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>Wuthering Waves Version 1.2 Trailer | In the Turquoise Moonglow

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Weapon Banner: Rime-Draped Sprouts (Rectifier) [Aug 15 - Sep 07]
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Previous: >>493090260
I need to roll that god damn gauntlet for Youhu so I have a chance at some better 4*s too. WHERE IS IT
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this is gonna be a loong banner bros
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I am actually enjoying the exploration a lot but I am almost done with everything..
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i'll never forget you, chud
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Sorry you still have 2 more days of Zhezhi.
isn't abyss surges better for her
better be, i only have 1 pull
I think I will stick with Calcharo. The way the new guy looks just doesn't stay right with me.
Too handsome like a K-pop boy?
I would do, tho I haven't needed to ever build a proper electro team yet
I would too*
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Anybody wanna help me do the hidden multiplayer achievement?
Its the outfit, not his appearance. Not a fan of the clean.. looks? Like if he had combat boots I would like him a lot more. I am clearly not the target audience though.
eu or na?
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Resonator for this feel?
add me 600590785
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My hungry magistrate...
So I don't even remember her name but is Jinhsi based on the same divine beast the Ancient Modifier in Aether Gazer was based on?
Thanks anon
where does all that food go?
needless to say that magistrates don't have butthole
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yer welcome bwo
havent played aether gazer, isn't she just human with some light chink dragon (loong) mutations.
We have one more contestant!
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what did dreamless mean by this
Her cock obviously
isnt dreamless working for froghebe?
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changli or baizhi for sure
is this how woman body work?
I don't know. Anywhere that has stats on that?
Jinshi in 5 years
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wuwa !
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Holy mother of dead general, hadn't been here in a while. Already /pgr/ tier.
Kurogames are truly incapable of making a successful game.
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Why nobody is posting here anymore...
Please... Don't let /wuwa/ die...
homo bread >>493147901
You're trying too hard
top cringe
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good anko and danjin mods doko
WTF now this is peak female body.
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whos this hebe
installing this on my phone as well so that I can complete my dailies when I occasionally go out of my home to have sex with my gf
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I just started this game a few days ago, is Sanhua a decent alternative for an ice damage dealer to pair with Zhezhi? I'm trying to get the lion dance guy but haven't had the resources to pull for him yet.
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I can finally rest, fucking hate inferno rider. Cant wait for the hologram to give me stage 9 cancer :)
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Echoes for Zhezhi? Also preferred stats?
How does coop work in WuWa? Especially since the latest event allows coop
no idea since it's the first coop event, as for regular content, it's similar to GI, where you can only participate in overworld kills and domains, not much else, so it's pretty lackluster
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From now on this is also a Scar thread. Fuck you wwg schizo.
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Alright OP, we'll use your thread, no need for melties, okay? Just go to bed, you've been doing this all day
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Wuwa for this feel?
Oh, she's retarded.
Motherfucking jannies and mods should give us an award or something. We keep the peace in our own threads and we recycle our threads. only thing we can't seem to stop doing is posting the occasional nsfw changlis
I would post the NSFW Changli now but I just got out of bans from both the work wifi and one of the home wifis, had to use the neighbour wifi for two days...
Nanami is going to save Solaris-3!
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I will report all porns
No one will be horny here! No one!
Kneel before my evil regime!
dont make me lewd you fuluoluo, stand down
Provolone is such a prude...
I accidentally bumped it cause I thought this was the new bread when I woke up until I realized how old some of the posts were...
Is it possible to brick your sales by fucking up stalls and stuff?
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Wow this thread sure is slow huh?
DEAD GAME EOS YESTERDAY 10 hour thread not even 70 replies OMG kek
I feel stupid but can you point out where it's vandalized?
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No need, and it’s still a few days before he’s out anyway
You better still working on bumping this thread you stupid motherfucker
Real Previous thread >>493147901

It's not vandalized, but look at this thread, it was made out of spite and bumped for over 10 hours, it could've died and it should have, but someone kept it up because they can't help themselves, they need to be in control, or some other mentally deranged shit
For the event? no
Not really, unless you do the 40 day event at the last minute, Otherwise you should be fine. I maxed out all the stalls within a week.
I see, what if they kept it alive purely out of homohate?
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Which cores does Cubeman want for ascension tempest memphis or the other ones?
I can't tell the difference from the icon on the prefart infograph
Is 1.3 the PS5 release?
I'd would argue you're right, but thread war autism is a gigger staple, don't wanna pick up on their habits, could invite the wrong crowds
tempest, not thundering
>but someone kept it up because they can't help themselves
No, people like me thought it was the new thread after scrolling down from the previous thread not realizing the Scar thread was so high up.
Using a thread that was made 20 posts before bump limit just to get their gay picture in the OP first does in fact mean the wrong crowds are already here, and people are encouraging it
Yes, according to leakers. It would be really stupid if not since we have the rerun too
It was so high up because it was made before the bump limit.
Arigato fren !
>made 20 posts before bump limit just to get their gay picture in the OP
huh? qrd?
Then the homo thread should've been ignored, by the time I woke up today, the scar thread was already around 200 posts. They're both malicious, but keeping this one up is just petty
But why still bumping a thread for 10 hours, you fucking autist
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I will go and fuck Changli because of you, Jenny. You get what you deserve. Captcha: V08NTR
NTA but I bumped this thread once cause I thought it was the thread to be in.
Thinking everyone is one guy is in fact schizo behavior. Old threads get posted by people thinking it's the current thread all the time. But suddenly when you can make it about gay people
>It's because I'm gay isn't it?
online or in person. All the same. Classic
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>sees two threads
>first has 500 replies
>second has 20
>bumps the 20
You stupid bitch...
No, I woke up to the old thread, scrolled down, and clicked the nearest baked bread. The homo bread was like so many posts above.
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Comfy recycle thread
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keep fighting.....
fuel my hunger for hatred!
>just entered the thread
>lemme back read for a sec
>check the comments at top
>press end to get to the bottom
>see two threads
>see one of them is already at thread limit, wtf?
>go to the "new" thread at the end of that one and get back to here
well that was a ride.

