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Previous: >>492819781

>In Season One
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=52wG-P8nArc [Embed]

>TFD Tools and Pattern Suggester

>Resource Doc (Void Shard Farming, Module Data, Vault Spots)

>Module Combination Percentages

>Record Locations





>/tfd/ Thread Template
Hello sirs, please remember to rape valby.
Hailey shit the bed again
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I just put HP Amplification on top of HP Up for the first time in 400 hours, with 3 gold HP Ups and 3 Gold Def Ups across my components.

I feel practically invincible compared to before. Can't wait until I catalyze again and can fit HP collector, too.
Invasion Dungeons are limited 4 runs per day?
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god I wish I was that chair
Toilets are clogged again
God I wish I were those boots
>It's another Order of Troon Invasion
>mfw 41% of the enemies just kill themselves
>hit tower
>Star shape is the first number
>check all 3 drones
>only 1 drone has it
>wow that was easy
>activate and stay inside the circle
>blow up and die
Awesome. Thank you gooks. They must get paid in rice.
So lads, with the partial release of season 1 what are your thoughts on it so far? Do you think the game will make it past the one year mark?
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i want to grope hailey's tits
Fortress or Asylum?
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>Relax with the grind ?
You can guarantee dungeons are +250% score and you can pub them so double amp drops and stabilisers are way easier, and you only need to do one shard mission for every one fusion reactor you open. So, yeah, significantly faster. Outposts are still ass tho.

>Relax with the paid only skins ?
Not really, but you can get some more in the free bit of the battle pass.

>Give us a non paid option to toggle helmet on / off or uncover the character's face ?
No, but there are helmetless skins for Bunny Valby and Sharen in the paid track of the battle pass which is very cheap (but also fomo I guess).

>Relax with the amount of Crystallization Catalyst needed to fully built a character ?
Not really.

>is is still bad if we fully polarize the character / weapon ? cus it limits the build flexibility
Very much yes, you can now swap a slot to a previous socket type for no cost, for free, at any time, and can even have different slots in different mod configs on the same character at the same time.

>is there any plans on giving us tradable premium currency ?
No word on this, nor any word on the not!baro guy.

So yes, game is getting better. Can't say the same about the general, though.
+ Hailey is hot and useful
- invasions are hit or miss
+ millions of gold a day is nice
-they can’t keep up with the content
-the battle pass is meh like the preseason
+challenges aren’t a slog like the preseasons
- I personally don’t care for the new skins
Reading the tail end to the last thread was pretty painful desu
Yeah it will make it past the one year mark, another Anon posted some stats and most of the players are Koreans. I see plenty of people with Hailey and a lot of cosmetics on European servers and they are mostly console players.
As for the season 1 content I have zero issue with it but I had several weapons and descendants already fully built and I can deal with puzzles made for children. Of course I would have wanted more content but I played warframe before so I knew full well this was going to be a game where you have big leaps of content drought.
The devs listen a bit too much to the playerbase, it's refreshing in a way after stuff like helldivers 2 but on the other hand the average complainer who goes on social medias and forums to complain is quite often turbo retarded so we'll see what happens if they keep catering to loud complainers.
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I'd be very sad if it didn't.
This is the most promising looter shooter since the Division 2, and devs are actively improving the game even if it's sometimes one step backward for every two steps forward. If it can't atleast outlast Outriders, that'd be some actual injustice.
I just want to tell you all that I love Bunny so much.
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who the fuck is Esiemo for
Fortress. It just happened again. Both times in the first room.
You need to have /v/ brainrot to think this game is anywhere close to dying.
shit solo dungeons, hailey is the best part of the season so far along with a bunch of qol changes, still need a better farm for weapon xp tho. As long as nexon keeps pumping better coom skins, this game won't go anywhere soon, plus they responded to complaints really quick
tomorrow is the MP patch?
It’s the Loli patch
You have people who don't play this game or the competition who just shitpost on /v/ and /vg/ all day just trying to stir shit up because they have nothing better to do.
Whats MP patch?
what's with the interlacing? you playing this on PS2 or something?
Bloody bitch bastard warframe is better than the first descendant it’s made with 100% Indian handiwork
dungeon multiplayer patch
>and you only need to do one shard mission for every one fusion reactor
Ok this is insanely good those void shards were fucking ass to grind
>you can now swap a slot to a previous socket type for no cost, for free, at any time, and can even have different slots in different mod configs on the same character at the same time.
This one is good too much better than other games even

Aright Il check again next month and see if they chill out with the other stuff. cheers anon
Searched around. So it isn't me. Invasions really are a buggy pile of shit.


Great content.
I fuck you bloody you basterd bitch! My bloody benchod in your mother's vegana!
I remember first room has 4 drones and second room has 5 drones
Saaar why are you linking Indian website? Do you need a raping?
You have been spamming the same unfunny rape ''jokes'' for months. Are you legit underage or autistic?
>implying it’s one person
>implying it’s not one person
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me, Esiemo is for me
He look's scary but is actually nice but also the mine guy and I like mines because I'm an asshole like that and some of his mines dance and he kills enemies by literally sneezing / belly-flopping on them

He's pretty great
The amount of gold we've been getting/will get from this season is pretty crazy
I wish it had been like this last season when more people were playing and I would've had to do less valby runs/echo swamp shittery

Really just how bad the seasonal drop was took the wind out of the sails though
It's still insane to me that this was going to be a 3 update drop cycle
The player count would've dropped harder than it already is
In a few days I'll be done getting Hailey and I'm gonna shelve the game for at least a month
I think Eseimo is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. He will buffed one day. Investing in explosion coins right now.
>no video proof
Yeah until there's proof, I'm just gonna say he's retarded and can't match symbols with dots.
What do you do when someone splits up too far in block kuiper? I just stay in-between the two zones and let them do the work.
What are the extra rewards for getting gold trophies in invasion?
Hailey’s thick ass bouncing on your dick
3 parts vs 2 or 1.
i think that is for plat bro
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Why are all the good weapon skins tied to non Ultimate guns? I personally like the Blue Blood Bloomer and it's decent but so many of the other skins are for common tier stuff that no one will ever use
Only cool male is Kyle and that's just because of his jetpack but too bad that he's fucking useless but at least he had his moment for 1 day when Gluttony got released
That's the best call.
If they consistently do it, that's like half the experience of the run gone.
Only problem is maybe missing on those marks for arrest, but you'd probably still lose half if you go help one out.

>I will now split off from the group to reduce the amount of XP and gold everyone gets so I can farm IDK Enzo or something

I use the Gangster.
Most damage per shot of any shotgun, which is important when you only get ten shots a run most of the time.
In a Blink might get more damage after faction and element rolls, but keeping four In a Blinks around sounds like ass.
Every male descendant is deep in the closet except lepic, Enzo, and Blair
Hailey will keep you entertained for a day or two. 2-4 shotting the early colossuses gets boring pretty quick.

She made me even more antisocial than i already was, since theres now zero reason for me to do colossuses in group since its 10x more efficient to solo them with hailey. If they allowed setting albion on private, i'd probably take it at this point.
Mega dungeons will fix everything. Trust the plan.
What about the ones that force you to play with people
Yeah I know already, like I said she's not even going to be a motivator to keep playing once I have her besides maybe leveling her a few times
The lack of any good content being added with the season was just a joke
They are reducing the time it takes to get to the last couple of waves which hold most xp, and so are increasing the amount of xp per hour you get. without splitting the mission takes like 15 mins, with splitting its 8. You should split too if you go in with a bunny.
I’m so tired of Hailey not breaking into my room and just riding my dick until I cum
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Are TFD characters face scanned? If so who are the models?
I’m the model for Lepic
they are AI generated
I just unlocked U bunny. What is a good build for speed running the dungeons.
Licking her ass through the screen usually helps
pretty sure people found luna's model
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With my luck this is as good as it's ever going to get
For the later colossuses i think just making a tanky hailey build based on guns will be better, since they are resistant to skill damage and be more consistent in groups with randoms. Atm im running her glasscannon build with 8 offensive mods, so i havent tried those yet, i wont go in there without 2 hp mods and more defensives. She gets to 100% firearm crit chance with her 3rd skill, EL was already crazy on her when i leveled her, i suspect it would be similar with greg, any gun that has a relatively low base crit chance will be good on her.
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Having trouble farming the outpost for uBunny piece. [AMP: 099]
My Sharen+Thunder Cage just doesn't have enough DPS to kill all the 99 ads that spawn and the self healing boss.
I get to kill it every now and then but it's a waste of time and effort.
I need help what to do next to increase my DPS and wipe that outpost quickly
>Implying it's not a schizo with multiple personalities
if you don't have a spare activator or catalyst for thunder cage, use Tamer instead and just focus on the boss.
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what yall think of this one ?
also wtf is that Fortress invasion
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You're spreading yourself too thin. 9 times out of 10 with how modules scale you're better off maxing out an existing module than half-assing a new one. Drop Insight Focus and Weak Point Sight, invest an Energy Activator. Even without any Catalysts you can stick on pic related and it'll do enough to trivialize most Outpost bosses. If you don't have any EAs then drop everything except Better Insight. The core four modules on the left quadrant are your bread & butter and what you want to max out before anything else.
PSO2 still alive
invasions are so shit holy fuck
Didn't notice that you didn't reroll the substats on your Thunder Cage either. You should go to the weapons' bench and reroll them. Try for
>Firearm ATK
>Critical Hit Rate
>Critical Hit Damage
>Weak Point Damage
>Electric ATK
I dismantle anything that doesn't have gold colossus on it
The only way you're getting 8 mins is with 4 bunnies.
I’m genuinely hyped to go home after work and get my Enduring Legacy out of the oven

Weeks of trying to farm the last piece of an Ult character and not getting it still has almost made me forget what it’s like to be excited
this but it takes way too long to be excited with how many catalysts you need and releveling
i wanna cry trying to gold this fortress daily today.
max range, skill cost, electric and singular attack/battle mods, juggle cooldown and duration for 3 uptime, some form of mp recovery
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What you can do is stab one guy with your sword to reset ambush, then reactivate camouflage (possibly while jumping to the side in case a mob is jumping at you to stagger you).

