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Previous: >>492341996 (Me) (Me)

>New Event: [Into the Blue], starts Sep 10th
>Directional Arrest: [Fated Pursuit], Aug 27th - Sep 24th
>[Mania Training] Phase 7 Starts, July 23rd
>[Tide of Ashes] Phase 7 Starts, Sep 24th - Oct 4th

>Detailed Tier list
>Guide Compilation + CN Schedule
>Crimebrand priority | Shop & stamina efficiency | Hypercube income | Base incidents
>Sinner Build Guides

>CN Wiki
>CN Tier List
>CN Banner History
>CN Levelling Calculator

>/ptng/ Secret Societies (include /ptng/ in sig when applying)
NAsty (29/30)

>Codes(Redeem in Account settings)
(sɓu!ʇʇǝs ʇunoɔɔⱯ u! ɯǝǝpǝꓤ)sǝpoꓛ<
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my best friend and favorite chief looks exactly like this
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I dont get it
look at the detail on that ear...
yeah i get the 2nd chief actually looks like chief
what even is the first one suppose to be
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the first one is a twice edited version of this chief
but who is it suppose to be
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Bai Yi!
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Actually this makes more sense.
powerful *smirks* energy. i assume that was the intent
Hello, how stingy is this game with upgrade mats?
Your first max ascension character should be easy, you get a lot of free mats as a newbie

After that it’s really painful for a couple of months

And then becomes trivial again after a while if you play daily

So pretty similar to most gachas
kinda but not really any worse compared to the other gacha’s i’ve played. maybe slightly better than average when it comes to drops. but there is a large boost because you get material boxes very often
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raising B or A ranks isn't that painful
raising S ranks to p3 takes a fair bit more investment
that being said we're one event away from the anniversary which should drop a bunch of mats on our head. and toa usually gives a bunch of stuff too
Got tired, eventually.
First off lvl 90 (the max level) is not needed. Characters are perfectly fine doing endgame content with lvl 70-80. What you do want on endgame characters is phase 3 and also often exclusive crime brand 1. These are relatively easily attained on A- and B-ranks but will take a fair bit of farming or just time on S-ranks.
So essentially, if you are looking to field a full team of p3, ecb1 S-ranks after a few weeks that is never going to happen. Getting a full team of mixed ranks to that point doesn't take too long though.
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I was more worried of getting stuck on my progress by levelling too many characters
I think as long as you can limit yourself to about one team and they aren't all/majority s-ranks you will probably be fine. As that other anon already mentioned they will be the usual slouch once you run out of beginner gifts but it picks up pretty quickly.
Also don't hoard the material boxes the game gives you, you get plenty from regular activities and recurring shops.
What show was this originally from? I remember seeing an SCP version somewhere
That can happen
Just focus on a good team and level the fun characters later, as you would in any game
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post your cutest chelsea
dont got any
goodnight burgersisters...........................gotta get up early for work tomorrow..............................................................................
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>it’s numbered
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ily wendy
bug giga love
Immortal sinners could fit into different Librams
The thread

Heresy feels like such nonsensical group, also I dont think Vanilla counts as Sloth
oh yeah. i'm not particularly a fan of the numbers but i got outvoted way back when
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good night borgs
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gn chiefie
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It's time..for burgers...to go to sleep[
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okay gn burgers im going to bed
The answer was Garo.
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The Cabernet attire is gorgeous but is China only and a two star one on top of it.
Nevermind. It will be purchasable next year.
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Another day…at work
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im on the interwebz
I’m heading out to get lunch instead of eating at work cafeteria
What no Jolyne or R. does to a guy..
Don’t do it amigo, think of the family who care for you
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Chief chief please be safe
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Who the fuck is chief chief?
Th enough condors chit
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don’t do it chief today may be bad but things will always always always change
This burger is going home
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post SHR1gif1.gif
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Chief plush…
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one last meeting...
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This 12~15 min to page 8 thing is pretty silly
why mad chiefie
Because of a colleague that is fucking us over every chance he has. And I've had enough.
Do the smart but rational thing chiefrrino
It's the one where she blinks much slower
I want to do this duck mini event, not wash the dishes
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what sick mind would put her adopted daughter in fishnets
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>ran out of disk space
maybe its time to upgrade to 2tb....
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just buy an external hard drive
and then when that runs out buy another
Never fucking mind, just realized For Honor is 90GB

