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Previous: >>492675665

>Game News
Current Rate Up: Gentildonna (3*), Zenno Rob Roy (3* Alt), Neo Universe (3* Alt), Taiki Shuttle (SSR), Fuji Kiseki (SSR), Still in Love (SSR)
Event: Story event with Symboli Kris S SSR currently underway
>Harvest! Full Stomach! Great Food Festival Guide
CM Classic will be held in October, Tokyo, 2000m, medium, left, autumn
LoH Mile will be held in 9/23, Kyoto, 1600m, turf, right, fall, afternoon
Uma Musume: Pretty Derby English release confirmed: https://umamusume.com/

>IP News
'Umamusume Party Dash' available for Switch, PS4, and Steam
The Nintendo Switch version yields a free rainbow crystal voucher
Steam store page:
>DLC 1: Team Iris
>DLC 2: Team Geranium
>DLC 3: Team Primrose

>Thread Circles
ウマオオオオ (15 million/month), PUMA, ウマぴょいのまにまに (No quota)
You must be E3 (20k points) to join a circle. Post ID in the thread and the leaders can invite you.

>All Guides & Resources
Find networks if your region is blocked from the game or client:
Card Score Spreadsheet:
Support Card Evaluation Doc:

>Seiyuu & Concerts

>/uma/ POG (Paper Owners Game)
Register here: >>479911257
Season 2: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=96596
Season 3: https://pog.netkeiba.com/?pid=tool_group&group_id=102454

>How to buy jims on Android
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sex with Machitan!!!
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Machitan & Neicha
>attacked in the backrooms by this
nyoooo i hope i don't get raped hahahaha
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Need another Seiun alt that doesn't make her a boyfaggot
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Falco's gentle slopes...
halloween alt?
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she really is an aho
They peaked with this alt
Let's go cheerleader Ikuno and Taabo
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Granny panties in full view...
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Arc might be open to geldings. Doesn't sound like a good news for Japan. Well except they start following the trend of gelding honses like everyone else
Do geldings run better or something?
Why are the Europeans so obsessed with gelding their colts? It's not like they have an issue with limited space like HK horses.
>Doesn't sound like a good news for Japan
it literally doesnt affect japan in any way, they rarely geld horses
The Global version has this censored btw. Physics are basically disabled below the tail from what I've seen, so it's impossible to see any of the pantsu etc, whether in-race or during inheritance events.
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Where is guts Fine?
How would you know this?
I was asked to test the game.
Easier to handle, making them better to ride
Candy-like G1, except the horse have a high value from the start, chances of them getting into stud are low, so better to make them win some races than not
If they allow the geldings in EU run in it, it's going to make it more harder for Japan to win the race. The race winners are 3-5yo, because they ended up in breeding shed, the geldings won't be, making them able to challenge until they can't. Japan also retire the good ones as 5yo, so their window are limited. If they allow the geldings to run, they'll have more competition
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>source: dude trust me
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she's B rank according to GW...
Which card would be better to use?
The one who didn't lose the Kikukashou to some random horse.
>tfw I only have one of these cards
>he doesn't have R rijichou
i've been borrowing MLB SSR Rijichou and using Dulala, Ulala, El, Maku, and SR Pearl (all MLB), should I be using R Rijichou and borrowing Orfe or Flower?
funny because every time I borrow it I get free UCs and 5k skill points
yeah the ranking is hilarious wrong, she's Urara but much better yet somehow Urara is one rank higher??
Yeah I checked after asking. It's just wrong. Gold City is too high as well, regardless of her gold being good.
Which card would you guys recommend me to pick with 3rd anni ticket? I have all except vivlos from SS tier.
Is there a tier list for skills?
I wouldn't spend your ticket yet if it meant just getting a 0LB card you can't use.

There are documents around which tell you what skills are the best bang for your bucks.
I have a few of those cards at 0-1lb already(pow ramonu, city, cafe), not to mention a few stones. And SURELY we'll get another pick ticket for 3.5 anni, right?
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What the hell is going on with her eyebrows? Did anyone else notice this?
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Personally I'm sitting on 2 previously bought anni tickets. I can retain class 6 comfortably atm so I'm not in a rush to spend them, but I'm eyeing pic related for my 差し builds. Eyeing stamina SoE too.
The thing is new OP stamina and int cards are overdue imo, this is why I'm personally waiting (I got the same SS cards as you).
i'm broke as fuck how do i get more coins quickly
daily races, just spam these every day and you'll never be in debt
Do a bunch of races
i do them and i'm still broke
i wish upgrading skills wasn't so expensive
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I'll miss the KFC dates. Also rate my taste.
I mean even if they did get powercrept they would still be the best cards so you can get from the tickets.
This would've saved you the trouble of circling all those btw
You're right but I'm leaving myself the choice to choose still. I don't want to get SoE now if in the end she gets entirely replaced by some OP card soon. I'm tied between stam and int basically.
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Are you a new player? I know it seems like "progression", but skill book hints are actually more of a luxury upgrade for after you stop giving a shit about money. You can get by just relying on skill hints from supports/inherits.
not really, i just like maxxing out everything on my favorite girls
which is a lot of girls
abuse your uma in MANT
Among the current scenarios, which one is the best for training mid/long?
UAF at the moment
Automatically makes you based.
Based on what
For what? If it's for stadium then GFF.
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For this.
UAF, make sure you have at least 1200 stamina and 1700 speed
bofa uphorse sneed
tb.h f.am
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Huh, Taishin int is good? I never use her because it's only at 0 LB for now
Good taste
It's the best oikomi card in the game
What do I do when uma's start showing up in my dreams? I'm not even a Kitasan fan but she's been appearing the most often.
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become a horse breeder
Ah, I don't train oikomis often. Maybe I'll try it with my Sweepy
Did MANT have a higher coin output than he other scenarios? I thought Bakushin spamming was done primarily using URA even when the newer scenarios dropped.
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Kitasan is actually real sexy if you think about it. Your mind acknowledges it but you just don't recognize it consciously.
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nta, she is but her personality is quite unattractive sadly. I almost fell for it prior S3 aired.
Dance Partner, Genuine and Tayasu Tsuyoshi will have big tits like marvelous and kiseki
How about Northern Taste?
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her personality makes her perfect wife material to settle down and have 10 kids and cuddle every day until you grow old actually
>yurinigger art