All the mooks, boss included, should now start wandering over to your last position. As they do so, you can ready your Flash Swords - when the enemy are clustered, enemies gets hit by multiple flash swords. They don't pierce though, so make sure you aim from the side the boss is wandering in from to maximise the damage.

You'll need a bit of electric damage, but this should deal with most of the mooks atleast and seriously weaken the boss, if not kill them outright with a bit of luck.

You could also do what I do and one shot the boss from stealth with a revolver for a million damage, but that's a whole other investment you'd need to make while the above just needs range and duration and electric power on your Sharen.
I remember trying that outpost with 2 other players. Got 1 AMP after 15 runs. Just got it another way.
not sure how you get 15 mins, especially if you're playing bunny. I usually get around 10, at worst 12 minutes playing valby without a single bunny and only split when the nodes are within 150m.
Sir your rape valby?
i have her maxed out but these fucking mobs wont drop bullets for me. i may have to quickly farm for hp external components and drop my slayer set for more survivability.
I’m just happy to fire something that doesn’t need to reload after 30~ shots
Yeah I dropped my slayer set a long time ago. It's only useful for nuking solo bosses, shit at everything else.
Sirs… I raped Valby
how do I buld rapeable valby sirs
Why does this jeet keep talking about rape? I have been in several generals with extremely mentally ill waifu ritualposting and none of them constantly talk about raping their waifus like this
He's bored and has nothing to do I guess
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Saw people complaining about the invasion so I wondered how bad it would be after coming home.
First run was slow because I was taking it slow and didn't know the map layout. Didn't die once.
I feel like people still haven't realized that 2 drones can have the same symbols. Like 2 drones can have a sort of trident symbol in slot 1. When that happens you need to keep hitting other pillars to find the second symbol and you'll see the drones are different.
In the second part I had 2 drones with the start shaped sign in slot 3 but only one was good so I had to check for the other symbol.
The more drones you have the more likely you are to have drones with similar patterns.
I'm rather convinced at this point that people who keep saying it's bugged just found one sign and picked the first drone without checking the other ones and then got unlucky.
Sirs I had consensual sex with my bloody bitch bastard sister am I cured now? Is this what normalcy is sirs?
I tried the tamer before going to work, not used to it I had better result with TC and jumping around, will try again later though.
I just put the rest because I really don't know what to do, I'll follow your advice once I get back, thank you!
I have severe skill issue that I doubt I could pull that off lol , thanks
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And the Asylum.
Been playing since day one, lurked and posted on this general since day one too. Had to deal with people not understanding Hanged man then people not understanding Frost walker then people not understanding Gluttony either.
I'm going to call that "it's a bug I'm dying" a fucking brain issue and nothing you will say will convince me otherwise.
would Mp collector work for the MP recovery?
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warframe won.
Won what exactly?
Good. Season 1 ''''''content''''' is trash.
Why don't you go back then? There you'll be able to press one key to be immortal on your revenant/styanax/dante and have no real content after 14 years of development. I'd rather have tfd die than see it become warframe where nothing can kill you and people just vaguely aim beam weapons in the enemy's general direction.
14 fucking years and all you have is a weekly EDA.
Can you build sharon so that she can stealth -> cutoff beam for 2-4 mln , go back to stealth and backstab again repeatably?
I would rather kill swamp walker 5 times with freyna using her skills only.
people will bitch because they think they only need one symbol and can rush the puzzle which isn't the case most of the time.
You forgot to mention the great 3 minute story “content” bigger letdown than this season
I just get pissed off when I match 3 symbols and still die when there no other viable drones in sight. . I'm seriously getting sick of being fucked over by these stupid puzzles
>where nothing can kill you and people just vaguely aim beam weapons in the enemy's general direction.
Yeah running around with bunny killing everything with her 3 and never dying is a totally different and superior experience.
I just wish warframe was a better game and they just didn't give up, but they did. Ultimately it's just a bunch of different stuff Steve decided to work on for the lulz and they are very badly stapled together, if at all. Duviri was clearly proto soulframe.
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That's a nice selfie you posted there.
Don't forget, you don't even use your guns. The Last Turdscendant is sooo different from those Warframe losers! Anyway I am going back to my ''challenging'' content.

>1 taps Pyro with Hailey in 1 second.
Why do autistic retards unironically come to this general to talk about their shitty chinese/canadian garbage? Talk about it on your own board, retards
Dude we are not living in july anymore
>no arguments
>g-go back >:(
I accept your concession, retard.
Uh huh go dilate you subhuman
We don't sign our posts here.
why are invasion missions so fucking bad
they should triple the current amount of gold and kuiper they drop just to better entice us to do that garbage
He doesn't need to have arguments because you're being dishonest.
The only "hard" content in the game right now is gluttony until the 10th october. Pyro has been sub 10 secs for over a month now and was never considered difficult. Frost walker was considered difficult at first because people didn't have enough frontload damage to ignore his mechanic. So since shitters like you kept complaining, they nerfed it.
Good luck clearing glutt with Bunny by the way.
Yeah, shitting on the competition for the lack of challenge and content after this lack luster Season 1 really made you look like a clown. Come up with something better next time lol.
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post hailey
>outriders mentioned
Feels like that game was like some Concord of 2022 or w/e
I played it because it's free on Playstation+ and had a fun 40 hours with it but man is it generic. Shame because the mechanics are actually really decent. I blame the vidya industry treating artists like such shit for so long that they all went and started making indies or became self employed on patreon
If you hate hate easy games with no content, why are you still here?
So does Hailey give handjobs for free or…
paizuri for a good reactor
These days it's just better to stay away from anything published by square enix to be honest. Shame because the outrider devs made bulletstorm which was a pretty funny fps.
I never complained about the S1 content. I'm still here because I still play the game, have a lot of things to farm, enjoy shooting guns, and I don't go on other games generals to try and start some shit.
why do retards play arpgs looking for ''challenge'' when the whole point is to steamroll everything with OP builds?
Yeah it feels good to go from some lackey to a god that murders everything
Already did. Sorry you are a shitter.
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Does anyone have a webm of her shooting the commander in the story mission?
I only have a webm of her shitting
I dunno, ask the guy who made it, he's probably here.

Guy who made it, make it again but check "De-Interlace" this time please
I guess I'm that retard. I detest meta builds and will always look for some underused something to try and make viable. I'm the guy using characters like Luna and Blair and using purple guns just because I would get bored otherwise. Once your at the top, what's the point? It better to make your own challenges and try something different
Will Hailey be available to grind after the season or she's limited like in those gacha games
This is a good question actually because it kinda seemed like the Invasion Dungeons are cyclical content tied to Season 1, like how Destiny had seasonal content.
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>got cold-blooded on uViessa
>looking forward to trying it out in the Polymer farm on Fortress
>they changed the shard and now the mobs are spread all over the place and you can't nail them easily with Blizzard anymore
Glad I farmed some before the patch
i just wanna say i also enjoy playing as luna
Well you get 45 Polymer and 9 Inorganic now so there is that.
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I unlocked Luna but I just don't know what I'd do with her except get to 40 for the mastery.
Holy shit this is tedious as fuck. I've tolerated all previous invasions because they have been really fast but this map is just so fucking shit I wonder if the devs are trying to make people quit the game asap or what lmao.
yea it sucks, but for some reason I am finding the boss from agna harder... the aoe dump when detonating a bomb sucks
hey guys, what ult guns are worth building? so far i have a fully built:
I gonna start Piercing light next
The boss in that invasion is made of paper and dies in seconds but the pillars suck fucking ass
Secret garden
WoL look interesting since innate 45% crit chance after reload that not affected by mods, but i can't decide with final build.
yea, she is pretty easy to delete,, just the freeze aoe catches me off guard more than it should.
Your anti-freeze bro
PL is only good as Hailey's statstick. Secret Garden is good for Cold Blood Viessa and Freyna.
I skip last 2 days. Even didn't login into games.
Daily q is mistake. And paired with retarded mechanics of invasions it took away my desire to play.
t. 600 hours
Who the fuck does heroin at 13? I smoked weed at 14 but damn heroin?
TY guys, ill do SG after then. i wanna try to make a Viessa build. time to invest in my wife
With noise surge mod she's basically hard mode Luna otherwise you could try and play support but with as much as this game seems to lean towards solo content trying to play support just feels like a waste of time
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>it's another episode of the boss moving behind a pillar while I'm busy mag dumping Enduring Legacy into their face

Might as well try Clairvoyance just to have one viable beam weapon. At some point underwhelming weapons types like this and handguns will get buffed and it will be worth having one ready to use when that happens

