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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Whence Flowers Bear No Fruit - SSR Zuihou + theme park skin - 8/29- 9/11
Combat UI update
Felix, Flandre and Shimanto Fate Sims
More games added to the arcade prize shop
Kasumi META(Cruise Mission) & Roma swimsuit skin(Cruise Pass) - 8/1 - 9/30
Wichita META - 6/13 - 9/4
Pittsburgh ASMR https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbK3XDyYe1c
Daedalian Hymn added to war archives- Vittorio Veneto, Duca degli Abruzzi, Aquila, Torricelli, Maestrale, Libeccio permanent

JP 7th Anniversary
Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNE42EzfCE4
Nagato META
Project Indentity - Siren Oceana
Mutsuki theme park skin
Whence the Dust Settles

Bind your account, or you might lose your account when the game updates.
/alg/ doesn't have its own discord.


Ship Tier List: https://files.catbox.moe/ah02o7.png
Equipment Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wWMIzaUKISAXMbOEnmsuuLkO9PesabpdTUWdosvHygM
Fleet Builder: https://renhex.github.io/AzurLaneFleet/
PvP Guide: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1BewmBsf4EWKAf_UwYax05c7ksL51y6sjs96pIwD73Jc
Fleet Tech Tracker: https://retropaint.github.io/azur-lane-fleet-tech-tracker/
PR Research Data: https://azur-stats.lyoko.io/research4-blueprints
Augment Guide: https://pastebin.com/UBpjkhFg
EN Tierlist: https://slaimuda.github.io/ectl
CN Tierlist: https://wiki.biligame.com/blhx/井号碧蓝榜合集


>Story summary and Lore

>Guild Spreadsheet:

Previous: >>493015627
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Meta's arnt supposed to look 1 to 1 to their original self. They should have something different about them.
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cunnygato is better
I want FdG to breast feed me
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>Meta's arnt supposed to look 1 to 1 to their original self
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Based off
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It's funny that METAfication is a fertility boost like TSU/Zwei rigging.
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>fertility boost
Not really, like Pamiat is the same as always.
She's already super fertile
Pamiat is already way past expiration date
>*steals the Katana*
She looks like a somewhat grown up Nagato now, not an adult random woman.
Still respectively different than the original.
>sl*v meta
Who cares
Ku META has fluffier hair.
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so ruined or improved?

the pantsu is objectively an improvement
Shorter, cuter, more Nagato, curvier plump legs...so many improvements it's no wonder they changed her
massively improved
its literally the same shit except for her eyes
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Rights Nagatos lower body + left Nagatos upper body
I hate blind fucks like you spouting their opinions. You're definitely one of those fuckers who said the original META design was the same as og Nagato.
>lanky and muted
>filled out and mischievous
anyone that picks left is gay or low test
>its literally the same shit except for her eyes
god you are fucking BLIND and RETARDED
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Date a live collab soon
I can feel it
Joffre a cute!

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Nagato retrofit soon, I feel it in my big seven.
>4 ritual posts in a row
god please can we ban all these bots
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Cope, seethe and dilate, spergnigger. We love ritualposter here.
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when was the last time we had such a drastic change? the Peter skin?
gay faggot, she looks way better redesigned
>from teenager to mommy
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I killed your precious (You), sorry. I'm not.
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Shut up, pedokek
Hi shitler
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silence redditor
sissy rage
Kill yourself retard
Reminder her artist literally forgot what she looked like
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>no you
>no you
>no you
really nigger?
Both are absolutely perfect in this case. She should be the thiccer variant, of course.
most relevant and thought provoking azur lane character
Azur Lane is officially anti lolicon though as of recently, and this Nagato ain't even loli with the new design, so the fuck you on about?
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Thighs and panties are an improvement, eyes and stocking trim are a downgrade. Don't care about the rest.
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I'd buy these but they're illegal in my country.
they could release a 6 year old looking bote like mutsuki again in a micro bikini and you'd STILL complain AL is "anti lolicon" because she isn't naked

