i hate millenial "writers" more than boomers at this point
Doomers have no real response to this
fastest valorstone farm?
>go for the other whore that was sodomized with a carrot instead
His Holy Radiance.
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do you think the black blood xal keeps talking about is in fact, her own blood
What are the fun healers and tanks this expansion?
it's the old god blood that is seeping from the earth isn't it?
No such thing as a "fun" tard wrangling spec. For tank, prot warrior and blood dk.
It's N'Zoth's blood
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Hearthstone did him good tbf
Also his voice is at 2:10
I need to goon post goblins
>wasn't man enough to follow in his chad fathers footsteps and be a warrior
>is such an indecisive faggot he's larping as a priest and a paladin
exceedingly based decision from the devs
Have you done VotFW? You gad to help a father find his daughter
His daughter was in a vermin cave, dressed in that skimpy AQ dress and dancing on top of a colossal carrot
When you approach her she mistakes you for a vermin and immediately tells you she doesn't want another carrot and you should get off the stage while the vermin are ogling her
On your way out she vaguely tells you what they forced her to do with the carrots strongly implying she had to stick one up her snatch and how she never wants to see a carrot again in her life
>onyixa comes back
>splits anduin into bitch priest anduin and badass warrior anduin
>priest anduin dies like a bitch while failing to do something

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Is there a way to get enchanting dust from blue items?
>two kul'tirans write the story
could be Cthun given that old god bodies in fact quite large and the sword stabbed Silithus. We didnt actually kill Cthun in vanilla did we? I thought we just beat it back into a state of unconsiousness.
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Also did anyone notice they did a full on hearthstone dungeon and they are doing more with the league of explorers? Having the darkness as the final boss of a kobold dungeon was pretty based
Campaign probably, gives you 10 valorstone on most quests even if you've completed them on another character
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sisters what's the best way to farm Nerubian Chitin? Open world or Follower dungeons?
my entire friend group hates this dungeon because of the candle mechanic, i dont get it, it's really not that bad and makes the dungeon unique
i think people just instantly hate things where they cant zerg spam their buttons without thought
Yeah they did him justice in Hearhstone, still I hate how he got villian batted for no reason, just like Fandral, Garrosh, Kael'thas etc.
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in chronicles it is said that benedictus got depressed after the fall of lordaeron and how light didn't save it
>On your way out she vaguely tells you what they forced her to do with the carrots strongly implying she had to stick one up her snatch and how she never wants to see a carrot again in her life
I.. I did not remember that part O_o
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*jeets in ur path*
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I like kobolds and candles a lot so I didnt mind it at all, I wonder how hard it will be at higher mythics
they should have completely removed the story, had the entire campaign consist of a 30 second bit of dialog Magni telling us we need to kill nerubians in a bad Scottish accent, and launched with m+ and raid open
9/10 murderhobo expansion right there
whats the point of this shit now that they nerfed le dust
Worgen property.
replace magni with muradin and I'm down
Yes she's the prime old god.
