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Licking Eagle-1's feet edition

Last >>492993368

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter for PC and PS5 where players fight against hordes of alien insects and robots to Spread Democracy. Players wage war on a number of contested planets, each with a different environment, completing as many objectives as possible within a procedurally generated area while constrained by a time limit. With enough successful operations a planet can be completely liberated, and the player base must cooperate to try to liberate the entire galaxy by focusing and combining their efforts as much as possible.

Released in 2015 for PC, PS3/4 and PS Vita, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The major difference is that HELLDIVERS is a top-down shooter, its mechanics being based primarily on Arrowhead's previous game Magicka.


August 6: Escalation of Freedom Update https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339865428695343823
August 13: A message from the devs https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4339866697736692015
August 20: 1.001.004 Patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/6992487606095723693
August 21: 1.001.005 Hotfix https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4252047773008305837
at least we have the war chants guys
i think the war chants are cool
>used to think Ion Storms were a non-issue
>get utterly fucked in a defense mission because we can't call down red stratagems for a full minute while an Impaler, a Bile Titan, two Charger Behemoths and a Spore Charger spawn the instant the storm appears
Yeah, you sure showed me.
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lobbies? lobby, sisters? lobbies? any lobbies? lobber? lobbies?

d10 sum
ion storm can actually fuck you over hard
one hit us the moment we aggro'd a heavy bug nest and I saw our stratagems just disappear midair and an impaler and 2 chargers sent us into a deathloop for almost the entirety of the ion storm
join join join
Napalm barrage is the coolest shit
I can't believe they're going to take it away from us
2/4 join or i skin ur fucking dick
No. Let's more about the war chants.
swedes can't make games
Is there anything different about the "new" jetpack bots besides the different look?
wait theres a new jetpack?
The EoF one, they look darker and rounder i guess, jetpacks dont spawn that much so i might be wrong though.
>s-sîr, v-vë hævën'ts fïníshëd üpdæt, hälf öf thë tëæm ïs stïll of væcætíön
>b-but sîr íĺĺümíñáţ ïsñ't r-rëædy-
>still no EMS hellpod that stuns and knocks everything away from your gear
The jetpack bot troopers from the trailer, not a new stratagem for players to use.
They can't make furniture either. Or run a country without it getting culturally enriched.
>meanwhile turretbro is afk on top of his auto sentry while taking a piss break
Got railed to death by 5 chargers
>standard airburst 100s
>naplam airburst 200s
This sucks! How thought that was okay?
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i think licking eagle-1's feet is an excellent idea
I haven't played in like 3 weeks now, is it actually good? Or just good because it's a free extra strat which is almost always good.
I don't bots much as a certified bugnigger but I haven't seen a single one of the new ones they showed in the trailer.
Bringing a mortar to bugs should be a bannable offense
It has a pretty long cooldown for an area denial tool, but it's nice to throw on a bug breach and watch the fireworks.

Just gonna leave this here
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It’s fine on elims
It's got a large area of effect and coats everything in fire pretty thoroughly but a long cooldown.
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Why there is always 528b file missing after joining publ lobby?
sweden plz
>he doesn't know about pub aids
You caught aids
What exactly is pub aids, can someone explain it to me?
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Yes i know, im just curious what that file might be that gets always deleted
Schizo poster, is that you?
no, im just interested what is fuking sweden in the ass
When we unlock orbital napalm I will bring it to every bug dive. It's amazing at dealing with bug breaches. I previously used Orbital Gatling. I will use it every time whenever we unlock it.
>im just interested what is fuking sweden in the ass
His name is Achmed.
what are they implying?
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>incendiary breaker pops charger asses faster than MMG, stalwart, HMG, and every other primary
Are they gonna nerf it? 50% dura ratio is absolutely insane, but it'd be annoying as fuck for AH to just crush the weapon again after saying they'd elevate other weapons.
It was recently mag limit nerfed from 6->4. You run out of ammo really fast now. Further nerfs would piss people off.
They should have nerfed that instead of ammo but they're complete retards
incelbreaker is the one thing that actually did need a nerf.
But let's just keep nerfing everything else.
Incel breaker needed a buff, no one ever picked it.
They should just balance the entire game around bots.
How many helldivers does it take to align a radar-dish?
that's me hello
any lobbies pleaaaaase?
host chud
Should I even buy the final mortar targeting ship module or is it a downgrade
how do people still fail this
a pox upon ye, AIDShoster
unable to join and it disconnected me after the original join
>it works
It's an upgrade.
>it bricks your mortar
It's a blessing for the team.
A win win, get it.
Had troubling joining initially. Try again >>493157785
files 80% done verifying
washing my hands of the AIDS and then i'll come back
Being and arcGOD was fun.
I just wish it was more consistent with its arcing.
Must be full
Any lobbies?
I think its better to keep the weapon powerful but limited on ammo.
What they should have done was lean more into what it does good and weaken what it sucks against more. It should be the designated shitter destroyer, but suck total ass against mediums and heavies.
Things blocking your arcthrower feel so inconsistent and infuriating, but when it works it does feel nice to use.
That one looks like the rotating wheel was on a different side from the radar dish as from the usual setup. The wheel and the dish are both supposed to start in the six o'clock position and you rotate it from there, but looking at the actual orientation at the end of the clip it looks like the wheel was at the nine o'clock position or something while the dish still started at six o'clock, which fucks up the usual procedure.
Unironic skill issue.
there is audible feedback
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final predictions, what does our peak player count drop to after tomorrow?

the iluminigger leak was definitely on purpose to get the game back into the headlines today
>They let us try Napalm Barrage even though we lost the MO
>Napalm Barrage is good
It's good being always right
You, yes, (You) should apologize to me
Sometimes it can be hard to hear, and the data upload mission puts the dish too far away from the terminal for that.
Funniest thing that could happen is the Meridia black hole being completely unrelated to the squids appearing.
>"What? Black hole? No, no, the Illuminate are like squids, so that's very unrealistic. They came from space oceans that you can't see."
what's that I haven't played in 2 weeks
what leak?
a reddit shitpost
Didn't play the first game but that black hole is sucking things instead of looking like an interdimensional gate desu. Best lore explanation would be they used it as a beacon or something like that, like the Combine in HL2
Its not good, because its cooldown is too long as predicted
Squid zones appearing for a few minutes.
It's good enough™. That places it above 70% of the other stratagems
Its not good enough unless you're playing D6 or lower
They showed the illuminates spawn location for a bit then pretended it was an ingame system bug in a desperate attempt to pretend they have content coming

Need I remind everyone that no one gave a shit about them in HD1 and they were boring as fuck to fight vs bugs or even bots.
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It is. I'm sensing a skill issue on your part
Its okay but I'd rather use eagle napalm or gas strike for its purpose. Sure, it can cover a bigger area with one use, but when are you going to be in a situation where you need that much coverage?
they're putting it out there because they're interested in doing crossovers and can get a lore reason for helldivers to appear in fortnite and 40k heavy armor sets
Weekday peak of 25k or less. Weekend peak probably 30k. We steady lose about 300 players every day on the lows, though. So who knows, we might end up losing 500+ for a few days when SM2 comes out.
I disagree, it's designed to be an anti chaff spray so let it shine in the niche it was designed for. Let other weapons occupy the close range burst damage niche (buff the og breaker)
D10 breaches appear in 3 or so widely spaced spots, it's just enough to cover that area. Unfortunately you still need something like the 120mm for heavies
How would there be a skill issue related to a stratagem that coats an area in fire? Are you stupid?

It has too long of a cooldown to he useful on higher difficulties period. Its not trash but its not good.
Gas and Gatling are better. If fire killed biles/chargers as it should then it would have been good. Another fucking flop stratagem by a dev who hates their own game.
what leak
>ping an automaton tank
>"fusion repeater" is the tag
>These two S tier stratagems are better! This means the other is trash!
Do you understand what good enough means? Are you fucked in the brain? Autism?
The Liberator Carbine is the ultimate bughunt tool, rapidly annihilating Hunters, splattering Warriors, and sweeping down entire conga lines of Scavengers.
Instead of staggering enemies, dive backward while letting rip with 920 rpm to convert even Stalkers into e-621 in short order.
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Calm down autismo no one cares [insert fav here] sucks. Dont bring it into D10 and its fine.
helldivers is a boomer wagie game at heart, that's why it had such crazy success when it first dropped, then the power fantasy got creeped back severely + lack of content.
that's really optimistic because we're already below those numbers
todays max was 20 and low was in the 6s
Pummeler makes hunters harmless.
But its objectively not
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I took Lib Carbine on a mission once, it's actually surprisingly pleasant but I wish it had more magazines, or taped magazines for faster reload, or the one-handed trait so you could carry the D10 valuable sample while also running and gunning.
Sounds OP better reduce ammo count and total magazines
When they add weapon modifier slots, Liberator Carbine will get an extra one.
That's a number based on the total playerbase number, not just the steam playerbase. You can see that number here: https://helldiverscompanion.com/#+stats It's at 30k right now, with about 18k steam players online.
Most primaries should have a 1H firing mode that just doesn’t allow reloads.
I just tried it and it BBQed like 60 bugs. Better than the other barrages for screening. Fucking retards don’t understand screening though.
That would make it even harder to balance ARs VS SMGs and make them feel distinct, I like the utility SMGs have currently. ARs should just have their magazine counts doubled. Ol' reliable
I think they should just balance SMGs and ARs towards being the same thing and don't try to make them distinct, they're already redundant so just let them stay that way
>It has too long of a cooldown to he useful on higher difficulties
this has never been an argument and it never will be
you shouldn't have an ezmode aoe stratagem ready for every single breach
I'm going to bring the Napalm Barrage
I'm going to bring the Arc Tower
I'm going to bring the Mortar Sentry
I'm going to bring the Grenade Launcher
This guy is going to throw the game.
I'm going to killmog you by 500 kills and 10 teamkills and you're going to CRY about it
Oh, you'll definitely kill me sissy. That I know for sure.
I tried the 120mm Barrage and it completely killed every medium bug nest I threw it in. Is it the best stratagem for lazy bug hole clearing?
Why does the SMG do more damage and shoot slower than the assault rifles
Do europoors know what an smg is
one and done? maybe
i like the eagle airstrike, reduces effort and more useful than 120 generally.
I think defender and pummeler where inspired by grease gun, hence low firerate.
>do more damage
higher diameter boolet = more damage, duh. Swedes don't own guns preasu understandu
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>be advised
Holy shit, that is some actual looney toones stuff.
>Afternoon in NA hours.
>We're actually LOSING players instead of gaining more.
What is this goat simulator style silliness?
and I'm going to kick you for your contrarian snowflake antics
>you can survive this
>but a tentacle or chicken strider ICBM making you fall over can 1 shot you
he survived because he used the fall damage reset exploit retard
He literally got impaled nigger
I would rather have this be the impaler's attack than the shitty ground pound we have
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Actually it's because he's a leandiver!
They get additional cushioning.
>be host
>impaler tentacle misses you
>fall over
>be client
>tentacle hits
>take no damage and don't fall over
You will do nothing but silently seethe while I post lolteamkill.webm and get 20 (You)s
The. game. is. easy.
Stop pretending otherwise. It is ok to bring mediocre stuff into d10 as long as you play fine. You'll still beat the mission and it won't be hard.
nta but it's still nigger behavior towards your squadmates
every time you make one of your shitty dead picks, you basically tell your mates to get fucked and play the game for you
which is gigakike behavior whether you do it in the easiest game of all time or the hardest
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Never joined a hdg lobby?
This game died because it doesnt have enough skinnerbox mechanics, the masses cant be appeased by actual gameplay alone for the time live service games demand of you.
This works for /hdg/ lobbies but not pubs
lol sperg
A shitter typed this post.
last bot d10 I was in went quad autocannon plus barrages
/hdg/ loves going full meta, and why wouldn't you, there's no benefit in not doing so
>please carry me
No, I'm going to play the game, have fun and we'll still get to extraction just fine. The only people who are actually dead weight are those playing like trash and just dying constantly.
6,400 by tonight!
Not related but I made my friend play the tutorial and then go directly to D6 with randoms and they managed to 100% with 7 reinforces to spare so imagine just how insanely bad devs are at their own game if they can't even beat that
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Doesn't matter how many progress bars are in the game, most players realized there wasn't much more to the game than the same proc-gen wastelands with the same objectives with the same SEAF outposts. The "live-service" larp made the FOTM crowd really think the game was much more than it really was, like this was the next Destiny. Instead we got a 20% alpha product on a dead game engine with the same glacial content drip as fucking Darktide.
t. Adam Goldwitz the kosher diver
Quad AC sucks tho. Always need someone with a Spear and someone with RG/AMR, that's the actual meta, AC/AC/Spear/Chicken killer
I introduced a friend to the game and I forgot you had to unlock difficulties one at a time.
Is there anyway to skip this crap or do you need to go 1, 2, 3 etc?
you're the one that refuses to play productively because thermites are pretty or whatever
you're the one demanding to be carried
He used my PC
People that dont think this is bot meta dont understand the game.
Spear is highly optional, just throw in a commando. Both RG and AMR remain completely invalidated by the autocannon.
And sat in your chair too?
What a fag.
Ok but the original claim is ONS is good, its not
anon, RG and AMR are C tier weapons
performance of a primary in a support weapon slot
>please PLEASE carry me
You shitters do this every coop game. You have surface level understanding of the game and are terrified of the highest difficulty. It's not hard, you can do fine with non-S tier options. Stop crying.
Anon, go out of d6 and into d10 and you will realize they are almost as good as your golden boy the AC.
>t's not hard
that's not the point, like I said, whether it's the easiest game or the hardest, I don't want to compensate for your insufferable goof build, ever, at all
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I enjoy being an Orkin man.
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>Bug defence mission
>Level 7 so there will be Titans
>Someone else takes a Spear but I take EAT's anyway
>Get a slow burn seed, know this will spool up very fast at the fifth rocket
>Throwing EATs down on cooldown
>Titan shows up and walks past me
>Fully expect guy with the Spear to kill it so I focus something else
>Titan kills the generators
>While running back I see every single one of my EAT are still there
>Game crashes when Pelican-1 is hit by a Tentacle

