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Previous: >>492614513

>What... is this?
Put simply, a simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of the 4chan imageboard. The players represent facets of each board's culture. All of the matches are AI versus AI. However, humans "manage" each team, creating their tactics and giving input during games as they happen to make substitutions and tactical changes as they see fit.

>Where can I watch the cup?

>Upcoming Cup

>Current Invitationals

>Upcoming Invitationals



>Other videos

>PES Info

PES17 autism
VGL23 rules
NTC3 signups open
autumn friendlies happening now
/ag/lel happening now
VTL blayoffs
>fatfag OP
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It's an architect's world, you're just living in it.
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LOL so true oomfie
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Autumn ruleset when?
My wife Ringo
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we-are-going-to-start-a-dialogue summary
>centering targets banned
>point buy or stat distribution (/i/ manager)
>5 medal system
>random weather
>give short bracket two extra medals to counter height
>extra medal on the bench
>malicia remains free but not required
>free double-As for nonmedals
>/i/ manager thinks no one uses double-As
>more subs
>cup cycle 1 being sensible, cup cycle 2 being weirder
>extra medal on the bench
I like this actually. Don't let the argie talk in there.
>centering targets banned
>malicia remains free but not required
>cup cycle 1 being sensible, cup cycle 2 being weirder
yeah sure whatever
>extra medal on the bench
>free double-As for nonmedals
>everything else
holy shit kill yourself
It only works for teams that don't rotate medals. If you have the same 4/5 medals for years in a row you don't mind one having to sit for a cycle. If you have new medals every cup then the sub fucks at least one over.
It's meant to be used as a super sub or to promote someone else. It isn't a bad idea.
I'm starting to buy the idea that setting everyone to the same stats fundamentally breaks PES. Am I being gaslit?
Think about it like this, this is meant to be played by humans in the first place. And most "real teams" have players with different stats, no one is 77 on all stats, and some are better than others.
When you make everyone the same and controlled by AI there is going to be some fuckery.
PES isn't build for coach mode and the 4cc ruleset but it is built for players to build a team of ~90 overall players. I don't think its the overalls fuck things up when most players already use a full team of Messis, Ronaldos, Modrics, Van Dijks, and Neuers. It's probably just coach mode.
Pretty accurate.
If that player is designated to have to start every game on the bench then it's only a "promotion" into a very limited role. If it only has to be *any* medal on the bench, or if that bench medal needs to come on for another medal, then it hurts the 4 players who should be medals by themselves. If the player can come on for a nonmedal, then it reduces the variety of nonmedals that can play (as one will be guaranteed to become a medal at halftime). And while this wouldn't be a huge issue if it's only one cycle, the meta would instantly just become red vs blue super-sub SS vs super-sub CMF.
One cycle would be enough to see how it goes. If they want to do one more srs and one wacky it should be fine.
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/AG/ is going to make me watch the vtumor league for the first time
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>no one is 77 on all stats, and some are better than others.
I've always wondered about making strikers have lower to borderline low stats in things like GK and defensive stats to see if it'd help PES out. Has anyone ever tried to lower the offensive/defensive prowess on non attacking/defensive players? Vanilla players look like this.
Lower defensive prowess was done on 18 iirc
It would probably just make high pressing worse and encourage defensive play
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is this real?
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>fat fuck kotturds
>doing their hits
No, it's not
You tyell me
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'fraid so.
Nice post streaky
By me
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does 3atb with RB/LBs work on 17?
With height abuse
Macaco sexo
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What's the best CF playstyle on 17?
Fox CF is alright, Target Man isn't bad if you're running 3 strikers (you just two aggressive SS to make the most of it), Goal Poacher CF is great, never tried Dummy CF
ogey ffat
Where the fuck is the day 3 friendlies VOD?
Copyrighted on the jewtube channel.
>he isn't aware
>L'av desperately trying to post irrelevant archive during limbus hours
Stick to Project KWABV
Please let Mabel submit and manage final boss for New Thread Cup
Why? Mabel teams are ass without the constant hands on autism changes during a game?
He is a meta goblin too, most of his autism doesn't even work. When he does well is when he doesn't need to adjust anything.