Well it makes sense, The Darkness is a near impossible fight if you don't know the mechanics, and they're so unique. But yeah, it's cool. The dungeon has grown on me a lot. I love that you're in such an enclosed space as well, adds to the atmosphere but also is very nice on the framerate.
If you have MoveAny you can rescale it with shift+right click, unless that addon actually caused that issue idk
I have leatherworking on a character but I don't want to have to advertise in chat to sell my armour pieces all day, so is there another path you can take with this profession that makes valuable AH-sellable shit? like bags or spellthread and similar shit for tailoring.
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Btw anyone doing this, just buy the gold, it is around 1.8-2k gold I tried the other bags ans they dont ever come close to 2k gold, the dust one came to 1.5k
Hordefags were still crying about soifang jr so the writers had to turn bendictus evil to 'make it fair'.
herbs are gonna skyrocket next week, right?
>mythic releases
you bet your buttery biscuit it is
No. Prices would be different if that was the case.
protip anons, buy your flasks, food and potions this week, they will be more expensive next week
but i want to complain how everything is so expensive next week
thanks, will do
>be an old God
>be left on a random planet by your masters
>make an empire
>all is good
>some dudes show up
>dudes say "u bad"
>dudes make armies of smaller stone dudes
>they imprison you
>after god knows how long the door to your cells starts to creak open
>some adventurer dudes show up and beat you unconscious
>they repeat this every fucking week????
>finally get some peaceful slumber
>one of the original dudes stabs you with a flaming sword while you are asleep
>you are just laying there bleeding out
Man being an old god fucking sucks.
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Hold on.. this stupid bitch is just a dagger? I thought they just made her up for this expansion. I didn't know she was an actual thing before this.
>Fumbled the response
Busy daydreaming about knots?
Just saw a Horde dwarf?? What
you never knew about our knaifu?
stick to tekken nigger
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big dicked elven ladies because I feel gay today
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What are your predictions for the end of raid cinematic next week?
Ofc not.. Legion was utter trash. I never bothered with it's lore. Just did my dungeons and raids.
>this general has literal sub-Legionbabbys in it
have mercy
you are still all noobs
oh snap, and you were even kind enough to wear the retard sign, sorry my bad
something that implies Ansurek will be zombie resurrected or the old god tentacle/xal will continue to exert influence over the already ascended nerubians to continue ascending nerubians so we have a reason to keep working with the conspirators.
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When i'm done with warlock, im gonna try shadow priest for the first time in my life, then i also level dk and maybe paladin or warrior, i just need shitload of time and hot chocolate..
so wants the fastest levelling timeline now?
I first played in wrath, really started in cataclysm. You are just a tard
Don't tell me you actually like literal star wars space battles in WoW.. the best part of legion was Illidan but the fat fuck never really did anything cool besides kill that light thingy.
All the draenei and demon space ship garbage has to be retconned hard. It's horrible.
queen seethes about being lied by xalatath just before dying, gets replaced by a triumvirate and the spooder empire fades into obscurity
you caught them samefagging to their own character that looks exactly the same as every other elf afk in capital cities
how many male vulperas do you sleep with in a day?

