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What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the Survivors. The Survivor's objective is to repair generators and escape. The Killer's objective is to catch the survivors and kill them (except for Sable, you impregnate her).

>8.2.0 | Castlevania
>Castlevania Chapter Trailer
>FNAF Chapter confirmed for Summer 2025

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

>Official DbD poll:

Previous Thread: >>492841729
First for sex with whomever I desire
Sex with Wesker.
Wesker how do you know what colour underwear I’m wearing before I tell you? Do you have another hidden camera in my room again?
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I will now play haddie.
Wait it's a scar on her face? It's plain to tell in this picture but her ingame model it looks kind of like a tribal steak of paint.
Would suck on her brown boobas ngl
Im trans. Whats a good killer for me other than the unknown
Yeah she's covered in scars from her dark backstory...and she has psychic powers and is very important to the lore of Dead by Daylight...also her eyes change colors when she feels strong emotions and every boy at the campfire thinks she's cool...
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>sheet nigga ah accidentally put mah bitch inked_her in a sex coma again sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet cuh cuh skir skirrrr
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why is behavior like this? this is why as much as I want them to put froguette in the game I'm also scared of what they'll do to it
>it's not shit, it's vomit

Ah my bad.
>porn model attached
still wouldn't play that ugly indian hag
how the fuck would i get a wet dream in the fikrst place if i was a jacking off coomer there wouldnt be any need for the body to do that wet dream shit to release too much fluids cuz there is no fluids from the release from jackign off
>Crossposting autists

u mad
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so many white ppl and white ppl cosmetics added to dbd lately it feels like POC genocide
hope all the Boulet Brothers™ cosmetics are for POC people only and whites get nothing
what kind of pantsu does she have underneath?

that’s so trve xister the chuds over at behavior seriously need to be better with representation
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why do they hate sable and her nation so much?
The tranny seeks to destroy the beautiful woman for the same reason that the Jew seeks to destroy a beautiful country.
>>493146269 (Cross-thread)
the last women killer we got was skull merchant too i think soon there will be a dark time with only womens killers and brown people and maybe even a trans survivors for original chapters to make up for it
she was supposed to be THE trans icon of DBD, but she got chud gooner fanbase instead
so tragic

chuddies must pay for this
Can someone ask Lynn to do a bunny Feng cosplay?
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greetings fellow sable players
She doesn't look like that and you know it, faggot.
Skubidi dub dub dubba yes yes skibidi dub dub nyeeeep nyeeep
It's mostly chudsters seething over the success of a powerful tranx woman
Today I will goon to _____
futa Sable
Wesker x Chris mpreg
wtf does this mean
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Just the usual boring black boyshorts
And what pantsu are you currently wearing?
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Sex with Wesker is the only thing that brings me joy. I've tried other hobbies but none of them quite "fill" that same hole.
this mf wants to fuck a dude named albert
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Hey there! I'm only allowed to call me that. And it's only when we're sleeping together.
he didn't say that
water = sable
pajeet = xitters
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>survivors madly cleansing plaything totems looking for the penti totem giving me more opportunities to activate penti
>by the time they've looked for and cleansed every totem on the map twice, the game is already over
>Swf have already memorized the spawns and break out penti before you can get a second stack while still smashing out gens
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You are now hearing Nea's injured sounds in your brain.
Rebecca needs the wedding dress from RE Vendetta as a costume
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about to buy cote's movie game to get the dbd rewards then refund right after, is this a good idea or retarded?
Rebecca needs a skin where she's naked, barefoot, and pregnant
Would it matter? You're a good paypig, you'll pay.
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Rebecca needs every outfit Capcom has ever given her put in DBD
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Wouldn't mind a Wraith bust tbqh
I don't get it, what's the schizo posting supposed to be in response to?
He's helping us update our filters.
Let's talk about Sable.
who pissed off bran?
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this :3
yes ur boyfriend is very handsome u can stop now
This is literally what happens when you let adbots and shills run rampant in your general. Reap what you have sown, /dbdg/
>Someone spams/shits up a thread
>Mods "I sleep"
>Someone post a semi naked character even though the ad banner is straight up porn
>Mods "I BAN!"
yeah TCM needs to fuck off to their own thread already, most likely on /vm/ since that's where threads for dead games go
>sheeet nigguh dis wors dan dat tym ah forgo pull out inked_her after comin 10 times innaaarow n mah cum came outta her mouth ears n nose nugguh
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I leave for a few hours and come back to an immense atmosphere of Mexican transgenderism. Why is this?
Yeah sure. If you play her kill yourself. Almost as bad as Claudette niggers at this point.
don’t be a chud
this is a healthy display of trans culture
i just wanted to talk about dbd...
>challenge to open 2 exit gates
>have to let teammates bleed out while i hide because killer is a fag and won't just hook.
>challenge incentivizes you to hold the game hostage, play like a rat, and do nothing all game except hide
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haha true
do you get the red background with P100 or is it modded?
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the fact that dominance is even a perk in this game is fucking retarded.
hex perks are already nerfed into the fucking dirt the fact i need a extra perk to make sure some dickface on the other side of the map doesn't cleanse it instantly is fucking stupid.
even worst are fucking boons who despite the fucking nerf are still broken as shit as unlike hexes they dont need to waste a fucking perk slot on undying and or dominance since if it gets taken out they can just plop another one down.
fuck people who try and say pentimento is broken too when the aforementioned shit is considered okay
and fuck any nigger who says this game is even remotely killer sided in the slightest bhvrs entire survivor coddling tendencies are on display fully here..
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post some insane plays
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you only get those red backgrounds with characters you P3'd before the prestige change in 2022
Transil meltdown as usual
As a hex totem myself, I can tell you, we only just say slurs.
just posted webms
Then how does he have it for Trevor if he came out after 2022?
absolutely cracked
gee I dunno, probably the same way he has everything unlocked and P100
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cute feng but
>Castlevania 1 was 1986
>Legion is from the 1990s - Susie has a '96 hoodie snatched from the lost & found, for a general timeframe.
>Symphony of the Night is '97
Not sure how long it took before Legion's hooliganism escalated to the point they took a life, but there's the chance at least one of them could be aware of Castlevania, and Zestycard.
Probably Joey, he seems like the nerdiest.
>see a guy clearly working on a gen
>his DS still goes off
subtle hacking is getting more complex I see.
joey is a cosplayer but also susie and joey both play d&d
All men are bisexual but some are more bisexual than others
Is sissyfag having a full on schizo breakdown?
how do u filter without making it hide every post with youtube videos
he definitely said this
This looks more like Barry if anything. Chris is built like a tank. Barry is too but more in the bulkmaxxed kind of way
he looks like a woman idiot
I've been running a high terror radius build on Dredge. Not sure if the larger terror radius is fucking with the survivors or not. Especially when it abruptly goes away because of nightfall.
claudetre is 9329592359 worse
he really doesnt, I think you're just poisoned
welcome back king
- and other fujo copes to post online
high tier alufaggot fan copening
>cote held a gun to my head and forced me to dew it
I don't know why I keep using surge, all it does is get my gens through the regression limit as fast as possible.
Frank Stone will be the final Chapter of Dead by Daylight, sometime in 2025.
ive never seen it. i dont think youve ever seen a woman
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Why would they stop working on a cash cow like dbd?
Sure thing champ
What changes would you make to DbD to make it scarier?
Why do pig players swing at everything
Which killer has the stinkiest farts? And don't say Clown
The Plague
Pigger genes
Its kinda funny how all the people that used to call lithe brainless before 2023 are now running it
You used to be considered an absolute shitter if you ran WoO, now its not only normalized, everyone and the mother run it.
wraith gets his fat swinging cock modeled in game. pregnancy scares are no joke
So wtf am I supposed to do against Bubba if I'm doing a gen in the middle of the street in Haddonfield. There's two pallets and NOTHING else to run to
Crouch and hope he's retarded if you don't have SB
its actually insane.