you're a fucking disingenuous shitposting retard, kill yourself
Let me guess, British right?
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End my suffering
>exaggerating while sucking cock
Yeah, no. They could release an actual loli looking girl with, say, an actual pantyshot, and lolicons wouldn't complain.
But they don't do that.
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>They could release an actual loli looking girl with, say, an actual pantyshot,
they did that and you STILL fucking complained
That's non-lewd granny bloomer, you fucking retard. Talk about disingenuous.
see you're doing it again
>arguing with a LRD knockoff
>doing it again
Everyone sane knows it's not lewd, and on purpose at that.
You can't call it lewd when the average girl on the street wears shorts that reveal more skin than that, loli hater-kun. Go back to gorging cocks.
It's 2035, all fictional loli content is forbidden everywhere in the civilized world. CCP forbid it in china, EU/US/NATO forbid it in SK/JP/EU/US. All gacha games are forced to remove all loli content or their devs face jail. Lolichuds on /alg/ get put into prison and gangbanged by jamal and tyrone. The world is healing. AL is healing.
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>AL is healing
If you disregard anything in its first few years, it's already there. Anime and most games already stopped doing lolicon pandering stuff. We ARE living in that world...Except for real kids, I guess.
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>why yes, granny bloomers are lewd and preferable to other underpants, how couod you tell
>can perfectly roleplay whatever my fantasy is
Best bote.
It’s 2035, tone still hasn’t been released now watch as this ages like spoiled milk as she actually comes out on the anniversary
I am angry
gonna abuse me some AvP
I think this pic is photoshopped
Only if they're drawn in that way, not like a joke on purpose.
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I actually like that one. Her being a sexy slutty brat makes it even better
Oh no, not that [monotone].
>even has an obvious cameltoe
based lane
That tummy
I want to lick Devonshire from head to toe
even her donut?!
Especially her donut
You mean bloomer fold.
Anti Loli Lane™
I suggest you look up the tricks that manga artists use to show bare pussies in their age unrestricted content, anon. It could be either the same thing in that skin, or it could be her actual cameltoe, the real answer only depends on how you feel.
A cunny wouldn't have huge lips like that, and it shows no shape whatsoever. It's just bloomer fold. If AL wants to go lewd, it sure goes lewd like with the older ships. This case? They didn't want to go lewd is all.
Did chinks complain about nagato meta or is this entirely some internal art group drama?
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>did googoogagaa happen or am i just stoking the fire because no ones responding to my bullshit?
I’m genuinely asking because I saw that it seemed everyone loved the original nagato meta design and were so sad it was adjusted, so why did such unpopular change happen in the first place, and I know chinks and nips have a say in the matter too even if EOPs don’t see it.
wtf NATO has to do with banning loli
It didn't even resemble Nagato, for one.
He probably means UN (they don't have any power either, but they do try).
it did
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Why are redditors acting like they’re mourning loss
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I have no strong opinions about this, so it's all the same to me. I've never given a shit about nagato to nip ships in general though. I'll do a break down anyway.
>overall shape
Looks like someone hit ctrl-t on left in photoshop and stretched the body to make right, then redrew the face to make it work again
Who gives a shit
Looks better on left, but also who gives a shit
I like the lacy top of the thigh highs on left better, , but right has a thigh buldge to make up for it.
Maasive improvement
It was better on left when her left side viewers right was laying on her body instead of flaring out.