has to been at least 5000
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Fury PvP is very satisfying when your team doesn't suck eggs

No don't I'm cringe and my UI sucks
i wanna play wow but there IS NOTHING TO DO
>No don't I'm cringe and my UI sucks
no worries, I literally use the default UI and Pandas are worth all the cringe in the world.
campaign was good but I can't believe faerin is in a wheelchair now. then in the cinematic they forgot to put the brakes on her wheelchair and she slid off the platform and broke her arm and neck. she's vegetative now. come on blizz wtf.
proven worng here too noobusers trying to le troll
for the amount they were hyping Faerin up she has had shockingly little to do with the main campaign. Fucking Moira and Dagran have had more impact and screen time.
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>this spamming faggot is in horde goldshire where all the futas hang out
Bro why does the dawnbreaker dungeon need to have a bunch of rares on it to make it even more confusing as to where to go like fuck
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>don't do legion intros
>Stormwind is now permanently mourning Varian
trying to make me look bad
heres another failure
I for one am shocked, SHOCKED!
I never did his quest in WoD so he is still hanging out in my garrison with yrel and khadgar
these are the faggots accusing you of not playing the game
just finished the campaign. narman and dawa in wheelchairs now... hold on I'm tearing up again
peopele just ruining threads
heres another proof
>Cibematic made me expect some bulldog girlboss with a chip on her shoulder who eventually 'warms up' to the player and co.
>She's just a nice lady who wants to be Anduin's friend and help people
I'll admit I was surprised.
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imagine being in a wheelchair lmao
wod and cata obviously
i think i should buy a wheelchair
Who triggered the shitskin this time?
The amount of mats to create epic gear and the fact that some are limited like sparks is fucking stupid and garbage.
What if I want to create myself a full epic set ?
Nope, I am limited to 1 piece and also time gated by knowledge.
Unless I don't understand how sparks work and how to get more.
Faerin is completely irrelevent. In the end it wasn't her who made Anduin regain his light, but rather seeing Alleria mourning Khadgar's death and the Crystal turning light again that did it.
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dark heart got cracked
the flip happens now
that was her thingy doodle no?
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Praise the light. Hopefully this is the expansion we get paladins for all so I can make a gobadin.
>Faerin is completely irrelevent
I feel like theyve done that on purpose because she's going to be front and center during the inevitable Hallowfall/Arathi patch. If blizz actually though far enough ahead to make sure nobody actively disliked her before then i would say they actually planned something out instead of just making it up as they go.
posted towards 493122339
fk of newfag
>floating arcane wheelchair
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another one goes into my archive
here is the proof
and a true same fag
dont forget he picked it specifically because Modera made it. They may have (temporarily) removed his ability to walk but they didnt turn him into a fag.
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Goblin and gnome paladins would be great
>stacked for sindorei girlcock
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We won.
i dont know what they could do to expand that desu. like what is left after we're getting rid of their nerubian threat? i think the patches will slowly move us towards the old world to build up midnight
could be wrong though. but i cant see how could the arathi stuff be expanded in jsut patches. the whole holy emperor thing and with how big of a history that empire has, 1-2 patches is not enough
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See >>493109039
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>Xal’atath references Shadowlands
Xalatath or whatever the fuck is her name is a slut
Thalkiel is your real bro
full please
>adding a white boy in the image
Into the bin.
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I have hundads of these proofs
Night elves are cumdumpsters for orcs
which one was a bigger humiliation ritual, BFA or Shadowlands?
Out of all the females, trolls have the biggest clits.
why doesn't gazlowe just carry oil with him to slick the ground infront of his wheelchair so he can move faster? goblins always have oil or rocket fuel on their person. half of them have the word grease in their name. they memory holes this or?
what do you mean by humiliation ritual
It started with legion
Looks terrible
making the player actively take part in a story and gameplay that humiliates them
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Will race to world first bring back hype to this xpac that quinn/asmon ruined?
started with vanilla then tbqhwu
bros, i've been a horde player for my life but i'm thinking of taking the human pill for a paladin because the only horde race that can be a pally i like is tauren and they don't fit the aesthetic of any of the paladin tier sets.
I hope this race lasts a whole month I want those boys to be tortured.
8k more gold and i will have 1 milion gold
Maybe not the whole of Arathi but a way to set up the Hallowfalll Arathi as seperate from the mainland Arathi could be done in a patch. One of the mages manages to get a portal of something open to the mainland. Turns out the past 15 years gave big E another vision and the expedition are traitors. mainland mages opens attack portals and the locals along with the earthen defend Khaz Algar.
We shut them at the end of the patch or something but then uh oh Midnight comes around and theres no way to re-establish contact with the old mainland. At least not until TLT is done.
Just a thought I came up with. Some expansion on the Arathi, Faerin keeps being protector of her home, plot thread for later.
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Basegame BFA was kino thoughever, it only got downhill for one patch for Nazjatar, Ny'alotha and Vale/Uldum conversions were great too.
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Yeah, it was pretty bad, they forgot about the alliance mounts so they gave them a bee.
Impressive, I'm merely at almost 500k across all characters.
Are there a shit-load of gold sinks? I already have 400 gold as a lv20 Demon Hunter.
Those comics in his profile are kino he posts them here sometimes
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which ones are repeatable?
>three very different varieties of horses with great aesthetics
>gross flying tick, bone-covered hyena and janky ass flying dinosaur
People really preferred the Horde mounts to the Alliance mounts?
actually I like those horse more
why doesn't obese retarded autistic elderly fat faggot hideous rapist orc just push his own wheelchair? he's not even paralyzed he gets up when he wants to rape people. but he makes silvermoon high senior practitioner push him around.