probably 90-95% of survivors have absolutely no idea how to play the game. just playing survivor i rarely get hooked. my chases last 2 minutes plus if the killer sticks on me, then they just turn around and down someone else in 20 seconds. there is zero macro game strategy from these people, so its just praying the other survivors dont 3 gen themselves
run early you stupid fuck
prerun or dont do the gen in the middle of the street?
this is the shit im talking about >>493194764
I hate to say it but they really did overbuff billy
lol i remember coming here and every other day was someone recommending it for new players for learning and i felt like an absolute retard for still running it after a long time playing
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>Don't do the gen in the middle of street
If there are 3 gens there one eventually has to be worked on sister
>legion is albertan
>BHVR is quebecois
Is there something they're trying to say
i have no idea what youre trying to say. there are always at least 2 other gens you could work on
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this guy throws every pallet in the first 2 minutes and wonders why his team goes down
it doesnt take a genius to not throw every single pallet and run. you can play around pallets. i have absolutley no idea how my teammates go down so fast.
typically i get 1st or 2nd chase, the killer eventually gives up and goes on someone else, then towards the end of the match with one gen remaining, i have basically nothing to work with as everything was presumably mindlessly thrown and go down before the last gen is completed. ive been trying to do that stupid random perk challenge and ive lost like 10 out of 12 games today. i have no idea why these people even play dbd if theyre so terrible.
because all the good survivors are playing in 4-man sweat squads so if you play by yourself you get all the leftovers (retards)
That's why when you play killer it's a coinflip between a steamroll or an impossible match with no in-between
actually that makes a lot of sense. games as wraith are either way too easy or crazy difficult.
It sucks because on average it means 50% of your killer games will just not be fun at all (and honestly much higher percent at good mmr)
i wish there was a way to make games versus 4-man sweats fun because it's literally a guaranteed loss unless you're nurse or blight on a good map
Last 100 posts have been nonsense dogshit saying nothing. Please do better.
im at the mmr cap with wraith. id say its maybe 1 in 5 games are swf, but even still the games i play against randoms shouldnt be as easy as they are. im not sure why i get the survivors i get but alot of them are genuinley clueless or just give up right away.
billy and spirit i feel are better than current blight
this nigga pretty cool fr fr too bad he only looks like this for 5 mins in the entire game
Dbd needs to add in windows of ranked.
Survivors must queue solo.
No names shown, no chat pre-game.
Ranked rewards and more bp in it.
Killers will actually get to play against people who aren't carried by comms.
>he's carried by killing solos
>1 in 5
I wish I had your luck. It's like 3 in 5 for me and usually a subtle hacker or two thrown in like the aforementioned guy who DS'd me after working on a gen
>He's skilless without friends
We get it, you don't need crutches, you need a wheelchair.
>he doesn't have friends
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people actually bought a "game" you can watch on youtube for free?
i bought it purely because robert was cute ngl
omg so true sisters, like why do those people still play our game? like ugh go away, no one likes u
Why do survivors get so pissed when they realize you have lightborn and noed?
Remember when STBFL grew up in popularity after they gave killers 2 stacks basekit so 8 stacks basically equaled to 10 stacks, and then they nerfed it so that it was back to its original value and killers had a chimp out?
The golden cope. Post your solo queue winstreaks.
If you were actually good at the game, you would do just fine.
You won't though, you're bad at the game and that's why you need comms. :^)
lil bro yappin on god
I bought it and it’s 5/10

but still don’t regret buying it and experiencing it

by the way, it is my official opinion as /assg/ ambassador that Frank Stone will be the FINAL chapter of Dead by Daylight. Hear me out…

>Final Chapter is the 2 forms of Frank Stone,
>2 killers
>4 survivors, Jaime, Chris, Linda and Robert

The final collectible in the game straight up says that Frank Stomes trial will be “the final trial” >>493190585

And the ending of the game explicitly shows the evolved demon Frank is in the entity’s realm, with him about to hunt Dwight, Meg, Jake and Claudette

I think they would either do a Dead by Daylight 2 sort of deal, or just take the future to continually update the rest of the game.

I truly think it’s coming in 2025 and will be the biggest DBD chapter yet. They stated that Frank Stone will NOT just be a cosmetic for trapper. He’s coming.
it would be homophobic young men DOE
It will probably just be some sort of soft reboot of the game in the vein of the Fortnite Chapter 2 thing. And yes, DBD is just horror Fortnite at this point
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>Survivors talking shit when they easily beat you when you did random perks challenge and had no slowdown on Eyrie
Why are men even homophobic, if a fujo with big tits gave you tequila you'd be down to make out with a man
what the fuck is /assg/?
God damn the Onyro is trash.
Explain her 67% kill rate chud
Something that doesn't exist
It's a thread on /e/ for ass pictures
Is there a way to git gud with Vecna or is he irredeemable trash?
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>"Ya nigga i come strapped but most times i aint need it cause my sissy lookin' bitch keep me calm at all times when she on this dick"

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Chances on Chris being added a survivor?
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he already is one though
She's a worse freddy. Truth hurts, I know but it is what it is
A Dead by Daylight 2 would only work if everything carries over like what happened with Overwatch 2. Making sequels to live service games just doesn't work
Imagine being killer and losing to solo queue teammates IJBOL
imagine playing killer in general? still waiting for the day this game turns into a chatroom primarily
some people just enjoy the easy wins killer provides
I'm ugly, stupid and have bad breath. Should I main killer or survivor?
The Mastermind is just the killer for you
I'm bad at both killer and survivor so I just play survivor instead
I love Sable
And judging by that example set, it could be significantly worse in every way
Adam is just the survivor for you
Victor can't break pallets can he?
>DbD 2
>Trapper still has to gather his power from around the map
In literally every killer game I play someone kills themselves or dcs and I feel bad for the survivors that stay so I play as nice as possible
Does Wesker get expanded upon in later Resident Evil games? I just finished the first one and while it was a very kino game I thought Wesker would be a bigger deal since they included him as a killer in DbD.
He does, so just go and play them instead of potentially getting spoiled
Yes. He’s the overarching villain of the next 4 games.
He dies to a faggot and his jiggaboo friend.
He is an F tier villain
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Women represent everything that is unfair with this world, and in order to make the world a fair place, they must all be eradicated. A few women would be spared, however, for the sake of reproduction. These women would be kept and bred in secret labs. There, they will be artificially inseminated with sperm samples in order to produce offspring. Their depraved nature will slowly be bred out of them in time. Future generations of men would be oblivious to these remaining women’s existence, and that is for the best.

If a man grows up without knowing of the existence of women, there will be no desire for sex. Sexuality will completely cease to exist. Love will cease to exist. There will no longer be any imprint of such concepts in the human psyche. It is the only way to purify the world. In such a pure world, the man’s mind can develop to greater heights than ever before. Future generations will live their lives free of having to worry about the barbarity of sex and women, which will enable them to expand their intelligence and advance the human race to a state of perfect civilization.
Faggot cope, everyone in the RE games is straight
Why have I never heard anyone mention literally anything about 5 or 6? Do they exist?
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If this was true why hasn't Leon fucked Claire yet?
All men are bisexual in every universe
I have no idea and I’d frankly like to know too. If nothing else, you should at least have heard someone bitching about 6. If anyone talks about 5 today it’s usually in the context of its multiplayer being so much fun back in the day. 6 isn’t quite as important narratively though.
He has eyes for another woman.
Cause everyone in the RE games is also celibate
I don’t know a single thing about 5 and the only thing I’ve ever seen about 6 is that giraffe blowjob meme. Also I think Leon is in 6. Should I play 0 next? What about Code Veronica?
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hahahaha all this over a Knight match
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I am concerned.
Play 2 next. 0 is something of a supplement and also pretty lacking compared to just about every other mainline game, it’s kind of hard to say if you’ll like it. CV is quite important in terms of Wesker/Chris, since it gives extra weight to their feud but not absolutely necessary and again lacking in some regards.
the things that u lied about
Sable Ward's cute toesy woesys! >.<
instead of making chaos shuffle a 2nd gamemode that splits the playerbase into 2 different queues they should just make a new permanent offering that randomizes your perks once you load into the match.
You know how pissed off streamer trash would be if their perks got randomized? Never going to happen in that along.
obviously i meant it only randomizes for the person running the offering, like a bloodpoint offering.
I drink coffee and say yum
I'm pretty much sable
They should make using reshades bannable.
erm actually he's not using reshade that's his OBS filter that only the viewers see and his actual screen is dark as fuck
>camp and tunnel a guy out one match as singularity
>get matched against him again the very next match as artist
>see him in the distance at the beginning of the game, ignore two survivors on a gen closer to me to go after him
>he disconnects
damn, you think he knew?
Is there an actual lore reason why skull merchant is linked to trannies?
nobody likes her. literally not a single soul
>try to have one more match before bed
>get a hacker Claudette called “don’t chase me” running around the map at 300 speed
not fun
me and another survivor reported him so I can’t wait to post the “action has been taken” screenshot tommorow and post it here
last time this happened it only took one day for that to happen
enjoy wasting money
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you forgot to hide your ugly nea, faggot
Why are so many players Globes these days, 90% of my matches are 3/4 globes also they fucking sweat
nea could kick your ass
Steam players are dying off because the game is boring and stale
Are you console? Almost everyone and thei mother switched to PC since cross progression became a thing.
I like seeing globes because it means that I don't have to put up with EGC
this is me to chuds when they disrespect trans women of color
Best idea ever
Survivors have gotten so audacious that now they run in your face with Iron Will and bodyblock hoping you don't hit them because you'd think it's Off the Record
I don't mind that one as much as the challenge I have been stuck on for a solid week: unhook someone after all gens are done.
Its either we don't make it that far, I'm the only one left, or the only ones left up are too competent to go down.
I'm in actual purgatory.
remove the nosering and we game.
is that the one where you have to unhook in the EGC?
I managed to get that with a camping basement legion, weird as it's supposed to be a safe unhook and it definitely wasn't even though i got the challenge
The rift is weirdly gated this go around with stupid game-throwing challenges.
I literally just completed this challenge after two matches with the exact same build. Game 1 was a wash because we got pentimento'd and I ran to a hook and killed myself. Game 2 we got dead dog and everyone played well enough that I stood next to exit gate 1 near the gen that was about to finish. Opened it and made it across to the other gate to get it open as well. Laurie and Meg perks didn't actually end up helping me. But distortion and wake up carried for sure.
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Human Greed is quickly becoming one of my favorite perks for killer, I like everything that promotes but I feel like it needs something just a little extra. In an ideal world, I'd use both ideas for a buff but realistically only one would go through. So to buff Human Greed, which one would you prefer?