I have a 4 catalyst ult bunny
I want to level a new gun
Where do I go RIGHT NOW?
Finish full build HV.
Then start full build EL.
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but i like hailey's military/flight attendant outfit
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>another male skin, where's the almost naked female skins? this game got woke, it's joeover
I meant where to level the weapon you ESLpag
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>another trans skin its so over just like concord
Why did the right wing incels use Asian children for this shoop
How are people getting 85 slots?
Am I supposed to catalyst the sub slot?
I'm a new fag.
what? do you dislike asian children or something?
literally what's the fucking point in playing a non-ultimate?
why the fuck were they stupid enough to have ultimates in at launch
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Who has this guy been quoting? These threads are usually pretty comfy and helpful but these tourists lately have been trying to shit it up.
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I must have hit a limiter on the Shelter or something because all of a sudden I'm not getting any Hailey parts
This is why I don't like either SPS and mental focus.
I'll 100% get her blonde hair to make her look like Sniper wolf once I'm done getting her from invasions.
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warframe bros we were supposed to win....
On a whim I watched the Mario Movie as my mid-mindless farm side thing and it was quite enjoyable.
>finally get ult bunny
at last i can start playing the actual game
my friends what is DBNO mean
down but not out, the state you're in when you're incapacitated and teammates can revive you
she really is sniper wolf kek
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Playing TFD be like...
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Congrats on getting the leading lady. It really was a masterstroke to make the character you'll be staring at 99% of your grinding have such a fine rear.
Anon, why didn't you post the code?
He’s just like me..
There a good place to farm red mods for combining?
Where’s her Halloween costume already
Colossi with Hailey.
Seiyoku ni Shoujiki Sugiru Shota Yuusha
this but christmas
this but hanukkah
This but holocaust memorial
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But really would you buy an Anne frank outfit?
Hawk tuah
does anyone have any good uValby mod setups?
What's the consensus on DEF?
I see some people say you don't need much if you've got a lot of HP
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>Load into Intercept
>See Hailee's gigantic ass

We HAVE to financially support this game bros...
All told, this was probably like 15-18 hours of grinding not including the invasions.
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Imbalance fixed. I'm now in the danger zone where if I get repeated rolls for the same part I'm screwed.
Betwen an arctic camo and an attic camo there's only 2 letters
Enjoy running in circles. Viessa has way better gameplay than Bunny and you actually get to use and appreciate all the various guns.
>Press F to fist that ass
You probably have to spread her cheeks like giant oaken doors to slide your dick in her asshole.
Get one or two increases on your external components and maybe slot a Def increase mod if you have space on your capacity. HP is superior but having some defense on your build will definitely help your survivability.
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she's got a marvelous tush
Implying I didn’t
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congrats man...
had to go away for labor day weekend... so staring at 16/17 in every part with 2 chips...
Bunny lost
Bunny vs Hailey is the ultimate shape vs size
what other mods? this is for Python/Massacre spam
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itt we laugh at shitters who can't clear the double tower missions today
>tfw you’re a watermelon and a black guy sees you
rope and def or syncytium meme
shield conversion (def) ?
deadly ambush?

rope and def?
I'd get stim accelerant instead of battle of stamina if you can afford. its 120% extra hp and a 8,8% duration loss, which isnt much. People tend to take walk a tightrope on gley, but what you take is ultimately up to you and what you prefer, more tankiness or qol or slight increases of dps
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yeah rope and death
So which black feller are we using that on
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i knew the average player of this game looked something like this, but holy shit. games really prey on sad losers who get no pussy for max profit
Literally posted a pic of yourself just to insult other people
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Rookie numbers
Is that the FAG kill count???
That’s too many fags we have to do something
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I heard there's a gold-rarity module that affects how Lepic's arm cannon works. What module is it? Do you guys have a list of all modules that affect characters abilities? I only know that magazine size and base weapon damage affect Hailey's sniper skill.
the game does such a bad job at that too. if they released $25 swimsuits with jiggle for every female in the game I would have already bought all of them but as it currently stands there's like nothing for me to swipe on even though I want to support this game
Just trust the Halloween plan. Imagine it… Hailey in a succubus costume and bunny in a witch costume. It’s glorious isn’t it
Critical Hit Rate or Critical Hit Damage for Hailey's Reactor? I dimly remember the former freeing up a slot for her modules.
modules hardly matter, so crit damage
Ma I REALLY hope they dont get lazy with the next set of coomer outfits

Do the tits justice
Going to be using this primarily on - skill cost Hailey as a brainless bullet hose, anything I should change with mods as I finish catalysts?
Hailey bouncing on my dick
Valby getting pregnant
Freyna jerking me off
Gley getting another child
Viessa blow job queen
Luna taking it anally
Sharen getting kissed
Bunny tasting my cum every hour
>anything I should change
she does better with greg than EL
t. greggang
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>no porn addiction
I want to catalyze my TC since I'm running out of guns to build up, but I'm having such a hard time justifying it because I never actually use it to shoot. if I'm mobbing me or the other bunnies just nuke shit from 90 feet away
Really not a big fan of how many catalysts you need for stuff in this game. It's just absurd having to stick on like 8 or 9 per Descendant/Weapon especially with how slow weapon leveling is.
At least it’s one time and done
Crit dmg for maximum dps. But i'd keep a good crit chance reactor if you find one, since it allows you to not have the skill insight mod and still reach 100% skill crit chance, so it would free you a mod slot and you can get something else, and mods are usually more powerful that reactor substat rolls.
would be an easy fix if they just did a blanket reduction on mod cost, doesnt even have to big too.
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I am trying to put this model together from the DeviantArt rip but it's missing alpha textures for hair and eyebrows, some UVs are out of bounds, sclera are black for some reason, and there's a clear neck seam. Also I dont really know what I'm doing and have to web search every other step
The meta is to use a green ammo weapon with sharp precision shot, the armcannon gains increased firing speed as you hold down the trigger and it lets you shoot once or twice more
I've seen those crazy 20 second 100m dmg hailey gluttony greg runs. can she use greg anywhere outside of gluttony or is sniping better for the weaker bosses?
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Is it the same one by this guy?

There's already an animation of her riding a dick. The devil works hard but porn animators work so much harder.
Yeah it was my dick but you didn’t have to tell the class
Porn/sex is what drives men to work the hardest for anything. People hate coomers but they are the backbone of society.
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>Finally, after 34 weeks of grinding, i got the super coomer skin, i can finally play while looking at her pussy
Money, sex, and power. That’s all a man needs
but anon you have to swipe for the skins. so more like grinding at mcdonalds for 30 minutes
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>Money, sex, and power. That’s all a man needs
Bro where’d you get my pic

what else do you need really
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>it's not porn, it's ART! now let me enjoy the supreme pussytits skin
Well she’s clearly a lesbian
What a chad, i'd suck his massive cock and let him fuck my wife bunny.
coomers will defend this. more booba more milkers! keep me away from the real world so i keep spending money on the video game!
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Whats going on here?
Sorry not listening jerking off to that pic instead
I would unironically defend it if the skins were 7$ but the prices are a bit too high desu
Someone upset that not everyone is an asexual subhuman
>get into hard dungeon with Blair and Kyle
>Blair is apparently max range I guess
>the world becomes fire
I might need to build Blair.
Which skin
More skins, more descendants, (female) and more content!
We need a cavewoman skin right this second
need to get a muscle girl descendant for that first
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Hehehhuahahahahyehe ITS TIME
Then get to it
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the windows telemetry in this build has finally helped. my screenshots will no longer look too bright. ty windows for spying on my activities and adding this option with snipping tool.
Finally now you can stop sending washed out pics 24/7
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it still looks a little weird but better than nothing
I love your Hailey
she's our hailey anon
If you cared enough you could just turn off HDR
Are you the anon who made this >>493112829
So I SHOULDN'T shoot the orbs as soon as they spawn during obstructor?
True anon, are you playing the game today?
should i make a pizza before my night session?
Started playing this game out of boredom, lvl 30 viessa going through story.
What should I be looking out for right now? I've been researching crafting mats when i get enough, have t.cage and w/e the ult hand cannon is called. freyna is being researched , should i just focus on beating the story and getting into hardmode?
Yes just get to hardmode then just grind away (on valby)
No. Bunnies are supposed to take care of orbs. If there are no bunnies, you will not win. Too many, not enough ammo to do it yourself and randoms won't synchronize with you.

If you want easy Obstructors, be the Bunny and zap the orbs with mid air while your team focuses on the colossus.
reccs for last mod?
>right wing incels
Oh I'm sorry I thought I was on 4chan, not Reddit. Retarded basedboy faggot.
Hulk smash build is up


A tank does a better job at mobbing than some of the actual DPS characters. Sad.
Yeah just get to hard mode, but on the way there I would suggest getting Sharen and Blair from the normal mode missions, since you get them as a 20% drop rate from finishing quests and you will need them for stealth outposts and fire void shard farming respectively.
Ajax pedos we’re so back

Rate my Bnuy invasion build. The idea is that Superconductor nerfs enemy damage to the point that HP collector and a few orbs (during the boss solo situation) is enough to keep me going. So far so good, as I can reliably gold, but it usually takes two cycles. I blame this on my guns not quite being done yet.
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What the fuck am I suppose to put here?
Try to get him out of frenzy by shooting the tube. sometimes you get grouped with good people and you can get him out of frenzy really quick. orbs tend to take a while before they start spawning and get close to him. if you have a bunny in group they tend to take care of the orbs, and you neednt worry. if theres no bunny, you will need to shoot orbs if frenzy keeps going on, and also check if some player gets boxed and unbox him. He does some animation when he boxes someone and eventually it will be clear to you when he does it.
Maximize duration? Should go from 12 to 16 shots. Little bit less damage per shot, but more overall.
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no it was a much shittier one from DeviantArt.
I got the one you linked and it's way better, thanks
You're welcome :DDD
Now go make some reverse paizuri smut for us, pl0x.
is it possible to maker her proportions even larger using blender?
that's like asking if you can edit an image in photoshop.
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of course

also here is that webm without the interlacing
How does her milk taste
She is so addicting
lol why is her chest actually there under her clothes

based korean modeler leaving it in for the modders
What's the best Sniper?