I'm exhausted
the AC literally just doesn't perform at the same levels that the RG does once you're near the top of either weapon's skill ceiling. RG handles devs/hulks/gunships/rocket striders easily and faster than AC

the ONLY advantages are that ACfags barely have to aim and that they can handle structures/factory striders easily, and even then i rarely ever see ACfags actually doing this. they just use it like a worse RG that forces you to stationary reload and use a backpack with worse ammo economy.
Bro, you're medicore as hell. Get over yourself. The mission will go fine.
this is cope
>the masses cant be appeased by actual gameplay alone
almost like zoomies have been rotted by modern gaming practices or something.
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>because thermites are pretty
Thermite are pretty :)
This is seethe.
>RG handles devs/hulks/gunships/rocket striders easily and faster than AC
demonstrably false
AC can neutralize a heavy patrol by the time it takes RG to charge up
>b-but you only like it because you can't le aim!
AC is far and away the strongest precision tool in this game
if you have good aim, AC is where you should invest it
>certified bugdiver
also superfluous
your squad would benefit infinitely more from extra stuns, which are currently the only tertiary with a right to exist
>AC can neutralize a heavy patrol by the time it takes RG to charge up
no it can't, lmao
RG kills 3 devs in the time it takes AC to kill one, you only need the basic bitch charge to kill heavy devs with the battery and you need maybe .5 more seconds to kill a rocket dev anywhere on its body
hulk TTK is always faster on rg
AC literally has nothing going for it, longer TTK and shitty reloads with zero real benefits
Personally I find the really interesting thing being that in a game with 10 difficulties which work (they scale enemy amount and type well) and almost no progression systems people and the developers still put so much emphasis on "balance". You never need to play D10 for resources or medals, everyone caps out on them in a few days.

When you think about it its an insane phenomenon. Nothing you pick is technically weak because you can always go down a difficulty. But it doesnt seem to matter, people want to do the highest difficulty (even if its unfun garbage) simply because it exists, and yet want to use everything so it must all be balanced perfectly for that as well.

Not saying they're wrong, I just dont think any game has ever had this specific phenomenon happen. Games like darktide work because you grind difficulty to upgrade gear to grind higher difficulty and it works. Helldivers is in some development hell without meta progression when arguably it shouldnt have any issue being balanced.
RGcoper, please
5-10 full auto AP4 rounds are vastly better than the one charged ap5 RG round you can fire within the same timeframe
But AC can one shot a dev.
>simply because it exists
Yes. Because if it exists then it was meant to be played. If it wasn't, then why fucking bother making it at all? Just to be garbage? Then that says more about the developers' than the game itself.
Killing tanks and turrets with a grenade is good, I dont need to stun a hulk or dev to kill it and i can kite just fine without them.
>diff 5
Definitely the devs screenshot
rarely ever happens, but yeah
if we're talking exclusively about dev patrols at perfect aim, the DCS is better than both the AC and the RG
shooting 5-10 AC rounds in 3 seconds will result in all of your shots missing the points you actually need/want to hit
the only reason you think full auto ACslop is good is because you can mindlessly hit heavy devs anywhere and get a kill with half your mag (10% of your crutch's total ammunition, lmao you can afford to spam so hard with this dogshit)

i've never seen AC handle devs faster than RG even when playing in hdg lobbies, no offense to our aCHADS but it just performs at a different level. its redeeming quality is that you can click a factory strider's tummy, so be happy with that.
>shooting 5-10 AC rounds in 3 seconds will result in all of your shots
you wot
holy skill issue
please refrain from expressing opinions, you clearly suck
DCS actualy pisses all over the AC perfect aim argument.
>bigger magazine
>faster reload
>more ammo
>1 hits devs and chickens, 2 hits zerkers
>not a stratagem
>doesnt need a backpack
>you respawn with it if you die
AC is unironicly C tier next to the S tier that is DCS.
There's honestly something kind of comfy about playing with dogshit pubs in 7 and below
lmao okay
show me you killing a heavy patrol in 3 seconds with the AC (your claim)
yeah, DCS is severely underrated and it nullifies the autistic "this is my precision weapon" crutch argument (you know that none of them are actually headshotting devs consistently) while also just being a better primary than AC is a support weapon
it's always fun to watch ACfags struggle with rocket chickens
AC oneshots all devs via headshot and with enough practice as well as a habit to crouch or go prone it's not hard to control the recoil in rapid fire / full auto. Much easier than HMG and even AMR. Sorry mate but railgun overpays massively for the ability to do ap5 trickshots. You keep naming hulks and chickens, two enemies that are very easily disposed of by the autocannon.
I'm wage slaving right now, how is the orbital napalm barrage? I heard it is made temporary available to use atm.
>throw orbital napalm into mega nest
>nothing dies
It's fun. Beautiful to watch. Wish we actually had it.
>uhh yeah i totally rapid fire one tap all devastators with my dogshit zero zoom optic AC
nobody believes you. You regularly take two or even three slow shots to kill one (1) devastator. I know this because I frequently have to see ACucks struggle as we're running around.
Wow, the DCS does that as well. Every support weapon does that. The RG doesn't need precision for that and it can instakill devs from behind and from the sides.
Once you're at D10 and all the chickens are rocket chickens, you'll realize that the RG is the absolute best at dealing with heavies. Instakill eyeshots are faster and easier to land than the two-shot hulk eye plap.
>show me you killing a heavy patrol in 3 seconds with the AC (your claim)
even utterly average AC users do this all the time
the fuck are you demanding proof for
grab AC and a recoil reduction perk of your preference, get in front of a dev patrol, crouch, first person, and just tap them one by one
if your aim is as great as you claim you shouldn't even need the whole mag
>throw orbital napalm into EMPTY nest
>nothing dies
>blame sweden
fucking swedes
How long is the cooldown time?
Looks awesome and it’s pretty decent.
>if you're in a perfect position, you can handle a patrol easily
Yeah, lmao. I can also do this with my JAR, DCS, Sickle, Adjudicator, Tendie, and RG. The point is actually being able to clear in an actual fight, not when the enemies are lined up and passive at a shooting range. See >>493186564
Nope, RG lacks volume. It would need a magazine, like it had in HD1, to hold a candle to the autocannon. Also far more durable damage. Besides, one-faction support weapons are B tier or lower by default. Or are you gonna suggest I should bring that garbage to bugs as well?
three minutes. it fucking glasses bug breaches on d10. just need to kill heavies
AC copers won’t stop coping. Kneel before your AMR masters you literal scum. I swear the only reason some of you guys even say this ignorant shit is because you haven’t tried any other support weapons.
Theres no reason why you cant have infinitely harder difficulty, its just interesting people care so much when winning is purely psychological
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>Or are you gonna suggest I should bring that garbage to bugs as well?
Imo AMR > AC > Railgun