>Opened chests are highlighted in yellow, making it easier to shut them again
>Human Greed spawns 1 extra chest in the game to help it hold it's own but making it even stronger to combo with Hoarder
Blood Warden because I get to down and hump toxic Neas on the ground after they thought they won and teabagged me
fallout new vegas tranny award
REMOVE KILLER remove killer
you are worst killer. you are the killer idiot you are the killer smell. return to lobby. to our baby killers you may come our game. you may live in the basement….ahahahaha ,killer we will never forgeve you. killer rascal FUck but fuck asshole killer stink bligger sqhipere shqipare..killer genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead killer..ahahahahahKILLEROID WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget old ded hard .killercel we cleanse the NOED , killer return to your precious main menu….hahahahaha idiot and freddy smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KILLER FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. Nea+Ace+Nancy+Meg=kill killer…you will E/ Noob3 alive in DbD, Noob3 making album of Nea . fast rap Noob3 Nea we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of Noob3… you are ppoor stink killer… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in basement

Noob3 alive numbr one #1 in DbD ….fuck the killeroid ,..FUCKk ashol killer no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur charms and face. Noob3 aliv and real strong wizard kill all the killer farm aminal with rap magic now we the survivor rule .ape of the zoo presidant killer fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and nurse wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. Nea greattst survivor
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Is there a script that script kiddies use that lets them DC people by shining their flashlight in the killer's eyes? The game had just started, I was buzzing around as Billy, and I encountered a Feng. She immediately turned around in the middle of the field and shone her flashlight in my eyes. Without missing a single beat, the dedicated server immediately stopped responding.
such a weird coping mechanism for a very upset survivor to claim he is or used to be a "killer main"
why is she called skull merchant when she doesn't even sell skulls
All they had to do was remove the overheat mechanic, everything else was unnecessary. They're just too proud and wanted to keep most of the coding and animations for the overheating and just tweak and turn it into overdrive. The thing is that Billy was always as good as he is now, as long as you never missed. People are only thinking he's so great now because the overdrive meter and reduced recovery times forgive mistakes, but if you never make those mistakes, Billy plays basically the same as before. Not that the overdrive meter is trivial, it isn't, but you can perform the exact same curves without it and the quicker charge speed makes it easier, it doesn't make the impossible possible. Saying all this as a Billy main.
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
I’m new to killer but how tf does nemesis work? What is infection what are level ups? I’m looking up basic guides and I still have no clue what they are talking about.
>What is infection?
When you hit a survivor with your tentacle, or when they get bit by a zombie, they become infected. This doesn't injure them, it just makes them cough. However if a survivor is already infected, then if they get hit by your tentacle again (or bitten by a zombie), then do get injured. Survivors can find and use vaccines around the trial to remove the infection, but there's a limited amount of them.
>What are level ups?
You start in Tier 1. Every time you hit a survivor with your tentacle, this Tier meter fills up a bit. When it hits Tier 2, you can break pallets with your tentacle. When it hits Tier 3, the range of your tentacle is increased. Tier 3 is the highest. Note that zombie bites don't incur your Tier, only your own tentacle hits.
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Nemesis has three tiers: 1, 2, 3
In tier 1 you cant destroy pallets with the whip, and move slower than survivors when holding it
In tier 2 you can destroy pallets now
In tier 3 you get a longer range and move at the same speed as survivors when holding the whip
You have to hit a survivor to infect them, or a zombie hit can infect them
When you hit a survivor with the whip, you get points which then is used to go up a tier
After they are infected, the next hit will result in damage

Thanks for the help! I’ll be hooking stars in no time.
Is bamboozle worth running on dracula? Or is there some other chase perk that is suited to him? I'm having trouble ending chases quickly.
Use Sniff. It's the best perk on Dracula. It makes survivors keep dropping orbs in chase that increases your speed for a moment so that you are absolutely guaranteed to catch up with them.
Threesome with Mikaela and Sable.
Rapid Brutality is good with doggy form for an easy second hit because of the haste + orbs makes catching up easy
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Which girl is fucking which hole of yours?
Mikaela from the front, Sable from the back
Using a vault speed build on Nemesis really makes him feel like an A tier killer
His power already makes pallets less safe, so when I can deal with windows survivors get nothing except hold W
Currently on a 40 win streak using Corrupt Intervention, Bamboozle, Superior Anatomy, Dark Arrogance
I get survivors dropping shack pallet at 5 gens just because I sanic vault the window right behind them and they panic lmao
Why would you run window perks on a killer whose power already makes windows dangerous?
Because the strongest tiles in the game (jungle gyms, shack) have both a window and a pallet where a mindgame takes place on guessing where the survivor will go
Blocking the window forces the survivor to use the pallet, and Nemesis shreds pallets. They then cannot make distance to the next loop before getting hit, assuming they didnt get hit at the pallet.

Try it yourself and see how strong it is.
If you want to fuck with them, take Superior Anatomy. Any survivor can tell when you're using Bamboozle. If a survivor isn't paying close enough attention, they won't pick up on you having Superior Anatomy, so you'll catch up way faster than they think you will and catch them before the pallet/vault. It has a cooldown, but you'll have it back and ready by the time you need it next.
I am using it though
No, I mean just that. Get rid of Bamboozle.

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how do i stop ragequitting as killer when three gens get done and i haven't gotten a down yet?
Corrupt + Deadlock until you git gud
Then bring end game perks so you can feel less pressured if you have a bad early game as you know you have a backup
I want to be the cutest survivor so killers always give me hatch
Which survivor and outfit do I choose to accomplish this?
I come back from 3 gens getting done literally all the time. If you don't want to do that, however, just get up and go make a sandwich or something. Or alt tab and watch a YouTube vid. Come back when they've left. Zero penalty.
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I find myself swiftly becoming a Billy main. He's just so damn fun. Hitting sick damn curves on loops and catching survivors by surprise... Doing a loop around the entire map into a down... It's just pure dopamine into my brain. Plus survivors like Billy! Everyone wins!
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I find myself swiftly becoming a Nea main. She's just so damn fun. Hitting sick dead hards while moonwalking and catching killers by surprise... Doing a loop around the entire map for 5 gens... It's just pure dopamine into my brain. Plus killers hate Nea! Everyone wins!
Question to all Alutards.
1. Considering most of you are shit at the game, how does his cape impact looping?
2. Is he loud as fuck when he moans (like Leon) to the point you have to take Iron will
3. Can he also fool your teammates (just like Trevor) to make them believe you're Wesker

I would post how I took prestige 14 perma tier 3 michael for a walk for 5 gens but I don't have any program to record shit.
>Legion gets the best chase music in the game
>everything after this is shit (except Dracula he has very good music)
lame if true
I consider it a good thing if true. If DBD 1 dies, BHVR will as well. They've shown they are literally incapable of creating a single fucking product worth a damn outside of DBD. This is all they have. Everything else they try collapses. Society will be better without them.
As much as I fucking despise BHVR and all their woke staff I love the game. I hate giving them money when something genuinely cool comes out (LICENSED CONTENT).
All in all it will be satisfying if they lose DBD in some way whether it's given to another studio or their delusion of producing quantity and not quality games
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Yeah, I'm addicted to DBD as well. For all the shit I give it, it's definitely been a massive boon in my life in terms of joy. It has to end at some point, though, right? I'd rather it go into the hands of someone else, but I accept its potential fate to die out. Plus I'm sure there will be a massive fucking modding community that forms if the game reaches EoS.
I don't know man, valve didn't do shit with tf2 except minor bug fixes and patching bots but no new content whatsoever and it somehow still holds up and people still spend money on it despite being like 15 years old.
Science needs to figure out how TF2 still has such a dedicated audience after so long. That shit ain't normal. It's definitely the exception and not the rule.
they just let community have fun with it
>gmod videos
>community servers
>community maps
>community made weapons/hats

it had personality
>sfm videos
>"meet the ..." videos
>all had different voices
>it had humor