Imagine sucking that delicious cock.
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i'm sweepy
There's umas in this thread trying to trick umadacchis...
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Yes, and?
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Why do I even try
>ever picking anything but more energy
I do on everyone except blues for xoguri am I retarded and should go energy anyways
I always pick 2. If it fails the run so be it. Go big or go home.
You should be high rolling 2 all the time, playing it safe is for losers.
Oh he's back.
which uma would give the best hawk tuah?
What does it do? I never pick anything besides energy
What's that? Some sort of Native American bullshit?
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chance of instantly receiving 2 free recovery skills worth around 300 skill points with an adverse chance of making you go down 1 motivation level instead, it's easily the best option listed unless you're very early on and need the friendship boost from blue energy
It gives you Corner Recovery and Straight Recovery for free. It can be save a run when training long distance niges
Are there actual nips in ウマオオオオ?
Damn that's kinda crazy for a random event actually
Maybe? I feel like there was at least one last time I stalked everyone's profiles.
Are there actual nips in this thread?
>are there larpers among us?
The answer is probably yes
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There's at least a couple that live in Japan I don't know if they're Japanese though
I missed 2 because my mind blanked out for a day. I am sad, but I hope they have the vids available for future replays.
LETS FUCKING GOOO, I wanna see Romantic Warrior farms Arc for the next 4 years
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bro he's a miler
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>her personality is quite unattractive sadly
Is this based on the anime? if so then not surprised, nobody like her anime counterpart, it's the game one that people like. Also she had the sluttiest shoubufuku out of our anime protagonists, not sure what yakuza mean by this
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He's a 2000m farmers, and still good enough up to 2400m, with a little bit of adjustment he can win it easily
Meds pls
I pick the second cause it's the least damning one. You just miss out on two heals, though you might think having two mood downs and a bit of energy loss maybe just as damning. It's not
ETA for Tazuna alt?
How is anime Kita different from game Kita?
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I've read all voiced stories she appears in. I don't recall any difference in her personality.
A character doesn't change its personality or archetype based on the story you put it in. What people didn't like in S3 was the script and direction.
Drags down, simply unpleasant to see her anime version. People that like Kita didn't talk about anime version of her because of this
She's kinda melodramatic in the anime as opposed to the game, Teio was a little different in-game as well, though not as egregious as Kita.
Two more weeks
I was wondering when he'd reply to OP.
What the fuck is his problem?
Stop making /v/ threads
I can't even find it in the catalog or archives
Suzuka is finally gaining more attention at the cost of his head canon being decimated.
too early faggot.
ok schizo
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I love this mentally ill ninjin
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>retard making a new thread cuz he is triggered by the menhera suzuka image

Pic unrelated
Stop making /vg/ threads
seems a bit...menhera to do
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for me it's this suzuka
Bro he's spamming new OPs now
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>want to play hurtling hurdles
>nobody queueing after an hour
dead game
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>Rhein Kraft gets horny as she looks at her horny trainer's face
A split of this general into two different entities is needed:
>/uma/ for the Japanese version of the game, where meme Suzuka is banned
>/globma/ for the global version for the game, where meme Suzuka is allowed
I plan to bring this issue to the mods on IRC and I will have it be board enforced.
>/uma/ for the Japanese version of the game, where meme Suzuka is allowed
>/globma/ for the global version for the game, where meme Suzuka is allowed
you had a chance to make your post funny and you blew it
Oh? Can we see this "global" version of the game?

stop spamming retard
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Ask again next year
I now regret wondering when he'd notice the OP.
Nothing to regret, it's just one anon being childish and schizophrenic
I wonder what the fuck is his problem
reminds me of that retard who likes Bijin's seiyuu.
Japanese nationality/citizen
I thought the guy was just pretending to be angry for attention, but maybe he really is mentally unwell.
Forever Young is back in training
Do you think Durandal could have tzwo personality like SiL too?

