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Voidrigged edition

Previous thread >>493017635

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Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
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Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
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DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.5
CURRENT EVENT: Check back later
Content when
its never been so over
You will never be content.
Little duck likes little kids
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goodnight hag
1. They're not kids, they're over 1000 years old
2. The age of consent is probably way lower in the future
3. They have void powers which make them ageless so technically they're not even human
Therefore Little Duck did nothing wrong
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>1. They're not kids, they're over 1000 years old
Based "They look like little kids but ackchyually" anon
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
I bet you 100p she's not wearing panties
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Truly a ZAM moment
holy shit it's otak
>when basically every new player or review of the game has the same criticism, but DE can't figure out how to address it because they turned a co-op multiplayer game into a singleplayer game by trying to be BioWare
>when i post like this
what are those complaints
>so anyway I'm using 4chan and posting on 4chan using the features 4chan has
just woke up btw! haha I hope this doesn't like make anyone unreasonably upset or anything

SO true bestie
late night melty
I remember this one dude that drew base Excalibur opening his mouth like EVA-01 roaring. I forget who it was, or where to find the image but I swear to fucking it was EVA-01's mouth on an excal.
The common consensus: Playing with other players good. Playing alone bad. So the game gives you like 3 missions to play with others, forces you to run a solo mission, 3 missions with others, solo mission, etc. The single-player focus is the main point of criticism and contention.
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was that ligger?
No idea, it was like years ago when I first started out and still liked to pretend my purple excal was EVA-01
reminder that nova is fat
I have those saved for some reason
they mean irrelevant quests? who the fuck cares
neat, I remember some more lewd ones with mouths too but they were male on male so I wasn't interested and don't think I saved them
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I need a picture like this but with Reb and the other DE hags.
>for some reason
The quests are now part of mandatory progression rather than being optional. You can't get to Venus without doing Saya's Vigil. And, humorously, Saya's Vigil is currently broken because DE tried to fix it. So a lot of new players never get past Earth right now before quitting.
It was kinda like that, but it was still different.
Remember that one scene when 01 was roaring and covered in Zeruel's blood after shedding its own armor? It was that, but with a base excal, even the normal helm.
not all of them are male but ymmv for lewd
these were just fanart from before he was hired btw
>Xatu or whatever was the name of jadÄ™ quest Corpus captain
Who else?
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>anglerfish look
I remember finding some of this stuff years and years ago and the style was definitely less refined too, like around or even before archwing when I took a break early on
Khonzu's wife
Hag Kuva Queen
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danteeeh.... danteeh stop slaving away for nightwave standing and come slave away at the mirror dungeons danteeh.....
seriously? broken how?
also this sucks if real, tennocon are usually their biggest draw for new players but if they are locked from progressing then its just fucked
is that vampire mads mikkelsen? wauw
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From what I gathered, the issue seems to come that when you talk to Saya and she sends you in the plains, nothing happens once you actually get there. And also, from what I also saw, the solution is doing the quest solo, but they don't tell that to you
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I can't believe they made Ahab a legit granny with wrinkles and all and she ended up being one of the best characters in that chapter with that borderline brainwashing charisma
I managed to make it work but, yeah, the quest was fucked when I did it. You're *supposed* to build the parts for the warframe, so that when it ends you can build him. But in my experience i had to build the same part twice and then the game was like, yeah good enough and popped.
The ahab part was the worst part because it was rushed and she was just killing people for no reason instead of for progression reasons
it's a nice character idea but the execution was off
>Abbreviated Abilities personal modifier in EDA
>Ability durations reduced by 75%
Weren't they supposed to reduce that penalty to 50%? Did that update not come out yet, or did they just back down?
apparently they just forgot to update the text
is it still final multi or additive like a mod?
God I love Yareli
I ate it all

The Worm has just infected your Warframe account with a worm that will worm its way into your inventory like a worm and delete some of those which you love the most! Open your inventory; the worm has deleted your 7th warframe, all items on the same line as/and including cryotic, and all the mods on your 3 most used secondary. How fucked/mad are you?
They should just have a separate "story mode" track with all the old alerts and stuff for singlel players, that you can get help on by turning on matchmaking if you need it
sort of like that late payday 2 update with a crimespree that included even unowned dlc heists in order
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>seriously? broken how?
It goes to the extent where, if you do the "Prove Yourself" bounty, the game won't count it if it's done in a group and will keep telling you to do it again and again and again. And then with Saya's bit it'll just not load the objectives unless you set the game to Solo Mode. So every new player is starting, getting here, and for every 1 who ends up in Q&A 19 are probably just uninstalling.
warframe feet > grineer skulls
You know what?
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so tight so tight alright tak on the 'log 'log in the tak
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These prizes are never gonna get better huh?
Day 1000 is an armor set.
Bros I wish I were grineer
best ones are the discounts
get fucked i don't give a rats ass about secondary or sibear, whatever that gay melee is called
it's based on how many login days you have.
>gay melee
That's the Tatsu, apparently.
>Like my Copper sheep fashion for my boombox
>try to come up with something new
>make another neon abortion
if nothing else I can still identify what frame it is at a glance
not so for many others
>"Dare you enter my magical realm?"
parrot helm is goated
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>40 days
Come to my orbiter
1999 is going to be horrible, isn't it. Oh a motorcycle, gotta farm to build it and then level it and then guild it and then level it again and then forma it and and and and. What's fucking next? I'm trying to stay optimistic but I feel like I'm one of those heirloom Embers dancing on stage. Directionless. Forever.
>Queen's badd?
It depends.
If it is like dark sector/early warframe it will be good, if it is like duviri it will be bad.
If you're interested in 1999 for anything other than the momentary story advancement and probable nemesis system you are already lost
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Needs Brazilian alt
welcome to the family, son
Monster Energy or Xbox?
bro thinks hes jack baker
*curbstomps u and manifests a technocyte copy of u*
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Why does Banshee make archwing conservation easier? Isn't the gun supposed to be silent by default? When I use banshee for instance Condrocs don,t fly off if I hit their friends so even if there are 4 I can just get them all. And I also basically get perfect captures 100% of the time ven for Kuakas who usually are Good captures with other frames.
This anon is going to say "where content" two months after 1999 comes out.
Why not just use Ivara Sleep Arrow or the one of Equinox?
What am I looking at here
Option A is to do the content, get all the new shinies and volia! You've played the game and farmed everything and minmaxxed everything to the nth degree. AS IT SHOULD BE. Option B is to purposefully throttle your progress and "casualize" your experience because you fear the content drought. I don't believe I have a solution to this issue, but how hard and rewarding should content be just so the 1% of rushers don't run themselves into a wall? I have no idea
Is this an actual grineer, or some warframe cosmetic shenanigans?
I accept your concession.
>20% off.
That ain't gonna cut it, reb.
I use eclipse on mirage for the damage reduction..
I use Eclipse on mirage for the DR so I can breed her as rough as I want without fearing her getting hurt.
How much is a grandmaster founder account worth nowadays?
delete alchemy
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>open vid
>sounds like a guy doing a white morgan freeman impression
>close vid
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Shenanigans, this is the options menu on the account tab
The Gyre Kuvael TennoGen skin.
which frame has the biggest tits?
What cosmetics are you using
How bad does the energy drain for Nyx's absorb get in higher level content? Is it still sustainable in SP?
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>get a nearly perfect loadout roll in circuit
>retarded consolefag dildo leaves after one single round and now nobody's inclined to keep going
just go for an hour without them sperg
someone had a shitty pubbing experience?
stop the presses
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>Kuva skin
>Motetique Signa
>inflatable shoulder tennogen, use saturn six or galvnik instead
>Kuva Zevokk chest
>saturn six legs
>Styanax noble
I also have holster'd Onos and Gaforn sword and shield skin to bulk out the arms.
Is exalted blade worth keeping on umbra?
I was gonna do that but I wanted to complain on 4chan instead.
If I join a game with a console host, I leave immediately.
Especially if it is circuit. Survival becomes impossible to complete because of how little enemies spawn.
I still don't understand how the razorback fight works...lr4 btw...
>hack the console for a special bursa
>hack the special bursa to activate the damage phase
>shoot blindly and pray because the visual on the damage phase is kinda bad
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Are you dumb?
>left click
>mission complete
you are tired of the content loop. that's the game, nigga
option C is get any kind of life outside of warframe and naturally pace yourself with other hobbies. as it should be
Don't want to get things too off topic but it's pretty much been confirmed reb is lesbian right? Liking the lady Warframe butts, the lipstick, the revealing but also weird cool outfits. Like stereotypical femme
Then you should easily be able to do it solo. Finding the decrees without memorizing the spawn locations is a pain though
she goes both ways and is currently married to me. yes to me.
Hey Mr. Wall, is there a reason why my Drifter is male but my Operator is female?
she is definitely bi
Where do you think she got the strap-on skills she uses on twinks
why am I not getting strapped by an attractive successful game industry corpo mommy RIGHT NOW
>removed Leatherface's ability to wear POC survivor's faces
fck this shit man. i'm fucking done with this.
All women are bi until it no longer gets them attention
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Explain this
All these posts just seem unhinged. I'm going to go with my theory
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Poccers ruining shi
that doesn't answer the question
orokin superstition about frail male children being raised differently to disguise them from being eaten by yokai
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What do you choose, tenno?

