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#1847 - Tankmaster Rok edition

Halo Infinite's 13th Battle Pass, "Fleetcom", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (8/21)
>Latest Community Update (7/5)

Halo News:
>Fleetcom update brings Sandbox changes, VIP and Headhunter game modes to Infinite
>Paramount's Live Action Halo show canceled after two seasons
>Bungie and Creative Assembly veteran developer Dan Gniady hired as lead designer for next Halo game

Previous >>492401590
Black Ops
The Endless has arrived
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1847

>Previous Threads
>>492401590 | #1846 - Brat
>>491580116 | #1845 - Headhunter
>>490897324 | #1844 - The Return of Achilles
Living inside of Halo the Covenant architecture gets my brlud broiled.

What’s your favourite song from the soundtracks? Mine is https://youtube.com/watch?v=ctPuCMczJIw
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Ok, we have approximately 48 hours to thrive.
Let's make the best out of this moment.
On behalf of /hg/, the Regulars, the Irregulars, Redcord, Sigcord, Multicord, r/HaloCirclejerk, and the Marty Army, we collectively kneel.
Call of Duty Black Ops? More like Chinese Bastard Burger Lops.
Halo 5 Anniversary soon.
nah, Black Ops
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This thread has been done
I played the new Halo Rach Firefish tonight. I thought it was the funnest playlist in Infinite.

But are we all lonely kinda sad people playing Halo these days.
Any time they do something new for Firefight is sad because I know these maps will be lumped in with the first wave of maps that don't even have ammo crates on them.
This general defies all expectations...
>it's up to Treyarch to save CoD after Infinity Shart almost killed it
>for the third time
I painted my Spartan Armour red for the Government of Mars.
more like the 5th time
I, Governor Sloan, of the Free People of Meridian, do hereby endorse Black Ops 6 as the Official /hg/ - Halo General video game of Holiday 2024.
It is not Joever. Halo is not Bidone for.
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>Analyzing! We have six— five minutes before the fusion drives detonate. We need to evac NOW!
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Odd that they named a planet after the cluster of nerves that connects all our erogenous zones
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>Time was your ally, human, but now it has abandoned you. The Forerunners... have returned. This tomb… is now yours
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5 on pc would be a good decision. That’s why 343 would never port it. It would btfo SHITfinite so hard that the community would become pro sprint.
>all that "content"
>95% cosmetic slop
does shitfinite have observer mode yet?
not exactly sure what you mean but it does have a spectator mode with quite a long delay
it doesn't work very well
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>shows up
>writes The Fall of Reach comic which nobody read
>writes Spartan Ops which nobody liked
>writes Initiation which nobody liked
>writes Escalation which nobody liked
>gets promoted to lead writer
>writes Halo 5's campaign which nobody liked
>gets promoted to being the lead franchise writer
>is never seen again
Looks like CGI
Maybe he's made up
>gets promoted to being the lead franchise writer
>is never seen again
He wasn’t promoted. He was terminated. Bill gates himself saw to that.

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