that guy has 6 hours of meetings and 4 hours of paperwork 7 days a week. he's entitled to 4 months of annual leave a year but he only takes 48 hours, says he's in it to help people. people hate on him for historical shadiness, like the Steven Smith incident 20 years ago - where he ordered the organs of a deceased blood elf who requested not to donate instead be harvested - but he's never done a single thing that weren't in service of the people.
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boomkin good yet?
xal'atath feet are just that good
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>checking out orgrimmar on my new earthen
>orc warlock roleplayer calls my character a "digger"
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If you don't even have a scoop tab can you really say you're living?
>. but he makes silvermoon high senior practitioner push him around.
QRD on this guy?
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is there a faction i need to funnel rep gains into or should i just be leveling them all equally
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earthens... is this our new title...
Gnomes are only good for being rped as kids.
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>Alliance tramp stamp
Disgusting. But hot.
like the repeatable treasures mentioned there
because for the +3 ones i had tomtom connected to it
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any treasure or disturbed earth
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>wanted to switch to prevoker bc the class is fun
>notice I dont like not seeing my gear
>considering going back to basic bitch resto shaman
whats our healer of choice, sisters?
>spending crests for gear that will be instantly replaced when we get mythic gear
good job minmax retard
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What, its suddenly a crime to take a break, go see whats happening in the lesser Goldshire, find nothing, make cupcakes and AFK to go make dinner?
Come back and I'll give you a stack of cupcakes. You could do with a Happy buff.
Appreciate the spotlight.
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This is making me sick... Just to put it tino perspective this absolute piece of Kina came out 16 years ago

Oh so these are the people who buy the stupid gloved from the monthly case.
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i imagine some people only have time to raid tuesday-wednesday night so they'll push normal at their best. no time for mythic0s which aren't that much of an upgrade anyways.
No one cares shut up trannoid loser
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just jealous 'e ain't a roight propah digga
im a mistchad
best valorstone farm right now?
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It was a pretty okeish expansion; the first part of it was boring; the second part of it was pretty fun; I liked mechagon and naz jatar, corruptions and visions. Essences made the heart of Azeroth better. Almost all new BFA features failed to deliver though (expeditions, warfronts), and Azerith farm became tedious for people who actually farmed it in hardcore mode.
It was a dumpster fire in every department, starting from a storyline and ending with everything else. It is clear now that it was entirely rewritten with disastrous consequences ~6 months before beta kicked in. After initial failure, blizz decided to cut losses and throw resources toward the development of the next expansion. Good things about Shadowlands were castle Nathria and Denathrius, as well as pretty Zereth Mortis locations. thats it.
mythic is 593
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Does the theater thing give anything good or have the rewards not been enabled yet? I've done this a few times and all you get for like the epic chests is like 15 crystals and a tiny bit of gold.
CLEARLY someone does.
>>493113650 - guys this shit is only for a trailer like that video of orc female dk summoning horsemen
it's not in the game
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we have peaked
when i click on a ! npc and the quest does not show a item or rep reward I dont do it
am i missing anything this way?
Metzen sovlkino
Warhammer sloppa
this is actually metzen's kino
there are a lot of references to his recent dnd thing auroboros
so he clearly was the one behind this arathi faction and location
>. It is clear now that it was entirely rewritten with disastrous consequences ~6 months before beta kicked in.
Why was it rewritten?
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I will play this and you can't stop me.
i think it's mostly a ring recipe lottery. kind of like running df soup for the flavor pocket but rarer and worth more than the pocket was, for now anyway.
Fucked up that the Alliance ERP hotspot pops off, but not the Horde hotspot that's explicitly for ERPers.
Are mythic raids really that hard? Or is this about M+?
You get 581 with only 584 rep gear (Head, neck, shoulder, chest, trinket) and the rest of your slots upgraded to 580, which only costs valorstones, no crests needed
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I can decline your invite request though.
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This faggot mad he didn't get the reaction from exposing he wanted.
has been in medical practice for 370 years this year. after being rejected from medical school solely due to the political climate and his military background, studied field medicine from humans and jungle trolls then won his way into the professors' circles with a series of controversial yet effective street medicines and antiseptics distributed to the then-struggling militia, whereafter he was known as "joe see-another-sunrise".