ngl the one who made the thread super early feels more like absolute gigger behavior. Homohating is just a staple at the mexican fajita making forum at this point
Yes, but you're going to onfield zhezhi on this team (she gets a ton of the normal attack buff from sanhua, so you mostly use sanhua while charging her outro with some extra buffs from zhezhi). You can switch verina with youhu next banner for probably increased damage at the cost of less healing (or just to free verina for another team).
I like this verina
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Our scarposters aren’t bad on purpose they might just be genuinely regarded
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Can confirm, I was trigger happy amd retarded.
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>want a scar thread
>figure the only way to get it is by making it yourself
>try to make it early so you can guarantee no one will make a new one and unknowingly dupe the general
>accidentally spark a civil war
Sounds about on par with Scar posters
this little shit is so FAT
why? nobody likes baking new bread here in wuwa, you should've just waited... we're so fuckin lazy we just resorted to using this 10 hour thread instead of making a new one even though a lot of people didn't like it... we're THAT lazy anon... Think anon think!
i think only wwg schizo faggotry will make wuwa move
I started seeing it in the last half a year everywhere but not before, where the fuck did it come from? Obviously some retard started using it at one point, but how did every normie fuck started using it too? It doesn't help that it makes YOU sound retarded instead by using it.
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If "regarded" becomes the new "unalive" things will not be pretty
It’s just another funny typo on purpose, like how ‘small car, does this hurt the car’ came from people misspelling cat so much
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Is 150 more atk worth more or less than 16% crit dmg
mate, it's been a thing for a while
Not nearly as widespread
If you are already building crit rate then It's obvious the crit damage is better
Then it's going to stay the same, there's also restarted if you hate regarded
We are so fucking dead, EOS soon...
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You can get the highest rank on every Lodge Wish with (You) and 2 maxed out waifus (or husbandos if you gay), so maybe the game is telling us something. Who's your gruesome twosome? Or are you absolutely loyal to 1 waifu? I'm partial to the Icy-Hot combo myself, the contrast just works and I think they'd get along in a kind of funny sitcom way.
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I've been thinking this over for a bit, it's already been stated that they're just a manifestation of Encore's power. Still, Cosmos knowing this much and being able to stray so far away from Encore is very curious, apparently she doesn't even know where they might've come from, so there's a chance that they're a phenomenon of the Somnoire itself?
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probably like Baizhi's familiar, buy anko's is more advanced in intellect, ironically enough.
>We might get an Encore themed Illusive Realm next month
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It's already canonized through event that chixia is the brainlet.
Encore is actually very smart for her age please stop.
How soon before freedom land gets the event
What the fuck is this man planning?
wtf don't hit jinshi.
never ask yuzhong and solon what they were thinking and how they keep their game afloat with their revenue
Judginng by Anko's trailer, Cosmos and Cloudy seem to have a pie conundrum thing, with Cosmos being the devil and Cloudy being the angel. Could lead to some fun inner dialogue with Anko and her woolies
How many of you guys are using Havoc Rover as a main DPS and not just a burst DPS alongside your anke or changli?
Anko manko
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>finally cooling down here
Finally, 60 fps
I just use rover to clear the early floors alone
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I use Havoc Rover as my main DPS because I only clear 18/30
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>accidentally start the cat boys quest
>might as well do it
>he has a fucking gay lisp
>constantly talks like he's mentally stunted with drawn out words and pauses like one of those children's educational cartoons
>keeps making these loud fucking *SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF SNIFF* sounds I thought were just for the story cave
>realize after one time it happened it's his generic "entering combat" line you'd hear all the fucking time
>quest ending cutscene has him frolicking around trying to pounce on a butterfly
This ain't real. I refuse to believe they really thought this would sell anyone on this character.
I fall into the latter where I use him with Changli.
Why would they need to sell a standard brick for lost coinflips?
He's sorry you had to see that side of him
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just come back to genshin bro
I actually thought his quest was kind of cute even if a bit cringe inducing.
Is his whole long ass quest still unskippable dialogue or did they fix it?
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its the cringiest gacha story i read to date

bro? your air conditioner?
>desperately begging people to go back
I thought genshin wasn't kill What happen
>Make a long resonator showcase for him
>Character story ingame
>Even gets a cinematic while Yinlin doesn't
I mean, they did try to sell him...
It's the same as the two times they tried to appeal to women, but for furries.
Furries no buy, never make another.
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natlan flopped... BIGLY
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Sorry Paimon, I have better friends.
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Was this racially motivated?
Because it's still a character you can get and these things are meant to round them out. I don't mean like make you want to pay to get him, but to make you care I guess. Or at least be interested. Honest to god I thought the big reveal was going to be that he was actually retarded once I was in the cave. Some of his dialogue seems random and when it's not it's pretty childish.
>One touch from those thorns will hurt worse than any fall...
he says with grave sincerity while we're a few stories high on a wind vent that would kill us if we were to fall.
It gives you the option to skip all dialogue. I didn't, but I definitely brought up the skip function menu more than once before deciding against it. I gave it chance and got fuck all for it.
because in CBT he had a big role against the inferno rider, but it got deleted for being garbage.
For how much they were trying to shill Lingyang I wonder why they made him do like 30% less dps than encore and calchud
people are just tired of genshit and the chinese are on a brigade to kill it.
>Bait furries
>It doesn't work
>Give up and focus on things that matter
those were some dark hours..
Was this also the work of that snowbreak writer that they killed after the botched CBT story?
>they were trying to shill Lingyang
Never happened
yeah, in the cbt story lionfag kill steals inferno rider from you, and then questions why the fuck are you there at all
Isn't calchudo significantly worse than Encore?
The chinese yeah. But Hoyo also made the koreans angry with something so they don't really want to spend either.
About the same dps but much harder to play and have dps loss so effectively yes he's worse
is that faggot still getting jobs in the gacha market? I hope chinks lynched his ass off. I dont wanna see his story-writing side anymore. ever.