I mean such a thing like:
In Public/Racing "Trainer... I with take honor victory.."
With Trainer only: "Doki, Trainer-san, look, look, hug me! hug me! love my Trainer, ha...."
So you're telling me that Schizo Suzuka (drawing) might have actually triggered a Suzukaschizo (poster)?
but that's just every uma that's received the T
No Durandal isn't a tzwo, she's a closet doofus larping as a knight instead of being pure chuuni like Gimlet.
The difference between her and Calstone is that she's self-aware and gets guilty conscience when she's caught being a dork while the latter could give less than a shit about her public image.
Both though have just as much prowess as they do retardation
Durandal is a blond horsetail cutie
The biggest retard potential room in the dorms, possibly more than Helios/Tap.
Self-aware and yet does cringe things like yelling out attack names in public...
Royce is slept on sexo
You can be self aware and fall victim to cringe impulses. Like drunk people who remember what they did the night before.
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sex with howaa
Hugging and headpatting Hishi Akebono
Nah, she's just a weirdo like the actual hors. You have to be weird to run as an oikomi in short distance.
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I love Rhein Kraft...
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We hate horses in here.
Ningen should only love ningen.
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Hors should replace ningen
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>hors gets replaced with car instead
Helios' not with Palmer?
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We love ningen here
By that logic, car should replace ningen.
The last good support chain and she's absolute sex
KS Miracle's seiyuu gets really invested in the bets she places, you would think they that someone is holding a gun to her head lmao
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In a way. Car already doesn't need ningen but ningen still needs car.
This makes me want to be a jockey and ride a horse so well that its legacy is remembered in the form of a cute anime horse girl
>Tfw their dynamic is similar to McQueen & Mater
Holy fuck lmao
you might wish to be a G1-winner who also elope with horse.
Palmer dorms with Ace.
Cam on, Italian man, do an ad already.
I really want to see what SiL's trainer is like. Seems like SiL got most of the Miyupi elements, so I hope her trainer isn't just a bland self-insert.
pls add a scene where torena impulsively asks SiL to elope
[Heavy CB breathings]
I sometimes imagine my winpost hors as umas. If only I could draw.
If they release Dura and Nyo dakis, will this guy buy them?
He loves his horses too much. I don’t see much Flash love though.
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He got a massive Flash poster in his living room
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ardan would never
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cute retard
He looks tired from all the fucking.
I thought he passed for a second. But he looks absolutely puckered, albeit physically fit.
>Kita and Nox still look like they can go out there and race
>Phonehead is obese
Do we know how F4 and Taiho are doing?
She's just the best. I love her interaction with her family, too.
>I'm sorry, Light O, daddy will be working late on a case today...
>I don't mind, mom's taking me out for dinner anyway.
JRA kino is back on the menu, bros.
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Man 2022 Akiten is so good
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For any other anons in Tokyo or the Kanto area, the JRA will be selling some real ゼッケン for charity on the 7th, 8th, 14th and 15th at Nakayama racecourse. I got Seiun Hades last time.
Pic unrelated.
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Test your Japanese.
how would global even translate her?
Insane valley girl? Zoomer speak?
[unintelligible retard noises]
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oh nyooooo
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Who are the legend races going to be this time?
Also did these always give this many shards?
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>Hoyo Boy became the first horse to win back-to-back HoTY after Shinzan
>didn't get in HoF
>Symboli Kris S became the first horse to win back-to-back HoTY after Symboli Rudolf
>didn't get in HoF
That's sad
Ningen Men should only love superior and more sexy Umas, not those blant ningen females...
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gyarUma LOVE
【G1復刻】ネオユニヴァース2冠 ミルコ「言葉にならない」初の外国人ダービー騎手/ダービー
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Reminder that Demuro is canon in the umaverse.
shut the fuck up already
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Why do some rainbows give +20 green but other only +10?
She rapes the trainer one night but she blushes like this in the morning? Does she think she's still innocent?!
Outdated L33T SP34K and Rawr X3
Phonehead is so dumb
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>hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up bucket of paint* my name is helios but u can call me t3h B1g n1Ge PArtEA!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very paripi!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet paripi hors like me ^_^… im XXX years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch oujo w/ my bff palmer (im a nige if u dont like it deal w/it) shes my favorite hors!!! bcuz shes SOOOO cute!!!! palmer is cool 2 of course but i want 2 meet more paripi hors =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here at tracen so give me lots of commentses!!!!
Well I'm scared.
That's his kid.
I remember when Osaka came out /alter/ shit a brick.
>Test your Japanese.
Fk you, Helios gyaru speak is so alien not even actual Japanese can tell what she saying most of the time.

she regret what she did.

Trainer probably corrected her.
wait till there is a Uni poster, he will do it at a heartbeat.
Based on the pixiv title the artist gave, it's more like she underestimated trainer because she got too cocky.
Holy Fucking Kino
can someone summarize that?
man people still wonder what if bread WON that. last spurt is literally most umamusume race I see
>can someone summarize that?
even a dekinai should be able to understand that
well sorry, I barely know hors lore past 1999
Contrail baby
bro, his post is 7 hours old..
did I fucking stutter?
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>Fly High!世界の怪鳥。
Sell your goddamn posters, JRA. I need these in my house.
>can someone summarize that?
What's there to summarize? It's just a list of all the JRA horse of the year.
>MLB Kita nowhere in sight
I miss that card. Btw, I have a 0LB SSR Richi and a MLB R Richi. Which one should I choose. These guides can suck since they only focus on MLB'd cards. For example, I wanna know if my MLB SSR Dura is better than my 3 LB Viv and such.
MLB R Rijichou.
There is a spreadsheet in the OP exactly for that.
0LB is better, better energy management and unique bonus outweighs the small difference in training
I don't think they race would be as legendary if Bread won "oh he run away" instead "somebody able to catch him?" like what we have
I now see that using Urara in GFF was a mistake, that card is already too volatile in a scenario that's pretty random with it's bonuses. I need to borrow Orf before I decide to borrow Nishino or any power card for that matter, I'll just have to stick to my 2 spd/2 guts/ 1 int builds.
Can someone explain to me what that #eclair is for?
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The Japanese called the stripe/blaze on horse head Eclair
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>Oh he run away
He didn't just "run away", he was full on oonige from the start; an oonige victory is rare enough already, a G1 oonige victory is even rarer.
I'm sure the race would have been just as legendary if Bread won, it would just been about him accomplishing Suzuka's dream instead - especially after he had the same 1,000m time as Suzuka at his final race.
Nox's blaze/marking looks like an eclair.
Nip humor never fails to bewilder me.
Yes Suzuka's dream exist, it passed down to the Reiwa time but a new gen surpass it makes it more endearing. Somebody catch that run made the race more than that
Better off just using google translate instead of typing directly in english.
Cinderella Gray?
More like, Cinderella Gay.
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It's time to post that again.
I really hope Bread's kids turn out well.
To each his own, I suppose. I like the idea of Bread carrying on Suzuka and Turbo's dreams more than Nox the genius, but I just have a massive bias for nige hors, so.
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Those are some exotic eyes
That AkiTen was a hell of a show.
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Some neat badges/logos
I simply love hot pursue race
This one is still one of the first japanese races that pop in my heads when I hear "hot pursuit".
unironically nyes
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Fuji's badge just looks like a censored FUCK. The rest are pretty cool, though.
Balko was a menace big fucking niger bird
Fuck yeah, granny.
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Haha imagine if Nox end his 3yo season with 4x G1 2nd consecutively before his absolute dominance the year after
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Uh oh.
Fat Hors can pay for her own chicken instead of leeching off of me.
I could never deny her delicious (ostensibly) friend chicken.
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You have to be a massive dekinai to not get what she's saying at least 98% of the time.
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Depends on how many turns you are into your harvest and how many rainbows you've already gotten in that harvest, if you've collected several crops already you'll get more green
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We need more grey coats
I don't think she consented to this. Have you considered not being a rapist?
this just reminds me of how dumb sanpo works: if you want to get the most use out of it, you'd choose to go out with new characters or the shitters you never touch to boost their bond. while the characters you like most are probably max bond already so there's no point to it. basically you have to choose between what's "useful" and what you actually like which is retarded
I need full ver
sex... i wanna see her without ear covers... aaahhh!!!!!!!!!!!
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weird cats
actually my favorite style
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Granny sexo
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At last…
My constant torment finally bears some fucking fruit
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hors gets angry if you leave him
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bros i love clingy needy hors like you wouldn't believe....
Would mirako ride you or would she just lay on her back and get creampied?
I want sex
can an AI sloppa brotha generate chikezo with her titties out asking for a friend
AI sloppas and anti-generative AI artists have one things in common and its making uma musume porn
go back to whichever general you come from
Only a fag would consume AI porn.
i want to consume chikezo's breastmilk
mindless coomers would consume any kind of porn regardless if it's AI or not
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We love AI here.
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you should know that even japanese artists are starting to turn on AIfags
Wdym? They always have been against AI.
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if you aren't eop you would know they were since day one and we don't care
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i know
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did this artist got lynched by horse yakuza yet?
I love clingy hors so much bros
All hors become clingy hors eventually
kissing duramente on her forehead
I agree with you, Justaway.
post transcend or GTFO
El Condor Pasa