Overall, I'm never using this bote so I still don't care
radioactive pussy
Nevada, Nagato, SLC, Penny, Sara ....
which are the objectively worst rainbow botes? retrofits included, name me 3
Warspite and Drake are a given
As for the third, I would say San Diego is just outgunned by Guam/Plymouth?
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Yuudachi is probably worse than San Diego. I would say Kron, but her cross-fleet probably tips her over.
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Ah, I knew I was forgetting someone.
I suppose San Diego is indeed better; it's more like her relative status and ubiquitous use were destroyed
Drake and warsprite
No clue on three
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Warspite, drake, yuudachi are the most underperforming
San Diego got a killer augment in June, what are you saying
She is still pretty strong with her Aug, but I dont' think we've hit the point where Guam + Sandy would be needed, yet.
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I legitimately forgot yuudachi exists
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What is /alg/'s opinion on Douglas Macarthur.
i want to have sex with musashi so fuckjing bad
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Overrated retard, makes Rommel look like an actually good commander and Montgomery less of a retard
Megalomaniac who could have totally been a dictator in a different life or given the chance
In no particular order: Warspite, Drake, Napoli/Azuma
can someone make a proper 5 hour lore video that's not full of fast zoomer edits? i have skipped every single line of dialogue in the game but i want to know the story
his idea of nuking manchuria was based and redpilled
also mogging the jap emperor was based as fuck
I bet he also fucked the empress and this collectively mindbroke japs into being the ntr cucks they're now
>Can someone offer their bussy for free? I am really bricked up.
>hybrid anchorage/hindy
>same tier as azuma
yeah... no...
The ones already out aren't enough?
Mog's probably the worst, not sure about the others, Warspite is not competitive anymore I guess
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>i have skipped every single line of dialogue in the game but i want to know the story
Why care about the story if you skip all the dialogue?
Why skip the dialogue if you care about the story?
Shame Macarthur couldn't be as competent as a general as he was as an administrator.
Mixed bag. Really good administrator. Questionable general. Ego the size of Mt Everest, bordering on complete dumbass. Let's not even mention his involvement in the bonus army incident.
All the US fleet admirals were cooler than him.
i play the game for constant dopamine of leveling up my waifu and seeing them say cute lines in lingerie or wedding dresses, but the lore seems cool, i just started playing too late and wanted to catch up by skipchadding everything, so now it'd be too late to try and re-read literally every single story i have archived, it'd take me weeks. so i need someone to do it for free and make a perfect lore video of everything in a chronological manner, for free of course
Start from Yorktowns event and read from there, there I saved you a few hours of time.
>only 200 cubes
yamatosisters................ i dont feel too good..
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>Manjuu refuses to give her more skins so out of frustration he resorts to collab art to give her another 3D model
I feel you, weird MMD videos guy, I really do.
What do I pick
the shortest
Pick Collection VII (fastest that doesn't cost resources) or Cube Analysis VI (just the fastest)
didn't they have the 1koma artist do an illustration specifically for that outfit? Skin soon, hopefully
gf saw bache
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>skin soon, hopefully
Hopefully indeed
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Ok manjuu.
whats the problem here THOUGH
Ruined, I want a refund
They fixed my cute but retarded cat.
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Lovely fox
Fixed, they can keep my money.
Right is better in every way. Idc about "meta need to be different and edgy" slop.
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The key to a happy life with a vampire is to always B positive.
You stole that
Since we have Erebus META who happens to me more edgy than her gothic lolita default I wonder what would Terror META look like.
How to make her more edgy?
Gote oath soon
stockings and high heels
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Akagi content whenski?
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The most common fetish shared inside Manjuu's office.
botes with pierced nipples, botes with tattoos, botes with goth makeup and especially interactive animations that let you smear their makeup and pop their choker, botes with inverted nipples, botes with pubic hair peeking out of panties
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I just finished constructing her and she asks me to take her for a spin. What did she mean by that? How do I take her for a spin?
You spin me right 'round, baby Right 'round like a record, baby Right 'round, 'round, 'round
would bird please me with her feet?
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>This kills Kaga
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Ägir is so beautiful
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She will make fun of you.
white hair looks like shit on botes, there's not a single good looking white or gray haired bote.
Those two would rip that dress while trying it on.
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Taihou would never!
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you didn't deserve her
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Kaga-chan soon. I feel her in my wife's oven.
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Headpats to calm down Vittorio.
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She's with Anson now
That gif's adorable
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Richie a cutie
Skin soon, believe it
This before and after wombpats
naruhodo........ *nods* ...leave taihou's womb to me kouhai *cracks knuckles* *unzips penis*
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why are these botes unobtainable?
My cute wives
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She’s going to beat you up as soon as she wakes up
it's your reward for not being chinese
I am 100% glad im not chinese
all I feel is tree branches
Calm down Kaga, I am working on it.
She’ll be back In some grown up from or something else looking like the other KGV’s, that is whenever the royals get another event
forcing russian botes to dageza and kiss my feet as reparations for ukraine
This should be criminally easy to guess but my wheyfu deserves the same treatment as the rest of my wives.
This, but Chinese and EU botes, while I stand gloriously upon their bodies as the son of Yamato
We exchanged vows while doing push-ups.
More like i don't give a single fuck about meta trash
botes deserve bullying
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bed breaking sex with Indiana
left appeals to my tastes more but I concede with the changes to make right look more like Nagato
making the chest gap smaller and removing details from the dress and stocking is some fucking bullshit
we need a V3
Love her.
So its just normal saggytoe?
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I fucking love horse pussy
I love fucking horse pussy
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>Deus X wants to know your location
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Why is the horse always horny?
more botes need lipstick
Is that like what I play with Anchorage?
>"Oh yeah Commander gropes my ass all the time"
Why are you like this, SKK?
>Why are you like this, SKK?
I love my botes.
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That's actually a really cute oath line.
I wish Formi were 6'6
grope Niimi
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Have Nimi dock.
daisen found my front tail once...
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a horse is fine too
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Was this her face?
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My lovely fox.
Spending summer nights in mom's embrace.
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pollnigger for JP anni UR(s) https://poal.me/udv3vg
why does anchorage sound retarded? Is it because she's a relatively new bote IRL compared to the WW2 botes?
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theres a lot of debate on whether she is an actual retard or if she is just faking it for attention
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>It's to fool Shikikan.
Amagi II would be retarded since she isn't even alive at this point
But then again the story IS fucking retarded, so who knows
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Jumping with Bel!
Parenthood with Bel!
Even a retard like anchorage understands she is a lewd retard and she should lean into the lewd
Impregnating Indiana while doing the plank!
Well, we did fix her brain once...
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A lovely tale
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About how a
do what must be done, impregnate
Late 21st century Sirenussy got me acting unwise
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Same, but with Devil Arbiter
I don't give a shit about sirens
Something tells me Purifier's original form helped design this one cause no white hair and big tits
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loving family starts.
Are there any watermarkless versions of these.
To be fair I've been conditioned to shove my dick in every wet hole. No other outcome was possible.
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Cassin a cute
Is it considered cheesing to be able to defeat the normal mode arbiter by getting them down to less than 50% hp with 1 fleet, doing an intel mission, healing up, then coming back for the rest of it while spending 0 AP?
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Anything is fine as long as it works
No one cares, just fuck up those Sirens.
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This but with Harvest.
If Friedrich is my mom then who is my dad?
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*baby siren in production*
my mommy is musashi
This sensation, could it be? Am I... Feeling it?
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Me. Don't peek into our bedroom tonight.
how do we get 2 more UR airplane papers? I can almost afford my first wyvern.
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I too hate ningens
Operation Siren Ports
Arbiter Normal Mode
Random drop from Enforcers
Random cat loot
I wish I could hug Bel's ass like this right now.
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You have already sired dozens of children with the boats on this naval base shitcan
wish granted, but you are now a little girl
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Impregnate Lou
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And without even having to wish for more wishes! What a bargain!
Instructions unclear, I have now knocked up Louisville.
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Amagi 2 in the shop, Yamato as the gacha UR
it's mogging time