I fell for it and he's so fucking bad. I should have grabbed the ""F tier"" monk instead of the supposed SS tier DPS
They have the same DPS when both are S0. However, Calchud is significantly more difficult to play (and you can also get fucked by RNG harder), so his practical DPS will be quite a bit lower for most people.
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It's your fault for being a metfag.
Everyone here with an opinion worth their salt said "roll with your dick" that's why I chose Jianxin from my selector.
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>cringe "I have to cut up my body part to blend in with the human" Lingyang
>KINO "I am a beast, I acknowledge myself as one. I do not need to be like everyone, but I will carve my own path as a lone wolf." No.21
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>this used to be the face of one of Jinzhou's strongest generals
Writing him out of the plot must've been a desperate measure to get the player to stop laughing at Huanglong pretending to be competent as a nation. I do wonder what the timeline where the rewrites never happened would ultimately look like right now.
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best kot
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I'm too dumb to play anko, I always get hit by everything while she stands there casting her skill
I hope they never release another male characters again, the fake glazing is crazy
As is /PGR/ tradition
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This is not fair, No.21 has the advantage of cuteness over LingYang
>finished farming echoes
>let's go see the Fortune Teller just for fun before I log off
>Your sign is blah blah blah, it means blah blah blah
>Oh by the way here's +20% echo drop rate till the reset
Wow. I only got an attack boost or a stamina boost the first dozen times I did it, and then stopped. Can't believe you can brick on fucking fortune telling.
But Lingyang is actually a beast
21 is a construct that had her body made for her like that by engineers
If you mean her forte where she explodes you just swap cancel. She'll stay there and finish her thing while you're on a different character
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I dont play pgr but I collect all the kot pics I can see because she's so cute.
Meanwhile I prefer 1566's lingyang over his actual model. kek
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the fuck were they thinking back then?
thank fucking god that story writer got axed
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Only characters I'm missing on my account currently are Jiyan and Encore. I mainly roll for girls but still considering rolling for Jiyan because of how good, simple, and frankly cool-looking he is. Still pretty hesitant though, because I want Sexkeeper, Camellya and Changli's weapon on her rerun, and I don't plan to spend too much money besides sub, BP and occasionally the bundles
They already announced that they will increase the amount of male releases.
>ultimately look like right now.
unironically eos territory.
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No I meant her actual skill at E

Her forte is my most hated thing in the game because I tend to accidentally trigger it a lot on controller. It doesn't happen on other games, it doesn't happen on other characters but I will frequently and accidentally trigger Encore's heavy attack and she'll just stay there while going MANKO NI SAWARUNA.
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(You) will be even better at S6.
Thank god, I need more time to save as a f2p player.
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Same thing happened most likely like what happened on a grander scale at Mihoyo with the 40%+ female writers. The general idea for the story was good enough to get a pass, but then the faggot writer slipped everything into the end product they could and it was too late when it got found out. A fuckton of movie directors use this tactics too, some even got nagged by higher ups to make xy scenes, they shoot it and then it "sadly and accidentally" have to be cut from the end product for reasons. If you appease the heads good enough you can get away with lots of things.
You can also swap cancel that
I keep forgetting this ain't even h.rover's final form. I'm already satisfied with him as my floor 2-3 clearer in ToA. How much dps increase would the 3 sequences add to him?
These fucking pants istg
looks like something you'd find in a waste dump behind a chemical plant
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>They already announced that they will increase the amount of male releases.
That's a good joke you have there sister. Anyone below the third option is the paying yume sisters.
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18/180 votes - so about 10%, the rest are just leeching yappers.
Can't be bothered to calculate it myself, but according to a tranny's numbers, Rover's DPS might go up by ~32%. Using xhis numbers with an arbitrary build, it's 42k DPS at S6. Compare that to S0 Calcharo who is 32k DPS.
That was no joke. I think they made a twitter post about that a while back, because a lot of people complained. And they planned to have something like a 2:3 ratio iirc.
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does this account for calchud jankyness
They can complain all they want but Kuro listens to the sound of flowing money and flowing money is not happening on a homo banner where only 10% or so truly care.
>muh not represen-
Extrapolated results are almost always same regardless.
wants to be the next jack ma
They knew it wouldn't, that's why he's a permanent character and not exclusive. Otherwise most players would be skipping his banner and they wouldn't see any revenue.
>by ~32%.
that's a significant figure. My ult already crits for 40k, per rotation with just meh rolls and it's only level 6.

Based Solon
Well, then you better show a receipt from Kuro and Solon or it never happened, because what we have is exactly the original mentioned 1:3 now according to leaks.
>1.0 Jiyan, Yinlin 1-1
>1.1 Jinhsi, Changli 1-3
>1.2 Zhezhi, Yao 2-4
>1.3 Shorekeeper 2-5
>1.4 Camellya 2-6
No kek. So if you consider that the average retard can only hit 60% of Calchud's theoretical DPS, that puts him at 19.2k. If the same retard can hit 80% of S6 Rover's damage, that's 33.6k DPS.
I don't want males either, as they attract undesirables to the game. But if they made that announcement, they kinda have to follow trough.
Link said announcement.
I only know of the 1:3 announcement and so far it's being adhered to >>493226904
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>that voiceline in jp
holyshit, muh dick
I don't have an x account, but a screenshot was posted here some weeks ago.
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yosh yosh~
Then it's a nothingburger, okay. Lots of things are posted here that usually not entirely or straight up not true.
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I can't pick a second teammate, it does nothing and sends me back out
>best girl
>best body
>dogshit kit
Or it can fuck off back to twitch like the retarded shit that it is.
They just need to return her old S6's bug, then she'll become T0
maybe exit the somnoire and go back in
Didn't work
Exit the game and go back in
it doesn't feel good that her attack speed is slow as fuck compared to the other characters even if you boost up the damage
I want to poke Jinhsi's moles.
EOS soon
yo they copied dodge counters wtf

Tried to turn it on and off?
I regret skipping Yinlin... She's so fucking hot
>eternal concert side quest
Except the translation or writing has to be fucked up because apparently it's only been 20 years. Yet Arin is described as young but somehow he's already an old man with a heart condition.
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That domain and general animations. Holy shit it looks ass.
Anko manko
>Mom: we got wuthering waves at home
>genkek copers in the comments section
all the cope comments defending genkek are sounding so hypocritical right now. kek

This was a good laugh anon, but nothing they do and no amount of copying mechanics will ever unlame this shota-looking mc of theirs.
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How long for us EUfags to get in?
mortefi is hot
Thanks for the laughs. Comments are entertaining
>It's not copying we had this in 2.6
>No, you had parry in 2.6, dodge counter is brand new
>Well its ok because they copied first!
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Is the music for the game itself? I don't even care about the gameplay, listen to this and Mourning Aix's theme side by side. Not only does this challenge thing feel like Wuthering Waves at home from the ground up, but they just copied elements without understanding what makes them good. Yeah Wuwa isn't that original, we know, but at least every aspect of it has been implemented satisfyingly (besides the music but that's changing moving forward anyways, I don't like all the dubstep shit and Vanguard seems to be doing a much better job with the leaked ost)
It's Rover
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"Yeah we tried to copy some of the industry leader's good practices (and maybe even adopted some of their bad practices WHICH YOU SHOULD CHANGE ASAP SOLOOOOOOOON) , problem?"
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After listening to your feedback, we're finally giving you chibi dorms.
You're also getting a shitty fishing minigame.
You rike?
Wuwa needs to step up their game
If they kept the old more scifi looking UI from the technical test I guarantee the genshin copy claims would go down 90%