I don’t post my bro, bro
Gone. But not forgotten.
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k then
at what point in time are the raws for star blossom at right now
Vodka was actually cool?
they fucked up beyond all possibility with vodka and dasca, to the point where they will never be able to tell a serious story with them EVER
Vodka and Scarlet's rivalry was actually cool and exciting with both hors being super mare that dominated the races, which is why it's so disappointing that they made them a joke in the game.
Characters with such massive udders can't be taken seriously anyway.
dula turned out so adorable in her story, it was so precious to see her get so much affection from her family and senpais and classmates and of course (You) and i believe her story mode has one of the highest headpat counts so far
Dia's a serious character...
daiwa major and scarlet clearly have stayer genes, it's a shame that nips don't want to take advantage of that with their kids
When the fuck is Janpoke's movie coming out in BD?
You mean Abema?
That works too I guess
Never ever
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However they decided to localise Suzuna from Priconne
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Crunchyroll should have been the publisher for uma global
I beg to differ
god I wish that was the case
Current CR uses 3rd party AI translations with 0 QC. Fuck no.
good. EOPs deserves nothing but MTL and fanfiction
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This but unironically
Killed the dumb deer meme anime in the west with the god awful MTL.
Deer meme anime killed itself by being extremely unfunny.
Which distro does she use?
And go watch their last race against each other.
The same Maruzen uses: the first Slackware
So the game can die even quicker?
What did they mean by this?
that actually turned out to be really bad human translation though
Pre-1.0 era uma was a blunder. I'm glad management managed to change trajectories now.
Thank god for that lmao.
>no reaction from inmu
too bad vodka and dasca are FUBAR
what ruined them? i don't play the crapcha but anime-wise, every character is already reduced to their gimmick unless they are plot relevant. i don't think it would be too difficult to make a story out of them besides it being strange to go back to spica members now that they seem to be focusing on branching out to other characters with the animated releases
well for starters, they are nothing like the real horss (with the exception of dasca being as clingy and easily jealous as the real hors)
but mostly it's because they are pure gag characters
1. [NSW] Gundam Breaker 4 – 52,825 / NEW
2. [NSW] Umamusume: Pretty Derby – Party Dash – 37,939 / NEW
3. [PS5] Gundam Breaker 4 – 32,518 / NEW
4. [PS5] Visions of Mana – 30,696 / NEW
5. [NSW] Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club – 25,028 / NEW
6. [PS4] Gundam Breaker 4 – 13,175 / NEW
7. [NSW] Nintendo Switch Sports – 10,370 / 1,406,998
8. [PS5] Star Wars Outlaws – 10,087 / NEW
9. [PS4] Visions of Mana – 10,068 / NEW
10. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 9,879 / 5,981,060

Not too badly
game is alive
replies all saying it's still broken lol
How did real Vodka act?
quiet, smart and calculating and never really acted out
literally the opposite of uma vodka
>post protected
what's even the point
Huh that would have been neat
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>t-they posted her again
>c-call the police!!
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https://files.catbox.moe/ire1b3.png (KK scene file)

Probably one of my favorite scenes... Looks so fucking good in VR
der coomer...
If you think about it, Believe is basically what an accurate Vodka adaption would look like
Also they did the mistake of making Vodka a boyfaggot because she won a colt classic. Should've been something like Donna, domineering and very feminine to contrast with the colts of her gen like Journey.
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I swear Buena is both cute and sexy... Combine with her voice is too much.
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I think them making Vodka a tomboy was the right call, she did win the Derby after all. As for her personality being more like Donna, I don't think that's a good either, the real Vodka seemed to enjoy being alone and dislike being near humans or other hors. Here's something fun I found:
中田助手 写真を撮られるのが好きでしたね。口取りも(週刊誌などの)立ち写真もすぐにピタッと止まっていました。レース後は写真を撮られないと逆に怒っていたくらい。たぶん、負けたって分かっているんでしょうね。
Attention whore Vodka.
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>only two mares attain the JRA "hero" privilege
I kneel.
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Sex with AI...
I counted at least 4, unless you're only considering playable umas.
Meant for >>493354265
Sauce katsudon.
Yeah I only heard Gentil and Vodka's name but didn't get to catch up to the other 2.
How the fuck you missed out Air Groove and Buena Vista that's directly after Vodka. Also Lys & Eye for non-uma
Vodka-Scarlet ended colt dominance, look how many great mares after them
Take saying she look a like a colt was the main reason I think.
arr hors rook same
How do I train Shishou as a big niger in GFF?
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Some are cooler than the other.
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there are hors and cooler hors.