at least eighty percent of all live managing is done essentially out of desperation. if your setup works from the jump you don't fuck with it. four years of an autopilot being the most consistently good team should have taught you this.
the cold hard truth is that in most scenarios you are best off basically just being /cm/. find something that works really well before export day, submit it on export day, and then let it cook.
also don't run what /cm/ themselves ran in spring but this probably goes without saying. run an AMF if you're gonna do two DMFs, at the very least.
I know discordant is retarded but holy shit
I haven't heard any news on NTC 3? What happened?
it was pretty true in summer and spring, the fake silvers don't have double As and also strongly disincentivize ever using double As. but that's almost entirely a function of that specific ruleset and even in that specific ruleset, the previous cup winner utilized a double A during the final.
Double A's are fun. Some people in there are just completely against flexibility like it has won many cups, let schizos have 5 formations why do you care
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I miss the kettle too...
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He's too busy being bred my me
shouldn't final boss just be the winner of the last one, fight of the best noobies
I guess if we really want to pretend /ss13g/ is still relevant in some way
it's not like NTC is wholly serious, it's just a cup for people to learn so they can get involved.
last time the winners were booked a friendly, and there's only one slot left, so perhaps thats what the slot is being held for, but if not i don't see why not if the guy wants to do it.
not going to test a single time for akko leauue
you should test
/bag/gers not welcome
I should but I won't
don't make me come over there
my arm hurts from making teams to test against
it's alright Trianglel, /vt/ league 7 should be your last league in charge
i'm so offended you would call me that
You will have new thread cup exports to test against soon
what if your goalkeeper gets really ded and you are 3 goals ahead so you can remove your CF?
do people really have any faith in them being good? as far as i'm aware only two people have made exports before, /mjg/ and /ddg/, and the /mjg/ one was so bad they decided that caretakers shouldn't be allowed to make exports any more, and the /ddg/ guy was handheld by other managers through the tournament because he also made something fairly stupid.
i don't know how much handholding is going on behind the scenes for everybody else but we might just have a cup of pure slop.
You must be new if you think more than 2/8 of the teams will be submitting something original.
eat food
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eh food
breed cunnysoup
meido essex would look hot
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ehh meido?
that's all I got
/ag/ league
by architects, for architects
oh wait, wrong league.
Just assume /llsifg/ is probably going to be what they are considering for VGL. I would also use /bag/ maybe another team that at least has another manager overseeing that it isn't abysmal shit. And maybe /ddg/
>Just assume /llsifg/ is probably going to be what they are considering for VGL.
If someone is seriously looking for teams to test against please don't actually believe this.
Didn't this vtuver khs because she was bullied online or something? Like, just get off the screen, lmao.
Why would you know that? Hmmm
in his defense, he's completely wrong
When formations get posted and the exports are available, I will just check all of them and post which ones are worth testing against. But even if it was a serious export /llsifg/ is always very mid, so I would still use someone from a past VGL anyway.
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rate and predict the akko lel teams? who wins this shit?
What an unbelievably bad lineup
Let's go /nnd/
Best line-up akkolel has ever had and zero autopilots but it's an unbelievably grim mix of teams and managers that will make for some abhorrently bad groups. You've got:
>teams that should have been banned from this
>teams/managers that are absolute shitters
>managers that are absolutely clueless about tactics
>managers that are absolutely clueless about aesthetics
>autistic as fuck managers
>tryhard as fuck managers
>certain managers that are going to cause 30 mins of menu autism
>all of the above mixed together and some likely car crash mismatches
But there is some good teams and some aesthetics likely there and some potential for good matches between decent managers if they face each other. It's not dimes but it's potentially watchable if they rig groups so its not the turboautists beating up the tabas and aobas of that league
>>managers that are absolutely clueless about tactics
Isn't that the point of Akko?
Yes that's why it's on PES version that both the cup and vgl and moving away from. Wait...
Wait, Akko is on 16?
Its on PES17
it tried to pretend it was the 4cc version of ntc but just turned into another circlejerk league and looks more like vgl than 4cc now