1. (Light) Liches/Sisters reworked to be far more dangerous enemies who tax far more loot, but who also become absolutely invaluable not to convert.
2. (Eclipse) Reb and Meg practice some mocap lovemaking scenes for the upcoming expansion... and seem a little too into it.
3. (Dark) A new multiplayer raid mode where 16 tenno assault a massive randomly generated mega-base the size of the open world maps.
>annoying content progression
>content that will be dead in a month and impossible for newfags or people late to the party to complete

difficult choice
Your Operator IS a female... when he's on all fours.
Tridolons but it's in Railjack. Massive sentient niggas that need to be boarded so operator can fuck them up from the inside so the Railjack can fuck them up from the outside.

With up to 4 Railjacks
I'm pretty sure that's not possible to do in the video game anon
yes I would like 12 gunners, please
Would it kill you to give any good options?
>3 of the teams abandon their jack and congregate into the 4th
>everyone dancing and spamming skills
>got a few dancing heirloom embers, not even for the mission, just to be there
>shawzin riff-off
>load into mission, host crashes and party wipes
My body has never been so goddamn ready. Hoo boy.
The raid mode obviously
The raid sounds like it would be cool the first time you do it but then becomes a fucking slog to go through so I pick the goon fuel
You have to bear in mind that Warframe updates are designed around a flux of players that moves. The best you can do as a player is take long vacations.
I haven't touched the game since Lotus Eaters dropped and honestly, considering the flop it was, was the best decision for me.

If you stop playing now until 1999, even if it's a shitty romance simulator, it will feel fresh, and you'll have an excuse to keep playing.
stop trying to make your faggot forum games a thing here
I've never heard this expressed anywhere and playing with a group early on sucks ass because you never get to do anything
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>Garbage, they would still be only up for "Defense" roles in RJ and the modded Kuva Zarr 55500 crewmate would still out DPS them in weapon selection
>Literally 0 content
>Garbage because god a host migration would crash it hard and one shitter would need to load 15 other computers
sorry what are some imageboard games?
Fuck you
It sucks when you're in a group with someone on a nuke frame and your early game experience is feeling like dead weight.
Oh dear, oh my. I am so terribly sorry to have so callously sullied the absolute purity of your most honorable and distinguished general, Anon. What a buffoon I am! An imbecile! Why I should have known better than dare to inject such short-sided tomfoolery into this grand undertaking of human - you know what, cunt? I don't even fucking care to do the long-winded joke, because doing so would be as fucking pointless as this thread is 99% of the time. Blah-blah Reb, blah-blah Wisp, (the other spammed shit). Why do (you) care so fucking much? What do (you) contribute? Do you enjoy sharing builds? FUCKING SHARE THEM. Do you like certain weapon breakdown comparisons? FUCKING SHARE THEM. Because for a vast majority of the time in this Reddit-lite, there is NOTHING to fucking talk about. Having said that, go farm a seriglass shard from Grandmother and jam it up your ass.
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Most mentally healthy /wfg/ frequenter.
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you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded, fuck off back to plebbit with this region chat garbage.
3 >>>>> 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 2
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anyone have a nose for picking rivens?
either will get you over 50% and damage is irrelevant. if you can get your sc to 100% with the left I'd go with that, otherwise I'd prefer firerate
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Any non-braindead people in here wanna do Archon Hunt: Mobile Defense (130-135)? Pubs keep kiting Chipper out into hoards and getting him one-shot and it is beyond frustrating people can't just stick together in the center. The nightmare won't end. Even running Wisp & Citrine to keep him healthy. Maddening. Haven't failed a mission in like 4 months until this shit. I blame the Destiny refugees.
Sure I guess let me just open the game, are you going to ask in recruitment or
Genuinely surprised how de made the cavia faction so much fun to fight.
Especially given I never have to go into the stupid operator form to fight them.
>Pubs keep kiting Chipper out into hoards and getting him one-shot
Based. Fuck aussies.
I can ask in recruitment or post name here.
Hey you said MD but Chipper is from the normal Defense, fuck that
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would +100% multishot effectively be a doubling of fire rate... and status?
Archon Hunt mission 2 is the chipper defense.
>Any non-braindead people in here wanna do Archon Hunt: Mobile Defense (130-135)?
I take it back I’m not helping you since you are very braindead
It's mobile defense because it's defense and he moves around.
Whatever you say weirdo. It is the 2nd mission in the archon hunt. Mobile defense. Defending chipper.
Actually it's FPS mission
Still need help?
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Thanks bros that went so fucking smooth. Not even his shield went down. Amazing what a 4 man of PC players does. Should be stupidly easy and it was.
First-Person Scanner?
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Play Mesa
I don't have a kubrow
>go to strata 69
>use my blessing
>swap to my cyst'd gyre
>walk though everyone present
>afk on the center span platform till I get the three main blessings
there any good slutframe skins that can hide a cyst? I want to go make for-tuna69 a pozz party
Nezha's gigantic kaithe wiener!
I'm LR4, have thousand of hours in game, and have never done a single level cap.

The only time I saw mobs with 4 digit levels was during circuit.