Whatever, I'd better see your ass in church.
having cleve as a dad (female) would be neat
Thanks anon. I had like 50 abyssal and got the 2 UR plane papers I needed.
Imagine being one of these little tikes and having two dads and a mom.
Better gif
Why is she paizuring a shapeless malformed lump of flesh
>Daisen will just allow anyone on the base to grope her.
>Chinese beauty filter on/off
bro.. that's some anons' body type
she saw Niimi getting groped all the time and thought giwtwm
She is into that shit, being brain damaged and all
final looks so much better
yes, fatter is automatically better
why is asian women's clothing always partially see through?
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Daisen's massive horsey ass...
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Precious foxes.

Bismarck Drei fucking when?
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Get in line fag
Auntie needs new rigging
After she gives birth to little Bismarck.
We’re more likely to see CVN-65 enterprise than a third bizmark
cute auntie
cute biscuit and tirpitz
>literally dead IRL alongside Tirpitz
An entire future snuffed away.
auntie needs a new seiyuu before anything else
I get the tribute images but I also find it incredibly ironic that in IRL it was tripitz’s sister ship Bismarck that sunk hood
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Yukikaze retrofit soon, I feel it in my nanoda
I +13d a floatplane for halford
Did I fuck up? Also what aux do I give her?
it was just a little banter, like how the hunt for biscuit was also a littler banter
Drake augment when
Penny retro when
Is it okay to marry and impregnate my mom?
>I +13d a floatplane for halford
It's... a rather superfluous investment, but that should be fine if you like her a lot.
Probably the usual DD stuff, Toolbox+other 500+ HP aux.
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It would be rude not to.
I like her and used her to a good extent vs repulse and renown meta
I got all other planes +13d so I wanted to give her good shit
Also what gun? I use the twin 114mm atm since I dont have a UR gun to spare
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How does this make you feel?
>twin 114mm
I just gave her mogodor's UR gun.
It really doesnt feel like her floatplanes do anything even at +13.
I feel a sudden urge to breed.
Maybe the Twin 130mm, either russian from the corse shop or chinese from PR5
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I like pinks
I always found mares and does attractive
I want to grope Perseus.
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How does this make you feel?
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It makes me feel like hugging this pink cutie
Sex sex sex sexoooo
Imagine the softness.
Lyon has a nice tummy.
It makes me think Emma needs a swimsuit.
Dedicated navel window, hallmark of a seductress.
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SKK is property of pinks, Seydlitz in particular.
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You do have to take responsibility shitcan
Spiderbote when?
I order Seydlitz not to ask me to take responsibility. Just kidding, I would never.
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>Spiderbote when?
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Nagato really does like wearing sheer fabric in front of (you) huh...
That is just spider rigging, I want an actual spider.
>I'm sure our child can feel that honor too
Right in the heart. I want to live up to the love and admiration botes put in me.
You see this stomach? I will RUIN it. It's too flat. It should be round, distended, filled with little botes. I will make it happen.
I love my aunt.
Why is Roma like this?
Any hopes/predictions for the nagato meta skillset?
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Yumi a cutie~
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There's something wrong with mine.
All Littorios crumble in front of shikicock, Roma is just ahead of the curve
Impregnating Indiana at the gym while doing the plank or overhead pull ups!
20% barrage (40% if META on team)
META buff slut
>that grin
>They need you now but when they don't....
>See, when the chips are down, these... uh.... civilized botes.... they will tear each other apart
>See, their code is nothing but a joke
>I am not a monster, I am just ahead of the curve
Was Roma right to bomb IB and the RN?
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She knows what I like
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I need Roma to prepare Veneto for me for a threesome.
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Elf sex
>Tfw no divine elf gf
Why even live
She grew her hair?
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>It's simple we uh, breed the SKK
Albion is better anyway
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brest rape
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>Tfw no divine saint gf
Even worse
>I had a vision of a world without SKK, and it was... unsplendorous
>But why should I have all the fun
>If Dr Aoste isn't dead by the next hour, I will make sure that all capitals of the world are
You have to admire her dedication to the plan
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I wouldn't mind a joker roma that lives in a society
A barrage that doesn't rely on a equal or less than 80% chance.
Then maybe some META buffs or also IJN ones
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A random thing I've always wondered, what do pregnant women with abs look like? Do the abs get cancelled out due to the pregnancy or does the stomach still retain some of the definition?
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Holiest MayaG
in most cases the abs would fade out due to the extra fat, that being said that wouldn't really matter for anime so its possible but even as a ab enjoyer it would probably look strange
I love shotakan
It should have happened when she almost went META
Not to mention the muscles being stretched out.
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What Mcafee is alive or something?
Essex moment
Made for rape
>Extra fat
Mostly the muscle being stretched like a balloon, but also that. Visible abs on a pregnant woman would be beyond ridiculous.
Can confirm, they raped me in my sleep.
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Call me when WW3 starts for real or some shit. Otherwise fuck off until then.
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-ing SKK
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I love Jannu like you wouldn't believe.
H-holy duties...
mating press Zuihou