It's obvious they just used the current one to make former genshin players moving to wuwa have an easy time
How long till eos? Im scared
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>another shitty fishing minigame
awww hell no.
No shame in admitting you wanted to have a bite of the pie. If you actually try a lot of gacha games, almost all of them have some similarities in their UIX, although I have to say I hate the chinese gachas that have a lot of screen bloat the most. It's a recurring theme in some of their lower end gachaslop where they try to cram every event and give it a button on the screen.
have to give massive props to zelda for their goated UI. It's clean. Genshin just re-arranged the placement of some stuff like the minimap and hp and then called it theirs, which genkeks almost always conveniently forget.
Is Xiangli worth raising? How does he compare to our current DPS? I may replace Anko for him for electric tower.
Are you willing to roll for his weapon or at least have the 5* standard gauntlet or 4* BP? If neither apply then no.
first they steal our open world, now this. Typical mihomo...
It's the impermanence heron theme they just edited it over

Also there's nothing wrong with dubstep
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What's wrong with it is that I don't like it. It is extremely forgettable, and the only one I actually remember is the Aix because of how many times I fought it in the hologram. I prefer other styles for boss themes
Im close to pity for 5* standard weapon, guess I'll pick it up for him then.
As a freedom land anon i want to kys myself every time there's new contents no matter how small.
Fuck you.
Genshits will never live this down
Is it normally that slow or did was the video slowed down because jesus christ
how would your wuwa control like in a moba hero shooter
How embarrassing. Just like everything else they copied in Natlan, it looks cheap and low effort.
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ah i love this daily quest
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>Leaked Wuwa stat selector chip
>Wuwa Dodge
>Wuwa Wall Run
Stolen. (Behind paid character)
>Wuwa Grappling Hook
Stolen. (Behind paid character)
So many stealing, yet they still can't steal the most important thing from the game. The soul.
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lmao aright bro. good for them tho i guess although it still looks like the hits carry no weight
I just placed down teleporters for it.
Do teleporters expire?
Once per patch if they add new areas to the map. Otherwise no.
nope but every new patch they get removed and you get the consumable item refunded
oh wow I should start using it more. I didn't use it because I didn't wanna mint pick for minerals
WTF I need to use this
Sometimes I am actually sad for Gencucks. They absolutely deserve the trashing. But it will be very funny when they think that's the kind of game 700 million dollars brings for you and then Wuwa most likely will mog it a lot as it goes on, simply because Hoyo invests in atom reactors and not the game...
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>tfw SEA
>tfw in wagie cagie and can’t play the new event
Personally, I'm waiting till weekend to co-op it with some frens.
2 more hours retardbro, you're not a child aren't you? I'm not even complaining
>both malicious
nah homos need to fuck off and stay gone, this is NOT /gig/
Theres far too many waifus in the pipeline to even consider, I wish it was jiyan and not xiangli yao they gave out for free.
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Which tracker do you guys use for pulls? Does kuro make universal limited weapons? Looking at the gauntlet, it's pretty bad with lib only. Already not using the homo. Have crit sword/gun/rectifier. Only need crit broadblade/gauntlet now.
2/3rds of the weapon are universal with the crit substat and the free attribute dmg. It's almost the same as Stringmaster which is another universal limited weapon by most people's standards.
As for trackers, astrite.gg is fine.
Crit broadblade, well, Jinhsi's is one. Universal crit and attribute dmg.
wuwatracker. some 5* weapons are more universal than others, like yinlin's stringmaster. you might have to wait for a sub-dps like yinlin with gaunlet/broadblade to come out, main dps weapons are very specialized so far
they are stats sticks mostly, the weapon having perfect synergy with another character is like the cherry on top
im fond of wuwatracker, very clean UI
do we know the 1.3 wep banners? hoping variation is on shorekeeper's
Please source.
Mods like these are verboten by the soi bananas
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what do I do with this thing?
Congrats, now you can use her as sub dps on every fucking team
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Complete the following: E_F S_X
ESF SUX, Zeon propaganda?
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shorekeeper special animation
dogshit quality, i don't have a bilibili acc right now
Holy shit they add more? Damn that’s nice
That screen suck is ebin, I always loved that effect
thanks bro
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a better quality
its very kewl, I hope the 70k nuke c0 thing stays true and its not some whale only thing
>special animation
more like special effects
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Daily morning SEX, spread your legs bird wife
As someone that has a friend in beta, I can tell you it's true if you run double spectro 3 costs + crit dmg 4 cost and get your ER from wep and subs.
Bird is too erotic
very nice, whats her field time like compared to verina?
Few secs longer if you optimize it to almost as bad as Baizhi if you suck at both.
cool that they added more now give her a resonance skill animation like that and I'm sold
Solon had to put her weeks away fuck my life
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Nanami ighimas
Sword and shield in wuwa fucking WHEN
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doing damage makes up for it, sounds good to me.
2.X trust the plan.
Her damage at least compensates greatly for that. If you have like 4-5 rotations per run, that means she can hit at least 4-5 times. Which should be like extra 1-2 ults from dpsers if you build her for damage.
nice larp sword
I'm doing Manko's new challenge run and I'm getting stuck needing to restart the game over and over. Is that just me? This also happens now when doing forgery challenges. Fuark.
Her first rotation will be slower assuming this is tower because the other two chars won't have outro built.
You have to start everyone's first rotation a bit like quick swap teams and build their outros to at least half, THEN ult on SK.
Doing all that takes anywhere from 10 - 20 seconds but every rotation after that should be smooth unless you're playing like, Cowqi or something.
Nanami played too much MonHun with the Charge Blade
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>Her first rotation will be slower assuming this is tower because the other two chars won't have outro built.
>You have to start everyone's first rotation a bit like quick swap teams and build their outros to at least half, THEN ult on SK.
I mean, wasn't that always the case with hypercarry comps?
Eh, Verina you can just go unless it's for Jinhsi, but otherwise yeah. Just a general disclaimer.
That's not Fenny...
man ring drop rates need to be adjusted, shits awful
I want a sword and board resonator too
Nanami featuring Charge Blade from MH
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It's not just a sword and shield, Nanami uses a fucking pizza cutter, adding to the trick weapons collection in PGR.
Trick weapons in WW fucking when?
awww... muh sword and board :<
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literally charge blade
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yapyap more like sexsex
i will use variation with skp and be happy
>i will use variation with skp and be happy
i will use variation with skp and be happy
>i will use variation with skp and be happy
This but unironically
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Imagine using a mismatched weapon! You don’t love her!
Oppai loli when
i will use skp's sig with baizhi and be happy
>i will use skp's sig with baizhi and be happy
i will use skp's sig with baizhi and be happy
>i will use skp's sig with baizhi and be happy
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>double drops gone
I just tried Xiangli in the new event. I .. don't like his kit at all.
Me too, too grounded, I like floaty.
yinlin rerun when?
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Canon wife.
I will buy Shorekeeper her weapon so she will give return sex. Yours will hate you
Indeed, Changlibro
No one will ever surpass Changli
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>in wuwa when?
>golden eyes with tacet mark motif
Very soon, Nanami is Rover in disguise.
Supposedly 1.4
Just unlocked all the bonus dmg forte slots and 6/10 all the abilities and got my static mist to 80 for my R1 Chixia and she still doesn't feel strong enough.