Be honest how many of you have actually done level cap?
farthest I went was 5000ish and only on an amazing SP circuit run, only spergs, build autists, and youtubers bother hitting cap
Me and it sucked
I do not find mesa attractive
she also eats dirt
I ship Mesa with Titania
>both have whatever 1, 2, and 3s
>4s have double pistols with insane firerate that can shred anything
there is something about frames having big gaping mouths with sharp teeth and no eyes that gets me going
Wish you could use the necramech as a summon
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The Reckoning Mask looks ridiculous without the Reckoning Oculus to fill in the top. It's so bad, I'm not sure why they're separate items since I can't imagine anyone using this alone.
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Got a cool idea recently: Mesa's Kubrow Ranch
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reb design so it sucks
turtleneck instead of mask
Bros... we're in the "Is it woke" list...
I'm woke bros it's over for me
gee I don't know, maybe it's the yearly Pride Resurgence event where all the closet gays come out of the Pride Vault
Pride month is not woke, it's something normal like christmas
You missed the entire faggotry affair between Entrati and Loyd?
There are several other examples.
Normal and gay don't go on the same sentence faggot.
How do I replace Lotus with Bird 3 for every mission?
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NTA but yeah, they do, you retarded turd-worlder.
Faggot Bumpers.
>hey everyone I'm a guy and other guys fuck me in the ass daily which gives me anal prolapse, monkeypox and AIDS and I'm very proud of that
>this is normal and not woke
We still don't have any proof that Albrecht reciprocated
>loid's centuries-long unreciprocated love is a sociopathic autist
makes you think
You need to touch some grass.
i wish christmas lasted a month
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You will never be white.
do I need any other amps than 177 and 747?
woah, cool it with the racism, faggot.
all colours are welcome here.
Doubt you really *need* anything beyond 177.
woah, cool it with the homophobia, nigger.
all sexualities are welcome here.
>25 razorback runs
>got all 5% dropchance mods
>still didn't get all gorgon wraith parts
umm you're the one being problematic here?????
white supremacy is bad optics bro...
Isn't Prisma better anyways?
I'm just doing it for MR
Amp bump? Really? You are gayer than "gays are not woke" faggot above you.
>and they think the straight white grinneer are the bad guys
nice bjmp
Because they are gay brown monsters
What is woke?
baby don't hurt me
racial stuff
fully modeled kaithe pussy update when?
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it's spelt grineer, retard.
I guess you would know, you love our BGC cute ostronsissy
Grineer, or Grinegros as I like to call them, are dickless subhumans.

I would still breed their woman though.
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Like nora?
well you're right
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Stalker can now invade open world? That's cool
fr fr?
warsissies, our response???
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or was it always a thing? Pretty sure stalker would never invade SP bounty before last patch
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Why does Razorback (Corpus boss) drop Gorgon (Grineer weapon)?
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You didnt play the game.
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I did it with Chroma on void cascade with relic, no rolling guard or varazin needed but slash proc is extremely annoying.
Razorback does not actually drop anything, grineer just reward you for the kill afterword
Steve Won.
Bumpers won
>nigwave is proto octavia
Mesa won. Mag won. Valkyr won. Hagfags Lost, Embertrannies lost. Zoophiles lost


early morning melty
The odds were against us Tenno but we did it. Gooning complete.
the man in the wall is nick gurr
*bum perr
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Based on what?
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How much does strength actually affect well of life? Been thinking of replacing that with pilfering but not sure.
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I use a lot of explosives with Khora...unless rolling guard is enough??
I prefer russchizo
Mods affect the energy orb but not the health orbs, so I don't think you need to run strength with equilibrium. The negative efficiency offsets any benefit you get, and Khora doesn't really need strength anyway. Personally I take Pilfering with Lycath's Hunt.
frogposting is an artform ngl
Post Mesas
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>almost typed nigwave into my normalfag clan chat
I need to stop coming here
I do. But I also like to create different feels for each builds. This one's a 4th build.

Either that or I just run spectrosiphon. But I feel well of life is different enough and gives healing. I think strength also just effects the rate of healing if I'm not mistaken?
imagine reporting harmless on topic frogs
He's a mentally ill faggot, what are you expecting?
With Melee Channeling gone, what do I do with all this excess energy on Inaros?
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Ivara bros are oppressed.. we need to eradicate all grineer
>implying it was russchizo who reported the frogs
You know who woke up. What did you expect?
it was the finschizo
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Fuck the frog, we need a new Clem.
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I want Reb to know that making this a skin for Saryn will print money
russchizo are all anons I don't like
have my vote
It is proto saryn, retard
>saryn would get a proto variant before frost, ember, loki, etc.
hope it's just a grineer boss
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Russchizo is omnipotent and omnipresent. He both posted frogs and reported them. Im sane and not obsessed btw.
Railjack sucks donkey cock
It's Kino.
You'll get it when you grow up.
It was "we need" poster who snitched.
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And worst of all, he could be any one of us. He could be in this very thread! He could be you! He could be me! He could even be…
>warbro when not getting attention for 5 seconds
It was me
3, make it railjack and I will coom harder than some lesbo heavy petting could ever make me
What sigil is that
>get godroll in circuit
>join the game
>3 consoleniggers
never alt+f4'ed faster in my life
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>decide to copy the pogging helminth
>but I don't like the metal base around the eyes so I'll set it up so that's hidden
>it won't change the look that much right?
hope it's a recurring character
I want Reb to know that for 500 plat I would do anything she asks
I mean, it's great and would be nice as like a Drifter skin (though obviously there's no such thing as full body skins) but I feel like this is so far removed from what is a Warframe that having it as a Saryn skin would be just terrible.
Protoframes are already awful but at least they are Warframes with human faces, she is just straight up looking like a normal human.
i'm still proud of my achievement when i supposedly ruined a consolefag's circuit progress.
happened a few months ago, had 2 consolefags in squad. about an hour in i grabbed all 3 decrees in a few seconds and that apparently froze the host's console leading to a host migration. when his shit woke up 5 minutes later he was put in a solo squad and he failed the survival mission. he then proceeded to put the blame on me freezing his console and making him lose his rewards :')
sent ;)
>eating five archon shards.png
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bros, i cleared my evening after work, cancelled a small get-together so i could play and focus on the new warframe quest.... it literally took 6 minutes and now i regret clearing my entire schedule for this.
Ive played on new acc - it just auto-initiates but you dont have to complete it
unless they fucked it in last few months somehow
>got cinema tickets for my wife, her boyfriend and their son just to have house for myself
>prepared bowl of finest kush
>quest over in less than 5 minutes
how could rebb do this to me
Want to crack some relics together?
gm dani enjoyers
that's a man
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>need 10 longwinders to craft something
>check orbiter
>Fortuna - Warm in 15 minutes :)
>enter valis, find lake hotspot, throw bait
>nothing happens
>literally 3 full minutes pass before first fish spawns
>catch 9 longwinders
>weather changes
Post Operators
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you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Is the ambassador any good? It looks good but idk if it works in sp
kill big orbs, they drop local resources
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first lich ever and they give me the radiation ephemera let's goooooooooooo
Even Braton works if you max-mod it, but its not a good weapon
esl kun... please
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>orb valis, farming toroids
>max alert level, 3 reinforcement beacons up
>nothing spawns
I will build 7-4-7 some other day
Who designed reactor sabotage and why did they think it was a good idea
>you can blow up the reactor and escape instantly
>you can do it differently and have a defense objective for a couple minutes instead for no added reward
>some nigger actually bought my Aeolak riven for 2.5k
It was essentially a perfect roll and I might have probably gotten more out of it but Jesus Christ I never thought anyone would actually want that shit, who the fuck actually uses fucking Aeolak
it was back in times when balance meant something and movement system wasn't as broken as it is right now, in short fire left behind explosion route was doing a lot of damage, defense - cold route was optional
its a good weapon and some people are just bored and have plat to fool around with
I realized i've never used shoguns in this game for some reason or another aside from pistol ones. Am I missing out or are they memes?
Kuva Hek is my wife
Don't overthink it anon, just run Lycath's, that anon's completely right. I use it too, it's fucking hilarious, 50% health orb drops per kill is insane. You will never, ever run out of energy again.
Also concerning >>493228557, what's the point of Health Conversion? You don't have a lot of life either way, that extra armor won't really help you.
I think there was another downside to blowing it up besides extra running for a switch and there was third way to shut it down safely replacing canisters but then it was all simplified
either way DE doesnt have good gamedesigners so most of the missions are shit - just 'run to a marker and wait' chores
and whoever thinks 'pick up some crap' is gameplay let alone fun should be disqualified from gamedev
yes, alchemy is SHIT
i mean yeah if you can hit headshots then its good otherwise diamondback might be a better choice
jokes aside its actually kinda fun, like yeah its just a generic little gun but it feels nice to use
also the firing mode changer reloads it (dont remember if having faster reload speeds up the switch animation aswell) and it feels kinda nice
Basically I just use shotguns that really aren't shotgun in the classical sense like Tenet Arca Plasmor, Cedo, Strun/Boar incarnons.
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Any oldfags here that can tell me if DE ever gave a reason why they chose to skip 7th gen consoles back in 2012-2013?
As I understand it they were very desperate to capture a wide audience since the studio was on a deathbed, so I find it odd their cashcow game was never ported to, what was at the time, consoles with a bigger market. Even other MMO type games like FFXIV and Destiny had a ps3 port by the time Warframe was still building an audience.
finally, actual kela de thaym
>either way DE doesnt have good gamedesigners so most of the missions are shit - just 'run to a marker and wait' chores
actually, it's not that bad, other games have it worse
>and whoever thinks 'pick up some crap' is gameplay let alone fun should be disqualified from gamedev
Destiny gimmick is BALLS, every second mission have BALLS you need to pickup and deliver somewhere or throw at boss, no idea what Bungie was smoking but their love for BALLS is insane, so once again - it could be much worse
how do we fix
So alchemy and exploiter orb?
Bullet jumping already existed and defens part was 60 secs instead of 40.
So thats where DE got their ideas from huh, at least you fight a boss with it, which should more interesting
Alchemy is literally just 'pick up trash from the ground and throw it into the trashbin' - who thought it was a good idea
DE is wait 20 mins for reward. They managed to made it worse in mirror defense because downtimes.
DE is focused around timers, they give rewards based on timers, you craft equipment on timers make posts on timer
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>and movement system wasn't as broken as it is right now
Yeeeeep *cracks open LN2 canister*
back in my day parkour MEANT something
you had to EARN your speed
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You have timer to get your time cycled rewards >>493238240
Demotion from warframe to sexual morale attendant
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>mirror defense
Timer to reactivate timer
Yeah, why wouldn't it?
If you get chromatic blade you can shit out status procs, after all.
Personally, I use my Umbra with that mod and furious javelin.
We dont :(
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Story is centered around eternalism (timefuckery) and next update is about going back in time...
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>cant use your equipment because timers AGAIN
Yeah but that's not the normal timer fixation that's just Reb developing alzheimers
corinth prime is fun to use i guessu u can find a better gun but it's satisfying and has nice audio effects
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Calling it right fucking now, they're gonna send our warframe back in time for us to use it remotely, and it's gonna be disguised as a human being.
And the disguise will be Arnie's likeness and we'll be a walking, talking Terminator reference
what weapon are you using on your on-call crew?
Tenet Cycron
No idea if there's something better but he just fucks shit up
So it's confirmed, if you like alchemy you're a faggot who likes balls.
>he hates every ball, including set of his own
Snip snip soon?
My own are ok, you like touching other balls, you gay.
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>capture mission
>first you kill target
>then you disintegrate target
>because simple death just isn't enough
Game is very brutal if you think about it
>still no "join any available lich/sister mission on the planet" option
So alchemy is woke mode added in woke update
>i said it again!
I ran out of endo what the actual fuck
Which one of you is russchizo?
>craft sevagoth prime
>don't even want to level him up with the whole shadow double build bullshit and I'm too lazy to try and figure out how to play him
Just give me Xaku prime already
I always assumed we're basically synthesizing him, to infinitely torture and deconstruct his data-mind for enemy intel
Here's another fucked up implication
You know how Umbra's actually a guy forced into being a Warframe by Ballas, and the same is true for all other frames, right?
Now you know all those capture missions out there, as well, too?