it is a bit less circlejerky than previous ones and looks like more different people signed up than just same one as last time but its still a circlejerk league that tried in bad faith to be a beginners one
So basically half the managers are just abusing it as a test cup under a different name, grim.
There's never been a point with akkolel
In my defense I immediately closed the page after reading
>New Managers and Veteran Managers that aren't doing hot encouraged to sign up. If you've got no experience with PES before 19 then you're accepted too.
its swiss system
To this day I refuse to believe tendies is capable of organizing an invitational.
Neither Mabel or sgbong will win.
Who's streaming aglel tomorrow?
>8 AGL teams
>1 VGL team
>1 /bag/ lel team
>1 /a/ lel team
>1 gusic team
>0 4CC teams

>7 VGL managers
>7 4CC managers (only 3 purely 4CC)
>3 VTL managers
>2 non-managers/new managers
>1 Aoba

4CCsisters... what happened?
also what's happening saturday and sunday, at all
A 4cc team joining this would look bad on that team
4CC teams used to make up a large part of their signups though?
Why would a manager enter their 4cc or VGL team into a circlejerk league?
Entering your existing memevitational team makes sense so you don't have to redo aesthetics.
I don't know why, I'm just speaking for myself I would never sign up for this with either my 4cc or vgl team.
After Friday the schedule for Saturday and Sunday will come out when the four closest groups get put on Primetime Sunday and the remaining 12 go on Saturday multistream.
ask taba why he signed /pg/ up and if the general even want to be in a circlejerk league
Taba should not be allowed to manage /pg/
He is just being lazy and re using a team with no regards of the fans that /pg/ has
Assuming anyone from /pg/ even cares about divegrass in the first place
Then the fallacy becomes why /pg/ exists in the first place and why is it getting through verification. But that's on the VGL.
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Okaerinyasai, gyoshujin.
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There is nothing more embarrassing than using a decimal comma in place of a decimal point
imagine being European... eugh
Cull any team with less than ten fans and you will get a thirty two team tournament and eight in qualifiers just fine.
Why would you need qualifiers for a 32 team tournament?
There is nothing more embarrassing than using silly units like pounds and feet instead of kilograms and meters.
To create the illusion of a larger competition while maintaining a better tournament structure.
Considering being stuck in qualifiers, being slow as fuck, EoSing, etc., /mmg/, /wtg/, /pg/, and /twg/ are the real questionable ones.
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>teams/managers that are absolute shitters
>managers that are absolutely clueless about tactics
>managers that are absolutely clueless about aesthetics
>autistic as fuck managers
all me btw
>>managers that are absolutely clueless about aesthetics
>>autistic as fuck managers
What's the point of autism if you can't channel it into giving your players accurately modelled vaginas?
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>Gook nikkers learnt how to do PES stuff so they can create their own stuff unlike gook baggots that just leech
>their first emblems are just real team modifications like some early 4cc teams
Holy sovl
>your honor, my client is clinically retarded
I guess that does count as defense.
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The logo competition for the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup is now taking submissions. The deadline is on the 22nd of September 23:59 UTC.
Please send all submissions to potatotron.4cc@gmail.com. Submitted logos will be placed in a gallery on the wiki.
You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.
This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.