Please put her on a good banner.
whats the new character on 1.4?
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Cummed hard. Then cummed again. Already hard again.
It's a star motif, because Nanami is a shining star that guides us to the better future.
Unless you have 3k ATK, 80/300 CV you shouldn't be surprised about your character being weak. That goes for every DPS.
This is the bare minimum.
Cummy + new 4*
how do i play zhezhi
How do you even get 3K ATK?
Not having dogshit artifacts. I guess 2.5k ATK is cope but passable.
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fuck me then
Basic attack till you fill her bar, press or hold e, hold is to spawn cranes in the air. After you press e do one basic attack, after that expend her remaining e's to jump around the field and doing damage.
You whale, hard. But also, that guy is just a dumb shitposter, if you ask him to post his 3k 80/300 dps he'll conveniently disappear from the thread.
on chixia is very doable because she can stack up her atk like crazy. Any other unit im sure that anon is yapping
My Jinhsi and Changli aren't that high and feel fine, albeit.
Well, time to swipe I guess...

chibi dorms when Solon?
>t. 30 towerlet
Wait, I thought he meant 3k by default. As in now buffs or food.
nah you cant get 3k on default. also i didn't include food buffs
holy fucking shit STOP
How does Zhezhis asshole smell like bwos
ayyy dude
have you seen the leaks of
Yeah, I've only gotten 20/30.

There aren't enough good characters in the game yet to clear it.
> Shorekeeper meets Rover
"Master Wang Xianzhong Jiarong Yuchen, do you remember me?"
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Nanami and Rover saviors of Solaris-3 and PGR
Plenty of F2P have cleared it multiple times fully.
Do you try to get %atk on every echo in addition to Cr/CD?
I'm not lvling unfun characters or m*les.
Yeah basically.
Yes, high rolls only as well. Low rolls belong in the trash.
You should be able to breeze through the towers with ease for 30/30 with that line up.
Changli and Jinhsi are my only half built characters and they can kill bosses in the tower, but not 3*
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Img related is no buffs food and no event buff. Chixia+ standard 5* Lv 80 on moonlit giga scuffed echo set and Yijnlin+ sig Lv 90 very decent void thunder set. If i put good echos on chixia she easily goes above 3k atk

Buffs used are baizhi S6 + rejuvenate set + moonlit set + stringmaster giga busted passive
Changli flopped Lee will save the game
Mods broke again
This but unironically
I just bumped Rover and her emerald of genesis to 90 but I'm hesitant to fill out her havoc skills because her next ability might be better.
Changli will buff my xiangli
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Alpha expy will save wuwa. (or Bianca)
Too late game ded
I only play this game to roll for the gray ravens and somehow we get Lee for free
Get them to 6 and call it a day, use her to clear lower tower floors.
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my account is an even bigger meme than yours just build cowqi and you'll be fine
PGR is the better game. WuWa is a failed experiment. Solon do the needful.
I never played PGR. I never had too much problem with the wuwa world. It's not post-apocalyptic, but rather post-post-apocalyptic. I do admit that it (and some other parts of the game) are undercooked in some areas, but future updates may improve that. I do admit that Jinzhou does look better from the outside than the inside and could use some more work. One thing I'm upset with the video is that it does not mention Mt Firmament, which I think is incredible and very memorable. PGRBros, do you think that Kuro can move closer towards their original vision while avoiding the CBT mistakes?
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karen fucking when
without using some scuffed 44111 double crit dmg setup is very much impossible to do above 293% crit dmg without absolutely tanking our crit rate like the max we can get is 292.6% on 433111. Shorekeeper will be a game changer for CV that's for sure

A whaled changli + shorekeeper will do some wild CV
>A whaled changli + shorekeeper will do some wild CV
Personally can't wait for this one.
85% / 320% crit will be great.
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My cowqi is R0
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>PGRBros, do you think that Kuro can move closer towards their original vision while avoiding the CBT mistakes?
I'm sure they will.
The managed to do it in PGR I don't see why they won't be able to turn the tables in wuwa too.
What were the mistakes CBT had?
>do you think that Kuro can move closer towards their original vision while avoiding the CBT mistakes
They fired their main writer and doubled down on their new softer direction for the game. Doubt it will happen but we'll know for sure by 2.0.
Considering how shit chapters 1-8 were on PGR, and then how kino it got by 17, I don't see why they can't do it in Wuwa.
Won't be immediate but it will happen.
>out of credits
>out of character xp
>out of echo xp
>out of weapon xp
And now, we wait.
narwhal was like 1.1 and it was fucking kino 1.1 here was fucking changflop
So is mine. I don't have any dupes on those except Rover, Baizhi, Sanhua and 2 Chixia.
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DPS Cowqi?
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best I can do is 100/284

skipping shorekeeper for s6 chouri though
currently she's s3
Homo spotted
they need to move on from the chink theme
K, I'll start working on her next and see how it goes.
This but unironically poors need not reply
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>wuwa invented dodge counters
post your hacked echoes
Wuwa will get better, if the 2 latest updates didn't show you so and the constant hotfixes during the game's launch and now that makes the game's performance better.
Only idiots in the matter are impatient retards that keep chanting the same "wuwa could never" whenever pgr gets cool shit
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>paying to see bigger numbers
is Lee going to put calchud on the bench
Snorekeeper will kill the game.
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i JUST quit pgr
He's literally Cuckcharo but easier
when is it again
Zhezhi already did bwo
EOS soon
when his black edge skin comes out
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no homo op, it's over
im pretty sure is just pgr hardcore fans who wanted wuwa to be pgr 2. pgr is a fine game but it does have a lot of bad stuff in it and that's a big reason as to why it never got big