Put two and two together, and now you know where we get the bodies to make new frames.
Why do we still have to craft them then?
This is all just my headcanon, make no mistake, but I like to think that what (You) actually make are the outer parts for the frames and then they use an actual body to fill the organic parts
I've already called it that 1999 is going to be about Y2K. Most players weren't alive for it and can't remember it being pushed as a serious issue. If Y2K causes tennos I'll go shit in public.
didnt you post about this like a week ago? should've just sold a single prime part to buy it and save yourself so much time
I put snipers on them because they have perfect accuracy and infinite ammo, just works.
That would be 'flood' where all you do is chase balls
>Most players weren't alive for it and can't remember it being pushed as a serious issue
Sorry only boomers play warframe.
i bet you also called jade shadows having stalker in it
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I did say it was headcanon.
Is it weird that i have 586 hours on this game and i'm only MR 12
i was mr18 for like 2k hrs
No, because obviously you alt tab to bump
Is PSF really necessary for endgame content? I use a lot of explosive weapons on some frames and I find getting staggered by those rollers if i ever encounter them. I began finding PSF boring on some frames i'm using. Is Rolling Guard more than enough to not get knock over when using explosives?
never use shadowshit
equip augs, high STR, subsume roar, and just spam 1-2 to nuke everything
It's not really necessary. A lot of things give overguard nowadays and if you have even one point of it, you are immune to knockdown anyway. It's just nice to have on the squishier frames in case some eximus you didn't notice knocks you over and the rest rapes you to death.
Ahh, that's right. I use the secondary fortifier on some secondaries these days, really helpful.
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Don't question it.
Just Equip PSF and SUBSOOM Nourish
Got my first Incarnon in the shape of the Laetum. I like how it transforms from a pistol to a void shittery machine gun. Are all incarnons like that?
Also I'm too fucking lazy to bother clearing the star chart for the Steel Path. Do I just get off my lazy ass for once to get the Incarnon Genesis weapons or is there any other way to get them?
nourish doesn't fix aesthetically on most frames for me....
kinda works on saryn nighthunter though.
The only weapons that transform into an entirely different weapon types are the innate incarnon weapons, meaning not regular ones you slap an adapter onto
You should just run your remaining missions and unlock SP, it shouldn't take too long and there's no other way of getting to SP circuit
im beginning to think these posts arent genuine
I don't think they ever did give a reason but consider that during 7th gen the game was still in beta with very little content, say what you will about consolefags but they (at least at the time) mostly were expecting finished games rather than early access slop.
Not to mention that 7th gen consoles were kinda shit and Warframe from the get go really REALLY liked those particle effects everywhere that would probably not work on a shitbox with 256MB of VRAM.
And lastly think about it this way, until very recently they had every platform separate so it was way harder to handle server infrastructure and they had (and still have to obv) ensure that each update works on each platform, while as a small studio that was almost dead it would be nice to bring in more people making ports to other platforms especially when it's GAAS that needs to be actively meintained would be very taxing so they couldn't really split their efforts to make ports when the game wasn't at all close to being in a finished state. 8th gen release was already rushed and it was arguable if the game was actually in a "finished" state rather than it being just a label slapped on top for the sake of console ports, if they release Warframe on 7th gen back then it would have been a disaster.
im beginning to think you are russian
valkyr = cat = toxoplasmosis + hairball cough = nourish justified and thematic on valkyr
>point out the obvious
>u r ruzzian
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why is she so.....
I just started playing valkyr again so I will try that soon enough. Thinking on putting it on nidus and rhino too.
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i wonder how much money they made from that skin
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My 'runa has low key better ass.
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Kill drifters
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>Twin Rogga riven
>+85.4 Heat
>+202.7 Damage
>x1.41 Damage to Grineer
Is this decent? I'm not sure if I should keep re-rolling or stop here. Feels like going for raw damage would be preferable, but not sure if status/crit would be preferable. The weapon is mostly just for aesthetic anyways, but If I can get more out of it, I'd like to.
Mom picked me as her champion faggot.
Aren't the drifter and the operator the same person?
Yes but no
Yes and no. Same dude, different timelines.
Operator: Saved as a kid, put into a fridge, became the OS for Ballas' meat golems and used as weapons. Then adopted by the chatbot Ballas tried to gaslight into copying his dead GF.
Drifter: Didn't get saved. Spent years trapped on the zariman. Managed to schizo himself an entire alternate dimension where he dies repeatedly. Eventually falls out when the Operator is impaled, and works as a space-hobo while undermining Ballas' cult.
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Drifter is
>the Lotus's Champion
>Duviri's Master
>Protoframe breeder
>Forced Stalker and Hunhow to their bidding
>Killed Archons with no Void Fury or Metal Beasts