pushed for equal treatment and improved standards of living at a time when medical care was only readily available to the upper class. passed the law that new doctors must swear the oath to "do no harm". formally requested to have his tenure extended after his would-be retirement age 40 years ago. lives in a small apartment in murder town, outlived his first wife by 86 years so far and never remarried. his one surviving daughter visits with his great-grandchildren during winter veil.
Horde RP is dead
can't wait for paladin/priest demands for m+
>engineering patron crafting order for specialisation points
>pvp pattern
>costs 7.5k honor
>takes hours to accrue this
why do pvpbabs subject themselves to this
Ah okay, thanks
if you're outlaw it's the best option. if you're ass LMAO
minigamers have more fun in those hours than dragonslayers
>read a post on plebbit about a guy's daughter passing away and him wondering what he should do with her wow account
>instantly start crying
am I a girl?
No Anon, you only wish you were one.
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I will be the one making the group.

I play assassination rogue because outlaw is boring.
>grinded the alchemy flasks recipe early for 7500 honor x2
>made giga gold off of mass producing them
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does alliance have an updated skyship?
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Why is the spawnrate on these fucking seagulls so bad
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F-For the horse....
....I-I mean horse....
/wowg/ guild status?
Imagine evoker but it's not skinny scale furry anorexic nigga and you can use human form in combat
>sees talents
The mythic raid, race to world first. The top guilds usually take roughly a full reset to get it but sometimes they go longer because the raid is hard. I want it to take longer because it would be funny.
Afrasiabi left due to allegations but decided to ruin Sylvanas and set her on crash course in BFA, so they had to rewrite Shadowlands and failed. (At least these are the rumors, and some people confirm that in blizz.)

RedShirg guy
>Michelle Morrow (Alleria’s VO but only in Hearthstone) claimed that Afrasiabi intentionally ruined Sylvanas and that Teldrassil specifically only happened because of Afrasiabi and his vendetta.
>Pointed out by... man in Horde Goldshire where all the futas hang out
>"J-Just to expose them! Seriously!"
they got an updated boat instead
Non existent. Very sad.
Permanent visage form evokers when...
Wasn't one of the TWW updates you being able to stay in visage during fights, so you can be a blood elf ?
Also protip, you can add gear to dragon form through barber shop.
the virgin attention whore
the chad anonymous erper
yeah I saw that
but it stupid that boat is being used as a default boat from classic like a route between booty bay and ratchet
>thinking casual 30yo dad gear is minmaxing
oh nonono...
I'm a poorfag but I managed to scounge up some money for "entertainment". I'm considering spending it on TWW, is it any good? I don't really care about DEI bullshit as I gave up on the story if Warcraft 10 years ago. If the game has good dungeons and maybe an enjoyable meta mechanic or two I'm happy.

Do you guys recon TWW is worth it?
Well I got my main to 80 kinda late and I'm not enjoying the class (mage). Should I level a priest or do heroics and see if it changes for mythics?
>>Michelle Morrow (Alleria’s VO but only in Hearthstone) claimed that Afrasiabi intentionally ruined Sylvanas and that Teldrassil specifically only happened because of Afrasiabi and his vendetta.
Interesting, how would Alleria's HS VA know that?
shut up loser
well the human can't fly over the battlefield breathing fire
Gonna boost my friend to 70 in random dungeons using a low level char for the fucked scaling what class should I pick
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why do you hate defender ashoon
short transformation for cast duration
>try out war mode
>only see 5000 alliance and 0 horde and get ganked constantly