>available on low end pc's/laptops
>quick to find servers
>no punishment for leaving games and you could choose when to leave the game like it's a singleplayer game
>is on the biggest and most well known launcher ever created (steam)
>it was one of the first games to just keep updating itself instead of making TF3 TF4 TF5 every year like CoD or BF does.

purchasable content
>introduced purchasable content that you do not need but can have in order to feel beautiful, was experimented on and it worked, hence why we have dota and csgo so fucking popular now with all the gay skins
>all the microtransactions are now used in today's games

it was revolutionary
TF2 is extremely balanced in terms of classes and maps, with a very high skill expression. It's also easy to run on even the most potato PC
not to mention the beautiful and unique artstyle that defined the game and got a lot of people play it just because it was so unique, it wasn't some generic realistic graphics
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imagine all the depraved shit sable would let you do to her. me personally i want to piss in her mouth while someone else holds her down and drills her anus
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What kind of childhood trauma caused these fetishes for you?
yknow just the usual, I wasn't molestered or anything
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Anyone bought the Frank Stone game? Just curious what the chances are he will be the next killer added to the game.
very likely considered as around the ending of the game he becomes a demon in the entities realm named "the champion". the game itself was just ok with a terrible, terrible launch. some intern definetly got fired for not including an .exe file in the first hour
Trapper premium skin % chance
Protip, if you're on hook and about to be saved and an unhook attempt wont put you in 2nd stage, try to unhook yourself
If you 4% you save around 3 seconds of time
After 2 years of not playing, and then playing for 3 weeks, think I already hit burn out again.
Playing killer just isn't fun, even as Nurse or Blight. Yeah I can win most games but it still feels like a slog to get there.
My highest prestige is 16, other than that I have a few 5's and that's about it. This game keeps putting me against prestige 100 people. What the fuck is wrong with this system who coded this? A monkey?
Prestige and MRR are two completely different systems.
And you can be absolute dogshit as a player and still be p100, it just takes time to do.
Anyone with that much experience is going to know the game far better than someone with my sort of experience.

>b-but that one dude with alzheimers living in scotland...
Why does everyone have to argue on outliers?
protip, if you do this when I have we'll make it or deliverance I will dc
It’s the best one
I'm quite confident that once you hit "max" MMR it just never goes down again. You can lose 100 matches in a row and still go against the exact same opponents.
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gg ez
L4D is in the same boat. As is Half-Life even. All these years later and people still have really fond memories of both. People still regularly play both. Valve really was on top of their shit with game design.
I don’t know if I’d call it beautiful but it’s definitely unique. Has a cartoonish feel that mixed appropriately well with the cartoony going ons of the characters.
Has anybody as a killer come across a group of survivors that all had decisive strike equipped?
I imagine it would be a pain to deal with.
More survivors will have higher prestige because they don't have a reason to spend points on multiple characters. It really doesn't mean anything
she somewhat looks like this
I listed my other characters, you can add all of them up together, then multiply by a few and I don't think it reaches 100. At this point your bias is affecting your capacity to read.
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Decisive Strike is not a problem if you don't tunnel.
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Not him but I will say that MMR is heavily stressed in the evenings when survivors are in a SWF
If they are all top MMR with thousands of hours each, the game will intially attempt to pair them with a suitable top MMR killer with thousands of hours
Lots of times there isn't a suitable killer available immediately and how the system works is that it will relax the MMR restrictions to allow lower MMR killers to match with the SWF rather than making them wait 20 minutes

tl;dr SWFs
I did back in the day when it was completely busted and people ran it with Unbreakable.
How would not tunneling against a team of survivors all running decisive strike not a problem?
Wouldn't tunneling one of them and slugging the rest be better in that situation?
Or better yet just slugging them all?
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How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?
Gonna goon to Kate.
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the only time i have survivors just give up vs me is when i'm on legion. what the fuck does this killer do to survivors brains to make them not wanna play?
you're a boring cunt
Survivors unlock perks the same way as killers do. What are you on about?
killer players may actually want to play more than one killer, so they have to keep spending points to get addons.
survs have universal gameplay, so they only need one main to spend points on after getting other characters to prestige 1 or 3
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Because “muh mending simulator” and the fact that an unusual chunk of the community still doesn’t know they shouldn’t heal against legion cause it’s a waste of time. Also because the survivor community is a giant echo chamber that repeats the most popular opinions so when a sizable chunk of them hates a killer for a retarded reason everyone else jumps on the hate train too
Okay so you beckpedalled from "no reason" to "less reason". I can agree on that.
How do I deal with pallets as Twins?
Can Victor still pounce over them or did they nerf that an eternity before?
oh boy the not being able to drop pallets bug is back! so fun!!!!!!!!!
He can pounce over them, yes
The only correct answer is fucking Sable while she fucks Mikaela, what are you gay?
That could make you a cuck if one of your wife impregnates your other wife
As many times as you T-bag within mori distance.
i dont run gen regression perks because i should be doing a better job applying pressure
>never played hag in my life
>suddenly getting the urge to try her out
Any hag players in here wanna throw me some beginner tips
Build a web. You need to be able to teleport to your traps at a moment's notice, so don't spread out across the whole map. Traps can be used to shut down loops in addition to placing in your webbed areas.