tipedo my beloved
I don't even know what's going on in Warframe.
I just wish the hips skulls were an auxillary slot so I could get rid of them.
In the meantime I'll just jerk off to Voruna some more instead of actually farming her.
Eh, it's probably among your best bets to be honest. The weapon has dogshit crit stats so you'd have to build for pure status anyway.
>wasted 100k on upgrading fucking archwing mods I neglected
It's endover
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Her backstory is one of the most metal things in warframe, honestly.
>Voruna is the guard for when Orokin did their continuity rituals on Lua
>Continuity is basically "legal" bodysnatching to achieve a type of immortality
>Lua was closer to the void, so basically demons would manifest during these rituals
>Voruna, with her pet wolves, would hunt these demons while the rituals happened
>The moment the tenno rebelled, Voruna sought out the leader of the continuity rites
>The leader, Tuvul, had Entrati's grimoire, and was going to do a particularly strong version of continuity using it
>It also involved a potent mix of kuva
>This ritual caused tons of demons to spill out, and Voruna goes full Doomguy in the process
>Voruna's wolves all die one by one as she fights her way to Tuvul
>She keeps their heads with her as she does, because they're her loyal companions, but her rage grows as she does
>She hijacks the ritual herself and pours the specialized kuva over herself and her wolfs' heads, fusing herself to them
>She, now fused with her wolves into a new entity, devours Tuvul and leaves with the child he was going to use for continuity

So Voruna is basically the closest thing to warframe Doomguy, and became partially immortal after dousing herself in what is basically blood from The Void that's been ramped up in power. Definitely worth grinding for.
>teehee we're totally writing out operators from the story because children icky
I hate these canadian faggots (redundant) so much.
Lich and SoP give such good weapons but I reach burnout for the week incredibly fast when I mill out 3 over it, why can they even roll percentages as low as 25
Does mars mirror defense get fissures? Feel like that'd be the best time to grind it but also that has to be a rare thing, right
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>think about farming some liches
>remember I don't have formas to level up the weapons
>feel better
why does EU make a mess of /wfg/ every night?
I started somewhat recently, and I have no idea what the story is beyond the initial escape bit and getting that device off my neck. Now I've just been roaming around completing the glowing objectives in the space map.
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>why can they even roll percentages as low as 25
>got a Kuva Hek for the fun of it ages ago
>it's at 25%
>a few months ago get another one because I'm bored
>25% again
>friend needs help grinding his lich, decide to spawn one for myself too
>it's another 25%
At this point I will never use that piece of shit for anything
>why does EU make a mess of /vg/ every night?
>spend like 1/2 of daily playtime grinding invasions
HOW MUCH FIELDRON AND MUTAGEN DO I NEED it's like 30 fieldron and 50 mutagen masses
Don't worry, no one really knows what the fuck is going on, DE is really fucking bad at actually telling the story and hides all the important bits in some side notes and shit
If I had a time machine I'd go back and make the original vision of Dark Sector built with the experience of modern Warframe.
>hides all the important bits in some side notes and shit
if they care about giving us lore at all, that is
Just aim for the junction ahead of you.
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Speaking of Voruna, Tennogen when?
looks like inaros so no
Don't look at me like that. I already know what you're thinking.
But the fact of the matter is that operators were part of the story right from the beginning. Hinted at in various codex-entries and dialogues long before the actual reveal.
Drifter on the other hand is a certified asspull.
Drifter only exists because at some point DE decided they didn't like the whole angsty-teenager and are now busy writing them out entirely and replacing operators with trannies.
It also allows them to be lazy as fuck with the animations.
Fuck I hate drifters so much.
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Yeah, I did. Anything else you want me to predict?
Children icky tho
That's basically it?
I don't like that guy's work because they're always so weirdly shiny. I think voruna would be better with a more gritty or dull style. I think I saw a kuva/grineer one on the owrkship
when will i finally die
I curse you with a long, happy life.
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>need 30 formas for weapon crafting and like 20 to level up lich/sister weapons
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This one? I like the colors but I don't get the kubrow helmet.
Demionna is also nice.
why must you hurt me like that
Yeah that's the one. It looks like a Grineer-style mask wearing a kubrow skull
I have never heard anyone say this

Besides that criticism doesn't make sense at all. Like 10 five minute quest missions in total in the entire game are solo only
hotfix incoming
> Fixed being able to matchmake into public Plains of Eidolon squads while the Saya’s Vigil Quest is active - causing issues with Quest progression.
let's see how long it'll last
I can't be arsed to do the netracells this week
They're easy, dude. Just bring qorvex and meme the beam.
just get drunk
This is my go-to method for relic grinding
currently am
doing sortie
I haven't been doing netracells or EDA lately and skipped most archon hunts too, just logging in and getting in my daily for nightwave and maybe dipping my toe in for sortie or a couple of incursions for the variety of interaction then fucking off to play other games again
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come to orbiter?
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>mobile defense
Operator is a cooler name than drifter
It's become so much easier now that I can just turn my brain off and nuke with saryn and sobek. There's probably faster methods but seeing the number crunch down and teammates isolate themselves to go down on the other end of the map doesn't get old.
Drifter is a cooler character than operator.
both are true
>another invasion popped up
not joking. i got lazy with netracells lately and only have the motivation to do them when i'm piss drunk
maybe Reb is secretly working for the alcohol industry
2037. Car accident as a passenger.
Well, the progress along the junctions leads you through the story quests now. A recent change where many of them were left as side content with the intent for them to be completed later. So you'll get introduced to the factions as you complete the requirements for the next junction ahead of you. Things pick up and get more cinematic as you get into more recent content.
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>endo sortie reward
u rike?
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>he's still upset about this
Who's dick/clit do I have to suck so Baro brings Primed Redirection tomorrow?
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>wanna try mag and frost again with proper endgame builds
>remember I didn’t pay pig up for the heirloom skins
>my mind won’t shut the fuck up that I can’t fashion them properly without parts from these skins
>back to revenant and pals i guess!
It's only going to get worse. Why wouldn't I be upset still?
if you suck my dick and Baro still doesn't bring one tomorrow i'll buy you one from the market
26 million registered gooners
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>Ayatan Sortie reward
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that looks absolutely horrendous
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>back to revenant and pals i guess!
Rot alive metaslave lmaoooooooooooo
shine bright magfag
fuck it, druk netracells time
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>Try Voruna cause of all the goon posting
>She's fun but rarely use her over other frames
>Took her near level cap, Void Cascade did not have fun
>Extremely energy hungry which isn't a big deal but sometimes annoying
>End up SUBSOOMING her