Or is it even worth farming one when Hailee's gun is coming
Afterglow Sword
I like afterglow, and its not that hard to get either
Try getting sharen. Once you reach hard mode, both your character and gun will likely be too weak to do the mission+colossus loop efficiently. With sharen you will be able to do outposts and get catalysts, activators and your ultimate descendants in a reliable without too much investment in her.
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we could have actually had a hailey that looks like this...i blame the consolers
does it need DUPES to be good
nope it's usable even when stock
only thing she "needs" to be good is a proper reactor
>niggas are so bad cant even kill obstructor anymore
Another socket for a more valuable mod, e.g Cerulean for expanded magazine.
i'm like 99% sure hailey's scout rifle won't be stronger than afterglow unless it has some insane OP effect
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for reference ult valby has nothing under what's visible..this is a typical optimization thing 3d modelers do for video games. no need to actually render the pixels if you can't see them...but they decided to keep hailey's fat ass titties there....teasing us...its not fair bros...
>valby's swimsuit also has the entire body model
horny koreans are kinda based actually
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of course. You can do anything with her if you know how (which I don't really)
it's not horny gooks, it's incompetent gooks
Please we need to see her huge tits
is she rigged. can you find random dance anims online
This is definitely just a Korean thing. I remember being surprised at blade and soul models because they had titties under the clothes. That was like 8 years ago
You can shoot a tube? I haven't seen youtubers mention that.
>esiemo part
>esiemo part
>ajax part
>energy activator
she's obviously rigged
retargeting her bones to a random animation is easy thoughever and im sure someone's done it already
>This is definitely just a Korean thing
it's an incompetent dev thing. korea just has a lot of those. plenty of western slop just as unoptimized too
Should focus on DPS first before larger magazine size.
we need to go bigger
Afterglow Sword unique ability is crit stacking???

Are you sure you dont want dupes on this??
Someone digitize me and put me in that program so I can fuck her
they usually hide it to prevent clipping. The effect on performance is very very small. Really it won't clip anyway (as it doesn't in-game) if it's rigged well and her top has weights that correctly to match those of her breasts
I haven't done him in a while so hopefully im not wrong, he has a tube on his back, like executioner if i remember right. There's always a way to get a colossus out of frenzy. It's tubes for all until molten fortress now that i think about it.
>7 runs in a row with no hailey part
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speaking of shot focus, which one should i recatalyze for it? the maximize conservation slot?
Did I just lucksack into a good Hailey reactor?
I have so many fucking Jaber codes despite it being a lower % than the EL part. It feels rigged
I demand an end to clipping its ai this and and faggots that but not a solution for a real problem
you did, congrats although singular/crit dmg might be better than chill
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Fuck, of all things the part I'm having the most problems farming for UBunny is the one with a 20% drop rate. 12 amorphs and counting and still nothing...I'm so sick of soloing Pyro, it takes me like 6-7 minutes.
isn't crit damage much better than ice
i should just salvage every piece of gear before i hit lvl cap right? aside from ultimate reactors and shit that have good rolls
too bad you can't use a free-cam mod in this game and take close up vertical screenshots
some autists might tell you to save 1 copy of each gun for mastery, but it's not something you really have to worry about right now because you're going to get 1000 guns per day once you start farming for shit like hailey
>lots of talks of model rips again
>meanwhile the game has like 12 bunny SFMs and 3 non bunny ones, and that's it
>we get like one new nsfw animation a month at this point
I hate the anti christ
what about feet?
you salvage non-100 ultimate reactors too, there is no option to level-catch-up reactors like you can with weapons

only non-100 thing you should keep are your ultimate weapons
hire this man for asking the important questions
Does changing the module socket type to match the skill modifier module does something? I saw some build screenshots when that socked gave like 15 extra points, and im not sure how.
Also, are some weapons that don´t get to 80 points and they get at 79?
Should I play this game?
did the /v/ thread reel you in
>Also, are some weapons that don´t get to 80 points and they get at 79?
rank up your mastery
hailey's 4 is literally an awp
You get to 80 when you get to lv. 40 on the character/weapon. Increasing your MR increases the lowest threshold capping at MR20, where you always have 80 points regardless of level.
Socketing the grapple/melee slot gives you 50% more capacity, so it can go to 15 points.
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they are pushed up by her top, so they don't look right when you just hide it. They should be spread out swingin free here

she has no feet under her shoes
post the uncensored you coward
Im right now at 18... guess 2 levels more then.
what is it about magister lab that brings out the worst players. swear every other bunny does negative DPS but only on that map. the rest of the places I have to farm hailey's pieces are no problem
animators too busy making more overwatch porn
thberes nothing there nigga
Why would singular be better than chill?

all her skills are chill, while only 2 and 4 are singular, 1 is dimension
then why is it censored
because the jannies are bipolar and may or may not ban him for it

also im not evne that anon
If you're still leveling up that slot is low priority. it boosts the capacity gain by 50% so when you're gaining 10 points it's worth 15. I wouldn't catalyst that unless you're planning on using a transcendent module and need the space to fit it in or running out of options for your build without a clear direction on what you need next.

Weapon proficiency and character levels both have an impact on slots unless your overall Mastery Rank is high enough at which point it retains all 50 module capacity at all times, same thing happens with descendent capacity until MR20. You'll notice you'll "lose" capacity on resetting with catalysts before you have 20MR+.
>she has no feet under her shoes
Who cares about feet, only thing that should've been modeled is a big, thick, sweat-musked bush.
>play Invasion because it's part of the story
>either my Viessa died due to Hard Mode enemy settings or I blow up the drone that is "incorrect"
>check Youtube to see tips
>not only Bunny is mandatory because of her high speed but also the "containers" and drones are a pain to deal with
>not to mention the things after you successfully clear the drone
Nah Imma gonna just enjoy grinding Ult Weapons and skip that bullshit
Yes, socketing the sub module will give you 5 extra points. if you max your grappling hook or tonfa or whatever, you get 10 extra, if its socketed you get 15.
>my Viessa died due to Hard Mode
replace a single damage mod with more health. there's also guides on plebbit to clear all of them effortlessly with 0 investment characters if you're still somehow stuck
Use a Consumable drop rate component. The Hailey parts are coded as resource drops.
>Bunny is mandatory
this isn't even remotely true
Why the hell isn't it saving my module/socket settings on my alternate mod setup.
I've had a gold line on this entire time.
>Every YouTube guide: Piercing Light
>/tfdg/: aFteRGloW SwoRd

Never again
piercing glow light is better
which one did you end up trusting?
and no he didn't test in the training room, he has a video with tests in it to go along with this
wtf it links to cp
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Imagine the first thing you see coming to Albios are big butts.
To be fair most youtubers are violently brain damaged. just look at their shitty bunny or greg builds and their god awful clear times. also there's several videos showing afterglow, including some of the most viewed ones like the spreadsheet autist dude
>consoole screenshot
How does the game run on console? Stable 60FPS?
Maybe they play on pc with controller
It’s what I do with Genshin
You can hit 100% with Afterglow? That must be with maxed unique ability which I don’t wanna farm
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Grabbed 6 058 amps today
>2 Kyle Stabilizer
>1 condom bp
>2 Piercing Light
>Last one was Gley code

I'm finally free. I also got noise surge on my last run and just finished Luna research. Will start making a build for her so happy bros
Thanks for all the help earlier, bros. Farming 099 is comfy now.
How is he not getting 100% crit chance on either afterglow or piercing. on enduring legacy even, i go from 30% to 92% when on 16 stacks of cold fury.

press I then W after you press your 3 on hailey, and check your firearm stats. his math seems wrong
he is getting effectively 100 crit on afterglow, and piercing can't reach 100
Literally no one gets 100 crit on piercing light, check the thousands of youtube videos even or see the countless discussion threads or just go check yourself.
what are you smoking. imagine telling people to press i w when you don't even seem to know how she works...
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Happy for you...stilld ont have gley code...
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wrong thread retard
I don't even know what thread you were trying to post in, but do us all a favor and just don't post that schizo bullshit.
does tfdg share an acronym with other games or something. this general has more wrong game posting than I've seen in any other game
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>these are the bitter and jaded fucks that go around screaming "insert-topic-here"tranny and schizopost themselves into delusions
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Here are my stats on hailey with piercing
God damn, I think I have legitimate brain damage. I was reading through all these posts and wondering what the fuck everyone was on about... BECAUSE I THOUGHT THIS WAS A CHESS GENERAL. Like, legit. Fuck me.
google en passant, kid.
google nigger, kid
>leveling Luna while listening to Bass Slut
Too comfy.
how does hailey's rage buildup work. I was just in a match where a hailey blast did like 2% of the boss health, but filled up 45% of the rage meter in a single shot
i swear to fucking god im never wasting time with fucking reactors ever again, such a waste of fucking time
how anon?
what happened
It's amazing, is she wearing anything on her ass like panties?
>roll speed is affected by cooldown
how often should i level transfer my thunder cage until hit lvl 40?
I did it every 10 gun levels
using hailey's skill 3. its a screenshot from stats at 16 stacks, which is max, cold fury. No insight focus, or crit chance substats on piercing are needed to reach cap. go in lab, press her skill 3, then press I, then W to check buffed stats