and there is crazy hors
I don't like the way he stares at me.
Which green skills are worth getting if I'm not training for chanmi?
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With me.
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sex with Fuu-chan...
That's clearly aislop, blindbro
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umadacchis help my friend asked if uma musume was just my little pony for japanese people and I don't know how to respond
It's not
It is
your friend might be a closet furry. you should cutoff all contact with them just to be safe.
Ah yes because umadacchis aren't closet furries.
I don't want to fuck anything that doesn't look like an anime girl with horse ears and a tail.
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retarded normie gtfo and bang a real hors then
Not really other than being about horses I don't see the connection
Same, but that's our perspective from inside the fandom looking out. It's a bit hard to tie all of the historical and sports drama elements together for someone who only has a surface level idea of the franchise (aka that horse game/anime).
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MLP doesn't have sexy hors and deep lore, so.
say it's captain tsubasa but horse racing
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Not really a good response to that since to most people the series just boils down to cute horse girls doing cute things.
One of my friends calls me a brony for liking it. He went out of his way to try to watch the anime at one point but gave up 4 episodes in. I'm glad he at least tried to get into it even though I didn't ask him to, benchmark of a good friend is them actually showing interest in your niche interests.
Prognosis to Cox. They really want these Deep's colt to win overseas man; Shah owner always complained about the traveling fee.
They just want him to win any G1 really, he has the ability but not the luck
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Friend of mine said something similar, but I knew my friend was a fan of hololive so I linked him clips of Aqua geeking out over some Rice Shower URA races and he kinda "got" it from the idol angle rather than the horse angle. He ended up watching all 3 seasons and we got something to talk about so it worked out great. Between CGDCT, sports anime, animal training biopics, and idol anime you have more to talk about than trying to convince someone it's not feelgood cartoon horses for lonely dudes.
He could have won Osaka Hai, but they didn't have interest in it. His only G1 challenge at home was against Equinox.
Thanks god He'll be with DLane instead of Kawada
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reminder that there is this one retard that keeps uploading machine translated doujins to sadpanda
tell me again, why do retards keep defending MTL to own the SJWs?
not even anti-AI but i'm tired of seeing this kind of sloppa in this "artstyle"
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cafe sexoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
>Nyo has no vocals for any of the lives besides the ones everyone sings and two scenario songs
wtf give me her winning the soul vocals already
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>That I said I wanted to spoil you
>proceeds to talk about herself to you
>admits that image she show to you the whole 3 years as just an act so you won't be disappointed at her
>and was worried that she can't be herself
>she did it so people would love her
>then ask you if you'll accept her by show "real self"
>you agree and she ask if you'll indulge on one request
>Please let me shine!
>We would make a good pair
Fuu-chan sexo...
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It’s crow day today in Japan. Post crows.
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Weird ningen hors?
cafe is so sexo
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Was my first time doing UAF and I misunderstood the color swaps/wasted them, am I fucked if I miss the 15 win bonus during the checkpoints? Do I just quit early and save myself the trouble if this happens?
>This one retard
>He thinks there's only one
Yeah, the win bonuses are really important. I would say keep going because you can still get a UE from any run in UAF and the final score will still contributes to the event points.
You're fucked but just play it through, you want the experience of a full run anyways if it's your first couple times. Get a feel for the calls and stamina usage, not every run that ends needs to be perfect.
You miss around 5% of training bonus for not getting 5/5 on a color, so you won't hit max bonus right during senior summer. Still, you shouldn't reset unless you're tryharding for best result.
i didn't know there's more than one
anyway post more transcend
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Holy shit.
Stop making /v/ threads
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I feel like it turned out pretty well? Maybe UAF statlines are just way better than Aoharu which was all I was racing until now. I was playing catch up hard on early classics with trainings but eventually caught back up. Thanks anontachis, I like this more than mindlessly clicking rainbows in Aoharu too.
Every new scenario is better than the previous one.
And awaken your umas
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..meanwhile at the Chiyono factory...
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It's ok. What's your deck?
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what the fuck bro
not my bro
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I used a couple selectors on the Jungle Pocket card and the rest are just SSR welfares from events + SiL, don't have too much else I pretty much blew my new player savings on the Gentil and SiL banners.
Yeah, that's alright did that deck. No other power card?
I wanna KFC sanpo with her...
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My power card pool is like playing whackamole, I used the Vodka one for a bit but I read to generally stay away from 0LB SSRs so I went with the welfare chibi card. Maybe I should swap to the 2LB Seiun Sky card and train into power instead? It's my only non-0LB stam card but half the skills are debuffs but I'm not sure how general use it is.
i wanna fuck bro
fuck fuck sex sex
Alp doujin when
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That's a big boy
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ayabe sexo
Vodka at 0lb has
>37.5 friendship bonus
>80 specialty
>gold heal
Which sounds pretty decent desu. Maybe I should get a copy for myself.
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Vodka got 50 得意 at 0LB, which is already better than the Uma Yuru card. It doesn't matter how good the stat gain is on a card if the damn won't even show up.
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>It doesn't matter how good the stat gain is on a card if the damn won't even show up.
Now that you mention it, it really doesn't. Didn't think the 50 specialty rate up made that much of a difference. I'll give it a go over uma yuru, I have to train my XOguri and she can use an extra blue anyways. Thanks.
guilt tripping this menhera into a twosome with her imaginary twin
>Maybe UAF statlines are just way better than Aoharu which was all I was racing until now.
You spent the past 36 months doing nothing but Aoharu runs?
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Time for more keiba kino to welcome the autumn season. This one's about unique hors that may not be the best, but they certainly are memorable.
50 up may not feel like much, and you probably won't notice it right away since the game's RNG, but you'll see the difference after a few runs. Specialty rate up's going to be even more important when you move on to Farmville.
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Lose Consistently...
man I wonder who is gonna be the next JRA hors of the year.