Goddamn, CYA.
modern games are bloated as fuck. the effort i had to go through to get xiv on my 256 gb ssd was actually ridiculous
i hope that one chief either dealt with their problem in a constructive manner or at least murdered the person annoying them and got away with it
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i haven’t posted today i feel very tired i think im getting sick
its time to eat chief
i want ramen tonight
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I stave off suicidal thoughts every day by thinking about how sad it would make my family. And how I don’t believe in the afterlife, so everything would be over. Living is painful, but anything is better than being dead. I use gacha to give myself things to look forward to. Path to nowhere
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Stay strong chiefs
L.L's third shackle is really strong.
what team does she ven go on
me downing energy drinks for another study night
Rainbow 6 collab in Arknights!
So excited since I missed the first one.
Honestly the Dungeon Meshi one seems super silly and full of flavor Ceoberus. But I still don't care about collabs.
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I finally beat 12-6…thanks to the level 90 hamel on my friends list and a bunch of resets…I am freeee
6? werent there more stages in chapter 12
No, it was very short!
oh that level, i had to borrow a demon for it....
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She cant read anon...
teaching hella kanji...
almost puked imagining my cute rat speaking bug
At leat as its not kreoan
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what is kreoan
eve cutie
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me on the right
Me on the right.
i appear in the starboard half of this image
why are there 3
its my special technique kage bunshin no jutsu
Are you rolling for R6 operators?
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I already got them the first time around.
Then I quit the game eventually.
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ilysm bianca
golan LOVE
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deren powercreep WHEN?
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my husband levy is so cute...........
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look at this cutie
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These glasses edits are getting out of hand
The first language I learned
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they fit her really well
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>new school skins
Oh come the fuck on, I'm going to sleep
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rayeraye mega giga LOVE
After school sex tutoring with Raven...
Bro your ela?
After school footjob from Raven while the kids watch...
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gn burgers it's tomorrow today
Decided to start the Mania training foe shit and giggles and it is a lot of fun this time around. The dog tots are super annoying though.
The Raye attire will be sold globally.
Do they teach linear algebra in middle/high school in China??
Too early…
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holy sexo
anti male gaze sisters... we fucking lost
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extremely slow friday morning
What else
Raye omega love
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>we want the pop team epic audience
just noticed hella taking a nap in the back
*takes upskirt creepshots*
I took linear algebra as a college freshman in burgerstan, so I imagine high school isnt impossible no matter where you are in the world
i can never remember what constitutes linear algebra and what constitutes diff eq because it was grouped together at my school
bug love
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good luck today chiefie
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>have obligation today and sunday
i just wanna mindlessly play video games and post on /ptng/ all wekeend....
im gonna waste my Friday and then spend the rest of the weekend doing homework
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also the brats in the background of raven skin
Rueletta knows.
Crache knows and is embarrassed about it.
The left oen (idk who that is) doesn't know and is annoyed.
I need schoolgirl Kelvin!
i think maybe that's thistle? i was confused too though
also isnt that thistle
It's Dolly, you uncultured swine. Don't even mistake my daughter for anyone again.
oh now that you say it i see the nose tape
yeah at first i thought it was horo
Smart chief
who cares about LL
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Bug sucks.
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why are you anti reply now meaniechief
i don't know why i expected a reply to that...
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I want to see Demon appear in the campaign.
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He's a schizo chief, he cant be reliably counted upon
When will Chelsea appear in any story...
Doesn't matter. I think his backstory can be interesting. Same as Victoria's actually. To me it looks like she was meant to be important at some point of the story.
youre talking about those project dark leaks?
i dont think every character existed back then was suppose to be important
she should get her own even like nerofest
chelseafest could be a cat themed holiday based around rewarding all her sugar babies come on aisno it’s free content
from what i remember about demon's interrogation he very rarely actually goes schizo and when he does its because he was trying to rescue his sister
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The hospital/laboratory was most likely going to have a bigger role in the story before it was rewritten. Hella, 99, Victoria and maybe somebody I am currently forgetting are all connected to it.
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Vanilla is also somewhat lame. Probably the worst story as well.
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Food time
i can't decide what i want for dinner
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I am bored.
im going to home and have chinese food
Weird choice in later chapters to have a chapters boss be so difficult that you shred through most of the chapter after, chapter 13 is my bitch, love my Bianca team
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are yuo doin ok meaniechief
>she should get her own even like nerofest
no not challenge fights aaaaargh
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Still eating
Not replying to coomers.
why is this place like /gsg/ now
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my husband levy is the cutest....
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Are you looking forward to the next male Sinner?
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yes it's been so long since we got one and aisno never misses with characters
Wait when is the fuck summer mini event ending
I kind of hope he will look similar to the new 4* character from Star Rail. The one that was voiced by some problematic dude.
he kinda reminds me of the catboy from rustfire
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There is a male sinner coming??
goodnight burgersisters...........................................................................................................
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i wish
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Guests gone, I am free!!
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rat love
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Made for ryona
its time...to do the duck event
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>new Bilibili upload
I'm confused
me in the middle :3
>duck event is just jumping
Bitch WHAT
first time, chief? they do these little minigame events every once in a while
The music games and even the stupid dudu thing was more elaborate tahn just pressing JUMP
the dudu thing was the exact same single button rhythm gimmick chief
you had to balance the planks vappa
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good night borgars
meaniechief is being extra mean to me but it will not dampen our friendship
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gn sis
i’m bed too
Hello sisters
It is I, me
Gonna need an update on the current dyke situation
How are the dykes?
Also are there any other games that have the same dykesthetic (a portmanteau of dyke and aesthetic)
I really really love dikemenjoshi.