The secret garden should be greg, lower crit chance weapons are best on her, since her skill 3 is overpowered to say the least. secret garden crit chance is too high and best used on other characters.
I didn't bother with it until I hit lv. 100.
I just tried out every gun that was around the level I was currently at for the whole story/normal mode.
Just play as intended and don't waste time/resources on that until you hit hard mode.
it wastes almost zero resources. you can do it every 5 levels without even thinking about it
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Are we getting a patch tomorrow that makes invasions easier? Thought I heard it was coming this Thursday.
I know her skill i was just talking about how to reach 100%
based gooks, hope new skin at least shows more of her tits
I heard multiplayer is coming tomorrow but that will make it harder. Randoms will fuck up the puzzles.
the randoms can't really fuck up the colored circles or the brain collection, so I guess there's that
Pillars are going to be hell kek.
now that I've built some snipers while waiting for hailey to craft I just tested them out and what the fuck

it feels way easier to solo anyone besides devourer, when compared to greg or EL
i have hailey so i will fuck up the puzzles
>3 guys clear tumors off pillars and call out symbols + position
>1 guy clears mobs and finds the drone
>randoms use dumb names for symbols or get them wrong anyway
>drone finder can't match dots to symbols get the wrong drone
>find the right drone, everyone else can't find the drone and dies
It's gonna be so funny bros.
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I will only recognize Pillar, Star, Claw up/down, Disruptor up/down, and Warbird left/right. Failure to name them thusly will result in me griefing the run.
does Exec get Crit Resistance after frenzy? I do Ult Lepics 4 and the balls only do like 50k. what the fuck?
wtf bros?? did >>493178902 lie???
What does Enzo do exactly for the codebreaking stuff?
Is my best bet for High-Power Rounds Weakpoint Expansion Obstructor or running the mission that drops it on a 5%?
Enzo makes the vault thing slower and the area you can click bigger, and the vault also gives more rewards if you open with him but i never counted
Last but not least, opening with Enzo has a chance to give his Transcendant mod, at least one of which is very good
i love this gun
Damn thats based.
man, how unlucky is missing the 20% drop in 20 runs...
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so do i piercing light or afterglow...
i believe the transcendant mod can only drop from ultra vaults, IE the purple ones
right, that too
>farm a 20% drop
>get the rarest drop instead
i guess im not mad
show modules please
scroll up and read that last google doc link...
In 20 runs you have a 98.85% chance to get the item at least once. So very bad luck.
piercing light is easier to farm, or you could just wait for the new scout rifle
nta but better insight and 1 purple roll on critical hit rate
my dick instead
>tfw getting filtered by invasions
it's nyover for me bwos
I got the drop after complaining lol
2 more TC to go
I have ult Bunny/Lepic and Hailey built. Is there any need to go for Gley if Hailey can nuke intercept bosses?
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Bro your mastery level and collection?
if you like gley ig, hailey is not only a nuker with her 4, she is really op with a gun build as well
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you need her himecut
nta but I always see people mention her gun build. how does it compare to supply moisture or enzo?
Gley is good for Boss that you can't nuke like Gluttony and probably Death Stalker
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absolutely beast, though i think she is better with greg if you want to utilize her cryo
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>top hat
>romulan cruiser
I mean I'm crafting her for that but I meant build as in catalyze several times and find perfect reactors.
I failed to buy it in time...I hope they give us that outfit back later.
Thanks anon. I guess I'll start a Gley build. She's still crafting currently
its fucking ridiculous the amount of damage Gluttony does. ive got 15k DEF and 15k HP and I die in two fucking hits. what a fucking horseshit boss
Who is she?
Is it worth on ult bunny to catalyze slots for the two crit mods?
You should go all 4 Crit Mods. Get Slayer Component with HP + DEF and you can stay comfortably at 8k HP and 9k DEF.
how the fuck are you supposed to beat Gluttony if youve never beaten it before? ive got 300 hrs in this and im about to drop it
just kill him in 20 seconds with some meme team if you can't handle the mechanics and dodging
I have the most success with Gluttony running Enzo.
I'll look into that, thanks for the reply bro.

again, the problem is that if you havent beaten him you are stuck with other people who havent beaten

>base Bunnys

alright, im calling it. been fun. time for Octopath
I just do Valby with her special red transcendent mod and hope the rest of my team can deal enough damage.
If you don't have Slayer Components with Gold HP and DEF just use Generic Set with HP and DEF. Slayer is for Bottlenecking your Damage.
>again, the problem is that if you havent beaten him you are stuck with other people who havent beaten
1. this was literally proven false
2. spend 3 seconds finding a built enzo on discord or global chat or twitch or some shit.
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gonna need 20 of the shit from now on
but those aren't gold
>level mid air grapple first
>works good
>try long distance
>sucks ass and has to attach to a point
why do people say this is good for bunny, just launching in the air alone is more distance than this thing
>locking blues
this is some high quality bait
based blue

why do i need to search for a team in order to beat a boss? is that good game design? you will not beat him unless you have Valby/Enzo/Yuljin/Gley. please defend this, im listening
>discord wants my phone number or can't chat
>forever locked out of peacemaker...
i call it penis, shovel, pillar, starfighter, C
>why do i need to search for a team in order to beat a boss?

because you're trying to clear the hardest boss in the game and you're too retarded to clear it yourself in public queue, something thousands of normies have done at this point.

do you get upset you can't solo a mythic in WoW or a savage in FFXIV??
I got 5 Peacemakers doing it entirely with pub, its possible. Go as Enzo or Valby and you will have the most success rate.
this fortress invasion is actually the first one i will admit is aids
I ended up skipping it last time it was so bad

I have a fully built Ult Gley. how can I clear and carry it when people are constantly dying and there are no Valbys?
But this is the first time it has appeared?
Go as Enzo/Valby and abort if there is no Valby. Gley isn't good for carrying people. Build your Enzo/Valby with double HP Mods + all HP & Def Components.
I can't wait until
>waaaah it's too hard and not fun because I can't play with others
changes to
>waaaah it's too hard and not fun because randoms keep failing the mission for me
is peacemaker good?
What the fuck 123 pattern at the fortress outpost isn't dropping for me
Now they can blame others instead of themselves
No idea, I 40 and toss it into storage
I swear this general's average IQ is half that of warframe or dest
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I'm tired of not getting Ult Gley Code...
The basic shit that filters people ITT is unreal. it's almost hilarious.
whoever came up with these gay ass invasion encounters should be put on a different team
Did you select which amorphous drops before going into the mission?
the symbol shit is gay as hell, the color stuff is fine

yeah, but Enzo is only good with his rare red mod
>Defending bad design
bunch of faggots came out of the woodwork this season
The Nun thing came true....let's hope the Koreans were right about OL too
not him but it's really not that bad. spend all of 4 seconds learning the mechanics and you'll never fail one again.
I just finished the story mode toady and just started hard mode figuring out farming blueprints. How you select which amorphous drops?
ogre landwhale?
Remember it's not hard, it's just boring.
But everything they complain about just tells me that either they don't know how to put square shape in square hole, are "colorblind" or their builds are just shit.

Oh I forgot the newest one
What the fuck are you talking about?
I am severely colorblind and I have no issue with it. the worst that can happen is I have to stand on a second color pad for the boss' shield because I might mix up blue and purple or something
Nvm, I had a brain fart, i see what you meant...
What’s OL
It took me 91 amps.
Office Lady
Just imagine Gley or Sharen in this
I’d be sold on that
Office Lady
ponder the aroma after she has been running around all day
So did the start screen always have the Colossus corpse jiggle its tit cavities or is that new?
She only swings her dick around during that
>pass level 13
>farm hailey the hard way
>pass level 92
huh that was quick
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how the farm going guys? m about to complete to parts, but i'm afraid im gonna reach the point of never getting those catalyst rings and keep getting parts for the pieces I already have

very likely going to happen considering they are hitting all the normal fetishes with school girls, maids and nuns, I would prefer if they made futuristic versions of those suits tho like operation lovecraft
just do the normal missions to even out your parts
farming viessa got me the this far on intercept battles, completing these 2 will get me on level 96

the drop rate is still really bad, did like 5 missons last night and didnt got a single part
I just realized something. We need a nurse skin
Does Sharen give increased drops or some shit?
I gave up farming ULT Viessa, when it happens it'll just happen.
the drop rate is at least 50 percent, there are sample sizes in the thousands at this point.
Commander mam! May I sip upon thumbs breasts? It’s for morale mam!
>thumbs breast
What? lol
Want to grind together in game?
Want to grind each other in game?
Want to grind a baby into you?
You alright there?
No, I saw a pic of Hailey and it reeled me in. I like hot chicks. Is this game like Star Rail?
this game's progression is heavily like warframe, it has almost nothing in commin with star rail
Well it’s not a gacha
>Star rail
Lol I was only the first one
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>need Enzo to beat Gluttony
>hes only good with SFE
>SFE is a 3% drop from a vault that is rare to begin with
>if you run out of Ultras you are SOL and have to farm THOSE too

i think ive reached my breaking point
Just use Hailey or gley
Guys I don't want to play uBunny. I want to play a fun Descendent!
Never played Warframe. It's 3rd person action? Are you not farming for the characters and/or upgrade materials or something?
But Ultimate Bunny is fun!
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I want to stop...but I can't...
you and I both know that is a filthy lie.
you farm for the descendants but you dont need to use premium currency to roll for them like a gacha
Besides Cosmetic everything can be farmed

I spent an hour tonight trying to do it as a maxed out Gley. didn't run into a Hailey even once..
just luckshit them like I did on my 3rd ultra vault lol
Will the patch give ubunny her buns back...
it'll give her some buns alright buts its in her oven if you know what i mean
no thats definitely new, as I do not recall it ever moving before
it happened randomly to me once during preseason, haven't seen it since.
b-but she won't be able to run after that...
This but Alpha.
nah she can still run she just gets a speed penalty
Well, I'm a bit undecided. You definitely have hot chicks in this game (Luna, Valby a cute), but first of all, I think you all might be playing a gacha by another name, and secondly, the shooty gameplay doesn't activate my almonds, but the asses in skin tight suits and build autism does, so I dunno
Yeah, it's honestly surprising how...'standard' the fetish outfits have been
Plus the swimsuits.