I think is better if kuro think of wuwa as a different thing separated from PGR
>we had to nerf this fan favorite character in the beta so we could release a new version of him 2 patches whose kit is better in every way with a fraction of the popularity
what the fuck is wrong with kuro
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Finally cleared one of towers bwos
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I wish my Jinny didn't get fucked by below average crit damage rolls.
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>what the fuck is wrong with kuro
Sorry, but we have 17 more chinese regions to go through. Better get used to it.
They gave him for free so it's not even that.
rover stats?
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Bird wife is all i fucking need
wtf why do I keep seeing people saying she sucks and that they regret rolling for her
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Fucking lee beforehand Lucia and Liv
Solon hate money
Because those people either cannot play quick swap or don't build their chars properly so she does low dmg for them.
This is the middle tower, F2P C0R1.
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I'd say it's serviceable
nice try whale
Cuz they're disabled LUL, this is S2R1 btw, 2k5 atk, 71% CR, 320% CD
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This game actually fucking sucks. Why does all the females keep flocking to me? All I want to do is watch, I want to be NTRd, I want to be cucked. Is this too much to ask for?
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>whaled out with 2 months of echo farming
yeah figured
To get the most out of her, you need to play quickswap teams. Still, she's strong enough to even solo clear if you build her well enough. The ones that regret it are just metafags that have no hands to play her quickswap teams.
if I dont do jeji quest in 2 days is it gone forever?
>not 3k atk 80/300 crit
Okay, back to the mines, you can only post again once you get those bare minimum shitter stats.
average hoyo fan..
astrite.gg doesn't save pulls for some reason. wuwatracker is better
How does changli get that much cd
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lmao even
man up and start whipping out that penis Rover
people was expecting jinhsi - jiyan level of dps with chill gameplay plus easy to built. Changli turned out to be kinda sweaty to play and the payoff is hella mid plus you need good echos and also max out her forte thingies. I think ultimately the fault is on kuro for setting people's expectations way too high
>Astrite.gg is garbage
>Still shilled in the OP
oh yeah, we should fix that
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>do zhezhi 3x skill while locked on
>the last attack she just turns away and hits air
how to fix?
It will still be under your quests.
Cbt1 story was so better. LingYang should've kill steal then get the bitches
thank you fren, I will now go out and eat.
I'm F2P, 120 rolls left as well and I got all limiteds and their weapons. Maybe stop being a lucklet shitter, faggot
I only get that when the target is dead.
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post your hernia
sure you are bro
Cost 4 CD, > 15% CD substats and sig
Bros, I fucking love baizhi so much it hurts. I wish I was 2d
6/10 on skills
What are you even feeding your Verina? She's stacked
But how does she maintain 70~ crit rate if both her sig and 4 cost at both cd, is it her s2?
I never lock on since my middle mouse button is broken and I never get that. Her intro on the other hand will miss for me sometimes.
Good echoes and no this is before her S2 activates.
She's s2 lol, my bird wife will be even stronger with the sexkeeper
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Humanoid mongirl versions of Impermanence Heron and Mourning Aix
Sono omanko
tsukawasete morau
you sound like a massive faggot just saying
the way you convey yourself is peak human shit
>Only 2k5 atk
>Only 71% CR, 320% CD
Holy fuck... how bricked are your echos? Do you even play the game
Why is no one avatar fagging as Ling Yang (he exists)
What's the other one? I think it goes like Se Ja Ki Shizune, what does it mean? I don't trust the translation
you seem to know a lot about being a faggot lol
>can clear the level 100 tower solo
the literal only thing bricked here is your brain lol
You couldn't pay me to avatar fag as that raging queer. He should have just been scraped from the start.
anybody who liked him left the thread lol
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Wuwa for this feel?
>Builds a sub dps
>Says my brain is bricked
Call yourself a stupid bitch right now.
shut the fuck up whaletard
did your parents not give you enough attention?
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I don't know if I should invest in a final double crit echo for my three 4/5 sets or move onto making different sets and wait for the supposed substat reroller. I can already 30/30.
>all limiteds and their weapons
>whaled echoes