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X are the biblically accurate angels
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my rights...
Holy plappage
What, did Yamato get leaked or something?
I did it! I cleared 14-2.
Seems I have to reread that event now.
Jannu skin soon, i feel it in my divine spirit.
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>frogtranny got online
Guess the fun ended, shame
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Would be a nice surprise, i don't remember the last mayag skin
>while he
It was a fun run while it lasted.
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Why does SKK have a huge bubble butt.
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Best MayaG
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Why dont we get more maayag botes?
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Bayard and Jeanne threesome.
Too mediocre an artist
Who and who?
Give me my Ibuki swimsuit, manjuu. I've waited since 2017
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The Holiest Duties, every time you get plapped by them you become younger one day of your life.
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I fucking wish bro
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Do you even play the game if you don't recognize at least one of those two?
I can't be bothered memorizing every single irrelevant shitter in the game
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I like Brennus
He spends every day of his life on 4chan shitposting. He isn't all there to begin with bro.
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>the /trash/troon replying to any post mentioning Iris/Vichy botes rn
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Bay is so cute, side boob, blonde, cute lines, i want her skin already
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Blandest shitter in the game by far
She's the only PR7 I always forget about
If we are talking about 1 plap every second, that's about, that's easily several years younger in just one hour, you will regress to shotakan in less than a day.
Woah so literally nothing?
The effect is doubled with Brest.
L2D with a legs spread post like Shinano's
So what happens if I go past shotakan?
Why are a frogfag bot and an antifrogfag bot the only "people" posting right now?
It stops at shotakan, thankfully.
>Can't remember a bote that hasn't even been in the game for two months
Bland shitters will be bland shitters no matter how new they are
Why do you keep calling him a "frogfag" when all he does it shitpost, are you prehaps a shitposter too?
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Sometimes plain knights are fine too.
What's wrong with calling factionfags with their specific denomination? How new are you? Are you the frogbot spamming low effort shit right now?
Okay, but I want to revert back to being an egg.
Why can't we go at least one thread without some faggot or faggots obsessing over Frogs? It's the same fucking bullshit and many of the same fucking pictures over and over again.
Squats and oats.
There's another faction that gets bot posted all day and doesn't get shitposted but you don't complain about that one.
Shouhou should be last tier too then
Factiontrannies are mentally ill on both sides
>Iris plap you so hard you become a baby then raise you again as their perfect seed dispenser.
Dunno man, I can see a very clear period when nothing was really happening until a specific person started posting.
So you admit you are spamming low effort shit and expect to be validated for it it? Is this what I'm taking from this post? A newfag like you should just lurk here. You don't even know how to post
Dumb ESL
Guys who has the link of New Jersey AIslop bikini collection?
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Return to tradition.
>goes through all that trouble adding in punctuation all through his post
>leaves out the period at the end
Gee, I wonder who this poster is.
I can't even tell who that is, tradition my ass
I wonder which faction would be best to be raised by? Probably the Pastas. Maybe the Krauts?
They should have just given her something closer the Artorias' Greatsword if they were going to make a reference to it with her chibi.
Knights are cool, it's the cool factor.
Knights are not that bland usually, well I guess the entire frog faction is bland to begin with
I would pick Iris and Sakura, Maybe Royal Navy too.
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SKK raised as the Holy Vessel, manifest Iris itself to give you blowjobs.
>Get raised by foxes
>Become Romulus but tricksier
Not bad, honestly. I don't think I could handle the coddling the RN maids could dish out though.
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Wifechorage raped me.
Any of the European factions would be fine if you wanted to be raised "properly". I feel like the Sakura and Burgers have too many deviants.
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me too :(
>Birds being upset over eating chicken
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Enough Holy Duties for the day.
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>Royal Navy
>Burger deviants
How are we defining deviants and who specifically are you thinking of?
>Holy Duties
That's a kraut
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Why is she so evil?
We have faction posts all day long of other factions, why did you single out frogs?. Or are you insinuating that it's ok for this to happen?
Long Island
I'm insinuating every time the frogfag starts spamming the thread turns to shit
>sort by faction: vichya dominion
>Dupleix and Strasbourg present
>Implying they will ever get tired.
Saints will just heal themselves back and yourself to keep going.
If there's a faction spam daily frogs aren't the only one tho
They are German spies bro
Laffey I guessed. I feel like there are enough normal botes to water the weirdos down though. Like, if you want to say the Royals would do a good job you also have to ignore weirdos like...
They are the only ones who shit up the thread with cuckshit consistently and thrive on it
Oh, I forgot to swap my image. Whatever, have another D'ork.
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because she's a good reader :3
You will become chubby from all the pastries and sweets
You will become addicted to foxes
>Royal Navy
You will become an eternal maid fuck toy
Why do you think that? The discussion I see about frogs is ignoring the shitposters shitflinging.
So it's either Sakura or Royal then
>Akame after Night Raid
which two botes would you want to be raised by
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My wife is not a weirdo.
cute feet
>The discussion I see about frogs is ignoring the shitposters shitflinging
They really aren't
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Fat from all the parfaits, dunking donuts and sometimes howe cookies brought from the RN
Explain why the thread didn’t go to shit when Mogador was posted there https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/493015627/#493065202
Carolina and Washi
my lovely husband (female) with her lovely vampire sister
Dunkerque and Strasbourg
Rossiya and Belo
PoW and KGV
to name a few
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Your wife would be the biggest child molester. Admittedly that's kinda hot in this context, but it doesn't make for a normal upbringing. KGV race queen when?
Jean and Royal Fortune
So you can't discern who the shitposter is that has done this same exact thing for years?
First frog posting here >>493171005, with posts about Brest and Jeanne in between until the shitposter starting shitting his diapers here >>493178417 almost an hour later.
I want KGV latex domfu or thot like Noshiro
>a single desperate frogfag samefagging
Seems pathetic enough to me on its own
he can discern, because he is the shitposter as well
Sounds like a job for KGV.
You didn't answer why the thread didn't go to shit though.
You can cherrypick single posts all you want, frogkeks consistently shit up the general and that's a fact regardless of how much they samefag or go tame
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Would be fun
Funny how the slop samefagging stopped when he started replying to those anons
so why is this glownigger bringing this off topic shit into the Azur Lane thread?
Because he fucked off right away after samefagging a couple times
he posts his spam in every general on the board bro.
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he has posted this exact same thing on almost all the gacha threads
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not reading all that. happy for u. or sorry that happened
They'd probably do okay. Jean would have to learn to calm her tits in a fucking hurry but you'd be raised to be an interesting person for sure.
you got xim.
its shayfag on his usual melty
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Where did you get this screenshot? I dont see this video on their bilibili account
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I wonder if we'll get more Scylla shilling with this Anni? She's shown up in some promo art for it, including pic related and the headline image on the Anni website.
Keep shitting the thread up frogbro, this is why no one likes you
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>chubby from all the pastries
wrong i will train with the cute knights
Shay would be shilling ZZZ since that is his current thing. This is the ngaschizo.
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Jean is fine around (you), but Royal Fortune and the rest of the Tempesta would probably turn you into the best pirate the world has ever seen. Drake would come along as well.
nah, shay has an autistic hatred for gf and was already known for looking at any chink rumor and believing it, in other words autism like that is certainly up his alley
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>Say hi to a bote
>get raped
What would he learn? How to surrender instantly? Frog knights are not good fighters
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Training with Maillé and L'auda
The antifrogfag is part of what makes this thread go to shit. It's the fact that posting Frogs triggers some retard or retards to love or hate them and obsessively post about them.
They both do. Shay dropped Snowbreak whenever it got censored.
>It's the fault of the people that want to talk normally about frogs
I don't give a shit about who or what. When they post this thread becomes a shithole.
Maybe you should just leave then?
>Jean is fine around (you)
Nah, she still sometimes comes off as being a bit more aggressive than she likely means to be and doesn't quite seem comfortable in her own skin when she's not doing knight or pirate things. I don't think it'd take her long to figure things out but she's not great mom material out of the box. Just kind of okay.
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I involuntarily said "mommy" audibly upon clicking this thread
I'm just pointing out a simple fact, I can very simply ignore the shitflinging between you guys, you are just annoying and should know people despise you
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Maybe if we are talking about Jean coming right out of the box, but Jean as she is now in the side stories would be fine. I guess she could get frustrated fast with it since she probably wouldn't know what she is doing with a kid version of (you).
>I can very simply ignore the
You never do though, unlike the frogposters right now
Thanks fren.