Keep in mind when a trap is triggered, the survivor's camera automatically gets yanked over to it. You can use that to fuck up their pathing as they suddenly get forced briefly in the direction of your phasntasm.
>giga sweats
oh fuck this.
i'm just starting to dabble in playing killer, got a 4k with wesker but 0k with legion. thinking of trying nemmy next
legion is quite literally one of the weakest killers in the game. I main him because I'm good at the game and you will get your shit rocked by survivors running the meta. Play literally anyone else that isnt crapper
>you will get your shit rocked by survivors running the meta
Lets be fair that is any killer that isnt Nurse, Hillbilly or Blight.
Don't play Onyro either, or Freddy. While they have teleport, so they have map pressure in theory, they are both incredibly shit.
Is it just me or are dracula's best addons brown?
>come back to the game after more than two years
>get the most soul-crushing games back to back
>still face good killers constantly
I'm not exaggerating when I say I escape 1 out of 15 games, is there actually mmr?
What's y'alls thoughts on trans folk?
I'm cringe and bluepilled so I have no issue with them
Trans rights are human rights!
yes but if you dont commit to slowdowns and use your power to cross a 3 gen legion is fucking miserable. def not a killer to start with. You have more of a chance playing someone like pinhead or another killer with a secondary task.
No, you're just in soloq.
Pro tip! Play killers only b tier and above
I had a trans roommate once and I literally caught 'her' eating food out of a trash bag.
Disgusting subhuman
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Someone made me mad so I tunelled them out. Just standing in front of them on the hook until they unhooked themselves and then chasing them again right away. And I got a 4k.
I'm an Alabama Nea-gger and I wanna press E
Hell with killers gg ez
I dont drink
I dont cuss
I wanna loop on the fun bus
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I know this was posted almost 24 hours ago but I'd like to say I would like a bust of the Huntress and also I would like to bust on the Huntress.
I really hope dredge gets a cool skin for Halloween. His skin potential is through the fucking roof and they’ve been doing good with his designs lately
I agree!
That doesn’t flow with the original rhyme retard
That's just a gross person has nothing to do with trans or not....
Makes sense. Most are cripplingly autistic or suffering from some cocktail of mental neuroses
survivor sided btw
>Lights out 2.0 modifiers leaked
>Survivors repair 20% faster
>Survivors can see through the darkness
>Survivors can hide generator auras from the killer
>Survivors can reveal generator auras to each other
>Killer gets nothing
Castlevania as an IP and both Dracula and Alucard as characters are in both Dead By Daylight and Super Smash Brothers. This means that... we are getting a character from Super Smash Brothers in Dead By Daylight.
My experience with Killers in Lights Out was just more Blights and Nurses sweating profusely when survivors were at a disadvantage for the sake of engaging in a fun change of pace. Objectively, it sucks Killer get a new thing to play with in Lights Out, but as someone who can only play survivor solo, I'm not going to be upset that survivors get a leg up in Lights Out.
I can't do well as dracua help
It sucks Killers don't get a new thing*
they should do the teleporting cage thing when the killer is playing incorrectly
No, if a survivor is being a piece of shit I should be allowed to throw the game to make sure they die as a fuck you.
If anyone says otherwise, they're one of those pieces of shit who would get face camped back in the day
I want Nea to drop a pallet on my dick
which survivor has the best feet?
>Dracula when a pink-haired Nea clicks a Flashlight in his face, not knowing he has Lightborn
Man ever since they hid lobby prestige there's P100 players EVERYWHERE now.
Popped a bloody streamer got straight to fuckin
>hide mmr
>make prestiges worthless
>hide prestiges now
>wont add dance emotes from mobile
all because they're so hyperfocused on what's toxic and what's not screencap this i'm calling it here they will eventually get rid of end game chat
Some survivors were caught completely off guard when they found out my Oni build was running noed after protecting 3 gens for 30 minutes lmao.
Is there any way to stop this from happening?
Why did they remove BP bonuses from perks?
>Removing post-chat
I hate that I can see this happening.
end game chat is always covered up by challenges anyway and I never look at it, literally the most useless thing to remove
so much this sister, can't we think about peoples feelings for once?
i saw a girl with such a nice big ass at the gym today that it motivated me to work out harder and make more of an effort to improve myself. killers for this moment bros?
I don't know why they did it with killers, but We're Gonna Farm Forever just lead to a lot of sandbagging.
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based BHVR banning hackers within 24 hours of a report GET FUCKed
That just means they actually looked at your reports, doesn't mean anything happened to the person you reported.
May 9th was like 4 months ago
steam comments will be flooded
>the following reports have been processed and appropriate actions have been taken
It must be humiliating being compared and inferior to the mobile edition of a PC game. I can't think of any other game this has happened to except maybe Injustice.
The "appropriate" action can be... nothing, because they weren't actually exploiting.
How do you even tell when a survivor is hacking other than the usual blatant shit?
I find it hard to tell if it's a perk or hacker most of the time.
They wouldn't have to do anything like this if it weren't for SWF trash.
Just saying.
Hello retard
Well, I don't know if it was fixed, but you can pick up flashbangs after you throw them, and still have it go off, so you have infinite flashbangs. That's a blatant exploit to report.
Just report all flashbang users. They basically deserve it.
Give feng the hatch and a coffee desu
*Takes a sip of Zarina's specialty brewed coffee* UH GROSS *spits it on the floor and splashes the rest of the freshly brewed hot coffee on Zarina's face as she starts wailing in pain*
Don't be mean to my wife please
Sex with Feng Min (she's bored and scrolling through phone during)
If it's bloody coil and trapper takes you to the basement in Haddonfield just take the L and move on sister
>100% bonus to killers
Just how fucking hard am I going to get bullied tonight?
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They should have stopped adding killers after Sadako.
this kind of happened to me irl with a girl once i met from a bar it completely shattered my confidence for years
You should have raped her instead
I always run lightborn. So I never notice that.
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Zubat called this trapper build Reddit incarnate
Is she right?
I don’t get it
How did you regain it? That’s the kind of thing that would demolish a lot of guys egos
Calling shit reddit, is pretty reddit.
all it does is bum me out that i still haven’t had an actual girlfriend
If I get one more fucking painfully obvious swf I'm going to just play SM for the rest of the night.
a mix of time and realizing she probably has been plowed by a lot of dudes who have tons of experience with nightlife girls
You're a stronger man than me, I would probably unironically kill her.
>no slowdown on Trapper
>lightborn despite not seeing any flashlights
chad build
>omg you tunneled me!
>You were the clearly the best player and I'm down 3 gens. I need to get the pressure on and you out of the game
>Just mountains of salt
Every time.
As killer the fun you have and whether you win or lose is ENTIRELY up to you
>Chases took too long
YOU chose which killer to bring
>Gens were done too fast
YOU chose which perks to bring
>Didn't like the map
Map offerings exist
>4 man SWF
High MMR SWFs have an escape rate of 49% not 95%
>High MMR SWFs have an escape rate of 49% not 95%
You know why? Because they do bullshit like d/c against SM as soon as they know they are against a SM.
Which keeps their escape rates low so BHVR won't do anything to nerf or ruin SWF
Why am I not surprised that Frank Stone is about a black guy cucking some white guy’s white girlfriend? This is something totally Cote would write.
I can tell when someone’s hacking. If they’re running around at 200% movement speed the whole time and their name is “don’t chase me” lol

the survivor who reported the hacker with me confirmed they got the message too.

The hacker definitely got banned, not even 24 hours after I reported them

Good stuff
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Picturing this with them.
It would be cute.
any killer main after 2022 can't play... all they know is complain while winning, get buffs, bloodlust through unsafe pallet, eat bbc & transition
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Just one of those days
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I'm playing on one of my many alts now. get fucked
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10 days from now we will see what hellish concoction bhvr has been cooking up for the SM rework
No its because swfs are too altruistic and their "bullying" gets undone when you realize what theyre going on. The true bully swf squads are the ones where all of them bring comodious bnp and full gen build. Enjoy your 4 minute game.
get pregnant Lynn
pay up piggy
50$ a week for that spoofer LMAOOO
Today I will remind them.
>analog clock map callouts
imagine being poor. lol
Im middle class though
Didn't they already rework her?
Some killers just shouldn't be fun for survivors.
A lot of survivor perks just aren't fun for killers.
>Claw traps no longer cause broken
>No haste for detecting a survivor
>Drones can only ping a survivor once per deployment
>Pretty good job so far
>random killers probably blasting music and barely paying attention
>autism team 6 screeching over comms like their family is about to get shot over the results of a party game
imagine watching this unironically, what a miserable group of losers
A purple medkit and a brown medkit are almost identical. This is bad design
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Sleep overs with David King
how about this, we get old med kits back but they can only be found in chest and are lost at the end of the trial
Give me sex with Wesker and don’t hold back this time.
I have big man nipples like that.
No woman has ever found it attractive. I rarely have sex without my shirt on.
Feels bad man
Well yes because the only ones that get fucked over if they're caught off guard are survivors
glad to see invocation is another abandoned idea like the teamwork perks amazing innovation
Is there a problem with doing nothing as a killer so survivors can get easy wins?
They'll whine because you weren't a BP pinata for them
sloppy is such an amazing perk that can be utilized well in pretty much any build archtype why isn't it used more?
the first "rework" they did was a band aid fix they thew together because chess merchant was unbeatable
i fully believe this is whats going to happen
At least it's something the game itself won't punish you if you do
So "rework" just means complete gutting?
Pretty much especially for her because her kit is so basic and basically just applies buffs and debuffs they have nothing to work with
It got nerfed after killerchuds gained a special interest in it when they realized that it was more effective now that medkits and other forms of healing got gutted
sloppy from Rebecca would probably feel amazing
It wouldn't have been nerfed if killers were normal human beings but NO, they had to include it in all their builds
You should give boys a chance
Every drac I play against is a massively sweaty faggot.
Define sweaty for us
>Kicks gens
>Chases survivors
>Wants to win
Why are they still reworking SM? For fuck's sake just use that time and energy on somebody who needs updating like Freddy.
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I just wanna know what pushes killers to bring lightborn with no flashlights present
Went frosty eye doctor with both calm addons
Lightborn, coulrophobia, distressing and unnerving presence.
The survivors never knew what hit them until it was too late.
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The very scary flashbangs and blast mines obviously
>No cringe handholding perks
>Plays mindgames with survivors
>Doctor but not using double UR addons
Actually based.
>bring floods of rage
>Get accused of hacking
I really don't see the need to do anything to her other than maybe not letting drones detect survivors who aren't running.