Scopes are OP but I appreciate an ACbro thinning packs of melee bots
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10 stuff
>durable damage
Cool argument, but I'm not arguing for its use on bugs. No bot enemies benefit from the dura bonus that you won't already rape with a medium pen primary like the JAR/adjudicator/plasmaslop. Nice pivot tho, easy to see that you ran out of points.
The goal post moving is real. Fact remains, aside from the niche and superfluous hulk oneshot, there's no advantage RG brings over the autocannon.
It looks cooler and you can wear a backpack.
>my weapon can do something every other weapon can do, but without a sluggish, stationary reload!
30% durable damage
7 round mag
misaligned scope
no utility
I can use AMR just fine, there's just no reason to when a weapon exists that fills the same niche better
AMR can easily kill chickens and gunships and actually feels good to use unlike AC and so that's why I'll keep picking it over everything else
Fuck ACniggers
>No bot enemies benefit from the dura bonu
factory striders and everything with a heat sink
you're desperate
JAR already rapes heat sinks and striders, and you're trading everything for just that.
AC has the fastest reload out of any stationary reload weapon
you will never struggle to reload it, not even on bugs, and even if you somehow do, just throw out a stun
>hulk one shots
>easiest 1 hit kill on a chicken
>can damage tanks from the front
>can kill a barrager turret
>running reloads
>better handling
>doesnt need a backpack
>gets back a bigger % of ammo from ammo boxes
Inb4 "b-b-but those dont count", those are all real advantages it has over the AC, not impactfull on their own but its quite the list combined.
There is one - because the game was literally never designed for those intended difficulties. You can self challenge yourself by NOT using mechanics or using mods, but that is outside of the developers' vision. Meanwhile, actual difficulties designed into the game ARE a part of their vision and effort, and if that is dogshit then the devs themselves are dogshit at their jobs.
but still a stationary reload.
that's like saying you've got the fastest time at the wheelchair race at the special olympics
much like how RG overpays for charged ap5 trickshots, AMR overpays for running reload
you would be happier if AMR had stationary reload but was made less wimpy and ammo constrained in turn
kino against bots
Guys, we can attack into Sten sector.
sorry, all cope
>muh backpack
fuck em, the only ones that are useful at all on d10 are the guard dogs for additional offense, and even then it's debatable because they don't upgrade your offense nearly as much as a good low-cd red or green stratagem
I don’t understand the ammo constrained shit. Literally a made up problem by you coping shitters.
retards in this fucking general complain about getting oneshot or ragdolled but then get pissy when people use the one stratagem in the game that helps against that shit (shield backpack)
>"b-b-but those dont count"
I called it, you are like a broken record.
A single person can drop multiple backpacks. It’s probably the highest DPS stratagem pick in the game if one person takes it for the whole group.
They're SCRUBS.
No reason to not take one shield backpack strat in the squad and equip everyone with it.
it's not misaligned, you are dealing with height over bore
7 round mag is ass
AMR - always motherfucking reloading
and then there's the resupply issue, it's the most cucked support weapon in that regard while AC gets up to 50 rounds per resupply
Don't worry, they're changing it to an AP5 weapon soon which will make it worth it :^)
Why aren't you guys using the MG-43? You get 450 bullets per supply box which kills a hundred bugs easy.
>while AC gets up to 50 rounds per resupply
..with superior packing methodology, which gives the AMR back 42 rounds
I will not invest stratagem slots into survival when the vast majority of d10 runs make it to extraction with +75% of reinforcements unused
the only logical course is to maximize killing power
>7 round mag is ass
>AMR - always motherfucking reloading
okay, and also the fucking AC reloads every FIVE rounds if you're being optimal with your reloads so you don't have to do the even longer stationary reload-from-empty
but anon, I love MG43
objectively the best bugwhacker as far as medium bugs go, even outperforming the mighty autoplapper
Ammo availability is a literal non issue unless you’re just missing all the time or taking shots at shit you can kill with a liberator.
>-2% and -2.5% on the two planets available to attack.
No. No we can't.
Always Cucked
Youre clearly underage and dont know that games used to have infinite difficulties
I am literally 33 years old, you nigger faggot.
>take ammo refill with AMR
completely filled up
>take ammo refill with AC
completely filled up
i don't understand what you're implying here unless you think a loose ammo box fully refills the AC?
Even putting on your pants has infinite difficulities if you are this mentally challanged.
Hey FAGS I want to PLAY in exactly 25 minutes so prepare a lobby
>throw orbital at impaler
>tentacle deflects ball into space
that's entirely alright because you get more in return
mainly stagger, explosive and durable damage
also you do not need to reload after 5 shots, all you need is at least one round in the mag
so that's nine rounds, each of which does more work than an AMR round, that can be dispensed before you have to hit the reload key
it's just plain stronger
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This is worse than I thought it was gonna be.
I stand corrected
however, iirc AMR still only gets one mag from small supply boxes and that's also kinda pathetic
at any pace it absolutely needs a bigger mag and a bigger reserve too, you're the quintessence of a cuck if you doubt this
Come on, let's go Trandor.
Technically, the AC also only gets one full magazine from the small supply boxes. It's two of the stripper clips to equal a full 10 round loaded magazine.
More ammo for the AMR would be nice though, I agree with the always motherfucking reloaded sentiment.
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Certified bugnigger™ coming through.
>New Stockholm
>88:1 KD vs my 62:1
It's over for me.
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still time to spin back the yarn of fate
AC doesn't get a lot out of them either. 10 Rounds vs AMR's 7. Sure that's technically two mags vs 1 but it doesn't really make much of a difference apart from tanks and towers
3/4 bot on scotland (old op 2/3)
>379:1 K:D
What the fug.
A fucking horse
I think they should keep the difficulties as they are and add 10 more difficulties up to 20, where 20 has Super Stalkers and Omega Commanders that summon Bile Shriekers that drop acid bombs, but this difficulty can only be accessed on heavy fog planets.
What are you gonna time travel and kill the original suggestor of the Horse Amor DLC? That's probably more than one guy and I fell like you'd only be delaying the inevitable.
It might seem like I hate AMR, RG and others but I really just want them to become better
I like using them but their shitty limitations make my balls ache
nobody can convince me that RG's lack of a scope or AMR's 7 round mag can be tolerated without a mchugelarge copium stash
eradicate farmer moment
You've got me on the railgun's lack of scope. For a precision weapon, the decision to give it a basic redgreen dot sight is super stupid. AMR I don't use often enough to really have much of a say about. But I probably don't use it because of the low mag size. And that the scope is STILL misaligned.
Well then shouldn't he have more deaths from teammates bringing barrages? Or it's solo farming and I'm just shit at dodging orbitals.
>rail gun that requires extremely precise aim to utilize properly
>lets give it a dot sight with a huge green blob in the middle instead of, if anything, a tiny dot with a fixed very bright setting for maximum visibility so you can see what you're shooting
R&D must hang
Why is everyone's melee kills so low, am I the only one who tries to rip and tear at every opportunity?
feels are known
I stopped making frequent use of AMR because I got too used to DCS's 15 round mag
I’m not meleeing until they give us a sword, axe, or mace as a sidearm.
I just think it's funny to pistol whip scavs and watch them go flying.
nobody is forcing you dumb niggers to go in first person
the TPS reticle also sucks but go on ahead and keep defending the worst optic in the game for some reason
i'm defending it because i have 0 problem popping heads in third person wtih that gun and i don't fucking want them to destroy the aesthetics of the gun just because you have a massive skill issue
i can also use the weapon
unlike you i want things to be better instead of staying bad because.. well it just should?
>try to melee scav
>it backs away before I hit it
well fuck me
what an utterly asinine opinion
That's why bugs are harder than bots.
Think about parrying it like you're playing slopsouls, it unironically helps. Same with hunters and brood commanders.
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I play with my brother and our mutual friend almost exclusively. We have gotten very good at coordinating strategems/working on our own on the map but still being close enough to each other we don't frag each other. My brother was pretty notorious being an Eagle cluster thrower at literally any threat early on but when he started to get the same treatment he stopped. My tks are from people either walking into my arc tower, one of my turrets, not knowing someone was there before throwing my strategem, or, being the 'field democracy officer' blasting a rando's head off or less often 4th person we know playing with us being reckless. My deaths went up a lot playing with someone I knew and would play with them instead of those two.
Dude the first time I saw this happen, it was guy Infront of me and he got ripped away.

I nearly shat my fucking pants.
>solo 9 bugs
>don't take a support weapon + backpack for once
>Just go 3 reds
>Game is dramatically easier

Man I don't even think it's on the support weapons for being trash. You just always need some fire and forget red to clear everything when some bullshit is chasing you down.

It's even dare I say fun.
Because I don't melee to kill, I melee to stun shit, reload then kill everything else first.

Melee crunching hunter faces is satisfying though.
tbf, most backpackless supports don't need a backpack
3-4x reds always feels amazing though, yeah
>my brother
That's nice man. My bother got this game around the same time as I did and he only got to around level 25 or so before he dropped it. Too much fog for his liking, among all the other issues.
One of the most fun things to do versus bugs is take 4 reds and just find a support weapon
>pistol whip does same damage as bashing bug head with heavy metal tube (EAT/RR)
I'll consider it when different weapons actually reflect their weight and shape and do different damage
The moment they give us acid grenades that drop armor, primaries will be fun again.
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Thanks anon! We usually work pretty well together in most games we play. We are motherfuckers to deal with in Air RB battles in War Thunder pulling off Thach weaves and stuff (pic semi-related, him and I flying out in SBD-3s to troll bombers with our gunpods). Typically in Helldivers we work near each other we can back each other up if we get into problems either person isn't too far from the other to help. Our mutual friend likes to lone wolf it a bit and he usually dies to hunter swarms sadly.
Or just ask a mate to drop an extra support weapon for you.
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>there's no orbital precision napalm strike
Steal it from them when they die.
>SBDs with pilons
The fuck? Those don't looks like high cal to be anti-tank too.
It's called gas.
>Railgun: what is my purpose
>A: you shoot robot chickens
>no orbital precision Arc strike
>no orbital weather control device to do a thunderstorm
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rehost 10 whatever
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I can't talk to her anymore.
this- granted napalm does more DPS
Yours is way uglier than mine bro wtf
Yeah we haven't been able to since Escalation of Freedom. You can also apparently talk to one of the officers on the bridge, but we have no way of getting down there to see what he has to say.
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They are 4 M2 .50's split between the two pods. The Dauntless also has two M2's in its nose. So at 1.7 in an Air RB match with an air spawn you are a menace to any enemy bomber.
>people keep on bringing stalwarts into D10 bot lobbies
0/4 closed dead game FOTM shazam won
>join pub lobby
>they keep killing themselves and every else with the napalm barrage
this is almost as bad as when the airburst launcher was given out for free
I watched a pubbie look directly at a napalm barrage then proceed to walk straight into it and die like that penguin that went for the mountains
I couldn't stop him
we don't talk anymore like we used toooooo
Like moths to the flames
I just had one where they threw a napalm barrage directly on a radar station while I was trying to align it. I ran away while two of them died, and reinforced them and immediately after the barrage ended one of the two i reinforced threw another one right on the radar again.
I don't feel bad for that because it's a fucking barrage, you should keep a wide berth. The Airburst was just uncontrollable, a live grenade in your hand.
Lotta bots have secret armor zero spots that are easy to exploit with stalwart
They want the Personal Order medals :^)
I had a match where we saw a breach in the distance and 3 of us simultaneously threw napalm at it.
It was pure visual sex. Orbital gattling barrage even.
>like that penguin that went for the mountains
I am unfamiliar with this reference.
Are there really people that don't kneel to MMG Gods?
you really don't want to know, it'll bum you out
>D10 bots
>killed by airstrike
>killed by airstrike again
>guy who is spamming airstrike throws it at detector tower
>yep killed by airstrike again
>he throws orbital napalm on extract
Why didn't you shoot him after the second airstrike death?
Because I like being able to kill Hulks and Gunships.
He was the host. The sacrifices I make for democracy.
You can kill those with the MG-43.
>no orbital weather control device
This would actually be useful to activate blizzards/sandstorms for stealth or to get rid of them. Also could be an Eagle for cloud seeding.
Come on, guys, hit Trondor.
>D10 bots
>not single objective complete
>0 reinforcements
>die to robot chicken
Fuck you baltimore
Not efficiently.
Oh damn actual military autist shit that isn't actually autism at all fuck dude the closest I ever played to that shit was Insurgency? And that was on the insurgent side alahu ackbaring with molotov cocktails, so that's pushing the definition a fair bit.
What's a Thach weave?
Since when can you kill gunships with it? I thought they had too much armor.
What will the upcoming blogpost need to convince you that we're actually back?
The engines have relatively low armor. I've even managed to finish one off with the senator before.
Titan Head's fixed
Flammers unfucked, stun added
Mech reload strat added
Flamer flaming again
Known issues:
Gunship thrusters have 3 armor, which matches stock MG (meaning it does half damage). They also have 85% durability, so enjoy doing 16 damage per shot on a constantly moving small target that has 400 HP.