Well at least theirs goonposting
Well that was fun
its 9am
pretty much same but I want to spawn radiation lich and I guess her mask will look cool as lich shoulderpad
im planning on getting a new convert with a pumpkin this october
can I have the Daikyu prime now?
Her problem is that she really doesn't offer anything particularly interesting other melee frames can't also do. So you mod her for her 4 but then you can only jump niggas and that's it. It still does a gorillion damage but it's really fucking boring. I have no idea why it has to lock you out of all other weapons. They weren't able to come up with a proper bestial run animation so might as well skip the idle one and let me use my other fucking weapons.
You're right pretty much how I feel too. I was really excited to add her to my main roster but my stats showed I rarely used her other than novelty. I hated that I needed energy to do ANYTHING outside her 4. I hope maybe Spiderframe everyone wants actually has a proper transformation and doesn't end up being Voruna 2.0

Also I can't help but get upset they nerfed her tits from the artwork. A nitpick obviously.
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>Driftoids actually think that dying repeatedly and then worming their way out of some schizo kid's wonderland is somehow a cooler backstory than being an immortal prodigy piloting biodrones for half a thousand years in a system-wide total war against sentient machines
It's all so tiresome
drifter is the canon char now
oporaterniggers will be seething eternally
Not getting knocked down by enemies or yourself is just a nice thing to have. There are some frames that do not need it (revenant, rhino, qorvex, etc.), but if a frame does not have a way to stop knockdowns, it is very nice to have. It sucks that it is a 16 drain mod, and the only useable vazarin exilus mod too.
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>"drifter is the canon char now"
>man in the wall still uses operator's appearance
see >>493269409
I genuinelly despise him. Every single video is him talking about "THE MOST BROKEN THING EVER" and it is a build that a hundred other people have posted, but with PSF and nourish subsoomed. I do not think he even knows about weapons that exist that are not incarnon or broken ('broken' as in not working as intended, not the clickbaiter kind of 'broken'").
Drifter and Operator are the same now chud.
saw some lesser known jewtuber claim she's the best there. i need a vorunafag to clarify this for me because the guy said jackshit other than "oh i have an upcoming build that i don't wanna spoil yet, but she's the most broken frame for cascades". his list was unjustifiable trash, i don't even know why i let myself get baited into clicking on it
I remember not too long ago, he got bullied so hard in a D2 Streamer's chat, that bans where all over the place to the point even the streamer was salty a day later. Kek
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trying to radshare old unvaulted relics is suffering
Your first mistake.
May I have a Mesa Build?
You can filter the chat? That would have been good to know.
t. 3200 hours
>voruna uses her 1, 2, and hold 3 to jump'n'murder with a heavy attack (plus keep 3 up to not run out of energy)
>Kullervo can do all of that with just 1
>and you can use wrathful advance + tennokai with other frames
I wish she at least had a proper walking animation with her 4.
NTA, but this is how I filter chats even when I play quests.
>Type in gibberish and random shit
>Chat remains empty

Works for Alliance and clan chat too.
yeah, i rarely ever check shit like this but curiosity got me this time. was curious what utter bullshit he can possibly say for all the frames i like
I have a weird bug where after every 4 she swings her weapon. Not sure if its tied to just me but I'm not saying shit to DE because it's extra DPS
you might have the downs
What weapon should i if im just starting steel path? I’ve been using the opticor vandal for everything
i have the ups
this only happens if you attack with e, if you use mb1 it doesnt
Every single of these jewtubers use the same clickbait titles, even worse for Warframe. Voruna isn't a bad frame but she requires too much to make effective. I think if it wasn't for Archon shards I would've never used her in the first place.
>Got the bends
F bro
Voruna is the melee and stealth frames done right. You have a simple, active yet non-tedious loop to maintain your energy and health, which also boosts your damage. You don't have some boring invulnerability-tanking ability but escapes in both stealth and extra health gate with 4's passive. You also can swap between good boost to parkour speed and status-mitigation. It's a very well-rounded and balanced frame.

4 is pretty much Voruna's most useless and jankiest ability, but it's alright for character fantasy and dealing with big mobs of trash enemies, letting you focus a bit less on melee cleave.
I have the rights
has anyone here actually farmed a full carmine penta?
yes both the grind and the weapon are shit
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>mfw I play Railjack ALOT
I have. Multiple sets.
yeah back when you could get umbra forma from rare sentient boxes so I actually played railjack, I'm pretty sure I sold off a couple sets I got during the course of my grind for my ideal parts and mods and everything
Me, yesterday, it's very easy (you are grinding veil for holokeys anyway) so no idea why even ask
yeah, i would compare voruna and wisp
they both a very well rounded kit with underwhelming 4
How do I make railjack fun? Is there a way to put Liches/Sisters as crew members so I can treat their respective captures as quests for party members?
You have to convert them to get them as crewmates and they can only be defenders. Railjack is an acquired taste and it helps if you like playing solo and lengthy missions.
no anon no one acomplished such feat.
>Is there a way to put Liches/Sisters as crew members so I can treat their respective captures as quests for party members?
If I recall, you can put liches/sisters as railjack members, you need iirc rank 7 in the command intrinsics. Do bear in mind, however, that they can only be assigned as defenders and carry only their weapons rather than being given any from your own. Also, honestly I think RJ *is* fun. You're basically a space pirate, after all.
I thought I heard sisters originally could pilot/gun too, I just never looked into it because I have my suda sluts and I know they can't now so maybe that was a design idea they threw out before release
post poopsock
Sisters can only be defenders. I know cause use them. If I find a Sister/Lich I like I purposely get them to level 5 and then convert them. They WILL kill shit and they are tanky as hell. The only mode I don't use them is Void storms cause the mobs that spawn are really strong and they will DPS through your lich/Sister pretty fast, even crew members will struggle, so I try not to get hit by Ramsleds. Really looking forward to having infested liches and someday Sentient liches.