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Oh, so that's how you do it as f2p.
you will never be f2p btw
Provide Ling Yang avatar, I will be the sole little faggot in this town
>Tower resets
>Everyone is insufferable about it
Many such cases
This is Abby while Frover was jerking off
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i appreciate your sacrifice
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>He doesn't know
Karenina is dead
only because some retarded whale thinks he can have his cake and eat it too
>LUL I solo'd tower, f2p btw
But reset was like 3 days ago...
And people are still going at it, can't wait for leaderboards
imagine being this mad about another man's success lol
Post your real f2p tower clears /wuwa/
only good thing about first like 5 patches of pgr was the music lmao, even the characters were shit, quality of 1.1 was better than whole 2 years of pgr combined
I just did >>493251268
I finally managed to get 30 stars for the first time. I was stack at 24 before.
>I paid to win
it was only impressive 4 weeks ago as F2P
by now every shitter under the sun has 30/30 tower clears
Show your parties too bwo, I always find those somewhat interesting the weirder they are.
Your just poor
not beating the retard allegations
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I rerolled when 1.1 came out.
what caused you to reroll
also based zhezhi chad
>rerolled when 1.1 came out
In Coop do you grant buffs to your mates?
Monthly+BP+First-Time top ups counts as f2p btw
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>top ups
hm nyo
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Guys i think i broke something...
Because I wanted to change to fem rover and I wanted to use the beginner mail rolls to get Jinhsi and her weapon for max f2p value.
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Pick your favorite anons
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Verina is peak.
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these and the lolis
For me, it's Verina
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Table D enjoyer
what does her butthole smell like?
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these too I agree
dirt and flowers
aloe vera
Is Changli stronger than Jinhsi?
Changli, Rover, Jinhsi
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in bed yes
Why the fuck would the topups count? Nothing counts as F2P if you spent money. End. How fucking deep you have to be in your own ass to get this kind of cancer? Next you tell me your farts smells like spider lilies? They are because I will choke you to death at this point.
Is the new homo in a few days worth building or do I save my resources?
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Hard choice between Yinlin and Taoqi
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New event is fun! Me likey!
>Game becomes a broken mess
>G-guys why is the game dying?
I just reinstalled and had no problems. But I understand not everyone has, more so in these hours a 1GB internet.
depends on things like do you have Yinlin or Jianxin? gonna roll for his weapon or standard fist?
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Work on my machine
Try not being poor, i recommend it
>Just uninstall the game every time the retards decide to "update" the game bro
Nah, not doing that shit again, fuck this game, i'm done for good.
Didn't said it fucks it up for me every time, but they updated the launcher. That's the one that did problems. But I dom't cry about it because even if my internet is slow, that 20-25GB is just a few minutes. As I said, pagger hours. I can sympathize with their 50kb/s internet.
it's time to filter lol lul and lmao
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Okay retards, theory time
What do you think Abby is?
From everything said about it in 1.1, I think it's a work-in-progress sentinel that Rover was working on before he/she became dormant. Eventually, it's gonna have its ultimate sentinel form
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Damn brat!
That's all i read retard. You'll be talking to a wall pretty soon anyway. with the state this game is still at after all the months they had to fix it.
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Uh oh melty
ye I can buy that
Besides the rectifier Verina uses are there any other 4* weapons that are end game viable?
NAbro here.
Where the fuck is my pink gremlin event ?!
I asked for the morning off because of this.
The craftable 4* rectifier is pretty close.
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Wait for your turn, SEAGODS get to play it first!
Bro only two stages are open today, the rest open gradually
You fumbled
This game is becoming boringer and deader with each passing day...
Fuck you
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previous baker-san blundered
Is it wuwover?
It was changed to wuwatracker two or three weeks ago for like 2 or 3 threads, but someone changed it back to astrite.gg and it's been like that since. If it at least worked it would be fine, but it's shit
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I accept your concession Amir.
So are they adding some kind of elemental combos? I had some random video about it in my YouTube feed.
what do you mean by this
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I did it, gamers. I earned my free unit.
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Weirdly, I like Yapyap's the most...
Scrapped for being too genshin-like
Your video might have been CBT stuff because they experimented with it, but took it out for good reason, it just doesn't work well with Wuwa's better combat.
try the arrow toggle
I can understand, she has those perfect bullet train bazookas.
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Seethe slurper drone.
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Why are you so poor?
...what are those nails anon? You can't have such shit taste... right?
I will not forgive you for not adding me to the screencap
How soon do you think they will add a tower with more floors
Finally beat scar on my phone
Guy is way too tanky
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based torpedo enjoyers
i only get 130mbps...
Is elemental damage better than %attack? Talking about the 3* echos.
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Space theory bros, what are your thoughts?
>1 africa
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Good morning to my Yapyap
Hey Wuwajeets?

Why do people from dead generals (blue archive, wuwa, zzz, etc.) keep on hating Genshin Impact. Unironically
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nah it's 100% an upper god along with lucia and rover
it is but I think it depends on the character's weapon cause some give elemental boosts that let you get away with using 1 atk and 1 elemental 3 cost
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I will do one for you when I get home, but that will be the next thread most likely. On the other hand, the work wifi is better than I expected it to be.
Shorekeeper definitely knows about this little shit. Also, I remember a Gate being mentioned in PGR lore, but I haven't played it so I could be wrong
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New 1566
Space and aylmao...
What's the theory? That we'll go into outer space? Or of the existence of other life beyond the world of wuwa.
I feel like it's a given, no? It's a post apocalyptic setting, with the broken city/high ways and even a tacet discord car thing It goes without saying there's probably a lot of additional sci-fi elements. People probably flee the planet en masse.
If that's the case, if this game can have the same type of sci-fi/super natural kino that Xenoblade has I'm all in
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man these niggers are always zerging
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I'm pretty sure this is just a quote from Blade Runner.
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Do i really have to reinstall...
i do this to my own posts
Just click repair game client
NTA but really? 200mbps in 2024 is a bit embarrassing
Or just uninstall for good and play games made by competent devs.
Just a thought.
Had to waste 20$ for Zhezhi's weapon.
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>had to
bro your stringless?
Why did you had to? Did Zhezhi blackmailed you by painting you in compromisable positions butt naked?
stringmaster* even fuark
> 950 mbps
> Alone in his apartment
Nice poor financial decisions fag
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>Moving the goal post
I pay 30€ for that.
No need to be jealous.
Not a terrible amount, your jeji will love you for it
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is it that rare ? maybe is only normal in Europe
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Not the same anon, I said I have 1GB internet at home, but I lied. It's actually 2GB (1+1, so I can have my PC on 1GB and the Xbox on another 1GB of its own.)
Telekom gives some good internet here and it costs 24 dollars a month.
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Here's a cute jeje for you
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I stumbled across forbidden knowledge...
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When she crosses her arms like she's thinking about Rover's medical examination
>chked gacha earning
>Wuwa made less than 10million
Anon, Wuwa not in danger of getting shutdown like Concord right??
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stop fattening her
>yearly development costs higher than all western studios combined
For sure.
Hey, it wasn't me who said it, it was Hoyo. They quite literally don't know the word money management with how bloated their costs are.
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200 million yearly for this..
All that money and still can't make good models
Why do people always post that half naked dude with glasses? Is /wuwa/ homosexual?
Holy fucking shit im glad i quit.
$150 million of that went towards Tiffany's personal coffee budget, Fat Xiao spent the rest on noodles.
Still as unfunny as ever
half of that goes to youtube ads
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Where's blue woman
I want to gamble, fuck you Solon, free character can't give me dopamine!
Give me anko instead
Dark elf in wuwa when?
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Pretty much confirmed.
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which skill should i go first for anko bros?
liberation and forte seems important based on how I play her
so I guess those are first?
I think you want Liberation first but i'm not an anko bwo
>lib forte then Hwatever
Get his weapon for the mesugaki
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aight then thanks bros
Yeah I think it's just a reference to the famous "tears in the rain" scene.
why so much dialogue holy shit
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My wuwa gf also died once
love wawu
Iove wawu frens
simple as
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I regret wasting money in the Vendors
I didn't expect the money problem in Phase 6 to be this brutal
She has a long way to go
kek, what did you buy anon?
did you buy flour....
How much worse would it be if I use the normal 5* for Yao?
>1 min of unskippable yapfest
>1 min of seeing that npc's face
holy fuck...
what did you buy anko
Just spend a week farming nothing but shell credits
Jenny is so precious
The best part is that this is a daily commission. One of four.