I don't care about the talk/blogpost that says what they plan to do, I care about the actual implementation of fixes that actually match what the patch notes say.
what he said >>493208289
maybe a more direct apology from the team
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Hey, I did this too.
How do I napalm
any lobbies?
Well you shoot 15 bullets a second and only need to hit it with 25 bullets, so you can miss half your shots and still down a gunship every 3.33 seconds, up to 3 before you need to reload.
What's the best red stratagem for killing Impalers?
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restructuring announcement
>Alexus dead/pilloried, along with anyone else doing intentional stealth nerfs or retard uncommunicative accidental sabotage
>coherent roadmap, I have zero faith it will stay on schedule but an actual plan is nice
>more information about armor and penetration restructures, preferably with example footage of Charger getting legraped by AC
24/7 livestream of alexus in a pillory, with the option for viewers to throw vegetables at him via chat commands
>Well you shoot 15 bullets a second
Accurately at long range? With a fucking machine gun?
fine, give me a couple minutes
I just know that they are going to nerf the orbital napalm for being this good
Almost no recoil if you're prone + fortified, even while crouched it's muuuch tamer than the HMG
>nerfing a 3 minute long cd area denial
no (you) for weak bait
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How about a torture rack for Alexus? We can get in touch with Pilestedt, each /hdg/ D10 operation cleared stretches it an extra centimeter and it can be on a 24/7 livestream from AH's basement.
>Ally brings supply packs
>I scavenge a spare he dropped and use the double resupply bug to fill it up
>Come extract there's a supply pack on a hellpod there
>Comes up to me and asks if it's a free one
>"My dude, you are the only one who brought them."
>'Oh right, duh'
bugs D10
he'd be dead within the week though
Eruptor getting shrapnel back
Eagle-1 can kill everything for you, just take four Eagle strats.
We were both planning on careers in the military being fliers, that didn't work out for both of us. Him because of the 2008 recession and the Air Force massively downsizing and me for medical reasons. Now we just use our autistic knowledge to bully people in a F2P vidya.
>What's a Thach Weave?
the tl;dr American naval pilots during the early days of WWII in their Wildcats were in planes that were extremely outclassed by the Zeros of the time and this manuver helped even up the fights.
that's fine, we could roll with 10mm instead and make sure he gets to suffer a bit longer as penance for all the sabotaging
you're really don't have to keep selling me on it, he's got me hooked already
>Some pilots criticised the Thach weave. One of the most notable among them was USN ace Swede Vejtasa
>Known Issues list tackled
>Scythe getting a DMR scope
>buffs for plenty of weapons that are in poor spots, either being straight-up stat increases or restructuring the weapon's design intent
>reworking a good chunk of weak/niche armour perks
>buffing/reworking boosters
>unfucking the spawn director
>buffing SC and medal drops at higher difficulties
>removing turret placement limitations
>an embedded 24-hour livestream of Alexus getting kicked in the sack
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before someone accuses me of being retarded, i meant 1 not 10 i need to sleep
Japanese got all their good pilots killed because they told them to stop breaking off when they saw the Thach weave and just go for 1 for 1 trades.
Based hivemind bugs defaulting to zerg rush
male penguins that lost their wives have been obserbed leaving their flock and going on death marches towards inner antarctica
when humans caught them and brought them back to their brethren, they would simply resume the death march
penguins have a very keen sense of orientation, they do not march into solitary death by some mistake, it seems to be fully intentional
full? then fucking say so
My orbital gas strike just killed a bile titan almost instantly for some reason.
It does clear bug holes so maybe it hit it on its head. Or it got a butt shot.
the projectile probably hit the tiny head hitbox
always nice when something does
Just buffing a few weapons, and not bending the knee to the "fans" that just bitch.

It's just a game, shit needs to get patched and fixed periodically. It's not unplayable, it's been steadily improving over time.

(I want primaries to feel better though.)
a rare instance of the stars aligning
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actual tangible work and results and not just corpo tier lip service
there's a great deal more than a few weapons in need of buffs, anon
off the top of my head, all ARs, all grenades except stuns, all arc weapons, all flame weapons, all beam weapons, rocket sentry, jump pack, HMG needs that extra mag, also eagles and orbitals need some changes for the better, for example laser has to lose its three use limit and railcannon's cooldown could easily be cut in half
a mere handful of changes will be seen as too little too late, the meta needs sweeping reform
Are you ready for the annoucement of the annoucement today?
i can't wait for them to announce that they'll be announcing the announcement that announces the announcing of the patch
if I remember it's an Orbital Precision/380 shot with gas instead of the normal explosion and definitely the same demolition ability. If it can blow up fabricators it strikes directly, I don't see why a Bile Titan wouldn't hate getting smacked by it.
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I'm betting on a delay announcement. Piles and Shams need more time to execute the plan, trust the plan, please understand
and the sycophants will be all
>of course ArrowGODs, take all the cooking time you need, let's keep the discussion sodium free please :^)
>Run a full d10 operation with just one other guy
>We clear almost all of it no problemo
>Last mission is the tower defense one
>Game sends like 5 bile titans at once against us
>Down them all with my Spear
>Didn't die once the entire operation
Feels damn good
>rocket sentry
Have you not used it since the buff? It's arguably the best sentry now.
higher diff missions have a higher chance to generate at night time
Hold your horses there, chuddy. Our lord Alexus has not even begun to discuss these discussions to announce the announcement. He needs more time to cook the autocannon nerf.
>bugs is a pure dps check
>it takes no skill and bringing the meta shit just wins you the mission
>bots meanwhile don't care about your 'dps'
>it's all about bringing 3-4 red gems and long range precision weapons and having good positioning
I'm sad that they are making the game easier. D10 solo bots right now is the best challenge you can do
sad to see it go
Hunters require aim. Bots don't require aim because they're all stationary targets.
>the faction that is 99% neutered by EMS Strike and stun grenades is a dps check
>the faction that requires you to bring orbital barrages to deal with pretty much everything and had omniAC meta for the longest time and has plenty of stun immune units that rush you down or barrage you is not
More like IQ checks, and you didn't pass.
I brought MMG, OPS, MG Sentry, and 500kg to bugs. Baby-tier basic shit. Still works very well.
it's decent against AP4 and below targets but takes ten plus fucking rockets to blow a barrager, not good enough says I
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If you had a friend who was getting into the game for the first time, and they asked you to teach them how to play, what advice would you give them for which stratagems and upgrades to purchase ASAP, what to purchase using their SC, and what tips would make gameplay easier and more fun? Assume current game version, and that they bought the Super Citizen edition so they have access to Steeled Veterans. Your advice cannot be to immediately refund the game and buy/play something else.
just thinking out loud here, but if bots have an entire overheat based reload mechanic they're supposed to be adhering to and aren't, most likely because of one missing code semicolon Aliens: Colonial Marines style, what could be massively wrong with Bugs in the live version that the devs have no clue about and players don't even know shouldn't be happening?
I just find the weakspot design of the bugs retarded. Looking at you chargers and spewers. Their asses should function like bit heat sinks and not be the best armored part.
I suspect nothing, bugs were literally the only race when the game launched so it's almost certain that it was playtested to hell and back and any feedback from the hundreds of thousands of players in those early months would have found a problem. The only major things that have cropped up are Charger Behemoth leg armor exposing the forward momentum glitch, and flamethrower particles passing through Charger legs.
I would teach them about armor values and which weapons can pierce which values.
Just go Cutting Edge for stun grenades. The basic stratagems of Precision Strike and Eagle Airstrike are fine. Then just get Autocannon support weapon and plap everything. Do we even need a 4th stratagem? They should nerf it to three slots.
how long until the announcement?
eagle airstrike
autocannon, hmg, or amr depending on playstyle, railgun if you're a hipster
EAT/commando/RR (any or all)
120mm or walking barrage
from there, whatever as you get req
eagle upgrades until the extra use per rearm
support weapon upgrades until 100% ammo with a calldown
whatever from there
>SC purchases
cutting edge, get stuns and/or sickle, then go through helldivers mobilize for impacts, then pick up the tendie or diligence CS. the punisher is practically free and a fantastic shotgun as well.
>gameplay tips
explain armor values and the fastest kill zones for problem enemies (i.e. AC/AMR/HMG to the fac strider belly, anti-tank to regular charger heads, the godawful diving AT shot for behe legs)
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So is the Illuminate shit fake and gay or what
Seen a lot of posts from different people so it can't be just one guy trolling. Still, this feels like a last ditch effort from the devs to get people back on board. But knowing the swedes the ayyluminates will come out in a broken state and fuck shit up even more.
Apparently the throwing knife will be good against the Illuminate.
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which part?
>All ARs
ARs are pretty dog shit yeah, primary weapon damage needs a buff.

>all arc weapons,
Blitzer is considered meta bug weapon, Arc thrower is great against bots

>Jump pack
Oh yeah just give us the dark fluid jet pack and we're good.

>HMG buff
50/50 does feel like a slave to the resupply pack though.

>Orbitals and Eagles
I dead ass like unpopular opinion here, I think reds are too powerful and need to be reigned in more. They completely break the game and make everything else look like shit in comparison. I genuinely can't shoot anything when everyone brings reds.
Whens cope blog out
But the reds are the most fun. I don't like those damn turrets.
Machine gun, Precision strike, Air strike, Resupply pack.
Slugger Shotgun for bots / Punisher for bugs, Revolver, Impacts
All you need to have a good time on any difficulty.

Rushing bonus eagle drops is highly recommended.

One big thing I wish I knew when playing was how explosive damage and durability worked.
A lot of weapons have absolute shit durability, so never go for weakpoints unless you feel like you got a big gun. If you throw an impact into a group of enemies, shoot their bodies to kill them faster. Their heads might only have 200 HP, but if you throw a grenade all of their bodies will have 100 or less HP. Unless you're shooting your shotty or revolver, then just go for headshots on everything.

Headshots are good when you need something dead, body shots are good when you know somethings about to be dead.

Stagger is the most powerful tool you can have and those shotguns will save you in a pinch. Especially when some stalker is about to tongue your ass to death.
I wish greens lasted long enough to actually feel like strong defensive emplacements. Like if I throw one down, it should clear the horde and make that small area relatively safe.

They just act as like damage amplification, but I've got support weapons for that.
>~8-10 rockets to kill a charger
>AC does it in in 2 salvos
Don't forget that the Rocket sentry is the designated AT one, but the AC is just plain better against anything actually heavy while the rockets is only good against light and med due to ammo economy.
I'd say buff the minefields to be better area denial tools. We have gas strike, napalm, barrages, and basically all kinds of crap to nuke and suppress an area, but the mines get run over by a few scavengers and are done.
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oh gosh i can't wait for the annoucement of the annoucement for the annoucement
Mine dispenser should keep refreshing mines.