Put your shit up on the wiki for the second week of friendlies if you haven't already
Looking for anyone who asked
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>draw against /jp/
>draw against /vg/
>eggsdra against /aco/
>eggsdra against /u/
What did /wsg/ mean by this?
Fuck, could you not have waited until I'm done with my Akko aesthetics?
NikkeARYANGODS OWN /bag/gotcel pissbabies. Always have. Always will.
/mmg/ makes sense, that team is so shit that there's nothing to be a fan of in the first place. /wtg/ makes less sense since that team can actually get results. There's also the middle column to consider, /vrg/ of all teams is somehow down at the bottom with only 4 posters.
>baggots get everything handed to them on a silver plate by gaysco, denko, toki and the streamers
>manager kills himself and they act like the most entitled cunts in the world over a third place.
>nikkeGODS make their own shit don't even ask anyone
I don't see them recovering from this one
I went to your mothers place to >>493279436 her and she asked.
'Fraid not. I got my own timelines I need to keep.
>making fun of someone's dead mom
I had a hard day and wanted to crack open a cold one.
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>my gookshit is better than YOUR gookshit
You're still tiny-dicked gooks in the end
>the council sucked off /bag/ for two whole weeks
>bent the rules to get /lcg/ in early
>nikkers get nothing
Just like /gfg/ who didn't ask either
Thank god
Why would he want to be someone with a tiny dick? All the YWNB posters are retarded as fuck.
Why would I want to be a jap?
>/vrg/ of all teams is somehow down at the bottom with only 4 posters.
They have people that watch in VR that dont get counted towards the chat. The general itself has been ungodly slow this year and is starting to die out though, so there's lower interest.
Calm down Kara.
>thinks I'm a namefag
Rent free.
Your hands are trembling. Calm down.
ooooh here comes the daily KWABellum melty
daily aria, kwabellum, troonysoup, argentale etc melties.
>gookshit screeching and trying to one-up each other while weebs did it all first and better than either ever will
k-slop loses again
>thing japan
kwabellum, kwabria, troonysoup, kwabentale etc: erm *brain falls out of ear*
>thing japan, korea
kwabellum, kwabria, troonysoup, kwabentale etc: SO TRUE!!
>thing japan
/4ccg/: SO TRUE!!
>thing japan, korea
/4ccg/: erm *brain falls out of ear*
/4ccg/: erm *brain falls out of ear*
>implying we have brains
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wtf where are the troonysoup melties happening?
Right now.
He said with tears trailing down his cheeks.
vglcord like everyone else
They could always chop their dick and make slanty eyes and pass as a jap
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1 > 2 > 4 > 3
I am not your boogeyman.
He said with tears trailing down his cheeks.
Who in their right mind would ever chop their dick off to pretend to be something they're not and never could be?
So why am I supposed to hate Cunnysoup again
More Discord posts=more deserved hate
/llisfgigsdgsdgsdgsgdhgsduyghusdfgsdhfHELPMEEEE/ fan
All I know of this faggot is that he is like the Epic11 or Fettbernd of VGL. Always on chat acting like a dunce, I don't think he really posts on discord.
>the Epic11 of VGL
I don't get it.
He doesn't post near as much as them. ASS makes fun of him because all his posts sound like a bot and someone here then made hating him their entire personality.
True I forget that faggot watches both events.
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breed managers
What do you quality as acting like a dunce?
severe Beebsphilia and nonstop kyotspeaking
Repeating the same joke over and over, no charisma but trying too hard to be funny, no brain activity. Like the rest of the chat but done more to the point you start being noticed for it.
All of which can be avoided by simply not looking at the chat or simply hiding his profile. As opposed to be people who shit up legitimate channels with thier tantrums
Not looking at discord or hiding channels is also a choice. Unfortunately filtering/blocking on discord has always done nothing.
worked onto a shot
annoying cunt that stands out because he is literally the only person with a pink name on the chat
Gives me third worlder vibes.
Are you really getting worked into a shoot over a chat you look at maybe most 6 weekends a year?
comfyniggers take their chats very seriously
anon asked why people hate him and i answered
>It's only ok when I namedrop people, but it's not fair when it is me.
Cope troonsoup
Fina seethe?
it's not getting worked when you get annoyed by a shoot retard, there is no sustained kayfabe going on in the fucking cytube chat
Will the stream get killed if my music contains the word nigger
It shouldn't
Ask /mu/
tma having a menhera melty in the vtlcord
/4ccg/ - 4chan Cup-related discord news
architect managers
melty in /4ccg/
melty in Beeb's basement
melty in your mom's ass
Damn, never knew my mom participated in ASS, now I want to watch ASS more
S tier: /myteam/
A tier: teams I like
B tier: teams I don't care about
>who wins
some B tier team
beebs' employer is having a melty he's taking 4 fridays off in a row
who are the good guys here
Beebs is his own boss.
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the friday friendlies weedman...
How do I become European?
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sure, here
are you from angola
Akko produces high placing cup teams. Simple as. And it's fun
just move to france
too white
They're canceled, go watch VTL or /ag/ league
think about it.
Is Cipher a bad guy?
'fraid so.
Nice miku
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For me it's /GAR/.
still not watching
attacking fullbacks are awful who the fuck recommended them
fuck you troonsoup
shitpost response - /myteam/

non-shitpost response:
>good guys
/essex/ - sex?
/MRU/ - looks fun
/NND/ - fun team
/hlm/ - good team
/madness/ - retro flash kino
/nightcore/ - gusic kino

/GAR/ - chaotic netural
/aoba/ - Aoba.
/rancevii/ - /hanny/ and they'll choke as usual
/pg/ - Taba chaos

>bad guys
/fluff/ - kemonoshit
/3ds/ - Metagross.
/hi3/ - Mabel autism/tryharding/30 min menu sessions when 7-1 up
/sdm/ - comfynigger 2hu circlejerk team, also likely prime tryharding watch with above two
/trinity/ - gookshit