We're winning so much anchoragebros.
I see the frogkeks like you helping him shit up the thread but you already know that
>I can very simply ignore the shitflinging between you guys
Except you do this every time the diaper shitter starts spamming, so I really don't think you are capable of that.
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Yeah it happened automatically, like sneezing or a hiccup.
If anchorage can learn chinese, japanese, and english, she really was faking her retardation.
The fastest white flag in the west!
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>"If Shido wants me, then I'll gladly give my everything to him. To become his lover, kiss him, have sex with him, marry him, give birth to as many babies as he wants, grow old together with him. But, even if Shido chooses someone other than me, I won't mind. If Shido thinks to marry Tobiichi-san, I'll bless him with all my heart. Of course, it also applies for other person as well. Even if Shido chooses Tohka-chan, Kotori-chan, Yoshino-chan or perhaps someone that I don't know. Of course, I don't mind if he doesn't choose to be with anyone, or even if he chooses everyone I'll support his wish. I'll do anything for Shido's happiness. If Shido wishes it, I'll grant any of his wish. I don't mind becoming his childhood friend, his lover, his wife, his younger sister, his older sister, his mother, his daughter, his superior, his subordinate, his enemy, his nemesis or even someone unrelated to him. As long as Shido is happy, I'm satisfied....Oh sorry, it seems I got too worked up by myself. But it is true that I don't mind whoever Shido chooses."
>would be fine
I did say she'd be okay, just kind of suboptimal. A lot like Frog Enterprise, come to think.
Current jean wouldn't even kiss you on the lips lol, almost as bad as her sister who cucks you on the altar
Enty would be way less insufferable
how do we clear 14-3? They traded in their planes and battleships for subs.
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>A lot like Frog Enterprise
I can see it, E has the better selection of sisters to help her though. Richelieu would probably be strict and Clem is the Aunt that just tries to tempt you to troublemake with her.
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Eat your veggies
Use ASW?
ew gross.
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This pirate needs certain "requirements"
Imagine teen aunt mom.
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Yeah enterprise is a cinnamon roll who loves her kids, Jean is just an annoying cunt
Clem is the sugar aunt you always want to be with and that gives you sweets or that fancy toy car you saw on a commercial.
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>Use ASW?
I only have 1 hedgehoog and they take their sweet time to hit more than 1 sub every minute of the battle. The gear says 2/3 seconds and its closer to 6-10 for it to "reload".
it's mogging time