I like to think They will redo Railjack completely, intergrate it better in the game, maybe eventually we can have our own command ship. That would be the coolest shit.
You can just buy it for modest amount of plat so probably less than from the fomo Mag+Frost deal
>even crew members will struggle
wanna talk about mod configs in my orbiter, cutie?
>grinding invasions
u wot m8
just wait for ext/cap and solo all 3 in few min
>crew members
>mod configs
nta but fucking wow I thought they were like specters, is that why my kuva nukor engineer wipes everything?
>Riven Mods will take effect during Empyrean missions, but are not applied when summoned using the On Call Crew gear item.
I'm learning things today
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I've thought about finding at least one good lich/sister whose name or appearance I love to have on call and use as a defender, but the syndicate crew are just too versatile and seem to pwn way harder (plus any time I see a lich in a starchart mission they suck ass)
those feet make me uncomfortable
Ivara best warframe
Liches/Sisters are good in starchart but they need a good crowd weapon and abilities. You can't mod their weapons but a sister with a Tenet Cycron and good element will do better than one with a Plinx purely because Cycron can chain between enemies. I have a sister that is immune to slash and resists Heat, and can face-tank Grinner/Kuva Grinner. Their fun, but if you're seriously nothing really beats an elite syndicate crew, with a modded weapon.
its not hard since the omina fissures there all the time
also Ive gotten more PMs for my Voruna than for Ember lately
this is vile
uh oh operator user pedo melty
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Post your orbiter or showroom
>still have weeks of buying lids and crates from the autistic holdfast
Is reload speed a useless trait on the grimoire, or would conjunction voltage have the side effect of speeding up the alt-fire's charge time?
yeah, but then I'll have to farm up some platinum to buy her voidshell too.
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Damn, nice orbiter. The only thing I've put effort into is a shrine.
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my orbiter if full default
my operator&drifter are full default+face covered
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almost there
Want a free BP? Give me your IGN, apparently I still have a bunch
voidshill is what, 100p? and its not that great on her so I personally dont use it
>parts for sale at 10-15p
I don't get it. Hespar blade cost 150p, this is how cancer grind look like. 10-15p is slightly above trash tier.
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>come to my orbiter!
>his orbiter
Anon, your orbiter looks like donkey shit and barely holding together before a small hit from an asteroid voids the whole damn thing, killing everyone inside.
It looks sick, which parts did you use and where can I get them?
I want to just buy it but every time I've done that in the past I end up passively farming it anyway
if i wasn't such an orokinfag i'd love to go for a similar orbiter. i like your style
but i'm not gonna demolish my current one
Goon with Rebb
this I can get behind
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>20 larvlings
>still no karak
>he wasn't finishing the mission
lmao retard
Where did I say I wasn't, retard?
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don't, it's shit
Too late, I got it on the 21st try. I'm gonna fuse it into my 45% karak.
>out of vodka
>one netracell left to run
I will try again tomorrow
There are 20 lich weapons. If you haven't seen everything by the 20th weapon, that necessarily means you aren't finishing missions.

>no (Primed) Shred
>two toxin mods
Not that single target rifles are at the top of the meta, but have you considered that you suck at modding?
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>20 larvlings
>20 karaks
There are actually 22
I'm counting 20 on the wiki page for Kuva weapons
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>it's shit
your build is shit but it's still not great
you don't need the riven, it's just malignant force with bonus cc
>nuh-uh, I'm right
I finished 21 missions and ran into the kuva kohm, seer, and tonkor twice each. How does it feel to be wrong, you stupid fucking faggot?
>Galvanized Scope
that's my Headshot Crit build, I quite like that one with harrow
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Never mind I'm just retarded
Report it as a glitch then you fucking waste of space. That's not how it's supposed to work.
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>Anon, your orbiter looks like donkey shit and barely holding together before a small hit from an asteroid voids the whole damn thing, killing everyone inside.
thanks that's what I was going for
>which parts did you use and where can I get them?
The autistic chick from the holdfasts has the stuff, and the main two I use are the Large crate lids and matching open crate, plus alot of the secondhand stuff from ticker in 4tuna for thematic purposes. Also remember to abuse the 0.10 grid snapping to keep everything aligned
yeah same, fucking kills me to find an idea I like only to have it completely clash against the current them.

>all my screenshots and videos are in 4k
>have to resize everything
im too lazy to fix this but will continue to complain
I mean, if you told me the wiki was missing information I'd believe you. As mad as that one autist gets about
>read the wiki
the warframe fandom wiki is an incredible piece of shit
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How do I farm wukong bp?
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I accept your concession, faggot.
the discord ad campaign ended so now no one wants to play
god I love stardew valley
Is the Latron Incarnon any good? I think I might go for it
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>I finished 21 missions and ran into the kuva kohm, seer, and tonkor twice each. How does it feel to be wrong, you stupid fucking faggot?
That just means you're a retard with spotty memory or have dogshit internet, we need more than your single anecdotal experience to believe the system no one else is having this issue with is at fault and not your dumb ass
you know what I mean
easy top 5 secondaries
It's like a bouncy mini Arca Plasmor
It's pretty good
god that looks so fucking comfy. are you the sand ephemera nezhanon?
cant color those?
How do I fix my kubrow's wounded bumhole?
>if you need me, I'll be in my lab
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>cant color those?
be more specific
What? This is literally their business model
>spend tree fiddy on new game
>new game make millions
>close it down
Just check how many game Nexon released in past decade.
I'm retarded, i read that as laetum
>it could have happened but I don't want to admit it
>xhe missed it
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Stop fucking them, anon. The kubrow cannot consent.
>Prime Time today
I wanted to sleep
>xhe watches prime time
not really
I just tune in and go to sleep
captain actually
>xhe bought
xhester who hurt you?
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>went from the system is broke and everyone is wrong to "well, it COULD happen!"
>gabagool entrati
Given that it literally did happen, it indeed could. You should try reading more.
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>source: Trust me bro, it happened to me fr fr
>certified losers
>Nick Gurr sobbing
>showing her tits on stream
She just keeps fucking up lmao. Is there anything else she's done?
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>no argument after he himself said it could have happened
it literally did not happen, you don't have the consecutive screenshots or video clips and timestamps with game log to prove it
>he's cappin
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>no proof that it did
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>you don't have the consecutive screenshots or video clips and timestamps with game log to prove it
Yeah, they actually just fixed the central issue that was happening with that last hotfix.
catposter won bigly
its' over for you
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>complain about personal anecdote
>"nuh-uh, it didn't happen"
>elaborate on what happened
>"well that could have happened but that's just a personal anecdote, also it must not have happened"
Ironically this is exactly what this dumb fag wants as proof.
I mean I was only being half ironic, I personally believe that while this game is a buggy heap of shit most of the time that it also did not happen based on my own personal experience and what I've read from others' experiences BUT I cannot prove that it didn't and will only memingly suggest so
Bros I left the game a long time ago and just remembered I had a fuck ton of platinum.
Is there any place to sell this for anything except in game stuff?
rmt sites
yeah right here bro darkweb://tor.navy.us.gov/legitimateplatinumresellersinc
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so getting the most out of sevagoth requires formaing THREE fucking components?
Fair enough, although it did happen. But now that you mention bugs I only started seeing duplicates after some network connection shit in the middle of one of them.
yeah but they shloaded him up with lodsapolarities to compensate
Goon time
wish I had some meth
wait until you get to making the most out of necramechs
I don't like gunco on peacemakers.
ty may God bless your soul
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>blame game because you're too stupid to realize the system screwing up is the least likely option compared to you just being a moron or having a shitty connection
>get called out
>backpedal to the point "well you said it could happen!" is a win