>please die in a fire
/offtopic/ - should've been banned
stopped reading at essex in good guys
>reddit spacing
offtopic has you crying so hard!
do something about it
/offtopic/ vs /4ccg/ is the real clasico
/kwab/ vs /melty/ finalissima
Someone should really do an invitational where only the worst ideas and most offensive existing teams are allowed to take part Bottom of the Barrel Cup or something
that already happened
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I actually don't get it this time.
I don't get it.
second panel laptop
In their respective franchises, both companies played a crucial role in the near annihilation of humanity. The employees working for them, however, appear unconcerned, as they are well-paid for their roles.
If these tech companies are so great why don't I have a robot wife?
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It would turn womemes obsolete, so it's not allowed.
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That's a man
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'fraid so.
It's so frustrating that I couldn't watch this for more than 7 seconds because it just cringed me out too much. I wish I could find the same enjoyment from this kind of thing that others can, but it's fucking impossible.
you're gay
the absolutely peak of vtuber comedy
No that's
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9 for /dlg/ in the next VGL
VGL24 at the very leas
>Valve's Concord
Hmmm... Nyo.
Oh the actual /dlg/ became /dlsg/
>gets half of the council addicted to the game so they create a rule that waives the 6 month rule for just 1 VGL (and only benefits one team)
Nothing personnel... kiddo
it's westslop so that won't be happening
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/dlsg/ in the next VGL! hopefully.
>Playing real games
Thanks for the laugh anon.
I believe
>real games
More of a game than the kusoge to play. Also...
It's a shooter ASSFAGGOTS. Get it right.
Skyrim was the last real game released
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this isn't 1 month late, it's 7 years late
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PES 17 has momentum, one team allowed to play, clear preferred formations, awful shooting, and questionable passing. Why was this considered the golden PES everyone wanted?
>golden PES
there isn't one
gypsy hands made this post
NTC shitter hands made this post.
Working yourself into a seething shoot over people not thinking 17 is perfect
I never managed on a pre-19 PES version but just the time on 19/21 and some limited testing on 16 has taught me not to look forward to any PES version.
You better start learning fetus or qualifiers buddy.
Luckily I don't have to like PES in order to copy a default formation
Why did you reply to me and someone else buddy
Who's that girl on the right?
People also treated 16 as the best thing ever until we actually got to play it
/akg/ couldn't win on PES 19
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I had
with it
'fraid so.
>VGL consistently gets more views than this nobody
i dont think duel links would ever want to come back anon. it's time to let go
Duel links died a while ago, and their most mentally ill posters shit up /dng/ now(one's a known tranny chaser who met up with someone there to rape him and failed to even do that).
>formation doesn't work
>turn on centering targets
>formation works
easy ass game don't know what people complain about
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We NEED winning eleven
What does that have to do with the PES version?
Skill issues.
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Zexal world NPC, Mia.
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you uhhh, sure about that chief?
>tfw /badguy/
I'm honored
simple but nice, grats again
pes17 looks so much better than pes19. its got soul
Now that there's no dedicated gloves folder, how the hell do Glove IDs work on 17?
Ramen is retarded, gloves on 17 work just like on any other version. What he meant is that you don't need to use them because you can load everything from the face folders.
>he never grew out of the contrarian phase
An eternal 13 year old. Oh boy.
Calm down.
what a shit take, it’s clearly
>the greatest invitational team ever
>don’t care
>main team considered heel but considered good guys on invitational
Which is it?
fucking kill yourself offtopic nigger
no and the 4ccg tears are going to be incredible if /offtopic/, metagross, mabel or sgbong wins akkolel
only c*mfytards care about sgbong
Do they really?
why would 4ccg be upset about someone who pisses off the comfy niggers?
This is the most anyone has ever cared for Akko
i'm watching akko to see my friends compete in sportsball :)
this is what happens when you have an invitational drought for so long, it all comes back and goes full retard then within a month everyone remembers why they suck ass and wants them gone again
>implying I've ever forgotten
>winning anything
Is there a section on the rigged wiki to learn about the backstories of all these namefags that keep getting mentioned? As a newcomer I'm lost as hell.
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The only namefag related stuff you need to know as a newcomer is dragongate, everything else is not important.
>everyone remembers why they suck ass and wants them gone again
five people on /4ccg/ aren't everyone though
I hope a majority of the /bag/ doujins from the latest comiket are of the lolis
Despite the common misconception, titty monsters are the most popular characters in ba.
EOE Minorities/Women/Disabled/Vets
Winners of VGL23
VTL soon
/alg/ did win MobaBowl.
I have cummed way too much to this bitch.
Fat bitch.
By cheating
I have cummed way too much inside this bitch while some loser twink watched.
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nah that's mint castella
>281 pages of emotes
More like Sexal.
Yes. and we use ALL of them.
Okay then. Use all of them right now.
I'm gay
Cytube's closed
melty on vglcord
I'm tired of meltys, give me some other kind of food
1 sample of a piping hot creampie for you then!
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But I put black forest ham on this one!
melty on the gooncord
I know it's actually roast beef with food coloring weedman.
I wouldn't hit you with the red 40 like that Anon.
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What game. Now.
gookslop bootleg
Project varpoware. It's from the BA gooks
Project kv, the next big thing
Blue Archive with blackjack and hookers
VTL preshow going on, show starts in 25 bings
Any askers?
>/vt/ League
If I wanted to watch football as interpreted by Osama Bin Laden I'd turn on a fucking Raiders game
That's hand egg.
/smtg/ and /pw/ play every competition though
>Gooks keep making Japanese themed games
I thought they hated the Japs because they raped their grandmothers?
Girls named Kim Shun Ne don't sell as much as girls named Yukari or Rin-chan
Where's their pride though? Or are they finally coming into terms that half of them are rapebabies and hence, half japanese.
They don't have a culture of their own as far as anime goes so they have to steal it. Chinks do it too for their games.
All of East and Southeast Asia like Jap media. /int/fags overrate how much the average citizen from each country dislikes each other.
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>Where's their pride though?
Jap money
They wish they were rape babies
the 5 posts above me were made by sudacas and seababs btw
Keep coping, vglcord lurker
she has taken miles upon miles of black cock
Every single post above me was made by either a gook, seamonkey, nigger, beaner, pajeet, australian, a mix of all six, or any other variation of an undesirable ethnicity. I am the only white poster on /4ccg/ and I will be making no further posts in this thread. Thank you very much
So the BA audience
why are your hands brown
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Why are you terminally online?
yup intro was kino
Most American poster itt.
he said looking down as he typed this
>Where Dreams Come To Kek What A Bitch
Finally some good fucking league
/pw/ is over brother
VTL7 intro