Like after 10 seconds it comes back up and shoots out more mines.

same anon, looked to see what changed with the machine gun because I remember something about it looking appealing. Did a mission with it MGturret + guard dog + scythe+stuns . Felt really good.

Feels like your loadouts have to be either precision focussed or explosive. Problem with precision is that there are like three strategems in the game I can think of that promote the strategy. Otherwise you're better off just throwing a bunch of explosions at shit.

LOOOOOOOOVE machine gun turret though. 100 second cool down feels fantastic.
Complete Helldivers Mobilize before touching any of the other warbonds so you get most of the relevant boosters as well as goodies like Diligence counter-sniper
After that, set sights on meta items like stun grenades and grenade pistol
>but the mines get run over by a few scavengers and are done.
They should make mines atomize bugs that step on them, like when a Railgun hits them, that should fix the problem of corpses triggering all the mines
As to make them more useful, give them charges like Eagles, which can be increased with ship modules
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>he copes
I'd like to add that the shield generator should last through more than three bots farting at it
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at least it allows you to ignore sandstorms/snowstorms.
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D10, well see where and what.
Yeaaaaah charges per mine would be great
Only downside will be getting through the mine field.
define "block"
Bugs have stamina like the player does but it never depletes.
I’ve had instances when chargers would stop to “rest” after chasing me for a while
>thermite doesn't stack

Oh wow no wonder, now I know why it feels like shit!
Now I need to figure out why it performs like shit!
because it's literally broken against hulks, chargers, and bile titans and doesn't apply its damage properly
but even if it did it sucks because it only attacks their main HP and not the HP of the part you stick it on, so it's still 2 grenades to kill a charger or a hulk, and 4 for a bile titan
True but you could also just stack other stuff. Like an eagle missing or a 500 not killing a bile titan is usually enough to lower the thermites needed.

Same goes with EATS. theoretically you could throw a thermite then shoot an eat into a behemoths side to deal enough damage.
>theoretically you could throw a thermite then shoot an eat into a behemoths side to deal enough damage.
nope. behemoth's main is 1800 HP, thermite does 1100 damage with the transfer from the explosion, and then the EAT only does 650 with the transfer, leaving the main HP on 50 fucking HP.

That is, if the thermite actually did damage to the behemoth, which it won't
because it's fucking broken and doesn't properly apply its damage to chargers 99% of the time
3/4, bots
I’m not wearing anything but the two medium chest pieces that have democracy protects in D10 bots anymore. The number of what should have been rocket chicken one shots that this armor ability protects you from is seriously impressive.
Tesla tower makes every heavy on the map immediately turn around to target it.
yes anon, sentries have very high threat priority for the enemy AI
I take railgun to every bot match now just to keep chickens at bay. Seriously fuck those things.
The people saying that Spess Mehreen 2 will kill Helldivers 2 are retarded as fuck.
>bamham styled
>floaty, sliding weightless melee
>fuck all content for co-op
Only saving grace for the game will be the PvP.
They will completely ignore an unpiloted mech though. Chargers will even run around them.>>493234809
It looks boring as hell compared to helldivers.
Thermites are tolerable when paired with the spear since it'll save you a rocket on most enemies. You know, back when they worked consistently anyway.
>die by impact
If you want to see something funny, throw a smoke grenade on one in an active chokepoint.
Y'know cursed thing about that...
You could shoot the butt and kill it pretty fast.
So it'd be Eat > thermite > clip it's ass hole for a half second.
I've never seen smoke works on bugs. It would work great on players however.
Last time I did that the Tesla didn't have line of sight to the enemies next to it. I'm a fan of EMS on Tesla though.
no announcement of the announcement for future content at an unspecified date that may be within the 60 day period or not depending on how you word it?
We just had Escalation of Freedom, they can't shit out something new that fast.
So when?
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It works on bugs, but they immediately begin pathing to the last sighted location and they're fast moving melee units so... Technically it works but functionally it's worthless against most bugs. It's fantastic if you're going to be bringing sentries though as it forcibly deprioritizes their threat level so bugs will always attack something else which can prevent the sentry from being overwhelmed by say a sudden charger or bile titan showing up.

Correct, that's the joke.
What do you mean kill HD2? HD2 is dead. The delusional think a dev who cant update a game will magically learn and start getting it right after 6 months of mistakes.
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Any other Chaos Divers here? I converted and love pretending to help complete the mission then sabotage them by dumping samples into the pits and throwing the data discs into the river. It's so fun throwing orbitals on the filthy Helldivers. Anyone else convert to Chaos yet, it's so much more fun?
yeah bro, you got the mod for the sick armor and cape? chaos divers unite bro
now send me a pic of u in ur gamer socks
more like fucking cringe divers, jesus
Helldivers is dead as fuck. No one is waiting around for another 40 days for another patch of nerfs and superficial "buffs". They already promised this once and what did we get? 10 extra damage on a few guns and a bit less recoil. Then the following weeks they nerf more guns. This game is doomed.
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Threadly reminder, Alexus is your Dark God. He will own this game like he owned Hello Neighbor 2. Rajeet and Pilestadt wont be able to stop him. TOTAL SERBIAN SUPREMACY! Only those who pray for MORE NERFS and MORE BROKEN BUGGY SHIT will be satisfied. Embrace the kino of "balance" join the prime-time 500 players online death cult today. THANK YOU FOR ANOTHER WONDERFUL FIX ALEXUS!!!
Hell yea brotha! We doing the skibiddi gyat damn rizz chaosmaxxing no cap sigma male negative canthal tilt sussy ohio vibe operation soon, didn't you read on reddit?
SM2 looks fun as fuck and you cheerleaders are worse than trannies. Its faggots like you that caused the coop general split.
Smoke used to be the hack for beating the Meridia mission back when bugs would breach right underneath the drill the instant you started it. Dropping a smoke on the drill would prevent them from seeing or attacking it long enough that you could kill them and save the drill.
Then go play it man, it looks fun for a few hours but it wont have the longevity as some people are preaching.
You can only take so much bamham combat before getting bored, even if the games graphics make it look visually impressive.
Co-op will die out pretty quick and only the PvP scene will stay alive until co-op gets new enemies or maps.
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You son of a bitch, you gave me pub aids!
GGs anyway, i have stuff to do.
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Gentlemen, my announcement for an announcement that was announced a few days ago, where is it?
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Kek. Sorry bro.
We extracted the head at least.
Support weapons seem too powerful. Their ammo shouldn't be refillable. If you run out of ammo, you should have to wait for the cooldown to call another one.
I'm going to use the infinite grenade exploit with throwing knives, just for you. Congratulations.
Apparently they'll be good against the Illuminate.
holy fuck the superstore is expensive this rotation
bros that was an excellent operation through literal hell
white wolf is BIS.
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chaos diver? more like redditdiver
>literal hell
A hell of our own making :)
why would someone take this picture and just shit all over it
Wait until Fortified Commando appears lol
finally some good fucking audio in this game
Barragemaxxing is objectively the most fun way to play, ggs anons
Low visibility is fun against bugs, they jump out at ya.
because the original artist did both versions
man, what a fag
>Die to some stupid way
>All enemies around your corpse immediately despawn now that no players are adjacent
>Including the fucker that killed you
>next nerf incomming
The problem is literally armor values making stuff do 0 damage on certain parts. It feels shit when you do 0 damage.
Nothing like getting stepped on by a BT only for the fucker to despawn, really gives you that schizo feeling
Im going to play SM2, HD2 and Darktide for years and you're gonna be a little bitch and cry about it
The game will NEVER not be easy. Stims are overtuned and they can't afford to nerf anything now, especially not stims since they're a big bandaid fix for the complete AIDS enemy design
>Literally no clue what they're working on
>Still spews his shit on trooncord
Yeah, SM2 looks realy fun for 1 play through, but i doubt it will hold your interest as long as games like darktide or helldivers can.
Everyone said the same shit for HD2, DRG, Darktide, Vermintide ect and you can still play them all with randoms
korean fella so probably
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If the patch doesn't fix most of the issues everyone has, the game is dead with no hope of revival, right?
L4D2 was a 1 and done game for all it's worth...
Except good game, gameplay, map, enemy, etc design can make you take loops of the exact same map over and over for quite a while, moreso if you don't 24/7 it.
Of course the final point of longevity is actual mod support, and liveservice games can't fucking do that since they are live service. So until that shit reaches the end and goes "offline mode" it is up to the devs to provide an experience that is both fucking main dev tier as well as fandom fun/challenge tier (and they are usually hardly capable of doing it in just one of those tier, let alone both at the same time).
No, the community will fix AH's fuck ups eventually, just like every previous game.
Orbital Napalm Barrage is actually OP against bugs
We spec ops the line now. Schiziophrenia hidden value increase when your helldiver survives too many missions when?
Lmao look at this tranny trying to play board police. I bet you have a shelf full of anime figurines.
>and they can't afford to nerf anything now,
lmao even
we said and though the same before and they nerfed fire anyways, they will nerf shit and throw platitudes once the backlash starts, then repeat again untill there's no one left
>heh helldivers is alive and well
>g-guys lobby doko?
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This. I expect the complete ruination of several meta items. Enjoy your autocannons, counter-snipers, and barrages while you can.
Would be pretty funny to watch people realize how much of a shitshow of bad game design this game is when you take away the 4 second invincibility button
tranime detected
nerve status: touched
time to nerf it then
Sounds too powerful for the peashooters we have.
Lobby D10 whatever: steam://joinlobby/553850/109775242760820832/76561197995724504
>failed to join
Guess I really am shadowbanned and/or cursed.
I'm sorry but 3D? Pig disgusting. Also looking at voluptious anime women is not sinful (I'm lusting at a drawing).
Closing since no one is able to join my lobby.
So, uh, where is it?
They just began to write it please understand >>493240564
I'm never going to stop using the shield pack and I'm going to keep pretending to be a motherfucking Spartan
>incompetent swedish gaming company
>pajeet ceo
>communicating via le ebin discord xD
I hate modern gaming so fucking much bros
I don't know why game studios are seemingly exempt from professionalism.
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My game bitch, I can't clear difficulty 3 and so should you.
they're composed primarily of gen-x/millenial "tech bros" who probably wear flip-flops to the office, it's to be expected sadly
I can't imagine joining a public discord, i automaticly asume that every discord server not run by a friend or a friend of a friend is some sort of honeypot.
It's in 3 hours?
Full release is on Friday where most of the people will be free to play
Isn't full release on monday (9 sep)?
All they need to do is to just dump this guy, literally all they need to do.
Correct, no idea what the other guy is on
In a vat of acid?
>queue for a d10 game
>get put into d9 games
>queue for a d9 game
>get put into d8 games