We are certainly getting fancy dresses at some point too
its free might as well try it if you care enough
>but first of all, I think you all might be playing a gacha by another name
the drop rates are no different than what you'd find in WoW or other live service games. do you call WoW a "gacha by another name"
Ideas for Descendant passive group buffs I've been thinking about.

+25 def per level to the whole team (1000 at level 40) and +5% total def for the entire team. Stackable with other Ajax's. Basically makes him ~30% of a level 1000 def module.

Firearm atk of the team increased by 5%. When an enemy is towed or burning this effect doubles. The buff itself is applied to the base weapons before other buffs are considered, making it have a meaningful effect even with other firearm atk buffs and mods.

Increases combat MP regeneration by .1 for the whole squad. Any time anyone hits an enemy that is afflicted by chill effects this increases by 25%.

Passive boosts movement speed of the entire squad (except for Bunny) by 10%. When squad members move they generate additional static electricity for Bunny to manipulate (fills up her secondary resource bar) at a rate of 10% of the expected value for their current movement speed.

Enemies hit by Sharen take an additional 20% skill critical hit and critical damage for 5s. If Sharen attacks an enemy within 1s of leaving her stealth state, this effect and it's duration double. Can affect multiple targets at once.

Increases squad max shields by 2.5 per level (100 at level 40) and boosts in-combat shield regeneration for the squad by 2.5. Whenever Kyle consumes magnetic force, this regeneration triples and the entire squad's shields are restored by 50%.

Increases squad max HP by 5 per level (200 at level 40). Any time Gley picks up a Power of Life sphere, the entire squad heals for 5% max HP. Any time Gley or another squad picks up a life restore globe, the entire squad heals for 2.5% max HP.

Decreases squad cooldowns by .03. Squad members that kill enemies afflicted with Laundry reduces cooldowns for the whole squad by .2s.

Valby's sounds good.
I'm really bad at invasions.
Just the tip?
I’ll give you just the tip, baby
You'll take it all and like it bro, if it hurts, bite the pillow, that's what it's for.
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Update tonight?
Only if you’ve been a good boy. Well have you?
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I'm getting filtered so hard by this filter
how does this shit work. no matter what settings I do, it will not just junk my non colossi dmg reactors
Enemies afflicted with burning take firearm critical hits at a 5% flat increased rate. Squad members who land a critical firearm hit boost this rate by .5%, up to a maximum of 10 stacks (10% total) lasting 5 seconds.

Enemies inflicted with Toxin become weakened to other afflictions, increasing status effect trigger rate of weapons by 10%. Each additional unique status, whether from a weapon or ability, increases this effect by 10% up to a maximum of 50%.

Passively restores HP to the entire squad at a rate of 1% of his max health per second. Actively healing anyone in his squad wille increase the skill power of anyone who was healed by 25 per level (1000 at 40).

Reduces reload time for the squad by 5%. Any time a squad member reloads they reload an additional 10% of their magazine into the gun (minimum of 1 shot).

For each of his turrets deployed, he and his squad recieve a 3% increase to fire rate for all weapons. This buff lasts for 5s after a turret disappears or is destroyed.

Squad members who are buffed by Luna (including Luna herself) receive 5% less incoming damage.

Enemies damaged by Esiemo's skills take 3% more damage for 10s, stacking up to 3 times.

Increases squad weak point damage by 10%. Successful weak point hits by the squad increase this by 5% for 5s, stacking up to 4 times. If Hailey lands a weak point spot hit, this bonus is stacked to the maximum.

Thanks. Just thinking of ways to help differentiate the Descendants and maybe create some new group compositions or playstyles. The Esiemo one for example; a 9% damage buff to Hailey after she's stacked her own passive with a Sharen maxed debuff on her would be pretty tits. It's also pretty damn thematic; the explosive expert, the sniper and the assassin wait and prepare for the perfect opportunity to bring down extreme amounts of damage on the target.
You have to worship Hailey as your goddess and only then will it work
Set the top to ultimate reactors as well
yes I did. the issue is when I filter, it saves colossi reactors but also a couple of other lines for some fucking reason
Check if all the other subrolls are at ultimate as well.
I think I might. It's calling to me
>do you call WoW a gacha
First of all I know it's a dirty word generally, but Star Rail was the first I played and I love it, so it's lost its scare quotes for me. The example is kinda interesting. If WoW was F2P and you could only play one class and the others you had to get via drops, then functionally, yes. The line between lootbox and gacha is quite blurry from where I sand and possibly non-existent
I've triple checked. in that image, that is the ONLY ultimate one I have active. yet a couple of reactors with only dmg vs legion of darkness get saved, no colossi, but you can literally see legion of darkness deactivated like everything else in the pic
What's the second roll for legion of darkness reactor?
it only has one roll
Is it only worth using Enzo in Hard intercepts if I have Supply Firearm? i only have the Reinforce one..
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Hailey please clog my toilet!
Good morning sirs, please rape valby.
>more movement speed with a bunny on your team
please god
Sir I rape a da valby like good Indian man can I get my cow dung sandwich now?
with an ass like hers, shed be lucky to fit on the toilet in the first place
That's not possible you fucking tranny
>1 h and 20 minutes to fully upgrade your weapon
Bunny cave is dead
isn't it like 15 minutes on biolab
hes talking about outposts dummy

pls respond
How the fuck some Bunnies shoots up electric beams?
high voltage, ult exclusive mod
Either high-voltage or their 4.
Probably now dress like freyna and get pounded by me
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>It's another 'impact rounds are nerfed' invasion
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>Use Stabilizers
>Don't get the drop you wanted
did warframe have prime exclusive frame mods? it's been years but I don't remember that
Just use enduring legacy like everyone else
>rape valby
>she doesn’t get pregnant
>use stabilizers
>get the 32% drop
>dont use stabilizers
What is the maximum ranger of bunny 3rd skill? 21 or 28m?
no they dont
High voltage changes the range, without it's 21.
Who wants to play soulframe
That's the idea, yeah. Gives everyone who isn't Bunny a way to keep up with her while keeping Bunny the fastest. Also synergizes with other movement-related characters like Valby or Viessa, who will provide more special resource for Bunny.
Or you can run 4x Bunny, get a 30% speed boost and almost double the special resource generation and just fire the Bunny laser on cooldown without worry.

Either way it's a win-win. I really hope Nexon does do something like that, even if my ideas aren't anything like what they make. They really need to add a bit of incentive to bringing other characters. Some extra red mods would help there too. Bunny could stand to get some kind of gun platform-esque mod for example. One last brainstorm before I go back to farming:

>Kinetic Emission - modifiers Lightning Emission so that it no longer pulses in an aoe around Bunny but instead enhances her equipped firearm with extra atk, crit rate and electric atk. Landing a critical firearm hit builds a stack of Lightning Discharge, and at 10 stacks emits a lightning shockwave around Bunny

So you trade *most* of your aoe capability for a stronger firearm while still maintaining some clear power as long as you can get crits reliably. Make the crit rate something like 20% flat and you can reasonably use most weapons on Bunny, although she'll still favor higher fire rate stuff like SMG's and assault rifles, things that allow her to stay mobile so she can maintain her resource to keep the buff active.

Could maybe make it so that it also affects Lightspeed so that she gets half the movement speed bonus while firing a gun. Instead of forcing Bunny to either sprint OR fire her gun, she can do both but at a reduced rate of movement.
What if they add an augment/skin option that gives any female descendant of your choosing Hailey's proportions?
A skin that turns your descendant into a kid
They already did something like that in Vindictus so there's hope.
I'll give it a try, but I wouldn't be surprised if it launches to very poor reception. steve and geoff are fucking hacks.
vindictus defying fate has jiggle on every single character while being made on the same version of the same game engine. it's clear they treat these games differently, you shouldn't look at vindi to see what could happen in TFD.
>main game actually got better when they left and a woman of all things took over
its actually impressive how much they suck
I really do think 99% of warframe's early success was pure luck and the fact there wasn't much else on the market like it. but live service games have come a long way since warframe's beta over a decade ago
the games always been dogshit and still is though
not him and I agree, but now it's clearly noticeably less dogshit, but still dogshit
nah, the games actually pretty fun and I like it
if you called it more fun than tfd in every conceivable way, I wouldn't be able to disagree. only issue is I've already done everything and have every frame, and it isn't coomer enough
nah, it's dogshit bro
>it isn't coomer enough
This, but no way is it better in every way since the 2 games are just that different (grind and more importantly skins could be cheaper desu). Sure there is some mild overlap, if anything destiny 2 of all things is the closest comparison to tfd, and I can say I enjoy this game way more than d2.
I just thought that, one time when doing these weapon negatives, they would eventually not nerf *my* gun. Just once.
Maybe even nerf Enduring Legacy, who knows.