Maybe a mare. Also it is always sovl to see that I feel only JP puts 全身全霊 into it.
>Already autumn season
>No dominating JP horse
It's gonna be really tough and close votes, unless Dodo wins at least 2 out of 3 autumn triple
>I wonder who is gonna be the next JRA hors of the year.
Liberty Island. Trust in Kawada.
Epipipipipipipi. This year is Epi's year so it's going to be an Epi spawn.
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>Liberty Island
that would be seriously sovl, imagine following the Oni Lady as both Triple Tiara and now that.
When are we getting Sodashi in the game?
>Fatman horse
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After we get Pui.
Right, LI should be able to win Akiten easily
>training INT in UAF decreases energy
Thinking is hard...
>UAF crippled INT
>GFF crippled Stamina
What's getting nerfed for the inevitable mid/long scenario? Power?
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Man, I wonder if Tact will be a weirdo like her senpais..
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I can't wait for us to get Team Ryuuji main story.
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>her feet look just like my wife's
Legs, not feet.
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post robroy or gtfo
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Kill yourself.
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cute dum wagie
Uma summer is powered by uma part-time job
context: her va worked at kfc for 4 years
>hey, so which uma should we make an actual psychopath when it comes to racing?
>air shakur, who's notorious for his temper that everyone's scared to take care of him?
>nah, we'll just make him an aloof punk instead
>dream journey, who's also infamous for his temper to the point his jockey said he could murder him?
>but he's also smart, so we'll make him a scheming and calculating assassin instead
>how about orfevre, after all we had a beta version that has a fierce side when mask off on the trailer?
>nope, not royal enough for a triple crown, redesign him to become this game's gilgamesh instead
>so we have this unimplemented triple tiara winner named still in love...
>yeah, she's the one
i have to applaud cygames for this decision, no one would have expected her to be the most insane uma of them all while other honses with worse tempers exist and they could have just gone with only the 'tragic lover' aspect
SiL is the Kurumi Tosaka of Umaverse

"~ara Trainer-san...."
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One step away from becoming Mio Honda.
Dios Mio…
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Someone help her before she goes insane...
oh okay
i just have a single copy and can get 3 more with blue tickets at the moment, if i have 0 good power SSRs do i go for this now or wait til i get 5 more blue tickets to MLB it immediately? right now i can do decently switching my rental slot from MLB SSR rijichou to SSR flower power and using my own MLB R rijichou but it seems like getting my own decent power and going back to borrowing SSR rijichou might be better but not sure enough to commit the blue tickets just yet. when i used to borrow SSR rijichou i would try to inherit more power and run SR Pearl with SSR Ulala
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Mind broken
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I prefer long haired Fuku
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>my first ever UC
You only needed to own 5 top tier cards at MLB.
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It changed a lot. The run itself sucked compared to picrel from before the SiL banner but the sheer number of skill points I got was ridiculous
you shouldn't, he'll bite you if you try to pet him
Her jockey is on record for professing his love for her, and I think the interview took place after he won 10 G1s with Tarumae. They just took his words and turned it into yandere.
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i wonder what some of the other Brians' temperaments are, i know Narita Brian and especially Maya were actually quite nice. i remember the post about how Maya was so cuddly and attached that he kept interfering with his groom's work with all the head nudging, and Brian apparently was known for his soft love bites
>ぜんぜん違うじゃないですか!言ったんですね!? すごくいい運が来るって…なのに、この占いは何ですか!
A fate worse than death.
stella will win akiten
Dantsu is known to be friendly. But I think someone here before said irl hors tried to "comfort" his jockey/trainer before.
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what does that mean
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Does my fat fuck need more power? I've been using full speed inheritance but I can maybe switch to half speed half power.
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"comfort" how
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Forgot to include my deck.
caballo sexo
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a-are they doing this because of the gap fetish of ningen muscles still being helpless against umas??
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more like they want a ningen that has the stamina to fuck them all night
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You will literally die during umapyoi with Donna if you don't train enough
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Do women actually sweat out of their breasts like this
That power card is really bad. Even a lot of SR cards are better.
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Pama love
actually its donna who wants to be the helpless one, she's just looking for the right ningen to come along. its just not easy for obvious reasons
its also why you go through a literal strength training arc to become a gigachad in her story
no idea how ryan sees her trainer though
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Please drain and kill me
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VAs played the Party Dash game so you don't have to
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uma VR dating game when...
I love how her eyes follow yours
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Kinda cute. I need to get more cute KK scenes
eye/head tracking is god tier when you're plowing them in missionary raw
lemme think about it, i do have a lot but don't use most of them often
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Very nice
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Dating with your bros
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inherit power, S mid distance, normal maruzensky's unique, pick 王手 from El instead of professor
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That looks painful.
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>Ningen Otoko: Handsome Dandy
Masuta randomly was allowed a name in season 3 (Kuronuma), will Canopusman and Spicaman be allowed to have names eventually?....
pretty sure canopusman does have a name
wtf, eng fan wiki says its Minamizaka but i have no idea where they got that from
>Fans are speculating that the name is likely to be "Minamisaka Kai." The names "Tojo Hana," "Nishizaki Ryo (Okino's trainer)," and "Kitahara Jo," all of which also contain the character for direction in their surnames, are similar to the mahjong hand "Ryojo Kai Hana," so they speculate that the remaining "Kai" is Minamisaka's name.
Trespassing on a mare's personal space doesn't seem like the smartest idea.
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I fucking love this outfit.
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Does anyone have an up-to-date ass olympics chart?
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There’s too many weird creatures hanging around Tracen now.
My beloved menhera.
Just because she's retarded doesn't mean you get to call her menhera
My wife is so beautiful
He's talking about her seiyuu
>where they got that from
Anime credit, if I remember right.
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Dantsu Flame?
More like Fatsu Lame.
Mirako, have you ever heard the saying about how "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"?
I don't know. It's probably from twitter
>Uma Musume gets localized to global as Horse Daughter
>player PoV in campaign stories gets rewritten as happening from the perspective of the uma's father
>still in love's seiyuu said she had to drink 3 energy drinks before recording her berserker mode
deebly goncerning
Opera's going to show up again in Pubo's campaign, isn't she?
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Busy because of harvesting season.
In the fields
My bedroom.
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Our queen
Does anybody else have their own favorite Machico moment?