and so on
are you stupid? no one will buy it if it's a vat of acid. what a dumb fucking idea.
Try queuing into d1 games then
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Oh shid I got the dates confused, you are right. I'm sorry helldivers
>queue into d1 game
>get put in a AH dev lobby
>accidentally queue for D1
>drop into a simple destroy devastators mission
>left with 50 SC
It was alright
>Queue for a D1 game
>Get put into D4,294,967,296
Is this happening now? I was wondering when something would be needed because of too many difficulties and not enough players.
Its funny that you think the devs thought ahead and implemented a system that would do this. Goto a planet with no players and try q-ing into a few different difficulties.
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Commando "fix" incoming. Tick, tock, botfags
Don't worry, they'll buff the commando so if you shoot 4 rockets onto a single fabricator, you'll be able to destroy it (will work only if the 4 rockets happen to hit a very obscure hitbox that registers half of the time)
Blog posted, a whole lot of nothing
You're fucking welcome lmao
Barely even announced it and already a massive blunder how are they so incompetent
September 17th.
The day Helldivers 2 will officially be over.
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For our non-discord tranny friends
>inb4 nice crop shitlord
>Our design team led by our Chief Creative Officer, Johan Pilestedt, analyzes player feedback, internal and external playtests, gameplay data, and the original design goals for each weapon and stratagem.
>Improvements for the flamethrower weapons
Just fucking make it viable to use and go back to the old animation
>closed beta tests for the last two weekends
Boy howdy! Sure will be some great quality assurances at work!
No, but you see, if he plays the game then he doesn't have to time to develop the game. Wait, you mean to tell me that... experiencing how the gear in-game actually feels instead of designing by spreadsheets gives you a more intimate knowledge of how said gear actually performs instead of relying on cold hard data? I'm glad a guy like Icefrog exists who actually knows how to balance a game better than these retarded swedes at Arrowhead ever could.
>Weapons such as the autocannon will be more effective providing greater loadout versatility
lol wut
buff grenade launcher instead ya dumb swigs.
That was indeed a nice crop mate. Thank you for posting it. Now if you excuse me this supply of Copium won't inhale itself.
Thanks God they're buffing the Autocannon. That weapon fucking sucks. Long ass reload with no way to make it shorter. Can't kill anything bigger than a Bile Titan. Terrible ammo economy. Shitty damage and AP.
this, but unironically.
>additional improvements to the Flamethrower
It's like a painter creating something good, then adding more shit on top that makes it looks worse, and instead of removing said shit just keeps adding paint until it all turns to brown
Rather than thought ahead, this is Helldivers 2 (TWO (AS IN SECOND TIME)). Fucking how?
>two more weeks
>more spreadsheet balancing
it's so over
For how much they were hyping it up, I thought it'd have, y'know, more? Like, fuck, maybe mention some of the specific changes that are happening in said upcoming update (even fucking Bungie does this).
No clue why it took them three weeks just to make a blogpost that just repeats what they already said.
They wrote it just now and you can't convince me otherwise
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Isn't this literally what they said last announcement? I was expecting them to give us something new
Oh no, they absolutely just wrote it today or last night. Probably along these lines:
>Tell CMs that they will be writing a blog post
>CMs sit on their ass and/or the devs are too lazy to talk about what they're doing
>Piledshit asks them how it's coming along
>they say they haven't had the time to do it yet
>quick writeup of everything Piles and Shams have said, plus a few things that they can shake out of the devs
Over status?
It's over for doomers
>no mention of primary guns, the weapons you use most of the time
Likely over.
>P-p-please don't ask q-questions until the 17th! 2 more weeks! We're w-working on it I swear
hopesisters what do we do ????
Remember when AH said there would be patches during the 60 day plan and not just at the end of it?
lol, lmao even, in retrosepct
We're so back.
It's only op if it hits the bugs before setting them on fire, otherwise it's extemely average. But due to the amount of shots per salvo better than 120.
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Doomers are always right. You should've seen it coming by now
Play some other games until the 17th, then see what actually happens.
>armor pen rework
>many enemies changed
>goal to ensure each weapon/stratagem feels powerful, responsive, fun to use, better designated role
>30 if not more weapons/stratagems changed
I need military grade hopium lads. THIS is the update that will make or break the game.
If they fuck up +30 weapons/stratagems and or adjust enemies to make them too weak or even more cancer then thats the end.
30 nerfs then
>nerfs not off the table
>This process allows us to identify discrepancies—such as weapons that are underperforming or overperforming
>complete system overhaul
>but didnt even touch up all the guns with the first pass
im excited which poc will draw the short straw
do you just not read? the update that changes armour and health of enemies and armour penetration is coming in 12 days on the 17th
>Liberator Penetrator
>+1 damage
Over 30 weapons AND stratagems. Pretty likely more than half of those are going to be stratagems (not because they made any meaningful changes but just because they'll do full damage with armor being lowered)
Not strong enough on bugs
I guarantee they won't buff the breaker SnP, the Scythe or the LC
Support weapons ARE stratagems, in case you weren't aware.
You say that as a joke but some weapons getting +5 damage would actually mean they could kill some things in 2 shots instead of 3.
>This process allows us to identify discrepancies—such as weapons that are underperforming or overperforming
>or overperforming
They literally have nerfs on their mind 24/7
Exosuits, smokes, EMS strike, all the secondaries except the GP...
no mention of robot chickens, barrage tanks or factory striders
no mention of bot turrets one shotting you from 200 metres
no mention of impliers yeeting you across the map
social menu still not fixed
How many days will be left in that 60 days on the 17th?

Or the Knight
I give it a 20% chance they even look at the arcthrower and only a coinflip from that that it gets actually improved.
Plus, they count anything as specific weapon changes.
>Oh, the Breaker Spray And Pray accidentally had one shell (visually, not functionally) missing from its magazine?
>Don't worry, we fixed that this update!
>No, we didn't do anything else
>1/30 weapons changed
You know what, I bet they'll do broad ammo economy changes again.
This is literally a basic bitch weekly patch extended to an entire month. Exactly like the warbonds
>Work "more"
>Do less
My mortar turrets are completely useless now that they require LOS. Why the fuck did they nerf this? Bot mortars can hit you from anywhere.
Do Hulks really need lower armour? Those fags get 1-2 shot if you hit them in the face plate on top of a big ass weakpoint on their back. I'd argue they're the most balanced elite enemy in the game.
>How many days will be left in that 60 days on the 17th?
Not him, but it'll be around 26 days left, give or take a few depending on what was considered the start of it.
25 days, considering they announced the 60 day plan on august 13th, september 17th is 35 days later.
They do not but you know exactly how they came to this conclusion
It's the same reason the game is so fucked in the first place
>The announcement for an announcement of a blogpost
>Was actually an announcement for an announcement of an announcement (in a blogpost repeating known information)
i think (and hope) its so EATs, Quasar, RR and Spear can kill them with body shots with a reasonable amount of ammo spent, and not shrug off rocket after rocket after rocket unless one manages to hit the eye
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>September 17th
No. Bot heavies are pretty well designed with the excpetion of that buggy piece of shit rocket tank.
All the real problems are on the bugfront with BTs, impliers and chargers. My biggest fear so far is that they won't touch Behemoth chargers because they never mentioned them explicitly.
Complain all you want, but I still prefer the state of the game as it is now over how it was back at launch.
I swear you dumb fucks are willfully ignoring shit just to doompost and bitch. It's literally announcing an update on the 17th
You change the Liberator round and you change 2 weapons and 2 sentries so add that, too
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I love mortar sentries and I think everyone should take them every game
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there are arrowtrannies in the thread RIGHT NOW. say something nice to them!
If you bring a mortar I kick you
Simple as
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>The Great Armour Reduction of 24
I told you niggas. I. Told. You.
Armour was too high meaning bring the big guns or stay in D4 which is NOT how gamers roll and how good games are designed.
Why would I ever say something nice to a troon?
>"Wow, it actually was just an announcement of an announcement of an announcement"
Are you retarded? Or coping so hard that you became illiterate?
Do you expect there to be another (substantial) patch before the remaining 25 days?
>My biggest fear so far is that they won't touch Behemoth chargers
why do they refuse to delete the behemoth when most of the complaints can be traced back to them?
No chance. Unless they count the warbond (which they will).
>new player fantasies
Got it, deleting behemoth chargers from the game, also introducing the brand new enemy, the behemoth SPORE charger. Enjoy :)
The problem with most of the bot units is not that they are individually unbalanced (quite the opposite, there's only two or three that are bullshit levels of bad), it's that at higher difficulties you see them in numbers that are unmanageable with normal stratagems. One Hulk is not a major issue, but when you're facing two or three of them among a swarm of Devastators and only one guy has a weapon with AP4 or higher, the situation becomes untenable quickly.