But turns out, it's literally only just impact rounds they have a hatred for.
Same with ice magic, I guess.
>the 2 games are just that different
I personally consider both games to be extremely similar because it's the same shit of running super easy dungeons killing super easy mobs. the only thing that feels unique/harder in TFD is maybe gluttony
but if you disagreed I could understand
When you word it like that it also applies to destiny lel, except infinitely less cancerous. Really now that I think about it, its more of a mix of the 2 games desu with none of the retarded identity politics thrown in
Arguably yes
If your team aren't shitters, you'll want to help them burst down the collosus faster
If your team are shitters, armour enhancement won't save them from burning all your revives and failing you the intercept

There is a midpoint where armour enhancement is more useful, where your team (including you) is just shit enough to not kill the collosus in under 2 minutes, but not so shitty you'll timeout, where armour reinforcement is useful
I won't until todays' nerf.
does this skin have skirt physics like the maid one?
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saars pleas give discount on ult bunny/valby desi outfits bloody benchod
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I love world chat so much.
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Casual descendant...
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He's got everyone seething
We both know who there is casual.
>signature look of disdain

I enjoy both WF and TFD, but I won't lie, the coomer aspect of TFD is a breath of fresh air. I dig the aesthetic of the warframes in WF, but aside from a handful of NPC's there....aren't very many nice looking people. Some of it I get is a conscious choice, such as with Ballas and his weird long-ness. But for most it just seems like a conscious choice to make stuff ugly even though they have the capability to make aesthetically pleasing designs.

Meanwhile, gook-sama gives 0 fucks and just wants hot girls and buff guys and I'm all for that. Fun gameplay on top of it just seals the deal. I just hope they continue to iterate and improve like they have been.
Aren't we getting an update today or something?
>just finished 5th copy of piercing light
>started hailey farming
>3 hours in and EVERY reactor to have colossi dmg and a meta sniper mounting has been afterglow
>9 times in a row
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>in every conceivable way
Guns in warframe feel like fucking shit, UE5 while having some problems still looks way better than a 14yo game, they already pushed out qol that you still don't have in warframe after all these years with the multiple catalysts you can change anytime on your build, the story while super basic doesn't make me feel second hand embarassment because it doesn't feel like it was written by a Canadian social studies college dropout, etc etc...
Not sure if you are disingenuous or have simply bad taste.
>Guns in warframe feel like fucking shit,
Ye Gunplay in TFD is much much better than Warframe and TFD Gunplay isn't that great.
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Well, it's time for my daily Invasions.
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New invasions descendants.
Oh thank god no Order of Troon today
afterglow chads just cant stop winning, shoulda listened to this general
Yeah it's not that great but it's still a million times better. Handcannons feel good compared to a non incarnon lex prime or marelok. Any assault rifle feels better. Any LMG feels better than a gorgon. Snipers actual have a bit of oomph unlike any wf sniper.
Not to mention the meta these days is furis/torid/tennet glaxion where it's just beam weapons where you don't even need to aim.
The shooting part of warframe is god awful and that alone makes it a shit looter shooter.
>they already pushed out qol that you still don't have in warframe after all these years with the multiple catalysts you can change anytime on your build
yet this game is still missing a TON of qol that warframe has. also in warframe you can have like 5 unchanged blank slots and still max out most builds and swap tons of shit around because a looot of their equivalent mods are cheaper. TFD adding multiple types per socket is solving a problem they created that warframe really doesn't have. I can only assume you don't actually play warframe to leave a take this bad
>UE5 while having some problems still looks way better than a 14yo game
yes this game has much higher res textures and much bigger poly counts, but IMO the world looks a looot worse because of the lack of art direction. this world feels a million times more generic. you can find half these world assets on the unreal asset store right now, check if you don't believe me...
> the story while super basic doesn't make me feel second hand embarassment because it doesn't feel like it was written by a Canadian social studies college dropout, etc etc...
both of them have complete dogshit skippable stories, nobody is playing either game for the story.

Not sure if you are disingenuous or have simply bad taste.
uh oh here we go again...
>story doesn't make me feel second hand embarrassment
No it tells you that you're stupid while you just grin and bear it. The story doesn't factor for either of those games and acting like wf is worse is silly.
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update details
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afterglow bros...
enduring legacy bros...
Are these nerfs? I'm drunk.
White guns use 2 rounds for 1.
Purple guns deal 36% less damage.
secret garden chads where we @
Damn they absolutely gutted it, but I bet people will still find excuses.
- Increased Hailey Research Material rewards available at each Clear Time in Invasion Dungeons from 3, 2, 1. to 5, 4, 3.
So 8 more Hailey mats per day, maybe I can have her by sunday without doing any farming then huh.
Why the fuck would they do this when everything in this game either automatically locks to your center of mass or AOE's you.
>white 50% nerf
>purple 30% nerf

its time for the green and orange meta...
>not already maining Gregg's
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they got me with Hailey after I spent months dismissing those /v/ threads as low effort coomershit. Now I am a pathetic Hailey simp. Why is she so hot? Fuck.
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Enduring Legacy and Thunder Cage are my only built-up weapons...
>White guns use 2 rounds for 1.
laughs in Gley
I did the fucking missions before grabbing the hotfix and missed out on 8 Hailey parts fuck my ass
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I already cleared one invasion run before the hotfix
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No Bunny? No Viessa? No Lepic? No Enzo?
Bend over
>Although not yet included in the 1.1.1 update, we are also working on adding matchmaking to the Invasion Dungeons.
fuck I was hoping you could do it again after the hotfix...
Gentle hand holding sex with Guide
Only way to have matchmaking would be to remove the drones entirely. How do you get 4 people to stand in the same drone? What if one guy decides to pick the bad drone on purpose to grief and make the party lose 4 lives at once? Etc etc
Skip all you want though, not my problem.
NTA, but the main things I miss from warframe are my twin grakatas and my rauta.
Those were classy guns.
Haunted horsecock guns that shoot streams of ghost splooge can stay there, but I wish I had my break-action lever loader shotgun and my akimbo SMGs.

something other than revolvers gets hit with the invasion nerf bat
I'm glad it happened to someone else's guns for once.
Give ten revives. Watch le'ebin eat all of them thinking he's hot shit while wasting his load on the immune boss
I missed out on four...grabbing the hotfix now...
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Wait, but it's still listed as 3x on the Invasion menu?
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General and High Power rounds users please proceed to pick your new weaponry at once
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wait sorry false alarm I suffer from debilitating retardation
I used EL without any issue
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>using weapons
If anyone still can't get gold for EVERY RUN after these changes they're officially shitters.
i'm still not playing dogshit content
quarantine zone is straight ass
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>Space Marine 2 DOA
>Deadlock looks ugly
>TFD has no content until season 2
So what are we playing until December?
Take gold isn't an issue.
The problem is invasions itself.
can't you just stick Firing Fiesta on EL and completely ignore the penalty?
>Decreased DEF and HP of Pyromaniac (Standard, Hard) in Intercept Battle. Also decreased HP and Shield of the "Hummingbirds" which appears in Executioner and Pyromaniac Intercept Battles.
lmao what, why would they nerf this
Rogue trader run back at the start of October. It's gotta be stable by now, fuck
why would you want multiplayer on invasion? my bunny s nowhere near to be built i can handle them just fine, most of the time on gold times, you just need a solid gun to take out the boss before the mechanic recharges
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>log in to the game
>sees two ultra-precision code breaker
>got Supply Firearm Enhancer on first try
I didn't even farm ultra-precision code breaker time to build Enzo I guess
They have the numbers. If something filters players too much, it must be nerfed in order to preserve the player base.
I assume a ton of people hit pryo and drop intercepts after that
I like watching people Leroy Jenkins when a Sharen is trying to stealth.
At 200ish hours i would try to let sharen stealth now at 500+ i don't give a fuck and if i want the standard amp and forget to private, that is the sharen's problem.
I find it more enjoyable to play with humans, even if the failure rate is higher. In fact, some of my most enjoyable runs occurred when we failed. I never use Private
i beat it with EL, you guys are retarded to think this debuff means shit
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why the fuck does this boss do so much damage? I get one-shot from 13k HP
That ass is racist against white people
small indie company please understand
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PSchads win again
I maxed it out during the Kyle glitch and honestly it's not worth it. The fan the hammer thing is severely inaccurate as all fuck you'd probably miss Devourer's knee point blank.
It changes color which is cool but that's it. Stick with Devotion or Perforator.
Xbox is pretty dead in Europe and I imagine it must be the case in Asia as well.
After 550hr about, i have come to the conclusion the intercepts are probably the worst part of the game, they are just very boring and the gimmicks don't make them interesting fights. My concern with the new one is the bloat, gluttony already feels very bloated compared to what came before.

And most importantly immunity phases are the cheapest and worst way to make bosses harder.
why would SP2 be DOA? im honestly considering getting the preorder in a bit to play it tomorrow
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One repeat roll and I'm absolutely screwed.
>Space Marine 2 DOA
are you legit retarded? it has been near or at the top of steam best selling for awhile now, and a majority of the reviews are good.
Bosses are still aids in these invasions..
>Deadlock looks ugly
you know that game wont probably oficially release for 2 years right? game wont look like that when goes out
Is weakpoint expansion not good?
worst fucking thing is when there's a circle you have to stand on right in front of him, what the fuck were they thinking
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I didn't get a repeat roll but I'm going to have to run Shelter all day again, I fucking hate Shelter.
>there are people still complaining about invasions
You should be able to Grapple on to any part of the Colossus and swing like Attack on Titans.
Do you seriously have to spend 16h "researching" a character to unlock them when you already spent like 18 hours grinding for materials?
another fucking day without the mod i want
seriously? no
jokingly? yes
Bossfights in Dragon's Dogma were the best.
>Explosive Propaganda still not getting fixed
didn't they say they removed jihads from invasions?
It's very good. I had it before i put on special sight. I have 7 shots on her skill 4 with this setup. So its either 120% on the first shot only with weak point expansion, or 30% on each shot with special sight. My intuition tells me its more damage with the 2nd option on 7 shots overall, but i havent done the math and i might be wrong. They're both the same socket type, im mostly trying different variants. i managed to 6 shot swamp walker with special sight, but i need to make more serious attempts with weak point expansion. He's annoying and weak points are sometimes hard to hit on him
Why would they increase the drop rates of Hailey after I bought her? what the fuck is this? I want a refund.
>all day again
You get 20 of her mats per day now, you don't have to unless you're in a hurry. You could just wait until saturday and see where you're at, you have high chances of overfarming something.
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gookako poster being retarded
Not him but I read that the game got leaked already and that the campaign was like 5 hours or even less without the cutscenes and that the game ran like shit.
No idea if it's true though, not like I'd care as I avoid anything warhammer related like the plague.
None of us forget. I don't stealth in private. I don't vault hunt on Enzo in private. I don't Bunny Cave in private. I don't Valby Fortress in private. Most of the players who work to get everyone for unique content/farms are more than happy to let others leech. We want to lift up the community.
Is this some copy paste from reddit?
Stop being poor, why are you complaining? You can't make back 20 dollars?
I beat the leak and it took me like 90-120 minutes per mission with the last mission being extra long and there being 6 missions. It's like a 10 hour campaign
I am just waiting to try out co op content for a week or two after my bros dropped this game and left me alone, plus it will be nice to take a break from this game until the next update
did the patch fucked up encryption storage spawn? 've been searching on dfferent parts of sterile lands and none are showing
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+6.6% max shields per stack (5 stacks)