Granted Genshin finally has implemented a system that lets you more or less bypass your daily commissions and just earn the rewards, the fact that it took them four fucking years to do so speaks volumes.
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Food, flowers and anything I see in vendors. Just started and didn't know what I'm doing
and was rich, 4-5 million rich
so it's ok to waste the current event on shell?
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>Nexus is garbage
>Gamebanana is garbage
>Loverslab is a pain in the ass to browse
I've done nothing but shell in all the double drop events
easiest way to never worry about credits
It's the post-apocalyptic world ankobwo, there is no such thing as rich when everything has a x2000 multiplier on price.
The current event doesn't require Waveplates. You don't like three times and you're done until the next day.

We previously had a double drop event but that just lapsed. Would have been a good opportunity to have gotten some shekels.
>200 million yearly for this..
199 million of that is on marketing (trailers bots ads twitter engagement)
but it was reported they spent 300 million on last month on ads alone so I don't know, maybe most of that money went to Gamescom?
>so it's ok to waste the current event on shell?
i went all in with shekels this time
>Food, flowers
you fool
you better cook some useful food with that
I never cook anything since day 1
>Food, flowers and anything I see in vendors.
lmao based anko bwo
Actually that's false. It's 300M yearly on marketing last year, but even that is only in the US. Their marketing most likely easily double of that.
But you cooked enough at least to max out mastery for the astrites, right...?
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no, i dont care enough about this
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>boss is called Impermanence Heron
I guess it's in character
Who cares about the 5 astrite, cooking itself gives you mastery and 1-2 pulls worth.
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I hope this money crisis is over soon
>2 pulls
yeah, man im good
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For the first co-op event / stress test I suppose this isn't terrible and the rewards are decent enough.
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>No turtle
Yup. It's reset time.
Inferno Rider and Dreamless are good tho. Who are you using?
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wait where is my double drop rate?
this event reminds me of this
damn kinda miss those days
Danjin. I suck at dodging
today is the last day
and the boost is only for 3 domains per day
if you already did some before, than its already gone
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Saw Inferno Hologram on tiktok
It look too hard...
For Danjin it makes sense to use Turtle. Fair enough.
I wish they add more, 5 stages is kinda too little, at least make it 10 stages + up the rewards jesus
How's the event NA bros. Are we co-oping later today?
need bunch of suicide bomber rush too desu
it ended bwo, just do illusive realm in 2 days theres more credits there and also the new event will give you some
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This town ain’t big enough for TWO little faggots
guess Im gonna be broke for a while.
Damn, nigga, that's all you had to say
if you only do shekel domain for 1 day without the boost it will give you approx 480k
its not really bad way to spend the stamina desu
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I didn't think I was going to say that but the men in Wuwa are cool actually. I think Im going to build this guy.
The new free guy is on my list too
the only bad apple of the bunch is just the lionfag, really
everyone else is on point
Wait a minute, something is off about this
Yuanwu is actually fun to play, he just does negative damage. Great with Jinny though
Jinhsi's anus
I think rover is a virgin after all
There is no way this is Encore's sheep for real, right?
Be the jew you always meant to be.
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I did it! I did it!
With my last gems!
Now that i have her weapon too Zhezhi can be my wife!
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Was this necessary?
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congrats but you're also bricked. Imagine skipping Shopkeeper
Yuanwu's talent points went into style, no more for power.
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it is like she wants everyone to look at her thighs. Every time I see her my eyes immediately go there
Chixia is Canon wife, just look how much she interacts with the Rover compared to the ice queen and onee san.
I have Black Swan in hsr, i am okay. For me tiers mean nothing. I am happy with my introverted megane wife. She's basically Tsukushi in wuwa and i love Tsukushi.
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scarezhi vs sexzhi
This is absolute disgusting! Put her glasses back on right now!
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Thank you, now it's Sexzhi.
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So other than being pure sex, is she good for anything? She will be my second limited 5* since I started on Changli banner
Can i somehow use Zhezhi as support to Changli? I don't have Jinshi. And who could be the 3rd?
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I didn't realize how close to pity I was. Did a 10-pull just to scratch the itch. Now I have C1 Zhezhi
shes got some kind of gundam style intro nuke, shes a unique healer that's for sure. Also i can see her boobs
But you can't see her nipples so it's ok.
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She's a support. A second verina but better. Should be able to put her in most teams
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congrats i guess?
Sure, changli enjoys skill buff and extra damage (jinhsi just gets more since she needs coordinated attacks). Third can be verina or shorekeeper.
bricked status?
aaiieeeee she’s warping my screen
Got tier at exploration but I'm a bit disappointed her hp transfer turned out to be one time only.
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Got home. Telekom go brrrrrrr~
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I heard that g*nsh!n 5.0 is good...
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So is this girl supposed to be edgy or cute? Im getting mixed signals and can't take her edginess seriously with that voice
Wuthering mid
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bros wtf zhezhi is actually really cute and expressive
Danjin does the raping
>Not even looms are safe from being keked
What is mihomo's end goal?
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Of course I am.
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She is just shy anon
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too late to wuwuwawas anon
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behave you wuwas
no more wuwuwawa on late thread
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Someone should bake soon
All the ceaseless aria weapons (overture, discord, cadenza), since they can be used by your sub dps. Dauntless evernight for taoqi if you like minmaxing her def.
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Schizo. Closer to cute than to violent or edge which has all but disappeared.
Someone has to be the loser girl
>finally animate scenes and not white text on a black background
>it's not about you
>you fucking watch
nigger what are they thinking
(you) are not the hero of the prophecies
750 reply
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cant wait for her hair down skin
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dont leave your door unlocked at night
thats the knife ear, danjin would never!
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she literally awoos
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youre right
a locked door doesnt matter for her
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why the fuck did they only put male rover
I'm close to UL59 and I have 50 cubes, do I use them to get to 60? is that enough?
jeji's banner last day edition
Most likely that's the 1.3 patch art. They are alternating.
>1.0 both
>1.1 MRover
>1.2 FRover
>1.3 MRover
Which means 1.4 will be FRover with Cameltoe
just use them and get the extra mat bro
use them on money domain until you level up
the mat drops are better at 60

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