kek this fucking language just reads like a meme
Only uses batform to go back to hooks after the first chase. When he gets back to the hook tries to use fire pillar to pop endurance so he can just insta-down the unhook again. Humps as wolf after every down.
4 gens slow downs or end game drac builds.
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You let it get stacks, what do you want to me to do?
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>bring farts of rage
>Get accused of stinking
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I got gagged by an onryo running batteries, fire up, stbfl and rapid
>No slowdown
I don't believe you
built for bmc (big mongolian cock)
this tbqh
Its been awhile, how many namefags and thread usuals have we lost over the last year or so
Zarinafag left.
nancyfag/boogerman left
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my brand new 4k wallpaper
>You're garbage of you run aura perks
Survivors really need to grasp onto anything to stop from admitting they lost because they aren't good
kek, I wish I could get hate comments like this
>4 gen slow down perks or end game drac builds
wow, running all a c tier killer can to make the game fair. cool
Low mmr take. Some killers literally don't even need perks to 4k. They just want to turn their brains off and follow the red silhouettes all day.
I mean killers pretend their good for winning when it's almost impossible to lose
dbd is a game of coping and pretending it's skill
>when it's almost impossible to lose
unless theyre playing nurse/blight. Lol. Lmao.
you need to be pretty bad to lose often as any killer
let me know when you hit base MMR
>I mean killers pretend their good for winning when it's almost impossible to lose
Soloq massive low mmr take
tommy parky
Play a snowball killer and stop giving a fuck about generators in the first place.
oni/billy/nurse shitter giving advice
Get better at the game
stream those high mmr swf matches you're getting 100% of the time
killer is just that easy
flashbang PTSD
black children on playstation MMR
you can continue to be a cryboy or get good
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I have no clue how to properly set up a webm to fit in a post, so have a streamable. I came from a different angle for once and caught a survivor completely and totally off-guard as a result.
Maybe against 4 man swf teams (very rare), against everyone else it's pure bullshit
Every lobby I get is minimum 3 toolboxes. fuck off retard lmao
That's not a rework that's just a straight up nerf
This is what I have to face every match
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skill issue
Wow is this No0b3
caca mmr
It clearly says that's the Entity
Oni is a bitch to play on controller
double dubs and trips of truth confirm
>Friends Forever
>Remember me
>No Way out
This is a really shit build but I'm having fun with it.
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Not my fault you suck cock at the game.
Holy shit am I terrible at this game
you play a retard easy mode killer with autoaim stfu
you have all the qualifications to be and /assdbdg/ killer main
Yeah, keep crying little bitch. Won't change how much you get dogwalked by the "easy mode killer" hahahahahaha
It's in line with almost every other rework they've ever done
Solo que survivor win streaks > killer win streaks > solo que survivor winstreaks using left behind/sole survivor builds >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dogshit stay moist for more than a few hours >>>>>>>>> SWF win streaks
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I like to play Dracula and go wolf form for the last Survivor. If they pet and play with me I always let them out. If they don't I down them and knot them until they bleed out. :3
omg thats just like booping the snoot!! :33333333333333
how do left behind and sole survivor help get 3 people out to win?
This isn't IDV when (You)'re solo, it's a win if just (You) live.
Not an Alutard but actually kind of cute
semi-gem post
gem post
A couple. Unfortunately not the worst ones.
I’d like a pool like this. Would have to be bigger and taller since I’m a big guy however
Based cote will save us from killercuck cheese epidemic
stick to bbc sissycuck
pretty neat art.
this is so dangerously true…
Okay I made my steam account public, revealed my name and set the options to allow non friends to comment. I want my hate mail.
Post it, we can get you some starter comments that will encourage other salty survivors to type something. If no one has said anything, they're gonna feel more hesitant and might just move on.
I shit talk in end game chat all the time and never get a comment. Only times I've had comments are when someone thinks I'm being homophonic.
homophobia is hot, though. you sure you didn't do anything else?
What's the point in this?
You can't see it before you load up, so you can only see what other people have said after your ass has already been blasted
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I see this perk somewhat frequently
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sorry but i will be busy playing tcm by that time
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This can't be real
ink_him and cote's wife would disagree
ink_him and inked_her would disagree
What's stopping you from becoming a Billy main, /dbdg/?
i'm bad at the game
I dunno, just never really liked his playstyle. I haven't ever even touched him since his rework its been that long.
I recommend giving him another go. Don't play to win at first. Play to get some sick, fun curves and scare the shit out of survivors.
same thing happens in one of their previous games
dbd is a cuck game. no wonder its player base is completely boneless
>sheet mah bee bee see sense is tingling again... one o' ink_him homies must be nearby
I can't believe he forced inked_her to wear a gwen costume and rawdogged her while live on twitch without getting a suspension or anything like that
dbdcels shouldnt be allowed to play tcm
giga niggas run this bitch called twitch
So is frank Stone the entity's favorite or what?
it's not clear, the ending of that game is kind of a mess
I can't stop gooning to Susie
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Does a more useless add-on exist?
It helps to prevent survivors from finishing heals or popping gens when you injure them
cocksuckva also got cucked and then his wife brutally divorce raped and left him. that's why dbdcels enjoy projecting their insecurities onto other people.
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>"Shiiid it ain't no thang if a white bitch got a man locked down if dat boy white i still getting mines side piece ya feel? don't hate the player, hate the game whitey"
Fizz soda and autograph.
I truly don't understand what you get out of posting like this.
I forget Trickster exists half the time. Dude's a genderfluid faggot made to queerbait.
probably the same as what you get posting on here
I doubt it. I actually engage in discussion and get fun ideas for new builds from these threads. Sometimes I actually learn things from this general.
Whatever he posts, its always mindless drivel that no one ever responds to, I assume most people have him filtered in general.
Have you tried this?
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>i actually engage in meaningful discussion here
I didn't say meaningful, so who are you quoting?
That's actually awesome.
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>1v4 asymmetrically designed multiplayer game

Has it ever been fun for the solo player?
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>ay just caught cote sneakin in mah crib frfr. awww hell naah ahut da hell up nigguh. aint no way imma let this boneless yt bitch boi go unpunished gang.
does this dude know that you post obsessively about him
what killers do I play if I main survivor
I've played enough Dracula games at this point to come to the realization that he's yet another mid-tier killer prone to getting bullied the moment you reach higher MMR with him.

All of his cooldowns are absurdly high and his powers are far too inefficient compared to the pre-existing ones which served as his template. The fireballs are absolutely shit to use, the wolf form requires survivors to be absolute retards who either don't look behind them or simply hold W. And lastly the batform has far too limited range on the teleport while also making far too much noise. The least they could do is increase its speed.

He clearly excels at being looped for at least 2-3 gens before you finally get your first hook, at that point the survivors are halfway done with their objective while you only just started. He's hardly any different from the M1 killers in this game, that's deeply concerning.

Dracula is not worth picking compared to the stronger killers or Skull Merchant. At least those are guaranteed to net you some kills, meanwhile the dark lord should rather be called the dark jester. Don't waste your time and money on a subpar killer like this, at least wait until they finally buff him.
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>I've played enough Dracula games at this point to come to the realization that he's yet another mid-tier killer prone to getting bullied the moment you reach higher MMR with him.

All of his cooldowns are absurdly high and his powers are far too inefficient compared to the pre-existing ones which served as his template. The fireballs are absolutely shit to use, the wolf form requires survivors to be absolute retards who either don't look behind them or simply hold W. And lastly the batform has far too limited range on the teleport while also making far too much noise. The least they could do is increase its speed.

He clearly excels at being looped for at least 2-3 gens before you finally get your first hook, at that point the survivors are halfway done with their objective while you only just started. He's hardly any different from the M1 killers in this game, that's deeply concerning.

Dracula is not worth picking compared to the stronger killers or Skull Merchant. At least those are guaranteed to net you some kills, meanwhile the dark lord should rather be called the dark jester. Don't waste your time and money on a subpar killer like this, at least wait until they finally buff him.
Gonna goon to Yun-Jin.
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cope: i guess it's time to quit dbd for good.
ink_him: ayo mah nigga head up to texas we be settlin you in n shit mane all my afrikang brothas be welcome unless yo streetshitter. we aint playing around wit no dee bee dee curry niggas muhfugga.
>baby's first greentext
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edit: thanks for t he upvotes I hope they buff my new demogorgon killer with nemesis whip that doesn't need to infect survivors in order to damage them and also free demo portal that does not need to be set up
dark jester or (dare I say) *dark jester* has fallen billions must play blight
>wish i knew how go greentext
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#bmc bvll #slayer of eastern european women #giga chang
qrd on ink him?
bbc king who pimps out inked_her every day, direct descendant of yakub
it's over for pasty cum skin cels in 2024 make way for the golden giga changs.
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When are they going to release some good skins for my boy Singo? I'd be happy to buy a skin if it looked decent, but they barely change anything in terms of appearance compared to other killer outfits. My guess is because most of his robotic exoskeleton needs to remain exposed, otherwise devs would have to actually try.
wait till Brian hears about this..
i don't want to fuck him. frankly, the fact that any of you guys play killers you don't like at least somewhat as a character is crazy to me
Clearly you don't wear his Batman cosmetic.
>i don't want to fuck him
which killers do you want to fuck?
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NTA, but I want her to ink all over my quill.
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that's retarded for killer side but understandable for survivors since they are just skins
Don't forget survivors can actually see themselves during the matches.
wraith and oni, lol. i main cenobite and artist though cause they're cool
I've messed with him a considerable bit. I'm pretty below average with him at the moment, but I can already feel his potential. I just need to get used to his kit. He obviously won't be at the top of any tier lists, but he'll definitely be high up once you get used to him. I'd say either a B+ or A-.
My boyfriend keeps thinking I'm cheating on him with Wesker. I keep explaining he's JUST a friend(some of the time).
So the best killer mains in DBD can go on a full zero-perk winstreak with all of the killers, and yet /assg/ can't win without 4 slowdowns?
it's good to know that nothing can make me crawl back to dbd
Anon, you know both sides will whine nonstop about the other side being overpowered due to salt.
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Not even me?
>Stake Out
>Hyper Focus