/int/ wouldn't lie to me like that. Right?
Last VGL one was better
When does /AG/ play?
4th match tomorrow
Thanks, only team worth watching in the vtumor league
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I probably will not watch either.
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What will happen in here
>10 teams nobody wants to see play
I don't know as I will NOT be watching. That's right! I will NOT be watching this! I will instead be jerking my dick off.
It's fun when Crimson streams /ag/ League because he complains about every single team
Reminder that the nation of San Marino has more wins than /vg/ this semester
Why is Bepsi a /n/ player
San Marino has every win and every loss in every league this thread talks about. Your point?
>I booked /out/ twice

Well fug, I'll fix that later.
/3/ for the kino
Dimeless games.
/g/ or /3/ please
I can't believe I forgot about /3/ on the winter 19 database. Consider it done.
but /lit/ has played like shit
San Marino has more official wins than /akg/, /vn/, /ggg/ in 2024.
Since you need to fix it, requestan /diy/
I'm romanian btw not sure if that matters
he literally does that for every single team in every single league except for the handful that he personally likes
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Oh shit.
I'm kidding, I'm not watching these dead dimeless teams.
do it yourself bro
Yowamushi Pedal reference that's remained a fan favourite since.
t. Watchers
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The main contenders for Winter 2025 will play soon, you should watch
/bant/ finally got the dog in them?
>vtl attendance dropped again
>Sou has having a CONTROLLER NO momento
lowest first day numbers yet
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>gooks outta nowhere
programmed response, saved this image because he's so broken
the 'ook is boiling
Who won
Guys, I'm starting to think Sou might be retarded
What gave it away?
you need to be retarded to be commish, it's on the contract
>VTL7, where TMA comes to KWAB
the vtuber fad has finally topped out, vtubers are declining
How about you take your dragon dildo out of your ass & learn how to have >fun for once in your gay life?
And stop trying to strongarm your way into /admin/ they also fucking hate (You)
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New version of the compiler is out.
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/vg/ if determined by how much a general cares
Medals are absolutely grim, the rest are ok
>No changes whatsoever to current /vg/
Goes to show how awful this board really is.
holy fucking grim
I can smell the pagpag from here
this nigga in the know here, elaborate further
all of those /llsifg/ posts and fans? me
die cunnysoup die
>trying to strongarm your way into /admin/
KYS troonysoup
live cunnysoup live
Where is /4ccg/
KYS aKWABri or Dencuckchi
Why so obsessed over a random chatfaggot?
melty on vglcord over trannysoup
Being associated with managing /llsifg/ gives +50 stats points to /4ccg/ schizo attraction.
It's a charisma debuff. Mostly when you are 95% of the fans of that team.
The raped gay zombie ass of lgbt in friendlies right now
/admin/fag caught in 4ccg and leaking the script
breed managers
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I don't need someone to manage my breeding
The nofan teams aren't going to hurt you.
oh my kinsey my interest in the friendlies has just gotten a booster shot and evolved!
Chatfags are the ultimate offsiters. Prove me wrong without any tears or trembling hands
Why did he do it?
I can't even prove you wrong, they are certainly posting offsite
There is no explanation for a fetish
People that post on chat? Yeah.
If you catch your manager posting in cytube outside of your teams's match he is literally and figuratively a merc
My manager doesn't even wear the team's colors in chat
'fraid so
Disgusting merc too.
If you watch the stream on anything other than an embed link in this thread you're offsiter scum
I don't even use the cytube chat
How do we know you aren't one of them
>diet cookies
Do americans really
If you watch the stream AT ALL and don't just get everything you need to know from /here/ you are an offsiter
This but unironically and not shaking.
>cum streaming down his ass
If your manager isn't on the chat for 90% of virtual divegrass/luckswing/2hu/wrestling etc. streams he isn't dedicated to the craft
/vt/ League continues to spiral down the toilet
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Correct, if you watch divegrass or any secondary show related to it, you are an offsitter and should leave this site.
Moving forward, all cups will be posted as gifs and webms of highlight moments.
>/wsg/ wins the cup
>Cup moves to a format that actually is native to 4chan
Kino, they really are the top babyface of this promotion.
>the cup is watched via 1200 20-second webms
Finally, the cup is catering to the zoomer crowd
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alel schedule? Asking for a friend fyi. you won't catch me watching that shit lol
breeding schedule?
alel? Ask blinky
The Spankneseum is at full capacity, please ask later.
pinned message on the gooncord
Huh what you mean barely anyone is in gay baby jail at the moment
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Whyat dyid hye myeant by thyis?
guys i missed vt league today so i went to implying.fun to watch it and it's not there?
But I was told those got archived with priority according to akwabri?
you should stop listening to the voices in your head
Sorry, Aqua retired and I'm currently airing out my veins in my bathtub, implying fun will be on hold.
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When is /c/ going to get rid of her?
Eris better
Oh yeah. If she and Darkness are so good why no team has recruited them?
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melty inside my co's ass
Is there a Saturday/Sunday schedule for /ag/ league?
shit has been canceled due to lack of dimes
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aglel schedule from what I could tell. streamers for today stream1/3 undecided yet
QD and Toki currently wrestling over who gets to avoid /emoji/ and /sticker/
does anyone know how i can get in contact with two_scoops (without emailing him).
discord is probably your best bet
is there a discord server hes in? with the new discord names thing his page isn't up to date on the wiki
he's in the official 4cc discord
None of the others got archived either, so the priority is still up in the air
just keep spamming 'scoops is a bitch' in 4ccg until it provokes a response
ok cool i will try to reach him there
i would never
scoops is a bitch
I hate fat bitches
I love fat bitches
I love fat bitches
I love fat bitches
You're a fat bitch
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Buen día señor
agl golden boot and golden ball stats after 2 games