Kill yourself, Janny
Looks like shit
Dishwasher Derangeme- oh wait
>Auntie Clem and Richelieu duke it out over who gets you for the weekend while Momma Jean just sneaks off with you to go fishing
Yeah this one is justified
Frostmourne would cool her down
You can equip more than one ASW equipment, and DDs also have ghost ASW depth charges which attack even without anything equipped. And a bunch of botes have ASW related skills. A lot of botes released after chapter 14 have memes to help with it.
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E comes with Vestal, who is basically a cheat code for child-rearing. Her entire support system is busted. I'm not so sure Bart's sisters would be bad though. Like, Bart would definitely try to instill you with a sense of honor so Richie probably wouldn't be so harsh in comparison since their values are aligned and I can see her letting a child slide juuuust a little. Clem would absolutely ruin you but also wiggle in a few cheeky life lessons. Not great, not terrible, but Jean would want to murder her more than usual. Then there's robutt. Robutt is just an observer.
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Enterprise is a fighter so I imagine her being extremely autistic when trying to be a mother
More like Clem will flash her tits at your poor 7 yo sight and make you addicted to her.
But what bote would be the worst mom?
lol no
Frog Derangement Syndrome
We call that mama bear
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Today I'll remind them.
>Pretending to hate oohira just because he drew one character you don't like.
Peak contrarianism more like.
Sometimes mothers need to be fighters. Or launch them, either/or.
Gascogne would secretly the best mom of them all, she already got it all calculated.
E can be fairly gentle when needed, at the very least you know her flagship postion would mean she can manage any upcoming event like birthdays well
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I want these two as my moms.
Any surrendermonkey
Which bote would be surprisingly bad, despite initial assumptions, even though not the worst?
You wouldn't believe how many times she's run the TB raising simulation.