oh and of course
>But now that you mention bugs I only started seeing duplicates after some network connection shit in the middle of one of them.
>That just means you're a retard with spotty memory or have dogshit internet
Just buy up relic packs and grind them when you have a nice pile. Flip whatever is worth 5p at least.
Can't you just farm some old relics and buy that shit with plat? Who the fuck grinds in 2025
neat, bet your streak and found weapons got reset somehow
I don't know how it works but if it were me I would be screenshotting and checking my log just to see if there's anything showing up or so I can bitch at DE via ticket or bug post later, because it sounds like if it is sleeking out on you then in the worst case scenario you could (if it repeats consistently enough) hypothetically never again see a karak
see >>493293062
You can get away with not forma-ing his claws if you subsume over his 4
I honestly wish I did that instead of wasting like 15 forma on his entire shit
no, ignore shadow, use augs 1-2
reread the first sentence in >>493296851 over and over till it gets through that thick skull of yours.
This is the most begrudging concession I've seen on 4chan in fucking years.
anon's nemesis candidate weapon duplicate tracking resetting on him is what jade would have wanted
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Can you rebound cipher key? I couldn't find it in key mapping.
nope, y is a hard bind like m/n and u/i for controller-equivalent interface actions (though I think there is a config file tweak it didn't work anymore last I checked)
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>first lich word is the one I just ran out of
NEVER grind words, they're cheap on the market
this, better to farm something else to sell to buy them than farm them regularly.
you didnt play the game if you bought it with plat
I bought your mom with plat.
grinding words is literally the most comfy shit ever
>always have a pile of dozens of requiem relics just
>enter exterminate requiem fissure
>for some reason like 50% pubs are running radiant relics
>fissure takes like 3-4 minutes to finish
>get void traces, high chance to leech words or even adapters from retards running radiants
true ethical ssf warframe gameplay
>cast slash dash once
>pingpong through twelve guys and send my combo counter into the stratosphere
This is actually kind of fun, is there a way to make the pingponging fast and also get endgame damage out of this ability?
yes, you can spam it for base SP
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Not for me, the rewards are worthless beyond the words and randoms suck dick navigating kuva fortress
>already have 3k riven slivers
>have plenty of ayatan stars from just regular gameplay and hate it bloating the rewards with shit I literally find on the ground
>faster to farm something for plat and buy an adapter rather than waste a forma on building one
>farming regular fissures gives traces too along with ducat fodder you can sell to buy adapters and words
>have to wait the full 60 second coundown any time randoms get to the 3 story electric orb as side stairwells are terrifying objects of the occult and to be avoided
I'm glad you like it, but alot of people see it as a huge chore with underwhelming rewards.
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purchase platinum
>and randoms suck dick navigating kuva fortress
I suck dick navigating kuva fortress.
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seethe, chuddies.
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We all suck dick, TOGETHER
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>havent played in two weeks
is this game actually unironically dead now or what? I can't find a single person through matchmaking to do this shitty elite Archimedean with despite trying at multiple different times of the day over multiple days.
>do it yourself
I would if it wasn't that horrible fucking mode where you have to protect the stupid thing that dies in 1 second and also transference isn't allowed so no necramechs and don't second chances.
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This image is 5 years old
there's usually a rush right before/after weekly resets then people shy away, do you have cross-platform off or something?
I've never had issues getting a group in EDAs in the last 6 hours before reset.
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>need 49 more fieldron for crafting
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Honestly DE needs to pump out content such as new cool weapons, warframes, new skins, game modes that dont suck and rewards you I got burnt out pretty much because of minmaxing old dogass weapons and Warframe

I didn't play this game since a month and I really dont miss it to be honest. Its not bashing its just idk not fun to me anymore..
it's thursday, you're supposed to do it last minute or as soon as it drops
How much would you guys pay for 1000 plat?
bout tree fiddy
So is my wife, whats your point?
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15 euros.
about 34p
1 riven module
50p and a month.
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get someone here to help you, post ign
inb4 higgus, sigguh, wiawyr etc
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Voruna Prime when?
Agree I'm also tired of min-maxing everything
I appreciate the dedication to material/part uniformity
A month of what?
If you could initiate a great reset of Warframe, how far back would you go?
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thanks it's a mixture of autism, the lids having the best square footage to Orbiter capacity, and being the most effective (read:cheapest) way to cover everything in beat up metal siding.
>Log on
>Give Yonta some feathers
>buy a half dozen lids from the autistic girl at space ikea
living the life
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stone age
Is the game not working for anyone else right now
It said there was a network error and I got logged out and now the launcher won't get past checking for updates
before plains of eidolon
hole-y shit
this is really impressive lol
Where's the railjack omnia fissure
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servers shit the bed, should be fine now
Warframe is over, thanks for playing! Be sure to check out The First Descendant!
honestly I wouldn't, I would want everything they've added and changed and removed re-shuffled from the ground up into a more cohesive experience that can be digested entirely offline but also has a more dynamic and always-available conditional/wildcard matchmaking with always-on PvP efforts a la invasions for meaningful rewards or season-long boosts or something
servers down
canada got nuked
good riddance
works on my machine
probably some shared CDN or ISP maybe even backbone-level, looks like a lot of stuff is down at once but not everything uniformly maybe a single shared provider
unfortunately there's nothing else besides the bits to make that hall as I ran out at that point, now I'm stuck slowly building up lids and crates to make a proper shipping vessel crate maze
i'll hit triple digits on lids in a week or two

>day of the Rake
Your actions have consequences...
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lost a solid 20 min rice on yuvarium fissure for affinity
at least i got the mediocre drops
What is the lore behind all the giant naked men statues that Albrecht has throughout Cavia?
First, I finally got the lich combination right yesterday, but the guy I was doing the missions with bailed out on me.
Now, I open the game, hoping to at last put down my lich and the servers fucking crash.
Why does this happen to me...
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>decide I want to get the other ephemeras from the sisters
>hmm lets go try heat
>first try get this
How much do ephemeras go for anyway? Not gonna sell this one but I am curious
The giant white statues?
Those are early designs of Mass-Production Evangelions. Entrati's traveling back in time to restart the Third Impact.
big if true
>Albrecht and Loid are Gendo and Fuyutsuki
deepest lore
I kneel
>LCL is just another term for Kuva
>Overguard is just an AT field
>I like to paint my Excalibur purple and pretend it's EVA-01 from time to time
bascially giant warframes made from infested
What tenet weapon is best with heat if I want to try to get this emphera
get in the FUCKING robot, 10o
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unfortunately servers are up again
Warframes were a mistake we need to return to Necramechs.
Get in the robot or Rell will have to do it again.
Back to the cave with you fanatic.
but I don't want to farm that much, they look really expensive
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wow it's literally me
your orbiter or mine?
look closely I'm already in yours
How should I mod this Acceltra for RJ Crew? Any conditionals they can't use, or should I keep it simple a build it like I was building it for a player with Arcanes and Galvanshit?
I gave my crewmates the same kind of unconditional big dick damage build I use for myself and they rape face, I believe they can however take advantage of most conditionals that aren't specific to inputs like aiming
Hello, I like railjack.
I hate 10-20 minute objective missions
you sick fuck
oh that reminds me. why does my forward artillery shoots like a turret sometimes?
Because you pressed F
press F to pay respects to your late IQ
Bro me too
I've been spending an unhealthy amount of time getting mission completion time for skirmishes under 4 no matter what. The objective ones for the corpus ships still take a long time if you get unlucky with the sub rolls though.
They don't aim afaik so that's out of the question
I mod in twos. So one of them strips and primes while another kills. It's not as overall effective as using the big dick I use for on-call. But, it makes me feel more comfortable leaving them on their own for long stretches when I decide to archwing the mission like an insane man.
>Not gonna sell this one but I am curious
If you don't know, you get the Ephemera if you convert and keep it even if you trade away the Lich/Sister so effectively each Ephemera can be obtained by two players from one Lich/Sister (since they can be traded only once).
That said they aren't really all that incredibly expensive, usually in like 60-100p on warframe market and there aren't a lot of buyers since it's through the auction system and the buyer has to then go through the whole killing process himself, not to mention it's not worth the time investment. I guess you could try using it to scam trading chat MRlets though.
>quality - 160p
>tab - muted
I'm ready for prime time
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what's wrong gramps? No unlimited?
make sure you got increases projectile speed if you're using the acceltra on Crew, if you're running and gunning it can really drop their damage when the shots miss or hit something already dead
>tfw my crewmate, spectre, and myself are all running exergis and I have xata's touch
404 megan's top not found if below the name tag.
gotta love tops that don't go above the pits
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im gonna goon
our wife
begging for my man juice
I love her gay trashy gamer tats
>japan time
We're back SMASHBROS!!!
no hags please
is that her?
I kneel

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