King Kong (monke) - 7
Songify This (deadmeme) - 6
Simpsons Go! (bill) - 5
Are You Fully Devoted (bushi) - 5
Let's Go Onmyouji! (nnd) - 5
Do You Like Hurting People (hlm) - 5
Elysia Impact (hi3) - 5
Oneysephiroth (oney) - 5

Hey Apple (deadmeme) - 4
Barberpole Cat (spebsqsa) - 4
A Fucking Elf (sk2) - 4
10 players (arcsys boomer coomindoom fhg hi3 jam nnd rabi sk2 wonderland) - 3
meant for >>493518741
what the FUCK is spebsqsa
still somehow not the most esoteric team this agl
I don't believe you, name one more esoteric team
Please wait patiently
The Best In The World, Shane McMahon (gassed) - 11
Social Security (boomer) - 10
girlgames.com (bootleg) - 10
Nyo Goals (kotFC) - 10
Grapped (arcsys) - 9
Take It To The Vet (cats&dogs) - 9
Pacifism (hlm) - 9
Andross (monke) - 9
4 Players (famguy guac nnd tiktok) - 8
5 Players (eurovision fluff hoenn summerofsport bozaro) - 7

>players with 2 motm
Coom In Doom (coomindoom)
King Kong (monke)
Chuckshiro (slam)
I'm Going To Alice! (wonderland)
The Grandfather Of Them All (tiktok)
It did get updated and Toki gets to stream /emoji/ vs /sticker/. Lucky him
/ag/ plays in 3ish hours
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boobs doko
God look at how fucking flat she is
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>"Once you work out how to make your first few models, you'll be able to crank them out like crazy"
This is a lie by the way
It's a lie only if you're converting weird shit or trying advanced stuff like weight painting skirts.
Grabbing a random model, combining the textures, transferring weights from the medic suit and exporting is the kind of basic stuff you can do quickly once you're used to the process, but every exception can end up taking hours and that's normal.
It's predicated on the idea that the person isn't a brain-dented retard.
need somebody to make all my models from scratch
If you have lesbians you know where to go.
I'm a brain-dented retard and I still manage to get shit done
Right here.
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breed streamers
VTL liv
KWABelty on the KWABGLcord
It's not discordant, it's the other one
KWABentale trying strongarm his way into KWABmin again
nobody cares troonsoup
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How do you rape your co without them reporting you to /admin/ - VGLco?
I fucking love Aoba
My hentai doujins tell me that if you take photos and threaten to tell people, it will make them stay quiet.
How can I get my co to rape me because I won't report them to /admin/ - VGLco?
The "- VGLco" makes it seem like VGLco is asking the question
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>the absolute state of /pol/
are you even surprised anymore?
Don't run 4CB, kids
I'll run LB-CB-RB then! They'll never see it coming!
How do you make a team so bad they have to throw to get rid of you?
kek what a raped-ass horsefucker farm team
That's what happens when they're a blatant /mlp/ satellite team
You tyell me
All part of the strategy.
of being shit?
It has only just begun
i take back what i said this match is dimes
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>no benuldies despite all these goals
so close on that last siege but pes said no
big thangs poppin'
>loses because GK let the ball run out of play from his foot, resulting in a corner that /bomber/ scored making the difference
Skully's PES is something
>making the same post here and on discord
I'm fapping to gay porn
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If you haven't won a game with 4 CBs, then you can't call yourself a manager.
>/bag/ submitted bufflet silvers
why can't i type in the agl stream cytube chat?
if its the moeshit one you have to deny the first script and accept the 2nd
Install gentoo
kek what a clueless bitch
The council elects to allow this
Somebody check on Dag after what happened in today's match
He's too busy doing vtuber racing.
/c/ won, he should feel great
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Someone messed too much with the character creator