She's not a war machine, just kind of an autist. Even that's not hard coded or anything. Enty has depth.
No idea who these are
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That's how you grow your nephew up!
Severe mental illness
PoW would never
Frogfags are mentally ill, we already knew that, but as of recent they are particularly persistent
Oneshota fleets?
You should seek help man.
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At least Little E tried her best
only DoY is tied with PoW in terms of horny, she is just more in your face about it while PoW waits for the right moment to strike
Not a frogkek or a factionfag luckily
>Sleeping on top of Champagne's delicious flat surface
There are so many pieces to that question. I almost want to say Mikasa due to having issues navigating modern parenting, but she's already leadership, I can't see her being any worse than mediocre. A lot of the mommy and onee-san types are the same in that regard.
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You can stop pretending to care about whoever that is now
>But Aunt Jean, i wanna stay with you more, i still haven't caught a bass...
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I am already taken by The Dew
That sounds very ooc
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Your lovely wife and daughter are waiting for you to return home safe and sound, Commander.
>Sorry Nephew, i wish i could but sis would get very mad at me, now lets go.
Jean being cool as always.
Frogsissies are secondaries after all.
>commander auntie is a little busy with her friend now, come back later...
Realistically, what would he do in this situation?
>Hey kid, get your sword. We're raiding the candy shop.
>You're the best, mom!
You can stop pretending to hate botes now.
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Consider Marco Polo as a mother
Ask if he can watch
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It would be extremely peaceful.
Marco Polo is literally a dumb dork.
I cant imagine her getting pregnant
Belfast stole my cum
I barely know who this shitter is let alone hate her
she's a flat bote
Hipper cutting board rerun when?
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You hate her enough to reply to posts about her you inbred retard.
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Unironically probably the best mother in the base
She'd evolve and channel all her ambition into motherhood and later raising your kids
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why is skk so rapeable?
skk is extremely submissive and breedable, along with having a to nice of a rack to not rape
post more bote daughters
FDG, Bel
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When did they start recruiting vegetables into the fleet?
When they introduced the frog faction
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all made for uppies
This really is anime hell...
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only The Dew can comfort me in these trying times
lene, e chan, and bel chan my cute daughterfus
Why won't botes leave me alone despite me being a shitcan towards them?
I wish I was shotakan being spoiled by loli botes
Why is minisaur not your daughterfu
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Starting a family with Bel
they can fix you
I haven't oathed formi and don't really intend to, would give little dino headpats but don't see her in the same as a daughter compared to the others
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Here to drop honolulu slop
Here to filter that shit
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what a cute boy (female)
i still dont have zuihou, should i be worried?
just play the event
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Imagine the locker room talk
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Rock washing
She simply made you do your duty to the Queen.

Not all of them.
Cute surrendermonkey
That one is made for uppies too.
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When you think of Hindenburg you will think of this
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Lore accurate.
How many hours left til datamine? I want to know if ibuki tashcunny and donut augs are any good
Mark's daughters will have a cute split tongue too
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When I think of Hindy all I think about is all that fiery red hair and how I want to wrap it around my face.
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fuckED hai tien
(You) WILL claim victory over Hindy
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Marco sexo
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What if I want to drag the game?
I swear that Mountaintops of the Giants is by far the worst chapter in Azur Lane.
how do we grind xp for her? I have cleared the ENTIRE opsci map, killed the arbiter, wiped out a few abyssals and she's at a mere 25% for the 2.4 mil step.
>he doesn’t know about the rock
My seed is for Bel though.
>hey buddy I think you got the wrong door
Love Marco Polo.
opsi gives shit exp because it costs 0 oil
grind 12-4 and use agir or some shit and force her to get mvp to speed it up even further
Very determined uppies.
11-1 has the best XP/oil ratio. Most of us farm 12-4 because it has a good coins/oil ratio while still being good for XP, and is (just) easy enough for ships you’re still leveling up.

If you’re leveling a bunch of ships that suck at anti air then stick to w11.
Not getting affection in OpSi (or anything else that doesn’t cost oil, like Exercices) sucks.
>Most of us farm 12-4 because it has a good coins/oil ratio
we do it because it has a chance to drop cog chips
I will listen to my cute big sis all she wants.
Marco sexo
Why do I find this so hot and relatable
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kotification can't be stopped
Cute Saint
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Why are cute knight-girls always blonde?
It's more divine-y
oh shit it's Saber
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Ayanami solos
But Hole...
Mog, Empress of Sweat
How do I contain my lust for unrestricted submarine warfare?
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Why contain it?
You don't.
This is my woman.
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Do you do the Sisyphus Trial with her every month? Naked of course, right?
Second Essex just hit the Expo
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I love her so much.
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Ok I won't.
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I love this dummy so much
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The marshmallow is cute
is indiana actually good? i've been doing some 12-4 with her and she triggers her barrages quite often
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I can no longer resist luxurious erufu pussy
I want to fuck it so bad
I want to make erufus pregnant with my human halfbreeds
>bottom right
You can't post the forbidden image, jannies said so.
There's an ASMR of her?
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And that's how Marcille was born
I'm dying of cuteness.
Yes, it's free
>posts a psycho bitch
>literally says married
I'm surprised not a lot of botes directly say it.
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Crazy women are hot
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is that a
>brown skk
Not canon
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essex should be sexy more often I'm tired of memesex
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I don't
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Oh my official yuri
>amusement park
I think me and my wife are going to have quite the time
That's georgia
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>same color eyes
You stupid?
why is the royal navy sign up there in the right then? smartass
Who the fuck dresses like that to go to an amusement part? They are going to throw her out for exhibionism.
um bro the ads
>ark gets a new stripper outfit to molest dds in
i fucking kneel
oh right, because they never got the faction emblems wrong before
Looks like Mog's swimsuit
She got Mogpilled
If it was Georgia then she would have heterochromia you idiot.
Remember when you fags thought the amusement park theme would be boring?
>They don't realize that Ark's name is on the image.
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