Kyle chads, rise
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so you room temperature iq retards are happy with the invasion nerfs ?
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It's still 3x for me, and I already finished the other two dungeon with on three drops
still require a bit too much effort, bosses could use a nerf
Exit the game and update it on Steam.
fuck... just wasted two runs
Does anyone use shitty meme weapons? I found out Restored Relic's tracking rounds can sorta track Frost Walker's leg cannisters. Still useless af but I found 1 use for this maxed out turd
The dark guys? I like not getting bombed to crap while I'm forced to stand still on a pad while trying to shoot past a wall of shield guys. Good change.
The robots? It was already a whatever mission, it being easier doesn't really change things. Eh change.
The truthers? That one stings, it felt like the right level of engagement forcing me to be efficient, I'm a little sad it's getting nerfed so much. Only needed to take out the dud pillars and it'd be perfect. Too much change.
Hailey is OP as fuck, still doesn't beat bunny for mobbing, but she is the most powerful DPS character in the game now.

Her 3 alone is straight up insane.
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I got gold every time but I'm happy for my fellow retards.
>enduring legacy
EL is general rounds bro...
They nerfed invasions too hard. I just wanted them to polish it. Sometimes even if you picked up the weapon, some monsters would still stay on the field and annoy you while trying to blow up the eyes. Some towers facing awkward directions was annoying too. The long range poison bombers really needed to go but that's about it.
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nice sniper wolf
I like them a lot better now
I can't kill the unknown laboratory boss
i can get the brains fine but as soon as the protection is down it takes the entire time to take away his shield, then the protection comes back up and his shield recharges
shit mode shit mechanics
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Devs wants the gameplay to revolve around gunplay btw
Did they really add co op to invasions?
now buff Bunny's crit rate Devs
So if I character has less than 15% base crit, crit mods and reactors are completely useless on them?
Not yet. My friends quit the game and are waiting for matchmaking invasions before they come back...really wished they had added it this hot fix.
The game still doesn't give me 10 million gold, 5 catalysts, 1 activator, 30 hailey mats and 300 premium currency per run.
I wonder how many people lost out on Hailey parts because they forgot to apply the hotfix. I only lost 2 pieces thankfully but statistically someone out there has just lost all 8.
This but without a hint of a sarcasm.
yes unless it's Valby where she can boost her base crit
Finally I can now play the game
What they needed to do was Normal/Hard invasions. Normal with the nerfed placements with a smaller reward of 400,000 gold per run and 3 Hailey pieces for gold. Hard Invasions at pre-nerf level and 5 Hailey pieces to make people grind Inversion buffs

I get the intent, S1 uses gacha game daily quests, rewards a free character at the end, but many gacha games have difficulty levels so someone just starting can get some rewards.
I did one, but it was the ass one with Gruncah no-scoping you from across the map with his impossible-to-dodge beam. I just wanted to get that shit out of the way. Silver was my max because the brain/shield fights are bullshit for me still.
i did. i dont care that i missed.. i fucking hate playing these fucking retarded missions. I hope the fucker who designed the perfect tracking projectiles gets raped by hailey with a cactus dildo.
>Be Sharen doing sneaky infiltration
>Enzo comes rushing in setting up ammo and and drone
>Dies while tring to restore shield
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The average person giving feedback
look at the post I quoted bro...
Same here. What were they thinking with the solo stuff?
I saw that tiktok too fellow zoomer bro she is op af no cap
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THE BUNS ARE BACK BWOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>been getting repeat stabilizers for days
>60+ of them and single digit of everything else
i'm ngmi bwos, go on without me...
yeah I'm somewhat in the same situation, nearly completed all of them but I have like 0 of the codes
50% chance at 1 code for a 10 minute dungeon or whatever? no thanks
New thread?
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shit...I knew magistar lab was a trap fuck...shouldn't have listened to jewtubers and stayed in the bunny cave...
As with all things in games like these, you gotta multi-farm. I'm low on stabilizers so I'll hit up the Chapel so I can get uViessa AMP's to farm off of Pyro, who will give me a Slayer set that is actually worth a damn any day now.
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this is the backpack I saw. only available on consoles I guess...
Judging by the triangle, yeah most likely playstation only. I bet Xbox has nothing as always.
So I have been farming Pyro with Hailey and sometimes it went Frenzy after just oneshot. Any tip preventing that?
I have 3 Hailey party members doing Executioner on hard(farming Ult Ajax) and they melted shit in seconds
there's no way in hell the shelter's hailey part drop rate is 50%
You can beat executioner on hard with hailey in 3 or 4 seconds solo.

In general though as more people get their hands on her, she will become the main choice for all intercepts
Normal pyro is bullshit. I just looked for a carry to get past him.
I thought I was high when I was consistently killing executioner like half a second faster
>Our Innermost Desires battle pass spray
>it's Alpha slapping Jeremy
Honestly i think jeremy was pretty based, and looked like he would have a sick kit, i hope we get a reborn or cyborg redeemed jeremy playable character.
yeah fuck this hour and a half of the shelter and I somehow only got 3 stabilizers, I'll just wait until tomorrow, the invasions should get me what I need. I won't be able to play her tomorrow anyway even if I magically rush her.
Do you even have a good reactor for her anyway? I'd rather spend time trying to get gold colossus + cdmg for both afterglow and piercing light rather than spend time running dungeons with zero guarantees.
It's what I've been doing, it's good that this week can be done at command relay.
Post Hailey's tits I need to spunk to them
Yeah, I want them to explore the whole "can't see the Guide" situation too. The story isn't the most compelling thing but I'm interested enough to see where they go with it. Alpha kinda has a reason I guess, since he's a former Descendant who apparently lost connection to his Arche. But Jeremy was an active one who had full Arche connection yet the Guide didn't appear to him either. Was he corrupted somehow? Is it something to do with the Guide?

I do like how Jeremy did at least have the balls to do his own thing. Alpha is kind of a dick for most of the story, and doesn't really get any comeuppance until you face Pyro after he rams through the Ironheart inversion.
Finally got my first uViessa part, her code. Got both Secret Garden and Clairvoyance built and ready to go as well. What sort of reactor to focus on? Chill+Tech for her 4 or Chill+Fusion for her 1/3 combo? Also what about red mods? I've looked at what she has available but I don't really know how it changes her playstyle beyond the one that turns frost road off in favor of a damage buff.
whats the best maneuvering mod to use?
i have air maxed but i feel i fucked up by leveling it
fuck I hate running dungeons in reverse
>invasion gruncah
>have to feed brains to machine and then blow up another machine to remove his first shield
>attack boss after taking down first shield
>just chipping away at his SECOND shield
>run out of time, puzzle shield back's up
>while puzzle shield is up, second shield is regenerating
>after I take down the puzzle shield again, second shield is back to 100%
Ahahaha fuck it, fine, I guess I'll start building up my guns next...
Mid-air is mostly for Bunny to help you pole dance with her and boost her 3 damage. Long-range is for colossi. Multi is general traversal but I think the default one is better since Multi cuts your range a bit. Personal preference though.
bro don't bother, I have a 890K DPS EL and it literally does NOTHING to him
After 80 hours played I am not having fun anymore. Time to quit the game. Goodbye frens
Holy shit, really? Dammit, well, guess I'm not touching invasions until matchmaking is up, I guess. Thanks for letting me know.
>enter boss part of invasion
>mobs drop no health, drop no MP, drop no general ammo
>die within a few seconds due to having no ammo or mp
How? I gunned him down like a degenerate in the streets with a 750k EL.
>no mp
have you tried not being a faggot?
>bro don't bother, I have a 890K DPS EL and it literally does NOTHING to him
Fucking how? I just killed him twice easily with a HV bunny running 2 hp mods + hp collector, without the slayer set and a gold singular+purple electric reactor
You tell me man, I was in his face PUMPING him with it and it was doing actually nothing
skill issue, I used Gley and killed him easily with my EL and had a minute to spare
well thats not really an answer is it
None are bad. Leveling mid-air wasn't a fuck up as Bunny can get great use out of it and it's not bad by any means on other characters. Long-distance is better for colossi since it helps you grapple onto them, but it isn't terrible elsewhere. If you want the best "general" use one it's probably Mid-air since it'll prevent the whole "I thought I was in range but I wasn't and now I'm falling and wasting time in a screen fade-reset situation" that comes up in dungeons sometimes.
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Low on spiral catalysts, hopefully it evens out by this week end.

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