this is the only source i could find it its from 2022
Anime Teio a shit, Teio seiyuu a shit, only hors Teio is based
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All Teios are good, but tanuki Teio is best Teio.
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I'm partial to Urara's mom
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I love AI.
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Even this gremlin?
Why is she characterized like this, again?
So did Nakayama and Shakur
Is this why that schizo shows up from time to time?
What's your hi-score in Golshi Adventure?
Nah, the ngafag spams the entire board even the non-affiliated ones like YGO
Need Buena ver
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can't that post >493483014 be deleted and reported for offtopic? it's a waste of boardspace.
I'm trying to find a good combo to break 13k, yet to find any legendary equipment
Oh yeah I hadn't seen people talk about that game, how far you guys went to? I only got 2 blue-tier equips. As usual rng seems based on how to get good weapon types and equipment.
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Got the Machan acrylic stand from the Animate fair
You forgot to hide the non-Martin one.
Why so many X-Files DVDs
Chubby thighs.
Is that a Twin Peaks BD?
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Bondo flopped again.... girl is cursed..
Machan thighs
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Both ojisan and Rumao flopped. I'm happy for Ishikawa, he hasn't been doing too well this year.
First Kita 24' gen grade winner as well
You always want at least 1200 power for any uma since it triggers the guaranteed last spurt accel boost.
No way, there hasn't been a single 24' Kita spawn grade victory this year until now? Kita shouldn't have dumped all his power into Nox.
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Only jobbers until now. Best were Satono Epic, 2nd in dirt derby.
Also Christmas Parade broke 3yo record for 2000m in Nakayama, Justin Milano just record that one in Satsuki Sho this year
Damn, I should have stayed and watch. Left early because the weather was too hot today and there wasn't anything going on the track.
I guess that means Mi Anhelo also broke the record since she only lost by a neck.
Track super fresh & fast today, top 5 horses broke the record
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Milano's time was 1.57.1, so top 5 broke the record.
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>roll the step up scamcha x2 hoping to luckshit speed falco
>not a single one came
>go to home page
>her song is playing
this fucking bitch
Hot damn.
New record in the opening week of racecourse seems to be the trend lately.
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For being pretty cheap this is uhh a lot bigger than I expected.
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Tfw we still haven't seen Kita's best generation yet
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Pretty standard size for prize figures
Nox's your best gen. It's all downhill from here.
You forgot Tact
He's talking about best gen, not best horse
post uma shrines
The horseshoe bases are cute, too bad I swore off PUPs & prize figures long ago. I should check to see what uma scales are floating around.
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Why keep it all in one place, have more small stuff strewn throughout the house
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Christmas Parade did great and all, but I like how quickly Mi Anhelo climbed once she found at opening at the final straight. Hopefully her flopping at Oaks was just her having a bad day.
I need more brown boyfaggot.
If only they didn't kill Dura in the stables & let Contrail become a cow... I don't think nips have a lot of good horses left.
Losing Dura was a big blow, yeah, but they still have a lot of well proven sires around like Kita, Epipipi, Karenfag, Kizuna, Hearts, Maurice, Suave, and >Bricks and Mortar; I'm excited to see how F4, Taiho, Nox, and Contrail's kids will perform - I have a lot of hope for Taiho to continue the Duratism line.
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>There is an actual uma crypto coin
I hope so, but I'm still honestly baffled at how they mismanaged phonehead's health that badly. I hope he survives the breeding season this year so he can work on getting thinner, but >205.
>mismanaged phonehead's health that badly
What mismanage?
Stop making /biz/ threads
I can't find the exact image anymore, but he gained a massive amount of weight in the last few weeks.
Oh it's just him getting fat, you made it like he gotten sick
Getting fat is an easy way to get sick, ningen and hors both.
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This photo's from the Wednesday. Seems like he lost quite a bit of weight already, not exactly slim, but he's not a whole phone booth anymore.
Overworking does that too. He just finished his breeding season, let him enjoy his time
>stress eating from having to fuck so many girls
He's literally me.
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Admire Mars and Saturnalia looking promising so far>>493505321
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sex machitan
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oh geez slit
Someone in this thread reduced his Urara card.
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>I swore off PUPs & prize figures long ago
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Cheval Grand is pretty cute
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Hishimi kakkoii
>not porn
And this is why the chinks are overturning the nips
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CHEAP?! Are you fucking sure about that? I don't care that you get gacha freebies because that should not be equated to price.
If the usual suspects aren't drawing umanko, you sure as hell shouldn't expect a high-profile artist to draw it
nah you sure should expect they keep the lewds well hidden and ready to hit the big red upload button at moment's notice once lewd are allowed
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Mostly space, was somewhere in the neighborhood of 70-80 figures before I started to refine my collection down to scales and now budgeting like 3-4 a year at most. Collecting was a fun hobby and led the way to learning to paint garage kits, but a cluttered collection isn't very pleasing to look at imo. I also collect doujinshi, some of the cool general reader ones never make it overseas like this uma pitching form one, but they're much easier to store.
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>No alternative colors when players choose the same character
That sounds like a terrible oversight
>Your favorite might not be playable
Game being trash aside, this is the main reason why I'm not buying it (they are stuck as background characters)
But some of them did in the early years
>in response to Orfve and Journey combo
well those stallions will die now. lol
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What the fuck never know netkeiba lets you search horses by specific cross on the pedigree, this will be fun for POG hunting
>early years
yeah sure, again some are still doing it via commissions.