One of the earlier Discord posts explicitly mentions the momentum glitch and that they're fixing/getting rid of it. And since that glitch is make-or-break in only exactly one situation, the Charger Behemoth leg versus AT, I'd say it's a good bet they're directly addressing it.
Or they could, you know, put the Behemoth on the same tier as the Titan and it would actually be balanced weight wise. But they weight it in the same category as the regular Charger while being twice as annoying to deal with so idk.
>the Napalm Behemoth!
>leaves ground flames underneath it that last for 30 seconds
>you get lit on fire if you're within 6 meters of it
>it explodes into a massive fireball if killed with explosive weapons
>x3 health
>also doesn't use the burn debuff, but a new one called "acid_napalm", which is identical to burn but it lasts longer and isn't affected by fire resistance
>they replace all behemoth spawns
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>SM2 predictably mid
>50/50 HD2 shakeup fuckup
>50/50 Forever Winter outright scam
people really pretend that weapon balance matters
idk man
liberator, AMR, OPS just "works" on bugs
I hate mortar senries and think you should shoot them the moment they are dropped down.
In conjunction with ems mortars, for maximum collateral.
I concur
EMS is okay, your weapons don't shoot any slower, and you're slowed just as much as the bugs even if you are hit. Regular Mortar Sentries are cancer on bugs.
Robot chicken isn't mentioned because they only show up on D8+ and the devs won't touch that high difficulties.
Barrager tanks are extremely rare in lower diffs, too.
Same with factory striders - tho I don't think there's anything wrong with them.
Impliers really aren't a problem if they're alone or almost alone, like they are in low-mid diffs where you always have a 500kg to throw at them.
>your weapons don't shoot any slower
Your bullets may or may not get slowed too, causing you to deal less damage
Factory strider cannon is a magnet that pulls you into the instadeath minigun rape.
Does anyone know if the factory strider cannon shooting in three shot bursts is a feature or a bug?
No matter wich it is, its a dumb and awfull thing that should get patched out.
I mean you get stunned by ems to guarantee regular mortar will drop in time to hit you.
>EMS mortar doesn't slow down your fire rate.
>Anon however believes it does and as such it is shit.
>Meanwhile, anon will probably go to play on the moon biome the second its available and that dogshit biome actually does slow down your DPS/rate of fire with the extreme cold modifier.
>>50/50 Forever Winter outright scam
If bullets get slowed by bushes it's pretty likely they get slowed by EMS too
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>dog shit biome
Ah, right. The double/triple shot bug.
I forgot that's a thing.
>double/triple shot
How do we tell him
I will gladly pay a bit of RoF to be on a biome where I can see shit.
Anyway, isn't the moon biome's environmental condition meteorfall, not extreme cold?
it's a difficulty 10 thing
It's both
>bullets are their own entities
>they get slowed down by ems
Not that far fetched for swedish codeing, i wouldn't be surprised if bullets have stamina aswell.
Stamina for bullets is how they control drop and damage falloff desu.
SM2 is fucking fantastic and you're a retard
>when you meet the lone FStrider at Diff 5 it is quite literally helpless, so we improved its' performance by making it more deadly if cought in it's gun range
>no, we don't play high diffs where they can come in packs or covered by gorillion of escort, how could you tell?
>where I can see shit.
That's only a thing when fighting bots because bugs generate fog just by existing. And a wide open biome like moon with dogshit cover is as bad as the Tundra biome is against bots where it's just constant no man's lands, but now without nipple mushrooms for the implication of having something that could create smokes to break their vision.
>AMR, HMG and AC buffed
These are the top fucking weapons in the game. I would have been more impressed if they said nade launcher, recoilless and mines.
Someone should test damage done to enemies inside the EMS AoE and during earthquakes
HD2 schizo that obsesses about any game that slightly competes with it
>Dogshit cover
Massive and I mean massive skill issue. There's craters everywhere retard
>stamina for bullets
>because of it, equipping the stamina booster and being on a cold planet makes your bullet travel further with less bullet drop
I can see this happening somehow
>they forgor the laser cannon out of the pen4 weapons
It's the most fun one to use but also the worst one.
I still have some hope that they buff arcjumpers.
Arc throwers, take point!
You're dead as soon as the devs crest the lip of the crater.
>skill issue
Im pretty sure you can gaslight people into believing shit like that. We should se if we can gaslight AH into adding stuff like that on the know bugs list.
Hellshitter when he needs to kill enemies instead of running away
>No argument
I accept your concession.
>"Because we're reducing armour overall, we're also reducing the armour penetration of some weapons so they don't become too dominant."
The seething would be unreal
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Making enemy nerfs redundant with acompanying weapon nerfs is so retarded i fully expect AH to do that shit to at least a few of them.
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with all Early Access titles, you could be paying for just a thin vertical slice
there's also only short clips publicly available, and not a long playthrough or even full run, but I hope it isn't fake
actually, I think I got it
The "armour rework" is just gonna be them compressing the armour values.
IE going from
>0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
>0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
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>Buffing AC, AMR and HMG
I cant even begin to fathom how they thought this was what anyone wanted.
I wish. That's too much work for lazy swiggers tho, they'd have to change more than 10 numbers in a spreadsheet
Remember that feedback form? Yup, don't even read those lmao
>they will actually duplicate armor and penetration numbers to their neighbour number to cut those ranges in half
>the armors and penetrations will functionally still stay the same despite having a different number assigned to them in the spreadsheet.
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mAYBE those are the "notable mentions", AH are known for being sneaky with their updates, trust teh fucking plan CHUD, everything will be OK, Pilestedt will save the game, the upcoming patch WILL save the game, I can feel it in my bones!
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d10 bugs
>"Oh we do got closed playtesting of course!"
>"Only for mods and dedicated dickriders tho" ;)
Called it.
Eh, they said they've adjusted over 30 weapons and stratagems, the RR, GL and stuff will undoubtedly receive some love since they mentioned lowering the armor on heavies
The AMR was meme tier versus bugs so maybe it'll actually have a use case over there now. Pretty sure the LC also shares that level of penetration so it's going to be interesting to see if it's also more effective.
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I really like the spore charger, usually when I see an Impaler I just roll my eyes and think "time do deal with this cunt" but when it's a spore charger it's like a puzzle in the middle of the fight, not sure if I'm making any sense.
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Are they finally getting rid of fucking durability
>2 stalkers standing behind this dude in all the spore fog on top of biom fog
>"do we tell him?"
if you keep posting the tranny culture images i'm not going to join
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>ywn have the Helldivers 2 x Logo collab collectible box set
the swede killed a very good thing.
No. I just think "fucking fog piss charger eat OPS fart nigger" and get less frustrated the moment I'm able to see things right in front of me again
lego i guess, but yes
They said they are reworking anti-tank weapons as well, so most likely recoilless is included.
>>493263351 (me)
How tf ppl still get jump scared by Stalker when those pricks go "HRUEEEELE" every 2s? Also I'm not sure if it's because I use light armor but they can't hit you if you're running because they stop for half a second to do the slash attack and that animation takes long enough for you to get out of range.
3/4, starting
join join join
Will they do away with the retarded velocity-system so you no longer have to walk forward to increase your damage?
Yeah, if you spring in light armor you can outrun the hitbox, but it can also depend on terrain angles.
Isn't LEGO the whore of IPs? They'll collab with literally anyone. Even NERF has standards.
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>How tf ppl still get jump scared by Stalker
Always on edge.
>LEGO will collab with anyone.
>But they won't give us Bionicle back.
Maybe it's for the best.
BionicleDivers please.
Both of those came from the front so it's not the same.
Doubt it, but hopefully they just increase damage by like 5 on everything that that matters to.
ackshually the 2nd one was behind the terminal-thingy.
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This same studio will make a fun and balanced enemy like Stalker and then release day one Impalers. Every update I start believing more and more that theory that AH got no clue what they're doing and everything they got it right was luck.
>we arent fighting squids, driving around in APCs or in a /hdg/ platoon yet because it took AH 7 months to figure out ‘hey, maybe the dedicated anti-tank weapons should be able to kill armored targets’ after people screamed it at them nonstop since launch
I’m still mad.
Remember when this game was so popular that people would fight over queue positions just to play?
I member’.
Lego is literally some of the worst and most overpriced lego bricks on the market
I'd rather it got picked up by some chinese dudes or the military autists over at Cobi
Damn, Denmark (Lego is from here) is right next to Sweden to :(
let's be honest, Arrowhead is treading water, simply trying not to drown.

There's nothing new coming, they can hardly come to work.
Personally I don't think we get enough credit for resisting the swede-menace for as long as we have.
>make a fun and balanced enemy like Stalker
God i miss the days when they would just instagib you with their 2 hit combo.
This is the same team that unironically thought that it should take 4 anti-tank mines to disable a single tank in their "milsim-inspired" game.
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I never understood bionicle autism. And it's amazing because it's such a one sided fandom. I've seen cop's wives with more self esteem. I remember LEGO once making a poll about which set they should release next, it was between two random fucking IPs and a bionicle one. The bionicle one got more votes and they still released the other 2 lmao
It's extremly realistic how the anti tank mines get triggered if a helldiver farts on them
>Denmark has been tardwrangling sweden for most of history
This explains alot. Arigato Denmark san.
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almost certain the game was supposed to be artsy anti military imperialism swede slop but the core gameplay was good enough to keep people playing long enough to stop being shit at the game like the devs and play at the high difficulties. I legit think they weren't expecting people to clear 7-9 with full super samples and be lucky to leave with one and spend a whole year trying to get the ship upgrades.
I don't remember the last time I saw stalkers. Do they even spawn in d10?
I just think bionicles were cool, and the simple lore was fun.
I still can't believe they made anti-tank mines triggerable by infantry despite not being triggered by anything smaller than a vehicle is the biggest and most important distinguishing feature of an anti-tank mine
What the fuck were they thinking
nice crop shitlord
sweden is largely responsible for making the poles and lithuanians retarded (literally,) thus setting the stage for russian dominance over these countries.
If this game was supposed to make the military look bad then they failed.
Yeah. Behemoths should be twice as large, and move slightly slower than an average charger, and be in the same class as the bile titan or imapler.
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You just need to hit the right seed.
And once you do you either also get random 2-4 stalker patrols on those maps, or the lairs spawn them at twice the rate until you find it.
They are torn between:

as game designers, making a game that plays well

as swedes, making a political statement that cucks the players for liking the bad things
I got 3 Stalker's lair on the same D10 mission a while ago so yeah.
>There is a clear majority of the remaining playerbase supporting this nothingburger of an "update" about the update that's 12 days away.
Look I get that the only people still around are those willing to put up with a LOT of bullshit, but this really speaks badly about the future of the game. To say nothing of the fact that Arrowhead is Arrowhead. Everyone left is just going to eat the shit AH shovels.
Bro, there's gonna be change to OVER THIRTY weapons and stratagems! Super impactful stuff and not just
>+5 ammo per clip
>+10 damage
>-1 max clips carried
Bionicles are a fusion of cool robot action figure and lego build your own shit fun.
Stalkers don't patrol thoughbeit.
For me it's the 2-stalker-hole stalker nest that shits out 2 stalkers every 10 seconds allowing +8 stalkers to hop around and gank the whole squad.
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Name 1, ONE fucking game that was better because of "muh realism" autism. Fuck off.
>hur dur we can't add more ammo to this gun because of mag size
Sick of this realism shit being used as an excuse for retarded balance.
Some people like spending half hour in amra walking around only to get instagibbed.
Squad can be sort of fun with it's realism shit.
Idk about other stuff.
project zombiod, but even then they're not completely heavy handed with it
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>making 2 of the best support weapons in the game better will make the game more versatile
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>We're adding +10 ammo per clip to the Blitzer
I think the playerbase for this game is partly to blame. The word nerf just sets a lot of people off so badly.
>sep 17
>no mention of mines fix
>no mention of arc weaponry & tesla coil buffs
>no mention of jetpack buffs
>no mention of grenade launcher buff
>no mention of heavy devastators
>no mention of robot chickens
>no mention of rocket tank having no vents
game’s been dead but now it’s rotting
The swiggers will absolutely count ammo economy changes in that number. How fucking limp dick can you be with updates to a game that is only still around just 7 months after release because they conned 15 million people into buying a fun horde shooter then patch the fun out. HD1 would have more players than this shit if it wasn't for the viral success of this game.
I would use the AMR on bugs if I could kill a Bile Titan with 10 headshots.
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ิ>buff flamethrower
>nerf flamethrower
ิ>buff flamethrower
>nerf flamethrower
Why are they walking in circle?
Oh forgot lmao
>no mention of flamethrower fix
Tbf I think the realism aspect of HD2 is all the really sets it apart from the other horde shooters currently. Being a semi-realistic milsim is its identity.
This is for the R6S players. Which one is more retarded with balancing, Ubisoft or Arrowhead? And a question for the rest, why the FUCK they keep using pick rate as the main balance factor? DBD is the worst offender for this and while I was typing this they nerfed Pig again.
oh look another self hating redditor who treats video game corporations like religions has made their way into this thread
>so many people whining about how X weapon wasn't mentioned getting a buff
>when changing enemy armor will fundamentally affect most weapons and how they interact with enemies
Why is this playerbase so stupid?
Maybe because the swedish retards literally cannot stop nerfing based on usage rate?
This, we should just call nerfs "old timey fluffy wuffey fun adjustment uwu" and people would like the a lot more
>all non-stratagem weapons have at most 3 AP
>chargers have 5 armor
>reduce charger armor by 1
See where this is going?
Armor means if you can actually damage something or not.
Durable decides how much damage you actually do.
See charger butts, you can damage it with light pen weapons but you'd achieve the same thing throwing peanuts at it which is basically nothing.
Their changes barely do anything positive you stupid self hating zoomer fuck
One of the devs was being coy replying to people asking about the arc thrower, so it's possible it got a touch up too.
Why do people keep bitching about Chargers when you can shoot them 6-8 times in the ass with a senator and just watch them bleed to death 5s later? Such a nothing enemy to get filtered by.
How is this game in the shit state it is, dying, going through CEOs, losing players just a laughing stock of the entire gaming industry and you still have pathetic people saying "no ackshually the community are the bad guys here not Arrow Head". The damage reddit has done to video game discourse is insane.
Yeah true. I mostly mean in the context of the weapons mentioned like the AMR, AC, and HMG. I don't think they are getting buffs, but enemy nerfs will change how they interact with those enemies. Durability was also confirmed to be changing since the Q&A mentioned Charger butt's and BT bellies being much weaker to small arms now.
>why do people want anti-tank weapons to kill tanks
it's crazy people think this game is dying, after concord showed people what a real dead game is. No matter how much you say it, hd2 will always be a crazy success for AH, even if it fizzles.
>bring anti tank rocket launcher against bots
>literally worse at killing tanks than the HMG, AMR, LC or AC
Thanks AH, extremly realistic.
Alexus cycle balancing so he looks busy
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What the fuck is his problem
>1100 hp, 85% durable
>shoot it 8 with a 175 / 35 durable weapon for 56 damage 8 times to kill it
This game is dying relative to the community size it used to have. Even the ex-CEO recognized this and stepped down. God you are pathetic running damage control for a game with devs who actively shit on you on discord. Have some self respect you pathetic faggot.
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I wish i was at home drawing :(
>Which one is more retarded with balancing, Ubisoft or Arrowhead?
Haven't played since Kaid/Nomad but for me it's Arrowhead. Ubisoft is annoying because they balance around proplay but at least they achieve what they set out to do, the decision is just shit. Arrowhead is so incompetent they sometimes don't even nerf the thing they want to nerf (like the Slugger).
>why the FUCK they keep using pick rate as the main balance factor
Don't know but honestly Arrowhead could use that info, I firmly believe the game does zero data gathering and Arrowhead balances based of their discord and reddit. There is no way they have access to info like pick rates yet never buff some of the weapons in this game.
>flame damage sucks, better buff it
>they don't realize the dot part is bugged
>hmm it still seems bad, let's buff it some more
>they finally fix the dot bug
>people get mad
>oh the players hate it, maybe give it a tiny buff?
That's a massive overstatment. It was just decent, and only against bugs.
extremely cute drawing anon
I like it.
That's inevitable for all games though?People get bored and move on. This idea that games need to continue to hold players attention is why flops like suicide squad happen. The first helldivers barely ever broke 1000 players and did fine.
Okay chaos diver
Yea it's inevitable that a CEO steps down to save his dying game shut up you self hating fuck zoomer. You have been brainwashed by sites like reddit into thinking you are a bad person for being critical of a video game company. You are a lost cause.
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>armor reduction on hulks
So is the eye going to three? If so, the JAR, Scorcher, and impact nades sitting back in the meta position.
>2 hit kill with JAR
>5 hit kill with scorcher (accuracy optional, you just need the gas ball to clip the hitbox)
>1 hit kill with impacts
>4 hit kill with DCS
>7 hit kill with adjud
>4 hit kill with plasma punisher (this one is the funniest if it actually comes out to be true)
>1 hit kill with eruptor (on a direct hit, otherwise a two hit kill)
>2 hit kill with xbow
>3 hit kill with senator
>1 hit kill with nade pistol