Is she still top tier?
I remember rolling her (shes a dyke after all) and ai havent played since.
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Others like it? Reverse 1999

Deren is still a flex in Physical team
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its time...for burgers...to go to sleep
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I already have genera purpose teams, Fire, Fear/Summon. Bleed. What should I aim for next? Weakness/Bianca or Speed/Pearl?
Sleep attempt number 2

Seems like Weakness is much better than Coq’s meme attack speed team
Page 9?
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postingh a sexy cheslea
I wish stun mattered.
this chief love
mite go back 2 sleep
good night chiefs...
I don't love you anymore..
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I still haven't seen the best Hestia picture posted.. it was only once around her release.
chelsea love
1. CN release window or Global?
2. Twitter, Bilibili, 4chan, or custom file name?
3. Overall color scheme?
4. Head, full body, half body?
christina is on the case
I will bump your thread for you no less than 10 times per day.


I will expected a tribbingute (tribbing + tribute) of no less than 6 dykebait images per day.

I am flexible on the exchange rate but this is a serious offer.
The images can be paid in full at any time, so long as 6 images are provided every 24 hour period.
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what the heck is a tribbing
Are you even keepinf track
Most images in /ptng/ are already very pairing centric, it’s like going into an Indian village and demanding to see shit on the ground when it’s already everywhere
Red and white. Close up of her face but I am pretty sure you were also able to see her staff.
I do it for free.
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Not replying.
whitestone industries fundraiser
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ah do love dat bug yes ah do
Thank you for the deposit.
If India was Dyketroit and instead of shit it was dykes and instead of Indians it was beautiful women (d*kes) than I wouldn't be racist, but there's no point in dreaming. Dreaming about anything other than... well... you know.
Dont worry about it babe.
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you can't just say thanks for the deposit when i post a picture. that's not how it works
He literally did.
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shuttup meaniechief
Okay I will be ignoring you from now on.
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aren't you already doing that by not replying
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next male sinner when
Hopefully soon. The next CN Sinner after Korryn is also a female.
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finna nap
i look exactly like this
Got some pumpkin latte, the taste of autumn
oh man i thought dispatch "occupied " the sinners so you couldn't use them in battle and stuff
jokes on me i could've had compliance at so much higher level
Honkai Impact 3 had that
Was hilarious
girls frontline too which is why I did it here
i got fucking owned man
How do you know?
it’s decided after LL and shrooma i will p3 the RAT
They teased them during the anniversary.
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roulecca’s dad LOVE he was too good for this world…..
easily in the running for "most based character proportional to his screen time"
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On my way to another 160k week!
chief this dz is ez.
me coded
male shalom ex...
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should have been my (chief)'s wife
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burgersisters...............................i feel like skipping work tomorrow.......................................but i barely have enough sick days...............................................what to do?
isn't your day off the day after tomorrow chief
just power through one day
i hate working sundays though.......................................
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i look exactly like this
do whtas right
okay......................................i'll go to work.........................................goodnight burgersisters...........................................enjoy the weekend...............................................
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gn chief
dream of your favorite sinner getting skins
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KYUTE christina
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Oh yeah?
wonder if they're gonna skip this one for jp too
>next male (female) sinner when
hopefully forever
Thank you for the dykes anons. Just got off of work
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gn burgers
i will not cave to meaniechief's campaign of anger
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matilda cutie
Might sleep for real…
Time to continue sleeping as well.
im playin VIDEO GAMES

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