>sir I do not believe you understand the spirit of the /ag/l
This pile of shit has a """spirit"""?
KWABentale knelt to the /llsifg/ manager at last
shut the fuck up nigger
>KWAB-sensei and HT-KWAB completely irritated someone actually cares for their team
KWABnon having a melty over 4 letters
I think it's about skirting the rules on submitting teams that already compete in other leagues because it's just /skg/.
Bit late for them to start taking action against all the totally-not VGL teams isn't it?
actually it's just about beating /eurovision/. they wouldn't care otherwise.
I think archive guy is based for not caring about /ag/ cringe
good to see ramen agreeing here
Probably didn't expect it to lead to there being a half dozen of them.
Toki is absolutely right about this one.
RamenRaisin true, at least he never had an embarrassing handle on the past like nor/mlp/erson
breedability tierlist for AGL doko?
a tied up noose
which you should be using it right now around your neck and then jump off a chair
it's always funny to see kara being a hypocrite
The only person who still clings to this is Gio for some reason
In which tier are you?
kara vs rigtor melty live
Kara is right
/ag/ sucks and should not be celebrated like that
common kara W
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All these people wanting to preserve /ag/ but no one asking to be the change themselves.
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So are we getting a megababby or what?
No, it is that uncommon that the other party should be ashamed of losing an argument to Kara for the first time ever.
Care to extrapolate?
>someone who won't go away vs someone who'll guaranteed be gone after next weekend
Not sure who to root for here
Kara says the only point of /ag/ league is to make a team for his amusement and Rigtor says the only point of /ag/ league is to make a team for other people's amusement.
I think you should make a team for your own amusement but try to make it funny to other people also. Which side does this put me on?
Rigtor is fucking retarded. Like half of all /ag/ teams are so obscure nobody gives a shit about them
Both are right and I'm sure there are examples of both. It is more ambiguous to make something other people can enjoy though because people like different things.
You all have the social skills of a child.
And people don't like most of those too. The most popular teams have nothing to do with /ag/ even.
A normal manager
In the centrist side.
the not fucking retarded one
arguing with kara is the biggest waste of time here desu
>make agl team that others care about (/sk2/)
>"you missed the point of agl"
so what is it, rigtor? retarded bitch
>quoting HT
paw patrol melty on the vglcord
Nobody cares about /sk2/. /ag/ league is /essex/ clay.
Can I see screenshots of the melty? You can't just say there's a melty and not post them.
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that has been debunked however
>wanting to see discord screencaps
Just join the discord. You're just as bad as the rest of these faggots.
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I only care about /rabi/ and I have never watched a match.
you sound like a perfect fit for an e7g manager
If half of /skg/ fans cared about /sk2/ that'd still be 0 fans.
90% of the "melties" people post here are just kara talking about literally anything. /4ccg/ is tsundere for his german autism.
I thought he was turkish?
Hello Implying fun anon, if you are here, you need to reimport the VTL emotes and flairs.
We're getting a Gigababby, all teams revived, INCLUDING the teams that no one but the manager ever wanted to see again, like /hr/, /adv/ and /soc/ (all autopilots), /qst/ and /wsr/ will make their debut and the entirety of the pot 2 for the elite got demoted just for this event
right away sir
glory to the vtl
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Even /trash/?
*sick bassline*
A team that was never real can't be revived

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