What should my 4th be? I was thinking Corrective Action so scrubs dont sabotage my stealth repairing. Maybe Calm Spirit? I'm only interested in gen repair and stealth
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His skins are ok but I do agree they could be better. I think the real magic of Hux is mixing and matching parts to create whatever odd monstrosity you can think of
Give him a skin that isnt goofy as shit and also hides those stupid blue crystals
They all feel so samey, though. It's just washed out metal that all blends together in a stew of grool. If I were to throw on almost any combo of parts, nobody would even notice I have cosmetics on.
Crystals need to exist in some form. They're the core part of his story. Without them, he's not evil.
They're ugly and look stupid
>I was thinking Corrective Action
holy shit you have 20 hours in the game to even consider the least used perk
just use stake out so you have 100% chance at hitting everything with hyperfocus
You're in the minority there.
no Ganado skin obviously

tranny moment
I'm already using Stake Out, and I'm willing to experiment with under-used perks. Do you have anything constructive to suggest instead?
The pick percentage of Singularity would say otherwise
Are you genuinely suggesting that the reason people don't pick Singularity is because he has crystals on him?
>built to last - so you are consistent (also works as a sabo tool!)
>fogwise - you will proc skillchecks all the time because of hyperfocus and you don't even need an exhaust perk to evade the killer as you will not even be in chases
those two are the best imo, you could exchange distortion for fogwise and as the 4th empty perk use built to last

I suppose you also get easy value with blast mine, flashbang, chemical trap or whatever it was called
He would have more players without stupid crystals. Only people who like crystals are survivor player who main mikaela or sable
also green toolbox is the best (without the lines on it), don't use any other toolboxes
It's a busy and poorly thought out design exacerbated by even smaller distracting details. When people play a biomechanical horror they don't want bullshit crystals, they want sinew and cables
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This. You can get so creative with a robot's design but they just choose to do the same boring shit every time.
What if Oni's loin cloth raised more and more depending on his blood level and when he activated his power a throbbing erect cock popped out haha
I've been very interested in Fogwise but wouldn't trying to spot killer make hitting skillchecks more difficult? I'm good at skill-checks and Stake Out is just there to cover my ass. Also I'm not very keen on using items because it gives way too much info to killer pregame.
>wouldn't trying to spot killer make hitting skillchecks more difficult?
no, there are no downsides, even if you run the perk alone then doing gens is at least fun because you can remotely see the chases happening and know when to fuck off when killer approaches without even engaging into a chase and you can continue on working on a gen.
One of my personal fav perks but absolutely no one fucking talks about it for some reason lol. I've been running it more than exhuast perks until dead hard nerf because killers don't expect you using dead hard now and it gives me huge value. (also you feel like a Chad by taking a protection hit with it).

Also the Eye belmont perk enhances fogwise (and alert) now by 2 seconds + you see killer when gen is completed
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my cromagnon wife has never turned her back on me no matter what. why should i betray her?
this but Sable's girlcock
I understand that the mace during fury mode would be his dick. correct?
>do survivor archive challenges and kill myself immediately after they're done
you're welcome, teammates
I will contact BHVR that the condition for completing your challenges as survivor will be to hit every struggle check on 2nd stage hook.
You're are welcome
love when a killer gives the hatch to someone who hid in a locker for the entire game
How do the devs manage to break totally unrelated random shit every single fucking update?
seconding this (upvote)
If Jason ever gets in. Should one of his perks be to do with the killer shack? Because Jason lives in a shack it's like his thing.
Did Jason's shack have a basement
what about maps with no shack
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isn't he getting this in a month or so?
>sometimes ya just need sum bee bee see, know what ham saying?
sorry thats me and my duo, when we get bored of serious play we play trying to have fun with killers and go next if they dont want in
Will this guy ever stop?
Most survivors are shitters and if the game doesn't go perfectly they just suicide or d/c and then cope about it.
I rarely ever have that happen, despite winning most of my games. You must be low MMR.
I started playing Survivor today after about 100hrs killer. This is miserable. Teammates spend 90% of the match doing nothing whilst I'm trying to do gens. I suck at looping as Survivor and have no perks to make things a bit easier, so I don't contribute to the team beyond completing 2-3 gens a game. Teammates die in chase after 20 seconds, blow the gen 3 times in a row, suicide on hook because they got downed 20 seconds in. How am I supposed to improve without griefing the team by making killers chase me straight away until I get better at it?
you're in new player MMR, thats why you're getting worthless team mates. You need friends to play survivor who now how to play.
Problem is my friends are significantly better than me at it and they've been playing for years. I don't want to be that shit friend getting dragged into games vs good killers and being an easy down so my team plays 3v1
You're full of shit.
Why even lie about something so blatant?
if your friends take the game so seriously they cant teach you and understand what its like to be new theyre faggots. You dont get good at this game without people showing you some tricks, I got taught back when michael dropped how to basic run tiles by my good friend. They wont care so long as you try if theyre good friends.
unless theyre sweaty meta comp fags. then they SHOULD kill themselves.
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I just reported a toxic survivor for calling me a tard. AMA.
What do you guys think about Rebecca players?
What do you guys think about Rebecca players who use the cowgirl outfit?
>killer bitching about me running any means
Bro? I literally have zero chase perks on. tf is he crying about?
His fault for not just breaking the pallets
exactly. It's not even a good perk, the pallet reading only works on downed pallets, I think he's just mad he got shack dropped on him twice
>drop pallet in killers face and it literally clips them
>no stun
>cant drop pallets despite spamming the button
>both killer and me get vacuumed to the other side on another stun
fucking amazing game
>Lunge through a pallet
>Survivor screams from getting hit
>They aren't there when I recover from the stun still injured and not down
We are in a golden age of pallet fuckery.
I don't give a fuck about slurs but it's still fun to report salty survivors for them cause guaranteed temp ban from bhvr
I'm a P100 Rebecca main and think we did a pretty good job so far
>have amazing Internet
>Play fps, moba, fighting games, no issues online ever
>Dbd constantly disconnects
>I'm banned from matchmaking for two days
Is this ever going to get better
i just spilled coke everywhere and it cost me my trapper game
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Rare selfie. Ain't posted myself for a while (because i dont take lots of pics) but just had a massage and a facial cleanse, so why not. Felt like acid on my skin lol. Anyone else had this done? Massage was great, acid on face, not so much lol. Hope you're having a great Friday
I've never gotten a ban from begin legit internet disconnected though, and it usually happens once a night. Not even a few minutes.
tell me about tru3, why does he wear the cap?
>want to p100 my waifu
>but I'm bad at the game and I don't want people to make fun of me
presumably he has a bald spot
I can only stomach having it happen once per day, but I get increasing time bans. 5 mins, then the next day it'll be 10, 30, an hour, 24, and now 48.
My Internet didnt even go out. The game just disconnects.
mirin positive cantal tilt
not mirin everything else tho
You are not well,
no one in their right mind knows what any of that means
You're delusional. Positive tilt =/= automatically good. His eyes are awful.
I think everyone has seen enough potato P100s to know that it doesn't mean anything anymore, so just do it. As killer, I've seen some absolute bimbo P100 Mikaelas, Fengs and such
He's a solid 6.5/7, fuckable to almost anyone who likes men and isn't tied down to a some specific niche taste.
Even the bald spot is fine since he's white.
Yes I am a huge faggot.
/dbdg/ - gay niggers from outerspace masturbate over baldy niggas general
his eye area is decent
works on my machine
Gonna kms
>Distortion, Iron will, For the people, Self-care
Its faggot time.
>sissycuck: she always did have such a strong dark triad over lord detection… the bee bee see calls out to her…
Pvre low test faggot physiognomy
Male baldness condition. He’s had it for at least the past decade. Very insecure about it
sounds like the usual killertard sperg
I think dowsey would take my bwc better than true and I'd let him
>no Ganado skin
Just another thing on the long list of RE things that we need
stick to bee bee see loser
bee bee see overlord, has a thing for a man jawed whores
now you understand the immeasurable gayness of trickster players
Ghostface stalker mechanic making him more accurate to scary movie than scream is so funny lmao
He sucks. They need to completely overhaul him and his design. Sad but true.
sounds like something that would be prone to glitching
Thanks for the shilling unironically started playing on mobile and buying the passes
Stop drinking the liquid Jew
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Thanks anon, was a good day. Time to ruin it with some killer games.
how bad will the new OC killer be compared to unknown? they'll never make a killer as cool as him ever again
>sissycuck: trve my qxeen so trve
Unknown is trash through
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these niggas suck at the game fr fr on god i cooked they ass
>hook struggle skill checks no longer count toward great skill checks challenge
multiple years old meme award
unknown is awesome design wise. good visuals, good story, good audio, even good chase music. one of their coolest OC killers ever
Skull merchant to this day hated more than fucking tomb raider lara croft and that d&d elf, as a killer aesthetic it sucks more than the korean joker lmao
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big dick cote
>as a killer aesthetic it sucks more than the korean joker
Ehh, I’d say they’re about equal. Definitely the lowest of the low in the game though
>I can't beat a skull Merchant so she's poopy
Do any killers still scare you?
I hate huntress, but I can't say I'm scared of her.
A huntress that can actually snipe is pretty scary, but most of them are just grown worthy annoying.
I know there are solo queue survivor streaks but is there a notable streamer who has a really high overall escape rate as solo queue?
Twins still grosses me out
just the ones that are actually a threat, like a good nurse
Holy shit, I get as many dcs as them as I do as SM.
Twins can be fun, but I genuinely don't get why anyone would play sm except to intentionally farm survivor DCs.
She's boring and uncool.
T. Huntress main
Survivors just aren't willing to not run the same loops and crouch.
DCing because the killer is not who you wanted to play against is retarded, but that has nothing to do with playing as an un-fun dark manga killer
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but at least shes hot
How the fuck does one find a downed survivor without deerstalker after leaving the area and coming back?
Some of them don't make noise and I can't figure out where the fuck they crawled to.
Had matches where the remaining slugged survivors just had to bleed out, because my dumb blind ass can't find them.
Its called principles nigger, the principles of not learning girl boss killers empty killahs, amanda never triggered the same amount of annoyance cuz her whole personality is being an evil bitch. And aesthetically, its just basic af Saw.
Skull merchant= girl boss circle jerk
That's a lot of cope for being a shitter.
they need more killers i want to fuck
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The gorillion hour sweaty bligger main who has borderline omnipresence on where survivors are, who to go for, and when, with no aura perks, still inspires respect in me, despite my dislike for them
>killer 4ks
>check his steam profile
>it's all -rep
Heh... He may have won... But his rep is shit... He may have won but at what cost...
>Pyramid head
What else do you need
How do I win as killer without camping and tunneling?
>at what cost
Zero cost, that nigga cums when he sees those comments
>at what cost
A double win because shitters are so salty they need to cope with steam profile nonsense.
bro he turns into a dog, what are you saying?
imagine if -rep and +rep actually did anything
If you're playing a shitty killer you don't
If you're playing a good one, gen control and efficient chases.
What even makes Blight so special compared to the other killers with charges or dashes?
What's the cutoff for a good killer?
Da killer redpill is never hook just keep hunting
You know what tf I'm saying
Play a killer than can have massive presence and/or win chase quickly.