Ultimately, lowering the hulk's eye armor is a Pandora's Box when it comes to meta transfer. Goes without saying that the RG is probably going back to the trashcan. AMR/AC could both instakill hulks, but why even take them when primaries can handle? Makes me curious as to what they're actually doing, but a flat AC reduction would be absolutely hilarious. There is no stopgap between 3 and 4 like there currently is with bugs.
Hoping the RG gets some viable play on bugs. AC reduction on BTs heads to allow for full damage, or a durability drop for the soft brain of the BT.
This should go on the superdestroyer fridge.
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Making the entire DoT status effect have a penetration value is fucking inane.
>s...s...stop being toxic and entitled Arrowhead owes you nothing you are toxic they are victims
kys pathetic faggot
Maybe he's not allowed to say it is, but is hoping people pick up that him saying that means it's buffed? I mean every post starts with "yeah"

Yes I'm aware of how much hopium I'm currently huffing. My god does orbital napalm feel good though and brought back a spark of hope for me.
Hope sisters are eating mighty fine with this blog post update.
>Hoping the RG gets some viable play on bugs
If you could see the types of enemies before dropping it would be viable. You can one shot spewers on safe mode only issue is you need someone else to deal with chargers and BTs but I mean it's a coop game.
I just want tanks and hulks to get one-shot by a RR bodyshot so there's actually a reason to bring it to bots
Almost all strats feel good when they're free.
This. 5 stratagems is fun as fuck.
Rocket pods might be the most annoying one to get.
>rocket pods
get a load of this guy
I plan on swapping out my 120 barrage for it as soon as it isn't free anymore.

That said, 5 strats is lots of fun and I can do so many wacky combos at the moment. Been running 110s, 120s, and napalm barrage with a rover and MMG. Sometimes OPS instead of 110s.
It and strafe are really gimmicky and if you already take any other airstrike it messes up the reloads.
>It and strafe are really gimmicky
that is the point of strats, yes
>BTW, we determined that the Blitzer was too strong in our current meta
>So it'll have 10 shot batteries, 4 batteries total, and brought down to AP2
I would really love a stratagems store that let's you use excess medals to buy temporary stratagems.
>only works on major order planets
>medal cost varies from stratagem to stratagem (stalwart costs less than mech)
>resets after every MO
>would incentivize players to play on MO planets, and would give a constant use for excess currency.
Having a higher chance to do fuckall or less than anticipated is a shit gimmick for any strike strat
The orbital napalm cooldown is too long. As it is for many strats. Bare minimum the +50% cooldown bullshit needs to go.
>difficulty 11 releases
>pre bugfix amount of enemies
>breaches/dropships spew hundreds of chaff enemies along with super helldive appropriate heavies
>patrol sizes increased
>heavy/specialist patrols like a group of stalkers (without needing a lair) or 4-6 hulks/tanks
>all the stuff in super helldive
>to combat all this extra stuff you get 1 extra stratagem slot
Would you play it?
Fuck you.

Spending excess anything would be cool.
>to do fuckall
do you think all strats can be thrown at any situation? you don't seriously play like that do you?
>9/17/24 (fuck euro formatting)
>the day HD2 Lives or Dies
Are you fucking ready?
>5 stratagems is fun as fuck
This is another reason why strats should be point buy and not strictly slot-based. In a slot-based system you basically have to value ever stratagem equally which is really limiting. The only real variation they have is something like the AC taking up your support slot AND your backpack slot.
>not 17/9/24
such retardation
That would be cool actually, I would say a ship upgrade to unlock the ability then medals for a per-op unlock choice. Maybe the big fancy or more impactful strats can have sample costs too, like mechs, all the backpacks, big barrages, etc. Next op you have to pick a new unlock and spend the stuff again. Burns medals and samples encouraging long term players to keep caring about personal and major orders, and collecting samples.

I would definitely like lower cooldowns on all strats, slightly less so for eagles since most of them are in a good spot cooldown wise imo after the ship upgrades. Then there's dumbass shit like laser and mechs still having charges AND long ass cooldowns.Pick fucking one swedes.
>we're gonna reduce the armour of all heavy enemies so more weapons are viable against them
>we're also overhauling the armour system
These statements combined does give me a bit of caution. Something along the lines of:
>Oh, we made it so matching the AP only does 10% damage, 1 over only does 50%, and any higher is 100%
>not 24/9/17
Largest value to smallest, simple as.
No, i expect a strat that has homing effect to perform consistently.
When i throw eagle for aoe i expect aoe to be varied.
When i throw a single target/thin line eagle i expect it to actually do shit it was thrown at.
new thread
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Thanks :)
I might draw it again in paint when i get home if i don't join a lobby instead.
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It's alright, but I'm not a fan of AP4 weapons just becoming more and more meta. The game's more fun when you have an actual variety of blue picks on your team.
Peak bugs (outside of the double mech bug, TRUE peak bugs) was when your team was split between SPEAR/flamethrower users and you had dedicated anti-BT and dedicated anti-charger units. At the moment, your anti-charger weapon is your incendiary breaker (kills behemoths faster than everything else, since they decided to nerf the only fun/fast behemoth killer) and your anti-heavy weapon is just OPS and whatever blue you've decided upon for the day. Nothing's good, some things just feel moderately better.
I actually didn't realize this, but the BT's head only has 5 armor. I highly doubt they're actually doing the meme of lowering its armor to 4 (this would literally ruin BTs, 6 headshots to full kill with AC trivializes the whole thing), so I'm hoping that it's just the stomach/outer shell that can be sheared or popped.
The charger/behemoth stuff is funny, but it really doesn't matter unless the TTK is hugely reduced. So long as the incendiary breaker can rape behemoth's asses, your support weapon's focus should always be on how best to deal with other heavies, and anything the breaker can't rape.
Obviously too early to tell, but things definitely seem interesting.
The armor system was one of the most balanced and well-done things in the game. It's a little alarming that they're wasting dev time on a feature-complete system that worked extremely well.
This is probably the only part of the update that's seriously setting off alarms. It doesn't make sense from a developer perspective unless you're just completely incompetent.
Orbital laser is pathetic. Remove charges and it's something to consider. If the charges stay then it needs to do damage to elites/heavies much faster.
>direct downgrade from 380/walking
>on a longer cooldown
>with limited chargers
i will never understand the laserfag mindset
an orbital laser should be reducing BTs and factory striders to dust and a puddle of liquid steel respectively, not taking 3-4 seconds on a single hulk's heat vent
EMS and Quasar didn't
Gas was already good anyways, same with Commando
Mechs yeah, they're awesome when they're free and everyone gets them
God I want a fifth slot so bad
Laser either needs to target heavies specifically and vaporize them, or ignore heavies and vaporize mediums and below, right now it's in a really shitty position where it's not very good at either one. For a long cooldown and limited uses per mission it should be way stronger than it is.
it has a priority list, but it's retarded
it prioritizes game "heavies" (large circles on the map) over objectives at times, so you end up with rocket chickens prioritized over detector towers
Ah so it has the railgun priority list
These issues are only evident when you solo D10, but damn they are lazy overtuned designs.
I wish we had overtuned fun weapons to deal with them, instead we get peashooters that take forever to kill everything.
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helldudes, best way to farm supershekels?
d1-3 with a second person to help you open bunkers. hit all POIs, return to ship, repeat. avoid maps with water because they eat a bunch of POI spawns
I've also noticed that alpha commanders specifically will sometimes run away behind cover to summon more warriors if they can't reach you quickly. I've never seen a standard brood commander run away.
Use the glowing SC mod
Honestly the only problem I've ever had with alpha commanders is my shit aim not hitting their head, or them just being bullet spongey. That said, I run MMG constantly so I chew through even the red soldiers with just a slight breeze.
The issue is when you have to run away from 30+ of them while trying to find 1 of the 3 impalers that spawned in the mist of the spore chargers.
I'm sorry I don't have a better solution than to just kill shit faster as it spawns. Spore chargers are definite pieces of shit though, so even that feels like I'm just being a dick. Even when I split on 10s I usually am fine unless it's an armor spawn seed.
mmg inferior in every way to hmg
That's okay you can continue being wrong.
anticheat doesn't pick it up? where would you even get that?
If it did then every single person using any mod would get banned because all it does is change the model for SC pickups. It's in the archives, if you can't find it I can catbox it for you.

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