like you'll never see them anyway
Absolutely but Halcon isn't one of them. Most still abide by the guidelines yet willingly damage the image of real people for their enjoyment. I'm not saying that they're not allowed to do that but I'm just highlighting their hypocrisy.
Hors is pure & innocent and does nothing but running and goof around, unlike real people. they deserves more respect
>real people
baka those are horses af we even have drawings of people in various stuff

rule 34 exist and the damn nips have no power to censor it

Uni please don't expose the history of SiL eloping with her trainer.
>shows the raging horse cock infront of you
yep very innocent and pure. animalistic even
>made Ryuuji ride the 3,200m race
>went with the 1,600m race when it's his turn
This guy.
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damn i fell asleep
she drugged you
Agreed, but I feel like Cygames will shut global in a flash if the porn production gets too loud and out of hand. All just so they can still retain permissions and prevent the 1st trailer disaster from happening again, which for sure is a thing otherwise we'd have Kurofune in the game by now but we got a mob instead.
Why do so many people get so hurt over artists not drawing umanko when hors in pretty, sometimes revealing, clothing is enough to make me erupt like a cum volcano
Porn addiction.
Gooner mentality prevents them from thinking that it's fine to enjoy something without needing constant porn on it.
they should just not release global so i don't have to be subjected to the flood of shitty SEANigger "art"
>seaniggers living rent-free in anon's head
>will shut global in a flash
sex craft...

what happen? don't tell me you fail to umapyoi her and just sleep with her.
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How can Donna even compete
She sings a song and you get sleepy. She didn't even realize you were sleeping.
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Why compete when she could just take her siblings away?
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I suppose the umapyoi probably happened but not covered by the scene :^)

or then again considering that the confession was done after that.
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>Hors is pure & innocent
stego would deliberately lose just to piss off the crowd because it amused him
gimlet pretends to act innocent and friendly to bait people into trying to pet him so he can bite them
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precisely, while other hors use it to demand human for food like that lazy fatass Mirako.
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Bless this lazy fatass for learning how to use his bell to summon ninjin feedings.
you both sleep in the same bed...?
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>pretends to act innocent and friendly to bait people into trying to pet him so he can bite them
Such majestic creatures indeed.
sundayman's dad Halo would frequently catch and drown birds in his water bucket
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I think Verxina is more attractive but she's still a loser and Gentil isn't exactly ugly.
Hors evil…
sundayman's dad Halo is literally me
Why do you drink water out of a bucket?
some details are left blank for the player's imagination, but yes it is.

Just like the part where Fuu-chan said to her trainer that her collar is loose, despite they're wearing onsen yutaka and it "ended" there. It is obviously something nice happen after it.
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>Just like the part where Fuu-chan said to her trainer that her collar is loose
what a slut
And how you have 3P with Cafe and her friend.
I love AI but I'll admit it's kinda annoying to see it posted so often these days, especially when it's just low effort slop.
Either post AI stuff that was noticeably made with efforts (don't (You) me) or just post real art. It's not like we're lacking real uma art.
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I fucking wish I can see real art on xitter. Hiding likes and screwing with the recommended tab has been the death blow for me. Now it's either AIslop or irrelevant shit from people I don't follow, Japan: :O
do you unironically use twatter on mobile a lot? because my experience on desktop is not bad on Firefox with the Control Panel extension for twatter, it forces the Latest feed and lets you hide/suppress annoying shit, i can barely tolerate more than a minute on mobile where i can't do any of that and see ads every other fucking post
Most zoomers are mobile users, wouldn't be surprised most of the thread also is.
>do you unironically use twatter on mobile a lot?
Yeah, because it's actually wasn't that bad until a month or two ago, ads aside. Control Panel is... eh. I keep adding it and then removing it after a bit. Don't know what my problem with it was.
even on mobile though i've been able to have the app keep my setting to only show Latest and i don't think i really get forced onto the For You slop very much, do you keep getting put there when you try to have the app keep you on Latest?
Twitter algorithm is wack and you'll keep getting shoved with a certain type of content if you had interact with it even only once. Just stop liking & blocks the acc & type of contents you don't want to see
Works for me, imo the current twitter for you algo is probably the best it's ever been despite half the site being basically non-functioning. My for you page is almost entirely umamusume art with a couple other things sprinkled in. It also shows me stuff from things I like that aren't as popular/don't have as consistent of an art output like revue starlight. Just like/retweet a lot and follow related artists and it'll correct itself. As long as you're not a normalfaggot who participates in politics or interacts with homosexuals then it should steer itself towards being decent. Also mute any tags to do with non-uma gacha and vtubers, I did that a long time ago so I'm not sure how much it factors in.
homo intercourse!
I didn't pay attention to that. Pretty much every single fanart I came across for the last 4 years came from the For You tab. It served its purpose. I batch downloaded 16k images from my likes page before I nuked my last account.

That's exactly how my algo worked too. Just walls of fanarts and moonrunes, mostly from artists I followed, and some from the ones I don't. And it stayed that way even after consuming the occasional /pol/shit. Then it just broke when I scrolled too far down is the only reason I can think of.
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new biwafag
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