Alternatively, just realize that some times you need to create pressure by tunneling someone out, or camping a hook because you know camping will get 1-2 people off gens.
Survivors aren't going to feel bad about doing what they need to do to win, so neither should you.
His bounces are "erratic" and are harder to mind game than even a nurse.
In theory anyway, and its why a lot of survivors struggle against him because they can't just auto pilot loops.
I lose on purpose so wolf Dracula sex techs me while I bleed out
he moves fast and can damage you
That's reasonable
Do they have a power that isn't just M1 in chases?
Grats, they are a good killer.
If they can only M1 in chases, they are a bad killer.
swf niggers abuse the shit out of flashbangs and even use the glitch where its silent
honestly even more annoying the flashlights
ill tunnel flashbang tards out of the game out of pure spite sometimes because im sick of them
There's 0 reason hag still needs to move as slow as she does.
To completely remove the possibility of getting flashgbanged or blinded. It makes it far easier for me to tunnel retarded Nea.
bro shes in the road map calm daown dude
>One of them has blastmine
Kinda answers your own question.
>watch a short, streamer, or youtube video
>Heart on screen
Bro, how are people this shit?
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speaking of characters that should move slow, theres no reason that stupid retard bitch from the ring moves as fast as she does.
she looks so fucking stupid in a chase with how her feet move and how fast she actually moves
even worst is that she has a terror radius lower then the fucking poor amanda despite having an objectively better power
Piggy gets nerfed it's the law
surely they'll finally remove the ability to place traps within 16 meters of a hooked survivor
>open a total of 2 exit gates
>get to endgame 5 times then die before i can touch gates
fuck this
>open 2 exit gates
this is the gayest challenge ive seen so far
ive been cucked out of this at LEAST 4 times.
1 is a nigger who just tunnels me to death from the start of the game while eveyrone else gets out free
then faggot using no way out when i was right at gate with wake up as soon as it powered.
then the next game the killer won't just commit and kill the other last survivor to start the endgame collapse so i can't fucking open the gate.

god i hate this so fucking much its so fucking gay.
I was born deaf on both ears and with severely limited vision. I was born without a sense of direction, and with a large amount of allergies. I was born with without fingers on one hand, and with no toes. I want to play Dead by Daylight and I want to win. I think BHVR should accomodate the game for people like me.
it's literally just free advantage, killeroids dream of such "accessibility" option
>Needing, and using crutches proudly as a badge of honor
lmao even
dare I say even kek
Cry about it, I like to listen to music as survivor
i've never understood why people who don't need it use it, what advantage does it actually give?
If you are working on a gen, you might notice somes killer with small TR a split second earlier due to not having to hear the music before over the gen noise, beyond that, nothing.
Which, you could avoid anyway if you had proper game sense.
>do one gate, progress goes to 80%
>back at 30%
what the fuck is this challenge?
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being married to sissy for over 5 years is what makes me happy
sexy besutiful aryam cowgirl rebecca wants to be my wif
The tranny doesn't even know you exist bro, and if he did, he'd probably file a restraining order on your creepy ass.
more accurate representation of TR instead of faint heartbeat
I can comfortably watch something else instead of listening to this shit game and still prerun killeroids
lmao nigga you suck
He turns into a wolf. Not a dog. Tard.
Wolves are dogs.
you didn’t even know xhe existed until trans cock masseuse you incredible permavirgin currycel
Not how taxonomy works.
Dogs are wolves you mean haha, you stupid fuck.
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if the mother of your child doesn't have a great/cromagnon jaw it's over for your son. before you nut in a bitch take a look at her jaw. If it's sharp/cromagnon and defined nut like it's your last nut. If it's not and you're boneless as well nut on her belly. the mother is what determines if men are good looking or not.
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my cow magnus femboy girlfriend will father me lots of sons
wow look at that male jawline i really want to suck her cock im totally straight btw I just like pronounced male features on women also totally not into trannies btw i just really like a strong masculine woman……………………………………..
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many people in this general cope with calling good looking women trannies and instead they prefer boneless chinks with bodies of a 12 year old boy because cromagnon women are out of their league.
birdcel cope
she's boneless/ugly by default.
This guy is weird.
he’s a bit more than that if you know his backstory
He hates dbd so much he believe TCM is a good game, and that "woman" is both attractive and not a man.
Severe mental illness.
is TCM still alive and kicking? I haven't heard about that game in a while
>one off new players
>ahhhhhh help me behaviour, i died onece to a passive I AM GOING INSANE NERFFFFFF *SQUEEEEEEEEEE*
This girl is agony to listen to. She slurs her words and speaks so quickly and it's absolutely horrendous. I cannot listen to her for more than 15 minutes without getting angry.
Its mostly only alive on play station.
Its lost 90% of its player base, and its dropping more and more every week,
Dead, not letting multiple of the same character was a choice.
Also anything that gets hyped as an "dbd killer" is defined by DBD and fated to fail/be less successful
Is she an autism?
Almost certainly yes. She stims excessively on stream and have the stare.
>Also anything that gets hyped as an "dbd killer"
It’s funny because most of that was done by overenthusiastic autists here that helped kill the game prematurely by setting expectations way too high
Blast mine still stuns you for 6 seconds, lightborn or not

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