are alliancels still butthurt over getting absolutely stomped into the ground in wpvp in bfa
>Imagine evoker but less hot
Kill yourself!
you can with a bug. Go into a proving ground and fail. You get shunted into your visage even tho the gam thinks youre in dracthyr form. Only downside is you cant change transmog since youre technically in dracthyr form.
Also it is very silly looking.
yes, that's why they are raping you
>Non existent. Very sad.
Can you... make one? plsplspls?
I weirdly believe that self admitted faggot Troll has gotten more dick than you've accidentally brushed against women.
very embarrassing display nowra
I wouldn't believe redshirt he got converted by twitter mafia. he spends a lot of time and energy trying to fit in and making excuses for them.
>claimed chris metzen said "wow was always a superheroic fantasy" one time (in regards to criticism against marvel parallels)
>chris did not say this
>only source for that quote was some scrolls of lore shit from 10+ years ago
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you mean i have a chance?
Wonder what wouldve happened if Khadgar came out of the void butthole and instead of being crippled he turned black
Why are Earthen players having a meltdown over racials? They barely matter anyway and Earthen is far from the first race to have mediocre racials but I've never seen any other group of players melt down over them being mid.
I think Anduin would have let him die.
>how would Alleria's HS VA know that?
because it seems like it's common knowledge in blizzard and other people around it, but they can't tell because the stock market will react to that.

>The way I've heard it (and that's all it is) is that Arfrasiabi was set on Sylvanas's turn in BfA and was moved off the team (for now obvious reasons) after it was announced but before it was properly worked out. A "Dude trust me" that he never saw through.
>Morrow isn't the only one to say this. I have multiple unconnected sources at Blizz that have independently confirmed it
(morrow tweet has been deleted)

>Wild that Afrasabi decided to have the last laugh with Sylvanas, pretty much destroying her arc & surely leaving remaining writers in a strange position.
>Turns out our ‘wtf this is dogshit’ reaction to her in BFA was well warranted.
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how come Shaman still doesnt have a tank spec? its begging for one
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Not after he got together with his nubian queen
>alive dk
closed the video right there
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>100k gold short of another wow token
>don't have TWW yet to farm the latest flowers
>sub expires in 5 days
I don't think I'm gonna make it bros
Am I a fool to keep holding out hope for Undead Paladin
The funny part is the most eugenic societies on Earth are the ones that care for their least able members. Because it turns out being big and strong is fucking worthless when a feeble nerd can design and pilot a drone that wipes out an entire team of 6'4 ubermensch chads.

You're a cancer on our species and if we applied your philosophy universally you'd be one of the first in the mass graves.

In gameplay terms, you're saying "fuck gnomes and dwarves and goblins because they're small", as if the orcs and kul tirans wouldn't get absolutely fucking bodied by a united effort by any of them. As if the only reason orcs and kul tirans can project power anywhere on Azeroth is because of technology created by the short races.
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I don't, she hates me. You try to take a creeper shot of a specific dude in Bloodmyst and she's on your arse, relentlessly perusing with no reset, even back to Azuremyst.

You know at this point ya's are just making up your own stupid ERP discussion or whatever, and I'm sure someones schizo enough to sperg about how I started it somehow.
with the updated tyr's guard they are planning to give every race a paladin class\
the only problem is that they are too lazy to draw everyone a horse so be patient
No one cares chud shut up
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I keep dying to ore and herbs
> Degenerate R34 and furry coomers who buy wow tokens each month talk down about people who invest 5 min of their time in making some gold
very grim
If I want to play evoker for mythic+ I need to be augmentation basically?
Just let me romance npc
no, prevoker is fine too. Dev could work but youd be competing with every other DPS. Aug is practically a guaranteed invite though.
ya I just want invites and to be carried
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This is now a dark iron chad thread.
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This is so gonna kill me again..
>see briselody antagonizing people on forums again
>wonder what 25k posts could possibly consist of
>check history
>err no I doubt that sweetheart :)
>uh well you're wrong :)
>doubt it
>I disagree
>star trek
>well that's a silly thing to say
>uh nah, it's been like that forever.
>that's not a logical standpoint.
>yeah I like star trek
>shit happens but I don't complain about it. unlike you.
>that's not blizzards fault.
>it's ironic that you'd say that.
definitive proof that star trek is for faggots
i was about to say it would be weird as fuck to have undead light infused niggas when light kills them but then I remembered you turn into a literal a light infused angelic being on priest so i guess not
>I just want invites
no one wants to heal so prevoker will be great for this
>to be carried
aug will be even greater for this
this is just the same ai program used to reply to r/wow on any post that isnt furiously cocksucking blizzard

you're pathetic dude, use the same few images so they can be filtered
Odds : Disc priest
Evens : Resto druid
Dubs : wowg decides
Trips : Commit suicide in public
I intend to play it the best i can,

is aug awful in a raiding environment?
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You're obsolete now, sorry.
this Nu Khadgar is so cringe.
She wants the men for herself and you're competition.
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Drink water if you're so great!
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just heard about khadgar's wheelchair
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>feel the need to poo
>sit on toilet for 10 minutes
>won't come out
>give up
I'm just gonna play wow until mister hankey comes to visit me
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zamn enchants are expensive
>bragging about having to shit and piss
Enoy the literal waste of time while Earthen party all night and day long
Drink more water and eat more fiber
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And that's why she's a rival.
>You're pathetic
H'okay guy that makes long webms of profiles as a big gotcha moment, just to switch gears when nobody cares.
>No cock
>Can't drink
>Literally existing is a de-buff compared to other dwarves
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>Overload node
>Start gathering
>It disintegrates
What do you guys put on Brann? I can't decide what to give him to make him do less stupid shit.
brann sneedbeard
Followers dungeon into Stone Vault, kill first boss, leave, rinse repeat.
Takes 2 minutes to get 10 points.
Love fem trolls
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Anduin should have gotten a mullet. On a side note: how do I go about finding a guild? I get random invite DMs because I'm tank but I don't know what to look out for.
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Beautiful trolls like you are why I wanna make one/breed them.. But those feet.
special nodes seem to vanish a lot right when I get to them.
shut up trannoid loser
use the guild finder
I hate complexities in gathering/crafting
It supposed to be chill grind
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I was using the Earthmother 15% hp shield and the movespeed utility curio, but when my ilvl got higher I swapped to the berserker combat curio and it speeds things up but Brann can very easily kill himself with it so I babysit him with offheals.
>overload crystalized node
>nothing happens, no portal
>cool down is still incurred
The competition is honestly zero.
Yeah I was using his Berserker Curio too but it kills him so quickly. I had assumed giving him a Heal/Defense Utility Curio would help circumvent it but he doesn't usually use them on himself.
Don't worry honey, I'm going to bed, you don't have to see or read anything from me for like... 12-14 hours.
Try not to grow a hemorrhoid out of seething rage when your best friend Maye eventually shows up.
Levelling my Troll DK via dungeons and I'm pretty much always the only person in the group not playing an Earthen. I had no idea they'd be this popular, it seemed like everyone hated them when they were revealed.
Humiliation ritual
jfc this scaling change was no joke. leveled my earthen to 70 and did that first intro delve and in leveling gear i am fucking struggling to kill even basic mobs. feels like everything has been cranked up to mythic difficulty

what the hell
i wouldnt say they are popular, just new
MOVE ON recycle

The thing I found that made the berserk curio good was when my own ilvl hit about 575 and combat could end before he got below 20% hp and he could stop and bandage or put down a campfire. And even then, on big pulls or bosses I often have to drop a Lay on Hands on him or a few Words of Glory. I wouldn't be surprised if the berserk curio isn't really an option for anyone without strong offheals. But I do know a healer that uses him as their main dps in delves and they claim it works fine. I'm skeptical that he does enough damage to keep the runs under 20-30 minutes.
The benefit is in never having to worry about food at all. Instead of spending, for example, 1/3rd of your time questing, doing dailies, running dungeons, etc, while Well Fed, you now spend 100% of your time doing those things Well Fed, but the buff is smaller.
Prot is just as much or better dps in dungeons and the queues are instant.
Fury may be more fun for open world leveling, though.
Turn your back towards the rocks... Retard
If Khadgar polymorphs into a raven, are it's legs useless too?
Lorewise all undead priests used to be shadow priests but this was retconned a long time ago
agreed. earth shaman
Kek I thought it was bugged or something.
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>click 5
>only uses 1
>get x5 rewards anyways
it's that easy?
I have a suspicion these are supposed to be done in groups and the "use 5" option is intended for a 5-person group with each person using an echo.

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